Appendix Complete List of All Items in CMS Store, April 1831– March 1832 234 234
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Appendix Complete list of all items in CMS store, April 1831 – March 1832 234 Received at store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Food Tea 1 lb 24 lb 9 oz 19 lb 10 oz 19 lb 10 oz Sugar 16 lb 219 lb 12 oz 176 lb 8 oz 176 lb 8 oz Fine flour 12,475 lb 1,166 lb 1,014 lb 1,014 lb Seconds flour 12,407 lb 405 lb 728 lb 796 lb 705 lb Arrowroot 1 cask 750 lb 11 lb 17 lb Salt lbs 240 lb 60 lb 416 lb Saltpetre 5 lb Biscuit 312 lb Rice 160 lb Wheat Sundries Tobacco 3 Kegs & 3 Baskets 4 lb 51 lb 40 lb Pipes X Fishhooks 200 200 X Household Kitchen/dining Pewter plates Appendix Iron spoons X Appendix Tin pots 3 Tin pans Knives 12 X Kettle pans 17 Iron pots 300 × 3 sizes X Tin cans 80 4 Lighting Lamp oil 13 gal 2 qt 10 gal 2 qt 9 gal 2 qt Lamps X Lamp cotton Cleaning Broom heads Ground brushes Scrubbing brushes Water Pump boxes 5 Iron pump 1 Wooden pump 1 Bedding (continued) 235 236 Received at store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Blankets 1,002 24 18 30 30 Toiletries Razors Soap 61 lb 8 oz 85 lb 1 oz 75 lb 14 oz Horn and bone 12 12 combs Ivory combs 12 dozen Miscellaneous Case of medicines 1 Scissors Glue Reading and Pens and quills 25 X Writing Ink powder Blotting paper Brown paper Foolscap Appendix Letter paper Appendix Slates X Slate pencils X Black lead pencils 6 dozen X Native books 530 Books of native 12 language Books 6 blank minute Scriptures Catechism L Books P Books Sealing Wax 6 lb 0.5 lb Clothing Men's wear Belts 397 Soldiers X? Red shirts 150 Men 50 boys 6 6 Cotton shirts 150 Men 50 boys 6 8 Duck frocks Duck trousers Cotton trousers Gray trousers 7 Best duck Trou- 144 pr sers 237 (continued) 238 Received at store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Blue jackets 150 Men 50 boys 20 Scotch caps 300 Men Women's wear Cotton shifts 36 Stripe 9 Shoes X Children's shoes 240 pr English shoes Colonial shoes Fabric Canvas British duck 50 yard Std cotton Stripe cotton 3 yard 24 yard 42 yard Cotton shirting Print Common print 50 yard Best prints Chintz Appendix Shirting calico Appendix Std linen Blue linen 18 yard 42 yard Factory cloth 10 Bundles 53 yard Parramatta cloth Flannel Sheeting Cotton sheeting Russian toweling Worsted 7 yard Fustian 53 yard Fine Brown Holland Bunting Haberdashery Shirt buttons X Metal buttons X Brace buttons Thread 60 lb 8 oz 12 oz 1 lb Needles Thimbles X Braces 5 Handkerchiefs Tapes pieces 1.5 3 Pieces 4 239 (continued) 240 Received at store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Building Materials Bricks 6,000 X Hearthstones 4 X Brick moulds 24 X Window glass 55 lb X panes Copper sheet Fasteners Screws 2 gross 4 gross 1 gross X Spike nails X Nails sizes 142 lb 105 lb 296 lb X Iron boat nails X? Copper boat nails 14 lb 2 lb X Flat clout nails X Brads 9 lb X X Tin tacks Appendix Rivets Hardware T Hinges pr 6 X Box hinges pr Appendix Butt hinges pair 10 ? Door locks 4 10 Chest locks Door bolts Norfolk latches Drawer locks Joinery Sash Sash lines 31 Sash pulleys 8 dozen Sash weights 8 dozen Paint and Plaster Plasterers hair 6 Bags Plasterers brushes 2 Paint lb 56 56 Paint Oil gal 6 6 Whitening lb 12 Turpentine 1 gal 2 qt Tools Building 12 Plane irons Bench plane 241 (continued) 242 Received at store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Chisels 12 Saw files 36 48 Plasterers trowel Augers Lime sieves Hand saws Tennon saws 2 Pit saws Picks X Squares Hammers 2 Trowels X Gimblets 36 22 Cast steel chisels 1 Pincers Drawing Knives Appendix Gouges Coopering Appendix Coopers adzes Drawing knives Spoke shaves Hooks and bands Coopers tools Coopers rivets Smithing Blacksmith files Plate iron X Iron 480 lb X British and foreign 224 lb X? iron Stones & grinders X Grind stones Rub stones Oil stones Stone chisels Agriculture Hay forks 24 Reap hooks 24 X Garden rakes 24 3 X Hatchets 243 (continued) Received at 244 store from Supplied to John King April 1831 – March 1832 Items listed in Capt Wright Represented store inventory Aug 1830 Apr – May July – Sept Oct – Dec Jan – March in Excavation Dung and potato 24 forks Hay and dung forks Axes 11 4 12 X Adzes 15 Hoes 400 13 18 12 X Spades 100 11 X Scythes X Turnip and garden ? hoes Barrow wheels Grass seeds 2 Casks Powder Horse gear Saddles Bridles 1 X? Harness cases Appendix Dray Miscellane- Anticorrosive ous powder Appendix Tin funnels 4 Shaving boxes 6 Tents Rope coils 3 Blocks Planks set 245 Glossary Hahunga Disinterment of bones of the dead for removal to a final resting place Hakari Feast Hangi Earth oven for cooking Hapu Subtribe Iwi Tribe, people Kaheru Spade, digging stick Kainga Village Kawanatanga Government Kumara Sweet potato Makutu To bewitch; spell, incantation Mana Authority, control, influence, prestige Mana whenua Power associated with the possession of land Moko Tattoo Noa Free from tapu Pakeha Non-Maori, European Rangatiratanga Sovereignty Taiaha Carved wooden spear Take Issue, cause Tangi Funeral; to cry or lament Tapu Sacred, forbidden; under religious restriction Taua muru Plundering party, war party Tohunga Priest, expert Tuku whenua Use of land by another party that does not extinguish the owner's rights Utu Return for anything, satisfaction, reward, reply Wahi tapu Sacred place 248 Glossary Whangai To adopt or foster a child Whanau Family Whata Storage platform Whenua Land References Adams, Peter, 1977. 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