Many Sfaites to Sen Day Biittles for Party Supremacy 56,000 MAJORITY iFight for Presidlent's State DEFEATPOSSIBLE DEMOCRATS HOPE !France and Bruce Hurling CAMPAIGNEXPENSE FOR MILLER SEEN Tenacious in Last Round FORMDGE TOSWEEPVIRGINIA Epithets as Election TSears REPORTSAMENDED Mk Two New York G. 0. P. Leaders Two Congressional Districts Predict Election of All Their AS gBrWr G. 0. P. $10,000 Gifts Sure, But Jubilant Democrats! May Determine Fate in Candidates for j^Uggm£% w Credited to Individuals Predict Landslide. Indiana Vote. Congress. Came From Groups. GOTHAM WILD FOR SMITH HOPE FOR STATE G. 0. P. CONTEST NINTH DISTRICT flnj DEMOCRATIC LIST STANDS ..... Expected to Give Him Lead of Ticket Safe if Democrats Win; Hot Fight for Turnover of Territory Republicans Detail New Disbursements 285.000 to Combat Governor's Only Four Representa- Long Held by the of $3,000 to $8,000 in Upstate Total. fives. Republicans. Each of Ten States. ! II) \. O. HKMUKXKKH. wK 8itt«*ial IMkuatrh to The Star I Special IHipatch to The Bur An amended campaign statement, C«»rri'!»pond*-nt of The Slur. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. November 4. LYNCH BURG. Va.f November 4.. showing that two republican NEW" VuKK, November .The outcome of the election in In- Leaders of democracy are previously reported hadcontributionsbeen !iKiir>v claim «Iov.4.Insiderepublican dlana next Tuesday may hinge on the in high hopes of electing a solid made up by groups of contributors re-elect ion by Cel.000. democraticMiller's SBNATOK POMEHLM:. UK PICKS i;.> TATIVK YKSS. results in two congressional districts delegation next Tuesday to the next instead of coming out of the pockets claims Insist thai a landslide for .the seventh, which is made up Congress, and there is no question oC the two individuals who turned a over W. A. E. Sn,itli i.- [iiijtfM'iitg and thatAlfredlly I Fie A (undated Press. by plurality of 352.303 largely of Indianapolis, and the that the democrats have the best them over to the party managers, th*» (lem-x-ratcandidate will sweep r >HUM BUS. Ohio, November 4. -Hi liar.: (iov Harry H. Davis was ...... *. A' 1W.nul.of Kf I'lft «7'f is in northeastern In- v. as filed with the clerk of the Senate the stai»-. 1'he r» publican lctu-rs are vic«.twelfth, which chance of winning: in the ninth With swords still unsheathed, repub- the first time In as its senatorial autioiis, bill a fid !u. 'I'm- cu-nvo- ^uralify. and for diana and has Fort "Wayno that they have had since districtthe today by the republican li-and democrats tonight con- a crata are in a n'.'uo of hit;h spirits' h; story solid republican largest city. Considerable democratic district turned into the republican I campaign committee. The two item over their as they set t:r>ued fighting with bulldog tenacity t.c was pent to Congress. delega>n SENATOR FRANCE. WILLIAM < \III:LL mu < i:. prospects, to in these two districts more than two decades ago. each $i0.000, previously had ihttm, and the rank and tile are up- for mastery in Ohio, President Republicans, in their light majorities J camp totaling in tneir the mastery in Uhio. have be sufficient to about the as the other to The Star. som«» of tli»» democratic been credited through error to L>. A. parent.!y s.m ere confidence. state. There was no indi- rein might bring There is no question to Special Dispatch fested by is how two' home J)t. for an indorsement of but others this is; It impossible to explain Hardt:ig'» wellaphI*m!defeat of Albert J. Beveridge, the nino districts, the fight of John , November 4.With leaders, say feeling Heed of Pittsburgh and former sets of claims and estimates rouUl he ! cation of a let-up In the (campaign. d. Harding's administration usPresir.t not justified and that the < x:r«-rtiely V. of Rhode Island. as state administration of Gov. nominee for Paul against Judge T. W. Harrison the close of the campaign at ha^id Henry Lippitt Senator so widely apart unless intentional which lias been the most intense in the republican radical element In this city, which is At the sain- time the committer or iv is. including" Vice and the entire of incumbent, for and the fate of the two parties vote dissimulation. self-deception the; tr.ore than a decade, until the polls Speakers. senator, republican Winchester, the expected to for France, is small- filed another preliminary report «*i exorcise of the gentle art of "bluff" j pj esident Cooiidge and the ticket. election in the seventh district, to in the hands of the voters,practicallythe er than is usually supposed. dat-d October 25, show are closed Tuesday evening. entire cabinet besides of the are expenditures, figure in the game. Presint's It is well understood both the Two outcome of Tuesday's election In so If 22 per cent voters disbursements of from $3,000 t it: New York « this Both parties were making" claims of ou orators from other states,numershave pretty contrary notwithstanding. naturalized citizens their number is ing Naturally it;., far as the senatorial candidates are $v,000 in each of ten states, mos-t of p| p.o.irVi.1,1 r\ r U h>>r»' \lr victories for their tickets. Id audiences that democratic by democrats and republicans that years ago the seventh district 31,826. It Is believed that a larcre swooping a of j them in the west. ts core . «*»"i in Ohio meant repudiation concerned Is too difficult for even the of thern is Included in the ."JiXiith pra<-* ically the republicans by mor« than 126,000 vicryfour of the thirteen congressional split over a hot flght indemocratsthe proportion i A few belated individual Ftatemer.ts wh..*h t< combat y»r esident Harding's administration of 1'sS.OOo with plurality t.i n Congress felt warranted In voting for William Cabell Bruce, both claim to In the congressional contest Rep- So the calculators are dis- «*j| policy for?n four districts it is said that Mr. a strict T. the cajnpaign. quieter tory for A. V. Donahey. guberna- tjiev also pleaded that a democratic in the elections committee, by he neither of them will resontative Alan tJoidsbcrough up- posed to make allowance for ex- torial and the state win and the vote, to recommend the un- confident, to be almost certain of re- *] --» Few $1,000. candidate, entire v itor> meant a rejuvenation <»f will republicanBeveridgeparty a as to venturepears Spend ubt rancc t democratic spirits and, mora than of Harrison in favor prediction majorities. tion In the first district. Millard K. ticket, by 100,000 plural- (j,.mocratic hopes to elect a President state ticket, "get by." But the loss of seating Judge On form Mr. Bruce appears to have j All but two of the House*i not to appraise it too highly as an Uws. predicted election of at least jf Paul. The democratic party of Tydings will probably be successful ti an aMid congress in 1924, that would the seventh and twelfth districts by t the better change, in so far as the reported expenditures of less !nde.\ of statewid* feeling. fourc en congressional candidates and ro this in the of the district w;II indicate its disfavor of state, in defeating the pres- nt represents- democrat, a country league cull a outside of Baltimore city, is A A. il.oOO, but John Morrow, Republican* Hopeful. majority in both branches of the. na lions pact. the republicans might mean the loss this report by giving Judge Harrison usually conceded to be democratic, and tive in the second district. wrote that he had ©pent $4,000 in state legislature. to normal majority next week, it is Rlakeney. There appears io he little The confidence which prevails in I mocra ts. in their appeal of 25.000 or 30.000 votes to Mr. Bev- In Haltimepr city the democrats having John New Mexico running for (i. O. P. More Hopeful. ho the republicans, have denounced Is certain at that if believed.a of 34.000 over doubt that Representative Mrs. A Otero republican circles is amazing, in view unrseerldge. It least registered majority Philip Hill will ha\> little trouble against representative-at-large of the popular on every tTbairman W. 11. Miller of the re- th e new tariff measure, the Harding the republicans should lose the first, Ex-Gov. ( ox Boosts Peery. the republicans. In addition the ) and K. I* Noojin, republicat.,Warren, outbursts *° and national democrats a in disposing of his democratic «p- in side in support of Smith. Kepubll- publi. an state executive committee reign policy many third, fourth, eleventh, twelfth and present united party, T>imarco. While in the reported the expenditure of $l,4So which v. as ov.-n more do niestie policies, besides fiercely seventh the election Former Gov. Cox of Ohio turned while the republicans are ponent. Tony district. cans are d« j»- ruling upon hope, optimistic. Placing senatorship this week fourth, tlie re-election of J. Charles the seventh Alabama indeed amounts to a conviction lulrimum pluralities of 126.000 for rrt the Davis state atckingwould be very close and Samuel M. things over at Bristol split both In the city andundoubtedlystate. The democratic congressional with; tic for misconduct, he there and addressed Linthicum Is almost conceded by the most of them, that back of thu ru-presentative S. IX Fesfr, candidate alleged administra>nRalston, the democratic nominee, when came Press Favors Bruce. ward leaders. through I>. K. HempFteadcommittee, for United States senator, and t'unni B'* and non-business methods.extravav.f,- win. 4,500 people in an open-air meeting republican in a enthusiasm for Smith therepopularis] in the might Senator France has also been \ treasurer, reported supplemental are A. Thompson, gubernatorial Knmeshed and entwined >n behalf of the candidacy of George Roberts t.limpvoM ictory. statement that no contributions had a class >>£ voters who thinking he has been the e\er See Victory by 40.000. by the fact that all fourhandicappedof course. forecast election «»f repub-candidate.po litical contest C. Peery. democrat, who is opposing M. Roberts, democratic, been since the October 3<» instead of shouting, and of lh an r- wet most The the Baltimore papers are favoring Clarence received from the preservatives in every- repub- pr esent and dry issue, brought Therefore the trustworthy P. H. Hassinger, republican. tha election candidate for from the statement. Total committee receipts republican \i*>wpoint, which; Mean dir-rict and most of the demo- d; into the through now appears to be that Mr. saw to it last of Mr. Bruce. The representative Insists thai an of the rectly campaign "dope" democratic leaders fifth district, states that lie expects on the latter date were $0,221 and analysis issue, cratic districts. and asserted is th e for ratification of the will win 40.000 to 50.000 papers naturally favoreddemocraticMr. must induce r.f the it submission Be.veridge by March that the district convention Bruce and the two to carry Prince Cieortros. h:fl home disbursements SS.lflS. Of the $122. support "unite that demo- t r and wire amendment to the with a that his republican papers: rt-publt-j probable" every be possibility majority was held early, and that the took the Bruce after their bv a .:><> ana to ppi $42 went caii platform ami ticket, they expect1 emtio district will he carried re- gt;lie constitution. Political leaders? might be even smaller than that, and a two months up fight county, majority supplemental expenditures. as by was made some nominationunsuccessful to defeat Sen- in the five counties to the Fair Tariff and tlx the support of this lass Weil as publican candidates*. f>f both parties admit that the wet chance that Mr. Barton might nose in for attempt a net majority Prague 'he rormai republican vote. Two ahead of the six-months grace ator France in the primaries with include^ in the district. For the; balance to an office i^rk. years ago President Harding or dry tirtdenciee of candidates may ! by a few votes. Even the most expert the prepayment of poll taxes, so that John W. 'larrett. One feature of the democratic state carried Ohio by a of be fac tor with not be more Notwithstanding first time in years the ci1 y port on The treasurer *f the democratic plurality 401.0S5 the determining many politicians tio appear to the democrats are believed to have h .< nri 1 :< Ti«& s^nafnp i of e ithusiasm is the o\e; the shows a democratic: senatorial committee said no suggestion put former tlov. James M. (.'ox: vn tvfs as to how their ballots will specific in their prophecies than the the on the G. O. P. in of district lorih :n the of the cum- gotten edge a remarkable campaign, and the so Mr. would be tiled bv ho last days Senator Frank B. Willis was elected bs cast. Agues given here. Democrats say they the matter of voters. So majority in registration, report supplemental to mak" n endeavor to qualified the best proof of the uncertainty of asserts rather as i* had received ami paigu elect' will carry ten congressional districts, well did the democratic got the outcome of Roberts confidently; committee, a democratic 'egisiatur A but this party Tuesday's election in that ho will beat his republican op- disbursed r.«» additional funds. telling] is hardly probable. its vote qualified before the limit so far as the s«natorship is ooneern- argument. .1 !'a\<>;- of ilov. Miller politicians believe the ponent. Representative Sydney E. £andrr« \\ Ire* Report. has h.'»n Indianapolis expired in May that Representative ed is proven by the fact that there that even if Smith were' BELIEVED CERTAIN TO result in the seventh the is no Mudd Notwithstanding this candi In- congressional Sleinp called the attention of practically money being of Roberts. O. O. Newell Sanders. r« publican elected could not have the support] district will be close. There are some to that on the r»-su!t th»- democrats.wagered prediction Mr confidentdate senator in Tennessee, w:red of a friendlv !« ;r»- present Congress It, averring by of the fifth district ap- for for his plans! PEmSYLVAMA disturbing factional troubles amonc j the democratic party was doing noth- The last week of the campaign in P. leaders Clerk .Page of the House today that and no progress « be *n PINCHOT JVL\ the It is a not to be worried over the out- VICTORY republicans. likely that the e pear >'i.hcr.v the den.a:id rna'. vails that Mr. Beveridge will carry stronghold. Retort to this came in his speeches this week Senator district. Representative Frederick i have rot received any the hopeful democrats should the district. But his right is the by the democrats that the France called his opponent a "cow- Zihlman will have little trouble in I have ami their attention to the turn] in the charge of his democratic opponent, expended $3,500contributions. legislature, BY SLtN harder seventh undoubtedlythan in j republicans have sent a big slush ard." "cringing politician." "aristo-I disposing- contributed $0.50u to the state since they ar so confident of carr 1UUJ1 some other th" for a Senator Frank W. Mish. districts, tenth, the crat" and Mr. Bruce the j fund into the district to buy "pussyfooter." who committees." governorship. In makingying ! example. It is said that the iarce next Tuesday. resultcame bark in terms none the less1 Senator Ovington K. Weller, The Conference for Progressiva P««- J this appeal .'dr. Murphy has broken German vote in the twelfth district I gentle, calling .Senator France a has been reported generally as tak- litical Action, through H. K. Wills, the habit of as Democrat* Well no active in the fisrht for twtr.ry years, Backers Claim Forester is back with the democratic party, Organized. "demagogue," "a socialist" and "a Ing part acting treasurer, filed a statement his leadership he has refrainedthroughoutfrom Willj partly, it is .said, because the Germans It is apparent that the democratic radical." In addition. Senator France re-election of his colleague. Senator yesterday with the clerk of the making statements. like the democratic candidate for forces are better and mtrre effectively challenged his opponent to a public i Joseph I. France, has contributed Sf.OO contributions of Republi cans dismiss 'unmi'nt to the fund for House, showing upon1 Win.Reed and representative in that district. This organized now than for many debate, which Mr. Bruce declined. republican campaign $5,177, most of which came from this pr- t in a > being either a Pepper canciiaace, wno is a tanner. has niauc whereas the G. O. P. is Nervousness concerning the atti- this year. This was made known mere fightingcampaigns, J j workers. Organizations railwaycon- whimsy, a leg bluff, or possibly a very active houseto-house with a new candidate, whose strength tude of lorcign-born voters is maul- j yesterday at state headquarters. tributing included: Brotherhood of as inspired by the fear that things Believed Sure. campaign.politically or personally can scarcely Locomotive Kngineers. $300; Upstate are n.,t as n-sv for the demo- Some predictions are heard that be compared to the strength of Bas- Train 1 ospatchers' Association. .... American ...vj .1. ii ujfn, txxiu inu Joseph P. Turk, the democratic comb IS! em who has elected to re- leaders* rind it J p. $100; Brotherhood of Firemen an 1 necessary to prod up I Spo ^: a I to Tbo for Congress in the. seventhcandidatetire from the House with the termina- United the faithful Thr last hour efforts! !>ippa^rh Star. will lead the Lnginemen. $l.«n»0; H.XRRTSBURG. Pa.. November 4 democratic ticket.district,tion of the present Congress. Alaint*na* 'o of Way,Brotlurhood$f;43: of the republican campaign managers Turk Is running on a wine and beer But. outside the ninth and the Arr,algam.«has tin* power to punish gathered from from the most' of it is to be expected rhat flfty-flve majority beginning of the contest. have named candidates for they will and that the One departure of the the but little or no attention CLAIM usual closing days offices, DEMOCRAT he»-d the republicancounties. warning. was an addre-ss to ticket Special Dtapatch to The Star. Special Dispatch to The Star. It is an sv« ret in vote in the will be by Mr. Ralston, the is being paid them, for their open city . political Quaker democratic candidate, at a widely will cut no figure in the contest. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. November 4 TACOMA, Wash.. November 4 Circles of both partirc* that !ti tiie heavily cut. GIFFORD PINCHOT. past there has bOeti considerable known Catholic girls' school in the List of White Nominees. The tumult and the shouting are over. With a voting population of 800.000 United States Senators __ fifth congressional district. In his National Committee Asserts between certain easy-goingtrafficking George The white candidates for Senate and Gov. Cox for the democrats and Vice in the state, to the figures ' address Mr. Ralston on behalf according republican district and precinct mar.- Wharton Pepper and David A. Reed spoke House are as follows: with ate qualified to vote, with 1,800.000 of religious freedom, and also said President Coolidge for the republi-i of the census, there will be less than agers Tammany Hall. Gov-I;are assured of substantial majorities in the column. Of that one of the wise For Senate.Claude A. Swanson, Wilson Administration Miller, as soon as he to this republican course, provisions of and J. cans and a host of lessers lights have d.d.UUU oamus KJIL iucsuay Ul came city, and the rest of the state m of those may not vote, the Constitution is that democrat, of Chatham, ailed m some of then; and warned republican any people which directs McGavock of Max and in the Lopped blit it would take a landslide to the ultimate of Meadows,Williamsonappeared spoken Kentucky. general election. them that he was ticket may do better than the sen- decision all legal 1 save for a final effort here and watching them and such a as in the courts. republican. Now, The on or Off $2,543,000,000. would take measures or A ten lead, only 600,000 overmo In this controversies O. are general apathy the part proper ;r there ators Pinchot. week ago are it be First congressional district.S. there, the hustings quiet with were of ^ registered. demoats nection may illuminating toconIsay of News Doubt as to the electorate, failure to register, no any signs duch dealing in congressional districts were claimed (that as the has Bland, democrat, Newport pre-election intensity. this election. Democrats Active. campaign progressed and N. of 01 me eiec- general issues, bitterness over the hot a deal of Ku Klux Klan George Wise, republican, me ouiconie uuugrcasionai Credit for the national dent The campaign ends with the to be doubtful, but that has been cut Democratic campaigning has been great activity Newport News. tions from the "Dark and Bloody pre-primary election battle.all of reducing to half a dozen Friends of has been noticeable in the state. It T. these have tended to keep voters during the lam two of tonight. A weatherspeechmakingsharp Repre- ej(:ceedingly vigorous and has been however, that its Second district.J. Deal, Ground." or "The Land of Tomor-1 $2,543,000,000 could make a hit with the appears, activities of Norfolk, and P. S. Stephenson, as the rower historians have away from the campaign rallies and of the Wilson administration is republi- tentative W. W. Oriest assert he has e" in interior but it have been chiefly concerned with democrat,row." it,! years cans if he could tell them what the fectivo countiee, local republican, of Norfolk. remains in bur two districts.the will act in keeping them away from the democratic national won the fight in Lancaster county, contests. th«» next claimed by weather upstate -is likely to be next Js very doubtful whether it has Thinl district.Andrew J. Montague, fifth and the tenth. polls Tuesday. committee, in a statement issued by which has been the most hotly con- The Beveridge speech in Bake democrat, of Richmond and C. M. democratic and on© The real cause for worry on the Tuesday. ^ situations in the cities whichproiced a week or so in which he Eight it last night. Figures prepared by tested battle of the kind known in county ago Ward, republican, of Richmond. congressman of the eleven from part of the republicans is to be of the w ould be harmful to the Pinchot attaoked what he termed the V J D T T republican Secretary Mellon Treasury this state in years, while democrats rvuilll UI9U »v;v 1 xi. j! Kentucky, appear to be certain of found in the fact that the establish this fact, the oa.ndidacy. Personal attacks upon labor leaders" is also worth"socalleddemocrat, of Petersburg and Herbert The former are the element in the state is in the Department been their as a event reelection. conservativestatement says, and aTe a direct have revising claims in p. nchot have not drawn him into mentioning closing of the Rogers of Petersburg. from the first, second, third, vast majority of the vote slackers. of the claims of contest. It Is said that since this Fifth district.J. incumbents republicanrefutation ithe anthracite region. In some the and Murray Hooker, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth and A survey of the situation made by speakers that the Harding adminis- REPUBLICAN ^ MeSparran has beenconoversyspeech was made by Mr. Beveridge democrat, of Patrick, and Dr. C. D. VICTORY and the latter from the state central Dreil I IUI IIIO districts republican J1HS contests are so close that last-day has come very easily for the ninth iraiiOIl rspuilMUlC _ lo to go unanswered in criticisms money Smith, republican, of Martinsville. democrats the fact efforts cause a change. alwed workers. the eleventh. Of these only ten days ago developed committeenational debt reduction. may state administrative republican organization The Sixth district.Clifton A. Woodrum, two have any real opposition, but that the more radical voters in the Test of Committee .Statement. Pinchot. policies, speech proved popular in places where of and Fred W. WrtH Fight hile in rural communities these democrat, Roanoke, there is no reason to believe that it state have quietly been carrying on a The statement issued by The ^ conslderaoie "rougn stun was pull- McWane, republican, of Lynchburg. be successful. most successful vote" national committee follows: SEEN IN The republican organisation, de- jj,les nave created mucn aiscueeion, ed th© recent railroad strike. Seventh W. will "register your democratic CONNECTICUT Thomas during' district.Judge issued on feated by Pinchot at the primary and th ey have not turned many minds in of ot Re-Election. campaign, while the conservative "In a formal statement Harrison, democrat, Winchester and Certain vote has neglected to so qualify. the eve of the elections. Secretary of 1lukewarm in several coun- e cities. What danger there could John Paul, republican, of Harrisonburg. important > the Treasury Mellon has given tha Spee'al T»i«p®tch to The Star. J*1 for Pinchot lies more in Eighth district.R. Walton Moore, The democrats who se'-m certain of Third Party Strong. ties, has turned in for the forester, over he has are Alben W. Barkley, official facts re* uTding the reduction HARTFORD. Conn.. Nov^mbfr 4.. the way acceptedirrita>n democrat, of Fairfax. returning of the national debt during the last On the homestretch of the following the declarations for him by g-j support and the "wet"ormization Ninth district.George C. Peery, David H. Kincheloe. Robert Y. Tho entire campaign which has political: him. END jr., Ben Johnson, Arthur B. closed in the state has been three years, and has shown that by against PUT of Thomas, the al- Pi opaganda MAY democrat, and P. H. just ampaign in Connecticut the republl-F Philadelphia city leaders, iVDTERS Taxewell, far the larger share of the decrease ra while a has J. Cantrill, Ralph in The ana look like winners l»y a majority though in several of the smaller "dry." soft-pedaledMcSparn, Hassingcr. republican, of Abingdon. Rouse, Campbell peculiar many respects. was accomplished under the Wilson substantially reducer! from two years 1'cities the "wet" element is fighting that issue in recent speeches. Tenth district.Harry St. George Gilbert and William J. Fields. John young third party, the farmer-labor, administration. when the men the Pinchot candidacy. This has re- ]Both candidates have extensive pro Tucker, democrat, of M. Robison, republican, eleventh which ousted the democrats from .igo. high had more the Rockbridge is stiffer "Secretary Mellon's statement must fhan 100.000 over their suited in stirring up the "dry" folks gi for reforms in state ams county and John Martin, republican, meeting oppositiondistrict,place in the state two years ago.secondbo received as the full and final plurality knnkr.ttA,. nnKti^u /I 11 r i ,1 r» t li p er but Pinchot has set forth M of Cumberland in that district ilCM > >TO IIC1 n .1 um « '»» who a 10 than cu democratic competitors. This means eand arousing the women, cut govnment, county. any republican j/ia (juiii lilt, answer to the claims of many the re-election of Fnited States great figure in Pinchot's nomination, co ncrete propositions. He has a Indications are that the voters will has for many years, but overcoming campaign than have the democrats. candidates and speakersrepublicanwho P. McLean and the sue- Much of the apathy marking the m at work studying the statecomlttee overwhelmingly defeat the the republican majority in that The general result has been that the have been the voters that the George Senator| at the is a telling r*ess of Rieut. Gov. Charles A. Tem- campaign has disappeared largely g<>vernment and announced definite Texas Electorate likely to Write polls Tuesday topropositioncall a of the mountains concededsectionrepublicans are going to the polls Harding administration deserves solo pleton. nominee for governor, and hia through the Intensity of local con- st eps. His rival has been more constitutional convention. hopeless task. Tuesday thoroughly satisfied with credit for having reduced the public associates on the republican state tests and compilations of registration nt than remedial in demciatoryhis Name of Candidate on The real fights are between themselves that nothing can upset debt which had to be Incurred in the ticket. have shown 2,900,000 persons in the s[>eeches. R. Lewis, democrat, and Maurice their ticket. successful of this In the Kendrick prosecution The situation as to congressional ' Ballot. H. Thatcher, republican. fifth On the other hand, the part in the .world war. country's districts has not changed materially (Louisville) district, new men who are working tooth andfarmerlaborites Public Debt Maximum. In the past few weeks, the ) are fighting for the seat of Charles upon various initiative and toenail almost certain to RIVAL CANDIDATES WHC HAVE WAGED MONDBTSELEOfjON F. Ogden. republican, and between measures if by "The public debt reached its being republicanscarry which, adoptedreferendum on 1919. the second (Representative By the Associated Press. Representative John W. Langley and the voters this fall, will react against August 81. followingmaximum BITTER FIGHT FOR N. Y. GOVERNORSHIP OROESBECK. Tex.. November 4.. F. Tom Hatcher, his democratic the completion of loans and outlays fourth 'Representative Freeman's); to keep the the republican party to such an necessitated the war. On that datu and fifth Injunction proceedings in the tenth. now a dis- by (RepresentativeMerritt's). off the opponent,that two years from extentthe gr«.»*s public debt was In the third (New Haven) nam© of Earle B. Mayfleld BY Both these races are so much in electorate will oust the pres- Glynn's. for United PREDICTED gusted in round numbers. On 5,000 September candidate district, Stephen Whitney, democrat, as democratic ballot doubt that it is difficult to make any ent control and demand a I $26,594,000.000 States senator were called off in at accurate forecast. legislative 30. 1922. its total, as given in will make a strong run against on a motion attempt change of administration at the siato Mellon's statement, was John O- Tilson. court here today district are intrenched in both districts, house. : Secretary Representative attorney. Since the All in it is believed that of theRepublicanstwo The reduction effected$22,812.000.000. end may be able to displacerepublican.him. by Mayfield's Nearly Wagers Wyoming but The farmer-lnbor leaders have this those dates was. th»- (Hartford) dismissal of Tarrant county democrats, Lewis, in the Louisville therefore,between In first district. Fort Worth this morning it in sight. It. is one of the reasons $3.TS2.000.000. E Hart Fenn at proceedings Campaign Are on district, has the better chance, or. to James A. their nominee "How n;urh of this Representative the why Duncan, reduction was is by Joseph F. Dlttton, was said here that all Mayfleld it the other way, Langley, dean opposed (republican) now is centered in the fifth put for the , refuses made by the democratic Jeinocrat, who was his opponent two litigation into whose 1 Basis.EvenHoney of the Kentucky delegation, appears to get out of the senatorial race and The official reports of the court of civil appeals, to re-elected than administration? >eara ago. The democrat* have hopes more likely be the democratic nominee a free i.-,4« . nruvinna iniunction was I to follow In office, give Treasury Department give the of carrying the district, which la Thatcher Ogden hand. Both Dill and Duncan have On February 28, 1921, the grossanswer. normally republican, although placed on appeal. Special Dlapatch to The Star. This may be due to the influence little real hope of defeating Senator public debt tvas $24,051,000,000, which Lon- Case Still Pending. national issues nave 111 unw tuy, i by Congressman Augustine carried CHEYENNE. Wyo., November 4.. \ Poindexter. Neither have the was $2,643,000,000 less than the "neak" urmuiiai, iii ±*ao, u.t ! «« / 4..Motion whereas in the rural districts of the nr£c&u, DALLAS. Tex., November Frank W. Mondell, republican floor where the inhabitants or democratic leaders anyfarmerlaborhop^s figure of August 31,. 1919. *,000. Two years ago In the to dissolve a temporary injunction mountains, of one of the five "The fact is. then, that th#» the for A. M. Lack- jleader of the House of mainly are miners, woodsmen and defeating any republican plurality landelide granted by District Judge Representatives, the effects, if of representatives. The electionrepublicanalio administration diminisheddrm«>orthe was more than 20,000. mon, at Groesbeck. restraining- the will be elected to the United States small farmers, any. of Poindexter is assured. debt by $2,543,000,000 in eighteen Is congressman the the administration policies have not practically Unless there another landslide secretary of state from placing- Senate 6.000 P. C. The same is tru® of the five repre- » months, while the reduction during this which appears out of the Earl B. on Tuesday's by majority, Spencer, been felt the eighteen months of the year, name of Mayfleld chairman of the republican state central sentatives. Only a complete reversal Harding question, the next Connecticut election ballot as democratic Democrat to Win Wets. can defeat th© O. O. P. ticket on these } administration has been only In the national House of for the United States Senate, was committee, declares. John a Kendrick. offices In other words, the decrease$1,289.000.000. will he made up ofdelegationfive court of civil appealscandidate Admittedly the Fo^dney-McCumbe^, Tuesday. of the debt under democratic rule Representatives tiled in the fifth lemocrat and member of the farm bloc, has influenced voters in This election, however, cannot be republicans or four republicans and here by L. C. Sutton, assistant i,will be re-elected 2,500 tariff as a was more than t^i^e as much ae thst the today by majority, J. C. Thatcher has defended the law taken at this time straight made the one democrat. The latter may be attorney general of Texas. O'Mahoney, secretary democratic state denounced it. ThatcherLouisville.has out-and-out Indorsement of the by present republican better guess, giving the democrats The contest is for the seat now held ,Committee, said. In the face of and Lewis administration. It is in a like period. administration A. these come out flat-footedly against any republican"In a one of tne two so-called doubtful by United States Senator Charles conflicting statements the average fol- due to the fact that the speech at Newark, N. J., on a amendment of the Volstead act. but simply October It appears that the beatdistricts Culberson, and there is strong jlower of the political same was In doubt senator and have £o, 1922, Vice President In the the two ma- to or Lewis, the democrat, has said that he representativesrepublicanCoolidge is "quoted as having said chance for the democrats is probability that between iis to what predict how to bet. act "until no opponents. It is the case they are not the issue will be settled all wagers are at even will stand back of the he strong that ho found cause for satisfaction third district, although jor parties Nearly money, of the United of the best man. irrespective of * * in all of the others, voters writing- in the name of ,with plenty of takers on both aides. sees whether the people in 'a reduction of the national without hopes by States want It." This stand is affiliations, winning. partisandobt of with the exception of the fourth. their choice. < are that the race betweenIniications But the results of this election will $3,500,000,000.'. The report of one of name E. B. Peddy, Mondell and Kendrlck for the seat now to obtain some support from his speech carried by the Associated The campaign has been the The of George beer advocates. calculatedhave a most marked bearing upon the bitterest In with an exchange democrat and republican- jHeld by the latter might be the closest light wine and Press did not indicate that the years, independent from the In the tenth district, the issue is presidential campaign two years off. explained to his hearers of hot shot between McLean and indorsed nominee, is barred jin Wyoming's history. women for VicePresident because he was not nominated John W. Hay. republican, will be largely personal. The district is There are more running that any part of this reduction was Spellacy. United States senatorial ballot a office this than ever before in and and the republicans at a regular party sleeted governor by 5,000 to 10,000 over republican, but there Is largenormally year effected bv the Wilson administration. candidates, Templeton by ' which the of the state. candidates, aa convention, as provided by law. W. B. Rose, democrat, and Charles E. influential antl-L&ngley element history Every Other republican speakers have, r gubernatorial Fltxgerald. is the Ku Klux Winter, will win Is combining with the democrats in today is that the next sessionindioationeither made the statement or left the natures. The democrats look for big Mayfleld reputed republican, handily will find five or six from the cities, while the Klan candidate. Peddy, in hi® cam- >ver Robert R. Ross for the honor of an effort to unseat the incumbent. of the legislature inference that the Harding help has the 1Ailing Mondell's seat In the House. The result seems trttln to bo elose seated. The women are about evenly alone dsserved credit administrationfor the small towns to paig-n speeches,1 denounced expect republicans ' are tba divided upon ail th* ticket* the total oX the national debw- - gam the day. Aut&KD E»*uxru. GOV. "'""i klan. Theaa safer apparentcertainties. at all _ cutting ft