mit'tctorp. , &c. Yorft~JJtre.

Is a noble ;wd sp,u in us cruciform ~tructure, with a lofty . BooTH, or Booth Ferry, i~ a villag-e, in the parish ot sqnare t'lllhattled tower li~in~ fmm tbtt iutenection: Howrkn., about 2 miles s. w. from th>tt town, situatcci the Wt st front ha bold and tine contposition, and the Ott .th.! northern bank of the river Oust>;' ovet which ea•t end, now in ruius, was oue of the r~chest spec;:iwcn-11 j tb~rc isn ferry-frorn which the place derives its popu• of the tleconttt:'d style in the kingdom. The chanrelll:u n&rne of Buoth Ferry. harinl( fallen i11to llecay, the na,·e wa~ fitted up iu 16:161 BARMBY·ON-THE-1\IARSH is a chapelry, in the pari~h for tile pet formance of divim' lit'!'\' ice; ;snd some }eat·s of, a11d about 4. miles w. from, the town of H owr!en; si11ce it underwent a general repair, and most of its situated near the junction of the rivers Ouse al!d Drr­ architr·ctural and st:ulptnral bcilnties been jur!i- went. The manufacture of sacking is carried on the ciously rt viveri. In ttte north aisle of the choir, and In chapdry, anrl there are two corn mills. The places of a chapel near the transl'pt, are two finely ex:ecuted worship are the episcopal chapei of Saint Helen, lllld monuments iu the dt·cnrated style. The chapter hou~e, others for Primitive aud Wesleyan Mt'thoc!ists. The the roof of which ha' f<~lle!l in, was a superb octagonal living ot Bar m by is a perpetual curacy, in tlte gift of the editiet·, in rli111emions inferior onlv to that at York; it vicar of Howden. Population of the chapelryabout500. contains thirty ranopit'd stalb, richly ornament er! with LAXTON is a chapelry, likewise in rhe parish of How• &abetnacle wmk. The living of Howden is a vicarag-e, den, ab"ut4 miles s.E. by E. fmrn that towu, contain· not in charge, in the pr esentatiou of the Crowu; the inl\' a rhapel of ease, aud one for Wesleyau Methodi>t>. Rev. 'l'IJOma., Guy i~ the prt'sent incumbent. Thereal't' Population, 332. places of wor>hip for lndept'ndent~, We~leyan and Pri- AsoELBY and SKELTON are townships, in the parisla n1itive !\lethoclists, and lrrghamite~. A hamhnrne Ho· of Howden-the former 2 miles w. by s. from that; Jll~ll Catholic clrapt'l has rt'Celltly been erected on the town; the latter the same distance s. E. hy s. The Knedlington road. Then· is a national school, and oue We,leyan ~lethodists have a place of worship in eitcll in counexion with the We·levans, besides SPveral pri t'lwn•hip. The population of is 296, and that \'ate ~chools of great respectability. Tile weekly market of ~kelton 262. is held on S ttllnlay; a cattle market every altemate K!IIEDLINGTON is a small villall'e, one mile west ft·onl Tuesdav, and oue for wool in the months of June and Howrlt>u, In this place is an Elizabethan house, in a July. Fairs, April 15th, 16th and 17th, and oue which gr1od state-of preservation-carved oak, 11tained glass. corn m enct·s on the L\1 on day next aftt>r Douca~ter races, . The parish contained in 1841,4,860 SALTMARSH, atownship, also in the parish of How• Jnhal.ita11ts and in 1851, 5,178 of which last numb,r, den, is ahou~ 4~ miles s.E. from that town 1 i& contains 2,491 were returned for the township. a free schoLII, and about 144 inhabitants. POST OFFICE, HowDEN, John Sugden, Post lJlaster.-Letters from all parts an ive (from SF.LBY) every moruiug at fi1 e nri t' utes before ~ix and (f1 om HULL every eveuiug at seven, and are despatched (to HULL) evety mornig at half-past five and {to SELBY) e'·ery evening at half-past six. POST, LAXTON, William Lammersgill, Post 11/aster.-Letters from llll parts arrive (from HowDEN) every every moruing at hc1lf-past eigilt, and are despatclted thet eto at four in the afternoon. GENTRY AND CLERGY. ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. BLACKSMITIIS. Bakt>r Mr. Williarn, M.D. Bridgegate FREE GRAMMAR. SnJ~OL, Church CopleyThos.Barmby-on-the-fllarsb Batrks i\1 1'. -, Fldtgate yard-Rt'v, Thomas Gny, mastet· William Laxron Birkett 1\]rs.Mary,Barmby-on-Mrsh F'REE ScHooL, Saltmar~h-Huth Howden Hichard' Laxton Birll itt l\lr, J oseph, Booth ~'eny Longfie!d, mi;tre's Jack son Ricbanl,' Flatgate .Bowers .l\11·. Hemy, Faxlt·et Hutclicroft Hannah, As~elhy Johnsort William, Hal:gate Bud: le !\lrs. t<:Jizabeth, PinfoltJ st Laverack Ann, Btidgegat.e Langhorn L\liles, Flatgat~ Carter Mrs. Elizahelh, Hallgate NA~IONAL ~ScHOOL, HJ'Jdgegate- Leek John, Laxton Carter 1\lr. Mark, Hallgate 1boruas Edmomon, nutster Levitt John, Asselby [gate Clatk Mr. George, Manor Hall NATtON4L8CfloO!-• ~armby-on-the· Levitt John (&nail maker), Bridge· Clark Mrs. Hauu<~h, Hallgate I l\larsh-John Sn!•th~ master Little Edward, Flatgate Clarke '11wmas, Esq. (magistrate), 1P~·att Marlo(art"t, Bndg(;'gate . Watworth William, St. John st Knedlington Manor ~~~bards Rev. George, Knedhngton Crook Rev. William Halh:ate Spwk Mpry, Chun;h yard BOOKSELLERS~ STATIONERS Cmw Mr. William, St. Jo-hn st WESLF.YAN ScHooL, Flatga~e~-- AND PRINTERS. Dan>er l\Jr·s. Anue, St. John st Thoma>J \Yard,master; LydtaAno Dunn Mr8. Mary, :\larlret place Ward, m1stre~ii Pratt William Fen wick, Bridgegate !o'ttch Mr. William, Brid!(egate ATTORNEYS. Small William, .Market plac~ FoxMr.Wm.Harmny-vn-the-Marsh Dyson William, Hall~-:ate :Spink !Vlary, Church yard Grasby 1\Jiss Elizabeth, Btitlgegate George, St. John st [gate Turlay W m.Copperth wait e,Bridgegt CrayRev,P• terJohn,Knedlington rd Pm·tt'l' Roht. Bcuton:coroner), Flat; BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Guy Rev. Thoma~, M.A., Bridgegate Saxt'lbyt' Thomas, Flatgate Hullirlay Mrs. Ann, Ha1lga1e Wall;er Joseph, Hishopgate st Bell William, Saltmarsh HoweMiss Sardh Eliozth. Hlidgegate Woods John, St. John st Buttle Jost'ph, Swine lane Hutcbinson Rev. Wm., Bridgegate AUCTIONEERS&APPRAISERS Cogan George, Laxton l\J Hrslmll 1\l rs. Hannah, Bar m by· ou Campbdl Jam es, Uridll;t'"'ate CoGk Jolm, Highbridge Cook Wm. Harmby-on-the-Marsb the Marsh Holdswmth Carter, Bridgegate" Maw 1\lr~. -. H all gate Shuw Benjarnin (<~ppraiser)", Corn Douglas Wm. Bar m by-on-the-M arsll 1\'lenzie Hohert, Esq. Wood Hall market [gate Fell George, Laxton Officrr Rev. Jo~eph, Bishopgate st Sht·nhcrd John (appraiser), Brid~e- Garton William, i\larket place Parrott Thomas, Saltmar8h r Gleadow George~ Bt·idgegate Pear son l\l r. TlwmC!s, Howrlen BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS ~ulden William, St. John st Hit:harcs Rev. George, Knedlington Fitcn Wi!Ham, Ha11li R()betr, ~.Jarket place H aylor ·John, Hall gate Scltolfield Mr. John, Flaxfleet Maw Holiday, H>11lgat~ Joy Joseph, H allgate Scholfield Ho bat, Esq. (magistrate), Young William, Bridgegate Light foot & Pilter, Hallgate ~a111l Hall BANKERS. Loftbus Rbt. Rarmby-on-1he-Marsh Scholfielr! William, Esq. Sand Hall YoRK CITv pnd CoUNTY BANKING Newshiim Joseph, Hridgegate Pease John, Market place Simpson Rev. Philip, .M ethttll, actuary; Robert Sug. Tabrah William, High Blidge se th:-l\lat·8h . den, auditor Ta}·lor George, Bridgegate Wads" orth l\lrs. Ann, Hallgate Vollans Edward, Hailgate Walrnsley Mrs. Ann, Wood lane BERLiff-WOOL REPOSITORES Walke1· Joseph, Vicar lane Ward Rev. Ed \\'ard, Briack loft Pmtt Attn MEiiza, Bridgegate Walls Edward, Laxton Watsou Mr. Tlwmas, KiJpin Lodge Spink Mary, Cbm-ch yard Waterhonlle John, Bridgegate 167