Omitted variable bias of Lasso-based inference methods: A finite sample analysis∗

Kaspar W¨uthrich† Ying Zhu†

Final author version, accepted at The Review of Economics and


We study the finite sample behavior of Lasso-based inference methods such as post double Lasso and debiased Lasso. We show that these methods can exhibit substantial omitted variable biases (OVBs) due to Lasso not selecting relevant controls. This phenomenon can occur even when the coefficients are sparse and the sample size is large and larger than the number of controls. Therefore, rely- ing on the existing asymptotic inference theory can be problematic in empirical applications. We compare the Lasso-based inference methods to modern high- dimensional OLS-based methods and provide practical guidance. Keywords: Lasso, post double Lasso, debiased Lasso, OLS, omitted variable bias, size distortions, finite sample analysis

arXiv:1903.08704v9 [math.ST] 12 Sep 2021 JEL codes: C21, C52, C55 ∗This version: September 14, 2021. First version: March 20, 2019. Alphabetical ordering; both authors contributed equally to this work. This paper was previously circulated as “Behavior of Lasso and Lasso- based inference under limited variability” and “Omitted variable bias of Lasso-based inference methods under limited variability: A finite sample analysis”. We would like to thank the editor (Xiaoxia Shi), anonymous referees, St´ephane Bonhomme, Gordon Dahl, Graham Elliott, Michael Jansson, Michal Kolesar, Ulrich M¨uller,Andres Santos, Azeem Shaikh, Aman Ullah and seminar participants for their comments. We are especially grateful to Yixiao Sun and Jeffrey Wooldridge for providing extensive feedback. W¨uthrich is also affiliated with CESifo and the ifo Institute. Zhu acknowledges a start-up fund from the Department of Economics at UCSD and the Department of Statistics and the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University, West Lafayette. †Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr. La Jolla, CA 92093. Emails: [email protected] and [email protected].

1 1 Introduction

Since their introduction, post double Lasso (Belloni et al., 2014) and debiased Lasso (Javan- mard and Montanari, 2014; van de Geer et al., 2014; Zhang and Zhang, 2014) have quickly become the most popular inference methods for problems with many control variables. Given the rapidly growing theoretical1 and applied2 literature on these methods, it is crucial to take a step back and examine the performance of these procedures in empirically relevant settings and to better understand their merits and limitations relative to other alternatives. In this paper, we study the performance of post double Lasso and debiased Lasso from two different angles. First, we develop a theory of the finite sample behavior of post double Lasso and debiased Lasso. We show that under-selection of the Lasso can lead to substan- tial omitted variable biases (OVBs) in finite samples. Our theoretical results on the OVBs are non-asymptotic; they complement but do not contradict the existing asymptotic the- ory. Second, we conduct extensive simulations and two empirical studies to investigate the performance of Lasso-based inference methods in practically relevant settings. We find that the OVBs can render the existing asymptotic approximations inaccurate and lead to size distortions. Following the literature, we consider the following standard linear model

∗ ∗ Yi = Diα + Xiβ + ηi, i = 1, . . . , n, (1)

∗ Di = Xiγ + vi, i = 1, . . . , n. (2) 1 See, for example, Farrell(2015), Belloni et al.(2017b), Zhang and Cheng(2017), Cher- nozhukov et al.(2018), Caner and Kock(2018) among others.

2See, for example, Chen(2015), Decker and Schmitz(2016), Schmitz and Westphal(2017), Breza and Chandrasekhar(2019), Jones et al.(2019), Cole and Fernando(2020), and Enke (2020) among others.

2 Here Yi is the outcome, Di is the scalar treatment variable of interest, and Xi is a (1 × p)- dimensional vector of control variables. In the main text, we focus on the performance of post double Lasso for estimating and making inferences (e.g., constructing confidence intervals) on the treatment effect α∗ in settings where p can be larger than or comparable to n. We present results for debiased Lasso in AppendixB.

Post double Lasso consists of two Lasso selection steps: a Lasso regression of Yi on Xi and

∗ a Lasso regression of Di on Xi. In the third step, the estimator of α ,α ˜, is the OLS regression of Yi on Di and the union of controls selected in the two Lasso steps. OVB arises in post double Lasso whenever the relevant controls (i.e., the controls with non-zero coefficients) are selected in neither Lasso steps, a situation we refer to as double under-selection. Results that can explain when and why double under-selection occurs are scarce in the existing literature. This paper shows theoretically that this phenomenon can even occur in simple examples with classical assumptions (e.g., normal homoscedastic errors, orthogonal designs for the relevant controls), which are often viewed as favorable to the performance of the Lasso. We prove that if the products of the absolute values of the non-zero coefficients and the variances of the controls are no greater than half the regularization parameters derived based on standard Lasso theory3, Lasso fails to select these controls in both steps with high probability.4 This 3Note that the existing Lasso theory requires the regularization parameter to exceed a certain threshold, which depends on the standard deviations of the noise and the covariates.

4The “half the regularization parameters” type of condition on the magnitude of non-zero coefficients was independently discovered in Lahiri(2021). We are grateful to an anonymous referee for making us aware of this paper. Our proof strategies differ from the asymptotic ones in Lahiri(2021) and allow us to derive an explicit lower bound with meaningful constants for the probability of under-selection for fixed n, which is needed for deriving an explicit formula for the OVB lower bound. While some of the arguments in Lahiri(2021) can be made non-asymptotic, one of their core arguments for showing necessary conditions for variable selection consistency of the Lasso relies on n tending to infinity. It is not clear that

3 result allows us to derive the first non-asymptotic lower bound formula in the literature for the OVB of the post double Lasso estimatorα ˜. Our lower bound provides explicit universal constants, which are essential for understanding the finite sample behavior of post double Lasso and its limitations. The OVB lower bound is characterized by the interplay between the probability of double under-selection and the magnitude of the coefficients corresponding to the relevant controls in (1)–(2). In particular, there are three regimes: (i) the omitted controls have coefficients whose magnitudes are large enough to cause substantial bias; (ii) the omitted controls have coefficients whose magnitudes are too small to cause substantial bias; (iii) the magnitude of the relevant coefficients is large enough such that the corresponding controls are selected with high-probability. We illustrate these three regimes in Figure1, which plots the bias of post double Lasso and the number of selected control variables as a function of the magnitude of the non-zero coefficients. [FIGURE1 HERE.] Our theoretical analysis of the OVB has important implications for inference procedures √ based on the post double Lasso. Belloni et al.(2014) show that n(˜α−α∗) is asymptotically normal with zero mean. We show that in finite samples, the OVB lower bound can be more than twice as large as the standard deviation obtained from the asymptotic distribution in Belloni et al.(2014). This is true even when n is much larger than p and β∗ and γ∗ are sparse. To illustrate, assume that (1) and (2) share the same set of k non-zero coefficients and set (n, p) = (14238, 384) as in Angrist and Frandsen(2019, Section 3), who use post double Lasso to estimate the effect of elite colleges. The ratio of our OVB lower bound to the standard deviation in Belloni et al.(2014) is 0 .27 if k = 1 and 2.4 if k = 10. This example shows that the requirement on the sparsity parameter k for the OVBs to be negligible is quite stringent. We emphasize that our findings do not contradict the existing results on such an argument can lead to an explicit lower bound with meaningful constants for the probability of under-selection. On the other hand, our non-asympototic argument can easily lead to asymptotic conclusions.

4 the asymptotic distribution of post double Lasso in Belloni et al.(2014). Rather, our results √ suggest that the OVBs can make the asymptotic zero-mean approximation of n(˜α − α∗) inaccurate in finite samples. To better understand the practical implications of the OVB of post double Lasso, we perform extensive simulations. Our simulation results can be summarized as follows. (i) Large OVBs are persistent across a range of empirically relevant settings and can occur even when n is large and larger than p, and the sparsity parameter k is small. (ii) The OVBs can lead to invalid inferences and under-coverage of confidence intervals. (iii) The performance of post double Lasso varies substantially across different popular choices of regularization parameters, and no single choice outperforms the others across all designs. While it may be tempting to choose a smaller regularization parameter than the standard recommendation in the literature to mitigate under-selection, we find that this idea does not work in general and can lead to rather poor performance. In addition to the simulations, we consider two empirical applications: the analysis of the effect of 401(k) plans on savings by Belloni et al.(2017b) and Chernozhukov et al.(2018) and the study of the racial test score gap by Fryer and Levitt(2013b). We draw samples of different sizes from the large original data and compare the subsample estimates to the estimates based on the original data.5 In both applications, we find substantial biases even when n is considerably larger than p, and we document that the magnitude of the biases varies substantially depending on the regularization choice. Given our theoretical results, simulations, and empirical evidence, a natural question is how to make statistical inferences in a reliable manner if one is concerned about OVBs. In many economic applications, p is comparable to but still smaller than n. This motivates 5For example, Koles´arand Rothe(2018) use a similar of exercise to illustrate the issues with discrete running variables in regression discontinuity designs.

5 the recent development of high-dimensional OLS-based inference procedures (e.g., Catta- neo et al., 2018; D’Adamo, 2018; Jochmans, 2020; Kline et al., 2020). These methods are based on OLS regressions with all controls and rely on novel variance estimators that are robust to the inclusion of many controls (unlike conventional variance estimators). Based on extensive simulations, we find that OLS with standard errors proposed by Cattaneo et al. (2018) demonstrates excellent coverage accuracy across all our simulation designs. Another advantage of OLS-based methods over Lasso-based inference methods is that the former do not rely on any sparsity assumptions. This is important because sparsity assumptions may not be satisfied in applications and, as this paper shows, the OVBs of Lasso-based infer- ence procedures can be substantial even when k is small and n is large and larger than p. However, OLS yields somewhat wider confidence intervals than the Lasso-based inference methods, suggesting a trade-off between coverage accuracy and the length of the confidence intervals. Our analyses suggest two main recommendations concerning the use of post double Lasso in empirical studies. First, if the estimates of α∗ are robust to increasing the recommended regularization parameters in both Lasso steps, this suggests that either the OVBs are negli- gible (Regime (ii)) or under-selection is unlikely (Regime (iii)). In either case, post double Lasso is a reliable and efficient method. Otherwise, modern high-dimensional OLS-based inference methods constitute a possible alternative when p is smaller than n. Second, our findings highlight the importance of augmenting the final OLS regression in post double Lasso with control variables motivated by economic theory and prior knowledge, as suggested by Belloni et al.(2014).

6 2 Lasso and post double Lasso

2.1 The Lasso

Consider the following model

∗ Yi = Xiθ + εi, i = 1, . . . , n, (3)

n n where {Yi}i=1 = Y is an n-dimensional response vector, {Xi}i=1 = X is an n × p matrix of n covariates with Xi denoting the ith row of X, {εi}i=1 = ε is a zero-mean error vector, and θ∗ is a p-dimensional vector of unknown coefficients. The Lasso estimator of θ∗, which was first proposed by Tibshirani(1996), is given by

n p ˆ 1 X 2 X θ ∈ arg min (Yi − Xiθ) + λ |θj| , (4) θ∈Rp 2n i=1 j=1

2 where λ is the regularization parameter. Let ε ∼ N (0n, σ In) and X be a fixed design

−1 Pn 2 matrix with normalized columns (i.e., n i=1 Xij = 1 for all j = 1, . . . , p). In this ex- ample, Bickel et al.(2009) set λ = 2σp2n−1 (1 + τ) log p (where τ > 0) to establish upper q Pp ˆ ∗ 2 bounds on j=1(θj − θj ) with a high probability guarantee. To establish perfect se- lection, Wainwright(2009) sets λ proportional to σφ−1p(log p) /n, where φ ∈ (0, 1] is a measure of correlation between the covariates with nonzero coefficients and those with zero coefficients. Besides the classical choices in Bickel et al.(2009) and Wainwright(2009), other choices of λ are available in the literature. For instance, Belloni et al.(2012) and Belloni et al.(2016) propose choices that accommodate heteroscedastic and clustered errors. The regularization choice of Belloni et al.(2012), which is recommended by Belloni et al.(2014) for post double

7 Lasso, is based on the following Lasso program:

n p ˆ 1 X 2 λ X ˆ θ ∈ arg min (Yi − Xiθ) + |ljθj|, (5) θ∈Rp n n i=1 j=1

ˆ ˆ where (l1,..., lp) are penalty loadings obtained using the iterative algorithm developed in Belloni et al.(2012). Finally, a very popular practical approach for choosing λ is cross-validation; see, for exam- ple, Homrighausen and McDonald(2013, 2014) and Chetverikov et al.(2020) for theoretical results on cross-validated Lasso.

2.2 Post double Lasso

The model (1)–(2) implies the following reduced form model for Yi:

∗ Yi = Xiπ + ui, (6)

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ where π = γ α + β and ui = ηi + α vi. The post double Lasso, introduced by Belloni et al.(2014), essentially exploits the Frisch- Waugh theorem, where the regressions of Y on X and D on X are implemented with the Lasso:

n p 1 X 2 X πˆ ∈ arg min (Yi − Xiπ) + λ1 |πj| , (7) π∈Rp 2n i=1 j=1 n p 1 X 2 X γˆ ∈ arg min (Di − Xiγ) + λ2 |γj| . (8) γ∈Rp 2n i=1 j=1

The final estimatorα ˜ of α∗ is then obtained from an OLS regression of Y on D and the union of selected controls

n  ˜ 1 X 2 nˆ ˆ o α,˜ β ∈ arg min (Yi − Diα − Xiβ) s.t. βj = 0 ∀j∈ / I1 ∪ I2 , (9) α∈R,β∈Rp 2n i=1

8 ˆ ˆ where I1 = supp (ˆπ) = {j :π ˆj 6= 0} and I2 = supp (ˆγ) = {j :γ ˆj 6= 0}.

3 Numerical example

This section presents a simple numerical example illustrating the OVB of post double Lasso.

All computations were performed in Matlab (MATLAB, 2020). The Lasso is implemented using the built-in function lasso. We consider a simple but classical setting that is often considered favorable to the performance of the Lasso. The data are simulated according

iid iid iid to the structural model (1)–(2), where Xi ∼ N (0p,Ip), ηi ∼ N (0, 1), and vi ∼ N (0, 1) are independent of each other. Our object of interest is α∗. We set n = 500, p = 200,

∗ ∗ ∗ α = 0, and consider a sparse setting where βj = γj = c · 1 {j ≤ k} for j = 1, . . . , p and k = 5. Following the simulation exercise in Belloni et al.(2014), we vary the population R2s in (2) and (6) by varying the magnitude of the non-zero coefficients c. We employ the regularization parameter choice by Bickel et al.(2009). Figure2 displays the finite sample distribution of post double Lasso for different values of R2. For comparison, we plot the distribution of the “oracle estimator” of α∗, a regression

∗ ∗ of Yi − Xiπ on Di − Xiγ . The finite sample behavior of post double Lasso depends on how many of the k = 5 relevant controls get selected in both Lasso steps. Figure3 shows histograms of the number of selected relevant controls. [FIGURES2 AND3 HERE.] When R2 = 0.5, post double Lasso exhibits an excellent performance. The finite sample distribution is well-approximated by the normal distribution of the oracle estimator and centered at α∗ = 0. The reason for the excellent performance is that all k = 5 controls are selected with high probability such that post double Lasso essentially coincides with an OLS regression of Yi on Di and the five relevant controls. Let us now consider what happens if we decrease the magnitude of the coefficients and the implied R2. For R2 = 0.3, post double Lasso exhibits a large finite sample bias. Moreover, the distribution of post double Lasso differs substantially from the distribution of the oracle

9 estimator: it has a larger standard deviation and is slightly skewed. This distribution is a mixture of the distributions of OLS conditional on the two Lasso steps selecting different combinations of relevant controls (Panel (b) in Figure3). For R2 = 0.1, post double Lasso again exhibits a significant bias. At the same time, the shape of the distribution is similar to that of the oracle estimator. This is because, with high probability, none of the controls gets selected, while the coefficients are large enough to cause an OVB. Decreasing the R2 to 0.01 reduces the bias. However, it does not change the shape of the finite sample distribution because the selection performance remains unchanged. The simple numerical example in this section shows that post double Lasso can suffer from OVBs when the two Lasso steps do not select all relevant controls. The magnitude of the coefficients corresponding to the omitted controls can be large enough such that the OVB shifts the location of the finite sample distribution far away from the true value α∗ = 0. The issue documented here is not a “small sample” phenomenon but persists even in large sample settings; see Appendix C.1.

4 Theoretical analysis

This section provides a theoretical analysis of the OVB of post double Lasso. Our goal here is to demonstrate that, even in simple examples with classical assumptions (e.g., normal homoscedastic errors, orthogonal designs for the relevant controls), which are often viewed favorable to the performance of Lasso, the finite sample OVBs of post double Lasso can be substantial relative to the standard deviation provided in the existing literature. We first establish a new necessary result for the Lasso’s inclusion and then derive lower and upper bounds on the OVBs of post double Lasso. These results are derived for fixed (n, p, k) and are also valid when (k log p) /n → 0 or (k log p) /n → ∞. As it will become clear in the following, p needs to be large enough for our results to be informative. Without loss of

T  generality, we normalize the matrix X such that Xj Xj /n = 1 for all j = 1, . . . , p. We

10 focus on fixed designs (of X) to highlight the essence of the problem; see AppendixD for an extension to random designs. For the convenience of the reader, here we collect the notation to be used in the theoretical analysis. Let 1m denote the m−dimensional (column) vector of “1”s and 0m is defined

m Pm similarly. The `1−norm of a vector v ∈ R is denoted by |v|1 := i=1 |vi| and the `∞−norm

m of a vector v ∈ R is denoted by |v|∞ := maxi=1,...,m |vi|. The `∞ matrix norm (maximum P m absolute row sum) of a matrix A is denoted by kAk∞ := maxi j |aij|. For a vector v ∈ R and a set of indices T ⊆ {1, . . . , m}, let vT denote the sub-vector (with indices in T ) of v.

n×m For a matrix A ∈ R , let AT denote the submatrix consisting of the columns with indices

m in T . For a vector v ∈ R , let sgn(v) := {sgn(vj)}j=1,...,m denote the sign vector such that sgn(vj) = 1 if vj > 0, sgn(vj) = −1 if vj < 0, and sgn(vj) = 0 if vj = 0. Given a set K, let card (K) denote the cardinality of K. We denote max {a, b} by a∨b and min {a, b} by a∧b.

4.1 Stronger necessary results on the Lasso’s inclusion

Post double Lasso exhibits OVBs whenever the relevant controls are selected in neither (7) nor (8). To the best of our knowledge, there are no formal results strong enough to show that, with high probability, Lasso can fail to select the relevant controls in both steps. Therefore, we first establish a new necessary result for the single Lasso’s inclusion in Lemma1. To derive this result, we consider the following classical assumptions, which are often viewed favorable to the performance of the Lasso.

 ∗ Assumption 1. In terms of model (3), suppose: (i) K = j : θj 6= 0 6= ∅ and card (K) =

T T  T −1 k ≤ (n ∧ p); (ii) XK XK is a diagonal matrix; (iii) XKc XK XK XK = 1 − φ for ∞ some φ ∈ (0, 1], where Kc is the complement of K.

Known as the incoherence condition due to Wainwright(2009), part (iii) in Assumption

1 is needed for the exclusion of the irrelevant controls. Note that if the columns in XKc are orthogonal to the columns in XK (but within XKc , the columns need not be orthogonal to

11 each other), then φ = 1. Obviously a special case of this is when the entire X consists of mutually orthogonal columns (which is possible if n ≥ p). To provide some intuition for Assumption1(iii), let us consider the simple case where k = 1 and K = {1}, X is centered

−1 Pn p (such that {n i=1 Xij}j=1 = 0p), and the columns in X are normalized such that the standard deviations of X1 and Xj (for any j ∈ {2, 3, . . . , p}) are identical. Then, 1 − φ is

simply the maximum of the absolute (sample) correlations between X1 and each of the Xjs with j ∈ {2, 3, . . . , p}.

Lemma 1 (Necessary result on the Lasso’s inclusion). In model (3), suppose the εis are

2 independent over i = 1, . . . , n and εi ∼ N (0, σ ), where σ ∈ (0, ∞). Let Assumption1 hold. We solve the Lasso (4) with r 2σ 2 (1 + τ) log p λ ≥ (10) φ n   ˆ ∗ where τ > 0. Let E1 denote the event that sgn θj = −sgn θj for at least one j ∈ K, and   ˆ ∗ E2 denote the event that sgn θl = sgn (θl ) for at least one l ∈ K with

λ |θ∗| ≤ . (11) l 2

Then, we have

P (E1 ∩ E) = P (E2 ∩ E) = 0 (12) n o −1 T −1p −1 τ where E = n X ε ∞ ≤ σφ 2n (1 + τ) log p and P (E) ≥ 1 − 1/p . If (11) holds for all l ∈ K, we have

  1 θˆ = 0 ≥ 1 − . (13) P p pτ

Lemma1 shows that for large enough p, Lasso fails to select any of the relevant covariates with high probability if (11) holds for all l ∈ K. If such conditions hold with respect to both (1) and (2), then Lemma1 implies that the relevant controls are selected in neither (7) nor (8) with probability at least 1 − 2/pτ ; see Panels (c) and (d) of Figure3 for an illustration.

12 ∗ −1 −1 Let us rewrite (11) as |θl | = 2 |a| λ with |a| ∈ (0, 1]. Assume that |a| φ σ is bounded from above and away from zero; moreover, λ satisfies (10) and scales as p(log p) /n. These

∗ p conditions imply that |θl |  1/n in the classical asymptotic framework where n → ∞ and

∗ p is fixed. This regime of θl is exactly where classical procedures struggle to distinguish a coefficient from zero in low-dimensional settings. In the introduction, we have discussed the relationship of our result to that in Lahiri (2021). It is also interesting to compare Lemma1 with the results in Wainwright(2009).   ˆ τ Note that (12) implies P θl 6= 0 ≤ 1/p for any l ∈ K subject to (11). In comparison,

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Wainwright(2009) shows that whenever θl ∈ (λsgn (θl ) , 0) or θl ∈ (0, λsgn (θl )) for some l ∈ K, h   i 1 sgn θˆ = sgn (θ∗ ) ≤ . (14) P K K 2

Constant bounds in the form of (14) cannot explain that, with high probability, Lasso fails to select the relevant covariates in both (7) and (8) when p is sufficiently large.

Remark 1. As the choices of regularization parameters used in the vast majority of literature (e.g., Bickel et al., 2009; Wainwright, 2009; Belloni et al., 2012; Belloni and Chernozhukov, 2013; Belloni et al., 2014), the choice of λ in Lemma1 is derived from the principle that

−1 T λ should be no smaller than 2 maxj=1,...,p n Xj ε with high probability. In particular, our choice for λ takes the form of that in Wainwright(2009), but ours involves a sharper universal constant. Choosing regularization parameters in this form ensures the exclusion of irrelevant controls. In addition, our choice for λ has a scaling that can be achieved by the regularization parameters in Belloni et al.(2012), Belloni and Chernozhukov(2013), Belloni et al.(2014),

and coincides with that in Bickel et al.(2009) when the columns in XKc are orthogonal to the columns in XK (but within XKc , the columns need not be orthogonal to each other).

13 4.2 Lower bounds on the OVBs

In this section, we apply Lemma1 to derive lower bounds on the OVB of post double Lasso. We consider the structural model (1)–(2), which can be written in matrix notation as

Y = Dα∗ + Xβ∗ + η, (15)

D = Xγ∗ + v. (16)

In matrix notation, the reduced form (6) becomes

Y = Xπ∗ + u, (17) where π∗ = γ∗α∗ + β∗ and u = η + α∗v. We make the following assumptions about model (15)–(16).

Assumption 2. (i) The error terms η and v consist of independent entries drawn from

2 2 N 0, ση and N (0, σv ), respectively, where η and v are independent of each other; (ii) ¯ −1 Pn ¯ −1 Pn p ¯ the data are centered: D = n i=1 Di = 0, X = {n i=1 Xij}j=1 = 0p, and Y = −1 Pn  ∗  ∗ n i=1 Yi = 0; (iii) K = j : βj 6= 0 = j : γj 6= 0 6= ∅ and card (K) = k ≤ (n ∧ p).

Proposition1 derives a lower bound formula for the OVB of post double Lasso concerning the case where α∗ = 0.

Proposition 1 (OVB lower bound). Suppose α∗ = 0. Let Assumption1(ii)-(iii) and As-

−1 p −1 −1 p −1 sumption2 hold; λ1 = 2φ ση 2n (1 + τ) log p and λ2 = 2φ σv 2n (1 + τ) log p; for all j ∈ K and |a| , |b| ∈ (0, 1],

r r 2 (1 + τ) log p 2 (1 + τ) log p both β∗ = aφ−1σ and γ∗ = bφ−1σ . (18) j η n j v n

14 In terms of α˜ obtained from (9), we have

∗ |E (˜α − α |M)| ≥ max T1 (r) T2 (r) r∈(0,1] | {z } :=OVB


−2 k log p (1 + τ) |ab| φ ση n T1 (r) = , −2 2 k log p 4 (1 + τ) φ b σv n + (1 + r) σv −b2 (1 + τ) log p 1 −nr2  T (r) = 1 − k exp − − exp , 2 4φ2 pτ 8

 −1  for any r ∈ (0, 1], and M is an event with P (M) ≥ 1 − k exp − (4φ2) b2 (1 + τ) log p − 2/pτ .

Remark 2. In our theoretical results, we implicitly assume p is sufficiently large such that   1 − k exp − (4φ2)−1 b2 (1 + τ) log p − 2/pτ > 0. Indeed, probabilities in such a form are often referred to as the “high-probability” guarantees in the literature of (non-asymptotic) high-dimensional statistics concerning large p and small enough k. Recalling the definitions ˆ ˆ nˆ ˆ o of I1 and I2 in Section 2.2, the event M is the intersection of I1 = I2 = ∅ and an ad-

 −1 T ∗ ∗ −1 n o ∗ ˆ ˆ ditional event Et = n XK v ∞ ≤ t , t = 4 |b| λ2 . The event I1 = I2 = ∅ occurs τ with probability at least 1 − 2/p , and the event Et∗ occurs with probability at least 1 −

 2 −1 2  k exp − (4φ ) b (1 + τ) log p . The additional event Et∗ is needed for us to derive a non-   trivial lower bound. In particular, with probability at most k exp − (4φ2)−1 b2 (1 + τ) log p ,

−1 T ∗ we have n XK v ∞ ≥ t , and on this event, the lower bound in Proposition1 can be negative, which is uninformative for the absolute value of OVBs.

Let us compare the non-asymptotic lower bound in Proposition1 to the implications of the existing asymptotic results for the bias of post double Lasso. If σv is bounded away from zero and ση is bounded from above, the existing theory would imply that the biases of post double Lasso are bounded from above by constant·(k log p) /n, irrespective of whether

15 Lasso fails to select the relevant controls or not, and how small |a| and |b| are. The (positive)

∗ ∗ ∗ constant does not depend on (n, p, k, βK , γK , α ), and bears little meaning in the asymp- √ totic framework which simply assumes (k log p) / n → 0 among other sufficient conditions.

[The existing theoretical framework makes it difficult to derive an informative constant, and to our knowledge, the literature provides no such derivation.] The asymptotic upper bound

∗ ∗ ∗ constant · (k log p) /n does not distinguish cases that vary in (βK , γK , α ). By contrast, our lower bound analyses are informative about whether the upper bound can be attained by the magnitude of the OVBs and provide explicit constants. These features of our analysis are crucial for understanding the finite sample limitations of post double Lasso. In view of Propo- sition1, OVB is not a simple linear function of (k log p) /n in general, but roughly linear in   (k log p) /n when φ−2n−1k log p = o (1) and k exp − (4φ2)−1 b2 (1 + τ) log p + 2/pτ = o (1).

4.3 Key takeaways of our theoretical results

The finite sample behavior of post double Lasso can be characterized by three regimes: (i) non-negligible OVBs, (ii) negligible OVBs, and (iii) absence of OVBs. Regime (i) (non-negligible OVB). When double under-selection occurs with high prob- √ ability and (k log p) / n is not small enough, according to Proposition1, the OVB lower bound can be substantial compared to the standard deviation obtained from the asymp- totic distribution in Belloni et al.(2014). To gauge the magnitude of the OVB and explain why the confidence intervals proposed in the literature can exhibit under-coverage, it is in-

−1/2 structive to compare OVB with σα˜ = n (ση/σv), the standard deviation (ofα ˜) obtained from the asymptotic distribution in Belloni et al.(2014). 6 Let us consider an example with

n = 14238, p = 384 (as in Angrist and Frandsen, 2019), a = b = 1, ση = σv = 1, τ = 0.5, and

∗ ∗ φ = 0.5. If βj = 0.07 and γj = 0.07 for all j ∈ K, then OVB/σα˜ ≈ 0.27 when k = 1 and 6We thank Ulrich M¨uller for suggesting this comparison.

16 OVB/σα˜ ≈ 2.4 when k = 10; see Panel (c) of Figures2 and3 for an illustration of Regime (i). The OVBs can also be non-negligible when some but not all relevant controls are se- lected; see Panel (b) of Figures2 and3. These results suggest that, non-asymptotically, post double Lasso cannot avoid the “post-selection inference issues” raised in a series of papers by Leeb and P¨otscher (e.g., Leeb and P¨otscher, 2005, 2008, 2017).

ˆ ∗ −1 Regime (ii) (negligible OVB). By Lemma1 and (18), β − β = 2 |a| kλ1 and 1 ∗ −1 τ |γˆ − γ |1 = 2 |b| kλ2 with probability at least 1 − 2/p . If σv is bounded away from

zero, ση is bounded from above, and |a| = |b| = o (1), by a similar argument as in Belloni √ et al.(2014), we can show that n (˜α − α∗) is approximately normal and centered at zero, √ even if (k log p) / n is bounded away from zero and scales as a constant. Holding other

∗ ∗ factors constant, the magnitude of OVBs decreases as |βK | and |γK | decrease (i.e., as |a| and |b| decrease). As |a| and |b| become very small, the relevant controls become essentially irrelevant. Panel (d) of Figures2 and3 provides an illustration of Regime (ii). Regime (iii) (absence of OVB). All relevant controls will be selected when the magnitude of their coefficients is large enough. Specifically, for all j ∈ K, a > 3, b > 3, if

r r ∗ −1 2 (1 + τ) log p ∗ −1 2 (1 + τ) log p either β = aφ ση or γ = bφ σv , (19) j n j n then P [supp (ˆπ) = supp (π∗)] ≥ 1 − 1/pτ or P [supp (ˆγ) = supp (γ∗)] ≥ 1 − 1/pτ by standard n o  ˆ ˆ τ ˆ arguments (e.g., Wainwright, 2019). As a result, P I1 ∪ I2 = K ≥ 1 − 1/p (where I1 ˆ and I2 are defined in Section 2.2); i.e., the final OLS step (9) includes all the relevant controls with high probability. By similar argument as in Appendix A.2, on the high probability event nnˆ ˆ o o I1 ∪ I2 = K , the OVB ofα ˜ is zero. Panel (a) of Figures2 and3 provides an illustration of Regime (iii).

This “triple-regime” characterization suggests that one may assess the robustness of post

double Lasso by increasing the penalty level. If increasing λ1 and λ2 yields similar estimates α˜, then the underlying model could be in the regime where either the OVBs are negligible

17 (Regime (ii)) or under-selection in both Lasso steps is unlikely (Regime (iii)). By contrast, under Regime (i), the performance of post double Lasso can be quite sensitive to an increase

of λ1 and λ2. The rationale behind this heuristic lies in that the final step of post double Lasso, (9), is simply an OLS regression of Y on D and the union of selected controls from

(7)–(8). A natural question is by how much λ1 and λ2 should be increased for the robustness checks. For the regularization choice proposed in Belloni et al.(2014), we will show in the simulations of Section5 that an increase by 50% works well in practice. Finally, our theoretical results have interesting implications for the comparison between post double Lasso and post single Lasso, where the latter only relies on one Lasso step to select the relevant controls. Note that the magnitude of the OVB of the post single Lasso estimator of α∗ also falls into three regimes: (i) non-negligible OVB, (ii) negligible OVB, and (iii) absence of OVB. Thus, qualitatively, the OVBs of post single Lasso and post double Lasso have a similar behavior in finite samples. However, quantitatively, the magnitude of the OVBs can be much larger for the post single Lasso than for the post double Lasso, as

∗ −1 p −1 illustrated by the following example. If βj = aφ ση 2n (1 + τ) log p with |a| ∈ (0, 1],

∗ and γj ≥ 1, then the argument for showing Proposition1 in Appendix A.2 implies that the OVB lower bound scales roughly as |a| kp(log p) /n for the post single Lasso estimator   √ √ of α∗ (and note that |a| kp(log p) /n / (1/ n) = |a| k log p).

4.4 Additional theoretical results

In this section, we briefly summarize the additional theoretical results that are provided in the appendix. First, we also consider cases where α∗ 6= 0. The conditions required to derive the explicit formula are difficult to interpret when α∗ 6= 0. However, it is possible to provide easy-to-interpret scaling results (without explicit constants) for cases where α∗ 6= 0. Roughly, the scaling of our OVB lower bound can be as large as

σ  k log p k log p η ∨ |α∗| when → 0 σv n n

18 and σ k log p η ∨ |α∗| when → ∞. (20) σv n

These results reveal an interesting feature of the post double Lasso. The scaling of the OVB lower bound depends on |α∗| when the relevant controls are not selected. This is because

∗ the error u in the reduced form equation (17) involves α such that the choice of λ1 in (7) depends on |α∗| via the variance of u. By contrast, it is well-known that the OVB of OLS does not depend on |α∗| when relevant controls are omitted. Interested readers are referred to Propositions2 and3 in Appendix A.3 for details. Second, we also provide upper bounds on the OVB. We have seen in equation (20) that

∗ the lower bound on the OVBs scales as (ση/σv) ∨ |α | when (k log p) /n → ∞. Interestingly enough, we can also show that the upper bound on the OVB scales as in equation (20) despite q −1 Pn ∗ 2 (k log p) /n → ∞ and the Lasso being inconsistent in the sense n i=1 (Xiπˆ − Xiπ ) → q −1 Pn ∗ 2 ∞, n i=1 (Xiγˆ − Xiγ ) → ∞ with high probability. Interested readers are referred to Propositions4 and5 in Appendix A.6 for details.

5 Simulations and empirical evidence

To better understand the practical implications of the OVB of post double Lasso, in this sec- tion, we present the results from simulations and two empirical applications with widely-used regularization choices available in standard software packages. The analyses were carried out

using Matlab (MATLAB, 2020), R (R Core Team, 2021), and Stata (StataCorp., 2021).

5.1 Simulations

In this section, we present simulation evidence on the performance of post double Lasso with three choices of the regularization parameter: (i) the heteroscedasticity-robust proposal of

Belloni et al.(2012, 2014)( λBCCH) implemented using the R-package hdm with the double selection option (Chernozhukov et al., 2016), (ii) the regularization parameter with the

19 minimum cross-validated error (λmin) implemented using the R-package glmnet (Friedman et al., 2010), and (iii) the regularization parameter corresponding to the minimum plus one

standard deviation cross-validated error (λ1se) also implemented using glmnet. We use the same type of regularization parameter choice in both Lasso steps. We simulate data according to the DGP of Section3. To illustrate the role of the sample size n and the sparsity parameter k, we consider (i) (n, p, k) = (500, 200, 5), (ii) (n, p, k) = (1000, 200, 5), and (iii) (n, p, k) = (500, 200, 10). We show results for R2 ∈ {0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5} based on 1,000 simulation repetitions. AppendixC presents

additional simulation evidence, where we vary n, the distribution of (Xi, ηi, vi), the true value α∗, and also consider a heteroscedastic DGP. We start by investigating the selection performance of the two Lasso steps of post double Lasso. Panel (a) of Figure4 displays the average number of selected controls (i.e., the

ˆ ˆ 2 cardinality of I1 ∪ I2 in (9)) as a function of R . Lasso with λBCCH selects the lowest number

of controls. Choosing λ1se leads to a somewhat higher number of selected controls and results

2 in moderate over-selection for larger values of R . Lasso with λmin selects the highest number of controls and exhibits substantial over-selection. Panel (b) shows the corresponding average numbers of selected relevant controls. [FIGURE4 HERE.] Figure5 presents evidence on the bias of post double Lasso. To make the results eas- ier to interpret, we report the ratio of the bias to the empirical standard deviation. Post

double Lasso with λBCCH can exhibit biases that are more than two times larger than the standard deviation when (n, p, k) = (500, 200, 10). The bias can still be comparable to the standard deviation when (n, p, k) = (1000, 200, 5). Consistent with our theoretical discus- sions in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, the relationship between R2 and the ratio of bias to standard deviation is non-monotonic: it is increasing for small R2 and decreasing for larger R2. The

bias is somewhat smaller for λ = λ1se. Setting λ = λmin yields the smallest ratio of bias to standard deviation. Finally, we note that when R2 is large enough such that there is no under-selection, post double Lasso performs well and is approximately unbiased for all

20 regularization parameters. [FIGURE5 HERE.] The additional simulation evidence reported in AppendixC confirms these results but further shows that α∗ is an important determinant of the performance of post double Lasso because of its direct effect on the magnitude of the coefficients and the error variance in the reduced form equation (6). Moreover, we show that, while choosing λ = λmin works well when α∗ = 0, this choice can yield poor performances when α∗ 6= 0 (see Figure 14).

A similar phenomenon arises when using 0.5λBCCH instead of λBCCH: this choice works well when α∗ = 0 (see Figure7 below), but yields biases when α∗ 6= 0. We found that, under our DGPs, this is related to the fact that when α∗ 6= 0, (2) and (6) differ with respect to the underlying coefficients and noise variances, which leads to differences in the (over-)selection behavior of the Lasso. Thus, there is no simple recommendation for how to choose the regularization parameters in practice. The substantive performance differences between the three regularization choices suggest that post double Lasso is sensitive to the penalty levels in the intermediate case where R2 is small enough so that under-selection occurs but large enough to cause substantial

OVBs. To further investigate this issue, we compare the results for λBCCH, 0.5λBCCH, and

1.5λBCCH. Figure6 displays the average numbers of all selected controls (relevant or not) and selected relevant controls in both Lasso steps. The differences in the selection performance

2 are substantial. Lasso with 0.5λBCCH over-selects for all n and R , while Lasso with 1.5λBCCH under-selects unless R2 and n are large and k = 5. The differences get smaller as n increases and larger as k increases. [FIGURE6 HERE.]

Figure7 displays the ratio of bias to standard deviation. Choosing 0 .5λBCCH yields

2 small biases relative to the standard deviations for all R . By contrast, choosing 1.5λBCCH yields biases that can be more than six times larger than the standard deviations when (n, p, k) = (500, 200, 10) and still substantial when (n, p, k) = (1000, 200, 5). For very small and large values of R2, post double Lasso is less sensitive to the penalty level. In Section 7, we discuss how to interpret and use robustness checks with respect to the regularization

21 parameters in empirical applications. [FIGURE7 HERE.] In sum, our simulation evidence shows that (i) under-selection can lead to large biases relative to the standard deviations, (ii) the performance of post double Lasso can be very sen- sitive to the choice of regularization parameters, and (iii) there is no simple recommendation for how to choose the regularization parameters in practice.

5.2 Empirical evidence

5.2.1 The effect of 401k plans on total wealth

We revisit the analysis of the causal effect of eligibility for 401(k) plans (D) on total wealth (Y ).7 We use the data on n = 9915 households from the 1991 SIPP (Belloni et al., 2017a) analyzed by Belloni et al.(2017b) and Chernozhukov et al.(2018) with high-dimensional methods. We consider two different specifications of the control variables (X).

1. Two-way interactions (TWI) specification. We use the same set of low-dimensional control variables as in Benjamin(2003) and Chernozhukov and Hansen(2004): seven income dummies, five age dummies, family size, four education dummies, and dum- mies for marital status, two-earner status, defined benefit pension status, individual retirement account (IRA) participation status, and homeownership. Following common empirical practice, we augment this baseline specification with all two-way interactions. After removing collinear columns there are p = 167 control variables. 7 The effect of 401(k) plans is well-studied. We estimate intention to treat effect of 401(k) eligibility on assets as, e.g., in Poterba et al.(1994, 1995, 1998) and Benjamin(2003). Other studies have used 401(k) eligibility to instrument for the actual 401(k) participation status (e.g., Abadie, 2003; Chernozhukov and Hansen, 2004; Belloni et al., 2017b; W¨uthrich, 2019).

22 2. Quadratic spline & interactions (QSI) specification. This is the “Quadratic Spline Plus Interactions specification” of Belloni et al.(2017b, p.265). It contains dummies for marital status, two-earner status, defined benefit pension status, IRA participation status, and homeownership, second-order polynomials in family size and education, a third-order polynomial in age, a quadratic spline in income with six break- points, as well as interactions of all the non-income variables with each term in the income spline. After removing collinear columns there are p = 272 control variables.

Table1 presents post double Lasso estimates based on the whole sample with λBCCH,

0.5λBCCH, and 1.5λBCCH. For comparison, we also report OLS estimates with and without controls. For both specifications, the results are qualitatively similar across the different regularization choices and similar to OLS with all controls. This is possible as n is much larger than p. Nevertheless, there are some non-negligible quantitative differences between the point estimates. A comparison to OLS without control variables shows that omitting controls can yield substantial OVBs in this application.[TABLE1 HERE.] To investigate the impact of under-selection, we perform the following exercise. We draw random subsamples of size ns ∈ {200, 400, 800, 1600} with replacement from the original

∗ dataset. Based on each subsample, we estimate α using post double Lasso with λBCCH,

0.5λBCCH, and 1.5λBCCH and compute the bias as the difference between the average sub- sample estimate and the point estimate based on the original data with the same type of regularization choice in Table1. The results are based on 1,000 simulation repetitions. Figures8 displays the bias and the ratio of bias to standard deviation for both specifi- cations. We find that post double Lasso can exhibit large finite sample biases. The biases under the QSI specification tend to be smaller (in absolute value) than the biases under the TWI specification. Interestingly, the ratio of bias to standard deviation may not be mono- tonically decreasing in ns (in absolute value) due to the standard deviation decaying faster than the bias. Finally, we find that post double Lasso can be very sensitive to the penalty level. [FIGURE8 HERE.]

23 5.2.2 Racial differences in the mental ability of children

We revisit Fryer and Levitt(2013b)’s analysis of the racial differences in the mental ability of young children based on data from the US Collaborative Perinatal Project (Fryer and Levitt, 2013a). As in the reanalysis of Chernozhukov et al.(2020), we restrict the sample to Black and White children so that our final sample includes n = 30002 observations. We focus on the standardized test score in the Wechsler Intelligence Test at the age of seven as our outcome variable (Y ). The variable of interest (D) is an indicator for Black children. We use the same specification as in Fryer and Levitt(2013b), excluding interviewer fixed effects. The control variables (X) include extensive information on socio-demographic characteristics, the home environment, and the prenatal environment; see their Table 1B for descriptive statistics. After removing collinear terms there are p = 78 controls.

Table2 shows the results for post double Lasso with λBCCH, 0.5λBCCH, and 1.5λBCCH, as well as OLS with and without controls based on the whole sample. Since n = 30002 is much larger than p = 78, all methods except for OLS without controls yield similar results. [TABLE2 HERE.]

To investigate the impact of under-selection, we draw random subsamples of size ns ∈ {200, 400, 800, 1600} with replacement from the original dataset. In each sample, we estimate

∗ α using post double Lasso with λBCCH, 0.5λBCCH, and 1.5λBCCH and compute the bias as the difference between the average estimate based on the subsamples and the estimate based on the original data with the same type of regularization choice. The results are based on 1,000 simulation repetitions. Figure9 displays the bias and the ratio of bias to standard deviation. While the mag- nitude of the bias is decreasing in ns, it can be substantial and larger than the standard deviation when ns is small. Moreover, the performance of post double Lasso is very sensitive to the choice of the regularization parameters. With 0.5λBCCH, post double Lasso is approx- imately unbiased for all ns, whereas, with 1.5λBCCH, the bias is comparable to the standard deviation even when ns = 1600. [FIGURE9 HERE.]

24 6 Implications for inference and comparison to high-

dimensional OLS-based methods

The OVBs have important consequences for making inferences based on post double Lasso. Figure 10 displays the coverage rates of 90% confidence intervals based on the DGPs in Sec- tion 5.1 and shows that the OVB of post double Lasso can cause substantial under-coverage even when n = 1000 and k = 5. The most important determinant of the under-coverage is the sparsity parameter k. Our results show that the requirement on k for guaranteeing a good finite sample coverage accuracy for all R2 can be quite stringent. [FIGURE 10 HERE.] These results prompt the question of how to make inference in a reliable manner when one is concerned about OVBs. In many economic applications, p is comparable to but still smaller than n. In such settings, OLS-based inference procedures provide a natural alternative to Lasso-based methods. Under classical conditions, OLS is the best linear unbiased estimator and admits exact finite sample inference as long as p + 1 ≤ n (recalling that the number of regression coefficients is p + 1 in (1)). Unlike the Lasso-based inference methods, OLS does not rely on any sparsity assumptions. This is important because sparsity assumptions may not be satisfied in applications and, as we show in this paper, the OVBs of Lasso-based inference procedures can be substantial even when k is small and n is large and larger than p. Indeed, OLS-based inference exhibits desirable optimality properties absent sparsity (or other restrictions) on β∗.8 While OLS is unbiased, constructing standard errors is challenging when p is large. For 8 For one-sided testing problems, the one-sided t-test based on OLS with all controls is the uniformly most powerful test; for two-sided problems, the two-sided t-test is the uniformly most powerful unbiased test (van der Vaart, 1998). We refer to Section 4 in Armstrong and Kolesar(2016), Section 5.5 in Elliott et al.(2015), and Section 2.1 in Li and M¨uller(2021) for further discussions.

25 instance, Cattaneo et al.(2018) show that conventional Eicker-White robust standard errors are inconsistent under asymptotics where p grows as fast as n. This result motivates a recent literature to develop high-dimensional OLS-based inference procedures that are valid in settings with many controls (e.g., Cattaneo et al., 2018; Jochmans, 2020; Kline et al., 2020). Figures 11 compares the finite sample performance of post double Lasso and OLS with the heteroscedasticity robust HCK standard errors proposed by Cattaneo et al.(2018). Panel (a) shows that OLS exhibits close-to-exact empirical coverage rates irrespective of the magnitude of the coefficients and the implied R2. The additional simulation evidence in AppendixC confirms the excellent performance of OLS with HCK standard errors. Panel (b) displays the average length of 90% confidence intervals and shows that OLS yields somewhat wider confidence intervals than post double Lasso. [FIGURE 11 HERE.] In sum, our simulation results suggest that modern OLS-based inference methods that accommodate many controls may constitute a viable alternative to Lasso-based inference methods. These methods are unbiased and demonstrate an excellent size accuracy, irrespec- tive of the magnitude of the coefficients corresponding to the relevant controls. However, there is a trade-off because OLS yields somewhat wider confidence intervals than post double Lasso. Finally, it is worth noting that we consider settings where one can easily invert XT X and the OLS and HCK variance estimators are numerically stable. In the case of singular or nearly singular XT X, regularization is often unavoidable; see Section7 for a discussion of alternatives to OLS and Lasso-based inference methods.

26 7 Recommendations for empirical practice

Here we summarize the practical implications of our results and provide guidance for empir- ical researchers. First, the simulation evidence in Section5 and AppendixC along with the theoretical results (see Section 4.3) suggest the following heuristic: if the estimates of α∗ are robust to increasing the theoretically recommended regularization parameters in the two Lasso steps, post double Lasso could be a reliable and efficient method. Therefore, we recommend to al- ways check whether empirical results are robust to increasing the regularization parameters. Based on our simulations, a simple rule of thumb is to increase by 50% the regularization parameters proposed in Belloni et al.(2014). Robustness checks are standard in other con- texts (e.g., bandwidth choices in regression discontinuity designs), and our results highlight the importance of such checks in the context of Lasso-based inference methods. Second, following Belloni et al.(2014), we recommend to always augment the union of selected controls with an “amelioration” set of controls motivated by economic theory and prior knowledge to mitigate the OVBs. Third, our simulations show that in moderately high-dimensional settings where p is comparable to but smaller than n, recently developed OLS-based inference methods that are robust to the inclusion of many controls exhibit better size properties. These simulation results suggest that high-dimensional OLS-based procedures constitute a possible alternative to Lasso-based inference methods. Forth, OLS-based methods are not applicable when p > n, and the OLS and variance estimators can be numerically unstable under severe multi-collinearity even if p < n. In such cases, regularization is often needed. Ridge regressions, which impose restrictions on the Euclidean norm of β∗, avoid variable selection and may be a useful alternative to the Lasso; see also Armstrong et al.(2020) for related restrictions on β∗. Finally, in many economic applications, researchers start with a small number of raw controls and want to use a flexible non-parametric model to capture the dependence of

27 outcomes on controls while maintaining a simple parametric form for modeling the variables of interest. Such a specification leads to the classical partially linear models. In fact, Belloni et al.(2014) motivate post double Lasso with these models. If one is concerned about OVBs, inference methods that do not rely on variable selection are natural alternatives to post double Lasso. Under suitable smoothness restrictions on the non-parametric component, inference on the parameter of interest in partially linear models is a well-studied problem (e.g., Robinson, 1988; Newey and McFadden, 1994). The frameworks proposed in these papers can be built upon procedures such as sieves (e.g., Chen, 2007), local non-parametric methods (e.g., Fan and Gijbels, 1996), and kernel ridge regressions (e.g., Sch¨olkopf and Smola, 2002).

8 Conclusion

Given the rapidly increasing popularity of Lasso and Lasso-based inference methods in em- pirical economic research, it is crucial to better understand the merits and limitations of these new tools, and how they compare to other alternatives such as the high-dimensional OLS-based procedures. This paper presents theoretical results as well as simulation and empirical evidence on the finite sample behavior of post double Lasso and the debiased Lasso (in the appendix). Specifically, we analyze the finite sample OVBs arising from the Lasso not selecting all the relevant control variables. Our results have important practical implications, and we provide guidance for empirical researchers. We focus on the implications of under-selection for post double Lasso and the debiased Lasso in linear regression models. However, our results on the under-selection of the Lasso also have important implications for other inference methods that rely on Lasso as a first-step estimator. Towards this end, an interesting avenue for future research would be to investigate the impact of under-selection on the performance of the Lasso-based approaches proposed by

28 Belloni et al.(2014), Farrell(2015), Belloni et al.(2017b), and Chernozhukov et al.(2018) for non-linear models. In moderately high-dimensional settings where p is smaller than but comparable to n, it would also be interesting to compare the treatment effects estimators in Belloni et al.(2014) to the robust finite sample methods proposed by Rothe(2017). Finally, this paper motivates further examinations of the practical usefulness of Lasso- based inference procedures and other modern high-dimensional methods. For example, An- grist and Frandsen(2019) present interesting simulation evidence on the finite sample behav- ior of Lasso-based IV methods (e.g., Belloni et al., 2012). It would be interesting to explore the implications of our theoretical results on the under-selection of the Lasso in problems with weak instruments.


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35 Figures and tables

Figure 1: Illustration of bias and double under-selection

0.25 6 Bias of post double Lasso Number of selected controls 5 0.2

4 0.15

3 Bias 0.1 2


1 Number of selected controls selected of Number

0 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Magnitude of and for j=1,...,5 j j

Notes: The figure shows the bias (solid line) of the post double Lasso estimatorα ˜ and the average number of selected controls (dotted line) as a function of the magnitude of the coefficients associated with the relevant controls. We generate the data based on (1)–(2),

iid iid iid where Xi ∼ N (0,Ip), ηi ∼ N (0, 1), and vi ∼ N (0, 1) are independent of each other. We

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ set (n, p) = (500, 200), α = 0, and βj = γj . We vary the magnitude of βj and γj for

∗ ∗ j = 1, . . . , k, where k = 5, and set βj = γj = 0 for j > k. We use the Lasso regularization choice by Bickel et al.(2009).

36 Figure 2: Finite sample distribution

(a) R2 = 0.5 (b) R2 = 0.3

* *

True value, value, True value, True

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

(c) R2 = 0.1 (d) R2 = 0.01

* *

True value, value, True value, True

-0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

Notes: The grey histograms show the finite sample distributions and the black curves show the densities of the oracle estimators.

37 Figure 3: Number of selected relevant controls

(a) R2 = 0.5 (b) R2 = 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

(c) R2 = 0.1 (d) R2 = 0.01

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

38 Figure 4: Average number of selected controls

(a) All controls

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 40 40 60 50 30 30 40 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH λ λ λ

20 min 20 min 30 min λ1se λ1se λ1se 20 10 10 10 Number of selected controls Number of selected controls Number of selected controls 0 0 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 (b) Relevant controls

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 5 5 10 4 4 8 3 3 6 2 2 4

λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH 1 1 2 λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se Number of selected controls Number of selected controls Number of selected controls 0 0 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

39 Figure 5: Ratio of bias to standard deviation

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10

2.5 λBCCH 2.5 λBCCH 2.5 λBCCH λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se 1.5 1.5 1.5 Bias/Std Bias/Std Bias/Std 0.5 0.5 0.5 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

40 Figure 6: Average number of selected controls: sensitivity to penalty level

(a) All controls

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 40 40 40 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH λ λ λ 30 1.5 BCCH 30 1.5 BCCH 30 1.5 BCCH 20 20 20 10 10 10 Number of selected controls Number of selected controls Number of selected controls 0 0 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 (b) Relevant controls

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 5 5 10 4 4 8

λ 3 3 6 BCCH 0.5λBCCH λ 2 2 4 1.5 BCCH

λBCCH λBCCH 1 1 2 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 1.5λBCCH 1.5λBCCH Number of selected controls Number of selected controls Number of selected controls 0 0 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

41 Figure 7: Ratio of bias to standard deviation: sensitivity to penalty level

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 8 8 8 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 6 1.5λBCCH 6 1.5λBCCH 6 1.5λBCCH 4 4 4 Bias/Std Bias/Std Bias/Std 2 2 2 0 0 0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

42 Figure 8: Bias and ratio of bias to standard deviation

(a) TWI specification

Bias Bias/standard deviation

λBCCH 1.0 λBCCH 15000 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH λ λ 1.5 BCCH 0.8 1.5 BCCH 10000 0.6 Bias 0.4 Bias/Std 5000 0.2 0.0 0

200 400 600 800 1200 1600 200 400 600 800 1200 1600

n n (b) QSI specification

Bias Bias/standard deviation

λBCCH 0.8 λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.6 8000 1.5λBCCH 1.5λBCCH 0.4 4000 0.2 Bias Bias/Std 0.0 0 −0.4 −4000 200 400 600 800 1200 1600 200 400 600 800 1200 1600

n n

43 Figure 9: Bias and ratio of bias to standard deviation

Bias Bias/standard deviation 0.5 0.05 0.0 0.00 Bias −0.5 −0.05 Bias/Std

λ λ −1.0

−0.10 BCCH BCCH 0.5λBCCH 0.5λBCCH 1.5λBCCH 1.5λBCCH −1.5 −0.15 200 400 600 800 1200 1600 200 400 600 800 1200 1600

n n

44 Figure 10: Coverage 90% confidence intervals

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 Coverage Coverage Coverage 0.4 0.4 0.4 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH λmin λmin λmin

0.2 λ1se 0.2 λ1se 0.2 λ1se

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

45 Figure 11: Comparison to OLS with HCK standard errors

(a) Coverage 90% confidence intervals

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 λ λ λ

Coverage BCCH Coverage BCCH Coverage BCCH 0.4 0.4 0.4 λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se

0.2 OLS (HCK) 0.2 OLS (HCK) 0.2 OLS (HCK)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 (b) Average length 90% confidence intervals

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10

0.30 0.30 λBCCH 0.30 λmin λ1se OLS (HCK) 0.20 0.20 0.20


0.10 λmin 0.10 0.10 λmin Average length CI Average λ1se length CI Average length CI Average λ1se OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

46 Table 1: Results based on original data

TWI specification (p = 167)

Method Point estimate Robust std. error

Post double Lasso (λBCCH) 6624.47 2069.62

Post double Lasso (0.5λBCCH) 6432.36 2073.25

Post double Lasso (1.5λBCCH) 7474.51 2052.89 OLS with all controls 6751.91 2067.86 OLS without controls 35669.52 2412.02

QSI specification (p = 272)

Method Point estimate Robust std. error

Post double Lasso (λBCCH) 4558.97 2015.90

Post double Lasso (0.5λBCCH) 5638.04 1992.68

Post double Lasso (1.5λBCCH) 4406.55 2028.20 OLS with all controls 5988.41 2033.02 OLS without controls 35669.52 2412.02

47 Table 2: Results based on original data

Method Point estimate Robust std. error

Post double Lasso (λBCCH) -0.6770 0.0114

Post double Lasso (0.5λBCCH) -0.6762 0.0114

Post double Lasso (1.5λBCCH) -0.6778 0.0114 OLS with all controls -0.6694 0.0115 OLS without controls -0.8538 0.0105

48 Online Appendix to “Omitted variable bias of Lasso-based inference methods: A finite sample analysis”

A Proofs for the main results1

B Debiased Lasso 17

C Additional simulations for post double Lasso 21

D Theoretical results for random designs 24


Here we collect additional notation that is not provided in the main text. The `q−norm

m Pm q 1/q of a vector v ∈ R is denoted by |v|q, 1 ≤ q < ∞, where |v|q := ( i=1 |vi| ) . For

m T a vector v ∈ R , |v| denotes the m−dimensional vector (|v1|,..., |vm|) . For a matrix

n×m m−1 A ∈ R , the `2−operator norm of A is defined as kAk2 := supv∈Sm−1 |Av|2, where S =

m m×m {v ∈ R : |v|2 = 1}. For a square matrix A ∈ R , let λmin(A) and λmax(A) denote its minimum eigenvalue and maximum eigenvalue, respectively.

A Proofs for the main results

A.1 Lemma1


We will exploit the following Gaussian tail bound:

1 −t2  (Z ≥ t) ≤ exp P 2 2σ2

1 2 1 for all t ≥ 0, where Z ∼ N (0, σ ). Note that the constant “ 2 ” cannot be improved uniformly. q 2σ 2(1+τ) log p Given λ ≥ φ n where τ > 0 and the tail bound

 T   2  X ε −nt 1 P ≥ t ≤ exp 2 + log p ≤ τ n ∞ 2σ p

q σ 2(1+τ) log p for t = φ n , we have T X ε λ ≥ 2 (21) n ∞

1 with probability at least 1 − pτ . Let the event

( T r ) X ε σ 2 (1 + τ) log p E = ≤ . (22) n ∞ φ n

1 Note that P (E) ≥ 1 − pτ . Lemma1 relies on the following intermediate results. ˆ ˆ (i) On the event E,(4) has a unique optimal solution θ such that θj = 0 for j∈ / K. nˆ o  nˆ o (ii) If P θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩ E > 0, conditioning on θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩E, we must have

λ θˆ − θ∗ ≥ . (23) j j 2

Claim (i) above follows from the argument in Wainwright(2019). To show claim (ii), we develop our own proof. The proof for claim (i) above is based on a construction called Primal-Dual Witness (PDW) method developed by Wainwright(2009). The procedure is described as follows.

ˆ 1. Set θKc = 0p−k.

2 ˆ ˆ 2. Obtain (θK , δK ) by solving

      ˆ 1 2 θK ∈ arg min |Y − XK θK | + λ |θK | , (24) k 2 1 θK ∈R 2n  | {z }  :=g(θK )

9 and choosing δˆ ∈ ∂ |θ | such that ∇g(θ )| ˆ + λδˆ = 0. K K 1 K θK =θK K

ˆ 3. Obtain δKc by solving 1 XT (Xθˆ − Y ) + λδˆ = 0, (25) n ˆ and check whether or not δKc < 1 (the strict dual feasibility condition) holds. ∞

Lemma 7.23 from Chapter 7 of Wainwright(2019) shows that, if the PDW construction ˆ ˆ succeeds, then θ = (θK , 0p−k) is the unique optimal solution of program (4). To show that ˆ the PDW construction succeeds on the event E, it suffices to show that δKc < 1. The ∞ details can be found in Chapter 7.5 of Wainwright(2019). In particular, under the choice of ˆ λ stated in Lemma1, we obtain that δKc < 1 and hence the PDW construction succeeds ∞ 1 conditioning on E where P (E) ≥ 1 − pτ . In summary, conditioning on E, under the choice of λ stated in Lemma1, program (4) ˆ ˆ has a unique optimal solution θ such that θj = 0 for j∈ / K. ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ We now show (23). By construction, θ = (θK , 0p−k), δK , and δKc satisfy (25) and therefore we obtain

1   1 XT X θˆ − θ∗ − XT ε + λδˆ = 0 , (26) n K K K K n K K k 1 T  ∗  1 T X c X θˆ − θ − X c ε + λδˆ c = 0 . (27) n K K K K n K K p−k

9For a convex function f : Rp 7→ R, δ ∈ Rp is a subgradient at θ, namely δ ∈ ∂f(θ), if f(θ + 4) ≥

f(θ) + hδ, 4i for all 4 ∈ Rp.

3 Solving the equations above yields

XT X −1 XT ε XT X −1 θˆ − θ∗ = K K K − λ K K δˆ . (28) K K n n n K

nˆ o In what follows, we will condition on θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩ E and make use of (21)-(22). XT ε K ˆ Let ∆ = n − λδK . Note that

XT X −1 XT ε ˆ ∗ K K ˆ K θK − θK ≥ λδK − , (29) n n

 T −1 XK XK where the inequality uses the fact that n is diagonal. In Step 2 of the PDW

ˆ ˆ ˆ procedure, δK is chosen such that δj = 1 for any j ∈ K with θj 6= 0; we therefore obtain

XT ε λ ˆ ∗ j θj − θj ≥ |λ| − ≥ n 2

where the second inequality follows from (21).

Main proof

In what follows, we let

n   o ˆ ∗ E1 = sgn θj = −sgn θj , for some j ∈ K ,

n ˆ  ∗ o E2 = sgn θj = sgn θj , for some j ∈ K such that (11) holds ,

n ˆ  ∗ o E3 = sgn θj = sgn θj , for some j ∈ K .

To show (13) in (iv), recall we have established that conditioning on E,(4) has a unique ˆ ˆ optimal solution θ such that θj = 0 for j∈ / K. Therefore, conditioning on E, the KKT condition for (4) implies   XT ε θ∗ − θˆ = λsgn θˆ − j (30) j j j n

4 ˆ for j ∈ K such that θj 6= 0.

We first show that P (E1 ∩ E) = 0. Suppose P (E1 ∩ E) > 0. We may then condition ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ on the event E1 ∩ E. Case (i): θj > 0 and θj < 0. Then, the LHS of (30), θj − θj > 0;   XT ε XT ε ˆ j j consequently, the RHS, λsgn θj − n = −λ − n > 0. However, given the choice of λ, T XT ε X ε j λ conditioning on E, λ ≥ 2 n and consequently, −λ − n ≤ − 2 < 0. This leads to a ∞ ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ contradiction. Case (ii): θj < 0 and θj > 0. Then, the LHS of (30), θj −θj < 0; consequently,   XT ε XT ε ˆ j j the RHS, λsgn θj − n = λ − n < 0. However, given the choice of λ, conditioning on T XT ε X ε j λ E, λ ≥ 2 n and consequently, λ − n ≥ 2 > 0. This leads to a contradiction. ∞ It remains to show that P (E2 ∩ E) = 0. We first establish a useful fact under the

∗ assumption that P (E3 ∩ E) > 0. Let us condition on the event E3 ∩ E. If θj > 0, we XT ε ∗ ˆ j λ ∗ ˆ ∗ have θj − θj = λ − n ≥ 2 > 0 (i.e., θj ≥ θj); similarly, if θj < 0, then we have XT ε ∗ ˆ j λ ∗ ˆ θj − θj = −λ − n ≤ − 2 < 0 (i.e., θj ≤ θj). Putting the pieces together implies that, for   ˆ ∗ j ∈ K such that sgn θj = sgn θj ,

∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ θj − θj = θj − θj . (31)

We now show that P (E2 ∩ E) = 0. Suppose P (E2 ∩ E) > 0. We may then condition on the event that E ∩ E. Because of (11) and (31), we have θ∗ − θˆ < λ . On the other hand, 2 j j 2

(23) implies that θ∗ − θˆ ≥ λ . We have arrived at a contradiction. Consequently, we must j j 2

have P (E2 ∩ E) = 0.

In summary, we have shown that P (E1 ∩ E) = 0 and P (E2 ∩ E) = 0. Claim (i) in ˆ “Preliminary” implies that P (E4|E) = 0 where E4 denotes the event that θj 6= 0 for some j∈ / K. Therefore, on E, none of the events E1, E2 and E4 can happen. This fact implies that, if (11) is satisfied for all l ∈ K, we must have

  1 θˆ = 0 ≥ 1 − (E c) ≥ 1 − . P p P pτ

5 A.2 Proposition1

We first show the case where ab > 0. Let the events

 T  XK v Et1 = ≤ t1, t1 > 0 , (32) n ∞ ( n ) 0 1 X E = v2 ≤ σ2 + t , t ∈ (0, σ2] . t2 n i v 2 2 v i=1

By tail bounds for Gaussian and Chi-Square variables, we have

 2  −nt1 P (Et1 ) ≥ 1 − k exp 2 , (33) 2σv  2   0  −nt E ≥ 1 − exp 2 . P t2 4 8σv

In the following proof, we exploit the bound

 0 ˆ   0 nˆ o P Et2 |I2 = ∅, Et1 ≥ P Et2 ∩ Et1 ∩ I2 = ∅  0  ˆ  ≥ P (Et1 ) + P Et2 + P I2 = ∅ − 2  2   2  1 −nt1 −nt2 ≥ 1 − τ − k exp 2 − exp 4 (34) p 2σv 8σv

ˆ where the third inequality follows from Lemma1, which implies I2 = ∅ with probability at  n o    −nt2  1 ˆ ˆ 1 1 least 1− τ . Note that Et1 ∩ I2 = ∅ ≥ (Et1 )+ I2 = ∅ −1 ≥ 1− τ −k exp 2 , p P P P p 2σv which is a “high probability” guarantee for sufficiently large p and t1. Thus, working with  0 ˆ  P Et2 |I2 = ∅, Et1 is sensible under an appropriate choice of t1 (as we will see below).

6 1 T n D XK ∗ We first bound 1 T βK . Note that n D D

1 DT X DT D−1  1  n K β∗ = (X γ∗ + v)T X β∗ 1 T K K K K K n D D n n DT D−1  1 1  = γ∗T XT X β∗ + vT X β∗ n n K K K K n K K γ∗T β∗ + 1 vT X β∗ = K K n K K , 1 ∗ T ∗ n (XK γK + v) (XK γK + v)

∗T ∗ −2 k log p λ2 and that γK βK = 2 (1 + τ) abφ σησv n . Moreover, applying (34) with t1 = |b| 4 and 2 t2 = rσv (where r ∈ (0, 1]) yields

∗T ∗ 1 T ∗ ∗T ∗ 1 T ∗ γK βK + v XK βK ≥ γK βK − v XK |βK |1 n n ∞ k log p ≥ (1 + τ) abφ−2σ σ (35) η v n

as well as

1 ∗ T ∗ ∗T ∗ 2 T ∗ 1 T (XK γK + v) (XK γK + v) ≤ γK γK + v XK |γK |1 + v v n n ∞ n k log p ≤ 4 (1 + τ) φ−2b2σ2 + σ2 + rσ2 (36) v n v v

with probability at least

−b2 (1 + τ) log p 1 −nr2  1 − k exp − − exp := T (r) . 4φ2 pτ 8 2

n o ˆ ∗ λ2 Conditioning on Et1 ∩ I2 = ∅ with t1 = t = |b| 4 , putting the pieces together yields

T −2 k log p D XK ∗ (1 + τ) abφ ση n β ≥ := T1 (r) , (37) DT D K −2 2 k log p 4 (1 + τ) φ b σv n + σv + rσv

7 with probability at least T2 (r). That is,

 T  D XK ∗ β ≥ T (r) |Iˆ = ∅, E ∗ ≥ T (r) . P DT D K 1 2 t 2

When α∗ = 0 in (15), the reduced form coefficients π∗ in (17) coincide with β∗ and u

∗ ∗ coincides with η. Given the conditions on X, η, v, βK and γK , we can then apply (13) ˆ ˆ  ˆ  ˆ  in Lemma1 and the fact P I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ P I1 = ∅ + P I2 = ∅ − 1 to show that n o ˆ ˆ 2 E = I1 = I2 = ∅ occurs with probability at least 1 − pτ . Note that with the choice  2  ∗ λ2 −b (1+τ) log p 2 ∗ ∗ t1 = t = |b| 4 , P (E ∩ Et ) ≥ P (E) + P (Et ) − 1 ≥ 1 − k exp 4φ2 − pτ , which is a “high probability” guarantee given sufficiently large p.10 Therefore, it is sensible to work

with E (˜α − α∗|M) where

M = E ∩ Et∗ . (38)

Given E,(9) becomes

1 2 ˜ α˜ ∈ arg min |Y − Dα|2 , while β = 0p. (39) α∈R 2n

 1 T   1 T  ∗ n D XK ∗ n D η As a result, we obtain E (˜α − α |M) = E 1 T βK |M + E 1 T |M and n D D n D D

 1 DT η  1  1 DT η  n |M = n 1 (D, η) E 1 T E 1 T M n D D P (M) n D D 1   1 DT η  = n 1 (D, η) |D ED Eη 1 T M P (M) n D D  1 Pn  1 DiEη [ηi1M (D, η) |D] = n i=1 ED 1 T P (M) n D D = 0 (40)

n XT v o ˆ ˆ K ∗ where 1M (D, η) = 1 (v, η): I1 = I2 = ∅, n ≤ t (recall X is a fixed design); the ∞

2 10  −b (1+τ) log p  2 Because v and η are independent of each other, the bound P (E ∩ Et∗ ) ≥ 1 − k exp 4φ2 − pτ 2  1   −b2(1+τ) log p  can be further sharpened to P (E ∩ Et∗ ) ≥ 1 − pτ − k exp 4φ2 .

8 1 Pn n last line follows from n i=1 Di = 0, the distributional identicalness of (ηi)i=1 and that

Eη [ηi1M (D, η) |D] is a constant over is.  1 T   1 T  n D XK ∗ n D XK ∗ ˆ ∗ It remains to bound E 1 T βK |M = E 1 T βK |I2 = ∅, Et . Note that condi- n D D n D D 1 T n D XK ∗ ∗ tioning on Et , 1 T βK is positive by (35). Applying a Markov inequality yields n D D

 1 T   T  n D XK ∗ D XK ∗ β |Iˆ = ∅, E ∗ ≥ T (r) β ≥ T (r) |Iˆ = ∅, E ∗ ≥ T (r) T (r) . E 1 T K 2 t 1 P T K 1 2 t 1 2 n D D D D

Combining the result above with (40) and maximizing over r ∈ (0, 1] gives the claim. We now show the case where ab < 0. The argument is almost similar. In particular, we use

∗T ∗ 1 T ∗ ∗T ∗ 1 T ∗ γK βK + v XK βK ≤ γK βK + v XK |βK |1 n n ∞ k log p ≤ − (1 + τ) |ab| φ−2σ σ < 0 η v n

and replace (35) with

1 k log p −γ∗T β∗ − vT X β∗ ≥ (1 + τ) |ab| φ−2σ σ . K K n K K η v n

Note that − 1 DT X   1 DT η  (α∗ − α˜|M) = n K β∗ |M − n |M . E E 1 T K E 1 T n D D n D D So the rest of the proof follows from the argument for the case where ab > 0.

A.3 Lower bounds on the OVBs of post double Lasso when α∗ 6= 0

For functions f(n) and g(n), we write f(n) % g(n) to mean that f(n) ≥ cg(n) for a universal

0 constant c ∈ (0, ∞) and similarly, f(n) - g(n) to mean that f(n) ≤ c g(n) for a universal

0 constant c ∈ (0, ∞); f(n)  g(n) when f(n) % g(n) and f(n) - g(n) hold simultaneously. As a general rule, c constants denote positive universal constants that are independent of n,

9 ∗ p, k, ση, σv, α and may change from place to place.

Proposition 2 (Scaling of OVB lower bound, Case I). Let Assumption1(ii)-(iii) and As-

−1 sumption2 hold. Suppose φ - 1; the regularization parameters in (7) and (8) are chosen q q −1 log p 11 −1 log p in a similar fashion as in Lemma1 such that λ1  φ ση n and λ2  φ σv n ; q q ∗ λ1 ∗ λ2 ∗ log p ∗ log p for all j ∈ K, βj ≤ 2 and γj ≤ 2 , but βj  ση n and γj  σv n . Let us ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ consider α˜ obtained from (9). If α γj ∈ (0, −βj ], βj < 0 for j ∈ K (or, α γj ∈ [−βj , 0),

∗ † ∗ ∗ βj > 0 for j ∈ K), then for some positive universal constants c , c1, c2, c3, c , c0,

  ∗ † ση k log p |E (˜α − α |M)| ≥ c ∧ 1 [1 − c1k exp (−c2 log p) − exp (−c3n)] , (41) σv n

∗ ∗ where M is an event with P (M) ≥ 1 − c k exp (−c0 log p).

Proposition 3 (Scaling of OVB lower bound, Case II). Let Assumption1(ii)-(iii) and

−1 Assumption2 hold. Suppose φ - 1; the regularization parameters in (7) and (8) are chosen ∗ q q (ση+|α |σv) log p −1 log p in a similar fashion as in Lemma1 such that λ1  φ n and λ2  φ σv n ; q ∗ λ2 ∗ log p for all j ∈ K, γj ≤ 2 but γj  σv n . Let us consider α˜ obtained from (9). ∗ † ∗ ∗ (i) If πj = 0 for all j ∈ K, then there exist positive universal constants c , c1, c2, c3, c , c0 such that

k log p  | (˜α − α∗|M)| ≥ c† |α∗| ∧ 1 [1 − c k exp (−c log p) − exp (−c n)] , (42) E n 1 2 3

∗ ∗ where P (M) ≥ 1 − c k exp (−c0 log p). q ∗ ∗ log p ∗ (ii) For all j ∈ K, suppose πj  (ση + |α | σv) n , and we have either (1) α < 0,

∗ ∗ ∗ λ1 ∗ ∗ ∗ λ1 ∗ βj > 0, γj > 0, 0 < πj ≤ 2 , or (2) α > 0, βj < 0, γj > 0, − 2 < πj < 0. Then † ∗ ∗ there exist positive universal constants c , c1, c2, c3, c , c0 such that (42) holds with P (M) ≥ q 11 −1 ∗ log p In general, λ1  φ (ση + |α | σv) n and the iterative algorithm for choosing λ1 in Belloni et al.

∗ ∗ ∗ (2014) achieves this scaling. Under the conditions on (βK , γK , α ) in Proposition2, this scaling is equivalent q −1 log p to φ ση n .

10 ∗ ∗ 1 − c k exp (−c0 log p).

∗ Remark 3. As the error in the reduced form equation (17) involves α , the choice of λ1 in (7) depends on the unknown α∗. Therefore, the scaling of the OVB lower bound can involve |α∗| when the relevant controls are not selected, as suggested by Proposition (3). The |β∗| dependence on |α∗| in Proposition (2) has been suppressed because |α∗| ≤ max j  ση . j∈K ∗ σv |γj |

A.4 Proof for Proposition2

Part (i) of Proposition2 follows immediately from the proof for Proposition1. It remains to

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ establish part (ii) where α 6= 0, α γj ∈ (0, −βj ], βj < 0 for all j ∈ K (or, α γj ∈ [−βj , 0),

∗ βj > 0 for all j ∈ K). Because of these conditions, we have

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ πj = βj + α γj < βj ∀j ∈ K.

|β∗| Note that |α∗| ≤ max j  ση and j∈K ∗ σv |γj |

T T ∗ X u X (η + α v) = n ∞ n ∞ T ∗ T X η α X v ≤ + n ∞ n ∞ r r log p ση log p - ση + σv n σv n r log p φ−1σ - η n

0 0  with probability at least 1−c1 exp −c2 log p . The fact above justifies the choice of λ1 stated ˆ in2. We can then apply (13) in Lemma1 to show that I1 = ∅ with probability at least

∗ 1 − c5 exp (−c6 log p). Furthermore, under the conditions on X and γK ,(13) in Lemma1 ˆ 0  implies that I2 = ∅ with probability at least 1 − c0 exp −c0 log p . Therefore, we have

ˆ ˆ  ˆ  ˆ  00  00  P I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ P I1 = ∅ + P I2 = ∅ − 1 ≥ 1 − c1 exp −c2 log p .

11 n o ∗ ∗ ˆ Given u = η + α v, when α 6= 0, the event I1 = ∅ is not independent of D, so  1 T   1 T  n o n D XK ∗ n D XK ∗ ∗ ˆ ∗ ˆ ˆ E 1 T βK |E, Et 6= E 1 T βK |I2 = ∅, Et (recalling E = I1 = I2 = ∅ ). Instead n D D n D D of (34), we apply

 0   0  P Et2 |E, Et1 ≥ P Et2 ∩ Et1 ∩ E

 0  ≥ P (Et1 ) + P Et2 + P (E) − 2  2  00  00  −nt1 ≥ 1 − c1 exp −c2 log p − k exp 2 2σv  2  −nt2 2 − exp 4 , for any t2 ∈ (0, σv ]. 8σv

The rest of the proof follows from the argument for Proposition1 and the bounds above.

A.5 Proof for Proposition3

Note that we have

T T ∗ X u X (η + α v) = n ∞ n ∞ T ∗ T X η α X v ≤ + n ∞ n ∞ r r log p log p σ + |α∗| σ , - η n v n

which justifies the choice of λ1 stated in Proposition3.

∗ For part (i), recall that πK = 0k. By (i) of the intermediate results in “Preliminary” of   ˆ 0  ∗ ∗ ∗ Section A.1, P (ˆπ = 0p) = P I1 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c exp −c log p . Substituting βK = −α γK in 1 T n D XK ∗ 1 T βK and following the rest of proof for Proposition2 yields the claim. n D D ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ For part (ii), for all j ∈ K, note that βj > −α γj > 0 in case (1) and βj < −α γj < 0

∗ in case (2). Under the conditions on X and πK ,(13) in Lemma1 implies that P (ˆπ = 0p) =   ˆ 0  ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ P I1 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c exp −c log p . Substituting βK > −α γK > 0 for case (1) and βj <

12 ∗ ∗ 1 T ∗ −α γj < 0 for case (2) in the derivation of the bounds for n D XK βK and following the rest of proof for Proposition2 yields the claim.

A.6 Upper bounds on the OVBs of post double Lasso

Proposition 4 (Scaling of OVB upper bound, Case I). Let Assumption1(ii)-(iii) and As-

−1 sumption2 hold. Suppose φ - 1; the regularization parameters in (7) and (8) are chosen q q −1 log p −1 log p in a similar fashion as in Proposition2 such that λ1  φ ση n and λ2  φ σv n ; q q ∗ ∗ ∗ λ1 ∗ λ2 ∗ log p ∗ log p for all j ∈ K, γj = γ , βj ≤ 2 and |γ | ≤ 2 , but βj  ση n and |γ |  σv n . Let us consider α˜ obtained from (9). Then for either α∗ = 0, or α∗ 6= 0 subject to the conditions

∗ ∗ in part (ii) of Proposition2, there exist positive universal constants c1, c2, c3, c4, c , c0 such that

  ∗ ˆ ˆ 2 P |α˜ − α | ≤ OVB|I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c1k exp (−c2 log p) − c3 exp −c4nr

  ˆ ˆ ∗ ∗ where P I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c exp (−c0 log p) and

( ) σ k log p  σ σ r ∨ k log p  OVB  max η ∧ 1 , v η n σ n k log p  2 v n ∨ 1 σv for any r ∈ (0, 1].

Proposition 5 (Scaling of OVB upper bound, Case II). Let Assumption1(ii)-(iii) and

−1 Assumption2 hold. Suppose φ - 1; the regularization parameters in (7) and (8) are chosen ∗ q q ση+|α |σv log p −1 log p in a similar fashion as in Proposition3 such that λ1  φ n and λ2  φ σv n ; q ∗ ∗ ∗ λ2 ∗ log p for all j ∈ K, γj = γ , |γ | ≤ 2 , but |γ |  σv n . Let us consider α˜ obtained from (9). ∗ ∗ ∗ (i) If πj = 0 for all j ∈ K, then there exist positive universal constants c1, c2, c3, c4, c , c0 such that

  ∗ ˆ ˆ 2 P |α˜ − α | ≤ OVB|I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c1k exp (−c2 log p) − c3 exp −c4nr (43)

13   ˆ ˆ ∗ ∗ where P I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c exp (−c0 log p) and

( ) k log p  σ σ r ∨ k log p  OVB  max |α∗| ∧ 1 , v η n n k log p  2 n ∨ 1 σv

for any r ∈ (0, 1]. q ∗ λ1 ∗ ∗ log p (ii) If 0 < πj ≤ 2 but πj  (ση + |α | σv) n for all j ∈ K, then there exist   ∗ ∗ ˆ ˆ positive universal constants c1, c2, c3, c4, c , c0 such that (43) holds with P I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥

∗ ∗ 1 − c exp (−c0 log p) and

( )  σ  k log p  σ σ r ∨ k log p  OVB  max |α∗| ∨ η ∧ 1 , v η n σ n k log p  2 v n ∨ 1 σv

for any r ∈ (0, 1].

0 c k 0 00 Remark 4. Suppose σv  1 and 00 is small for some positive universal constants c and c . pc q k log p 1 Pn ∗ 2 As n → ∞ (where both Lasso steps are inconsistent in the sense that n i=1 (Xiπˆ − Xiπ ) → q 1 Pn ∗ 2 ∞ and n i=1 (Xiγˆ − Xiγ ) → ∞ with high probability), Proposition4 implies that     OVB  ση and Proposition5 implies that OVB  |α∗| ∨ ση , and |α˜ − α∗| ≤ OVB|Iˆ = Iˆ = ∅ σv σv P 1 2 is large.

A.7 Proof for Proposition4

n o 1 DT X 1 DT η ˆ ˆ ∗ n K ∗ n Given I1 = I2 = ∅ , note that |α˜ − α | ≤ 1 T βK + 1 T . We make use of the n D D n D D following bound on Chi-Square variables:

" n n ! #  02  1 X 1 X 0 −nr v2 − v2 ≤ −σ2r ≤ exp (44) P n i E n i v 16 i=1 i=1

14 n o ∗ 0 ˆ ˆ ∗ |γ | 0 1 for all r ≥ 0. On the event I1 = I2 = ∅ , choosing t1 = t = 4 in (32) and r = 2 in (44) yields

1 T ∗T ∗ ∗ ∗ D XK γ β + |β | t n β∗ ≤ K K K 1 1 T K ∗T ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 2 n D D γK γK − 2 |γK |1 t + 2 σv c σ σ k log p ≤ 3 η v n k log p 2 2 c1 n σv + c2σv   ση k log p ≤ c4 ∧ 1 σv n

−n  with probability at least 1 − c5k exp (−c6 log p) − exp 64 . We can also show that

  1 T ˆ ˆ P D η ≤ t|I1 = I2 = ∅ n   n o 1 T ˆ ˆ ≥ P (η, v): D η ≤ t ∩ I1 = I2 = ∅ n     1 T ˆ ˆ ≥ P D η ≤ t + P I1 = I2 = ∅ − 1 n   1 T ≥ 1 − c5 exp (−c6 log p) − P D η > t . n

1 T ∗ 1 T 1 T Note that n D η ≤ k |γ | n X η ∞ + n v η where

  1 T 2 P v η σvσηr ≥ 1 − 2 exp −c7nr for any r ∈ (0, 1], n - r ! 1 T log p P X η - ση ≥ 1 − 2 exp (−c8 log p) . n ∞ n

15 The inequalities above yield

        !    r   1 T ∗ log p ˆ ˆ P D η (σvσηr) ∨ k |γ | ση  |I1 = I2 = ∅ n -  n        | {z }   k log p  σvση n

2 ≥1 − c5 exp (−c6 log p) − 2 exp −c7nr − 2 exp (−c8 log p) .

n o ˆ ˆ 1 T k log p  2 We have already shown that, conditioning on I1 = I2 = ∅ , n D D % n ∨ 1 σv with −n  probability at least 1 − c5k exp (−c6 log p) − exp 64 . As a consequence,

( ) 1 DT η σ σ r ∨ k log p  n v η n ˆ ˆ P |I1 = I2 = ∅ 1 DT D - k log p  2 n n ∨ 1 σv       1 T k log p 1 T k log p 2 ˆ ˆ ≥ P D η σvση r ∨ and D D ∨ 1 σv |I1 = I2 = ∅ n - n n % n     1 T k log p ˆ ˆ ≥ P D η σvση r ∨ |I1 = I2 = ∅ n - n  1 k log p   + DT D ∨ 1 σ2|Iˆ = Iˆ = ∅ − 1 P n % n v 1 2 2 ≥ 1 − c9k exp (−c10 log p) − c12 exp −c11nr .

Putting the pieces above together yields

  0  0  0  0  ∗ ˆ ˆ 2 P |α˜ − α | ≤ OVB|I1 = I2 = ∅ ≥ 1 − c1k exp −c2 log p − c4 exp −c3nr

 σ σ r∨ k log p  ση k log p  v η( n ) where OVB  max ∧ 1 , k log p . σv n 2 ( n ∨1)σv

A.8 Proof for Proposition5

1 DT X For part (i), substituting β∗ = −α∗γ∗ in n K β∗ and following the rest of proof for Propo- K K 1 DT D K n q ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ log p sition4 yields the claim. For part (ii), note that βj ≤ πj + α γj - (ση + |α | σv) n q ∗ ∗ log p for all j ∈ K. Substituting βj - (ση + |α | σv) n in the derivation of the upper bound

16 1 DT X n K ∗ for 1 T βK and following the rest of proof for Proposition4 yields the claim. n D D

B Debiased Lasso

In this section, we present theoretical and simulation results on the OVB of the debiased Lasso proposed by van de Geer et al.(2014).

B.1 Theoretical results   The idea of debiased Lasso is to start with an initial Lasso estimate θˆ = α,ˆ βˆ of θ∗ = (α∗, β∗) in equation (1), where

 ˆ 1 2 α,ˆ β ∈ arg min |Y − Dα − Xβ|2 + λ1 (|α| + |β|1) . (45) α∈R,β∈Rp 2n

Given the initial Lasso estimatorα ˆ, the debiased Lasso adds a correction term toα ˆ to reduce the bias introduced by regularization. In particular, the debiased Lasso takes the form

ˆ n Ω1 X   α˜ =α ˆ + ZT Y − Z θˆ , (46) n i i i i=1

ˆ ˆ where Zi = (Di,Xi) and Ω1 is the first row of Ω, which is an approximate inverse of

1 T n n Z Z, Z = {Zi}i=1. Several different strategies have been proposed for constructing the approximate inverse Ω;ˆ see, for example, Javanmard and Montanari(2014), van de Geer et al. (2014), and Zhang and Zhang(2014). We will focus on the widely used method proposed by van de Geer et al.(2014), which sets

  ˆ −2 Ω1 :=τ ˆ1 1 −γˆ1 · · · −γˆp , 1 τˆ2 := |D − Xγˆ|2 + λ |γˆ| , 1 n 2 2 1

whereγ ˆ is defined in (8).

17 Proposition 6 (Scaling of OVB lower bound for debiased Lasso). Let Assumption1(ii) and

T  T −1 Assumption2 hold. Suppose: with probability at least 1 − κ, Z−K XK XK XK ≤ ∞ φ −1 1 − 2 for some φ ∈ (0, 1] such that φ - 1, where Z−K denotes the columns in Z = (D,X) excluding XK ; the regularization parameters in (8) and (45) are chosen in a similar fashion q q −1 log p −1 log p as in Lemma1 such that λ1  φ (1 ∨ σv) ση n and λ2  φ σv n ; for all j ∈ K, q q ∗ λ1 ∗ λ2 ∗ log p ∗ log p βj ≤ 2 and γj ≤ 2 , but βj  [1 ∨ σv] ση n and γj  σv n . Let us consider α˜ ∗ † ∗ ∗ obtained from (46). If α = 0, then there exist positive universal constants c , c1, c2, c3, c , c0 such that

   ∗ 0  † ση k log p E α˜ − α |M ≥ c ∧ 1 [1 − 2κ − c1k exp (−c2 log p) − exp (−c3n)] , σv n

0 0  ∗ ∗ where M is an event with P M ≥ 1 − 2κ − c k exp (−c0 log p).

Proposition 7 (Scaling of OVB upper bound for debiased Lasso). Let Assumption1(ii) and

T  T −1 Assumption2 hold. Suppose: with probability at least 1 − κ, Z−K XK XK XK ≤ ∞ φ −1 1 − 2 for some φ ∈ (0, 1] such that φ - 1, where Z−K denotes the columns in Z = (D,X) excluding XK ; the regularization parameters in (8) and (45) are chosen in a similar fashion q q −1 log p −1 log p as in Proposition6 such that λ1  φ (1 ∨ σv) ση n and λ2  φ σv n ; for all q q ∗ ∗ ∗ λ1 ∗ λ2 ∗ log p ∗ log p j ∈ K, γj = γ , βj ≤ 2 and |γ | ≤ 2 , but βj  [1 ∨ σv] ση n and |γ |  σv n . Let us consider α˜ obtained from (46). If α∗ = 0, then there exist positive universal constants

∗ ∗ c1, c2, c3, c4, c , c0 such that

 ∗ ˆ  2 P |α˜ − α | ≤ OVB|θ = 0p+1, γˆ = 0p ≥ 1 − c1k exp (−c2 log p) − c3 exp −c4nr

  ˆ ∗ ∗ where P θ = 0p+1, γˆ = 0p ≥ 1 − 2κ − c k exp (−c0 log p) and

( ) σ k log p  σ σ r ∨ k log p  OVB  max η ∧ 1 , v η n σ n k log p  2 v n ∨ 1 σv for any r ∈ (0, 1].

18 Remark 5. One can show that a population version of the mutual incoherence condition,

 T   T −1 T  T −1 φ E Z−K XK XK XK = 1−φ, implies Z−K XK XK XK ≤ 1− 2 with high ∞ ∞ probability (that is, κ is small and vanishes polynomially in p). For example, we can apply (78) in Lemma5 with slight notational changes.

0 nˆ o Remark 6. The event M in Proposition6 is the intersection of θ = 0p+1, γˆ = 0p and an additional event, both of which occur with high probabilities. The additional event is needed in our analyses for technical reasons. See Appendix B.2 for details.

B.2 Proof for Propositions6 and7

Under the conditions in Proposition6,(13) in Lemma1 implies that ˆγ = 0p with probability 0  ˆ 1 T −1 at least 1 − c0 exp −c0 log p . Conditioning on this event, Ω1 = n D D e1 where e1 =   ∗ ˆ 1 0 ··· 0 . If α = 0, under the conditions in Proposition6, we show that θ = 0p+1

with probability at least 1 − 2κ − c5 exp (−c6 log p). To achieve this goal, we slightly modify

the argument for (13) in Lemma1 by replacing (22) with E = E1 ∩ E2, where

( T r ) Z η −1 log p E1 = - φ (1 ∨ σv) ση , n ∞ n   T  T −1 φ E2 = Z−K XK XK XK ≤ 1 − , ∞ 2

and Z−K denotes the columns in Z excluding XK . Note that by (65), P (E1) ≥ 1 − 0 0  0 0  c1 exp −c2 log p and therefore, P (E) ≥ 1 − κ − c1 exp −c2 log p . We then follow the argument used in the proof for Lemma1 to show P (E1 ∩ E) = 0 and P (E2 ∩ E) = 0, where

n  ˆ  ∗ o E1 = sgn βj = −sgn βj , for some j ∈ K ,

n  ˆ  ∗ o E2 = sgn βj = sgn βj , for some j ∈ K .

19 ˆ Moreover, conditioning on E,α ˆ = 0 and βKc = 0p−k. Putting these facts together yield the ˆ claim that θ = 0p+1 with probability at least 1 − 2κ − c5 exp (−c6 log p). nˆ o Letting E = θ = 0p+1, γˆ = 0p with P (E) ≥ 1 − 2κ − c1 exp (−c2 log p) and recalling

the event Et∗ in the proof for Proposition1, we can then show

 T   0  1  0  D X   0 α˜ − α∗|M = Ωˆ ZT η|M + K β∗ − βˆ |M E nE 1 E DT D K K  1 T   T  D η 0 D X 0 = n |M + K β∗ |M E 1 T E T K n D D D D  T  D X 0 = K β∗ |M E DT D K

0 0  ∗ ∗ where M = E ∩ Et∗ such that P M ≥ 1 − 2κ − c3k exp (−c4 log p) and the last line follows from the argument used to show (40). The rest of argument is similar to what is used in showing Proposition1. However,  1 T   1 T  n D XK ∗ n D XK ∗ ∗ ∗ because (45) involves D, E 1 T βK |E, Et 6= E 1 T βK |γˆ = 0p, Et . Instead of (32) n D D n D D and (34), we apply

 0   0  P Et2 |E, Et1 ≥ P Et2 ∩ Et1 ∩ E

 0  ≥ P (Et1 ) + P Et2 + P (E) − 2  2  −nt1 ≥ 1 − 2κ − c1 exp (−c2 log p) − k exp 2 2σv  2  −nt2 2 − exp 4 , for any t2 ∈ (0, σv ]. 8σv

Consequently, we have the claim in Proposition6. Following the argument used to show Proposition4, we also have the claim in Proposition 7.

20 B.3 Simulation evidence

Here we evaluate the performance of the debiased Lasso proposed by van de Geer et al. (2014) based on the simulation setting of the main text. We use cross-validation to choose the regularization parameters as this is the most commonly-used method in this literature. Figure 12 presents the results. Debiased Lasso exhibits substantial biases (relative to the standard deviation) and under-coverage for all except very small values of R2, and its per- formance is very sensitive to the regularization choice. A comparison to the results in the main text shows that post double Lasso performs better than debiased Lasso.12

C Additional simulations for post double Lasso

C.1 Large sample simulations based on the numerical example

The issue documented in the numerical example is not a small-sample phenomenon. Figure 13 shows that, even when (n, p) = (14238, 384) as in Angrist and Frandsen(2019) and k = 10, the finite sample distribution of post double Lasso may not be centered at the true value, and the bias can be large relative to the standard deviation. Compared to the results for (n, p) = (500, 200), under-selection and large biases occur at lower values of R2, and all the relevant controls get selected when R2 = 0.2.

C.2 Additional simulations

In the main text, we consider a setting with normally distributed control variables, normally distributed homoscedastic errors terms, and α∗ = 0. Here we provide additional simulation

12We found that one of the reasons for the relatively poor performance of debiased Lasso is that D is highly correlated with the relevant controls. Debiased Lasso exhibits a better performance when (D,X) exhibit a Toeplitz dependence structure as in the simulations reported by van de Geer et al.(2014).

21 Figure 12: Finite sample behavior of the debiased Lasso

(a) Ratio of bias to standard deviation

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 Bias/Std Bias/Std Bias/Std 0 0 0 λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se −1 −1 −1

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 (b) Coverage 90% confidence intervals

n=500, p=200, k=5 n=1000, p=200, k=5 n=500, p=200, k=10 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 Coverage Coverage Coverage

0.2 λmin 0.2 λmin 0.2 λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

evidence based on a more general model used in the simulations of Belloni et al.(2014):

∗ ∗ Yi = Diα + Xiβ + σy(Di,Xi)ηi, (47)

∗ Di = Xiγ + σd(Xi)vi, (48)

n where ηi and vi are independent of each other and {Xi, ηi, vi}i=1 consists of iid entries. The

∗ ∗ ∗ object of interest is α . We set p = 200 and consider a sparse setting where βj = γj = c · 1 {j ≤ k} for j = 1, . . . , p and k = 5. We consider six DGPs that differ with respect to n, the distributions of Xi, ηi, and vi, the specifications of σy(Di,Xi) and σd(Xi), as well as α∗. For DGP A4, we do not show results for OLS since n = p. We show results for

22 Figure 13: Performance with (n, p, k) = (14238, 384, 10)

(a) Finite sample distribution

R2 = 0.2 R2 = 0.01

* *

True value, value, True value, True

-0.05 0 0.05 -0.05 0 0.05 (b) Number of selected relevant controls

R2 = 0.2 R2 = 0.01

0 5 10 0 5 10

Notes: The grey histograms in Panel (a) show the finite sample distributions and the black curves show the densities of the oracle estimators.

R2 ∈ {0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5} based on 1,000 simulation repetitions. Figures 14–16 present the results. The two most important determinants of the perfor- mance of post double Lasso are n and α∗. To see why α∗ is important, recall that the reduced form parameter and the error term in the first step of post double Lasso (i.e., program (7))

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ are π = α γ + β and ui = ηi + α vi. This implies that the magnitude of π as well as the

∗ variance of ui depend on α . Consequently, the selection performance of Lasso in the first

∗ ∗ ∗ step is directly affected by α . In the extreme case where α is such that π = 0p, Lasso does not select any controls with high probability if the regularization parameter is chosen according to the standard recommendations. The simulation results further show that there is no practical recommendation for choosing the regularization parameters. While λmin leads to the best performance when α∗ = 0, this choice can yield poor performances when α∗ 6= 0.

23 Table 3: DGPs A1–A6

∗ DGP Xi n σy(Di,Xi) σd(Xi) ηi vi α A1 Indep. Bern (0.5) 500 1 1 N (0, 1) N (0, 1) 0

t(5) t(5) A2 N (0p,Ip) 500 1 1 √ √ 0 (5/3) (5/3) ∗ ∗ 2 ∗ 2 q (1+Diα +Xiβ ) q (1+Xiγ ) A3 N (0p,Ip) 500 1 P ∗ ∗ 2 1 P ∗ 2 N (0, 1) N (0, 1) 0 n i(1+Diα +Xiβ ) n i(1+Xiγ )

A4 N (0p,Ip) 200 1 1 N (0, 1) N (0, 1) 0

A5 N (0p,Ip) 500 1 1 N (0, 1) N (0, 1) 1

A6 N (0p,Ip) 500 1 1 N (0, 1) N (0, 1) -1

Notes: The specification of multiplicative heteroscedasticity is the same as in the simulations in Section 4.2 of Belloni et al.(2014).

Finally, across all DGPs, OLS outperforms post double Lasso in terms of bias and coverage accuracy, but yields somewhat wider confidence intervals.

D Theoretical results for random designs

D.1 Results

In this section, we provide some results in Lemma2 for the Lasso with a random design X. The necessary result on the Lasso’s inclusion established in Lemma2 can be adopted in a similar fashion as in Propositions2-5 and6-7 to establish the OVBs. We make the following assumption about (3).

Assumption 3. Each row of X is sampled independently; for all i = 1, . . . , n and j =

1 1 − r r k 1, . . . , p, supr≥1 r 2 (E |Xij| ) ≤ α < ∞; for any unit vector a ∈ R and i = 1, . . . , n,

1 1 − T T r r  ∗ supr≥1 r 2 E a Xi,K ≤ α˜ < ∞, where Xi,K is the ith row of XK and K = j : θj 6= 0 .

1 1 − r r Moreover, the error terms ε1, . . . , εn are independent such that supr≥1 r 2 (E |εi| ) ≤ σ < ∞ and E (Xiεi) = 0p for all i = 1, . . . , n.

Assumption3 is known as the sub-Gaussian tail condition defined in Vershynin(2012). Examples of sub-Gaussian variables include Gaussian mixtures and distributions with bounded

24 Figure 14: Ratio of bias to standard deviation

DGP A1 DGP A2 DGP A3 3 3 3 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH λmin λmin λmin

2 λ1se 2 λ1se 2 λ1se OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) 1 1 1 Bias/Std Bias/Std Bias/Std 0 0 0 −1 −1 −1

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 DGP A4 DGP A5 DGP A6 3 3 3 λBCCH λBCCH λBCCH λmin λmin λmin

2 λ1se 2 λ1se 2 λ1se OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) 1 1 1 Bias/Std Bias/Std Bias/Std 0 0 0 −1 −1 −1

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

support. The first and last part of Assumption3 imply that Xij, j = 1, . . . , p, and εi are sub-Gaussian variables and is used in deriving the lower bounds on the regularization param- eters. The second part of Assumption3 is only used to establish some eigenvalue condition

T XK XK on n .

Assumption 4. The following conditions are satisfied: (i) θ∗ is exactly sparse with at most k non-zero coefficients and K 6= ∅; (ii)

 T   T −1 E XKc XK E XK XK = 1 − φ (49) ∞

−1 T  for some φ ∈ (0, 1] such that φ - 1; (iii) E (Xij) = 0 for all j ∈ K and E Xj Xj ≤ s for

25 Figure 15: Coverage 90% confidence intervals

DGP A1 DGP A2 DGP A3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 λ λ λ

Coverage BCCH Coverage BCCH Coverage BCCH 0.4 0.4 0.4 λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se λ1se

0.2 OLS (HCK) 0.2 OLS (HCK) 0.2 OLS (HCK)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 DGP A4 DGP A5 DGP A6 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 λ λ

Coverage Coverage BCCH Coverage BCCH 0.4 0.4 0.4 λBCCH λmin λmin λmin λ1se λ1se

0.2 λ1se 0.2 OLS (HCK) 0.2 OLS (HCK)

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2 all j = 1, . . . , p; (iv)

( ) r φ φ φ log p 2 max 3 , 3 , ≤ α if φ ∈ (0, 1) , (50) 12(1 − φ)k 2 6k 2 k n   r 1 1 log p 2 max 3 , ≤ α if φ = 1, (51) 6k 2 k n r log p   1  max 2˜α2, 12α2, 1 ≤ λ XT X . (52) n min E n K K

Part (iv) of Assumption4 is imposed to ensure that

 1 −1   1 −1 1 XT X − XT X , K K E K K -  1 T  n n λmin X XK ∞ E n K  −1 1 T 1 T φ X c X X X ≤ 1 − , n K K n K K 2 ∞ with high probability. To gain some intuition for (50)–(52), let us further assume k  1,

26 Figure 16: Average length 90% confidence intervals


0.4 λBCCH 0.4 λBCCH 0.4 λmin λmin λ λ

0.3 1se 0.3 1se 0.3 OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) 0.2 0.2 0.2

λBCCH λmin 0.1 0.1 0.1 Average length CI Average length CI Average length CI Average λ1se OLS (HCK) 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5


0.4 0.4 λBCCH 0.4 λBCCH λmin λmin λ λ

0.3 0.3 1se 0.3 1se OLS (HCK) OLS (HCK) 0.2 0.2 0.2

λBCCH 0.1 0.1 0.1 Average length CI Average length CI Average length CI Average λmin λ1se 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

R2 R2 R2

T  Xi is normally distributed for all i = 1, . . . , n, and E XK XK is a diagonal matrix with T  p s the diagonal entries E Xj Xj = s 6= 0. As a result,α ˜ = α  n by the definition of a q log p s sub-Gaussian variable (e.g., Vershynin(2012)) and (50)–(52) essentially require n - n . Given  T   2  X ε −nt P ≥ t ≤ 2 exp 2 2 + log p . (53) n ∞ c0σ α

φ q cασ(2− 2 ) log p and λ ≥ φ n for some sufficiently large universal constant c > 0, we have

T X ε λ ≥ 2 (54) n ∞ with probability at least 1 − c0 exp −c00 log p.

27 Define the following events

( T φ r ) X ε ασ 2 − 2 log p E1 = - , n ∞ φ n  3  E = λ (Σˆ ) ≤ λ (Σ ) , 2 max KK 2 max KK ( )  1 −1   1 −1 1 E = XT X − XT X , 3 K K E K K -  1 T  n n λmin X XK ∞ E n K (  −1 ) 1 T 1 T φ E = X c X X X ≤ 1 − . 4 n K K n K K 2 ∞

0 00  0 00  By (53), P (E1) ≥ 1 − c exp −c log p ; by (63), P (E2) ≥ 1 − c1 exp −c1 log p ; by (69), 0 00 log p  00 log p  P (E3) ≥ 1 − c2 exp −c2 k3 ; by (78), P (E4) ≥ 1 − c3 exp −b k3 , where b is some positive constant that only depends on φ and α.

φ q cασ(2− 2 ) log p Lemma 2. Let Assumptions3 and4 hold. We solve the Lasso (4) with λ ≥ φ n  T  for some sufficiently large universal constant c > 0. Suppose E XK XK is a positive definite matrix.

log p  (i) Then, conditioning on E1 ∩E4 (which holds with probability at least 1−c1 exp −b k3 ), ˆ ˆ (4) has a unique optimal solution θ such that θj = 0 for j∈ / K. log p  (ii) With probability at least 1 − c1 exp −b k3 , √ 3λ k ˆ ∗ θK − θK ≤ 1 (55) 2  T  λmin E n XK XK

where θK = {θj}j∈K and b is some positive constant that only depends on φ and α; if n ˆ o  n ˆ o P supp(θ) = K ∩ E1 ∩ E2 > 0, conditioning on supp(θ) = K ∩ E1 ∩ E2, we must have

√ √ λ k λ k ˆ ∗ θK − θK ≥ 1 ≥ 1 . (56) 2  T  P  T  3λmax E n XK XK 3 j∈K E n Xj Xj

T  T  (iii) If E XK XK is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal entries E Xj Xj = s 6= 0,

28 then 7λn θˆ − θ∗ ≤ ∀j ∈ K (57) j j 4s

log p  nˆ o  with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −b k3 ; if P θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩ E1 ∩ E3 ∩ E4 > 0, con- nˆ o ditioning on θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩ E1 ∩ E3 ∩ E4, we must have

r λn σ rn log p θˆ − θ∗ ≥ ≥ c . (58) j j 4s 0 φ s n

T  (iv) Suppose K = {1} and E X1 X1 = s 6= 0. If

λn |θ∗| ≤ , (59) 1 4s

then we must have ˆ  P θ = 0p ≥ 1 − c exp (−b log p) . (60) q λn σ p n log p p s Remark 7. The part 4s ≥ c0 φ s n in bound (58) follows from the fact that α % n = q 1 P 2  E n Xij where j ∈ K.

D.2 Main proof for Lemma2

 1 T  ˆ 1 T In what follows, we let ΣKK := E n XK XK , ΣKK := n XK XK , and λmin (Σ) denote the minimum eigenvalue of the matrix Σ. The proof for Proposition2(i) follows similar argu- ment as before but requires a few extra steps. In applying Lemma 7.23 from Chapter 7.5 of Wainwright(2019) to establish the uniqueness of θˆ upon the success of PDW construc-

ˆ 1 tion, it suffices to show that λmin(ΣKK ) ≥ 2 λmin(ΣKK ) and this fact is verified in (72) in the appendix. As a consequence, the subproblem (24) is strictly convex and has a unique

minimizer. The details that show the PDW construction succeeds conditioning on E1 ∩ E4 log p  (which holds with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −b k3 ) can be found in Lemma6 (where b is some positive constant that only depends on φ and α).


ˆ To show (55), note that our choice of λ and δK ≤ 1 yield

T ˆ XK ε 3λ |∆| ≤ λδK + ≤ 1k, n 2

√ 3λ which implies that |∆|2 ≤ 2 k. Moreover, we can show

T −1  X XK  K ∆ n θˆ − θ∗ = 2 |∆| (61) K K 2 2 |∆|2 1 3λ√ ≤ k. 1 T  2 λmin n XK XK √ 3λ Applying (72) and the bound |∆|2 ≤ 2 k yields the claim. n ˆ o In showing (56) in (ii) and (58) in (iii), we will condition on supp(θ) = K ∩ E1 ∩ E2 nˆ o and θj 6= 0, j ∈ K ∩ E1 ∩ E3 ∩ E4, respectively.

ˆ ˆ To show (56), note that in Step 2 of the PDW procedure, δK is chosen such that δj = 1 for any j ∈ K whenever supp(θˆ) = K. Given the choice of λ, we are ensured to have

T ˆ XK ε λ |∆| ≥ λδK − ≥ 1k, n 2

√ λ which implies that |∆|2 ≥ 2 k. Moreover, we can show

T −1  X XK  K ∆ n 1 λ√ ˆ ∗ 2 θK − θK = |∆|2 ≥ 1 k. (62) 2 |∆| T  2 2 λmax n XK XK

ˆ  It remains to bound λmax ΣKK . We first write

0T 0 λmax(ΣKK ) = max µ ΣKK µ 0 ||h ||2=1 h 0 0 0 0 i T ˆ T ˆ = max µ ΣKK µ + µ (ΣKK − ΣKK )µ 0 ||h ||2=1 T ˆ T ˆ ≥ µ ΣKK µ + µ (ΣKK − ΣKK )µ

30 k ˆ where µ ∈ R is a unit-norm maximal eigenvector of ΣKK . Applying Lemma3(b) with q 2 log p t =α ˜ n yields r   log p µT Σ − Σˆ µ ≥ −α˜2 KK KK n

q log p with probability at least 1−c1 exp (−c2 log p), provided that n ≤ 1; therefore, λmax(ΣKK ) ≥ q q ˆ 2 log p 2 log p λmax(ΣKK ) λmax(ΣKK ) − α˜ n . Becauseα ˜ n ≤ 2 (implied by (52)), we have

3 λ (Σˆ ) ≤ λ (Σ ) (63) max KK 2 max KK

with probability at least 1 − c1 exp (−c2 log p). As a consequence,

1 λ√ 1 λ√ ˆ ∗ θK − θK ≥ 1 k ≥ k. 2 T  2 λ (Σ ) 3 λmax n XK XK max KK

 1 T  P  1 T  The second inequality in (56) simply follows from the fact λmax E n XK XK ≤ j∈K E n Xj Xj . To show (57), note that

XT ε ˆ ∗ ˆ −1 K ˆ −1 θK − θK ≤ ΣKK + λ ΣKK ∞ n ∞ ∞ XT ε ˆ −1 K ˆ −1 ≤ ΣKK + λ ΣKK ∞ n ∞ ∞ 3λ ˆ −1 ≤ ΣKK . (64) 2 ∞

We then apply (69) of Lemma4 in the appendix, and the fact Σˆ −1 − Σ−1 ≤ KK KK ∞ ∞ ˆ −1 −1 ˆ −1 7n ΣKK − ΣKK (so that ΣKK ≤ 6s ); putting everything yields the claim. ∞ ∞ To show (58), we again carry over the argument in the proof for Lemma1. Letting

31 ˆ −1 −1 M = ΣKK − ΣKK , we have

 T   ˆ ∗ −1  XK ε ˆ θK − θ = Σ + M − λδK K KK n  T    T   −1 XK ε ˆ XK ε ˆ ≥ Σ + λδK − M − λδK KK n n XT ε XT ε ≥ Σ−1 λδˆ − K − kMk K − λδˆ 1 , KK K ∞ K k n n ∞

−1 where the third line uses the fact that ΣKK is diagonal.

−1 n Note that as before, the choice of λ stated in Lemma2 and the fact Σ KK = s Ik yield

λn XT ε θˆ − θ∗ ≥ − kMk K − λδˆ j j ∞ K 2s n ∞ λn 3 ≥ − λ kMk . 2s 2 ∞

log p  By (69) of Lemma4 in the appendix, with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −b k3 , kMk∞ ≤ 1 −1 n 6 λmin(ΣKK ) = 6s . q λn σ p n log p As a result, we have (58). The part 4s ≥ c0 φ s n in bound (58) follows from the q p s 1 P 2  fact that α % n = E n Xij where j ∈ K. To establish (60), we adopt argument similar to what is used in showing (13) by applying the KKT condition  1      XT ε XT X θ∗ − θˆ = λsgn θˆ − 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 n

and defining E = E1 ∩ E4.

D.3 Additional technical lemmas and proofs

In this section, we show that the PDW construction succeeds with high probability in Lemma 6, which is proved using results from Lemmas3–5. The derivations for Lemmas4 and5 modify the argument in Wainwright(2009) and Ravikumar et al.(2010) to make it suitable

 1 T  1 T c ˆ c for our purposes. In what follows, we let ΣK K := E n XKc XK and ΣK K := n XKc XK .

32  1 T  ˆ 1 T Similarly, let ΣKK := E n XK XK and ΣKK := n XK XK .

n 0 n Lemma 3. (a) Let (Wi)i=1 and Wi i=1 consist of independent components, respectively. Suppose there exist parameters α and α0 such that

1 1 − r r sup r 2 (E |Wi| ) ≤ α, r≥1 r 1 − 1  0  r 0 2 sup r E Wi ≤ α , r≥1

for all i = 1, . . . , n. Then

" n " n # #   2  1 X  0  1 X  0  t t W W − W W ≥ t ≤ 2 exp −cn ∧ . (65) P n i i E n i i α2α02 αα0 i=1 i=1

(b) For any unit vector v ∈ Rd, suppose there exists a parameter α˜ such that

1 r 1 − 2 T T  r sup r E a Zi ≤ α,˜ r≥1

n×d where Zi is the ith row of Z ∈ R , then we have

  2  2 2 0 t t ( |Zv| − |Zv| ≥ nt) ≤ 2 exp −c n ∧ . P 2 E 2 α˜4 α˜2

Remark 8. Lemma3 is based on Lemma 5.14 and Corollary 5.17 in Vershynin(2012).

Lemma 4. Suppose Assumption3 holds. For any t > 0 and some constant c > 0, we have

  2  n ˆ o t t P ΣKcK − ΣKcK ≥ t ≤ 2(p − k)k exp −cn ∧ , (66) ∞ k2α4 kα2

n o   2  ˆ 2 t t P ΣKK − ΣKK ≥ t ≤ 2k exp −cn ∧ . (67) ∞ k2α4 kα2 q q log p 2 log p λmin(ΣKK ) 2 log p λmin(ΣKK ) Furthermore, if k ≥ 1, n ≤ 1, α˜ n ≤ 2 , and α n ≤ 12 , we have

33   2 0  0  ˆ −1 P ΣKK ≤ ≥ 1 − c1 exp −c2 log p , (68) 2 λmin(ΣKK )  1   log p ˆ −1 −1 P ΣKK − ΣKK ≤ ≥ 1 − c1 exp −c2 3 . (69) ∞ 6λmin(ΣKK ) k

0 ˆ Proof. Let uj0 j denote the element (j , j) of the matrix difference ΣKcK − ΣKcK . The defi- nition of the l∞matrix norm implies that

( ) n o X ˆ 0 P ΣKcK − ΣKcK ≥ t = P max |uj j| ≥ t ∞ j0 ∈Kc j∈K ( ) X ≤ (p − k)P |uj0 j| ≥ t j∈K  t  ≤ (p − k) ∃j ∈ K | |u 0 | ≥ P j j k  t  ≤ (p − k)k |u 0 | ≥ P j j k   t2 t  ≤ (p − k)k · 2 exp −cn ∧ , k2α4 kα2 where the last inequality follows Lemma3(a). Bound (67) can be derived in a similar fashion except that the pre-factor (p − k) is replaced by k. To prove (69), note that

h i ˆ −1 −1 −1 ˆ ˆ −1 ΣKK − ΣKK = ΣKK ΣKK − ΣKK ΣKK ∞ ∞ √ h i −1 ˆ ˆ −1 ≤ k ΣKK ΣKK − ΣKK ΣKK 2 √ ≤ k Σ−1 Σ − Σˆ Σˆ −1 KK 2 KK KK KK √ 2 2 k ˆ ˆ −1 ≤ ΣKK − ΣKK ΣKK . (70) λmin(ΣKK ) 2 2

34 2 q ˆ √α log p To bound ΣKK − ΣKK in (70), we apply (67) with t = n and obtain 2 k

2 r ˆ α log p ΣKK − ΣKK ≤ √ , 2 k n

log p  −3 log p ˆ −1 with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −c2 k3 , provided that k n ≤ 1. To bound ΣKK 2 in (70), let us write

0T 0 λmin(ΣKK ) = min µ ΣKK µ 0 ||µ ||2=1 h 0 0 0 0 i T ˆ T ˆ = min µ ΣKK µ + µ (ΣKK − ΣKK )µ 0 ||µ ||2=1 T ˆ T ˆ ≤ µ ΣKK µ + µ (ΣKK − ΣKK )µ (71)

k ˆ where µ ∈ R is a unit-norm minimal eigenvector of ΣKK . We then apply Lemma3(b) with q 2 log p t =α ˜ n to show r   log p µT Σ − Σˆ µ ≤ α˜2 KK KK n

0 0  q log p with probability at least 1−c1 exp −c2 log p , provided that n ≤ 1. Therefore, λmin(ΣKK ) ≤ q q ˆ 2 log p 2 log p λmin(ΣKK ) λmin(ΣKK ) +α ˜ n . As long asα ˜ n ≤ 2 , we have

1 λ (Σˆ ) ≥ λ (Σ ), (72) min KK 2 min KK and consequently (68), 2 ˆ −1 ΣKK ≤ 2 λmin(ΣKK )

0 0  with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −c2 log p . q Putting the pieces together, as long as α2 log p ≤ 1 , λmin(ΣKK ) n 12

√ r k α2 log p 2 1 ˆ −1 −1 √ ΣKK − ΣKK ≤ ≤ (73) ∞ λmin(ΣKK ) k n λmin(ΣKK ) 6λmin(ΣKK )

35 log p  with probability at least 1 − c1 exp −c2 k3 .

Lemma 5. Let Assumption3 hold. Suppose

 T   T −1 E XKc XK E(XK XK ) = 1 − φ (74) ∞ for some φ ∈ (0, 1]. If k ≥ 1 and

( ) r φ φ φ log p 2 max 3 , 3 , ≤ α if φ ∈ (0, 1) , (75) 12(1 − φ)k 2 6k 2 k n   r 1 1 log p 2 max 3 , ≤ α if φ = 1, (76) 6k 2 k n r log p max 2˜α2, 12α2, 1 ≤ λ (Σ ), (77) n min KK

then for some positive constant b that only depends on φ and α, we have

"  −1 #    1 T 1 T φ 0 log p X c X X X ≥ 1 − ≤ c exp −b . (78) P n K K n K K 2 k3 ∞

Proof. Using the decomposition in Ravikumar et al.(2010), we have

ˆ ˆ −1 −1 ΣKcK ΣKK − ΣKcK ΣKK = R1 + R2 + R3,


h i ˆ −1 −1 R1 = ΣKcK ΣKK − ΣKK , h i ˆ −1 R2 = ΣKcK − ΣKcK ΣKK , h i h i ˆ ˆ −1 −1 R3 = ΣKcK − ΣKcK ΣKK − ΣKK .

−1 φ c By (74), we have ΣK K ΣKK ∞ = 1 − φ. It suffices to show kRik∞ ≤ 6 for i = 1, ..., 3.

36 For R1, note that −1 ˆ ˆ −1 R1 = −ΣKcK ΣKK [ΣKK − ΣKK ]ΣKK . √ Applying the facts kABk∞ ≤ kAk∞ kBk∞ and kAk∞ ≤ a kAk2 for any symmetric matrix

a×a A ∈ R , we can bound R1 in the following fashion:

−1 ˆ ˆ −1 kR1k∞ ≤ ΣKcK ΣKK ΣKK − ΣKK ΣKK ∞ ∞ ∞ √ ˆ ˆ −1 ≤ (1 − φ) ΣKK − ΣKK k ΣKK , ∞ 2

where the last inequality uses (74). If φ = 1, then kR1k∞ = 0 so we may assume φ < 1 in the following. Bound (68) from the proof for Lemma4 yields

2 ˆ −1 ΣKK ≤ 2 λmin(ΣKK )

with probability at least 1 − c1 exp (−c2 log p). Now, we apply bound (67) from Lemma4

φ q log p with t = 12(1−φ) kn and obtain

" r #   2  ˆ φ log p φ log p P ΣKK − ΣKK ≥ ≤ 2 exp −c , ∞ 12(1 − φ) kn α4(1 − φ)2k3

φ q log p q log p provided 12(1−φ)α2k kn ≤ 1. Then, if n ≤ λmin(ΣKK ), we are guaranteed that

 φ   φ2 log p  kR k ≥ ≤ 2 exp −c + c exp (−c log p) . P 1 ∞ 6 α4(1 − φ)2k3 1 2

For R2, note that

√ −1 kR k ≤ k Σ Σˆ c − Σ c 2 ∞ KK 2 K K K K √ ∞ k ˆ ≤ ΣKcK − ΣKcK . λmin(ΣKK ) ∞

37 φ q log p q log p If 6α2k kn ≤ 1 and n ≤ λmin(ΣKK ), applying bound (66) from Lemma4 with t = φ q log p 6 kn yields  φ  φ2 log p kR k ≥ ≤ 2 exp −c . P 2 ∞ 6 α4k3

q log p For R , applying (66) with t = φ to bound Σˆ c − Σ c and (69) to bound 3 n K K K K ∞ ˆ −1 −1 ΣKK − ΣKK yields ∞

     2     φ 0 φ log p log p kR k ≥ ≤ c exp −c + exp −c , P 3 ∞ 6 α4k3 k3

φ q log p q log p provided that α2k n ≤ 1 and n ≤ λmin(ΣKK ). Putting everything together, we conclude that

     φ 0 log p ˆ ˆ −1 P ΣKcK ΣKK ≥ 1 − ≤ c exp −b ∞ 2 k3

for some positive constant b that only depends on φ and α.

Lemma 6. Let the assumptions in Lemmas4 and5 hold. Suppose θ∗ is exactly sparse with cασ 2− φ q  ∗ ( 2 ) log p at most k non-zero coefficients and K = j : θj 6= 0 6= ∅. If we choose λ ≥ φ n φ ˆ c for some sufficiently large universal constant c > 0, δK ≤ 1 − 4 with probability at least ∞ log p  1 − c1 exp −b k3 , where b is some positive constant that only depends on φ and α.

ˆ ˆ ˆ Proof. By construction, the subvectors θK , δK , and δKc satisfy the zero-subgradient condition ˆ ∗ in the PDW construction. With the fact that θKc = θKc = 0p−k, we have

  1 Σˆ θˆ − θ∗ − XT ε + λδˆ = 0 , KK K K n K K k  ∗  1 T Σˆ c θˆ − θ − X c ε + λδˆ c = 0 . K K K K n K K p−k

38 The equations above yields

1  ∗  T ε δˆ c = − Σˆ c θˆ − θ + X c , K λ K K K K K nλ XT ε θˆ − θ∗ = Σˆ −1 K − λΣˆ −1 δˆ , K K KK n KK K which yields

 −1   T ε   −1  T ε δˆ c = Σˆ c Σˆ δˆ + X c − Σˆ c Σˆ X . K K K KK K K nλ K K KK K nλ

ˆ Using elementary inequalities and the fact that δK ≤ 1, we obtain ∞

ε ε ˆ ˆ ˆ −1 T ˆ ˆ −1 T δKc ≤ ΣKcK ΣKK + XKc + ΣKcK ΣKK XK . ∞ ∞ nλ ∞ ∞ nλ ∞

−1 φ 0 b log p  ˆ c ˆ By Lemma5, ΣK K ΣKK ≤ 1 − 2 with probability at least 1 − c exp − k3 ; as a ∞ result,

φ ε ε ˆ T ˆ ˆ −1 T δKc ≤ 1 − + XKc + ΣKcK ΣKK XK ∞ 2 nλ ∞ ∞ nλ ∞ φ  φ ε ≤ 1 − + 2 − Xˆ T . 2 2 nλ ∞

φ  T ε φ It remains to show that 2 − 2 X nλ ∞ ≤ 4 with high probability. This result holds if 4 2− φ ( 2 ) T ε λ ≥ φ X n ∞. In particular, Lemma3(a) and a union bound imply that

 T   2  X ε −nt P ≥ t ≤ 2 exp 2 2 + log p . n ∞ c0σ α

φ ˆ c Thus, under the choice of λ in Lemma6, we have δK ≤ 1 − 4 with probability at least ∞ log p  1 − c1 exp −b k3 .