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Energy East Pipeline Ltd. Consolidated Application Section 6 Volume 6: Facility Design Marine Terminal Design


This section describes the Energy East marine terminal that will be constructed for the Project near Saint John, . This marine terminal will involve the development of facilities for loading oil from the Saint John tank terminal onto oil tankers.

The section outlines the major components and systems, as well as the engineering considerations and philosophies, which are applicable to the design of the marine terminal.

The information is based on preliminary design and is supported by initial field investigations. Revisions and refinements are expected as additional data is collected and assessed, and as engineering progresses through detailed design.


The Canaport Energy East marine terminal will be located in an existing industrial area on the western shore of the Bay of Fundy, southeast of the city of Saint John and south of Mispec Point in New Brunswick. The site is adjacent to the existing Canaport facility, which includes a single buoy mooring used in the importation of oil to the and storage facilities and Canaport LNG terminal, which imports liquefied natural gas. Refer to aerial map provided in Appendix 6-94.

The available onshore area at the Canaport Energy East marine terminal is limited due to the rocky shoreline and proximity to the existing Irving Oil Canaport facilities.

Vehicle access will be along the shared two-lane west perimeter road through the existing Irving Oil Canaport facility. A new 6-m wide two-way road will branch off the perimeter road along the shoreline to the trestle abutment.

Table 6-1 lists the longitude and latitude of the Canaport Energy East marine terminal.

Table 6-1: Latitude and Longitude of Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal (CA Rev.0)

Appendix Description Centroid Latitude1 Centroid Longitude1 Number Foreshore Area 4512'39"N 6559'31"W 6-94 Auxiliary Equipment Area 4513'04"N 6559'40"W Marine Berth 1 4512'20"N 6559'53"W Marine Berth 2 4512'22"N 6600'11"W Note: 1. The locations in this column have been rounded.

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Berth location and orientation have been designed to allow the safe navigation, and berthing and mooring of tankers. The design considered for location and orientation:  water depth (noting tidal fluctuation), and tanker manoeuvring and turning circles/areas  proximity to existing operations at Canaport LNG terminal and Irving Oil Canaport single buoy mooring  berth orientation in consideration of predominant current and wave directions

Dredging of the berth pocket and part of the turning circle will be required at the Canaport Energy East marine terminal to accommodate vessels anticipated to call at the marine terminal. For an outline of the expected dredging method and construction considerations, see Volume 7, Section 3: Construction – Component Specific.Information


The marine terminal will be delineated by offshore and onshore areas and includes the following main components:  marine berths with:

 loading and auxiliary platforms  mooring and breasting dolphins  marine access trestle connecting the marine berths to shore  piping and mechanical systems associated with oil loading  piping and mechanical systems associated with vapour management  buildings and electrical equipment  access roadways  security systems  emergency response equipment

The oil-loading pumps and custody transfer metering, although physically located at the tank terminal, are described in this section as they are components associated with the operation of the marine terminal.


Safety and environmental protection measures have been incorporated in the marine terminal design to reduce the risk of an incident such as an oil spill or fire from occurring and the potential effects of an incident should one occur. An overview of these measures is provided in Sections 6.3.1 to 6.3.4 below.

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6.3.1 Oil Spill Prevention and Mitigation Measures

The components used to store and transfer oil between the tank terminal and marine terminal, and at the marine terminal provide for the primary protection in preventing oil spills. These pressure-containing components such as pumps, meters, pipes, valves and loading arms will be designed and manufactured in accordance with industry standards for the service conditions expected.

Upon installation, the pressure-containing components will form a closed system. Pressure containment will be achieved by a combination of wall thickness and strength of the steel used for each component designed for the maximum operating pressure of the system. The design will comply with CSA Z662-15.

To reduce the potential loss of product, engineering design measures have been incorporated into the preliminary design of the marine terminal. Examples include:  implementing a leak detection system to detect potential oil loss in the pipe from the tank terminal to the loading platform  installing a drain piping system to capture oil leakage from pumps and pipe  installing a secondary containment system in the form of a concrete deck and curbing under all flanges and oil or vapour equipment located offshore  implementing a docking assistance system to measure tanker speed, distance and angle of approach to the berth  implementing a mooring hook load monitoring system to alert the berth operator and tanker crew to line loads and allowing adjustment of the mooring lines before an incident occurs  implementing a marine environmental monitoring system to provide real-time meteorological and oceanographic information to ensure a tanker does not attempt to berth or unberth if the conditions (wind, waves or currents) exceed the safe operational values

The integrity of the pressure-containing components will be verified during fabrication, construction and commissioning by measures such as:  implementing TransCanada’s quality management program for verifying material and fabrication methods  pipeline surface coatings and installing cathodic protection systems to prevent corrosion  hydrotesting pipe and tanks during construction

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Operational measures will include:  operating within the approved engineering design pressures  implementing TransCanada’s integrity management program  ensuring that all tankers are equipped with multiple oil spill preventative systems such as double hulls and compartmentalized cargo tanks

Onsite oil spill response and containment equipment will be maintained at the marine terminal, in addition to the terminal having a signed agreement with the certified spill response organization Atlantic Environmental Response Team (ALERT), subsequent to being designated an “Oil Handling Facility” under the Shipping Act, 2001. Equipment to be stored at the marine terminal will include:  spill booms  spill response vessel  deployment equipment

6.3.2 Fire Prevention and Mitigation Measures

Fire prevention is primarily achieved by the reduction of vapour release from oil-containing components and the elimination of potential ignition sources nearby.

As described in Section 6.3.1, the pressure-containing components will form a closed system. Electrical equipment will be separated from oil-containing components, or it will be designed with protective features to operate safely when installed near oil- containing components.

Oil loading arms will have electrical conductors for protection against lightning strikes. Loading arms will also be equipped with insulating flanges to prevent sparks when connecting to the tanker’s manifold and electrically isolate the tanker from the offshore and onshore terminal system.

Isolation valves will have a certified fire-safe design.

Sump vents will be equipped with a flame arrester to prevent the ignition of vapours in the sump tank.

Fire detectors will be installed on the loading platforms. Heat and smoke detectors will be installed in the electrical equipment shelter. The control system will monitor these instruments, and an alarm will be sent to the local facility building and OCC if heat or smoke is detected. If a fire is confirmed, the emergency shutdown system will initiate. Further details on the ESD system are provided in Section, Emergency Shutdown System.

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A fire water and foam distribution system will be installed on the loading platforms and in the auxiliary equipment area. Fire hydrants will be installed along the trestle.

6.3.3 Security

The security established at the marine terminal will be based on the Marine Transportation Security Regulations, which provides a framework to detect security threats and take measures to prevent security incidents that could affect marine vessels, its facilities and associated infrastructure. Transport Canada, under the Minister of Transportation authorization, will conduct a marine facility security assessment before commissioning the marine terminal when specific security measures will be determined. Only authorized personnel and visitors will be permitted vehicular access onto marine terminal grounds.

6.3.4 Geotechnical Considerations

Site-specific offshore geotechnical investigations that provide subsurface information and geotechnical parameters needed for the marine terminal structural foundation design have been completed. The work included geophysical surveys, borehole drilling and sampling, geotechnical logging and testing of soil and rock. Three main subsurface units were encountered during the geotechnical investigations: marine sediments, glacial materials and bedrock. A report on the geotechnical investigation, entitled, Energy East Canaport Offshore Geotechnical Investigation – Geotechnical Data Report, is provided in Appendix 6-112.

Following the geotechnical investigations, a design report detailing the recommendations for the marine structure foundations, and dredging to achieve the required minimum water depths was developed. The design report, appended in Appendix 6-112, also provides recommendations on seismic design, construction considerations and a summary of geotechnical risks and uncertainties.

For the offshore portion of the marine terminal, a combination of the National Building Code of Canada, CAN/CSA-ISO 19906:11 and Natural Gas Industries – Arctic Offshore Structures, American Petroleum Institute (API), and other industry standard design codes and guidelines were used for the geotechnical investigation.

The onshore portion of the geotechnical investigation will be completed in conjunction with the tank terminal investigation during detailed design. Investigation efforts and design approach will be performed in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada.

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Energy East Pipeline Ltd. Section 6 Consolidated Application Marine Terminal Design Volume 6: Facility Design Pile Foundation

The marine structure foundations are expected to consist of steel piles socketed into rock. The piles will be drilled through the marine deposits and glacial materials, and socketed in competent bedrock since limited resistance is expected from the surficial sediments. Marine structure foundation type will be confirmed during detailed design. Seismic Consideration Energy East retained a third-party consulting company, Golder, to conduct a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the Canaport Energy East marine terminal. A report on this assessment, entitled Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Canaport Marine Terminal, is provided in Appendix 6-112.

The Golder assessment identified and evaluated regional tectonics, historic seismicity and potential seismogenic sources in the vicinity of the terminal. Based on peak ground acceleration for 75-, 475-, and 2,475-year return periods, the assessment concludes that the marine terminal is located in an area of low seismicity.

Onshore geotechnical investigations and design efforts will be focused on the following key items:  Subsurface Soil Conditions: Borehole information and soil samples will be collected and assessed to determine the nature of the subsurface soil, the presence of unfavourable materials, settlement, and determine its suitability for foundation design.  Slope Stability: Revetments or slopes in the path of or immediately adjacent to the pipelines will be reviewed to ensure sufficient stability of any newly constructed structures, and identify areas of instability and remediation of existing slopes.  Seismicity: Site-specific seismic activity will be assessed to determine the possible intensity of future seismic events and its resulting loading impact to the terminals.  Other Geohazards: The potential of ground subsidence and loss of soil strength due to liquefaction potential will be evaluated by reviewing subsurface conditions and potential seismic activity.

If the geotechnical investigations indicate there are conditions not addressed in CSA Z662-115, Energy East will provide a report from a qualified professional engineer and a description of the designs and measures required for safeguarding the terminal.

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6.4.1 Terminal Design

The marine terminal will be designed to have two berths. Berth 1 will be capable of receiving Aframax (110,000 m3/ 700,000 bbl capacity) up to VLCC class tankers (350,000 m3/2.2 million bbl), whereas Berth 2 will be capable of receiving Aframax and Suezmax class tankers (150,000m3/1 million bbl). About 281 tankers are anticipated to call at the Canaport Energy East marine terminal annually. The terminal will be designed so that tankers can be loaded concurrently through both berths.

The marine terminal will be designed to accommodate the tides in the Bay of Fundy and Saint John Harbour, which are known for some of the highest tidal ranges in the world.

Oil destined to be loaded into oil tankers moored at the marine terminal will originate from storage tanks at the Saint John tank terminal, located about 2 km from the Canaport Energy East marine terminal. Oil will flow from one or more tanks at the Saint John tank terminal through the marine loading pumps and then through custody transfer meters. After being measured, oil will be directed to the marine terminal through two parallel 1,067 mm (NPS 42) pipes. The two oil pipes will be routed through the onshore area along a trestle out to the loading platforms. The two pipes will be connected by valves located on the auxiliary platform upstream of the berths to allow for the ability to direct the flow of oil from either pipe to either berth.

At each loading platform, one 1,067 mm (NPS 42) pipe will be connected to a header. At Berth 1, the header will connect to four branches of 610 mm (NPS 24) pipe each feeding a dedicated oil loading arm, Berth 2 will connect to three branches of 610 mm (NPS 24) pipe each feeding a dedicated oil loading arm. Each branch will contain a control valve that controls the flow of oil. The loading arm will connect to the tanker’s manifold using quick connect disconnect couplings.

Motor-operated isolation valves will be located on the lines to the marine terminal within the foreshore area, on the berth loading platforms and upstream of the loading arms. These are used in the event of an emergency to safely stop the flow of oil and isolate the marine terminal.

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal is designed to load oil up to a maximum rate of 15,000 m3/h (94,400 bbl/hr) at Berth 1 and up to 12,200m3/hr (76,500 bbl/hr) at Berth 2.

The marine terminal will have a vapour management system where the vapours displaced from the tanker’s cargo compartments during oil loading are collected and transferred to thermal oxidizers located onshore in the auxiliary equipment area for oxidation.

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Figure 6-1 shows an aerial view of the Canaport Energy East marine terminal.

Figure 6-1: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal – Aerial View (CA Rev.0)

For the main offshore components of the marine terminal, see Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal – Offshore Platforms Conceptual Layout (CA Rev.0)

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6.4.2 Reference Drawings and Maps

Plot plans, process flow diagrams and an aerial map for the Canaport Energy East marine terminal are referenced on Table 6-2.

Table 6-2: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal Preliminary Drawings (CA Rev.0)

Drawing Title Drawing Type Drawing Number Appendix Number Canaport Energy East Marine Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-100 (Rev 2) 6-97 Terminal Plot Plan Canaport Energy East Foreshore Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-101 (Rev 2) 6-98 and Auxiliary Equipment Area General Arrangement Canaport Energy East Vessel Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-102 (Rev 2) 6-99 Mooring General Arrangement Canaport Energy East Loading Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-103 (Rev 2) 6-100 Platform 1 General Arrangement Canaport Energy East Loading Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-105 6-101 Platform 2 General Arrangement Canaport Energy East Auxiliary Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-104 (Rev 2) 6-102 Platform 1 Equipment and Piping Plan Canaport Energy East Auxiliary Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-106 6-103 Platform 2 Equipment and Piping Plan Canaport Energy East Spill Plot Plan 4943-00-00-00-107 6-104 Boom and Expansion Loop Platform Plans Canaport Energy East Marine Process Flow Diagram 4943-01-00-01-100 (Rev 2) 6-105 Terminal Process Flow Diagram 1 of 5 Canaport Energy East Marine Process Flow Diagram 4943-01-00-01-104 6-106 Terminal Process Flow Diagram 5 of 5 Canaport Energy East Marine Process Flow Diagram 4943-01-00-01-101 (Rev 2) 6-107 Terminal Process Flow Diagram 2 of 5 Canaport Energy East Marine Process Flow Diagram 4943-01-00-01-102 (Rev 2) 6-108 Terminal Process Flow Diagram 3 of 5 Canaport Energy East Marine Process Flow Diagram 4943-01-00-01-103 (Rev 2) 6-109 Terminal Process Flow Diagram 4 of 5 Saint John Tank Terminal and Canaport Energy East Marine Aerial Map 1-0018-14 6-94 Terminal Map

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6.4.3 Oil Containing Components Marine Loading Pumps

Marine loading pumps located at the Saint John tank terminal will transfer oil from the storage tanks located at the tank terminal to the marine terminal. The pumps will be vertical deep well centrifugal units. Table 6-3 provides the preliminary pump specifications and numbers.

Table 6-3: Preliminary Number and Specification of Loading Pumps (CA Rev.0)

Number of Electric Motor Pumps1 Size1 Service 12 2,100 kW Pump oil to tankers or intertank transfer within the tank terminal.2 Note: 1. The number of pumps and the motor sizes in this table are preliminary and will be finalized during detailed design. 2. Marine loading pumps will be used for intertank transfer when marine loading is not occurring.

Instruments mounted on the pumps and motors will monitor temperature and vibration. A deviation from the normal operating range will cause the control system to alarm and, if required, will shut down the pump.

Each pump will be equipped with a mechanical seal between the pump shaft and casing. Leakage from the seal will be directed to the oil drain system. Leakage will be monitored and in the event of a seal failure, the control system will alarm and shut down the pump. Custody Transfer Metering

Custody transfer metering will be located downstream of the loading pumps at the Saint John tank terminal. Oil Loading and Vapour Return Arms

Berth 1 at the Canaport Energy East marine terminal will use four 406 mm (NPS 16) oil loading arms and two vapour return arms. Berth 2 will use three 406 mm (NPS 16) oil loading arms and two vapour return arms. The oil loading arms will convey oil from the piping header into the tanker. The vapour return arms will convey displaced vapours from the tanker to the vapour manifold. Arms will be comprised of articulated steel pipes fitted with sealed swivel joints that connect to the tanker’s manifold.

The swivel joints will allow the arms to accommodate movements of the tanker while loading. The position of the end of the arm will be continuously monitored and if it approaches the limit of the safe operating envelope, an alarm is activated at the berth

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operator shelter and the OCC. An emergency shutdown is triggered if the limits of the envelope are reached.

A typical loading arm and its operating envelope are shown in Figure 6-3.


Figure 6-3: Marine Loading Arm – Range of Motion (CA Rev.0)

Each arm will have quick connect disconnect couplings rather than a standard bolted flanged connection to facilitate the connection and disconnection of the loading arms to and from the tanker manifold.

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After a tanker is loaded, the loading arms will be stripped of oil and stored empty to reduce the risk of a leak. The stripping system is then closed and the stripping pumps inject the stripped oil into the tanker.

Oil loading and vapour return arms will be designed, fabricated, and tested to meet the requirements of the OCIMF Design and Construction Specification for Marine Loading Arms (Third Edition 1999). Piping Design

Piping will be designed, manufactured, installed and tested in accordance with CSA Z662-15. Major piping for the Canaport Energy East marine terminal is described on Table 6-4.

Table 6-4: Preliminary Piping Installation Location (CA Rev.0)

Piping Pipe Tank Terminal to Onshore Trestle and Installation Description Foreshore Area Marine Berths Canaport Oil loading lines Above grade on steel pipe Above grade on Above grade on Energy East racks, except where steel pipe racks. steel pipe racks. Marine Terminal crosses under existing Irving Oil west perimeter road.

An exterior coating (fusion bonded epoxy or similar) will be applied to protect piping from external corrosion. Cathodic protection will be used to protect buried piping. Along the marine access trestle, the piping will be fully welded with no flanges or other mechanical connections. Vapour return lines will be insulated and heat traced.

The buried piping will have access points for instrumented tool insertion to allow for periodic assessment of the pipe condition, including measurement of metal wall thickness. The aboveground pipe will be capable of being visually inspected or inspected through the use of handheld ultrasonic inspection tools.

Table 6-5 identifies preliminary pipe specifications for the Canaport Energy East marine terminal.

Table 6-5: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal ‒ Preliminary Pipe Specifications (CA Rev.0)

Outside Wall Design Pressure Diameter Thickness Pressure Class (PN or Material Grade Piping Description (mm) (mm) (kPag) ASME) (MPa) Marine Loading Pump 610 9.5 4,960 PN 50 CSA Z245.1 Discharge Lines Gr 290 CAT II Marine Loading Pump 1,219 12.7 4,960 PN 50 CSA Z245.1 Discharge Header and Gr 414 CAT II Custody Transfer Metering Inlet Header

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Table 6-5: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal – Preliminary Pipe Specifications (CA Rev. 0) (cont’d) Outside Wall Design Pressure Diameter Thickness Pressure Class (PN or Material Grade Piping Description (mm) (mm) (kPag) ASME) (MPa) Marine Loading Lines from 1,067 12.7 4,960 PN 50 CSA Z245.1 Tank Terminal to Berths Gr 359 CAT II Vapour Return Lines 1 610 6.35 207 ASME 150 See Note 2. Note: 1. Material selection for the marine vapour return line will be completed during detailed design. 2. U.S. Coast Guard Regulations, Section 154.2100, Duplex Stainless Steel. Pressure Control and Overpressure Protection

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal and loading pumps at the Saint John tank terminal will be controlled by the local control system and the OCC to operate within specified pressure ranges. Oil pressure in the piping from the loading pump area to the loading arms will be continuously monitored using pressure sensing instruments mounted to the piping.

Loading pump speed will be used to control pump discharge pressure setting.

Pipes rated for higher pressures or relief valves will be used to prevent overpressure caused by hydraulic surge. If relief valves are used, they will direct the flow to the Saint John tank terminal.

Pressure safety valves will be installed on the piping for thermal relief of blocked in sections. Leak Detection

A leak detection system will detect oil loss in the pipe from the Saint John tank terminal up to and including the Canaport Energy East marine terminal.

Oil flow will be measured at the tank terminal by the custody transfer meters and again upstream of the loading arms by a flow meter. This system will be integrated with the overall pipeline leak detection system and will include pressure and temperature sensing devices. Secondary Oil Containment

Secondary oil containment will be provided around the loading arms, oil manifold and detonation arrestors on the loading platforms. Secondary containment will also be provided around the vapour blowers on the auxiliary platforms.

Concrete decking and curbs will channel storm-water that falls within the containment areas to double-walled sump tanks that will pump the contents back to

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the foreshore. If the water is found to be contaminated through testing, it will be removed and transported offsite for treatment or disposal. In the event of a spill, the oil will be contained, channelled, and pumped back to the foreshore tank by the same system.

The size and capacity of the containment areas and sump pumps is determined based on the larger of:  110% of the one-hour maximum daily rainfall, or  the potential volume of oil spilled before the fast-acting emergency shutdown valve closes

For the location of the secondary containment areas on Berth 1, see Figure 6-4. Berth 2 will have a similar containment area; see Appendix 6-102 and Appendix 6-103.

Figure 6-4: Canaport Energy East Offshore – Secondary Containment Areas (CA Rev.0) Spill Response Equipment

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal will be equipped with spill response facilities, including boom deployment facilities. A spill boom is a floating barrier that will be deployed by a small vessel. Spill booms will only be deployed in the event of an incident. A small crane located on the access trestle between the two berths will be used to lift a vessel outfitted with spill response and containment equipment into and out of the water.

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6.4.4 Marine Infrastructure

The design of the marine infrastructure at Canaport Energy East marine terminal has taken into account the large tidal range and predicted metocean conditions (wind, waves and currents), in the Bay of Fundy.

Specifically, this will include deck elevations for the loading platforms, auxiliary platform and dolphins, number, size and structural capacity of the piles, and corrosion protection and reinforcement cover. Access Trestle

The offshore berths at Canaport Energy East marine terminal are accessed from pile supported trestle. The trestle will:  provide vehicular and personnel access to the loading platforms  link the berths and support the piping, utilities and electrical equipment

Table 6-6 details the size and orientation of the trestle structures.

Table 6-6: Preliminary Marine Terminal Trestle Sections (CA Rev.0)

Approx. Approx. Length Width Trestle Location Trestle Type (m) (m) Shore (Abutment) to Marine Berth 1 Pile supported 645 13 Interconnecting Berth 1 to Berth 2 Pile supported 380 13

Corrosion-resistant coatings will be used along with thicker steel to account for anticipated corrosion rates and the service life of the structures. In addition, the use of cathodic protection may be provided to further protect the submerged steel elements, whose need will be determined during detailed design.

Concrete safety barriers will be built along the outside edge of the roadways. At the shoreline end of the access trestle, a concrete abutment anchored into the rocky shoreline will provide the transition between the foreshore area and the pile-supported structure. Platforms

The loading and auxiliary platforms support the mechanical, electrical and controls equipment required for loading oil onto the tankers. Both the loading and auxiliary platforms will be pile supported. The elevation of the platform decks has been designed in consideration of the tidal fluctuations in the Bay of Fundy and the potential wave crest elevations under storm conditions.

Catwalks will connect the loading platforms to the breasting and mooring dolphins. A gangway tower will provide personnel access to and from the tankers.

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Mooring and breasting dolphins will be provided to safely berth and moor a tanker. The number, location and elevation of the mooring structures have been determined in consideration of the tidal range in the Bay of Fundy and the difference in draft of the moored tanker when loaded.

Mooring dolphins are fixed structures to which tanker mooring lines are secured keeping the tanker connected to the berth. Each mooring dolphin will be equipped with quick release hooks to hold the tanker mooring lines in place during normal operating conditions and to release them if necessary during abnormal emergency conditions.

Breasting dolphins provide continuous contact points for the moored tanker. Each breasting dolphin supports a marine fender system and is equipped with quick release mooring hooks to support tanker spring lines. During the berthing of a tanker, the fender system absorbs and dissipates the impact energy without causing damage to either the tanker or the terminal. Once the tanker is successfully berthed and moored, the fender system continues to provide support to the tanker and protection of the platform.

Mooring hooks will be equipped with an electric capstan, which is used to haul in a messenger line and subsequently the mooring line to the quick release hook. This eliminates the need for mooring crews to handle the lines manually, which removes a potential hazard. The quick release hooks are instrumented to the berth operator shelter where, in an emergency, the mooring lines can be remotely released to allow the tanker to leave the berth quickly and safely.

6.4.5 Civil Infrastructure Stormwater Management

Stormwater that falls within the secondary containment areas will be pumped to a tank located at the foreshore area and tested. If it is found to be within limits specified by applicable regulations, it will be released. If the water is contaminated, it will be removed and transported offsite for treatment or disposal.

Stormwater that falls outside of the containment areas located over water will be drained back into the Bay of Fundy. Waste Water Management

Where practical, municipal potable water will be used to supply the marine terminal. If this is not feasible, potable water will be trucked to site and stored in a cistern. Alternatively, a well may be drilled to provide potable water.

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Where practical, sanitary wastewater will be disposed of in the municipal system. If this is not feasible, sanitary waste will be stored onsite using septic tanks and will be trucked away. Security

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal will share the existing secure entrance used for Irving Oil Canaport facility. Specific security measures will be determined during detailed design. Foundations

Buildings, equipment and structures will be supported on steel pile or concrete foundations. Investigation efforts and design approach will be performed in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada for the onshore portion of the marine terminal.

6.4.6 Buildings

Table 6-7 lists the buildings required to support the marine terminal.

Table 6-7: Canaport Energy East Marine Terminal Preliminary Building List (CA Rev.0)

Approximate Size1 Building Name Purpose (m) Quantity1 Emergency Generator Emergency generator 5 x 8 1 Shelter Electrical Equipment Power distribution equipment 22 x 10 4 Shelter Fire Water Pump Station Primary and backup firewater pumps 8.5 x 5 1 Berth Operator Shelter Berth operator work space and 6.5 x 3 2 communications equipment Spill Boom Shed Spill response equipment 10 x 4 1 Spill Vessel Shed Spill response vessel 13 x 5 1 Note: 1. Building size and quantities will be determined during detailed design.

6.4.7 Electrical Infrastructure Electrical Power

The marine terminal will be supplied with power from the high voltage substation located at the Saint John tank terminal. The electrical system will be configured to provide primary and alternate sources of power to each berth.

In the event of a failure to the primary supply, the alternate source will be available to supply the berth. This will be achieved by providing an electrical connection from two separate distribution systems thereby ensuring safe, reliable operation in the

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event of an electrical equipment or cable failure. Further, in the event of an outage to the utility power supply at the substation, two emergency generators located in the auxiliary equipment area will provide power to essential loads. Protection and Control

The medium voltage power cables and distribution transformers will be protected by relays which will initiate a circuit breaker trip in the event of a fault condition. Selection of relays and their settings will be determined during detailed design. Fused vacuum contactors will be installed on the variable frequency drive circuits supplying the loading pump motors. The application of fused contactors accommodates the increased switching duty for these motors. Uninterruptible Power Supply

An uninterruptible power supply will maintain the operation of critical control, communication and electrical protection systems for up to eight hours in the event of the loss of power.

Each UPS will include the following elements:  a rectifier/charger  a battery bank  an inverter  a static transfer switch  a manual transfer switch

The inverter output will be synchronized to the station service power source. Should the UPS experience a failure; the static transfer switch will instantly connect the UPS electrical load to the normal station service power source. The manual transfer switch can be operated to enable continued supply to UPS loads while troubleshooting, repairing and restoring the UPS to normal operation.

The battery bank will consist of highly-reliable, absorbed glass mat sealed batteries wherein the electrolyte is completely contained within the glass fibres, thus making these batteries spill-proof. Lighting

Outdoor light fixtures will be mounted on poles to provide lighting for the offshore and onshore areas. Battery-powered emergency lighting will be supplied inside the electrical equipment shelter.

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6.4.8 Ancillary Systems Fire Water and Foam System

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal’s fire-water and foam system will be comprised of pumps, foam concentrate storage and mixing skids, foam distribution piping, and foam nozzles.

Water will be mixed with foam concentrate to create a foam solution and will deliver to foam distribution points on the loading platforms. Hydrants or hose and reel connections will be provided on the auxiliary platforms and trestles for non-oil related deck-level firefighting.

The fire protection system will be finalized during detailed design in consultation with the local fire authority having jurisdiction. Vapour Management System

Arriving tanker cargo compartments contain residual hydrocarbon vapours and oxygen-depleted flue gas produced by a tanker’s onboard inert-gas generator. An automated vapour management system will be installed to safely collect and destroy these vapours thereby reducing environmental emissions and the potential for combustion.

The Canaport Energy East marine terminal will be equipped with a hydrocarbon vapour management system. The system will include:  vapour return arms on the loading platforms  vapour blowers on the auxiliary platforms  five thermal oxidizers (incinerators)  associated facilities located onshore in the auxiliary equipment area

Two 610 mm (NPS 24) vapour return lines will connect the vapour blowers on the auxiliary platform to the thermal oxidizers located in the auxiliary equipment area. Pressure Vessels and Heating Boilers

All pressure vessels will be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 1. The design and specification of pressure vessels will be registered with the authority having jurisdiction in New Brunswick. Pressure vessels will be inspected as specified in API STD 510 to determine that they are being maintained in a proper operating condition. Cathodic Protection

As the majority of the piping within the Canaport Energy East marine terminal is expected to be aboveground, no cathodic protection for aboveground marine terminal pipe is anticipated.

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Cathodic protection on below grade sections of the interconnect pipe between terminals and infrastructure in water bodies will be determined during detailed design. Both impressed current and sacrificial anode systems will be considered. Ancillary System Piping

As part of this Consolidated Application, Energy East is seeking an exemption from Section 17 of the Onshore Pipeline Regulations for the ancillary piping systems listed on Table 6-8.

Table 6-8: Piping Systems Specifications, Design Pressure and Non-Destructive Examination Coverage (CA Rev.0)

Design NDE TransCanada Pressure Coverage Piping System Specification Design Code (kPa) (%) Instrument Air TES-MATL-MD1, Table 12 ASME B31.3 1,035 15 Glycol/Water Heating TES-MATL-MD1, Table 11 ASME B31.3 1,100 15 Potable Water TES-MATL-MD1, Table 10 ASME B31.3 550 15 Non-Commodity Drainage TES-MATL-MD1, Table 13 ASME B31.3 550 15 Lube Oil TES-MATL-MD1, Table 7 ASME B31.3 1,035 15 Vents TES-MATL-MD1, Table 11 N/A N/A 15 Firewater TES-MATL-MD1-OIL, Table 4-6 ASME B31.3 1,900 15 Contact Water TES-MATL-MD1, Table 13 ASME B31.3 550 15

For additional information, refer to Section 2.5.5, Ancillary System Piping.

6.4.9 Control

The marine terminal will be monitored, operated and equipped with qualified personnel, integrated automation and leak detection systems. Data pertaining to marine loading operations and vapour recovery systems will be collected and evaluated locally and remotely by the OCC through the SCADA system to ensure safe and reliable operations. The SCADA system will communicate with PLCs to be installed at the marine terminal.

PLCs will independently monitor and control start-up and shutdown sequencing, and operation of loading pumps and flow through loading arms. They will include features to safely operate and shutdown the marine terminal. The PLCs will respond to start and stop commands and pressure set-points issued.

The PLCs will function together to monitor and control the marine terminal operations:  oil loading  vapour management

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 high and medium voltage equipment  mooring and berthing operations and environmental monitoring  communication and data exchange with SCADA system  sumps

An automatic emergency shutdown will be initiated in the event of a PLC failure.

A metering PLC will monitor and control the operation of the metering banks, meter prover, and automatic sampling equipment. The metering PLC will receive information from flow computers and other measurement equipment, and communicate with the marine terminal PLC and SCADA system.

A continuous three-point radio communication system will be in place to support the marine loading operations between the tanker, a qualified person-in-charge at the terminal and the OCC. If qualified personnel are unable to respond to an abnormal condition, automated systems will bring the facility to a safe state. Human Machine Interface

Local human machine interfaces (HMIs) will provide an interface between local staff and the PLCs. The HMIs will provide an alarm summary for all devices at each marine terminal and devices related to the oil loading and vapour management systems. They will also provide local control of equipment during maintenance and troubleshooting activities.

The HMIs will have a graphic display of the operation that includes:

 process and equipment operating information  alarms and shutdowns  local commands and set-points Emergency Shutdown System

An ESD will automatically shut down and isolate the marine terminal in the event of a condition such as:  PLC failure  confirmed fire in the electrical shelter  high sump tank levels  control system power failure  position monitoring system for the loading arms  vapour recovery system malfunction  remote initiation by the OCC through the SCADA system or field personnel via manual pushbutton after confirmation of a leak

A marine terminal ESD can be initiated either remotely by the OCC through the SCADA system or locally by qualified field personnel through the HMI or manual

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pushbuttons that will be located at strategic locations within the marine terminal. The exact location of manual ESD pushbuttons will be confirmed during detailed design.

The following actions will occur when a marine terminal ESD is initiated:  marine loading pumps will be shutdown  fast-acting valves located at the loading arms will be closed followed by isolation valve closures to safely stop the flow of oil  vapour management system operations are discontinued

The ESD logic in the marine terminal PLC will be backed up by an independent hardwired relay-based ESD system. The hardwired system is designed to replicate the response provided by the PLC in the event of a failure.

Each loading pump will have a unit ESD. A unit ESD will be initiated either remotely by the OCC through the SCADA system or locally by qualified field personnel through the HMI or manual ESD pushbuttons.

The following actions will occur when a unit ESD is initiated:  The operating pump associated with the unit ESD will be shutdown.  The pump will be isolated by closing the pump inlet and outlet valves.

The ESD systems are designed to be fail-safe, such that a failure of an ESD initiator component, as identified above, will automatically initiate an ESD. Berth Monitoring Systems

The marine terminal berthing and mooring systems will be partially automated. The marine terminal will be equipped with a docking assistance system to assist in berthing tankers. The purpose of the docking assistance system will be to inform the tanker pilot of the position of the tanker relative to the terminal so that the appropriate actions for vessels will be taken to prevent damage to either the tanker or berth structures during berthing, thereby minimizing the risk of an oil spill. The docking assistance system will measure in real time the speed of approach, and distance to structure and angle of approach for a tanker up to 300 m from the berth.

Mooring load monitoring systems will monitor the tension of the tanker mooring lines while the tanker is at berth. These systems will provide readings of the mooring loads when the lines are attached to each mooring hook, and will allow the operator and the tanker crew to assess the integrity of the mooring arrangement, and to allow the tanker crew to take corrective actions if required.

Weather data such as wind speed and direction, temperature, barometric pressure and visibility, will be measured at the marine terminal including wave, tidal, current data, and water temperature. In addition, the marine terminal will be equipped with

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real-time current meters that will measure water velocities and directions through the water column. These data will be used to inform the decision to either grant or deny access to the marine terminal based on environmental conditions, and thus will increase the safety of the tanker approach and berthing process.

During oil loading operations, the position of the marine loading arms will be monitored by a position monitoring system (PMS), which will provide a live feed of loading arm movement within its defined operating envelope. This system will allow the operator to monitor the movement envelope and ensure it does not exceed the allowance limits due to sway (side-to-side movement), heave (up and down) and surge (forward and backwards) of a tanker, caused by tidal fluctuations and wind. Communications

A telecommunications wide area network will be installed to enable communication between the SCADA system, tank terminal, and marine terminal. Primary and backup WAN circuits will be available from the OCC and the marine terminal. Telecommunications services and infrastructure will be determined during detailed design.

Ship-to-shore radio with very high frequency communications systems will be provided in the local facility building and berth operator shelters to assist personnel in coordinating safe docking manoeuvres, loading operations, and emergency response activities. A repeater will be provided to relay ship-to-shore communications to the OCC.


The marine terminal will be designed to meet the noise standards identified in Table 6-9. Table 6-9: Noise Standards (CA Rev.0)

Province Applied Standard , The Alberta Energy Regulator, Directive 038 and New Brunswick1 Note: 1. AER Directive 038 is being applied to facilities in New Brunswick due to the absence of applicable provincial requirements

Normal noise sources will be the thermal oxidizers, blowers, motors, power transformers, tugs and tankers. Intermittent noise sources will be the emergency fire water pumps and generators. Noise from the marine terminal will be affected by the surrounding facilities and environmental conditions such as wind and terrain.

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Additional noise assessments will be completed and mitigation measures will be implemented, as required, to ensure compliance with the applicable standards. Mitigating measures might include the following:

 sound reducing enclosures  sound barrier berms or walls

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