REG. NO 172202003






Universitas Sumatera Utara

i Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara i Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR’S DECLARATION

I am EKLESIA NASRANI SINAGA, declare that I am the sole writer of this paper. Except where the reference made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper, which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgment in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :

Date : August 2020

i Universitas Sumatera Utara


Name : Eklesia Nasrani Sinaga




Qualification : D3/Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the

Librarian in the English Diploma 3 Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Studies,

USU on the understanding that users made aware of their obligation under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :

Date : August 2020

ii Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRAK Judul kertas karya ini adalah “A Description about Types of Moral Values in Selected Songs of Demi Lovato’s Confident Album.” Tujuan kertas karya ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis nilai moral yang digambarkan pada lirik lagu Demi Lovato. Selama proses penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan penelitian kepustakaan. Dalam mengumpulkan informasi, data diambil dari beberapa buku dan situs web yang berkaitan dengan kertas karya ini sebagai referensi. Teknik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah dengan melakukan beberapa langkah: (1) membaca lirik lagu, (2) memilih kata atau kalimat yang memiliki nilai-nilai moral, (3) menafsirkan dan mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis nilai moral. Dalam lima lagu pilihan di Album Confident, penulis menemukan dua jenis nilai moral, yaitu keberanian dan kepercayaan diri. Kesimpulan dari kertas karya ini adalah Album Confident berhubungan dengan beberapa kisah kehidupan manusia. Melalui nilai-nilai moral dalam lirik lagu, kita didorong untuk menjadi orang yang berani dan percaya diri. Kata Kunci: Album Confident oleh Demi Lovato, Jenis-jenis Nilai Moral, Lirik Lagu

iii Universitas Sumatera Utara

ABSTRACT The title of this paper is “A Description about Types of Moral Values in Selected Songs of Demi Lovato’s Confident Album.” The aim of this paper is to describe the types of moral values, portrayed in Demi Lovato’s song lyrics. During the process of writing this paper, the writer uses a qualitative method with library research. In collecting the information, the data are taken from several books and web sites related to this paper as the references. The technique used to collect the data is by performing a few steps (1) read the song lyrics, (2) choose the words or sentences that have moral values, (3) interpret and describe the types of moral values. In the five selected songs of Confident Album, the writer finds out two types of moral value, which are bravery and self-confidence. The conclusion of this paper is Confident Album relates to some stories of human’s life. Through the moral values in its lyrics, we are encouraged to be a brave and confident person. Keywords: Demi Lovato’s Confident Album, Types of Moral Values, Song Lyrics

iv Universitas Sumatera Utara


I would like to thank and praise My Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ

My Savior for His blessing and mercy who gives me the ability to complete this paper as my last assignment in English Diploma 3 Study Program.

I also like to express deep gratitude and appreciation to :

1. Prof. Dr. Runtung Sitepu SH, M.Hum as the Rector of the University of

Sumatera Utara.

2. Dr. Budi Agustono M.S as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies.

3. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis M.Hum as the Head of English Diploma 3

Study Program who gives me her time to share her knowledge in the

learning process.

4. I would like to express my special gratitude to my Supervisor Drs. M.

Syafi’i Siregar, M.A for his time, advice, and guidance to correct this paper

during the process of writing this paper.

5. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Drs. Parlindungan Purba,

M.Hum for his guidance, feedback, and advice in the process of my study.

6. I would like to thank all lecturers in the English Diploma 3 Study Program

for their knowledge, experience, and skills in the teaching-learning process.

7. Thanks to Kak Dede for the advice and the help.

8. The greatest and special thanks I dedicated to my family, especially for my

Father Harun Ramli Sinaga and my Mother Omsi Rosmawati Sidabutar

who always pray all the best for me and give their love, advice, support,

motivation, and attention to me.

v Universitas Sumatera Utara

9. I would like to say thank you to my sisters Arnia Sinaga, Theresia Sinaga,

and my brother Bima Suryanajogi who always give advice and support.

10. I would like to thank Jovanka Anggi I. Situmorang and T. Rezky

Rachmadhany for the time and support.

11. I also would like to thank all of my friends in Solidas 2017 especially Suci,

Febrina, Naomi, and Togi for their time, support, and suggestion to me.

12. Thanks to my friends Agnes Purba, Agnes Mei, Dwi, Kristin, Tianchi,

and Elisabeth for all their supports.

13. Thank you to Demi Lovato, who inspired me to write a paper about her


14. Thanks to the readers for the time to read this paper. Thank you so much for

those who I cannot mention the names, but also have many contributions for

me in finishing my study. I hope this paper can be useful for us and become

the input to the parties in need.

May God always bless and with you all the time, Amen.

Medan, August 2020

The Writer,

Eklesia Nasrani Sinaga Reg. No 172202003

vi Universitas Sumatera Utara

TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ...... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... ii ABSTRAK ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 3 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 3 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 3 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 4 1.6 Method of the Study ...... 4 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Literature ...... 6 2.2 Song Lyrics ...... 8 2.3 Definition of Moral Values ...... 9 2.4 Types of Moral Values ...... 14 3. DESCRIPTION OF PAPER TOPIC ...... 18 3.1 Bravery ...... 18 3.2 Self-Confidence ...... 20 3.3 The Significances of Moral Values Portrayed in the Lyrics ...... 22 4. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 24 4.1 Conclusion ...... 24 4.2 Suggestion ...... 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 26


vii Universitas Sumatera Utara


1.1 Background of the Study

The moral is a principle that governs a person’s behavior. According to

Poespropodjo (1999:102), “Moralitas adalah kualitas tindakan manusia yang menunjukkan perbuatan itu benar atau salah, baik atau buruk” (Morality is a quality of human actions that shows the deeds are right or wrong, good or bad).

Values are the basis of a person to judge right and wrong. As Pepper (1958:7) states, “Values are everything about good or bad.” It means that moral values connect to the emotion and experience of a person. Moral values are the standards that give a special pattern in a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior. So, moral values related to the way of someone judges others.

The moral values cannot only be delivered through a novel, short story, or drama but they can also be the lyrics of a song by using the music. Music is a tone or sound that contains beautiful rhythms, songs, and harmony. Music is a very important component in the human’s life because it may represent the good or bad of a human feeling. Human can express their thoughts, experiences, feelings, and faith through the music. Memories may also be created by songs in music because it invites the listeners to come into the new story when they are listening to the lyrics of the songs. William (1824:2) states that “Music is the state of mind which can affect the listeners.” Therefore, the effects of music are influencing people’s emotions.

The delivers moral values in a song to give knowledge about the good or bad of someone’s behavior through the lyrics. Lyrics are a set of words,

1 Universitas Sumatera Utara which have tones. Song lyrics contain the word systems, good dictions, and figurative languages. The different listener usually comes away with a different lesson. That is why we can find moral values throughout the lyrics of a song.

A song will be more interesting if a singer who has a typical voice character sings it, one of them is Demi Lovato. Through her high-pitched voice, she can touch the feeling of listeners. The source of data in this paper is Demi Lovato’s

Album. The title of the album is Confident, which contains 13 songs. This album was published on October 16th 2015, by Hollywood, Island, and Safehouse


Confident Album tells about self-empowerment and self-confidence. In the past, Demi Lovato did not feel confident and did not feel free to say the things that she wanted to. Through this album, she wants to tell that she feels confident and proud to have tanned skin. Demi Lovato tries to cut those feelings and shows her ability to the people who have underestimated her.

Based on Webster Dictionary (1981) there are twelve types of moral values, which are Bravery, Self-Confidence, Enthusiasm, Kind-Hearted, Honesty, Love and Affection, Loyalty, Peace-Loving, Perseverance, Sincerity, Strong Belief, and

Sacrifice for Others. The writer chooses the selected songs of Confident Album to describe two types of moral value, which are bravery and self-confidence. The writer chooses this topic because the writer believes that humans without morality are humans who do not have an identity. In addition, humans will not respect each other. The writer wants to deliver knowledge about the good morals to the readers

2 Universitas Sumatera Utara through the song lyrics in Confident Album . So, people can maintain and improve their good behavior.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background that has been explained above, the problems of the

study are:

1. What types of moral values are found in the selected songs of Confident


2. What are the significances of moral values portrayed in the lyrics can inspire

the human’s life?

1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the questions that relevant to the

problems are:

1. To find out the types of moral values in the selected songs of Confident


2. To describe the significances moral values portrayed in the lyrics can inspire

the human’s life.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The writer wants to describe the types of moral values in selected songs of

Demi Lovato’s Confident Album. The writer restricts the problems in terms of two types of moral value. The first is bravery and the second is self-confidence. Demi

Lovato has 13 songs in Confident Album. The writer chooses five best songs of

Demi Lovato’s Confident Album, which are Lion Heart, Kingdom Come, Yes,

Confident, and Old Ways. Those selected songs contain several types of

3 Universitas Sumatera Utara moral values, which be the background and the reason for the writer to choose this study.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study will be beneficial theoretically,

practically, and academically.

1. Theoretically

This study can increase the literary of understanding in terms of literary

works as lyrics. Then, this study can give contribution to the development

types of moral values as the songs.

2. Practically

1) To build a good appreciation for the people through the song lyrics.

2) To give a horizon for students about types of moral values and other

aspects from song lyrics.

3) To get motivation from the song lyrics and to build a good personality in

each person.

3. Academically

This study can be a reference for students who want to know more about

types of moral values in the songs.

1.6 Method of the Study

In conducting this paper, the writer uses a qualitative method with library research. Accroding to Ratna (2004:12), “Metode deskriptif analisis dilakukan

4 Universitas Sumatera Utara dengan cara mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian diikuti dengan analisis”

(Descriptive analysis method are done by describing the facts then followed by analysis).

Through the qualitative method, people can interpret the meanings of the hidden words in the song lyrics. Furthermore, the method can describe the types of moral values and the purpose of moral values found in the song lyrics. The song lyrics of Demi Lovato are described and conducted by library research. As the first step, the writer reads the song lyrics from some references related to the subject matter. Second, the writer chooses words or sentences that have moral values, then interpreting and describing types of moral values before making conclusions.

5 Universitas Sumatera Utara


2.1 Literature

Etymologically, the word of literature comes from the Latin “litteratura”. It is derived from the word “littera”, which means letter or handwriting. Mursal

Esten (1978:9) vocalizes, “Sastra adalah ungkapan dari fakta artistik dan imajinatif sebagai manifestasi dari kehidupan manusia yang memiliki efek positif terhadap kehidupan manusia” (Literature is the expression of artistic fact and imaginative as a manifestation of human life that has a positive effect on human life). It means literature is considered as writing in art forms or any single writing that may be assumed to have an artistic or an intellectual value. Literature has a positive effect to human life.

Literature is one of the greatest creative and universal in communicating the emotional, spiritual, or intellectual, which concerns with human feelings through language as a medium. As Semi (1988:8) says, “Sastra adalah hasil karya kreatif manusia dan kehidupannya dengan menggunakan bahasa sebagai medium”

(Literature is the result of the creative work of humans with their life using language as a medium).

Abrams (1981:8) defines that “Literature regarded as a means to convey a certain purpose, such as give knowledge to the readers.” From this definition, literature is an art that living together with language as a medium of communication. Through language, literature is able to manifest itself in the forms of oral or written literature with a purpose. Moreover, literature is an art form that contains imaginative elements and values.

6 Universitas Sumatera Utara

According to Panuti Sudjiman (1986:68), “Sastra adalah karya tulis atau lisan yang memiliki berbagai karakteristik unggul seperti keaslian, artistik, keindahan dalam konten dan ekspresi” (Literature is written or oral work that has various excellent characteristics such as originality, artistic, beauty in its content and expression). From that definition, it can be concluded that there are three important elements in literature. They are imaginative, real, and beautiful language. Literature is a true story about people with their life that delivered by using beautiful language.

In literary work, people have the freedom to show their ideas and improve their imaginations. The absolute expression in words comes from some thoughts, feelings, or ideas about life with the whole world (Rees 1973:9).

There are three major parts in literature, which are prose, drama, and poem.

The poem is not only part of literature but also part of advertisements, languages, slogans, and songs. Luxemburg (in Hartono 1992:99) states that “Sebuah puisi juga dapat dianggap sebagai lirik lagu” (A poem can also be regarded as song lyrics).

Thomas Carlyle (1831:7) states, “Poetry is an expression of the musical mind.” A poet creates poetry in his mind about his thought and feelings and then, he arranges the words in a series of melodious tones like music.

In poems and songs, we can find lyrics. Delisle (1971:149) vocalizes,

“Lyrics are the arrangement of a poem and if it being sung or constructed into an appropriate form, it will become a song.” By making a poem, a poet can be a pioneer in the creation of a song. The poet creates a poem based on his personal

7 Universitas Sumatera Utara feelings and translates it into a few lines of words. The pattern will effectively communicate those feelings.

2.2 Song Lyrics

Based on the English Oxford Dictionary, a song is a short poem or arrangement of words set up with music or intended to be sung. A song contains of lyrics. The word of lyric comes from Greek “Lyricos”. According to Little

(1970:174), “Lyrics is the whole rhythm that written out in poetry.”

The lyric contains the expression of personal feelings. The song is a work of art, which involves the melody and the singer’s voice. According to Moeliono

(2007:678), “Lirik memiliki dua makna: (1) karya sastra atau puisi tentang curahan perasaan seseorang, (2) komposisi dari sebuah lagu” (The lyrics also have two meanings: (1) literary work or a poems about the outpouring of personal feelings, (2) the composition of a song).

Song lyrics concerns with the form of a stanza, diction, and content. In creating the lyrics, a songwriter must be clever in processing the words. Listening to music is one of comfortable activity. Through music, people can express their emotions when they are feeling sad, happy, or feeling bad. As Noor (2007:24) says, “Lirik adalah ungkapan dari perasaan penulis” (The lyrics are expression of the writer’s feeling).

Nowadays, people find another way to communicate or to convey their feelings, hopes, aspirations, and ideas to someone or in society. People use songs to show their feelings through the emotions in the tones. Human is the creature

8 Universitas Sumatera Utara that realizes how to respond not only in the physical condition but also in the symbol that they made.

2.3 Definitions of Moral Values

2.3.1 Moral

The word of moral is derived from Latin word “mos” (plural: mores), which means custom. In Latin, the word “mos” (mores) is synonymous with the “ethos” in Greek. In Indonesian, the word of moral means ethics. The word of moral always refers to the good or bad of human actions. Moral understanding is the human actions in good meaning and reasonable. Moral development has an intellectual and an impulsive aspect. So, people must learn about what and why the actions are right or wrong (Hurlock 1985:386).

Soeparno (1992:5) states that “Moral adalah doktrin atau prinsip tentang baik atau buruknya tindakan dan perilaku manusia” (The moral is the basic doctrine or principle about good or bad the action and behavior of human beings).

As Shaffer (1991: 532) says, “Morals as the capacity: 1) identify between right or wrong, 2) different actions, 3) experience in good acts and there will be guilty feelings when the actions are not in a standard norm.”

Humans must have morality. Without morality, humans will not respect each other. However, if humans have it, humans will be easy to socialize in society. Someone who has morals certainly can identify whether those acts are good or bad.

9 Universitas Sumatera Utara

2.3.2 Values

Values are something high, valuable, significant, and useful for individuals.

Values are a conviction or feeling that accepted to be a personality. It gives a unique pattern to a way of perspective, feeling, attachment, and behavior. Values are individual guidelines or standards of behavior that essential to society. The values are closely related to the way of someone judges others. According to

Benninga (1991:131), “The terms of values may propose that judgments are right or wrong, just or unjust, and more about personal preferences.”

Values are a concept that concern about something valuable in life. We can say something is valuable because it is good, proper, real, and meaningful. In other words, values can also be interpreted as a basis or a reason of someone’s behavior and attitude that affect human life. Buzan (2003:28) defines that “Nilai adalah pedoman untuk bertindak atau berperilaku yang berasal dari diri kita sendiri, prinsip-prinsip untuk menjalani kehidupan” (Value is guidance to act or behave which coming from ourselves, principles to live a life). As Ursery

(2002:1) states, “Value is a belief or an attitude about what is good, right desirable, and worthwhile.” Value can be a system for people to organize, prioritize, and make a decision. It is clear that value influences people’s decisions.

Based on the contents of literary work, Amir (in Rahayu, 2005:7-8) says that “Karya sastra yang baik harus memiliki integritas dan penataan, misalnya nilai budaya, nilai keagamaan, nilai sosial atau nilai-nilai lainnya” (A good literary work must have integrity and arrangement, for example cultural values, religious values, social values, or other values).

10 Universitas Sumatera Utara a. Cultural Values

The values related to the conventions or traditions in society. Cultural

values can guide humans to achieve the perfection in the form of good

human thoughts. Cultural values are the principle that underlies human

actions. Therefore, humans will be mature. Culture covers so many kinds of

values, for example, truth, goodness, and beauty. b. Religious Values

Lathief (2011:6) argues that “Semua tentang sastra berhubungan dengan

agama” (All about literature is related to religion). The human can be

interpreted as a religious person, which means having a conscience serious,

devout, conscientious, and full of spiritual discernment. The religious values

are the value that underlies and guides the life actions of the human divinity

in order to maintain and develop the human divinity in the right way and

purpose. c. Social Values

Social values are the value of the underlying, controlling the purpose of

human activity and social life. Social values can hold, retain, and develop a

human's life. Social norms are the rules in human connections. According to

Goeman (in Wardani, 2011:4) “Norma sosial adalah standar yang

melandasi manusia untuk beradaptasi dalam masyarakat dan lingkungan

budaya” (Social norms are a standard that underlies the human to adapt in

society and cultural environment). It can be comprehended that social value

is the general rules in the community.

11 Universitas Sumatera Utara d. Educational Values

Literature has educational values. If we are reading one of the literary

works, it will make we explore about knowledge. It is about how we can

know and what we can know. Some writers explore educational issues

deeply so they can create the script of drama with intriguing conflicts. If a

literary work persuades us to think about perception, make sense of our

place in the world, or self-awareness we can say that it has educational

values. e. Artistic Values

Literature has artistic values. If we are reading one of the literary works, it

will give us an opportunity to contemplate the nature of beauty and human

creativity. It makes the writer thinks how to use the language style and its

expressive power through the words. Every literary work has artistic values

with the power of language in a new and unique way so they are still

important over the years. f. Moral Values

Literature has moral values. If we are reading one of the literary works, it

will make us learn about something. For example, a story teaches us how to

live with good morals. It shows a moral dimension. The readers will

automatically see the moral values in literary work eventhough the moral

values deliver an unpleasant thing to them. We must learn to appreciate

works of literature for its various kinds of value. Appreciate means if we

find some values, we are not inclined to reject it just because we think it

teaches the wrong lesson.

12 Universitas Sumatera Utara

From the explanations above, the writer can conclude that moral values have a close connection between right or wrong behavior. Moral values also relates to cultural values, religious values or other values. Therefore, literature is one of the media to express some of the meanings; one of them is moral values.

2.3.3 Moral Values

The word of morals concerns with values. Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary by Hornby (2010:959) defines that “Moral values are the standard or principles to have good behavior.” Thus, people will have a good personality if they do moral values.

There are four characteristics of moral values:

a. Moral values are connected with responsibility

Moral values are connected to the personality and responsibility of humans.

Moral values can make a person become right or wrong because they have

responsibility. Moral values will make people are guilty because of their


b. Moral values are connected with pure heart

If we want to have a good moral, it must come from a pure heart. Moral

values will encourage a voice from someone’s heart. Our heart will judge us

if our behavior is wrong.

c. Moral values are an obligation

Moral values are an absolute obligation and it cannot be bargained. The

moral value contains an imperative category. It means that, moral values

obligate us to do something without a requirement. It is impossible if we

13 Universitas Sumatera Utara

choose some moral values and refuse others. For example, someone receives

honesty and loyalty as the values in his life, but he cannot reject justice as

the value too. Therefore, people should accept all the standard of behavior.

d. Moral values are a formality

Moral values are a formality. It means that moral values cannot stand-alone

without other values. Although moral values are the most important values

that we must know, it is nothing without other values. Bertens (2000:144)

says, “Nilai moral tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan nilai lain karena nilai

moral tidak ada artinya tanpa nilai lain” (Moral values cannot separate

from other values because moral values are nothing without other values).

2.4 Types of Moral Values

Based on Webster Dictionary (1981) there are 12 types of moral values,

they are:

1. Bravery

Bravery comes from controlling fear. Bravery means ready to face danger,

fear, pain, or difficulty without giving into fear. Bravery also means ready

to take risk. For example, be brave to stand up for righteousness or be brave

to take decisions in difficult situations (Webster: 1981 p.269).

2. Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence means believe in ourselves. In the other words, self-

confidence means confident with the power or ability of ourselves (Webster:

1981 p.2059).

14 Universitas Sumatera Utara

3. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a strong feeling of joy or something that produces a strong

spirit. Enthusiastic is related to enthusiasm. Someone who is enthusiastic is

a person who tends to push himself completely to his interests or desires

(Webster: 1981 p.757).

4. Kind-Hearted

Kind-Hearted is the state of being kind. The word of kind-hearted means

having or showing the expression of sympathetic nature, helpful nature, or

good mood (Webster: 1981 p.1243).

5. Honesty

Honesty is a behavior that shows fairness, righteousness, and straight-

forwardness. Honesty is a respectable character and relates with truthfulness

and sincerity (Webster 1981 p.1086).

6. Love and Affection

Love is a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal tries

(Webster: 1981 p.1340). Affection means a feeling about love, kindness,

and desire. Affection is a feeling of liking and loving for somebody or

something (Webster: 1981 p.134).

7. Loyalty

Loyalty is the quality, state, or instance of being loyal. Loyalty is someone's

behavior that is giving or showing firm and constant support to a person or

institution. Loyalty means faithful to commitments, rules, or customs

(Webster: 1981 p.1342).

15 Universitas Sumatera Utara

8. Peace-Loving

Peace is harmony in personal relations. Peace means free from disquieting,

oppressive thoughts, or emotions. Someone who is peace-loving will make

the other people feel safe and happy with his presence (Webster: 1981


9. Perseverance

Perseverance is the action, condition, or instance of persevering. It is the

continued effort of an undertaking to achieve a certain purpose.

Perseverance means able and ready to drive forward (Webster: 1981


10. Sincerity

Sincerity is the quality or condition of being heartfelt, an expression of

heartfelt feeling. Sincerity shows the feeling, belief, or behavior that we

really think or feel (Webster: 1981 p.2122).

11. Strong Belief

Strong is the ability to bear up and ready in facing pressure or hardness

(Webster 1981 p.2265). Belief means a condition or habit in which trust,

certainty, and dependence are placed in a person or a thing. Belief is the

action of believing and accepting something as the truth. Strong belief is an

unshakeable believes in something without need for proof or evidence

(Webster: 1981 p.2000).

12. Sacrifice for Others

A sacrifice is an act of offering something precious (Webster: 1981 p.1996).

Sacrifice for others is willingness and sincerity to give something that we

16 Universitas Sumatera Utara have to others. Sacrifice for others is an attitude that prioritizes the interests of others rather than the interests of ourselves. It shows that we understand and care for other people.

17 Universitas Sumatera Utara


As the writer explains in the previous chapter, moral values are standards or principles. Moral values can help us to identify whether the action of someone is good or bad and right or wrong. Moral values can be found in the song lyrics. The writer finds two types of moral value in the five selected songs of Confident

Album, which are bravery and self-confidence. The descriptions are as follows:

3.1 Bravery

Lion Heart

And the strength I've found

Is in my veins

(“Lion Heart”, 7th and 8th lines in first stanza)

Through these lyrics, the singer wants to express that she finds strength and

bravery when she with the man that she loves together.

And we stand together facing a war

And our love is gonna conquer it all

We are lion hearts

(“Lion Heart”, 4th, 5th, and 6th lines in second chorus)

In these lyrics, the singer wants to say that she is brave to stand together

facing the war with the man. The word “war” refers to the problems that

they will go through especially in their relationship. The words “Lion

Heart” in the lyrics mean that they are a very brave people to take risks in

the hard situations. They believe no matter how hard the war is, they can

survive and will face it all.

18 Universitas Sumatera Utara

Kingdom Come

Cross my heart, that I'll die for you

Cross my heart, that I'll always keep you

Cross my heart like a bitter-sweet tattoo

(“Kingdom Come”, 4th, 5th, and 6th lines in pre-chorus)

From these lyrics, the singer swears that she always be with the man through up and down. She dares to speak up and shows that she has the unconditionally love to the man. Moreover, she braves to take risks by taking care of him, being with him like a tattoo, which is attached to the body in every situation, both joy and sorrow.


Here's my body that I'm giving to us

Here's my arms that'll hold us up

Here's my life dedicated to love

(“Yes”, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd line in chorus)

In these lyrics, the singer conveys that she is brave to take actions. She will fight for their love. She is ready to give her body, soul, strength, and life to the man. Even though in the end, no one knows it will be better or worse.

She takes risk to dedicate all of her life to a man that she loves the most.


I'm the boss right now Not gonna fake it Now I'm letting go I make my own choice

(“Confident” first stanza)

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From these song lyrics, the singer wants to tell that she has the bravery to

take action and to speak up all about what she wants to say and she feels

free to share her ideas through her songs.

Old Ways

I'm not afraid to fall

I'm not afraid anymore

(“Old Ways”, 8th and 9th lines in bridge)

From the song lyrics, the singer wants to say that she is brave to take a

change in her life. She dares to take action by getting out of the bad habits in

the past.

3.2 Self-Confidence

Lion Heart

And we walk together into the light

And my love will be your armour tonight

(“Lion Heart”, 1st and 2nd lines in chorus)

Though the word of “armor” the singer wants to convey, she believes that

she can protect him, take care of him by giving all of her love to the man.

Kingdom Come

“Long live the queen” what the people say

And that be me I got a king in my cavalry

(“Kingdom Come”, 2nd and 3rd lines in third stanza)

Through the word of “queen”, the singer wants to express she believes that

she is the only woman who can love him sincerely and stay with him.

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I tried to give you everything you deserve

And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine

Here I am if you're ready to try

(“Yes”, 4th, 5th, and 6th lines in chorus)

In these song lyrics, the singer wants to say, she believes that she can make the man can love her too as long as he tries to be in a relationship with her.


What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being

What's wrong with being confident?

What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being

What's wrong with being confident?

(“Confident”, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lines in chorus) From these lyrics, Demi Lovato wants to tell that she is feeling confident and grateful now with herself. She is proud to have tanned skin and accept herself with all the strength and weaknesses. She wants to persuade the listeners to embrace and accept all of the diversity and to respect each other.

Old Ways

But if somebody tells me I’ll go back to my old ways I’m gonna say no way I’m hearing them all say I’ll go back to my old ways Not going back to my old ways (“Old Ways” pre-chorus)

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Through these lyrics, Demi Lovato wants to deliver that she believes of

herself to start a new life. Even though there are so many people out there

talk about her past, she consistently being confident. Now, she knows the

best thing for her and all that she needs. She is glad to be rid of past habits

and refuses in giving into temptation. Because she believes when she

chooses to go and start a new page in her life that is the time to believe in

and responsible to ourselves.

3.3 The Significances of Moral Values Portrayed in the Lyrics Can Inspire

the Human’s Life

In this chapter, the writer would like to describe the significances of moral values can inspire the human’s life through the song lyrics.

The songs can inspire the listener by delivering moral messages, which relates to self-confidence and bravery. The moral values portrayed in the selected songs of Confident Album can inspire people to:

1. Provide direction and educate the human’s life

A human without moral values is a human who does not have a goal in life.

Through moral values, human can be guided in order to adore God and do

great things in life. With moral values, humans are taught to help one

another and tolerance in receiving diversity.

2. Introduce between good and bad

Generally, individuals want to get all the things in this world because of

their enthusiasm. It would lead humans into greediness. By learning moral

values, individuals will know the necessary things that must to do.

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3. Recognize for their mistakes

Human consistently do a mistake. However, people must be brave to

recognize that their actions are right or wrong. This is very important to

make others are respected, accepted, and valued in society.

4. Care about the other people

Everyone should care about another person. We have to throw our selfish

and social status so we can create a perfect world where we can live happily.

5. Brave to face their problems

People always have problems in their life such as problems with their

parents or friends. Therefore, people should face all problems to be a brave

and strong person.

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4.1 Conclusion

In the previous chapter, the writer has described two types of moral value in the five selected songs of Confident Album. The first is bravery and the second is self-confidence.

In the five selected songs of Confident Album, the singer has portrayed her feelings, thoughts, and experiences about her life. As a person who lives in this complicated life, the singer wants to teach us that we need to be confident in ourselves. We need to believe that we are brave to face every problem that comes to our life perfectly and we have to fight if we want to get something in our life, especially when being in love with someone. We need to be confident and accept ourselves as who we are because no one will do, just ourselves. The five selected songs of Confident Album can guide us to be a brave and confident person by listening to the songs and understanding the lyrics.

Therefore, the singer makes these songs as guidance in human’s life to have a good personality. In addition, moral values describe human’s behavior, it identifies which are good or bad actions. The singer hopes she can inspire the listeners through the Confident Album.

4.2 Suggestion

Confident Album is very interesting to be listened. It is full of knowledge about self-confidence and self-empowerment. The types of moral values, which are describe in this study, are a little bit of many types of moral values conducted

24 Universitas Sumatera Utara and shared with the readers. The writer thinks that the student of English Diploma should study these song lyrics deeply in order to have literary insights. Because every song has a certain meaning so, pay attention to the lyrics and listen to the songs.

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Benninga. (1991). Moral, Character, and Civic Education in the Elementary

School. New York: Teacher College Press.

Caryle, T. (1831). Relation between Poetry and History. California: University of

California Press.

Delisle, Harold et all. (1971). Personal Response to Literature Boston. Boston:

Houghton Mifflin Company.

D. R. Shaffer. (1991). Life-Span Human Development. California: Pacific Groove.

Fimela.com. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2020, from Lirik Confident by Demi

Lovato: https://www.fimela.com/news-entertainment/read/2391281/lirik-


Griya Wardani. (2011, May). Sastra. Retrieved June 6, 2020, from Griya

Wardani: https://griyawardani.wordpress.com

Hartono. (1992). Pengantar Ilmu Sastra. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Hornby, A. S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Oxford: University


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Hurlock, E. B. (1985). Child Development. Singapore: McGRaw-Hill Book


InstaLirik. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2020, from Lirik Old Ways by Demi Lovato:


Kapanlagi.com. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2020, from Lirik Kingdom Come by

Demi Lovato: https://lirik.kapanlagi.com/artis/demi-lovato/kingdom-come-


K. Bertens. (2000). Etika. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka.

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W. Poespropodjo. (1999). Filsafat Moral. Bandung: CV. Pustaka Grafika.

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Biography of Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato was born on August, 20th 1992 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

She is the daughter of Patrick Lovato and Diana Lovato. She has an older sister named Dallas Lovato. At the age of 10, Demi made an acting debut when she played Angela in PBS children television show “Barney and Friends”. On the set of the TV show, she met Selena Gomez and they became good friends. Over the next few years, she continued to pursue her love for acting and singing. Under the guidance of her mother, who is a former Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and country-recording artist, she appeared in a number of productions and contests throughout the state of Texas.

In 2006, she tried to make her way into bigger television series by joining the cast of several televisions shows, including “Prison Break”, “Split Ends Pilot”, and “Just Jordan”. As time goes by, Demi accepted Disney Channel’s offer to be a regular in first season of their short show, “As the Bell Rings”. On the show, she stars as Charlotte Adams, a girl whom the main male character, Danny Neilson, dated.

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Still, she did not claim her fame until 2008 when she landed the part of

Mitchie Torres in Disney’s musical smash made-for-TV movie, “Camp Rock”, alongside teen band sensation Jonas Brothers. Having to explore her singing talent deeper in “Camp Rock” and make a lasting impression with it, she then decided to jump deeper into music industry by touring solo on “Demi Live! Warm Up Tour”.

Following that solo gigs, Demi joined the Jonas boys in their 2008 tour, entitled

“Burning up Tour”.

Between her tight schedules, she took another project, once again signing a deal with Disney Channel. This time, it is for their next original movie entitled

“Princess Protection Program”. On top of that, the actor, who plays drum, guitar, and piano, was slated to star in her own TV series, “Welcome to Mollywood” where she portrayed Molly, an aspiring actor who gets a role on a television show.

Before starring in “Mollywood”, Demi entered the recording room and cooked new materials for her upcoming debut album, “Don't Forget”, with the help from the three Jonas brothers. While waiting for the record's release date, she released lead single, “Get Back” on 12th August. It peaked at number 43 in

Billboard Hot 200 and reached number 16 in Hot Digital Songs.

In 2009, Demi proceeded with her second studio album “Here We Go

Again”. It sent her to No. 1 on Billboard Hot 200, marking her best charting album so far. The title track even climbed to No. 15 on Hot 100. Outside music, she was booked to return to the movie that made her famous, “Camp Rock”.

She reprised her role as Michie Torres with the Jonas Brothers in a sequel

“Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam”. She was later romantically involved with Joe

Jonas but they broke up later. Her career was put in a standstill after she was

Universitas Sumatera Utara reported getting into a fight with a member of her entourage during a second joint tour with the band.

Demi went to rehab in 2010 for nervous breakdown. Later, it revealed that she battled eating disorder, self-harming issue, and addiction with subscription pills. After released from the rehab facility a year later, she wasted no time to return to work and pour her heart out in her third studio album “Unbroken”, which became her most emotional work yet.

One of the most notable singles in the album was “Skyscraper” which chronicles her struggle to battle her demons. Demi has since actively campaigned to raise awareness against bulimia, body image and self-cutting issues. She received many recognitions including from the U.S. Department of Health for her tireless works to help her peers who is battling the same problems as her.

Her triumphant comeback coupled with her inspiring story and work landed her a judging gig on “The X Factor (US)” that put her on the same panel as Britney Spears, L.A. Reid and Simon Cowell. In 2013, she returned with another album, a self-titled one called "Demi", which was released on 14th May. It reached No. 3 on the album chart.

In 2015, she released her album again as her fifth album entitled by

Confident. Confident Album received generally positive reviews from music critics, with many praising its themes. Its lead single, “Cool for the Summer”, peaked at number 11 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and was certified Double

Platinum by RIAA. The second single, “Confident”, peaked at number 21 on the

US Billboard Hot 100 and was certified Double Platinum by RIAA. The third single, “Stone Cold”, peaked at number 2 on the Bubbling Under Hot 100 and was

Universitas Sumatera Utara certified Platinum by RIAA. Confident Album nominated for Best Pop Vocal

Album at the 59th Annual Grammy Awards, marking the first Grammy nomination of Demi Lovato’s career.

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Song Lyrics “Lionhearts” [Verse 1] Your light is inside of me Like a raging roar Like an ocean born You're in my veins Your voice is serenity When the Sun goes down And the strength I've found Is in my veins [Pre-Chorus] Our story binds us Like right and wrong Your hand in mine Marching to the beat of the stars [Chorus] And we walk together into the light And my love will be your armour tonight We are lionhearts And we stand together facing a war And our love is gonna conquer it all We are lionhearts [Verse 2] You're here like a silhouette When the darkness rules You're the brightest moon And I am safe [Pre-Chorus] Our story binds us Like right and wrong Your hand in mine Marching to the beat of the stars [Chorus] And we walk together into the light And my love will be your armour tonight We are lionhearts And we stand together facing a war And our love is gonna conquer it all We are lionhearts

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“Kingdom Come” [Verse 1] Can we love until there's nothing left And we're collecting dust (dust) Use the hell out of outgolden souls Until we're flecks of rust (rust) [Pre-Chorus] A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it Flame so bright make the daylight look dark (dark) Cross my heart that I'd die for ya Cross my heart that I'll always keep ya Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo (tattoo) And we go [Chorus] Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah, yeah, yeah [Verse 2] Let it intertwine your hand in mine And fill the empty space (space) All the demons cry 'cause you and I Found love in a broken place (place) [Pre-Chorus] A love so deep, nothing else like it Scars go deep, but they can't find it Flame so bright make the daylight look dark (dark) Cross my heart that I'd die for ya Cross my heart that I'll always keep ya Cross my heart like a bitter sweet tattoo (tattoo) And we go [Chorus] Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah, yeah, yeah [Verse 3] Gather around, now I'm back from my holiday

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"Long live the queen" what the people say And that be me I got a king in my cavalry Them other knights say goodnight They get apathy You'll never catch an Adam without Eve You'll never catch a Blue without Steve See what I mean you're my Caesar, burn my chariot You know Family Matters, what's Carl without Harriot? Inseperable like Mary Kate and Ashley Incredible, I'm ready if you ask me, to ride on them Them meaning chicks ya feel me? I break 'em down, it's a sport, I should win an Espy Royalty another level, boy your throne shine Legendary love, the nation needs a paradigm Call all the king's horses and all the kingsmen We rule until the end (kingdom come) And we go [Chorus] Oh, you're my kingdom come Oh, you're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah, yeah, yeah [Outro] You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne Yeah You're my kingdom come So sit me on your throne

“Yes” [Verse 1] Face me (face me) Take me (take me) Save me Don't try to change me Face you (face you) Take you (take you) Save you I won't try to change you Yes, yes [Chorus]

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Here's my body that I'm giving to us Here's my arms that'll hold us up Here's my life dedicated to love I tried to give you everything you deserve And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine Here I am if you're ready to try Here's my tears when you tell me those words For better or Yes, yes [Verse 2] Love me (love me) Earn me (earn me) Stay true, I'll never hurt you Love you (love you) Earn you (earn you) Stay true, I'll do what I have to Yes, yes [Chorus] Here's my body that I'm giving to us Here's my arms that'll hold us up Here's my life dedicated to love I tried to give you everything you deserve And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine Here I am if you're ready to try Here's my tears when you tell me those words For better or Yes, yes Here's my tears when you tell me those words [Bridge] And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine Here I am if you're ready to try Here's my tears when you tell me those words Here's my life, for better or worse For better or Yes, yes [Chorus] Here's my body that I'm giving to us Here's my arms that'll hold us up Here's my life dedicated to love I tried to give you everything you deserve And I can't promise that it's gonna be fine Here I am if you're ready to try

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Here's my tears when you tell me those words For better or Yes, yes

“Confident” [Intro] Are you ready? [Verse 1] It's time for me to take it I'm the boss right now Not gonna fake it Not when you go down 'Cause this is my game And you better come to play I used to hold my freak back Now I'm letting go I make my own choice [Clean version:] Yeah I run this show [Explicit version:] Bitch, I run this show So leave the lights on No, you can't make me behave [Pre-Chorus] So you say I'm complicated That I must be outta my mind But you've had me underrated Rated, rated, rated [Chorus] What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being [Verse 2] It's time to get the chains out Is your tongue tied up? 'Cause this is my ground And I'm dangerous And you can get off But it's all about me tonight [Pre-Chorus]

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So you say I'm complicated That I must be outta my mind But you've had me underrated Rated, rated, rated [Chorus] What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? [Pre-Chorus] So you say I'm complicated But you've had me underrated [Chorus] What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being What's wrong with being confident? “Old Ways” [Verse 1] It was fun playin' with knives Until a blade Stuck in the left side of my chest Surprise And I'm down again, I turn the page The story's mine No more watchin' the world from my doorstep Passin' me by

[Pre-Chorus] And I just keep changin' These colors, colors, colors, colors I'm not in the same place That I was, I was, I was, I was

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[Chorus] But if somebody tells me I'll go back to my old ways I'm gonna say no way I'm out of the doorway I'm hearin' them all say I'll go back to my old ways [Post-Chorus] Not goin' back to my old ways Not goin' back to my old ways (Not goin' back to my old ways) [Verse 2] Now I know what's good for me All that I need And I can't wait to sink my teeth in And take another bite And the best part about it Is I'm the only who can do somethin' about it I fill the well with some water , it's overflowin' Black into gold Who knew it'd be so bright without the blindfolds [Pre-Chorus] And I just keep changin' These colors, colors, colors, colors I'm not in the same place That I was, I was, I was, I was [Chorus] But if somebody tells me I'll go back to my old ways I'm gonna say no way I'm out of the doorway I'm hearin' them all say I'll go back to my old ways [Post-Chorus]

Not goin' back to my old ways Not goin' back to my old ways (Not goin' back to my old ways) [Bridge]

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Every scar The flames burn the mark I'm not afraid to fall I'm spiraling I'm spiraling I pass the stars I'm not burning out I'm not afraid to fall I'm not afraid anymore [Breakdown] And the best part about it Is I'm the only who can do somethin' about it I fill the well with some water , it's overflowin' Black into gold Who knew it'd be so bright without the blindfolds [Pre-Chorus] And I just keep changin' These colors, colors, colors, colors I'm not in the same place That I was, I was, I was, I was [Chorus] But if somebody tells me I'll go back to my old ways I'm gonna say no way I'm out of the doorway

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