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Feb 1 A.Indd February 1, 2008 The Abaconian Section A Page 1 VOLUME 15, NUMBER 3 FEBRUARY 1st, 2008 Prime Minister met with department heads Government leaders learned of plans for Abaco By Mirella Santillo large number of public offices to support. To keep a promise he had made during He recognized that “the pace of growth on his last visit to Abaco, the Prime Minis- the island had overgrown our structural ter came to Marsh Harbour on January 8th capacity” and went on to outline some of to meet with the Heads of Departments. the immediate measures the government While addressing the audience during the was in the process of taking towards the three-hour luncheon meeting, the Prime improvement of the island’s infrastructure Minister made it clear that he was well and some more remote endeavors that will aware of the various problems facing the happen depending on the budget. One of fastest growing island of The Bahamas. the immediate projects, the construction of Forty-eight heads or senior members of a longer airport runway, is already under- the various government agencies gathered way. at the Abaco Beach Resort to hear the Rt. Mr. Ingraham enumerated one by one Hon. Hubert Ingraham’s views on Abaco’s the areas that needed improvement. growth and his projects regarding the much Addressing the lack of adequate electri- needed infrastructural upgrades to accom- cal supply, the Prime Minister announced modate that development. He recognized that BEC will undergo major changes in- The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham. right, speaks with Administrator that not all of it will be achieved during his cluding moving the generating plant to a for South Abaco, Mr. Benjamin Pinder, left, and Senior Administrator for Central political life. different location with expansion capabili- Abaco, Mr. Cephas Cooper, at the luncheon on January 8. In an open discussion, de- The Prime Minister’s first remark when ties to better serve the community. partment heads were able to voice their problems and concerns. Mr. Ingraham spoke he took the stand was that Abaco might of his plans for Abaco in many areas. Please see Ingraham Page 2 bring a lot of revenue, but that there was a Keep Abaco Beautiful Abaco bids farewell to Police Chief makes spring plans By Mirella Santillo receive $200. The Keep Abaco Beautiful Committee, Keep Abaco Beautiful has been cam- chaired by Ms. Bernadette Hall, met brief- paigning to enroll hotels and businesses ly on January 10th to review the events into recycling efforts. Ms. Hall mentioned planned for the first quarter of 2008. that so far only the Abaco Club at Wind- The main item on the agenda was recy- ing Bay had agreed to start recycling alu- cling and Mrs. Cha Boyce announced that minum cans. The Abaco Beach Resort is Friends of the Environment will be intro- considering the possibility of starting soon. ducing a folding recycling bin for alumi- Recycling newspaper is an other project num cans at the Reef Ball. These are for being tackled by Ms. Olivia Patterson with outdoor use or use by businesses. the help of Mr. Michael Parotti at Rocky Mr. Paul Mills, representing a trash Farm. pick-up and recycling company in Nassau, The Abaco Club at Winding Bay has is sponsoring a school competition to see which school collects the most aluminum Please see KAB Page 26 cans. Twice a year the winning school will Police Superintendent Wayne Miller, Abaco’s police chief, second from left, has been Florida’s Governor fi shes with transferred to Nassau. At a heads of department meeting he was presented with a gift by government staff. He is shown here with Administrator Cephas Cooper, Adminis- Prime Minister Ingraham trator Theophilus Cox and Ms. Salomie Gibson with Social Services. He was hosted at a farewell party at Government House. Florida’s Governor Many came to say farewell to Supt. stay on Abaco, according to Mr. Bryan Charlie Christ was on Wayne Miller at a reception held at Gov- Thompson, President of the Rotary Club, Abaco on January 11 ernment House in the evening of January is the way he became involved in the com- and 12 to enjoy a day 11th, not only the officers of the Marsh munity not only as Chief of Police but as of deep sea fishing. Harbour Police Force but also heads of a concerned human being. He was on the sport- departments, his fellow Rotarians and As the guests climbed the steep stairs fishing yacht Black many friends he had made during his of Government House, they were greeted Gold docked at Aba- three years in office on Abaco. by the music of the Police Youth Band, co Beach Resort and Mr. Miller came to the island as As- Supt. Miller “baby.” A musician himself, Boat Harbour. Mr. sistant Superintendent and left as Super- Ingraham flew to Aba- intendent of Police. But what marked his Please see Miller Page 6 co to join Gov. Christ in the fishing trip. Mr. Hubert Ingraham and the governor had Renew your subscription before the expiration date shown in the label below. dinner at the Abaco The Abaconian PRST STD Club that night They 9945 NW 88th Ave US POSTAGE held informal discus- Medley, FL 33178 PAID sions on problems of Forward and Address Correction Permit #2438 MIAMI FL 331 mutual concern. The governor enjoyed his stay at Abaco Beach Resort. Page 2 Section A The Abaconian February 1 , 2008 PM addresses government agency concerns forfeited a deposit. The police department and-seal road surface is no longer adequate the citrus farm communities. “We brought From Page 1 Ingraham will remain separate; a lock-up facility on for the truck and vehicle traffic that are these people here,” he reminded the audi- • To centralize the government servic- Abaco might also be considered. now on our roads. ence. “The reality is that many have made es, a large facility will be built to house as Mr. Ingraham mentioned several other • The condition in Mud and Pigeon Peas The Bahamas their home; they have the many government offices as possible with topics that concerned him. is intolerable. He said that recent demoli- right to live here.” the exception of the police. Abaco is the • Additional land must be made avail- tion in the Mud seemed to be well carried • The destruction of hills must stop. Al- only Family Island without a central facili- able for housing but government is not out and a sensible act. He was pleased with though this mining is necessary and pro- ty for government agencies. Mr. Ingraham anxious to reenter the business of building efforts to curtail control further expansion vides economic opportunities, he does not mentioned that plans were in place in 1992 houses. He was dismayed that tens of mil- in that area. The Prime Minister responded want the hills destroyed by indiscriminate for a government complex but the govern- lions of dollars were spent on housing by to the request for guidelines regarding the quarry operations. ment that came into power in 2002 did the previous government for which there various Haitian communities saying that • He recognized a tremendous deficien- not implement these plans. Abaco needs is no accounting and he is waiting for an the government was well aware of the en- cy of skilled persons on Abaco. at least 16,000 square feet and maybe that accounting of this money before expanding vironmental challenge of the Mud and the • Mr. Ingraham wants to encourage Lo- will not be enough to house all the govern- with more subdivisions. He did mention Peas and other low land areas. Measures to cal Government. “We are seeking to im- ment agencies. He asked that all depart- that 100 lots are scheduled for the Spring facilitate land purchase for the Mud and Pi- ments submit space requirements so that a City area and more lots are to be made geon Peas residents will be put in place as Please see Ingraham Page 4 future government complex can be prop- available in Central Pines Estates. well as regulations for the Sand Banks and erly designed. He noted that a contract had He expressed dismay at the helter-skel- been let for the airport expansion in 2002 ter way in which Central Pines has been al- but the new government cancelled it and lowed to grow. He said the next subdivision will have much more planning in place for single families, duplex- es, apartment, busi- nesses and other uses. Town Planning has made mistakes which has disappointed him. Government is looking to entice John Schaef- bahamian cuisine fer back to Ministry of on Hope Town’s waterfront Works on Abaco as his Bar Opens Daily 10 a.m. engineering expertise is Closed on Tuesdays badly needed. • He announced the Happy Hour 5 - 6 p.m. opening the by-pass road from the Marsh Lunch & Dinner Daily Harbour airport round- Lunch 11:30 am - 3 pm • Dinner 6 - 9 pm about to S.C. Bootle RENTAL Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham met with the heads of depart- Highway ICE Appetizers 11:30 a.m. - 9 p.m BIKES ments to hear from them and tell them of his plans for Abaco. • Abaco’s roads are Call 366-0087 • 366-0292 • VHF Ch 16 He is shown here with Mr. Frederik Gottlieb, Chairman of the inadequate. Mr. Ingra- Bahamas Electricity Corporation. ham feels that the sand- February 1, 2008 The Abaconian Section A Page 3 www.SIRbahamas.com NEW LISTING ELBOW CAY l HOPE TOWN #3763 ELBOW CAY l HOPE TOWN #3967 ELBOW CAY l HOPE TOWN #3674 ELBOW CAY l HOPE TOWN #4235 SHEREE’S WAY - BEACHFRONT ESTATE 165 FAR NIENTE - BEACHFRONT 4 bed 5 bath, ALWAYS SUNDAY - WATERFRONT cozy 2 bed PINEAPPLE HILL - Fabulous, newly constructed feet on powder sand, 4 bed 6 bath, caretaker’s 5,000 sq.
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