tony’s tattler


Chapter reaches out to UNC community We need your time!

B&SA, a fundraising committee with a twofold mis - Sisters or brothers with experience in the In the active Xi Chapter, membership con - sion: one, to provide monetary support for following areas would be of especial tracts and expands, enthusiasm ebbs and needed house repairs; and two, to provide help right now: flows, but the responsibilities are ever present. scholarships to offset the cost of dues for For the upcoming fall 2009 semester— Hall members in financial need. Auditing and likely throughout the next school year— Another big project of note is revamping Communications/Public Relations the undergrads are committed to continuing and rewriting chapter bylaws—organizing ones Corporate Governance improved relationships with our graduate we do have, approving new needed ones, Customer Experience Development membership. Recent restructuring of SAANC pruning irrelevant ones, and bringing others has led to better lines of up for debate to the en - Direct Marketing/Direct Mail communication and tire membership. Event Planning/Coordination more clearly defined We always love to I.T./Website Administration points of contact. We see alumni around the Legal have also begun to nur - house. Please feel free Membership Development ture a relationship with to call me directly at Project Management the UNC community 704-651-1106 if you are Real Estate Assessment that will lead to a wider going to drop by. Also, audience for Hall-related please mark your calen - Recruiting Ken Wallenborn, ’49, U’52, and John events and activities. The Ξ dars now for Swingout Social Networking Davis, S’50, at the GC in Charlottesville. big event for the fall is 2010: it’s going to be Fund Raising being worked on by Sis. held on April 9-11. And Amy Olsen, Ξ’06, and Bro. Peter Pender - if you know of any candidates for rush who You can also visit grass, Ξ’07, and it involves writers, multiple will be at UNC in 2009, please drop a line to donate to let us know a little about your departments on campus and...dinosaurs. [email protected] . interests and experience. Come join us! (Oh, all right, we’ll spill: We’re bringing Hugo Award-winning Dinotopia author James Gur - YITB, For more information, contact Bro. Jason ney to campus!) Courtney Rosenthal, Ξ’06 Z. Moore, Ξ’98, ’03, at 415-694-9867 or This past spring semester, we instituted Bt., Fall 2009 via e-mail at preΚ[email protected].

Upkeep on main house continues with alumni support

Brothers and Sisters All, accomplish. In the coming year, we need to: Annex is gone, the backyard bamboo is being 1) repair damage to the kitchen floor removed at this time, and the land is being This year finds the SAANC treasury hold - 2) repair/maintain the back deck regraded and reseeded to restore the back - ing a mixed bag. On the one hand, hard work 3) repaint the interior of the house yard to a state such as few of us have ever by Bro. Glover, Ξ’97, to refinance our renova - 4) repair/maintain the front fence (donated seen. Generous alumni donations have paid tion loan has saved us thousands of dollars by Hop Swift, Ξ’36, when it was built) for this and for a new freezer for the kitchen, compared with previous years. On the other 5) continue to improve the physical plant as a new dryer for the laundry room, and many hand, an across-the-board 30 percent in - much as possible other items. More support is needed and al - crease to all property values by Orange ways will be, but the support we have re - County will cause our adjusted property tax If any of these are of particular interest to ceived thus far is greatly appreciated! to consume all of those savings and more. you, please feel free to contact SAANC to While we work to make better use of the contribute to a specific cause. YITB, money we have, there are still pressing re - That said, there has been much good Michael Williams, Ξ’96 pairs and maintenance items we must try to work and many successes to report: the [email protected] • University of North Carolina • Summer 2009 SAANC Officers & What’s next for the Hall? Board of Directors It is inevitable to look back at a temporal distance and remark that “the more things President change, the more they stay the same.” Many generations of Xis have worked on the house Jason Moore , Ξ’98, K’03 [email protected] that Hugh Walker Gardner built in 1854. From the ashes of its demise in 1863 came the re - Treasurer founding in the 1920s: a contingent of St. As Michael Williams , Ξ’96 from other chapters put their reputations on [email protected] the line to bring back the Delta Psi presence at the University of North Carolina, and in 1926 Asst. Treasurer a charter was regranted. Dan Wright , ’05 Ξ Since the 1930s, there has always been a Edge Coble, Ξ’88, and David Wright, Ξ’77, at Secretary dedicated cadre of Xi alumni who have spent the Swingout banquet in April 2009. Katherine Milby , ’96 countless hours, recognized or not, attending Ξ to the day-to-day needs of both the physical [email protected] structure (be it at 111 Cameron or at 207 ory and will return to share it with others? Vice President of Communications Pittsboro) as well as the emotional and men - Jason Moore, Ξ’98, K’03, president of the tal well-being of the actives. These men and Kelly Jo Garner , Ξ’95 St. Anthony Association of North Carolina, re - [email protected] women have juggled careers, kids, and per - cently sent all Xis on the rolls a letter request - sonal commitments for the betterment of the ing volunteer assistance in specific, targeted Vice President of Member Services Order, and sufficient praise and gratitude can - areas of expertise. If you have responded, we Brian Antzack , Ξ’03 not be expressed for their generosity of spirit. thank you and look forward to your contribu - [email protected] Just as those before us took a risk in tions! If you have not yet replied, please con - rechartering and then supporting the Xi Chap - Vice President of Support sider taking the opportunity to visit ter, so now it is our turn to do the same. Your or by sending Doug Baldwin , ’94 Ξ expertise, your experience, and your knowl - an e-mail to the volunteer coordinators at [email protected] edge will benefit future generations of Xis to [email protected]. If you don’t Vice President of Legacy come. Too often, long-range planning and vi - have time to spare and feel a financial contri - sion is relegated to a secondary role as im - bution would be preferable, there are upcom - Jewel Ward , Ξ’88 [email protected] mediate needs are tended. Recent changes to ing projects that would benefit from funding. the property—most notably, the removal of Please use the enclosed gift card and return the Annex—have led us to the question, envelope to send in your contribution today. “What’s next for the Hall?” And here, your A quick peek in the archives at Xi shows us Non-Officer Directors input is coveted. that in a short time after the 1926 refounding, Think back to your favorite Xi moment. issues began popping up with the brother - Was it in the backyard, enjoying beverages hood: late payment of dues, leaks in the Gary Stahlberg , Ξ’89 with fellow St. As on a lush summer night? Or house, LDs not being submitted, fines not Elizabeth Peacock , Ξ’05 did it happen in the winter, returning from being paid, and so forth. Fast forward 20, 40, Adam Daland , Ξ’00 class to find the fireplace filled with warmth 80 years, and some issues remain with us still. Mike Glover , Ξ’98 and hot chocolate waiting? Perhaps it was at Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. We a Swingout, meeting alumni from decades Edge Coble , Ξ’88 remember, and we anticipate, but the more Annie Peacock , ’08 before you had even been born, telling sto - collective institutional memory we have, the Ξ ries that were outrageously funny; or travel - LeAnn Spradling , ’96 stronger we are and the more likely it will be Ξ ing to a GC and encountering so many to have to look into the archives to even re - Paul Rowan , Ξ’90 different people—who shared more in com - member these problems at all. Kirsten Parriot , Ξ’93 mon with you than you initially conceived. How can we ensure that future active Xi YITB, members have the same sweet taste of mem - Edge Coble, ’88 Undergraduate Officers Ξ (in the usual order)

Courtney Rosenthal , Ξ’06 Annie Peacock , Ξ’08 Lydia Marik , Ξ’08 Peter Pendergrass , Ξ’07 Laura Melosh , Ξ’08 Ted Keenan , Ξ’08 Walter Clark , Ξ’07 Backyard at 207 Pittsboro Street minus most of the bamboo, April 2009. Adam Graetz , Ξ’06 William Clement , Ξ’07 page two • alumni send their news & notes A Fatback Feller in Tofu Land

“Dad is doing okay,” writes Whit Bodman J. Taylor Doggett, Ξ’57 , writes that he retired about his father, Herbert Bodman Jr., Ξ’46 . 13 years ago, “although I never really worked I was a fatback feller in a tofu land. “He’s in a healthcare center at Carolina Mead - anyway. I have given a few thousand CDs and I moved to California, ows. His mind is not as sharp and his speech LPs to the Southern folk-life collection, Wilson Left my Carolina clan is quite slurred. He would enjoy any visits. I do Library at UNC-Chapel Hill. The music consists And wound up in a world of weird, his finances, and my sister, Carlie, visits regu - of 1920s-’40s European Gypsy jazz, dance Took up yoga and I grew my beard. I looked like Kenny Loggins. larly from Winston-Salem.” Herb resides at 500 bands, UNC-CH alumni bands, etc. My present Carolina Meadows, Chapel Hill, NC 27517. hobby is creating custom music CDs from Out here they’re not so into praying. master tapes of my music collection given to If you’re not part of the solution, You’re, uh, what was I saying? “My third collection of poems, Fathers and Wilson Library.” Taylor can be reached at 3608 Took up smoking the Humboldt Thunderbolt, Teachers , was published in April 2007 by Starmount Dr., Greensboro, NC 27403; The Sasquatch Green, Beech River Books,” reports Robert Demaree, [email protected]. Got in touch with my chakras Ξ’56 (2080 William Penn Ct., Burlington, NC And Deepak Chopra, 27215). “It’s available through I “In April 2008, I was appointed the CEO of the Ate some kinda mushroom for my spleen. often see Bros. Alan Atwell, Ξ’57 , and Taylor Pebble Limited Partnership,” announces John I guess I waxed a little too rhapsodic Doggett, Ξ’57 , in Greensboro.” Bob’s e-mail Shively, Ξ’62 , “a company looking into the To my troops in old NC address is [email protected]. (continued on page four) They called an intervention, Unsure of my intentions, They came out to de-Logginize me. Thought I had joined a cult. Share your memories of the Annex I said, “I’m all right, Don’t nobody worry ’bout me. The Annex, long the home of rapscallions in turn donated the swing itself to Sis. Kelly Jo Have a seat on the futon, there, While I brew some ginseng tea.” from St. Anthony Hall, was sent off with a fes - Garner, Ξ’95, the Annex Demolition Party event tive celebration that saw 80-plus Xis and organizer. Through the unanticipated generos - Well, Bubba, Jeff, and Donnie friends gather in the August heat in Chapel Hill. ity of those in attendance, the event raised ap - Opened up their burlap sack The highlight of the event was an auction proximately $1,600 in funds toward the cost of Of barbecue and collard greens to the highest bidder of the first ceremonial the demolition. And a hunk of Carolina crack - Sweet pecan pie sledgehammer blow to the building. Perhaps You are invited to share your memories of From my sweet Aunt Mary’s kitchen fueled by liquid encouragement, the bidding the Annex from 207 Pittsboro Street on our They sang, “Devil’s in the house of the rising sun,” war was intense and culminated in the first blog,, or drop a Then they offered me a smidgen. sledgehammer blow selling for over $700. This line to P.O. Box 1271, Chapel Hill, NC 27514. And I said, donation was split between Ex. Bro. Edge Reflections will be collected and shared within “Now hold on just a second, boys, Coble, Ξ’88, and Sis. Noelle Ocon, Ξ’86. They the chapter. I appreciate what you done, But Aunt Mary makes her crust with lard, So I can’t join you in the fun.” I may as well have said, “I’m a goat-loving Pagan” Swingout 2009 is enjoyed by all! When I told them how I’d seen the light And was now a Southern vegan. Swingout 2009, held April 17-19 in Chapel is a member. More musical mischief was You should have seen their faces fall Hill, brought over 70 Xi alumni, actives and made by Bro. Owen Fitzgerald, Ξ’05. Because they knew that they’d been beat. guests together for socializing, reminiscing and The Saturday banquet was held at the Car - They couldn’t lure me back with vittles general merriment. Sis. Natasha Wilson, Ξ’05, olina Inn, alongside formals for several other Because I didn’t eat the meat. and Sis. Fiona Matthews, Ξ’07, were this year’s sororities from UNC. Needless to say, there So I put on “Eat a Peach” event planners. was some confusion at first, but the Xis forged Of Allman Brothers fame. The St. Anthony Association of North Car - onward and enjoyed a lovely dinner, with the We remembered Duane and Berry olina board of directors meeting on Friday saw announcement of Swingout awards and brief And our journey to their graves. the approval of a new set of bylaws and a remarks from award winners. Dancing contin - We drank ourselves some bourbon brown As we did in glory days, nearly complete restructuring of the organiza - ued until midnight, and more carousing was And sang a song about ol’ Dixie, tion. New directors were elected who, in turn, had back at the Hall until the wee hours of the And the night they drove her down. elected officers of the board. Ex. Bro. Brooke morning. As they got up to go Gardiner, ’52, and Ex. Bro. Grahame Wood, Those who made it back to the Hall for Ξ and we gathered in the yard, D’60, Ξ’99, were elected directors emeritus . Sunday brunch were treated to some of North I hugged ’em all real good Bro. Jason Moore, Ξ’98, K’03, retained his po - Carolina’s finest biscuits and coffee. Afterward, Bubba said, “No hard feelings about the lard.” sition as president of the association. a small group of alumni and actives journeyed I told them all to hurry back My door was always open. This Swingout was the first to be held to the home of Ex. Bro. Skip Awalt, Ξ’41, to minus the Annex, and those alumni who had share some of the tales from the weekend and And they left the sack, Just like that not beheld the backyard without it were suit - to hear about Swingouts past. Just like I’d been a’hopin’. ably awestruck. The question of “What’s Next year’s Swingout will be held April 9- I sent ’em off next?” was a popular conversation starter all 11 and will mark 83 years of St. Anthony Hall’s with some Lagunitas beer... weekend. refounding at UNC. Brethren with pledge With that pecan pie just calling me, Opening night reception festivities in - classes from 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990 I said, “Y’all come back now, you hear?” cluded a performance by Cadence, a female a and 2000 are especially invited back to cele - —Todd Plummer, ’86 cappella group from UNC, of which Sis. Wilson brate their decade anniversaries. Ξ

page three alumni send their news

(continued from page three) Laura Murray, Ξ’86 , recently moved to 3362 West Virginia, where I recently won the posi - possibility of developing a large copper, gold, William Newlin Dr., Graham, NC 27253. E-mail tion of second bassoon in the West Virginia molybdenum prospect in Alaska.” Find out her at [email protected]. Symphony.” Send congratulations to D’Arcy at how John is doing at 2301 Loren Circle, An - [email protected]. chorage, AK 99516; [email protected]. “I started a new job in September 2008 at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging,” reports Jorge Valdes, Ξ’99 , writes that he’s going to “John Isenburg, Ξ’64 , and I are planning to Todd Plummer, Ξ’86 , “as an administrative as - the Netherlands this summer to present at a meet for dinner,” writes John McCullough, sistant for a bunch of cool-ass geneticists. They conference on bilingualism, then teaching an Ξ’65 . When he wrote back in September, John take ultimate Frisbee breaks in between gene introduction to linguistics course in Spanish, was also planning to visit Bruce Wylie, Ξ’66 , in sequencing and neonatude ’treatments,’ what - then turning 30! “I also start my National Sci - Seattle in October.” Drop him a line at 32 Mar - ever the hell that means. It’s a major break ence Foundation fellowship in the fall. It is un - shall St., Brookline, MA 02446. from my last job as program manager, devel - heard of for somebody in a modern languages opment manager, and web content manager department to be awarded this fellowship! I “I frequently see and sail with Rich Brayton, for an underfunded non-profit helping peo - also earned a nice surprise a short time ago. Ξ’68 , out here in the San Francisco Bay,” writes ple with disabilities find technology tools. My department gives out one graduate stu - Richard Robinson, Ξ’68 . “In the last six Whew—with all this spare mental space, I dent award called the Jesus M. Diaz Award months, I have talked with or seen Lloyd plan to continue writing kids’ science books. [], and I got it!” Send congratula - Miller, Ξ’68 , Pierre Irving, Ξ’69 , Fred Stim - I’ve covered force, energy, and the carbon tions to Jorge at [email protected]. son, Ξ’68 , Tony Dwight, Ξ’68 , Chris Born, cycle, and got screwed out of space travel. So Ξ’68 , Stu McLean, Ξ’66 , and others from that far this year, I write after my kids go to bed Emily Purdie, Ξ’01 , has completed her studies good era of the late ’60s.” Dick receives postal (10 p.m.-midnight). There are so many St. As at Emerson College in the global marketing mail at 2033 Jefferson St., San Francisco, CA in the Bay area that I never see. Crazy. Joe communication and advertising program and 94123; e-mail at [email protected]. Smallwood, Ξ’89 , Scott Henley, Ξ’90 , I’m will remain in the Boston area for the time coming to gitcha.” Send fan mail to Todd at being. She can be reached at 336-307-9560 or “My novel, A Matter of Honor , was published P.O. Box 381, Inverness, CA 94937; e-mail at [email protected]. in hardcover in October 2007 and will be pub - todd [email protected]. lished in paperback in October 2008,” an - “I changed jobs from working at the Henry Art nounces William Hammond, Ξ’70 . “Book II in Carolyn Krchnak Leubsdorf was born to Karin Gallery to being a specimen processor for the Cutler Family Chronicles, entitled For Love Krchnak, Ξ’89 , and Carl Leubsdorf Jr. on Sep - PABLAB Network Laboratories,” reports Karyn of Country , will be published on April 1, 2009. tember 14, 2008, in Washington, D.C. Send Gregory, Ξ’02 . “Fun with biohazards!” Send A total of six historical novels are planned in congratulations to Karin and family at 9912 e-mail to Karyn at [email protected]. the series.” Bill’s mailing address is 245 Fernwood Rd., Bethesda, MD 20817; karin. Meadow Lane N, Golden Valley, MN 55422. [email protected]. Keith Hodson, Ξ’05 , is currently in Thibodaux, Drop him an e-mail at [email protected]. Louisiana working for Habitat for Humanity as Donald Ball, Ξ’94 , and his wife, Terri, wel - an AmeriCorps member. He’s waiting impa - Vera H. Sprunt, Ξ’77 , is married to Michael comed their son, Sebastian Alton, into the tiently for an opportunity to go back to North David Cook. They own and operate Sprunt world on May 16, 2009. Send congratulations Carolina or just to run away to the bay. Drop Cook Studio in New Mexico. Check in with to them via e-mail at [email protected], Keith at note at [email protected]. Vera at 44 Camino Real, Sandia Park, NM or at 5006 Inglewood Ct., Nashville, TN 37216. 87047;; vsprunt@ “I’m graduating in May,” announces Susannah Michael Williams, Ξ’96 , reports that he has Kirby, Ξ’05 , “having finished my PhD in lin - left the private sector and returned to UNC as guistics, with a focus in first language acquisi - “I am a value investor seeking to fund in - a staff member on the information technology tion.” Catch up with her at [email protected]. vestors who want to start a hedge fund,” services department’s information security writes John Chew, Ξ’79 . Get in touch with him team. He can be reached by e-mail at michael - NECROLOGY at 4 Bolling Pl., Greenwich, CT 06830; [email protected]. [email protected]. We regret to report the deaths of “I’m living in Oakland,” reports Casey Camp - the following alumni: “I adopted Leonidas, now two, from field, Ξ’99 , “keeping an eye on Jason Moore, Guatemala last year,” announces Joanne Fil - Ξ’98 , making sure he doesn’t get stuck in Harold L. Amoss, Jr., Ξ’38 ley, Ξ’80 . “He had adapted well to life in the vents.” Casey receives e-mail at b arnaby M. Ernest Jenkins, Jr., Ξ’39 city and has earned the nickname [email protected]. Robert T. MacMillan, Ξ’43 ’Hugosaurus’ at his daycare by greeting all of Jesse Nalle, ’40 the parents with a daily hug.” Joanne, who D’Arcy Izard, ’99 , writes, “I’m currently living Ξ Ξ Grant D.I. Small, Jr., ’42 works at Citi Smith Barney, lives at 106 Bond in Austin, Texas, where I teach private lessons Ξ St., #6, Brooklyn, NY 11217. in bassoon, saxophone, and oboe in the pub - Spencer Smith, Ξ’79 lic school systems. Half of my time is spent in William O. Thweatt, Ξ’45 page four • summer 2009