Julia Bullock, Soprano John Arida, Piano

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Julia Bullock, Soprano John Arida, Piano Sunday, March 25, 2018, 3pm Hertz Hall Julia Bullock, soprano John Arida, piano Franz SCHUBERT (1797 –1828) Suleika I Lachen und Weinen Wanderers Nachtlied II Seligkeit Samuel BARBER (1910 –1981) Hermit Songs At St Patrick’s Purgatory Church Bell at Night St Ita’s Vision The Heavenly Banquet The Crucifixion Sea-Snatch Promiscuity The Monk and his Cat The Praises of God The Desire for Hermitage INTERMISSION Gabriel FAURÉ (1845 –1924) From La chanson d’Ève Prima verba Roses ardentes Comme Dieu rayonne Veilles-tu, ma senteur de soleil Crépuscule O mort, poussière d’étoile Spencer WILLIAMS (1889 –1969) Driftin’ Tide* Maceo PINKARD (1897 –1962) You Can’t Tell the Difference After Dark* Cora “Lovie” AUSTIN (1887 –1972) Downhearted Blues* Alberta HUNTER (1895 –1984) Jeremy SISKIND (b. 1986) Frog Tongue Stomp: A Lovie Austin Tribute* Billie HOLIDAY (1915 –1959) Our Love is Different* Sonny WHITE (1917 –1971) Nina SIMONE (1933 –2003) Revolution Weldon Jonathan IRVINE, Jr. (1943–2002) SIMONE Four Women* * arrangements by Jeremy Siskind Cal Performances’ 2017 –18 season is sponsored by Wells Fargo. PLAYBILL ABOUT THE ARTISTS Equally at home with opera and concert Medical Center, and the Shropshire Music repertoire, soprano Julia Bullock has captivated Foun dation, a nonprofit that serves war- audiences with her versatile artistry and com - affected children and adolescents through manding stage presence. During the current music education and performances in Kosovo, season, s he launched the Boston Symphony Or - Northern Ireland, and Uganda. chestra’s season joining Andris Nelsons in its Bernstein Gala; made her San Francisco Opera debut in the world premiere of Girls of the Golden West, composed by John Adams to a li - bretto by Peter Sellars; sang Pamina in concert performances of Die Zauberflöte with Gustavo Dudamel and the Los Angeles Philharmonic; joined the Dutch National Opera in a company premiere of Simon McBurney’s The Rake’s Prog - ress ; sang Maria in a concert version of West Side Story with Tokyo’s NHK Orchestra, led by Paavo Järvi; and in July will makes her Santa Fe Opera debut in a new Peter Sellars production of Doctor Atomic by John Adams. Bullock has also performed as Clara in Porgy and Bess with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra; John Arida is a pianist and coach based in New with the Los Angeles Philharmonic in John York City who specializes in both opera and art Adams’ El Niño ; in West Side Story at the Holly - song. His performances in Central City Opera’s wood Bowl, conducted by Gustavo Dudamel; 2017 summer season of Amy Beach’s Cabildo and as a soloist with orchestras including and Douglas Moore’s Gallantry were critically the London Symphony Orchestra with Simon acclaimed. Arida’s 2017 –18 season includes a re - Rattle, the New York Philharmonic with Alan cital tour with mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard. Gilbert, and the San Francisco Symphony with He holds staff positions at the Juilliard School Michael Tilson Thomas. and Central City Opera, and is on the panel Bullock participated in the Artists-in- for the Denver Lyric Opera Guild competition. Training program with the Opera Theater of Arida has served as staff pianist at the Juilliard St. Louis. Her accolades include a 2016 Sphinx School, Virginia Opera, Central City Opera, Foundation Medal of Excellence, Lincoln Cen - the Castleton Festival, and the Prototype Festi - ter’s 2015 Martin E. Segal Award, First Prize at val, where he prepared the New York premiere the 2014 Naumburg International Vocal Com - of anatomy theater by Pulitzer Prize winner petition, and First Prize at the 2012 Young David Lang. Concert Artists International Auditions. She Other notable engagements include a per - holds the Lindemann Vocal Chair of YCA, formance at Carnegie Hall, and recital debuts and her management is also supported by the with Isabel Leonard in Mexico and soprano Barbara Forester Austin Fund for Art Song. Simone Osborne in Toronto. He performed with She holds degrees from the Eastman School Sir James Galway in the live-streamed memo - of Music and the Bard Graduate Vocal Arts rial tribute to Maestro Lorin Maazel and has Pro gram, and an Artist’s Diploma from the worked with Peter Sellars on Kaija Saariaho’s La Juilliard School. Passion de Simone for the orchestral academy of Originally from St. Louis, Bullock integrates the Berliner Philharmoniker and the Ojai Festi - her musical life with community activism. She val (seen here in Zellerbach Playhouse in 2016). has organized and participated in benefit con - Arida holds a master’s degree in collaborative certs in support of the FSH Society, the Music piano from Juilliard as well as a bachelor’s degree and Medicine Initiative for New York’s Weill in vocal performance from SUN Y Purchase. TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS FRANZ SCHUBERT Suleika I, D. 720 [Marianne von Willemer (1784 –1860)] (written 1821, pub. 1822) Was bedeutet die Bewegung? What does the motion mean? Bringt der Ost mir frohe Kunde? Does the East bring me glad tidings? Seiner Schwingen frische Regung The refreshing and stirring of its oscillation Kühlt des Herzens tiefe Wunde. Chills the deep wound of my heart. Kosend spielt er mit dem Staube, It gently plays with the dust, Jagt ihn auf in leichten Wölkchen, Chasing it into light clouds, Treibt zur sichern Rebenlaube And drives the cheerful insect-folk Der Insekten frohes Völkchen. Into the security of the arbor vines. Lindert sanft der Sonne Glühen, It softly relieves the sun’s glow, Kühlt auch mir die heißen Wangen, It also cools my hot cheeks, Küßt die Reben noch im Fliehen, It kisses the vines as it flees, Die auf Feld und Hügel prangen. Which are emblazoned on the fields and hills. Und mir bringt sein leises Flüstern And its soft whispering brings me Von dem Freunde tausend Grüße; A thousand greetings from my beloved; Eh’ noch diese Hügel düstern, Before these hills dim, Grüßen mich wohl tausend Küsse. I am greeted by a thousand kisses. Und so kannst du weiter ziehen! And so, you can go on your way! Diene Freunden und Betrübten. Attend to friends and those distressed. Dort wo hohe Mauern glühen, There, where high walls glow, Dort find’ ich bald den Vielgeliebten. There, I shall soon find my dearly beloved. Ach, die wahre Herzenskunde, Oh, the true tidings of his heart, Liebeshauch, erfrischtes Leben Love’s breath, and refreshing life Wird mir nur aus seinem Munde, Come to me only from his mouth, Kann mir nur sein Athem geben. And can be given to me only by his breath. Lachen und Weinen, D. 777 Laughing and Weeping [Friedrich Rückert (1788 –1866)] Lachen und Weinen zu jeglicher Stunde Laughing and weeping at any hour Ruht bei der Lieb auf so mancherlei Grunde. Rest on so many reasons when it comes to love. Morgens lacht’ ich vor Lust, In the morning I laugh for joy, Und warum ich nun weine And why I now weep Bei des Abendes Scheine, In the evening glow, Ist mir selb’ nicht bewußt. Is something unknown to me. PLAYBILL TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS Weinen und Lachen zu jeglicher Stunde Weeping and laughing at any hour Ruht bei der Lieb’ auf so mancherlei Grunde. Rest on so many reasons when it comes to Love. Abends weint’ ich vor Schmerz; In the evening I weep for sorrow; Und warum du erwachen And why can you awaken Kannst am Morgen mit Lachen, In the morning with laughter, Muß ich dich fragen, o Herz. Must I ask you, o heart. Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768 Wanderer’s Nightsong II [Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 –1832)] (written c. 1823, pub. 1827) Über allen Gipfeln Over all the summits Ist Ruh, Is peace, In allen Wipfeln In all the treetops Spürest du You feel Kaum einen Hauch; Hardly a breath; Die vöglein schweigen im Walde. The birds fall silent in the forest. Warte nur, balde Only wait, soon Ruhest du auch. You too shall rest. Seligkeit, D. 433 Bliss [Ludwig Heinrich Christoph Hölty] Freuden sonder Zahl Joys without number Blühn im Himmelssaal Bloom in heaven’s hall Engeln und Verklärten, For angels and transfigured beings, Wie die Väter lehrten. As our fathers taught us. O da möcht ich sein, O, there I would like to be Und mich ewig freun! And forever rejoice! Jedem lächelt traut Upon everyone dearly smiles Eine Himmelsbraut; A heavenly bride; Harf und Psalter klinget, Harp and psalter resound, Und man tanzt und singet. And one dances and sings. O da möcht’ ich sein, O, there I would like to be Und mich ewig freun! And rejoice forever! Lieber bleib’ ich hier, I’d rather stay here, Lächelt Laura mir Smiling, Laura sends me Einen Blick, der saget, A look that says, Daß ich angeklaget. I was accused. Selig dann mit ihr, Blissfully then with her, Bleib’ ich ewig hier! I will stay here forever! —Translations by Julia Bullock Edited by Christian Reif TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS SAMUEL BARBER Saint Ita’s Vision Hermit Songs Attributed to St. Ita, 8th century Translated by Chester Kallman (1921 –1975) At Saint Patrick’s Purgatory “I will take nothing from my Lord,” said she, 13th century anonymous Irish text “unless He gives me His Son from Heaven Translated by Seán Ó Faoláin (1900 –1991) In the form of a Baby that I may nurse Him.” Pity me on my pilgrimage to Loch Derg!* So that Christ came down to her O King of the churches and the bells in the form of a Baby and then she said: bewailing your sores and your wounds, “Infant Jesus, at my breast, But not a tear can I squeeze from my eyes! Nothing in this world is true Not moisten an eye after so much sin! Save, O tiny nursling, You.
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