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1986 The ommeC nt, May 8, 1986 Bridgewater State College

Volume 61 Number 12

Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1986). The Comment, May 8, 1986. 61(12). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/508

This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Bridgewater State College e m nt May 8, 1986 Vol XXXI no 12 Lawrence vetoes Women's Center budget

By · Roger Spring

Bridgewater State College Studen.t Government Association President Denis Lawrence Jr. announced on May 5 that he had vetoed the Student Senate's allocation of $595 to the BSC Women's Center. Lawrence said that he vetoed the budget because he believed that state funded organizations could not advocate the constitutional right of women to abortions and could not act as a referal source for women who expressed that they wanted abortions. But Shan Crete, Co-Director of the Women's Center claims that the budget allocation was vetoed because of her, and other Women's Center members" contri­ bution to Lawrence's and two other SGA members convictions for the misappro­ priation of funds, in the Student Court. Crete is a spokeswomen for a group calling itself Students Against Abuse of Power (S.A.A.P.). This group was lar­ gely responsible for bringing Lawrence, SGA First Vice-President John Beaton, and SGA Assistant Treasurer Heidi Berry in front of the Student Court con­ Women,s Center representatives speak cerning the alleged misappropriation of · k d · ple gathered in the SGA council in an expressed to several senators that he the roll call was taken. One witness, who funding for a three-day wee en tnp_t_.tJ.o- ... emain __ .anon.)llUO.m>, said 1 fiillifiiliiiil!ir!~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . renc. s veto. owever, a up for the ~eeting; Seveiaisenators who that she hac:f set:n'Oenis Lawrence talking was for the purpose of revising and quorum was not reached, with less than were seen near the Council Chambers to SGA Senator. DavidJ.awrence, in the updating the SGA constitution. the necessary fourteen senators present. shortly before the meeting was scheduled Student Union Game Room and had On Tuesday, May 6, about thirty peo- Later it was learr~ed that L~wre~ce had to begin were conspicuously absent when Ocont. p. 4

1 S GA loses court battle Lucas 'Cheats~ B.S.C.

By rough job of proving her point, that the. By Assembly meeting was held here at Brent F. Rossi money was taken from the "Social Activi­ Brent F. Rossi · Bridgewater in the Clement C. Maxwell On Friday, May 2, the Student Court ties" account, which is supposed to fund Library. In attendance were Dr. Gerald of Bridgewater State College held a hear­ campus-wide activities, that is open to Bridgewater State College was'\:heatecl' Indelicato, Special Assistant to the Gov­ ing in the Council Chambers. Case 2-86, all students. She also asked Berry if a roll out of it's voting privileges at the State ernor on Higher Education; Sen. Edward that of the Students Against Abuse of call vote was taken, which is required for Student Association of Massachusetts Kirby of Whitman; Tom Swan, President Power, represented by Shan Crete, versus · the amount of money in questions. Berry meeting on Wednesday, May 7, held at of the United States Student Association; three members of the Student Govern­ refused to answer, as the trip was dis­ Framingham State College. and other dignitaries. ·Approximately ment Association, represented by John cussed during Executive Session. Senate At the May General Assembly meet­ four hours before this meeting, Lucas MacDonald, was heard before the court. members are not allowed to discuss with ing; the budget for the 1986-87 year, as tendered her resignation to SSAM presi­ President Denis L~werence, First Vice the public what goes on in Excective Ses­ well as the officers for next year were dent Donoghue "without explanation." President John Beaton, and Assistant sions. The hearing was adjourned, and voted on. She did not attend the meeting. She has Treasurer Heidi Berry were named as the Court returned with a verdict on BSC lost it's voting rights just prior to not attended any SSAM meetings or defendants. Only Berry chose to be pres­ Monday, May .5. the ballot for the presidency, when two functions since then. · ent at the proceedings. She was asked to "We, as the Student Court of the people claimed to be the official SSAM Lucas had been in contact withSSAM explain where the funds for the Constitu­ Bridgewater State College campus, upon representatives for Bridgewater. The two Executive Director Mike Ferrigno for tional Convention at Dunfey~s came finding that the monies used for the so people were. F. Sc~tt Longo and Nadine just over one week. It was rumored that from. named 'Constitutional restructuring wee­ Lucas. Ferrigno's firing was to come up at the This was the second hearing in front of kend' were in fact unconstitutionally Longo was appointed SSAM rep by ·meeting, so he had been in contact with the court. The first was he\d April 30,'but appropriated for the named used, do find .SG A President Deilis" Lawrence in accor­ varfous people connected with SSAM ex - Attorney General Jacqueline Gravel for the Plaintiff in this case 2-86." · dance to the Constitution on. February , concerning this. Pres. Lawrence phoned said that the proceedings coµldn't go on, In· its ·two and half page report, the 5th, after Matthew P. Donoghue · Ferrigno, and left a message on his ans­ because no specific plantiff or defendant Court fund that Lawrence was guilty resigned. This appointment was con­ . wering machine stating that, Longo was was listed on the petition for the hearing. "since his is the power of veto over the firmed by a unanimous vote by the our official rep, but Ferrigno never The Court considered this, and ordered Senate recommendation." Beaton was Senate, and Longo has attended every 'returned Lawrence's call. the plaintiff to name a representative of found guilty because no vote was taken . General Assembly meeting since then as After the discrepency at Wednesday's SAAP,and to name defendants. "concerning the roll--'-call vote required our rep. meeting arose, SSAM. Chairman Chris After that hearing, an argument of the Senate, Vice-President John Bea­ In September. 1985, Lucas was Callahan took both parties aside lo find ensued between Lawerence and Asso­ ton, as president of the Senate was appointed SSAM alternate-rep, which is out who the rep was. Both replied that ciate Justjse Melissa Frank. The argu­ responsible to consult with the Parlia­ not a Contitutiona1 position, but it is an they were • but Callahan said he had no ment took place in part in the SGA office. mentarian and realize this omission ·in assum·ed power of the president to choice but to disqualify a· Bridgewater During the brief episode, obcenties were what we hold to be a re-allocation of appoint an alternate. In October, Lucas State College vote. exchanged, and Lawrence ended th con­ funds for use in the restructuring .wee­ was appointed co-Chairperson of the After the· Presidential race the contest frontation by slamming his office door in kend. Berry was found guilty on the Budget, Finance and Oversight for ··Executive- Vice, President· came up, Frank's face. grounds that it was her signature on the Committee. with Lo.ngo being one of the .candidates. At the second hearing, Crete did a tho- Ocont... p. 4 In No:vember, the SSAM General Ocont. p . .f 2 The Comment Thursday, May 8, 1986 Letters y1ewpoint Bosco feels he can't How to change accept a diploma from BSC registration! unjust administration Dear Editor: was none. The pod still had four steps, the gym eight and the Rat ten steps and no (without really trying) I am a challenged Physical Education access to wheelchair students. Now, May Major attending Bridgewater State Col­ of '86 the pod, gym and pub are still not Once again registration has come and gone and once again long lines, closed lege. I will be receiving a diploma this access able. classes, and needless anxiety were commonly experienced. We all mutter that there May. but will not be attending the cerem­ I believe that the college has caused must be a better way; I agree and will herein advance a possible solution. I proposed onies. l refuse to accept the diploma from people to take pitty on me, lowered my this once before the budding bureaucrats who inhabit the SGA (and concidently are a administration who have shown such dignity a~d prevented me from feeling employeed at the Big R) showed the typical "that-may-be-convient-for-you-but-it­ arrogance. I was told accessability at good about my education. The adminis­ won 't-be-for-me" attitude universally held by closed minded people everywhere B.S.C. was a problem but it is the law. I tration has prevented me from socializing from KKK .rallies to No-Nukes demonstrations. (In case I haven't offended you yet, -;tarted classes in Sept. of'83. First semes­ on campus, denied me free access and you're probably going to agree with my proposed plan, which is too bad because the ter all my classes were accessable. but lessened my effectiveness as a student. I Powers-That-Be are perfectly happy with the status quo;). poor sidewalks. a lack of ramps and no do believe that the quality of my educa­ If you tell 500 people to come to the same door at the same time, what do you get? access at all to the gym. pool or pub were tion was good and that most of my pro­ A line of 500 people. But, some might argue, no one told anyone that they had to a hinderance. fessors met my needs. I also believe that come at the same time, right? Wrong-by not telling anyone to wait until 9:30, 9:45, Next semester I took activity courses Nancy Clay, the person who aids the or I 0:05, they are inferring (i.e. "telling") that you need only to arrive earlier than which I had to be .::arried up two sets of challenge on campus does a fine job at a everybody else and you'll get in earlier than everybody else; Oh, yeah, a couple of stairs. This was a slap in the face to my difficult position. · hundred other people are told to come later in the day, but the bureaucrats will tell dignity. By Sept. of '84 none of the prob,. The· challenge community does not you that's to help everyone. leI11s \Vere corrected although two small want anything special. We just want a Now let's look at this solution problematically: Give permission for 5,000 to get ramps wer.e instal!ed. I made a formal chance to enter and leave a place under in line at one time, get a line of 5,000 people; divide that into five subgroups and get complaint to the schools Affirmative our own power. I believe that the admin­ a line of 1,000 people, five times; subdivide that into four days (5,000/ 5) divided by Action Officer who said the gym and pool istration and President Rondileau have 4-250; eventually if you subdivide far enough, you'll end up with a small enough would be made accessable. By Jan. of '85 low priorities on accessability issue. This number of regisrants so that no line at all will form. nothi!·g had changed. I made a stand r.10t has resulted in feelings of justice and Here's the point: How do doctors, airports, judges and others manage their flow to h. carried up any more stairs. The indignity among the challenge commun­ of clients? Do they tell them all to arrive at the same time? No- they give each client college said it would move my classes to a ity. I feel that I could not accept a a specific time to arrive. Though delays service may create waiting, the access uccessablc site, but scheduling made this diploma from a person who has treated in to the service is managed by spacing the anticipated flow throughout an entire day; impossihle. I was carried up and down me so injustly and violated the law for the stairs for three classes that semester. past three years. "coming early" won't get you ahead of regular business on a schol committee agenda- should do the same for you at registration? By Sept. of ·g5 I was assured -that the Tom Bosco why it So, let's try this: Give every student a specific time to enter registration~ allow a ~!ym. \>.·ould have access. but still there Class of 1986 strdent (as!~ d?ne, ~o.~) 8:Ut absoh.~.te~yprohi~it earl~ a.rrivalsfr?m enter~ng. ·Will ~eo~ebe'"i\ate?":""'m'!tte!!la. occur?. tef~o\iirge.~,Mt'-!~·su1'm1t that w~.-g, anx16'ty, and time wasted will be reduced. Give the people a printout or students arrangt:u chronological~v and use that to control access. It will help•them too if there are Program Committee reduced li~es, unless of course they enjoy dealing with desperate, frustrated stu­ dents who 'have been waitng in line for hours. P.S. I will debate the merits of this proposal anytime with anyone.

increases .quality at James B. Dupont college Dear Professors Dunne, Barnett, and vices to increase Jhe quality of life for Litvin: students during ~heir college years and In response to your letter in the April b~yond. The 24 r:ri~mpef Program Com- 10th edition of The'.Coinment. I would mi.ttee also researches' :their lecturers a like to inform you that t])e Student Union · gr~at deal before:selecti~g them and goes Th Program Committee, not the Student : through great lerigt}Js to provide quality Governmemt Association, sponsored the speakers to Bridgewiter·state College. Editor in_ Chief G. Gordon Liddy .lecture on April 8th. . The. Liddy lectur~ vias informative, Roger Spring The Program Committee believes in interesting, and drew a crowd of over 500, the importance of bringing an hist.orical which tn~Iuded studen~s. faculty adminis­ Managing Editor figure from America's past to Bridge­ trators, and m~mbers of the community. Peggy Hayes water in order to learn first hand of the The Program Committee always wel­ events and issues that surround our daily comes any suggestions or ideas that stu­ Business Manager John Young dents or faculty may have. lives. Only by analyzing our nation's mis­ Advertising Sedretary Carol Henderson takes and accomplishments may we be Dark-Room Manager John Burns better prepared for what our future may Sincerely. Entertainment Editor Nancy Roberson bring. J.ohn Marciano. Chairperson Graphic Editor Lynda Falls The Program Committtee:s reponsibil­ Student Union Program Committee Living Editor Barbara Murphy i.ties include providing programs. and ser- Asst. Living Editor Karen Melanson News Editor Brent Rossi Photo Editor Chris Howard Sports J!'!~!or Karen Frederico ReR

. Q. Thursday, May 8, 1986 The Comment 3 Injustice Sexual harrassment, GALA says 240,000 are a problem not to be thanks for 43% underneath ignored anywhere a ·well ddne poverty level Dear Editor:

Dear Editor, SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS DEFINED AS unwelcome sexual advances, article Could you live on $432.00 a month and requests for sexual favors, and other physical, written, or verbal intimidation ofan Dear Editor, raise two children? This income is 43% offensive sexual nature. Some examples that may constitute sexual harassment are: below the federally established poverty •unnecessary brushes or touches As a member of GALA, and a volun­ level. Well, there are 240,000 of our •offensive sexual grafitti .. t.:er for the AIDS Action Committee in neighbors in this state struggling on this •disparaging remarks about one's gender Boston, I would like to commend Bar­ income, more than 2/ 3 of them are child­ ophysical aggression such as pinching and patting bara Murphy for the article about AJDS ren. How can we allow this injustice in •sexual innuendos made at inappropriate times which appeared in the April I 0th edition this state that has a $509 million surplus. •verbal sexual abuse disguised as humor of The Comment. It was very well writ­ Historically, Massachusetts has been a •whistling ten, . the information offered was accu­ compassionate state--LET'S SHARE •obscene gestures rate, and no moral judgements were THE COMMONWEALTH!!! On Tuesday April I 5th at the Student Government Association Meeting Presi­ made. There are too many articles written Currently a bill is being considered in dent Denis Lawrence said that the Senate had "no balls" to impeach their own in major. newspapers and magazines that the senate to raise .the AFDC, Aid to members. I, being offended by this comment said "Right to Reply." This procedure do not follow these same guidelines. Families with Dependent Children· and is used when a person feels they have been offended. Before. I could utter my For now, our only answer in com bat­ GR, General Relief grant 25% as part of a disapproval, President Denis Lawrence publically blurted out (in front of the ting AIDS is education. By learning more three year plan to raise the welfare benef­ Senate, gallery and Vice-President David Deep), "Oh, Nadine, we all know you about the true factors and practices that its up to the poverty level. The House has don't have any balls anyways." I immediately requeste.d an a{>ology, which was cause this syndrome, we can stop the pro­ approved a 10% increa~e. but even after a. · denied· without hesitation. . gress of this life-threatening illness and 10% increase a three person family would A few days later I received in my SGA mailbox an anonymous white envelope. also, the fear surrounding it. For more still be 37% below the poverty level. I urge Inside this envelope was a packaged condom with a typed. statement reading, information, one can call the AIDS you to contact your senator to vote for a "thinking of you ... " Action line at 536-7733 or toll free l-800- 25% increase in AFDC and GR payment. On Tuesday, April 29th upon approaching the SGA office I found a notice on the 235-2331. Marybeth Longval door which read: .. Emergency Exec. Board Meeting, Tonight, 5:30 p.m. Except Member of the Community Organizing Miss Lucas. This was signed by President Denis Lawrence and went on to state Sincerely. Class at BSC · "Because she doesn't smile anymore. Miss Elastic. You can bend me, stretch me, Brian lvaldi, Co-Chair GALA but I'll never break!!" After seeing this I went to my SGA mailbox and looked inside to find a Condom filled with water. What kind of sexual harrassment is this?

Nadine Lucas Treasurer, SGA

from the Greeks?

Vice President Deep, green grass for graduation, and the Just a small note of appreciation overall social moral the Greeks pro­ for your support for our SECOND vide on this campus, mean very lit­ ANNUAL GREEK WEEK events. tle to you. Thank you for intimating our We understand that no other Greek Council members refrain organizations on campus ever have from some festivities of the last day festivities down there, (you know of Greek Week. We realize jhat the what we are talking about and Greeks do very little for the cam­ where). We guess that we must not pus. Obviously such things as the haye shown any responsibility last Blood Drive, working for Shrivers, year during Greek Week, but our clinic car washes, having floats in memories recall a very responsible the parades, concessions at athletic and organized day. Bring this coupon and any roll of color print film events, involvement of Greeks in Very Disappointed Greeks (sizes 110, 126, 135 or disc) to Photo Depot for the SGA, coming to us for ideas for processing, and you'll receive an immediate $1 discount off the regular price! Plus·... , ...you'll receive our l/3rd larger prints! An ounce of And ...... you'll be pleased w.ith every print or we'll remake it or buy it back! prevention • • • •

By and no respect for others' personal pos­ Karen Melanson sessions. Rooms are sometimes left unlocked for various reasons. Some stu­ Hill Residents-Beware! dents are now returning to their rooms only to find their radios, walkmans, Think of the possessions that mean a typewriters, and even clothes missing. It ·------~--- great deal to you; things that are impor­ is aggravating to think that these people Bring this coupon to any Photo Depot and receive $I off I tant either for their value or for sentimen­ are getting away with these crimes and the regular price for developing and prints of a color I tal reasons. Next, imagine that those pitiful that we should have to worry print roll (sizes 110, 126, 135 or disc). This coupon must I things are. gone. They have been stolen about our possessions and take extra pre­ be surrendered at time of order. This coupon is not valid I with any other special offer. Offer expires from your room while you were out or cautions to protect them. 6/30/86. I even while you were sleeping. This injus­ For the unfortunate victims, what's I tice has recently become a terrible and done is done. They.can only hope for the I needless problem within the Hill dorm return of their articles. For the rest of the rooms. Hill residents, WATCH OUT, keep your ot™. I Some lowlifes have sunk to the level of doors locked, and, remember that an I· .·· I stealing others' property. This person or ounce of preventi<;>n is worth a pound of I . . .. . PHOT~ DEPOT COUPO~ ' I people obviously have no sense of morals care. ------~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 The Comment Thursday, May 8, 1986 BSC loses S GA court battle wrestling team Ocont. from p. l He did not attend the second, and did not By often had trouble filling its roster and vouchers. "Since her signature affixed to sign the final recommendation. Beaton feels that the Roger Spring frequently had to forfeit individual vouchers offically makes the request that Vice-president weight classes. And only one wrestler, such monies be dispensed by administra­ court made their decision without Varsity wrestling on an intercollegiate Tom Devin, finished with a winning tion officals from the accounts named enough information. ••Jn my eyes," he said .. I don't think that level will no longer exist at Bridgewater record. upon the specific vouchers, any vouchers was done was wrong, according to State College. commencing with the 1986 Ruggiero also named the high attri­ requesting monies from improper what money - 87 season. tion rate of team members as a major accounts should be denied such signa­ the Constitution. We transferred I think if that fact Athletic Director Bo Ruggiero recom­ problem with the program. He said, "We ture." (During the proceedures, MacDo­ that was preapproved. the court's· attention,_ I mended that the program be dropped have continually experienced difficulty in nald, who represents the defendants, was brought to been found after what he called, .. careful examina­ maintaining any degree of commitment made the point that Nad.ine Lucas should don't think we would have tion" of the situation. and consistency on the team, both fronr also be held responsible. The Senate guilty ... they didn't have enough informa­ base their decision." He, Ruggiero said that all efforts to year to year and semester to semester." never recognized her leave of absence, tion on which to improve the wrestling program had Wrestling may continue to exist on therefore, she also had the power to deny :oo, thought the justices were biased. Justi­ failed. These efforts began in 1983 and campus as a club activity. $600 was allo­ her signature on the vouchers.) "I know for a fact that Associate both signed the included: hiring a new coach who pos­ cated for the club, but due to the nature if The Court's final recommendation was ces Silva and Frank had step­ sessed what Ruggiero termed, "outstand­ the sport, Ruggiero said that safety and that the money be repaid. " ... It is our petition. Silva did the right thing by ing credentials"; creating an assistant liability issues would have to be recommendation that the three Associa­ ping down (from making a decision in the blat­ position: and increasing budget alloca­ considered. tion officers clarified as Respondents in case). Frank, on the other hand, was tions to purchase new equipment. A pro­ Bridgewater is not the only college in this case (President Lawrence. Vice­ antly biased going into the court hearing. motional program was also initiated and New England that has had problems President Beaton, and Assistant Treas­ And by doing that she did an extreme the team's schedule, according to Rug­ maintaining a wrestling team. Maine urer Berry) not only be held responsible injustice to people who were being repres­ giero, was upgraded and improved. Maritime and the University of Hartford for the misappropriated funds, but that ented in the case. Jn my eyes, she"s not Ruggiero said that the team's ·record recently dropped their programs. Sport they also now must be reponsible for representative of what the Student Court over the past four seasons (4-12, 6-8. Information Director, Mike Storey, said effecting the necessary restoration of the should be, and that's impartial." 5-10, 1-8) showed a lack of effective­ that wrestling is "becoming an Ivory Student Activities account." Sha·n Crete, who represents SAAP, is ness in the program. In fact. during the League sport." concerns of the student body appeal to pleased with the court's decision. At this most recent wrestling season the team the wisdom of these college officals to time, SAAP is encouraging students to enforce any corrections our decision seek call Vice President Deep of Student Ser­ to establish." vices and voice their opinion to him as to Lawrence's veto Several parties involved responded to what can and should be done (Deep is not Dcont. from p. J personnel do not counsel women seeking the recommendations. Dan Darcy, 2nd sure what will be done to the implicated heard Denis urgently ask David to leave abortions, but refer them to Family Plan­ Vice-President, was not named in the members, or even when action will be because he would ''make quorum." ning Services of Brockton. And accord­ case, but did attend the weekend. He feels taken). David Lawrence and SGA Senator Ron ing to Karen Hudner, Legistative Agent that the judges did not go in totally Crete said she thought the judges were Petit left the building shortly thereafter. of the Civil Liberties Union and Pat unbiased. unbiased. Also. Assistant Treasurer Berry was Ruben of State Representative Marjorie "'They sent us to bat with two strikes .. I think their decision, the points of escorted fror.n the building by Denis Law­ Claprood's office, this is within the law. against us by having two publicly baised constitutionality they decided on, are rence. who shortly returned alone. Petit Also, State Representative Jackie Lewis judges. Melissa Frank publicly spoke out very clear. l feel it's all very factual. later said that while he left of his own said that as far as she knew, there is "no against us." Darcy said that the day "The (Associate Justice) that did sign choice and supported the SGA Presi­ legal prohibition" which prevents a state before the SGA was to leave, Frank said the petition disqualified himself from the dent's veto. Denis had held a private funded organization from acting as ref­ to him "I hope you choke to death on case." meeting with him and approximately five eral source in this manner at present, room s.ervi~ this.. 'Weeke,1),4." When,a,s;k~ .. ,~, .•U,,i~ .SJM;;,cuJated. by .,~oll1e people that other SGA Senators. during which Law­ although there may be when the issue is if she had said this, Frank answered ··No because of the court's decision. Lawrence rence had indicated that he would did not placed on the ballet as a referendum ques­ comment." vetoed the budget for the Women's Cen­ want a quorum to be reached. tion in November. Darcy also cited the fact that Associate ter, which Crete is actively involved with. Since quorum was not reached, the After the meeting, April Kane, Co­ Justice Silva signed the original SAAP Senate held an informal meeting. During Director of the Women's Center, said, petition •. and sat in on the first hearing. the meeting Vice President of Student "We're happy with what happened Services David Deep said that if quorum tonight. We were very pleased with the had been reached and the Senate had student support for the Center." Law­ over-turned the veto, the funds. would rence, on the other han'cl, said that Vice­ stil1 have to remain frozen until the col­ President Deep's statement "showed that lege's lawyer had delievered a legal opin­ the administration has some question on ion on the issue. This may become more the funding issue". SEE ME. important on Thursday~ when the Senate Most ·of the SGA officers who will meet for a speci~l session. called after· remained for the entire meeting opposed · 17 SGA Senators' signed a petition man­ Lawrence's veto. Treasurer Nadine Lucas dating such a meeting. said.. "I think it's ,in direct retaliation to During. Tuesday's meeting, the two members ofS.A.A.P, who are involved in FEEL ME. parties engaged in an emotional debate. the Women's Center.•• In reponse to Lawrence's statement that Senator F. Scott Longo said, "I think the. Women's Center was using. Ha man:.. the veto. should be overridden. The datory (SGA) fee for the support of Worn.en's Center is.t,rying to inform peo­ plainly idealogical causes,., Crete said ple about abortion so they can form their ME. and make their own TOUCH repeatedly, "The Women's Center does own opinions not have a stand on abortion." decisions .... · Crete later said that Women's Center

• l BSC students lose vote ' . HEAR ME. . Working' with thosewho are communicatively impaired is a Ocont. from p. l ·.challenging. yet rewarding profession. Boston~Bouve College He spoke on the need to. put the past . Services • voicing their c6ncern. at Northeastern University recognizes the importance of behind them and start working for more In his closing statement, Donoghue research and further study in this field. Our ASHA accredited student · oriented goal's. and work said that he was •'disappointed in some of Master of Science program in Speech~Language Pathology and (the only one in Boston) make it pos~ together to make SSAM strong. · the students fro~ Bridgewater who h.ave our program in Audiology · siblefor you to pursue an advanced degree full~time. or part- Following the speech ~ridgette Chin •. caused their votes in tonight's meeting to 1 time ifyou ate employed in the field. who acconipanied Lucas. began asking b.e disqualified, and, singlehandedly har~ questionsas to whether or nothe had the poon.ed F. Scott. Lclngo's candidacy for Forinforrtrationonthese programs. orafree brochure. com~ ability to represent all the.students. She Executive Vice· Pres:ident." plete and mail'thecouponbelow. Or call (617} 43.7~2708 ... . broughfup Dunfey's, and the meeting on Longo felt that not only was he cheated Pleasesendmeinrormationon.~urSpe&h~LanguageP~olo~n~ · the Women' Center's budget. This caused but all the st~dents at BSC w~re cheated Audiology Programs. . . th!! mem}?ers Prtfserit fo qU;estionhis a.~il­ also. . Boston-Bouv.e College of Human Development Professions. l 06 DK. I ity to perform the duties of Vice PresL· "Napine Lucas acted selfishly. She w~s Northea:>temUniversity, ,360 Huntington Ave .. Boston. MA02 l l 5. I dent; ~:ongo subsequerttly 'lost the not , co.ncerned with the students of Name Phone . election. · · Bridgewater. Addre~s--:--:----:------:------,----- Durilig the. discussion·. period,. LucaS · ~·students of Bridgewater have been I City ______State_c______.Zip '1 1 again b['ought \ip th~ Woine1fs Center chea~ed out of a chance to vote for the · budget, and ~ske~ t~e otb,e"rsGhools to Executive Board ,Which will manage write Vice President Deep bf~ Student $5.600 a semester of the stude~ts' money." t•~~!J!l!W-Sity. J Thursday, May 8, 1.986 The Comment 5

9 a . .$4 , SGA Presidential Candidates

behind them. It would also show how By much money is to be awarded to what Roger Spring ~u~. ~ In dealing with finances, Valla SGA Presidential candidate John Bea· remarked "I'm a conservative by nature ... ton has been involved in campus politics He says he is very meticulous and expects for much of his Bridgewater State Col­ the financial records to reflect that. He lege career. wants to make sure that past situations, As a freshman, he served as a Senator such as the weekend at Dunfey's, don't for the Class of 1987. During the first happen again. semester of his sophmore year, he held Another thing Valla would like to see is the -position of Assistant Tresurer. Later more involvement by more students - that same year was elected First Vice especially commuters. He is proposing President of the Student Government that a commuter's council be established Association. to Ed Valla go over commuting problems and to John Beaton try to resolve them. He wants the commu­ 1 By ters to feel as much a part of the college as 'Jihis year Beaton has been very Karen Melanson busy Some of Beaton's -other objectives as residents. "There should be upholding the responsibilities no difference of a Vice president would be to get more commu­ in the definition between commuter President/student. Early Ed and in the spring ters involved and to increase student Valla, Class of I 98 7, has a strong resident." semester he became involved in the fight invovlement overall. sense of leadership about him. Having a He feels that the 25 Although Valla wants to know specifi­ against tripi'ing (putting three students in double major in Political new SGA positions created by the revised Science and cally what is going on now, he also a dorm room) in the Hill. History, likes Beaton has also constitution help him accomplish this he feels, could only help him as to look ahead. re-established Any proposals or prob­ the Executive Counlcil, goal. Also.he would president of the SGA. In past years, he like to eliminate the lems are thought through for possible which he hopes will help,"bring campus "dead-wood"currently has had a great deal of experience in holding SGA short term and long term consequences. organizations together". Recently Bea­ administrative positions and positions. positions of In his third year at Bridgewater, ton has been fighting what authoritv. he is he calls "arbi­ treasurer of The Chorale Society and trary fee increases such as the athletic fee In his-hometown of Kingston, MA, he Beaton said t hat he has a good work­ both a member of the Chamber Singers boost." He has also voiced his opposi­ was a member of the Kingston. Historical ing relationship with the college adminis­ and publicity director. He likes BSC very tioon to changing wrestling, which was a Commission. During high school, he tration and that he would like this to was much. "It's a 'class A' school. There are varsity sport at BSC to a club. involved with a committee to revise continue. and some excellent faculty members and you clarify the student In his three years with the S.G.A handbook. Presently, can't beat the price for a state John Valla college." He One of Beaton's major accomlish- Beaton is an auxiliary police lieutenant in also has seen four presidents come and likes the student/ teacher relation­ ments, he feels, is his contribution Carver, MA, and is also a member of the to the go. He said that he has seen the "good ships. He said, "the students and teachers revision of the Army Reserves. constitution. The goal, he points and the bad" and that are not separated~ there he has is a closeness said, was to update the constitution to learned One of the most important things Valla· between from the mistakes of others. them." make it more well defined would like to see is fairer representation and organized. "As president,"he said,"I would like to Ed Valla wants to carry out his respon­ This revised constitution. to the students. He believes that the SGA was voted on see more communication. I want to have sibilities the best he can. If ,elected, he and passed by the student body and will an open door policy." -....--'"'r':'t---AA•.-•·••w·-•·•·"'~·· '- •• ··· • .... • Not Just an Average· By Student! Sean's stay he and his Turkish friends Barbara J. Murphy exchanged many cultural ideas and cus- What is 1t that separates the excep- toms. One sport which Sean taught his tional student from the average? Turkish friends was body-surfing. "They The answer to that question might be thought it was great fun." the amount of involvement the student In the fall of I 982,Sean's freshman gives the school. If so, Sean-Patrick Sulli- year, he initiated an underwriting pro- van is an exceptional student from the gram at WBIM. The program provides word go. He's a determined student with limited advertising on the air to area busi- a great future ahead of him. He's been nesses and organizations, both on and off able to be involved in a number of differ- campus, at a minimal cost. As director of ent activities and still keep a 3.3 grade the program his responsiblities involved point average. establishing underwriting policies and The Comment· feels that showing a procedures, supervising the staff, and great deal of dedication to helping the developing contracts for each client. The student body of this college, while main- program helps supplement the station's taining an outstanding GP A, is worthy of annual budget, bringing in approximatly recognition. As such, we would would $3,000 per year. like to name Sean-Patrick Sullivan Stu- In his sophmore year he joined the Stu- dent of the Year. dent Union Board of Governors: Profile The . board's purpose is work with the Student the commuter cafeteria. Europe Union staff to develop policies and regu­ and developing an. interest in Sean's position on the Board of Gover­ Italy. Before entering Bridgewater State Col­ lations and to foster the educational, cul­ He also completed a Personnel nors has· provided a unique, rewarding Practicum lege in 1982, Sean went to Turkey as an tural, and community spirit within the at Brigham and Women's learning experience. He said,."' One of the Hospital exchange student for the summer. He union. The Board of Governors has nine i~ Boston. The· internship greatest things I have learned from my . stayed with a Turkish family that lived in sub committees - the Program Commit­ involved working in the compensation involvement within the 0 Stud~nt Union Istanbul. The faipily lived in a modern tee being the largest. He's been elected depart1Dent and writingjob descriptions, and Bridgewater State CoHeg~· is that apartment that was provided by the Chairperson for 1985-1986. no working with supervisors and managers one need be wrong as long as he can government because the father was a Rick Veno, D~rector ·of the Student to establish an objective measurement of ·justify his beliefs ~r actions. As.long as job colonel in the Turkish army. Union said "Sean has been the best performance, and reviewing staff ·.someone is justified in their beliefs they Sean feels that the Turkish people are Chairperson the Student Uriion has had trends. and the reason for turnovers. de~erve all the respect one's own beliefs proud people who are very friendly and in .IS years.. He works with me as a Sean's future plans are t~ have an deserve.. With· mutual respect there is no outgoing. They possess a strong sense of partner and doesn't play any games. We · enjoyable. summer giving tours to his end to what cooperation between two or patriotism and loyalty for their past and both agree on the same goal, the friend Sarni Yuksel, a medical studenf common more people can lead to.,.. present government. "It's common to good of the Student Union. For someone from the University of Istanbul. Sarni will ' For his. accomplishments, Sean was find a photo of Kemal Ataturk, the first so young he has' a ,unique perspective on spend .the.summer months vvith Sean and recently a.warded The Student U~ion President of Turkey, in the living room of how to get the job done.t• his family at their home in.Longmeadow, Award for· Outstanding Volunteer Ser­ most homes."-Sean said, "Turkey is still a· As an active member on the Board of Massachusetts. Sean's careercplans are to vice to the CoJlege Community, and the hard country for others who- have not Governors, Sean has initiated a. proposal enter graduate school next. January to M a rt ha De lived there to understand for a merit pay n n i so n R o n d i le au obtain an advanced degree the culture," program 'for · student Scholarship. in organiza­ but he feels that people of different cul­ employees of the Student Union. He also tional psychology and perhaps go on to a S.~an completed .a d.irected study tures can share similar interests. During assisted 'in initiating renovation plans for . in PH .D. He'd like• to eventually enter the Italian during fall of 85', after visiting field of organizational consulting. 6 The Comment Thursday, May 8, I 986

HeJ 1 1

Center: 1st Place~ Clockwise from top right: South She High Sc'hool Lancer Band; 3rd Place, Banner; Spectators beside Boyden I Thursday, May 8, 1986 The Comm~nt 7

~it age >ay

Wood Hall. 1 re Antique Auto Club; Norton .Sigma Chi Fraternity; Lead-off fall; and Ensemble Theatre. Photos by John Burns s· The Comment Thursday, May 8, 1986 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed Holocaust AN!? fW{J iHl3R£~ Rememberance mer

CH 5T£V/JL. M€ YOCI lltl Rl6fff ;P !I 8f?JK€N ef/CK. .. ' MY 5711!(5 / WHllT Ml3Y. •.. H!lf'Pc#c/J 17J MY MY/?:O( 8118Yt WOWPe/J Bl/DY.,, \

Dea·r P.J. Have a nice Dearest P.L meet new friends, remember the old ones. summer from lsn 't it strange how the friends you Dear P.J., start off with in the. fall are not the I have determined that all men are The Bulck/Pontlac/lstizu inconsiderate, 1000 Main St.I Rte. 28. Bridgewater' same ones you have at the end of selfish, disgusting per­ . Don't know where we· are? Call collect spring semester. It happens to a lot of verts. I met Bill at a party. He seemed ic· directions 693-3113. Comment • 1(ncr in stock w!I w11101de in vou-r c::hoica -:>ne ofootor ua'sa b-.sed on 1e.coom.1. per yr. people. I am really confused by this. I really nice and we dated for 3 weeks. I /nct1~s excnB & sale:; fC:IJ 46 '!".'· clOSed end ieaw, ReQurH r&tuncta~ security doPo$1l o-1 Si 50 DO. Insurance roi mcludea thought I would befriends with my fall just broke off our relationship of 9 friends forever. But now they're not months because I have .. aquired" her­ my friends anymore. they are people to pies. Isn't that dandy! So I asked Bill, just say hello to. ls this common in do you have herpies? and he ·said no! Can you.believe it! IL_ l· ['I "k~TiyGirl" many schools? So I asked again, ~ -~People "Bill, .you were my Signed first. so if I didn't SERVICES get ·it from you then where Once a friend of Fall Friends cti come from?" So he shows his love by saying CLERKS Dear Once a friend of Fall Friends. ..ask your dog!'' Is that sick! lt's his TYPISTS fault. W~y didn't he tell ine he had it? WAREHUSE WORKERS This is common in schools every­ MARKETING where as weJI as common in the job­ BiU's Widow DATA ENTRY .CLERKS market. College is a chance to meet a Dear Bill's Widow SECRETARIES lot of new people. Sometimes when we WORD.PROCESSORS meet a new friend or friends wetend to Herpes. i~ ll. very contagious disease · K~lly Services can help you earn EXTRA MONEY this spend more time with them rath~r than and· transmi~ted through direct sexual su~mer. Become a KeOy employee and wor a schedule our old. friends. The reasons are contact. The first thing you need to do tailor,ed to your·ability,·time and needs. We have afu11 ~nd part-time because these new friends offer us new is visit your local health services, such jobs available. Benefits at Kelly Services .experiences, include: new laughter, 'new excite­ as Brockton Family Planning.. These MERIT .INCREASE ment that are old expe~enes, old provide treatments and emotional :HIGH PAY RATE, FLEXIBILITY laughter, old excitement in our old counseling. This first step should help ·VARIETY, VACATION, AND ' • friends. HOLIDAY So friends grow out of old you cope better with your disease. PAY. friendships into new ones. The process CALL OR STOP BY TODAY: 762-88120.r 584-0303 ·; Through ,education,·· proper care. and Not an can go on and on. One thing is for sure, Agency, Never a Fee . , · positive attitudes. herpes ~s managable 'Equal Opportunity Employer MlF the older the friendship~ the better and· and wil,l hot interfere ·with a long stranger that friendship is. So, if you happy life. Thursday, May 8, 19~6 9 Ente,rtaln men,t

The boys from Lone Star State Rock Worcester

By drum parts, the lights flush to F.rank Mark Avery Beard and Glink with the drum beat. If the music goes crazy, the lights go crazy, , exas everything is big, really big! if its slow the lights are slow; ZZ's lights ZZ Top is the best band in Texas. They're seem to dance with the music. They util- big, really big! Yes, the boys from Texas ize spots, mini spots, strobes and lasers to are back with the Afterburner Tour. In a synch with their big Texas sound. matter of hours they sold out three shows Highlights of the show were Legs and at the~ Worcester Centrum. I saw Billy, Manic Mechanic. When ZZ-Topdid Legs Dusty and Frank, April 23rd and as they they performed with the matching pink were on their Eliminator Tour, they were fluffy guitars. Bill and Dusty. strutted fantastic. around while a laser gram woman twisted The show opened with Dusty Hill around on a black screen. Dusty and Billy (bass) and Billy· Gibbons (guitar) walking finally strutted to the top of the Elimina- out with their trademark beards looking tor dashboard and played until they van- fine in long coats, painters caps and ished in a puff of smoke. All that was left matching Gibson Explorer Guitars. were the spinning pink fluffy guitars and Behind them a large sunglass, wearing laser light spinning around like a helicop- sphinx loomed over eq~ipment covered ter blade. in white cloth. While smoke filled the Manic Mechanic featured a lasergram stage, the sphinx shot lasers from its eyes of the Eliminator driving along a high- and sucked the white cloth into its mouth. way to the beat of ZZ's pei:'fect chords. At Under the cloth was Frank Beard on one point the Centrum was filled with a drums. Under Frank was a giant car plane of laser light that rotated on an axis radio. To the left was a steering wheel, running out from the stage. · speedometer and fuel gauge and to the ZZ Top also performed such favbrites right was a glove compartment. Yes, the as Cheap Sunglasses (which they donned ZZ stage was the dashboard of the white perf~rming the song) Sleeping Bag, Eliminator! Can't Stop Rocking, Sharp Dressed The show began with Under Pressure. Man, Jesus Left Chicago, Gimrne All The crowd went mad as Billy and Dusty Your Lovin, I'm Bud I'm Nationwide, did their guitar strut in perfect unison. · Ten Foot Po/e·and Rough Boys. Frank Beard's drumming kept perfect For their encore they performed Ve/­ time filling at what I will call the big coo Fly, Tube Snake Boogie and Tush. Texas Sound! Both Billy and Dusty sing For their encore Dusty and Billy changed W..•!lllfl!Wllll~MMU~~~~~iea~w.u.tble •. ,.. jackets and guitars opting for matching Jf perfecn souru:f, ttle ZZ strut, great sparkling jackets and sparkling guitars. songs and stage aren't enoµgh ZZ Top Frank Beard performed under a twisting has the besHight; show in rock, (Yes, laser pyramid. better than Genesis, Van Halen, Tri- ZZ Top again proved that they are the umph, The Fixx. Iron Maiden, 0,o and bad boys from the Lone Star State and T'he Dining Room is not the like). know how to rock, with great songs, great The ZZ light show is perfectly synched choreography (the ZZ strut), and the big out of style. to the music and the band. Lights move Texas sound with good stage effects. For back and forth with Gibbons and Hill the best light and laser show in rock iz By start with Eric Pegnam as a prospective and change color with the chords. On Tops. Mike O'Connor · homeowner and Donna Schiano as the real estate agent. After this scene the play The Dining Room picked up n1cely and flowed along. written by · Tony Fagen was an excellent and com­ After 23 years they still A.R. Gurney, Jr. ical .. stuffy" father and Chris Terrio made Directed By you belie_ve he was a little boy. Stephen Levine One. of the. best, and perhaps the best, gather no moss Cast scene was Winkie's birthday scene; The Eric Pegnam, Mary Wood, Paul Hayden, actors portraying children, Paul Hayden, The Rolling Stones - Dirty Work Stones rocker. I was surprised bythefirst Jane Norton, Anthony Fagen, Donna Eric Pegnam,. Donna Schiano and Mary By sides closing track Too Rude. Too Rude Bouchard, Chris Terrio and Donna Schi­ Wood, were excellent and extremely Mike O'Connor is a very reggae-new wave style song ano believable. Their screams, yells, and undertaken masterfully by The Stones. laughs during the mother's, (Donna Bou- Finally, the new· Stones album is here However, what.really got me was the mel­ The Dining Room, which was pres- chard) and lover's (Chris Terrio), argu­ after a wait of three years since l 983's ody of Keith Richard's voice. Definitely, ented this past Thursday, Friday, and ment over their futures was funny. It was mediocre Undercover. Mick and the boys something a Stones fan should check out. Saturday nights by E.nsemble Theatre, extremely funny when Terrio called his seem to still have that bite they've hadfor The second side.opened with what will proved to be a very enjoyable evening. sOn, Hayden, over to him to question 23 years. The album itself had many vio­ probably be the next Stones hit, Winning The set, designed by Professor Arthur whether or not he has to use the lent themes, ho.wever, with its drawings Ugly. Definitely a pop standard wrapped Dirks, was very typical of an upper mid- bathroom., Paul Hayden's facial gestures on the inner sleeve and in the lyrics. ·It ·around Bill Whyman 's bass line. The next die class W.A.S.P. (White Anglo Saxon were hilarious when he looked down and surprised me that The Stones included out seemed like ·The Stones a'ttempting Protestant) dining room. The set was realized he didn't have to. lyrics. on the inner sleeve since I don't almost a new wave type ballard. Very ·very elaborate and caught the eye as the Unfortunately, there isn't enough recall them ever puting their lyrics in LP's mediocre. - audience sat around the playing area on room to describe the rest, but; believe me, before. Dirty Work, the title track, was a nice · bleachers. , it was a wonderful way to spend a Satur~ The music was very fast, upbeat Rol­ little Stones rocker wrapped around The show seemed to get off to a slow day n~ght in the dining room. ling Stones. One Hit (To The Body)was a Mick's voice and very guitar oriented. fairly mediocre ·beginning to the· album Had 1t With You was c.lassic Stones but Fight added the punch to make up for guitar boogie that every Stones fan would 1 The Bridge·of·Yesterday th'at. Even the lyrics to Fight are violent, enjoy. · j '.9 ' opening w~th "Gonna pulp you to a mass Sleep Tonight, the LP's last track, is a By I wish on~ time I'd turn away, of bruises .. " beautifully crafted ballad that ptit a nice Thomas H. Murpry To gra~s and sun and light; Harlem, Shuffle, the next track, shows ' cap on the album. The album is dedicated And learn to look the other way, really smooth Stones, boogie wrapped1 .to fa.ri · Stewart, who worked with The "My he•s grown, you should be proud!" And· chase an eagles flight. around the edgy guitar playing of Keith Stones for 25 years and ··died last Were voices beyond my stand, Richards a·nd Ron Wood back~d by December. ·· Yet I can't recall, or comprehend And yet, all passings find their rest Charlie Watts erratic drumming. And, of . - The Stones stiH have.that same energy When manhood took my hand. In search of fields of hay; , . course, Mick's ever present growl ,still that everyone will enjoy~ · , The ends of which revolve to springs, exists throughout. Next up was a' typical, Neath the bridge of yesterday. 10 ThtfCol11ment Thursday, May 8~ 1986 The loudest ba.nd teqms 'l:l-P .

with the craziest ..... ·. and Ozzy Osborn at the Wor- band brought everyo~~ to their fe~t with cester Centrum a grand entrance, featuring blinding white hot spots projected at theCentrum Neit'S About ,Bella of Nett' England By ·mob. Ozzy broke into the classic Bark at Bella- of New England has recently announced the opening of a unique David Spuria The Moon, showing his crazy wandering modeling service in Bridgewater, MA. The new agency, with affiliations in stage antics at their best. With a gleam Hollywood, California, will be working extensively in the hair design and Meta/lica may be the loudest band on into the audienc~, Ozzy summoned eve­ fashion modeling areas. Bella Models have appeared recently at the 1985 earth. When Kirk Hammet (lead and .ryone, (and I mean everyone) to clap their Hair Show for Matrix Co . .featuring Xenon, of Xenon Productions in rythym guitar), James Hetfield {rythyrn hands high in the air. Needless to say, Chicago. guitar, lead vocal), Cliff Burton (bass, nobody disobeyed. As the band broke Ms. Bella Magera, President of the new firm has an extensive background backing vocals) and Lars Ulrick (drums) into Never Know Why (taken from Oz's in all phases of fashion modeling and has decided to address a need for basic began to make music, the Worcester Cen- latest Ultimate Sin LP) guitarist Jake E. .. educational training" in the local modeling community. In an effort to trum floor shook! If Metal/ica came to Lee mysteriously fell or was pulled into provide an alternative to modeling courses which lead to a modeling degree, New England last September, Hurricane the screaming fans below him. He amaz­ but little else. Ms. Morgera is establishing a training system to provide Gloria would have never ventured here, ingly kept his composure, and continued models and clients an oppurtunity to profitably work together. knowing a force more powerful was here to play while he repositioned himself on The new office is located in the South Shore area at 50 Central Sq., already. In fact, during Battery (a cut stage. Jake realized his guitar was mal­ . Bridgewater, MA. Bella Advertising and Fashions,Inc.(617)687-1900. from their latest offering Master of functioning, so he slid his wireless off- -······················································································. , Puppets) people around me began to stage (still humming), while he picked up look up as if to say .. I think the end is a new instrument and resumed his job. Technical workshop near." The intense loudness of Metallica The band really began to heat up during offered is done in a way which makes them a killer versions of , Flying Giving whole new breed of head-bangers. In High Again, Killer of Giants and Shot In Super8 Sound on 95 Harvey st., Cam­ songs like Sanitarium, For Whom The The Dark during the song Secret Loser, bridge. will be offering the following I will give to Bell Tolls.and Ride The Lightening they 's drum set magically you Independent Producer Workshops: I will be here for you proved they can be loud, melodic, poetic moved forward on stage to ready the Production I. (Tues .• June I0,7-10 pm. and believable! There cause on Friday crowd for an energetic solo. Castillo no matter what Fee: $30) but remember. night was to warm up for . walked around his massive kit, hitting the always, never take my giv­ Editing, (Tues., June 17, 7-!0pm. Fee: They not only warmed the capacity drum stands and the outside casings of ing for granted $30) I put too much crowd up, Metallica rattled the cheap the drums themselves. The solo lasted for energy into what I give Special Effects, Titling, and Finishing I put much love and caring seats in the upper balconies as hard as the over five minutes and was the best I've into the words Touches. (Tues .• July 8, 7-!0prn. Fee: onlookers in the first few rows. It was ever seen. As for the best overall solo of I speak .,..~0) - If one pure noise at it's best! You'll surely hear a ihe evening, Jake E. Lee stole the show. takes too much ..:>t:per8 as a Video Production Format, it w:ll empty my heart lot more from Metallica in the future, He playe~ his guitar upsidedown, back­ (Sunday. July 27. l0am-12prn. Fee: $25) even if you're '-'";~:-out my heart l am not close by. wards, sideways, on the floor, over his lonely Intro to Double System Filmaking. (Sec­ and there Ozzy Osbourne and Co. played to a head and behind his back. At one point will be nothing else to give to tion I- Sat., June 7, 9:30arn-3:30pm. Sec­ you when packed house Friday night to the screams he used both his hands high on the fret tion 2- Sat. July 26, 12-6 pm. Fee :$75) you need more and delights of everyone. Jake E. Lee board to create an unmistakable sound Advanced Double System Filmmaking, I don't ask (lead guitar genius), (corn- which my ears are still trying to adjustto. from you anything else (Sun. July' 27, 1-5prn. Fee: $50) poser and bass extraordinary). and It was unquestionably the best individual Double System Production Workshop I will listen drummer Randy Castillo played their guitar work I had ever witnessed and (July 31, August 12, 14, 19, 7-IOpm, I ~·ill hold you i~struments to ultimate perfection. T,h:e heard. Ozzy'wound .~h~·i·~~,rf2~~2-,.TI.~;~p. August 2 or 3. I 2-6prn. Fee: $ l 00). Pre­ I will cry with you requisite: Intro to Double System continued and-without Fi!mmaking r can be your strength Interested parties can contact Super8 when you are ,crushed Sound, 95 Harvey St., Cambridge, MA. l ·will be your light 02140, (617) 876-5976 for more when your world ~eems·dark inforniation. l can grasp stars when dreams have faded G010'11IE 1 will take your tears . and turn themjnfo a smile SD:pport Boston I can make you laugh when everything N(lW 10POF is falling down Never give up .on me because I amalways here Keep abortion and birth control legal I might have small ears in Massachusetts by working to defeat 'lllE but my heart is big the anti..:abortion amendment proposed and holds a place for you to come run~ to our state constitution. Cometo Boston ning to. NOW's Reproductive Rights Task Force meeting c::>n Tuesday, June FOR$79. DAC 485 10 at 7:00 p. m. Help pass federal and state lesbian and gay civil .rights legislation to prohibit dis­ Stouffer Bedford Glen· Hotel. crimination on the basis of sexual prefer­ Stay.at a top-class hotel for just $79? Nurse's Education ence. Stand up for lesbian and gay rights It's true. We've slashed the regular in foster parenting. housing, and employ­ weekday rate at Stouffer Bedford Glen Program ment. Come to. Boston NO W's Lesbian Hotel ·a.whopping 40% on Rights Task Force meeting ori Wednes­ weekends. day. June I 1 at 7:00 p.rn. That's·· great news for grads expecting Support legislation out-of-town The Greater Brockton Unit of the on unisex insu­ family and friends. Great rance. economic American Cancer Society, which serves equity. health and child­ location, too, just 30 minutes from care. and lesbian Brockton and l I surrounding communi­ and gay rights. Learn . Boston. This Four-Star/Four-Diamond how to lobby legislafors ties, is sponsoring an educational pro­ and mobilize support hotel has great facilities, including Yem-­ gram for health professionals. for important women's rights issues. Come to Boston round teffiliS and swinuning. Compli­ Helen Sullivan, R.N .• -B.S.N .• oncol­ NOW's Legisla-· tive Task Force ogy nurse clinician, Cardinal Cushing meeting on Thursday. mentary HBO, momirig coffee and June 5 at 7:00 p.m., General Hospital, will present Nursing newspaper.· Casual or elegant dining. Fight wage discrimination Management of the Patient Undergoing based on Now; stay first class any Friday, race and sex. Use legislation and public Saturday Chemotherapyon Thursday May 15, education to support pay equity.the or Sunday (subject to availabilities). 6:30-9 p.rn. at Woodridge House Nursing Up­ To-Poverty Campaign and social For reseivations, call.your Home, 596 Sl!mmer St., Brockton. secur-: travel agent ity benefits for older women. Come to The program will be of most help to or (617) 275-5500.0r 1-800-HOTEIS 1. Boston NOW's Economic Equity Task R.N.s and L.P.N.s employed in nursing Force meeting on Monday. June homes and other community activities. 16 at 7:00 p.m. SIDUFFER Credit for 2.4 Contact Hours will be All meetings given to attendees. are held in the Boston CBEDFORDGLEN· HOTEL Now Office, 99 Bishop Allen Drive, Cen­ Anyone -\nterested can call the. Ameri­ 44 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA tra f Square, .Cambridge'. Free Admission. can. <;ancer.'. .S9ciety's - Broc}

Van Halen - 5.150 This Be Love is one of the album's weaker Vinyard by bicycle By tracks. And if that's any indication, you O'Connor can imagine the remainder of the LP. of $7 is required for ferry. Mike The Lloyd Center for Environmental additional cost Hagar's voice r1ps into the album with is limited.· Please call the · Studies is nffering a bike trip on Martha's Registration Van Halen's newest effort5J50 is so far a "Hello Baby" reminiscent of the Big for further information and Vineyard Saturday, May 10. We will be Lloyd Center best album to date. It's filled with Bopper's Chantilly Lace. From there the their cycling the Vineyard exploring the natu­ registration. Van Halen's magical guitar play­ album soars. Good Enough is classic Van Center offers bike and Eddie ral history of the Island, looking for the Lloyd backed by the lush ryhthm of Alex Halen with Hagar's voice carrying each month in conjunc­ ing, migratory birds and Spring wildflowers canoe excursions Halen's drumming and Michael melodically throughout, unlike someone with the Buzzard's Bay Project man­ Van and discussing land use issues. The trip tion bass. else's yelping. From there we hit more jointly by the EPA and Anthony's will be led by Dr. Alan Hankin, Execu­ aged important is the fresh voice of rockin• Van Halen until Dreams, Van Office .of Environmental More tive Director of the Lloyd Center and Massachusetts Hagar to the Van Halen sound. · Halen's slowest song and by far one of the The purpose of this project is to Sammy Mary Beth Bishop, Lloyd Center Staff. : Affairs. fantastic job of replacing the album's best. Hagar's voice sweeps in and the knowledge of local and state He does a Participants will meet at the Woods Hole ·enhance Diamond David out of Eddie's musical magicianship. All and citizens so they better not-so-dear-departed ferry-at 8:30, we will be returning on the agencies the rest are wonderftilly crafted Van the sources and effects of Lee Roth. 5:45 ferry. Please bring a sack lunch, understand new album,.the band proves Halen rock at its best. One track that got in the Bay and its On this water, a bike in good working condition contaminants they are ... one of the most me, however, was the closing track, . ., exactly who and appropriate clothing. The cost of this watersheds in hard rock. Inside. It's very reminiscent of David Lee more information contact Mary melodic groups all day excursion is $15 for Lloyd Center For Sammy is not new to rock, on. the and seems directed at him personally. Beth Bishop at (617)990-0505. rockin' members and $17 for non-members, an charts for quite a few years on his own. Still, this album will keep people it But with Van Halen, everyone benefits. all summer long. And what a summer Van Halen. Ad~ittedly, their first hit, Why Can't will be with

Carlos the Computer Kidnapped

Following a highly successful media event: F~iday, Boston for the World a'nno~nc.ed the course for its three-mile teenage road. race to ·fight homelessness and internati.onal hungef. ; ' The June 1st Kids for the World road .rai:c.rwill bc'>in at ·the MDC 'Lee Pool and

1 ~ along the pathway adjacent to Stbtrow· ~1:. ~rticipants will-turn at the Lower Basin Stit:Ion and return along the Cha­ rles River, around the lagoons, finishing at the Lee PooL Parking will be available at the Boston Cornriion Garage. Accord­ ing to race director Fred Tressler, "The course was specifically designea to accomodate the runners and spectators, while not interfering with motor traffic in the area." The unveiling of the course comes in the wake of Friday's (4/25) friendly kid­ napping of "Carlo,s the Computer" from Charles Laquidara 's morning show on WBCN radio. The objective of the Kids for World Hunger kidnapping was to create drams.i.tic awareness in the fund for the homeless and hungry, and to promote the June 1st road race. Carlos was held for $1,000 ransom and transported to various locations through­ out the Boston on the Kids for the World double decker bus. The entire abduction and subsequent call-in appeals from Kids for the World wer~ carried live on air from. 6-10 am.

Metallica and Ozzy .cont.

with some classic offered on his Speak of' The Devil double. live album. Paranoid and Iron Man truly sounded better than ever before. Ozzy Osbourne showed no signs of his recent illness whic.h had forced him to cancel a show at the Providen.ce Civic Center ear­ li~r in the week. His fans had the ultimate good time Friday night, and I personally saw one of the smoothest, most profes• sional and memorable concerts of my life. 12 The Comment Thursday, May 8, 1986 Classified Advertisements General Policy: Deadline: Clulifted advertisements Olldfied '\dvertisements are accepted subject to the approval of The Com· mar M 1ubmitted by the 1'bunday of the week prior ment. Ad•ertiHBHntl are char1ed on a per word bail, and abreviatlonsshould to publication. Ads may be .,:a~, ad penon at the Comment omce, not be used. located In the Student U nlon Bulldln1, next ,a ihe Boobtore, or by caJ.Un1 ( 617) 697-tlM, en. 2151.

Local Classified Rates: National Classified Rates: A base rate of SJ.00 ii useued, for up to twenty words. Each additional word is A bue rate of S!.00 Js UHBled, for up to twenty words. Each addkional word ii char1ed S0.05. The fint three words will IN set in bold face. Each additional word Ht charted SO.IO. The flnt three words will be Ht in bold face. Each additional word let In bold face wlll be char1ed SO.OS. in bold face will be charged SO.ti. I Help Wanted Summer Jobs Off-Campus I Miscellaneous College Students: suMMER JoBs: Housing FLowERs & PLANTS We are a Fortune 500 Company that is Summer jobs. $7.50 per hour to start. Hawaii, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan. interested in College Students seeking a Full and part time positions available 1------1 China, New Zealand, or Thailand husiness career. Join us µart-time during throughout Southeastern Massachusetts FEMALE VACANCIES for $15.00 or less. Trader orchids 617- your school years. full-time summer, and and Rhode Island. No experience neces- 2 double rooms in student apt. for Fall. 585-2002, free plant with purchase.ca-01-01 continue to grow with us after sary. Start now or after exams. Some Kitchen, bathroom, sitting area, separate graduation. career openings. Call for information. entrance, walking distance, also on cam­ AIRPLANE RIDES Brockton 583-1000 Flash interview, telephone: 617-679- pus and Boston bus lines. Completely Scenic flights around the area of southern South Shore 749-1056 0030. ca-34-05 furnished, all utilities except telephone Massachusetts. Pilot to share the co~t, Plymouth 746-3777 included 697-7735. ca-02-01 "this is not a business". For information Cape Cod 548-3014 1------~ call Steve ••muppet" Davis at 697-5182, l"!" 1-800-322-4421. rn-llK-1~ Computers Scott Hall, Room 126. ca-03-<>1 Services MANAGEMENT TRAINEE IMME- r DIA TE OPENING ACT NOW! DISKETTES Large international financial corporation Bulk 5- I /4" DS/ DD. 49 cents each. Lots For Sale ;, currently expanding in the Boston area. of 50. These are not seconds. MONEY FOR SALE: This expansion offers an outstanding BACK GUARANTEE. No questions 1984 Buick Skyhawk, (automatic), excel­ ..1p.,., rtunity to an outgoing, responsible asked. Call MEI 1-800- 3 _ , _ lent condition, 22,000 miles, 4 cyl., 2 6 4 3478 9 9 PROFESSIONAL RESUMES MEAN nc.Ji\ idual looking for a career in sales EST M-F; I0-6 Sat. Offer expires door, velour interior, digital AM/ FM rnana~emcnt. This entry level positio1 INTERVIEWS! - - n 5'' J 5/86 stereo, air conditioned, new tires and ( . ca-48.()J 0 11 Enhance your professional image with a ._lffers advancement. unlimited ,earnings excellent on gas. $8,000.00 or B. .. ca professionally constructed resume from and financial security. For personal inter- 1------f 871-3879. 2 ca- ::?.()R ALPHA & OMEGA CAREER SERVI- \it"\\. call Mrs. Moore. 1-800-821-2225.e.. - 1---~-~~~~-~--~~~~---1 CES: 583-2098 10% discount with ad.cu-45- Lost & Found FOR SALE: ------. Dodge Omni - 1979 Std. 4 speed, 4 door, TOURISM !----~----~---~-~~ JUSTICE OF THE P~ACE . hatehback. AM/FM. cassette, "i·l\.IFORMA !ION LOST: sun roof, Ivan S. FleisC'h~,,,.,_~--~-• no body rot. Good condition, SERVICES Lost in Commuter Parking Lot: gold $950.00 or "'Service of Character throughout the engagement ring. 8 best offer 697-5458. ca-J7-05 Resort Hotels. Crui'e Lines & Amuse­ rubies· and one dia­ Commonwealth" mond pear shape. ment Parks are now accepting applica..: Reward will be given!!! TYPING Member, Massachusetts .Justices of the Please call if you tions for employment! To receive an have found it! Thank Neat, dependable typing done from Main Peace Association. East Bridgewater, you! app1ication and information, write: 888-1198 or 378-2079 cu-4()-04 Street location. Discount for long paper.s 378-9949. ca-l!Hl7 Tour ism l nformation Services. P .0 .. and referrals. No charge for title page. 7881, Hiltnn HeCld lslanrl. SC 29938.1·:1-114. Call 697-1969. ca-05-0 I Reader Survey In order to improve the overall quality of The Comment, please take a moment to fill out this simple questionairre. Thank You. -·--~·--···--· --·----_,/

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sfory sedion C page I

Attention All Clubs and Organizations!! ·

Please submit information about your club to the Orientation Issue of The Comment by Friday May 23rd-. ·- Get those freshmen before the other clubs do!! Submit to o.ur . Orientation New Parking Issue Regulations to be

NOW!! se.--ia~\~ . .Announced Next ~otKS> t'haS L~ ,JO J'"OKt .- Week 14 The ,_.., £cmment

! NON.-.EXSISTENCE . • Zeppelin at BSC By B.S. DaReaders and answered criticisms of The Firm by saying. "Hey. me and my mate Paul Ted Zeppelin to Reunite at BSC Rodgers know we're boring. but how else can I afford to do me blow'?" The most popular rock group of the Robert Plant proceeded to apologize last decade. Led Zeppelin. has for the em harassing H oneydrippers announced plans to play their first con­ albums and admitted his solo records cert together since Live Aid. The site "consist of computerized mumbo-jumbo. selected bv the band was the Bridgewater dentist music and other assorted fluff." State C~llege campus. Both singer Plant also announced that the new band Robert Plant and guitarist would be called Ted· Zeppelin because agreed '"that due to the spacious facilities "we are not afraid to use the name of and the high percentage of the student another major rock personality if he's bodv that listen to hard rock, 'there \Vas playing with us." Plant refused to name no ~ther choice." Bass player John Paul other bands who. refuse to follow this Jones added. ''I've never seen so much policy but did concede that their initials leather. denim and spandex in my life might be V.H. until l visited the Student Union front Ted Zeppelin will perform in the foun­ steps. Plus, WBIM never plays that new tain behind the Union while it is in opera­ wave crap. Most college stations would tion, becoming the first band in history to devote one show a week to hard rock, but risk electrocution while playing. Guiness :>.-,~ that is· not the case at the 'Moving Book of World Records will be on hand Alternative'." to witness this feat, as will representatives These remarks were made at an exclu- of the Shriners Burn Institute of Boston. Chuck "Sharkie" Norris, SGA Candidate sive press conference held at the luxur- Possible opening acts include Weird Al ious Larry's Restaurant in downtown Yankovich, Dr. Demento and BS C's own Sharkie for President Bridgewater. The highlight of this media Limo. All tickets are free due to a gener­ event was when it was revealed that the ous offer by _the SGA to make up for the Chuck .. Sharkie" Norris is running for condo in Bermuda at his expense. As Motor City Madman himself, Ted "Lost Weekend at Dunfey's." Drinking, SGA President as a write-in candate. He president he will hold an open mouth· Nugent, . would be Zeppelir: 's n~w· drug use ai:id general rioting is allowed, \i.1as unable to turn his nomination papers policy (especiapy during the hours of 11 drummer. As Jimmy Page put it, ."The_ thanks to retiring president Rondileau. on time dLie to an appointment at the am Cl;nd I prri). As a commuter himself he Nuge has always been a force on the Jn a statement issued yesterday, Mr. denti~it that afternoon and a photo auto­ would like to see more commuters skins, but ·was always too shy to play Ro·ndileau expressed his feelings by stat­ graph ~:.·ssio.n at Sandyneck Beach on the involved with the Student Government, them. Therefore, he became a mild- ing, "It's been a long time since I-'ve rock Caf>·· that morning for his movies~ Jaws, and· it is one of his goals while in office. mannered guitarist." Page denied reports and rolled." Jmrs JI. Jaw.\ II!.... When ~sked his general opinion of the that his cocaine habit was out of control Norris. better know as Sharkie. feels he student body and the faculty he stated rnuld revise the Constitution to include that '"they are a very tasty bunch". .;ummer vacations of the Cape or at his Student won't go home!!! WANTED DEAD.OR. ALIVE~

We have among us here at BSC a very from the Catholic Center. he's· a faithful interesting personality. He is a student. friend to Father Joe and Sister Joanne. and is so faithful that he.never leaves the He also, prepares the weekly Spaghetti campus. day or night. He even stays here Supper. writes Father Joe's sermons, and \Vhen everyone else goes on break. fills in for Father Joe in the confessional, Instead of Fort Lauderdale. he stays here when he can't make. and guards the campus. Who is this Dammit's idol is Rin Tin Tin. and his remarkable student? lifetime goal is to either get a starring role You pass by him every day on your way in his own series, or to become President to the Commuter Jot or Burrill Ave. He's of BSC. His favorite past time is driving ·rather short. has brownish-gold hair. and his Ferrari at 75 mph down 104. and his four lt!gs ... Have you guessed yet'? That's favorite food is ft:lpo. So. remember next right. it's Dammit the Dog. time you pass by the Catholic Center He makes many other contributipns to make sure you give a big hello to Dammit the -rommunity as well. for example he the dog. chases anv suspicious looking cars away , , Your Guess this week is as good as mine 'f' ARIES (March 21-April 19): Resist all urges to study this week, it just doesn't 't matter! You'll once again lose your meal ticket. · t TAURUS (April 20-MayiO): Congeniality is your lucky word this.week, don't lose it. Be very cautious not to trip this week, your head may never. bet.he same. GEMINI (May 2J:.JiJne 20): You will be <}riven out of your room by over flowing. angered laundry. Also. beware of revengeful collegu~s bearing gifts. of eggs. CANCER (June 21-July 22): A new romance will develop when you take candy 1 from a stranger. r LEO (July 23-August 22): Your stars this week predict that Wednesday will be the perfect night for becoming totally intoxicated, or Tuesday. or Friday or Monday ... VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Survey says- Tuesday ast 5:02 p.m. wlll be a great time to have a punch party. Have fun dancing and drinking!! LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): It will be in your best interest to take a shower this week. Use soap. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You will pass all your finals this week but- who '- cares?! The dryer will miraculously return all "lost forever" socks. P . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): Blow off all classes next week. Your gerbil will give birth to twins. Come back to Jamaica. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19): All of your fantasies will come true- in your Prime suspectin the handgranade dreams. Also, go white, tans are out this week. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Hurry! Your sexu~l peak is Thursday at 9:15 threats to Bo

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Honey Honey

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; ; 1 1 1() The ,._.() Cvmment

Single Column Copy In the interest of good journalism, let me try to present the facts as objectively as is humanly possible. There's this guy, right. And he's in charge of this reaily big country. © 1984 Umted Feature Syndicate.Inc. Well anyway the Country is called The United States although a lot of time people just call it America for short. Well this guy, he can give these real smooth speeches, I mean like smooth. He uses these words that send chivers right up anybodys spine. Except nobody really hears what he's saying. This guy is one bold dude. He's not afraid to kill when he thinks it's necessary and when he goes in. he goes in hard. Well at least that's his rep. And afterward, when the whole world is either hiding or screaming, he goes on T.V. and gives one of those great speeches. And what's most amazing, the public buys it. They buy it! You see, these things that he does, they seem to appeal to people on a real gut level. Like everybody likes to see the home team kick ass once in a while. Then he takes these public opinion polls real, real quick, before the cheering stops, before people have a chance to say "Whoa let's talk about this for a second." But you see, after these polls, nobody ...,_ ____... ______, i!fM l/AVi'!;i wants to be the one to say, Um, um We reget to inform excuse me, but, but I was just wondering, our readers that how come we seerp to be making enemies Jim Davis f argot how to write. out of allies so much lately. And somewhere intelligent people are scared and are hoping that we make it to '88.

Br :Hiuldega.rde Horsenfrash

Amish student Joshua Micha<"! awoke Monday morning fo find his rart rrashed info a near by bush, and his horses missing, The police presently have no leads in the case as yet. Kt is suspedd fo be a group of Moslem Sh.ittes. Concerned students are FDr f/fJ 5