ServingServing Camps & Schools FairfaxFairfax AreasAreas ofof BurkeBurke Author Russ Banham is spending the week touring the county in support of his latest insideinside book, ‘The Fight for Fairfax.’ Classified, Page 18 Classified, ❖ Sports, Page 12 ❖ Schools Switch From PTA Calendar, Page 8 To PTO News, Page 3 Olympic Effort County For Local Skaters Sports, Page 12 Requested in home 9-25-09 home in Requested Time sensitive material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Attention Scribe #86 PERMIT Martinsburg, WV Martinsburg, PAID News, Page 3 Postage U.S. PRSRT STD PRSRT Photo by Justin Fanizzi/The Connection www.ConnectionNewspapers.comSeptember 24-30, 2009 Volume XXIII, Number 38 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comFairfax Connection ❖ September 24-30, 2009 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Fairfax Connection ❖ September 24-30, 2009 Fairfax Connection Editor Michael O’Connell News 703-778-9416 or
[email protected] Fairfax — An Author’s Muse Falling Russ Banham writes For Books about post-World War Literary event II history of county. expands beyond GMU Campus. By Justin Fanizzi The Connection by Photo By Justin Fanizzi The Connection uss Banham has just about seen it all in his 55 years. He was on Fanizzi Justin or the past decade, the Fall for Rthe field after the New York Mets Fthe Book Festival has provided won the 1973 Major League the Fairfax community with a Baseball National League Championship first rate literary experience. Now in Series. He has been commissioned by an its 11th year, festival staff has a big- iconic American family to write a biogra- /The Connection ger goal in mind: to bring that same phy about their patriarch, Henry Ford, and experience to the entire Washington, his circle of friends includes former “Brady D.C.