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Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:27 AM To: Shade, Randi; Riley, Chris Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

Legal has no issues with suggested changes - just read the language in

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:21 AM To: Riley, Chris; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

Great. Glen, please proceed ASAP with legal and with the co-sponsors. Thanks!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:/!

From: Riley, Chris Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:05 AM To: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

The 2 paragraphs basically say -- (1) The HLC can generally initiate as many cases per month as it wants in response to demo requests. (2) BUT within historic districts, the # of HLC-initiated nominations is limited to one per month, if both other slots are filled.

I think it’s reasonable to conclude that within historic districts, the # of HLC-initiated nominations is limited to one per month, even in response to demo permits.

How about this -- (1) add “or relocation” after demolition (2) after “located in National Register of Local Historic Districts,” insert” , other than those initiated by the Commission in response to a request for a demolition or relocation permit,”

Makes (2) pretty wordy, but could avoid arguments/concerns.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:53 AM To: Coleman, Glen; Riley, Chris Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

Chris — if you want to make that as a friendly amendment for clarification sake, I am fine with it.

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Glen — if Chris says yes --- would you please vet with Mike/Andy and with Bill/Heidi and legal? Thanks!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) .htm

From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:48 AM To: Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

Yes, but demolition based applications would not be touched - I think that clause one speaks and two is silent on

that issue - but I’m not the lawyer. *hurt* It won’t to spell it out in clause two if you feel we need to -

From: Riley, Chris Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:43 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

I agree with the intent -- but as I read the current draft, the 1-per-month cap in paragraph 2 would trump paragraph 1 if the HLC wanted to initiate >1 case in historic districts in one month when the other two slots are filled.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:36 AM To: Riley, Chris Cc: Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Please postpone agenda item #29

I saw this email earlier and have asked Glen look into this. But, when a demolition permit is involved then HLC can initiate a HZ case. That’s the point of #1. Perhaps, we should include re-location and demolition in #1. What we are trying to prevent is having the connected folks simply ask HLC to initiate a case if/when the slots are already filled in a given month.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) bttp://Yww.cLausti1.stcQunc1l/shacle.htm

From: Riley, Chris Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:30 AM To: Shade, Randi

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Subject: FW: Please postpone agenda item #29

About this point: More threatening, the language in (2) contains no exception for demolition or any other permits, meaning that the Commission would have no ability to initiate a case in a NRHD or LHD once the slots are taken, regardless of the merit or significance of the property. This creates an incentive for those seeking to scrape a potentially-historic structure to simply wait until the slots are filled, and then file a demolition or relocation permit.

Should we delete the words “and Historic Landmark Commission-initiated’ from paragraph (2)?

From: Rosemary Merriam [ Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 10:12 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William Cc: Wilson, Beverly; Williams, Nancy; Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; Rush, Barbara; Levinski, Robert; Left, Lewis; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti; Gerbracht, Heidi; English, Barksdale; McDonald, Stephanie; Everhart, Amy; Nathan, Mark; Curtis, Matt Subject: Please postpone agenda item #29

Dear Mayor, Council Members and Staff,

I am writing to request that you postpone agenda item #29 at your June 10, 2010 Council meeting.

The posted information for the agenda item is SIGNIFICANTLY different than the language unveiled to you today. No member of the public including the neighborhood has been able to look at these changes. I am having difficulty understanding why this is so specific and why have you not solicited public comment? This Council has publically committed itself to operating in a transparent fashion, and the public should have the ability, at a minimum, to be able to review and comment on what is being proposed. Although this is to initiate a code change, this is very directive.

The resolution on-line:

- Does not mention allowing changes to the whole structure of the historic program. The new, unpublicized language you are reviewing states that the City Manager will work with the HLC.. .“and make recommendations to Council...on any other aspects of the historic property identification and designation process”. The whole structure of the program is at stake with this new wording. No mention of such authority is in the posted resolution.

- States “Limit the number of owner-initiated and Historic Landmark Commission-initiated historic landmark nominations which are located in National Register Historic Districts or Local Historic Districts to one per month”. The new language makes this one per month cumulative, not one per district.

- States this is a temporary measure, while the materials you have before you would make this measure PERMANENT.

In addition to these unpublicized changes this resolution is being rushed without considering some significant unintended consequences. The Historic Landmark Commission has limited powers with respect to review of demolition, relocation, remodel and general building permits. Generally, the Commission must approve a permit within a period of time or initiate historic zoning. Limiting the ability of the Commission to initiate historic zoning takes away the only enforcement mechanism

4/14/2011 Page 5 of 5 available to protect structures. The wording also oniy addresses demolitions, when they review other permits as well.

More threatening, the language in (2) contains no exception for demolition or any other permits, meaning that the Commission would have no ability to initiate a case in a NRHD or LHD once the slots are taken, regardless of the merit or significance of the property. This creates an incentive for those seeking to scrape a potentially-historic structure to simply wait until the slots are filled, and then file a demolition or relocation permit.

If the issue is owner-initiated cases, the language regarding the Commission is not necessary, and it would create an obvious hole in the program. If Council takes away this authority, the permits would have to be approved regardless of the merit or significance of the property, with no appeal rights to Planning Commission or Council. If the authority remains with the Commission, Council retains the discretion to approve or disapprove all cases initiated by the HLC.

Taking away the authority of the HLC to act in this manner and limiting owner-initiated cases would likely threaten the City’s status as a Certified Local Government under State Law, placing any and all grant opportunities and tax benefits at significant risk. Has the Historical Commission been consulted to determine the risk to the City?

For these reasons, we would respectfully request a postponement on this item so a full discussion with all stakeholders can take place.


Rosemary Merriam and George Warmingham

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:15 PM To: Levinski, Robert Cc: McDonald, Michael [APD]; Morrison, Laura Subject: Re: More details

This is the first I am hearing about this. I want more info when it becomes available, and I really appreciate you contacting inc about this now.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http ://www. ci.

On Jun 8, 2010, at 4:07 PM, “Levinski, Robert” wrote:

The details seem to be a little different than originally rumored, but I thought you should see this. It still appears to be sensitive.


Robert J. Levinski Policy Advisor Office of Council Member Laura Morrison Austin City Council. Place 4

From: Randall Terrell Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 4:04 PM To: Chuck Smith; Levinski, Robert Subject: More details

I’m still working off of hearsay from Libby, who interviewed own of the victims (Moreau).

Happened on memorial weekend. 1:30 a.m. or so. Didn’t say which day.

Driver (Cody) was busted for DWI with no sobriety tests upon coming out of Applebees parking lot at 290 and MoPac. I don’t know if charge is valid, or not.

Cops were verbally abusive, and used “faggot” a bunch. Victims think they were seen kissing in parking lot as reason for being pulled over.

Both APD and Sunset Valley cops involved.

Passenger (Moreau) pulled out. Already had broken leg, tossed to ground and couldn’t catch

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self—busted teeth out.

Cops cuffed Moreau and kneeled on his cast. When he screamed, they tasered him, 3 times. Has photos of burn marks.

APD took Moreau to south Austin hospital for EKG after tasing. Were verbally abusive in car and at hospital.

Cop told hospital staff “is the little girl going to be ok?” “be careful with this one, he’s probably got HIV,”

Left Moreau at hospital. No charges.

Have tried to get report from police departments (Sunset Valley? APD?—but report is “not finished” yet). They may have requested videos from the cops.

No broken arm. Just rumor. Teeth damage.

Libby has asked the two men involved to write things up.

Not represented by lawyers.

So, my opinion is if objective facts prove accurate: 1) quick pull over, 2) abusive language, 3) no sobriety tests for driver, 4) roughing treatment of passenger, 5) multiple taserings of guy on ground, (with broken leg), 6) transportation of Moreau to South Austin Hospital, 7) biased language spoken to hospital staff, 8) no charges filed against Moreau, and 9) “reports not finished yet” all make this seem like nasty, possibly unjustified/unjustifiable behavior by cops.

Could be ugly.

Bobby, Libby asked that I loop Randi in on this. Would you mind sharing with her?


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 12:05 PM To: Coleman, Glen Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi; Spelman, William; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Moore, Andrew Subject: RE: revisions to historic districts

Thanks, Glen. Iran into Heidi in the hall earlier today and asked her about this, too. I hope we get the final version soon as I had hoped to have it in time for this week’s one on ones.

We really need to circle back with Myrna about this sequence of events. At the very least it seems like by now Myrna should have replaced the Mandy Dealy/Lin Team version with the version Mike and I approved on Friday; just because one sponsor submits something late on a Friday afternoon shouldn’t mean the rest of us are ignored on Monday and now half of Tuesday. Should I contact Myrna or will this be something you and Heidi take care of?


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:36 AM To: Shade, Randi Subject: FW: revisions to historic districts

- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Gerbracht, Heidi Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 9:57 AM To: Coleman, Glen Cc: Moore, Andrew Subject: revisions to historic districts

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CM Spelman is going to review the changes CM Shade sent last night as soon as he gets here this morning. Hes asked me to hold off sending the changes to Myrna until hes reviewed them. Will let you know when theyve been sent.

Thanks. Heidi

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 6:21 AM To: Shade, Randi; ‘Will Meredith’ Cc: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6-7-10)

Looks like I could do late afternoon on the 23rd, too.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 6:20 AM To: ‘Will Meredith’ Cc: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: WaIler Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6-7-10)

Hi Will

I took your Dad off the distribution since he said he doesn’t want to deal with calendar stuff:-) I am free on the 22nd after 3:30. I could make some time on the 16th work, too (middle of the day would be best), but I am worried that is too close a date and we may run into the same problem we did last time re: short notice. The 22nd is just around the corner, too:-)

As for invitations, please invite everyone who attended the last meeting plus I think we should invite those we invited last time who couldn’t attend (i.e., Greg Hartman, Martha Smiley, etc.). Shery’s office did the invitations last time, so they should have contact info if you don’t. Thanks!


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Will Meredith [mailto:will©

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Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 1:29 PM To: Ashley Clauer; David Rockwood; Tom Meredith; Shade, Randi; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6-7-10)

CM Cole & CM Shade,

I defer to you all on the scheduling and group of invitees. I can be available during any of the windows listed below.

Ashley & David — Once we have the date and time locked in, please advise how you would like to conduct the session itself. I am happy to arraign the agenda and conduct the session, yet I would defer to you all if you are able and willing to facilitate resources from your group.

Thank you in advance for hosting us again and all your help,


From: Ashley Clauer [ Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:56 AM To: Will Meredith; David Rockwood; Tom Meredith; [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6-7-10)

Please let me know if any of these dates work and when a good time frame might be and I will schedule it. Also, how many people on your end will be attending? Wednesday June l6th: Anytime in the morning Tuesday June 22’: Anytime in the afternoon Wednesday 23: Morning or afternoon Thanks, Ashley

From: Will Meredith ] Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:37 AM To: David Rockwood; Tom Meredith; Randi. [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: Ashley Clauer Subject: RE: Waller Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session’t Scheduling (6-7-10)

Fantastic, thanks David.

Talk to you soon,


From: David Rockwood Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:27 AM To: Will Meredith; Tom Meredith; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: Ashley Clauer

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Subject: Re: Wailer Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6.-7-10)

Will, thanks for the note. We enjoyed hosting and look forward to having everyone back. Ashley is looking for some times for us to meet and will get back to everyone with some options. Thanks. David

From: Will Meredith To: Tom Meredith >; Shade, Randi ; Cole, Sheryl ; David Rockwood Sent: Mon Jun07 08:01:05 2010 Subject: Wailer Creek Conservancy “Core Values Session” Scheduling (6-7-10) Good Morning Mr. Rockwood,

Thank you very much for hosting our Wailer Creek Conservancy session a few weeks ago. Just being able to cultivate our thoughts about the Wailer Creek project in your creative space was inspiring.

I wanted to touch base with you in conjunction with scheduling our next Waller Creek Conservancy session; in which we would like to focus on strategizing around the establishment of a ‘mission statement’ and a set of ‘core values’.

CM Shade and CM Cole have said that their schedules are fairly flexible outside of Thursdays over the next few weeks. If you are still willing to host us for this strategic session, could you please volunteer some dates and times which work for you. We understand if things have changed over the past few weeks, so no hard feelings if you no longer have time to host us.

If you still are interested and available to host our next session, what are your thoughts on conducting the strategic session itself? I am happy to drive as I am very familiar with organizational development process; yet I defer to your expertise if you are willing to assist us in conducting the time.

Best regards and talk to you soon,

Will Meredith

This e-mail is intended only for the named person or entity to which it is addressed and contains valuable business information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential and/or otherwise protected from disclosure. If you received this email in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this email is strictly prohibited. Please notify us immediately of the error via email to and please delete the email from your system, retaining no copies in any media. We appreciate your cooperation. 1112008

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 5:31 PM To: Spelman, William Cc: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Moore, Andrew; Coleman, Glen; Gerbracht, Heidi Subject: Revised per our earlier discussion today

Attachments: Historic Resolution with track changes - rks.doc

Here is a tracked change version -- I started with the one that is currently posted and went back to what we had previously agreed to, as well as incorporating the changes we discussed today. I am fine with many of the suggestions from Mandy, et al, but I also think it is important to stay true to the posting language and earlier discussions we had about the need to call for a limit to the total amount of annual tax abatement per property, and the need to acknowledge that HLC needs to address the tax equity issues and gatekeeper role that the City plays sooner than later.

I will assume that Heidi will take a clean version of this one -- and get Myrna to post it instead of the one currently online. If there are any further changes to be made, please run them by me before posting a new version.

Thanks, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) .htm

4/14/2011 RKS Edits — 6/712010 RESOLUTION NO. WHEREAS, The City of Austin and its citizens have a strong interest in historic preservation, as evidenced in the Austin Tomorrow Plan and many subsequent planning documents which express a high value on preserving the city’s unique character and heritage; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin, Austin Community College, Travis County, and the Austin Independent School District promote historic preservation by granting tax exemptions to historic properties; and

WHEREAS, the City of Austin, as gatekeeper of the zoning process, must balance priorities of preservation with stewardship of the local tax base in the interest of culture, prosperity, education, and the general welfare of all its citizens; and

WHEREAS, historic preservation investments have broad positive impacts, including significant contributions to our local economy and our tax base; and WhEREAS, historic preservation is consistent with the City’s efforts to encourage sustainability, energy efficiency and green building, as well as striving to discourage landfill waste and suburban sprawl; and

WHEREAS, there has been a marked increase in the number of owner-initiated applications for landmark designations in the past two years; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin’s landmark preservation program provides tax benefits to designated structures that are considerably larger than those provided elsewhere; and WHEREAS, many cities tie property tax benefits of historic structures to rehabilitation, to increase investment and encourage return of 1imittheduratinofreit

WHEREAS, there is rising concern regarding the tax impact of historic designations: and

WHEREAS, the City of Austin includes many properties of architectural, historic, archeological, and cultural significance, some of which have not received historic designation or yet been identified as significant because there is no current survey of the city’s historic assets upon which to base our planning; and WHEREAS, the City of Austin initiated its landmark preservation ordinance in 1974, adopted its preservation plan in 1981, and passed revisions to the program in 2004, 2006 and 2009: and WHEREAS, the Historic Landmark Commission, by its charter, may recommend amendments to the code relating to historic preservation; and may advise the City Council on matters relating to historic preservation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: That Council hereby initiates and directs the City Manager to process amendments to the City Code

I Limit the number of owner-initiated and Historic Landmark Commission initiated historic landmark nominations to three per month, except in the case of nominations initiated by the Commission in response to a request for a demolition and 2. Limit the number of owner-initiated and Historic Landmark Commission-initiated historic landmark nominations which are located in National Register Historic Districts or Local Historic Districts to one per month.

The City Manager is directed to confer as necessary with the Historic Landmark Commission and Planning Commission and make recommendations fepeft-to Council with recommendations on these amendments by J gst5, 2010. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Manager is hereby directed to work with the Historic Landmark Commission to prepare recommendations to limit the total amount of property tax exemption for each historic property to a fixed dollar amount per year and make recommendations to Council on the proper size of this limit, and on any other aspects of the historic propey identification and designation process, benefit structure, concerning allocation of city resources for historic preservation purposes. and the formula for tax incentives for preserving historic structures, and to return to Council with these recommendations no later than December 31, 2010. ADOPTED: , 2010 ATTEST: Shirley A. Gentry City Clerk Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 3:06 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi; Shaw, Chad; Doherty, Deborah; Coleman, Glen; Moore, Andrew; Curtis, Cathy; Rios, Myrna; Spelman, William; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: Re: Suggested revisions to the resolution

Why is the unapproved version in back up?

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

On Jun 4, 2010, at 6:08 PM, “Shade, Randi” wrote:

Great. Thank you.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http ://www. ci.

On Jun 4, 2010, at 6:02 PM, “Gerbracht, Heidi” wrote:

CM Spelman is fine with witing until Monday- he’ll give you a call to discuss soon.

Thanks! Heidi

From: Shade, Randi To: Gerbracht, Heidi Cc: Shaw, Chad; Doherty, Deborah; Coleman, Glen; Moore, Andrew; Curtis, Cathy; Rios, Myrna; Spelman, William; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Fri Jun 04 17:57:44 2010 Subject: Re: Suggested revisions to the resolution

I see more than tweaks here. What’s up? No more acknowledement of the City’s role as gatekeeper, the rising concern about tax base, or geographic dispersion. You have added “temporary measure” language in the first resolved and substantially changed the 2nd resolved. I appreciate the additional input and like some of the changes but this way of doing things isn’t good with me. I like the earlier version better but it is hard to compare as I am doing this via iPhone. Can we keep the version approved earlier and post new version on Monday after we have had time to consider all this new stuff?

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Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (0) http ://

On Jun 4, 2010, at 3:33 PM, “Gerbracht, Heidi” wrote:

Here is the final, with Mandy, Lin, and Bill’s final edits. Thanks all for your patience!


From: Bill Spelman To: Gerbracht, Heidi Sent: Fri Jun 04 15:29:16 2010 Subject: Re: Fw: Suggested revisions to the resolution

H, Latest and greatest version. Run with it! B

At 03:13 PM 6/4/2010, you wrote:

From: Spelman, William To: Gerbracht, Heidi Sent: Fri Jun 04 14:57:09 2010 Subject: FW: Suggested revisions to the resolution Another from Lin Team, copied to Mandy Dealey.

From: Lin Team [ Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 2:09 PM To: Spelman, William Cc: jacqui John Donisi; Mandy Dealey; ‘Michael Holleran’; ‘Kristy Ozmun’; ‘Julian Read’ Subject: Suggested revisions to the resolution

Bill, Here is a corrected version of our suggestions.

Lin Team, Old Austin Realtor

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:17 PM To: Cole, Sheryl Cc: McDonald, Stephanie; Bojo, Leah; Bier, Marti; O’Rourke, Liam; Woody, Thaddeus; ‘Terrell Blodgett’ Subject: RE:

Hi Sheryl

I am happy to ask our new interns and our prized LBJ School Blodgett Fellow for suggestions about others they may know who are also interested in working in a Council office. By way of this email, in fact, I am doing just that.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2010 11:16 AM To: ‘Terrell Blodgett’ Cc: McDonald, Stephanie; Shade, Randi Subject:

I hear you are getting interns. We are interested.

Sheryl Cole Austin City Council Council Member Place 6 (512) 974-2266 (phone) (512) 974-1890 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 9:06 AM To: Spelman, William Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi; Coleman, Glen; Moore, Andrew; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Rusthoven, Jerry; Sadowsky, Steve Subject: FW: resolution Attachments: historic districts.doc

Hi Bill,

Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend and a good trip. Per our discussion last week. I would appreciate it very much if you could ask Heidi to work with Glen and Andy to come up with something that makes #1 and #2 happen ASAP, but that creates some sort of mechanism for further analysis and discussion regarding the 3rd item. There needs to be more “Whereas” language, as well, to set the context.

According to Jerry Rusthoven and Steve Sadowsky there are many ways to look at limiting the tax exemption, including the hybrid you and I discussed last week that ties exemption to financial outlay relative to preservation and restoration efforts. The way I see it, #1 and #2 quickly address the 30+ cases coming in all at once from a single area of town -- we need to do that sooner than later because we are already in month 6 of the year, and by the time HLC and PC act over the summer, we’ll be in the fall:-)

I agree with you that we don’t want to create another task force, and I agree with you and Mike that we need to seriously consider limiting the exemption. I would also like to look at the criteria and the tying of expenses associated with preservation to the exemption offered. It sure seems to be within the scope of HLC to look at these issues and others related to #3, and it is certainly typical to direct the City Manager to seek additional input from stakeholders prior to coming to us with recommendations like this. Having either and/or both things happen before landing on a number or method for addressing #3 seems more prudent than just proceeding with a $1,000 cap.

I hope we can get this draft hammered out in time to this ready to be posted for this Wednesday and ready for consideration at our June 10th meeting.

Thanks, Randi

P.S. One other thing you and I discussed and that I also discussed with Mike and with Jerry was the need to limit “home-owner initiated” AND “HLC-initiated” cases. Again, these are the cases when there is no threat to demolition -- it is all about tax abatement and historic designation so no real rush -- if a case can’t be heard one month, it can wait until the next month

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:!/ .us/council/shade.htm

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From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 6:25 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi Subject: FW: resolution

Thanks Heidi,

Let’s caucus some time this week. -


- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Gerbracht, Heidi Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 5:16 PM To: Coleman, Glen Subject: resolution

Attached is what Bill wants to do. (I need to find the date of the task force) but otherwise here’s the draft. Law dept says these Code amendments will go to Codes and Ords subcommittee, then Planning, then Council. We were thinking we’d make a special request for these particular code amendments to go to HLC too.

Thanks. Heidi

4/14/2011 RESOLUTION NO.

WHEREAS, there is rising concern regarding the tax impact of historic designations;

WHEREAS, there has been public discussion regarding revisions to the historic designation program, including a task force process in (2006?);


BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN: That code amendments are hereby initiated to implement the following new guidelines: 1. The number of owner-initiated historic landmark nominations shall be limited to three per month. 2. The number of owner-initiated historic landmark nominations which are located in National Register or Local Historic Districts shall be limited to one per month. 3. The total amount of property tax exemption for a given property shall be limited to $1,000 per year.

Be it further resolved that the City Manager is hereby directed to begin the code amendment process and to bring amendments to Council by September 30, 2010. ADOPTED: 2009 ATTEST: Shirley A. Gentry City Clerk Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:35 AM To: Acevedo, Art Cc: Ott, Marc; McDonald, Michael [APD] Subject: Re: Memorial Day Refeiction

Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your dedication. And, thanks for coming to work every day with the passion you do about making Austin the best it can be. I appreciate it more than you know.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) h

On May 28, 2010, at 5:11 PM, “Acevedo, Art” wrote:

I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon all of the success we have enjoyed as a department throughout our history, and particularly the great strides we have taken collectively during my stint at the helm of the APD. Contrary to the assertion of some that the “community” has lost trust in our department, I assure you that the vast majority of Austin’s diverse residents absolutely support and admire all you do to keep Austin one of the safest and finest cities to live in.

As your chief, it gives me great pride and strength to know the character and caliber of our team, from the call-takers, to dispatchers, to forensics, to administrative support, victim services, and every employee classification in between, it never ceases to amaze me as I observe your “can-do” spirit and constant delivery of police services with ICARE attitude each and every day. Your efforts are helping us meet the challenge placed before us by City Manager Marc Ott to be the best managed city in this great nation.

This Memorial Day weekend, I urge you to take a moment to reflect upon the sacrifices that have been made by those who served our great nation, state and city to get us to this point. Please pray for the families of the officers and the service members that have laid down their lives rather than swerve from the path of duty throughout our storied history.

In closing, I want to thank you all for what you do to make the Austin Police Department the best of the best, and for allowing me the continued honor of serving as your chief. As always, please be safe.

ART ACEVEDO Chief of Police Austin Police Department Office- (512) 974-5051 Fax- (512)974-6611

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:55 PM To: Morrison, Laura Subject: good job on that one


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, May27, 2010 10:44AM To: Rush, Barbara Cc: Morrison, Laura; Coleman, Glen; Leff, Lewis; English, Barksdale; Everhart, Amy; Moore, Andrew; McDonald, Stephanie; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6); Williams, Nancy; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: revised moratorium/life support ordinance

Ditto from me. I want to make sure we also follow up on Laura’s request to continue effort via PHHS committee. Please let me and Marti know how we can help.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:21 AM To: Rush, Barbara; Leff, Lewis; English, Barksdale; Everhart, Amy; Moore, Andrew; McDonald, Stephanie; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6); Williams, Nancy Cc: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: revised moratorium/life support ordinance

Hey Barbara,

This looks great! Thank you for taking this on and sticking it out all these months -


- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Rush, Barbara Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 9:19 AM To: Leff, Lewis; English, Barksdale; Everhart, Amy; Coleman, Glen; Moore, Andrew; McDonald, Stephanie; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6); Williams, Nancy Subject: FW: revised moratorium/life support ordinance

I had a conference call yesterday with Lanetta & AE/attys and many of her/Carol B’s concerned were addressed - and attached are the revisions. - Barb

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From: Perny, Andy [mailto:andy. [email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 6:12 PM To: Rush, Barbara Cc: Kelly-Diaz, Elaine; Mendoza, Ronnie; Rojo, Teresa; Vice, Jeff; Gutierrez, Jawana; Rios, Myrna; Curtis, Cathy Subject: revised moratorium/life support ordinance


Here is the revised ordinance containing changes we discussed and agreed upon with Ms. Cooper earlier. The changes are highlighted. Staff is forwarding this by separate email to the community stakeholders to give them as much advance notice as possible. We will submit this as late backup on the changes and corrections agenda.

Andy Perny Assistant City Attorney Division Chief, AE Legal Services 322-6277

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 4:31 PM To: Washington, Mark Cc: LeffingweN, Lee Subject: RE: Meeting

Thanks. I can’t think of anything. Am cc’ng Mayor above in case he has anything to suggest.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http/iwwwcI.ts/ccindlltshac.htm

From: Washington, Mark Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 3:35 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: Meeting

Councilmember Shade,

I have everything ready on my end (process similar to the other appointed officials) for the executive session item for the City Manager’s Evaluation this Thursday. Is there anything else that is needed by you or other Council Members in preparation for the session?

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 1:37 PM To: Bier, Marti Cc: Coleman, Glen; Sandoval, Marie; Edwards, Sue; Ott, Marc Subject: Re: boat dock building permit question

Ditto from me, too. Thanks so much!

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http :// .

On May 24, 2010, at 1:14 PM, “Bier, Marti” wrote:

I concur with Glen. Thanks so much Marie- you really are the best!


Marti Bier Policy Aide Office of City Council Member Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (phone) 512-974-1888 (fax)

From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 1:13 PM To: Sandoval, Marie Cc: Shade, Randi; Bier, Marti; Edwards, Sue; Ott, Marc Subject: RE: boat dock building permit question


I can’t say enough how valuable a response like this is in helping Randi’s office serve a constituent. This would have taken me all day to dig up and been half as well written. I *really* want to extend our appreciation for all that you do for everyone in this organization.

Thank You!

4/14/2011 Page2of4


- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Sandoval, Marie Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 12:39 PM To: Coleman, Glen Subject: FW: boat dock building permit question

Glen- Attached for you information is a link to the application packet for a boat dock. Lynda Courtney in Land Use Review is point on all Boat Dock applications and provided the following information in response to your inquiry.

A site plan must be submitted for all boat docks, is almost always a “small project”, and follows the checklist in the packet, which relates to the Land Development Code Article 13, Sections 25-1-1171 and 25-2-1179. Small projects qualify for reduced fees, shorter review times and do not require notification.

The site must be shown in entirety, with the boat dock shown on the plan, meeting certain height, length, size and setback requirements. Ownership of the area under the boat dock, extending over the lake must be determined to be under the control of the property owner. If the dock extends beyond 30’ or is proposed to be located closer than 10’ from a side lot line, or take up more than 20% of the shoreline, it must be approved by Parks Board. In almost all other cases the site plan approval is administrative, generally approved in a 2-6 month time frame. After the site plan is approved a building permit must be secured for the construction of the dock.

Boat docks are considered accessory to residential use, so any boat dock must be associated with a residence. The residence does not have to be on the same lot as the boat dock, but must be under the same ownership as the boat dock property.

Lynda Courtney can be reached at (512) 974-2810 or via e-mail at if Ms. Winter would like to contact her directly. Please let me know if we can provide any additional information. Thanks


4/14/2011 Page I of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, May 21,2010 11:01 AM To: Lorri Michel Cc: Coleman, Glen; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William Subject: Re: Staff’s Proposed Changes to Historic Zoning

Glen says he spoke to you. I am happy to discuss too. This is a first step, and it isn’t meaningless.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (0)

On May 21, 2010, at 10:33 AM, “Lorri Michel” wrote:

Mayor and Council,

Staffs proposed changes to limit the number of homes eligible for historic zoning are virtually meaningless and do not address the main problems with the City’s historic preservation program. Those problems are: (1) the criteria for “historic” is too low; (2) homes that have been altered and don’t even comply with the city’s flimsy requirements have received the historic zoning; (3) it is rich, white, west Austin homeowners who get the historic zoning; and (4) there is no worthy public policy behind granting tax breaks to these homes as they are not at risk of demolition because the highest and

best use of these west Austin mansions is exactly that -- continued use as a single family mansion, so why give tax breaks to homeowners who don’t need them and would be maintaining the property anyway?

Limiting the number of properties that are eligible for historic zoning only means that those with the best lobbyists or “consultants” will get the tax give-aways —making the unfairness even worse.

We can give you examples of homes that have been clearly and obviously altered in such a way that would bar them from receiving the historic zoning, but staff let them sail right through and then you

voted to grant them historic zoning 7 — 0! There is no quality control in the City’s historic preservation office and nothing in the proposed changes addresses this problem.

I ask you to vote against staffs recommendations and support real reform of the City’s historic preservation program. Thank you.

Lom Michel Law Firm, P.C. 812W. 11th, Suite 301 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 477-0200 Fax: (512) 477-6636

Do justice, love mercy & walk humbly with you!- God. Micah 6:8

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:32 PM To: Cole, Sheryl; ‘Tom Meredith’ Cc: Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; ‘Tabitha Skrobarczyk’; ‘Melba Whatley’; McDonald, Stephanie; ‘mbmbarnes ; ‘Will Meredith’ Subject: RE: WaIler Creek Lists

Thanks, Tom.

Sheryl -- let’s add this to our list of discussion items when we meet today at 2.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:26 PM To: ‘Tom Meredith’; Shade, Randi; Melba Whatley; McDonald, Stephanie; mbmbarnes Will Meredith Cc: Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Lists

Thanks Tom for all your work and willingness to lead this effort. I will email those whom we decide need to participate in Monday’s session. I look forward to visiting with you then.

Sheryl Cole Austin City Council Council Member Place 6 (512) 974-2266 (phone) (512) 974-1890 (fax)

From: Tom Meredith [ Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:19 PM To: Shade, Randi; Melba Whatley; McDonald, Stephanie; mbmbarnes Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Lists


I am about to take off for Fl for the rest of the week. I am happy to participate in determining WHO should be invited to Monday’s strategy session. Please know however that unless some one in our group has already invited the “usual suspects”, then we had better lock on invitees today/this evening latest. I am happy to defer to y’all since you no doubt know the players better than I do. Randi, may I impose on you to email those y’all decide need to participate in the Monday session? MOTE: my only request is that we not have more than 15 people total — ideally 11 principals plus staffers.

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In terms of Monday, Duff Stewart was kind enough to lend us his main conference room from 1:30-6. Drinks and snacks will be available. Also, Duff will visit with us for the first 30 minutes as he personally has a keen interest to participate with us. Duff has asked his colleague David Rockwood, Director of Community Relations, to sit in the session. Hope you don’t mind.

As for an agenda, I am open to any/all suggestions. I will combine the inputs I receive and draft an agenda for your review and comment by Friday COB.

Sound OK?



From: Shade, Randi [mailto: [email protected]. us] Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 3:55 PM To: Tom Meredith; Melba Whatley; McDonald, Stephanie; mbmbarnes@ Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: WaIler Creek Lists great! thanks! now we have the task of narrowing our list of attendees:-)

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Tom Meredith Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 3:42 PM To: Shade, Randi; Melba Whatley; McDonald, Stephanie; mbmbarnes Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: WaIler Creek Lists

Team -

Seems like we have a quorum. I have called Duff Stewart at GSD&M and left him a voice mail. He has agreed to provide the space —actually he left me a voice mail. Now I need to get him to provide a facilitator. ©+++ Keep your fingers crossed.


4/14/2011 Page 3 of 5

From: Shade, Randi [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 1:43 PM To: Melba Whatley; Tom Meredith; McDonald, Stephanie; mbmbarnes Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Lists

I will make that time work for my calendar, too.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:J/

From: Melba Whatley Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 1:36 PM To: Tom Meredith; McDonald, Stephanie; Shade, Randi; mbmbarnes Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Lists Tom, I can make it on Monday. Melba

From: Tom Meredith [ Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 12:26 PM To: McDonald, Stephanie; Shade, Randi; mbmbames Melba Whatley; Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Tabitha Skrobarczyk Subject: RE: Wailer Creek Lists


I will comment on the lists later today. In the meantime, it seems that I can free-up May 24th (Monday afternoon) from 1:30 -5:30. Is it possible for y’all to make that work? NOTE: I have not asked Duff at GSD&M yet if we can use his space. I wanted to first get a sense whether y’all can make that day/timing.



From: McDonald, Stephanie [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 12:05 PM To: Shade, Randi; mbmbames meiba ; Tom Meredith; Will Meredith Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen Subject: Wailer Creek Lists

Below are the two list of names that were suggested this morning. The first list would be people invited to the meeting next week and the second list are entities and people who might sign a letter of intent in working with the Conservancy. I’ve also included some of the entities that wrote a letter of support for the TIF and the Wailer project in 2007.

I have both of these lists in an excel file and will update them with your suggestions. Please feel free to include contact info if you have it, I will be working on that next.

Thanks! slm

Stephanie Lee McDonald Policy Director

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Office of Council Member Sheryl Cole 512.974.6070 direct 512.974.1890 fax 512.974.2266 main

Conservancy Start-up Brainstorm Nature Conservancy Laura Huffirian Senator Kirk Watson UT Regent James Huffines Seton Greg Hartman UT Austin Bill Powers Betty Dunkerley Texas Facilities Terry Keel Commissioner DAA David Bodenman AARO Martha Smiley John Hockenyos City of Austin Parks Sarah Hensley Director UT Austin Dean Fritz Steiner Austin Parks Foundation Charlie McCabe C3 Charlie Jones LiveStrong Doug Ulman Austin Community MariBen Ramsey Foundation

Letter of Intent List 6ixth Street Austin/Pecan Street Owners Association Signed First Letter AGCTX Signed First Letter Austin Convention Visitors Bureau Signed First Letter Austin Parks Foundation Signed First Letter Capital City African American Chamber of Commerce Signed First Letter Congressman DAA David Bodenman Signed First Letter Neighborhood Association Signed First Letter Govemor Rick Perry Chamber of Commerce Signed First Letter Greater Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Signed First Letter Heritage Society of Austin Hill Country Conservancy Austin Hotel Lodging Association Signed First Letter Housing Authority City of Austin Liveable City Signed First Letter Nature Conservancy Laura Huffman RECA Signed First Letter Senator Kirk Watson Seton Seton Brackenridge Charles Barnett Stubbs The Trail Foundation Signed First Letter Travis County Judge Biscoe Trust for Public Land University of Texas Bill Powers

Perry Lorenz

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Robert Knight

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 2:11 PM To: Coleman, Glen; Ballas, Marisa; Everhart, Amy Cc: Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Nathan, Mark Subject: thanks!

Good job on coordination and execution of the Water Conservation items on today’s agenda. Thanks to each of you!


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:/

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:59 PM To: Ed Wendler Jr.’ Cc: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: my goofy idea of the week

Agree with your comments about splash pads. The new one being built in the green space to the southwest of the Carpenter Fountains will be much bigger and more inviting than the “artistic piece” we have now. I know it sounds crazy — but I am told that the Carpenter Fountains weren’t designed to be a splash pad which is why the City is having the trouble its having now with the filtration among other things.


P.S. I like that your 2010 radical is on©

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) ttp://ww?c1stirx11s/cQt.!ncil/shace.htm

From: Ed Wendler Jr. Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 1:33 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: my goofy idea of the week


Thanks for saying it’s not goofy.

I haven’t been to Discovery Gardens. I’m often in on business and will get there soon.

One observation on splash pads in general, they are somewhat age restricted. Tweens and teens lose interest quickly. Parents rarely get in.

One particular oberservation on Austin’s splash pad, it is much, much too small and there is no shady space for parents.

If I still had my 6OTs radical on, I would say it was designed to allow as few people there for as short a time as possible. It almost says - “A few can enjoy it at any one time, but we don’t want too many folks at one time, and we’ll make it really uncomfortable for the parents to bring their kids so they won’t stay long or come back. We don’t want too many of those people to congregate here. It’s bad for the image we want to project.”

Austin loves to talk about a sense of place - well, that place talks loudly.


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Subject: RE: my goofy idea of the week Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 12:32:34 -0500 From: [email protected] To: ewdevco CC: Sheryl.Cole©

Good idea!! Not goofy at all. We are actually planning a very nice interactive Splash Pad for children and families in Butler Park, as part of a wonderful children’s garden. It will be free and will draw all sorts of families and children. We plan to locate it in the green space, southwest of the Liz Carpenter Fountain area. We will have public dialog on the Splash Pad in the next couple of months and it will open next year. I expect the Carpenter Fountains will also be repaired as soon as possible, too. In a couple of weeks I am heading to Houston with Sheryl to get more information on Discovery Green: Not sure if you’ve had the chance to visit that place yet, but talk about attracting a diverse users — rich and poor; black, brown and white; old and young; etc. Larry Speck worked on the project and the City of Houston used a Conservancy to fund it outside of city bureaucracy; they used the same model used in NYC for Central Park’s renovation and maintenance since the 1980s. I really hope we can look to do something like that here.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Ed Wendler Jr. Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 10:05 AM To: Shade, Randi; Cole, Sheryl Subject: my goofy idea of the week


Here’s my goofy idea on the week.

Last summer my wife, Brenda, and I walked around the new green space on town lake, the area with the water splash pad that is now broken because of overuse. First, not many people were using the green space. It’s not really very inviting. Second, the splash pad was full of kids and every one of them was a minority family.

My guess is that area is the only place in or near downtown where lower income residents can go and take their kids. They certainly can’t hang out at 3 Forks or any of the places in 2nd street.

If downtown is really to be an area of diversity there needs to be some inexpensive attraction that allows lower income residents to go there and spend time.

So here is my idea: put a public swimming pool in that green space and install picnic tables under shade shelters. It would be the only attraction in all of downtown where low income residents could come and at least be across the river from all those wine bars, $500,000 condos, and steak houses.

Being diverse requires affirmative action. That’s true in almost everything, but especially true in Austin’s planning.

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4/14/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:46 PM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Riley, Chris

Subject: RE: Reminder - night of the bat

I have no problem with it. The better food will be on South Congress, though:-)

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:44 PM To: Shade, Randi; Riley, Chris

Subject: FW: Reminder - night of the bat

Chris I Randi: Given what’s going on right now with mobile vendors, is there any problem with allowing Snappy Snacks and BestWurst to be vendors at the City-sponsored Night of the Bat event next month? Bat Conservation International has made a deal with them to share in their profits. Please advise?

From: Maurer, Jason Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:42 PM To: Nathan, Mark

Subject: RE: Reminder - night of the bat

To date -

BestWurst Snappy Snacks

Jason Maurer Parks and Recreation Department 512-974-2427

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:41 PM To: Maurer, Jason

Subject: RE: Reminder - night of the bat

Jason, please tell me the name of the two mobile vendors that BCI is proposing to use again? Sorry, I misplaced my notes...

From: Maurer, Jason Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:01 PM To: Nathan, Mark 1 Subject: Reminder - night of the bat

Mark -

Just a courtesy reminder -

• Need quick feedback on mobile vendors on site. • Need contact for bat mobile. • Need more money!

Jason A. Maurer Sales and Events Manager Office of Special Events Austin Parks and Recreation Department 512-974-2427

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:43 PM To: Cole, Sheryl Subject: FW: AMENDED ITEM 29 Attachments: AMENDED ITEM 29.doc

Wanted to be sure you saw this -- improvement. Thanks!

Thanks, too, for your willingness to work on the bond resolution language.



Any Item From Council provided to the Agenda Office after the sixth business day in advance of each regularly scheduled Council meeting shall require that the lead sponsor certify that the Item From Council is time sensitive, defined as being immediately critical to the interests of the City;


The City Manager is directed to create a form for City Council members to certify an Item From Council as time sensitive;


Items From Council provided to the Agenda Office should include both posting language and a draft resolution or draft ordinance.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 4:40 PM To: Rios, Myrna; Grace, Cary Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Shade, Randi; Garza, Bobby; Coleman, Glen Subject: AMENDED iTEM 29

Myrna I Cary The sponsors would like to put forward this amended resolution on Item 29 as a change and correction for tomorrow’s meeting. Please advise. Thanks, Mark.

4/14/2011 ______


WHEREAS, it is in the public’s best interest to have as much advanced notice of proposed council action as possible; and

WHEREAS, on November 19, 2009, City Council passed Resolution No. 20091119-060, which resulted in implementation of early posting of draft Council agendas and backup information; and

WHEREAS, by passing Resolution No. 20091119-060, City Council members agreed to provide the City Manager’s Agenda Office with “Items From Council” no later than six business days in advance of each regularly scheduled Council meeting; and

WHEREAS, the City must, at a minimum, comply with the notice requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act; NOW THEREFORE,


Any Item From Council provided to the Agenda Office after the sixth business day in advance of each regularly scheduled Council meeting shall require that the lead sponsor certify that the Item From Council is time sensitive, defined as being immediately critical to the interests of the City;


The City Manager is directed to create a form for City Council members to certify an Item From Council as time sensitive;


Items From Council provided to the Agenda Office should include both posting language and a draft resolution or draft ordinance.

ADOPTED , 2010 ATTEST: Shirley A. Gentry City Clerk Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, May 11,20107:16 PM To: Mike Blizzard Cc: Nathan, Mark; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Garza, Bobby Subject: Re: Towing on W. 6th St. 5/6/10

Thanks for calling this to our attention. Seems like Mike’s office has done something in the past related to tow trucks. I will look into this and I’m definotely curious to know more about the Rangers. Ugggh.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) h .htm

On May 11, 2010, at 3:11 PM, “Mike Blizzard” wrote:

Mayor, Council & Charlie Betts, I stayed long at a meeting Thursday May 6. My car was parked on W. 6th St., just west of San Antonio St., in front of Bess Bistro. I did not know it but as of 5:30 PM this is a valet zone. It was 6:30 PM when I got to the spot, and my car was up on a tow truck and the Downtown Rangers were there. I told the tow driver that this was my car and asked him to drop it. He told me that I could pay $150 and he would give me back my car. I told him that was a ridiculous fee and that I believed that was incorrect. He AND the Rangers stated repeatedly that I didn’t have to pay. The driver started to get into the truck and told me I could pick it up at the lot for $200. So of course I didn’t have to pay, but if I wanted my car I had to pay, so I did.

I asked the Downtown Rangers why they were there. They said that they were waiting for the police. I showed them the ticket that was on my car and they said yes, the police were here. I asked why they would be coming back? Instead of answering they spoke into a radio and acted very much like police officers. They continually said: “Maybe you should look where you park.” I explained to them that I had not seen the sign. They suggested I should look more carefully. The reason I mention this is because this location is outside the Downtown PID, and I wasn’t sure what the heck their role was. I asked one of them for a card and after a quick conference with his colleague he handed me a card, which I later realized doesn’t have a name on it!

Anyway, a $40 ticket and $150 drop-fee seems exorbitant fee for parking in a valet zone for 1 hr. (actually the process started at 30 mins.) The $150 drop fee is especially egregious. Many people would not be able to pay such a towing fee and their car would be towed to the edges of the City until they could somehow get there and pay the fee. If you’ve ever been on a limited budget and had this happen, you know that for many people that would be a huge financial and time burden.

I plan to fight this and get my money refunded and the ticket nullified, mostly be tying up the municipal court system. ;-) But I also thought I would contact you because while I

4/14/2011 Page 2 of 2 patronize many local businesses in that area I do not support the continued encroachment of reserved valet parking areas and spaces. I also think the punishment in this case is far out of balance with the offense and think something should be done to correct it. Again, I can afford it, but I’m going to fight it on principle, because that’s the kind of asshole I am, but many people could not afford this.

I also question why the Downtown Rangers were there (in a big truck no less), why they were outside the PID, and why they do not have to identify themselves when requested by a citizen?

Thank you for your time and attention, and for your service. Mike Blizzard

2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Rand Sent: Tuesday, May 11,20104:19 PM To: Coleman, Glen Subject: Re: Ban the bags memo

to get voluntary I get it but people are also fed up with Gov’t mandates. Education participation needs support too.

Randi Shade 512—974—2255 (o) > wrote: On May 11, 2010, at 11:25 AM, “Coleman, Glen”

> with the trash to the > I’m fine with this - I think people are fed up > point that they get that this is a problem. issue. > It’s a tax issue because it’s a land fill and sewage > > *************************************************

> - glen coleman > Place > Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council > Three > 512 974—1374 > > > Original Message > From: Shade, Randi > Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 11:15 AM > To: Coleman, Glen > Subject: FW: Ban the bags memo >

> Original Message > From: Robin Schneider > Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 10:14 AM Lee; > To: Rush, Barbara; Nathan, Mark; Everhart, Amy; Leffingwell, Mike [Council > Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Riley, Chris; Martinez, Heidi; Garza, > Member]; Spelman, William; Shade, Randi; Gerbracht, Manse; > Robert; Moore, Andrew; Bier, Marti; Coleman, Glen; Ballas, Curtis, Matt > Wilson, Beverly; Williams, Nancy; McDonald, Stephanie; > Subject: Ban the bags memo > > Mayor and Councilmembers: > press > Tomorrow, the Austin Zero Waste Alliance will be holding a bags. > conference to promote Council action to ban the plastic > Council > Attached is a memo summarizing the our position on why the to chart a > should follow Brownsville bring together stakeholders > course to ban plastic bags at the point of purchase. > > Robin Schneider

1 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 4:03 PM To: Tim League Cc: Morrison, Laura; Alan Graham; Ott, Marc Subject: Re: next steps...

the FAA restriction today. As I Thanks, Tim. I had the opportunity to ask Marc Ott about suspected he has been following this and is working on it.


Randi Shade 5l2—974--2255 (o) wrote: On May 7, 2010, at 9:43 AM, “Tim League”

> Hey Laura, > I also met > Thanks again for meeting yesterday, I enjoyed catching up! first > with Randi Shade later that afternoon and she recommended managers and > talking to Michael McDonald, the other assistant city this issue > Mark Ott before passing a council resolution to push to getting > forward. Michael and Mark are apparently very committed be willing to > some real progress done on this front and might actually > charge ahead without the resolution. > > I’m cc’ing both Alan and Randi here so everyone is up to speed. > > The areas that need help are: sell or lease > 1) determining the best course of action: COA to either > this property to Alan for his project with this priority > 2) convincing the airport director to get on board > for the city of Austin we can proceed > 3) getting a final determination from city legal that > with this use > council > Hopefully, one way or another, through direct talks or making some big > resolution, we can jump start this project and start > progress. > > Cheers, > > Tim >

1 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, May07, 2010 11:00AM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: Re: FYI

Keep in’ Austin Weird.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http ://www . ci.

On May 7, 2010, at 10:55 AM, “Nathan, Mark” wrote:

FYI, third sponsor on this item for next week changed from Spelman to Riley in last day. There is no draft resolution, so I don’t really understand base on this posting language what information this resolution seeks that we don’t already have. FYI, Chris confirmed with Lee last week that he is committed to moving forward with transportation bond this November.

Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to recommend options for achieving the City’s regional multi-modal transportation goals being discussed as part of the City’s on-going transportation planning while preserving debt capacity for a general obligation bond election in 2013, adhering to all City financial polices and maintaining a consistent tax rate. (Council Member Sheryl Cole Council Member Laura Morrison Council Member Chris Riley)

Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 www.MayorLeffingwelLcom

4/14/2011 Page I of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 10:00AM To: Bier, Marti; Shade, Randi Cc: McDonald, Michael [APDJ; Ott, Marc Subject: Re: next steps...

I accidentally hit send earlier. SolTy. This note is about the Alan Graham mobile loaves and fishes proposal to find city property suitable for a mobile home park for chronically homeless people. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (0)

On May 7, 2010, at 9:51 AM, “Shade, Randi” wrote:

FYI. This message is related to the propo

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

http://www . ci.

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Tim League” Date: May 7, 2010 9:43:02 AM CDT To: “Morrison, Laura” Cc: “Shade, Randi” , “Alan Graham”

Subject: next steps...

Hey Laura,

Thanks again for meeting yesterday, I enjoyed catching up! I also met with Randi Shade later that afternoon and she recommended first talking to Michael McDonald, the other assistant city managers and Mark Ott before passing a council resolution to push this issue forward. Michael and Mark are apparently very committed to getting some real progress done on this front and might actually be willing to charge ahead without the resolution.

I’m cc’ing both Alan and Randi here so everyone is up to speed.

The areas that need help are: 1) determining the best course of action: COA to either sell or lease this property to Alan for his project

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2) convincing the airport director to get on board with this priority for the city of Austin 3) getting a final determination from city legal that we can proceed with this use

Hopefully, one way or another, through direct talks or council resolution, we can jump start this project and start making some big progress.



4/14/2011 Hyatt P.U.D. Access easement for Sherry Matthews Property Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 9:00 AM To: ‘Loayza, Katherine’ Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi; Coleman, Glen; Wardaleen Belvin; Spelman, William Subject: RE: Hyatt P.U.D. Access easement for Sherry Matthews Property

Still working on it, but optimistic.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)!council/shade.htm

From: Loayza, Katherine [ ] Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 3:16 PM To: Shade, Randi; Spelman, William Cc: Gerbracht, Heidi; Coleman, Glen; Wardaleen Belvin Subject: Hyatt P.U.D. Access easement for Sherry Matthews Property

Dear Councilmembers,

I am wondering if you have been able to make any progress with the issue of whether or not the verbal commitment made to City Council from the representative of the Hyatt at the final reading of the P.U.D. ordinance to provide Sherry Matthews with an access easement to her property constitutes a part of the conditions of zoning that can be applied to the staff review of the resubdivision of the Hyatt property that is currently under review by staff. It is my understanding that the Law Department was supposed to provide you with advice on this issue.

We appreciate your efforts on behalf of Sherry Matthews in this matter.

Thank you,

Katherine P. Loayza Land Use Consultant Jackson Walker L.L.P. 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1100 Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 236-2259 (512) 236-2002 (fax)

Thc information contained in this e—mail and any attachmcnLs is confidential and intended only kr the use of the individual or entity to whom it is adchi-csscd. Tins infir nation ma constitute information that is confidential and pnvileged as an attorney—client communication or as attorney work product. If [lie reader of tins e—mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this communication to the intended recipient, you arc hereby notihed that any distribution, copying, or use of this communication, electronic or otherwise, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this commuincation in erior, please notify us immediately by telephone, by replying to the sender via e—mail, or by e—mail to ‘kloayza(, aiid please delete this e—mail and am accompanvi ig attachments from your in box, recycle hni, and any other dircctory, file, or electronic storage. Thank you for your cooperation.

4/14/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 6:11 PM To: ‘ Cc: Bier, Marti; Rush, Barbara; Morrison, Laura Subject: RE: Request for Information for CAN Board Meeting on May 14th from ito 3 pm at City HaW

Sorry I’ve not had time to call back. I have been out of the office the last couple of days. Marti is working with Barbara Rush in Laura’s office on this. My suggestion is to have Laura or David Lurie and/or his staff discuss this item on the City’s behalf. Thanks!


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: vsarria ] Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 12:25 PM To: Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; debbie. Cc: Hubbard, Ron; sue.carpenter ; Cobalis, Vince; Bier, Marti; Corpus, Grace Subject: Request for Information for CAN Board Meeting on May 14th from 1 to 3 pm at City Hall

Attached please find the DRAFT agenda for the CAN Board meeting on May 14th. The meeting will be dedicated to foi. lowing up on the April 9th Board motion that was made at the April 9th meeting:

CAN Board Members are charged with considering what their organization can do over the next year to provide one of the following supports and to bring information about what they are currently doing to provide one of the following supports:

1) offering a trade track in secondary education, 2) providing conferences that showcase resources in the community, 3) offering a work and school alternative, 4) reentry services for juvenile detainees, and 5) single parent resources (child care and early childhood development).

As you can see from the attached agenda, we would like to request information from the City of Austin and the United Way related to the 2:15 agenda item. Sue Carpenter of United Way’s Success by 6 and Ron Hubbard of the City of Austin indicated that they have good information that they could contribute to this dialogue. They will be meeting today to review and discuss this request. I have already discussed this with Vince Cobalis and Debbie Bresette.

2:1.5 pm Single Parent Resources / Child Care and Early Childhood Development What are the City of Austin and United Way doing in the areas of child care and early childhood development?

What more needs to be done? What support is needed from other CAN Partners?

1 Randi, Laura, and Debbie, please let me know who you would like to designate to speak on behalf of the City of Austin and the United Way. I will need to post the agenda by 1 pm Tuesday, May 11th. Thanks for your time and attention.

(See attached file: May 14 2010 CAN Board of Directors Agenda.doc)

Vanessa Sarria Executive Director Community Action Network 3001 5. First Street Bldg. 2A Austin, TX 78704 (512) 414—0325 (office)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 6:05 PM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE: FYI...

Great. Does that mean the City Hall address will now be 301 Willie Nelson Blvd instead of 301 W. 2nd St.?


New Business Cards?!?!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 6:01 PM To: Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Morrison, Laura Subject: FYI...

The attached press release is scheduled to go out first thing tomorrow morning. Please call with any questions.


Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:17 PM To: Lora Ann Gerson Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6); Williams, Nancy Subject: Fwd: Amelia Gerson

Hi Lora Ann,

The note below is from Asst Chief Mannix. Please keep me posted if we can be of further help to Amelia.


Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http://wwc1,ajstüi,

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Mannix, Sean” Date: April 29, 2010 1:04:02 PM CDT To: “Shade, Randi” Subject: RE: Amelia Gerson


Thank you for forwarding Amelia’s resume to me. She looks like an impressive young lady. I have forwarded her information to our forensics manager. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you or your office.


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:14 PM To: Parkerson, Matt Cc: Riley, Chris; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: ACC Board To consider repeal of historic landmark abatement participation

Thanks. I will have Jane Hayman contact you directly, Matt.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

“““ “ htto:/Iwww--.--., --

From: Riley, Chris Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:12 PM To: Shade, Randi; Spelman, William Cc: Parkerson, Matt Subject: RE: ACC Board To consider repeal of historic landmark abatement participation

I’d be glad to visit with her. Matt can help with scheduling. Thanks -


From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 12:03 PM To: Spelman, William; Riley, Chris Subject: FW: ACC Board To consider repeal of historic landmark abatement participation


This email is from the Pemberton neighbor opposing today’s HZ cases. She is the woman I told each of you about during our one-on-ones. She attended UT and returned to Austin to retire a few years ago after practicing law in CA and Washington DC. Her perspective is interesting, and she expressed interest in meeting with other Council Members. Would either of you (or a member of your staff) be willing to visit with her? If so, let me know and I’ll facilitate. If not, no worries. Either way, I think her info below re: ACC is interesting, too.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) h

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From: Janehayman@ Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 11:53 AM To: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: ACC Board To consider repeal of historic landmark abatement participation

Dear Councilmember (Randi) and Glen, FYI: Allen Kaplan has said that the agenda of the ACC board meeting on Monday May 3 includes consideration of repealing the schools participation in the Historic Landmark Tax abatements.

He said he pushed for it last year but came up one vote short.

Thank you for meeting with me on Tuesday. I look forward to contributing whatever I can to get this situation fixed.

Yours truly,

Jane Hayman JD Drive Austin, TX 78703

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 5:56 PM To: Hensley, Sara Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Coleman, Glen; Lumbreras, Bert; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: FW:

ditto. thanks!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) bttp://

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:24 PM To: Hensley, Sara; Lumbreras, Bert Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: FW:

Thanks a million Sara.

From: Hensley, Sara Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:18 PM To: Nathan, Mark; Lumbreras, Bert Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: FW:

Mark: I have Victor Ovalle, PARD’s Public Information Officer, over at City Hall now working with Corporate Public Information Office to write the release and assist with the signage. We still have to run it through the Law and Health Department for OK. I will keep you posted. We are working as fast as we can. Thank you. Sara

Sara L. Hensley, CPRP, Director Austin Parks and Recreation Dept. 200 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704 Phone: 512-974-6717 Fax: 512-974-6703 sara.hensleycLaustin.tx us

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:10 PM To: Hensley, Sara; Lumbreras, Bert

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Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: FW:

Sorry, just got back to my computer. If it’s not too late, I think the very best language might be something like:

Please enjoy your visit to the Liz Carpenter Fountain. Due to the fountain’s overwhelming popularity, please be advised that entering the water may present a health risk to you and your family. The Austin Parks and Recreation Department is currently working on plans to construct a new Children’s Garden and Splash Pad in Butler Park in the near future.

Again, I would strongly urge a press release very soon and would appreciate the opportunity to participate in drafting it.

Thanks again for your work on this.


From: Hensley, Sara Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:14 PM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Lumbreras, Bert Subject: RE: FW:

Ok. Thank you. Sara

Sara L. Hensley, CPRP, Director Austin Parks and Recreation Dept. 200 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704 Phone: 512-974-6717 Fax: 512-974-6703 [email protected]

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 2:11 PM To: Hensley, Sara Cc: Lumbreras, Bert Subject: Re: FW:

It’s great but I suggest cutting reference to consultant.

Sent from my iPhone, please forgive typos!

On Apr 27, 2010, at 1:55 PM, “Hensley, Sara” wrote:

Here is the DRAFT recommendation. We are running it by legal and the Health Department. In regards to the new splash pad, it will take approximately a year to complete the entire process. This is if everything goes smoothly. Sara

Sara L. Hensley, CPRP, Director Austin Parks and Recreation Dept. 200 S. Lamar Blvd. Austin, Texas 78704

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 11:28 AM To: Ott, Marc Subject: FW: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin Categories: memo Attachments: KEN MORY MEMORANDUM.pdf; RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin


I am sending this to you to give you a copy of what the “consulting” request to the City Auditor turned out to be and also to forward some additional dialogue to you in an effort to give you more insight on what is going on here. I trust you will not forward the personal exchange between me and Mark Nathan. I am sharing this with you because I think you’ll find the perspective useful. I have tremendous respect for your efforts to change the City’s corporate culture, and I believe this issue is related to some of the changes you are trying to achieve.

When I was watching the news this morning I saw a story about the City having hired economist Angelos Angelous to assess the economic impact of the bike blvd. That comes on the heels of my having seen the EGRSO exchange below and attached, and I can think of countless examples like it.

I am not opposed to using outside consultants when it makes sense to do so (and I know it does sometimes make sense to do so.) But, it sure feels like staff has become heavily reliant on consultants to do the kind of analysis and strategy development & execution that I’d expect department directors to be able to do using internal resources, including their own good judgment. My assumption is that this isn’t as much an issue of staff ability or even an issue of staff capacity as much as it is a cultural bias towards using an outsider to help with CYA (cover your ass) strategy. It is not an uncommon phenomenon in large organizations especially ones that are highly political. I know you are all about inspiring your people to assume ownership in their work — that takes removing fears, and I realize that Council isn’t always helpful where this theme is concerned. I don’t have the answer, but I do get the sense that people often use consultants when they are afraid to act and/or share their opinion. I can’t help thinking that there is some relationship between these themes.

That’s my two cents....


P.S. An example that comes to mind that demonstrates a different approach — Doug Matthews. Yes, he’s using a consultant for new website development, but he seems to be doing a good job using what he has, too. He didn’t choose to wait for the consultant to get started on his efforts. He seems to be willing to take some leaps that not all of his peers are willing to take again, just my two cents.. ..clearly, I have too much time up here on the dais today©

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http://ww.cin.tx.t1s/cc11ncj1/shade.btm

From: Nathan, Mark

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Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 4:48 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

Thanks. Good advice as always. Heres the letter.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:54 PM To: Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin thanks for the heads up on this. remember to breathe and to try to swim with the current:-) we are all on the same team -- even if it doesn’t always feel like it:-) can you send me a copy of the auditor request re: consulting contract work. I don’t think I have a final version and I want to keep on file. Thanks!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:54 PM To: Johns, Kevin; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

Rodney / Kevin:

We had understood before passing this item that Texas Perspectives may already have been under contract to ACVB to conduct a similar analysis. We obviously don’t want to pay Jon twice for the same work. Would you please communicate with ACVB to get a clear understanding of the work that is being done for them by Jon, and let us know, before proceeding? Please advise.

Thanks, Mark.

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:39 AM To: Gonzales, Rodney Subject: FW: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

Rodney - Does this mean that Texas Perspectives is being hired by COA to conduct this analysis? Or am I misreading the memo? Please advise. Thanks!

4/15/2011 MEMORANDUM

TO: City Auditor Ken Mory FROM: Mayor Lee Leffingwell, Council Member Randi Shade DATE: Thursday, April 15, 2010 RE: Consultant Audit

As we’ve both discussed with you over the past few weeks, we’d like to request that the Office of the City Auditor conduct a review and analysis of City spending on outside consultants over the last five fiscal years.

While we’d like to know how much the City has spent in total each year and for what purposes, our primary objective in making this request is to understand more about current management practices as it relates to the hiring of outside consultants.

Specifically, we’d like to understand whether or not there is a uniform decision-making process at the department level used to determine that in-house staff is unable to execute a particular project and that outside expertise is required. If there is no uniform process, how does the process differ from department to department, and why?

We would also like to learn whether there is any clear trend related to the use of outside consultants by some departments more than others, and whether there is any clear relationship to external factors (i.e. new management, hiring freezes, special projects launched outside of the normal budgeting process, etc). It would perhaps be helpful if this information were to be presented in the context of departmental employee counts and budget data.

Finally, to the extent feasible given available information, we’d like to be able to compare the City’s spending on outside consultants over the past five fiscal years to spending on outside consultants by our peer cities.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 6:03 PM To: Washington, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: outline for performance reviews of City Council direct reports great. thanks and sorry for my delay.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Washington, Mark Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:53 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: outline for performance reviews of City Council direct reports

OK. I will follow-up on this tomorrow.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 5:07 PM To: Washington, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Bier, Marti Subject: outline for performance reviews of City Council direct reports

Mark -

Here is the outline I’d like to suggest folks follow. Sorry for my delay in getting it to you. Please send my council colleagues and our direct reports a copy of the schedule and process they should expect we’ll be following, too. Lee and I should be listed as the co-sponsors of the items related to this.

Thanks, Randi

1. Key Accomplishments 2. Key Challenges 3. Give Examples When You Have Demonstrated Leadership In: o Driving Strategy o Supporting Diversity and Inclusion o Conflict Management

4/15/2011 Page 2 of 2

o Customer Focus o Innovation 4. What Do You Need from Council to Help You Do Your Job Better?

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

4/15/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 2:52 PM To: Johns, Kevin; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin Categories: memo

In addition to the concern Mark raises, I am curious to know what TXP brings to the table with respect to feasibility assessment of an additional convention center hotel. I am looking for guidance from staff on what the models for public/private development are, and I want to better understand the cost side of the equation not just the potential market size so we can adequately determine what if any public resources should go into a venture like this. It seems like if we are going to seek help from an outside consultant then we’d want to engage someone with hotel development and operations expertise rather than an economist, but I may not know enough about what Jon does. It also seems that we ought to include analysis of the Hilton deal that we already have in place. Am assuming that’s in the analysis mix you’re doing.

Thanks, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) h tm

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 1:54 PM To: Johns, Kevin; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

Rodney / Kevin:

We had understood before passing this item that Texas Perspectives may already have been under contract to ACVB to conduct a similar analysis. We obviously don’t want to pay Jon twice for the same work. Would you please communicate with ACVB to get a clear understanding of the work that is being done for them by Jon, and let us know, before proceeding? Please advise.

Thanks, Mark.

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:39 AM To: Gonzales, Rodney

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Subject: FW: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

Rodney - Does this mean that Texas Perspectives is being hired by COA to conduct this analysis? Or am I misreading the memo? Please advise. Thanks!


From: From the Public Information Office Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 10:34 AM To: Official Distribution Cc: Sandoval, Marie Subject: Memo from EGRSO: Economic Impact Analysis for a new Convention Center Hotel in Downtown Austin

4/15/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 6:48 AM To: Rush, Barbara Cc: Ellen Richards; Morrison, Laura; Bier, Mar11 Subject: Re: Summer Food Program

Whoops. Am reading emails out of order.

I’ve asked Ellen to pass along county contact to Marti so she can find out what we can do on the City side.

Thanks again for giving us the heads up, Ellen!

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) h

On Apr 19, 2010, at 9:54 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Thanks Ellen. I’ve copied Laura to add her to the conversation.

- Barbara

Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From: “Ellen Richards” Date: Mon, 19Apr201021:29:39-0500 To: Randi Shade > Cc: Bier, Marti; Rush, Barbara Subject: Summer Food Program

Hi Randi - Hope you and yours are well. I have come across some information that I thought might be of interest to you or other councilmembers (attached and pasted below). The quick overview is that apparently there have been significant reductions in the summer food program for kids in Austin because of city budget reductions. This program is operated through PARD and as I understand it, when the budget reductions were made, no one understood what exactly was being cut. Travis County HHS&VS has

put together some information on the issue to try and advocate for the program - they are having some success with City staff but things are moving so slowly that there will be no way to impact the problem before the summer starts. Given the economic downturn, this is a particularly hard time to cut food programs for kids, obviously. Also, these are dollars that are matched by federal sources so the impact of the cut is even greater. If this issue is of interest to you or others, I’m happy to connect you with the staff at the County who put together the information and can provide more detail. Just sending this along as a concerned citizen. Best, Ellen Richards

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 9:10 AM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Coleman, Glen; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE: Hofmann, Huffstickler and memorials to both agree.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 9:09 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Coleman, Glen; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE: Hofmann, Huffstickler and memorials to both

Although I’ll say that Barbara Yerby’s characterization of Huffstickler is a little disrespectful in tone,

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 9:04 AM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Coleman, Glen; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: FW: Hofmann, Huffstickler and memorials to both

-- Mark We’ve been getting lots of emails on Margaret Hofmann and having done a little research on her -- she does seem a good candidate. Urban Forestry Board recommended her even if Parks Board didn’t. Might make sense to follow John’s advice below and find something else for Shudde and for the Hyde Park poet thoughts?

P.S. Here’s the facebook link that has resulted in all the emails these last 48 hours.... b Austin-Texas/24885216081 6?v=app_2309869772

Barbara Yerby South Austin, Texas: For those who know my mother, Margret Hofmann, alias The Tree Lady of Austin, needs volumes of letters to the Austin City

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Council in the next 48 hours. Mother has compiled the Tree Directory and started the Arbor Day movement in Austin. The Council wants to name the small grove of Oak Trees after her but a group of peo...ple in Hyde Park want to name it after a homeless poet. Mother deserves this and isn’t getting any younger. They need many more letters and the other folks already have a bunch. It wasn’t even a contest but turned into one. Please go to this site and give your input.

See More


City of Austin - Send an e-mail to Mayor and Council Categories: (Required) Please select a subjectlnvitationsMeeting RequestsPersonal MessageAnimal WelfareBudgetCode EnforcementCultural, Arts & MusicEconomic DevelopmentEnergyEnvironmentllealth & Human ServicesNeighborhood.

April 15 at 9:22pm

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: John Moore Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 3:00 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William; [email protected]; McDonald, Stephanie; Everhart, Amy; Nathan, Mark; Curtis, Matt; Williams, Nancy; Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; Rush, Barbara; Levinski, Robert; Leff, Lewis; Ballas, Marisa; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti; Gerbracht, Heidi; English, Barksdale Subject: Hofmann, Huffstickler and memorials to both


I am writing to support the doubly meaningful dedication of the lovely grove of live oaks across Cesar Chavez from City Hall in honor of our beloved Tree Lady, Margret Hofmann, as recommended by the Urban Forestry Board.

I am aware of a proposal to name the grove for the Bard of Hyde Park, the late Albert Huffstickler. I hope you will see the wisdom of an alternative proposal.

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My life in Austin has been blessed with the privilege of knowing both Hofrnann and Huffstickler, and both deserve the honor of official memorial. But as a resident of Hyde Park, I want to offer what I believe is a better approach to the appropriate place for each.

For the past several years, I have been working with my neighbors in the adjoining Hancock and North University neighborhoods to create a tree-shaded public park on city property at the corner of 38th in Duval, where our three neighborhoods converge.

We have submitted a formal proposal for this park; worked with Judy Fowler of Austin Energy to earmark mitigation funds due to Hyde Park for this park and pledged the necessary resources to see this project through.

Inspired by the work of Artist Berthold Haas at the delightfully whimsical new Sparky Park, we have met with him at the site and been inspired by his vision to transform what is now an illegal parking lot and eyesore into a beautiful point of pride for our communities.

It has long been our intent to call this The Poet’s Corner or perhaps just Albert Huffstickler Park. Having shared the tables at Quack’s with Huff, discovering our shared service brat youths and sharing his love of Hyde Park as so often expressed in his poetry still regularly published in our neighborhood newsletter, the Pecan Press (see below) , I can only believe he would favor a memorial in this place.

Those of us who worked with Council to protect and expand Margret Hofmann’s landmark Austin Tree Protection Ordinance with the new Heritage Tree Ordinance sought--and followed--her advice and treasured her support in this effort. She reminded us that she is still actively working in her own way on her lifelong quest for peace in the world, a quest born in the horror of World War II and what it did to her own family.

Trees, it has been said, are monuments to peace. This grove of such monuments so near the City Council on which she served, is a doubly fitting way to recognize Hofmann’s achievements and her continuing goals.

I believe Albert Huffstickler’s place is here in Hyde Park, in the community he loved and called home. I will close this message with the way Huff himself described Hyde Park and the request that in your wisdom, you will appropriately honor both Hofmann and Huffstickler in this way.

Best Regards,

John Paul Moore Hyde Park

Whether you are sitting in front of the bakery drinking coffee or walking the evening or standing on your front porch watching the night come in, you’re surrounded by this deep sense of place, of being in a neighborhood, of being spoken to, recognized when you walk down the street, of meeting faces that lack that closed city look that is part of so many areas as crime and distrust grow. People still recognize and greet each other here and give each other the benefit of the doubt because we’re all part of the neighborhood. You can’t put a price on that, not in these times.

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Albert Huffstickler

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:45 AM To: Ott, Marc Cc: McDonald, Michael [APDJ Subject: Re: AFD Contract Follow-up

You’re welcome. Glad to have been of help. I’d like to do a post mortem this week during our one one one. There was a lot more going on with this deal than was obvious to many of those watching.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http:!/

On Apr 11, 2010, at 11:13 AM, “Ott, Marc” wrote:


Just wanted to say thank you for all your help and support on this. Mike and I really appreciate it, and of course the Chief does too. It was nice to see her get one across the goal- line.

Thank you,


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:35 AM, “Shade, Randi” wrote:

Thanks to each of you for discussing this matter with me further yesterday. I have given this additional thought and wanted to share my thinking with you. I am generally opposed to using outside consultants to do stuff you’d hope an 10,000÷ person organization could do with its own resources. That said, there are times when we benefit from outside expertise that is typically required on an ad hoc basis. This seems to be one of those situations, especially given the unique window of opportunity we have in front of us right now thanks to the new contract.

BH is a reputable firm that could definitely be helpful to achieving what we want to achieve, but like any contract with an outside firm, success depends on the scope of work defined, the team assigned from BH to AFD, the team managing the contract from within AFD, the mutually agreed upon results to be achieved, and what happens if those outcomes/results aren’t achieved on time and on budget. The program specifics, the expected outcomes, and who is accountable (both from BH and within AFD) aren’t widely understood. That makes it easy to take shots at this contract. I am prepared to support it, but would like to see Bob Nicks brought up to speed on what the contract is and isn’t. He has demonstrated an open-ness to seeking outside help, but is now getting pressure from those who will fight any efforts for change. The fact that Bob can’t speak to the specifics of the contract is problematic. Any consultant’s

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success is dependent on what AFD puts into the process. It takes openness, time and focus. If Chief Kerr (and/or whoever is managing this contract) has hostile participants and bad assumptions, there is no way this will work. There just has to be some evidence that the Chief gets that and that she isn’t just talking in broad strokes about a strategic plan that could end up gathering dust....

I would like to see Chief Kerr speak to the program specifics, the outcome specifics and the accountability expectations, and I’d like for her to be able to give us and the public confidence that this isn’t a matter of outsourcing what we can’t do in-house but

is a matter of getting outside expertise and objectivity -- which will likely be critical of her and management as well as prior recruiting efforts. Tough medicine yes, but something worth doing.... It also seems like given the fact that a well-defined project like this one should not be 5 years in duration. I’d like to suggest we go with an 18 month contract without automatic renewals. That would send a strong signal that we are using a consultant for expertise rather than ongoing work that should be done internally. And finally, I’d like to suggest that Chief Kerr include the other public safety recruiting units in the training sessions that eventually take place. Even though the work will be AFD-specific, letting a few folks from EMS and APD (and/or HR) be flies on the wall seems to make sense and it sends a signal that we are resource-wise enough to share knowledge across the organization.

Thanks for listening, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 3:13 PM To: ‘Ryan Clinton’; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Morrison, Laura Cc: Williamson, Laura; Lorri Michel; Rush, Barbara; Bier, Marti; epjdog Palmer; Larry Tucker Subject: RE: Inspiring No Kill Beyond Austin

Thanks for sharing!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) htti:/!!council/shade.htm

From: Ryan Clinton ] Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 2:58 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Morrison, Laura; Shade, Randi Cc: Williamson, Laura; Lorri Michel; Rush, Barbara; Bier, Marti; epjdog Palmer; Larry Tucker Subject: Inspiring No Kill Beyond Austin

Mike, Laura, & Randi,

Just thought you guys would enjoy some news I received last night. A new group is forming in Louisville, KY, evidently led by a current City Council member, aimed at dramatically reducing shelter killing in Louisville. They have decided to model their efforts on Austin’s, and are circulating the Austin Health & Human Services Subcommittee plan as the centerpiece of their legislative effort. A hearty congratulations to you for inspiring efforts to save even more lives in other cities.

Warmest regards, Ryan

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 11:34 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee Cc: Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: 20

Great. I will work with Mark while you’re in Taiwan. Happy and safe travels to you and Julie.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Leffingwell, Lee Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:23 AM To: Shade, Randi; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: 20

Ditto all your comments. One thing might be for Mark to draft a memo to the Auditor asking for a report on data (number, purpose, cost, etc.) on outside consultants used in the past 24-36 months. It would be a help if you would join me in co-signing the request. Once we get the info, we would have supporting data to promulgate the resolution you suggest.

Since I will be out of pocket next week, and if you are willing, Mark could work on the memo.

Thanks, LL

Lee Leffingwell Mayor City of Austin 51 2974.225O

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:03 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: 20


I have been thinking for a while now that the City ought to have a template it uses when making decisions about whether and/or when to use an outside consultant instead of in-house employees to accomplish

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something. I have real concerns about some departments, in particular, being overly reliant on outside consultants. Sometimes it is because they don’t have the inside expertise, but if that’s the case on an ongoing basis then it seems we need to see resources re-allocated to bring the right expertise in-house. Sometimes it seems to be only about CYA (cover your ass) efforts which drive me crazier than any other reason.

Anyway, my point is that I share your concern about the City using too many consultants and would like to do something about it. Mark mentioned you’d be asking the City Auditor for some help. I think that’s great. I’d also like to see if you think it makes sense for us to bring forward some sort of resolution directing the City Manager to come up with a better and more consistent way across the organization to evaluate whether and/or when to even begin an RFP process to hire an outside consultant in the first place.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) 1hciJtm

4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 11:32 AM To: Morrison, Laura Cc: Bier, Marti; ‘Bart Farar’; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE: HB 216

Thanks, Laura. I have been waiting to respond to Bart’s email in anticipation of Marti’s return from family leave on Monday:—) She has been tracking this for me. I agree we should get an update from staff at our next Public Health Committee Meeting. I will make sure that happens. Thanks again!


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: Morrison, Laura Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:40 AM To: ‘Bart Farar’; Shade, Randi; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Cc: Bier, Marti Subject: RE: HB 216

Randi — Perhaps we could get an update from staff at our next Public Health Subcommittee. Laura

Laura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512—974—2258 512—974—1886 (Fax)

Laura. Morrison@ci . austin. tx . us

> Original Message > From: Bart Farar > Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 1:53 PM > To: Shade, Randi; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] > Cc: Morrison, Laura; Bier, Marti > Subject: RE: HB 216 > > Hello. > Have there been any updates? I just found out today that there had > been a public hearing on 2/16 hosted by TX HHSC. > ( > rd > ingHouseModeiStds.html > Please let inc know if I can be of. any assistance. I’ve been in plenty > of unregulated boarding homes, so I can certainly provide my > observations and insight if helpful. > Thanks, > BF > > Original Message > From: Shade, Randi [mailto:[email protected]] 1 > Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 3:52 PM > To: Bart Farar; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] > Cc: Morrison, Laura; Bier, Marti > Subject: RE: RB 216 > > > Thanks to both of you and yes, we plan to have more information as > soon as possible. > > > Randi Shade > Austin City Council > Council Member Place 3 > (512) 974—2255 (phone) > (512) 974—1888 (fax) > > > Original Message > Prom: Bert Farar > Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 3:43 PM > To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; > Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl > Cc: Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura > Subject: RE: RB 216 > > Thanks for your prompt response and interest in this matter. > SF > > Original Message > From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] > [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 9:36 AM > To: Bart Farar; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; > Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl > Cc: Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura > Subject: RB 216 > > > Bert, > > Thanks for the email. The Realth and Ruman Service Council Sub > Committee, chaired by Council Member Shade, has been discussing this > recently at our last meeting and have asked staff to help us develop > policies that take advantage of the opportunity this legislation > provides. > > We will have another update at the next sub committee mtg this month. > > Thanks, > > Mike > > Original Message > From: bfarar@ > > Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 9:24 AM > To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; > Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl

> Subject: Submitted from City Council web site - RB 216 > > > Date/Time Submitted: 0924 hours > From: Bart Farar > > Subject: RB 216 > Comments: > Rello. 2 > I would like to know what the CityTs plan is for implementing this new > law, which poises Austin to be a potential leader in protecting its > elderly and disabled poor from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. I > havenTt seen or heard anything in the media about how we will move > forward in the matter. > Thanks, > BE’

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 8:58 AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: FW: Response to question about commercial AV Attachments: FY10 AV by Type Chart 2.pdf

excuse my ignorance and lack of memory -- but what is this chart showing us? I don’t even know what AV stands for in this context...that’s how out of it I am:-) Sorry and thanks for any assistance you can offer.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Van Eenoo, Ed Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 9:55 AM To: Ballas, Marisa; Bier, Marti; Cole, Sheryl; Coleman, Glen; Curtis, Matt; ‘Davis, Ian’; English, Barksdale; Everhart, Amy; Garza, Bobby; Gerbracht, Heidi; Leff, Lewis; Leffingwell, Lee; Levinski, Robert; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; McDonald, Stephanie; Moore, Andrew; Morrison, Laura; Nathan, Mark; Riley, Chris; Rush, Barbara; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William; Williams, Nancy; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6) Cc: Ott, Marc; Browder, Leslie; Knodel, Jeff; Canally, Greg Subject: FW: Response to question about commercial AV

At the February audit and finance committee, Mayor Pro Tem Martinez requested a breakdown of AV by property type. This information is provided in the attached document.

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:51 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: RE: 20

Me, too, and I agree there was weird stuff going on. Bob Nicks was for this thing a couple of weeks ago, and then when the minority associations got upset he got stuck in the middle. Like him, I think there are going to be some much bigger challenges ahead and figured it best to choose battles. I am very hopeful that these consultants can shore things up a bit... .1 liken it to sometimes needing a shrink. It can be distasteful and even painful, but it is sometimes necessary and unless something is seriously wrong, should be short-term only.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Leffingwell, Lee Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:42 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: 20

There was some unsavory stuff going on. Bobby Johns had his arm twisted by somebody — yesterday he told me personally that he opposed this contract. And the extra costs of $300K were pure ether.

Chief Kerr is on the wrong track in my opinion — she seems to think her job is to take orders from CMO and pass them on to the troops. A good chief would at least occasionally stand up to CMO in defense of her troops. I hope she gets it before it’s too late and she totally loses support of her people.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:08 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: RE: 20

PS best line of the day was your joke about the Firefighters out drinking...

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) c1tsbachtic

From: Shade, Randi

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Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:58 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: RE: 20

I hear you. There was a lot of spinning going on. I knew you were opposed to this contract from the get-go, but I figured that if we were going to end up using outside help on this -- something I was willing to support for the reasons I explained yesterday -- well, using the proposed contract that’s already been through a lengthy REP process made more sense to me than going through continued debate that would still result in essentially the same contract. Those against it are against it. Those who say they’d be for it if they had more time for input -- well, in my opinion the time spent on further debate seemed better spent doing the actual work -- work that the outside consultant is supposed to help with, including gaining stakeholder input at all levels of the organization. Here’s hoping and btw, watching the Chief in this kind of setting is painful.. ..what are we going to do?!?

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Leffingwell, Lee Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:43 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: 20

The $300k cost of delay was the biggest hoot of all. Didn’t we delay a police cadet class last year to save money?

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:38 PM To: Chavez, Gail; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Comment on a different issue

Thanks, Gail. You’ve had a good time this week, eh?

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Chavez, Gail Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:38 PM To: Lefflngwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Subject: Comment on a different issue

An Austin resident since 1935 called to express her displeasure over you naming the Bat as our official animal today. She says there are a lot prettier and less messy animals you could have chosen. She was very disappointed with your selection.

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 4:22 PM To: ‘Melba Whatley’ Cc: Coleman, Glen; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Wailer

Melba I am still working on dates with Tom and Greg. More soon.


P.S. I also heard you did a fantastic job last night.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 11:50 AM To: ‘Melba Whatley’ Cc: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Wailer

Great. We will get you in the loop.

From: Melba Whatley Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:56 AM To: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Wailer

Yes I would. Thanks. So sorry I missed your presentation last night. I heard you were great.

From: Cole, Sheryl [maiito:Sheryi.Coie©ci.austin.tx.usj Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:37 AM To: Melba Whatley Cc: McDonald, Stephanie Subject: Wailer

I really enjoyed tea and appreciate all you are doing to help make Wailer Creek a reality. Randi Shade is in the process of arranging a tour of Wailer with Tom Meredith and Melanie Barnes and Greg Hartman. Please let us know if you would like to attend. Again, thank you for all your help

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 11:32 AM To: Ott, Marc

Subject: FW: PIR Spoc Notification - Topic: CPIO-HHSD-Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

Thought you’d find of interest....

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Diaz, Elaine Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:22 AM To: Shade, Randi; Bier, Marti; Coleman, Glen; Enkhbaatar, Sanchir

Subject: Fw: PIR Spoc Notification - Topic: CPIO-HHSD-Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

New PIR request:

CPIO - HHSD - Dorinda Pulliam Method: Email Description: 1) All emails, memos and correspondence of any kind between the Austin City Council and City Staff regarding Dorinda Pulliam made within the last 120 days. 2) All audio recordings of Dorinda Pulliam made or kept over the last 120 days. Due date: 04/21/2010


From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:03 AM To: Diaz, Elaine

Subject: New PIR Spoc Notification. PIR ID: 5721, Topic: CPIO - HHSD - Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

Dear Elaine Diaz,

You have a new PIR Request.

Please click out on this link to see the new request.

See Request

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:25 AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]

Subject: FW: PIR Spoc Notification - Topic: CPIO-HHSD-Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

Did you see this?

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http :/

From: Diaz, Elaine Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:22 AM To: Shade, Randi; Bier, Mar-ti; Coleman, Glen; Enkhbaatar, Sanchir

Subject: Fw: PIR Spoc Notification - Topic: CPIO-HHSD-Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

New PIR request:

CPIO - HHSD - Dorinda Pulliam Method: Email Description: 1) All emails, memos and correspondence of any kind between the Austin City Council and City Staff regarding Dorinda Pulliarn made within the last 120 days. 2) All audio recordings of Dorinda Pulliarn made or kept over the last 120 days. Due date: 04/21/2010


From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 10:03 AM To: Diaz, Elaine

Subject: New PIR Spoc Notification. PIR ID: 5721, Topic: CPIO - HHSD - Dorinda Pulliam, Requestor: Lorri Michel

Dear Elaine Diaz,

You have a new PIR Request.

Please click out on this link to see the new request.

See Request

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:36 AM To: Ott, Marc; McDonald, Michael [APD] Subject: AFD Contract Follow-up

Thanks to each of you for discussing this matter with me further yesterday. I have given this additional thought and wanted to share my thinking with you. I am generally opposed to using outside consultants to do stuff you’d hope an 10,000+ person organization could do with its own resources. That said, there are times when we benefit from outside expertise that is typically required on an ad hoc basis. This seems to be one of those situations, especially given the unique window of opportunity we have in front of us right now thanks to the new contract.

BH is a reputable firm that could definitely be helpful to achieving what we want to achieve, but like any contract with an outside firm, success depends on the scope of work defined, the team assigned from BH to AFD, the team managing the contract from within AFD, the mutually agreed upon results to be achieved, and what happens if those outcomes/results aren’t achieved on time and on budget. The program specifics, the expected outcomes, and who is accountable (both from BH and within AFD) aren’t widely understood. That makes it easy to take shots at this contract. I am prepared to support it, but would like to see Bob Nicks brought up to speed on what the contract is and isn’t. He has demonstrated an open-ness to seeking outside help, but is now getting pressure from those who will fight any efforts for change. The fact that Bob can’t speak to the specifics of the contract is problematic. Any consultant’s success is dependent on what AFD puts into the process. It takes openness, time and focus. If Chief Kerr (and/or whoever is managing this contract) has hostile participants and bad assumptions, there is no way this will work. There just has to be some evidence that the Chief gets that and that she isn’t just talking in broad strokes about a strategic plan that could end up gathering dust....

I would like to see Chief Kerr speak to the program specifics, the outcome specifics and the accountability expectations, and I’d like for her to be able to give us and the public confidence that this isn’t a matter of outsourcing what we can’t do in-house but is a matter of getting outside expertise and objectivity — which will likely be critical of her and management as well as prior recruiting efforts. Tough medicine yes, but something worth doing.... It also seems like given the fact that a well-defined project like this one should not be 5 years in duration. I’d like to suggest we go with an 18 month contract without automatic renewals. That would send a strong signal that we are using a consultant for expertise rather than ongoing work that should be done internally. And finally, I’d like to suggest that Chief Kerr include the other public safety recruiting units in the training sessions that eventually take place. Even though the work will be AFD-specific, letting a few folks from EMS and APD (and/or HR) be flies on the wall seems to make sense and it sends a signal that we are resource-wise enough to share knowledge across the organization.

Thanks for listening, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 10:54 AM To: Riley, Chris; Nathan, Mark Cc: Ballas, Marisa Subject: RE: Transportation Bond committee

agree. I like Richard a lot. My sense is that we ought to stick with where we were yesterday, though, given the needs for diversity with respect to geography, ethnicity, gender, and expertise. I am still waiting to hear back from Laura Morrison office about Boone, but have gotten confirmation that all of the others we discussed yesterday are willing to serve.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Riley, Chris Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:20 AM To: Nathan, Mark; Shade, Randi Cc: Ballas, Marisa Subject: FW: Transportation Bond committee

fyi. Richard Weiss is the one name on this last we didn’t consider. He would be good, but I don’t think he fits. He lives in Travis Heights.

From: Ballas, Marisa Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 9:14 AM To: Riley, Chris Subject: FW: Transportation Bond committee

Probably too late at this point, but FYI...

Marisa Ballas Policy Aide Council Member Chris Riley’s Office (512) 974-6040

From: Josh Allen (6ixth) Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 5:12 PM To: Ballas, Marisa Subject: Transportation Bond committee

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Thanks for calling me back re: Transportation Bond Committee. Here are a few names that 6ixth Street Austin would suggest CM Riley’s office consider:

1) Marshall Jones, Downtown Community Court Advisory Marshall Jones, Downtown Austin Community Court Advisory Committee

Marshall is the former president of Downtown Austin Neighborhood Association, currently a DAA board member, board member of 555 HOA, active with public safety and parks. He is employed by Wells Fargo Advisors as an

Associate Vice President — Investments. He lives in downtown Austin.

2) Richard Weiss, Downtown Commission and Design Commission Richard Weiss (512) 447-6806

Richard is an architect who lives in South Central Austin. His resume is here:

3) Rodney Ahart, Environmental Board Rodney Ahart, Vice Chair, Contact Phone: (512) 477-1766

Rodney serves on the Environmental board. He is Executive Director of Keep Austin Beautiful. He has served as a legislative aide in the Texas House. He has served on previous bond committees for the City and served on the AISD bond oversight committee.

4) Joel Sher, Downtown Commission Joel Sher Contact Phone: (512) 478-1005 (512) 478-1005 E-mail Address: jcI©cngrssbo1c ngs,coiri Joel is a DAA board member and runs Congress Holdings Group josh

Josh Allen, Executive Director 6ixth Street Austin Association 212 E. Seventh Street, Suite 818 Austin, Texas 78701 (P) 512.203.7280 (F) 512.477.7456 [email protected]

4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 11:05AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member];

Subject: RE: Mike Martinez - Austin Gay Pride

Thanks, Mike. I appreciate your support for the Pride Parade.

Mr. Molina, I hope you’ll continue supporting Mayor Pro Tem Martinez. He is an excellent public servant. He shares my view that this is everybody’s Austin, including those who are in the minority whether that be because of their age, religion, ethnicity, nationality of origin, sexual orientation, gender, or disability. The City sponsors many special events, including several specifically to support minority communities (i.e., Fiesta de Independencia, the Juneteenth Parade, etc.), and does so taking many factors into consideration.

All the best, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 7:58 AM To: ‘ Cc: Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Cole, Sheryl; Spelman, William; Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Williamson, Laura

Subject: RE: Mike Martinez - Austin Gay Pride

Mr. Molina,

Thank you for your support and your question.

I am in full support of the city of Austin sponsoring this item. . . regardless of your continued support or not. This is about being a community that welcomes and supports everyone.. . including our GLBT community.

Mr. Molina, there was once a time with Latinos were looked upon and treated much like our gay community still is today. That should and must stop. This is the least we can do in supporting this event and I will be voting in favor of the item.

Thanks again, Mike

Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: tony_a Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 6:51 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]

Subject: Mike Martinez - Austin Gay Pride

1 Date/Time Submitted: Monday, 4/5/10, 1850 hours From: Anthony Molina E—mail address: tonya Subject: Austin Gay Pride Comments: Councilman Martinez,

As a supporter of yours in the last election, I would just like to know your stance on the City of Austin supporting/sponsoring the Austin Gay Pride Parade. Are you for or against the City sponsoring the Gay Pride Parade?

A response to my question would be greatly appreciated. I would also like to say that you ahve been doing a great job, keep up the good work. However, the response to my question will weigh heavily on my supporting you in the next election.

Thanks you, -Anthony Molina

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 9:12 AM To: Nathan, Mark; Riley, Chris Subject: RE: reminder

In addition to the names on the sheet of paper we looked at last week, here are a few more names to add:

LM suggestions: Tom Thayer; Lori Rentaria; Boone Blocker

SC suggestions: attorney Darwin Mckee (she says Rodney Ahart doesn’t have time to serve? - still think we leave Rodney on list, too)

Greg Bourgeois is marked as a CR nominee; I think he is actually MM’s nominee to ZAP

other RS suggestions: karen Friese (also someone SC thought would be good addition); Debbie Russell;

Jennifer McPhail, Sara Marler, Cloteal Haynes; Mark Vane — all for further discussion sake.

I will not be out of the office tomorrow as originally expected, so look forward to talking further about this. I have not spoken with Spelman about this, but did discuss this with Sheryl, Mike and Laura.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 8:50 AM To: Shade, Randi; Riley, Chris Subject: reminder

Please send me whatever names you have gathered for the bond citizen task force asap. Thanks!

Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 wv./ayQrLEfflngeI[.cm

4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, April 05, 2010 8:42 AM To: Gerbracht, Heidi; English, Barksdale Cc: Coleman, Glen; Spelman, William; Diaz, Elaine; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: PLEASE share with your bosses

Hi Heidi and Barksdale,

Just wanted to drop y’all a quick note to say thanks for providing me with talking points and the earlier briefing on the CPC agenda item. I really appreciated your efforts and felt well—informed and well—supported ——— especially given the absence of Glen and Marti last week:—) Thanks, too, for your leadership on bringing the item forward in the first place.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Coleman, Glen Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 5:31 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: FM: PLEASE share with your bosses

Original Message From: Gerbracht, Heidi Sent: Wed 3/31/2010 5:25 PM To: Council Executive Assistants; Council Executive Secretaries Subject: PLEASE share with your bosses

Hi folks—

I promised these talking points to each office. These are talking points related to the limited service pregnancy center item we’re bringing forward, in case the Council members get media calls. I will also bring by hard copies- please help me to make sure Council members have access to them if required. I’m also attaching the report done by NPCT on the centers, for their information.

Thanks much! Heidi

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 5:46 PM To: Morrison, Laura Cc: Curtis, Cathy; Levinski, Robert; Rios, Myrna; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti

Subject: Re: PRIDE item - additions to WHEREAS section

Thanks. Looks good. Again, special thanks to Bobby for taking the lead.


Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http;//vw.

On Apr 2, 2010, at 3:33 PM, “Morrison, Laura” wrote:

Thank you Cathy — I think this covers it! Have a great weekend.

Laura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512-974-2258 512-974-1886 (Fax)


From: Curtis, Cathy Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 3:18 PM To: Morrison, Laura; Shade, Randi; Levinski, Robert Cc: Rios, Myrna; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti

Subject: RE: PRIDE item - additions to WHEREAS section

Attached is the revised resolution and below is the revised posting language. Please let me know if it’s ok to post.

Approve a resolution amending Resolution No. 021003-40 to include the Austin PRIDE event as an annual City co-sponsored event.


From: Morrison, Laura Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 3:02 PM To: Shade, Randi; Curtis, Cathy; Levinski, Robert Cc: Rios, Myrna; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti

Subject: RE: PRIDE item - additions to WHEREAS section

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Randi —

Thanks for the comments.

Regarding the confusion on pararde/festival/5k, there is a series of sponsorships/events over the years that makes this challenging and drove the draft language. To keep the resolution from becoming too cumbersome and to allow us to avoid going into detail (happy to walk through it with you next week or over the phone), I’ll change the first whereas to WHEREAS, since 2002, Austin has hosted the annual PRIDE event celebrating diversity and promoting equality for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community; and

And then change all other references to festival, parade, and/or 5k to Austin PRIDE event throughout the resolution.

Also it is more complex because we are co-sponsoring the parade and allowing the 5k to use their barriers but they will pay any additional cost beyond that and we are not co-sponsoring the festival. This will be spelled out in the fiscal note. Legal is good with this approach.

The estimate was provided to the LGBT Chamber by ACVB (Julie) as an informal estimate. A recent double check with Julie clarified they’d rather not have the ACVB reference in there so we will change the reference to the chamber in the 3rd whereas:

WHEREAS, the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has

conservatively estimated that the annual Austin PRIDE event brings $1.5 - $2.5 million into the Austin economy

And then, the fix regarding the apostrophe is avoided ©.

Laura Laura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512-974-2258 512-974-1886 (Fax) Laura. [email protected]

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 1:38 PM To: Curtis, Cathy; Levinski, Robert Cc: Rios, Myrna; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti; Morrison, Laura Subject: Re: PRIDE item - additions to WHEREAS section

Thanks. I realize this is still in draft form but a couple of minor thoughts;

- it seems confusing to go from “parade since 2002” to “parade and festival” to then end with “parade and 5K Run.”

- I am pretty sure ACVB proper name is Austin Convention & Visitors Bureau (ampersand and no apostrophe).

- speaking of ACVB - has anyone gotten their sign-off on this language and inclusion in

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the resolution? I can’t speak for them but the “conservatively estimated” phrase struck me funny. It is one thing for us to discuss estimated economic impact among ourselves but putting it in a resolution formalizes the number in a way that we (or ACVB since it seems to be its number?) ought to be prepared to defend. I remember having a discussion in the past about this when Equality Texas and ALGCC partnered with each other to cosponsor PRIDE but I don’t remember what the numbers were. I’m pretty sure that back then we had good attendee numbers but no real sense for tourism dollars.


Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) http ://

On Apr 2, 2010, at 12:44 PM, “Curtis, Cathy” wrote:

Jim Williams has not had a chance to review it vet, but this is the latest version.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, April 02, 2010 12:43 PM To: Levinski, Robert Cc: Rios, Myrna; Curtis, Cathy; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti; Morrison, Laura

Subject: Re: PRIDE item - additions to WHEREAS section

Thanks. Can I see a full latest version? Sorry for my confusion but I don’t think I have copy of this handy. Am not in office today but am able to see attacments on my iPhone. Thanks and sorry if I missed a copy you sent earlier. Thanks again!

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o) ht://,austin.tx.i,is/cQunci1/shade.htm

On Apr 2, 2010, at 12:26 PM, “Levinski, Robert” wrote:

Based on feedback from CM Spelman’s office, we would like to add the following “WHEREAS”es.

WHEREAS, the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce has organized the annual Austin PRIDE parade since 2002, which celebrates diversity and promotes equality for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community; and

WHEREAS, the Austin PRIDE parade and festival attracts an estimated 45,000 attendees, including several thousand visitors, and is continually growing in popularity; and

WHEREAS, the Austin Convention and Visitor’s Bureau has conservatively

estimated that the annual Austin PRIDE parade and festival brings $1.5 - $2.5 million into the Austin economy; NOW THEREFORE

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Thanks, Bobby

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 9:00 AM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Riley, Chris Subject: Re: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

Great. Thx

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

On Mar 31, 2010, at 8:03 AM, “Nathan, Mark” wrote:


Sent from my iPhone, please forgive typos!

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Parham, Candy” Date: March 31, 2010 8:02:17 AM CDT To: “Nathan, Mark” Subject: RE: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

The requirement is listed in the ‘Membership’ line on the page. It says the following:

Membership: Current or Former Board and Commission Members

Please let me know if it is okay.

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 8:00 AM To: Parham, Candy Subject: Re: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

Correct. Can we just state the qualifications somewhere? Or is already there and I am not seeing it?

Sent from my iPhone, please forgive typos!

On Mar 31, 2010, at 7:58 AM, “Parham, Candy” wrote:

What are the qualifications? I thought the qualifying factor was that the applicant be a current or former member of the boards and commissions system. Please advise if there is something else.

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While each individual board/commission could be listed as a requirement, it was my plan to just check our system to see if the applicant meet the criteria.

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:28 PM To: Parham, Candy Subject: Fwd: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force


Sent from my iPhone, please forgive typos!

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Shade, Randi” Date: March 30, 2010 6:03 :41 PM CDT To: “Nathan, Mark” , “Riley, Chris” Cc: “Leffingwell, Lee”

Subject: RE: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

Thanks. Seems we ought to have qualifications listed so people who have never served on a board/commission in the past won’t waste their time applying....

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:/tww,c.asin.c.l!cQndil/shae.htm

From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:04 PM To: Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi Cc: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: FW: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

FYI. This is up online now so that anyone who may inquire over the next week about serving on the citizen Task Force can be directed here to fill out an application.

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From: Parham, Candy Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 11:47 AM To: Nathan, Mark; Williams, Nancy Subject: 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force

The temporary page for the 2010 Transportation Bond Citizen Task Force is available at b 55. The page can be accessed by going to the Office of the City Clerk site, selecting Boards & Commissions, and selecting the List of Boards. As per our discussion, the page will be housed on the site through next week when appointments are finalized.

Please let me know if changes to the page are required. Thanks.


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:50 PM To: ‘Nikelle Meade’ Cc: Diaz, Elaine; Corpus, Grace; Long, Tara; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Ballet Austin Guild Annual “Women on their Toes” Luncheon

So sorry to have to miss this, and I really appreciate the invitation. I am already booked to be somewhere else on April 6th. Thanks again!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Morrison, Laura Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 5:33 PM To: ‘Nikelle Meade’; Shade, Randi; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Diaz, Elaine; Corpus, Grace; Long, Tara Subject: RE: Ballet Austin Guild Annual “Women on their Toes” Luncheon

Nikelle — Sounds lovely. Will ask Grace to get it on my calendar.


Laura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512-974-2258 512-974-1886 (Fax) [email protected]


From: Nikelle Meade Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 4:52 PM To: Morrison, Laura; Shade, Randi; Cole, Sheryl

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Cc: Diaz, Elaine; Corpus, Grace; Long, Tara Subject: Ballet Austin Guild Annual ‘Women on their Toes” Luncheon

Council Members Cole, Morrison, and Shade:

The female engineers of Carollo Engineers have again purchased a table for the annual Women on their Toes luncheon. It will take place next Tuesday, April 6th, at the Renaissance from 10-1. Most attendees only attend from about 11-12:30, which is what I think you all did last year.

They have asked me to invite you to join them again at this luncheon. Can you attend?

Nikelle S. Meade, Partner, Business and Real Estate Group Brown McCarroll, L.L.P. 111 Congress Avenue, Suite 1400 Austin, TX 78701-4043 512.479.1147/Direct 512.479.1101/Fax


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:26 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: Re: Appointments & representation


Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

On Mar 30, 2010, at 9:24 AM, “Leffingwell, Lee” wrote:

Julie and I thoroughly enjoyed it and were honored to be invited.

Do I have to be “sober” to post the meeting?


Lee Leffingwell Mayor City of Austin 512.974.2250

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:21 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: Re: Appointments & representation

Dayenu:-). Thanks again for joining u last night. I’m supposed to remind you to post our committee meeting sober can be ready to bring to Council in April.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

On Mar 30, 2010, at 9:16 AM, “Leffingwell, Lee” <]> wrote:

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie... .for goodness sakes, isn’t this a bit much? LL

Lee Leffingwell Mayor City of Austin 512.974.2250

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From: Debbie Russell Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 9:11 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Cole, Sheryl; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William;

Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Gentry, Shirley (Brown - CCC) Subject: Re: Appointments & representation

Thanks Cmbr.

You are correct - it is a long-standing problem. My point is

that an “appointment” should infer a “process” - not just a vote of “yay” (which, let’s be honest, no one ever votes “no” on others appointments). While having a board to nominate other appointees may not be in the cards, I think there might

be some compromise solutions to codify a better process - much like my suggestion last year when changes were being made to the ordinance, whereby appointments are done in

bulk - waiting for everyone in an election cycle to get all their names in and then having a public hearing on all of them before another meeting where council approves.

Since there is no process for the public to follow how diversity and equal representation is being insured, that it’s being done ‘behind closed doors’ if you will, we don’t know who’s communicating with others/who’s not and who’s looking at their own appointments across the board in the same regard. This accounts for me seeing this one public vote as indicative of who is more concerned with ensuring that. It’s hard to be informed on what is not being publicly vetted, so it’s easy to make assumptions--and while I was harsh in drawing a line, I’m not sure how else I’m supposed to judge a closed process.

As you have heard before, I’m sure, the community gets a lot of “we don’t have time to ensure proper representation so we have to cut corners on public input” which adds to our frustration.

Thanks for your input and recognition of the problem at hand. plur Debbie

From: “Shade, Randi” To: Debbie Russell > Cc: Lee Leffingwell ; Sheryl Cole

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; Laura Morrison ; Bill Spelman ; Mike Martinez ; Chris Riley ; Shirley Gentry Sent: Tue, March 30, 2010 1:43:01 AM Subject: Re: Appointments & representation


Cute Ferris Bueller reference (I am raising my hand), but I am having trouble following your line of reasoning below. We often do know more than just our own office’s nominee on any given board or commission, but in cases

when we we don’t --- well, that is precisely the problem. The current practice you reference should not be the norm. It doesn’t come close to guaranteeing equal representation, and it is problematic when members of boards and commissions don’t always remember that they are serving at the pleasure of the entire council rather than just on behalf of the council member who nominated them. Just as Council Members are elected to serve the entire community and not just serve those who may have voted for them, people serving on boards and commissions are supposed to do the same.

Having a subcommittee in place to nominate a representative group of citizens to serve the entire council (and in turn, the community) seems more likely to result in the equal representation you are suggesting. It isn’t always practical for us to nominate board/commission members that way especially due to staggard terms and open meetings act requirements that prevent us from doing consensus appointments as was done in the past. In the instances when we can do it, though, I think we should (i.e., as was done for comp plan task force). The council-appointed transportation bond committee needs to be appointed quickly and with as high a level of diversity and expertise as we can possibly achieve.

On a personal note, I take issue with your insinuation that CMs Cole, Spelman and Morrison value equal representation while the rest of us don’t. I look at the current make-up of a board/commission before nominating a person to fill a vacancy specifically to help improve a board/commission’s diversity Furthermore, I also look across all nominations I make to ensure I’m not choosing too many nominees from any one constituency group, and on more than a few ocassions I have sought input from colleagues prior to making a nomination.

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This is far from a perfect system and there is a lot for each of us to juggle, plus there is the challenge of dealing with the volume of board/commission positions (sometimes big numbers of openings and other times hardly any). However, in my experience, each of my colleagues on the council seems dedicated to doing his/her best when it comes to making appointments. I’m really sorry you don’t see that, too.


P.S. :-) Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day-off: “I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I’m going to take a stand. I’m going to defend it. Right or wrong, I’m going to defend it.”

On Mar 29, 2010, at 8:50 PM, “Debbie Russell” > wrote:

Re: “Councilmember, that’s not correct. Individual council members make nominations, the entire council makes the appointment.”

Mayor, respectfully.. .that is SO not true--in practice. Cmbrs--raise your hand if you regularly know the names of the appointees of other councilmembers Jcr the day of the meeting in which you vote on them. Any prior discussion related to individuals or how they add/detract from the group’s diversity.

Anyone? Bueller?

Thanks for giving equal representation a whirl, Cmbrs. Cole, Morrison and Spelman.

Yours, Debbie

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:29 AM To: mlriley Cc: Ott, Marc; Washington, Mark

Subject: Re: Submitted from City Council web site - city workers aid

Got a bounceback the first time due to bad email address.

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (0)

On Mar 28, 2010, at 10:25 AM, “Shade, Rand?’ wrote:

Thank you so much for taking the time to write about these fine folks. The City of Austin is blessed to have of the best employees around. I’m glad you crossed paths with the men on that truck that day, am glad they could help, and again, I thank you for takin he time to write.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade 512-974-2255 (o)

On Mar 28, 2010, at 10:02 AM, “mlriley ” wrote:

> > Date/Time Submitted: 1002 hours > From: Lynn Riley > E-mail address: mlriley > Subject: city workers aid > > Categories: personal_message > > Comments: > I am a nurse that commutes from San Marcos to Austin for 2 different >jobs. On my way to work one day my car died on 1H35. I was able to > coast off 35 to access road without being hit. A truck of city > workers saw me on the access road & parked behind my car > redirecting traffic. I was almost hit several times before they > arrived. They redirected traffic till my car started & I could > pull off the road. I would like to thank those men. I don’t know > their names & this was August of last year.I am grateful for > their aid. Thank you. Lynn Riley,LVN >

4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 10:25 AM To: mlriley Cc: Ott, Marc; Washington, Mark

Subject: Re: Submitted from City Council web site - city workers aid

Thank you so much for taking the time to write about these fine folks. The City of Austin is blessed to have of the best employees around. I’m glad you crossed paths with the men on that truck that day, am glad they could help, and again, I thank you for takin he time to write.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade 512—974—2255 (0)

On Mar 28, 2010, at 10:02 AM, “mlriley ” wrote:

> > Date/Time Submitted: 1002 hours > From: Lynn Riley > B—mail address: mlriley > Subject: city workers aid > > Categories: personal_message > > Comments: > I am a nurse that commutes from San Marcos to Austin for 2 different > jobs. On my way to work one day my car died on 1H35. I was able to > coast off 35 to access road without being hit. A truck of city workers > saw me on the access road & parked behind my car redirecting > traffic. I was almost hit several times before they arrived. They > redirected traffic till my car started & I could pull off the > road. I would like to thank those men. I don’t know their names & > this was August of last year.I am grateful for their aid. Thank you. > Lynn Riley, LVN >

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, March 26, 2010 9:58 PM To: Morrison, Laura Cc: Rush, Barbara; Corpus, Grace; Levinski, Robert; Hawkins, Rondella; Chip Rosenthal Subject: Re: Austin’s Google Application Submitted Today!

Mazel toy and much thanks to you and your team!!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 26, 2010, at 8:40 PM, “Morrison, Laura” wrote:

Dear Friends,

It’s official .. the City of Austin’s Google application is submitted and we have received confirmation!! The city’s application, coupled with tremendous community support, is an impressive piece of work. Regardless of future outcomes, it has been an incredible collaborative effort that we should all be proud of.

This has truly been an extensive team effort, from the creators of BigGigAustinorg &, to the thousands of Facebook fans and those who nominated Austin, to the community leaders that provided their supportive voices. And of course, a special acknowledgement to our city staff who worked tirelessly to produce an extremely polished formal application with creative avenues in which to present it to Google. Congratulations on a job well done!

You can check out the City of Austin’s application, letters of support, creative videos and other documentation at www.cityofaustin.orgLbiggig.

Thanks to everyone for being part of this amazing effort.

Have a great weekend, Laura

Laura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512-974-2258 512-974-1886 (Fax) Laura.Morrison ncil/morrison. htm

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:32 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE: HB

Thanks. Given how long this seems like it will go — sounds good.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Leffingwell, Lee Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:31 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Shade, Randi Subject: HB

Kay going for burgers.

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 6:25 PM To: ‘john Limon’ Cc: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: RE:

Hi Johnny

Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I echo Mike’s comments. Thanks for all you do.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:/!!councillshade.htrn

From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 2:04 PM To: ‘john Limon’; mayor Cc: Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; [email protected]; Riley, Chris Subject: RE:


So great to get an email like this and here others perspective on our great city. We will keep trying and we will continue to need your help and advise along the way.

Take care, Mike

From: john Limon Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 2:00 PM To: mayor Cc: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; [email protected]; Riley, Chris Subject:

Dear Honorable Mayor Lee Leffingwell, and Councilmembers:

For many Austinites like myself, we know we live in a great city. But, hearing it from out-of state visitors, confirms what we believe. The last two weeks, Austin was the host to thousands of out-of -towners. I had the enjoyment of listening to good music and talking to some of them. I even, unexpectedly, picked up some and gave them a ride. The great things I heard about

4/15/2011 Page 2 of 2 our City, makes me very proud. lUs a good feeling hearing some say the people here are so kind and nice. They’ve been in many other places, but NONE like Austin. One young man said he had always heard how great our city was, but he felt it was mostly exaggeration. Now that he came down for the first time, everything he had been told,is SO TRUE! They plan on coming back more often. Thanks to Austin Energy for also turning on our Christmas Lights. That added to the fun, excitement, going on. This is a reflection of our City Leaders. I am proud, and I know you are too.

Thanks for the hard work you do,

Johnny Limon

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 5:36 PM To: Jalifi, Rosy Cc: Lefflngwell, Lee; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: My Appreciation

Thanks and really enjoyed being part of the event.

From: Jalifi, Rosy Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:54 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William Subject: My Appreciation

Mayor Leffingwell and Council Members Riley, Shade, Morrison & Spelman:

I don’t want too much time to pass without me personally thanking you for attending Tuesday’s “Austin City Council Small Business Summit”. Your presence made a significant impact on the business owners; and, certainly gave me an added wind to my sail of enthusiasm for Austin’s business community.

I can only imagine the demands that are made to your calendars, not to mention your families’ calendars, so being w/us that evening was appreciated.

Staff is transcribing the flipchart pages and we will be providing Council w/that information no later than April 14.

Rosy Jalifi Assistant Director EGRSO

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 5:32 PM To: Ramos, Jacqueline; Cole, Sheryl; McDonald, Stephanie; ‘LHG’; ‘Sara Marler’; ‘Charlie McCabe’; ‘Susan Rankin; ‘Jill Nokes’; Wright, Cora; Soliz, Ricardo; Stump, Marty; Vaclavik, Charles; Williams, D’Anne; ‘Melba Whatley’; ‘mbmbarnes Coleman, Glen Cc: Hensley, Sara; McAleer, Nancy; Grasso, Toni; Quinonez, Gloria; Ovalle, Victor; Garcia, Tino; Garza, Jason; Freeland, Sonia; Diaz, Joe Subject: RE: [MEETING CONFIRMATION: w/Sara Hensley, PARD Director]

I am sorry to not be able to make this tomorrow. Glen Coleman from my office will be there, but I am going to be attending the memorial service for Liz Carpenter tomorrow morning.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Ramos, Jacqueline Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:57 PM To: Cole, Sheryl; McDonald, Stephanie; ‘LHG’; ‘Sara Marler’; ‘Charlie McCabe’; ‘Susan Rankin’; ‘Jill Nokes’; Wright, Cora; Soliz, Ricardo; Stump, Marty; Vaclavik, Charles; Williams, D’Anne; ‘Melba Whatley’; ‘mbmbarnes Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Cc: Hensley, Sara; McAleer, Nancy; Grasso, Toni; Quinonez, Gloria; Ovalle, Victor; Garcia, Tino; Garza, Jason; Freeland, Sonia; Diaz, Joe Subject: [MEETING CONFIRMATION: w/Sara Hensley, PARD Director] Importance: High

Good Afternoon All,

You are confirmed to meet with Sara Hensley, Director of Austin Parks & Recreation

Date: Friday, March 26

Time: 8:3Oam-1 1:00 - Overview of of Conservancy and Discussion

11:3Oam-1:3Opm - Open Forum Regarding Partnerships

Location: 200 South Lamar Blvd - PARD Main Office - Board Room

RE: Betsy Barlow Rogers & Sara Cedar Miller - Central Park Conservancy

*NOTE: Pastries & Coffee will be provided - Lunch will also be provided

Please contact Jackie Ramos 974.6717 should you need to cancel or reschedule.

Thank you and have a pleasant evening!

4/15/2011 Page 2 of 2

Office of Director Austin Parks & Recreation Sara L. Hensley, CPRP, Director 200 South Lamar Blvd Austin, Texas 78704 512.974.6717 Office # 512.974.6700 Main #

Jacqueline Ramos, Office of Director Austin Parks and Recreation Department 512 974-6717 -direct 512 974-6703 fax

4Please consid the environment before printing this email

Sign up for “Austin Notes” at fl,cfmthe City of Austin E-Newsletter for up to date Parks and Recreation Department news.

4/15/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 5:20 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Leffingwell, Lee; Nathan, Mark; Williams, Nancy; Coleman, Glen Subject: FW: Liz Carpenter Article

Attachments: Liz Carpenter - Texas Monthly - March 1985

In anticipation of the Memorial Service tomorrow for Liz, I looked up this article today and thought I’d pass it along. Liz wrote this article 25 years ago -- just as she was approaching “old age.” I first met Liz around that same time, during my junior year of college at UT. I visited her home about six weeks ago; it was empty as Liz had re-located to the nursing home. As sad as it made me, this article was very reassuring as Liz seemed to be following the philosophy she wrote about in her 60s all the way to her final days.

4/15/2011 The Silver Lining: Texas Monthly March 1985 Page 1 of 6

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PRINT THIS CLOSE THIS rIèxa/1OHliily March 1985 The Silver Lining

Growing old gracefully0

by Liz Carpenter

Last summer at Martha’s Vineyard, I, Liz Carpenter, age 63, had the pleasure of being the guest of Lady Bird Johnson, age 71, and guess who was coming to dinner? Ruth Gordon, star of stage, screen, and living room and 87 years of age. Although I had phoned and urged her to let us send a car to drive her across the island, she protested indignantly and arrived, on her own, at exactly seven. With her was her delightful husband, Garson Kanin,playwright and raconteur, age 71.

Ruth Gordon swept into the room with all the assurance of someone who knows she is a star at any age on stage. We listened spellbound as she initiated every exchange and picked up on every morsel of conversation. Very little of the talk was about the past. It was about what was here, now, happening in politics or in Martha’s Vineyard. She and her husband talked about an article they had written that was about to appear in the New York Times. After a while another guest, Beverly Sills, interrupted with a smile. “Ruth, is there anything you aren’t enthusiastic about?” Ruth paused for a few beats—as we waited—and then burst forth decisively with her answer. “Yes, being invited to be on panels about the aging.”

When does it begin, old age? That slight ache in the joint, that moment when we feel used up and shelved? How do we free ourselves of the depression and immobility that aging brings and commit ourselves to a full life and purpose?

For many a woman like me, old age came early, in the fifties, with a telephone call that jarred me into the trauma of the death of my husband. Widow! The very word horrified me. I was in a whole new condition, stripped of life as I knew it. I was instantly plunged into shock, abandonment, sadness, anger, loneliness, isolation; and then there was the inevitable restlessness. What could I do to make that awful emptiness go away? Where was the male in my life? Was Ito live forever in a nunnery? It’s embarrassing how quickly those agonies plague all widows. Loss is one of the most important factors that contribute to aging. Yet, would grief have to enshroud me forever? I turned to my friends for solace.

“Walk away from it awhile until you’re stronger,” Lady Bird said, calling from Italy, where she was vacationing. She urged me to visit her to talk for a few days. “Never, Liz , will I be so well set up to help you. All your problems will be there when you get back, but you’ll feel stronger and better able

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to cope.” I demurred. How could I just fly off to Italy? But the next morning, Lady Bird’s daughter Lynda arrived at my home with a plane ticket. If someone hadn’t shoved me, I would have just sat there buried under notes and letters of sympathy, each one bringing fresh tears. So I left the endless paperwork that accompanies death and funerals, wills and thank you notes. And it helped. I recommend it and am comforted that I can repay the act of kindness by opening my home to friends grieving over a death or divorce.

Molly Parnis, the dress designer, told me, “The first year after my husband died, I would have married Sammy Davis, Jr., if he’d asked me. But a year later, there wasn’t anyone I’d marry and disrupt my new life.” Another friend took one look at my stricken face and spoke up. “You’ve got to think of it this way: God has given you the chance at a second life!” I have passed on those words a hundred times to friends who needed hope as they emerged to the adventure of a new life.

Renewal is the idea that my friend John Gardner, founder of Common Cause, returns to again and again. He states it so appealingly that I find myself asking each day, “What can I do to renew myself?” Renewal is of special interest to Americans at this moment in our history, when we are worrying about national productivity. And renewal is vital to our individual productivity. Most people fall into dull routines and are afflicted with staleness and boredom. Many organizations are too. When someone asked Pope John XXIII how many people worked in the Vatican, he said, “Half of them.” He liked to shake things up, so perhaps his comment was more a lesson than a statistic.

People who are conscious of the danger of going to seed can take countermeasures. “You don’t need to run down like an unwound clock. You can stay alive in every sense of the word until you fail physically,” Gardner says. Yet many people go through life only partially using—indeed, only partially aware of—the full range of their capacities. Self-knowledge, the beginning of wisdom, is ruled out for many by the increasingly effective self-deception they practice as they grow older. By middle age, they are accomplished fugitives from themselves.

There’s a myth that learning is for young people. But as the proverb says, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Learn all your life! Learn from your failures. Learn from your successes. When you hit a spell of trouble, ask, “What is it trying to teach me?” The lessons aren’t always happy ones, but they keep coming. I’ve had to learn to keep my mouth shut and stop trying to run the whole show, particularly if it involves the women’s movement, which I know so well. But women who are just getting started must evolve in their own way, and they will not always have the impassioned spirit we had in the sixties. I sit in meetings frustrated, wanting to push, angry that we are reinventing the wheel. But I have learned to let the newcomers move at their own speed.

People learn from their jobs. They learn from their friends and families. They learn by accepting the commitments of life, by playing the roles that life hands them, by getting older, by suffering, by taking risks, by loving and by bearing life’s indignities with dignity.

The lessons learned in maturity aren’t simple; they go. beyond the acquisition of information and skills. You learn to avoid self-destructive behavior. You learn not to burn up energy in anxiety. You learn to manage tension, if you have any, and you do. You learn that self-pity and resentment are among the most toxic of drugs. You learn to bear the things you can’t change. You learn that most people are neither for you nor against you; they are thinking about themselves. You learn that no matter what you do, some people aren’t going to love you—a lesson that is at first troubling and then quite relaxing.

Those things are hard to learn early in life. As a rule, you have to have some miles behind you and some dents in your fenders before you understand. Socialist Norman Douglas told Gardner, “There are some things you can’t learn from others. You have to pass through the fire.” 1985-03-01 3/23/2010 The Silver Lining: Texas Monthly March 1985 Page 3 of 6

You can keep your zest until the day you die. If I may offer a simple maxim, “Be interested.” Everyone wants to be interesting, but the vitalizing thing is to be interested. My young friends and their causes keep me from being surrounded by my peers. Age must not trap you in a one dimensional world.

Keep a sense of curiosity. Discover new things. Care. Risk failure. Reach out.

The meaning in your life isn’t just handed to you, as a wayward motorist might be provided with a set of directions. You give life meaning through the commitments you make beyond yourself—whether they are commitments to religion, to loved ones, to your life’s work, to your fellow humans, to some conception of an ethical order.

I recently ruptured two disks in my back while carrying suitcases off a plane—something I had done hundreds of times before with no problem. Five weeks in bed were essential. Surrounded by magazines full of beautiful houses, I began to grow impatient with my home. Paths were worn into the carpet; the upholstery was fading; the whole place seemed to be falling apart, just as I was. I knew I had many more years in me, and I wanted my house to serve me well. I wanted it to be my “forever place.” I also wanted to plan (the best therapy against depression) for my old age, to study what other people had done to grow old with grace and humor. I began by collecting bits of wisdom about aging. In my reading, I came upon gems like this: “Age is a matter of mind. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” I also started listening, with my good ear, to conversations, for the purpose of analyzing older friends. I gained real insight. One evening I joined James Michener (who was living in Austin writing a book about Texas), Lady Bird Johnson and Walter Cronkite for dinner at Walter’s favorite Austin restaurant, Green Pastures. Momentarily, I thought I was the youngest at the table. Michener was 77, Lady Bird was 71, Walter was 67. But only momentarily! They were off to the races talking about their projects.

Michener had been to almost every one of the 254 counties in Texas to research his book. He was about one third through and relishing each day. He said that he rises before dawn and walks two miles before settling at the typewriter. “My characters come out better when I walk. I like them better.”

Walter had just sailed the intracoastal canal with an artist friend and written a book about his first love, sailing. He was planning to do another. Meanwhile, “Jim,” he said, “I want to do a little lobbying with you. I want to go on the first space shuttle of citizens, and you are on the NASA committee. Don’t you think the requirements should be someone who has attended every launch and was once an editor of the Daily Texan?”

And Lady Bird! I have known her since the day in 1942 when I went to Washington and called on my congressman, the young man who was making news in those yeasty days of the New Deal. I have learned so much from her, and still have so much to learn: how to be a widow, how to grow out of grief and into action. What had Lady Bird been doing? Michener and Cronkite were full of questions about her National Wildflower Research Center. On her seventieth birthday, she decided to toss her hat over the windmill, as she put it. She donated some land and some money, rallied some old allies from the beautification days in the White House, and found a way to spread wildflowers along our highways and in public places. Why? Because it saves millions in mowing costs. Why? Because it is irresistible to her.

They weren’t talking about age at all. They were writing for the future, planning for the future, and walking hand in hand with the present. They were exemplifying another bit of wisdom that I had filed away, from the example of Cato the Elder in the first century B.C. At 84, Cato was writing treatises and studying a new language, and every evening he repeated the events of the day so that he might keep his memory in order, because, according to psychiatrist Frances J. Braceland, “anyone living in

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the midst of such studies must keep his mind in full stretch like a bow and never allow it to go into old age by becoming slack.”

I decided to analyze my anxieties about age, asking myself, “What are my fears of aging?” I don’t want fears to clutter up the time I have left. I sorted out five basic ones: not feeling needed, losing a sense of purpose, losing control over my own destiny, not feeling loved, and not being touched. Listing them made me look for cures and comforts.

Thefirst, notfeeling needed. Every mother eventually knows the loneliness of the empty nest. I have two children, a son and a daughter, one living in Seattle (and holding my grandchildren hostage), the other in New York—each a long and expensive plane ride away. There is no one with a skinned knee to comfort, no car pooi to run, no dinner to cook for anyone but myself. An awful sadness sweeps over me when I think that the people I have lived for do not require anything of me anymore. It’s a cycle, of course. I remember with remorse how my mother told us children, “Just when you all got interesting, you all left home.”

One of the happiest days of my life was when I took matters in hand and called my frantic daughter, who was moving into a new career and into a New York apartment, and said, “I am giving you a gift: me! And two weeks of my time to answer your door for deliveries and run your errands.” She let me, and I loved it.

Last summer she rewarded me by calling and asking, “Mom, do you believe in free speech? Good, you’re making one for the women in cable in Las Vegas.” I did. And again, we were friends needing each other, an ideal relationship.

The second agony, losing a sense ofpurpose. It leads to questions like, Why am I here? What do I mean in the infinite scheme of things? I could die tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter to anyone, I say to myself in a depressed moment.

Call it ego if you like, but you want to keep counting in humanity. And so you must be willing to rejoin it as part of something. I am ever in the debt of the battle for the equal rights amendment because it came along just when I needed it. And I know that the women’s movement needed me. It needed my political savvy, my humor, and a certain respectability that I brought to it because I was not a marcher or a zealot, though I have become both. Being part of a movement, whether it is labor, business, the environment, civil rights, zoning rights, or saving the whales, is life-giving. Anger and indignation are good for you. They keep the circulation going.

Third, losing control over your own destiny. Avoiding this takes more philosophy and coping than I have, but it is what I fear most. It makes people too frugal. They aren’t good enough to themselves; they keep saving instead of buying that dress or taking that trip, and if they are parents, they worry too much about not being a problem to their children. I like the pillow that Mrs. Drew Pearson needlepointed: “May I live long enough to be a problem to my children.” I also like a bumper sticker seen recently on a camper in the West. “Yes, we’re spending our children’s inheritance,” it read.

I admire my older brother’s attitude toward the small infirmities of age, such as having to ask a clerk to read prices to him because he can’t see small print, or making soup all the time because he has so few teeth, or missing calls because he doesn’t hear the phone ring. He told me about it in one of our 6 a.m. talks. (Yes, 6 a.m. We are both early risers, and we have conversations about anything and everything each morning across the twenty miles that separate our homes. Early risers do need phone conversations with early risers! Find one. It adds thought and spice to your day.) My brother says he has started to enjoy his infirmities. “I do like to talk to young clerks. At the discount stores they are very nice about it. I have come to like to make soup. There are lots of kinds, and it is challenging to 3/23/2010 The Silver Lining: Texas Monthly March 1985 Page 5 of 6

see how much flavor you can get out of a bone. And as for the phone, well, it’s embarrassing when someone tells you the phone is ringing, but it’s no big thing, and I make lots of phone calls to my children who might have called.”

Losing control is not that easy to bear for those who are truly sick, but I think there must be ways to solicit their opinions and give them a say in the control of their lives. We do it for the very young. “What would you like for breakfast, Johnny? The cold pizza or the Mr. Rogers’ alphabet cereal?”

I have a rancher friend in West Texas, Watt Matthews, now 86, who has built his own old-age cabin, complete with a bed for the nurse and handles on the bathtub. He hasn’t moved into it yet, but he enjoyed showing it to me and explaining how the low windows will allow him, from his bed, to keep an eye on the barn where the cowhands saddle up to do the chores. Meanwhile, it serves as a guest cottage, and I suspect it always will.

My darling friend Terrell Maverick Webb could never remember my phone number but could remember how to get to my house. Instead of searching for glasses and a phone book when she needed me, she would drive over, endangering the local citizenry en route. She would waltz in and try to remember what she wanted to tell me. “Which way is north?” she would ask, pressing her fingers to her forehead as though to squeeze out the memory. “You can remember if you face north.” And she would. Then, like the World War I coquette that she had been, she would sit at the piano and suddenly be “packing up our troubles in a kit bag.”

The last two fears: notfeeling loved and not being touched. The sensations of love and touch are separate yet together. And oh, how you miss them when they’re gone. If you have ever cared for an elderly person, particularly one who is deaf or blind, you know how much the simple act of holding a hand means, how eagerly the person welcomes it, how reluctantly he watches you leave. How can you walk out on someone who needs you so much? So you put off walking in, visiting the friend in the hospital or nursing home. It’s such a small thing—expressing love, touching—yet people can barely stand to be without it. We understand how important cuddling is for children; why have we ignored this need for the elderly? Unless you live close to grandchildren or are fortunate to have two or three affectionate suitors, the hunger never subsides. So you budget money, if you can, for many plane trips to visit those who feed your hunger, and you should.

You entertain. You can grow old waiting to be entertained. You have a vacation house party during the empty holidays. You offer love. And you find that “who brings his neighbor’s barque to land will find his own has reached the shore.”

Having sorted out my fears, I turned my attention to my home and to how its rejuvenation could be my own. I reshaped it for what I laughingly call the happy hour of my life, otherwise known as senility. The empty rooms that once housed husband and children are not sacrosanct. Use them to expand your life.

I took a look and decided that for the rest of my years I will need that house to (1) eat, (2) get dressed, (3) write, and (4) enjoy conversation. So I started knocking down walls with abandon. Because I like to cook for company, I arranged the kitchen so that people can sit on comfortable chairs and talk to me while I cook. That project went so well that I knocked down some more walls, and now I have a closet where I can see everything I wear. It has three hanging spaces, all just below the arthritic level of my arm. I set up a daybed—I can’t wrestle with those foldout couches—in the dining room, which has a fireplace, so I can sleep while the embers glow on a cold night. I kept on knocking down walls and opened up an extra bedroom to use as my study, with a table in front of a picture window that looks down the river. I indulged in soft carpets, and I can, if necessary, crawl to the typewriter and 1985-03-01 3/23/2010 The Silver Lining: Texas Monthly March 1985 Page 6 of 6

have another go at some immortal words. I expect and hope to write my way to the grave. In fact, I have to.

Redecorating for my own taste was therapeutic. I like light, flowery colors and fabrics; my house is so full of them that my son tells me he feels like bringing clipping shears when he comes to visit me. It makes me happy to see yellows and pinks and lime-greens and lots of blooming things. I live on a hill overlooking the city, and my friends can take in my view. All the curtains are gone; we just look out over the world and watch the deer come up to feed. I’ve begun talking to the deer. I started with two and now there are nine. They even come and snort in front of my picture window if I haven’t put their food out. The deer love me, and one day they may even let me touch them.

Some say mine is a very “physical” house. I hope so. I use the hot tub for communal conversation; it seats eight friends or six enemies. My guest house has room for a massage table, and friends like to come for the evening to enjoy a soak and a rubdown by a masseuse who makes house calls.

Then there is that vital ingredient to aging, humor. My mother’s humor was always such a part of her world that to me it always represented something for me to strive for. Humor was a quality born out of love for humanity and a high heart. She often admonished her five children to “try to see the humor” in a situation whenever we took ourselves too seriously.

I took her advice to heart. Nowadays, instead of being annoyed by my nearly deaf ear, I find myself arranging the seating at dinner parties according to people’s ears—whom do they really want to listen to? Instead of worrying about not being able to get into my hot tub one day, I may follow state treasurer ’ advice and put in a sliding board from my bed to the tub, which sits outside the window overlooking the Austin skyline. Rather than be buried or cremated, I think I would like to be bronzed sitting in my Jacuzzi, spouting hot water all over the city. I hope the law allows it!

A lot of my heroes are people who have shown me how to grow old with grace and humor. Since I fancy myself a writer, I like to read poetry and gather people—writers, poets, and politicians— together. I am especially indebted to a poet I never met, an Englishwoman named Jenny Joseph. She has outlined the rest of my life as I would like to live it:

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple With a red hat which doesn’t go, and doesn’t suit me, And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves And satin sandals, and say we’ve no money for butter. I shall sit down on the pavement when I’m tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells And run my stick along the public railings And make up for the sobriety of my youth. I shall go out in my slippers in the rain And pick the flowers in other people’s gardens And learn to spit. But maybe I ought to practice a little now? So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised. When suddenly I am old and start to wear purple.

çQpyght © 1973-2010 Emmis Publishing LP dba Texas Monthly. All rights reserved.


http :// 3/23/2010 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:15 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: here’s more on the proposed AFD recruitment consultant. http://www. hod com!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

4/15/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:46 PM To: Gedert, Bob Cc: Ott, Marc; Goode, Robert Subject: RE: Response to TDS memo

Excellent memo. Thanks!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Gedert, Bob Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:13 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris Cc: Ott, Marc; Goode, Robert; Johnson, Byron; Nathan, Mark; Everhart, Amy; Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; McDonald, Stephanie; Gerbracht, Heidi; Rush, Barbara; Coleman, Glen; Ballas, Marisa; Left, Lewis; Smith, David [City Attorney] Subject: Response to TDS memo

Mayor and Council members,

On Monday March 22nd Mr.. Gregory of TDS distributed a memo to Council via e-mail. As the Greenstar extension is on the Thursday Council agenda, I desire to clarify and address a few points in response to Mr.. Gregory’s memo. Please see attached document for your review.

As always, I welcome any questions or inquiries.

Bob Gedert Director, Solid Waste Services City of Austin, TX 512-974-1926

Zero Waste = Reduce, Redesign, Reuse, Repair, Rebuild, Refurbish, Refinish, Resell, Recycle, and Compost.

4/15/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:45 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: FW: Response to TDS memo Attachments: Response 03-24-10 to TDS Council memo.doc

Here you go...

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Gedert, Bob Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:13 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris Cc: Ott, Marc; Goode, Robert; Johnson, Byron; Nathan, Mark; Everhart, Amy; Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; McDonald, Stephanie; Gerbracht, Heidi; Rush, Barbara; Coleman, Glen; Ballas, Marisa; Leff, Lewis; Smith, David [City Attorney] Subject: Response to TDS memo

Mayor and Council members,

On Monday March 22nd Mr.. Gregory of TDS distributed a memo to Council via e-mail. As the Greenstar extension is on the Thursday Council agenda, I desire to clarify and address a few points in response to Mr.. Gregory’s memo. Please see attached document for your review.

As always, I welcome any questions or inquiries.

Bob Gedert Director, Solid Waste Services City of Austin, TX 512-974-1926

Zero Waste = Reduce, Redesign, Reuse, Repair, Rebuild, Refurbish, Refinish, Resell, Recycle, and Compost.

4/15/2011 To: Mayor and City Council

From: Bob Gedert, Solid Waste Services Director

Cc: Marc Ott, City Manager

Robert Goode, Assistant City Manager

Date: March 24, 2010

Re: Response to the March 22 letter from Bob Gregory (TDS) to City Council

We offer the following responses to the issues and allegations raised by Mr. Gregory in his open letter to Council. I have restated Mr. Gregory’s email and added my responses below.

A. Mr Gregory stated: “If Staff tells you that TDS cannot have its MRF open and in operation by September 2010, please consider that I have strategically placed the construction of the MRF within the Village of Creedmoor. City Staff will not be able to stop TDS from providing MRF services by September 30, 2010. The City Council has a favorable option to shipping its recyclables to San Antonio and extending a very bad Greenstar contract.”

o Response: I have been hired to aggressively implement the City of Austin Zero Waste Plan. The City Manager emphasized this priority during the interview process, and reminded me about the importance of this Plan when I started working. In my professional opinion, the Austin region needs more recycling capacity above and beyond a City of Austin contracted processing facility, and I strongly encourage construction and operation of multiple MRFs in this region. With that in mind, city staff will support all efforts toward increasing recycling processing capacity through multiple recycling processing facilities, including Mr. Gregory’s efforts. It’s my understanding that TDS had a preliminary contact with the Planning and Development Review (PDR) staff, although I’m not aware of the substance of that conversation. That being said, I’m sure that PDR staff will work with Mr. Gregory as best they can to facilitate the permitting of his facility and I will engage PDR to help in anyway I can.

B. Mr. Gregory stated: “If Staff decides to present to you the same presentation given to SWAC j0thi, on March entitled “Greenstar Extension Agreement” and tells you that rather than a $7.6 million loss, they now project a profit of approximately $811,000 over the next three years from the Greenstar Contract amendment, please allow me to respond to this presentation during Thursday’s City Council discussion of the item and point out Staff’s unreasonable and inaccurate assumptions used and the cost savings options ignored. Specifically, please remind Staff that they have not reported to you the significant savings the City would realize by closing the Todd Lane recyclables transfer station and direct hauling City collected recyclables directly to the TDS MRF beginning October 1, 2010. The City’s current budget to operate its transfer station to transfer recyclables to Greenstar in San Antonio is approximately $1.1 million per year. Further, the wait time for City trucks to dump their loads at the Todd Lane transfer station is so significant that, by comparison, the City’s added cost to deliver recyclables directly to the TDS MRF would be less than $150,000 per year and the use of the TDS MRF would improve the ability of the City’s existing fleet of collection trucks to complete their task. This TDS study is available for Staff review, but they will not review and respond to it unless specifically directed to do so by Council. I urge you to provide Staff that directive. FYL TDS will also accept; at no charge, clean glass from Ecology Action and the City’s glass collection pilot program and the mixture of cardboard and other paperfrom the City’s commercial collection contract.” o Response: Staff’s recalculation of the remaining terms of the Greenstar contract, and its financial evaluation of the Greenstar contract extension, is intended to provide an updated account of net expense/revenue based on current market values. I am projecting a net benefit to the City for the remaining option terms of the Greenstar contract based on recent 4 month trending, and projected revenue trends that were validated by several national recycling market specialists. Although all projections are subject to validation by actual market conditions, I believe these projections are realistic and verifiable.

As I have been in the recycling industry for more than 35 years, projecting market revenues has become a routine activity in all of my past work. The methods utilized in making these projections are common to the industry and supported by my long history of observing market swings. The recent dip in recycling values has been experienced before, in 1981-82, 1990-91 and in 1999. The recent 4 month upswing in market values is following closely to these past experiences and is expected to continue its recovery path for the next two years. In addition, I have chatted personally with several other market experts in the development of these market projections., and they have agree on my methodology and results.

The “high” trend is projected by the recycling market expects. Although these experts have a high confidence level on this high water mark, I desire to plan more conservatively. The “mid line” trend, representing a 20% reduction from the high line projections, is presented as staff’s projection of net revenues, yielding a 3-year net of $495,610 in revenues, completely offsetting losses incurred in the first 18 months of this 3-year agreement. The “low” trend can be considered a conservative scenario, and still projects net revenue over expenses to the City over the remaining terms of the contract. A set of spreadsheet calculations can be made available to validate my projections.

As to the other claims Mr. Gregory made regarding savings on his proposal, staff has not formally evaluated the TDS proposal, as TDS failed to follow the required procedures for submittal of a response under the City’s clearly delineated process for responding to RFPs. However, we have evaluated. Mr. Gregory’s recent email claim that the City would save $1.1 million by closing the Todd Lane facility, and that estimate is unrealistic. The facility is utilized for various components of our operations as a multi-use facility. If City recycling trucks were directed to the TDS facility in Creedmore, there would be some savings in reduced operations at the Todd Lane facility, however, we would also incur increases in expense in fuel and truck expenses for the added roundtrip mileage south on 1-35 to the Creedmore facility. Staff’s preliminary estimate of these savings and expenses is a net increased cost of $822,000 per year (includes facility savings minus added road mileage, depreciation and labor costs. Without a revenue sharing component, the net effect of TDS’ proposed action would result in a negative impact on our budget.

C. Mr. Gregory stated: “If Staff decides to present to you the same presentation given to SWAC on March 10, 2010, entitled “City ofAustin Waste Characterization Performed on February 24, 2010” and tells you it will not result in a reduction of any income (or an increase in the monthly loss) the City will realize beginning this month, then the Staff has either not calculated it or has chosen to not present to you that the proposed $3.50 per ton reduction in Greenstar processing costs will be more than offset by the increase in processing charges 24th caused by the February commodity percentage characterization. This commodity percentage waste characterization audit has decreased fiber commodities, which is processed at $70 per ton, by 13% while all other material, which is processed at $90 per ton, increased by the same amount. This characterization change results in decreased revenue and increased costs when applied to values and volumes from October 2008 through December 2009. Even with the $3.50 reduced processing fee offered by Greenstam the new material composition applied through December 2009 would have resulted in a 15 month average net cost per ton of $42.72, $3.61 per ton higher than the actual historical average net cost to the City of $39.11 per ton for the 63,265 tons of recyclables shipped to Greenstar over that 15 month period. This means that the characterization change has increased net costs by $7.11 per ton starting this month, which is more than twice the $3.50 per ton amount proposed by Greenstar as a reduction in processing costs. This TDS study is available for Staff review, but they will not review and respond to it unless specifically directed to do so by

Council. I urge you to provide Staff that directive “.

o Response: Staff presented a Waste Characterization study to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission (SWAC), as requested by the Commission. The results of the new waste characterization study resulted in less tonnage in newsprint in the composition sampling, more mixed paper, and significantly more glass content. In addition, the residual trash portion increased. The net effect of these new numbers results in a slightly lower revenue stream each month for the City. This impact on revenues is accurately portrayed in the calculations discussed above. All staff projections of revenues and expenses at the March 10th SWAC meeting are based on this new composition characterization of Austin’s recycling stream. Although there is a corresponding decrease in market revenues per month based on the new waste characterization study results, the increasing value of recyclables has been more than adequate to offset this decrease. For the month of March, based on published market values, the City will experience a net profit on its recyclables, fully reflecting the new waste analysis and all processing and transportation fees associated with the Greenstar contract. This waste characterization study was professionally performed, and the results are valid for future use. Staff will perform a new characterization study every six months, as these results do affect revenues. D. Mr. Gregory stated: “If Staff tells you that they must have a revenue sharing component to any short or long term MRF proposal and that the TDS offer to take the City’s recyclables at no charge should therefore be rejected, I urge you to direct Staff to negotiate the specific 9th terms of the revenue sharing proposals submitted by TDS on February The City can benefit from such a negotiated contract amendment and save a great deal of money each year, partly due to the elimination of the extremely high processing charges and the approximate $800,000 per year the City pays Greenstar to transport City recyclables over 200,000 additional miles from the City’s transfer station to Greenstar ‘s San Antonio MRF, and due to the approximate $1,000,000 per year savings the City could realize by closing its transfer station and direct hauling its recyclables to the local TDS MRF.”

o Response: In addressing Mr. Gregory’s charges of high processing and transportation fees from Greenstar, again we note a net revenue gain for the City beginning in March 2010 and continuing for the remaining 18 month duration of the contract. This revenue is after we deduct the processing fees and the transportation costs to San Antonio (we’re now making money on the Greenstar contract), so Mr. Gregory’s claim that the City could realize a ‘($1,000,000 per year savings” on a go forward basis is impossible without having a revenue sharing component. As recycling markets traditionally have a five year market swing cycle of two years low, one year moderate and two years high market values, it certainly is reasonable to project a modest increase in revenues, as I have projected, through the Greenstar contract term.

E. Mr. Gregory stated: “On March 10th, staff reported to SWAC that the City’s Public Works Department has completed and submitted a staff response to the RFP. Staff reports that their proposal will be a benchmark from which other proposals will be evaluated. Initially, staff reported receiving seven RFP responses. Now, staff reports receiving eight responses, with one of the responses coming from Public Works. It is not yet clear whether staff submitted its response before or after staff’s initial review of the other responses submitted February 9, 2010. Please clarify whether staff is positioning itself to build its own MRF. If so, staff should not be allowed to have any influence into the scoring, disqualification or selection of the MRF contractor or service provider.”

o Response: As you may recall, the City was developing this option several years ago and was not considering private partnerships until the current City management halted that plan in order to seek multiple options. The City’s Public Works Department completed the public option so it could be used as a baseline. The Public Works option is not being scored or evaluated in the RFP process. It was never intended to compete against the submittals to the RFP. The Public Works information will be used, as originally intended, as a baseline...or in other words a “reality check”. Therefore, as has been stated before, the MRF Bid Review Team is evaluating 8 bids from 7 different companies. Staff will present the top two bidders for Council presentations in late April. The staff recommendation for contract award is expected to be presented to Council for approval in May. Finally, the staff posting of the Council agenda item for March 25th posts the original staff financial estimates for the three-year Greenstar contract. That posted agenda item language does not reflect the new staff estimate. The stated value of the agreement in the RCA was prepared on a worst-case basis, during a market freefall of recycling values. As best practices in accounting recommends financial readiness for the worst-case scenario, staff recommends maintaining the original estimates in any council action. However, I feel confident that the City will realize a net positive gain from the existing Greenstar Agreement and additional financial savings from the negotiated extension agreement.

If there are any further questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel to contact Bob Gedert at 974-1926. Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 11:43 AM To: ‘robinb Cc: Riley, Chris Subject: RE: Transportation Bond Election Resolution suggestions

Thanks for providing this input. I believe many of your suggestions were incorporated in the resolution Council just passed unanimously. Furthermore, these ideas will be further fleshed out and incorporated as we move forward with developing the proposed package. Thanks for writing and for your involvement in this issue.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) h

From: Robin Stallings Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:48 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: Transportation Bond Election Resolution suggestions


BikeTexas would like to suggest a few material edits to the attached city council resolution. We used track changes and renamed the resolution to include the digit 7 to differentiate it from other versions of the resolution.

We propose:

1. Increasing the Task Force to 9 nine members to allow for representatives from the Parks Board and the Street Smart Task Force.

2. Adding the phrase: Priority should be given to cost effective projects that benefit “mode shift” away from single occupancy vehicles, mitigate congestion, improve mobility and air quality.”

3. Delete three words “one half of’ from the resolution to read: “The proposed bond package shall be prepared in a manner consistent with the City’s financial policies, with a total not to exceed projected total debt capacity within the City’s current tax rate.”

We welcome any feedback either positive or negative to these proposed changes. Thanks for considering these suggestions.


Robin 512 cell

Robin Stallings Executive Director BikeTexas

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 10:48AM To: Cole, Sheryl; McDonald, Stephanie Subject: press release looks fine to me.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:10 PM To: Edwards, Sue Cc: Johns, Kevin; Ott, Marc Subject: FW: City Arts Funding Issues [IMPORTANT PLEASE READ]

Sue —

Thanks for your time earlier today. In reading the message below and in considering the message Kevin sent earlier to me regarding the good news about not cutting anyone’s funding this year -- I wanted to re-iterate again from our earlier conversation how important it is that we show consideration to the hotel industry, too. None of this money would be available without success in our tourism and hotel business. Please confer with hotel industry leadership before you send out your statement. We need to foster a collaborative approach -- not give the Arts community a win and the Hotel industry a loss.. especially given what we discussed earlier about how poorly this entire matter has been handled in the first place. I am certain the Hotel Association would support a phased approach and we ought to give them the opportunity to help with execution. They should be at the table as much as the arts community is on this discussion. Every current member of council was asked about our position on the use of City Hotel Occupancy Tax when campaigning, and each of us publicly agreed to support the law and support better education about the law to ensure that only eligible programs are funded. Furthermore, this whole issue arose last year during the budget cycle when I realized how down our hotel business was and also how much less we as a City spend on our ACVB budget compared to our peer cities....again, nobody at ACVB had anything to do with the cluster#*@#( we experienced this week with respect to arts funding, but they are definitely getting lots of blame, too....

Thanks, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:09 PM To: ‘Kevin Patterson’; barb credd Cookie Ruiz; Dana Friis-Hansen; Elisbeth Challener; Joan Kobayashi; Ken Stein; Paul Beutel; Rebecca Campbell; Sue Graze; acorroa@ ; ahwilson@ Latifah Taormina Cc: twopenns hkatz@ bmwill ; Edwards, Sue; Coleman, Glen; Ott, Marc; Cis Myers Subject: RE: City Arts Funding Issues [IMPORTANT PLEASE READ]

Thanks so much to each of you for your involvement and productive approach to what has clearly been a challenging week for all of us:-)

Onward, Randi

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Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Kevin Patterson [mailto : kpatterson@ Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:00 PM To: barb@ credd ; Cookie Ruiz; Dana Friis-Hansen; Elisbeth Challener; Joan Kobayashi; Ken Stein; Paul Beutel; Rebecca Campbell; Sue Graze; acorroa ahwilson Latifah Taormina Cc: twopenns hkatz ; bmwill Shade, Randi; Edwards, Sue; Coleman, Glen; Ott, Marc; Cis Myers Subject: City Arts Funding Issues [IMPORTANT PLEASE READ] Importance: High

The purpose of this e-mail is to bring you up to date on the city’s current position with respect to city arts funding. Based on the conversation by the arts organizations present at the 11:00 AM meeting yesterday at the DAC, Cis Myers and I met with several members of the city staff and several council members today.

Mcctig We made it clear to Ms. Edwards that we were representing the entire arts community and shared the concern about the language in the current funding application. We also shared with her an alternate interpretation of the Texas State Tax Code, section 351.10 1. We emphasized the serious economic impact that the pending city interpretation of the tax èode could have on all arts organizations.

We had a very positive exchange of ideas with Ms. Edwards resulting in her agreement to recommend the following to City Manager Marc Ott:

o That the new language in the application be deleted; o That the alternative legal interpretation of the tax code be shard with David Smith, General Council for the city for further review; • And that the city pledged to work with the arts community to further define the process for the next application cycle if necessary.

M Council Member Shade was emphatic about her support for the arts community and arts funding and that the content of the application form was a staff matter and not one requiring council action. We reviewed the same materials and she was in agreement with the general approach outlined with Assistant City Manager Sue Edwards. Council Member Shade anticipated a briefing later today by city staff, but again emphasized that her intent was never to jeopardize funding for the arts community. The meeting went very well and was extremely positive.

We were able to have brief conversations with Council Member Cole and Austin’s General Council David Smith. Each was appreciative of the arts community providing leadership in this matter and anticipated resolving this issue in a positive manner.

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Assistant City Manager Edwards indicated that the arts community should proceed with the application process as they have in past funding cycles.

If you have questions about the information contained herein please contact me at either office 610-7671 or mobile 905-4001.

Thank you

Kevin Patterson General Director Austin Lyric Opera D: 512-610-7671 P: 512-472-5927 Ext. 114 F: 512-472-4143

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:34 AM To: ‘Dave Sullivan’; shersh@ ; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William Cc: Mandy Dealey Subject: RE: Amnesty Code Amendment

Thanks so much, Stuart, Dave and Mandy!

From: Dave Sullivan ] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 8:42 AM To: [email protected]; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William Cc: Mandy Dealey Subject: Re: Amnesty Code Amendment


The Planning Commission, of course, is ready to help as the Council directs. We have a Codes & Ordinance Subcommitte mtg on April 20, but Mandy & I may see Stuart as soon as this Sat. at the Downtown stakeholders’ mtg.


From: “[email protected]; Chris Riley ; Sheryl Cole ; Dave Sullivan ; Lee Leffingwell ; Randi Shade ; Laura Morrison ; Bill Spelman Sent: Tue, March 23, 2010 4:34:56 PM Subject: Amnesty Code Amendment

I want to propose a solution to problems associated with Code Enforcement activities here in South Austin and in other parts of town. Many owners are being cited for violations as a result of a complainant who was denied a flood plain variance. We had a similar situation in 1987 with one complainant, and this led to the little-known amnesty provisions of the Land Development.

Basically, we said in Chapter 13-1 of the City Code back then that we would issue amnesty certificates of occupancy under the following circumstances: 1. The land use was legal at the time it was established (appropriate zoning), even if setbacks and on-site parking wasn’t compliant with current standards. 2. The land use was not an adult-oriented business. 3. The owner purchased a building permit and secured required inspections to correct Housing Code, Dangerous Building Code, and Fire Code violations.

We developed a Housing Code Checklist for the Building Criteria Manual so that city inspectors could create a list of what needed to be corrected for any property owner. We charged a nominal administrative fee for the processing of the permit, so that fee payment would not be an impediment to code compliance. We allowed homeowners, small business people, and other property owners to use the City inspector checklist if they did not want to pay for

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The costs of this approach were more than offset by future property tax revenue that resulted from Austin residents and businesses improving their property and addressing safety concerns.

I think this approach could work today if given a chance.

Stuart Hersh, Avenue #117 78704 (512) (cell)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:49 AM To: Ott, Marc Subject: FW: Austin Energy GM just an fyi....! know nothing about Bob Kahn, but respect Mario’s opinion and said I’d pass along.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Mario Espinoza ] Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 12:59 PM To: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: Austin Energy GM

FYI! My good friend Bob Kahn, Austin Energy’s former Deputy Genera! Manager, has decided to add his name to the applicant pool for AE’s GM. I mentioned him to y’all a couple of months ago. My recommendation still stands — he’d be excellent for the utility as he is well known and respected at AE, as well as at the State Capitol. He left his position as CEO of ERCOT late last year, which only added to his complete knowledge and experience in the energy industry. I know that the decision is Marc’s, but wanted y’all to be in the loop.


4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:47 AM To: ‘J D Porter’ Cc: ‘Rick Cofer’; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Gedert, Bob; Goode, Robert; Coleman, Glen Subject: RE: Greenstar Contract Modification

Thanks, JD. Appreciate your input and agree with your assessment.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: J D Porter Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:02 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; “Martinez, Mike ” ; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris Cc: Rick Cofer; J D Porter; Brent Perdue; Gerry Acuna; Bayes Kazi; Bob Schafer; Maydelle Fason Subject: Greenstar Contract Modification

Greetings Mayor and Council Members,

I am writing to you to respectfully request that you take no action on the Greenstar contract during your March, 25 meeting. I know you are getting a lot of “input” on this issue, so I’ll be brief. My position was clearly stated in the resolutions passed by SWAC at our March 10 meeting and forwarded to you by Director Gedert. There is no significant reason to lock the City into a modified Greenstar contract at this time. Staff estimates that we need, at most, two months to guarantee a smooth transition into any modifications approved by Council. The current contract expires at the end of September, but allows for 6 month extensions. You are under no pressure to act until, at the earliest, late July. However, there may be unexplored opportunities and/or issues that could come to light before then. If we are locked into the proposed modified contract, we will not be able to take advantage of those opportunities or deal with those issues. All options will still be on the table in late July. Thank: you in advance for considering my remarks.

Best regards,

J D Porter, Member Solid Waste Advisory Commission

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 5:28 PM To: ‘Ann Graham’; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Karen LaShelle; Kitch, Vincent; Edwards, Sue; ‘Brett Barnes’; Kennard, Karen

Subject: RE: URGENT ARTS FUNDING ISSUE - Fwd: Update: Important application requirement for Cultural Arts Funding Programs


Thanks for your note. Yes, we are getting a lot of email from the Arts community today. I wasn’t sure why, but seeing the email you have included below that came from EGRSO Cultural Affairs Director Vincent Kitch last week certainly sheds some light on the deluge of emails Council offices are receiving today. Thanks very much for sharing it with us.

I support the arts and agree with your comments below about the importance of arts funding in Austin. As the email below explains, however, eligible uses for Hotel Occupancy Taxes collected by the City are governed by State law not City ordinance.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) p/twwsrs/ccwici1tsaeJitn

From: Ann Graham Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 11:51 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Karen LaShelle

Subject: URGENT ARTS FUNDING ISSUE - Fwd: Update: Important application requirement for Cultural Arts Funding Programs

Dear Mayor Leffingwell, Mayor pro tern Martinez, and Council members Spelman, Shade, Morrison, Riley, and Cole:

I think you may be about to receive an onslaught of email from the arts community (I HOPE so, alas).. .but it came to our attention in an email from EGRSO, Cultural Affairs Director Vincent Kitch last week that the City is considering narrowing its interpretation of the use of the Hotel Occupancy Tax in Cultural Contract funding.. .which will all but eliminate any arts programming that does not include “tourism” and “public programming”. That means an end to City of Austin support for arts and education and much community based programming - of which all of our children across the Greater

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Austin area benefit!

One of the key elements of the Create Austin Plan - not to mention the wealth and breadth of artistic programming across our community - is teaching, sharing, motivating, growing our young children in a culture rich with a diverse array of opportunities in the arts and world of creativity, not to mention other creative arts programs that serve largely underserved populations such as the elderly, lower income and people of color in housing complexes, senior centers, community recreation centers, libraries and more.

Even AISD just included “Increase access and support for high quality Fine Arts instruction as part of a strong core academic curriculum for all students.” as one of its primary goals in its new 5-year Strategic Plan? How do we accomplish all of this incredible programming for our young and often under-served citizens? Much of it us supported through the generosity of the City of Austin’s Cultural Funding Program.

How do we attract businesses to invest and move here to Austin? One of the ways is by having a rich cultural environment and by providing opportunities for creativity at all ages and for all citizens.

What shortsighted gain do we have to get from restricting funds to projects that MUST have tourists in the mix?

I do not know at what level this decision was made, but as a progressive and family-oriented Austin City Council, I urge you to see that these restrictions are not put in place.

Many kind regards, Ann Board Member, Theatre Action Project

Ann S. Graham People + Art = Building Community

Producer - Consultant - Liaison

(512) 914-8096 [email protected]

Forwarded message From: Vincent E. Kitch Date: Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 1:55 PM Subject: Update: Important application requirement for Cultural Arts Funding Programs To:

Dear Ann,

I am writing to give you an update on the application process for the FY 2011 Cultural Arts Funding Programs, deadline May 1, 2010.

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We are in the process of finalizing the guidelines and application forms and I wanted to make you aware of a new requirement for next year’s applications. As a result of recent Attorney General rulings on the use of Hotel Occupancy Tax revenues for cultural and art organization funding, the City of Austin is adding an additional requirement for programs funded with these revenues.

For all core program applications, you are required to identify specific public activities and/or services in your proposal that directly enhance and promote tourism. You will also be asked to estimate the number of total audiences for your proposed activities and how many tourists are expected to attend.

All funding projects must have public performances, events, services, etc. that involve both tourists and residents. You will be required to track this information throughout the project period and report participation as part of your final report. There are a number of ways an organization can track out-of-town participants, including:

• Tracking participating artists who are from out of town • Including a guest register at events or exhibits • Using audience surveys at performances and events o Tracking zip code information from surveys, online ticket purchases, etc. • Asking for a show of hands at project activities from people who live outside Austin • Advertising your events and activities on NowPlayingAustincom

I wanted to let you know about this issue so you may incorporate this requirement as you begin to prepare your FY 2011 applications. Staff will finalize the guidelines and provide them online as soon as they are available. We will also be scheduling workshops by the end of the month to go over changes, including tourism preformance, for next year’s applications with current contractors.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 974-9310.


Vincent E. Kitch Cultural Arts Program Manager City of Austin Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services Office 301 W. 2nd Street Ste 2030 Austin, TX 78701 (512) 974-9310 v (512) 974-6379 f


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4/15/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:11 PM To: ‘latifa h Cc: Edwards, Sue; Kitch, Vincent; ‘Brett Barnes’; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Leffingwell, Lee; Cole, Sheryl; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Spelman, William; Kennard, Karen Subject: FW: URGENT Austin Arts Situation. Read immediately.


We are getting lots of emails today as a result of the urgent message you sent out earlier today. I am not sure what prompted you to send your notice, but please know that the eligible uses for Hotel Taxes collected by the City are governed by State law not City ordinance.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: cynthia sanders Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 2:02 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: Fw: URGENT Austin Arts Situation. Read immediately.

I was prompted to send an email by this email from Latifah as seen below.

Thank you for your response.

Cynthia Sanders

On Mon, 3/22/10, Latifah Taormina wrote:

From: Latifah Taormina Subject: URGENT Austin Arts Situation. Read immediately. To: cynsanders Date: Monday, March 22, 2010, 1:32 PM

You’re receiving this email because of your relationship with Greater Austin Creative Alliance. Please confirm your continued interest in receiving email from us.

You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.

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We are aware and extremely concerned about what is going on at City CounciL in regards to changes to the HOT funds ( Hotel Occupancy tax). We are doing alt we can to double check aLt of the facts as to what has actually transpired so we know what we should immediately address. Tonight it is essential for all Arts supporters from the Austin community to stand strong at the City of Austin Arts Commission meeting at 5:30 TODAY to discuss the fate of the Arts in Austin. Please hold tomorrow from 11 to 1 pm open for a meeting at the Dougherty Arts Center. We wilt be sending out more information as soon as we can.

See below for a email link and text that you can send directly to the Council. Use your voice and stand up for the rights of alt Austin Artists and Art Supporters NOW.

The following is a Link to the online form for emailing mayor and council simultaneously:

http: //www.c. austi .tx, uSLcQcll/groupemaiL.htm

Dear Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers,

It has recently come to light that the Council is considering applying a narrow interpretation of the State Attorney GeneraL’s ruling concerning the use of state Hotel Occupancy Tax (HOT) funds. Under the current interpretation that has been in place for years in Austin, HOT funds have been used to support a wide variety of creative, community-based arts organizations. These groups increase the city’s livability, complement its artistic temperament, and boost tourism by putting Austin on the map as a city with a vibrant and exciting arts culture.

ALL that wiLl change if the city adopts a narrow view of the AG ruling, which states that only projects proving a direct, quantifiabLe impact on tourism are eligible to receive HOT funds. But there are many ways to interpret and evaluate an arts group’s impact on tourism. As City Council members, you have the discretion to continue interpreting the existing statute in such a way as to not wipe out over a hundred arts organizations that are currently enriching the lives of Austin’s citizens-particularly the largely under-served populations of children, the eLderLy, lower-income, and people of coLor. Even the city’s own Special Opportunities and Capacity Building programs will be ineligible for funding under this narrow interpretation.

As a citizen of Austin, I am asking you to reverse your recent decision to change what kind of programming is eligible for Cultural Arts funding.

Greater Austin Creative Alliance Latifah Taormina, Executive Director 512-247-2531 tatifah®austincreativealLiance. org

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Greater Austin Creative Alliance I 701 Tillery Street, Box 9 I Austin I TX I 78702

4/15/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:29 AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; ‘Lee Leffingwell’ Subject: RE: Subsidies for the Marriott?

I told him there was no deal yet in the works and that he ought to know better than to react so quickly to a Statesman story:—) I assured him that if and when a deal comes together we would approach it judiciously. I don’t think he actually blogged about it... .if he did, then I missed it.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:02 AM To: Nathan, Mark; ‘Lee Leffingwell’; Shade, Randi Subject: FW: Subsidies for the Marriott?

Did anyone respond to him. Think he blogged on it too.


Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: Eugene Sepulveda Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 8:32 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Randi Shade; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Riley, Chris; Spelman, William Subject: Subsidies for the Marriott?

ALL, you gotta be kidding me?

After all the arguments about downtown investment by private developers, after destroying Austin’s Las Manitas with the justification of all the jobs, private property rights and private investment . . . we’re now considering stepping up to subsidize White Lodging’s Marriott?

i/m/h/o outrageous to even be considering this

1 Eugene Sepulveda, CEO

Entrepreneurs Foundation www. GiveToAustin. org


HeipRaiti - donate to Haiti and your contribution matched 1:1 by the Entrepreneurs Foundation ($600k available) click here:

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2 Page 1 of3

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 3:27 PM To: Cole, Sheryl


All is good now, but for whatever reason Stephanie didn’t send me a draft in advance even though it sounds like you asked her to do so. She sent the aides a copy on Tuesday (Marti’s baby was born on Monday), and so by the time I got the copy from Glen it felt kind of late to me.

Hope y’all are having a great vacation.


From: Cole, Sheryl To: Shade, Randi Sent: Fri Mar 19 12:54: 14 2010


I remember you wanted to shop it to the council members this week. I remember talking who was and was not going to be around. I don’t know or understand or remember what the concern is from getting input from the aides. If I promised otherwise I am sorry. I told stephanie to give it to you and make sure she works with the aides. We have been working on that. Thanks for the help on this.

Sheryl Cole Austin City Council Council Member Place 6 (512) 974-2266 (phone) (512) 974-1890 (fax)!council!colcht.m

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 10:18 AM To: Cole, Sheryl


Sorry for last minute changes but I thought when you and I spoke last Friday you were going to ask Stephanie to send me the draft BEFORE she started circulating among aides.

From: McDonald, Stephanie To: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Cc: Thomas, Deborah Sent: Wed Mar 17 10:09:59 2010


I’m pretty sure that will be ok with Sheryl. Can we change it and then amend if we need to? Thanks, slm

From: Shade, Randi

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 3

To: Coleman, Glen; McDonald, Stephanie Cc: Thomas, Deborah Sent: Wed Mar 17 10:07:05 2010


Thanks. I wilt look for Stephanie here. The posting language below is highly problematic. It needs to be changed or we will have a real crisis on our hands.

Please change to read: ‘Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to prioritize permanent supportive housing but continue to fund affordable home ownership, home repair, and home rental projects.”

From: Coleman, Glen To: Shade, Randi Sent: Wed Mar 17 09:58:56 2010


I think your suggested language is more clear. Right now the posting language just says: “Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to allocate the remaining GO Bond funding for rental housing.”

If you are at the Homeless thing, Stephanie should also be there.

- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:51 AM To: Coleman, Glen; McDonald, Stephanie


Would also appreciate seeing the posting language. Thanks!

From: Shade, Randi To: Coleman, Glen; McDonald, Stephanie Sent: Wed Mar 17 09:49:38 2010


The second Whereas reads funny to me. Perhaps it should read: Whereas, the 2009 Austin Housing Market Study determined that those earning less than $20,000 in annual income are most at risk for homelessness,and

Whereas, the 2009 Austin Housing Market Study showed the greatest need in Austin to be housing for residents with annual incomes at or below 30% MEl (median family income), and

4/18/2011 Page 3 of 3


From: Coleman, Glen To: Shade, Randi Sent: Tue Mar 16 15:49:06 2010


If you are co sponsoring, I will need to confirm for Myrna

- glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: McDonald, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:42 PM To: Leff, Lewis; Coleman, Glen; Rios, Myrna; Thomas, Deborah Cc: Williams, Nancy


Deborah and Myrna:

Attached is an updated resolution for the NHCD GO Bond funds. I believe that CM Shade and CM Riley are the co-sponsors.

Please feel free to direct any questions my way!

Thanks! slm

Stephanie Lee McDonald Policy Director Office of Council Member Sheryl Cole 512.974.6070 direct 512.974.1890 fax 512.974.2266 main

4/18/2011 Page] of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 12:04 PM To: Ott, Marc Subject: Re: Fwd: Convention Centerl (Another) IFC for 3/25

My pleasure:-)

From: Ott, Marc To: Shade, Randi Sent: Wed Mar 17 12:01:11 2010 Subject: Fwd: Convention Centerl (Another) IFC for 3/25

Well done. Thank you. Marc

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: “Rios, Myrna” Date: March 17, 2010 11:56:59 AM CDT To: “Curtis, Cathy” Cc: “Ott, Marc” , “Garza, Rudy” , “Fernandez, Rolando” , “Beekley, Taja” Subject: FW: Convention Centerl (Another) IFC for 3/25


From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:52 AM To: Rios, Myrna Cc: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; McDonald, Stephanie; Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6) Subject: (Another) IFC for 3/25

Hi Myrna. Please see posting language below for (another) item for 3/25 agenda. MPT Martinez and CM Cole have signed off on this language. Thanks, MN.

A resolution directing the City Manager to conduct an analysis of the potential economic impact of a new Convention Center hotel in downtown Austin and to present Council with possible strategies for facilitating development of such a project. (Sponsor: Mayor Lee Leffingwell: Co-Sponsors: Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez, Council Member Sheryl Cole)

Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701

4/18/2011 Page 3 of3

Please feel free to direct any questions my way!

Thanks! sim

Stephanie Lee McDonald Policy Director Office of Council Member Sheryl Cole 512.974.6070 direct 512.974.1890 fax 512.974.2266 main

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:22 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]


Thanks, Lee.

Original Message From: Leffingwell, Lee To: Shade, Randi; Williams, Nancy; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Tue Mar 16 18:20:11 2010


Flexibility is good. Seems OK to me. LL

Original Message From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tue 3/16/2010 5:35 PM To: Williams, Nancy; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]


How does this look to y’all?

I’m happy where this has landed in terms of prioritizing while also retaining flexibility.

As is always the case, though, the real work will be in how staff allocates scores, takes in proposals, etc. I have ideas on how to address some of those issues but don’t think this resolution is the place for t5at to happen.

Any and all thoughts welcome. Changes can be made, but I need to sign on by tomorrow as co—sponsor due to posting rules —— thanks, Lee:—)

Hope y’all are enjoying “spring break.”


From: Coleman, Glen To: Shade, Randi Sent: Tue Mar 16 15:49:06 2010


If you are co sponsoring, I will need to confirm for Myrra


— glen coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974—1374

From: McDonald, Stephanie Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:42 PM To: Leff, Lewis; Coleman, Glen; Rios, Myrna; Thomas, Deborah 1 Cc: Williams, Nancy


Deborah and Myrna:

Attached is an updated resolution for the NHCD GO Bond funds. I believe that CM Shade and CM Riley are the co—sponsors.

Please feel free to direct any questions my way!

Thanks! 5 lm

Stephanie Lee McDonald Policy Director Office of Council Member Sheryl Cole 512.974.6070 direct 512.974.1890 fax 512.974.2266 main

2 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 8:08 PM To: Ott, Marc Subject: Re: How about this for posting language?

Great. Thx. I haven’t gotten a reply yet from MN.

From: Ott, Marc To: Shade, Randi Sent: Mon Mar 15 19:54:19 2010 Subject: Re: How about this for posting language?

Will do.

Want to talk with Sue first. Get back to you tomorrow. Marc

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 15, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Shade, Randi” wrote:

fyi... please pass any suggestions my way.

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 5:03 PM To: Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: How about this for posting language?

“formal solicitation of information” sounds like an RFI to me...isn’t that the very definition of RFI? My suggestion is that you work with Sue’s team to get the resolution and posting language done right.

From talking with Lander’s staff and to Marc Ott, this effort doesn’t require Council action, but both agree that it could be helpful to have a unified call from Council to work on this sooner than later. As I mentioned to you, Lander’s office is currently working with Hockynos to quantify the economic benefits to the City to invest in something like this, but without knowing numbers yet, it is hard to suggest which approach to take. Yes, there have been folks expressing interest lately, but all discussions sound very early-stage. That’s why it seems to me that the item from Council should be a call to to direct the City Manager to explore how best to stimulate economic development activities that result in the construction of a convention center hotel, but not to be much more specific in an effort to let staff have the time to come up with a plan. Since people in the business know something about Council’s mis-steps on this in the past, we need to proceed with a fair amount of caution, don’t you think? Again, Marc was receptive, but encouraged pragmatism over hype (my words not his); that seems to be the same message I hear from ACVB folks. I’ve not discussed with Sue, but encourage you to do so.


From: Nathan, Mark Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 4:36 PM

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

To: Shade, Randi Subject: How about this for posting language?

I think its sufficiently broad but perhaps a little more specific than just “explore it”

A resolution directing the City Manager to prepare a formal solicitation of information from prospective developers of a Convention Center hotel in downtown Austin.

Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701 www.MayorLeffingwelLcom

4/18/2011 Page 1 ofó

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 15, 2010 5:30 PM To: Ott, Marc Subject: FW: Texas Monthly Article I promised you earlier

I sent this article to Kevin earlier -- thought you might enjoy it, too.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Johns, Kevin Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 9:04 AM To: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Texas Monthly Article I promised you earlier

What a great article. Thanks for sharing. Austin is still very new to me so this was very helpful. If you come across similar pieces I would enjoy reading and learning.

FYI I met Richard Florida a few times and enjoyed his perspective. A key thrust of my successful economic work in other areas of the United States is to do just what he suggests. Perhaps with the Mayor seeking to host a small business or economic summit in 2011 we could invite Richard to return and give us a look into Austin’s future — as a prototype for how communities of the future grow.

Hope you have a nice weekend and thanks again for giving me a glimpse into the mind of the city.


From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:07 PM To: Johns, Kevin Cc: Gonzales, Rodney; Ott, Marc Subject: Texas Monthly Article I promised you earlier

This has always been a favorite article of mine. I’d not read it in a long while. It still rings true to me in many ways. Enjoy.

-Rand i

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 6 rj Ioi [Ii ly February 2006 My Bue Heaven Outsiders have always bashed Austin for its liberal politics, but my beloved city takes pride in being different from the rest of the state. Smarter too. And more arrogant. by Gary Cartwrght

READING A NEWSPAPER ACCOUNT of former Austin mayor Bruce Todd’s near-fatal bicycle crash reminded me why I wanted to come here in the first place. Austin is different from the rest of Texas. You may have noticed this in the November election, when 253 of the state’s 254 counties approved Proposition 2, a constitutional amendment that outlawed what was already illegal: gay marriage. The lone holdout was Travis County, whose county seat is Austin. The city doesn’t merely tolerate but actually treasures the offbeat, the adventurous, the fractured, and the weird. In other words, it’s the sort of place where a 55-year-old former mayor would think that a neat thing to do the Sunday after Thanksgiving was take a marathon bike ride in the country. Ironically, Todd’s life was saved because he wore a helmet, a cause he had championed as mayor despite the libertarian streak that runs through the city’s residents.

Outsiders hate Austin, of course, and with good reason. We’re smarter and more talented than they are, not to mention more arrogant. For most of the state’s history, Austin has been the center of creative, cultural, intellectual, and political life. Folks love referring to us as the People’s Republic of Austin, suggesting that we are the true totalitarians in this state. Bashing Austin is great sport at the Legislature as well. In 2001, perhaps in an effort to prove that small minds are capable of big blunders, Austin’s beloved Barton Springs was moved into the district of San Antonio senator Jeff Wentworth. “Sometimes I feel like we’re Romans surrounded by Goths beating on the gates,” Larry Wright, one of dozens of talented writers who make their home in Austin, told me recently. “But inside, civilization survives.”

With a couple of brief exceptions, Austin has been my home since 1968, when I left the Philadelphia Inquirer and closed out a ten-year newspaper career. My plan was to return to Texas and finish my first novel, The Hundred-Yard War, and Austin seemed like the perfect place to do it. I’d been introduced to its

4/18/2011 Page 3 of6 stimulations during three semesters at the University of Texas in the early fifties, before a tour of duty with the Army. I had dreamed of returning, of living the life that Billy Lee Brammer wrote about in The Gay Place, sitting under the trees of Scholz Garten, listening to renditions of Texas history and explanations of its skewered politics from the liberals, lobbyists, and university professors who dwelled there, of drinking the wine of youth and talking about the glory of the written word and whether Faulkner’s sentences were too long or Hemingway’s too short and what we intended to do about it. I was friends with Brammer and Bud Shrake, another celebrated Austin novelist, who had finished writing But Not for Love a few years earlier when we had shared an apartment in . The founding fathers of Texas letters, Dobie, Webb, and Bedichek, had all passed away by that time: Brammer, Shrake, and I, along with a few other non-Austin Texans like Larry McMurtry and John Graves, fancied ourselves their natural heirs.

At roughly that same time, Jerry Jeff Walker and Willie Nelson moved to town, and Austin’s music scene was born. Artists like Gordon Fowler and Julie Speed were soon making Austin their home. Computer opened for business and started to grow like crazy, and Sematech put us on the high-tech map. Whole Foods Market blossomed about that same time. Maybe it was just luck that all these creative types picked Austin. Or maybe there’s something in the water. As a friend has noted, if Willie hadn’t been forced out of Nashville and if dope hadn’t been so cheap in Austin, and if Michael Dell hadn’t dropped out of UT and started selling computers from his dorm room, and if Whole Foods founder John Mackey hadn’t believed he could make a buck selling sprouts and granola bars, who knows where we’d be today?

When you think about our current crop of Texas heroes, you think about those three individuals, along with Lance Armstrong, Ann Richards, and filmmakers Robert Rodriguez and Richard Linklater. What do they have in common? All of them are rebels, and they all live in Austin.

People have always argued about what makes a city great, and in recent years, debate has centered on Richard Florida, whose most recent book, The Flight of the Creative Class, came out last spring. Florida believes that creative people seek out places that are tolerant, diverse, and open to creativity. Communities that attract and keep creative people thrive, and those that don’t fail. He puts Austin near the top of his list of the most creative cities in America, just behind San Francisco and ahead of San Diego, Boston, Seattle, Washington, D.C., and New York. The only other Texas cities on the list are Houston (number 7) and Dallas (number 10). According to a recent study by Central Connecticut State University, Austin is far and away the most well-read city in Texas and number 3 in the nation in Internet literacy.

Taken alone, our concentration of creative types doesn’t explain why nearly 60 percent of us voted against Prop 2. Approximately one third of the voters in Dallas and Houston, our other two “creative” centers, thought that an amendment whose

4/18/2011 Page 4 of 6 sole purpose was to divide people and put them in boxes deserved their scorn. (In Beaumont, one of the nation’s least creative towns, only 13 percent nixed Prop 2.) Residents of Austin see up close the goofiness and mendacity that are the daily fare at the Capitol and are quick to smell out gussied-up skunks like many of the proposals put forward last election. I pride myself on being fairly aware of what’s happening in state government. Nevertheless, I confess that I voted against all the propositions on the theory that anything that bunch of clowns proposes has to be bad.

So what is it that makes Austin so different from the rest of the state? Why, as some have said, is it the blueberry in the tomato soup? A short answer is the university. Every year 50,000 young people pour into town, most of them experiencing life for the first time and wide open to possibilities. Typically, university towns like Boulder, Madison, Ann Arbor, and Berkeley are zones of tolerance and diversity, friendly to new ideas and suspicious of ideology. Austin has outgrown the “university town” label but not the aura. Located at the edge of the Hill Country, it rests in one of the most beautiful pockets of Texas. The scenery and the city’s mystique as a hip music town with great nightlife, a thriving motion picture industry, and a booming high-tech employment center have attracted people from across the nation, bumping the metro population to about 1.4 million.

Not all the newcomers are liberals, of course, but all who come find the city warm and accepting. In his research, Florida found that the lifestyles of creative people go well beyond the standard quality-of-life amenities that most experts think are important. For example, lists of high-tech hot spots are almost identical to lists of cities with the highest concentrations of gays and bohemian types—artists, writers, performers. While Austin has a large gay population, there is no separate gay community here, nothing on the order of Montrose in Houston or Cedar Springs in Dallas. Gays have been assimilated into the population, almost without our realizing it was happening. People in Austin are as religious as anywhere else, but we don’t wear religion on our sleeves. Even George W. Bush refrained from proselytizing when he occupied the governor’s office. On the other hand, residents of Travis County have a fiercely conservative attitude toward individual rights: We mind our own business and hope others do the same. What other county would have put up with Hippie Hollow all these years?

Austinites tend to be more politically active than people in many other places, probably because of the large number of neighborhood associations, bureaucrats, and staff members of various progressive groups that make their headquarters here. “It’s very easy to get involved on the local political level,” says state representative Elliott Naishtat, who came to Texas from New York as a VISTA volunteer in 1966. “Austin has a strong tradition of citizen involvement, going back to LBJ’s War on Poverty.”

My own political awakening happened about that same time. Shortly after I moved here, I discovered a monthly celebration called First Friday. On the first Friday of

4/18/2011 Page 5 of 6 every month, a group of writers, lawyers, liberal politicians, and intellectuals gathered at the home of Sam and Virginia Whitten, near the university, where they debated the issues of the day and drank large quantities of beer and wine. Sam was an esteemed professor in the department of library sciences at UT, and Virginia was the librarian of Eanes Elementary School, and debates featured luminaries like David and Ann Richards, syndicated columnist Molly Ivins, and the eminent historian Standish Meacham, who headed the UT history department and was for a time dean of the college of liberal arts. After Sam and Virginia died, Molly changed the name to Last Friday and hosted it at her home in South Austin.

In one of his essays, Florida recalls walking across the campus of Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Mellon University, where he taught, and spotting a table of young recruiters wearing the blue T-shirts of Austin’s Trilogy Inc. One member of the group, slouched over on the grass, looked to be an obvious slacker: tank top; spiked, multicolored hair; full-body tattoos and multiple piercings. Florida discovered that the man was, in fact, a gifted Carnegie Mellon student who had just signed with Trilogy for the highest-paying deal of any graduating student in the history of his department. He was what techies call a “rock star,” heavily recruited by a number of corporations. Pittsburgh is hardly a cultural backwater, so no matter how terrific his prospects at Trilogy, why would this kid leave for a smaller city in the middle of Texas? Why would he go to a place with a small airport, no major-league sports teams, and no major symphony, ballet, or art museum comparable to Pittsburgh’s? “It’s in Austin,” the lad explained. The fifties best-seller, The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, exposed the wardrobe, the ambition, and the mindless conformity of Americans of that era. Maybe the day will come when we’ll be ready for the sequel, The Nerd in the Tank Top.

We didn’t need Prop 2 to prove that, for all its flaws, Austin is the civilizing force of Texas. I agree with my friend Larry Wright, who argues that Austin is the last real Texas city, the one remaining spot where our state’s famous libertarian strain is alive and well. People here still believe that libertarianism means liberty, not guns or gay bashing. I predict that in 25 or 30 years, gay marriages will be fairly common, at which time historians reviewing the 2005 election will conclude that Austin was the mainstream while the rest of the state remained as archaic as the Old South during the time of slavery.

Copyright © 1973-2010 Emmis Publishing LP dba Texas Monthly. All rights reserved.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3

4/18/2011 Page6of6

(512) 974-2255 (phone) (512)974-1888 (fax) httçt//

4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 3:22 PM To: Morrison, Laura Subject: RE: March 12th CAN Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

The CAN meeting went well. Lots of good info, but nothing you can’t pick up at another time. Have fun with the family and with SXSW.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Morrison, Laura Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:23 AM To: Shade, Randi Subject: FW: March 12th CAN Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Randi — I have to miss today’s meeting.. . family coming into town. Hope you can cover.

ZJLaura Morrison Austin City Council, Place 4 512-974-2258 512-974-1886 (Fax) [email protected] b @LAURAatCityHaN

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 12:10 PM To: agaffney alan .miller ; bbarker chantel.bottoms@ ; [email protected]. us; christinebrister Lott, Cindy; [email protected]; david.evans Lurie, David; dianne.mendoza@ DPruett ; Debbie.Bresette djohnson020 [email protected]; dseals@ dscheberle [email protected]; [email protected]; Diaz, Elaine; Emily.DeMaria ; [email protected]; [email protected]; Corpus, Grace; Jgrissoml jimOreed ; [email protected]; John [email protected]; josieb [email protected]; Jackson, Juanita; Julia ; KCookl ldolmeda Morrison, Laura; lclark2

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

markwilliams Margo. Davis ; Marquiswilhams33 Mary. Dodd ; MBoyles MFaria Mrollin mcleveland ; Shade, Randi; sharon.taylor [email protected]; [email protected]. us; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; trcowan ; [email protected]; tspencer ; Cobalis, Vince; Vsarria YStout Subject: March 12th CAN Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Dear Folks,

Please see the attached agenda and minutes for this Fri. Mar 12th CAN Board of Directors mtg. scheduled for 1:00pm at City Hall’s Board and Commissions room.

**Board Members and Staff, We are concerned about attendance for this Fri. mtg. since Spring Break begins on

Monday! PLEASE let me know if you will be in attendance.

Thank you all so much! Brenda

Brenda Ahrns Community Action Network © Dawson Elementary 3001 S. 1st Street, Portable 2A Austin, Texas 78704

(512) 414-0323

4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 11,20108:31 PM To: Cole, Sheryl Cc: Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6) Subject: Re:

See you at 10. Thanks.

From: Cole, Sheryl To: Shade, Randi Cc: Wilson, Beverly (Council Place 6) Sent: Thu Mar 11 19:41:37 2010 Subject:

Please clear the auditors off my calendar so I can meet with Randi from 10:00 to 11:00

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 11,20107:10 PM To: Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE:

I’m free from 10— noon. What about you? We need at least 30 minutes, but I’d love a full hour. We gotta do a map and come up with the right approach to the resolution for March 25th

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 7:08 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject:

What time will you be here tomorrow?

4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 11,20106:46 PM To: ‘Paul Skeith’; austininterfaith net; gina.hinojosa mcskeith .net; Iouism Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: This week’s Item from Council

You’re welcome.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http;//

From: Paul Skeith [mailto: pskeith Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:25 PM To: Shade, Randi; austininterfaith@ gina.hinojosa mcskeith cgmdct louism Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark Subject: RE: This week’s Item from Council

Councilmember Shade and Mayor Leffingwell,

Thank you for working with us on this. We think this proposal will help Austin make better and more informed decisions on incentive requests.


Paul Skeith for the Austin Interfaith Strategy Team

From: Shade, Randi [mailto: [email protected]] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 4:48 PM To: austininterfaith@ gina.hinojosa mcskeith ; Paul Skeith; cgmdct ; louism@ Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark Subject: This week’s Item from Council

As promised at our meeting a few weeks ago, and as referenced at this past week’s Council Meeting: flttp;/Nwciaustin .t.vs/conQi1_rneetng Jitem_attachmertscfm?reetIngic=206&iternid=1 2494&iter36


4/18/2011 Page 2 of2

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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4/18/2011 Page 1 of3

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, March 11,20105:13 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Subject: FW: Evidently neighborhood assoc hasn’t authorized supporting appeal against Woodrow

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http ://

From: Eugene Sepulveda Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 11:05 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Spelman, William; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris Subject: Evidently neighborhood assoc hasn’t authorized supporting appeal against Woodrow

Important clarification from Mary Ingle immediately below

Eugene Sepulveda @EugeneAustin

Heipllaiti - donate to Haiti and your contribution matched 1:1 by the Entrepreneurs Foundation ($600k available) click here: b1tp://ww.givetQ1stin,org/ie1pbaiti/

From: nuna-residents [mailto: nuna-residents ] On Behalf Of Mary Ingle Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:08 AM To: nuna-residents© Subject: Re: [NUNA Residents] Council Action Set for Today

CANPAC passed a resolution supporting the hours and decibel levels for Taos Co-op proposed by Alan Robinson ONLY. This resolution is consistent with UAP’s position. We did not pass a resolution supporting NUNA’s appeal. I want to make that perfectly clear. -Mingle

Hi All...

The Woodrow’s Outdoor Music Venue appeal is set for today at 4 P.M. The latest round of negotiations between the applicant and Taos Co-Op did not produce agreement, and the applicant’s position has continued to diverge from the earlier compromise worked out several weeks ago.

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Taos is the party most affected by this permit being right next door. At issue are the decibel limits and the time of operation. Taos requests that council SUPPORT NUNA’s appeal and direct the issuance of a new permit with a 70 dB limit on outdoor music for hours 10:30 P.M. Mon-Wed, 11:00 P.M. Thursday, and midnight Fri-Sat.. This is a reasonable compromise that protects the integrity of dense residential uses nearby, allows Wood rows to have outdoor music, and closely follows the parameters of NUNA’s recent agreement with Spider House.

Here is more information on the agenda page: http :// austin.tx. us/council meetings/item attachments. cfrn? rneetingid=206&itemid= I 2470&itern=65

I am very pleased that University Area Partners (UAP) and the Central Austin Neighborhoods Planning Advisory Committee (CANPAC) have joined with NUNA and Taos to support the appeal and the issuance of a new permit under the above terms.

If you have not voiced your concern to council, please take this opportunity to ask them to SUPPORT the appeal and re-issue a permit with terms that are acceptable to nearby residents. Better still, consider signing in to support this item at council chambers downtown.

Lee.Leffingwell©; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected];

The problems with this permit are: 1. It endangers current residential uses 2. It endangers planned additional growth of that area via mixed use projects. 3. It conflicts with our neighborhood plan’s goals for the subdistricts most affected. 4. It is unfair to people who need to work, sleep, and study in their own homes and need to do so at a time of their own choosing


Scott Scott Morris

4/18/2011 Page 3 of3

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4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 8:32 PM To: Hensley, Sara; Acevedo, Art Cc: Ott, Marc; ‘Rosemary.Lehmberg©co.travis’ Subject: Fw: FYI Neighborhood Watch

Wanted to be sure you saw that things are improving in the Barton Hills n’hood above the greenbelt area where those campsites I mentioned to you were such a problem.

This is good news, and I appreciate the calls you put in to make sure the area was patrolled more often.


From: Suzanne Soares

Hey Randi, Thought you might like to see this email below. We have had a huge clean up down on the trails and things are moving well. Thanks again for everything! Suzanne

From: Melissa Hawthorne Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:24 PM To: ‘Suzanne Soares’ Subject: FW: [barton_hills] Neighborhood Watch


From: barton_hills mailto: barton_hills ] On Behalf Of John Luther Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:11 PM To: BHNA. net listserv Cc: Dwayne Kinley Subject: [barton_hills] Neighborhood Watch

Neighbors: While out patrolling the neighborhood this afternoon I came across two APD officers on Homedale at the park entrance. They were about to go down into the greenbelt on foot patrol. This is good news as there were many cars at the entrance and APD is taking care of business where the Neighborhood Watch does not patrol. This happened at 3:55 PM.

Well done APD. The officers were polite, friendly and very supportive of our Neighborhood Watch program.

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

John Luther, Chair BHNA Neighborhood Watch Program

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4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 4:48 PM To: austininterfaith gina. hinojosa© mcskeith@s ‘Paul Skeith’; cgmdct ‘louism Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark Subject: This week’s Item from Council

As promised at our meeting a few weeks ago, and as referenced at this past week’s Council Meeting: 2494&item36


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:00 PM To: Parkerson, Matt Cc: Riley, Chris; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: Homelessness and housing issues

thanks. Sorry I hadn’t seen that yet. You’re good!!! Thanks again!

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Parkerson, Matt Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:48 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: Homelessness and housing issues

Hey Randi —

I set up a coffee wI Sarah on March 22’, 8:30am, at J0’5 and it is on your calendar.



From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:22 PM To: Cole, Sheryl; Riley, Chris Subject: RE: Homelessness and housing issues

excellent. Chris -- I can’t remember if it was you or I who was going to set up a coffee meeting with Sarah in the coming weeks. I am happy to do so. Just say the word.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3

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(512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:08 PM To: Shade, Randi; Riley, Chris Subject: FW: Homelessness and housing issues

I think we are making progress. Sheryl Cole Austin City Council Council Member Place 6 (512) 974-2266 (phone) (512) 974-1890 (fax) http://www.cLaustin.txus/council/cole.htm

From: Sarah Eckhardt [mailto:Sarah.Eckhardt©co.travis.tx. us] Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 11:03 AM To: Cole, Sheryl Subject: Homelessness and housing issues


I had a realy good meeting with Harvey Davis of the Travis COunty Housing Corp. He and staff had just had a retreat on how to address the 30% MFI and below category. I’m getting with the Judge about scheduling us up for a discussion of next steps on our coordinated effort.

Thanks a million.

- SE

4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 7:09 AM To: ‘emilyetrube© ; Cole, Sheryl; Riley, Chris

Subject: Re: Phoenix Trip - From Emily at KLBJ

Thanks, Emily. Appreciate you sending the link and appreciate the attention you gave to the subject.

As for Facebook --- thankfully that one is a done deal for Austin. YingIi (the public solar panel company from China) is we’re competing with Phoenix to get. Fingers crossed:-)

From: Emily Trube > To: Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Riley, Chris Sent: Mon Mar 08 00:05:27 2010

Subject: Phoenix Trip - From Emily at KLBJ


I wanted to thank the three of you again very much for getting back to me so quickly on Friday. Much appreciated.

As you may or may not know, we are very limited in how long our stories can be for broadcast — in commercial radio reporters are limited to 30 seconds. This is a story I wanted to give some more time to, and so have produced, for the website, a longer version. I attached it if you would like to give a listen.

I do regret not asking one question - - Was this really just a cloak and dagger operation to find out what Phoenix is offering Facebook? ©


Emily Trube

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 1:28 PM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Curtis, Matt; Everhart, Amy; Bier, Marti; Coleman, Glen; Diaz, Elaine Subject: Re: City Councils Small Business Summit Meeting on 3/23? PLEASE RESPOND.

Hi Mark,

Thanks. This looks good. Seems like you made a good call with respect to the Chambers. As for speaker - I will give it some thought but I think you should pick someone like Tim League (Alamo Drafthouse) and have the topic be what do local business want/need most from City government. My sense is that it is much more about permit processes, infrastructure, customer base and customer experience issues, public safety, doing business with the City as a customer, tax rates, fee and/or tax waivers, other financial issues, overall economic development activity, etc. than it is “how to write a business plan.”

See my answers to your specific questions below.

1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Will think more about it but think we need to have discussion around stuff like what I mentioned above. 5. Seems important to let the folks who work with local small businesses (ie Chambers, BiG, PeopleFund, ATI) know what we’re doing even though we aren’t necessarily giving them a platform. I am willing to invite folks they want included and would better other CM’s would, too.

Thanks, Randi

From: Nathan, Mark To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris

Cc: Council Executive Assistants; Council Executive Secretaries; Leffingwell, Lee; Williams, Nancy; Curtis, Mall; Everhart, Amy Sent: Sat Mar 06 11:01:43 2010 Subject: City Council’s Small Business Summit Meeting on 3/23? PLEASE RESPOND.

Hi all.

As I’ve discussed with a few of you, this past week I requested a hold on all of your calendars for the evening on

3/23, from 5:30 - 7:30, in the hopes that you be interested in participating in a “City Council’s Small Business Summit Meeting” to gather input from small local business owners about how the City might better help them succeed.

I apologize for the relatively short time frame on this, but since our Small Business Development Program is holding its “Getting Connected” event for small local businesses on 3/23 at Palmer, this seemed like a good opportunity to piggy-back onto an existing event, and I have been working with Rosy Jalifi over the past week to that end. I’ve also spoken with Rebecca Melancon from the Austin Independent Business Alliance and she’s interested in having AIBA co-host this summit meeting with the City Council.

Accordingly, we’ve reserved an available meeting room at Palmer that holds about 55 people. Given the room size, our thinking has been that we would invite around 40 small business owners to participate in small group

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2 discussions. Each discussion table would be provided with a City facilitator, and perhaps each would also have a Council member participating in the dialogue.

The agenda could look something like this:

5:00 - 5:30: Refreshments and networking

5:30 - 5:45: Welcoming remarks - Council members, Kevin Johns, Rebecca Melancon

5:45 - 6:00: Perhaps short keynote remarks from a small local business owner? I with Q & A

6:00 - 7:00: Facilitated discussion groups

7:00 - 7:20: Group reports

7:20 - 7:30: Closing remarks

After the meeting, our office would be happy to take responsibility for drafting a document synopsizing all of the input, and then Council can figure out where to take the information from there.

To get to 40 participating small business owners, our thinking was that each Council office could take responsibility for inviting 4 business owners to attend; that SBDP would invite another 4; and that AIBA would invite another 10, for a total of 42 participants. (That would be 7 discussion tables of 6 small business owners, plus a Council member, plus a facilitator). We also thought that we should develop a list of possible discussion questions and distribute them to participants in advance of the meeting.


1. Are you available to participate in “City Councils Small Business Summit Meeting” on 3/23 from 5:30 - 7:30? 2. Do you have any additional I different thoughts about the approach or the agenda? 3. Will you take responsibility for inviting 4 small local business owners to participate? 4. What discussion questions would you suggest? 5. What have we stupidly neglected to think through?

In discussing this idea, a few folks have suggested that various small business support organizations - Chambers, non-profits, lenders, etc. - should be invited to participate, but given the relatively small room (the only one available at Palmer during the “Getting Connected” event), our thinking was that we should consider hosting a subsequent event focused on gathering input from those groups, and keep this event focused exclusively on small business owners.

Also, if we can get this to come together, we’ll take responsibility for posting this as a Special-Called Meeting.

Please advise.

Thanks, Mark.

Mark Nathan Office of Mayor Lee Leffingwell Phone: (512) 974-3368 Fax: (512) 974-2337 301 West 2nd Street Austin, Texas 78701

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 4:52 PM To: ‘natalie@ ’ Cc: Ott, Marc; Calabrese, Joe (COACD)

Subject: RE: Submitted from City Council web site - Commending Joe Calabrese of Austin 3-1-1

Thank you so very much for taking the time to write to us. All too often we hear complaints and too rarely do we hear the compliments like the one you sent below. I’ve only been on City Council for a short time, but have been amazed at the complexity and breadth of issues we face here at the City. Like most large organizations we have plenty of opportunities for improvement. Clearly, you experienced that first-hand We also have incredibly talented folks working hard every day to serve our fellow citizens. I am so glad you got to experience that, too. Again, thanks so much for taking the time to write to us about Joe’s excellent work to resolve the challenge you faced. I appreciate it more than you know.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: [email protected] j Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 3:09 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Memberi; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl

Subject: Submitted from City Council web site - Commending Joe Calabrese of Austin 3—1-1

Date/Time Submitted: 1508 hours From: Natalie Durkin

Subject: Commending Joe Calabrese of Austin 3-1-1

Categories: personal message

Comments: Dear Esteemed Mr. Mayor and City Council Members,

I just wanted to let you know about the caring and wonderful job Mr. Joe Calabrese, Call Center Manager for Austin 311, did in handling what had become an abysmal customer service nightmare for me.

I had been battling with various parties within Austin Energy Legal Department regarding my seeking of reimbursement for a meager $119 bill stemming from being denied a request for a COA power technician to come to my home 12/24/2009 after I reported a partial outage at my residence. The operator told me it could not have been a City problem and that I needed an electrician. Upon the electrician’s arrival, within 30 seconds he’d identified that it was after all a City job. I had to pay him $119 for the service call. I sought reimbursement since I originally called the City for help, was denied a service call, and then paid out of pocket for what should have been a City job.

Over the course of more than 2 months, my claim had been tossed around, pawned off, and twice denied by Austin Energy’s Legal Department, stating that they had no liability to weather related power outages. (To be kind, I am omitting the name of the person I dealt with, but it is easily findable if you dig into my case.) They refused to acknowledge 1 that I was not seeking a refund for the outage, but for being denied access to a repair technician which then cost me out of pocket. Not only was I not being listened to, but had been hung up on, the tone of the letters sent to me were rude and patronizing, and often rather than taking the 30 seconds it would have taken to make a simple phone call to address my issues, instead the choice of the Legal Department was to sit on my message for a week and then send me another letter. A wasteful and childish use of City funds and time.

Finally, yesterday, after being rej.ected via letter and scolding language In said letter a third time by the legal department, I posted an email to the City of Austin email form online. Within 24 hours, Mr. Calabrese called me back, was incredibly kind, tielpful, and thoughtful. He listened, he understood my request, and told me he was taking my case on personally and that he would have a resolution for me within 24 hours. Less than 2 hours later, he called me with the news thiat the claims department would be cutting me a check today, and I would have it within 10 days. What had taken me over 2 months of wrangling in legalese and stonewalling, he solved with grace and kirdness before luncnL±ine.

He apologized profusely for my poor experience, both in being given poor service at the onset, and for the misery of wrestling with people who systematically refused to hear me out. He also said he was taking this opportunity to re—train staff in several areas so that this kind of mishap doesn’t happen again in the future.

I wanted to commend him at the highest level I could think of so that both you all and he knows just how appreciative I was to finally reach someone who cared and who wanted to help rather than hinder. Even if I had been denied reimbursement a 4th time, I would have graciously accepted it, since I firmly believed he understood and took seriously my claim and my concerns.

Hats off to Mr. Calabrese for truly being of service to his fellow citizens. Pat him on the back for me, will you? I hope he can somehow hear word that I sung his praises your way.

Kindly and respectfully,

Natalie Durkin natalie

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:21 AM To: Ott, Marc Cc: Johns, Kevin; Gonzales, Rodney Subject: FW: 10% question follow-up


I wanted to let you know that when I circled back with Rodney yesterday evening he gave me good advice about why doing a council resolution made more sense than the simple direction from the dais that I initially planned to do. He reminded me that this will set the bar for any time anyone else wants to add a question to the Business Information Form. At the very least anyone interested in doing so would have to get 4 votes to do it which is probably a good idea:-) And we are still keeping this narrow enough that it does not give any indication that this is

anything more than adding a question to the Business Information Form -- a data sheet; that is not any where close to changing the matrix, ED policy, procedures, etc.

Thanks for your help and thanks to Rodney for the good feedback.


From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:14 AM To: ‘Mike Rollins’; ‘dporter Cc: Ott, Marc; Johns, Kevin; Gonzales, Rodney Subject: 10% question follow-up

Hi Mike and Dave

Per our discussion earlier this week-- here’s the proposed resolution. I would like to post for March 11th Council Meeting. Please let me know today (if possible) if you have any concerns.

Thanks, Randi

pQ][INLAN3UAE; Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to amend the Economic Development Business Information Form to obtain additional annual average wage information related to economic development proposals. (Council Member Randi Shade, Mayor Lee Leffingwell and Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez)

DRAFT Resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Austin has adopted economic development programs under authority of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 and other statutes; and

WHEREAS, the City, on an ongoing basis, uses its economic development programs to adapt to changing economic conditions in an effort to maintain a vibrant and diverse economy, assure economic opportunities for its citizens, encourage the creation of quality jobs, and to enhance the tax base so that current citizens benefit; and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2003061215 establishing the city’s

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2 economic development policy, and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20050113-52 and Resolution No. 20071206-049 revising certain aspects pertaining to economic development agreements, and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20091001-011 enhancing the process for review of economic development proposals; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the public and the City’s policy makers to have access to clear and concise information that balances the needs for both competitiveness and transparency, as well as a public process, to provide for serious deliberation and effective decision-making about allocation of public resources; NOW, THEREFORE,


That the City Manager is directed to amend the Economic Development Business Information Form, to obtain information about the expected average annual wage of the lowest paid 10% of those to be employed locally by a company proposing to enter into a firm-based economic development agreement with the City.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:10 AM To: Bier, Marti; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Bier, Marti Cc: Williams, Nancy; Garza, Bobby Subject: FW: suggested language for resolution adding 10% question

Hi all,

Per our earlier discussions here’s what I have come up with to support the Austin Interfaith request to include a question about lowest 10% employee wages in the context of our deliberations re: economic development agreements. I have discussed with staff and with Chamber folks. All are good with it. I’d like to have Marti get in to Myrna for March 11th Council Meeting. Please confirm your continued interest in co-sponsorship, so Marti can meet today’s posting deadline. Thanks!


PQSTINGi_ANGUAGE: Approve a resolution directing the City Manager to amend the Economic Development Business Information Form to obtain additional annual average wage information related to economic development proposals. (Council Member Randi Shade, Mayor Lee Leffingwell and Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez)

DRAFT Resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Austin has adopted economic development programs under authority of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 380 and other statutes; and

WHEREAS, the City, on an ongoing basis, uses its economic development programs to adapt to changing economic conditions in an effort to maintain a vibrant and diverse economy, assure economic opportunities for its citizens, encourage the creation of quality jobs, and to enhance the tax base so that current citizens benefit; and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20030612-15 establishing the city’s economic development policy, and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 20050113-52 and Resolution No. 20071206-049 revising certain aspects pertaining to economic development agreements, and

WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20091001-011 enhancing the process for review of economic development proposals; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the public and the City’s policy makers to have access to clear and concise information that balances the needs for both competitiveness and transparency, as well as a public process, to provide for serious deliberation and effective decision-making about allocation of public resources; NOW, THEREFORE,


4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

That the City Manager is directed to amend the Economic Development Business information Form, to obtain information about the expected average annual wage of the lowest paid 10% of those to be emp’oyed locally by a company proposing to enter into a firm-based economic development agreement with the City.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http://www.cLaust[n.tx. us/council/shade, htm

4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4:27 PM To: Ott, Marc; Garza, Rudy; ‘[email protected]’ Subject: Fw: Update on changes to Chamber Contracts


From: Julie Hart ; Mercedes Feris ; Erica Estetter ; tacc


I apologize for the delay in getting back to you regarding potential changes to the contracts with the Chambers. The City of Austin is now reviewing various guidelines and procedures and has given us permission to extend the current month-to-month contracts for an additional 90 days (through June).

Please continue to submit your invoices and reports as you normally do.

We will be in touch as soon as we have information from the City on how they would like for us to proceed.




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4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 8:32 AM To: ‘lynnecatlover© Riley, Chris; Morrison, Laura; Leffingwell, Lee; Cole, Sheryl; Spelman, William Cc: Bier, Marti; Levinski, Robert; Gerbracht, Heidi; Nathan, Mark; Williams, Nancy; Ott, Marc; Acevedo, Art Subject: Re: Shady Ladies Gay Softball Players

Hi Lynne,

Thanks for writing and thanks for your active involvement in this and so many other political issues.

I share your outrage about the February 20th assault against Emmanuel and Matt. It happened without provocation, and from every indication seems to be a hate crime.

As an active member of the LGBT community and as Austin’s first openly gay Council Member, I have been very thankful to have seen first-hand that each and every one of my Council colleagues and the Mayor are equally outraged.

We have actively called for the Austin Police Dept. to do everything in its power to investigate this crime and ensure that justice is served. Council Member Morrison’s office and mine have been in close communication with Equality Texas and the Anti-Defamation League. We held a joint press conference last Thursday during our regularly scheduled Council Meeting.

Several of us also spoke out at this past weekend’s rally against hate crimes, and we were pleased to be joined by our Police Chief and members of the Austin LGBT Police Association.

As Mayor Pro Tern Martinez pointed out at the rally, it is up to the court system to prosecute this crime under the hate crimes statute (which as he also pointed out is among many reasons why today’s and all elections are so important). But, it is up to us as City leaders to ensure the investigation is handled aggressively and effectively and to highlight the courage of Emmanuel and Matt in an effort to raise awareness about hate crimes and to also hopefully inspire citizens to assist the Austin Police Dept. in identifying the suspects so this crime can be prosecuted. I’m not sure what else you’d like to see us do, but I would certainly welcome your suggestions and imagine my colleagues would, too.

Thanks again, Randi

From: lynne whittington

Two gay baseball players are walking to their car when four homophobic guys beat the crap out of them. At this time the city council does not want to call it a “hate crime”. What more do you need ??? SHAME ON YOU!

Lynne Whittington south Austin Democrats

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 3:34 PM To: ‘Lisa Starr’ Cc: Leff, Lewis; Riley, Chris; Morrison, Laura; Bier, Marti; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Williamson, Laura Subject: RE: question from today’s meeting

Hi Lisa

I’m sure MPT Martinez will answer, too, but I would expect that outsourcing the adoption program will require an open bid process.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Lisa Starr [mailto: LStarr Sent: Monday, March 01, 2010 2:54 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Williamson, Laura Cc: Leff, Lewis; Riley, Chris; Morrison, Laura; Bier, Marti; Shade, Randi Subject: question from today’s meeting

Dear Mayor Pro Tem Martinez,

I hope that you are doing well. I wanted to follow up with you quickly to get some clarification on the motion that was made in today’s Subcommittee meeting that called for the City staff to incorporate the AAC recommendations into their Animal Services plan. Of the three recommendations, I am mostly unclear on the adoption program outsource issue. Is the staff being told that the TLAC adoption program needs to be outsourced and therefore must come up with a plan that incorporates APA’s proposal?

Please feel free to also contact me on my cell phone at

Thanks, Lisa

Lisa Starr Public Relations Manager Austin Humane Society 124 West Anderson Lane Austin, Texas 78752 512-685-0120

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

Help Homeless Animals and Win a 2010 Mazda Miata! Click here for details!

4/18/2011 Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:32 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; Gerbracht, Heidi; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: Quick and dirty analysis of GO housing bond spending to date

Thanks, Bill and Mike. Clearly, we’ve got some interesting conversation in front of us. In case you’ve not reviewed the actual ballot language — here it is:

Date of Election: November 7, 2006 Type of Election Bonds City Population (at Time of the Election): 718,912 Number of Registered Voters 420,966 Total Ballots Cast: 169,267 Percent of Registered Voters Who Voted 40 21%


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 7:45 PM To: Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Lefflngwell, Lee; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Moore, Andrew; Garza, Bobby; Gerbracht, Heidi Subject: RE: Quick and dirty analysis of GO housing bond spending to date

CM Speliman,

Thanks for this analysis. Again, pitting affordable housing and homelessness is not something that I think any of us want to engage in.

I think we will keep the conversation going and reach an agreement we can all live with.


From: Spelman, William Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 7:40 PM To: Riley, Chris; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Shade, Randi; Leffingwell, Lee; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl Subject: Quick and dirty analysis of GO housing bond spending to date

Pals and gals,

Please take a look at the attached spreadsheet. We could argue it round or flat, but I think we best meet our responsibilities to our voters by splitting the remaining money between homeownership (almost entirely for the benefit of moderate income folk, 50 — 80% MEl) and rental units for the poorest residents (less than 30% MEl).

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I’m being difficult to work with. ©


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:31 AM To: Spelman, William Subject: great questions on that last item re: homeless services


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) 1/shade.htm

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 6:30 AM To: ‘ Coleman, Glen Cc: Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Morrison, Laura; Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Williams, Nancy; Curtis, Matt; ‘[email protected]’; Levinski, Robert; ‘amy.everhart©’; Moore, Andrew; Rush, Barbara; Gerbracht, Heidi; Ballas, Marisa; ‘[email protected]’ Subject: Re: Greenshores Annexation

Thanks, Carol. I agree this is a City of Austin leadership issue, not a personal one, but I asked that you specifically be apprised as you are Austin leadership, especially when it comes to Lake Austin issues.


From: Carol Lee ; Levinski, Robert; [email protected] ; Moore, Andrew; Rush, Barbara; Gerbracht, Heidi; Ballas, Marisa; Moore, Andrew; [email protected]. us

Sent: Wed Feb 24 22:39:40 2010 Subject: RE: Greenshores Annexation

Hi Glen, There is no need for Staff to follow-up directly with me---this is a City of Austin leadership issue, not a personal one. At issue is whether the developer will be held accountable for drainage/runoff the development has caused, and whether the water system meets fire flow standards as agreed to in 2005. If not the general public will be later requested to approve funding for these “improvements.” The 2005 Agreement required that the developer bring the system to the City’s standards. Information is not generally available about whether this has occurred. With annexation the City absorbs the outstanding problems. I was only trying to make those visible to you, per your request. I am copying the other leaders of Austin, due to the short timeframe for a vote on this, should any want to pursue the public interests.

With best regards, Carol

From: Coleman, Glen [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 5:01 PM To: Carol Lee Subject: RE: Greenshores Annexation

Hi Carol,

Randi has asked that I have staff respond to these two concerns with you directly. I will work on that today. I don’t think she is going to comment from the dais tomorrow, but I would like you to call on us if you do not get the level of information that you need this time. If necessary we can ask for a meeting.

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Thanks for calling me back,

- glen


- glen Coleman

Policy Aide, Council Member Randi Shade Austin City Council Place Three 512 974-1374

From: Carol Lee Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 12:12 PM To: Coleman, Glen Subject: Greenshores Annexation

Hi Glen, Thanks for calling yesterday regarding thoughts about the Greenshores Annexation scheduled for final vote tomorrow. There was some chatter about it, but many of the surrounding residents have become apathetic after years of turmoil and broken promises about the development.

I don’t know if Council Member Shade can do anything to protect the City’s exposure on this, but one thing you should know is that the development in the annexation area has already caused some significant drainage problems. The homes are 2-4X larger than what is assumed for impervious cover in drainage calculations for the subdivision and, not surprisingly, are resulting in flooding of the surrounding areas. With a minimal rainfall there are sections of Oak Shores and Pierce roadways that become 1-lane with large ponds of water submerging the other lane. It appears from the map that the City will take responsibility for the roads, and is likely to be something that residents will look to the City to fix.

In the 2005 Agreement the City acknowledged that the existing water system did not meet fire flow standards (section 3.01). Section 6.01 of that Agreement required that PK-RE submit plans for providing adequate fire flow to the City within 75 days after 24 Jan 2005. Considering the severe risk rating for wildfire in this area it would be really good if Council Member Shade could find out if those plans were submitted and followed, and confirm that the area currently has adequate fire flow. Water capacity, pressure, and quality have been ongoing problems in this area for years---l tried to contact 3 people to find out the current situation with the household water supply, but one was en route to TN, another in Sante Fe, and another in Japan!

I hope the information about these two issues is helpful as the City undertakes final steps to annex this 161 acres info full purpose—there is enough existing infrastructure problems demanding City funds and attention without knowingly adding to the list!. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or information about this or any other issue.

Best regards, Carol Lee ciee

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:56 AM To: Ott, Marc Subject: Confirming Sue and Rudy for tomorrow

Hi Marc

Just wanted to confirm that we’d be able to discuss ACVB/Hotel tax minority chamber situation tomorrow during our one—on-one. Thanks!


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:39 AM To: ‘fferguson Cc: Cole, Sheryl; Bier, Marti; McDonald, Stephanie; walter Subject: Re: May 2006 Bond Presentation

I know and am sorry about that. I have no idea what Sheryl’s availability might be later today or tomorrow but I am happy to get us all together in advance of Thursday’s hearing. I’ve been meaning to do the same with Walter so am cc’ng him above, too. I’ve got time today between 4 and 5 and tomorrow off and on throughout the afternoon and between 4 and 5 again.


From: Frances Ferguson ; kelly ; Margo ; walter Sent: Tue Feb 23 08:12:47 2010 Subject: RE: May 2006 Bond Presentation

Thanks so much. The rumor mill on this one has been intense! Hard to keep track of it all!

From: Shade, Randi [mailto: [email protected]. us) Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:08 AM To: Frances Ferguson; Morrison, Laura; Levinski, Robert; Bier, Marti; Riley, Chris Cc: hway.austin ; kelly Margo ; walter Subject: Re: May 2006 Bond Presentation

Thanks so much, Francie. This is very helpful. As we discussed last week -- this week’s meeting is a hearing. There is no vote to be taken. I agree with your assessment that any action we take we should be focused on how to get the next housing bond issue scheduled and passed. I don’t see this current effort as a mad rush. I see it at as a way to ensure the strongest finish possible with the current funds available. I am looking forward to Thursday’s hearing, and I look forward to continued work.


From: Frances Ferguson To: Morrison, Laura; Levinski, Robert; Shade, Randi; Bier, Marti; Riley, Chris Cc: ‘Heather Way’ ; Kelly Weiss

May 4 2006 GO Bond Presentation to Council reflects 60/40 rental/homeownership split.:

4/18/2011 Page 2 of2 http ://www. ci. austin

HousingWorks will have an official position on this for the Thursday hearing. It is our strong understanding that a vote is not being taken on Thursday. I hope that is true, but we keep hearing that this is being rushed all of a sudden.

I can tell you that we remain concerned that homeownership not be shut out. There are projects in the development pipeline of GNDC, Habitat and PeopleTrust that are consistent w/ the understanding of the bonds.

In addition — there seems to be a lot of false information about how much has been invested in homeownership to date.

I think I’d already attached this summary report to some of you — but am attaching again. It shows the breakdown of awards by homeownership, supportive and rental. And the average bond cost per unit of each type to date. So far homeownership units have cost only $27,200/unit and rental have cost $24,500/unit. Pretty close. Supportive housing has cost over $52,000/unit.

$7.3mm has been awarded to homeownership so far, including the $2mm in emergency home repairs, and emergency home repairs primarily target very low income households! And — the chart understates the fact that some of the homeownership units WILL reach folks under 60 and even 50% AMI (because of the nature of contractual ceilings). This is vastly under the $22mm which represents 40% of the bonds. This does not mean that all the bonds should be reserved for homeownership — but it does mean that homeownership should not be shut out of the last year or two of bond funding, until the next bond issue is voted upon.

INSTEAD — all this points to the obvious — that we should be focused on how to get the next housing bond issue scheduled. So that there IS enough to do the range of things we need to do. We never thought this should be a one- time bond. By making the last 25% be such a mad rush, we are acting on a scarcity mentality instead of committing to creating funding in 2010 or 2012 for housing.

Thank you , Francie Ferguson 466 0574

(As a note on the 3061 total units number — this is because the BOND funded units are often inside a larger affordable property. EG I have highlighted Foundation Communities’ Shady Oaks project as a good example of how the bonds are making great projects more deeply affordable: Here $3mm in bonds is helping to make a 230 unit project possible. But the BOND funds are only going toward the units under 50% AMI and 30% AMI. So for low wage families — they get to live in a great property with very strong services, without being relegated to a property that concentrates poverty by being 100% under 30% AMI. Many of those households who aren’t under 30% AMI may be only a few dollars OVER --- so hardly a different income tranche, yet by contract they don’t count as 30% AMI if they are 1$ over.

— So — the bonds make possible 230 units total of affordable but are being entirely dedicated to deepening the affordability so that more 30% and 50% units can be included on the property -- 15 under 30% and 128 under

50%. So in the “average / rental unit for GO Bond units” — only those 30 and 50% AMI units are in the denominator.)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 7:00 PM To: ‘ljharrisusy Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti; ‘[email protected]’; Acevedo, Art; Beck, James; ‘coryellwaltony Subject: Re: Concerns about process?

PS. When it comes to security work, City ordinance already exempts off-duty County-commissioned peace officers from needing authorization of the Police Chief. The authorization discussion we had this past Thursday relates only to traffic control on City streets and only to off-duty work. It does not relate to any peace officer working on-duty and does not relate to security work that does not close City streets.

From: Shade, Randi To: ‘Lisa Harris’ ; Acevedo, Art; Beck, James; ‘coryeIlwalton Sent: Sun Feb 14 17:57: 16 2010 Subject: Concerns about process?


I appreciate your willingness to share my comments with the ANC EC. I’m not sure you got my point earlier, though, so let me repeat myself in an effort to be more clear.

The lack of process and lack of transparency seem to have occurred last April 30th when, without any public discussion, about an hour before Council approved the new street closure ordinance someone “slipped in” language that permitted Houston police officers, dental examiners and a whole host of other Texas commissioned peace officers to work our City streets, regardless of their experience with traffic control, regardless of their experience with our local community issues, and without any accountability to our Police Chief.

Not only was this not in our City’s best interest, especially from a public safety standpoint, it was also a complete departure from the language used in our previous street closure ordinances -- which stated that the Chief of Police (not the Sheriff or a Constable) was accountable for determining which and how many peace officers were necessary for street closure events on City of Austin streets.

When you say “the individual who alerted Bruce, who contacted Council about it, leading to the amendment on the dais,” what amendment are you talking about? I’d sure appreciate it if you would show me the transcript from that public discussion. I couldn’t find it, nor do I recall participating in a discussion about taking away authority over our City streets from our Chief of Police.

The language you seem to be defending that City Council repealed this past week was not what was presented to Council on April 2, 2009 during the public hearing, and besides being a departure from past City of Austin policy, it was also a departure from what is common practice in major cities across Texas and the US. The Street Closure Task Force didn’t address this issue (i.e., they didn’t review the language Council repealed last week either). From surveying some of its members, it seems the subject wasn’t actually up for debate. The language presented by staff during multiple public presentations, including during the public hearing on April 2, 2009, was re-statement of what was already existing policy.

Except for the last nine months or so, our Police Chief has for years been the single point of accountability for Austin citizens when it comes to traffic control on City streets, yet other local peace officers have been authorized to work special events. The same will continue to be true. And thanks to the public discourse we had this past

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 6 week, and thanks to the upcoming efforts of our new Public Safety Commission, expect there to be more opportunities for local peace officers to help with special events in the future.

As I have said publicly and privately in multiple conversations with Bruce Elfant as well as with Chief Acevedo, Asst. Chief Eels and Sgt. Beck, I am committed to ensuring that event planners have access to more than only off-duty APD officers when it comes time to do their special events. The purpose of last Thursday’s vote was to ensure Austin citizens return to having a single point of accountability NOT to prevent non-APD local peace officers from working special events.

I couldn’t agree with you more: future Councils, mayors and police chiefs are not bound by intent but by ordinance. That’s why this past Thursday’s vote was so important. As for your concerns about transparency and process, you tell me. Is this past Thursday’s Council action what you’re upset about, or is it what occurred on April 30, 2009?


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http://www

From: Lisa Harris Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:52 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

I appreciate the additional information you provided and have circulated your explanation to the ANC EC.

This does not reduce my concerns about the process. There is no reason that the language “Only City of Austin commissioned peace officers, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, shall be used for traffic control in the City right—of—way” could not have been in the version of the street closure ordinance that the Street Closure Task Force reviewed. That it was added to the ordinance in between their final discussions and the presentation to Council raised ared flag with at least one individual who was following the process, who was aware of pressures APD had exerted in the past to exclude county deputies from this sort of work. This individual alerted Bruce, who contacted Council about it, leading to the amendment on the dais. Then after almost a year in which the Sheriff and Constables could have been contacted regarding this issue, this new ordinance intended to fix problems potentially created by the late revision to the wording was passed by Council. While I appreciate that the wording you voted for this week was improved from the original wording that was slipped into the street closure ordinance, if there had been communication between the city and Sheriff Hamilton and the county’s Constables (actually since the city is in three counties ideally there would have been communication with the sheriffs and constables in Hays and Williamson counties as well) the resulting wording would likely have had less potential for arbitrary exclusion of county deputies from off-duty security work. While such exclusion was not the intent of the ordinance, future Councils, mayors and police chiefs are not bound by intent but by ordinance.

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On Thu, 2/11/10, Shade, Randi wrote:

From: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today To: “Lisa Harris” , “Spelman, William” , “Riley, Chris” , “Leffingwell, Lee” , “Martinez, Mike [Council Member]” , “Cole, Sheryl” , “Bruce Elfant” , “Coleman, Glen” , “Bier, Marti” Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 5:30 PM

Thanks for writing. I appreciate your concerns, but would like to provide additional context to your assessment of this situation.

Prior to April of last year, the City’s ordinance related to street closures, established that the single point of accountability with respect to City street closures required the police chief to determine the number of peace officers necessary for adjacent areas and parades. Police officers are referenced throughout the ordinance that pre—dated the ordinance Council passed last April, and police officers were defined as City of Austin police. In spite of the confusing nature of the older ordinance, Travis County Constables and Sheriff Officers have provided support at events such as Bookfest and Eeyore’s Birtiiday for years, including during the years when the pre—April 2009—approved ordinance was in effect. I didn’t review even earlier ordinances, but the one that was in effect before April 2009 went into effect in 2003. My guess is that earlier ordinances reflected similar language giving authority to the City’s police chief in situations related to traffic control of City streets. That’s also the way it is done in Houston and other cities.

Although the Street Closure Task Force didn’t consider this issue in their deliberations, City staff did provide language consistent with the old ordinance, and presented it to Council during our April 2, 2009 Council Meeting. That section of the presentation was labeled “Safety Requirements (moved from 14—8—32)” in reference to the fact that the language was consolidating and streamlining language that came from the earlier ordinance. Council passed the new street closure ordinance on first reading that same day after a public hearing. Then on April 30th Council approved the new ordinance on 2nd and 3rd reading. There were several amendments that day, but there was no discussion, or formal action taken from the dais regarding a change to safety policies. I am not even aware of any amendment made to change the language from: “Only City of Austin commissioned peace officers, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, shall be used for traffic control in the City right—of—way” (as was presented to us on April 3) to instead read: “a permittee must employ off—duty peace officers commissioned by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for traffic control.” Talk about lack of transparency! I’m told that this change to the street closure ordinance was done an hour or so before the Council voted on April 30, 2009 in response to issues raised like those you raised below. The language approved then, without any public discussion permitted Houston police officers, dental examiners and a whole host of other

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Texas commissioned peace officers to work our City streets, regardless of their experience with traffic control, regardless of their experience with our local community issues, and without any accountability to our police chief. This did not seem to be in our City’s best interest especially from a public safety standpoint.

The language approved by Council today reads as follows: “Unless authorized by the police chief, or otherwise on duty acting in the official capacity of their agency, only peace officers commissioned by the City shall be used for traffic control in the City right—of—way for right—of—way events, as defined in this chapter. In making a determination for authorization, the police chief shall consider the officer’s familiarity with local ordinances and rules of the City, and the proximity of the officer’s primary jurisdiction to the City”

As Bruce correctly pointed out, and as you misunderstood in your initial message, this language does not prohibit the use of constables or other peace officers for traffic control. It does, however, return us to the language we’ve used in the past. There is a requirement for the police chief to authorize traffic control efforts. while I, too, share your concerns about nonprofits having access to more than just APD officers for help with traffic control, my primary concern with respect to his issue to ensure that citizen’s have a single point of accountability when it comes to street closures. I support the concerns raised by the constables regarding the need for APD to do more to encourage partnerships with other local peace officers when it makes sense, and I and other members of the Council gave strong direction to the police chief to ensure that happens going forward, and that it happens better than it seems to have happened in the past. In addition, Council gave direction to ensure this matter is followed closely by the newly created Public Safety Commission. You should also note that in the language Council approved today, we improved upon what had been originally proposed in April 2009, giving specific emphasis to the importance of local peace officers.

Aside from the point I made earlier about a lack of transparency and public discussion that led to the challenging situation we faced today, I want to point out that this item from Council was posted as is required and is standard for handling all “Items from Council,” and there was a full blown discussion at today’s public meeting. Not every item goes to a board or commission, but as I mentioned earlier, this item will be tracked closely by the Public Safety Commission going forward. It was up to Council to give that Commission direction and it was up to Council to rectify what seemed to me to be a troubling situation. To answer the last question you raised: yes, like ANC members, I agree that good governance and transparency issues are critical. That’s what drove me and my co—sponsors to bring this item forward.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade

Austin City Council

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Council Member Place 3

(512) 974-2255 (phone)

(512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Lisa Harris Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:27 PM To: ANC EC Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Bruce Elfant Subject: Re: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

Bruce called and corrected me- there is wording “unless there is an exception made by the chief’ in the ordinance passed today. That is the basis for the verbal assurances that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD. So it is not completely without protections for the nonprofits, however I am skeptical that leaving excepted events unspecified and entirely at the discretion of the police chief is sufficient protection.


On Thu, 2/11/10, Lisa Harris

From: Lisa Harris Cc: “Laura Morrison” , [email protected], “Chris Riley” , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], “Bruce Elfant” Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12:16 PM

This item is described as follows

Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 14-8-3 2, relating to temporary closures for a right-of-way event to create certain requirements for peace officer participation. (Council Member Randi Shade Mayor Lee Leffingwell)

This ordinance did not go through the Public Safety Commission or any boards and

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commissions before Council voted in favor of it. My thanks to Councilmembers Morrison and Spelman for voting to postpone it. As written this ordinance would penTlit only APD to provide security to events requiring street closures. This is important because APD officers charge the highest rates for providing security and APD does not offer a nonprofit rate. This would dramatically increase the cost of putting on events such as the Texas Book Festival. While there have been some verbal assurances given that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD there is no such protection in the text of the ordinance.

Obviously I personally am troubled by constable’s deputies and shelTiff s deputies, good people, many of whom I know personally, being potentially excluded from being able to do this work. However I find even more troubling the process by which this ordinance was passed; an ordinance designed to add to the power of APD at the expense of important nonprofits in our city, was passed without public discussion or oversight.

While this is not a neighborhood issue per se, let me know if you agree with me that the governance/transpar ency issue is something that we should discuss at ANC.


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4/18/2011 Page 1 ofó

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 5:57 PM To: ‘Lisa Harris’ Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Memberj; Cole, Sheryl; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti; ‘[email protected]’; Acevedo, Art; Beck, James; ‘coryellwalton Subject: Concerns about process?


I appreciate your willingness to share my comments with the ANC EC. I’m not sure you got my point earlier, though, so let me repeat myself in an effort to be more clear.

The lack of process and lack of transparency seem to have occurred last April 30th when, without any public discussion, about an hour before Council approved the new street closure ordinance someone “slipped in” language that permitted Houston police officers, dental examiners and a whole host of other Texas commissioned peace officers to work our City streets, regardless of their experience with traffic control, regardless of their experience with our local community issues, and without any accountability to our Police Chief.

Not only was this not in our City’s best interest, especially from a public safety standpoint, it was also a complete departure from the language used in our previous street closure ordinances -- which stated that the Chief of Police (not the Sheriff or a Constable) was accountable for determining which and how many peace officers were necessary for street closure events on City of Austin streets.

When you say “the individual who alerted Bruce, who contacted Council about it, leading to the amendment on the dais,” what amendment are you talking about? I’d sure appreciate it if you would show me the transcript from that public discussion. I couldn’t find it, nor do I recall participating in a discussion about taking away authority over our City streets from our Chief of Police.

The language you seem to be defending that City Council repealed this past week was not what was presented to Council on April 2, 2009 during the public hearing, and besides being a departure from past City of Austin policy, it was also a departure from what is common practice in major cities across Texas and the US. The Street Closure Task Force didn’t address this issue (i.e., they didn’t review the language Council repealed last week either). From surveying some of its members, it seems the subject wasn’t actually up for debate. The language presented by staff during multiple public presentations, including during the public hearing on April 2, 2009, was re-statement of what was already existing policy.

Except for the last nine months or so, our Police Chief has for years been the single point of accountability for Austin citizens when it comes to traffic control on City streets, yet other local peace officers have been authorized to work special events. The same will continue to be true. And thanks to the public discourse we had this past week, and thanks to the upcoming efforts of our new Public Safety Commission, I expect there to be more opportunities for local peace officers to help with special events in the future.

As I have said publicly and privately in multiple conversations with Bruce Elfant as well as with Chief Acevedo, Asst. Chief Eels and Sgt. Beck, I am committed to ensuring that event planners have access to more than only off-duty APD officers when it comes time to do their special events. The purpose of last Thursday’s vote was to ensure Austin citizens return to having a single point of accountability NOT to prevent non-APD local peace officers from working special events.

I couldn’t agree with you more: future Councils, mayors and police chiefs are not bound by intent but by ordinance. That’s why this past Thursday’s vote was so important. As for your concerns about transparency and process, you tell me. Is this past Thursday’s Council action what you’re upset about, or is it what occurred on April 30, 2009?


4/18/2011 Page 2 of 6

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:J/

From: Lisa Harris Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 11:52 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

I appreciate the additional information you provided and have circulated your explanation to the ANC EC.

This does not reduce my concerns about the process. There is no reason that the language “Only City of Austin commissioned peace officers, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, shall be used for traffic control in the City right—of—way” could not have been in the version of the street closure ordinance that the Street Closure Task Force reviewed. That it was added to the ordinance in between their final discussions and the presentation to Council raised a red flag with at least one individual who was following the process, who was aware of pressures APD had exerted in the past to exclude county deputies from this sort of work. This individual alerted Bruce, who contacted Council about it, leading to the amendment on the dais. Then after almost a year in which the Sheriff and Constables could have been contacted regarding this issue, this new ordinance intended to fix problems potentially created by the late revision to the wording was passed by Council. While I appreciate that the wording you voted for this week was improved from the original wording that was slipped into the street closure ordinance, if there had been communication between the city and Sheriff Hamilton and the county’s Constables (actually since the city is in three counties ideally there would have been communication with the sheriffs and constables in Hays and Williamson counties as well) the resulting wording would likely have had less potential for arbitrary exclusion of county deputies from off-duty security work. While such exclusion was not the intent of the ordinance, future Councils, mayors and police chiefs are not bound by intent but by ordinance.


On Thu, 2/11/10, Shade, Randi wrote:

From: Shade, Randi Subject: RE: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today To: “Lisa Harris” , “ANC EC” Cc: “Morrison, Laura” , “Spelman, William” , “Riley, Chris” , “Leffingwell, Lee” , “Martinez, Mike [Council Member]” , “Cole, Sheryl” , “Bruce Elfant” , “Coleman, Glen” ,

4/18/2011 Page 3 of6

11Bier, Marti” Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 5:30 PM

Thanks for writing. I appreciate your concerns, but would like to provide additional context to your assessment of this situation.

Prior to April of last year, the City’s ordinance related to street closures, established that the single point of accountability with respect to City street closures required the police chief to determine the number of peace officers necessary for adjacent areas and parades. Police officers are referenced throughout the ordinance that pre—dated the ordinance Council passed last April, and police officers were defined as City of Austin police. In spite of the confusing nature of the older ordinance, Travis County Constables and Sheriff Officers have provided support at events such as Bookfest and Eeyore’s Birthday for years, including during the years when the pre—April 2009—approved ordinance was in effect. I didn’t review even earlier ordinances, but the one that was in effect before April 2009 went into effect in 2003. My guess is that earlier ordinances reflected similar language giving authority to the City’s police chief in situations related to traffic control of City streets. That’s also the way it is done in Houston and other cities.

Although the Street Closure Task Force didn’t consider this issue in their deliberations, City staff did provide language consistent with the old ordinance, and presented it to Council during our April 2, 2009 Council Meeting. That section of the presentation was labeled “Safety Requirements (moved from 14—8—32)” in reference to the fact that the language was consolidating and streamlining language that came from the earlier ordinance. Council passed the new street closure ordinance on first reading that same day after a public hearing. Then on April 30th Council approved the new ordinance on 2nd and 3rd reading. There were several amendments that day, but there was no discussion, or formal action taken from the dais regarding a change to safety policies. I am not even aware of any amendment made to change the language from: “Only City of Austin commissioned peace officers, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, shall be used for traffic control in the City right-of-way” (as was presented to us on April 3rd) to instead read: “a permittee must employ off—duty peace officers commissioned by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for traffic control.” Talk about lack of transparency! I’m told that this change to the street closure ordinance was done an hour or so before the Council voted on April 30, 2009 in response to issues raised like those you raised below. The language approved then, without any public discussion permitted Houston police officers, dental examiners and a whole host of other Texas commissioned peace officers to work our City streets, regardless of their experience with traffic control, regardless of their experience with our local community issues, and without any accountability to our police chief. This did not seem to be in our City’s best interest especially from a public safety standpoint.

The language approved by Council today reads as follows: “Unless authorized by the police chief, or otherwise on duty acting in the official capacity of their agency, only peace officers commissioned by the City shall be used for traffic control in the City right-of—way for right—of—way events, as defined in this chapter. In making a determination for authorization, the police chief shall consider the officer’s familiarity with local ordinances and rules of the City, and the proximity of the officer’s primary jurisdiction to the City”

As Bruce correctly pointed out, and as you misunderstood in your initial

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message, this language does not prohibit the use of constables or other peace officers for traffic control. It does, however, return us to the language we’ve used in the past. There is a requirement for the police chief to authorize traffic control efforts. Wtile I, too, share your concerns about nonprofits having access to more than just APD officers for help with traffic control, my primary concern with respect to his issue to ensure that citizen’s have a single point of accountability when it comes to street closures. I support the concerns raised by the constables regarding the need for APD to do more to encourage partnerships with other local peace officers when it makes sense, and I and other members of the Council gave strong direction to the police chief to ensure that happens going forward, and that it happens better than it seems to have happened in the past. In addition, Council gave direction to ensure this matter is followed closely by the newly created Public Safety Commission. You should also note that in the language Council approved today, we improved upon what had been originally proposed in April 2009, giving specific emphasis to the importance of local peace officers.

Aside from the point I made earlier about a lack of transparency and public discussion that led to the challenging situation we faced today, I want to point out that this item from Council was posted as is required and is standard for handling all ‘Items from Council,” and there was a full blown discussion at today’s public meeting. Not every item goes to a board or commission, but as I mentioned earlier, this item will be tracked closely by the Public Safety Commission going forward. It was up to Council to give that Commission direction and it was up to Council to rectify what seemed to me to be a troubling situation. To answer the last question you raised: yes, like ANC members, I agree that good governance and transparency issues are critical. That’s what drove me and my co—sponsors to bring this item forward.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade

Austin City Council

Council Member Place 3

(512) 974-2255 (phone)

(512) 974-1888 (fax)

http ://

From: Lisa Harris Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:27 PM To: ANC EC

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Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Bruce Elfant Subject: Re: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

Bruce called and corrected me- there is wording “unless there is an exception made by the chief’ in the ordinance passed today. That is the basis for the verbal assurances that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD. So it is not completely without protections for the nonprofits, however I am skeptical that leaving excepted events unspecified and entirely at the discretion of the police chief is sufficient protection.


On Thu, 2/11/10, Lisa Harris wrote:

From: Lisa Harris > Subject: [ANCExec] Council 18 To: “ANC EC” Cc: “Laura Morrison” , [email protected], “Chris Riley” , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], “Bruce Elfant” Date: Thursday, February 11,2010, 12:16 PM

This item is described as follows

Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 14-8-32, relating to temporary closures for a right-of-way event to create certain requirements for peace officer participation. (Council Member Randi Shade Mayor Lee Leffingwell)

This ordinance did not go through the Public Safety Commission or any boards and commissions before Council voted in favor of it. My thanks to Councilmembers Morrison and Spelman for voting to postpone it. As written this ordinance would permit only APD to provide security to events requiring street closures. This is important because APD officers charge the highest rates for providing security and APD does not offer a nonprofit rate. This would dramatically increase the cost of putting on events such as the Texas Book Festival. While there have been some verbal assurances given that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD there is no such protection in the text of the ordinance.

Obviously I personally am troubled by constable’s deputies and sherriffs deputies, good people, many of whom I know personally, being potentially excluded from being able to

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do this work. However I find even more troubling the process by which this ordinance was passed; an ordinance designed to add to the power of APD at the expense of important nonprofits in our city, was passed without public discussion or oversight.

While this is not a neighborhood issue per se, let me know if you agree with me that the governance/transpar ency issue is something that we should discuss at ANC.


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 1:56 PM To: ‘tom ‘will Cc: ‘G Hartman ; Cole, Sheryl Subject: Fw: Bio Companies List as of 11-25-09 Attachments: BioAustin Companies by Category 1 1-25-09.pdf

Hi Tom and Will,

I really enjoyed our breakfast and look forward to our next visit. I am happy to take the lead on getting it scheduled or we can have Greg’s office set it up to take place at UMC-Brack and include Charles Barnett.

Attached is the list mentioned I’d get to you right away from Chamber. There are some comments from Susan Davenport below that I found of interest, too. I had no idea Bill McClellan was going to work as ED for BioAustin.

I love the notion of Austin Lives. It kind of makes me think of Live Strong, and I’d sure love to take back the phrase “liveable city” from the organization with the same name that seems to do so little to actually get us there. But, I digress:-)

Will send other items promised asap. Thanks again and as my tribe is known for saying: L’chaim (to life).


From: Susan Davenport To: Shade, Randi; Cc: Coleman, Glen Sent: Fri Feb 12 11:39:49 2010 Subject: FW: Bio Companies List as of 11-25-09

Rand i:

Attached is our list of 113 regional companies in the life science space. Please feel free to share this with anyone you like. We like to spread the word about these growing companies.

In addition, the Chamber will be hosting its next BioBash networking event on Thursday, February 18th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Hotel. Please feel free to invite this executive or anyone you would like to attend. They can contact our office to RSVP. Currently we have over 115 people RSVP’d to attend so it should be a large crowd. BioAustin, our regional industry organization for the bioscience industry, will be announcing its new Executive Director, Bill McClellan, as they get closer to their goal of becoming a free standing, regional organization. All in all, much is happening and we look forward to a great 2010 for this industry sector in Austin.

Please let us know if you need anything else.

Susan Davenport

Susan Davenport I Vice President Business Retention

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

51 23225657 [email protected]

Austin Chamber of Commerce 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 Ausbn, Texas 78704 Fax 512.478.9615 www . austin cham r. corn www austin hug ancapital .com

Connecting Business. Creating Opportunity.

4/18/2011 Austn Chamber of Commerce BioAustn Life Science Companies (by primary category) 113 companies with 6980 employees Austin Biotech 22 companies with 1050 employees

- AeonClad Coatings Biomedical Biotech - Products, Discovery 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8148 Nano-technology for drug-delivery (Hdq.) 5 local employees

Applied Maths Biotech - Software/Bioinformatics www 13809 Research Blvd. Suite 645, Austin, TX 78750 512.482.9700 Biosciences software, sales & support (Hdq.) 4 local employees

BioEden Biotech - Service wbLoejen,corn 6800 Westgate Blvd., Suite 132, PMB 369, Austin, TX 78745 888.315.3843 Stem cell extraction & storage (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Bioo Scientific Corp. Biotech - Products 3913 Todd Lane, Suite 312, Austin, TX 78744 512.707.8993 Food safety assays, RNAi products & services (Hdq.) 30 local employees

CellzDirect, Invitrogen Corp. Biotech - Products 1624 Headway Circle, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78754 512.623.3000 Human & animal cell products & drug safety development services 40 local employees

CertiChem Biotech - Products 11212 Metric, Suite 500, Austin, TX 78758 512.339.0660 Assays to detect hormonal disruption (Hdq.) 8 local employees

Embark Scientific Biotech - Service wwwernbrkscientificcorn 13581 Pond Springs Rd., Suite 303, Austin, TX 78729 866.820.8359 Contract service laboratory (Hdq.) local employees

Entercel (an ETI company) Biotech - Products 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8139 Cell regulatory technology development (Hdq.) 1 local employees

Life Technologies (Applied Biosystems/Invitrogen) Biotech - Products, Discovery 2130 Woodward St., Austin, TX 78744 512.651.0200 Research, products & technological solutions for life sciences (Hdq.) 375 local employees

Luminex Corp. Biotech - Products wwIncqrpcom 12212 Technology Blvd., Austin, TX 78729 512.219.8020 Biological testing technologies dev. & mfg. (Hdq.) 274 local employees

Molecular Templates Biotech - Specialty Applications xwy.mecartprnpJatcurn 111 W. Cooperative Way, Suite 201, Georgetown, TX 78626 512.930.0304 Anti-cancer agents production using protein engineering (Hdq.) 4 local employees

Radix Biosolutions Biotech - Service wibjQsok1tionscom 111 Cooperative Way, Suite 120, Georgetown, TX 78626 512.869.8000 Microsphere-based assay product dev & services (Hdq.) 5 local employees

RiboSolutions Biotech - Service www.ribQQjiojsjj1c,cpm 119 Purple Sage Dr., Cedar Creek, TX 78612 512.321.4920 Protein therapeutics, research products & contract mfg (Hdq.) 3 local employees

SACHEM Biotech - Products 821 E Woodward St., Austin, TX 78704 512.421.4900 Reagents & chemicals for research & manufacturing & bio process (Hdq.) 75 local employees

Savara Pharmaceuticals Biotech - Products wwaXajarmacom 3925 W Braker Ln., Austin, TX 78759 512.970.4740 Pulmonary drug delivery technology development (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

- Austin Chamber of Commerce 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 - Seralogix Biotech - Software/Bioinformatics wwwse.raIcgIxccuii 3839 Bee Caves Rd, Suite 203, Austin, TX 78746 512.828.7955 Computational systems biology research services (Hdq.) 4 local employees

Stratagene, an Agilent Technologies Division Biotech - Products 1834 W State Hwy 71, Cedar Creek, TX 78612 512.321.3321 Biological products & systems/instruments mfg. 99 local employees

SynapTech Labs Biotech - Products 6118 B Hwy 290 W, Austin, TX 78735 512.992.0172 High throughput screening tools for neurological diseases (Hdq.) 1 local employees

TEFLabs Biotech - Products wwitflbcm 9415 Capitol View Dr., Austin, TX 78747 512.280.5223 Fluorescent & molecular probes mfg. 3 local employees

Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly Consolidated Tech) Biotech - Products ww.therrnofishercorn 4401 Freidrich, Bldg. 1, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78744 512.445.5100 In vitro diagnostic controls/proficiency testing products 28 local employees

Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly Thermo Electron) Biotech - Products www.the[rnocom 2215 Grand Avenue Parkway, Austin, TX 78728 800.876.6711 Analytic instrumentation engineering, mfg, & sales (gas chromatograph/mass 75 local employees spectrometry)

Veterinary Clinical Research Biotech - Service 166 Brushy Creek Trail, Hutto, TX 78634 512.846.2140 Custom antibody & biologics production in animals (Hdq.) 4 local employees Contract Research Organization 25 companies with 1920 employees

Accacia Serum CR0/IRB - CR0 2113 Wells Branch Pkwy, Suite 6900, Austin, TX 78728 512.782.8218 Clinical research, human serum sample procurement (Hdq.) 2 local employees

Austin Multi-Institutional Review Board CR0/IRB - IRB NA P.O. Box 27782, Austin, TX 78755 512.342.0310 Insitutional Review Board local employees

Benchmark Research CRO/IRB - CR0 1015 E 32nd St., Suite 303, Austin, TX 78705 512.478.5416 Contract research & trials (Hdq.) 20 local employees

CEDRA Corporation CRO/IRB - CR0 8609 Cross Park Dr., Austin, TX 78754 512.834.7766 Contract research for pharma (Hdq.) 250 local employees

Cenetron Diagnostics CRO/IRB - CR0 v’ 2111 W Braker Ln., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78758 512.439.2000 Medical laboratory services/clinical trials (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Chiltern International CRO/IRB - CR0 2028 E Ben White Blvd., Suite 400, Austin, TX 78741 512.225.0200 Contract research (clinical trials) for pharma (Hdq.) 38 local employees

Coghian Group/International Rx CRO/IRB - CR0 wwcsupp[ 1500 Business Park Dr., Bastrop, TX 78602 512.303.1265 Contract research organization; clinical packaging, labeling & distribution (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Community Clinical Research CRO/IRB - CR0 wwwornnijjfljtnka!.com 4411 Medical Pkwy., Austin, TX 78756 512.323.2622 Clincial trials for illnesses affecting the central nervous system (Hdq.) 20 local employees

Covance CRU CRO/IRB - CR0 wwwovence.corn 313 E Anderson Ln., Suite 200, Austin, TX 78752 512.302.6500 Drug development & clinical research organization 20 local employees

charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

- Austin Chamber of Commerce - 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 Derm Research CR0/IRB - CR0 8140 N MoPac, Bldg. 3, Suite 120, Austin, TX 78759 512.349.9889 Contract research organization focused on dermatology (Hdq.) 12 local employees

Emissary International CRO/IRB - CR0 www . em issa rv cam 12504 Scates Ct., Austin, TX 78732 512. Clinical trial management services local employees

FutureSearch Trials CRO/IRB - CR0 4200 Marathon Blvd., Suite 200, Austin, TX 78756 512.380.9595 Clinal trials for psychiatry & neurology (Hdq.) 30 local employees

13 Research CRO/IRB - CR0 wirEsichco1n 1250 S Capital of Texas Hwy, Bldg. 1, Suite 250, Austin, TX 78746 512.347.2650 Contract research in oncology, central nervous system, respiratory local employees

INC Research CRO/IRB - CR0 3321 Bee Caves Rd., Austin, TX 78746 512.327.7333 Contract medical research w/ focus in oncology, pediatrics, CNS, infectious disease 112 local employees

IntegReview CRO/IRB - IRB 3001 S Lamar Blvd., Suite 210, Austin, TX 78704 512.326.3001 Ethical review of medical research (Hdq.) 33 local employees Lovelace Scientific Resources CRO/IRB CR0 rri.or 10801 N MoPac, Suite 210, Bldg. 2, Austin, TX 78759 512.795.9404 Clinical research trials (Hdq.) 4 local employees

MetaClin Research CRO/IRB - CR0 www, 5815 W William Cannon Dr., Suite 103, Austin, TX 78749 512.732,2444 Contract research organization (Hdq.) 14 local employees

PPD Development CRO/IRB - CR0 wpjtcicom 7551 Metro Center Dr., Austin, TX 78744 512.447.2985 Biopharm & medical device contract research services 1100 local employees

Premier Research (formerly SCIREX) CRO/IRB - CR0 www. oremier-research .com 6850 Austin Center Blvd., Bldg II, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78731 512.852.6900 Drug development services 92 local employees

PSC Clinical CRO/IRB - CR0 611 5. Congress, Suite 450, Austin, TX 78704 512.828.6602 Clinical research organization (Hdq.) local employees

Quintiles CRO/IRB - CR0 qJnt1hcorn 1701 Directors Blvd., Suite 730, Austin, TX 78744 512.416.5000 Contract research for pharma 60 local employees

Redstone Research CRO/IRB - CR0 wXLwrcs1onEsEsajcJ1cQm 3701 N Lamar, Suite 302-D, Austin, TX 78705 512.965.7442 Contract research organization, phases II, III, IV (Hdq.) local employees

ResearchPoint Corp. CRO/IRB - CR0 wcorn 1301 S MoPac, Suite 50, Austin, TX 78746 512.450.6200 Contract research for pharm, biotech & medical device (Hdq.) 75 local employees

SlieaGen CRO/IRB - CR0 NA 2113 Wells Branch Pkwy, Suite 6900, Austin, TX 78728 512.782.8289 Clinical trials, international-based (Hdq.) 2 local employees

Tekton Research CRO/IRB - CR0 www.tektonresearch .com 904 Crystal Falls Pkwy, Suite 1, Leander, TX 78641 512.388.5717 Clinical trials (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

Austin Chamber of Commerce - 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 - Accacia International Diagnostics - Lab Services www,accacia 2113 Wells Branch Pkwy, Suite 6900, Austin, TX 78728 512.782.8204 R&D, commercialization; rapid diagnostic bioassays, detection instruments (Hdq.) 5 local employees

ALK-Abello Diagnostics - Products www.alk-abello,u 1700 Royston Ln., Round Rock, TX 78664 512.251.0037 Allergy related products, customer service center & admin (Hdq.) 45 local employees

Asuragen Diagnostics - Lab Services 2150 Woodward, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78744 512.651.0191 Diagnostic products development., mfg. & services (Hdq.) 100 local employees

. Auxano Biomedical (an ETI company) Diagnostics - Products www a u xa no bi o .com 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8137 Chronic wound care technologies (Hdq.) 3 local employees

Beacon Sciences (an ETI company) Diagnostics - Products 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8149 Specialized binding assays for bioscience applications (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Biophysical Corp. Diagnostics - Products www. biohysicalcoj:pcg.rn 3300 Duval Rd., Suite 150, Austin, TX 78759 512.623,4900 Comprehensive analysis blood testing & health screening (Hdq.) 25 local employees

Clinical Pathology Laboratories Diagnostics - Lab Services wwcpHa bE corn 9200 Wall St., Austin, TX 78754 512.873.1600 Medical laboratory services (Hdq.) 800 local employees

Coradyn Biosystems (an ETI Company) Diagnostics - Products, Discovery ww.coradygom 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8189 Biosensors & materials (Hdq.) local employees

Esoterix Diagnostics - Lab Services 4509 Freidrich Ln., Bldg. 1, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78744 512.225.1100 Biomedical laboratory & research services 40 local employees

LabNow Diagnostics - Products 2800-B Industrial Terr., Austin, TX 78758 512.329.9998 Point of care human diagnostics (Hdq.) 21 local employees

M&M Biomedical Corp Diagnostics - Products, Discovery Austin, TX Developer of diagnostics, therapeutics & medical devices (Hdq.) local employees

Nano Science Diagnostics Diagnostics - Products iLftcdiagnLcsccim 1826 Kramer Lane, Suite E, Austin, TX 78758 512.873.9620 Nanotechnology diagnostic products (Hdq.) 7 local employees

Ortho Kinematics Diagnostics - Products, Discovery hltgJlorthokinernaticscom 7004 Bee Cave Rd., Bldg III, Suite 315, Austin, TX 78746 512.334.5490 Spine diagnostics tool developer (Hdq.) 5 local employees

Pro-Lab Diagnostics Diagnostics - Products 7L7LWpzi.8LcQ0 9701 Dessau Rd., Suite 802, Austin, TX 78754 512.832.9145 Immunodiagnosis products distribution 2 local employees

Respiratory Research Diagnostics - Products 8711 Burnett Rd., B-31, Austin, TX 78757 512.587.7141 Biomarker sampling & analysis for research & diagnostics (Hdq.) 2 local employees

Rules-Based Medicine Diagnostics - Lab Services 3300 Duval Rd., Austin, TX 78759 512.835.8026 Medical laboratory biomarker testing services & related prod (Hdq.) 40 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

- Austin Chamber of Commerce - 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 ______

Apollo Endosurgery Medical Device - Healthcare wvi.pjIndo.corn 7000 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 250, Austin, TX 78746 512.328.9990 Medical device (endoscopy-related) developer (Hdq.) 30 local employees

ArthroCare Corp. Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie 7500 Rialto Blvd., Bldg. 2, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78735 512.391.3900 Medical device R&D & mfg. (dissolves tissue during surgery) (Hdq.) 100 local employees

Ascension Orthopedics Medical Device - Implantable Devic 8700 Cameron Rd., Suite 100, Austin, TX 78754 512.836.5001 Orthopedic small joint implants mfg. & R&D (Hdq.) 50 local employees

Bargas Medical Manufacturing Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie mzgasmedical.corn 1501 Business Park Dr., Bastrop, TX 78602 512.321.9111 Orthopedic & cardiovascular medical devices design & mfg. (Hdq.) 15 local employees

BioStable Science & Engineering Medical Device - Implantable Devic 2621 Ridgepoint Drive, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78754 512.386.1996 Implantable surgical devices design for heart valve pathologies (Hdq.) 5 local employees

DiFusion Technologies Medical Device — Implantable Devic NA Austin, TX 512.284.3338 Medical device developer for orthopaedic implants (Hdq.) local employees

030 Surgical (formerly ReAble Therapeutics & Encore M Medical Device - Implantable Devic 9800 Metric Blvd., Austin, TX 78758 512.832.9500 Medical orthopedic surgical implants R&D & mfg. 160 local employees

HealthTronics Medical Device - Healthcare www. 9825 Spectrum, Bldg. 3, Austin, TX 78717 512.328.2892 Urological products, services (Hdq.) 125 local employees

International Biomedical Medical Device - Healthcare wwwjnt-bio.corn 8508 Cross Park Dr., Austin, TX 78754 512.873.0033 Surgical appliances, medical gloves, blood chemistry monitoring equipment (Hdq.) 55 local employees

International Biophysics Corp. Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie 2101-2 E St. Elmo Rd., Suite 275, Austin, TX 78744 512.326.3244 Medical device (primarily blood contact surgical devices) mfg. (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Intralink-Spine Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie 111 Cooperative Way, Suite 210, Georgetown, TX 78626 512.818.8469 Injectable therapeutic product for spinal injuries (Hdq.) 6 local employees

LDR Spine Medical Device - Implantable Devic wwwidjspJncqm 4030 W Braker Ln., Suite 360, Austin, TX 78759 512.344.3333 Spinal implant design, sales & distribution (Hdq.) 25 local employees

Minimus Spine Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie 11207 Morning Glory Trail, Austin, TX 78750 512.250.0833 Injectable therapeutic for disc herniations, development (Hdq.) 1 local employees

Monebo Technologies Medical Device - Healthcare 1800 Barton Creek Blvd., Austin, TX 78735 512.732.0235 Cardiac assessment technology software (Hdq.) 4 local employees

Mystic Pharmaceuticals Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie ‘yi 2006A Windy Terr., Cedar Park, TX 78613 512.918.2900 Drug delivery technologies for ophalmic & intranasal (Hdq.) 11 local employees

NanoMedical Systems Medical Device - Implantable Devic 2706 Montopolis Dr., Austin, TX 78741 512.356.3006 Subcutaneous drug-delivery device development, nano (Hdq.) 5 local employees

On-X Life Technologies (formerly MCRI) Medical Device - Implantable Devic 8200 Cameron Rd., Suite A-196, Austin, TX 78754 512.339.8000 Mechanical heart valve mfg. (Hdq.) 100 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, v Economic Development - 512.322.5608

Austin Chamber of Commerce - 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 - OriGen Biomedical Medical Device - Inst/Tools/Supplie 7000 Burleson Rd, Bldg D, Austin, TX 78744 512.474.7278 Medical device (cardiac care & cell culture) mfg. (Hdq.) 18 local employees

Patton Medical Devices Medical Device - Implantable Devic www.LtcnncLcom 3108 N Lamar, Suite 101, Austin, TX 78705 512.279.4545 Medical device mfg. (injection port therapy) (Hdq.) 25 local employees

Patton Surgical Medical Device - Healthcare 6300 Bridgepoint Pkwy, Bldg. 2, Suite 420, Austin, TX 78730 512.329.0469 Laparoscopic instrumentation design (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Sironics Medical Device - Implantable Devic wwwsIrnkscom CEO’s home address, Austin, TX 512.633.6878 Implantable cardiovascular diagnostic device 2 local employees

Spinal Restoration Medical Device - Implantable Devic ww.spinalrestorationcrn 9737 Great Hills Trail, Suite 250, Austin, TX 78759 512.225.0405 Biologic therapeutic for chronic lower back pain (Hdq.) 7 local employees

Spine36O Medical Device - Implantable Devic www.spje36cgrn 5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 175, Austin, TX 78746 512.772.3774 Spinal products (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Spinesmith Partners Medical Device - Implantable Devic 5300 N Lamar Blvd., Austin, TX 78751 512.302.0086 Surgical & medical instruments mfg. (Hdq.) 10 local employees

St. Jude Medical Medical Device -. Implantable Devic ww.jrncom 807 Las Cimas Pkwy, Suite 400, Austin, TX 78746 512.732.7400 Mechanical heart valves, electronic medical devices, sales & marketing division 160 local employees

- w Stellar Micro Devices - Stellar Ray Medical Device Inst/Tools/Supplie seHar-mLcrocom 2020 Centimeter Circle, Austin, TX 78758 512.997.7781 X-ray technology for sterilization & imaging (Hdq.) 12 local employees

Zimmer Orthobiologics Medical Device - Implantable Devic www.zimmer,co 9301 Amberglen Blvd., Bldg. J, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78729 512.506.3250 R&D bioengineered & biotechnological products for orhtopedics 40 local employees

Zimmer Spine Medical Device - Implantable Devic 5301 Riata Park Court, Bldg. F, Austin, TX 78727 512.918.2700 Spinal implants, design, mfg., & marketing 175 local employees Pharmaceutica 11 companies with 1594 employees

Advanced Therapeutic Design (an ETI company) Pharma - Products, Discovery 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8202 Drug delivery systems using molecular incorporated polymers (MIP) (Hdq.) I local employees

Astrotech Pharma - Products, Discovery 401 Congress Ave., Suite 1650, Austin, TX 78701 512.485.9530 Mass spectrometers, & biotech therapeutic research aboard space station (Hdq.) 10 local employees

Grifols (BioMat USA) Pharma - Products, Discovery bttp..LLbiomatusa.grifolscorn 4401 Freidrich Ln., Austin, TX 78744 512.441.7372 Plasma screening laboratory services & mfg medicine for plasma therapy 75 local employees

Hospira Pharma - Products, Discovery 3900 Howard Ln., Austin, TX 78728 512.255.2000 Pharmaceutical delivery systems dev. & mfg. 1365 local employees

MacuCLEAR Pharma - Products, Discovery 3616 Far West Blvd., Suite 117-192, Austin, TX 78731 512.799.9397 Developing treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD) (Hdq.) 1 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608 Austin Chamber of Commerce -210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400- Austin, TX 78704- Mimetic Solutions (an ETI company) Pharma - Products, Discovery 11412 Bee Caves Rd., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78738 512.697.8142 Intelligent drug delivery (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Mirna Therapeutics Pharma - Products, Discovery 2150 Woodward, Austin, TX 78744 512.901.0900 Biopharmaceutical R&D, micro-RNA oncology therapies (Hdq.) 6 local employees

PharmaForm Pharma - Products, Discovery 11501 Domain Drive, Suite 130, Austin, TX 78758 512.834.0449 Pharma product development & mfg. (Hdq.) 65 local employees

Teraplo Pharma - Products, Discovery ywtrpipcQrn 401 Congress, Suite 2950, Austin, TX 78701 512.721.1200 Recombinant protein therapeutic product development (Hdq.) I local employees

Whitestone Biosciences Pharma - Products, Discovery www,whitestonebkcom 5900 Southwest Pkwy, Suite 520, Austin, TX 78735 512.485.0990 Drug discovery & licensing company (Hdq.) 15 local employees

Xbiotech Pharma - Products, Discovery 8201 E Riverside, Bldg. 4, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78744 512.386.5107 Therapeutic antibody research & commercialization (Hdq.) 40 local employees Other 11 cor panjs iitl I 7J ernpluyees

Airogistic Other Biotech - Biosecurity, Envmt juLcom 211 E 7th St., Suite 111L, Austin, TX 78701 512.743.3271 Biomonitoring networks & biosampling devices (Hdq.) 5 local employees

BioVigilant Other Biotech - Biosecurity, Bnvmt 211 E 7th St., Suite 108L, Austin, TX 78701 512.565.8508 Produce real time biodetection & biomonitoring instrumentation (Hdq.) 2 local employees

Detekt Biomedical Other Biotech - Biosecurity, Envmt vyustinbiomed.corn 105 W Riverside Dr., Suite 220, Austin, TX 78704 512.473.0752 Testing systems for biothreat detection (Hdq.) 5 local employees

GLOFISH (1-800-GLOFISH) Other Biotech - Ag Bio NA P.O. Box 200753, Austin, TX 78750 512.940.3159 Provide fish that detect pollution in water (Hdq.) 3 local employees

Lehle Seeds Other Biotech - Ag Bio 1102-D S Industrial Blvd., Round Rock, TX 78681 512.388.3945 Arabidopsis genetics, supply & mfg. (Hdq.) 6 local employees

Orthopeutics Other Biotech - l-lealthcare _w.orthpeutics.corn 111 Cooperative Way, Suite 210, Georgetown, TX 78626 512.818.8469 Nonsurgical solutions for common orthopaedic problems (Hdq.) 3 local employees

PanAmerican Veterinary Laboratories Other Biotech - Ag Bio wDygbylfbcom 166 Brushy Creek Tr., Hutto, TX 78634 800.856.9655 Veterinary diagnosticlab & animal product development (Hdq.) 4 local employees

PlastiPure Other Biotech - Specialty Applicatlo 11212 Metric, Suite 600, Austin, TX 78758 512.339.0660 Plastics development with no hormonal activity (Hdq.) 7 local employees

Signature Science Other Biotech - Biosecurity, Envmt 8329 N MoPac, Austin, TX 78759 512.533.2000 Technical services for nat’I security, law, environ, & biotech (Hdq.) 65 local employees

ViaGen Other Biotech - Ag Blo 12357-A Riata Trace Pkwy, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78727 512.401.5900 Genomics & advanced breeding technologies for livestock (Hdq.) 35 local employees

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

Austin Chamber of Commerce - 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 - Yorktown Technologies Other Biotech - Consumer goods P.O. Box 200753, Austin, TX 512940.3159 Consumer biotechnology products, including GLOFish (Hdq.) 3 local employees 11/25/2009 Category Definitions

Biotech: a) Products — kits, reagents, instruments b) Laboratory services and custom manufacturing c) Software bioinformatics

Diagnostics: a) Products — tests and assay kits

b) Laboratory services — assays diagnostics, clinical trials, reference labs Medical Device: a) Implantable devices b) Instruments, tools, supplies

c) Healthcare - healthcare medical devices (regulated)

CRO/IRB: a) Contract Research Organizations - manage clinical trials for biotech, diagnostics pharma

b) Internal Review Boards — oversight group for clinical trials

Pharma: a) Products discovery - small molecule drugs therapies, biomolecule drugs, therapies vaccines

- diagnostics therapeutics Other Biotech: a) Agbio — plant foods, animal/stock foods, companion sport animals supply, b) Biosecurity environmental, human ID (paternity forensics) c) Consumer goods and specialty applications

Charisse Bodisch, VP Economic Development - 512.322.5608

Austin Chamber of Commerce -210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 - Austin, TX 78704 - Page 1 of4

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 11,20105:30 PM To: ‘Lisa Harris’; ANC EC Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Bruce Elfant; Coleman, Glen; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

Thanks for writing. I appreciate your concerns, but would like to provide additional context to your assessment of this situation.

Prior to April of last year, the City’s ordinance related to street closures, established that the single point of accountability with respect to City street closures required the police chief to determine the number of peace officers necessary for adjacent areas and parades. Police officers are referenced throughout the ordinance that pre—dated the ordinance Council passed last April, and police officers were defined as City of Austin police. In spite of the confusing nature of the older ordinance, Travis County Constables and Sheriff Officers have provided support at events such as Bookfest and Eeyore’s Birthday for years, including during the years when the pre—April 2009—approved ordinance was in effect. I didn’t review even earlier ordinances, but the one that was in effect before April 2009 went into effect in 2003. My guess is that earlier ordinances reflected similar language giving authority to the City’s police chief in situations related to traffic control of City streets. That’s also the way it is done in Houston and other cities.

Although the Street Closure Task Force didn’t consider this issue in their deliberations, City staff did provide language consistent with the old ordinance, and presented it to Council during our April 2, 2009 Council Meeting. That section of the presentation was labeled “Safety Requirements (moved from 14—8—32)” in reference to the fact that the language was consolidating and streamlining language that came from the earlier ordinance. Council passed the new street closure ordinance on first reading that same day after a public hearing. Then on April 30th Council approved the new ordinance on 2nd and 3rd reading. There were several amendments that day, but there was no discussion, or formal action taken from the dais regarding a change to safety policies. I am not even aware of any amendment made to change the language from: “Only City of Austin commissioned peace officers, unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Police, shall be used for traffic control in the City right—of—way” (as was presented to us on April 3) to instead read: “a permittee must employ off—duty peace officers commissioned by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education for traffic control.” Talk about lack of transparency! I’m told that this change to the street closure ordinance was done an hour or so before the Council voted on April 30, 2009 in response to issues raised like those you raised below. The language approved then, without any public discussion permitted Houston police officers, dental examiners and a whole host of other Texas commissioned peace officers to work our City streets, regardless of their experience with traffic control, regardless of their experience with our local community issues, and without any accountability to our police chief. This did not seem to be in our City’s best interest especially from a public safety standpoint.

The language approved by Council today reads as follows: “Unless authorized by the police chief, or otherwise on duty acting in the official capacity of their agency, only peace officers commissioned by the City shall be used for traffic control in the City right-of-way for right-of-way events, as defined in this chapter. In

4/18/2011 Page 2 of4 making a determination for authorization, the çolice chief shall consider the officer’s familiarity with local ordinances and rules of the City, and the proximity of the officer’s primary jurisdiction to the City”

As Bruce correctly pointed out, and as you misunderstood in your initial message, this language does not prohibit the use of constables or other peace officers for traffic control. It does, however, return us to the language we’ve used in the past. There is a requirement for the police chief to authorize traffic control efforts. While I, too, share your concerns about nonprofits having access to more than just APD officers for help with traffic control, my primary concern with respect to his issue to ensure that citizen’s tave a single point of accountability when it comes to street closures. I support ttie concerns raised by the constables regarding the need for APD to do more to encourage partnerships with other local peace officers when it makes sense, and I and other members of the Council gave strong direction to the police chief to ensure that happens going forward, and that it happens better than it seems to have happened in the past. In addition, Council gave direction to ensure this matter is followed closely by the newly created Public Safety Commission. You should also note that in the language Council approved today, we improved upon what had been originally proposed in April 2009, giving specific emphasis to the importance of local peace officers.

Aside from the point I made earlier about a lack of transparency and public discussion that led to the challenging situation we faced today, I want to point out that this item from Council was posted as is required and is standard for handling all “Items from Council,” and there was a full blown discussion at today’s public meeting. Not every item goes to a board or commission, but as I mentioned earlier, this item will be tracked closely by the Public Safety Commission going forward. It was up to Council to give that Commission direction and it was up to Council to rectify what seemed to me to be a troubling situation. To answer the last question you raised: yes, like ANC members, I agree that good governance and transparency issues are critical. That’s what drove me and my co—sponsors to bring this item forward.

Best, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) http:!/!flN.idStcQUflcil/shadeiltm

From: Lisa Harris Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:27 PM To: ANC EC Cc: Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Riley, Chris; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Shade, Randi; Bruce Elfant Subject: Re: [ANCExec] Council item 18 today

Bruce called and corrected me- there is wording “unless there is an exception made by the chief’ in the ordinance passed today. That is the basis for the verbal assurances that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD. So it is not completely without protections for the nonprofits, however I am skeptical that leaving excepted events unspecified and entirely at the discretion of the police chief is sufficient protection.

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On Thu, 2/11/10, Lisa Harris > wrote:

From: Lisa HalTis Subject: [ANCExec] Council itern 18 today To: “ANC EC” , [email protected], “Chris Riley” , [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], “Bruce Elfant” Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 12:16 PM

This item is described as follows

Approve an ordinance amending City Code Section 14-8-32, relating to temporary closures for a right-of-way event to create certain requirements for peace officer participation. (Council Member Randi Shade Mayor Lee Leffingwell)

This ordinance did not go through the Public Safety Commission or any boards and commissions before Council voted in favor of it. My thanks to Councilmembers Morrison and Spelman for voting to postpone it. As written this ordinance would pennit only APD to provide security to events requiring street closures. This is important because APD officers charge the highest rates for providing security and APD does not offer a nonprofit rate. This would dramatically increase the cost of putting on events such as the Texas Book Festival. While there have been some verbal assurances given that this would not require nonprofits that currently use other offices for security to change to use APD there is no such protection in the text of the ordinance.

Obviously I personally am troubled by constable’s deputies and sheriffs deputies, good people, many of whom I know personally, being potentially excluded from being able to do this work. However I find even more troubling the process by which this ordinance was passed; an ordinance designed to add to the power of APD at the expense of important nonprofits in our city, was passed without public discussion or oversight.

While this is not a neighborhood issue per se, let me know if you agree with me that the governance/transpar ency issue is something that we should discuss at ANC.


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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:26 PM To: ‘Mike Rollins’; Dave Porter Cc: Ott, Marc; Gonzales, Rodney; Johns, Kevin Subject: RE: Lowest paying wage question from Austin Interfaith

Thanks, Mike. Sorry I didn’t get to speak with you at City Hall today.

I hear you, but if we’re asking the “lowest wage” question, discussing it in a public meeting that is well documented, and yet not willing to post it on our standard business information form, then it is hard to say we’re being “transparent.” Furthermore, the business information form asks for average wage, median wage, and number of jobs, so it isn’t as if someone with even just a little bit of math savvy couldn’t come up with the range of what the lowest paying jobs would pay (i.e., in describing Hanger deal the Statesman editorial board said lowest salaries would be in the $30K range; they got there by working backwards from median and average wages as presented on the business information form). I’m not sure I’ll be able to argue effectively against inserting the question -- assuming it stays in the format it is in now “average wage of lowest 10% of employee salaries,” and assuming that it is not something that alters policy for negotiating and executing agreements. Even Tom Hartman from Hanger expressed in the public hearing a willingness and comfort level at conveying that information, and I’d much rather have that information in the form of a range than have a situation like we found ourselves in with Hanger when the Mayor quoted (inadvertently maybe) a specific number ($35K) that no company would want to put in public record. Again, Tom was comfortable with discussing an expected range, but bristled at the notion of a specific number. Please give it some more thought. I feel sure we’ve not seen the end of Austin Interfaith, and I’d love to be able to give them this small win rather than have other Council Members force me to vote on it with a thumbs up or thumbs down. The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem agree. It would be great to get this sorted out in advance of the next round of deals we hope to get, including one that is likely to be less straightforward than LegaiZoom and Hanger and therefore likely to re-engage the Al membership. I’m not saying I can’t be convinced otherwise, but I need more ammunition than what you’re suggesting below. Sorry to be difficult, but it is the political landscape of Austin -- not an easy place especially when it comes to economic development, but I know I don’t need to tell you that:-)


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Mike Rollins [mailto: Mrollins Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:18 AM To: Shade, Randi; Dave Porter Subject: RE: Lowest paying wage question from Austin Interfaith


Thank you for asking our thoughts and sorry for the delay in responding but we needed to think about it. We do not support having the question in writing. We believe it would be a signal in the wrong direction. Lots of things are discussed verbally but it has a different connotation when asked to put in writing. Happy to discuss more.

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Thanks for all you do for the citizens of Austin.


Michael W. Rollins, CCE President

512.322.5615 I [email protected]

Austin Chamber of Commerce 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 Austin, Texas 78704 Fax 512478.9615 w w.austinhu rnancapitthcorn Connecting Business. Creating Opportunity.

From: Shade, Randi [mailto: Randi.Shade©ci.austin .tx. us] Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:32 AM To: Mike Rollins; Dave Porter Subject: Lowest paying wage question from Austin Interfaith

Hi Mike and Dave,

Do you see a problem with adding a question to the currently used Business Information Form that asks: “What is the expected average wage of the lowest paid 10% of those to be employed?”

I do not support changing our economic development policy with respect to the issue of lowest wage, living wage requirements, etc. and of course, I am not advocating a change in the way economic development agreements are negotiated and executed. If staff is already asking the question, “what is the lowest wage you expect to pay” (something a lot harder for a company to answer than the question I posed above), then it is hard to make an argument for not putting something on the subject of lowest wages paid on the Business Information Form that is posted for all to see. Including the question on the form would be a “big win” for Austin Interfaith and since we’re asking the question anyway, it seems like a relatively simple thing to do. Austin Interfaith never goes away, do they?


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, February 11,2010 11:32AM To: ‘Ross Smith’ Cc: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris Subject: RE: Item 18

Thanks, Ross and ditto from me re: MPT Martinez comment below.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:15 AM To: ‘Ross Smith’; Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William Subject: RE: Item 18

Thanks Ross, I think all issues can be addressed very soon and we can have local officers handling all events.


From: Ross Smith 5 Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 11:13 AM To: Cole, Sheryl; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Morrison, Laura; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Spelman, William Subject: Item 18

Dear Council,

Thank you for taking up Item 18 today. I know there are thorny issues and jurisdictional sensitivities involved, and appreciate your efforts to work through them.

Keep up the good work.

Ross A. Smith Austin

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 11:24 AM To: Gonzales, Rodney; Johns, Kevin Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Ott, Marc; Edwards, Sue Subject: Lowest paying wage question from Austin Interfaith

Hi Rodney and Kevin,

To follow up from our conversation from yesterday regarding the always asked question about lowest wages expected to be paid by a company applying for an economic development contract I have thought about it and would feel comfortable including a question on the business information form - much like the question we ask about domestic partner benefits, charitable efforts, and cultural outreach -- that asks “what is the expected average wage of the lowest 10% of those to be employed?” It could be in the job categories section or in the section among the other questions related to employment benefits and labor practices section.

Please let me know how to make this happen. It would be a “big win” for Austin Interfaith and since we’re asking the question anyway, it seems like a relatively simple thing to do.

Again, I do not support changing our economic development policy at this point in time with respect to the issue of lowest wage, living wage requirements, etc. In other words, I am not advocating a change in the way economic development agreements are negotiated and executed at this time; I am merely asking that we officially include a question our staff is already asking, so that those reviewing the Business Information Form have access to the same information.

Thanks and let me know what I need to do to close the loop on this. If it requires Council action then, let’s work together to get it done as soon as possible. I would expect MPT Martinez and Mayor Leffingwell to co-sponsor with me.

Thanks again, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 8:34 AM To: ‘mwheIlan Pitts, Don; Bier, Marti Cc: Garza, Bobby; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Diaz, Elaine Subject: Re: Meeting at 11 am.

Marti didn’t get this earlier due to email address typo.

From: Shade, Randi To: mwhella ; Pills, Don Cc: Garza, Bobby; ‘[email protected]; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Diaz, Elaine Sent: Fri Feb 05 08:32:10 2010 Subject: Re: Meeting at 11 a.m.

I’ll make it work with my schedule and I have cc’d Elaine in my office; she can reserve a conference room.


From: Whellan, Michael To: Pills, Don Cc: Garza, Bobby; ‘marti.bier©’ ; Shade, Randi; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Whellan, Michael Sent: Fri Feb 05 08:30:05 2010 Subject: Meeting at 11 a.m.

Don — I am cc:ing Bobby and Marti on this email in the hopes that they might be able to join us at 11:00 a.m. to discuss this new 96-hour proposal. I have also invited Brad Spies from SXSW, Inc. to join us; hopefully he will be available.

— Mayor Pro Tern and CM Shade of course, it would be terrific to have you join as well — this meeting was just scheduled in the last hour.

DON — could you get a conference room on your floor, since everyone is on that floor anyway. Thanks.

All good things.


Michael J. Whellan Phone: 5124805734 Fax: 512.480.5834

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401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2200 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone 512.480.5600

This electronic communication (including any attached document) may contain privileged and/or confidential information. If you are not an intended recipient of this communication, please be advised that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, copying, or other use of this communication or any attached document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and promptly destroy all electronic and printed copies of this communication and any attached document.

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, January28, 2010 1:40 PM To: Riley, Chris Subject: Fw: ANC GO-Bond Resolution

Attachments: ANC Resolution concerning allocation of GO Bonds.doc; ATT577431 .txt

ANC Resolution ATT577431.txt concerning aIlo.,. (196 B) Fyi....

Original Message From: Shade, Randi To: Bier, Marti Sent: Thu Jan 28 11:40:47 2010 Subject: FW: ANC GO-Bond Resolution

This is good. .

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Cole, Sheryl Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:54 AM To: Shade, Randi; ‘Chris Riley’ Cc: McDonald, Michael [APD]; Ott, Marc; Lurie, David; Shaw, Margaret; Lumbreras, Bert Subject: FW: ANC GO-Bond Resolution

I see this as a huge win. Original Message From: Long, Tara Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:12 AM To: Cole, Sheryl; McDonald, Stephanie Subject: FW: ANC GO-Bond Resolution



Original Message From: Bo McCarver Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 8:53 AM To: Long, Tara Subject: ANC GO-Bond Resolution


Please pass along the attached resolution concerning the remaining GO- Bonds. It was passed unanimously by 17 ANC-East neighborhoods on Jan.

13th and passed in the ANC executive committee last night; 9 for -- 2 abstaining.

1 I presented it to the general membersnp last night and they will vote on it next month, Feb. 24th. The strong vote from the ANC EC usually indicates a similar response from the general membership. If it comes up on the council agenda before then, Councilmember Cole can use it as she chooses.

The entire council will soon get a copy of this resolution from ANC.

I have added you to the ANC—East e—mail list and you will receive the monthly notices. We will meet Fe. 9th, 11:30; probably at Mi Madres. If you have issues you want aired, please feel free to let me know.


Bo McCarver

2 ANC Resolution concerning allocation of remaining GO-Bond funds

Whereas, there remains $15 million in unexpended funds from the $55 million Go-Bond, and

Whereas, market forces have limited home-ownership projects while rental projects for very low income households have been successful and the goal of expending 60 percent of the funds for rental units has already been achieved; and

Whereas, the critical need for housing affordable for very low income households necessitates timely expenditure of these funds; and

Whereas, there is an urgent need for housing for homeless persons and familles, and

Whereas, there is a critical need to create more housing for homeless persons in all areas of the city while retaining facilities such as Garden Terrace and The ARCH,

Therefore, be it resolved that the Austin Neighborhoods Council supports expending the remaining funds for both homeowner and rental projects as they are submitted with special preference given to projects providing housing for the homeless that is dispersed throughout Austin and available to all groups including women and families. ______

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:40AM To: ‘Paul Skeith’ Cc: cgmdct austininterfaith ; gina.hinojosa Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc; mcskeith ; Diaz, Elaine Subject: RE: Austin Interfaith’s response to your email


I am always willing to meet with you and other Austin Interfaith leaders, and I remain committed to the position I took at your accountability session — specifically, my commitment was then and still is: “to ensure that any resolution on businesses receiving tax incentives from the City require them to provide a living wage, benefits, a career path and a strategy to hire locally.” I keep the written statement I signed at the accountability session handy and work hard to deliver on the commitments I made. As I have said in the face to face meetings I have had with Austin Interfaith leadership, where we seem to disagree is in the definition of a living wage. I have asked the leaders of Austin Interfaith to consider a more nuanced approach versus the more narrow definition of $18 per hour. Today, Mr. Malfaro demonstrated some significant movement on the part of Austin Interfaith’s approach; it was much appreciated. I look forward to future discussions on that approach.


P.S. Elaine from my office is cc’d above. She can work with you to schedule any meetings.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Paul Skeith Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:36 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: cgmdct austininterfaith gina.hinojosa ; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc; mcskeith Subject: Austin Interfaith’s response to your email

Austin Interfaith “Let justice pour down like waters”....Amos 5:24 1301 S. 8 35 Suite 313 Austin, Texas 78741

Phone (512) 916-0100 Fax (512) 916-0251

January 27, 2010

Dear Councilmember Shade,

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This is in response to your recent e-mail to two of our leaders. Our position on public subsidies for private companies moving to Austin is straightforward: some deals bring substantial spillover costs to the community and are bad, while by the same token some deals bring spillover benefits to the community and can be good. We are not ideologically opposed to incentives. At the center of our position is whether or not the company brings good jobs. We define good jobs as ones which provide living wages of at least $1 8/hr ($37,000/yr), good benefits, a career ladder, and a strategy to hire locally.

1. Why does Austin Interfaith support a low-cost over a low-wage strategy?

We believe the City of Austin should create an incentive policy that encourages companies to follow a “low-cost” instead of a “low wage” strategy. Most economist agree that when companies pay good wages, benefits, and invest in their workers, productivity will rise over time and production costs decrease. This is a “low-cost” strategy.

But when companies which follow a “low wage” strategy, employees are not compensated with good wages and benefits, finns have high turnover and as a result have higher productions costs over time. We want our city’s investment to have the highest rate of retum, and companies with low long-term costs are more likely to stay in Austin and to contribute to the community.

2. Why do we consider $18/hr ($37,000 /yr) the living wage for Austin?

We believe a living wage in Austin requires at least $18 an hour plus benefits, which is $37,000 per year and about 175% of the Federal Poverty Level. Given the cost of housing, transportation, utilities, and other expenses, it is difficult for our families to live with dignity on less than that.

To put this in perspective, the city of Austin offers public assistance to families of four who earn less than $21.20. The average wage in Texas $18.90/hr. Also, according to the CAN 2010 poverty fact sheet, most researchers and policy maker agree that a family must earn at least two times the federal poverty level, which is $42,400, to meet basic needs.

3. What is the basis for Austin Interfaith’s statements in its Statesman Editorial?

We stand by the statements in our Statesman Editorial. The city has obligated its taxpayers to pay $64,000,000 to create approximately 1,400 jobs, which by our calculation works out to about $46,000 per job. These numbers come from reports on the City of Austin’s website and Audit & Finance Committee Reports. We are concerned about the total amount the taxpayers have been obligated to pay if the subsidized companies meet all of their contractual requirements.

4. How should Capital Idea’s effectiveness be measured?

In your email, you wrote that the city invested “$1,086,098 (plus $78,000 in childcare funding) that the City of Austin invested in Capital IDEA to support 22 people to receive job training in 2009.” We would like to clear the record on this. Capital IDEA provided workforce development services in CY 2009 to 271 unduplicated persons under contract to the City of Austin. Capital IDEA provided a full spectrum of services needed for low-earning adults to qualify for high-paying careers, including basic education, long-term career education, job placement and job retention. The 271 persons included 55 who received basic adult education and 215 who received job training, preparation, and placement services.

The benefits to persons served by Capital IDEA are significant and dramatic. Dr. Christopher King of UT’s Ray Marshall Center has conducted a scientifically-sound longitudinal study of the core benefits to Capital IDEA participants since 2007. His team is tracking the earnings as reported to the State’s Unemployment Insurance system of 321 Capital IDEA participants who enrolled between 2003 and

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2005 and have since left Capital IDEA. They compare them to the earnings of a quasi-experimental, demographically-similar comparison group. Below is a chart fiorn ammal update just released in December 2009.

II] Figure 1. Capital IDEA vs. Comparison Group Earnings Over Time $7000

$ .000

$5.0 00



$2,000 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Quarters :CapitaL IOEA. ::: Comparison qroup

Capital IDEA participants have enjoyed a steady increase in earnings while the earnings of the comparison group have essentially stagnated. In the words of the Ray Marshall Study, “Figure 1 shows that by the end of the measurement period, the advantage gained by Capital IDEA participants was large (about $1,500/quarter), statistically significant and apparently still widening. By the end of the period, participants were experiencing roughly a 100% gain in quarterly earnings compared with their 2-year [2] pre-service average.” Capital IDEA is a long-term, multi-year strategy and most participants were expected to continue from one year to the next, including participants who graduated in one year and are in job placement. The City of Austin contract provides 29.5 percent of Capital IDEA’s funding and calls for Capital IDEA to allocate 29.5 percent of specific outputs to City of Austin. Capital IDEA tracks outcomes for the much larger number of participants funded by all sources during the fiscal year which extends from October 1 to September 30. As of September 28, 2009, • 708 participants were active in training. • 160 employed participants were receiving post placement, job retention services. • Cumulatively, 701 had been placed in career employment. 54 had been placed in career employment in the fiscal year. • 11 were seeking employment at the end of the fiscal year. • 100 exactly had suspended participation in Capital IDEA in the fiscal year.

Finally, Austin Interfaith and its Texas IAF sister organization worked this past legislative session with Comptroller Susan Combs as well as Rep. Mark Strama to pass the $1 Omillion JET fund, which was created to provide state matching funds to city and county local investment in long-term job training projects like Capital IDEA. City of Austin dollars invested in Capital IDEA leveraged another $500,000

4/18/2011 Page4oflO in state dollars in a grant received from the JET fund in October.

We look forward to continuing the public debate on this and other issues with you, Councilwoman Shade. Our organization exists to teach ordinary citizens how to deal effectively in public life. We believe our success and integrity speaks for itself. While we may have definite disagreements on this issue and process, please remember that at one point you agreed with our position when you committed to it at our Accountability Session in April 2008. Since we always prefer face to face engagement instead of c-mails, we will be seeking a meeting with you to continue the conversation.


Austin Interfaith Executive Team

Original Message From: Shade, Randi [mailto: Randi. [email protected]] Sent: Friday, January22, 2010 5:02 PM To: Paul Skeith Cc: cgmdct austininterfaith ; gina.hinojosa Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc; mcskeith Subject: Re: Hanger Subsidy Discussion

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Original Message From: Paul Skeith To: Shade, Randi Cc: Maria Emerson >; austininterfaith gina.hinojosa t Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc; mcskeith Sent: Fri Jan22 15:58:45 2010 Subject: Hanger Subsidy Discussion

Dear Councilmember Shade,

Austin Interfaith is always willing to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have, and a face-to-face meeting would be a better forum to address the issues you raise. Because you made this a public communication, however, we do feel that we must respond in writing.

Obviously we disagree on some major points. We will send you a written response before next Thursday’s council meeting.


Paul Skeith Austin Interfaith Strategy Team

4/18/2011 Page 5 of 10

Original Message

From: Shade, Randi [mailto:Randi . [email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:24 AM To: Paul Skeith; Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith gina.hinojosa Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Paul and Minerva

I want to reiterate the points I was trying to make yesterday. They are the same points I have tried to make in the several meetings I have had in recent months with you and other leaders from Austin Interfaith. I am speaking for myself, but believe many of my colleagues here at City Hall would echo my sentiments below. I sincerely believe in the values of Austin Interfaith, but as much as you may have felt “attacked” yesterday, I (and others on Council) have felt equally attacked by Austin Interfaith in recent months. It isn’t as much about philosophical disagreement as it is about tactics used throughout the discussion of a

living wage -- how a living wage should be defined and how it should be supported.

Narrowly defining a living wage as $18 per hour regardless of the position or industry, regardless of whether that wage is for a single eamer of a family of four, and regardless of any other benefits the community may gain as a result of the position’s existence is neither strategic nor does such a proposal seem to be supported by any local groups besides Austin Interfaith. Where is the broad-based support Austin Interfaith is known for creating? What are other community groups dedicated to creating, recruiting and sustaining jobs for local families saying about your proposal to have such a narrow and seemingly unworkable litmus test to be in place? I left my last meeting with Austin Interfaith leaders thinking you’d be seeking a more nuanced approach that achieved buy-in from other community groups, if not from the chambers of commerce, then at least from the Universal Living Wage folks, Worksource, etc. That hasn’t seemed to happen. Again, I have not yet had the chance to vote on an economic development agreement, but I will be in the coming weeks. I feel as committed as ever to only supporting deals that offer good wages, good training opportunities and a career path, as well as health benefits and positive community linkages. While I don’t believe Hanger is everything I want in a deal, it certainly comes close enough for me to support it. I realize many of your leaders feel the same way. That’s the point, though. To get good deals like this one, we have to have more flexibility in our approach than what you seem to be calling for. Frankly, that’s why I believe you are having trouble getting more broad based support for your stance.

The City of Austin strives to influence economic development to enhance livability and economic viability in a manner that preserves the character of Austin and its environment. In the rare cases when economic incentives are used to support a particular project, each project is evaluated using a standard set of criteria adopted by the Austin City Council after a lengthy public process that included stakeholders from the business, social services, government and

4/18/2011 Page6oflo education sectors of our community, working together on the Mayors 2003 Task Force on the Economy. One organization without broad-based support can’t reasonably expect us to change the current program in a way that ignores the extensive efforts of countless groups working together in the past and present.

Before any economic development agreement is adopted by Council, a project is evaluated on fiscal impact, linkages to the Austin economy, impact on city services, character and number ofjobs, quality of life, environmental initiatives, project investment and other related items. It is a lengthy process that results in very few proposals ever even making it to Council for consideration. The implementation of the current economic development policy has resulted in six firm-based economic development agreements over the last decade in Austin versus 43 in San Antonio and 63 in Dallas.

Thanks to broad-based support and public input, that included having leadership from Austin Interfaith at the table as well as all the local chambers of commerce and representatives from the University, CAPCOG, Liveable City, and other groups, the City Council made recent changes to the economic incentives policy -- policy changes that I along with Council Member Morrison and Mayor Leffingwell co-sponsored, including a more extensive cost-benefit analysis process, a longer period for public comment prior to Council voting on any economic development agreements, and a prohibition of project-based incentives.

In your organization’s November 24th Press Release you cited a news report where, “the Mayor is negotiating public tax subsidies for three solar panel companies to move to Austin.” Not only did City Staff members explicitly tell Austin Interfaith leaders in a meeting the Monday before the press statement was issued that this was false, but this was also a clear mis-interpretation of an article citing something the Mayor does on a regular basis as an ambassador of our City. Mayor Leffingwell, just as his predecessors did, frequently meets with business people who are scouting Austin. There is a huge difference between the Mayor meeting someone to introduce them to the City and the negotiation of an economic incentive agreement. Austin Interfaith leadership knows how many steps there are before an economic incentive agreement reaches the stage of negotiation that we arrived at this week with Hanger. If Austin Interfaith leaders don’t know it, then they should, since the process is on the City’s website and was thoroughly discussed during the meetings Austin Interfaith leaders have attended in recent months. Where’s the accountability on the part of Austin Interfaith?

The same press release was misleading in another significant way. It offered the same line I referenced yesterday which is the same line you used in your recent op-ed pieces, and it is the same line other Austin Interfaith leaders have frequently repeated as well: “Between 2000 and 2007 the City of Austin has given $64 million in public tax subsidies to 6 companies to relocate. This created a total of 1,400 jobs at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $46,000 per job.”

Our website has a detailed breakdown of the actual dollars paid-to-date for economic development agreements, which is $5,245,237 to date: http ://

Aside from being factually inaccurate, however, I am more bothered by

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the fact that you could and would use that kind of math.” It completely ignores the point of the cost-benefit analysis you claim you want us to do in consideration of any contract we execute. Using a simple division equation to quantify the costs and benefits of years of economic incentive agreements is insulting and misleading. Your members as well as the community-at-large deserve better from Austin Interfaith leadership. Where is the accountability? It would be just as misleading if I were to say that the $1,086,098 (plus $78,000 in childcare funding) that the City of Austin invested in Capital IDEA to support 22 people to receive job training in 2009 should be translated to say that the City of Austin is spending $53,000 per trainee. Assuming we continued to do the same thing for 10 years, I could challenge tax payers to compare the Hanger contract with the Captial IDEA contract: $500,000 for 191 Hanger jobs versus $11.6 million for 220 Capital IDEA trainees.

The Hanger deal involves no tax abatements or fee waivers, but with the six agreements you so frequently reference, how can you ignore the investments of nearly $5B made by these few companies with which we have economic development agreements? Even if you don’t subscribe to the cost benefit analysis the City used to drive its past decisions, a cost-benefit analysis that indicates that the City will receive net revenue of $74.7M after the $64.4M in incentives over the term of those 6 agreements, you still can’t simply ignore the importance of doing some sort of analysis besides simple division. What about what comes from sales tax, as well as property tax calculations? What about the fact that at the end of the agreements, the City will keep 100% of the revenue going forward in the years post-agreement. Again, where is the accountability?

As I have told your members - my interest in public service was inspired in maj or ways by the work of Ernie Cortes on education reform in the 198 Os. I have followed his career, attended lectures he has presented, read much of his work, and have kiiown a number of folks who have been involved with Austin Interfaith in the past. I must admit that these days I am a bit disillusioned by what I am seeing. I sincerely hope to be able to work more effectively in the future with Austin Interfaith. Please take my comments with that in mind.

Yours truly, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Paul Skeith Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:43 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance


4/18/2011 Page 8 of 10

I understand from Maria that you are trying to contact me. I called and left a message with your office this morning, but you can always reach me on my direct work line, 391-8233.


Paul Skeith Managing Partner Richards Rodriguez & Skeith LLP 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1200 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 476-0005 Fax: (512) 476-1513

Web: www.rrsfirm . corn

Original Message From: Shade, Randi [mailto:Randi. [email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:02 PM To: Paul Skeith Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shades Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Thanks, Paul. I haven’t seen language on this yet, but look forward to hearing more about it. What is on the agenda this week is an item related to increasing public input and cost benefit analysis prior to any votes to be taken on an economic incentive item.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

Original Message From: pskeith Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:25 PM To: Shade, Randi Subject: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Date/Time Submitted: Tuesday, 9/29/09, 1524 hours From: Paul Skeith

Subject: Living Wage Ordinance Category: economic_development Comments: Randi,

I would like to thank you on behalf of Austin Interfaith for committing to living wage requirements for city tax incentives at our accountability sessions. I am writing to request your support this Thursday on the ordinance that puts those requirements into effect.

4/18/2011 Page 9 of 10

Hope you are doing well.

Best regards,

Paul Skeith

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[1] Earnings in this figure are averaged across all participants, whether placed in employment or not. [2] Tara Carter Smith, Christopher T. King, Daniel G. Schroeder, “Local Investments in Workforce Development: Evaluation Update,” Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, December 2008, p. 26.

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4/18/2011 Page 10 of 10

other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited.?

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4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, January27, 2010 7:11 PM To: Hensley, Sara; Lumbreras, Bert Cc: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: Fw: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Substation on Morris Williams G.C.

This seems to be a good sign. If we could ta]


Original Message From: sara.staricha To: Shade, Randi Sent: Wed Jan 27 15:33:14 2010 Subject: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Substation on Morris Williams G.C.

Date/Time Submitted: Wednesday, 1/27/10, 1532 hours Prom: Sara

Subject: Substation on Morris Williams G.C.

Comments: Dear City Council Member

I am a member of the Pecan Springs/Springdale Hills Neighborhood Association (PSSNA) and an active member on the subcommittee that meets to discuss the the placement of the electrical substation on the Morris Williams Golf Course and I wanted to let each of you know where our neigborhood stands on this issue.

Our neighborhood believe this substation should be placed on the Mueller site. However, PSSNA would consider endorsing the golf course site ONLY if:

* The City and Austin Energy commit to neighborhood input on the design and aesthetic of the proposed electrical substation and its surrounding landscape design.

* The City and Austin Energy commit to enhancing the Pecan Springs neighborhood’s connectivity to green space in and around Mueller and Bartholomew Park. Including a sidewalk on Manor between 51st Street and E.M. Franklin. I believe this is a dangerous area for pedestrians and bike riders and a sidewalk would make it more safe.

* The City and Austin Energy agree to develop a safe pedestrian crossing on Manor Drive that links to Mueller. Potentially at the Lovell and Manor intersection.

I know that the City Council has gone to great lengths to set design principles and standards for this city, and we insist that our utilities be held to those same standards. We insist on meaningful design input and we insist that our neighborhood (PSSNA) comes out a winner in this equation as Morris Williams Golf Course, Austin Energy, Mueller and Windsor Park are.

Thank you, Sara Staricha Smith

I- Page 1 of2

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 9:22 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee Cc: Nathan, Mark Subject: FW: Living Wage Comparison Attachments: Living Wage Comparison.doc

Not sure if yall got a copy of this from Mike, but in any case, I wanted to be sure to call it to your attention. I think Al’s approach is dangerous and incredibly unfair. It also completely flies in the face of the philosophy Ernie Cortes called for when he founded Al many years ago. Where’s the accountability? Where’s the strategic approach? Where’s the broad-based constituency? Al seems to carry a big stick but without any substance to back up what they’re calling for. Have fun with them today:-)

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax) h

From: Mike Rollins Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 7:47 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Jeremy Martin Subject: FW: Living Wage Comparison

Rand i,

We asked our research team to investigate other communities that may have living wage ordinances but this is not meant to be an exhaustive research project. I do not suggest that the City of Austin amend the existing economic dev matrix or create an ordinance on Living Wage but I thought you would enjoy reading the attachment. Appears efforts by Austin Interfaith would inflate the wage identified for Austin by a Penn State study by almost double and price Austin as one of the most costly communities regards to a Living Wage. We believe adopting as part of the matrix a Living Wage standard would be serve as deterrent to businesses considering investing and creating new jobs for families in Austin.

Thanks for leadership.


Michael W. Rollins, CCE I President

512.322.5615 I [email protected]

4/18/2011 Page 2 of 2

Austhi Chamber of Commerce 210 Barton Springs Road, Suite 400 Austin, Texas 78704 Fax 512478.9615 Connecting Business Creating Opportunity.

4/18/2011 Living Wage Comparison Austin The Capita’

Living Wages


Local living wages are designed to provide workers with a standard of living at or above the poverty level. Frequent studies over the past thirty years have demonstrated the falling real value of the Federal Minimum Wage and contend that it is inadequate to support workers at an above-poverty level. As a result, numerous communities have developed living wage standards for their municipalities in order to raise a portion of the population out of poverty.

Existing city living wage ordinances apply in a variety of circumstance. Some cities, including Denver and Boston, broadly require businesses in contract with the city to provide workers and subcontracting workers with the living wage. Other cities, including San Jose and St. Louis, have living wage requirements that include city contractors and recipients of financial assistance from the city, including economic development assistance. Lastly, Santa Fe and New Orleans, among others, have broader ordinances that essentially require all workers in the city to receive a minimum living wage.

Most city ordinances have additional conditions attached to living wage requirements. Many apply standards only to employers with a minimum number of employees, to full time employees of qualifying businesses, and to contractors receiving a minimum value contract from the city. The numeric values of these conditions differ from city to city.


Like, the conditions for application, living wage rates can be calculated based on a variety of measures. Most wage rates are determined based on local conditions, including the costs of housing, food, medical care, transportation and other costs. For an example of living wage calculations for Travis County, please see Penn State’s living wage calculator, which estimates a living wage of $9.18:

Despite the fundamentally local nature of costs of living and related living wage standards, some municipalities, such as Denver and Detroit set their rates as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level, while others, such as New Orleans, set their living wage rates in relation to the Federal Minimum Wage.

Additionally, most city living wage ordinances require that applicable employers who do not provide health care benefits to their employees pay a higher rate to incorporate health care expenses. For example, the City of San Jose requires a basic hourly living wage rate of $12.83 for contractors who pay into an employee’s medical benefits plan, but adds an additional $1.25 to a total wage of $14.08 for contractors that do not provide medical benefits.

GREATER AUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Page I 1 Living Wage Comparison Austin The Capital S&ected Living Wage Cities

Baltimore Yes 1994 $10.19 Businesses with city contracts Boston Yes 1998 $12.79 Vendors who contract with the city Denver Yes 2005 $10.60 Businesses with city contracts Business with city contracts and Detroit Yes 1998 $10.60 those that receive financial assistance_from_the_city Employers who have agreements 1997 $11.55 Los Angeles Yes with the city

Nashville No - - - All workers in the City of New $8.25 New Orleans Yes 2002 Orleans

Phoenix No - - -

Raleigh No - - - Commercial businesses that San Francisco Yes 2000 $11.54 contract with the city or lease city property Employers awarded service San Jose Yes 1999 $12.83 contracts or direct financial assistance_by_the_city Contractors for the city, businesses that receive assistance for economic development, and Yes 2003 $9.85 Santa Fe business that must obtain a business license or business registration_from_the_city. Contractors with the city, businesses that lease land from St. Louis Yes 2002 $11.33 the city or airport, and any recipient of financial assistance from_the_city

1 These are base wage rates, but many cities require higher rates for employers who do not provide health insurance. Wages are adjusted on a yearly schedule. 2 City ordinances often provide a variety of conditions regarding when living wage requirements apply, including minimum contract awards and full time employees, among others. Financial assistance usually includes tax abatement, tax credits, federal funding administered by the city, and revenue bond financing among others. Requires employers pay 100% of the Federal Poverty Level and 125% if health insurance is not provided New Orleans minimum wage is automatically set to $1 above the federal minimum wage $11.54 rate applies to for-profit businesses; $11.03 applies to non-profits

GREATER AUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Page I 2 Living Wage Comparison Austin The Capita

City Ordinances

Baltimore City Wage Ordinance http ://www. balti nkClick.aspx?fileticket= hv30b%2fvDV3 E%3d&tabid =71 3&m id=1347

Boston Living Wage Ordinance http ://www.cityofboston .gov/jcs/Livwage_ord .asp

Denver Living Wage Ordinance http :// pdf

Detroit Living Wage Ordinance http ://www.detroitm i .gov/Depa rtments/Finance/Pu rchasing Division/Living WageOrdina nce/t a bid! 1530/Default. as px

Los Angeles Living Wage Ordinance http ://bca

San Francisco Minimum Compensation Ordinance http ://sfgsa .org/index.aspx?page=403

San Jose Living Wage Policy http ://www.sanjoseca .gov/purchasing/livwage.asp

Santa Fe Living Wage Ordinance

St. Louis Living Wage Ordinance http ://www.

Related Links

“The Economic Impact of Local Living Wages,” Economic Policy Institute

Living Wage Resources, UC Berkeley Labor Center http ://

Living Wage Calculator, Penn State University

The Harvard Living Wage Fact Sheet http ://www. hcs. harvard .edu/”pslm/livingwage/factsheet.html

“How Much is a Living Wage?”, Time Magazine http ://,917 1,1002164,00.html

GREATER AUSTIN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Page I 3 :.:,:::::. ::::... ..: : .

Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 6:50 PM To: ‘gfarmerh Cc: Cole, Sheryl

Subject: Fw: Harris Block -- letter of support Attachments: 0122141627.pdf

4: HiGary

Sheryl and I wanted to be sure you saw that Mr. Block’s request for help seems to have been handled. Please let us know if any other assistance is necessary.


From: Shaw, Margaret To: Shade, Randi; Bier, Marti; McDonald, Stephanie Cc: Spencer, Betsy; Saenz, Kathleen Sent: Fri Jan 22 18:09:34 2010

Subject: Harris Block -- letter of support

: Attached please find a copy of the local support letter that Mr. Block needed; it commits the City to $5,000 ($1 k for 5 years). This is a very inexpensive way for us to preserve 170 units of affordability!

..i Thanks for bringing itto our attention! MRS


Margaret R. Shaw coA NHCD 512.974.3184 phone j 512.974.1063 fax Assistant: Cindy Loft 512.974.1049

.. ..


4/18/2011 City of Austin Neighborhood Housing and Community Development P.O. Box 1088, Aus/in, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-3100 • Fax (512) 974-3112 W1YW. ciiyoJaustin. org/ housin5

January 22, 2010

2007 Travis Heights, LP c/o Oak Creek Village Apartments 2324 Wilson Street Austin, Texas 78704


I am writing in support of the renewal of the I-lousing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract between 2007 Travis Heights, LP and HUD.

The City of Austin has identified the preservation of Project-Based Section 8 properties as one of its key affordability priorities. Over the next several years, Austin stands to lose over 1,000 units of subsidized housing by 2011 unless their HAP contracts are renewed. The renewal of the HAP contract for the Oak Creek Village Apartments will preserve 170 units of affordable housing that serves very low-income families.

The most recent physical review conducted by the HUD Real Estate Assessment Center in 2009 gave the property a score of 99 out of 100 points. Southwest Housing Compliance Corporation’s management and occupancy review rated the property satisfactory. We also understand that the owner intends to establish a Neighborhood Network Center in its community room, making the center available to neighbors from the surrounding area as well as Oak Creek Village residents. The Neighborhood Network Center is envisioned as a hub for after-school activities, a facility offering computer and internet access, and a place for neighborhood networking and crime watch meetings.

Oak Creek Village provides affordability in an area of Austin that has seen vast increases in property values, therefore, preservation of these units will help keep working families from having to move outside Austin in order to find housing they can afford. The City of Austin supports the renewal of Oak Creek Village’s HAP contract and will provide $1,000 annually to support the physical condition of the property for the next five (5) years, the term of the


The City s/Austin ic committed to compliance with the American with Dicahilities Act and oi/lprcn’icle reasonahk modi/Ications and equal access to communications upon cequest Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, January22, 2010 5:02 PM To: ‘pskeith Cc: ‘cgmdct© ; ‘austininterfaith ‘gina.hinojosa Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc; ‘mcskeith Subject: Re: Hanger Subsidy Discussion

Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you.

Original Message Prom: Paul Skeith To: Shade, Randi

Cc: Maria Emerson >; austininterfaith@ .

Dear Councilmember Shade,

Austin Interfaith is always willing to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have, and a face—to—face meeting would be a better forum to address the issues you raise. Because you made this a public communication, however, we do feel that we must respond in writing.

Obviously we disagree on some major points. We will send you a written response before next Thursday’s council meeting.


Paul Skeith Austin Interfaith Strategy Team

Original Message From: Shade, Randi [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:24 AM To: Paul Skeith; Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith gina.hinojosa ; Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Paul and Minerva

I want to reiterate the points I was trying to make yesterday. They are the same points I have tried to make in the several meetings I have had in recent months with you and other leaders from Austin Interfaith. I am speaking for myself, but believe many of my colleagues here at City Hall would echo my sentiments below. I sincerely believe in the values of Austin Interfaith, but as much as you may have felt “attacked” yesterday, I (and others on Council) have felt equally attacked by Austin Interfaith in recent months. It isn’t as much about philosophical disagreement as it is about tactics

used throughout the discussion of a living wage -- how a living wage should be defined and how it should be supported.

Narrowly defining a living wage as $18 per hour regardless of the position or industry, regardless of whether that wage is for a single earner of a family of four, and regardless of any other benefits the community may gain as a result of the position’s existence is neither strategic nor does such a proposal seem to be supported by any local groups 1 besides Austin Interfaith. Where is the broad—based support Austin Interfaith is known for creating? What are other community groups dedicated to creating, recruiting and sustaining jobs for local families saying about your proposal to have such a narrow and seemingly unworkable litmus test to be in place? I left my last meeting with Austin Interfaith leaders thinking you’d be seeking a more nuanced approach that achieved buy—in from other community groups, if not from the chambers of commerce, then at least from the Universal Living Wage folks, Worksource, etc. That hasn’t seemed to happen. Again, I have not yet had the chance to vote on an economic development agreement, but I will be in the coming weeks. I feel as committed as ever to only supporting deals that offer good wages, good training opportunities and a career path, as well as health benefits and positive community linkages. While I don’t believe Hanger is everything I want in a deal, it certainly comes close enough for me to support it. I realize many of your leaders feel the same way. That’s the point, though. To get good deals like this one, we have to have more flexibility in our approach than what you seem to be calling for. Frankly, that’s why I believe you are having trouble getting more broad based support for your stance.

The City of Austin strives to influence economic development to entance livability and economic viability in a manner that preserves the character of Austin and its environment. In the rare cases when economic incentives are used to support a particular project, each project is evaluated using a standard set of criteria adopted by the Austin City Council after a lengthy public process that included stakeholders from the business, social services, government and education sectors of our community, working together on the Mayor’s 2003 Task Force on the Economy. One organization without broad-based support can’t reasonably expect us to change the current program in a way that ignores the extensive efforts of countless groups working together in the past and present.

Before any economic development agreement is adopted by Council, a project is evaluated on fiscal impact, linkages to the Austin economy, impact on city services, character and number of jobs, quality of life, environmental initiatives, project investment and other related items. It is a lengthy process that results in very few proposals ever even making it to Council for consideration. The implementation of the current economic development policy has resulted in six firm—based economic development agreements over the last decade in Austin versus 43 in San Antonio and 63 in Dallas.

Thanks to broad-based support and public input, that included having leadership from Austin Interfaith at the table as well as all the local chambers of commerce and representatives from the University, CAPCOG, Liveable City, and other groups, the City Council made recent changes to the economic incentives policy -- policy changes that I along with Council Member Morrison and Mayor leffingwell co—sponsored, including a more extensive cost—benefit analysis process, a longer period for public comment prior to Council voting on any economic development agreements, and a prohibition of project—based incentives.

In your organization’s November 24th Press Release you cited a news report where, “the Mayor is negotiating public tax subsidies for three solar panel companies to move to Austin.” Not only did City Staff members explicitly tell Austin Interfaith leaders in a meeting the Monday before the press statement was issued that this was false, but this was also a clear mis—interpretation of an article citing something the Mayor does on a regular basis as an ambassador of our City. Mayor Leffingwell, just as his predecessors did, frequently meets with business people who are scouting Austin. There is a huge difference between the Mayor meeting someone to introduce them to tte City and the negotiation of an economic incentive agreement. Austin Interfaith leadership knows how many steps there are before an economic incentive agreement reaches the stage of negotiation that we arrived at this week with Hanger. If Austin Interfaith leaders don’t know it, then they should, since the process is on the City’s website and was thoroughly discussed during the meetings Austin Interfaith leaders have attended in recent months. Where’s the accountability on the part of Austin Interfaith?

The same press release was misleading in another significant way. It offered the same line I referenced yesterday which is the same line you used in your recent op—ed pieces, and it is the same line other Austin Interfaith leaders have frequently repeated as well: “Between 2000 and 2007 the City of Austin has given $64 million in public tax subsidies to 6 companies to relocate. This created a total of 1,400 jobs at a cost to taxpayers of nearly $46,000 per job.”

2 Our website has a detailed breakdown of the actual dollars paid—to—date for economic development agreements, which is $5,245,237 to date: http: //

Aside from being factually inaccurate, however, I am more bothered by the fact that you could and would use that kind of “math.” It completely ignores the point of the cost— benefit analysis you claim you want us to do in consideration of any contract we execute. Using a simple division equation to quantify the costs and benefits of years of economic incentive agreements is insulting and misleading. Your members as well as the community— at—large deserve better from Austin Interfaith leadership. Where is the accountability? It would be just as misleading if I were to say that the $1,086,098 (plus $78,000 in childcare funding) that the City of Austin invested in Capital IDEA to support 22 people to receive job training in 2009 should be translated to say that the City of Austin is spending $53,000 per trainee. Assuming we continued to do the same thing for 10 years, I could challenge tax payers to compare the Hanger contract with the Captial IDEA contract: $500,000 for 191 Hanger jobs versus $11.6 million for 220 Capital IDEA trainees.

The Hanger deal involves no tax abatements or fee waivers, but with the six agreements you so frequently reference, how can you ignore the investments of nearly $5B made by these few companies with which we have economic development agreements? Even if you don’t subscribe to the cost benefit analysis the City used to drive its past decisions, a cost— benefit analysis that indicates that the City will receive net revenue of $74.7M after the $64.4M in incentives over the term of those 6 agreements, you still can’t simply ignore the importance of doing some sort of analysis besides simple division. What about what comes from sales tax, as well as property tax calculations? What about the fact that at the end of the agreements, the City will keep 100% of the revenue going forward in the years post—agreement. Again, where is the accountability?

As I have told your members — my interest in public service was inspired in major ways by the work of Ernie Cortes on education reform in the 1980s. I have followed his career, attended lectures he has presented, read much of his work, and have known a number of folks who have been involved with Austin Interfaith in the past. I must admit that these days I am a bit disillusioned by what I am seeing. I sincerely hope to be able to work more effectively in the future with Austin Interfaith. Please take my comments with that in mind.

Yours truly, Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Paul Skeith Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:43 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith@

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance


I understand from Maria that you are trying to contact me. I called and left a message with your office this morning, but you can always reach me on my direct work line, 391—8233.


Paul Skeith 3 Managing Partner Richards Rodriguez & Skeith LLP 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1200 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 4:76—0005 Fax: (512) 476—1513 Web: http: //www.linkedin. com/in/paulskeith

Original Message From: Shade, Randi [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:02 PM To: Paul Skeith

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Thanks, Paul. I haven’t seen language on this yet, but look forward to hearing more about it. What is on the agenda this week is an item related to increasirg public input and cost benefit analysis prior to any votes to be taken on an economic incentive item.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax) http: //www. ci. austin. tx . us/council/shade. htm

Original Message From: pskeith Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:25 PM To: Shade, Randi

Subject: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Date/Time Submitted: Tuesday, 9/29/09, 1524 hours From: Paul Skeith

Subject: Living Wage Ordinance Category: economic development Comments: Randi,

I would like to thank you on behalf of Austin Interfaith for committing to living wage requirements for city tax incentives at our accountability sessions. I am writing to request your support this Thursday on the ordinance that puts those requirements into effect.

Mope you are doing well.

Best regards,

Paul Skeith (512) 391—8233

This message is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain privileged, confidential, and/or insider information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any action concerning the contents of this message and any attachment(s) by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited.

REQUIRED NOTICE PURSUANT TO IRS CIRCULAR 230: Any U.S. Federal tax advice included in this communication, including any attachments, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending any tax—related matters addressed herein to another 4 party.

This message is intended oniy for the person(s) to whom it is addressed and may contain privileged, confidential, and/or insider information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, or taking of any action concerning the contents of this message and any attachment(s) by anyone other than the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited.

REQUIRED NOTICE PURSUANT TO IRS CIRCULAR 230: Any U.S. Federal tax advice included in this communication, including any attachments, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending any tax—related matters addressed herein to another party.

5 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, January 22, 2010 10:24 AM To: ‘Paul Skeith’; Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith ‘gina.hinojosa Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Nathan, Mark; Ott, Marc

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Paul and Minerva

I want to reiterate the points I was trying to make yesterday. They are the same points I have tried to make in the several meetings I have had in recent months with you and other leaders from Austin Interfaith. I am speaking for myself, but believe many of my colleagues here at City Hall would echo my sentiments below. I sincerely believe in the values of Austin Interfaitb, but as much as you may have felt “attacked” yesterday, I (and others on Council) have felt equally attacked by Austin Interfaith in recent months. It isn’t as much about philosophical disagreement as it is about tactics used throughout the discussion of a living wage -- how a living wage should be defined and how it should be supported.

Narrowly defining a living wage as $18 per hour regardless of the position or industry, regardless of whether that wage is for a single earner of a family of four, and regardless of any other benefits the community may gain as a result of the position’s existence is neither strategic nor does such a proposal seem to be supported by any local groups besides Austin Interfaith. Where is the broad-based support Austin Interfaith is known for creating? What are other community groups dedicated to creating, recruiting and sustaining jobs for local families saying about your proposal to have such a narrow and seemingly unworkable litmus test to be in place? I left my last meeting with Austin Interfaith leaders thinking you’d be seeking a more nuanced approach that achieved buy—in from other community groups, if not from the chambers of commerce, then at least from the Universal Living Wage folks, Worksource, etc. That hasn’t seemed to happen. Again, I have not yet had the chance to vote on an economic development agreement, but I will be in the coming weeks. I feel as committed as ever to only supporting deals that offer good wages, good training opportunities and a career path, as well as health benefits and positive community linkages. While i don’t believe Hanger is everything I want in a deal, it certainly comes close enough for me to support it. I realize many of your leaders feel the same way. That’s the point, though. To get good deals like this one, we have to have more flexibility in our approach than what you seem to be calling for. Frankly, that’s why I believe you are having trouble getting more broad based support for your stance.

The City of Austin strives to influence economic development to enhance livability and economic viability in a manner that preserves the character of Austin and its environment. In the rare cases when economic incentives are used to support a particular project, each project is evaluated using a standard set of criteria adopted by the Austin City Council after a lengthy public process that included stakeholders from the business, social services, government and education sectors of our community, working together on the Mayor’s 2003 Task Force on the Economy. One organization without broad—based support can’t reasonably expect us to change the current program in a way that ignores the extensive efforts of countless groups working together in the past and present.

Before any economic development agreement is adopted by Council, a project is evaluated on fiscal impact, linkages to the Austin economy, impact on city services, character and number of jobs, quality of life, environmental initiatives, project investment and other related items. It is a lengthy process that results in very few proposals ever even making it to Council for consideration. The implementation of the current economic development policy has resulted in six firm—based economic development agreements over the last decade in Austin versus 43 in San Antonio and 63 in Dallas.

Thanks to broad-based support and public input, that included having leadership from Austin Interfaith at the table as well as all the local chambers of commerce and representatives from the University, CAPCOG, Liveable City, and other groups, the City

Council made recent changes to the economic incentives policy —— policy changes that I along with Council Member Morrison and Mayor Leffingwell co—sponsored, including a more 1 extensive cost—benefit analysis process, a ionger period for public comment prior to Council voting on any economic development agreements, and a prohibition of project-based incentives.

In your organization’s November 24th Press Release you cited a news report where, “the Mayor is negotiating public tax subsidies for three solar panel companies to move to a Austin.” Not only did City Staff members explicitly tell Austin Interfaith leaders in was meeting the Monday before the press statement was issued that this was false, but this regular also a clear mis—interpretation of an article citing something the Mayor does on a basis as an ambassador of our City. Mayor Leffingwell, just as his predecessors did, frequently meets with business people who are scouting Austin. There is a huge difference of an between the Mayor meeting someone to introduce them to the City and the negotiation are economic incentive agreement. Austin Interfaith leadership knows how many steps there before an economic incentive agreement reaches the stage of negotiation that we arrived at this week with Hanger. If Austin Interfaith leaders don’t know it, then they should, since the process is on the City’s website and was thoroughly discussed during the meetings Austin Interfaith leaders have attended in recent months. Where’s the accountability on the part of Austin Interfaith?

The same press release was misleading in another significant way. It offered the same line I referenced yesterday which is the same line you used in your recent op—ed pieces, well: and it is the same line other Austin Interfaith leaders have frequently repeated as “Between 2000 and 2007 the City of Austin has given $64 million in public tax subsidies to of 6 companies to relocate. This created a total of 1,400 jobs at a cost to taxpayers nearly $46,000 per job.”

Our website has a detailed breakdown of the actual dollars paid—to—date for economic development agreements, which is $5,245,237 to date:

Aside from being factually inaccurate, however, I am more bothered by the fact that you cost— could and would use that kind of “math.” It completely ignores the point of the benefit analysis you claim you want us to do in consideration of any contract we execute. Using a simple division equation to quantify the costs and benefits of years of economic incentive agreements is insulting and misleading. Your members as well as the community- at-large deserve better from Austin Interfaith leadership. Where is the accountability? in It would be just as misleading if I were to say that the $1,086,098 (plus $78,000 childcare funding) that the City of Austin invested in Capital IDEA to support 22 people Austin is to receive job training in 2009 should be translated to say that the City of I spending $53,000 per trainee. Assuming we continued to do the same thing for 10 years, could challenge tax payers to compare the Hanger contract with the Catial IDEA contract: $500,000 for 191 Hanger jobs versus $11.6 million for 220 Capital IDEA trainees.

The Hanger deal involves no tax abatements or fee waivers, but with the six agreements you so frequently reference, how can you ignore the investments of nearly $5B made by these few companies with which we have economic development agreements? Even if you don’t subscribe to the cost benefit analysis the City used to drive its past decisions, a cost— the benefit analysis that indicates that the City will receive net revenue of $74.7M after simply ignore $64.4M in incentives over the term of those 6 agreements, you still can’t the importance of doing some sort of analysis besides simple division. What about what at comes from sales tax, as well as property tax calculations? What about the fact that the the end of the agreements, the City will keep 100% of the revenue going forward in years post—agreement. Again, where is the accountability? in major ways by As I have told your members — my interest in public service was inspired the work of Ernie Cortes on education reform in the l980s. I have followed his career, of attended lectures he has presented, read much of his work, and have known a number these folks who have been involved with Austin Interfaith in the past. I must admit that to work days I am a bit disillusioned by what I am seeing. I sincerely hope to be able with that more effectively in the future with Austin Interfaith. Please take my comments in mind.

Yours truly, Randi

2 Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: Paul Skeith Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:43 AM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Maria Emerson; austininterfaith

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website — Living Wage Ordinance


I understand from Maria that you are trying to contact me. I called and left a message with your office this morning, but you can always reach me on my direct work line, 391—8233.


paul Skeith Managing Partner Fichards Rodriguez & Skeith LLP 816 Congress Avenue, Suite 1200 Austin, Texas 78701 Phone: (512) 476—0005 Fax: (512) 476—1513 Web:

Original Message From: Shade, Randi [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:02 PM To: Paul Skeith

Subject: RE: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Thanks, Paul. I haven’t seen language on this yet, but look forward to hearing more about it. What is on the agenda this week is an item related to increasing public input and cost benefit analysis prior to any votes to be taken on an economic incentive item.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: pskeith Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 3:25 PM To: Shade, Randi

Subject: Submitted from CM Shade’s Website - Living Wage Ordinance

Date/Time Submitted: Tuesday, 9/29/09, 1524 hours From: Paul Skeith

Subject: Living Wage Ordinance Category: economic development Comments: Randi, 3 to living wage I would like to thank you on behalf of Austin Interfaith for committing I am writing to requirements for city tax incentives at our accountability sessions. requirements into request your support this Thursday on the ordinance that puts those effect.

I-lope you are doing well.

Best regards,

Paul Skeith (512) 39l—8233 and may contain This message is intended only for the person(s) to whom it is addressed this privileged, confidential, and/or insider information. If you have received the message and communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to or taking of any deleting it from your computer. Any disclosure, copying, distribution, anyone other than action concerning the contents of this message and any attachment(s) by the named recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. included in REQUIRED NOTICE PURSUANT TO IRS CIRCULAR 230: Any U.S. Federal tax advice to be used, and this communication, including any attachments, is not intended or written be imposed under the cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties that may any tax—related U.S. Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending matters addressed herein to another party.

4 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, January21, 2010 1:00PM To: Edwards, Sue; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Ott, Marc Subject: RE: Good job today

Sure thing and here’s to the next one going even more smoothly:—)

Randi Spade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: Edwards, Sue Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:56 PM To: Shade, Randi; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Ott, Marc Subject: RE: Good job today


Thanks for all of your support and your public comments today.


Sue Edwards Assistant City Manager City of Austin Phone: 512—974—7820 Fax: 512—974—2833

sue. edwards@ci . austin. tx. us

Original Message From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:03 PM To: Gonzales, Rodney; Edwards, Sue Cc: Ott, Marc Subject: Good job today


Thank you for your responsiveness and for the excellent job you did on today’s presentation. You have lots of balls in the air, and I really appreciate your corsistent diligence and dedication in any and all circumstances.


1 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 7:31 PM To: Nathan, Mark Cc: Leffingwell, Lee Subject: Re: Cities of Service Leadership Grants

So sorry. I’m bummed and know you are too. Onward we go.

From: Nathan, Mark To: Leffingwell, Lee; Shade, Randi Sent: Fri Jan 15 17:20:45 2010 Subject: FW: Cities of Service Leadership Grants

FYI. Didn’t get the Cities of Service grant. Onward.

From: CitiesOfService Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:09 PM To: CitiesOfService Subject: Cities of Service Leadership Grants

Cities of Service Leadership Grant Applicant:

Thank you for applying for the first-ever Cities of Service Leadership Grants, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. Cities of Service received 50 applications; it was a highly competitive selection process. Unfortunately, your city’s application was not selected to receive one of the grants.

We will be announcing the recipient cities on Monday, January 18, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. Please note that while you were not successful in this round of applications, the coalition is working aggressively to develop further resources to support all of our members. We look forward to our continued partnership.

As always, don’t hesitate to call with any questions or concerns.

Teresa Pratt P: 212-788-2973 F: 212-788-3286 [email protected]

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 11:31 AM To: Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret; Martinez, Mike [Council Memberj; Cole, Sheryl; Britain, Rebecca Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

I would prefer that we find a time that works for me, Sheryl and Mike to attend together rather than to do three separate one—on—ones, plus it seems to be a more efficient use of staff time —— I would hate for staff to do the same meeting three times if it isn’t absolutely necessary. Thanks!


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Snipes, Anthony Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 1:46 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] ; Cole, Sheryl; Britain, Rebecca Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Council Member,

My staff is attempting to schedule the meeting on next week. Since Primizie’s departure, Housing has been examining loan repayment concerns and other relevant issues regarding this matter. Additionally, I have been meeting with ARA to gain information for purposes of the update to City Council. As of Monday, we now have written documentation from ARA, information from BUD and Housing regarding loan repayment, and some recommended next steps.

Hopefully, the schedules of the three Council Members that requested an update will be available to meet. If schedules conflict, we may have to meet 1—on—i.

Original Message From: Shade, Randi Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 1:39 PM To: Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Cole, Sheryl Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Hi Anthony,

Did this ARA briefing meeting requested by MPT Martinez last week ever get scheduled? I’m still intersted in having that meeting and from the sound of it, so is Sheryl.


Randi Shade 1 Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Messa From: Shade, Fandi Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:34 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Sounds like negotiations are back underway for MP Mueller’s company (Door Number 3 Advertising)

Thanks and I look forward to us meeting whenever it gets scheduled.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax) http: //www. ci. austin. tx . us/council/shade. htm

Original Message From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 12:57 PM: To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Thanks Anthony and Mike. I would like to participate in the meeting you set-up for next week.

See attached. I need to be able to respond to MP Mueller ASAP, too.

Thanks for any insight pre—meeting you can provide.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:04 AM To: Snipes, Anthony; Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Thanks so much Anthony.

I would like to set up the update meeting soon. Let’s try for next week if that works for you all.

Mike 2 Mayor Pro Tern Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: Snipes, Anthony Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:00 AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc Subject: RB: FYI Primizie Osteria

Mayor Pro—Tern,

We would be glad to provide you with an update. It is my understanding that ABA is in the process of putting another restaurant in place of Primizie in the near future. According to the ARA Board, they tried to work with Mark and Lisa with no success. The restaurant owed ARA in back-rent totalling $50,000 - $70,000. As you know, non—profits can not sustain non—payment to this extent and survive. The ABA Board did not want to have another Ms. B’s occur; however they did make a concerted effort to make this work. Even with Primizie’s non—payment and partial payments over several months, it was the restaurant and not ABA that made the decision to vacate.

According to the Board Chair, ABA is making immediate moves to fill all of their space by the end of January. Additionally, staff has been meeting with ABA, Anderson CDC, and the URB to have public meetings and visioning sessions for the corridor. Lastly, staff and I have met with all of the Boards regarding some immediate solutions to get things moving in the corridor. Our hope is to come back to you in March with an update of those meetings and a proposed strategy to move forward. Thanks.

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 9:31 AM To: Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; ‘danao ’; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Ch.ris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laira; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Snipes, Anthony Subject: FYI Primizie Osteria

Mark and Lisa,

This is really disappointing news. But before I offer any more opinions, I would like to get an update from staff on this issue.

Margaret, can you please provide any info or relay any info you have from ABA.

Thanks, Mike

Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: danao Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl

Subject: Submitted from City Council web site — FYI Primizie Osteria

Date/Time Submitted: 1311 hours From: Dana 3 Subject: FYI Primizie Osteria


Comments: I apologize for the mass email but we really wanted to try to contact people individually but from all the emails and messages we are getting I thought we better let everyone know ASAP. With that said, it is with heavy hearts that we have to tell you that Mark and I have decided to close Primizie Osteria for business. Although the down economy has not done us any favors, the main reason for our decision is that our landlord, Austin Revitalization Authority, refused to renegotiate the terms of our lease to make them more aligned with industry averages, the location and the density of the area. All of our decisions and projections for the restaurant were based on four multi—use developments which were to have been completed on the llth/l2th street corridors. As you probably know from the countless articles on the development of this area, the City of Austin and the Austin Revitalization Authority have failed to deliver on all accounts. We do not foresee any of these projects coming on line within the next 5 years to increase the density of the area to the degree that was projected. Since the fixed costs associated with that space were not going to allow us to reach the profit levels we needed we felt the smartest business move was to close the location.

As you can imagine this was a very difficult decision to make but definitely the right one. Primizie Catering, which was started over 9 years ago, remains stable and profitable so that is where we will put our attentions. So if you are a past or present client you can still expect the same service, food quality and ability to produce amazing events that we have built our reputation on. We are very proud of what we created with Primizie Osteria and feel Austin has lost a true gem. We currently do not have plans to relocate the restaurant but hopefully you will see us again in incarnation of Primizie soon. We want to thank you for all the support you have given us over the years. Feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.

Happy New Year and looking forward to a great 2010!

Lisa & Mark Spedale

Lisa s Cell 512. Mark s Cell 512.

4 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 5:48 PM To: Gonzales, Rodney Cc: Ott, Marc; Edwards, Sue; ‘Mike Rollins’ Subject: RE: Hanger Announcement

I guess I misunderstood our earlier conversations about what Hanger agreed to do. I never anticipated that Hanger wouldn’t make an announcement. I just figured that with all the conversations we’ve had on this topic you would have let me and other council members know what the announcement was and/or gotten us a copy of the announcement when it was made, etc.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Gonzales, Rodney Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 4:17 PM To: Shade, Randi Cc: Ott, Marc; Edwards, Sue; ‘Mike Rollins’ Subject: RE: Hanger Announ cement


If you’ll recall, we preferred no announcement be made until this was posted for Council consideration in order to avoid the appearance of this being a done deal. We had the same concerns when we found out they wanted to make an announcement. Ultimately, the solution was that we would request they use “advanced negotiations” and that we would post our information on the same day so that the public understands we do not view this as a done deal. At meetings we’ve had with them, we’ve reiterated that this is not a done deal and should not be viewed or announced in that manner.

It’s unfortunate that Hanger did not use the language, but we could not control the actual language in their announcement.


From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:06 PM To: Edwards, Sue; Gonzales, Rodney Cc: ‘Mike Rollins’; Ott, Marc Subject: Hanger Announcement

Where is the language in this announcement that I thought Hanger was going to use regarding “advanced negotiations” versus this being a done deal -- relocation decision made? You all know how much I want this deal to happen, but last I heard my colleagues and I weren’t going to be put into the position of having to explain that in spite of what Hanger is saying, the City’s grant is not a done deal until we vote on the 28th At the very least I would have appreciated the heads up that the language was not what we discussed earlier I had to read it on Statesman Blog and then the check out the Hanger website to see if Statesman got it wrong....which they didn’t

“The Company also announced the decision to relocate its corporate headquarters to Austin, Texas from Bethesda, Maryland. Hanger’s new Austin headquarters will provide ample space for future growth, improved operational efficiency, and an enhanced quality of life for corporate employees. Austin’s central location in the United States will also facilitate improved communication with Hanger’s national footprint of more than 700 patient care centers and supporting operational locations. Before deciding on Austin, Hanger completed an analysis of numerous cities nationwide, including the greater Washington, DC metro area. The relocation is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2010.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Plsce 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fsx) http:J/

4/18/2011 Page 1 of 1

Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:16 PM To: Rush, Barbara; Bier, Marti Cc: Garza, Bobby; Morrison, Laura; Levinski, Robert Subject: Re: HHS Agenda items

Great additions. Thanks!

From: Rush, Barbara To: Bier, Marti Cc: Garza, Bobby; Morrison, Laura; Levinski, Robert; Shade, Randi Sent: Tue Jan 12 15:15:35 2010 Subject: HHS Agenda Items

1. HHS as an element of the Comprehensive Plan (Garner Stoll, David Lurie & Regina Rogoff)

2. 2010 Homeless Count & Survey Update (Rick Rivera, Vice Chair Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO))

Barbara Rush Policy Advisor Office of City Council Member Laura Morrison 512-974-1625 / 512-974-1886 (Fax) [email protected] ncil/morrison.htm

4/18/2011 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, January 11,20108:21 PM To: ‘gardensoul ’; ‘tspencer Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; ‘jsoifer ; Diaz, Haine; Bier, Marti Subject: Tomorrow’s Breakfast

Hi Tom

I am so sorry, but I am going to have to miss tomorrow’s Austin Area Interreligious Ninistries 1st Annual New Year’s Interfaith Leader’s Breakfast w/Mayor Leffingwell. I hate to cancel last minute but our baby girl Ernme hasn’t been feeling well (bad cold), and I’m going to take her to see her pediatrician in the morning.

I love the concept for this breakfast and look forward to being there next time. Thanks for all you do and again, so sorry for my last minute cancellation.


P.S. I’m assuming you know Rehab is on our AHEC agenda again this Thursday. Please let me know if you need anything from me. As you know I’m anxious to see this money put to good use asap. Thanks.

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 11:12 PM To: ‘bob nicks Cc: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Garza, Bobby Subject: Re: SAFER Grant Highlights

Lee and Mike asked me to co-sponsor with them -- I’d like to do so but wanted to be sure I had more info and the opportunity to look at fiscal impact before City accepts the grant. Really appreciate your responsiveness. See you at City Hall at tomorrow at 9:30. Thanks again.


From: Bob Nicks To: Shade, Randi Sent: Sun Jan 10 22:40:27 2010 Subject: RE: SAFER Grant Highlights

Hello Randi,

Lee and Mike emailed me and said they will co-sponsor placing the SAFER Grant on the agenda. I am not sure if that means it will happen or they need more support? Sorry, I am new to this and feel somewhat lost in process but I usually learn quickly. I commented to your questions below in red.


From: Shade, Randi [mailto: [email protected]. us] Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:08 PM To: bob_ Cc: Ott, Marc; McDonald, Michael [APD]; Martinez, Rose Marie; Martinez, Mike [Council Memberj; Leffingwell, Lee; Nathan, Mark; Bier, Marti; Garza, Bobby Subject: Re: SAFER Grant Highlights

Bob -- thanks for your note below. Sorry to just now be getting back to you.

I understand the time constraints and would like to speak with you in the morning. I will be available by phone at 8:30 and will give you a call just as I can get my kids taken care of.

I hadn’t heard anything new about this until your email today and didn’t realize we would be facing the same situation tomorrow as we faced the week of the Dec 17 council meeting. I feel like I need more info especially given the need for “emergency passage.” I have researched this grant thoroughly and can help with the grant requirements and impacts. Some of what I discovered on the grant requirements only came to light last Thursday. I verified this with AFD person working on the grant (Chief Bailey). Mainly, the third year obligations under the grant are much more favorable.

What has changed since the December proposal discussion besides the SAFER deadline? Why are we in this time crunch again?

What has changed is during year three the City would now NOT be required to maintain authorized strength at the

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SAFER Grant staffing levels. So, worst case we could lower staffing by 25 year three to offset the increase salaries created by hiring the extra 25 firefighters under the grant.

Last I heard we had to go for 25 new firefighters or none -- nothing in between. Is that still the case? I think it could be less but this would not get us to full 4-person staffing. Would the 25 new firefighters from SAFER grant get us all the way to the 4-person staffing goal set for 2019, 2011 or some other date? The 25 would get us to the 2019 and 2011 goal. Have we ever added 25 new folks outside of typical recruitment schedule and budget process? When we started Kelly days under the (then) new FSLA mm work week law we increased staffing by (I think) 35 to avoid overtime costs. This was the class I was hired under in 1986. What is the fiscal impact? I think the extra 25 firefighters will cost an additional 1 .7 million per year. This is the number that AFD Administration has been using. In December some raised concerns about training dollars and other costs associated with this grant in the current fiscal year -- are those still concerns? In year 3, I see on the AFA Talking Points document that the City can reduce “authorized strength for any reason” as long as the reduction in forces doesn’t include any of the folks funded by SAFER grant in years 1 and 2. Do we have a way to make that happen should economic conditions demand such a reduction? Yes, we retire 25-35 firefighters a year. If planned correctly, this would be a great way to reduced authorized strength without layoffs. If so, how? What is current rate of retirement, and is AFA membership aware of this potential need for reduction in force that would favor SAFER grant hires over others should the current economic conditions not improve by year 3 of this grant? This issue is very new so the membership has not been queried but the I am sure they will support it. The Eboard is behind it and the membership will be after we have had time to educate them on the reasons for this agreement. Given the tight time line for tomorrow’s posting requirement and Friday’s grant deadline, how would you feel about adding a requirement in this week’s council resolution that says “in the time between application and award of the SAFER Grant, the City Manager is directed to conduct a fiscal analysis of potential impact to the City of Austin should a grant be awarded and present to Council for action prior to formal acceptance of a potential award.” I am fine with an addition like this. us move towards 4- Lots of questions -- sorry about that and sorry we haven’t connected sooner. I want to help person staffing goal, but I want to be sure we don’t “win the battle and lose the war” by doing this without knowing more about the potential consequences.


From: Bob Nicks > To: < Shade, Randi Cc: Ott, Marc; McDonald, Michael [APD]; Martinez, Rose Marie Sent: Sun Jan 10 09:27:20 2010 Subject: FW: SAFER Grant Highlights Councilmember Shade,

Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice tomorrow, I am emailing you now for tomorrow after 10:00am it will be too late to take action. In the email below to Mr. Ott I am respectfully proposing unprecedented assurances (see below) to the Council/City Manager from the Austin Firefighters Association addressing most Mr. Ott’s concerns. I hope this will be enough so we do not lose the chance at this great opportunity before us.

We must get this item on the agenda Monday morning by 10:00am (I think) to proceed. Please read the proposal below. My hope is that this method of cooperation could be a model for future AFA/Council/City Manager interactions.

I will be forwarding a similar message to all Council members today. Thank you again for your consideration on the timely issue.

Bob Please feel free to call me today or anytime to discuss — cell 217-3474

From: Bob Nicks [ Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 12:55 PM To: ‘Ott, Marc’ Cc: ‘Michael McDonald’; ‘RoseMarie Martinez’ Subject: RE: SAFER Grant Highlights

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Mr. Ott,

I understand your concerns; the inability to adjust staffing during the performance period of this grant (years l&2> and the politics of using staffing reductions year 3 to offset, if economics demand, the City’s financial obligation under the grant are both understandable concerns.

However, this is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Future City economics may be good or bad but if Council does not approve this grant application on Thursday this potentially great opportunity is lost.

May I propose:

o The City Council, City Managers Office, and the Austin Firefighters Association enter into the grant as partners. o As partners, AFA will agree “ground rules” designed to satisfy your concerns enough where a “yes” on the grant application is possible. o If we are allowed to apply for the SAFER grant these agreements would be: o If the grant is awarded to the City later this year and the decision by Council! City Manager is to NOT accept the grant, AFA will publicly support this decision. Advantage: Apply now; decide later when more economic info is available. o As year 3 of the grant approaches, if the economy requires Council!City Manager to reduce authorized strength by the amount of personnel obtained by the grant, AFA will publicly support this decision. > Advantage: As partners, together we made a good faith effort to reach 4-person staffing in the least expensive way possible. Agreed upon 3rd year adjustments to staffing could eliminate the City’s financial obligation under the grant o In publicly supporting this decision, AFA will work with the City PlO to ensure the message is consistent with the objectives of City Management. The importance for the City Manager and Council to control the media message on this is acknowledged and agreed to in advance.

Later today I hope to email all Council Members this same offer. I will delay this if you wish to communicate together on this issue first. Mr. Ott, I truly hope that AFA and your Office can work together very differently than in the past. I look forward to meeting with you soon and further discussing these phi. losophies.

Bob Nicks President, AFA Local 975

Original Message From: Ott, Marc [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 8:39 AM To: Bob Nicks Cc: Michael McDonald; RoseMarie Martinez Subject: Re: SAFER Grant Highlights

Hello Bob,

Thank you for Sharing your talking points regarding the Safer Grant. Mr. McDonald an I are aware of your discussions with Council members and in fact have received related phone calls from at least a couple of members.

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While the program timeline has been extended with some modification in requirements, the grant program still has requirements that concern me considerably.

We would be happy to meet but I want you to understand in advance that our concerns remain and we believe are justified in light of certain financial considerations.

Meeting with you Monday morning may not be possible but I will discuss it with Mr. McDonald. Our office will follow up with you as soon as we can on Monday.


Rose, please print.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 8, 2010, at 4:32 PM, “Bob Nicks” wrote:

> Attached is the SAFER Grant talking points document I have been > sharing with > Council. I would love the opportunity to discus this with either (or > both) > of you before 9:00am Monday morning. If not I understand but I did > want to > make the attached document available to both of you. Thank you in > advance > for your consideration. > > > > Bob Nicks > > AFA President—Elect > > > > > >

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Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Rand Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 9:58 AM To: Ott, Marc Subject: FW: Austin Energy: Bob Kahn’s Resume

Attachments: BOB KAHN - resume 111 609.docx

I promised I’d forward this to you, so I am making good on that promise. Of course, what you do from here with this note is totally up to you.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974-2255 (phone) (512) 974-1888 (fax)

From: Mario Espinoza Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:54 PM To: Shade, Randi; Coleman, Glen Subject: Austin Energy: Bob Kahn’s Resume

Randi and Glen: It was good visiting with y’all at lunch last Wednesday. As we discussed, I am forwarding Bob Kahn’s resume for your information. Bob should be given full consideration for the AE General Manager position. His experience at Austin Energy and in the electric industry in Texas is unmatched by anyone.

Bottom line: He understands the roots and foundation of our utility, and our communities desire for a financially stable, sustainable and environmentally responsible utility.

Let me know if I can help with anything, including setting a meeting so y’all can meet him.


4/18/2011 BOB KAHN 4902 North Rim Drive Austin, Texas 78731 (512) 794-0156 (H) (C)


Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. (ERCOT) President and ChiefExecutive Officer (7/07-11/09) ERCOT manages the flow of electric power to approximately 21 million Texans and is responsible for the reliability of the electric transmission grid. Exhibited a record of fiscal discipline with no increase in the System Administrative Fee and implemented significant reductions in the overall budget without a reduction in services to the market during the economic downturn. Refocused and put the $600 million plus Nodal Project back on track. Implemented a rigorous ethics policy for all staff and contractors. Spearheaded a move toward more secure data and control centers that will meet the needs of the organization for years to come. Integrated thousands of megawatts of wind into the grid to become one of the world leaders in managing variable generation resources. Implemented a plan that will enable the roll-out of one million advanced meters by the end of 2009. Demonstrated compliance with numerous audits, clean SAS7O, NERC, etc.

Austin Energy

Deputy General Manager (3/05 — 6/07) Austin Energy is a municipally owned electric utility with over 380,000 meters, $1.3 billion in revenues and approximately 1,600 employees. Responsible for administrative services organization including Finance and Corporate Services, Market Policy and Planning, Legal Services, Environmental and Technical Support Services and Workforce Development and Risk Management. Executive sponsor for the creation of Austin Energy’s Project Management Office. Instrumental in ensuring Austin Energy passed the requirements to become the first electric utility in the country to receive ISO 9000 Certification for its transmission and distribution functions.

Vice President and General Counsel (7/97 — 3/05) Responsible for providing counsel and representation for all legal, regulatory and legislative matters affecting Austin Energy. Intimately involved in negotiating and drafting the electric utility deregulation legislation in Texas in 1999. One of several executives who devoted significant time to strategic planning immediately following the passage of the deregulation legislation creating the framework for the current strategic plan.

Senior Attorney (9/94 — 6/97)

1 Represented the utility in all matters concerning utility regulation. This included representation before the Public Utility Commission in rate cases and rulemaking proceedings. Provided advice on legislative matters and contributed significantly in the negotiation and drafting of the electric utility retail deregulation legislation that was proposed during the 1997 session of the Texas Legislature and the wholesale deregulation legislation which passed in 1995.

Davidson and Troilo, P.C.

Austin Office, (5/88 — 8/94) Provided advice to municipally owned electric utilities on various administrative law, regulatory and legislative issues. Served as lead counsel in numerous proceedings before the Public Utility Commission, the Texas Natural Resource and Conservation Commission and the Railroad Commission.

Austin Energy

Senior Attorney (8/85 — 5/88) Represented Austin Energy in all matters concerning utility regulation including representation before the Public Utility Commission in rate cases, certification issues, complaints, rulemaking proceedings and wheeling dockets.

Public Utility Commission of Texas, General Counsel Division

StaffAttorney (9/83 — 8/85) Represented the public interest in electric and water utility rate and certification cases and rulemaking proceedings before the Commission by coordinating and presenting the staff case. Handled inquiries, consumer complaints and prepared general counsel opinions.

USAF Reserves (9/83 — 10/86) Air Force Utility Litigation Team Provided advice on various electric utility regulatory matters to Air Force bases nationwide (other than Texas).

United States Air Force

Judge Advocate (3/79 — 9/83)

Bergstrom Air Force Base, Texas

Assistant StaffJudge Advocate (12-81 — 9/83) Extensive trial work. Directed administrative hearings and investigations, prepared written reports with recommendations as to disposition. Represented the Air Force before the Merit Systems Protection Board. Instrumental in negotiating the union contact for management at Bergstrom AFB.

Minot AFB, North Dakota 4th Area Defense Counsel, Judicial Circuit (1/80 — 12/81) Managed a criminal defense office. Served as lead counsel in numerous courts-martial and administrative hearings. Often dispatched to other bases to provide experienced counsel.

2 Minot AFB, North Dakota

Assistant StaffJudge Advocate (3/79 — 1/80) Provided advice to military personnel, wrote legal memoranda on a variety of subjects and advised military commanders on disciplinary and administrative matters. Prosecuted violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

EDUCATION University of Dayton School of Law J.D., 1978

Ohio University B.A. cuin laude, 1975

ADMITTED TO PRACTICE Texas, 1984 Ohio, 1978 Board Certified in Administrative Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization 1990-2006

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS, AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Texas Public Power Association (TPPA) /Board of Directors IPresident Elect/2001-2007 Member of the Executive Committee/2003-2007

Electric Reliability Council of Texas /Board of Directors /2002-2006 Chair of the Human Resources and Governance Committee/2004-2006

Industry Achievement Award from TPPA /2001 and 2006 Recognizes persons who have made significant individual contributions to the electric utility industry and public power.

Distinguished Service Award from TPPAI2007 Recognizes outstanding leadership and dedication to public power.

Presented numerous papers and speeches at legal seminars and with industry groups on a variety of topics including legal, legislative, regulatory and utility matters.

3 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, January04, 2010 5:51 PM To: Nathan, Mark; Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Williamson, Laura; Williams, Nancy; Everhart, Amy; Bier, Marti; ‘Lee Leffingwell’

Subject: RE: Just wondering - Merry Christmas!

Attachments: FW: Submitted from City Council web site - Merry Christmas!

H :W: Submitted from City Counci. :—) I actually wrote back over the holidays, too, and then just today I looked up Cindy Morse and found out where she works. See attached.

And she thinks I need to “grow a pair” ? Bless her heart:-)

Happy New Year, everyone! ! ! It is good to be back. xxoo Randi

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message Prom: Nathan, Mark Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 4:36 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; ‘Lee Leffingwell’; Morrison, Laura Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Williamson, Laura; Williams, Nancy; Everhart, Amy; Bier, Marti

Subject: RE: Just wondering - Merry Christmas!

I wasn’t able to focus on this, I was too busy trying to find my lost earring.

Original Message Prom: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 4:05 PM To: Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; ‘Lee Leffingwell’; Morrison, Laura Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Williamson, Laura; Nathan, Mark; Williams, Nancy; Everhart, Amy; Bier, Marti

Subject: Just wondering — Merry Christmas!

Did you all see this over the holiday and my response.

Did you get your wish?

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 11:17 AM

1 To: ‘bbcmorse ’; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl Cc: Garza, Bobby; Morrison, Laura; Williamson, Laura; Nathan, Mark; Williams, Nancy; Everhart, Amy; ‘lee.leff ’; Bier, Marti Subject: RE: Submitted from City Council web site - Merry Christmas!

for me. Truly in the Wow. . .thanks for the Christmas wish.. .never had anyone wish that spirit of which you speak.

MPT Martinez

Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: bbcmorse e Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 11:55 AM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl

Subject: Submitted from City Council web site - Merry Christmas!

Date/Time Submitted: 1154 hours From: Cindy and Bill Morse

Subject: Merry Christmas!


Comments: The near total lack of regard for the Christmas holiday and the lack of community during this season due to the Austin City Council’s perception of the need for political correctness is appalling. Whether you like it or not, this is Christmas time, a celebration of Christ. It’s printed on every calendar and has been celebrated for hundreds of years. It should not be a surprise to anyone. It should not be anything that needs to be disguised or changed into some generic "unoffensive holiday" celebration. People of other faiths are not asked to change the names or practices of their holidays and Christians should not be subject to this either. As Christians, we welcome and honor and respect everybody’s right to practice their faith and celebrate their special holidays as they deem appropriate. We would like the same consideration in return.

On a separate note, we’ve noticed that the things that make Austin unique are apparently not worth the time or money to continue anymore. The Trail of Lights, which l-ias in the past been a huge family/community/tourist event, has been reduced to a shadow of its former self——a joke that doesn’t even run through Christmas week. And of course, there’s no parking, as is always the case in Austin. Oh, and that "holiday tree" that’s in Zilker Park... .looks a lot like a Christmas tree to us.

Our Christmas wish is that each of you would grow a pair and start representing the ENTIRE city and community which is Austin and stop with your political manipulation of our holiday. Stop diluting the sanctity of Christmas.

Sincerely, Cindy and Bill Morse

2 Doherty, Deborah

From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:34 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Sounds like negotiations are back underway for MP Mueller’s company (Door Number 3 Advertising)

Thanks and I look forward to us meeting whenever it gets scheduled.

Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Shade, Randi Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 12:57 PM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Snipes, Anthony Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, Laura; Bier, Marti; Diaz, Elaine; Cole, Sheryl; Shaw, Margaret Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Thanks Anthony and Mike. I would like to participate in the meeting you set-up for next week.

See attached. I need to be able to respond to NP Mueller ASAP, too.

Thanks for any insight pre—meeting you can provide.


Randi Shade Austin City Council Council Member Place 3 (512) 974—2255 (phone) (512) 974—1888 (fax)

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:04 AM To: Snipes, Anthony; Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc; Williamson, L.aura Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Thanks so much Anthony.

I would like to set up the update meeting soon. Let’s try for next week if that works for you all.


1 Mayor Pro Tern Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: Snipes, Anthony Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 10:00 AM To: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] ; Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Ott, Marc Subject: RE: FYI Primizie Osteria

Mayor Pro—Tern,

We would be glad to provide you with an update. It is my understanding that ARA is in the process of putting another restaurant in place of Primizie in the near future. According to the ARA Board, they tried to work with Mark and Lisa with no success. The restaurant owed ARA in back-rent totalling $50,000 — $70,000. As you know, non—profits can not sustain non-payment to this extent and survive. The ARA Board did not want to have another Ms. B’s occur; however they did make a concerted effort to make this work. Even with PrimizieTs non—payment and partial payments over several months, it was the restaurant and not ARA that made the decision to vacate.

According to the Board Chair, ABA is making immediate moves to fill all of their space by the end of January. Additionally, staff has been meeting with ARA, Anderson COC, and the ORB to have public meetings and visioning sessions for the corridor. Lastly, staff and I have met with all of the Boards regarding some immediate solutions to get things moving in the corridor. Our hope is to come back to you in March with an update of those meetings and a proposed strategy to move forward. Thanks.

Original Message From: Martinez, Mike [Council Member] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 9:31 AM To: Shaw, Margaret Cc: Garza, Bobby; Moore, Andrew; ‘danao ; Leffingwell, Lee; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl; Snipes, Anthony Subject: FYI Primizie Osteria

Mark and Lisa,

This is really disappointing news. But before I offer any more opinions, I would like to get an update from staff on this issue.

Margaret, can you please provide any info or relay any info you have from ABA.

Thanks, Mike

Mayor Pro Tern Mike Martinez 310 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas 512.974.2264

Original Message From: ] Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 1:11 PM To: Leffingwell, Lee; Martinez, Mike [Council Member]; Riley, Chris; Shade, Randi; Morrison, Laura; Spelman, William; Cole, Sheryl Subject: Submitted from City Council web site — FYI Primizie Osteria

Date/Time Submitted: 1311 hours From: Dana

Subject: FYI Primizie Osteria 2 Categories:

Comments: try to contact people individually I apologize for the mass email but we really wanted to I thought we better let everyone know but from all the emails and messages we are getting we have to tell you that Mark and I ASAP. With that said, it is with heavy hearts that the down economy has not have decided to close Primizie Osteria for business. Although that our landlord, Austin done us any favors, the main reason for our decision is terms of our lease to make them more Revitalization Authority, refused to renegotiate the density of the area. All of our aligned with industry averages, the location and the on four multi—use developments decisions and projections for the restaurant were based corridors. As you probably know which were to have been completed on the llth/l2th street area, the City of Austin and the from the countless articles on the development of this on all accounts. We do not foresee Austin Revitalization Authority have failed to deliver 5 years to increase the density of any of these projects coming on line within the next fixed costs associated with that the area to the degree that was projected. Since the levels we needed we felt the smartest space were not going to allow us to reach the profit business move was to close the location. to make but definitely the right As you can imagine this was a very difficult decision ago, remains stable and one. Primizie Catering, which was started over 9 years So if you are a past or present profitable so that is where we will put our attentions. and ability to produce amazing client you can still expect the same service, food quality very proud of what we created with events that we have built our reputation on. We are We currently do not have plans to Primizie Osteria and feel Austin has lost a true gem. again in another incarnation of relocate the restaurant but hopefully you will see us you have given us over the years. Primizie soon. We want to thank you for all the support Feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.

Happy New Year and looking forward to a great 2010!

Lisa & Mark Spedale

Lisa s Cell Mark s Cell