S&I 3, no. 1 (2009): 48-67 ISSN 1975-7123 Is Jeremiah 24 a Propaganda Message for the Babylonian Exiles? Soon-Jin Choi Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Korea
[email protected] Abstract A rhetorical analysis of Jeremiah 21–24 discovers a startling reversal that sees the “exiles of Judah” in Babylon as the objects of divine favor, experiencing the exile as part of God’s sovereign plan to make a new covenant with those who have a new heart. In contrast to the “remnant of Jerusalem” who considered themselves favored by God, Jeremiah’s rhetorical strategy is to emphasize the grace shown to the “exiles of Judah,” who are the future of Judah and the bearers of hope for God’s newly created people. Thus, Jeremiah 24 is much more than a propaganda message for the Babylonian exiles. (Keywords: Jeremiah, rhetorical analysis, rhetoric, exilic period) I. Introduction In������������������������������������������������������������������� the present study ������������������������������������������������we���������������������������������������������� claim that ����������������������������������r���������������������������������hetorical analysis will be fruit- ful as a text-centered and holistic approach to the interpretation of the book of Jeremiah. The application of classical rhetorical theory helps explain the structure of Jeremiah 21–24 and also the prophetic tech- niques of persuasion which are used. The argument of Jeremiah 21–24 is that God’s salvation plan requires the exile of Judah; the experience of exile will help the people’s future understanding of the covenant. Jeremiah’s rhetorical techniques build up a persuasive argument to the audience of Jeremiah 21–24 that the traditional institutions of Israel (the Davidic dynasty, Jerusalem, the land) must be destroyed before there can be a new beginning.