Many Sfaites to Se<e Thrilliiig Electic>n Day Biittles for Party Supremacy 56,000 MAJORITY iFight for Presidlent's State DEFEATPOSSIBLE DEMOCRATS HOPE !France and Bruce Hurling CAMPAIGNEXPENSE FOR MILLER SEEN Tenacious in Last Round FORMDGE TOSWEEPVIRGINIA Epithets as Election TSears REPORTSAMENDED Mk Two New York G. 0. P. Leaders Two Congressional Districts Predict Election of All Their AS gBrWr G. 0. P. $10,000 Gifts Sure, But Jubilant Democrats! May Determine Fate in Candidates for j^Uggm£% w Credited to Individuals Predict Landslide. Indiana Vote. Congress. Came From Groups. GOTHAM WILD FOR SMITH HOPE FOR STATE G. 0. P. CONTEST NINTH DISTRICT flnj DEMOCRATIC LIST STANDS ..... Expected to Give Him Lead of Ticket Safe if Democrats Win; Hot Fight for Turnover of Territory Republicans Detail New Disbursements 285.000 to Combat Governor's Only Four Representa- Long Held by the of $3,000 to $8,000 in Upstate Total. fives. Republicans. Each of Ten States. ! II) \. O. HKMUKXKKH. wK 8itt«*ial IMkuatrh to The Star I Special IHipatch to The Bur An amended campaign statement, C«»rri'!»pond*-nt of The Slur. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. November 4. LYNCH BURG. Va.f November 4.. showing that two republican NEW" VuKK, November .The outcome of the election in In- Leaders of Virginia democracy are previously reported hadcontributionsbeen !iKiir>v claim «Iov.4.Insiderepublican dlana next Tuesday may hinge on the in high hopes of electing a solid made up by groups of contributors re-elect ion by Cel.000. democraticMiller's SBNATOK POMEHLM:. UK PICKS i;.> TATIVK YKSS. results in two congressional districts delegation next Tuesday to the next instead of coming out of the pockets claims Insist thai a landslide for .the seventh, which is made up Congress, and there is no question oC the two individuals who turned a over W. A. E. Sn,itli i.- [iiijtfM'iitg and thatAlfredlly I Fie A (undated Press. by plurality of 352.303 largely of Indianapolis, and the that the democrats have the best them over to the party managers, th*» (lem-x-ratcandidate will sweep r >HUM BUS. Ohio, November 4. -Hi liar.: (iov Harry H. Davis was ........ *. A' 1W.nul.of Kf I'lft «7'f is in northeastern In- v. as filed with the clerk of the Senate the stai»-. 1'he r» publican lctu-rs are vic«.twelfth, which chance of winning: in the ninth With swords still unsheathed, repub- the first time In as its senatorial autioiis, bill a fid !u. 'I'm- cu-nvo- ^uralify. and for diana and has Fort "Wayno that they have had since districtthe today by the republican li-and democrats tonight con- a crata are in a n'.'uo of hit;h spirits' h; story solid republican largest city. Considerable democratic district turned into the republican I campaign committee. The two item over their as they set t:r>ued fighting with bulldog tenacity t.c was pent to Congress. delega>n SENATOR FRANCE. WILLIAM < \III:LL mu < i:. prospects, to in these two districts more than two decades ago. each $i0.000, previously had ihttm, and the rank and tile are up- for mastery in Ohio, President Republicans, in their light majorities J camp totaling in tneir the mastery in Uhio. have be sufficient to about the as the other to The Star. som«» of tli»» democratic been credited through error to L>. A. parent.!y s.m ere confidence. state. There was no indi- rein might bring There is no question to Special Dispatch fested by is how two' home J)t. for an indorsement of but others this is; It impossible to explain Hardt:ig'» wellaphI*m!defeat of Albert J. Beveridge, the nino districts, the fight of John BALTIMORE, November 4.With leaders, say feeling Heed of Pittsburgh and former sets of claims and estimates rouUl he ! cation of a let-up In the (campaign. d. Harding's administration usPresir.t not justified and that the < x:r«-rtiely V. of Rhode Island. as state administration of Gov. nominee for United States Paul against Judge T. W. Harrison the close of the campaign at ha^id Henry Lippitt Senator so widely apart unless intentional which lias been the most intense in the republican radical element In this city, which is At the sain- time the committer or iv is. including" Vice and the entire of incumbent, for and the fate of the two parties vote dissimulation. self-deception the; tr.ore than a decade, until the polls Speakers. senator, republican Winchester, the expected to for France, is small- filed another preliminary report «*i exorcise of the gentle art of "bluff" j pj esident Cooiidge and the ticket. election in the seventh district, to in the hands of the voters,practicallythe er than is usually supposed. dat-d October 25, show are closed Tuesday evening. entire cabinet besides of the are expenditures, figure in the game. Presint's It is well understood both the Two outcome of Tuesday's election In so If 22 per cent voters disbursements of from $3,000 t it: New York « this Both parties were making" claims of ou orators from other states,numershave pretty contrary notwithstanding. naturalized citizens their number is ing Naturally it;., far as the senatorial candidates are $v,000 in each of ten states, mos-t of p| p.o.irVi.1,1 r\ r U h>>r»' \lr victories for their tickets. Id audiences that democratic by democrats and republicans that years ago the seventh district 31,826. It Is believed that a larcre swooping a of j them in the west. ts core . «*»"i in Ohio meant repudiation concerned Is too difficult for even the of thern is Included in the ."JiXiith pra<-* ically the republicans by mor« than 126,000 vicryfour of the thirteen congressional split over a hot flght indemocratsthe proportion i A few belated individual Ftatemer.ts wh..*h t< combat y»r esident Harding's administration of 1'sS.OOo with plurality t.i <! the democrats more than came very political dopestcrs to forecast. While the republican affiliation, but analysts] were vote. i/iir hears by wv the people of his home state. districts in the state will elect primary and Mr. Paul are of receipts and expenditures the republican upstate ICo.OOO former say that if one-half of them and a but Smith talk all pluralities. Ask Tariff representatives. These are the near defeating Judge Harrison, the campaign managers, democrats and all of them should filed by senatorial candidates, virtually nothing Muiirman W. W. Durbin of the Approval. democratic Torn Parran for Senator number of nominees for the around The Sri.itn backers are democratic state executive of the first, fourth and eleventh. But official count of the vote being so RepresentativeFrance and vote for Franc© the democratic lead large the committee, They appealed for support third, House also sent in reports on what viclfernus. while republicans, w Uile forecasting: the re-election of ne w tariff the loss that the republican majority former Representative Carvell Benson of 32,925 would not be wiped yj«. are to k« measure, Harding with the democrats carrying these they had received and spent during being in the minority, apt p S< nator Atlee* Ponierene and a vi«v and many domestic laws. >n Congress felt warranted In voting for William Cabell Bruce, both claim to In the congressional contest Rep- So the calculators are dis- «*j| policy for?n four districts it is said that Mr. a strict T. the cajnpaign. quieter tory for A. V. Donahey. guberna- tjiev also pleaded that a democratic in the elections committee, by he neither of them will resontative Alan tJoidsbcrough up- posed to make allowance for ex- torial and the state win and the vote, to recommend the un- confident, to be almost certain of re- *] --» Few $1,000. candidate, entire v itor> meant a rejuvenation <»f will republicanBeveridgeparty a as to venturepears Spend ubt rancc t democratic spirits and, mora than of Harrison in favor prediction majorities. tion In the first district. Millard K. ticket, by 100,000 plural- (j,.mocratic hopes to elect a President state ticket, "get by." But the loss of seating Judge On form Mr. Bruce appears to have j All but two of the House candid.it*i not to appraise it too highly as an Uws. predicted election of at least jf Paul. The democratic party of Tydings will probably be successful ti an aMid congress in 1924, that would the seventh and twelfth districts by t the better change, in so far as the reported expenditures of less !nde.\ of statewid* feeling. fourc en congressional candidates and ro this in the of the district w;II indicate its disfavor of state, in defeating the pres- nt represents- democrat, a country league cull a outside of Baltimore city, is A A. il.oOO, but John Morrow, Republican* Hopeful. majority in both branches of the. na lions pact. the republicans might mean the loss this report by giving Judge Harrison usually conceded to be democratic, and tive in the second district. wrote that he had ©pent $4,000 in state legislature. to normal majority next week, it is Rlakeney. There appears io he little The confidence which prevails in I mocra ts. in their appeal of 25.000 or 30.000 votes to Mr. Bev- In Haltimepr city the democrats having John New Mexico running for (i. O. P. More Hopeful. ho the republicans, have denounced Is certain at that if believed.a of 34.000 over doubt that Representative Mrs.
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