Editorial Board Chief Editor Editor Editor Shambhu Singh J.P.N

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Editorial Board Chief Editor Editor Editor Shambhu Singh J.P.N FOR FREE PUBLIC CIRCULATION Vol. XIII. No. 4, April, 2011 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Democracy is a form and method of government whereby revolutionary changes in the economic and social life of the people are brought about without bloodshed. – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar DEVELOPMENTS WITH REFERENCE TO NORTH EASTERN REGION 1. A meeting was held on 11th April, 2011 to review visited Arunachal Pradesh to review the scheme WKH VHFXULW\ VLWXDWLRQ LQ $VVDP ZLWK RIÀFHUV RI undertaken under Border Area Development the Assam Government, Security Agencies and Programme and road constructed along Indo- Army authorities. china Border. 2. A Central team consisting of Joint Secretary (BM), 3. A Central Team visited Manipur from 26th-27th Joint Secretary (NE) and JS (Cabinet Secretariat) April, 2011 for interaction with Government of Manipur for decentralized governance in local bodies/ Autonomous Districts Councils. $ &HDVHÀUH LV LQ RSHUDWLRQ EHWZHHQ *RYHUQPHQW ¾ DEVELOPMENTS WITH REFERENCE TO of India and National socialist Council of NORTH EASTERN REGION Nagaland (Khaplang) [NSCN/K] since 28.4.2001. 7KH YDOLGO\ RI WKH FHDVHÀUH H[SLUHG RQ ¾ PLANNING COMMISSION FINALISES 2011-12 PLAN FOR NORTH-EASTERN 7KH H[WHQVLRQ RI FHDVHÀUH ZDV UHYLHZHG DQG STATES *RYHUQPHQW RI ,QGLD KDV GHFLGHG WR H[WHQG WKH FHDVHÀUH ZLWK 16&1. IRU D IXUWKHU SHULRG RI RQH ¾ ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT UNDER CIVIC year with effect from 29.4.2011. ACTION PROGRAMME IN NORTH EAST 5. The Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) signed on MANIPUR YOUTH TRAINED TO ¾ 17th December, 2004, amongst the Central Govt., ACQUIRE SPECIAL SKILLS Govt. of Tripura and National Liberation Front ¾ INDIAN INSTITUTE OF of Tripura (Nayanbasi) (NLFT/NB) provides for a ENTREPRENUERSHIP (IIE), GAUHATI- Special Economic Development Package of Rs. 55 TRAINING TO SURRENDERED MILITANTS crores for capacity building and tribal development in Tripura. The package was approved by the ¾ NORTH-EAST SPRING FESTIVAL: A CULTURAL EXTRAVAGANZA &RPPLWWHH RQ 1RQ3ODQ ([SHQGLWXUH &1( RQ 28.3.2006 for implementation. The scheme was ¾ ARUNACHAL PRADESH CELEBRATES approved by the Union Home Minister and the MOPIN FESTIVAL Union Finance Minister. The scheme envisaged to: RONGALI BIHU ¾ (a) bring the underground (UG) elements over ¾ READERS COLUMN ground and see that they join the main ¾ LETTERS TO EDITOR stream; Editorial Board Chief Editor Editor Editor Shambhu Singh J.P.N. Singh B.R. Dhiman 1 NE NEWSLETTER (b) help the tribals in capacity building to enable markets, organizing vocational trainings on different WKHP WR VKDUH WKH EHQHÀWV RI GHYHORSPHQWV trades to youths, etc. and As per Press Reports, NLFT-NB peace accord (c) take projects in tribal areas which will in signed by the State Government of Tripura and turn lead to enrichment of the tribals. Central Government was reviewed recently in the meeting attended by Tribal Welfare Minister, DGP and Out of total agreed package amount of Rs. 55.00 Surrendered Rebel Leaders in Tripura. It was concluded crore, an amount of Rs. 50.00 crores has been released, that the peace accord has been fully implemented. in installments, by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Balance Further, the State Government had provided additional amount of Rs. 5.00 crore will be released during the facilities for 153 surrendered NLFT (NB) militants, who FXUUHQW ÀQDQFLDO \HDU LH came over ground in December, 2004. The facilities include allotment of 1 hectare land to each surrendered :LWK WKH ÀQDQFLDO JUDQW IURP &HQWUH WKH State Government undertook a number of activities FDGUHV RI WKH 1/)7 1% $V SHU UHSRUWV DOO FDVHV H[FHSW crime against women committed by the surrendered intended for infrastructure development, economic militants were withdrawn and Centre had released Rs. development, educational & cultural infrastructure FURUH IRU H[HFXWLQJ YDULRXV VFKHPHV DLPLQJ WR XSOLIW development and capacity building of the tribals in the socio-economic conditions of the surrendered the State. Under the package, projects have been insurgents. Since, 1993, over 8075 militants of various included for setting up/construction of residential RXWÀWV VXUUHQGHUHG WR WKH 7ULSXUD *RYHUQPHQW DQG DUH VFKRROV VSRUWV FRPSOH[ GHYHORSPHQW RI FRPSRVLWH leading normal life. PLANNING COMMISSION FINALISES 2011-12 PLAN FOR NORTHEASTERN STATES The Annual Plan for Tripura, Mizoram and Sikkim Capital formation through generation of surplus IRU WKH \HDU KDV EHHQ ÀQDOL]HG in the production of goods and services for sustainable (i) Annual Plan for the State for Mizoram:- The HFRQRPLF JURZWK LV ZHDN :LWK WKH H[SDQVLRQ RI SXEOLF Annual Plan for Mizoram State for the year 2011- administration and other services, the demand for ZDV ÀQDOL]HG DW D PHHWLQJ EHWZHHQ 'HSXW\ various categories of workers has decreased. Chairman of Planning Commission, Montek %ULHÀQJ WKH &RPPLVVLRQ RQ WKH GHYHORSPHQW Singh Ahluwalia and Mizoram Chief Minister Lal strategy, Chief Minister Thanhawla said t hat transparency 7KDQKDZOD 7KH $QQXDO 3ODQ ZDV ÀQDOL]HG DW and people participation was the basis of development Rs.1700 crore. strategy. Apart from elected leaders, prominent Complimenting the State on plan performance, citizens, Church leaders and media representatives Ahluwalia said that the Commission was in the process are being included in the Ethnic Committee formed RI ÀQDOL]LQJ WKH DSSURDFK IRU WKH 7ZHOWK 3ODQ DQG at the state level to oversee performance of the state in this process would be shortly holding regional administration. He said that despite resource constraint consultations with the State Governments. He said technology mission introduced by the Centre had made that a joint meeting with the North-Eastern States was VLJQLÀFDQW FRQWULEXWLRQV IRU SURPRWLRQ RI KRUWLFXOWXUH H[SHFWHG ZKHUH WKH FRPPLVVLRQ ZRXOG H[SHFW UHVSRQVH DQG ÁRULFXOWXUH from the state on ongoing social sector programmes as (ii) Annual Plan for the State of Sikkim:- The ZHOO DV URDGPDS IRU WKH QH[W 3ODQ Annual Plan for Sikkim for the year 2011-12 ZDV DOVR ÀQDOL]HG DW D PHHWLQJ EHWZHHQ 'HSXW\ 0L]RUDP KDV DFKLHYHG VLJQLÀFDQW SURJUHVV LQ Chairman, Planning Commission, Montek Singh the sectors of road transport, power, education and Ahluwalia and Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan health. About 94.4 per cent of the villages have been Chamling. The plan outlay was agreed at Rs.1400 connected with approach roads and 61.19 per cent crores. In his comments on the performance of villages have been connected with all weather roads. the State, Ahluwalia said performance is quite According to census 2001, the literacy level of satisfactory. He said continued focus on physical SHU FHQW KDV SODFHG 0L]RUDP QH[W WR .HUDOD and social infrastructure development together Though agriculture is the mainstay of economic with urbanization would catalyze tourism and activity, shifting cultivation with shortened land use other income generating activities. The State cycle and lack of thrust in the potential horticulture Governments should inform the Commission sector has been a major factor in the slow pace of DERXW WKHLU H[SHULHQFH RQ WKH &HQWUDO VFKHPHV development of the state’s economy. aimed at making plan process more inclusive. 2 2011 This would help the Commission in taking sectors. FRUUHFWLYH PHDVXUH ZKLOH GUDIWLQJ WKH QH[W SODQ +H Mr. Ahluwalia said investment friendly DSSUHFLDWHG WKH LQLWLDWLYHV WDNHQ WR PDNH 6LNNLP ÀUVW environment needs to be created to encourage private organic and green State in the country. Priorities in investment in the development of both physical and the sector need to work out accordingly. Chamling said social infrastructure. the thrust of plan is upon the inclusion of the Common Minimum Programme of the UPA and inclusion of The Planning Commission is in the process of various Flagship Programmes, with particular emphasis ÀQDOL]LQJ DSSURDFK WR WKH 7Z H OIWK 3ODQ DQG ZRXOG on Human Development. welcome suggestions from the state on the social sector programme initiated by the Centre to make The State Government has adopted a policy these programmes more effective. He said sectors like decision to embark on a path of sustainable economic energy and health would need added attention of both development and self reliance, and thrust of the state and Central Government to meet the growth Government is on promotion and development of H[SHFWDWLRQ IRU WKH 7ZHOWK 3ODQ ecologically and environmentally friendly tourism, KRUWLFXOWXUH DQG ÁRULFXOWXUH ZLWK VSHFLÀF VWUHVV RQ Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar briefed the production of low volume high value organic agricultural Planning Commission about the new initiatives of his and horticultural produce, Hydro Power generation government aimed at improving resources and reducing without environmental erosion, human resource RQ QRQGHYHORSPHQWDO H[SHQGLWXUH +H VDLG WD[ development, health and rural development. UHYHQXH KDYH LPSURYHG VDODU\ H[SHQGLWXUH KDV EHHQ (iii) Annual Plan for Tripura:- For Tripura state, the plan controlled to improve physical health of the state. outlay for the year was agreed at Rs.1950 crores. He said efforts are on to make best use of available In his comments on the performance of Tripura, natural resources. Skill development and vocational Planning Commission Dy. Chairman Montek Singh education is being given priority to the development Ahluwalia complimented the state government for strategy. Action Plan has been taken up for bringing 50 empowering Panchayati Raj Institution, Anganwadi, per cent of cultivable land. Skill development mission and performance in ICDS. He said efforts should be has been constituted and one ITI is proposed to be set to improve achievement in health and education up in each sub-division. ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT UNDER CIVIC ACTION PROGRAMME IN NORTH EAST BY CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES (ii) On 5th March, 2011, under Civic Action Programme TVs, Water Tank, Sewing machine and sports items have been distributed among villagers in area of responsibility of BOP, Khozaichuri & Tiparghat, ([ %Q %6) 0L]RUDP (iii) An Inter Village Football competition was also organized by 83 Bn BSF at Village Gumaghat, Distt- West Khasi Hills, Meghalaya from 22 to 26th March, 2011.
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