Richard Mellon Scaife
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 25, Number 14, April 3, 1998 asterisk). In some cases the same individuals played active, What is somewhat less widely known, is the role that albeit different, roles in the two actions. Richard Mellon Scaife played in the 1980s “Get LaRouche” Following the four charts, which represent overlays of operation, the combined legal and media assault against the data organized by forms of action, we have included an anno- noted American System political economist, and intellectual tated index of names, to help the reader through the maze author of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. of detail. Mellon Scaife directly bankrolled the media salon that churned out a constant stream of Goebbels-like anti- The analysis LaRouche hate propaganda, through such media outlets as It must be emphasized that the data presented in this spe- NBC-TV, Readers Digest, the Washington Post, Business cial report are by no means complete. However, the data pro- Week, the New Republic, and the Wall Street Journal. The vide a road-map of the apparatus under investigation, and Get LaRouche salon was an integral part of the “Public Diplo- will, hopefully, provoke further inquiry into two aspects, in macy” unit, run out of the White House, by George Bush and particular, of the ongoing investigation: his gopher Oliver North, which was later exposed as part First, the institutions and individuals who have been iden- of the “secret parallel government” behind the Iran-Contra tified in both the Get LaRouche and Get Clinton operations fiasco. Both the Iran-Contra guns-for-drugs criminal enter- warrant special investigative followup.
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