Consumer Education Reference Manual. INSTITUTION Tennessee Univ., Knoxville
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 130 056 CE 008 317 TITLE Consumer Education Reference Manual. INSTITUTION Tennessee Univ., Knoxville. State Agency for Title I. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Jul 76 NOTE 276p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$15.39 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Consumer Economics; *Consumer Education; Consumer Protection; Instructional Materials; Manuals; Services ABSTRACT This manual contains information for consumer education, which is defined as the process of imparting to an individual the skills, concepts, knowledges, and insights required to help each person evolve his or her own values, evaluate alternative choices in the marketplace, manage personal resources effectively, and obtain the best buys for his or her expenditures. Guidelines fin consumers are presented in 20 chapters:(14 Appliances, (2) Automobiles (including automobile insurance),(3) Clothing, (4) Credit,(5) Education,(6) Funerals,(7) Home Furnishings, (8) Housing,(9) Insurance, (10) Legal, (11) Medical, (12) Medicaid,(13) Medicare,(14) Money Management, (15) Schemes,(16) Selecting and Buying Food,(17) Shopping, (18) Social Security,(19) Wages (including unemployment compensation),(20) Welfare (including the food stamp program). Appendixes list state and local resource information, federal sources of consumer information and complaint, other agencies for information and complaints, and local consumer agencies for information, complaints, and legal services. Addresse in each appendix are listed under topical headings (e.g. family counseling, handicapped, nursing homes), and a topical index is provided for the manual as a whole. (WL) * Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials not available from other sources.r,ERIC makes every-eftort * * to obtain the best copy available.
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