RF Annual Report
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The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report J7 1948 rp-v\ p 'T ' " ' ' T i h , • . -i ^ A. 49 West 49th Street, New York 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation CONTENTS FOREWORD xlii PRESIDENT'S REVIEW i REPORT OF THE SECRETARY 53 THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION 59 THE MEDICAL SCIENCES III THE NATURAL SCIENCES 155 THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 2OJ THE HUMANITIES 267 OTHER APPROPRIATIONS 3! I REPORT OF THE TREASURER 327 INDEX 401 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation ILLUSTRATIONS Page Anopheline Eradication Campaign, Sardinia School children in New Brunswick, Canada 76 Clinic in the Eastern Health District, Baltimore 76 Pillage watering trough, Crete 91 National Superior School of Nursing, Bogotd, Colombia 92 Public health nursing in Brazil 92 University of Pennsylvania skin virus laboratory 129 Child Research Council of Denver 130 Animal quarters, Tulane University School of Medicine 130 Pediatric Clinic, Meharry Medical College 143 Ramah Navaho Indians, under study by Harvard and Ohio State Universities 144 Biology laboratories, California Institute of Technology 173 Biochemical investigations at Yale University 174 Laboratory research in chemotherapy at Harvard University 189 Institute of Experimental Pathology, University of Iceland 189 Marine Biological Laboratories, Woods Hale 190 Enzyme chemistry research at New York University 190 Staff of Columbia University's Institute for Urban Land Use and Housing Studies confer with the Philadelphia City Planning Commission 225 Displaced persons in Finland 226 Harvest scene in Japan 239 vii 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation Page Tufts College conference on sociopsychiatric studies 240 Rare books in the collection of the Russian Institute^ Columbia University 240 A Puerto Rican sugar worker and his family Japanese American farmers ' A Wisconsin lumber camp in 1885 University of Oklahoma: Research on state history 281 'National Institute of Anthropology and History, Mexico 282 Microfilming laboratories. National Archives^ Washington, D. C. 282 Seminar for German press personnel in New York 29$ Research In Philippine history., University of the Philippines 296 Colegio de Mexico: Seminar in linguistics 2g6 *** vni 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Trustees, Committees and Officers 1948 TRUSTEES WINTHROP W. ALDRICH ROBERT F. LOEB, M.D. CHESTER I. BARNARD » JOHN J. MCCLOV KARL T. COMPTON HENRY ALLEN MOE JOHN S. DICKEY WILLIAM I. MYERS HAROLD W. DODDS THOMAS PARRAN, M.D. JOHN POSTER DULLES JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, 3RD RAYMOND B. FOSDICK » ROBERT G. SPROUL DOUGLAS S. FREEMAN WALTER W. STEWART HERBERT S, GASSER, M.D. ARTHUR HAYS SULZBERGER WALTER S. GIFFORD HAROLD H. SWIFT HENRY P. VAN DUSEN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE PRESIDENT, Chairman CHESTER I. BARNARD > HENRY ALLEN MOB JOHN S. DICKEY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, 3RD JOHN FOSTER DULLES* WALTER W. STEWART RAYMOND B. FOSDICK > WALTER S. GIFFORD, alternate ROBERT F. LOEB, M.D. HENRY P. VAN DUSEN, alternate FINANCE COMMITTEE WINTHROP W. ALDRICH, Chairman WALTER S. GIPFORD CHESTER I. BARNARD a JOHN J. MCCLOY* THE PRESIDENT THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS CHARLES H. BEST, M.D. WILTON L. HALVERSON, M.D. EUGENE L. BISHOP, M.D. KENNETH F. MAXCY, M.D. ROLLA E. DYER, M.D. HUGH J. MORGAN, M.D. THE PRESIDENT THE DIRECTOR OF THE DIVISION OFFICERS Chairman of the Board of Trustees WALTER W. STEWART President RAYMOND B. FOSDICK i President-etnt CHESTER I. BARNARD 1 Vice-President THOMAS B. APPLEGET Secretary FLORA M. RHIND Treasurer EDWARD ROBINSON Comptroller GEORGE J, BEAL Counsel THOMAS M. DEBEVOISE « Associate Counsel CHAUNCEY BELKNAP 5 VANDERBILT WEBB > Director for the International Health Division GEOUGK K, STRODE, M.D. Dircttor for the Medical Sciences ALAN GREGG, M.D. Director for the Natural Sciences WARREN WEAVER Director for the Social Sciences JOSEPH H. WILLITS Director for the Humanities DAVID H. STEVENS 1 Raymond B. Fosdick retired as President, June 30, 1948. He was succeeded by Chester I. Barnard, July 1. 1948. a Elected April 6.1948. > To April 6, 1948. * Retired June 30, 1948. s Appointed Counsel beginning July I, 1948. © 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION Trustees, Committees and Officers 1949 TRUSTEES WINTHROP W. ALDRICH JOHN J. McCt-ov CHESTER 1. BARNARD HENRY ALLEN MOE KARL T. COMPTON WILLIAM I. MYERS JOHN S. DICKEY THOMAS PARRAN, M.D. HAROLD W. DODDS JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, 3RD JOHN FOSTER DULLES ROBERT G. SPROUL DOUGLAS S. FREEMAN WAITER W. STEWART HERBERT S. GASSER, M.D. ARTHUR HAYS SULZBERGER WALTER S. GIFFORD HAROLD H. SWIFT ROBERT F. LOEB, M.D. HENRY P. VAN DUSEN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE PRESIDENT, Chairman JOHN S. DICKEY JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, 3RD OHN FOSTER DULLES WALTER W. STEWART ROBERT F. LOEB, M.D. WALTER S. GIFFORD, alternate HENRY ALLEN MOE HENRY P. VAN DUSEN, alternate FINANCE COMMITTEE WINTHROP W. ALDRICH, Chairman WALTER S. GIFFORD JOHN J. McCtov THE PRESIDENT THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS EUGENE L. BISHOP, M.D. WILTON L. HALVERSON, M.D. ROLLA E, DYER, M.D. KENNETH F. MAXCY, M.D. GORDON M. FAIR THOMAS PARRAN, M.D. THE PRESIDENT THE DIRECTOR OF THE DIVISION OFFICERS Chairman of the Board of Trustees WALTER W. STEWART President CHESTER I. BARNARD Vice-President THOMAS B. APPLEGET l Vice-President-elect LlNDSLEY F. KlMBALL* Secretary FLORA M. RHIND Treasurer EDWARD ROBINSON Comptroller GEORGE J. BEAL Counsel CHAUNCEY BELKNAP VANDERBILT WEBB Director for the International Health Division GKORGE K. STRODE, M.D. Director for the Medical Sciences ALAN GREGG, M.D. Director for the Natural Sciences WARREN WEAVER Director for the Social Sciences JOSEPH H. WILLITS Director for Hie Humanities DAVID H. STEVENS »Resignation effective May 31, 1949. •Elected April 6, 1949. xi © 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation To the Trustees of The Rockefeller Foundation GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to transmit herewith a general review of the work of The Rockefeller Foundation for the period January i, 1948, to December 31, 1948, together with detailed reports of the Secretary and the Treasurer of the Foundation, the Director of the International Health Division, and the Directors of the Medical Sciences, the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Respectfully yours, CHESTER I. BARNARD President Xlil © 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation THE PRESIDENT'S REVIEW FOR 1948 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation PRESIDENT'S REVIEW THE RETIREMENT OF MR. FOSDICK 5 FOUNDATION POLICIES 8 PROBLEMS OF MODERN SOCIETY n POPULATION 12 COMMUNICATION 19 COOPERATION 21 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR 24 POPULATION AND AGRICULTURE 24 PROGRESS IN PUBLIC HEALTH 1J COMMUNICATION AND MEDICINE 31 ROLE OF THE HUMANITIES 35 HUMAN RELATIONS 38 STUDYING NORMAL PEOPLE 4! BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH 43 CENTRAL EUROPEAN REHABILITATION 45 EXPERIMENT IN COMMUNICATION 48 FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 5O APPLICATIONS DECLINED DURING 1948 51 © 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation PRESIDENT'S REVIEW MR. FOSDICK'S RETIREMENT important event in the affairs of The Rocke- feller Foundation in 1948 was the retirement on June thirtieth of Mr. Raymond B, Fos- dick. Mr. Fosdick served as President from July 1936, and as a trustee from 1921. His knowledge of the history of the Foundation and his experience in the solution of its complex and often delicate prob- lems were both mature and profound. He achieved a career of outstanding usefulness to the Foundation and to the greater society of mankind throughout the world, in whose service it was established. His in- fluence will be manifest as long as the Foundation and the memory of it endure. One of the accomplishments which brought Mr. Fosdick wide renown was the document known as the President's Review. Although it served as an intro- duction to the formal report of the Foundation, it was also published separately, not as an official report to the Board of Trustees, but as a quasi-personal 2003 The Rockefeller Foundation 6 THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION appraisal of world-wide conditions and of Foundation interests. It appeared in English, French and Spanish. There is no formal requirement that such a report be published. In fact only one of Mr. Fosdick's pred- ecessors, Mr. George E. Vincent, President from 1917 to 1929, issued similar reviews. The present incumbent had to consider even before taking office whether to attempt to continue a series made illus- trious by the skillful pens of Mr. Vincent and Mr. Fosdick. The initial question, "What would justify the publication of so personal a report?" after con- sideration became "What would justify not making such a report?" For although the valuation of Foun- dation work and the critique of conditions to which this work applies are matters of personal judgment, the Review is written from a position of official responsibility. This position is unique because the Foundation represents no private or political interest, and is concerned with the entire range of philan- thropic effort throughout the world. The detached objectivity with which the officers of the Foundation can regard their work contributes more than any other single factor to the acceptance of Foundation efforts. It is inevitable that the views of the officers and trustees are affected individually by the biases and preconceptions of their training, and collectively by