Literaturverzeichnis in Auswahl1
Literaturverzeichnis in Auswahl1 A ADAMS, THOMAS: An Exposition upon the Second Epistle General of St. Peter. Herausgegeben von James Sherman. 1839. Nachdruck Ligonier, Pennsylvania: Soli Deo Gloria, 1990. DERS.: The Works of Thomas Adams. Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1862. DERS.: The Works of Thomas Adams. 1862. Nachdruck Eureka, California: Tanski, 1998. AFFLECK, BERT JR.: „The Theology of Richard Sibbes, 1577–1635“. Doctor of Philosophy-Dissertation: Drew University, 1969. AHENAKAA, ANJOV: „Justification and the Christian Life in John Bunyan: A Vindication of Bunyan from the Charge of Antinomianism“. Doctor of Philosophy-Dissertation: Westminster Theological Seminary, 1997. AINSWORTH, HENRY: A Censure upon a Dialogue of the Anabaptists, Intituled, A Description of What God Hath Predestinated Concerning Man. & c. in 7 Poynts. Of Predestination. pag. 1. Of Election. pag. 18. Of Reprobation. pag. 26. Of Falling Away. pag. 27. Of Freewill. pag. 41. Of Originall Sinne. pag. 43. Of Baptizing Infants. pag. 69. London: W. Jones, 1643. DERS.: Two Treatises by Henry Ainsworth. The First, Of the Communion of Saints. The Second, Entitled, An Arrow against Idolatry, Etc. Edinburgh: D. Paterson, 1789. ALEXANDER, James W.: Thoughts on Family Worship. 1847. Nachdruck Morgan, Pennsylvania: Soli Deo Gloria, 1998. ALLEINE, JOSEPH: An Alarm to the Unconverted. Evansville, Indiana: Sovereign Grace Publishers, 1959. DERS.: A Sure Guide to Heaven. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1995. ALLEINE, RICHARD: Heaven Opened … The Riches of God’s Covenant of Grace. New York: American Tract Society, ohne Jahr. ALLEN, WILLIAM: Some Baptismal Abuses Briefly Discovered. London: J. M., 1653. ALSTED, JOHANN HEINRICH: Diatribe de Mille Annis Apocalypticis ... Frankfurt: Sumptibus C. Eifridi, 1627.
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