The Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment

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The Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment French Republic PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT THE PARLIAMENTARY OFFICE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT - STRUCTURE, FUNCTION, COMPOSITION - Given the ever-increasing role of science in members of the National Assembly and eighteen everyday life, it could hardly fail to become a Senators. subject of political interest. It became The Office is chaired alternately for three- progressively obvious that there was a need for a year periods by a member from either chamber, parliamentary assessment of technology in order to with internal rules stipulating that the First Vice- anticipate its Chairperson shall consequences come from the and monitor its other chamber. impact. A number Power of of debates in the referral early 1980s reserved for (e.g. regarding parliamentary the future of the bodies nation's nuclear, The Office can be commissioned to conduct space and cable programmes) caused the French an assessment, primarily by an internal Parliament to realize that it was unable to parliamentary body i.e. by the Bureau of either formulate an impartial assessment of Government assembly (upon its own initiative, by request of decisions regarding the broad guidelines of its the chairperson of a political group, by request of scientific and technological policies. sixty members of the National Assembly or forty It therefore decided to establish its own Senators) or by a special or permanent assessment authority: the Parliamentary Office committee. for Scientific and Technological Assessment. In addition, since 1991, some laws have Following a unanimous vote in favour of its directly commissioned the Office to conduct a creation, the Office was established by Law n° 83- study or assessment mission. 609 of July 8, 1983. Its aims, within the terms of To date, the topics covered have fallen more the law, are "to inform Parliament of the or less equally into four main categories: energy, consequences of scientific and technological the environment, new technologies and the life choices, particularly to enable it to make sciences. enlightened decisions". To this end, the Office Some referrals have been renewed year after "collects information, launches study programmes year, for instance regarding the safety and security and conducts assessments". of nuclear installations. Others have required an update of a previous Office report (high-activity THE OFFICE nuclear waste, biotechnologies, bioethics, spatial, etc.). Such renewals enable the Office to continue A unique organization to monitor these topics. The Office is an unusual organization within The Scientific Council Parliament: its members are appointed so as to ensure proportional representation of the various The Office acts as an intermediary between political groups and come from both the National the political sphere and the research community. It Assembly and the Senate. It consists of eighteen has a duty to keep up to date with the latest research developments and to request official Office parlementaire - Assemblée nationale - 93, rue de l’Université - 75355 Paris 07 SP - tél : 01 40 63 26 81 Sénat - 4, rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris - tél : 01 42 34 25 58 - - The parliamentary office for - 2 - scientific and technological assessment statements of opinion. To conduct its missions, the therefore conduct investigations of any state agency Office is assisted by a Scientific Council whose and request any departmental documents, with the composition reflects the diversity of the scientific exception of those dealing with national defence or and technological fields. The Council consists of security. Moreover, if the rapporteurs encounter twenty-four leading figures, all chosen for their any difficulties in the execution of their mission, expertise. they may request to be granted, for a period of no more than six months, the same STUDY PROGRAMMES prerogatives as those granted to parliamentary enquiry Appointing a rapporteur committees. Each referral entails the Publication of reports appointment of one or more At the end of their study, the rapporteurs, chosen rapporteurs submit their draft exclusively among the report and conclusions to the members of the Office. Several other members of the Office. studies have brought together a Their conclusions are presented member of the National in such a way that they may be Assembly and a Senator, or a member from the used directly for legislative work or budgetary political majority and a member from the discussions. The members of the Office then decide opposition. whether to publish the report and all or part of the Drafting a report minutes of hearings and contributions made by experts. It should be pointed out in this regard that The rapporteur conducts hearings to solicit most Office decisions are reached unanimously, the the opinions of all concerned parties and Office being characterized by the consensual nature organizations. The rapporteur can also conduct on- of its well argued positions. site visits, in France or abroad, to laboratories and The documents produced by the Office form companies linked to the subject in question. a specific collection within parliamentary reports Throughout the study, the rapporteur is and are also available on the websites of the assisted by a parliamentary official or a scientific assemblies. adviser and, if necessary, by a study group consisting of competent figures from outside SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BRIEFINGS Parliament. The rapporteur may also appoint independent experts and research agencies, in The Office has recently decided to develop a new France or abroad, to conduct investigations and to working approach in order to present an study specific aspects of the subject. In addition, informative summary of the state of the art on a the rapporteur may request the views and opinions scientific or technological subject being topical. of trade unions, professional bodies and organizations for environmental or consumer Carried out in a shorter term than the reports, the protection. Science and technology briefings have the aim of However, Office reports do not merely juxtapose describing the context of a scientific issue, the expert opinions or establish a "state of the art" measures taken, the latest research developments, review of the subject in question. Because the and the results already achieved. reports are drafted by members of Parliament, their conclusions are more than simply informative; they also include proposals and recommendations. The Science and technology are made to be short If the rapporteur deems it necessary, public and efficient : 4 pages, without the endnotes. This hearings open to the press can be organized to size shall enable a wide circulation amongst the gather or even confront the opinions of leading Members of the Parliament and the public opinion. figures and organizations wishing to express their views on the subject. The minutes of these public PUBLIC HEARINGS hearings can then be annexed to the report. Each year, the Office organizes several The powers of the rapporteur public hearings on topical scientific or technological issues. French law provides Office rapporteurs with the same powers as budget rapporteurs: they may Office parlementaire - Assemblée nationale - 93, rue de l’Université - 75355 Paris 07 SP - tél : 01 40 63 26 81 Sénat - 4, rue Casimir Delavigne, 75006 Paris - tél : 01 42 34 25 58 - - The parliamentary office for - 3 - scientific and technological assessment GENERAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES Finally, the Office also contributes to the The Office has progressively become an development of international parliamentary acknowledged instrument of parliamentary action. relations and participates, particularly at a Several laws make provision either for it to be European level, in various conferences and events informed of, or to participate in the appointment of such as the European Parliamentary Technology parliamentary representatives to various bodies, or Assessment (EPTA), consisting of the European for it to be represented, by its chairperson or one of organizations responsible for conducting scientific its members, on the board of directors of various and technological assessments for both national organizations. parliaments and the European Parliament. It has also built up a special relationship with the scientific community as a whole and maintains close links with it. This is illustrated by the various events associating the Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Technological Assessment with such prestigious bodies as the different Académies, CEA, INSERM, INRA, UniversSciences, CNRS, etc. RECENT REPORTS PUBLIC HEARINGS Restricted access areas (ZRR) in the context of protection of Health and environmental risks expertise in France and in Eu- national scientific and technical potential, by Cédric Villani, rope by Anne Genetet, Philippe Bolo, Members of the National Member of the National Assembly, and Gérard Longuet, Sena- Assembly, Pierre Médevielle and Pierre Ouzoulias, Senators. tor. National Assembly report 1796 (15th legislature), Senate National Assembly report 1919 (15th legislature), Senate report report 402 (2018-2019) 477 (2018-2019) Artificial intelligence and health data, by Cédric Villani, Transport: scenarios allowing the end of commercialization Member of the National Assembly, and Gérard Longuet, Sena- of internal combustion vehicles in 2040 by Huguette Tiegna, tor. National Assembly report
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