Land Status and Oil and Gas Interests

145°W 140°W 135°W 130°W 125°W 120°W 70°N B e a u

70°N f o r t S Land Withdrawn from Oil and Gas Rights Dispositions e a

Y-EL-329 Arctic Ocean Pattern 2

Y-EL-329 National Park Pattern 7 Territorial Park Protected Area, Habitat Protection Area, National Wildlife Area, Special Management Area Hershel Island Ivvavik Tuktoyaktuk Territorial Park Yukon North Slope Withdrawal M.O. 2010/09 National Park Active Yukon Oil and Gas Dispositions Beaufort - Active Coal Leases Mackenzie Basin Yukon Settlement Lands Category A - Yukon First Nation has ownership of the surface and Yukon North Slope subsurface Vuntut Withdrawal National Park Category B and Fee Simple - Yukon First Nation has ownership of the surface 68°N Old Crow 68°N Basin Inuvik Interim Protected Lands (lands protected to facilitate the settlement of First Aklavik Nations without ratified land claims) Area Protected Area Note 1

Dàadzaii Vàn Interim Withdrawal Old Crow Territorial Park The Government of Yukon has temporarily suspended the issuance of new oil and gas rights in the Whitehorse Trough Basin and in the Traditional Territories of First Nations without ratified Land Claims (Ross River Dena Council, Liard and White River First Nations) Ch'ihilii Chìk Fort McPherson Habitat Protection Area Other Information

Eagle Plain Sedimentary basin International Border Fishing Branch Adjoining Federal Oil and Gas Rights Territorial/Provincial Border Ecological Reserve Basin ^! Major City Primary Highway Peel Plateau - Plain !k Community Secondary Highway Basin Road Fishing Branch 66°N Wilderness Preserve 66°N Kandik Basin This map identifies those Yukon lands which may be subject to terms and conditions of use and access other than Alaska those set out in federal or Yukon laws. The terms and conditions of use that apply to those lands vary and are set out in their relevent legislation.

(USA) This map reflects our best understanding of the current status of the various Yukon lands portrayed. Every effort has been made to ensure accurate representation of the type, size, and location of designation. However, it does not constitute a legal opinion. For clarification, readers should consult with the various agencies responsible for the administration of those lands.

Bonnet Plume The land depicted is a generalized graphical representation of areas that are appropriate to be displayed at a NWT 1:2,000,000 scale; smaller areas are not shown. The accuracy of the digital is adequate for the representation at this scale Basin but the data should not be used at a more detailed scale. The data are not to be used for statistical analysis, nor should they be used to resolve boundary issues.

Peel Watershed 0 25 50 100 Protected Area Kilometers September 08, 2020 Tombstone Territorial Park 64°N 64°N

Dawson City

Keno City Big Island Habitat Protection Area

Mayo Oil and Gas Dispositions

Stewart Crossing Horseshoe Slough Devil's Elbow Habitat Protection Area Habitat Protection Area Ddhaw Ghro Northwest Habitat Protection Area Territories

Y-SDL-012 Pattern 4 Pelly Crossing Lhutsaw Wetland Habitat Protection Area Kaska Dena Nation (Ross River and Liard) Y-SDL-012 Pattern 1 Beaver Creek Traditional Territory Withdrawal 62°N 62°N Faro White River First Nation Carmacks Traditional Territory Withdrawal Nordenskiold Ross River Habitat Protection Area Asi Keyi Natural Environment Park Whitehorse Trough Withdrawal Burwash Landing Destruction Bay

Whitehorse Trough Basin Kluane National Park Haines Junction Lewes Marsh Whitehorse Habitat Protection Area Liard Basin

Kusawa 60°N Special 60°N Management Area Nisutlin River Coal River Springs National Wildlife Area Carcross Teslin Watson Lake Ecological Reserve

Tagish River Habitat Protection Area

Pacific Ocean Atlin Skagway

Haines BC Fort Nelson 140°W 135°W 130°W 125°W