

The new theory of phenotypic

Masatoshi Nei* Institute of Molecular Evolutionary and Department of , Pennsylvania State University, 328 Mueller Laboratory, University Park, PA 16802

Edited by Daniel L. Hartl, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved June 13, 2007 (received for review April 16, 2007)

Recent studies of developmental biology have shown that the controlling phenotypic characters expressed in the early stage of development are highly conserved and that recent evolutionary changes have occurred primarily in the characters expressed in later stages of development. Even the genes controlling the latter characters are generally conserved, but there is a large component of neutral or nearly neutral within and between closely related . Phenotypic evolution occurs primarily by mutation of genes that interact with one another in the developmental process. The enormous amount of phenotypic diversity among different phyla or classes of is a product of accumulation of novel and their conservation that have facilitated to different environments. Novel mutations may be incorporated into the by (elimi- nation of preexisting genotypes) or by random processes such as genetic and genomic drift. However, once the mutations are incor- porated into the genome, they may generate developmental constraints that will affect the future direction of phenotypic evolution. It appears that the driving force of phenotypic evolution is mutation, and natural selection is of secondary importance.

or the last six decades, the domi- occur at the molecular level, but be- families (26, 27). Many multigene fami- nant theory of evolution has cause they do not affect phenotypic lies are of ancient origin and are shared been neo-, which was characters, they are of little interest to by animals, plants, and fungi. Good ex- F developed by the three founders evolutionists. In this respect, it is inter- amples are genes that encode of theoretical , esting to note that even Kimura (15), factors controlling various Fisher (1), Wright (2), and Haldane (3), protagonist of the neutral theory of aspects of morphogenesis. The and was later supported by various evo- , believed in neo- of animals and plants contain a large lutionists (4–9). Neo-Darwinism asserts Darwinism with respect to phenotypic superfamily of homeobox genes, with that natural selection is the driving force evolution. By contrast, Nei (17, 24, 25) Ͼ200 genes in the and Ϸ80 of evolution, and mutation merely pro- argued that because phenotypic charac- genes in the flowering plant Arabidopsis vides raw genetic materials with which ters are ultimately controlled by DNA thaliana. Animal homeobox genes can natural selection produces novel charac- sequences, both molecular and pheno- be divided into at least 49 families (28, ters. This view is based on the argument typic evolution must occur in similar 29). The most well studied is the HOX that natural selection enhances the fre- ways. He also suggested that a consider- family that controls the anterior– quencies of advantageous at able portion of morphological evolution posterior segmentation of the animal many loci and makes it easy to recom- is caused by neutral or nearly neutral body. The homeodomains encoded by bine them into a single individual and mutations, and the driving force of evo- orthologous and paralogous HOX genes produce a novel character, especially in lution is mutation at both molecular and from different animals are known to the presence of gene interaction (1–3). phenotypic levels. However, the evi- have the same or very similar amino By following this principle, evolutionary dence for supporting this argument was acid sequences (28, 30, 31). In general, have developed various theo- rather weak. the genes involved ries of natural selection to explain the In recent years substantial progress in the early stages of development are evolution of (9), formation of new has occurred in the study of the molecu- highly conserved (26). This suggests that species (10), development of social lar basis of phenotypic evolution, so that the early stages of development are con- in insects (11), evolution of we can examine the relative importance trolled by the same or similar sets of (12), etc. In these studies, it is custom- of mutation and selection in detail. In genes in many different phyla or classes ary to assume that there is a sufficient this article, I will first consider pheno- of organisms. amount of genetic variation within pop- typic evolution controlled by multigene The highly conserved genes stay in ulations, and therefore what is necessary families, because there is a large amount the genome not because of a low muta- is to study how natural selection pro- of interesting data, and the interpreta- tion rate but because of a high degree duces complex characters or complex tion of new findings in this area is rela- of purifying selection. The degree of ways of life. tively simple. I will then discuss the purifying selection can be measured by In the last four decades, the study of evolutionary changes of -coding comparing the number of synonymous molecular evolution has shown that a and regulatory regions of genes in rela- substitutions per synonymous majority of substitutions in tion to phenotypic evolution and their site (dS) and the number of nonsynony- are neutral or nearly neutral implications for the general theory of mous substitutions per nonsynonymous and that only a minority of the substitu- evolution. tions change protein (13–18). It has also been shown that the major fac- Multigene Families and Author contributions: M.N. wrote the paper. tor of evolution at the molecular level is Phenotypic Evolution The author declares no conflict of interest. mutation, including Conservative and . This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. and other genetic changes (15–17). Recent genomic studies of model - Abbreviations: GRN, gene regulatory network; MC1R, However, most evolutionists still believe isms have made it clear that the ge- melanocortin-1 receptor; OR, olfactory receptor. in neo-Darwinism with respect to phe- nomes of contain a large *E-mail: [email protected]. notypic evolution and are not interested number of multigene families and that This article contains supporting information online at in neutral evolution (19–22). Mayr (23) most physiological and morphological www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/0703349104/DC1. stated that neutral mutations apparently characters are controlled by multigene © 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703349104 PNAS ͉ July 24, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 30 ͉ 12235–12242 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Table 1. Numbers of member genes of several homeobox gene families in animal species Invertebrates

Gene family Fruitfly Tunicate Puffer fish Zebrafish Frog Human

NKX5 1 1 1 4 3 3 2 2 2 DLX 1 1 3 8 5 6 7 6 6 CDX 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 HOX 6 8 10 45 40 35 39 39 39 PAX 2 8 4 9 7 3 4 4 4 POU 3 5 2 16 13 15 14 13 16 LIM 7 7 7 21 14 12 12 11 12

Table is modified from Nam and Nei (29).

site (dN) under the assumption that dS the or the character involved. cause they are equipped with trichro- represents the number of neutral mu- For example, the number of gene copies matic vision (35). For this reason, tations. In the presence of purifying in the HOX is only 8 in they appear to have smaller numbers of selection, nonsynonymous nucleotide fruitflies but 39 in mammals (Table 1). OR genes. However, dogs and cows, substitutions resulting in amino acid This increase is understandable, because which have large numbers of functional changes may be eliminated. We there- vertebrates need more homeobox genes OR genes, also possess large numbers of fore expect that dN is smaller than dS, to develop complex morphological . In , it is known that and the extent of purifying selection can characters. A large-scale study of this even if up to 80% of glomeruli in the be measured by 1 Ϫ dN/dS. When I ap- problem was conducted for 1,219 super- olfactory bulb are removed (OR genes plied this equation to the concatenated families of genes from 38 eukaryotic knocked out), the individual still can nucleotide sequences (2,340 codons) of species, and it was shown that the num- live a normal life in the laboratory con- the of the 39 pairs of hu- ber of genes within each superfamily is dition. Furthermore, Shepherd (36) man and mouse HOX genes, I obtained generally correlated with the number of pointed out the importance of process- 1 Ϫ 0.001/0.313 ϭ 0.997. This suggests types of the organism (26). ing of odor distinction in the brain, stat- that 99.7% of nonsynonymous mutations The increase of gene number is, of ing that although have a smaller are eliminated by purifying selection in course, generally caused by gene dupli- number of OR genes, the proportion of homeobox regions. cation, but gene number sometimes de- brain concerned with olfaction is appar- However, most proteins are not as creases by gene . Therefore, ently greater in humans than in mice. If conserved as HOX homeodomains, and multigene families are generally subject we consider these factors, variation in the average dN/dS ratio obtained from to birth-and- evolution (27, 33). In the number of functional OR genes 1,000 randomly chosen human and multigene families controlling physiolog- among different species may not be di- mouse genes is Ϸ0.15 (18). This means ical characters, variation in the number rectly related to the ability of olfaction that, on average, Ϸ85% of nonsynony- of gene copies among different species required. This is particularly so in the mous nucleotide mutations are deleteri- can be enormous. One of the most con- presence of a large number of pseudo- ous, and only 15% are fixed in the spicuous is the variation of olfactory genes. population. Many genes that are in- receptor (OR) genes among Great variation in the number of gene volved in various physiological functions species (Table 2). In this gene family, copies among vertebrate species is also of adult individuals usually evolve with a the number of functional OR genes is observed with pheromone receptor, higher rate of nonsynonymous substitu- Ͼ1,000 in mice but 396 in humans. taste receptor, and Ig genes (Table 2). tion than HOX genes. Examples are im- Interestingly, humans have more pseu- The reason for this variation is not al- mune systems genes such as Ig and dogenes than mice, the proportion of ways clear. However, it appears that the MHC genes, which are for protecting pseudogenes being Ϸ55% in humans number of gene copies in these gene the host from parasites (, bacte- and 24% in mice. Dogs, which are sup- families was originally determined by ria, etc.). These genes tend to evolve posed to have a good of smell, their functional requirement, but after faster to avoid the attack from ever have 811 functional genes and 289 pseu- the copy number reached a required changing parasites. However, the rate of dogenes. However, the most notable level, the number has fluctuated by ran- nucleotide substitution in these genes is organism in this respect is the , dom duplication and deletion of genes. still much lower than that of pseudo- which has only 82 functional genes but We may call this event random genomic genes, which is often regarded as the 478 pseudogenes. drift, in analogy with random genetic neutral substitution rate (17). Despite Why do the numbers of functional drift of frequencies in population this conservative nature of amino acid genes and pseudogenes vary so much genetics. This random genomic drift is substitution, multigene families may among vertebrate species? The obvious apparently an important factor for the evolve relatively fast because of the factor would be the requirement for a evolution of phenotypic characters. If rapid change of the number of member species to adapt to a particular environ- the number of gene copies increases or genes. mental condition. For most vertebrate decreases by chance for a group of indi- species, detection of millions of different viduals, these individuals may be able to Evolutionary Change of the Number of Gene odorants is crucial for their survival. adapt to a new environment. Genomic Copies. The number of genes contained Yet, animals living in different environ- drift is not just confined to sensory re- in a genome is not necessarily correlated ments require different types and num- ceptor or immune systems genes but with the complexity of the organism in bers of olfactory receptors (34). In some appears to be an important evolutionary eukaryotes (32). However, the number animals such as birds and primates, ol- mechanism for many multigene families. of gene copies in a gene family tends to faction appears to be less important It is known that human populations har- increase with increasing complexity of than in other terrestrial vertebrates be- bor extensive polymorphisms of copy

12236 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703349104 Nei Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Table 2. Numbers of functional genes and pseudogenes in the sensory receptor and other multigene families of vertebrates Olfactory Phermone Taste receptor* receptor† receptor‡ Ig§

Vertebrate OR V1R T2R VH V␭ V␬

Human 396 (425)¶ 5 (115)ʈ 25 (11) 44 (60) 31 (38) 35 (43) Mouse 1,035 (356) 187 (121) 34 (7) 97 (65) 3 (0) 80 (78) Dog 811 (289) 8 (33) 14 (4) 43 (37) 52 (64) 16 (9) Cow 970 (1,159) 40 (45) 11 (13) 11 (6) 28 (30) 9 (13) Opossum 1,188 (304) 98 (30) 25 (8) 26 (6) 48 (6) 66 (49) Chicken 82 (476) 0 (0) 3 (0) 1 (58) 1 (25) 0 (0) Xenopus 410 (478) 21 (2) 48 (5) 39 (41) 6 (1) 71 (18) Zebrafish 102 (35) 2 (0) 4 (0) 37 (10) 33 (9)**

*Y. Niimura and M. Nei (ref. 113 and unpublished work). †Shi and Zhang (114). ‡Shi and Zhang (115). §S. Das and M. Nei, unpublished work. ¶The numbers in parentheses indicate pseudogenes. ʈThe V1R intact genes in humans are likely to be nonfunctional (112). **It is unclear whether these genes belong to the V␭ or V␬ genes family. Here, VH,V␭, and V␬ stand for Ig heavy-chain variable, ␭-chain variable, and ␬-chain variable region genes, respectively.

number of multigene families (37–39) ters should be studied by taking into cated molecular and cellular processes and that many of these polymorphisms account this gene interaction. If a char- carried out by a large number of genes. do not seem to affect the of indi- acter is controlled by a large number of In this section, we consider the roles of viduals even when they are caused by interacting genes, it is possible that the mutation and selection in the evolution duplication of a genomic region contain- genetic networks involved are robust of physiological characters. ing Ϸ30 genes, as in the case of Ig vari- and resistant to the effects of deleteri- able region (V␬) genes in humans (40). ous mutations (49). At the same time, Changes in the Protein-Coding Regions of In plants, there is evidence that the the effects of advantageous mutations Genes. The study of molecular evolution types and numbers of genes in a genome also may not be manifested significantly started with interspecific comparison of are reshuffled extensively when in a genetic network with many differ- protein molecules concerned with vari- polyploidization followed by diploidiza- ent developmental pathways. If this is ous physiological functions (e.g., hemo- tion occurs (41). the case, a large proportion of muta- globin, cytochrome c, and insulin). This tions may evolve in a more or less neu- type of study soon revealed that most Multiple Signal Pathways and Genetic Net- tral fashion. amino acid substitutions occurring in works. So far, we have considered only structural proteins are more or less neu- DNA sequence conservation and Evolution of Physiological Characters tral (16), and the functional change of genomic drift of multigene families. In Strictly speaking, the principle of evolu- proteins is caused primarily by amino general, a large number of different tion of physiological characters cannot acid substitutions occurring in the active genes are involved in the development be distinguished from that of morpho- sites of proteins [supporting information of phenotypic characters, and changes in logical characters, because the formation (SI) Table 3]. This is a general principle the coordination of temporal and spatial of morphological characters depends on of evolution of proteins controlling expression of these genes in the devel- various physiological processes in devel- physiological characters (15, 17, 18). Be- opmental process play important roles opment, and the function of physiologi- cause recent papers on this subject have in evolution. There are usually several cal characters depends on the been reviewed by Nei (18), I shall not signaling pathways for producing the or morphology of the organism. How- repeat the review here. The only com- same end character, and complex gene ever, it is convenient to treat the evolu- ment I would like to make is that Kimu- interaction occurs as a form of gene tion of physiological and morphological ra’s (14) definition of neutral mutations regulatory networks (42–44). The num- characters separately, because the (2Ns Ͻ 1, where N is the effective pop- ber of genes involved in these signaling former characters are concerned primar- ulation size, and s is the selection coeffi- pathways or genetic networks generally ily with adult life, and the latter are cient for the allele) is too strict increases as the phenotypic character products of morphogenesis in the devel- to deal with long-term evolution, and, involved becomes more complex, and opmental stage. For example, the trans- therefore, a more realistic definition this increase in gene number is ulti- portation of oxygen from the lungs to based on functional change of genes by mately caused by gene duplication (45). various tissues in vertebrates is carried Nei (18) will be used in this paper. (He For this reason, gene duplication is the out primarily by and myo- also proposed a more reasonable form fundamental process of generating com- globin. Therefore, by examining the of statistical definition of neutrality, plex organisms (26, 46–48). molecular structures and expression pat- which is given by s͌2N Ͻ 1 for a rea- In the past, it has been customary to terns of these proteins from different sonably large N or approximately treat each gene as a unit of evolution in organisms, one can study the mechanism Ϫ0.001 Յ s Յ 0.001 for N Ϸ 106.) population genetics. In reality, however, of evolution of oxygen transportation. a large number of genes interact with By contrast, to understand the evolution Changes in the Regulatory Regions of one another temporally or spatially in of morphological characters, one must Genes. However, the evolution of physio- the developmental process, and there- study the evolutionary change of mor- logical characters is also affected by fore the evolution of phenotypic charac- phogenesis, which depends on compli- mutational changes of the regulatory

Nei PNAS ͉ July 24, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 30 ͉ 12237 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 regions of genes that include promoters between species in the regulatory re- receptor (MC1R) and Agouti (61, 62). and enhancers surrounding the coding gions are generally in conformity with The wild-type coat color of jaguars of regions of genes. The ␤ globin gene the pattern of neutral evolution (54–58). the family is reddish or yellowish family in humans is known to consist of In this connection, I want to empha- and is determined by phaeomelanin. a cluster of duplicate genes ␧, ␥A, ␥G, ␦, size that any mutation would never be However, there are mutant genotypes and ␤ (50). The gene ␧ is expressed in strictly neutral, because its function de- with black coat color. This color is dom- the early embryonic stage, ␥A and ␥G pends on other genes and environmental inant to the and is caused by are expressed in fetal liver, and ␦ and ␤ conditions. In this sense, any mutation can deletion of several as well as are expressed in adult individuals. The only be nearly neutral as was conceived by amino acid substitutions in the MC1R expression of these genes is controlled early molecular evolutionists (18). and Agouti genes (63). Jaguars live in by the locus control region (LCR) that the jungles of Central and South Amer- exists in an upstream region of the gene Evolution of Morphological Characters ica, and the selective advantage or dis- cluster. The molecular components of Any specific morphological characters or advantage of the black form over the this LCR interact with the regulatory organs such as animal eyes, hearts, and wild type is unclear (62). It is possible region of each globin gene and deter- limbs and plant flowers, etc. are prod- that the mutant black form has spread mine the successive activation and sup- ucts of complex processes of temporal through the population largely by ge- pression of expression of ␤-family genes and spatial expression of many interact- netic drift. Note that small selective ad- in development (50). A similar LCR is ing genes in development. Developmen- vantage or disadvantage is easily believed to control the expression of tal biologists often study and compare swamped by the fluctuation of progeny HOX genes (51) and the expression of the developmental processes of distantly size (18). olfactory receptor genes (52). related organisms such as humans, ze- However, there are cases in which coat How these complex systems of gene brafish, sea urchins, and fruitflies. These color is clearly related to the adaptation expression evolved is unclear. However, studies show that each organism is of organisms. In the Pinacate region of the regulatory region of each gene must uniquely adapted to its environmental southwest Arizona, the rock pocket have changed gradually as the number condition or lifestyle, and, therefore, mouse, Chaetodipus intermedius, inhabits of duplicate genes in the cluster in- natural selection appears to have played both dark and sandy rocky areas of the creased. In fact, the nucleotide sequence important roles in producing morpho- region. Dark areas have been formed of a cis-regulatory element is not fixed logical characters (32, 42). However, to by laval flow from a volcanic eruption but changes in the evolutionary process, understand the mechanism of evolution that occurred Ͼ1 million years ago although it is generally quite conserved. of morphological characters, one should (Mya). Rock pocket mice are generally The amino acid sequence of the DNA- study the differences in morphogenesis light-colored, but in the laval areas binding region of a transcription factor of closely related species or polymorphic dark-colored individuals are observed. also appears to change with time (53). individuals within species. In this case, Nachman et al. (64) showed that there are These changes in the regulatory ele- the number of genes involved is likely to four amino acid differences in MC1R be- ments and the DNA-binding regions of be small, so that it would be easier to tween dark-colored and light-colored transcription factors must be responsible understand the evolutionary process of individuals in this region. Because dark- for the evolutionary change of gene ex- morphological characters. colored mice were derived from light- pression pattern and, consequently, the colored mice by mutation, the former evolutionary change of physiological Changes in the Protein-Coding Regions of were apparently adapted to the dark envi- characters. Genes. To explain the conspicuous mor- ronment to avoid the attack from preda- If this is the case, one would expect phological difference between humans tors such as birds and large mammals. that physiological characters are gener- and despite a small degree Similar adaptation to new environments ally conserved in the evolutionary pro- of amino acid differences, King and Wil- caused by a single amino acid substitution cess. Theoretically, when changes in son (59) suggested that morphological in MC1R has been reported in the beach internal or external environments occur, evolution occurs by mutations of regula- mouse, Peromyscus polionatus, in Florida they may change relatively quickly be- tory genes rather than structural genes. (65). These examples suggest that new cause of the mutations occurring at the This view has been accepted by many mutations are responsible for adaptation cis-regulatory elements and the DNA- developmental biologists (44, 60). By (preadaptation) to new environments and binding regions of transcription factors. contrast, Nei (ref. 17, chapter 14) pro- they have spread through the population However, for cis-elements to bind tran- posed that morphological evolution by natural selection (elimination of previ- scription factors properly, they must occurs by a small proportion of major ous genotypes). The importance of coevolve with a delicate balance. There- effect mutations whether they are struc- changes of protein sequences has also fore, the evolution of physiological char- tural or regulatory (major gene effect been reported for the HOX genes deter- acters is expected to be a slow process. hypothesis). It is still premature to con- mining body segmentation of insects (66, Of course, it is possible that the nucleo- clude which hypothesis is right, but 67), the Vrs1 transcription factor control- tide sequences of the regulatory region there are increasing data indicating the ling the six-rowed spike in (68), and outside the cis-elements evolve in a neu- importance of structural gene mutations others (SI Table 3). tral fashion. However, because the DNA in morphological evolution. These examples show that morpholog- sequences in cis-elements are generally One of the commonly observed mor- ical characters can be changed by a few conserved, the average rate of nucleo- phological variations within and between amino acid substitutions, but it should tide substitution of the entire regulatory related species is that of pigmentation be noted that, as in the case of physio- region is expected to be lower than the of the , skin, and eyes of mammals logical characters, most amino acid rate of in the and birds (SI Table 3). Many mamma- substitutions do not affect them appre- coding regions but higher than the rate lian polymorphisms of black coat color ciably. In the case of MC1R, there are of nonsynonymous substitution. This (caused by the pigment eumelanin) and 63 aa differences (of 315 shared sites expectation has been borne out by ac- reddish or yellowish color (caused by compared) between wild-type mice and tual data for a large number of genes, the pigment phaeomelanin) are con- wild-type rock pocket mice, but the two and the sequence variations within and trolled by proteins called melanocortin-1 species have essentially the same coat

12238 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703349104 Nei Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 Fig. 1. Nucleotide sequences of the cis-elements for five bicoid (bcd), three hunchback (hb), and one giant (gt) transcription factors in the regulatory region of the even skipped (eve) enhancer 2 gene in six species. N/A, no homologous sequence identified. –, nucleotide deletion. mel, D. melanogaster; sim, D. simulans; yak, D. yakuba; ere, D. erecta; pse, D. pseudoobscura; pic, D. picticornis. Adapted from Ludwig et al. (74). The phylogenetic relationships of these species are shown at the left-hand side of the diagram.

color, indicating that only a few specific tions appear to have occurred, because systems using relatively closely related mutations can change coat color. This there is continuous variation in the beak species. The Drosophila observation supports the major gene shape and the expression levels of even-skipped (eve) is known to pro- effect hypothesis (17). BMP4 and calmodulin among different duce seven transverse stripes along the species of Darwin’s finches. anterior–posterior axis of the early Changes in the Regulatory Regions of Another example of rapid morpholog- embryo. Expression of each of these Genes. Generally speaking, the genetic ical evolution by regulatory mutations is stripes is regulated by Ͼ12 cis-elements basis of morphological evolution is more that of freshwater stickleback fish living in the enhancer (activator and repres- complicated than that of physiological in lakes near the northern Atlantic and sor) region. Ludwig, Patel, and Kreit- characters. Darwin’s finches, consisting Pacific. They were apparently derived man (74) studied the tripe 2 enhancers of 14 species, in the Galapagos Islands from the oceanic marine sticklebacks of the eve gene from six different Dro- are often used as a textbook example of Ϸ12,000 years ago when glaciation sophila species and showed that the cis- adaptive of morphological started to retreat. Marine sticklebacks elements of this gene are generally characters. One character that has been have relatively long pelvic (rear) fins, highly conserved, but a few of them studied well is the beak shape of the but the fins are almost absent or sub- were absent in some species (Fig. 1). birds living on different islands. Several stantially reduced in freshwater stickle- Furthermore, the number of nucleotide species of the finches eat insects and backs. It has been shown that the differences in each element increased as flowers of cactuses, whereas some oth- presence of pelvic fins is associated with the genomic divergence between species ers feed on seeds dropped on the a high level of expression of transcrip- increased. Nevertheless, when the ge- ground. Cactus finches generally have tion factor gene, Pitx1, in the pelvic re- netic constructs of enhancers and coding long and pointed beaks, whereas ground gion of the embryo (72). By contrast, regions from different species were ex- finches have broad and thick beaks used freshwater sticklebacks showed no or amined, all of them showed essentially for crushing seeds. Abzhanov et al. (69) low levels of expression of the gene. the same tripe 2 expression. A similar found that there is a high correlation Study of the PITX1 proteins from ma- but more complicated evolutionary between the extent of beak breadth and rine and freshwater sticklebacks showed change of the regulatory region of a the expression level of bone morpho- that there were no amino acid differ- gene resulting in the same genic protein, BMP4, in the frontal part ences between them. From these has been reported with respect to the of beak in the embryonic stage. Later, observations, it was concluded that the MATa and MAT␣ genes in they searched for other genes affecting formation of pelvic fins is initiated by the ascomycete lineages (75). the beak shape and showed that calmod- the expression of Pitx1, and the evolu- These results indicate that most nucle- ulin (CaM), a protein involved in medi- tionary change of the regulatory region otide substitutions in the regulatory re- ating calcium signaling, is expressed at of the Pitx1 gene is responsible for the gion evolve in a more or less neutral higher levels in the long and pointed reduction of pelvic fins. There are many fashion, similar to those in the protein- beak of cactus finches than in the more other examples of cis-regulatory muta- . It is therefore possible broad beaks of ground finches (70). tions that have generated morphological that the evolutionary change of gene Therefore, it appears that the breadth changes (73). Therefore, this form of regulation is also controlled by major and length of finch’s beaks are con- mutation seems to play important roles gene mutations. trolled primarily by the expression levels in phenotypic evolution. Many develop- of genes Bmp4 and CaM, respectively. mental biologists seem to believe that in cis-Regulatory Regions and Darwin’s finches are believed to have cis-regulatory mutations are more im- Level. Mendelian geneti- originated from the finches in South or portant than the mutations in coding cists have established that quantitative Central America Ϸ2 Mya (71) through a regions of genes, because new morpho- characters are controlled by a large bottleneck of population size. It is there- logical characters are often associated number of genes (76, 77). This can be fore likely that the beak shape of the with changes in the expression level of explained partly by the presence of a finches evolved by new regulatory muta- genes rather than changes in the amino high degree of protein polymorphism tions and natural selection that occurred acid sequences encoded. observed by electrophoresis at many loci during the last 2 million years. In this A number of authors have studied the (24, 78). Recent studies have also shown case, many different regulatory muta- evolutionary change of gene regulatory that there is a large amount of variation

Nei PNAS ͉ July 24, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 30 ͉ 12239 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 in the level of gene expression among the enormous amount of phenotypic by chance. The observation that the pat- different alleles at a locus (79–83). In diversity. For example, sea urchin and tern of variation of gene expression lev- humans, it has been reported that, in starfish, which belong to different els within and between closely related 63% of the genes examined, the expres- classes of the phylum Echinodermata species is consistent with that of neutral sion level of one allele is 2-fold or more and diverged Ͼ540 Mya, show strikingly evolution supports this idea. However, greater than that of another allele (81). different morphologies, and they are once these mutations are incorporated These allelic differences of gene ex- apparently well adapted to different life- into the genome, they may generate new pression level as well as the amino acid styles in different environments. How- developmental constraints that affect differences detected by protein electro- ever, studies of the early stage of the future direction of phenotypic evolu- phoresis are likely to influence pheno- embryonic development have shown that tion. This is particularly so when the typic characters. Probably for this sea urchin and starfish have similar environmental condition changes. Large reason, most quantitative characters in morphologies and developmental pat- random phenotypic evolution may also outbreeding populations contain a large terns, and there is a common form of be generated when geological changes amount of genetic variation, and artifi- gene regulatory network (GRN) consist- such as mass and continental cial selection is almost always effective ing of approximately six transcription drift occur. (5). Previously, many neo-Darwinians factor genes (94). This basic core of claimed that the genetic variation within GRN is specific for the early develop- Prospective and Retrospective Views species is maintained primarily by bal- ment of echinoderms and has not of Evolution ancing selection such as overdominant changed for the last 540 million years. The teleological view of evolution has selection (5, 8). If this is the case, the However, as the development proceeds, been out of fashion for more than a extent of nonsynonymous nucleotide the GRN in each of the two species century. Yet, human minds appear to be diversity is expected to be higher than expands into a more complex form in- susceptible to this view consciously or that of synonymous diversity as in the cluding a large number of genes for unconsciously. In the evolutionary litera- case of MHC loci (84). In reality, how- transcription factors, signaling proteins, ture, it is not uncommon to see such ever, this type of genetic variation has and structural proteins. In this process phrases as ‘‘making of Homo sapiens’’ been observed in only a small propor- of expansion of GRN, different genes and ‘‘faster evolution of humans than tion of genes in diploid organisms (85). are added in the two species so that other primate species.’’ Using these It is generally more difficult to study their GRNs are gradually differentiated. phrases, investigators often discuss the the roles of mutation and natural selec- This gradual differentiation of GRNs is evolution of complex organisms without tion in phenotypic evolution than in responsible for the formation of the considering the fact that many closely protein evolution, because phenotypic very different morphologies of sea ur- related species have become extinct in characters are usually controlled by chin and starfish. The basic core of the past. For example, humans appear many genes and affected by environ- GRN is highly conserved, and any sig- to have evolved a higher level of pheno- mental factors. Khaitovich et al. (86–88) nificant change of the core results in typic complexity than chimpanzees after studied the evolutionary divergence of deformation of the organism. This is their divergence Ϸ6 Mya. We are there- gene expression levels of Ͼ10,000 genes also true with the GRNs operating in fore tempted to believe that the genes in several primate species using the mi- successive developmental stages, but the controlling phenotypic characters have croarray technique and showed that the extent of developmental constraint grad- been subjected to positive Darwinian extent of evolutionary divergence in- ually becomes weaker as the develop- selection more often in the human lin- creased roughly in proportion to the ment proceeds. eage than in the (98). time of divergence between species. This property appears to apply to many However, if we consider evolution as They also showed that the extent of different animal phyla, and new species in a forward process, this view becomes gene expression divergence is generally each phylum are generated by mutational dubious. Fig. 2 shows a schematic repre- higher for the genes whose intraspecific change of GRNs in the final or near-final sentation of the evolution of humans variation is high than for the genes stages of development (94, 95). In fact, and chimpanzees. Let us imagine that whose intraspecific variation is low. the evolution of eye spots in the wings of we can go back to the time when the From these observations, Khaitovich et some or the evolutionary two populations leading to humans and al. concluded that the evolutionary di- changes of the number and form of body chimpanzees diverged Ϸ6 Mya and are vergence in gene expression level has segments in insects and vertebrates have asked whether one can predict which of occurred in a more or less neutral fash- occurred by modification of GRNs in late the two populations is destined to pro- ion. In genes from tissues such as the stages of development (43, 44, 96). In this duce humans later. Most evolutionists testes, there were some deviations from view, the evolution of phenotypic diversity would say ‘‘it is impossible.’’ This would the above general pattern, possibly be- of different phyla has occurred by a con- be true even if the two populations are cause of positive selection, but they tinuous process of novel mutations and genetically differentiated to a consider- were rare. Similar results have been ob- elimination of preexisting less-fit geno- able extent. In other words, although we served in fruitflies (88, 89), (90), types. Evolutionists have proposed various know that evolution occurs by mutation fish (91), and others. Although the au- mechanisms by which evolution can occur and natural selection, we cannot predict thors of these studies did not necessarily so fast that enormous amounts of pheno- the outcome of evolution. Evolution oc- support neutral evolution, the results typic diversity among organisms can be curs without purpose, and therefore it is indicate that mutation is the driving explained (1, 2, 97). In reality, evolution is intrinsically unpredictable. force in gene expression evolution. Es- an intrinsically slow process, and the cur- By contrast, if we study human sentially the same evolutionary pattern rent phenotypic diversity has been gener- evolution retrospectively by using the has been observed with protein varia- ated only because there has been a long knowledge of current humans and chim- tion detected by electrophoresis (92, 93). evolutionary time, Ͼ3 billion years. panzees, we can always make a sensible Theoretically, the evolutionary change story of evolution, although the story Evolution of Phenotypic Diversity. If we of phenotypic characters can be gener- will be somewhat teleological because it compare different phyla or classes of ated by neutral or nearly neutral muta- is based on the final products of evolu- organisms, we are deeply impressed with tions that may be fixed in the population tion. One such story would be that the

12240 ͉ www.pnas.org͞cgi͞doi͞10.1073͞pnas.0703349104 Nei Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 (62), but it should be states ‘‘Natural selection can account for true with the chimpanzee as both slight and great differences among well. The cause of extinction of many species, and are traits that lineages is not well understood, but part have been shaped by natural selection.’’ of the reason must be the random Although this type of statement is quite change of genetic materials (genomic common in the evolutionary literature, drift) and extrinsic environmental it is obvious that any advantageous ge- changes. If the H. sapiens lineage had notype is produced by mutation includ- become extinct and another lineage of ing all kinds of genetic changes. Natural Homo erectus had survived, this world selection occurs as a consequence of would have been quite different. This mutational production of different geno- indicates that evolution is opportunistic types, and therefore it is not the funda- at the species level too. mental cause of evolution. Most molecular evolutionists are well Discussion and Perspectives aware of the importance of mutation in In this article, I have examined various protein evolution. Yet, many investigators types of molecular data concerning the are trying to identify even the slightest evolution of phenotypic characters from trace of natural selection using various the point of view of the selectionism/ statistical methods (99–102). Using these controversy. The main con- methods, a number of authors have re- clusions are as follows. (i) A multigene ported that a substantial proportion of Fig. 2. Schematic representation of human and family concerned with basic develop- amino acid substitutions are caused by chimpanzee evolution. The branches of the human mental processes (e.g., HOX genes) is positive Darwinian selection (103–106). and chimpanzee lineages are the species or sub- generally highly conserved, but the num- However, the statistical methods used are species that have become extinct in the past. The ber of gene copies involved tends to in- based on many assumptions, which are retrospective view of evolution is depicted by the crease with increasing complexity of the not necessarily satisfied with actual data smooth lines aiming at the current morphologies organism or the character. (ii) When a (18, 107, 108). Furthermore, their esti- of the two species. It is assumed that the morphol- physiological character is controlled by a mates of selection coefficients are often of ogy of chimpanzees is similar to that of the com- Ϫ6 mon ancestor of the two species, whereas the gene family, the number of gene copies the order of 10 (100, 106) and are un- human morphology has changed substantially. In may vary extensively among different likely to affect gene function (18). Note the prospective view, the future evolution is un- organisms, and there are many pseudo- also that although these authors empha- predictable, and therefore the evolutionary pro- genes in the genome. There are also sized natural selection, they are actually cess might have been deviated considerably from extensive polymorphisms of copy num- estimating the proportion of mutations the smooth lines. ber within species. This high degree of that are adaptive. copy number variation is caused by Historically, the word mutationism genomic drift as well as by environmen- was used to refer to ’s population leading to the human lineage tal factors. (iii) The evolutionary change saltationism or similar ideas, in which moved to a new , whereas the of physiological and morphological char- natural selection plays little role. Later chimpanzee lineage stayed in the origi- acters occurs by mutational changes of Morgan (109) presented a more reason- nal place. For this reason, many new the protein-coding and regulatory re- able form of mutationism taking into adaptive mutations may have been fixed gions of genes. The genes controlling account the role of natural selection. in the human lineage and these muta- the characters expressed in the early His view was abstract and based on a tions led to the evolution of current H. stage of development are highly con- few lines of speculative arguments. sapiens. However, there is no reason to served, and evolutionary changes occur However, recent molecular studies of believe that a smaller number of adap- primarily in the characters expressed in phenotypic evolution support the basic tive mutations have been fixed in the later stages of development. At the nu- ideas of his view and have extended it to chimpanzee lineage than in the human. cleotide level, the driving force of phe- a more comprehensive view presented in The chimpanzee lineage also may have notypic evolution is mutation, and there this article. If the new form of mutation enhanced the adaptability to its own is a significant component of neutral or theory described here is right, even in habitat, of which the climate and eco- nearly neutral changes. (iv) The pro- its crudest form, more emphasis should logical surely changed over spective view of evolution suggests that be given on the roles of mutation in the geological time. In fact, this view is sup- evolution occurs without purpose by study of evolution. Neo-Darwinians de- ported by microarray studies of gene mutation and adaptation to new envi- veloped an impressive set of selection expression levels between humans and ronmental conditions, and therefore it is theories concerning the evolution of sex chimpanzees (88). In this case, the types intrinsically unpredictable. (110), altruism (12), new species (10), of mutations fixed in the two lineages As mentioned in the introduction, a and others, without considering mu- would be different, but if the morpho- majority of current evolutionists believe tations that affect the characters logical differences are generated by a in neo-Darwinism. In one of the most involved such as male and female repro- relatively small number of ‘‘major effect popular textbooks on evolution, Fu- ductive organs. These theories should be mutations’’ (17), it would be difficult to tuyma (ref. 20, p. 10) states that evolu- reexamined by studying the molecular detect them by standard statistical meth- tionary change is a population process basis of physiological and morphological ods. Experimental studies would be in which one genotype replaces other components of the characters involved. necessary. ones, and for this process to occur, mu- It is also important to clarify the mecha- Note also that any extant species rep- tation is quite ineffective because of its nism of formation of novel characters by resents only one evolutionary lineage low rate of occurrence, whereas even mutation whether selection is involved surviving among many that appeared the slightest intensity of natural selec- or not. A group of molecular biologists but became extinct in the past (Fig. 2). tion can bring about substantial change are already working in this direction This is well documented in the case of in a realistic amount of time. He also (111), but participation of population

Nei PNAS ͉ July 24, 2007 ͉ vol. 104 ͉ no. 30 ͉ 12241 Downloaded by guest on September 26, 2021 biologists and genomic scientists in this I thank E. Holmes, J. Klein, Z. Lin, K. Ma- ments. This study was supported by enterprise would speed up our under- kova, J. Nam, N. Nikolaidis, Y. Suzuki, N. National Institutes of Health Grant standing of phenotypic evolution. Takahata, and J. Zhang for valuable com- GM020293.

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