STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME ENTERPRISE SOURCEBOOK 111 This e-book is a non-profit venture and for the promotion of the Star Trek RPG line by Decipher. Star Trek and related are the property of Paramount Pictures, a Viacom company. The Coda engine for which the RPG uses is also the property of Decipher, Inc. No copyright infringement is intended. CREDITS and THANKS Volker Maiwald (for allowing a port of his Enterprise Sourcebook for Icon) Don Mappin, Steve Long, Jesse Heinig, and the rest of the crew for the creation of the Star Trek RPG line for Decipher, Inc. N.B. If you like to contribute to this endeavor please email me at
[email protected] or if you see any discrepancies, also contact me. 2 WRITERS : J. GALLOPS EINAR RICHTER VOLKER MAIWALD “ANTONSB214” “SPACE_CADET” “SNAKE_PLISKEN” “ICEGIANT” 3 INTRODUCTION 5 SETTING 6 ALIENS 12 DENOBULANS 13 KZINTI 15 XINDI 17 EQUIPMENT 21 PERSONAL 22 WEAPONS 23 SHIP SYSTEMS 25 SHIPS 26 STARFLEET 27 VULCAN 29 ANDORIAN 31 KLINGON 32 XINDI 38 SULIBAN 45 THOLIAN 50 INDEPENDENT 51 GAMEMASTERING 55 APPENDIX 58 TABLETABLE OF OF CONTENTS CONTENTS TABLETABLE OF OFCONTENTS CONTENTS FIRST EDITION 4 INTRODUCTION So why role-play in the 22 nd century? Well, it offers a chance for players a challenge not usually present when role-playing in the latter centuries. Technology and science is not quite advanced and therefore not the usual savior in the game. The history and inter-species relations are not yet established, which opens non-trek gamers to the Star Trek RPG who usually don’t have knowledge of Star Trek universe.