SOUTHERN CROSS SPORTING INFORMATION Welcome to all students and parents of Southern Cross Catholic College. Southern Cross Catholic College aims to develop self-discipline and leadership through active participation in team and individual sports. Southern Cross Catholic College Secondary School Sporting I look forward to a highly develops the physical and mental competition. The competition productive and successful strength of all participants, while includes all schools from the year and I encourage all of our also providing a genuine pathway Townsville region. In some cases students to be heavily involved to higher levels of each sport. schools from outside the district in the sporting opportunities will also join the Townsville that are available at this College. Making better people, and District competition (e.g. For any further questions or not just better players. Burdekin, Charters Towers and feedback, please do not hesitate The following book contains an Hinchinbrook Schools etc.). to contact me as we all work overview of the sporting program As detailed within, there are a together for the delivery of a for students in Years 7-12 in 2021. large number and diverse range quality program of sport at This handbook has been designed of sports offered for students in Southern Cross Catholic College. to provide a general account Years 7-12. Within these sports, Mr. Annan Whittington of the requirements from both all students of various abilities Sports Coordinator parents and students here at the are catered for. The college
[email protected] college. Sport specific details values sport as an important are provided at the beginning means of developing essential of each season which contains life-long physical skills, positive more detailed information such as attitudes and healthy behaviours.