The Best Route for the Intercolonial Railway Through the Provinces Of
: 7. - --^;»" y e t- * /^ THE BEST ROUl^ FOR THE "TV INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY THROUGH THE PROVINCES OP QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, CONSIDERED BY A\^ALTER. M. BUCK, O. E. ST. JOHN, N. B. ' wrS5 WILLIAM M.WRIGHT, CORNER MARKET SQUARE & FRINGE WILLIAM (STREET, 1867. %.« rr t^ i I- /, I/; ^^ / I >'' ^ f j.i^i i ^ 1/.' I •, :;( I'^s ? : rM}^^!.vjy ^ >*- '>? -•• '" '• ? 'd; .. •^vt^^l::..', fc:^,^'J '^''H'tiH •5;-.-i .j-"^ , ( THE INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. WHICH IS TEE BEST ROUTE THROUGH THE PROVINCES OF QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK? , =. , .. This has become the momentous question of the day, the great topic for Editorial correspondence and comment, and will, before long, be made the important subject for debate iu the new House of Commons at Ottawa. Three routes have been selected from many already surveyed and reported upon. The chosen three are, 1st,—" North Shore" ; 2nd,—'' Central " ; 3rd,— •'Frontier," To these may now be added a fourth, more recently advocated, viz : the "Western" —beinga combination of the "Frontier" and "Central" includ- ing the proposed branch from Fredericton to Hartt's Mills on the Oromocto Kiver, and the Western Extension Railway to St. John. ; Each of these routes has, doubtless, numerous firm supporters as representatives of the Northern and Eastern, the Central, and the Western interests of the Province : and the combined influence of each sectional interest will be brought to bear upon the deliberations of the General Government, during the first Session of the Parliament of the New Dominion. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ROUTES.
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