Trade Contacts of Roman Dacia
TRADE CONTACTS OF ROMAN DACIA Mateusz Żmudziński Knowledge about trade contacts in Roman Dacia ond group, part of the lamps wear the mark of is possible thanks to the foreign-made objects their producers: Fortis, Armeni, Ianuari, Cassi, which are discovered on this ancient territory dur- Flavi, Strobili, Crescens, Lucius, Atimeti, Titus ing archaeological digs. Among others, these are (Băluţa 1977, 209-227; Băluţa 1986, 441-446, enamelled and terra sigillata potteries, oil lamps, Gudea 1989, 447-448; Gudea 1996, 333/2). Their jewels, art works and amphorae. Part of the am- later local imitations are very diffi cult to distin- phorae could have been delivered to the military guish from the original models and testify of the camps as annonae militaris. But we know for sure elimination of imports by a local production (Cf. that, like in other provinces, there was a trade of Roman 2006, 545-553). some groups of products which did not leave ar- The next group of imported goods are luxury table chaeological traces. It is the case of glass products dishes. Among them enamelled pottery should be from Britannia which are often mentioned in writ- mentioned fi rst. Usually, they were thin-shelled ten sources but seldom found, even fragmentarily and covered with a yellow-green coloured enamel (Cool 2003, 139-143). Apart from these objects, (Gudea 1989, 446, 858/1-3; Benea 2004, 203- many inscriptions have been found on the Da- 217). They were imported in little quantities from cian territory that indicate the presence of foreign so far unidentifi ed workshops most probably situ- merchants from other regions of the empire.
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