one page SOP

Purpose This SOP contains the competencies and requirements that must be met and are based on best practice. The Scientific diving and snorkelling technical document (DOC-237640) contains supporting information and additional requirements that MUST be used in conjunction with this SOP.

Last Reviewed: 26 May 2016 SOP Coordinator: Sean Cooper SOP Owner: Hilary Aikman This applies to Any DOC employee, volunteer, visiting researcher or contractor who undertakes scientific diving under the auspices of DOC or uses DOC resources to support diving operations.

Competency requirements for scuba divers All competency training and assessment records for DOC staff must be kept up-to-date in DOCLearn. Restricted diver This competency is valid until any of its elements expire. A Restricted Diver must be accompanied by a Scientific Diver.  A medical clearance for occupational diving;  qualification or higher from a recognised SCUBA training and certifying organisation;  A current certificate;  A current first aid certificate;  An annual emergency drill test (DOC-2547088). Scientific diver This competency is valid until any of its elements expire.  A current medical clearance for occupational diving;  A certificate of competence (CoC) for occupational diving (scientific);  A current first aid certificate;  A current oxygen first aid certificate;  An annual emergency drill test (DOC-2547088).

Optional competencies for Scientific divers  Approved fillers certification (required to fill scuba cylinders);  certification (required to use nitrox).

Other requirements

 A dive proposal (DOC-2546826) and safety plan must be approved by the Dive Safety Officer ([email protected]) and Operations Manager prior to undertaking any dive work;  DOC staff must develop their safety plan in Risk Manager;  There should be an appropriately certified and sized dive team for the type of work being undertaken (incl. dive coordinator, dive leader, divers, divers attendant and standby diver);  The maximum dive depth is 39 m;  Dives must be planned using US Navy tables;  Appropriate pre- and post-dive equipment checks and maintenance must be carried out;  Pre-dive briefings that include the use of the Department’s must be given, and all divers must be given the opportunity to refuse to dive or terminate a dive at any stage;  A specific plan for travel to altitude following diving shall be determined prior to diving;  All divers must complete a daily (DOC-2313398) and maintain a personal hardcopy logbook;  Dive incidents must be reported by the Dive Coordinator to the Dive Safety Officer and entered into RiskManager;  All divers must complete an annual survey of their diving activity at the end of each financial year.

DOCDSO Scientific diving One page SOP - DOCDM-743136.docx Scientific Diving one page SOP

Personal protective equipment

 A dive flag must be displayed prominently whenever diving is conducted;  Thermal protection adequate to maintain divers at a comfortable for the duration of the dive must be used;  Each diver must be equipped with and must use a compensator device (BCD) as a means of achieving and maintaining positive buoyancy;  Regulators must consist of a primary second stage and an alternate air source and be serviced by a certified dive industry technician every 12 months;  Scuba cylinders must be tested in accordance with NZ MoBIE standards;  All divers must carry a whistle and a highly visible surface-signalling device such as a safety sausage;  There must be available on site first-aid and oxygen equipment to ensure a successful response to any diving injury or illness that may occur;  Compressors used for diving operations must be tested every 3 months as part of a clean air programme.

Approval record Bruce Parkes, DD-G Science and Policy, 26 May 2016, DOC-2736315.

DOCDSO Scientific diving One page SOP - DOCDM-743136.docx