M Eet the Bum /Hfrt
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\ vA ■X A \ \ \ ^ \ : \ PAGE T^ENTY-TVirO MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1970 lEancltPBlpr lEn^ning E^ntld ATmgB Daily Not Pi I Ron The Weather SM. Sgft. Joseph B. Ooutiue of Men who wish to Join John Mather Chapter, Order The refasarsal tor members of For Iha Waak ttaf There will be no forum pt 11, 1079 Gradual clearing tonight; low the Manchester Chapter, MS Woodland St., rettiing after executive board meeting of the Of DsMolay, wlM meet tonight about 40. Tom orrow partly About Town SPBB8QSA, Mondays at 8 p.m. as years service with the Con Church VfOmen United tom or at 7:80 at the Masonl,o Temple and Civic Chorale scheduled for THE WIGGBIY cloudy, mild; high In upper BOe Oiwc* Oroup of Conter Oon- necticut Air Natlohal Ouard, at tho Army-Navy Club may row, but a fonnn meeting will for officers’ step-up night. tonl|d>t has been canceled. 1 5 ,9 4 « to low 60s. Thursday Inoreoa- grofaUoiMt diuroh wlU meet will be honored at a testimonial call Dennis Santoro o f ' 896 be held next Thesday. 525 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER—943-2330 ing cloudiness, seasonable. mt the church tomorroer nlfht dinner Hiursday at 7;S0 p.m. at Spring St. The Junior Rhythm phoir of UaneheBter-^-A City of VUlage»Charm ■t 7 to vlait Bfoadout House the Zebra Club, Warehouse PTA Council officers for next The Mothers Club of Center North United Methodist Church at OomUtuUan Plaaa. Point. Those wishing to attend year are Mrs. Richard Taylor Congregational Church will will rehsarse tomorrow at 8:80 The Daughters of Isabella VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 171 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) may make reservations by cm- will sponsor a rummage sale Jr., president; Frank Gluhosky, meet tom orrow at 9:80 a.m . In p.m. at the ohuroh. Perk up with spring MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1970 (Olaeslfled Adverttskig on Rage 17) PRICE TEN CENTS ^ A atory hour for cMMren four tactlng Sgt. Gregory Couture, at Mott's Supermarket on Wed vice president; Mrs. Gloria Memorial Hall of/ the church. B2 Oak St., after B;S0 p.m . to Mrs. Lyman Taylor of the Man to eight yeara <M will be held nesday from 6:80 a.m. to 1 p.m. Swanson, corresponding secre TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW STYLE In <ho Junior Room of Mary night. tary; Mrs. Joseph Miskunus, re chester Garden Club will speak on "Biasy Gardening.’’ ! Cheney Library Wednesday af Edwin Edwards, commander cording seoreta^; Lloyd Berry, ternoon from S ;S0 to S ;U . Miss The ihembers of the Chamln- . of the Military Order o< Cooties, treasurer; Mrs. Harvey Pastel, ^ G L O K : PERMS H2.S0 and HP Nixon Keeps Town Report Marlon Jesssman, children’s 11- ade chorus will rehearse to the honor degree.of the Vet fine arts chaliman; school prin Jay R. Stager, associate pro Included with the ooides of bmrian, will be tho story teller. night at 7:S0 at the home of erans of Foreign Wars, re cipal delegates, Ray Gardiner fessor of phllomphy at Man k Travd Stnrltt 1 SHAMPOO A SETS $4.00 Mrs. Rudolph Gorsch at 436 E. today’s Herald being circu Violence Jars "Sesame Street" may be view quests that all members be of Bowers and Mrs. Thomas chester Community CoUege, dpiing Special—One Week Only - "April U • W Pace Up lated in M anchester Is a 13- ed each morning this week from Center St. present. If possible, at the VFW Woods of Bentley. spoke on "Relevance In Teaob- L 555 M AIN STTREET ^ page siwclal section wM<h 10 to U . ' Post Wednesday 6:16 p.m. for 1^,’’ at the annual spring con A 648-2165 M FROSTINGS n O M constitutes the official Town A ham and bean supper spon a visitation to the Newington nie Women’s Home Lee^iue On Pullout ference sponsored by the De naiJ. NOW FOR AN APPOOmfBNT Re|x>rt fo r M anchester for The pastor-pariah relations sored by the Friendship Circle Childrens Hospital. A two hour of the Salvation Army will meet partment of Higher EMuoatloa, ^AathorineS agent la M an-A the 1908-1969 ftso(d year. committee of North United will be held Saturday at 6 p.m. variety show Is scheduled, and tomorrow at 1 p.m. in Junior Bor a n A iiH a e a ,^ WASHINGTON (AP) —Presi U.S. Colleges Connecticut Ekhicatlcn Associa T oes, thm Bah 9-9 — T la m . 9-9 Methodist Church will meet to dent Nixon has fixed a goal of It oootaina Informatlcn on at the Salvation * Army Youth refreshments will be served to HaB of the Citadel. Refresh tion, and held Friday at Baat- finances and funotiana of the night at 7:80 at the church. Center. the children. ments will be served. em Coraieotlcut State CoUege. withdrawing an addlUonal 160.000 U. 8 . troops from Viet town govenunent wHh re By ABBOCIATED PRESS nam In the next year—sticking porta from each of its de- President Eriq A. Walker of Pennsylvania State Uni roughly to the pullout pace of {wrtments. versity and his wife fled their campus home early to recent months. day after students stoned it and broke some windows. In a television-radto address Racial conflict and anti-war protest set off a series of to the nation Monday night, the disturbances at several U. S. colleges and high schools. President said the number About 1,000 o f Penn State’s would b e bocMted should there Apollo Story 26,000 students attended a mmeet- eet be a breakthrough in peace ne ing Monday night to protect ar gotiations. However, he empha rests at an anti-war sit-in lost sised: Told Tonight week. BmaU fires w ere extin Students Beat "I must report with regret guished In several dormitories that no progress has taken place and classroom buildings, at on the negotiating front." On Television least one started by a gaaoHne UConn Youth Nixon expressed concern bomb. about Communist m ilitary in- SPACE CENTER, Houston A group of black youngsters (A P ) —Apollo 18’s astronauts On Campus cursiona in Cambodia and Laos, ignored a Black Panther 'leader’s .but took a generally optimistic today told the head of the re plea to disperse peacefully from view of the Southeast Asian situ view board about the oxygen STORRfl, Conn. (AP) — The ation. a meeUng on the New Haven tank exjdoslan that threatened Green today and they ran University of C>>nnecUcut is in- "W e finally have In sight the their kves deep In space. They through the downtown shopping vestlgatlng the beating of a Just peace we are seeking," he relate the story to the worid to area, throwing rocks and break- white dormitory president by a ■aid. night at a news conference. Ing a few wlmlows; group of black students who re- 6. “We can now say with confi James A. Lovell Jr., Fred W. dence that pacification la suc- Halse Jr. and John L. Swigert PoUce made about 30 arrests, portedly suspected him of saying If i j most of them on charges of he hoped Black Panther chair- >f i i ceedbig. We can say with confi Jr. began their second day of dence that the South Viet debriefing on the flight by hud breach of the peaca Bobby Seale Is executed. namese can develop the capabil dling with Edgar M. Cortright. The group had gathered to ex- Py^l^nt of 8 ^ ity for their own defense. We He heads the board investigat press support of national Black 8“*“**^ can say with confidence that all ing the accident that aborted Panther chairman Bobby G. *■ reported In good condition American combat forces can the $376 m illion moon-landing Seale, who was to appear In Su- »“^verrity Infirmary, and will be withdrawn.” m ission. perior Court. Ronald Richards, vice presl- Nixon q;ioke from hla office in They gave their impressions . • a Pfiotofax) Douglos Miranda, a local Pan- Campus OrganUatton the Western White House at San of the explosion and ttie four- A Cambodian soldier with a new Communist Chi tion outside Phnom Penh. The Cambodians today ther leader, spoke to the crowd Afro-American Students, told Clemente, Calif. Immediately day fight for survival to return nese rifle takes aim during recent military opera- marched a Vietnamese group into open fire. of 180 to 200 persons, caUed for t**® beaUng at a rally Monday afterward he and his wife Pat to earth. a boycott of classes at the city’s afternoon. flew back to Washington. Lovell, Haiae and Bwigert a|>- youths to dis{>er8e quietly in twos Richards said black students A White House official who pear at 7:30 p.m. tonight on a end threes. to several dormitories Sun- dedlned to be quoted by name nationally televised and broad However, some went across nlsM to muster support for told reporters Nixon plans to cast news conference. They’ll Riflemen March Viet Civilians the Green and started throwing the rally, and when black coeds complete the withdrawal of also narrate a fltan and slides rocks at store windows. Some Poged on the Intercom at 160.000 m en during the next 13 they eook In s{>ace. dariied through a department Sousa House, someone riiouted months, give or take a few Lovell has already given an store. down: " I ho{>e Seale gets exa- weeks. Barring the unforeseen, indlcatitm of the feelings of the Into Enei ny Fire in Cambodia Police were in the downtown cuted ’’ \ be said, the decision is irrever astronauts during their mo area in force, however, os Ifi- “All hell broke loose on him,” randa had warned the crowd, Bold Richards, "and if you want sible.