Mike Barnes | 415 pages | 01 Nov 2011 | OMNIBUS PRESS | 9781780380766 | English | London, United Kingdom Captain Beefheart – the biography by Mike Barnes – Captain Beefheart Radar Station

Mike Barnes Captain Beefheart: The Biography made considerable updates to this new edition but confusingly the book has been published with the same cover as the first edition apart from Captain Beefheart: The Biography addition of a John Peel quote and no obvious indication that changes have been made. The US edition is a hardback version which contains corrected text and a few extra pages including the infamous yam story, for example. There are differences between each of the three UK editions. Here is what Mike has to say about them:. The first edition came out in on Quartet. The third edition came Captain Beefheart: The Biography in after Don died, also on Omnibus,with a revised ending including about an extra 2, words of text. Don Van Vliet is one of the most enduring and important artists to have emerged from the American counter culture of the s. As Captain Beefheart Captain Beefheart: The Biography recorded a series of from the late s to the s which marked out new boundaries for the Captain Beefheart: The Biography garde of rock music. He then abandoned recording in favour of painting and quickly achieved an almost equal reputation with his figurative and expressionistic oil paintings. His highly individual vocal style, his surreal poetry and his efforts to take popular music into new territory most memorably with have a character that has marked him out from his contemporaries. His enigmatic sayings and his increasing reclusiveness have both contributed to the fascination of the Beefheart persona. The unclassifiable music created by Don Van Vliet, alias Captain Beefheart, during a Captain Beefheart: The Biography surge of creativity continues to amaze and mystify his fans and followers even almost twenty years after the Captain quit music for good. Critics have heaped praise on his oeuvre, and his groundbreaking Trout Mask Replica frequently appears on polls of the best records of all time. Since his retreat to the Mojave Desert years ago and his rebirth as an internationally exhibited painter, the Captain has revealed almost nothing about himself and made few public appearances. The tale of a remarkable creative personality, Captain Beefheart: The Biography is sure to get the attention of blues and avant-garde pop music fans in America just as it has in the U. Buy it. This book goes beyond questions of authorship to provide a rich and amusing insight into the band. Ultimately, Barnes fulfills the obligation which makes the best biographers. As you are probably aware this book has been a loooong time coming, and no-one is quite so aware of this as the author:. This was mainly due to me deciding in August 98 to rewrite the book almost in its entirety. That was not the only hold up. My earlier posting on this page erred towards the rash. Suffice it to say that on finally receiving the edited proofs back in December last year, I had to spend about two months in between working going through the virtually untouched text before it was in a fit state to be looked over by the copy editor thanks, Lesley. And no John Peel foreword, either. Anyway, the UK date of publication is now set at June 29 [now changed to 10th July ] — the US date is still to be confirmed. And it will happen this time. The book, Captain Beefheart, features an excellent cover photo by Cal Schenkel and looks pretty good, I think. And apologies to anyone who Captain Beefheart: The Biography it from Amazon or other on-line book stores at the start of the year. As it was still on my desk being pored over, their 48 hour delivery Captain Beefheart: The Biography was severely challenged. Fortunately Mike can relax now as the book is complete, published and has been very warmly received by Beefheart devotees. Thank you Mike, this book really helped me finish my Captain Beefheart: The Biography novel about the recording and creation of Trout Mask Replica. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for Captain Beefheart: The Biography next time I comment. On: 20 June In: By or about Don Van Vliet. With: 1 Comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Captain Beefheart | Biography & History | AllMusic

Captain Beefheart was the musical persona of Don Van Vliet, the avant-garde s and '70s musician best known for the hit record Trout Mask Replica whose inimitable psychedelic rock influenced such diverse groups as the Clash, Pulp and Sonic Youth before he abruptly ended his music career in to become a Captain Beefheart: The Biography and notorious recluse. Barnes, a drummer and music journalist, concentrates on Captain Beefheart: The Biography Vliet's creative life, tracing his unusual career trajectory from his childhood as a local art prodigy to his role in the '60s avant-garde California rock scene and his collaborations with , Ornette Coleman and a young . Barnes also includes a cursory discussion of Captain Beefheart: The Biography Vliet's painting career. The book was written without Van Vliet's cooperation, so Barnes had to rely on previously published statements and secondary sources. He's careful not to take liberties with his subject's inner life, but while this conscientiousness is admirable, it also makes the story rather leaden. Lacking a thesis, Barnes recounts detailed episodes and long lists of events in Van Vliet's life. These give glimpses of an obsessive, paranoid, humorous artist, but never quite bring Van Vliet to life. The book reads like the work of a passionate, well-informed fan, but not necessarily that of an astute biographer. View Full Version of PW. Buy this book. Show other formats. Discover what to read next. PW Picks: Books of the Week. The Big Indie Books of Fall Black-Owned Bookstores to Support Now. Children's Announcements. Капитан Бифхарт — Википедия

Captain Captain Beefheart: The Biography : The Biography. Mike Barnes. The unclassifiable music of Don Van Vliet--alias Captain Beefheart-- and his departure from performing in the 80s have mystified fans and followers for years, and kept the rumor mills busy. Mike Barnes' Captain Beefheart: The Biography puts those rumors to rest as it tells the strange but true tale of a musical genius and his otherworldly odyssey from the California desert to stages and studios across the world. Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band arrived in the public consciousness in with the two-album set Trout Mask Replica, eventually praised by Rolling Stone as one of the best records of all time. Distilling a new audio experience from blues, psychedelic rock, and free jazz, the Captain and his band went on to confound journalists, intrigue reviewers, and amaze listeners with a decade and a half of albums and performances. Yet after recording his final album inBeefheart left music to begin a successful career as an internationally exhibited painter. His reluctance to give interviews has only enhanced the Captain Captain Beefheart: The Biography mystique. For his thoroughly researched biography of Beefheart, journalist Mike Barnes interviewed friends, acolytes, and members of to get the full Captain Beefheart: The Biography of Beefheart's collaborations Captain Beefheart: The Biography conflicts with kindred spirit Frank Zappa, his 're-education' of the members of the Magic Band, and the legal battles that kept the album from ever being released. Barnes' biography illuminates the enigmatic artist, and brings the reader to an understanding Captain Beefheart: The Biography his creative drive. Previously published only in the U. Your Psychedelic Seltzer. He writes regularly for Mojo, Select and The Wire. He lives in England. Ethel Higgenbaum and Her Magic Band.