The Socio-Economic Contributions of the Nyamwezi Migration to Pemba Island from 1890 to 1960S

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The Socio-Economic Contributions of the Nyamwezi Migration to Pemba Island from 1890 to 1960S The University of Dodoma University of Dodoma Institutional Repository Humanities Master Dissertations 2013 The socio-economic contributions of the Nyamwezi migration to Pemba island from 1890 to 1960s Amour, Othman K The University of Dodoma Amour, O.K. (2013). The socio-economic contributions of the Nyamwezi migration to Pemba island from 1890 to 1960s. Dodoma: The University of Dodoma. Downloaded from UDOM Institutional Repository at The University of Dodoma, an open access institutional repository. THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NYAMWEZI MIGRATION TO PEMBA ISLAND FROM 1890 TO 1960s By Amour, Othman Khamis A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in History of the University of Dodoma The University of Dodoma November, 2013 CERTIFICATION The undersigned certifies that he has read and hereby recommends for acceptance by the University of Dodoma the thesis entitled: The Socio-Economic Contribution of the Nyamwezi Migration to Pemba from 1890-1960s in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of History by thesis of the University of Dodoma. ………………………………………….. Dr. Elias M. Songoyi (Supervisor) Date ……………………………… i DECLARATION I, AMOUR, Othman K. declare that this thesis is my own original work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other University for a similar or any other degree award. Signature.................................................. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the author or the University of Dodoma. ii DEDICATION This work is dedicated to my beloved family especially my late father and mother, my brothers and sisters. My wives Bi Time, Bi Mwatima and our children, Tauhida, Abdul- Wahid, Saleh, Hafsa and I-lham. They had to bear with the situation that their husband and father was a “scarce commodity” at home and I really appreciate their understanding. Without their tolerance it would have been very difficult to finish my programme. May the Almighty God richly bless them all. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to take this noble chance to thank the Almighty God for His strength and His will for granting me everything necessary and important. He made possible the birth of this piece of work, adding it to the tremendous drops in the knowledgeable ponds. Thanks God for your nice blessings. Next, I extend my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Dr. E. Songoyi and the Director of Post Graduate Studies Dr. Ame, A. M., both of the University of Dodoma, who supported me both materially and morally, especially through their immeasurable efforts which cultivated the real seeds of success. My special thanks also go to the members of the Senate Committee Graduate Studies at the University of Dodoma, who took their time to listen to my work during the proposal presentation. Their endurance was much valued; their encouragement inspired me to reach this apex. To them all, I am indebted. My exceptional appreciation goes to the members of my family, who took care of my children during my study time. Their support was critically in helping me to win. I say thank you all. Also, I wish to convey my profound gratitude to those who shared their ideas during my data collection period; their sustained support contributed immensely to the conclusion of this piece of work. To them all, I say God‟s peace and blessings be upon you. iv I also wish to express my sincerest gratitude to my research methodology teacher Dr, A.J.Tenge of the University of Dodoma for guiding me in writing an academic work. In the same vein I offer my true and lovely thanks to my student Mkubwa S.Ali for his good directions and support. To him, I say keep it up. Lastly, but not least, I am greatly indebted to Mr.Mohd Nassor Salim, the Headmaster of Konde Secondary School, who helped me in gaining contact with my Nyamwezi interviewees. I thank him for his friendship and companionship during my stay in the area. I wish, However, to state that I, as the author, bear full responsibility for the opinions expressed in, and weaknesses of this thesis, and not any of the people or institutions mentioned. v ABSTRACT This study covers the Nyamwezi people who have been living in Pemba Island since 1890. Its purpose is to understand the socio-economic contributions made by the Nyamwezi people in Pemba. The major survey was done in five different sample villages in the northern part of Pemba Island, where Nyamwezi people settled for many years. Different data collection methods were used in this study, such as interviews, questionnaires, focus group discussions and some published and unpublished documents from libraries and the Zanzibar National Archives. The study reaffirmed that the people of Zanzibar emanate from Bantu and Asiatic origins, now called the Swahili. The involvement of the Nyamwezi people in the history of Pemba resulted in the creation of a specific group of people leading to the rise of a mixed population who share not only blood but also, color and identity. The study also, looked into the various aspects of the relationship between the Nyamwezi and the indigenous people of Pemba Island, such as attitudes and perceptions, economic activity, environmental degradation, cultural changes, as well as increase in population. The study found that the Nyamwezi migrated to Pemba Island in search for new settlements which could enhance their socio-economic development. They involved themselves in trading activities, searching for jobs in government departments, and engaged in self employment as well as other economic opportunities available in Pemba. vi TABLE OF CONTENT CERTIFICATION ............................................................................................................... i DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. ix CHAPTER ONE .................................................................................................................. 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND BACKROUND ........................................................ 1 1.0 The Geographical Setting of Zanzibar ...................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Statement of the Problem .......................................................................................... 6 1.3 Study Aims ................................................................................................................ 6 1.4 Significance of the Study .......................................................................................... 7 1.5 Literature Review ...................................................................................................... 7 1.6.1 The World System Theory ..................................................................................... 22 1.6.2 Push-Pull Theory .................................................................................................... 23 1.7 Scope of the Study .................................................................................................. 27 1.8 Research Questions ................................................................................................. 27 1.9 Methodology ........................................................................................................... 28 1.9.1 Archival Sources .................................................................................................... 28 1.9.2 Field Interviews ...................................................................................................... 28 CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................... 30 EVOLUTION OF THE ZANZIBAR SOCIETY .............................................................. 30 2.0 Chapter Introduction ............................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................... 43 EARLY NYAMWEZI SETTLEMENT AND EXPERIENCE IN PEMBA ..................... 43 3.0 Origin of Nyamwezi ............................................................................................... 43 3.1 Nyamwezi and the Long Distance Trade ................................................................ 48 3.2 Nyamwezi Migration to the Coast .......................................................................... 51 3.3 The Migration of Nyamwezi to Zanzibar ............................................................... 57 3.4 Factors that influenced Nyamwezi
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