New Paradigm of Social Studies”

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New Paradigm of Social Studies” ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” NEW PARADIGM OF SOCIAL STUDIES NASUTION (Editor) Pramudita Press Magister Pendidikan IPS, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 i ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” Editor: Nasution Cover & Layout Design: Nasution Published: CV. Pramudita Press Goresan Rt.2 Rw.8 Demakan, Mojolaban, Sukoharjo email: [email protected] October 2020 ISBN: 978-623-6815-02-1 Page: 252 + x Copyright protected by law Reproduction of this work in any form and by any means is prohibited without the permission of the publisher @ All right reserved Sanctions for Violation of Article 72 Law Number 19 of 2002 Amendments to Law Number 7 Year 1987 Amendment to Law Number 6 Year 1982 Concerning Copyright 1. Anyone who deliberately and without right commits the act as referred to in Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 49 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be punished with imprisonment for at least 1 (one) month and / or a fine. at least Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah), or a maximum imprisonment of 7 (seven) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 5,000,000,000.00 (five billion rupiah). 2. Anyone who deliberately broadcasts, displays, circulates or sells to the public a work or goods resulting from a violation of Copyright or Related Rights as referred to in paragraph (1), shall be punished with imprisonment of 5 (five) years and / or a maximum fine. a lot of Rp. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 ii ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” PREFACE his book made from International Conference on Social Studies (ICSS) 2020 is the first international conference organized by the Surabaya State University in T collaboration with APRIPSI (Indonesian Social Studies Association). The conference was held simultaneously with the international Social Studies Proceedings on July 29th, 2020 with the theme "New Paradigm of Social Studies". In the publication of this by the conferences, 27 scientific works from various backgrounds such as lecturers, students and teachers are presented covering topics on education, history, sociology, economics, geography, and citizenship. All participants in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies receive an electronic version that has been published. It is hoped that all the scientific papers in this proceeding will enrich our knowledge and broaden our current horizons related to issues, trends, research and information in the field of education and social studies. The purpose of this conference is to provide a platform for researchers, academics, and professionals from the field of educational and social studies to present the results of their research and development activities in the field of social studies. We convey our appreciation along with thanks to the keynote speakers, the organizing committee and all the writers / presenters for their participation. Hopefully these thoughts can trigger higher quality works in the context of developing education in all social science sub-disciplines. It is hoped that the writings of the authors in this proceeding can contribute to the existing intellectual narrative. Especially in the aspects of education, social and humanities, which have been developing in the disruptive era. In the implementation and publication of this proceeding manuscript, of course it has experienced many shortcomings, therefore we apologize for the inconvenience of the participants. We sincerely hope that all participants will contribute back to the next international conference. Finally, I hope that this proceeding can provide benefits to all parties, especially academics in developing knowledge in the field of education and social studies. Editor Nasution Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 iii ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE I PREFACE III TABLE OF CONTENT IV NEW PARADIGM OF SOCIAL STUDIES IN JAPAN: CHANGES 1-9 DUE TO REVISION OF THE 2017 COURSE OF STUDY Katsuhisa Shirai CREATIVE PEDAGOGY AS A NEW PARADIGM IN SOCIAL 10-16 STUDIES LEARNING Nana Supriatna CURRICULUM DESIGN AND LEARNING IN IPS EDUCATION 17-26 DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF TARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING MAULANA MALIK IBRAHIM STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MALANG AT NEW NORMAL LIFE Abdul Bashith INCREASING THE MARKETING MASTERY OF STREET 27-38 CULINARY TRADERS THROUGH FACEBOOK MARKETPLACE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Nasution, Sarmini, Agus Suprijono, Harmanto, Nuansa Bayu Segara, Muhammad Eko Subagtio, Fransiska Agustina Koesmariadi SANTRI’S COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAM (MPS) IN 39-47 STRENGTHENING SOCIAL PARTICIPATION SKILLS Yetti Hidayatillah, Matroni EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE LEARNING IN THE NATIONAL 48-52 HISTORY ASPECT OF INDONESIA DURING THE PANDEMIC TIME IN TK BENIH KASIH SURABAYA Wisnu Kristanto TEACHING HISTORY TO PRIMARY STUDENTS 53-58 Wiputra Cendana UTILIZATION OF DIGITAL LITERACY IN AL AMIN ISLAMIC 59-68 BORDING SCHOOL SUMBER PUCUNG MALANG Abd. Bassith Tamami, Mohammad Naufal Zabidi, Moh. Rosyad Ali THE SOCIAL HARMONY IN CONDOLENCE UTTERANCES: 69-74 Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 iv ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” PRAGMATICS STUDY Suhartono THE ROLE OF INFLUENCERS IN DIGITAL PLATFORM AS AN 75-83 EXISTENT OF SOCIAL SOCIAL EDUCATION TO RAISE PEOPLE AWARENESS FACING COVID-19 Suciawati Khusnul Khotimah, Reni Dwi Jayanti THE CHALLENGES OF USING E-LEARNING IN SOCIAL STUDIES 84-91 LESSON IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TIME Rachmad Nuzulmi Ramadhan, Sherli Aulia Marwantika REVITALIZATION OF OLIGARCHIC POLITIC: POWER OF 92-102 ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN LOCAL REGION Nurul Azizah, Mohammad Armoyu THE CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE OF RENAISSANCE (EUROPE- 103-110 EUROPE CENTURY 14-17) AS AN ERA OF CENTRAL TRANSITION TO A MODERN AGE Jossapat Hendra Prijanto, Costantinus Candra Mainake, Rusmita Pakpahan, Sifra Magdalena Sahetapy, Yulius Dony Satrio THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING FOR 111-116 SOCIAL STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19 Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata Chrismastianto URBAN SPACE IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION (CASE STUDY OF 117-131 THE NAMING “GANG SETAN” IN JOHAR BARU) Muslim Hasanal Darussalam BUILDING STRONG AND RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS THROUGH 132-140 CIVICS AND PANCASILA EDUCATION Kristina Untari Setiawan COVID 19 AND CIVICS ONLINE EDUCATION DURING EARLY 141-147 OUTBREAK IN INDONESIA: VIEW OF MEDICAL SCHOOL STUDENTS AT XYZ UNIVERSITY Juliana Tirza CITIZENSHIP VERSUS SOCIAL MOVEMENT; LITERATURE 148-162 STUDY ON GRASSROOTS COMMUNITY RESISTANCE TO PSBB POLICY Agus Wahyudi, Tatik Muflihah PEACE EDUCATION: AS TOLERANCE AND DIVERSITY IN 163-173 Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 v ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” SOCIAL STUDIES Erlina Wiyanarti, Dina Siti Logayah HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY OF ADIPATI ARYA PENANGSANG : 174-185 BETWEEN A REBELLION AND A HERO Muhammad Eko Subagtio, Nur Azizah Dwiyani THE EFFECT OF METACOGNITIVE STRATEGY ON SELF 186-193 EFFICACY AND THE PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY SOCIAL SCIENCE SUBJECT WITH DIGITAL BASED LEARNING IN INCLUSIVE SCHOOL OF MAGETAN DISTRICT Dyah Fitria Padmasari HISTOPRENEURSHIP LEARNING MODEL IN HISTORIOGRAPHIC 194-201 COURSE TO IMPROVE CRITICAL POWER AND THE ENTERPRENEUR OF HISTORY STUDENTS Debi Setiawati THE TEACHER’S STRATEGY FOR CREATED FREE LEARNING IN 202-215 THE MIDDLE OF PANDEMIC COVID-19 Faridatul Lailiyah, Devi Puspitasari ONLINE LEARNING SYSTEM THROUGH GOOGLE CLASSROOM 216-223 IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Angga Setiawan, Dessy Widyaningtyas EFFECTIVENESS OF USING LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 224-236 IN ECONOMIC LEARNING IN UNIVERSITAS PGRI MADIUN Ana Dhaoud Daroin, Dwi Nila Andriani, Fatchu Rizaldy Apriliano CONTEXTUAL LEARNING TO SOCIAL STUDIES IN NEW 237-243 NORMAL Alifa Ashadiyah Dimastiwi, Nelly Isro'y Camelya CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL STUDIES OF THE COMMUNITY 244-247 AMID COVID-19 IN INDONESIA Arum Wahyuningsih, Halimatur Rizqiyah Online International Conference on Social Studies 2020 vi ISBN 978-623-6815-02-1 International Proceeding “New Paradigm of Social Studies” NEW PARADIGM OF SOCIAL STUDIES IN JAPAN: CHANGES DUE TO REVISION OF THE 2017 COURSE OF STUDY Katsuhisa Shirai Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Department of Child Development Aichi Toho University Email: [email protected] Abstract : In this presentation, I consider the paradigm shift in social studies education in Japan due to the revision of the 2017 course of study for elementary and junior high schools. The revision reflects the transformation to a new paradigm in social studies education throughout Asia. Future visions and challenges can be considered in the following three points. (1) Change from an emphasis on memorization to personal qualities and skills. (2) Changing the curriculum using social studies teacher into a curriculum developer. (3) The rise of social studies: focusing on what to learn rather than what to teach. I gave my insights about the transformation of the social studies paradigm in Indonesian and Asia education. As globalization progresses, academic achievement in the 21st century must be considered in an Asian context. Trends in Japanese social studies will significantly impact the development of academia in the 21st century.
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