2nd 10 am ‘All Together’ Service

16th 6pm Christian Unity Sunday Evensong at Wanlip with Speaker from “GATES” 22nd 9am Coach trip to Gloucester

29/30th Birstall Gala

30th Service on the Park


7th 10 am ‘All Together’ Service

8th—12th Parish Holiday to Cober Hill

27th 10 am Parish Away Day at Nanpantan


1st 10 am ‘All Together’ service led by Home Groups

4th 7.30 pm Home Groups Get Together

11th 10 am Mothers’ Union Service

26th 2pm Parish Garden Fete on the Church Lawn

Details of our regular services can be found on page 6 Please see church information sheets and/or website www.birstall.org for further information



Welcome to the summer edition of ‘Link’. I hope you find it informative, useful and interesting. It is the first put together ‘under new management’ since our friend - and editor of many years - Maureen Holland died in April. It is due to Maureen’s efforts that ‘Link’ exists today; a link with the Church which we hope to continue to provide you with for a long time to come. Our website editor, Gill Pope, has taken over the production editorial role, Noreen Talbot continues as commissioning editor. Gill and Noreen welcome your contributions as well as your feedback in order to help them make it the magazine that you look forward to receiving and reading each quarter. Thank you for your continued interest in, and support of, the Church. Vince (Rector).

The themes for this edition are ‘All Things Green’ and ‘Threes’, coming out during the Church season of Trinity . There are also other items which have been contributed such as poems and a quiz

This is your magazine so please let us have your news, reviews, reports, poems, puzzles, to name but a few ideas. (They do not have to be on the issue theme.) These may not be included in the following edition but will be used at some time, when appropriate (or when I need to fill space!) Email to Gill Pope at [email protected], give to Noreen Talbot, or put in the box at back of church.

Let us have any memories you have if you were here 50 years ago, to help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary in the September issue, when the theme will be ‘Celebrations’. Deadline for next issue is 4th August

5 Rector’s Ramblings: ‘All things green’.

As soon as I think green, I guiltily remember the state of the Rectory lawn and wonder when I will get around to cutting it and baling it (yes it’s that bad). I probably have by the time you read this, but at the time of writing I realise that I’ll probably only see the dog’s toys when the mower blade hits them.

The Church’s green season is here though and what a lovely time of the year it is. I love this time in the Church calendar, when most of our weddings occur, baptism parties are a regular feature of Sunday afternoons and, with Eastertide past, I have a moment or two to plan for the future. It’s a restorative time of year to soak up the warmth of the sun, muse about life with Christ and perhaps also to set some short term goals for the autumn.

As all things green naturally grow with a little help from warmth, food/water and light, we too in Church are hoping to encourage growth, not just in numbers, but – and most importantly – in the individual lives of those we serve. We aim to do this by continuing to encourage everyone (warmth) who wishes to grow in faith, by providing them with the right training materials (food/water) and by sharing our understanding and experience with them (light). We hope to help many more people to see that although they might feel ‘green’, (ill-equipped or lacking in confidence or lacking in experience) they too have a calling from God to ministry, and that their ministries can be realised in our Churches and in our mission partnership.

6 This coming autumn we are to offer a course called ‘Journey into Faith’ across the mission partnership. It is a diocesan accredited course which seeks to meet the needs of both those who are simply interested in improving their understanding or deepening their faith and those who wish to pursue a form of licensed ministry. Those choosing the latter can opt to submit essays and then go onto consider lay or ordained ministries.

Our lives are a journey of faith, an adventure with Christ, where at various times we approach something new as green as the grass I am currently ankle deep in, and then we can begin to discover and grow in experience and understanding, and enjoy that maturing process before approaching another new experience, just as green as before. I personally love learning something new even for the anxieties of being the newbie in a new context… and as I remember being a green curate 13 years ago and growing into my calling, I invite you to explore your calling(s) and feel the joy of growing to be all that you can be as God intended.

What is God calling you to grow into? Maybe this course is a good start point in your discernment process! As I put away my white preaching stole and dust off my green one with its design of rolling hills, trees, and lambs upon it, I am mindful that just as the seasons come and go God calls us afresh! We just need to listen, want to hear and then act. Do come and talk to me about your sense of calling. In the meantime though, I pray that you will have a wonderful summer. Vince.


St James the Great, Birstall Sunday 8am Holy Communion (said) 10am Altogether Service (1st Sunday) 10am Parish Communion (other Sundays) 10am Sunday School

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am Morning Prayer

Thursday 9.30am Holy Communion

Our Lady & St Nicholas. Wanlip Sunday 6pm Holy Communion (1st Sunday) 6pm Book of Common Prayer Evensong (2nd,3rd,4th) 6pm Alternative service (5th Sunday)


Wednesday 5th June Quiet Gardens in Birstall, led by Noreen Talbot Further information in Quiet Garden leaflet or ring 2672756

Saturday 22nd June Coach Trip to Gloucester For further information see separate article or contact Gill Pope 0116 2675086

July or August Theatre trip. Details still to be confirmed

7th August Quiet Gardens in Birstall, led by Revd. David White Further information in Quiet Garden leaflet or ring 2672756

Wednesday August 26th Parish Garden Fete on the Church Lawn

September 14th Gospel Choir Concert

September 28th Harvest Barn Dance in the Village Hall

October 20th Thanksgiving Bring & Share Hot Meal in the Village Hall

November 12th Beer & Skittles evening

November 24th Quiz afternoon in the Village Hall

December 31st New Year’s Eve Party in the Village Hall

Additional events will be added throughout the year. Details of all events will be available on our website www.birstall.org and in the notice sheets.

9 Summer is come Root, shoot, leaves: All things greenly grow: Grass, herbs, trees,

Flower faces show; Sun, rain, breeze:

Son of God

And Holy Spirit, Father God: In all life liveth. All things green

In summer growth.

Roots, shoots, leaves:

All things greenly grow; So work the leas, Dig, plant, care and mow.

The Lord sees

Creation’s glory. LAH

10 It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view.

The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision.

We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the church's mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything.

This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise.

We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities.

We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest.

We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.

We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own. Amen.

Archbishop Oscar Romero


Three is such an amazing number, and such a lot of it about in the world! Three is a prime number and three objects make a perfect arrangement: it is the smallest number of flowers or items that makes an attractive assembly; it is embedded in so much of life: body, mind and spirit; ear, nose, throat; father, mother, child; child, adolescent, adult; roots, shoots, buds; earth, sea, sky; sun, moon, stars. Most crystals have three axes, only hexagonal ones have four, although three give six faces to them, like those in snowflakes. God must love 3’s.

People have tried to explain, understand and express what they mean by the Trinity. How difficult for our small and insignificant brains. We can hear sermons, read books, attend theological lectures but how do we pin it down? The clover leaf has often been used as a metaphor, three leaves that are one leaf. Escher painted leaves floating on water, reflections of unseen tree trunks partly hiding a fish beneath the water to illustrate the Trinity; Rublev painted an icon of three figures around a table (or altar) as if Abram’s three angelic visitors sat waiting for Sara’s bread; or are they the Trinity? Celtish patterns and knots often take three as their symmetrical motif: the Trinity recorded in metal, paint or cord. The Saxons used a diagram to show their understanding.


God is known to us in each of these three persons, but their names often confuse and trip up non-believers for God the Father has not produced a son in any human sense, God the Holy Spirit is not a ghost and God in all his glory encompasses all three. All three are bound together in one eternal love; in this way we can see an analogy, and an aim for the human family, setting a purpose for all our dealings with one another. When you next join in the Creed or the Gloria notice how the Trinity is expressed, despite the inadequacy of human words. And in the world around you try to notice all the coincidences and realities of THREE in creation. N. Talbot

Thou who art three in unity, A true God from eternity, The sun's daylight withdraws his shine: Lighten us with thy light divine.

At morn we praise thee with the day, At evening, too, to thee we pray; Our poor song glorifieth thee Now, ever, and eternally.

God, Father, always be adored! God, Son, thou art our only Lord! Thee Comforter, the Holy Ghost, We praise now and for evermore! Amen.

George MacDonald's poem: The Trinity


Parish Retreat Hothorpe Hall 21st – 23rd March 2014

It will be six years since St James and Wanlip had a weekend retreat. We felt the time was right for another one so we have arranged it for March 2014 at Hothorpe Hall, Theddingworth, .

This is an opportunity for us to spend time together, paying attention to God. Many of us spend time and money looking after our bodies, minds and relationships; holidays and hobbies, celebrations, sport, gym membership, hair and beauty treatments, meals out etc. As Christians, how much time do we give to our most important relationship, with God?

If you have never been on a retreat you may feel a bit unsure about signing up, but it is intended to be a time of rest and relaxation, space to unwind and, perhaps, to re-assess where you are in life and in your relationship to God. Hothorpe Hall is comfortable, in beautiful surroundings and all meals are provided.

The weekend will start on Friday evening and end after lunch on Sunday. It will be partly silent, but don’t be put off by that! Most people find that a deep sense of community and mutual support develops in the quietness. The leader’s input usually consists of short addresses/suggestions for creative activities plus daily worship. The addresses provide starting points for your own reflection. The rest of the time is yours, to relax in the gardens, catch up on sleep, walk, pray and reflect etc. And you can always talk to the retreat leader if anything comes up in the course of the weekend. People who have been on a retreat for the first time are usually surprised at how quickly the time passes and how much they enjoy it. Do give it a try.

14 Who’s leading it? It will be led by Revd Alison Tomlin, who is well-known to many in Birstall. She is a very experienced Retreat/ Quiet Day leader, a Methodist Minister and past President of the Methodist Conference. What will it cost? The cost will be £140 sharing a twin room and £186 single room. We have reserved 25 places and booking forms are available now at both churches. In the meantime if you would like to know more, contact Lesley Walton on 0116 267 4995, or in church. Helpful leaflets about retreats and what to expect, are available in both churches. If you are interested book now. £50 deposit will guarantee you a place.


Visit  The Cathedral, one of the finest medieval buildings in the country, burial place of Edward II. An optional guided tour has been arranged at a cost of £4.95.

 The town and its many historic sites, shops and eating places

 The Docks, take a trip along the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, visit the Designer Outlet, explore.

The coach will leave Birstall at 9.00 and return from Gloucester at 6pm after evensong Cost for the coach is £17.00. To book or for further information, contact Gill Pope on 0116 2675086


Every Journey begins with but a single step

To take that step is to take you into the unknown, the unexplored. Even a trip to your familiar shops, or around your neighbourhood, is different every time you go. It might just be the weather, or the people you meet and talk to, but taking that single step has brought you new experiences, new beginnings.

Just think of the people you have met and talked to today. Did you find out what they had been doing? And tell them of your day? Did you make arrangements to meet again, perhaps joining with other friends? Every path you take has an unknown and a new beginning.

Sometimes it takes courage to take that single step. People who know me know I love to travel to other countries, other places, but there are time when I am really quite frightened of going out of the door and embarking on my new adventure. Home suddenly seems so very safe and comfortable, why do I want to leave it? But I do, and take that important first step outside, shut the door and make a new beginning, meet different people, see new places, enjoy the world I know, though that home is still there, safe and secure for me to return to.

It takes a kind of courage to take that single step to walk with Jesus, to leave the familiar and comfortable and take His hand and walk into the unknown. We put our love and trust in Him and He becomes our security and comfort and we know He will always be there on our journey together. Leigh Beeson (Reid)

16 www.birstall.org

Want to know more about the life of St James Church, Birstall and Our Lady and St Nicholas, Wanlip?

Where can you find  A calendar of events?  Details of the regular services at Birstall and Wanlip?  Information on and details of regular events and activities?  Details of special services?  Information on social events?  Past sermons, written or audio?  The weekly notice sheet?  Photos of past events? Our website, www.birstall.org, has all of this information and more. For example, there is a form to complete if you have a prayer request, which goes direct to the Rector and so is confidential.

Check it out! There is no need to be out of touch.

17 The Two Rivers Mission Partnership

On the 11th May we celebrated the launch of The Two Rivers Mission Partnership at St James the Great, Birstall., with a commissioning service led by the Bishop of . Members from each of the churches in the partnership made pilgrimage walks to the church. The service commenced with the wonderful sight of the congregation of around 200 walking round the church waving blue streamers to represent the two rivers, the Soar and the Wreake, which connect the parishes and which are reflected in the Partnership name. This was followed by representatives of each church presenting signs summing up their church’s life and mission,

The Mission Partnership comprises St James the Great, Birstall, Our Lady & St Nicholas, Wanlip, The Parish of , The Parish of , The Parish of , The Parish of , The Parish of , The Parish of with , The Parish of

The Two Rivers Mission Partnership was formed in February 2013 out of churches in two previous Mission Partnerships discerning a new vision together. Working together is already underway and includes sharing training workshops, running joint marriage preparation, hosting trial runs of courses to explore more about the Christian faith, acting as a local centre for the diocesan Journey into Faith (JIF) course to grow as disciples and producing a regular partnership newsletter. Future areas for exploration include further work on growing the number of disciples, further developing the changing role of clergy and work in schools . In short, the aim is to work collaboratively to develop every member ministry, share training, expertise and resources and to thrive in mission in a changing context.


Bible Quiz

- Plants

1. What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb so he could see Jesus?

2. Which tree is Lebanon famous for?

3. What type of plant does a dove carry that symbolizes peace?

4. What flowers did Jesus say “neither toil nor spin”?

5. What kind of tree did Elijah rest under in the desert?

6. What fruit was embroidered on the robes of the High Priest?

7. Jesus said “I am the true ….” What plant?

8. What seed did Jesus say the Kingdom of God is like?

9. What leaves did Adam & Eve use to cover themselves ?

10. What plants did the seed fall among in the parable of the


Thorns Fig, Mustard, Sycamore, Cedar, Olive, Lilies, Broom, Pomegranate, Vine, Vine, Pomegranate, Broom, Lilies, Olive, Cedar, Sycamore,

19 FROM THE REGISTER February - April 2013


2nd February Gareth Lucyszyn & Sarah Mobbs Our Lady & St Nicolas 30th March Keith Knifton & Isabel Hibberd St James


17th March Rio Moses Levi Boland St James 17th March Ruby Emma & Roman Theo Garner St James 14th April Liesl Rebecca & Oliver Sydney Pickard St James


14th February Flora Margaret Hull Gilroes 19th February Kathleen Joyce Grundy St James 5th March Roy Fearn St James 12th March Hilda Green 15th March Col James Martlew St James 18th March Evelyn Doris Ada Dennis Loughborough 19th March Henrietta (known as Rita) Stafford Loughborough 20th March Dora Roberts Loughborough 27th March Gladys Eileen Elkington St James 9th April Mary Houghton St James 10th April Margaret Ethel Rudge St James 15th April Maureen Anne Holland St James

20 Mary Houghton


At St James the Great on April 9th, a large gathering of family and friends said farewell to one of Birstall’s favourite characters who died peacefully at LOROS on March 18th. Mary, a woman who enjoyed serving her community - making many friends along the way - was remembered as an authentic personality whom people aspire to be like and are naturally drawn towards. Described as independent, straight talking and positively assertive, she possessed the sort of traits which stood her in good stead for her life’s work and her interests alike. With a career in nursing spanning 35 years Mary served in various roles including Ward Sister, research nurse studying allergies and finally as a health visitor. Known for her caring nature, neighbourliness and the bottles in her windows, Mary had a reputation for being the first to welcome all newcomers to her street. Friends said, ‘Mary made you feel good about yourself’; she liked people, showed an interest in you and enjoyed getting involved. She was once Chairman of the Leicester board of prison visitors and was said to have met the ex-con John McVicar, as well as a member of the Mafia who offered to take her away from it all. She declined! Mary sat on the Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council, was a hugely influential secretary and organising talent for the Birstall and District Arts Society for the last 13 years and also worshipped at St James’. She liked to keep life interesting, was a voracious reader, loved to learn, travel to exotic locations to soak in the culture, garden and also paint using as many different mediums as possible. Examples of her art were admired at the Church service by those present.

Born in Cleethorpes to a deep-sea fisherman father and Church organist mother, Mary married at age twenty and had three sons, Joe, Rew and Bonz who provided her with seven grandchildren; the last, Thomas, born just ten days after her death. Mary had a variety of talents, but perhaps by far the most important was her ability to make and keep friends, who felt enriched by her presence and who, in turn, supported her selflessly throughout her recent illness. The only way to have a good friend is to be one! As Mary was a good friend to many… there’ll be many who will miss her kindness, her honesty and her knowing smile. Vince Jupp, April 2013

21 Maureen Holland (1934 – 2013)

Maureen was born in Loughborough, and grew up there with her parents and her younger sister Jill, living in the same house until she married. She was educated in the local primary schools and her greatest pride was that she passed the eleven plus exam and gained a place at Loughborough Girls High School where she made many lifelong friends.

As a young girl, she joined Stanford Church Choir and choir practice every Friday became a part of her life. After some years she and Jill joined the bell ringing team, ringing for both matins and evensong, making her Sundays very busy, but very enjoyable alongside other young people, the highlight of their year being the choir outings to the seaside, when they sang all the way there and back (making up their own words to well known tunes!)

After leaving school Maureen got her first job as a junior clerk with Clemer- sons Limited, a complete house furnishers selling everything from hardware, china and glassware to furniture, drapery and carpets. She spent seven happy years there and worked her way up through the business until finally becom- ing senior secretary to the Managing Director and to the Company Secretary.

Maureen had several boy friends, but her first serious relationship ended af- ter six years when he went into the Military Service to do his national service in Germany. When this happened, she had some dancing lessons and took to the floor. Then, as she wrote in her autobiography, “I met Frank Holland.” And he was to become the love of her life.

22 Frank was from Ibstock, a mining village near Coalville and was adamant that he was not going into the mines. Engineering became his chosen profession and with hard work and determination he became a design engineer. He too loved to dance and they met at the Palais de Dance in Leicester and, as Maureen later wrote, “and that that was that!” They got engaged on Maureen’s twenty-first birthday and were married the year after at St John the Baptist Church, Stanford-on-Soar on December 26th. Their married life began in a caravan while they saved up to buy a house of their own which they bought on the new Jelson estate in Birstall. Here Leslie and Mark were born. grew up, left to be married and raise children of their own and where Maureen and Frank lived until the end of their lives.

As many of you will know, Maureen was a well organised and efficient per- son, here at St James’ she was our Parish Secretary for 34 years. She loved her job and hated having to retire and she was always available to go the extra mile in whatever she did. In her efficiency Maureen also planned her funeral, and as we listened to the music, heard and sang the words we real- ised how deep her faith and commitment were. The title of the last piece of music played as the cortege left the church underlines her confidence in her Lord, it was “Fling wide the gates!” from Stainer’s Crucifixion.

Many people will have cause to give thanks for Maureen, for her life, for all she was and for all she meant to them, she had a lot of love to give to her children and grandchildren, she thought the world of them all, also of her family and friends. Our lives will be poorer for her passing. May she rest in peace. Sheila Skidmore


Weekly Monday 1.30pm Tiny Tots (Village Hall) (Term Time) Contact Marion Tegg 0116 2673817

Thursday 7.30-9.00pm Bell ringing practise (St James) Contact Clive Mobbs 0116 2677156

Saturday 10-12 noon St James Church open Tea and coffee available In the month 2nd Monday 7.30pm Monday Group (Day Centre) Contact Jane Scott 0116 2673761

2nd Tuesday 10.30am Contemplative Prayer (76 Sibson Rd) Contact Noreen Talbot 0116 2672756

1st &3rd Friday 7.00pm Gospel Choir (St James) Contact Chris White 07587177851

3rd Wednesday 2pm Mothers Union Prayer Group (St James) Contact Barbara Rhodes 0116 267304 or Christine Waters 0116 2992230

4th Monday 10.15am Mothers’ Union (St James) Contact Joan Folland 0116 2672010

1st Sunday 7.45pm Men’s Group (Royal British Legion) Bimonthly Contact Bert Tegg 0116 2673817

A Monday St James Wanderers (approx. 4 miles Morning Contact Lesley Walton 0116 2674995

Bi monthly St James Striders (approx. 8 miles) Contact Gill Pope 0116 2675086


Clergy: Rector: Rev’d Vince Jupp, 251 Birstall Road 2674517 Email: [email protected] Mob: 07840 855030 Curate: Rev’d Stephen Crofts, 22 Oakfield Avenue Email [email protected] Assistant Priest: Rev’d Sheila Skidmore, 15 School Lane 2673318

Churchwardens: Mr John Ward, 28 Walker Road 2671651 Mr Tony Bloxham, 17 Sandgate Avenue 2675381 Mrs Mary Bruce, 420 Loughborough Road 2677600

Licensed Mr Bert Tegg, 126 Roman Road 2673817 Readers: Mr Peter Chester, 12 Oakfield Avenue 2120236 Mrs Lesley Walton, 16 The Crossways 2674995

Pastoral Mrs Gill Pope, 26 Blenheim Road 2675086 Assistants: Miss Sandra Robinson, 7 Lambourne Road 2677238 Mrs Doreen Wilson, 13 Poplar Avenue 2674680

Church Office: Mrs Sally Dewsbury, Church Office, Church Hill 2671797 Secretary: Email: [email protected]

PCC Secretary: Mrs Cicely Plumb, 10 Denegate Avenue 2129508 Email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Mr Alan Lewin, Church Office Church Hill 2671797 Email: [email protected]

Covenant Mr Geoffrey Heath, 20 Wellgate Avenue 2673167 Secretary:

Captain of bells: Mr Clive Mobbs,, 30 Wanlip Avenue 2677156 Practice night—Thursday at 7.30pm

Birstall Organist: Mr Andy White, 24 Castlegate Avenue 2673030

Wanlip Organist: Mr David Bark.

Wanlip Church: Mr & Mrs N Bates, 13 Church Road, Wanlip 2675247 Hall Bookings

25 YOUR VISITOR IS Name ……………………………………………...

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