Highlights of the Recommended Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan
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Who are we? Highlights of the Recommended Peel The Peel Watershed Planning Commission (PWPC) is an independent public commission Watershed Regional Land Use Plan created by Chapter 11 of the UFA with members that are jointly nominated by the Parties for a period of five years. The PWPC was formed in This document provides highlights of the Recom- Chapter 11 in the Umbrella Final Agreement on fall of 2004. mended Peel Watershed Regional Land Use Plan Land Use Planning, the Plan considers the inter- (PWRLUP). Effort effort has been to develop relationships of other key Chapters affecting the a Plan with clear recommendations for the Plan lands, water, heritage, fish and wildlife contained Parties to consider according to the Peel Water- within this unique region of the Yukon., interjuris- shed Planning Commission’s Terms of Reference dictional responsibilities under the Gwichin Com- Peel Watershed Planning Commission and its foundation documents. While guided by prehensive Land Claim and other agreements. (L-R) Marvin Frost, Steve Taylor, Dave Loeks, Peter Kaye, Albert Genier (Chair) and Ray Hayes Who are the Plan Parties? • Yukon Government Planning Team: (L-R) Nadele Flynn (Land Use Planner), Reg C. Whiten, MCIP (Senior Planner), Sam Skinner (Land • Nacho Nyak Dun (Mayo) Use Planner) and Heidi Faulds (Administrator) • Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in (Dawson City) What’s next? • Vuntut Gwitchin (Old Crow) • Gwich’in Tribal Council (Inuvik) The Recommended Regional Land Use Plan will Energy and Mineral Resources (Corporate Planning be reviewed by the Parties starting in December, Branch). When complete, this review will result in 2009. Discussions between the Parties, and addi- a decision to accept, reject or modify with a con- tional public consultations will be undertaken under solidated written response for the Commission to the coordination by planning section of the Yukon consider in drafting a Final Recommended Plan. Want to learn more? Learn more about other Commission outputs released during the past year, including the Conservation Priorities Assessment Report (CPAR), Resource Assessment Report (RAR), Scenario Methodology Report (SMR), Scenario Options Report (SOR), and the Draft Regional Land Use Plan (DRLUP) • Keep updated on the Peel Watershed Planning Commission’s website • Provide comments directed to attention of the PWPC via email: [email protected] Goz Lake (Photo: Jimmy Johnny) or mail us a letter to the address below During the period of Recommended Plan Review, the PWPC will not be maintaining an office, About the Peel Watershed however enquiries will be handled by the Yukon Land Use Planning Council. Download the full Plan at: www.peel.planyukon.ca/downloads/RLUP.html The Peel watershed is a vast unpopulated area in tut Gwitchin. Also overlapping the PWPR are the http://www.peel.planyukon.ca/downloads/downpldo.html northeastern Yukon highly valued for wilderness primary and secondary use areas of the Teetł’it recreation, big game outfitting, mineral and oil Gwich’in. The social, economic and environ- Peel Watershed Planning Commission and gas potential, tourism, and ecological integ- mental values - together with very few roads and 307 Jarvis Street, Suite 201 rity. It also has significant cultural, heritage, and little industrial development in the region - make PEEL WATERSHED Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2H3 economic value for the three Yukon First Nations this area unique at territorial, national, and even PLANNING COMMISSION TOGETHER FOR THE PEEL CHUU TL’TI GEENJIT KHETOK Tel: (867) 667-2374 Fax: (867) 667-4624 with over lapping traditional territories including: global level. Toll free: 1-866-353-2374 the Na-cho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in, Vun- www.peel.planyukon.ca Findings of the Plan #*S-30A C r e Husky R • Affected First Nations have stated clearly that their resource-use i v R Lake R E e l l LMU 2B Ma B son Hill e V E Jo VG u t interests and rights depend upon intact regional ecosystems and land- h #* I n S-16A I Landscape Management Units Index Ch o VG R Z s h d n S-16A f i Lor C VG #* St on ey r e N u e VG La e scapes that a conservative and precautionary approach is necessary to l S-41A/D k E IntegratedS-17 AManagement Areas VG B #* #* K F S-39A C 1 - Lower Ogilvie River #* Nerejo A sustain current uses while maintaining future resource-use options for Ck L 0M 20 40 60 km 2 - Dempster Highway Sharp Mtn R VG Nu #*S-40A/D their citizens; 3 - Blackstone River ko 4 - Dalglish Creek n LMU 12A Ck 5 - Peel Plateau VG #* S-48A R o c LMU 5 LMU 6 r Fishing VG LMU 4B #* k • Year round monitoring of water quality and flows is a dominant LMU R-02A LMUE ve Special Management Areas VG VG a Ri #* Pi ne S-14A/D 8A S-20A/D 8B Lakes #* g N O VG l R T H W E S T Fish and Wildlife Emphasis Protection Emphasis e T S-19A LMU 7 E R R I T O management consideration and winter flows are a major limiting #* VG R I E S A - Ogilvie River Headwaters S-13A/D S B - Blackstone River Uplands a LMU Y a t a Rock River U K O N h Co R TG 8C kw R-01FS Mt C - Hart River Edy - Snake River i v factor likely to affect certain forms of industrial development in the re R VG over e r R-12A !9 tt G - Richardson Mountains - South P H - Richardson Mountains - North Vi ! S J VG R c ! TG h I planning region; R-07A S-E2FS P - Mid-Peel River and Big Eddy I - Vittrekwa River a #* e e r TG f Ri v E f S-3FS e TG #* J - Tabor Lakes r VG LTG Heritage Emphasis S-12A/D R-03FS S-4FS Cr #* ! #*#* VG #* R H TG Keek - Jackfish Creek Lakes VG F - Hungry Lakes S-6A i v S-4FS #* S-11A/D LMU R AR • Large segments of the Yukon public have identified values and #* e r !K L - Chappie Lake CoVG mplex N -Tshuu tr'adaojìich'uu / C 10A !O S-59A/D TG wn Be r I R-14FS R r o a r e LMU 10B TG B e TG VG M - Turner Lake Wetlands C TG Aberdeen and Peel Canyons k S-6FS#*#*S-7FS I interests that are congruent with those of the affected First Nations, S-3A #* #*S-13FS Ck Mo TG #* B unt TG V CT Be #* H S-8FS O - Teetl'it njik / Lower Peel Rivear r r Joyal S-9FS #* Cav Watershed Management Emphasis a d e r e a Ro v TG E Mountai ce S-10FS n n VGVG n VG K A Ri O c LMU 9 #* i t ! n namely that ecosystem integrity and intact landscapes are the priority h a VG 5 Dh - WiVGnd/BS-S-4A58A//DonnD et PlumC e River S-10A ek R t a R-05A r S-2A/D#*#* C r e Ithoth IC a r C R R Arctic Circle t u #* ee e VG Hill #* k TG land-use management consideration in the planning region; VG R-04A a h D g l R-04FS S-37A #* Vy a i #* VG Tr TG Peel Watershed planning region S S-9A/D R-05FS R s h i n !5 i v e r Landscape manaF i gement unit VG Eagle Plains O VG R-06A VG Lusk Lake S-57A/D S-8A/D N (Caribou lake) #* #* eek • While aerial access to mineral claims may have generally been a #* Dempster Hwy Development Area Cr VG Ed le igii Hill Ri ve r l S-1A i Y M v n manageable land-use activity, predominant Yukon public opinion in- i First Nation Settlement and Tetlit Gwich'in Yukon Lands WA a O S ! ! ! ! ! ! GH u ri b o N O R T H W E S T T E R R I T O R I E S ! ! ! ! ! ! Ai HI Ca ! ! ! ! ! ! M tch ount VG U dicates that surface access is likely to undermine the region’s wilder- ! ! ! ! ! ! TG R-blocks eek Bur Hill S-45A gess #* !M R-08FS Cr # VG VG N LMU R-09A #* Site selection S-7A D R ness character outside of the immediate Dempster Highway Corridor; er 11 Turner o T M Sa v r lter Lake l n ! o E Ri e G Hi l ll #* v u g e VG i A n y o D S-32A t or R n TH a this wilderness character is considered to most renewable resource- a TH i Ge R-28A I R-29A C n Mount N E e Hule n D C ton y t a s e l k use sectors in the planning region; te r g TG TG i p li h sh R-07FS S !R-12FS W r P i C TG TG s k ! N S-11FS TH e S-11FS C k NND #* R-49A C #* TG r R S-139B k L TG e ! R-13FS 4 R-11FS PEE E Dog VG in V R-08A I Lake TH Abe NND R-31A M rdeen r Canyon R S-138B N • Current practices of consultation and site-level management for oil #* TG e NA #* o i s TH HO R-10FS RI TH R-32A y NI e r NND i v R-33A R i v TG S-134B R #* S-12F#* S Ch!aLppie and gas development are considered adequate.