A business meeting that ended early…

That’s how it all began on , 2009 for Dave Sanderson, a top-notch tech sales manager who spent more time on the road than he wanted, away from his wife and four children. He had finished work sooner than anticipated and wanted to get home. It was the least he could do to make up for the time he spent working two jobs trying to make a better life for them all. He called his travel agent, who was able to procure a seat for him on an earlier flight departing from ’s LaGuardia Airport for Charlotte, .

Sanderson boarded, moved down the aisle to seat 15A, and fastened his seatbelt for takeoff. The flight had been delayed as an earlier blizzard in the area cleared. Now it was cold and bright and clear, a perfect day for flying.

A few moments later, what happened to US Airways Flight 1549 was to become known around the world as The Miracle on the Hudson. On its initial climb, a flock of Canada geese collided with the Airbus 320, crippling both engines. Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger knew he couldn’t make it to any of the nearby airports, and there was only one option left: to attempt a and put the plane down safely in the .

The passengers heard the Captain’s words over the PA system -- “Brace for impact” – and then the plane crashed. In his window seat, Sanderson ascertained how quickly he could get to an exit as the plane started taking on water. But then he heard his late mother’s voice in his head: “If you do the right thing, God will take care of you.”

So he did the right thing, staying behind to help people who needed help get off the plane first. As one of the last passengers on the plane, Sanderson realized that if the airbus sank, he might be sucked down with it. He had no other choice but to take a leap of faith…on this day, literally and figuratively.

Sanderson plunged into the frigid 36-degree waters of the Hudson, and started to swim to the nearest rescue ferry heading toward the scene. As the last of his strength ebbed, he was pulled aboard, taken ashore, and rushed to the hospital, where he was treated for hypothermia and an eye injury from exposure to .

Very little time had elapsed from crash to rescue to his trip to the hospital, where the medical staff was concerned that he might die. “It took only 30 minutes for my life to change forever,” Sanderson said. He explains it in the simplest of terms: an extraordinary event that changed the life of one ordinary person forever.

888.624.3544 Motivated by this near-death experience, the teamwork and resourcefulness demonstrated that day by him and his fellow passengers, and the compassion shown to him by rescuers, emergency professionals and concerned volunteers who looked after him, Dave Sanderson has made it his life’s work to give back. In the 6 years since the crash, he has transitioned from a successful sales career to motivational speaking and mentoring, translating the Miracle on the Hudson into an inspirational message that resonates far beyond what happened that day, and which he hopes will be relevant to everyone in his audience.

“I think that people are looking for leaders. People are looking for insight on how to handle unexpected challenges. When something tough happens in your life, how can you get through it? They’re seeking advice from people who’ve been there,” he explains, and adds: “It’s not just about surviving a plane crash. Everything I’d learned about solving problems, big and small, coalesced that day for me and 149 other passengers on the plane. You may never have that experience, but what worked that day can work every day in your life, and that’s what people understand and draw strength from,” Sanderson says.

The themes he addresses in his appearances include:

 Courage with Conviction

 Developing Your Inner Hero

 Leading with Certainty

 Managing Your Mind During a Crisis

 The Power of Personal Responsibility

 Faith, Trust and Gratitude

 A Mindset of Resourcefulness

Sanderson had always wondered what it would be like to inspire others, and today, he has found a way to do that. He says: “Something happens to my audience in the hearing, and something new happens to me in the telling.”


Since the Miracle on the Hudson, considered to be the most successful ditching in aviation history, Dave Sanderson has built a career as a motivational speaker, mentor and author.

Currently, Sanderson averages over 100 speeches a year for major corporations across the United States as well as overseas, including Baylor and James Madison Universities, Boys and Girls Clubs of America, BP, Canada Life, Delta Airlines, Entrepreneurs Society of America, eWomen Network, and Toyota. In his presentations, he shares The 12 Pillars of Resourcefulness, precepts that enabled him to become a top producer in some of the largest sales organizations in the world and ultimately enabled him to survive the plane crash.

In addition, Sanderson has appeared at countless fundraisers that have raised over $7.5 million for the American Red Cross. He continues to donate his speaker services to the organization as an expression of gratitude for the care he received from the first person he saw after he was rescued and transferred to land in : a Red Cross volunteer with a blanket.

In his new book, slated for publication in Summer 2015, Sanderson discusses lessons learned from the Miracle on the Hudson and how to take a potentially tragic experience and turn it into an opportunity to survive and thrive. A firsthand account of his experience aboard US Airways Flight 1549 appears in the book Brace for Impact: Miracle on the Hudson Survivors Share Their Stories of Near Death and Hope for New Life by Dorothy Firman and Kevin Quirk. He has also participated in a new documentary produced and directed by Rick Lopez, which will premiere at the Long Island Film Festival in August 2015.

Sanderson was born in Peoria, Illinois, and grew up in Hillsboro, Ohio and Winchester, Virginia. His dreams of playing college football were dashed when he suffered a career-ending knee injury. He attended James Madison University and was graduated with a BBA in International Business. He began his professional career in restaurant management, and went on to work as a National Sales Manager for ADP; Management Consultant for KPMG, Senior Vice President of Sales for Genesis 10; Application Sales Manager for Oracle, and Security Director for Robbins Research International, Inc., An Anthony Robbins Company. He lives with Terri, his wife of 28 years and his four children – Chelsey, Colleen, Courtney and Chance – in Charlotte, North Carolina.

To learn more about Dave Sanderson, and for contact information, go to www.DaveSandersonSpeaks.com. On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ DaveSandersonSpeaks On Twitter: @DaveSanderson2. LinkedIn: David Sanderson 888.624.3544 Testimonials for Dave Sanderson

“Dave Sanderson captivated his audience with his authentic story. He was our speaker in November for our eWomenNetwork networking event. After introducing Dave, I sat in the back of the room and witnessed an engaging presentation about his experience after the plane he was on went down in the Hudson River. All eyes were on him as he gave heroic details and personal connections about those who survived with him after the accident. Dave is an amazing person with a brave heart. He touched our hearts with his own dramatic story of the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’. “

Lori Dvorak, Executive Managing Director, eWomenNetwork, Greater Charlotte Region Chapter

“I wanted to reach out to you and thank you very much for taking time out of your schedule to speak at the eWomen Network luncheon. Your story is very powerful and gives great confirmation to the fact that we all have purpose on earth.

Delores “Gigi” Hamilton-Butler, LPCS, NCC, CSAC, Personal Enrichment Counseling & Consulting Services, PLLC

“When I was working for the American Red Cross, I asked Dave if he would be our keynote speaker at a major fundraiser. When he said yes, we knew we could anticipate a sold-out event, but I could never have anticipated the effect his inspirational words had on our guests. While he spoke, the usual murmuring came to a complete standstill and you could have heard the proverbial pin drop in the room. Afterwards, so many attendees told me that they found his message to be life-affirming and unforgettable. I highly recommend David to you as a speaker -- yes, he will tell you about what it was like to be part of the Miracle on the Hudson, but that is just the beginning of his story. It is what he learned from that experience and how he has applied what he has learned that will stick with you…and may even inform your own choices.”

Theresa Corigliano, Chief Communications Officer,American Red Cross Los Angeles Region (2012-2104)

888.624.3544 “When Dave Sanderson finished speaking at the LIDMA Annual Conference it was clear that his message was powerful and resonated with everyone in the audience by the standing ovation he received…he is inspiring, motivational, engaging and has a great sense of humor! Dave’s stage presence and presentation style are outstanding for a closing keynote session. I say closing as opening with Dave would simply be a tough act to follow for anyone! Dave is also genuinely a great guy, opening himself to questions and taking the time to interact with event attendees throughout his time there. We highly recommend Dave Sanderson for your next meeting, conference or convention regardless of the industry you are in. His message reaches beyond industries and affirms belief in the human spirit!”

Gina Gratham, CAE, CEO, Life Insurance Direct Marketing Association

“Dave Sanderson was the perfect addition to our end of year celebration. He was very engaging and an inspiration to everyone. He reminded us all that we have it within ourselves to do great things. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us.”

Kevin Murray, President/CEO, Mission Critical Partners

“It’s nice to see a Miracle on the Hudson and know that part of that miracle was a extraordinary pilot, and another part was a dear friend who even when he could barely function made sure that other people’s lives were being saved and supported...”

Anthony Robbins, Author, Speaker and Peak Performance Strategist

888.624.3544 DAVE SANDERSON Q and A

Q: On January 15, 2009, you boarded a plane you weren’t even supposed to be on. Looking back, if you could re-arrange history and what happened to you, would you do it?

I think it was more than a coincidence that I was on Flight 1549. I was meant to be on that plane. I had given up my first class seat on a different flight so I could get home earlier. Some people might say it was wrong time, wrong place, but I take the opposite point of view.

At that point in my life I was very driven, I was very focused on business and serving when I could fit it in. I didn’t give much more than the bare minimum community-wise up to that point.

But when you go through something like this, it puts a different perspective on your life. And you realize there’s more to it than you and your job.

I’m so grateful I have another chance, to be able to do not only what I want to do. The crash changed my perspective. I started scheduling around my family and now I work backward into what I do for a living and how I can best serve. I think that’s my mission now, and I’m not sure I ever would have gotten there by myself.

Q: You have chosen to speak about the Miracle on the Hudson, while other passengers have not. Why?

I chose to take a pathway that was opened up that was a blessing to me. One hundred and fifty-four other people had blessings, too. Everybody’s got to choose his or her pathway.

Q: What in your life, besides the plane crash, has prepared you to transition to a career as an author and motivational speaker?

My resourcefulness did not just begin in the moment of crisis, but there are two things I knew for sure the day of the plane crash. First, I knew I had no control. Second, the only thing I was certain of was me. When I heard the words, “This is the captain, brace for impact,” I knew I had to put myself in the state of mind to survive. Once the plane began to settle after impact and I saw the light coming in from the outside, I knew I could take care of myself. I looked around and asked, “Can other people?”

My time in the business world had provided me with valuable training. For a decade prior, I had had the opportunity to work with Anthony Robbins, who emphasized that being resourceful

888.624.3544 is an actual skill set. I learned that people often think they cannot do something if they don’t have certain resources but true leaders know that is not true. If there is a will, there is a way. Resourcefulness is a mindset. You simply don’t take no for an answer. That’s what I emphasize in my appearances: resourcefulness, state management, teamwork, leadership and responsiveness.

Q: What have you learned about yourself in the last 6 years?

Before Flight 1549, I was driven by trying to do the best I could, but I didn’t prioritize my time for my family the way I should have. I was also very aware of all those who helped me and the other 154 people on the plane that day, and I asked myself, “How can I give back?”

I live my own strengths now. I have a different level of confidence. Everyone has tough times in life. Now I have a confidence when things get tough. I say to myself, “I’ll figure out a way through this.” I’m not really transformed, I’m just . . . better.

Q: What is the most impactful reaction you have gotten at one of your speaking engagements?

Since January 15, 2009, I have given almost 600 speeches. Sometimes I cry. But the first time it happened, it surprised even me. I had gotten to the point in my speech when I was talking about it was not just one miracle that happened on that day, there were many. I told my audience that God had intervened at every point in this flight and added: “If you don’t believe in miracles or God, there are about 155 examples walking around the United States.”

After the talk, there were several people waiting to speak to me. One of them was an elderly woman who looked like she had been crying. She grabbed my arm and leaned in close to speak to me. “I was questioning if there was a God and I don’t believe in miracles,” she said. “But you are physical evidence that there is a God who does miracles. Thank you.” That’s when I thought: “I have served today.” If I can make a difference in just one person’s life, that’s what propels me to do what I do.

888.624.3544 Dave Sanderson and The Miracle on the Hudson Links

BBC Miracle on the Hudson Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SL1A2d2e7M http://davesandersonspeaks.com/media/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/disabled-jet-crashes-in-hudson-river/ Hospitalized Survivors Speak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlGO94UNRvs http://www.speakers.ca/2015/02/dave-sanderson-and-the-miracle-on-the-hudson/ http://www.success.com/article/after-us-airways-flight-1549-crashed http://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2014/personal-growth-after-midlife-crisis.html http://airwaysnews.com/blog/2015/01/16/flashback-friday-celebrating-the-us1549-miracle-on- the-hudson/ http://www.cbsnews.com/news/miracle-on-the-hudson-survivor-gives-back/ Miracle on the Hudson Survivor Gives Back (Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDhLzk2GaWE http://commercemagnj.com/on-a-wing-and-a-prayer-dave-sandersons-survival-after-the- miracle-on-the-hudson/ http://sigmanu.pursuant6.com/2013/07/spring13-25a/?keepThis=true
