Secretary Position: (3 year term)

Prerequisites- Open to any member of Al-Anon who is not also a member of A.A. Must have access to personal email address and an electronic device that can access email and the internet, to provide communication with Districts, Area and WSO.

Motion 4/17: That Position Guidelines for Saskatchewan Al-Anon Coordinators and Table Officers be updated to include: “must have access to personal email address and an electronic device that can access email and the internet, to provide communication with Districts, Area and WSO.” Area Secretary to update position guidelines. Carried


EQUIPMENT At present, the Area Secretary is using a laptop computer to assist in secretarial duties. Prior to meetings, check to make sure there are adequate electrical outlets available for the laptop. During Assembly meetings the Secretary requires her own microphone therefore the Hosting needs to be aware of this.

ELECTRONIC FILES TO HAVE OPEN DURING MEETING It will be helpful to have the following files open during Meetings. from the previous Meeting Have this file open to answer any questions, errors or omissions regarding the previous Minutes. Motions from the previous Meeting Have this file open as a quick reference to Motions from the previous Meeting and also as a reference point of how to number the upcoming Motions. (A more in-depth explanation of this can be found under MOTIONS.) Index of Pertinent Saskatchewan Al-Anon Area Motions Have this file open to reference past Motions.

AREA MOTIONS BINDER Keep this binder handy in case a Motion has to be referenced that can not be found in the Index of Pertinent Saskatchewan Al-Anon Area Motions.

Coordinator Job Descriptions Binder Keep this binder out so that members can access information about the work that a position requires when running for election, or just for information/reference.

MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES Listed below are supplies that will be helpful during meetings. Pencils, pens, paper clips etc. Post-It Notes - to jot down reminders, to exchange information to other table officers during the business meeting, etc. File Folders - 1 or 2 to have available for gathering information accumulated during the meeting (reports, motions, financial statements, etc.).

FILE FOLDERS BOX Blue plastic tub with file folders for each Area World Service Committee Members (District Representatives, Table Officers, Co-ordinators etc.) The box serves as a mailbox where information is shared with each other. The Secretary has this box in her/his possession throughout their term and is responsible for bringing the box to each Area meeting. Have the announce during Committee Meetings and Assemblies for all AWSC Members to clear out their files before going home.

AGENDA FOR MEETINGS The Chairperson distributes the business meeting to AWSC Members prior to each meeting. At present the agendas are being emailed out to those members with access to email and sent by regular mail to members without access to email. Print off a copy of the agenda to have available at the meeting. Assist the Chairperson in any way, such as reminders for agenda items or housekeeping announcements.

HOUSEKEEPING ANNOUNCEMENTS No clapping is allowed during the business meeting. Members must go to the microphone to speak and give their name before speaking so that the Secretary can record it, if necessary. Each Member is allowed 2 minutes maximum at the microphone on each issue. Members are asked not to use abbreviations when speaking at the microphone. E.g. (say Group Representative rather than GR ; World Service Office rather than WSO) Motion 12/06 that Saskatchewan Assembly strive to be scent free...

ROLL CALL BOOK The Roll Call Book (small black book) is kept in the Secretary's briefcase. Roll call information is updated at the beginning of each year. Information required includes the current year, columns of the 4 meetings (2 Committee, 2 Assemblies), the names of the Table Officers, Coordinators and District Representatives. It is a good idea to use a pencil to record the names in case there are changes during the year. The roll call book is given to the Chairperson at the beginning of all business meetings so that they can take the roll call. After roll call is taken, the Chairperson returns the roll call book to the Secretary.

VOTING BOOK The Voting Book (blue hardcover book) is kept in the Secretary's briefcase. Information is updated prior to each Assembly Business Meeting. When updating, the book is numbered-- at present, from 1 to 56, but more numbers may be required if more Group Representatives are attending. Also, 3 columns are needed for the information required which includes the names of the Group Representatives, their Group Name and their District Number. On the morning of the Assembly business meeting (Saturday morning), the voting book with a pen, is placed on the table in front of the Secretary. During or shortly after breakfast, the Chairperson will announce over the microphone to have all Group Representatives or voting proxy from each Group in attendance to sign the book. They will also be instructed to take a number corresponding to the number beside their name in the book. This number will be used during the Business Meeting when casting a vote. Motion 20/15; Jane D./ Jenny B. that beginning Fall Assembly 2015, all Group Representatives or designated alternates, will be given a numbered card to identify who has vote at the Business Meeting. Carried

ASK IT BASKET DRAW At each Assembly, two Group Representatives are invited to attend Ask It Basket. This is determined by a draw using the numbers and corresponding names that are recorded in the voting book. There is a small white envelope in the Secretary's briefcase labeled "Numbers 1 - 100 to draw Group Reps, to attend Ask It Basket". The Chairperson will draw the numbers to determine which two Group Reps. will be participating. Remind the Chairperson of the draw during the meeting.

ELECTION BALLETS During Fall Assembly, if / when elections are held, a supply of voting ballets will be required. A supply is kept in clear plastic bags in the blue plastic tub. Approximately 500 kept on hand is sufficient. Advise the Chairperson of the number of signed voting Members so that the scrutineers can be informed.

RECORDING OF THE MINUTES Currently, minutes are taken using the laptop computer along with handwritten notes, if necessary. During the business meeting, the electronic copy of the meeting agenda can be used to record information. A hardcopy of the agenda should be available during the business meeting as well, for back-up.

MOTIONS Prior to the start of the business meeting, have the Chairperson request that motions be written out ahead of time, before presenting them. Motions that involve spending money must have an estimated or exact dollar amount. Members are only allowed once to the mike on any issue or motion. The Member presenting a motion will have first and last voice if desired, if they choose to have last voice they will close discussion on the motion. After the motion is presented and seconded, the presenter will bring it to the Secretary and the Chairperson will ask the Secretary to read the motion again. The Secretary reads the motion and includes the name of the presenter and seconder in the motion. The Chairperson calls off discussion on the motion. Each motion is assigned a number that will be used to reference the motion. The first part of the number is in reference to the order in which the motion was presented and the second half of the number is in reference to the year in which the motion was presented. E.g. The first motion presented in the year 2008 would be 01/08. The second motion presented would be 02/08, and so on. The first motion presented at the first (currently, March) Committee meeting, would therefore be 01/09. Throughout the rest of the meetings during the year, the Secretary must check to see what the last number given to a motion was. E.g. If there were 10 motions presented at the March Committee 2009 meeting, the last motion would be Motion 10/09. Therefore, the first motion presented at Spring Assembly 2009 Business meeting would be 11/09.

Notices of Motions do not receive a number unless and until they become a Motion.

REPORTS At present, District and Coordinator reports are recorded in the Committee and Assembly Minutes. Motion 06/10: Diane B./seconded by Mary C. Carried. That the district reports be distributed with the committee meeting minutes.

The following motion is in regards to submittal of reports to the Area Secretary. Motion 05/07 Moved by Val. N./Mary V. that only one copy of District and Coordinator reports be submitted to the Area Secretary. This can be done electronically or with hard copy. Below is a list of the reports that should be submitted to the Secretary at Committee and / or Assembly Meetings. ●Delegate's Report (Thoughts; Conversation, etc.) ●Treasurer's Reports which include the financial statement, the yearly budget (when applicable), the financial report from the last Committee meeting (this is given only at the Assembly that follows the Committee meeting being reported on) and the financial letter (usually 2 times per year). ●Coordinator's Reports (Al-Anon Adult Child, Alateen, Alternate Delegate, Literature, Public Outreach) ●Newsletter Editor Report ●Archivist Report ●Alateen Representative Report ●District Representative Reports ●Website Coordinator Report ●Al-Anon Information Services (AIS) office report. ●Seminar Weekend Evaluation Summary Report from the Alternate Delegate. ●Service Team Reports (currently only at Spring Assembly)

FORMS & INFORMATION DOCUMENTS At present, there are several forms in use by the Area Secretary. Current examples of most of these forms are on file electronically and saved on the portable storage unit. They are listed below by Title, with explanations of their uses along with the file name that they are saved under.

NUMBER OF COPIES REQUIRED FORM: This form was used in previous assemblies when the district reps and coordinators were mailed copies of Committee and Assembly minutes. Most districts run off their own copies for groups. The Secretary could run off 5-10 extra copies of minutes for those who forgot their copies, generally new group representatives and district representatives. This form is kept in a file folder in the Secretary's briefcase. The form is put out during Committee and Assembly meetings (if possible near the file folder tub) so that Members can fill in the information. Have the Chairperson announce as to where the form is and ask Members to fill it out. Indicate to Members to only fill out the portion that is relative to the occurring event. Example: At March Committee meeting, have Members fill in the March Committee portion of the form only. They should not fill in for the rest of the year at that time. This form needs to be updated yearly. It is suggested to use the current form which is saved electronically and simply change the year and print. Saved as: Folder: Assembly Materials on Portable Number of Copies Required Form

ADDRESS CHANGE FORMS These are kept in a file folder in the Secretary's briefcase. The master copy of this form is in the "Sample Forms" folder, also in the briefcase. Have the Chairperson announce during meetings to have any Committee Members who have had address changes since the last meeting to fill out the address change form available from the Area Secretary. At Fall Assemblies where elections have occurred, ask each newly elected Member for their address information.

WSO FORM FOR AREA 89 AWSC UPDATES This is the electronic form used for updating our Area 89 AWSC Members. This form is updated and emailed to WSO on a yearly basis, or as changes occur. It is suggested to update and email to WSO in December or at the latest, early January of the following year, after elections. Note; The position titled “Group Records Coordinator” is also our “Alternate Delegate”, but must be filled in or she/he will not have access to Group Records. Currently, the person at WSO who receives these updates is Valerie and her email address is [email protected] and [email protected]

Saved as: WSO Form for AREA 89 AWSC Updates

EMAIL ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS This is a list of email address and phone numbers of current AWSC Members. This list only includes those Members that have email addresses. It needs to be updated at least once a year (January) and more if there are changes occurring throughout the year. After updating, it is distributed to the AWSC Members, usually with the Minutes. This list is kept in a file folder in the Secretary's briefcase. Saved as: Folder: AWSC Lists on Portable

SASKATCHEWAN AL-ANON ALATEEN ASSEMBLY TERMS OF OFFICE This shows the current table officers and coordinators terms, including the length of each term and the dates of when the terms begin and end. It also includes the starting dates of the terms of each District Representative. (District Representatives Rotation) The Terms of Office document should be distributed to AWSC Members at the beginning of each year. This document is kept in a file folder in the Secretary's briefcase. Saved as: Folder: TERMS OF OFFICE on Portable

GUIDE FOR DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE & CO-ORDINATOR REPORTS This is used to assist District Representatives and Coordinators in doing their reports for Committee and Assembly meetings. It is to be distributed to all new District Representatives and Coordinators. This document is kept in a file folder in the Secretary's briefcase. Saved as: Folder: Assembly Materials A GUIDE FOR DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES & COORDINATORS REPORTS

BLANK AGENDA FORMS These forms are used during Committee meetings when setting the agenda's for upcoming Seminar Weekends. The Secretary can make the necessary changes and add information on these electronic documents during the Committee meetings. Remember once changes are made, to "Save As" under a different name so that the original documents are not lost. These are Excel documents. Saved as: Folder: Assembly Materials on Portable SPRING SEMINAR AGENDA OUTLINE BLANK FORM and FALL SEMINAR AGENDA OUTLINE BLANK FORM

INDEX MOTION OF PERTINENT TOPICS This is a document that contains all "pertinent" Saskatchewan Al-Anon motions. Motion 3/02 That we accept the document ‘An Index of Pertinent Saskatchewan Al-Anon Area Motions’ as printed, to be kept updated by the Area Secretary and to be used by the Area Table Officers. Anyone else requiring a copy can receive a copy electronically or a printed copy at their own expense. The Index Motion of Pertinent Topics document should be updated electronically after each Committee or Assembly meeting. The Area Secretary also keeps a hard copy of the document in the Secretary's briefcase. The hardcopy should be updated whenever it is deemed necessary by the Area Secretary and Committee. Saved as: Folder: Index of Motion on Portable File: INDEXMOTION (Recent Year)

COMMITTEE MEETING HOSTING GUIDELINES & RELATED DOCUMENTS These guidelines are to assist Districts in hosting Committee meetings. They can be sent to hosting Districts upon request either electronically or printed off and sent by regular mail. Saved as: Folder: Hosting Assemblies and on Portable Folder: COMMITTEE HOSTING GUIDELINES File: Committee Meeting Guidelines

There is also a sample registration form. Saved as: Folder: Hosting Assemblies and Committees on Portable Folder: Committee Hosting Guidelines File: COMMITTEE MEETING SAMPLE REGISTRATION

As well, we have a form that was recently added to assist the hotel, hosting committee and Area Treasurer in calculating hotel room charges for committee meeting. Saved as: see above Folder: Hosting Assemblies and Committees on Portable COMMITTEE MEMBERS HOTEL INFORMATION FORM

SEMINAR WEEKEND HOSTING GUIDELINES & RELATED DOCUMENTS These guidelines are to assist Districts in hosting Seminar weekends. A copy of the guidelines is included with the Registration supplies which are passed along to the hosting District. The Area Secretary has an electronic copy and a hard copy that is kept in the Secretary's briefcase. Saved as: Folder: Hosting Assemblies and Committees Guidelines on Portable Folder: Seminar HOSTING GUIDELINE File: Hosting Guideline

Below are the related documents which are included with the Hosting Guidelines.

The sample Registration Form for Hosting Districts to use in creating their own Registration Form. Saved as: SAMPLE REGISTRATION FORM

The Alateen Registration Permission Form which is to be copied onto the back of the Registration Form. Saved as: Folder: Alateen on Portable ALATEEN REGISTRATION PERMISSION FORM

The Letter of Acknowledgement and First Assembly Pamphlet which is sent to first-time Assembly attendees if they have indicated on their Registration that they would like to receive this information. Saved as: Folder: Assembly Materials on Portable LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and First Assembly Pamphlet (an Excel document)

The documents for recording and reporting the financial information from Seminar weekends are Excel documents and include the following:

REGISTRATION SUMMARY RECEIPTS & DISBURSEMENTS CASH SUMMARY BANK SUMMARY When the Secretary first assumes the duties in January, it would be a good idea to get in touch with the Treasurer and email copies of these. The Treasurer may have copies from the previous treasurer or another format. It is also good to check if the Treasurer will want an appeal letter sent out with the first set of minutes.

COMPILATION OF THE MINUTES After information from the current meeting is recorded, it is gathered together and compiled. Past Minutes can be used as a guideline for compiling the current Minutes. Motions The motions that were created during the current meeting are included in the body of the Minutes as well as on a separate page containing only a list of the motions. A copy of this list of motions is filed in the "AREA MOTIONS BINDER", with the most current motions in the front. This binder is kept in the blue plastic tub. The Index of Pertinent Saskatchewan Al-Anon Area Motions document should also be updated at this time with Motions from the current Minutes which are deemed "pertinent". Motions which are considered to be "pertinent" are those which change or affect the structure of the Saskatchewan Al-Anon Assembly or which involve changes to current policies / procedures or additions of new policies / procedures. Motions which are deemed as "pertinent" should be recorded in the Index of Pertinent Saskatchewan Al-Anon Area Motions whether they were Carried or Defeated.

Examples of Motions deemed "pertinent".

Motion 27/08 Moved by Mary V. / Vanessa A. that Saskatchewan Assembly hold two Area Service Committee meetings per year – one to be held in March and one to be held in September, and two seminar weekends per year – one to be held in June and one to be held in November. CARRIED

Motion 28/08 Moved by Val. N/ Joy B. that starting at Spring Area Committee meeting 2009, that all Districts in Saskatchewan be responsible for the costs incurred to send their District Representative or Alternate Representative to all Saskatchewan Area Committee meetings and that Saskatchewan Al-Anon Assembly be responsible only for covering the cost of the table officers and co-ordinators attending. DEFEATED

Examples of Motions not considered "pertinent".

Motion 21/08 Moved by Marilyn E./ Ruth S. that the Minutes be adopted as presented. CARRIED

Motion 24/08 Moved by Joy B./ Jane D. that the Spring 2009 Committee meeting be held at Beaver Creek Camp on March 21 and 21, 2009. CARRIED

Ask-it-Basket; Record Ask-it-Basket questions and answers. Motion06/13;Jane D./Chris W. that the Ask-it-Basket questions and answers be recorded by the Secretary, to be published in the Assembly Minutes. Copies to be sent to the Newsletter Editor and Website Coordinator to have available in our News & Views and Area Website. Carried

Reports If reports were not submitted to the Secretary during the meeting, they will have to be sent afterwards. At the March 2007 Committee meeting, an announcement was recorded in regards to this. " If you are submitting your report as a hard copy, please hand it in to the Secretary at the meeting. If you send minutes electronically, the Secretary will send you a reply so you know it has been received. If the Secretary has not received your report within two weeks from the date of the meeting, she will email one notice. If then she does not receive it after that she can not guarantee that your report will be in the minutes."  Requesting the minutes be sent in a Word Document versus an email page eases the copy and paste process.


TABLE OFFICERS, CO-ORDINATORS, NEWSLETTER REPRESENTATIVE, ARCHIVIST ALATEEN REPRESENTATIVE & ALTERNATE ALATEEN REPRESENTATIVE Whether sending electronically or through regular mail, they receive the following: The Minutes (including the cover page and the agenda for the upcoming Assembly if applicable) The Motions The Financial reports (financial statement, yearly budget & financial report from Committee meeting (where applicable) The Financial Appeal letter (where applicable) The Registration form for upcoming Committee meeting or Seminar Weekend The Email & Address List (if it has been updated since the last Minutes were circulated) The Terms of Office List (distributed at the beginning of each year) The Guide for District Representative and Coordinator Reports (distributed to any DR's & Coordinator's etc. who are beginning their term)

DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES When sending electronically, they receive the following: The Minutes (including the cover page and the agenda for the upcoming Assembly if applicable) The Motions Financial reports (financial statement, yearly budget & financial report from Committee meeting (where applicable) Financial Appeal letter (where applicable) Registration form for upcoming Committee meeting or Seminar Weekend Email & Address List (if it has been updated since the last Minutes were circulated) Terms of Office List (distributed at the beginning of each year) Guide for District Representative and Coordinator Reports (distributed to any DR's & Coordinator's etc. who are beginning their term)

When sending through regular mail, they receive the following: Copies of the Minutes for each Group in their District as well as a copy for themselves Copies of the Financial reports (financial statement, yearly budget & financial report from Committee meeting (where applicable) for each Group in their District as well as a copy for themselves Copies of the Financial Appeal letter (where applicable) for each Group in their District as well as a copy for themselves Copies of the Registration form for upcoming Committee meeting or Seminar Weekend for each Group in their District as well as a copy for themselves (the number of copies to be sent will be indicated on the Number of Copies Required form) 1 copy of the Motions for the District Representative 1 copy of the Email & Address List (if it has been updated since the last Minutes were circulated) for the District Representative 1 copy of the Terms of Office List (distributed at the beginning of each year) for the District Representative 1 copy of the Guide for District Representative and Coordinator Reports (distributed to any DR's & Coordinator's etc. who are beginning their term) for the District Representative

PAST DELEGATE AND TRUSTEE Whether sending electronically or through regular mail, they receive the following: The Minutes (including the cover page and the agenda for the upcoming Seminar Weekend if applicable) Registration form for upcoming Seminar Weekend

SENDING DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY Whenever sending documents out to AWSC members, the Secretary should always send them in PDF format so they can easily be opened and read on any device including mobile phones.

ASK IT BASKET As a Table Officer, the Area Secretary is required to participate in Ask It Basket. Some of the references used during Ask It Basket are: Service Manual, Conference Summaries, Area Motions Binder With the addition of the laptop, it could also be a helpful tool during Ask It Basket.

AREA SECRETARY EXPENSES The Area Secretary is given an advance at the beginning of their term. (Currently, $300.00) Receipts from expenses incurred with each set of Minutes are recorded on an Expense Voucher and submitted to the Area Treasurer for reimbursement. Copies of the receipts and of the Expense Voucher are kept in the Secretary's Expenses folder in the Secretary's briefcase. The advance, less any outstanding expenses, is returned to the Area Treasurer at the end of your term. Updated March 2017