j' JULY, 1918.


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.y in tj - PRICE Is 3d

SRSCRJJ'1')\ ' (:be flPungret Annum, CONTENTS.

(iii! l',i Pripectuse' . .. jj - ' () L 37 Editurial . . Ap)tI1ts I,fli'rar .\ ,ihiii - 44 The l'il i ll flu ChuaiIiLint (Prize la - 5 The Thii&ral \V sb-i . . .15 Mv Prayer (Puem) ii I Sudality Xutt-s.. . S 4 The Mi st fit-v. Dr. I lalliiiaii . . . Agru ultural 'i Iiui 1 . Charles J(,.st-ph ku kharn Vaeati in l.s. i The Athletics . 5() \luiu.ri't \l n,n.ti-rv .ini thi- Si-i'' I I iini'rii k . In lit' VIeWS . , . . 511 ( )bituirv . . . - . . 57

Ci iIIet' fl 11 . - . ho Lectures tttUi(S


SieplieflsiilI I-'intispiece (',,n-t-tratiilt \hst L's I IT. iI r. J VR, ii l (1 111\ if 1 -r ii a - till] Ill F-' (t ii bu fi ilIfli I ill tilt' i 'ciii in I'ast \lungret and Crc. -III -'tl1 It'll t O lii IliILi' to till , :\Io-.t Ri-v. Dr di-i (ti-il to ( )iir Pa-St. Flic hianhi-'-- of flit- 1. I see the inrushing of thi'- ar Mavnisith College I I,illiii,tii tin- new i p if I .iiitt'rjt-k \Iii-st I•\. Dr. (ut- ii --. flit- lit- lItili'i W,--t . I )r. I Iitflin;iit was e ns('('itt('(i In I )uiulalgall it iii tb' lies. J M urphv . 1. Jiijin' Jillin ( )'Iije'ii, and l;ItIi'I ilit'hiai'i 11tili-r (ttIii'iiu- tI, latiit-rit-k. out Mar-it iitij, riiiS. stlffli'i- I. Club .. . M iitigret broke awaY . - . . to Illilli_Ilk - tin' ii innt' 'II that \S- jitul)]i-.-lI cisewhcro , an ii'i - 11111 it ii-. txist- httt-Il 'ill - rt J• \I.kcnii.t and tilt ('atlioijc I a w less skiwcd . . . . . I.OI'(1sllji)s cart-(.rand if tii' sl'r\Ii--. iii' . Church in 1:1 un Li Situ r A iii- 4.4() ).itI. has ri-ndi-rt-d to tin' ( ttiliiI1e (iu-iii titli'ing flit many years I if Ili-, lliissionary Wi irk, Crh kit in I. ('huh Juiii .r .\j)ilsti(liCS . _ . S We pray that 4 iii may give him licalt ii 'iOlilt' luiit1tl)Ii' I hi,lII__i•- ila\e taken place j. Mellett, and (i 1)W1V 41 I. Murphy, J and strength ti i supp iii'- vt-ai- in the ((dl-.-c staff. Ill. Club .. oyt the burdens iii i'ai hr Liv I'll ilusiipiers . 43 hk hkhil flu-i', and that the diocese of ( ) - Is, ily \ViI( i was Sub- .11( iili'rai or if t iii bi,' -'1' Clnh hurling NV... . - 44 iallierlek iulaV long u- njo\ - the ia-nt-fits of - ]i it for 111;111N, vt -ar-- i- lii ISV IV. Club Ill . 4(i Ili tt'ahuiis ai'tivitic in tin- inlilsi - of 'IIni-..t-i- it l'at Iifarnhani (t-tl-, (' ililit v The .\ 1i, st lit s' lS,inil . . . I h-hate . . . . . ri-Ijaji in and cial vi fl I )uhlin. iitlli'r owing to iii- . IV Club Rughv XV. ...... hliuse liugliv V. . . . Iti-aIth, 1111-' hi-i-ui -- ;gt'd to rchni1iui-.li the Ill. Club Rugby XV... . Hurling XV. . . . 53 of i'rt-fci't of ttidit-'--. \ iiieii hIt- has 3 ('nt1 OUr ii lflLIttI!iittl II- •oiii-s liii ui-lu for the past light i-ar--. II Club I

l'.t -t Mniun' " nh' it tltiln or. Harti,'an I lithit it . . . . . j

4 1111: i N;IIl .\NNl' \l I'l I E I \l\ i 'I!('.\il,;,'cj.

tiit' III iji irtu Ili t V 'f itt iin t him tlit' for tin' .N i Am pit/i. \\e I ru't that ''viiipatliit'. III tit( - Ilitlir Iii iU't In the next year will set' it large increase in the trait' iltatlt if Iii' hr 'tilir, which (lit-red number of t'ntrii'. T 1T, last .iiril. I'i'v I. ( attl i'- in tlit' tt'i'iiiii --,iI at (Ii li)Vi''A W4 ii l lrothir ltir'i'l], \V1ill ha'-, hti'n .-.iiijatt'c1 UI itil the Rti1 'V iii II liriinL - Cbe Cain 13o CIuauIgn. vitli ilun,.i-t '111(1' Il)i', I' at tiii'',i'lit I(117-Ii J hiavt' 1N't'fl 1111 ist successful. ,Ali I '.,tatiint'd at \liIlt n l'trk. Iatlnr iiai lint of tIi' \'ttrjoii 0111 mllati1('s will 1,1 t L - ) lll•T1(ll, l,ti iii Ii '-t latIu'r \Ii,rj>iiv found miiidt'r the title " Wileties." It F 1, 11 I." r V v T r T c T 11 r 11 TT'17TTT A. l't'llv, I' -v. J. Maininv. all Is()Illy within thit past few \etll- that Brady lla\'t' taki'ii liii' (if i)1l('(''-, Rigby has been taken up in iI I im.ret. PRIZE ESSAY. t Iii I'-,:' vliii hiavi' lt'ft I lii' two miiatihi's with I'u-ert'a tili' Ll)0CI -,i. of the mettle if t!ii ('(iiI('(' team Ii. 111,111 I' Ink Ii, i1 -'t-tit 1(1111 Iii, (''lIUti\ '. Ii,t'.t, iII(l tiii' rt-.Illts Ll\ .11 piomisc for the I .\Ili Ii i- hilly iii ls'Tliwit'ilgl' if his siri''i' I it tire. '['lit' 11 llmi(1 t Iii IT ii rs lia-t' full v "(I "llll!liI l-r'i,sii \\' dc-it, t it -M. I -5ttihlilit'd their ill liii ill. Not Iiiii: to ili. I )i.t Lt', of I )t'\tn'hlrt', who hill; short of a ('i iunt V it ;tit) , it n,itehi fr iii Ila, 1)1111 t riiI'' '- i iii h), 0111' (if ''111 no other hi',ur('s ill the World"' niytlii I- kinllv givc1i i.. to'aiiI' thil'!)t'iat' th&'mii tile itiijrt'ls III \'O ti )i\, llit'i't' il T I liii l-t i )oiiiiiar ,\iiio-Ltisli viItiis t liii h ho' \It'ilaI ha had tin' i il ('ttt'(t of ,$)d iiiati'riai in I 1,-intl III. (itibs f i jut iLi",tirv I if I our cuihtIitr\' j,1t-d The lain lIlil'lis with it (i)n'u'('r'AatioII rai-ini.. tlii' '-tan(Iar(I of thi annual (Ii'i)att's. the (\'. of i'iiriiii Vi .11'-.. OIl i',(',lllLi\ into till' realm of tiltisti is'twt'en Muu'vt'. ( hict-ii of (i inmiaiight for Ri'hlgifl1 kniit lt'dg' I'. a rt'1)rlmlt ,ttuiIli, thit' liiti,r' of on' rl'1li'r,i- and her liim-.bainl ( )iliu ill, which ends in it (hi'-,i(hl'ratInn, and we Iii ipc that i iine ii in bc i mling till' II i,'trv (If I I it IIt'N ili'.I)uite as tit tiiicii if tlli'iii is tilt , richest, p-neroxis fricrids III il 11rl',rt t will ii ilin' limit ii tilt- vin iii' i-"IaiitI I)'i'tl liii - iiii lriliiltttt'(i hu ut IL fit imui the sturelitiiisi's tilt'' brought ir iissistance in this niat t er liii' I_thu I Ii' IIii. ti thank all who i)v tlii' isletry of tit(, bard,. heir t m&'a-.ilrt's, tIll'V ('I itiiiti'tI their 1l('F(lS .Ia\'e iiil111ii in till' prcx1uo'tiii of tilt, This is vt'rv ti'arlv di'iiiiiiistratiil in of eat iii and wlm', but it was tinallv —+-- \ N Nt.-l.. lit wishes t'speiiallv to thank o'oflnii'itiiifl with the m'i lo-111 who-li ii in- found that Macvt' was as rich a it her K Oil' who undertook the lab( irioll stit tit i' tin- oti-- &ri'at cpic in .neit'nt Irish liiisbtiiiil, with one exception. Tile' Kiii Ihere was thii 11-41,11 Is!. lilpititli II i,t -L tit i i imilj)ilmg the' nott' un '' ( )iir - Iiteratiir. ' - I'll(, lain U i I httiaik'iii -' - i' I a magnituii'nt 1)1111, t t liii! this sear for the Mi' NGni-. I .\N xt'ai. 's11\' Pa't . ' ' His thank.,; are aI i (lul to till' li i'- or ' ' l'hi' ('at t Ic Ra i( Ii if (i,u Ill -v'' .'t]Ili n'st liiiiibe'iiaelt," or " \\iiiti' hunts, ' ' and prizes. 'I'll(, art o'ht ' -uhnut ti'i I were in 'orumit t te' of tit(, ( 'ount V 1.1)1 liii .\rehueo- the vast ii tibet i )it i if an, tt-ni iri'.i I3.(i'dji- lIat-\'t' did not j SSt'ss lii'- t'iiiil, 1101' (1111111 nianv a't's if liiht litt'rarv and hitoii(aI logi('al " lui't'', who Very kinihlv iilai'ed Literature tilt- 'I'ain I ,i ;tltv,tvs beeti it be found in ('onriaiti,Iit, liii' lIallLiit\' n'iit. \\'' "lii iiiltI i)t' iiiil, hiiiv&'vt'r, to at hi- ill s'al thti' H uk ii lion laiiaii iL\iii(I'ti i'nlo'r Pla('l' hi be able too ()uet'n imllmhli'diatl'l\' (It''-IkLto'iled IlleS''Ii- "ii' 1110l't , t'iit rn' for the I ni-h t'i'tsav 1)11/A', l iii . Ii i'- to the tiiitriLiitiir' that we recite till' lain was (liii' (if tile' tirst go'rs to all parts of h'.t'in to tim! a 1)1111 that In a ti IIi'Zi' -1111 it Miini.rt't, vlit'ri' i\V(- an nIt'aSurl' of sutc's- t hat the qualifications of the Irish bards, and we WI Iluld he ci uah to ' ' Whitti' iii irns. ' ('Vii V is iv from I1'nii'nt', Ii N N I .\L ut('hit'\'l 'S - ' Slic can will inlaLunt how thu iiii',iit' at•hii - vi_ fl received intt'Ilii-iii-t' that I )a ml, "t- nhir 1i-adi- lii in, iui' lt'arils lri'ii, it j, mill mit- I of ( ' ilihlIllIajul . Ii -nba, and the I 1 I'rimii't' of ('oolt'', pi ssesst'd it hull eaili'd strante that ri inll)arat i'elv few conilwtv but', II". Rmamihi Imlii,hit'. TI iIi I tiit aniniat it Ill The I )ontl,", or Rn wn hull of utnil i-nt iimisi,ismui i it I Iii' a --'.t'muiiili'tl warriors. vimi'hi was far superior to ' ' Finnbt'naeh, It intl'O(hlule. Ii" ti I tihl niira('ulou' ( 'iii ili'V i5 thiit strip of 1)111(1 mountain land \viirIlI of st it1ii'tiili m'-. 1i,t"si mis utmid aspira- pm'iiji'i-ting tilt into tin' Irish Sea between 0 ii ins, of hard, and lit-ri Ii''-,. uiml(I 'ub1iiiii- Dundalk and Nt'w- i'', and waSilt'(I liii either ut Rent tilt' tilt - v rb I if ( ia - iimiliain till' Silit' by Dundalk Ra' and (arlincfi irol lumni iiiqiiertihe , andI Lae,, andI ( )tli'I'11 1,ough. M;Il've sent 11cr I hit'f hera ii I - M,icv- - of iijsj, and Fi'r'oi and ('iiilti I''i itii, with ii 1il('l1(Ii(i 1('tIllIl( ti , till till' Iiir1s'r, utiiil tloisi' kimnlreol tigiires. litini;tn uhin'I, to ask thit' loan of till - timid Ii uvi'IV and u.-rcatly t raLii.tI , that are like for tilt- spai:e of it \'car, with a pru liuNi ' to

FlEE Mux;Ri:l' .\\X1 .\I, !I{ F \II'N( l.F'l' .\NN [,\i. 7 restore him at the end of that peril ii with \vurt' she wi tiiltl p '-'t-- tin' I )t tiul ill \l,t'vt, thit'utiigli all t'ii\ov, Ihi, was the great Firboig warrior and fifty 1itift'r and a valuable t'harii it '.pltt' if I )irt' intl the Nil I'riint'hi Knights. 111''0111,11 With huiiii and is aiAt t tilill('d to i ('tii'hiullain's httsmni friend, l: l dj, itI itil 1}it' ()i,1t tn t1mha.v \VH tI turttt tuiv ,\tihrt'v tI' \'trt' thu- tlt'ati'jht'5 this ' 1111(1 him a mire htiy. She offers him great httl it'trni'd the arts of war in reitived by Dart-, who inijittli tel\' pro- wt nd 'rful i Si ,ttlRt' t t'wartis in the ho pc Of hli\'ing him tff, hut ilt', illid had IllIltulally tied,gt'd life-It tng mii'tl ttt Imply with the tIt'tfl'S l'tlUet. lite t)ii''fl, l,uglttiei,t of woman's kind -' tnt rn real uflt;t 111,1 I. tttat Ileti Ic her will no ulrpm ise, '' \i'vt'r ,' ' the hero rm'phes, fnit'ndlu1t. Ft'rdia is imlllt'(liateiv silni- Flit' t'UVI 'V were tiil1lttliol1lV enter- III,- riOt -i ri it liii' it 'ii will I break my Vt tw Or wrong my land 1111 tned toi the Omen S 'i-encr', but taint ti but t iw;irti t lit' intl Of tilt , pitt stil iii' king.'' lit t\vt'vt'r h t't tnt'nts (ii\'ihiillg vii'tt slit' requires, lit' 1itisit iVe]V t)I1C of tlit'ili tttitk t)!tt'Ilt't at tue vttrd' AD trtlt'r \va' niiiiii'diateiv i'eued for to 5th1) hi-; mlgiltv raids ttn tttntliti iii that reftui,es to prt tet'eil Itt her tent, 'I'hit,' if an Htofliall warrior. In his lot tljii ti'it'gelitral muster it! !tt'r forcc, at the the army remains in t'aflip, anti flit' ()ni't'n cunning queen sends ht-r druids and ollavs wrat ii lic (it ''lart'tl that it wa will fir it tvai palate of Rath (riiu'liaii. lilt lit sends a champion each day to mitt tutu whit threaten " ti criticise, satirist' and I )art and thc Reti Rrani'h that flit' I) tnt! ('LIllt' her seven SttilS, tilt St'vtii in single combat. hi1' ni isi u him iinit's he ('till t 'lit s to meet [[till hen t,Vt'n ot!it'rviie Macvt' anti her with a troop Of tilt uen warrior­. Ii it hr i'hit' compact was agreed upon, and ii ir tame ('tat MatMagat, tile !1nt't ('ntiiuiiain, ' ' lit' at it'ngthi vields in dc-;pair nint'tv days lit' stt t iii heft ire tile bravest in tilt- kinitl tin, at flit' head Of tilt- h-t li' t 1 it-lit it t';i-''r lo fali by Of tiut Firlit Ii,-, \varrior lh'ifii, till. tiiaiii1tit n (If ft'ifii', with Ili, I vt I and tilt, ltL"tii\ i-ai-i'ti ie'it'', Of iii', priiu- tipalit\'. Slit' \Vas able ft i hull ti ill f the tiiret' 1t1'tt\'iiit't's fit mart'iu 'Lu!, and huid il_i adilitiori l:ergui M;i I'itig, and tiut' lltonian t'xilea, whit \Vtit' all burning lot' rt''('flgt' ttfl flit' -'litVtl It! tilt' 't mi, if 1,'"na. rut thu ,,t \t' 1101 (1111)- , Stolid I' tTtJItiItt'Il with \i.- -. rca t kings and warriors.irs, It,t int'l from chit - Eta of Milt'siits, for King ('i irtrs (raft, \iu[ that prttiitl onset of the iced I3ranli isei,i!it Er a hr var had gt Ill tIE 'ir It ti- i-,

liii' might hit I if Iift' Ihi tii_,u iii ti'ttilL, under the itatIt'i-,iii1t Of leri.u. \Iat' l'iig, 'I'ttArAed tilt' Shiannttn at .\tlilt tilt', and t'nt'ampeti till tilt I'lttiiitil border, at the present ft t\'n of kt us. \Iat•vm' fttuiutl l I'.tt'r ttttaiiv lliliu''i)art'l tit rt'it ihi\';i-.it Ii 'l'iit' it'tj I r;ini Ii I'. iiriohixig t thcc;tr I ac -u \vt're nt ittngir to he mvil tlriviiug I ti I i I I r I ITill I lit' tvt Tnt tr It It 4 i nit trt,tl ;111L I tilt I. Kni1it it in tlit'ir tt'rriltlt' tvti' u'lI,iiiutt acltt'' liii IL Ni )A L( 'AN Flo u I I i i I I - iLrnry vi ttiltl ii;it,t t i\'t'rrIIl'i tilt entire iut'igliti' Of i,,iiiiitn Nliwlm. ii '-Vi't't'i)iilL iikt' (if the (tuilnaeian warrittN, and every (li\- \alt till' and t'hialiipit In'.! lilt it wili'lWil(i t hurt ugh tilt- ' ( 1,11) lit tu' and1 Wi 'apt in'. pro-Vince lit [l;itl. I )art"' iAt('\Vitr(i Ct tnhiilg a ('htii1111(it fl was laid imtw. \hat''t' at lai.t than to fail by w i'.tlm iii illil I it 'J ti't tab, ill at the in tmt'nt t tvt'rio';trd the boastful irtii " it!! to flit' i,einster httrtit'r. ipon ht'caiiue aiarmt'd t twilg ti thu prttlitngttI i'lu' tight ;t-'a'rtioll, in(.l ran anti tititi his iiiati'r. (iit'liuullaiii, the gi't',ttt'''t (if tin' i''tI Branch ith Ferdia it jttrhiiilu till' !int't dt'hiy, and it In Vt liii a nit't'tjng laji, 1 tilt' t'1ui.oilt ill tin' lain. liii' lilt tilling fixed I ),ii'e h'iaiiit' '.,I) t'nraLi'ti. that he ',wttrt' l\.nights, and tilt' lit'rim Of tilt - ettnft'dt'ratt' kin-, hit' wizard (iihtin ft ir tin t't inihat arrives, and \Vt tiiiti nt 'vt'r p i-.'-'t--' the I )t intl. tlt'vtiivt'd the tit t4lltV task of i' -'i-f ilIg Fertlia is intrtnlutt'tl It i ti' ()llt'ji's t1'te11t't', and (lii \ 1'- wire diiius't L ti,tt'vm' 's army. "ight alter Iligilt , he "1 IV' With indiinitv tin eli Vt YS txeiainis nunubers t if flit' (t tnnam'jan w'trri r-' till at fltgirtli i, v state-lust e'tluiI'iaiu if war and rt'tiirnt'd eiu1itv-hantkd, ti I Mit 'Vt ,l)t,wn to the river's htrirti..... hm'tigt hI he created real ttrrt tr in the t'iiill. ''I Itt nitiii houndlt" indignation. She in her turn I' fight (,,uehullain is the man he loves As onwilrd dashedI through tvt x it I hands to the ford His death were death to both." Cuchuhlian's war-orr, Nearer soun it rolled

I ii; \l1'N(;ii:i ,\NNt,\I,,

M ILL , IttI 11w ri. k. Ah IN t.h),i.' ivitii.1r,u, ttt 1 , tilroligil tilt' litti'..atitin and lfltt'r1rl('ddliIlL The ( ;n it One glittered thruugh low mist in, rn, Of ( Willi and Maeve, ' ' '!'iit' king anti Sien litur, glrn-veil 'l I'.'rlui 's chariot.' qu-,,t ,n and the men iii Erin were - I till lii'.ird. Ii:tlf saw him. Spirit wrapt, yet aw.. I',rfirt titus sang he, standing near the t'mbied I in the so )tit liern hank of 1 lt'ir the onrushing of lit' ii I iivt'r Ni'itIi, now known as the It I'itt'r.' thrit i, I tlt:tt wit rriI iii 'I in lii ii Ill. Suit it.' I ill tn' n1trttIn to .'t' the end of the ci inflict and t Ili t't't'thriiw of their powerful t'iiu'inv. Ai It' ford Ii..,iit ia-tttl f ar tliv- I last tilt- final episode of tilt' f,tinitia. llgii waitI' t'Vt'IiilL oil tin fir.t ti.t\ till - \varrii tF it~ ide t lit jr tip" at)l tlirt'v W'ait lii' tin'S t. titfi t:itel met, t'nbr,iti (I a' in iIaj)pit'r d,tv" in tat ha "ilvert' I their spars from p tint ti it I Ii 1:111 swi rits j',l.', lair fitrn'r frit'ii-.iup a.i.iin i- 11th.' 1 Iiglitnitti rianct tilt- ii. l,Lti'-U tm1iiH as''rtd it,, -If, anti viiIt' tiit'\' lIilItll.tli\ flair hut )rc' n.'tr, then rc:ti.-tt.',I il, it stri'Irn, v-h, ci tivlal'il I tVt'I' tit'i iii.LiiV t1it vttuiitI", all Iflutkiv,irtl ti'iv. li-avtriu It' t Ii,kiilii'l iirv. i'ninitvitn'l hate wii'Ii the ti iv" hit iii' i'iutv.ii'ti l"t'rdia uirit'c h l)r(aluit'(i .'nti&'lv ft iILi ittt'fl, Itit i'vt'nirg night ('titinillain t'ndk till- half if tVtt\ ',wi,rtl intoi ( ' tic itilltin -.it- , sit t hat ii la'ahug iit'ih Ili' ntsst'ss.' ti Fidit, \Vlliit 'aiiipiuuns 1)1 ii! rt':ith'nt'd the \vati - t'', it he ill F('tlII'iL 'iitI'. the iii tiit",t if ft the strt'ant. lilt' bat tle rage itt tv dii"-

iii) I iIiillliitluii , and itt' th'nttndu-t I 1ti1tl drink-. 'hit-ir eliaiiiititt''- "lit'!) h'' tilt t'i.'ittli.'ti sa:ir' lire aiii tii.'ir liit:'-tC1 ,' raZt' in tilt' ft'itnt his Charioteer Ili, f;iitttutis wealu lit sailit' 1a1(l(loi'k, 'I'hi' wonder ful exaii ii.' tilt' I ;a(' BIlk. St'ttiiii,i it i)t-ttVt't'Il lii' of native t'hivalrv and ci iiirtt"-v is rt'iliw iii ft'&'t in t it(. bed of tlit' nt realli, lie ea't it (oil tit(- si 'ci nil and t hird day. ( )n each ;it l't'r(iias brt'a't, 'I Itt' pt'ar pit'ri'.-tI liii'

warrior's sllit'iti , penet rated his ti tat of i'lit'I'&'"'l\'I' (1,i\' '' sui'iug dt'i'ti' 'if val ar each champion \\ri tight. vinit' mail, and ii tilgt'ti ill IIi'S breast . I't'rdill ft ii

int' t' hiti'iu i'ii't'li'iI lflt'ti'l)F-llk(' tutu ".iirtl'. )r Iii! (1\'i)g at tilt' Ii iii, \ilitil lti's ,\th_i:hidil(Il like I i'.tv.'n 's bolt i ii -hihi it- 11.1111. of , the 1(1111 tI liti fiitirth (lay :v,v tlic lnii-.Ii i d tue ltitiiit , .\iigiiti-,t-d ,\rdet'. ( 'iii'hitllairi it -.trif.'. liii' combataiit' 11(1 longer ex - itnct' I'llsilt'(i tittt'itrtls iiiitt, i'ai'-td liii ii chaiv.r' frit'iu liv gr.'e I iiu'. Tht' ii irnhat is tellderl\', and httr.' him to t liii' hail IS fl iii no litngt'r ft iF l'iatl iii' \Iai'i', Each '.t;lnds Ulti tajan side 4 )f the st rt'anl lit' ii,,k" tilt u its 1,,- forth the champio n if hi'. race in that 'l'ltttt l,ll, in svu ii it ln-iuI eternal struggle between the Firbi ilg linli the ( ;at'l. The last sminds he heard \\t !l tht-v knit. triumphal !iitti if tI,.' 111111 if Eiiti ] ',( )ill tvdi ,li,r,, that till' lirittit,', ii thai 1 1 iv tltt'\' (ilIllI'(l ai'ruti',s the -ti'ctiii \Vliill M us t etiti the ci in lii. t 1tii uilutjttiiih t1l!t hi It tn it' (lift etc wt all 1treat was the deed, n nt, that wa- In \''iIIl . not Ili Viii), lilt' i'tu I perfiirmt'1 on that iI,lv at tlit' ford thit' Bianell wilt ,tircaclv i'iliviig and this- two I i t. -ri a's, the t wi warrii irs, tilt' lw l o-ring around Emain, VI,tcl wa; ('ltii!U)iiiit iii \\t'.tei II EarI it', the twit bitt its glorious defeittli Liv Print' find gift will lir'.ent and 'ii1)t'fld ht'stiwing !itult'--' till tilt' hank", f iii' \t'Itil, iii. iltilI(l, of the no iitil-We-d i if the \\-( ]-Ill I lIe chariot t'ti', I .au'g, succeeded ill gettin'. two beloved pillars if the val, tar I if t i. inn) mlii iii' chariot and dii vi.' furiotfl.'\ a.'ls, and the two keys of the bravt'rv of to the wood. if Muirtheinthne. Here thit the ;aeis to be bru night to fight from afar hero wa' healed of his stabs and woundi',

\NNL\l. I') ['LEE 1NRET tIlE

for the 'letit ha I )e I )allann rtiit I ILI ut rall\'imig if tin i.tti Branch. and digits of valitin- alt- lit-nftinmt.tl 'ill both to bring them f( 11111 into tIle clear light of tilt- -..umb.qiicnt 111 Ii ,tt and r' tilt of the of grace and herbs of healing floating idts, and lergus, \Chli i after (uclitiiiaiu c tni'luduig chap- tlav and out (if that mist of oblivju ii into t1UVII the struanis aivl rivers if Mutt'- men f Erin, forni, tilt, is certainly till , it-i' i if time ]ain, aided h' tt hit-u tiit- ((tilling of the fu >rt'igmlt'rs Si) that the stream-' wi tur iii tile lain. 'the war-gttdtkss M in ()iIhtlI tht-imhnt', ii Mau-v,- .iuiul the seven Maintis, ruithmit-lt- u'at-t I litull. and green with them.'' Riiza n- represented as flying Clad drives tilt , Ulteinjjtn'-i back three times. warriors :- Flit tilt in army 11w advanced and and rousing the Ultonian The Red Brain-li surpassed their old the battle gi iii It-.. i Ii flit itt -nttIlCil J. Mi kL\N\. pillaged tilt- li if\ itlt-ill t. [he I I igli Up renown, Vet failed to dislodge the st ubb Was drifting over tlitil. Iiniu . tii\%t-r Flu i ' iii (oolt-y -thi jitilietlit t'aui (if l'le,hetl back her helmet's beam, With lifted (iiiina,-jtii, (iit'liiullain who had liii Pit i.i it-i i II IV i I Vu, to. Was at lit-t ia it tired and 'c-ill spear. Vet rt'ua vend fri 'iii lii', tvoiintFi, remaini- I tlit, war Sit e Sili()tC the brazen centre of her shield with flU lilt rolls herds ill t I i R val Palate llirce times and tititniler triple-bolted rolled in iii- tint ill tin' It-al of (ttIiiu'saruii\ -. -. i at Craui'lian. li-rit-' (1i--'ired Mat-ye to Three I tiili-s fri inn . I baring the tietu in uti. -'bouts of tlit• men 1-tin tim ujn. collie tir.t strike at kmiiii, but ill a i'iumniil if h-urn all part -. if if Erin a-. they again drive Nick tb- I hi' l'u-ul l'ranuh tiit• t'oiilt'tlti at i kiuig-' It Was d'hIid ti ul11iflL iii Ia 111lii. 'Itt 'Illalls, tie jumps inti i time iiiiddlt_ of tin- knights had t'.-,i-iiihh-ul iii all tliitr futiWir overrun and jiillai- tilt province. flit tent IRj Praper. _julu'ntit our and put\vt'r. anti at la-'t tlit .trinv adv,iiii'i -d no onlivards tim' lui4 h - 1 nil ii ui -I fir fglit. a clia Ill 1 oil n, lii.,,r itt lit adi-il by king ­Incc-gd. Miii I pit-. anti (laniiah V an1 tilt-i lit iii' I. ]iilian ho-'.t •t-k liii- Holt, iii ii' ui I. t ii stun- ',J "it Ii nt hi in pursuit of tb tnt -fl iii w t-alt Ii, iii - I I i\'nn-' if .\l(li.. Next lllu ,lili'flt lit was hi-ariiig (I ,, \ \-n un tile men of Erin iii his terrible u'tIiu-uI ir that ill tall, ill I thu rest i uutshjnt' t'hiai'jtit. Iat-kuvai-tk and forward, aini i-- do not beg for uit'ver-failiuig health tilt l)at tit. Plain lic hewed hi-. - ir vt-t that boundless length of days uI't-aking terribhi- di--'tnimetiun with javelin, I'tt- mniIlt'. -'iv nil, and i -.l r. lit' ppm iai'in-tI the it where Miwvo, ill her war-car, ull\ Ihit - not liii ,ghi ur' not' hit' faint', -'aI'ri huh iii i tlit Sit-i-n i\Iain-.. Film- N in that IllV path t hiroughm lift' uumay 4 tilt \u'.inl'ti ur-. periiied tvitli lii - -\Vt-i p Plt'a-.alit be -1 lii' - - t- nd : - uiii hut b ing that hioiii IUIs load my naulie, - I lien (nit- ' 1 - ' Noll- that fair fu irt unit- always favi en nit. i-t.t iv.trit, ,iutl ilcil itiilt/

The household clan. it t i t, n iiii - I it - I lit t lung, tlt-art st Ii ii. I i< if mu (ti ilty Ill m- CloSe lIji ill lit, Ft-ar. allot I hot it la-'t thmi- R-1 Branch and the remaindem I Inc gilt I I in '_: anti play lii ia-gIll .111(1 I f tin- t Aidiall lii u.t - ui-an nated with (lay: i - i iuiragi- by Ctmclnuhlutui'-. ,feats, cliamgt- Ille grace I lit -g I hit 'un iii tt i iiihilst griuit d''wil (iii till. filch iii Eu'imi ..-'it all point, to file. thi i - v gave way ht-fiirc the terrible tint-it. I Ili nigh Thit 01 sliuuldst take all (-Ise Iii that t(-rrihlr n 'ut the lIt iwer of Mti -vi - -i hr till lilt - awa\ • I ),ilr.ii' I '., f.tstncs-'t" Erin. 'Fliat lniglit\ Iii it ltt't'ntl kin;ui tiiiiit-iI with lire, intl ,i'iiil tnfl ni,inv a In-ri army ptnisht-d and the vthli1uisilt'(l itiu -i - li Slit- lii igi it in tlitir tvar chariots and stveep ill liii i iii I i.tttii. - with a t-ill:tll reilinant rc'at- he(i till'r uval T1111 llt'art ( if mint-, so wayward and so it_i ovt-r tin- 1laiii of Muir- li(­tilo bands now tttat'kt'd tile 111,- li a tu,liii'i\vi palace at Crauiu-han - till! liii - . of Eiiii jit all jint, and already ('it I'.i I' In the foregoing sketch nil attempt I iit u uuirt-spt liii vi- fit Iiiv grace divine \lt(-Vc- .\'t' tim- rcIc-r ti tilt- arnlv to Ma'- I ).LI'i hail retirc(l with the MiiiiIun been iiiaili to give a critical dl­si-ript Ii ill I nh]auiie it with that Ii ive no man call line up ill battle array at (aniii'k, a ridge of ii)ret--' ti un- I iwn turrit try ..\lar ui-il by Of tilt- principal i-liar;ui-t,-rs or of the 1uiii-tji' - lng the until if I lilk a lit tlt- to tin - iiithi -u'at.l I if At hit Ili i. titi-' dcfti'tiiui and fuii- merits if the 'Fain. thu simple liai- u-;itiv- ]h,- Al-('( umisuiuniui love that burns ill Nu-xt illuming tilt' li -N iii I_lul taint tiinor aunt the Red ligiiit'lt, il;ui\'i- it of thu great epic ha- bit- n ivun. Vi-t it iii illu'. .wuu-j)m tiutwu tin'. u g h tilt. hills, and soon length gave tilt, nun ft in tin- ai'tiiv to may ti'n(i to stiniiilatt' national imnihi - and the great battle iii the 1 am began. Pro- retreat up in the lianiii,n. interest in these old (iaelic talca by helping \\'!LLIal A. I-IN.tGHX. I 111 ixi,ii;i ANN (.\I.. IIli \iVNt1sIi

Che IPost Rev. D. hallutian, DAIP

iill( ))) UF ili1!i(i'.

Born in CuuL-(app:i. I: Limerick, 1 .;49. ( )rdainctl Prie,t in the I rish ( ii kge. U mi e. Oo 7 l \ttIe \'ic Ir- t';(raI f the I)',:t't, and Pui'.i j'Lt',, t'.V: t I .\pp-InttI I ),niiitjc I're'Ltc he I'pt I. XII I. 11(1 I- f I,tntri-k, 'I Li 1 11th. 11 11 %S.

I I I: tli't i iigiiii Rd prelate viio was hit Ui-.iiIj) iLl'' io'ait liitii'ht to j)As(''.' lat t'iv ci )I1-(cratt( I I (J) tit(, T of a!l t h ' quahit U's f an able and oircessful Ii -1 ''e(' of limerick, t he III 't kt'v, adiuiiiiitrator. I it'nt'&' out' i searct'lv I W. I (altman, i' cniincntiv a thiiueliiitait. prepared to hild in him so moth (If O w uring D , his of ',tiitiv untltr the ttOlt' i(1t'Ali'-t . .\1111o1U4]l lit' iS not a native 'lladow (If t Peter's IR' beh('l(l wit h lii:-, I ro'i i'ak'r and mover iivt'd amid an V1l (vt tlit' tr,it.t'dv of I S_ O , t1ii'11 the I ri'dt-pt-akinLt population, hit' Spt'th.'. Iri- li II -iv latii.'r a' cirivt'n fioni lii'; tt'mj)oial hItIt'fltIV, hiavini. otjuiired tlli iami'ii ('((titifli'(i l

Hi i'.Ml' \i RI:T 16 ('II . \ I'll 1.l_ II'Ill.\\I. .\N\t',\i,

cli ielv ti iiiimei'ted hail hi' ''ii mcii m iii and his runiarkabli 'juw ui ci uxprui In u'nti'rt'iI ti lt. filti : but failure set,'rrmtd ti littinit'ci iii •'-', t''I'ti' m'mtim Irish tnrnal , that t on its s lippresit p In' Wa-. bid fair for it hril1i iii liii Oft. But a1a titig hi tt'1t. I )igui-.tc'd with tIn' Sacllt'ir- i'ccllntrv lift ' ar, litre portrayed with it arri'stt'cI idt'ntiht'd with its view's, and the irony of fat(- li.- hanged many ;i Kit gb intrigue, and tilt, greet Lv bartering kilful lmai'mti, .iicI -.ci it is with all his mm'(irks. i'ntic'i'tl to fl clmrtc'u'n \tili-. i'naI -.ti - happy j )i'l tsJ)(t't Wlwn about lifteri which ultiiiittiv dc-,t I4) 'c'cl t in' ' ' Tenant Even to-dit', it It ii' the changes and vitutle, ( )mving to failing ht'ait Ii, lit t\vc'vc'r, :ct'a1' Of agt ('liar I liii with a terrible l'iglit ' to'gani-ttit iii, iii- ahantic imd fir \'i('iSsitli(it' if half it t'entiir', we may still he was I't'ii't,'(I in his ftciii'thi \'ear ,til(I accident. 'Flit expit tit cii of a powder m''t'i the i(lt'dh. ttl Pai'iia1lientai'itiii'-in .111(1 lilei't a Matt I )t fit ivan, a Ri cdv Flynn. allowed mit't' more ' ' to feel the hrt'ai ii flask, which lie was drvint, bruiht the turned his thought- Intl Ill cii' tic tllc in t''i'il a \v.ui I h't, mt's in tilt, ' ' Homes of of tilt- Miiim-.tcr breeze," Broken in health, first great trial to that noble -oui, arid [)t,'t iple and tilt- sword. 'I'iiin'r;mr\'," iii-. poetry, ticti, i-. rae' ttf lie ret niriit'ti to his native Tipperary, and changed ('()ml)It'telv his tilt It tok in life. Kickliaiu wa'- now in tlit' prime Of a thu soil. ammii '' Rtir\' of i lie I liii '' and survived tunim' a few' vt'ars his " feic iii I lt'nct'fortli lit' iivsl for hi', country, and chequered iiianhii n ud His halting step and Till. Irish lk'usant I ;iri " 'ibruitc' mvitii scholarship" In I Ss2 '' tutu' tit faith and ,avc off lii- i)t't for tilt- ativaiit i,'flieflt Of defective eyesight ft trni:d it picture at the spirit of their m,t,'nt'rat ii tii . Iiiit ciigiit ut hioflit' and frt'i'tlitni tit the last ,'' that noble hi- cit t\\'iit 1" ttitlt'n bret lirun. I thee impressive and P' hut it', but liii' his works the union of jt iv and sadnt's, -.utirit jiast'd away, lit was l:tid to rc"t kit' kliaiii '-. fir-t 'i cnt't'1'ct i( in of Irish spirit Of tit(, poet, like it ray of unlmi lit' of love and di 'ternmjnat jul11, all b 'an trace-, with every of y fill mark it nat i Iii 's sorrow. 1tilclic fifc \VL" that Of a natit)naliA1ii on a wreck, shed lustre and fit thilit of a master mind. I )etailt't I, \'t't never hesidi' lli' iigi.ling with social and j)tilitit'al clmao.. that shatterc(I frame. 'Flirt iwn in iiptcii tt'iit,ttis humorous, vet full if pathos, ti- I thi' 11 i Sh'v',1 uuituti The trt'at I .iberat I ir was in tilt, field, his tcwn reflections from his ht cviii cud, iii' we nevt'r fttrget a eliarai'tt'm' of his, ntt shaking it ci nt inent wit II tile fill- v of Ii k power of expression w i" rt'iiiarkable and1 in t itt -.ii 'a ii ;iimtl nitciintajn scm dear to In., matter Ili )\\- c ht't' clv vt' may wade iii till. riiimntnt ii' 't ml. eloquence. In tiit' saint' tirmaniunt the unique, and wlicri he pleaded till' 'alisi' )tu us Of liii it cmi, Voting luminaries were (iaZiiiflg of his h'lt uved pet pie it whole nation him-, it writer Kji'l'iliam is best known, 'hut tughi sad in its ever' phase, Him pu with the magnificence of their tin his Vt urds. and his stu ru'-. off Irish lift' are it worthy Nit'f.:Iuani 's life is a trio' exemplar off l'lit' youthful patriot ft tilt wtil )n tilt- di-ript ion of the ' Tenant flitinhjmli,'mit tit his t'heri',hmi'tl memory, 'ti0 7iiaimlini's and t'harac'tc'u' - his name an with it keen interc- t ( )'('oiinc'll's ctfort' fill- I .t'agut ' be gave much off his time to grt'mti'-.t pitrtraver Of Itt'as:Int lift' tlic' Iti'jm'lttiinm of tilt' scattc'u'c'tI I rish race, repeal, but when tli&' great Irihi,iic (h'- literature, and many brilliant art n' le w'iirhi iia c'ver seen, lit' hic'A t'tintrihutu'cl .imv,tvs and t'vc'ryw'here time ft'arit'ss pro- eiai'cd that tilt. liberty of it nat it in wa-j Mot frtim his pen appeared in the ( l!, it ti tn- lii hut' ectumitry '', immagnitic'emit library it off a tlt'st'rtt'cl eali-.t, tIlt' wt mrcl wu rtli tlic shedding of tilt. drop of bb)( id, tempt irarv jt ciirnal of remarkable ability m'olumt' wiin'li i- itn'iginal and liimiqlic. Iii imit'm'iht'tl tin his ni(tmitlmnc'nt it /iimcek,iagiia' ill( kickhani ahand mcd his hurt c, and Ia mit'- The pagi', f this jc imirnal vt'rc in evcrv . Irish Pc'a-.anit off tl'i iihlti grand carter—" ('hark's jius('j)hm Ni' 'kimalim ft mrth ( 1)otl.k'(I tile t't"t' Of \'tlllfli, Ireland. 'a' cungt'hiitl to his racy produiti in, and ianihlt ciii day is faith hillynun tdui't'd, Pilo, Nctvt'ljst, and ahtcvt' all Puitrit it, '' 'l'h, Fht'st were d' rk and t r tublecl times in lien' some Of his t'inet wi irks alupeari'tl. mdi imitable faith, tin i'lmilillike sin'm- cljj y iri'Iantl. enliglitcned, however, by one of In i S(ui i .11)1111 ( )'Mahc in. Kiu'klmaimm'" intl iniht iiimiIi 'l ut t-.1iitaIit' -all 'I'. i'..\' cI,P-,uI. maternal unilt', arrived in I rc'land fri iii lilt' :itlmmmiriidi' c jiitht it''. ''ltic'hi \Vt' flit tli iiiict brilliant galaxies that ever C, _O,' ( ''e:'. ad ui'ni'd tlit' country'" liiitory ..\wt'Ieolnt' America, Iii alJiiu, an intc'n-.i'lv liatitti)l I ititlitii ii Ii, his enlightened h;iii, i.icIliaiim but ill-fati if lilt ivi'ment andI Iii :11 toni 11 lI:i' 'ouI and in viiig principle ('harle- ti k tilt, Fenian ttatIi. \Vlmat i 'ver Of tic V i log I rt'land nit tvenicflt But may bc ititi cii Fi'nianism a-. a working famine and calamity, culminating in thic system, it was c'ertaiilly i great national fateful inilrrectit fl iii ,;, -'I iat t c'rt'd that reawakening inspired by I lie genius and organisat it ri and silenci d fm' a ti inc tb iiisinten'tt'd hove off many able men, and natit roil i' irat it fl. the fuv fati 'fiml incident-. t't innected \61hm lilt' ttlfiiii experiment if ni' it ati' tic 'iften taken a-. ili'' -.tanduril by fioct. lmd failed : tilt- tttrmv ht'ralcls iii which I iud',e it. lr&'iaud- troiihhd lift' found rest at i.ngth )n tile ilt'1tai'tiiri' ml I t'Maiiitnv, Kick- On the 5!It mu- cf htant land-., leaving ham hi 'omit' tint' if liii' lc'adm men in tht' but the ntcble and guiitl1 youth fioni nit iveinc 'ut , and many trenchant art ic]t- lieveniiimiiin to wield ;i 'i'ii 1'; priclitic', a, from his pen aiti 'eared fri tium week to t week patrimttt'. and as alit' ihicir '-. \Vht Ii till- in thmt,' Irish Po,/)le, an i c':'aim if uneolil- storm had blown t vir, kickham agaiii rt iiiiiiIlg nat ii tnaliimm ..\rmt I indeed, so AL

luN(;lk'l' i\l( )NAS'J.' ER'V AND THE, SEE OF 1,lMEI'l('K, \(Ni , ii I' •\NN1.'.\L,

,1 LTT IIuiiciret IVonastcr, and the Se 01 Limerick.


ill [F i't'v'i''iillv tll,'i'ini, iii,' l,illlt'I'lck h('Ltii a, ,t I ),1l1j'-il fm'ti', W ii imiw,t' and 'tiin't'rt' wt'h'i 'nit' t (I iur in tin' nith et'flt11i''. M i't probably it Ilt'\V l'I-il(tj), \Vt' .111' rt'iiiindt'tl i if tin' many \va-. t i ht' lrt';li'li1 l' (1111 zeal if til(, i1tiitii' that tilt- li-,iiii1i, iii,1 t'e tif \lti.mii,i','t miitiiih'" that tlii' I )tnt' iii Liin''i'it'k Lim( i'ii'k had vitii ,iili'It'iit \liiiim''t. ivt'tl tli''ir it iilvi'I•"ji in tit ( llrit itflit\ ihiiii,rt't \va' tin' t1i't ('1lri',tilil t''.tall- it et 'ml\eI''i' ii wluit'li 'babE' hei4ami ill the

li'hl1i:'r1t in I l'-titlhi_!n'ntt' ('. l,iiiit'rit'k. tint ii cciiturv. 1.iiii,'m'i'k t'm,'iti_',l jilt' I 't. Patrick 1 iinti'd a t'hiirt'li th4'r' in tin' an ('i)itIti:ill 'itt', 1tni,bah]v iiiti,iit tin' it Ii ''litur,illid a &i't'at miii 11I -ti'm'v iii'llit' 'it- the t'lt''i'ritli ''t'ntiii'v, anti St lil art iiititl it, it W',t" t ilt' Mtin'iiii, tint' i If hit iut''it abbot, 'if Mun- iii' uk- it tilt- \li 'nl'tt'r\' til ,ll1ll:,l- i't that \\',i, ad, iptt'ti h\' tilt' I )an,' uf "I'ill\'t'rtt'( I tit(' uu1uhi' if ii i irhm',' l,iin''i uk 1' tllt'ii' Pltr()m1, lint although tiu' "dtt'Ffl half itt lIv-tidilji'iiti') itt tilt , the I tan,''. \'t'rt' ( liri',tian, tiui'i'e va- little trill. fait ii, St. Thmui'liju, 'lilt' ii tli(' tirt 111th iijtl 1' iVe bi'twet'it (111111 and tilt- native hhi it-, if 'i1 I i,iir it, i' tlit' 1)at Ft in uf tlii I li-il am, iti 'lit 'ill t Ilt'\' lived. 'fill' lii tlt'' i lit iit''' ii l,,uj'ri'k, l"rtimn tit( , sixth t- re "till a iii In,' ipr lt'., hi tii '

till , tinl ill tll.. i'vvmit Ii i't'ilt lll'V it)vl'rill:: lii 'lii t' I hey ii t'\'t'i' at'knt 'wlitl,t,'d any ht' \01''I'' iii iii! if I i, 'i;lll I '. it, It'll hill'1t liii 1111'j ,til'tl ill f tit(' ti,litt if lii' ' 1)i 'it iiii ill ttt (If tin' itt' l'' ii I lit' 'tltiiii,i','t. l'h'' i'h"liii1i'i of lanit'nI,'k \\'t'rt', ji it (ill iii tilt , 1)i'i'('1lt iii -- f tIurmmi, the eli - vt nth t't'nhlirv. ('iiml'I'i'm'ated I,ii,,i'ri'k w't'rt 'a'r't'tI by liii' 111lmlt,rt't ii',' liii' ,-\ri'Ili',i'"lli Ill ,f ('aiitt'nhimi'' and

mu' nk, ih' iii ink',, aei'ni-diii t ' tikii e, -lt'ti'_ -i'il di,',ti:ine,' to 111111. i' tnh'nij ii mary it iii hi ritv f (' ma' li ilIi,'rt , tht' him't Limerick bi",illip 4 i (umllt'nan, N I mi- l'iliiip tif ('alit -1, 1111111 caller \Vt' liavr' itUtiltUti' i't',',ii'ti, I)t,'Ft'd I ., iii Ill tilt tt'ntli t't'ntur\', lilt' '.iit't't't'tlt'tl Ii, lii(' m,r nf l.imt'ri,'k heftire ahhtit if tluhIa1'i - t \it tlit' .jn'itnal lit-il if lilt .\. I ). lit' was pr')babIv a I )it flu, the N\ liii,' tt'Fm'jtiirV Of liv ('airhm',', WI 1,- ,! iltititiji 'tlutitt'd at tht'ym'eat lm-i'.lu 'A('jIlii(l in' w;t U' it iiini;t'lf a hi,hi p. In' had amii' n f I'jii',,i', At mv rate it apia'ars that lit' lit' 11 1 , iilk iihji'i:t ti:I hini t tilt ' ' IF nun' liii iii it illiiI'hl ii timnirt' ill' a 1)I)tt'('iLtt tile wit If t)j.lt iJ), ut't,k'ri, vh i I trdaint'il liii' iiitini'-tit' and tribal (trLanisatirtn of the 1tm'jt't", and I it'm fnrnii'I the I ri'.h Church and tiit'ne i, rea"ion to fmin'tiiin. m't'ulllirinc t'pj" ( '()Ila] J)it\•I•'i'' 'I jeve that lie was wit frli midI' to the Such 'a- t lit ' ,im'dinam'v t.list itni in the i 'Id 'tlttna-'t try If \l mmni,rt't ,.\1 mimlçret like so miiin;i'.tit' i'hiti'i'Ii 'if irt'laritl ., 'iii t hi" 'vii' ii1lfl\' id thi' 'till lrn'iti niniia'.teries vi"i then

f)i'f(-im't' tilt' i'it\' 4,1' t'pn'upal Set , if l,int'rj'k ill it' tiet'line and ( iilh,'i t was if ,ijtiflul n W& vet Ii iniidt'd, that t lit' I inle had conic 111' 1 t'-turt,ani'iui



the Church of Ireland—and that of Hv- up in full poeslou to the prelate. thus lerinoui lands or sacred enclosure of tilt. i)I1-.5t ' iouis and the temporal power of the fidhghente to begin with o as to brill'-, in tr -at Mi ina-t cry of Mungrut tlis- (lid Monastery iif Mungri't, lilt' pt'plt' if Church pisst't1 into the lland'l (If tile the Irish system of chur'h i vernin nt in ai>iii-aretl aftcr its ix cunturie if 'pirit ual the locality, who \\x'l't' iii utt iiiieti l'\'el) Pr (t('t ant invadt-rs all was t'hanged.

'uI 111 WI k milling, die ilan'nit-n of the Mun'ter before the fi nuiilation (if MunLtret ('t (lleg' line with the rest Of EurI Il it. Ilt 'e Fri ni that tiulit' Itt t till i -11 the hi-.hitj)5 of to (JhI()tt' wilit-t1 to make the whole I erritt rv ot liv- plain and the Munrtt cliuichi, a t-l1 a (hilt' -iijupi-.t'd pi't 1 1 ''Y °f Limt-rick jt -.- - s no inaulor lands nor fidlitinti- ubject to) tilt- j uri-.'Ji't it ui Ilf tilt , '-juiritiial iiliIIitratu(in If the whole iink- nown origin jroiiiing till' revival of bar' nial t'ast Ii's nor is any i -.it ii ri of the '-ii - 41 I inj-ri k. In it Ii 'r vi irds, iii' Iitrii-t of Hv I airbrt- became subjt-tt to till.' old Mllngrl't M triastt'ry, ht-hit - vi' that civil dignity l' l)t\V1-r ilt'('Iiili'(l to them by would iiieliiiit' ill the (IIIHI'-.- if Limerick Iii' j iiridi :tii Ill if tile- Bishop of Li 111(1-i' k. thle\' Ste in the pret'nt t't(llt'Ltt' tilt' fuultih- till- rulers who administer tilt, goveu'nmnent not only liv (_ iarbrt- the di,trict t-a'1 of l';igiit\-six vt-ar latt-r ( 11 04) the lands It! mint (if tilt' Id the cmi uit iV Hilt I ht'im' pat i'i lull lily is lit- Maitiit- lutliert a Inn ni-.t t-rcd by the the -.iippr--t'il 110 iia-terv —abt nit 4,((11() From the Ni final] invasion tlow-ui lit t Ii- -.i,'ciuri-, and tht-ir pu\\'i'r and intitn'nc- art M 'mi;i-.tt'rv of Miinirt-t but al--.o 11v acres ill t'Xtt-flt ('ttrrt->on(1ing roulLthlv to iXtei'ultIl et'lltulry tile bishops (If hun- nI i- greater and more far-real - iling thl;i1 it was (((nail, tilt- wt'-.tt-rn hill. \Viiiih ui> to that liii- 11rt'1'uit pan-l) of 'sluuiLtri-t . wi-rh- ((\'i]t'd "i''el',lj bartuiial r(-siLlelli-t'--, and when haekt-d by English law, 'Fhit'' and tulle va under the 14jfjtlIaI jiii'istlieti' t(-Fill llI\ - iti'antt - 1 liv I )onahl ( I' I'tuuail. mall( 'r, in (ii Iii 'nt'llt part" ()f the it tlIlltiV, the Chiiireii thit-y ink' art now sIm)l)Ilrted by I f t lit ' np)na',t('rv of lni'(-atii' (''att&-r\ llnLt f I ,inl('ri('k iio Ri-li i l'rit tin- and 1111'' ui-.uitll- livid ill 1wiiiet'Iy -tatt' and the fm-- ti iuitributioui'-, (If the fiultitfiji. I I l'i it tilt (ilLil ( t IIht'i't -' i" 11j1'\' \Vt'-' in I lit- Sit' (If Liuiii'rik i'anketl a gnat feudal lords, 'l'Iit-v had a Their ulltlui'hli t' amid ltowt'l' I'e-.t -i lilly Ori pr(ibaill\' liii' i)t'St under the t-'i'unitan"i- Eu- in that dat- till tin- ,ixtt'_ nIh I Ill st-at alnt ing tilt' Lm ti'tI', Siuiu'ituai If tilt' the diLzriftv if thleir sacred tttl'i' and mI An,glo-Jrisii \Vt' MAX, \\'i'l I '111)1)1 i t iitt t lit' i,( ((.1(1 11)4 uk-. I lir\' 'illIliLtiet wa- i hi'-,lio1(-, uiiii.At ii-c'ahit'tt '' Kiuiid Ini of lii-- till- hove and trust and revt-u'e lIlt' of a if \l imnLr('t (hiti III it 1 iii>r (\•(- of sii'hi it (:t-1 ii Mli11Lrt't - IVilILt it's' than tutu ;i i:tuul. '' It al(iit -al's t'V('n that tilli' I-ij-.Iit (jI of IR't ilult- with \'iii)1fl t lily are idt'l)titjt'd by Jaulli'ril k, ili,tiit', iiitt'iftiit a- it dii with tiiei di '::!III fl ill 'ii liIii,IeI ( 'I ilh-itt- t twa I (I'- I lit' \I,iiii It' tie l'Icilftirt, 111k-(I for lit'-. ()f bh bc!, by ct)mnii unit v id intert-st, iuuiluo'un il'utl riiit- •ii(l pu'ivmIei.t', ally Slianuiit:i, tliel'i' (Nisteil lip to rl-i't - nt Veal'- a whili. the I (tIlt'1' (If I_t)rd l)eliilty, \'lZ,, till' and iu' the saint' flat i nal asj)irations. 11MIC tlIL1l &litl tilt' iLl)l)4(t-I)i'l1(II) alid the fl'iiitii' of I'll(. if I lit- htir tujal It'--- chief rt'jir&'t'ntat lvi- ()f the killg of England I It'nct' the Pt'0Pi' revert- and love monk'- (if 1 nul-atily, who were l'(IualIv hlelirts (If tilt- Bi-lwp If Li;ii-riik, lii t lit' ill tile ivt-rnm - lit of the Engiish ('((Ii (fly in their BihI p as their spirit imal father affect i-il by it. I iibrt '- opinion, inovt'ver, '-i\tt'eiIthi i't'lltillv, miit'li tb- h';n-liIi I i'liiid, I )tui'imig all that tin1' kllLtli-.il or and l'iilt 'r, aiit,i loi tk to hull t - yen in l)ri'\';tiIt'(i. lit' ieol Nvii ap1mint(A I'iital j)iiiuitit'it -(I alit! took II i'-ii)h1 _'lllglIi-Ntlruilali iuithiit'ni'i- 'i- iini -Ii(ilniulault ti'ullltoi'ai huh1 Itohtut'tl mattt-m'-_ as their u,iu fill- I ri'ianil and hi i ilie ha' I If I )&'niounl, till- Muini't't land-. anti 111m 1w ill tin' ('it - of Liuni'riik, and liii' hi-imp-. Ill' it tl'tl-,tl'(I guide auid ft'arlt'-'. advo- tilt , fill -'iii it aiiti apjil' vii it tin- lb ,h 11(11151' and t-iel('!i1,4i4't! i)lluldil)Lt - 1il-.ehl 'el'e unit,tiv Lnglu-.h ii' if h,ii'Ji-.li (i,'-.i't'flt. "ate, lit- wa- t'--i-tt-d bt'-.itit", in liii' i- x( 1- hit (I tilt- ti (--,t---'-it >1) ( if tilt- Ii-i itt'-t (lit _\ft-r tin- kt'fiti'iiiitioi ntd 'Filth tr tin if hi, l'It-a'. by iuu-ta-lt I )'Brit-n. ('11111-eli, \% ill) wIlicli tilt-%- l't'l]l;(lll,-tl (Li t\\ It ('0114.111U4 of I rI-land, wilt-li tilt-- temporal E. (,,AHILL. s,J. lm liLt if \Iun-t'i- and titular It thit' iiiiildlt- of the llil)t-tt-untll t t'hltlIl'\'. I i ia ml. Iii tilt , hut i1uartt-r of the I)ili('t('i'lit Ii \\ lii'tit-u' it wa that I ilh&'ut f und tli' i'eilt IilV It ptrttn of tilt- -)Id nit ha-I ic llillllI-' 14 '(llillLtlt't IIi)'-tlliatt'i\' 1111M1.- i - (i to Itlfll- 44 \Iuni,i't-t \V&'l't' 1-(,-i'tivel'('d h- tht-

tilt - uealu-.ati iii i1 lii' lll'tilt-('t-. (It (iio'('-an ( i tItilit 4 'iliii't'ii, aild ;Li,.tuui titili-t-tl fill . ii 111;11 tilt' ll1it1lti'l'\' aiuiie-t ith-ntieal Xvith tlio-t- ft ir

1111' (ltiZl'llt'l',iI I' a 11(1 rita XIII \i (I' \i it i('li tlut-v \'('I'( 1 (riginallv granted ti tilt'

III )t kno'v : but ur-rtauii it i , that thl. Kin 1114 ink-. by the t'hj('ft!in'- olf 1-Jv (aii'hi'e of \iul,l-.t-i', the friend and -lii iu -utt-r lit in (ml' than II iurtt't'n luintlu'l'd vt-ars ag i. ;ilh(-l'I Hi-hop of Li nit'rii'k lhi- Wa-'. 1;1'(IliLtllt tihoiit 11lhil1lV h\ - till' (tI- till nioula-.tt'rv in 11(7'. jil'I tl)ai)lV wit It 01- Ij'i -1at ii it a iii _iipji( Irt of till' Bi-,hii p if (\'itI if th hi-.!i p. El(' iii lint-ri Ic in i'ii tilt - pit -st - nt Muiligret hit I - i', it I he 'vu' ii! If iiniiei' thi(' alll(i't'. tI at \Vliicil I dihurt pr('itl(-r], hit- 1iniit if ti l t. M-i N,v I )r. Butler, Bi-ltiiii If Irkl'i dites-s. and am liLt I thc'r- f I In- I .illli-ri'k and ill itS2, with hi-. i"uifit dio't'-t- iii iaiii-i'iik, \\t'l'l' Pt'i11l(11t'1 lt ] \ (11(1 by his good tftii'e-, til(' ('i)hlt'it' pa-.ed fixed and (le(it't' \VI'fl- lIltRil' that all 1114. into the ilan(lS if tiit' Jesuit Fathers. The churches of each djocuu liuuId be ivei1 t'(tllcc ground, ftriii portion of the


to('-T)el R.

it' ill h ,( .I tiiiiii \,.iiiii i i1flhltC. 11.5 IN ' 11 . ll '' 'Jo I t.•i( - p1111. 11(1.5111 .5 111 r ' \i( ('15i1C .5 1I1lI')'.5("r it Iin.5tU .511 1linZ it I.5p j I .t t I (U Iil"fl ililili .S% .Sil 1)rI( 'ck 1' .511) 111.Sfl .5(t(Itil5(' .5 p1111 1)i, I'.\h.'i11)U Ri. 1'1.Vi( ti .11% ti.1i t.'1 I Ili-Olt ((Clii 011 151 .5('( lp'lt .Sfl .5(1 r I'1111 1 L•) Vtii. (St.ij' .'it .'kIIiL (1',)it1i Nctl 1l1U' ((('11') ' I' 1) I j'( .'if.'il') .5111.5)' .5[' .5 )'( -. ill ii %F; 11 lj' nlinie .N ('11111,111071 r.S(r Nil j 1(11 (.5t).5111( 1)1 ii pil t'. i.sp 111' 'iI1 'I ) I ) Ill oil lS n 10.it t•.iI It lci'tiiir 1 .5)1 11 V)',huIi ppt',5 '1 .511 I' t'Iii 1)1) (.5ti.51111 1 \ipiit', ti it I isit if Iiflu.st .sii 1 II).5, .5 hi 5.5I5hl) 11.5 hlLI i ('ji.ti fl 11Lj%.\ .c i' II sum ,sn Ft ..%J, pIll..Spu.sI1 mil .5114 .551.11' 1)LiI)1i' I 11t () ill 1Titlli((' I 1IUiIi (I'kIi( Ill, I 1111 .5111 IN i'1' (I ')',5l '"1' .511 11)4' III ("li (Ill .511 III I1-(' I1ic.\ilii Itii I-' 'I' 1'It)1' .55111' III, I1I t' .5 .5.511) 1111'.5fl (1I'5(' Al s iruil Ii (• i in '"1' ti ni ii Iiiti t',5I 51.511 41111 .511 Pull T){O t).5Il1( 'lii \I1I1p.5I1 .\t.\ '.\t1 (LI,k1' I (t'.pC -I ii) (mis .511 '.51 ppc.s'c.sI I p 111 it'.515.s 5i li-i1It'.'kI1fl. I.. -i iIiiI11. 15.51L I All II 1 I .5 .1 ; ), III.. . i'Ll (.511 4'11' 1 (.51' lilt "1' •'-______in IC .511 miI5' .sti p 1)1111111' 'C 'I)(iIl 1)i Ii 1 11111(1' ii1l1,'t .l1 .'.' 5 ' '1.5 I' liii) 111 .511 11,1 Lii .511 ps".sI 7),111 .511 lllh.SII'ic I 11-(IpIiII1 . 4..' I' 11111(1 111c \I ii1.siii 11 pi iii, ut lu,, I hIps ('1111' .1." itit'- 11.5 tin' 1i .ctI' tii( T)i'ipz. ij' tnt -I Lip... 'RI i1'CI.5155 t11.5j( .5111111 's!' .5mi InC o I in it, tilt' .'iil if, Ii1tt'.t.\ lilt ii tp.'t11. r 1 r ill(-' 40I4'.ii 'iic.sp ti.sitin' 1 lit-I 4'up. I lilt' i'.'il I I 10C 11111)' Ii' l_'It•'(' 5t j'.'iIlI .it1 ('mIll .54.5 11119) .5511 CLII() .t'.5 1 ('.55, ' ' (III i'.'ill 't• illil I' IN lt't.jtit. t. 1't' 1''' 111111 111ip .511 .5111111 .5 "1' .5)1 ii (''ii 11' 1111) (' t1111t .'ic T1.\ '.,.iit I lipt' .\tI' 4 't IlIlll..\i' lit iLpt;'t Iiip.cl tnt. t'.\ 51.5 .'' j51114'i Rf) .55111' .5 Ii II- Ilk I 11-.5 5('i)IilIlLIISR .51111 .55(11' I11'I 5.(l')spt .\I 1111111 .\ IM )MI lerl,''II1r ip tr'I&(' .55 5.54" ('t'.'.ilIl .5)'(I. t. P1 "' .j' t t -'tIt'Ip .5l•. .51111 U-.'tIli 1)1' Ii 1)t1.sit.t'11 111.ilC "1' 111.51% C. h.s .s1m' (.5n.5 .5(1,1, .5Z1I1' I lilt Ill tliRp p.5)1 4 nu..slp 5 hinIln U. .511 U-i)II (•.5i1 .'.tl"t)9%(.5i11.51I . '..s tj1t '.5lhI1 ..5t.5I)T1.5 I1n'.S( iIi 'I'tJ fl1.Si L51) .ifl 1.51 .5111 It'll' .55(11' 11.5 Ili] n'ltC'.S .' ttlICc,.SIlfl p.511 .5711.54'. l)iutlfl .511 )I('I1 1 .'iIl 5.stl.sItr (.5 IN 'tTi tIll ('.5111 I 111h.51) 1'CiII 1 . 'I' 5th ('tt,5I(' t'.2tL -it11h5 i i tilifliC Ipc. 5p)5111' 1 1111 ItIi1,5r..5 (irt'.\ I'' 9511.5 hLIIIIC 1'"' (..5 TIt5.5(. r,i.,sI1,l 1' 1 ii. it 1 i1 t' .slInl' .ssup CpLII1"ilc.sC'r .5p '1).5( .511 611) (j1Itt e .5 ..5SII' ('11il)'.511l1 '' 5tc1 1).tU.i ('I lp't' .i i tiippc.si't i'"" .55tI' I'1t.\1' ..5% .5)1 .5)1 Lllp(c. liiI ('ti( 1''P 11 .%_ - tt1i1 I'll1U l'( )II 5('.51i.5I I ti, .511 .511 .'1'.St .s 'icC - YO C. t)clpt'.smin .Sl .5 illhI lit, \t.\l"C lilt .'.t .5 .11 I1i'.'uU. l)iiiIlhl llltliIlilni'.Shi .571 nil )'.ti1 All ("p.51)11 1 ts ) 111.51% 1'1 .51) 1,e5fl ' ill)' II ' .5Ll' (.1.51(711'. h.i'muiipi 111.511 1111 .5 1CItI.'l'tli It' ç.s.'im1 1' I 1)1.11111 .' .5 1 ii -.\ tlt ITT iitiIl)i It 11-bIiII1il. ii' Ilin 15(114 .511 .5 (tIir,'.snn ,5Il1.\(' t It' Its , Ili .'slplcIlli 1 Ii-( 11ilI111 , ltilh, ili i15.'iI1 111111CC 1111 Olt poll'IT 1.5j5 .'t(.'.5 .s L'ruil fl'I' I''P' ('.51) C .511 ('tIll' (IT( .5n1I11,511i .' pm lo 11.5 U1I.5I4' 1W PVC111 .511 L hit .s('.s t( it Ill( i. Ii ilk ill 111.5l)j%.\ .55 5.5l).\Il U III 1 lIt'.5'l.Slit .ii1t5c .5(' U 11.5 'C.5i1-I t'.sh.si1i 'i)) 51'i 11i1I1111'iu' .551.11' 15.SIh 1'''I' PLI.Thi1ilC.51' I Cl)'.5l1'. 111 .51) u. itj' All r 4 iI I 11111 .s. .5 .511 .sillnhiIii' tutu. t)i 1' ('j%.5Il')( I' \ 111.5111 IILI,%IJA 0 Lii ( 't tncLILi.511 111 ii' .55 .511 111.5195.5. ve 'ucij%C.51' lIt) (11111 l'l , 1 I il-.5 5I I I1-0Itiilh1. lit pilc 1 7)t'Ipl'.51 1).) iU1\ It' IL I'.\p.SIIII'.i)'r .511 111.51 (15.5. 1.1 .si'i ll.\piI .51i1h11 ,.\1 rl'l)iit'. III) ((1.511) I,,-- '1' .Sipirt' hi .511 Ill %I l,s .55 A I t'.5I1.S Ill .51t11 1111)15 lClfll(t'.SI 1 11.5 11-(ijti'.snn hI 1.51.5111. .5 L11' 1' .55 .5 ?il.5l'( .515.5i. .5519' .55 p''.5Ii1.s1 L Tb ('.SICt'.5l) re ('t>It'tIt'..s1' 11" ill 11 ' 71 I 711.515 11,5 11.'kt.'i(" I ('11'. liii 1)1111 .511 ( 11.5111 L'1.i.I •'r 1\In, .511' .All hlp.5I1 ii lnlr'iit'.vi j'i' Ill 11111' "1' .511 l,111'SC ('I tIll 1111 .515 .SSLI1' II) u 'un pi ,"I.nr CII C. I )'l.s,sll.sl p .st'ii us' All Iil.51t15.\ .5 .5 .5(l) .Sf(. N. 11 .51.5 .lSUj' ill p.slh i'' in' Ihi 111111'- j'l Ij'IC.5(' .51111 .551I' II)) 1't1.I1l 1'i till pilt..SC' .5; .'iUillIlC.\( .51 .5 ,Sfl I - s'i ''.51" liii 15.51'11 .5 .511 Ii u.s 5ui ('n'lIlli.S' t'ii it fill 15) \ 15.51l. (n'.siO Iii.SC 110, ,s ,s It I çt'.st' .5)11111k' .5 111ItC.5(U i, .sCr h.s .5ipilI it .-.it Crttin.sc.sih .stIr Ap 5i1 11111111.5111 .511 5ii t )ir'1IA1),51'I .51)1.54" 511 15.51!) 1 imttçte. 11L1.\Ip

24 THE MUNGRET ANNUAL. Till: MtcGfi'r .\NXUAJ. 25 .i Di '.Cnl Anmle 161 tti'ti rp.ttiñn. Ili IAIll- ('ill. ltii tçtuu1 lun-t4.luunr .'4I€' le rri1p J'i i ,'.icr. ('u.'4;vou1ei'l'; .itl c -ul10 ill o Il_u 11 -('lpU.ulln. 1u'4l111'C 41 up_i lull r-.'4unun t'lp .''r A r i' n. rth\l Ili '(' Ili çtit.vt> .\ rLi i Cuun 1l'i It'll' iu1 ( .'4t I u_i I 1i.'ti'. ('.i,ictit'1' 1 11 '.'4 11I '.'41Y) ru 1141 111_ijl 1111 lu(U 1.0 cu - In lii 'uiu'41'o14 1 (' 11111)41' ti, ililiLIlI ) 11 ml - lii (."1 ui1'.ill .41111. (\ (- pi 1'('_\t1.\-ti'11l I'm 1l itI' ,- .'4 'lUt''l Uifli('C'.'1 I '.i iuiI riI u11ul \1111. T- A 1111111 ('LIII) 111 rilirlun n.'4 h-n115_'e .1\ ( ,\)".'4ll1 U .%ll ji.iti '4L' Ii .i I 'n,iulNr,k ol, ('14 (tIn 11.1 Iii .41111 .11171. i(,ul 'n.i ('e.pr. ." Ii ''1' IJA t.4I.'4111 F1 e01111.5, ..'4111 I1) 1iu I)f1IIU 11.4 !1-6pU.iu1Il .'4r ('((V '4 1'" ..ltlflCll' 11lptu, lull tO('lu .çlI'. lii un-L'-Ip1(.-.lun.upo.' .lLljt Th, lii ,Spii-rci itt lL fl..% tI1.'4tl.'i(.\1l) 1 fl-lnnIVc.ltl (p.14. 1 p. t\fl U 1i.tu1( U \ 1' LI ill 111 .ic r.u.uI pr riP rpUu('U.\i.4 I )Il'.'IlU.' I4.•u i',Vl) 11.4 Ili.14t1'i1 '(wo ti r .lu ji'.it liii' çuIl 'l P'4'41,'P 1 ''ii 11.4 li-uit l.I1I1'(.i('(14 '.'41i '.'4fl ZUt'.\11i)' O iiit .uui 'u 41111 _i uuu ii ('.11 .Vu').\Iui. 111.414 'I11 111 I1.\4i1l I 1IULI.lul') lllulufl.lilll .\ii', .\li' u 1111u.'.',1( l'' 1 ii )l1t1 '41) ' I 1'4.'LI1) SI 11 111111 l'''.'4 11.4 u1. V'"1' 1'_'4l 11 114 iiti.ulp .' i'i 1 V'4 thu I1 4h1l i',iuiul.'4lli Till hçi.4111L ur !u.i .4wlme Clii i1 1, i1i 111 41' I I 1111' 1.4 1') i

ii.'.:.. '11

1'.iul.\ufl .tIji ) t.'1i 11.4 1i-uptl_iui .4111.4). '-.4 Il1'(.up'.%lu1u1 U III rt't.'41) 1'_4))1i'411) t)i.i [1I1Ii .4l'.4 '1' (.414 U.' .41111 1111111'i.\l (i.i () hr-I riipr.0 1.141'litf.' .'4 111L11fl(.141( 1 11-.i411 1''' I hi t.Siuii .1411 (-.iili111u1R I4 711_il I 14)11) .iIfl.i(' (li1)' r11U Ii Lul U_it Ih, rlu)(r.u1( r44l .upl 4' .'( rip ( till ('1i.Iu1-nitulcU nlnuulnrIli .411 1 Itte.iiti ilIll( ,'44,u1' 14 . iiIr 4) 11l.\11i('.\1I4 lulnIr(.ilrp.i. illu up u Ii .inul. 1. (1 '111.1411 111 LUuIit11UtI11i 1111 (''.iulfl O44.141), .411 .\tt' 1 11.i p_illi p.; ' I SU1' 1444 tulp ' CCt'Lil .1 4) I)(L 1) 1U .1111 i) i1I Ill .4. _4)C (1flhi'U.i1 I ('Li l 11111)' 4 Il1 Lt1flh1(1 i .411 I 111 u'.S11i. 1(4 C.1il1 .141).1411 luI1 ci 1I1I11I'i'NI r1u.u. '-..i11411) 1414 (','.uuln 0-1rxO I t,% 11-.'. 'tielul 111iIl1 I IJA 11-14 11.1i.',i .'4Li1' 1))) (.11) lull ttI.Lul'1( .111 S.141141'C_il .4(1 U.1411.4 11.1 tL1.u1(.1i1i ill' .ulj.ilIe 1. J.l(' l4111' 11 _4 l)i ;ui 4l111.\111u1, .411 4 71)4't' r-"p .'t 6L'1I1 re tlti.\Ii .i lii ri .I1 1.ili.'4l1) ii 1111(1 1 fl ru111 I1uu1uIuL' '4)U 1II111.14i 111(14 14 .4 11,z; "1''4'' 'tli(,tl 1111.14114 '. 1' 1'' I.u1 .141u .471 ()ul_iui .0 1 ),ilI U .411 frt-. mip i"r r. o;le.Sti cIle 1 l.t t)cipc .luipIl.J (Jtl 1 11()1j1flS1._'4,S T(' p.Oi{.

.\NNU.\L. Am FILL U'N(NI1' 1111 ;.\'!'EFl. 27

II I I 1 11111 I II'hglte ' elf tile' \I'ar ll'tiI'll (I I 11140141 t,t .11114, .111 , 1 .i flilIl 111111 11111. 11114 'Iltiilj not T clii 'unehi', Je'lt'uet'\' 24111 1111' lOpe for lilY IllI,l"ll 11.11 II Ill'S'. ,l,llIh'.I William's army. (IlliCh (4,.ls till' titlISt e'tlt'iivt' Ill Llirllpe at 11lIjIi eIisI'Iisse'll \l'ds '' I hat tin' ill lien the time. 1111 ' ' Wild GevSv ' ' were essetit ia lit' el i lie ' \\'iIII ( ts'' ' ill etihistin in the' SI tIllers, 11111 111111 1' they slIlIgilt ill Iltht'r lands that gi 'rs' anti lana' whlI(h Were lhl'lli('t them at hlln1I', st'rt'iI'e' if I'rittlI'e', and their shihsI'1111e1]t llwarllil t' lois never h:'en attriheiite'l tIl tht'nt, their e'[re'er clii tilt , ('e entitte'iit I '.hiI})l\' ht'ihitiit'n deeds have lilutIlt' Ireland rem ((LII II I tile wi erl,1 I After the British defeats 1111 the ( ' gI'(et1n(l' Ilntttlt'nt, to which With fool- natielnal pritit', and by till' I risil Brigade Ill;lteriaitv II I:itriiIlltI'Ii, hit-re (141511 ill titl';IiII, 4(i'\'( tee e'Ietti,'iI't tjte''.t' mcii (If lll,lrk('d i,ixitt' Ili till' l'nfelrl t'llil'lit of the IIt'nai I at ill lint' Despairing I If Sit,, US'., i";Lr'.hi ('Ill had signed IItSIII\'altv tee their I ' lItittti'\' 1111(1 Its itl('(hl', tilt' '' 'I're,ttv of Limerick ' ' iit'nc.' in hI Iii ur he was MhtI It WtI'FI'st \\'11, tlleiilfI'SII'el in the' huh- forced Ill ;eh:LnlilIIl further ill,1l1'S Ill fighting the t'flt'fli' Cell trIll, 5,111. lilt' next lIst thing to be Jet t, -, was site l\Vtl h' tit( , itltitthe,'r of cx l'iil,'l,t('ll ((a', Ill eit' ,t rI IN tile I'tit'llivs prestige ;iilrII,I,ti, ,llilt 111111 WI',Ikl'li il('r hIlt ('er irelallIl tl')l/)II)' 511e'akl'r -I v,Ii4 , jell 1k part. i'IIr the tlI'gati%t' . irt't,inli Was l eft in '1111,11 a 'I lie' :'1pe',ik'1't''_ \tl'iI' : he Ii' tilt- attirmiit- (Vl'41k'etil'Il lllllIlitiIlii ill, the lteil.irture of the \ilIt CISC til.ei it\'I' 1, Il,tlhjii \l, ( )'Stiili'att, I the VlIIi,lI I' II f till' II it .4l( I hit' 1\l till I It 1 1 l;l\'I'I,,

_'1rb H I(tIti I )iI.\I I \t H HAYI L 14(4' .\I' "'4' .4 14411 .1111 lL1I 'l ,i plIsslIlIl', inauhls tin' Ilgil ill 111111 lI1ltill1 tin' vt'ar w;n. 114141 Il'fllCllV 1 iir.t (lehatl' f "t tile,' nlenlh'rs tii Closet s's 'l'tlt'n rattan 1:44111 I .1 r- -i III HIi1ILIV. i 7th I'('l)l't1tr\, I1ILVC 91A an\'tIliIlg lie askl'll f r at the time. ,1_C - T the hts,t / l'(nsi(lerailiv Welkt'IIl'll 1)V l'.ngianll WS 1L If'),fl j there' 1)'iflg Ili) (It'bat(' kiLltj11L the (lirist- trllus war with America. i,IkI'%vise the spread 1.1 na rv ideals were beginning t, a tiel 1 - 1 lilt -' ' I sj( In. Ihe sllh)t'l t fr 'iii the Out stt French reve 1111 t II ('I Inseq uenl the ('11(1 Itt rv, an 11 tile government in pro\'t(l very tlt'hatahh' and quite a nitin- "mild grant any measure I If freel Ic lIlt in order I Ite Illt's. with 100,011 I H bt'r ef cx /e)n/arL' speakers took part in I in' a VI lilt (11 the iii t it's ill Ireland volunteers at his hack, ( ;ra t tall's demands shout' I l hit' 511h11'It tinder Ill 1IlI'tiI have been list endl I to I if p Ut f1 erwarti with an %- eteg rl'I' tesl'rves our hI gil e'st tion w;t : " That tt'rin-' mI'l't' fitVl Ilr;Ihh' I If si nce'rtt v Hence (;ra t I in I 0 14 F ii 4 /JJ I ensure ill nIt pursuing his cllnstltllttllnal iegllitil I tI I tIll' \Vt'lf1tI'(' 1_If tlti" I' ttntrv ' ititi have' in accllrdantl' with 1'1eeeds principles Until It have bct'i, iii ehtaint'd I_)V the' 11ati'iotil' I,.Iii\' than greater measure elf freed (III sill lIlt .ecuretl. tll(1:'e' Sl'lurt'(l 111 the' p i'hialile'nt ae'e'e'ptt'(l For the negative it was argue'1 that Grattan by tht'nl ill I7.".. and lte'nre that t 1it'ji used the mt'ansat his disp(lsal too the very ilt'l ,dvantage'. Further ceencessllens were not pe ISslilt fleet jr -11wing their 1' In -titu- act iIill ill through I he (Irrupt II In existing at till' time anteIng I Ibta melt liv till tonal aitatieIfl until such tt'rins \VI'tI' all plIi)iit' 11111 IiI's. Stithtie'tlt Was I 'atril ItO' l'l rt V it pr Ip('ri V Used, hIlt all till' 111 vaIl 'I'lite'(l iS (Ieservin4 If ('InSure. ages g,illll'll (Vct(' tllst tilrllligil tit 11: llrrlllItiIIil If till I 4 I 4 I Ill., ;I ' I III \\ : Foil- the athrnia- tIlelIli)t'rs tll eniset yes. it was urge'l I that t • rat tall 'hit' -pt'aker'. ve'rI' 1-i' tilt- '1:-I 'rvcs till' Ihigilest praise ill sectiring a parliament IiI'dtI\I' ,l ..\1I\ttl11ert I.', Ill 1(111,015. 4 .' I II 4' '1404,1 7 ,, 11 11141 0''I -'taiuh'n ,\ \1adiizan Its subsequent failure CI tIll SI IIIIIt, I 'II IL (I 1' re'tiI,;liiv perfect. ('l(vil' E. (daiie'v 'I' tj r. iii, I I 1 1 Il}ll III I 1,111141' hit4' :4' II t>e ;ittrlhllltell to) him. The negative tlIi(1 great their town I Illilitr I,' was In t'hiatiis 11111 lil)sOiuh('l%' 1' 's all I tirl IU hi on the fact that GrattanII Iii the' 'I !' ,lh(lrIll,etIV1- llrt'sl'zIII'.l .1 SI,, IC e,e : I,aite', (i. (onne'Il, ,(', It 14141s "(.fenceless- If the ' ' Wild ( ;ee.slI ' hall remained h:ier tin' ne'LativI' F. lirt instance secured a theelretit'ahtv perfect parlia- ii rgell In the defence ('If thit' " VII hIt Geese ''that at h flit' we cli I chIc h have it different tale to) tell 'i ( 1(1111 K'. 11(111 . Wil tIll Wa Ill isli sell 1 IV the members tiIt'lit - their 11(11' ,lilihelhti,fl was to rl'IlIrIl (11th hIll, I:renIh 11111 CI 1-lI4Lt' f( ,r the suhs('Illie'nt pI'rse- Iit hIlls II ItittI never sd VI'S to strike dllIIhll'r IIilla fIr Irish frt'e'lteern lIlt Irish 1141(1' been l'tfel'tt'li, The I rlsihllie'lI In fIrt'ign service lIiIrrllllli\l' It 14(15 nrgI'll tI,,,t till' 11(1141 ' soil. 1 Ir tile I lIly tIIlkI'lI theniscts't's sviihi I'ruinct- which wIre g;IlnlIig giIrv I 'r l'vI'ry hilt :15 ILeg letit univ a superhit al ilint ,1(4' (I'd iii I 7S sr; ' 'J'ht' I,lItflL. was Eng I.e lill's lIlt I ('rest enemy at the time, thereby 11111 (VII, 411(11 "III III flt 1111.11 IltolL I Jll'I InsetS' fler It was net 41 inhing vitrv, SI'rvlll. no ral tIe at purpose. lii 1' tte't hi ('t' iltelw at Eli gtish Se IVI'reigIl t V 1,11115 that I,lrII lll1tIll'' fr illillot Ii representative tif tile nat en since the (at In 1:1 II' tin' met 0 elI Id, E very e le'fe'a t a hue: h England 511 tferel I at the ha Ills population WS aI)Sl ,lut ci ('xli Ii dcci fr iii it If the Irish Brigade was but a further strl k I:eer tilt not if elI 21, .\g;tinst the me ition 17. IlIwards tilt Tht,orctil'allv it was a fret' parliament, but it - frl'i',Ie,m ()f tht' ililItill'rtuinII, 'I'll,',, titI,ut thi hIllel on remaining in Ireland practical freedom was hampered liv the Castle and Mcli j(lt W1t5 C11 rtit'd l)\' t WI I vott's. tI ciii d mot hiutyt' an V furt iii themselves. if these two faults NIL ItiIIll \va carried by ei,tlll by the members ilitltit'ihl I'll!) the welfare elf this t'Ilulltrv ILS they w,'rl' weakenedI by their long struggle ; an II he,,, I ' 'I'. J . II ,\ I' 'IN E I 'I , I!,n. "L'cre't(zyv,

2S Till.: MUN(RFT .\NI'.\1.. l.I ...... 1' i; 29

LAY BUYS' DEBATE that till. Kin mit not be tit liii' beautifully ornaniented ti'mpie of later Lectures. the traces of the crude designs cii earlier times. itkntilit.d wit ii \Vi'nt wi ut h. that it w. I \turphv traced the development lit each itt the 'fiii principal (lt'l)att' if tilt , year wa.. ii ti (:hk' tatilt it I lit ( ]aint 'ian iriiitv The Tyrol. I ci . .'. ,i IA. 1 1 It , I too till, I- great mtrtiers the Done, tonic, ant! ('m,rtntliiitn. hir'ld eIiirin tilt , tir..t tt'riii, ittlii (IAI\. canic to 11111 i_ lit that, ill ti lit. 11-Child it. ,t it ii i. 'ii ittt I Ii' it It It if intrit- lit' drew our attention to the change front wood to -iu- tm,ii Fr. tAc'ltr tinily ,ui,tmltl.Lrl'Ai'tl (lii' history Stolle ('I it U Ut 15 in earl v Doricnc st nticturm. The arc hi- ,I t tli , liii .libjc('t 'lt't'tt'ti \V;- had to) t'liutt 't htvtu'ii (li.inl.. ,tiitl 'I time lvrt ti, making particular reference to liii' i,'ct ira! developments were il!ustratt'ml throughout iii iii -..tt)rit.tl illti'i't'-'t . t'itllll(('t('(i with a Cr()Illwell. turnou1 Hofer, who was shot at Mantua in i t to. by interesting views of the ancient temples, trmtm The manners and customs of the Tyrolese people the simple Itmin-walhcd shrine to the great Hvpae- ration 'tirniiiL pt ,6 'ii m Flit' lii'..ttui'y if 1hit ari,uint'nt A 4 in hi itli "ides \\'('rc were then described and mane instances were lit Oil temple at Athens. Some splendid remains of our OWn ci 'tnit iv. liii hi-ti ti'ical ai(ii1itcy 'iiiiiiiit.'d 1111 by lilt- l'ridt.'nt , Fatlit'r given to show the deep religious feeling of the I imerie art !tlte'cture and the list spit Iin('nt. of tunic Fr. MUT1111v die- III tilt '-pct'tite- ..htVt t'viilt'ntt (if careful \IUrl)hlv. Will -11 hit divi-itiji Nit it taken peasantry. The wayside shrines and statuette's art ire' to hi' seen at Athens. tti!t I their miwit story. Catholicism is tie dominantnell I tog tiislit' I Ilte diff,nu'nt kuicis if pillars. t !tm'ir shape, j)rej ii at ii in wi till. Ilw i mat trititl warnit It it W.N fttiind that tli'rt' vittt'd - religion, but Liberalism has gal iii'! some footingit lug. in it.'' and ornament, end t'xt!.milmt'ti ,LIlt! tlt'iiimtn- ml ..m lilt \Vd- utiol I t tj uri'tiatt'd. "t'\t'l;1l It tj Flit' lliuttittn - -I. Fr. I

\\ t'li-kn vii I t\ve'r- 1\ ti if (ie't'('})tIitli 1,111 tlnii...tu'i of 1iihili \\'itrk., and M. I'. liii i i'- till hi l)ltk&',l imle'(ict'. Iii, N. Tipp rv. I . 4 )iiizh'v ii tnlitie'rvnce top Ii-i-.li itt tttt", lii, I: trtii 'tti't lii\ ,iiitl \I I. tIe liii and lipputrt iii the tyranIll tii l: t I lfli\. I). \illllt!t\ \\ 't'iIl wt Irt ii (tiit' elct Ft tvt'r if hill' wl lo tutu tI;1Lt'e dliii t rat lt'i and -e'e'nttei tt Ill vitit't'tl that raid. I i'tlaiiel tt luld hiitt'r' I)i't'tl %t-.t'l' In ..t tli(lillh till ) e it I alt to if. it-alt-r and ML \\,utt-tftrd (ity. .1 itt' ( )Ititm it it Ill. Iiov''t'r, Mithi ( 't I ii 4 . ( )'iiiiilinee.\' as t Ill 'ir tFcnh1ttli'A i.t' ad, r, M i. I.iiiicrik, Wilt iiattii'aIl' of alit ithiti' 111111(1. Till Ml'. i'ait l.initnik, I. iihl;iii.. Ii i\eilliii('litdl tlliiNt Wit ii \i.i'. \V. \Vi I Lltt. . I.,ittli. tt'i'it V anti i'i'iiiitide'd the' I httw.t' that Iklli\ 1 re'l;iiti I I I;it I i 11-1 III AVt I I h .1111 IN

iii r0_Ir'.311 I " I rV lilt IithIittI ttt it. tit it I The Civilization ot Ancient Ireland. R,-v I- Father Rector on his intimate knowledge .1 ( mull, I - .m t.trmer tAr- or l , t \tnngrm-t li.eve Ill, a iii' tity s and I ii sit in, of the Tyrolese people. let litre- ii \tt It-nt lrm-Lin,l NLITI ii i tilt hr. (aiiiil, - ttnItg'.t \%10-111 Ii ci - h tetl for several 'ears. tciitt no ii 'tilts! .1 Intt,l t-titittt..i,t..tit ret i'ptitin, reie'rnt'il to time lack of kill wit' lgr' in regard to our Greek Architecture. this evening, March jt!i, ancient history. This, he said, was due not only F.i tim - n \l urpi iv ie Ii vt-ri-ti an instructive lecture on to the destruction and toss of manuscripts, but also Tilt- 1 ;i.-,rit', 1 t;re'c'k Arc hued tire.' ' He t.'e'r\- to the assiduous care emplmivt'tl by our conquerors Ic-arty traced the growth of Grecian art through to keep Al knowledge etC our past from us. He went the centuries, pointing out, stage by stage, the on to tract' the coming of the (;acl- to Ireland. We i niprovements and dt've'ktpment s of each succeeding first meet the Gaels in central Ftinctpe, ruling a large age. Greek architecture was sttm ly bill gneduat!v empire. 'ro a splendid physique and warlike prowess they added time higher mental and in er1 lmli,t't t,\ de%'el0p(-d from very rude beginning'. Wi' ctimiltt IV. ( [.11; R 1tj;', \V ,I ­,It I , t1.


It 11.1 till right. ii s I ii ill iX with it roundI lu tie ill the front and I,., t it n.e. in lrtl,iiitl ilta Si I cit ste. list in the a Ii I ri Ill.- tti1t. it proves a terliptullg flestifil ;ael was brought to its lull ni.tttirutv. Fr, (:tiuIl place a hen hung till the trunk of it tree and partiallv here gave its it brief resn uri. of tilt- 1 Ire Iii in Laws. covered with kirk. i - pointing tilt to its their Salient l.a tu res. Hut it tn u u nit crc a T 'K was Christianity that put the erttsvn upon the Nstt tidy did it make its latter ii tlii.tihiteil with 'K ivilisatit in if au cant kin iii. Fr. Cahill drew a the featlteri'l species, bitt it hits slit wit us huiw vivid pit un if that acne that will for ever delight witntlerttil are the w,tvi if ktitl, \Vhrt has given the hearts Ili Irishmen, in mastuc I relan ii the lit jt to these little m're,it tires an i list I net ti live out their Our Past. of religion anil tilt- arts. I le spoke if the monastic lives in ii ulcrlluir'r St wiinrierftil an (I surprising to schools, the course tit ',t iii lies, the schoolroomstirt Ii tillS 111.111. crowded with students fr sn foreign lands. And hen like it flooded river. Irish culture spr;tm Is Elceution. I his afternoon(Mart It 20011, 1.1ev.

across Europe. Sani'titv and schtilarship went , Ii \I it 1 I S. I - . tilt, well-known preacher, forth to ci mutter the le.rli,iriaui Itt riles. The mm has li-Its i-cm-ri r I ttlre tn elocution to the .ptmsttmlics. tern- mliitttI .,%-, - r tlim tm if tit,- ('tiuutunent lt'ir I Jr t Ii i pit lit si ijtliers tjl sit at tent let I. Mitre In Jttuue nih ''I' li--u sn li - I-lest- rh tire svhu-ht tie'trm veil mhuiitmst all thu u Inirm it Itrrrlit - rty. IL silver 1 did mn-i I 551111' ii t' '\t,'tit I I he. uin lit t rrilptim )it . i- a iii I ti t I will ()it tit(- i nipt irt a nm-c of stick it Father Michael Maher 1­1 SiC he hahx,uirt'uI uiuire-iluuttunglv it tin' crc's thin of tIn' - flu- In- s 'tn-ri snbjei t ms m'ltmintiritt for the m'ci'lt'siastii ,tl ,n-.tu' -'I jr Ii'rnisil!r', lii illd I Inirm'ht ml The I uuiuuuttm'uuhate' ('u mitt-u lotion.in. svhtit,'h is in tIn- -I Tilt liv I stuiht-iit and mm'rtanul the l'tt'i- I .t-cttiri- T'. ri \rtnrri- TIT It I Father sti(lianadornment tm tIn' i'ut\'. 'l'Iinririghi his t'tutirts John O'Brien I '-5 2 s by very Itirtihule ttrgnnieuits, impessi'rh all - \ ,t , - I him Iii ti-n itt rt-trm't we're ert'm'ti'th the ('huru'h of ( )uir I.aili- if liii' Angels ill irS Ii,-. I 1Ili'' In mIlu wing mmml hi - - his atihient't' tin' urgent a:itl jmre1tte intl it not it eI if anti the I lctin'i (If the h.1um'surv. 'Itt him tilsum is Jr I - - - v -u - i' still Ii- Intiumil uiti'i'ssItV i if preparing in time for the ls'tmr in in' - hum - v--I - a - ''stile.- 51. Viii. n-nil - hi l'Iitu1 Il-il .1111 ri. i--ri it, I th' pulpit. It is by the \tir,l It (a I' I IIIIL-- IJ ------. - t.H. ------ - r- uI.tt the l'aitli is kept silive. It is tir.- r' r1est'; duty to deliver tilt, niessage ii • 1 unit tot the world. Suicu'ess depends In preacher, If hue can, ks his eli tq uenl t-r t if dictionmu anti gesture, nit tie I - . rtiilit'itce to keep the ('ttntnittiuuinientr. -rh arml mint' iii'. Ii, iii it ill, that nun

I' liii - iit•,i • : ' •- -.. '. _., --- :.- ._

(,uliill .ive ii, III.tII% nrt.- ri- .tnrC It III ci.inlli.'ctimn seithi I ri,li i uvrh'.a till lit different ertuntrum's of knnir1n. lit' en t lutleil a mist nistruit-tive lecture is e'xltiirung Its to the sttitiv (If mr nate. titngut. In it was treasured that spuu it if lofty iilealisnu .ini I hiir iii lal ft mmcii the grm liii k-' - t ii in -1 uuum-rhituis'.ul Fri

Birds. lliis evening h-h-s. Fr. kt.-nne'ils I I ri -- I -Itt. .li-iiveretl it vt'rv i-iiii-ntanuItt- II. \\l.. Ill' Rl.IN(; x\. lecture on Itirtls,'' Fr. Kennedy intinii;mtm' knttwli-rhge mtf the feathered I tilt iii-. .r or ulti' itt utter it t'mi:ltautls a, mill tIn' un;uutncr in whir Jr is stutticie'nt guarantee that his leitnre null jirri' it is delivered. A pool ­1 mm in well preached tgnu ttcent sermon balls' iS i tit it yei ;tuuil il eitsiiug to its all. The slides were it tier in its effects than a m- part it til. t rh good. \I an v (if them were photographs tre,ich nm I. 'liii' Rev. Lecturerliner gave it as his t ijtu lull a t If twill is' - ttt ki'ur liv Ur. Kenneily himself. an opinionin ft mr nun after aul experience five s-tars mission work -that the vutung sent mini In Ireland there are u1ttv,tntls of three hiunrlreil - ilutfi.rt.utt species ti births, \h.tutv of these are but mr jmrli-5t ought always I n the hcginning to a rite hi- l.1l-:\ - . \h i\I,\hhlI.1. littlt- kilt twn. anti nitt it fe-v if them are migrattmrv. si-run Ins ve'rltat im and cm in uliit them well to nt-nil mrs I hi' lIsa impressetl tiprt:t us the great necessity Tit wire sluunmvn some tine slides of the rarer species. made their th i'itlnigic;mh sttiilies t. ugc'then at the I-n. Kennt-mlv dwelt partictuhari'm' tin that peculiar iii ring titiri ng t mur Philosophicalmphiucal anm.I Theological hr i - interval the- I - ii tin mite pm upulat hi in hi us grown Propaganda,nda, Ku me', iv It crc' t lit-v we're ordainednet I in I 'it Iii ii. which inhabits Some in ursm- it certsLi n number of ser ntofls which will be Jr-tun it few- hundreds tim some seven thousandiii sm iuils, tribe known its the the same day in i ,Sm i - Apart' frmmuiu ten rears of islands. anti t'sjmi'ciailv the Saltee Islands tiff the' sari- to stanri us in gitmud steami at some future titn'. amongung is-lit in there is not one but owes and renders work at St - Augustine, Father Malte'n spin t td nit us These putti us dispense lii rgelv A few practical mitts m )it voice prm mrluctitmn and to him, uitmli-n ( ;l. it deep tie-hit of lieu-C and gnatituitI('. i .t of Wexford. the whole u u f his life' as a priest in ties-elm ujui lug the with lists, and lay their eggs on the hire Santis. sermi tli -b uiltling elm i-i utmi en! a very interesting and tItiv he still be spared for ntanv years to tmtld to Parish If fticksi ni-ilk'. ti mmiitg there- it it i risi s A very t' urit mus contrivance cttllt'ri the ' ' Nesting practical lecture. The cmmtunsels if stm eminent a his rshueave's (If corn - the golden htmns-t'st (if the mrtan when it had been dei-ast;t t mm I by v-pit It-ut irs .1 li1 I )\ it Ittix is mufum, t.0 etnpinve'ii for purp- t.ses of mtb.sc'rva - preacher as Fr. \I u rph v mmli such ;tit important l,,mmnul, tiun, Fr. Kennedy himself used it (,it many uccit- subject are not likely tit ht' forgotten by the future S()ns to nb-sc-rye some smaller birds. It is merely a missiu:Ianinss of thin Aprm.-ttolic Sche.il. T. D. S.


This year several of our Past have been or are niaLIltLiILiIlg the I ,i,Ii h.itt and never lost his B.A. class. Inc former is Captain of the Patrick Kelly silt,, 'at-. I' in -a miii' t i m e at Liston's to be ordained to the priesthood. We take this zest for debatiiiiz Father Dunphy, who will be Rugby team the latter is reading the iii., in- fit this, lt. I- a- .1 - i - Ii:, -'tiring medicine opportunity of tcnl'rittg t ,, - -aih tint all our remembered liv tii - h k t '- n Nhiiigrvt fr in 1907 iu rst' in Phi losi uphv. Ill J iuhfl. ii -.. i,, -,tudent' sincere cougratulati I tif lit ' I ar carnest to 'I I came It. Mar 'Iii uh titer At All Hallows' College on May itIi Joseph ~ + + prayers for the suc ii It :i ii It I. ri!'. from In'. it tin it I: lr • 1 iii. iii Am in' Cullen N% a, Ordained pitt-st f' in II hart - I -.ini Michael Malone Leo. - - i -1 . - :n 'pected fellow harvest. ( )it April Henry G. Shaw •. river! the 0 1fri. -. 1 iii' ip Edward Hartnett iii,,--., where his twiu lIritti' I. John iii Arthur 'a tint. I in. Lu''. t, ,-,k- lii-, B A . I "-'gree in Mental d I. I i ti, ti-., Wi 1 140", I: I niiii: a- ii itilliti In tI,• 1ht- Cullen his-,' been duuitig gull sit Ir I .r -'iii- i1 -- Ii' Iirl.'.tli at I trd \lr,l Simi-iiue at the Enval frirri Mungret if litiIii I I IN in ar tar, graph.'i-I Patrick Lynch i., i. h-111 it, -.ini l1at At the saint' huh- Thomas Hayes in! John ill I s,5 After getting his ruts lu-al u lii Ii flea - tell iril,iitici Patrick Carey I ii Daniel li ii I. i I i: nt I, Ii's-ia 1 it-s his O'Brien, ill,- tinnier I'r N: ii'-, h.. - ti. l,ittu-r utilIns mn I tublin, he was h- its(, stirgu n at the lIt I r Vit , lie, I -. iii John T i i - .ttl,-,leaconatr Patrick fir \\Ii-,-lirig I I A - n - -is- i till - -ii ...... O'Beirne Ii Mater Ii' uspital and then attached tu, IN nt rune ;,..t I .iI. I - .\ Thomas Maher Lynch I, , ni .l ctl ,.tIlI,tr, and, though ii •t Ili Iii, Daniel O'Sullivan, ii \\iktiiiti . .\Il-'tn.i ii, i- ui'. Mills. for \svlum fIn u 'yen a year. After that he settled in S. J. .i.i,l_.,_ ii ._.. , .t- .t iii I I -. il \ili iii during the Easter spurts, hi' tiiiillt,Iin- 'I tht n,- III 411%illity. At Carl- sr Paul Mulcahy, I.' 'nil in. It,- i, married, t-mmjuvs a good practice, ii .''. i-ri! by winning the mile rain Richard h 1.-I •ii--. :. • Is I a I -. William Lillis Ait'g,-Iu,s, and is Itt-ed ,itiii respected by all who know him. iii Thomas Dunphy I. I Deasy liii,,. wit ii grad iiatt'ii Iat vt-ar at ''r, I., hill-il uii - I' - u.. Ii - Ilk-ge, (irk, fir-.t hr nil It i . I.. l' ' 1 1 ._. ,iI1i iI I iiis '-t-.tts i, in ulmviiiitv In I ar I 1. - n liv liiv, an,' at ( lIllIfit, iilitlIgi: 111, 11 it III till •iiiiii.i ii-. viii it Ii hg' - % I/ Anthony Morrisey, Of Thiirli's. and ii.i. I ill lirLik, it Patrick O'Sullivan • a I esides ,tue I o 'iii ( ri-. ~ ,. T. w.'l I I see photo lierevi-ithi. Father Lillis idi I nil tIn' - lit',-, Jtl-.I iui is,-, I it-st. • ii tli i 'iii iiitl- H - t:,lnrnl.ri Ft '•.. ii ifuhlil 1c,U1,.\I., Charles Moriarty i- - --- Iiin'rick li' i - -. tn-i uutl her lit lay pupil'. Bart. Donovan :1 Thomas Mahon I in all - ii: tt. I ..... .11 uI lug t hr,uugli the ti-- Ti t I I it'...

111111 to t ,Lnlu w I •ulli'gi', it h-i a n:,i't. - .ii i essfui studies, and ill i , ,i ullixesi' Of 5i,uthwank John P. Cotter i-,.. I I t'titi'ri'uI the semlilllrs at It tautl \IliIIl -

ill St f I lii - - - I -. ii' i tin - I - ill -i' lit- -i in. -• ----- 1:, tit I Ill ~ ~ + Rev. James E. Coyle -is lu- i n I tin- iii -- --I ---11 1 -Ii ii- it ''.t l'.iiii-. I Ii,ir- ii: :liiligii.tilI. \l,t - si ii - - Father Eugene Sand. toiler hi us its one Of I - 1 1 - liti - -. Wc il,ivl - - -i uk it friend of Fr. (u', I,- tI i - ji ush tnt I- rank i - - I a present received this spring if slit,- ill_ il st't'l!Iillg'. if the S•ttitliern \\iiti'r I itik. I i.ilest sltatlti tnt',. of .ltth:insti. tin. l- rallkii -, ii is eighty years Of ttgi', lit-i-il in In, youth it'. irillinitu. wilt-re his grantllather was tIn- S- It-ar. a: I liii' 1,e'.t of teriils %% It 11 the (lien I'.i'.. Fat Ii' - I . i'r\. '' I hail many fnii'li(is if uutv vu lull - it ilolics ti- iti ins t loved an,! ',t-Iti , 1,15-eli iiii'. Vi liii 'a It, 'au , pai. tm -.ltig i. -, - '11,1 I not give f, -r title l,tutk at (r.itlne anti Kcr-jui-n Christopher l3arragry, S H 1 ii I --Ii I- 11 -au .- I j . u-. lu 'a settled Ill - al KnhlukIu'rlltl, ahill the verdant jhans and h, -IN. - t .\\ I - ir - . - t IS ii - - - 'ii' thin,'. ius of I 11,1 Erin liv lit,' sea.' lie trusts tI'-.i- ii , a I I .1 uvt'll F. Walsh i. .11 will t!uuurishi at ii!uulgrt-t. ' ui WIiul'.i.' - . • 'nil evi'rv Irishman must ft-ti pr till!. T"'--t "t Ii 1,-n- n that it tin,.tht-r ( if Vin— iii + iii u u ti. . t Li -t t uRn as the insult of in Timothy Litton I,., - - I. I ut l\ I llillt,i

lit sin .1 sIng h,,rse. ti-li .1 t a' I': I '-aI - - : - Patrick Liston t-. William Harnett • 'I I i'm' nh-lu!, I,imt'rii-k, \% I,, . 111'l\. ge ii 'ii a C. McCarthy I -.. . Ii, il-i - liii ----I hi-. I is Igv at St. .Itihn's ('utlegi-, a l!.iIsliitiitl \',1 - - ii. - t. I., ii \'utrk last year. Tons O'Brien. 'ii Ituitu II .1-. I l::i' - il I ------I - -liif-i • - at '4 o. lii's for that lii se'., - ! s - h - i liii s -.11rgc in, Ii,.'.' William A. Lenaghan. 'iii, is still Ili Sensiii,iu Ili I llII , illi list I )i'u-emls-r.

. Is, wi are gl.til I,, hut' I- ' -' li - - I a ui. I I _,- lll'.11- n lii: 5 Willie ru il_I-. ill ii,, return 'If mal.tt I Guerin -- a: I ut - lit'. l,ru,tltu-n Joseph Guerin I -it I. 'ni- \\i- hr -u II tl'uiti(ulI I a - - i Il__itt ti - hit hkt-,ilt- lun,ttti tr t I int- ui ii in tii I II liii-. iiiiiiili' -i - Edward O'Sullivan I'. '.l;ttiu.in'h Ili linwiit k, nil ~ + ~ 1­1- p it, a' k-I lit his '.Iuaru' lut.ttrs. Patrick Walsh - s. - It -i s',Iiil.- Ill thi' l.imenii k inIlntu,Irv Joseph Raftery is In. i-i leg sirs st-lI .. 'alt p liii ith-. I,uut 'a' - ut- gil' I I. Iletir tb-il lie ------a lu I 5,1. 1,11111, -ul list yi'tit it silk at ti'- II it:, , 11 i--It' r tur.ui, li Edward Hayes, -I .\tii,-,i, is . Nati,iii.iI St Ii - Ii ltll.l-.l' (II- I,'h-\.tI.,\l_ltl-1 :T i I . lint. T i . Maurice Walsh. i I,lxltaw, Ki'nrv, ii-. stuuls- t: P. Considine a' '.t.t lii:. - I if I i: Val. Egan, T?-. .'.-f' In. Sadlier. (1.5. Il. Fr. I)'i'iiIurII,LIi (Mungret) Fr. Dontvurth ; Jr. !tri"-.nahan (Miingret) it ti. - I it::ng I ii gr-. I )runn I ,iiulra and eXpuu I l',iitrv. svli. I, ill tb- \.IIi.I 1 hUlk at M,tllntt-. Fr. .\mant. (S V. Fr. Nachtrak. -a-it'i.. I tIn-. '.ummer. He has imiad'- - it It' tb: Iii- Ins tit,-r Vincent Egan hi,t, us-n li_Ill I, - - I - Third .'t-p.---Fr. 0 ki ' t ' tie, F: I .irrv. i- n. Il' itt-inn. V.G. (\lungret) Fr. Malicr Mungreti ; Fr. Kenny. lililu 1. A1.1-1111, -1 t- - till - I ii,tur-r.utl,- l'nttnclt : s' they will i.J. (i.Iungret 1-n. Nltntii, (Mungret) Fr. Bijttiilaccio. Fr. Schaeli'r, O.S.B. Frank McGrath i-. at McMahuii .uiid Day's, the I' hull I -nt i t,tmr am' stilt ''I each •ttimer at times. Second Step.—Fr. Boyle. Fr. Barry (Mungret) Fr. Henncssv, Fr. McNally. S.J. (Mungret). eht'iiusts, Lililt - i a George O'Connor has Lict'ti tiaiiaferred to Inuslee


l '','', ''i.t.t is, Ii' Il o 1 Ii',,., sili', 5,l's I...... It'l . . Fred Hail ni' ii. k,ii'1 Tom O'Brien I 'hr tluu-.s -rv, ss.' uiu,I ii,, t ku' si stlus, si. tilsi he on '..iiii, ' \i',il'. .lLli I',i s I ,IIt,r,ttiiI,Lti'iti'. ,\i'iii J. Cussen i.' ' t- in ilui - ii in Jack O'Brien, ssliett INC giut ''lit but t,'rttin,iiclv fir us it Tom Cronin 'if \'Stt,-r'I.,rii, svi,,, is eng,uLt'st ti • Mis', 1,1 riwi'h k , ss Ii' • is • I u ''is .1 ' ''uuui iii -'--iii si 'II t W.Ls our side, and we' fm suit. I t hat 11inp s'ts itui I been I hilLs- I-I, ii'.' latin uf line if sir i,I -,t itiiiil'. ,S.b,s'.utn,u ssutbu Iii------ii' il: situ-is ta ken is it Isu our at I, Si e reeentl VI tit I a sshen- 1- ;i I 4,1 iii I,j,'.in'''.'- iii In -. I tills the iniiiirig C), tsil,i'i- , John D'Arc,y u- ui tlus ,u,ini ,,iu'I hi, siaele I had been ,irslere-Ii to take some fifty pack it C tin guu.I w,sln•-j ii-,., ii. Dr. Edward King a thIs-n brsiihis'i', James D'Arcy i- pt.: I l-iiva -i- horse's with ammunition t' the firing line We ii the us'ua'.i.'ls of his ui.irri.ssi'' is thu \li-- I', s,slis itiir Ili 'i'ipp'tut ', Dr. Matt. Graham I-i \ Ni i got t litre' all right, but whit-si codown mr ning t it(.back we found \I iirl.hv if I ),il,Itn and I ).slkev, a fter it i uti Ii' i 'I \ , ,it , it tit,' tl Ill I': I 1 u Ill- that the cisc-ills' httu I Idi sits bess ige i tier tinier stir syiiij'uI us i tl respectful fliiiV in In.!u,u Ili'. 1st' 'thus-i Edward Graham u. the Steenbe'ke river, We gut the lii,rsesac ross J.isuu-'s Fuiiir'ariu', S.J . ini the sis-itli If lit-. t.stlnr, as we'll as ss-e ,'m)uisl, all but the last pair, one of \lr. I' l'jnu,'ane. itf (irrigpai'siuit, (.'.. iarneris,'k, win itit broke it is .s - , I galloped after the brea kis isa y, '.5 ti,, year, + + + liii Ii t.,..k 1,Lui'e at iii,' beginning if him and ',s','nit r,mtin,l another way by it \1i. with Cliath-s (ti'a'y on the itt-.ith of its father, Frank Healy, ''I \hilliuiisiu \h.ilh.iv, who joined Village, I_ansiruts re Ii Here it shall hit my hi, ,rse ' thus' ', If s itb Ri,'liaril I. iffati ,,ii the death 'if his father, flit .mitiis I li sari's' mh the is-tsr and is it just behind the saddle and striking the grm iunil if I '.s-,Iii-1 .\ini'ng ''sir present pupils sit us'auii Ili this' C arrlson .-\rtillerv, has had sime I )r, laihfati exploded, blowing the horse to pick es. 1 was 'itt, R. Aliv iii , .j Ow .1 Iii, tii''tlis'i. ATIII thrilling ,'xliI'rli'tices at the front, lie was wounded 1,hi,ss ii about thirty yards away with the horse's - ii three separate occasions. During the taking ii itli janivs S''\ I ii till l's ii- ;,%\.I I i.'t-'':', beast auisl shoulders, and lay there for about three 'ii iIli. ,I. 1, :, ut Ihiepvusl he and three others were in it captured .s'rnian dug-out when the doorway was blown in hours till picked up by some infantry men. I never host sun. ()nc splinter by a shell, anti they were buried under the ,Iei,rss, consciousness tilloperated pursed the lung, and ultittuately thirty-one were Father William Stephen,on, S.J., We had not it candle or even it ma tc Ii hLiving ''lit if till' iii ,tuti,l ,Itssu.,'u'tll,'r have :!I 1,1.t ,iIItitIuili in.! isli.. nuitlier shovel nor po'k, there was tiustlong fir it t,iku'n I ha,l N% Al itt taut' hi,,t'.u--. -lit uiu'I', u: ni:.I I.'. it ss.,nnult-ut ,s'. ,s sn',i' tin. lust to scrape away scithi our Is.us,l'., t,m',suit,I. -1 Wi intl ili is's'. iutiu'n'u'nt tituim-'- 11, tss'' \s ,it- ,-ui'I .i '1ui,iuti'l'.'' I ''n' II.- I i I s In tIn' N taint glimmer of light, whic h we di, I till the Iii.....I I kin k. Joseph Stephenson \l (sill i s'i. u. who was iearls- came tltri nigh our fingers. \V irking t lilt- ,iiI,Iu:tu, 11 pp, iittte(l + 'F ~ -ni, Tit" ti, ii.: I lii., h_'eit ill relays we ntus,ie it passage tint in t he is' I , stilt. ii4i't Ii.- 1 ira ii. ii 'this 5' lately sja'ite.l at shove in lw, days and a night. I re-ails- thi.iia!ii 555' it , all' I is' L. ui 11, i t Sergeant Healy bus "''''ii ''I u ''su "I 1 s -iul "lii'sI' I isgu-iial-.t. intl Paul Stephenson ss.ss. tier.- Irsuni iS) ussir end had i'i'rne- -we prayed as we never ills1 I Is ke-, I tip m' mnsiil,'r,il l iii s-ui ia Iii - - I 'us u I 'u 1111' 4 SI silh_i.i'4)\5'N im.l4h', i>tIILIN, iSsi, tini tin' Ii.''.t ,ithil,'t,' ii Ins time, He to Will bet, re- ttiirtg, like this make one think of the Hospital, Limerick. His l,r,tliui , William Healy, ILls seCtS iti,ti','u' ,,'IVIi a ill t.n.t ,\frts .1 T. 'sI,,lier, i- ky. 'SI. Saul 'it her wi WI' I ill f'tI ritest , While we were buriedI the whim was also at Mungret, is in ilu'' H uuuk it Into',- j Iii a,,.. is 'tint Is'! ,i lit,I1,'t hit s'iiii, Il-I l,.iillv )it ttie raged ,,'s-,'rheaul : we ,'i,iii,I iie;ur ihi.,ti,ii'tIv tvmon . .\n,Itliu'r brother, kIss : 'I '.shu.i ss,i, in " ' k.-'. ii. Jnlint.iii S.J f a , unit u' hi.' 111111t. Is is' \t r.1 ti-it lie i- in -, slit. ii- ,uuu,t usu,ut I'. Ms(,,rliiev, s.j. l'iev. lu,' iit,i- itt.! tr.stti' .Ill thus' h'uilsliti I-,i--ibuu'n-, iso r'-js':t. 'I ''1u -n b u\:uu'a J it ( .ijit'tisst It. Another brother I isiit_ iii I Bernard 'k' I - i

iii 's Ins's , is litre lic has ii g' Verniltint .l'I' 'liii George O'Brien 'r rnerlv 'it Pain k-sill Lim, ii tiIll. II.' ri rte-mplates taking sip i,issiiis'-., sin ii l,lliw, C,I. \\ '' -it i -I 'ni Joubert is II' is ini-.Iiman whims lie kill-%%- at Iii .me'. lit :1' I i-. ': McDonnell tsar. at 'V Tom Muicir, Itcl,licil", it is Iminitnia 'III .1 in'ss' eihnt lull I' I I s- i'i t in Nlilv. I i ii 'iii C t I mill kn,,ss'n r IsP-I Iii.' i'linlih u.t -- n.ni .i I I WiliPirn Murphy isItim Ii 'ii • 't _l - in iii. ',,i I il k James Maloney i- a 'j.i' it , 'I I' a tiesijist it ni David Coll I, ss.ik,iti .iIll- L it It I Dan Hayes. 'i:i. a,i' \,'u T i C., t ii i I it 'iii, ! thu.'' I -ui: -.,.'- li-ui's b I 'iii Ii Ili iii.' l/ ,,i,sI All ' ''I;'- Dick Fitzgerald uI".. lii'.

John Frost I Ili I i-i i' - - i a k Edward SI 5 'IIuitIi"i 'ii uI thu.' it ito

Twomey iIli i. iiitirt il liii, lillit. -:11 11 sr p_ ills! lu,s'. ii its Edistin Johnson ii 11111,' ',t'iliiant A. E. Hickey i- nu I a k.iIuI - i,' l'imothv Madigan

Ii in,' it '- ,il,i,,''I'I' ii Jack O'Connor si's ini-\' Ill, - t:.l i.'- in ii il Gerald Macauley i- ii t iiiils John Donegan 'i John Liston i- t..t liii' it I,. ,.j it I ll, I .1 'iii iii. Ii John MacNamara ii,! Lewis MacNamara Ili si 1-111 1Ill 4 'r t .1 1111 Patrick Morrissey 'I John OConnor ii'-. IliC 11.1:15 uI.' ,'t 'i-ia- -- Patrick Normile

Ill \tlu',i. ' I nti.'ti' k Aubrey B. Hayes li tn,' i- Ii.' 11.1- 11--T is 'II ', . 1% is ,/iIliiii Greene, if i-k,Iliii.i--l..i- is- a bi,_- t in ssiilu il-i 'ii' \ttiI'iii' William Galvin i- - - i -' it ii' Ii i,u''is' Is

+ ~ ~ 111011 11111 l'.i-'.'I 5it . \;iil .',N Ii ('I.tI-:'-.i(I-;NT S'l't'lll':Ni'S -r Louis Baker, '' I :1. 't''i '.In'I\jii it ti'. M.5'S'N( 11,1111 ('(H.I .iH( ;k, .iluii, isi'ait -'u ' .111 , inl'ii' lit .5:, 1111 1,01 ii'. I I' I - Ii 'ii I II'.'I C. Mi 'nl,urts' Irs-scent ) - hsH'v, T. Million, ki'sa P. Ls—rich , We ussr th- o Edmund O'Neill. ''t ki,ss,,Is. is ks's'. FL I )ea's',

iii,iiui . -. " I rurt Rs,ue'.—.I(ev. L. Hartnett, l(es-, . l('re-scctlti, Rev, T. engageil ti Ii.' '1 ' \h- C i-s , ss-h., is, we k. J 11,1111 N J K,'tiun'si's' Dunphy, Rev. I'. Vaughan. Rev, W. Lillis.

'FilE !t'NRl I .\NNt.\1,. MARY.

i)i''ii i ll .1 1 [I'll Ill'o iv,', in. bill iii Man It Father Thomas Butler, C.S.S.R., 1.,id .1 till 111% '1, that iii' i. .1 '.1.11 lIt' is. s.t,tti. 'ii. 'I it \i, 'tint "t \lpI,. '((si - Ti .1 , -, ', I. .1 III':ii, in the oil a k. at i.'t'i' ii—alit T 'ii ittitti 'I \liittgr't, tit It, Father Patrick Leo, is hit it ir We take titi- + + + tttprtIlnhtv of i''Tigratulating the little Father-, ,,it the suit ess Father James Murphy, C.F.. Christchurch. of the L'r;ind Soitalitv of the huh' family, the tiftic'tii ,ii,iiivt'rsarv of the founelati 'ii .i iiit.i '. 'ii - t o / '--' 1 I was' hitine of which is to he elehratetl in June. is - in ii'' lets. l it eti, l i,i l d.tin Itir sonic time, first in thu 1 0 letter of to 5 approbation from the P, -pe their Fitht' i- tiLt 11111' iii I''''''tilt on a troopship trim ,ene'ra i we notice that lbs lit ,Ii itt's, in re finn iii i11 t t'''' i ,tt lit lics out of 1,000 men, lit - IA to the' Irish uses the phrase : '' \Vit , ae TO',.' - I I '''a'' ' Iitt' front after a stay in England. splendid praise is to have retic tnt Ili,- '( .Ilh Ii I­I II .ini is fresh as ever. I' aith with the utmost ctinstanrv Louis Coyleers i'll us a living visit diirhig a Owen O'Neill, Whot was here last year, is in C l. R , in rn the Belgian froni lie has. I Nttvi,','shi1i at l)untlaik, where lit lip 1. hi I F. 's.s. work, acting as ' bruncrirdiev, ,4, I, -iii net's to clii a certain am iUflt of stit. iv ttnttfc'ssett next St'lttt'rniter. and after that to pitt It F-i.''r s.t'vt'r.tI t 'i iii jt.Nt Mungret students wit,. TItt',tTiwitilt', titil t'Xjie('ted to go up for an examiil.I - a till it I i,ts'rt' icith some tither seminarists. in ii,,t I r','Iii, its. house. Michael McCarthy, ''1 Tipperary, writes that he Eddie Gill, 'I Nt'ttagh, svittt diii a t'tilirst' 'I i. H Ij.i u 4 I. iii -r t , , manage their two4 places 'it a' 'i.I' -nr!'n .u'i it the shortage of farm- Li lii.- 3.ttlilng up of men einruiig I'll Wa,. William Ryan, Central iit,tel. ('ashel. quit , u'-'. •'' I it • ut It,'' severe dine',, he h,i •"—•:'•— _____ "I ye.,' ii. Ili, iii' ri' gIni toe lii' ir this - 'tint I l it, large laniiiv of six i'hiltlrt'ii. it' • iii it (TN that J oseph C otoninnolly liv is nu nil ut'rett anti ti • I ,'oltl married men tot I i.i,,.'t I iti it spit-rita 1 1 eitgl Titer itt lo - I ------j ii'' i-I i tt

+ + ~

Httlll Nt .i,11lil 1,\ I'. )it i - i I '- . J. l>ivl.rx, f'. ()'IHNNFII. and F. lI.xixi-.'ti. I...... ,' ...... 'i.itiiI,ttitt Austin Clarke ''ii ittittig 'ti I 'I'''tii'' I I.t.t i't..t , ttt,tiis.ii it I iii',i-it t '.iitii, liitit!itt 21h,— rt'ttlrii. t .til Ni 4111. \\'e hil,tke it grand tour if John Burke, T. M. Loftus, iii Michael Sheehan .lHa-ttit1h'.. \\ 'Flit' i.t.t llmiLi -1 it't..rt't tli' tlt'l)it!'ttIt'l' t if Fr. ( )' 11%', ]h - lic in's.1u-e'tic iii liii-. tIle irning, It 'tvitttld "tent Joseph Walsh itt let loose lIds beu'll tii(ittiiltte'(i Miiii"te'i' at l'titilf;ll'11- O N O .111 Irtlis' ltrlJ1tt('rr had mcii li.tii. Fr. "ttt'jtiit'it"t ill t.tki'' Iii, 1ti,tt litre (luLling 'tIll' ahsl'fli't'. Even the' ('Ilapel itf I ITiuiIi,itl..(i in the satit,ii,il I iii 'i -it v M. -.iih-\ie sl'i'it I tr. l'.e-t Fiat lit 'i ifl-.. itis lit it ('s('tj)('(l the uni'u'r's.tti assault Danaher ii.. t took the \i. A. Degree itti ltis.i . I..- t ilt. 1tallit bitt-li, hlt(lt'('(I it lO4(ki it , if tilcil' ''ii' to-, li-ti vuar. At the same time' J. W. had l)t't'lI it Z'1)I) raid, fill' till' ti tilt' Morrin ' -I "ii nil-n I t'' hi the it 5 . with I t'.it'ilr,, iii i 'ii ill liii' 'liitja-i is , it I ' I- 'i the I - I ..I'.att, I liii' 5' 'Ii. it' 'r'' ,\C'. is.tItIil('tl glass viittiows John McCarthy '' 'I titt Ii. A li-i it in, 4- _ i• kill, \itll' tIit.t , \ittsle tilt'' Ii -a i)altiahl\' brl pail us it \'I'-tit to-day, ill, hiding Ii'. N,-vin, list itt tIlt - t'' (Iii ( ;('Ilt a, aitti Fr. Muirjthv, + ~ ~ i5 ( .1", ill i1t'-a tl)(ttiIli)ia.

R. D. F. Johnson '.1, :- .51h.- ,"t set (if '-tilt tV,'e 'r-hiit lIt', it' te tt'l';tt illi4 lllt(le'r tile' 111( 1St lll( (hIlt aiitl B. A. Lee, iii-' 'i- -i rh' ott - n- - 1)e'I1 I''ct' titl' ii,itt' Dermot Gleeson, B.A., i. ,p)r14''(I print'iplt't'," have' i,t'ii I . Ii, It' 'r m-1 i , i'. i-it ii', I- -r I \kt=- "('t ui ), thiatt' J. P. fricCurtin 1'.is.-t'''i ii I I ' t'//. t1l,. - ('onsecrat Ic n of Studies. ii l'.'litit.iI '-' - ii,' ii, ti,t- 's,,ii.'ii,il. Michael i:i. til'ItIi •i (1.11.11, ( 'ri'kt't aft( 1' illltt'h, Dwyer, Stilt, it. .i i1 pro tis.ing at .rki''a . -itt.' ., /' I itergin kit that town for Australia 4 twitig lIt iii, l.t\' , ititl-.t (,(till( .'ep1 12//i •\.ii'e'..ti]t of tiut' e'ir''I Ii tfls lE\'. ,'tjt'I

i't'tIiI'il ur,.tin lit " tilt tilil -.Iittt, ,\, ui'-'ii;il lit list', I'. I'lt/,1'Ittl'l('k "e'e'l'e1Itl'\' and T.

4'lIt1hi.t's ale lull I liFt Ills, tIR'r(' l)t'iiur,i .1 lai'u_it - I letg,in Ci miiiii ttit. Illafl A ii.ilf-ilav was influx Iii ltt'\s t't tlhlk'l's jut ) ill, .utttl I V. Lraiitu.'d ft e'i,'ir-hl';Ltl' tilt' I )4't'L's.I4 ill, dliii as (.lUl)u, tile 'ts't'at her Wils lint' We ila(1 cricket.

3s Fill: t ;tit .\\NI .\i T)I.\h'V. 39

Sept. 16/11. \\iIk , aftir litnili \vit ii tilt A. I:I.i i ,i Pat Ii warm vin. At I2. tIn Iii ill-', to un \vtlIt .\. 7/li. Rn \( n hr ii! I I I'll It its up- in'vitahlt rtsult that ap ut. M-C at it (li- and •liiliii I lI',iiiit \i.ito.tl fill Ir .\lliLL forth t o ito battic with it '.trt ing past- t'ltr.uuni thu.. uvomullIg in uutum Rifo't'tiurv. count when :iil wc rttiirn. \V bid faru ill to ) at ii Crciccrit t eam bri ilgilt I iut by Fr. I )i hit in- 'h. ( 't'n' ir has 511M trc'.-'t d tilt , ci imnio'nt 5 '1Illl1lu: unit to-night. "t'/V. 2(1h. Fiat of St. \Iiuiiiil. ., NtlIv. ST. It \\its tilt' b(-'t match wv 11a \ I. 11111 \vt'rt' uiado' tin t lit' .tl't ii it'. lit jiikt' ,ibi ut tilt- g&'.'.t' is alum)-.t a-. had '.ini' thu lvil,I)II ' Pt'11'l, and Vt' Will .Vu,. m//u. Foa.t I if St. Stani-i;iui'. :ifliit'nt a, f it,, i4i't.t' tl1(l11'.tl\t. wc ri'frillll j)iiilit', to lilt. Niit'.ka, -.,J. I lit] f-illuv and I.t',iguit' hr uuii inflicting it oh ltiig-.iulhriiig 1)111)111. Oil. ;ol/i. I tn omit it I,\- if St. _\hj>hii mat illt'.,ftur ta Niv, l:r Roitur iii'- 'utiaIitv olocti ilk, Wi.!, huhl this t'vt'ning. Ni itlriguci.. I Luhf-thav. iuvt'ni'd it uui,i'.t iuittrc'.tmmlg ltttilrt' till thi Ht. 211/.- Fta.it if tIn liiiIv .\nol'.. I hill w Eon. lii, iu..- l'vriil. Hit' it'otuiro' waiiitu-'tra(t'tl by a Half I. 1 lilt) St'iuind '\V. htiit II. I( ni'. and Ex i'.. 1)11 tart uicnts wi-rc kipt thu '.tltt ion f shidis. luiu >.\' afti'r i. lit t1' tiitito'.tt'tl mliii hi hiii..iiv til igod '.clLFthiilig fir ii ilItrIulLin(l .Vu1'. i.//i. ()lit limit against a t.'alll i//t. The Si.',ttuitl Ilulr.(lav I ltv- .iuluurtg tilt, iiiii tlliill,i tutis and hampers. Hr, mi h1t1ttrarv. iIluhiluu'I 'uIc('irthi', vhn I ly hit, 1)o't'fl tran.fcrri.'.j to tlii. Vacation. .\'iii'. ii.!. I"t'a-,t I If .i.11 Saint-. I ugh \V,l, hun.' la.t vu-an, captained thio \'iitors' May we sllggo't a better plan I_it ii, Mass va.. '.ung by Fr. I glihaui. 'I'lic I liii .\ V. \liingrit 0 4 tIl _!.5 1t1 tI lit -. ti 'ur free i.iav al ii-.iial, htfl(I tutu i\- ('11111 travtllttl lit No Ill .1 thu , liii i!'lilllg I .\'i;. 2;1/. Fu'i,i, illt' for tilt- ('I.ivauiula tuutil tilt , \'. It sccills tilt I iiiiuuii'. thiiin. jii.iv llgaili'.t that ii ihhi'i.i'. N (-'na ',i't in' I I ur'.iuug. \\'' had .1 liii i-i t'llji ivlthit' dliv, ) 1. I 4/li. lii ilr.t lilt ni_it ii ,f uii I o ur tinii , ill tho first tifto'o'n miiini it .uunl ill gut hu.t'k '.lOfii\' thtitighi siulllt' - i'.l iii, tg;lin.t tilt Ca t illd ic hit it liii. Ill, it thu hI Thuigmt linit :u-'nt'l '' H. 1 i I III, I'll! I V. (bibs tuui k throw I \ II i;kl RI \\\ \\ ii'. plaYrd to-day. Thr ri.iuit wa. it ulr,iw. rctt riulli f ur lullI)ru\tllui'lli in liii li•v iif ciiur tt'auii. Sept. i": I Iii I-ilav in lion iir if Nuv. oil. I 1J1. .\ It iittrt't ilig lit Iii I Fl C. Slicclialk, il.I .. (I., vliui viititl ii, it I. o\. Fr. Pit - lc iI,tittii'., kw dav. ag, . ()iii ari lillid I' t rat b gin. III Ituhli-Il. (Intit. Wa&, ritil in thc .\ju'_ tii-iiiglit, ioiiihintrd l)\ l'u\. I li il1la t I II it'.' ri.'ft'utiurv thu.. ( - Vt - lung. It uuutitattul \Iuliiii, -'.J. 1 hi oti ((1(1 uu',t iii if iu.ui.'li 'lL1uaIlh liii ull1i 11111 fur till fut ii ktiiing tliiiii thu last fi' III! Illit .. if llii'.-'ii imlir-. ti I '111 111 1. ritruatiu 'U ILl -1111 iii •t 1\ tid nit Oct. i/1i. Ft. ( )l.uiuv S.J. 1-' at ill/i. _\ Ill 111.11' -i1i)i' ilILII Iurt'-.t'llt hi u\,illliunllg tilt -.uimuuilui',iuii (i.i \\vinrt . Ill. liii I I V. lidi', Iii II. ha'. bt't'n -tat ii iiitui ill iXihl I i( I (ill Wid ti, ill t I ic lilt ui.ii hitt \Vt, ii thit' liut Ili t-'. \ (viii lnl..- a fiw zthi its nil hi' iliit il 'ill lull hrgi ling tilt. full 11!44Jill- uif thu It ii;lt

2( 11/1 . J h .\1iit I olic, hail it iiiiii and ill! haul gut to work, scoring tvicr tir four hotimu'. ti i1it'rfi 11111 thio'rcturn ji itlrnnv. P11 Ii r\ II ill ii -iI_i. 1:i. Sttjilit,iiini(Jill hi-f ni thu tin I. \\ wcrt t'nttrtaunt'd most i)Ct'. 211/. i hit first match for tIlt' hi ill iili l,t ti iiiaki thii' (ut illL a it a Nv All r dic match. returned ('anni,i'k ( ill) ri''.imltt'd in it victory for .iuiI \i, hail a mi Ilt inhi ial iii liv. ill and ' \\hi \Vuthl iuilr liv'-. outing. Milngr't ..\ uiiimuhr ouf ao'i'iiphani's won' I't liat t nil., a nd &Vt'rV- hhta'.0tt liii ''i'nii ir .\pi ti hi \% t lit for it Ii utIg oft' , t(ulIL11t' i li)i itt! ii.iain. \\ \N (.1- c liii ilk lautI'. au.'r,ilui tilu-g;irilt'n. Inn if St. I:m.aIlij', \ltvio'r, d(vplv inhl)ri.-i(l h\ tlii htittiri-.. l,iuit thuiir vav nil thu apiht'. also. Iii I higli tl '..,'. ung by h"i. Milrphlv. Fl. walk'. aftt'i 1)l,ikI,I-.t . lilt Jillili ir .\jui u-- ins hi;iol it hill-i. but ahxind i:1,I I t ,'.tuiiil all jliult'gvri' ti iii vaIkt'd (-( I thy avi too ('a'.t It Fri iv; ILiliti' .l iuhtuint u 1 1 l 1II\ lit hiiro''. vho'n tilt' trill! b il thu it tilt- saint ' ' 'l'lit' \I t uui'r,i! \\' trkt'rs tilt 'uiii irS. itt iiriittl \Vtarv and fii it iurt' 'ugh al l , .II

40 'FILE 1l1- \t;k'E1 .\N\L\T DIARY. -4'

interesting lu't'turt' lit till' iia iii fill till' if tlit' k " iiiid till- ji!ivlii Ilk iiui fn till lu/i. 2211/. liii I)htuk lout] If Feb. qi/i. flit' fir-t liinIi ll lilt -iiiati'hi aims and nit'al' if Ow ini.i'n. Fr. tilt- cli iriiiit 'r incl' iv, tint ii t hilt' ,it lit liii- thin and ii' uini'-i'kni'-.-. !)r '''ii-. , inn t lii' 'if lit,' t'as',n I'rm''.i'nt,tiuIli tuiimgi'. ('irk. I I&li1ii'gtl,tll'plkc Of much , ;iin '4 in- tr(I( )tir Va'. , ,t I l)\' tin' tIiili tiil t;lit. 'll,'\'ive pack. tilt- i iii! ii-. u.n .tru' \Vi'ather u I[[( lit in'- went' deuluh,(ii'i Lill- and tfftit Dec. ii/h. liii t'xtni-.. ii 'iiiliid, and uu_ili-luluuu-. that 'i inn' familiar ' b1, ,t i- fa'( iur,thtli. hut frt 'in Liii' .ttart the Ut uti.tt' Dec. Iii.. A n 'till, Ii! e' '1111111 ttii ' in- 'tir trunks. At S ii'clfwk tilt nh--hg. That great lita-ti i- ti'ain .t''-u it ii! It.. -.upi'rii nit'. and \\( Ill

In ni'S n 111;11 we gut hum' in tIn ..t it Ii I intial rip 'rt and distributuin if priz jut't1'. '' The itiuiiiujiii iii Hug h I it.liV ..A ll hhi-.j)lt'i iii'.. hi'ginnihii4 'k plati'. .\fr \V I t tic a! sling, and i ir- iva-. di...tppt'ared. Iii,' 1i'j)i irt 1-. tlhlit'llt I'/) 12/I1. I ItIf-d;tv fir (tiiuiv;ti, Dec. /Iz. lta'.t off tin' Iinni.tiul.tti' I I(''.tliti mi 'Ii iI liii ii ('11)) c',iiii lit 101 tilt that it \va-. lii tight at a fabuuli iii-. iritu' fur St)iin ii 'ni Y, 1111.g Ill qwfilln Siff lit tilt - (lntt'hitinn. Eight"i'iu iliw lii,'llll)i'r W'r priic('t'(ling-.. 111,1 thin tin trw ii '"('(I the ;1tii.tu h -. i ,'k'it, try. it.C&'iVL'(i ill!'' liii' "i uiLt!jt\' i.\. 'ii till, with tilt, '.( '!inli Pc I)eum. /1/i. 2/h. ii Iir!ilui, t;il ti! tliu, ivilillig rc"l liii iii-. \\ 'i' lu'fliIli fit iii .111I utiiii, nuiriling ..\ft' r lunib \Vt' 1)hiiV,'d l' eRa /)ci. 21411. I hr hli'tkiIIL UI, if tilt- tiuuid mmmiii tilt hiil-.ia-.tii Ru Vu hUt tllii ('uiik'ge. 'dr. O'Sullivan, till- w,il- kni 'vn happy fatuity. W Ii av' for iii tin tii'i liii- to be glind iu,;iti'ni;tl for ii I 1-m,r hu.,m thi- Feb. i 7/H. I Ini'!in 1.' -r Al. I Ii' mu 't ( full-back, \Vd, iftitu'. Aiii Paiitc'd i\ -li' 1W Lli'! rain. Rut tb year. Paul M mii,,,hiy lii I I 'it riuk \l ii' 'ii,''.' iiut i'rt-.t i 1h" ii it' hi 'ira-. thatat 1t %\ . Ii till , ti,'id \Vd i'lv iui'l\V, with till , ri',iilt that ,'l,'iiit'nt'. taun, it tI,tIilp otir 1tillt-., jul11 iaiI ii'- it 'ii'.it thu.. ''vt'lnhl2. I., 'iii.t Phil i'.m iphumi-. ,,hiu! till- Iii uui-.t', Lii' Pumi- it ( iftili hiuitiitt' IIlI})ii'.'ibL, ti kill tw \\Itli iiiinv it parting ,iu't'r aiiil 1-011il)g FIuIgi;tn -.1 lluhilit 'viii I 'ira'. jt;tli'ti,'. vI nt liii \ 'ii win' tackling an iypniria wi 1)u't'(1 iwav linnI'. -.t nulvin'' iii re fuii it Iiu it liii,1. IIi i,i'. I., - IittuiI'i lu-I tu iril'i ii -un iii'! lii 'ir \i 'Ill ( )'% II I11tti. liii' n(''.tilt oft lit' mitt , !) I )',. 21 /. Api "ti ilii•- i I. i ' t IL, . \v;t'. a tlr,i\v. In ilti' ivuiiiiw thu .\ II.tiij'v (hiri"tniit" ii .11

P1401'i it (Il(F'II IN I. (IiI

(ii)'IH'-id nh tiuuii it ti/I Ai> nt'uhii -', Titlilli. Re, tilt , liii I tt'iand '' ii-' ate,! uiivj",'lv in "l'-til1L.t (ii;tuL'. I. giutuini ()ii all fact- ,. I i \ltkIii\. Captain t'F Ili'iriu'. At (f.15 all i,tirt'ti ti ri''-t, and" titi'- war' Jti;z. 2Lc'. ()ill ill' intli- iiiulida'i liii'. (4 tN'.'. \V. I MElt. I'll, iii' end if a jnrfeit ditv." 111(11(1, ant! at freijitimit Ilitt-I vals tlui, I .upio . /.i,, tli -'t,uid 1i'ifi il'lu1in(' uI tin' evi'nillL ilgiui'utfili'jeitu',!-iuuuklliLvoUtIi-. I t tuned fro iiii I) if fri 'lit ft or it slit urt lii thu Liv iniulir". have turn t'irm'uuiat jug eiirlci'nhu ig a \lnui,il \\'iirki'r" I on! End'. '.'. dl' (!IIliilit')! ilu)wn at tilt' '' hunker '' (If iiii'. IuI'i(' tiui. ,'i'k. gui u1'.t ill thc hurt! (1111) I), niiiitu nv. itlttl1 t . and at tilt , thu of the play Ili, 111W t'!li 'it iiiiiiulnring tvt'rv- Feb. is!.- iiii.,t oh "t . Rri,tul. LirE' Feb. 1 / 1/i. liii' tii-.t ,\P i'-tuiiit t]t'htti' ii urdhip t ihtint',i I\%() jtl vdav'- fill- ii'-. thiin,.t In'()lui.iflg Iii ,tti1 inclivi(hlai art' L,iiant&'c! ill in' iii ''I the -if tilt- ternu wa- hhd thin. i\mhllhug after Dec. If i//i, I_i ii! EmIv' free (lay hi;,'- N vri intriuliii't'il anti t It( nit.hi it liii., Nat it imtl I'at Ii me-.-.. ..luhm!i, r. iii, -luhijeit d,a!t wit!i I ,!ihtan'.t At'ii ipIitiii''. have lii ''iv hi't'iinit' t1tijtt' it it-. I1R'rit'., I thu )flflf lit -11) iiv,'ihii'anjng 1 c/t. 211uj. I'ttm die tt lii P.. \'. \i , urn1 a I';,i!j;utllulut . 'nii i'.. ntj;u'rte,! iI'-i'i'i!ieh'c' unliliiuii '.i!it in tin-. vuinitv, Soon)(' rt'fi'ri'nui'-. to " ii uiivi,t," penal &'r- itiif-dav. Si line very vigu ru 'mi and Ill- .\lh,r ;t lIvely uIl-.Iu"-.ju ill till. nu'' 'ii wt been heart! ti, 'XpI'i-.-. iii,' 'ivn-h that they \it ude, ' ' and "tub Ii k. \Vt gnat lv mi.', tm'n"4ing liturlhmig lulatuiiml. wire )ibt\id. i uiiiet1 i1u\' prLtt ' hi 'nub thri )Wllli. iv! tilt , flit' f;iiuuiIitr fate of P.r Purl!, 'iviiii ha, Feb. rd.- liii' hie-.'-iuug of St. RI,ui-.t ic/i 2',rul .. \ hi;ilf-ihty hi,-. h;i,ii : h,ii tr,in'.firrt.'d to \Iu!!tu 'wit Park. [ill' wa'. given aftcr tia tiii-. i'vm'nirug. A. a giuntecl for it. iui,tt' hi with ( iurk l,'niyur-.ttv. J) iI/,. ( hnt"t nut- t'xani-.. begin. ji;ti c mit i'. tit hi' 11111(1 by bIn. Riitulv. vi tiit!ifii! \ViLLt I uiitrvm,i, " lilt ,'.u' 'ii Ii', S414111 a ft,r huuu Ii di, t li I lilt lined nih, and Dec. 171/i.— A brilliant Auri ira IL tr,jt!i'. il,arti,'-.t tiuii,rttl1I;ttiiihi'. to Fr. ('a-Aey 'in 'im.t'ut la.tt gi it moist ' iriu'c'. we were treated Ilia line dil.piLv if huur!ing. to-night. The i. (:!UI) ' ' night 'ivittiiit'r hi-. ui unlp!u'te reel iv' 'r\.

42 1 iii: \lUN(,ll.i \NNI'.\l.. T)T.\RY. 43

Jill' LdIILI' fr ut 't1Itt I , - hut -h \Vl- It t-t1V til - lniJ)tit III, It ll it Itt-rfttt lti,l\ liv.' ,-1 pril 6th.---Thl- Easter vacation lId- In the evening tin' Pledge wa I'4 lilt (''t(ti. but 'lld&4I III a Vit iv 11 Jul tilt' fl)t tI1lt1ii tiit' "lttt till "\ \. itt 1. ( klb t111i1kl\' 1011k' to an end, and tin' Lay '1Lfle(I by all. Iiit)i,1't i. 1111(1 ( ,. 1.,aliil.f, who \Vt1t (h'f('at('d thr Fir-.t \\ ti II. liuth after it Ri (Vt 1)1(111 111 again t I ll evening. - 1/trt! 2"/li. -'l'lll- pill )ttt-gnttil-r has fivt-i r ix vt.lr'- iiL44p. ill til IliiI'l fill- tit ui1ut t'xcitiilg truii4i..Ie. in tilt' ilftttlIt)ifl I/tn! "/11. II t-tiit\' WI' ieIt1)rtt t - tilt' It liii' 111111 'it'.t li' t( I-(IiI\', 11111.1 'Vtl 't fl \iitt 11'. \V(' \%t'nt to I.itn'rt(k tt i.& 't' a httrliiig I'ea-t III till ,\tlulIluIiatil(n, \\',III-i-. in tilt , I Id'-, (if (t.Iu1l'"l' , arrtiigt'd Ili-; t t ih-t te to L/. 24/li. Sccq Ind Apo,tolic d'bat 1t)ilt(lI het\t'l'il tliIulL'ilI1L ililIl (tlk't1ilL('. ifteruit (I Ill. I',l u IIV \VI'iItIlt'l hit'- '-It It). tlti' It-.t point of j>i'rfeetit ii. 1 lic r('-.ltit'A lht' alt lilt) of tlI(' " \Vild ('(('4 111 ('ii- After t(it \Vt' \v(-nt' tl('ilt('I.I to .111 ('X(('iIt'tit :1 pril 14//1. - 1 Iuiniing nIittllI \vit Ii ',viIl i)' ''t'uI tilrlthl'_.ili (hIt tIlt-'.t ititi,e7A. ii"tini. in till --tt\1l I' I If lidflC' \a- it tflI(rtItt) till' \t.( II (1(11 (oruidt )n. itIlgIttuiii, tilt' 'etlil II ItlillIt',' (iIalLlItilItl_. .11,',- 1Il. liNt I' 1l(htV iii till' Illiilltil, tnt it i11 l'Xilll jilt ti auli I iti)llI( it'i1 of h Mori t /i is/h. Itt day. The "t'1il(tr \Vt' \V(Tc \VitIlttllt till - -,lr','IIe', of I 1w National N VIflit to ( )iir Lad of tilt t1li1 'rit tf till Ill tll"('. , \iIt t'-.t Ii-, \v,! I k d t I ( a-.t Ic in( I\- , tile I_it\\I&''7. and I'. \\vnll'. 11111 lit--,t fi tivttIi'. iurtlt.--, \Vt- tIlIllil Il IIet'4I to-day. ]iai-c/z .;rd. lhi- aft'niitllil tlit' (iih'i' hill it it 'jtillt tlltlr, iL111t(l1Li'.1 till- t nih tt \VI' ',ufft'rt'd a utvt - r-e, titt' tir-t (if till ,lI'tiV i/li. I In' .\pt(ttiiit' (ihhitiiti had ltitnl&'t-' d(1(It'(l t II titlif llt1i•l'1' hV (14°f&at 1ili.. rI 1 Ira. Wc think that t walk It) I fl't( 'hI. -41 t'-011. "till II \l ;t all ill till ii ithie (!eft'It litu tnnulal ('Xi li-il II. and spent an thc \n1lnL lt('ItIl(I tt'ani. Ilk I'. Ill' (1*' :-.Ilitablc' for retreat t 11111' ttliIll for - i/In! 21.s/. I ill' .\ulIi ('lin-,lri1ltilIll I)) IV,Lhit' lI;lV in till I itre glens. vi-,ittu- . liit Ill Ph'dgt', 1tlmullttl'iI 1', till lii-.ii Ihierirt- Ity, .1/clV Il/li. I,t tilt 1 Nt lilt'', \Vili I Ilit, Ill It ill, I tin liiiit'ritk &((uIuItV hi iI't (lit\ If till' hilt il (Ilith ''I t't It'. I. ( lull) tilt I It tit',' tt',ttii (il'S1'tV(''. 114 1)4 \\lilt to ,\l1tr(', II. ( liii) ttt ( i(((ttli, III. ittni \VI -1 til'llltl!v ittIfllIllttlFtll to the ('0111- httii tit tilt- lIe-I ti 11' iii II for sonic t tilt (()I1i..n.ttlliIt4'(I '11 it- viiturv. -1 It(. I)Lttlil 11111 I V. (iuul, lit l'(-rr\iIui(li.l'. h.ilIn 111111111', aIIt! Io'I, till- tIll ttliiII',. !)\ I'l\ - \\t'llt iLW,t\ It i-Ill', ill rt'('tijX'n'dtt'. '.Vt' tidV'tl ill tilt (1lll'i('t l'i('1(i-. i)4ftlr( all Ut'titljttittti fler tea ..\t t'i It, 'dock We had I:t ill Il'(tttr .,ftt'r lull-Il vl' Itlityt -il I - \\ i-il 111111 it ',lt\ .jlleII\- lt'(OVt'i'V, LililtIt i1( (n tw(I. .1 lIlt -.1 luIteretulli. it -tturt - III itrd )\' l'r. lilt - I tltiuiinn' Ituln!i'r..i and tb - fe:lti -tl tillill .1/tI', II//i.--,"ll'il'.it Ill llluli'.(lI'', tiitt a 51h. .\fit-[- t(t \Vt' WVIV ircatrd l\ltltletl\. .J.. I If tin' (l(-'t Ill . I/oil 2;1a'. - National \\ttti.ijngini'ui '._ Ill ti- tv ('nil'kel lll;Ittilt'S .\ft- r tea Ill it v&'rv brilliant and crudite It-IturI 111 .111,14/i 21 I//i. hili'. i'Vt lilulL I-n. 1 It, llll,l-. Iii tltda', ,t h' lil(IiIV \VI' 111 11 iii .11111(1. on many of the lilt fl' rncrgrtic yt IlitIlS LniItIlgt' I1I(' .\ut'hit'tttttai I i((ilt', If .u1t'iIit \litiiiiv. "....gave I11 (Xtt(lIilLi\' ill- till' ground HIM \Ve t'otihl lilt he tlit'".ified in the fast'inttung gaunt' ti 'It tutuidt'rs I rl-('t(' i)\ Ii. J. 'iI. 'illlrl)iI\, II 'trtlttivi- talk tIll Pr(-;I(-hiuig to tIli '. u'ttrkt -u -. \\, ,, tpt';d tt t lilt l'rt'feit (if (lfl tilt, i.ravI'1. it.ti.l it Sl)ltlltiiLl 111111 valtlabli It liii tt L( (ii (II Apostolic,lIlt' 111(1 1 .a\ P11111 t'.( (l)tl('t''A. It 11', .. t s,. hun lung u1iat(iIl' for 1111 ,lItHtli 7//1 1'('it't I1 "t hit tuii', (II". in tilt' tiuial of tit(' B11 hard, I hit i4 Ilii(tt1dll'r-,' (Xti1I.LI(il It tIIFtiitiIi(-lit P. I lIVI--. i)4It . MIlI(itll\'. j>( t'.t1ti ttittI. I lli' 1'' 11)1111(1 \'ttl-j lilt iit'tjt I. I )t i iit Vtt Ill till' J 1111101 1111111. V /i 11h. lit tI1't' ituirlitig 1 hilt t'iLlll .11(111 it 2 rt/. Fir' P'i1' 4if ap- trt(I1(-d to It tii.i ttt-tIa. in1 aftr it Lt m :1 n ltt(iitliI\-' the Fit -it('r t'Xaniis. lilittlil i1i.t1I) l)titt tilt.tiiiv&r-.itv tt'tIli. bin. 1114' t('itlI) L((t a Lii1gfluli(ILlt r(l('pti(tn in .1/arc-li 24th.- ( )uit - tn;i It I (Lii it't I)t tiler tin' rt'h*h (it v. and had it till rI ll,Zlllv 1 'lit ',(.(i itt till- titrk-t Ii iti. ( )ur to. ;lilt tlljt(Viti)lt (LIV. The ii('WS of (lilt itt I try \Vt It'&I (It) to) till' Ill-Id it', t\\ It I hr \\ it, t(hi,t;I1 1114(1 It I tlit' (t 411 i Intl ut- h ill) tXiitlnig Illitt(il '4l111l..1-t't \V( oil . 14 LVIII with lit I tuI-.iituu. l.11l1,-1iek;',T lltin'uil.rv It t1t V ll)itt(il It /t. 't till' (If tin.' I'111It,t t1thir. ft II wet I iUilllt'thl1lt ely after. I ill -('rvit- t' \Vt'llt 111 tI "t . Jt thn ('it t1it'drtl t Iii -' III I tur IlLil( r'4 \s'('rt' l'('t1IlI"'it((I, anti l.imt'riek 1111 tnllltl:. tt \\ It 1k-.-. LIII ('I tn-tt -tat in I If and Ititinritry ti,, ,k thc field t(t till' mar- NI( t,t It v. 14. I 1111 huti, thc in \V Hi,Ilt tt 1:11 u11tL'-i( (If till (lib •,( . 1 ti 1_iiinnuti.i. till- \l-I-ilbi,il p Itt (t'hl March 2SM . - I_tv ht - ri ,turn lit (flit', \V I, till' It tult'Irat lug pr lilt (. 111(1 tilt . .\-. the .\1)t)i4t(lii('' ('((111(1 hIlt hi till) tViI\ 1il)l(j) III \\att -ntt (Id 1,l11lid till' \VJII Iii fi,-m tln'ir .tudit'' tlit'V \vert' tIit Iw Id I cr(- uul((ui\ \Vt'. illtt-.t liliIi.tiItIt(t1t and 1111- rc'taainl in till ('t)iIi.g,' (hiring, tilt, vacation. t/h. I )(lli(rtur(' (if tiit' lhtj1tt- Mart ii it/h. Fr. I tltiii, S.J.. )Ill- ((III ipIu-r' ulnIlIr wet-ping 'kie-'. 16 11( In, vitu t t.t Ilk (It \ ii In Ill I I av It ir l/'ii/ I.,/. I lit III)\ ln.'at to all W III (1ll tlic ((Itl.ttlittit Ill 1(14' nit lily, t!('liVtr('d it it Illa\' e( )III eiIt. Fin' .p(t-.tt !It-. \vi'uIt tI( very lilt lrlt jIl it-Itlirl' t ili' eVt'Iliflg On .\IIIre to 'el tIll a('r((i)iLnt''.. 1, 'nfitr- Ireland, the uidl-'t NationIn in Europe. - llln;lttiv all iin'.itttthh (Iii\' \Vl" t'Ietti'tl l:w,t Marc/i 17//i.- (If St. Patrick. .s andI till- V \Vt're ft netl t return Witil(lI,lt I_A\' PHIL( (Sl)I'ihIt(S I917-18, there was no study of arty kind, type or Seeing till' lllitCillllt.". I,'1,ck Rtt7l',-_\\', (TI'('ictt R. Fitzpatrick, E. kissane, F. Fitzgerald. 1? III Itt':,. 1<. Hennessy, I). 'tItlrptly, Il",-. W. Kane, S.J., J. I)t'vtin, P. 0'SIl4Luhnessy.


.11v I 211). - —iirt irdut Ii'., tit t In .1/cIt' 2( ti/i, \\liit tl n(la\'. St mc' ap ri ac iiiiz ii tljd\.L -t Iii l'e 'I iit lilA i.t'11i1'-- tnt (l)t it tilt' 11.11 lv jilt.) if litii(Iifli ( l\ lit i\Vlt( Ii.t' ixaIi•iiiij:tit in-.. ii nii'nt-. on l Ill pro tili)tit -.1)ttl-t. . A . I )t-vltn \vt in the lit par't'-' havc been (li'h'ted by if liii> ard-;, T. itv It'-.-. tin' IlilIt', atl(1 I. iiiert'ile-, tTh.I)1'. liii iii 11-.i' X[ _ }Jtit.ari tilt, hii,zll jtlluli. lint' '-ak rate' it mattli in ('riiki't jin-.t tilt (atliolie -nt-ti 1ttI).A l'(t1i1' uId1'd to tit(, I n-.t it lilt t earn. Hi I nt it tile' hnun' umi't tim-. ..iile of tilt- a ftt'rn ton'-. tiNt it total if and thin liii' 'l'lie' pm'uiit tier-. if t int'i'tin cit-'- 'rv- t- ttiiiltilt'ti 7, ilt , - M I litu.t' -t'trired - for wit l.a't-.. tIin tI )II: !]*:it iii;il t' I(aviIL liii' iitat'li a erv t're'tlit,tltl- h'av. ~ ~ + .'lIav huh, \\'liit Sunday. I'atlit-r P. APOSTOLIC LITERARY ACADEMY. \. ..i. ::'. LII it- mi'etings I, ('art'\'. \01 4 1 v.t-. -.e-nior .\pt -.1 Ii l'iili'tt Il 1 :­1i ccii .iilciaIs 2-14. .itiii lit t'iitiv t tiil,ijne I it I 'jilt t'', UO 2-1 4. ClH'iliI ti-I I i Ill iii Ii t-,iile-nt, 1 .. l.eli- ikii -'.aiil tilt , iIt''-. \Ii, llili iIa-.--', tin- irilliri lien Sec., P. ()'Iiitnnt'Il Assistant Sec., Eiiglish. TIn' uestli ins Of \' ites for \' linen, iIk'llting at Itt I . \va- .1I11L i)'le ' itV. I iit.-rxiatiitnal .-\tltitratittnn, the Irish I'tiir Law Fitliv'r Fro -,t. I lit- (itnnnriiijt Ita\e'(l " \- -.te'm, State (tie-i rump on works of Literat nrcure t ilt- lit tU-.t, am! taint' ()tit ht-.t wit Ii i Ili cc re' anti tngst I hi'- utilijects discussed. The q uest ions a ' ' it " we're hand led t it Ii ahil it v, and the disc ussions illtt'ntjttin. fariiit- r, Damn F. tva-. a lull-., a'- tiin-.t iS for tin' }jofl-t Father ;11 ways pro ivecl ni .t Instructive I hiring the session iiijtii \01() Iia(I the cwi'r if 'e'jzjml at It .1 tii,itl' tlii' li1Llit'.t '( Ii, with 70. capers dealing chn'tiv with Irish history wi-ri' read )( ttn(_'-(_'- Uplift tlit' iottt tif In' lehlili'-. litiii'ittiiitiit -.t.iitt'tt this bt' each (if the nii'cnla'rs in Writ. Those studying a tl(lc'stittn, Itiis the Second \'t-itr u isi i-curse of Philc ph' preached tvpt' if muiiriil ha- certain e'inarat-tt-ri-tic nirnii.. llie'rt' \t - tt - .1 l(rL- Tilllullk'I tif -.1cc irt sernit fl in t it(- vigils of t ilt- greater feasts it t'fltl'it'-' Hi ii -.uiil 1 1511 an- May \tjofl tI- H- ah sermons autci papers we're t riticise'il al the ti-lith('flt'\' tit ft'-.te'n 111 1 ( ill the i - ; tilt' ill nie'-ti n gs liv iiii'r,ib'rs .cpu ii int'l Ii 'F \\V re o, t i lit lut t , ii v - i y inihi - ri - tit tic-lit it'nuit's (if thing'-. Iliiiiiiti and liii c-whir :tl ii - t"-- uii'm tic iniccri uliat i'- ti re-al tali:e'. Sti'lilit'nI hi Ii-. 1t1i )(1114 t - ( I II iinn lt tylt y No. a , an ,miit - rliari ihuvi -ilIcir. Now 0 j'l.t\ I lie- \Iiint'ril \\" irk-i'.'' I )utr Iii ILiti'-. mimi an invelltiitmi. e'j t't'ia]Iy if it

'i \ia. all ;. - i - ,trt', no ilouil,t , ai iii' ii! t Iii' IliL,Iii ,\lnk- rit.nli inl\e'iltittn, a- '-thhii)l\' it wami 'ii - )' 1iit't't of mat'hitit-r- that was susual 1 Iluti. itf liii' A lit - tt'1ihit'n .J ( I'c'ilI' '.tiJ)pOSt'(i to IN .. UI lulls fro ciii _\uiit-riia tvitln tinit'tiiing and tiril rut thing, •1i tile' ri'Itutatittn In llplwrt ii ,i fint iii'- liivt - lutt r atit! 'rui,irit'i'r, He i-. ,f his jmiclgrnnt'iit he tumId point to tilt' to iiiimig I)ai-k In. llLt1\'t' 1;111( 1, tit gi't it sI -ralt_lical) tt'lnu're the' b4 inc-, of so niatly an t lit- lteiit'tit f hi- ''niio.. I-it' t lit I-., hi tv Ilmvt'ilt iii] hIt'at-1t'd in tin' -un. (In tlit' - tii;tt lii'- ,ttiv,tmit't'ul .- lne- Fic,tii nle't". it lit-I' ha rut lit- tva-. lit tu'rhy hhiiitl it) the' tint ti -ilIlil\' it( i'ti-.'. the tt]tl-witmlel 111cm- enmh'-inuh iml "uii'ct'-,', ctf imivt'ntittns and did 1b,Ji IiJt[iIti tahutv if N-tl \Iuiit cy, The iiis and clang 1141t fill- a tnt ilileilt d( ili-.Uht-r tile' IhtrtilulLIr if inaehuinerv, I hit' fe'v'-rt'd t'anln for inc'ritu, if Rt-ihhy'. , J i:W jr . wi'alt ii ht nt 'at Ii the green St (1 \tt'i'i' things \\-;i- tn \Intricamn irit'e'nttr. ant! I hmi'ri'fttrt' it

li,ti Itaritic tni'-'-i! ill With tint' iilt'as of unit'-- 11.1 iii. It wits i n tilt- riattnri' i if tilt Ittli-

liii li it- i - ti Iii ciii '-' tIlt' i iitl thing's in the tent ii tin. farmer to pro tit by an ttpptir- 1-hit Ste'1tlue-ii I. ha-. friends ill tuinitv that wt mmli I make "()()d tine' ti irrc'-t't- tin' i it,itlt'l. Nc'd's sill Patrick md N'tI', lii''--S of hi, jut l nm nt id frit'ntl t 'ticIt' I'tartlt' art' ket'niv cml- '-;iich aim i ililit 1 tuint\' presenti'd itself in iii i'-i,m-i 1 it lit il l( . nc'\\- invent ii in-. andI lit' i - u till-I - tilt line. I lie' niunmng ipt'rim lii tns iI,iln' \vi -rt' 111 ,ittt'rnli'ui \6 01hi the itiiuiiu'uliate I' I'i-ihIy tv mid itt iubth's-. in I iniit' have uim'i't'-. that ()' It-iIIy t-x1>t'e'tu,'d ,\fte'r a

iii' tilt . of Vol Muir,-v , a \'e'ar i if lab cur lie \Vds threat c -lit -el wit hi ii NV Prc'indtt't'-. LtI thin- Ii it h -tIn it iii it' '-t - ii 11'- rival to shortage ( if water tin \%-(irk tile e'ngt lit's, tt- it Ii ill t lit' l'I'son if Pan Fi tLa1't\' 'I'hie t tnlv means of si1))1ving this de- Eii,i.rii l\ j III ill II Ii) I I

liii: Ml.xt;ln:T .\NN.\I.. liii: 111Nl:I\l. 47

kilt iwhuigc t if Irish charactir. tins is Sharp contra-I \\ uth tiit uthinid uihan it v ti(it.I1tV Vt' to tail dic ntii. III itni.riii lak "hat viil lit it htininit iii a titttjie(i of Sir l'hitnii-, Muignitvt. SttItinfl l)V c utting a thannil thil-wigh Ii ui.art \ it untn'rbalant'tul by ill,- lot that hc unti-t . had uiti i-ui if tack ()f tit(- jt1i \'itiuial act t irs for au I lnih 1>iikd uijt lillitil hi .\nitiitan actint tin land. Ft titi'tV, (if tttlirt, rcfutd ti alit I\V ni'1)rtt.lutct ilic lnihn iii n W.\\ ,dht" u'imhring if Ni-d Muir ty was itidjinti. •l'hi' it t' 'I. in tint hi \\ulhii iii In ire- c-crltial trait'. f tin' .\nit - riiaIi (A. tlii. t tit l ruin tt rid 'ttpiltui J. in t lic fat. Ii lit , itilt1 ihuw ft tnt il thit' i trust' of Hi i tuiti, ill it hint light l]ic nnn in hit itteu t unlihi itid dipimilatic v;iifart ifluut, lt t\lt' It iiiitijt vtri vi'ii nt'prt'- jlidit it ii' it clint i I,ttrtl Eniiv, J, IlltVt, tutct- 'I iii in viucli Figartv tritlitir arc untrn- I'lle play vi a ii tulij)1t'tt uted, and tnhhtht'tt'tI tit(, Itituirt, or we l Stanti1'n, uuiti F iantn itt piitti'tl lii tilt. uitl 1)111 LI\i viit it lit tnt vi titIii.Iittl and tagt.nl\' niav ;tv the living reahtv of irih lift a'. hit-nist'l Vt--i \i ill t i heir iii fiji tilt rt d I ti1i)lt t\(t 1. 1 l Ii thi ,ttttiith pin trnlantc tliLniati',t-ti ill the " .11hicrli \\'itrktr iii, nt.iLt jtiatt vith Ins tippttntnt and itt iktii f irvtri1 )'( ui'rt til hiiti all the pi thu and Iii In ()f n I -tcmhtir 7111. Eili plavtr unh'r- ih- mt-f tart t hat if I )i it Ft iilartv, Stilthuin J tiJ- uiiiluin(Itn&(1 with iii, ihc hini-.Iietl .,tuiuit'uuilui, vliiIt- J iIat - \ a w iirk. stood hi-. part anti ntItrhlutttl it with j ti,iytd by I'a(itiv I )' I )onuiell. I )a 11 .'\;tliiart givt' u- tile u'ttulgii, bhun.[i-niiig Ii Vt iii I Ilic Miuitral \V irkir, ' a tit(-ut \ t host' dcliii t it nh - t hat timid. t tnt '.t ;at' till t lie t wt I night of the '.t Iinip-tti'iiti nv of ('asev, tit(. P ti' I .a to bc int'1)ar1hit tLv In -I IIIlIfltiV ,,iit i an Irish l'ivi\i I I liv, \Vt tuihi I h,tvt' t ii tuglit it i ng tit(' part ()f t hi' I nd- I uit rdi;t n vtiittl I I lilt t.lit itai- put tint if inidirn 11 uI1 lift. \- -u, It it Irtuui 11w living tnugi iii. 'I hi tultliuui.t'uii , fart itr t I I crc he Ihirt' i t '.jtI,-uithi tiit-atrutal tritiitiitui tlaiigt'l lint it St to full and act, uiratt mttnitntt.0- f Pat \1uu1it hit I all thi' ginhiing ht1ttfuul- I haling ;t it tattt'r intl of ui- vhtt i'tuuuunb'u' vet nii'.uig thc in by an I nit atti r. \tt t Iii vtrv fact nc' 1 viuth. -ti thlItncmit fro )ill tilt V n -1 r- pttiuit if P ( )Sha ugh ft '-v and i) ( It'' ui in '''iiit- t'harattt-n I 11,tj or it that it dcab, with lift a wc kntw it maki t - lit rgy if tutu' lartlt', the tihil It i 11111) trtantt- f Ii j\iti- Secretary,'' tn Jtthn Mt rui 1)11 ni 'r to i . i t ti lt . thn' auitlitnit iii nt' kt'tuilv critical. I'ht uiiaui ill] tilt' huiighit inttlit't't and tlit' ntn it-n-i;tit, I il t ti_ill ant I '',\lathi-th,' ui I. Itilntitn in -, I't'tiuuiip- liglitit ihifitt itt'ioflic iiiiignitictl 'IV tiuur pt-I) it uitw idt.t. I )an Ft gartv'-. in l)an I girl v ui.ttun' have their tiitn ' ' if( it it gi t hack ii tit, i't' thit ant knovhdii ii tilt rualitv. If Okin tilt- wt trk itcrtiu' dogniati'.ni, lit kt'cping with liii origin in it niiniI kt't-nlv scri u itivi. itt tin vu-am' will kilt uw what 111,11 'tIultianlI i'. Igie id thv actor i-i sinipliflid i)\ l:i in,'tineti\'t' east-iron logic of hi mind. tiiitd Wit ill f thing, anti nut ill any thitlt-nie liii' S-iu in .\it i h if till year hiavt' di'.1t it it to a with I )tugl;t'. (;tttt'rnit It' iii fi ill y mai nt;iint'cl t he hi';' (lit it ms of the lIlt Pi ivati' "itit I try.'' Ill—lice, \t liii itt and kt'jtt itii1hut tin- to rch that ha tliq Ic nuult hi- I ltntv lif \Ititlit', the a' II lit-n huantit-t i iii civui to t hit-un, niui.t he tart'fuil 1 kei1t 1 hi- 11'.ii in jut The t n;u i iii I ig i if I Iii' It tin ;tuitl tit- tttu.i,hi with it' true i tiurti' 111(1 to Lvii! of tilt - hi;1 \' werc the hit v(rk it) iii...... anger. Padti 1)1) untIl "-hi wed it "'I,, and N11 Mint' I liii full appnt't'jat it in ill thi, lutthit ti alit a-pitt l)t-'.t thank, iii- tInt' ii t hi-ui fill- all tIn 1 I )an I"ttgart v' mind, anti thu. added ti tnt tuNe i lit-v it it ik in the tutu ti- w uk ti hi. tit'lighitf,iI ri'iitieiiig of all tin' ixternal rt'hitIriuug ;iuiti prti)anatittui Ilit'' hiI\'t' tilit and billies of tile t'ttatint ill] i'. rt-ctivt'ul uliltit nit irnpi'uis' fin their faruiit'r. luau hi-'. acting a labour ill tIlt' it inhitlete sllt'u't'Ss (if hut' play -ut •i - 5 liii I lait ii 'It, in t'rsttulating Ste;ihuen I iii \11 [IS 1'I 1<5' t\ .1 J ( )'Rt'iIIv g;tvi' in. the tvpiial \unerit'an. Sir 'I'Iit,nvt. t1u'grite i ri'-itlt'ttt ittitil rh it;ispielltin. evt'ul li)ttvt' tin' .\uult'rutan M U'Carri,iI itt-nt till, drawl is that tr,tilgt - tttinhiiia- Stephen S ii' R"tilv (a ret ttrttt'i American engineeri tutu tub'' present day ' din and glttnlv T. Hartnett. [).in i - tv (a tflt('tltltlis larmt'ri 'I ),tnnell unit nitv that i liii table in -i nuIIIV . I'. t 'ii iIu1rtv (an old-fashioned farmer ) ... \V \\ l'.iie. \uiit'nit'aus, To till I Iartiit'tt hni iii it Patrick (Xci's s:)iI ; a smart voul1 I nir It'generate jilt 1 t tI it , jtt '.i ml-in of Ned 'tinlrtty, fill[- had hit any if tilt- quick Itilt' It trul' it prlucticai romancust(,.J. M ;txwefl 1timit " if t'ut'It' lnth, lit' \va- the it P it tr Law Guartituti ..... J \Ii Namara. Dick (an engine driver) . ,nitrit;uul, With all his i';ii'm'ctuit's'., his .,,..,.i Halligan Mrs. \Valttin istster t(i Sir Thttriit'. Haves. Iatk 44 -.tarkhing liiuiii ciii, hi, fret'dttm ,J. \Iirv N&'tl' wife) ,,,,,..,,, . i-; ;Iant:v front OIL traditions of the past. Ktttv I Ned's daughter) ...... E Standen, Ku' "'it 111010 Ii\', [LIE A111, 15 [oI,ICs hAN! '

iiII 11Ni;1.1F .\N\I.\I. '()1).\I.ITLES. 48

•1. LJ.kL Sodalilp of the boip Angels.

I)u1, i


Solalitp PoUs. ' Rt'ilIv. 1 N1I)!/. I liii.

II IL [1.1 LL L I- I. .1 I. I',' t"4iiIi1it it-, tl iilFi-iiiui t1uii'iti, fill i\VillL \vtrt' a, hint ii . i lillIll) 'F- ;uil thu mml'tiil)'r- - Ni ill', 1 ( i, O ni'itv, J ,. ) )\\ SodalsIp 01 the Blessed Virgin. li;i \' luau ii' i ii 1 ji $-'ry 11111, 1 "T iii (liii ( I ii' ,1111 I If 1F. Spillali t , Al it i'ttilt if tim' si' nil v-arty i-li-it in- 1 ) i j I )tlriii till- I lit'Ftnia- tiuni vlult ii I). l'ii4tfl I', ((uiit(\', I). \aiiLthlitli, (. Ni V. J. •. Nini \•. j. l)i11an1' \Vd-' .L\V.L\. flit' lu'u tnti- ves' l''ran, M. UhItit, J. (murtiui, J. Ltiv.'hl by Fr. M intt i. Early in \ttl't atlinit t,-uI. I\l,tnl. J're/ I I). I. Miii1tv. ere/n. tilt- ',ad iit' - iutli,'tI it, of hut' -arly and Thit Stiality lit i ,iim1ii'j-' hit' fihiw- ,criIi;. N. Fit,1tii i L ASS is(ini!. I. ( iliut fl. tli'athi of \lamurutt ( )(')nn-Il, in lip. F. ( Rihly, _\ 'hii ';m- our Piif-i't two \'t'ai aL,i. lii- )16—illy. ILWu . I . \\ ldLcr, Nut, flu, Iauiiiii I J. I liii 1illitt, ii I )ui l;tt\ lit. (hit iiiL Iuiiiidv .\. st,iti u if tin' (ri \vt-ry publnIv mail' I)iiil, , I'si'u I), ()'(airi 11. I ( )'iI;mi,t, till pat txriHil it 1i4ittnt iiifltiiii A. Naiilmtuuii, M. year, 1 y thi' \i ui1 ui-, if t in 'i (li t lit y it or tim - ltiui, C. t'u'1 ti:l. ii lIt Iu'it if ti ll- 1 jU tin ( ( i11t(. .tiiil lit-' filth At till , n'xt [tiii i' of lti iitil. - I'imii, \I. til p - murtimu, . ( ) ' tltara. fill nw l(1)iltLtiiilI lit titi t it-~ k l II mi' I '1 11 i-ti the iijmi imtinihcr .Ii.tdiili(l it lii' tilt It - t Iit 1( ill if iiv uii'iuihs'r- i I' Into tt. W. ( ill iiiitit iiitl fit,—rill.— Lilt' 'ILL tli- lii . , I\ I' d : I )r lll \t.t, lit lul iii I), 'itmiur i hum - aim I lit' \ ()II-;hI,I,\ 1')/'/i, IIyli.riul. A. hilt jirit I if Ii vilt V and l\i It it III Ii ii ullIlit iii. llti' \i' Ii.\1litur A. N Iiirli\. :i. •J. t lic N1 4 tlitr if ( (i)iiELIIV ~ + ~ U 1 I 'uril N.iI t I I V ,iiiLtkLi)lt tltiitii till - iii III Ii if :li\- Ii III LlliITl I. 'lit'1'(I\'. \, itual, the 'i ititlit V has 1)11 ftrtil fill1 i imi. m a i i iniplu't u lit uI t ill vit;ttiin. Fur, if 1at V;ir lilt Cbc Agricultural School. - i Iii) i i iS Ri itihiti md ( ). uiaIit\ '- -_\. Miill1'(\ N. , l. '''Ill-ill lit, 'Ill r1ta.iei ant Turnip and Corn Crops ij I ilmiI] i, I. I.if\ I 11 1, '11h ' I I'' III I )Niil an t iilviii ck( \vlik - rc fir tin ill.. 'il I II 'I',.,', itt_It ti i iii I )'IlfliJl T l.nt I.tl LLtrn'mlltnri- va- fiI1iuvt'tI I )('uniiilI, 1. arry, I'. HS \,I , i-I miii ri- ant ix haVt ritwitil to ll, were lii - hI y_; iluilt with, .0111. N. I 1'nin---'. hi, u fill IhiLt tilt - \'iLr, itilulIr t h and iilthi'.trtaill Ill tilts ( - it tiit' laying down ti 'V t ill- rlitiiiiimi V D4 , nil t'h t ii if Ia till lit, grass u a me under treat Tnt-n I I t ile I. vl'-., I IIii.tii. I'. \\'imtt,. M. din lii iii if Mr. Ditlin, tin 1_anti St&'\virmI ill I 'It ii i-i1 thy same ci in nt-c ti in t he sui table mixing if cli uver and 4 R;tmiI I ii lvi - . I' I' \Vii. j ,i'ittin. I mi' mat t-r t rtit'd i'inl ut'iturd t lie fill it''- grass seeds fir di tferent stills, f r leTup' irLrV anti Fr. I )irtt ir, I ill f, ititiuttly ltiui to I(itV i'u'rnlLnt-ilt Piit iris, was explained. The ti mrse 4 I it tin. V hint-. I. i)umiiv. I iui .mihj-rts (drIV ill iIL\' ii\\itU_ tLI ill li.tlt ii. •tiiti si e rnlinwed : suitable n tat ills farm cab ida- liii'. I'. I-thu. I tilliti by i\lu l)iiimm,Il. 1. ii, Ti , mail surveying fettling stuffs itnul their -itiri thin Iii-' 1n lit l)illl Soils : '11,-jr iLissitication water and factors J)u'iiiti't t . \\. i iii'' LV, l'. I iil)hih1-. _\. It ititfi'rent classes of stock suitable 1?1 . i1m Ft- Vi nt- it ]]- '.it iii tttt suit, 1iiiiikin. W III Is t. . 7 '-t k. unit catch crops. 'ilu.\lli'-ti'r •_\. \luii lilly, nil Vi \• iii halt It and vmimir. Drainage : S, tueniing out if drains met I. Practical Course : I training estimatiun if yield I''iit't'l\. ill, l' ill ti'it \, I'. full required results obtaiiu ii '-I lit I i i rip. Wt. hIL\ - nliiiii 1iIri-.iiri Ili iii I J_ l , pliughing s)winig I use of • \V. \VaI'Ii. I. \Iii'u'itmut. turn iii iiult'i's' care out feeding uf stick liii tilt' Li(,tt 'iii',' I f tin holy ( 'hill l- Liming of Lsiul : Time f application ri fl liii I list'ases filet with in sti wk and t Iii I;. \\\mmili', _I. 'I,txi'll. I. ltiii, M 1 1 ltlm\ 1 P1'1Y adv.tiitigts. lii Ill (0111th in, ihiiriiu tilt- 1iit twi 0 vim mri'iituinl weighing out i irreint tin SI if Plant Li fe : I ri u(I Lit ii fl if setu I huts- plan itti il Ili titu' talk ri ad,. ha been 1ti ,11, (lilt- too hini. , (i'I)uuit,'il, It. Ivlt. i; - domn their fiixl elements if plant-foil I;iili-li. I'. The Ittnn'Ian(t at Agri tilt mitt] tir-t n iiill in of lit - ti,,iii -imil I F. iii'' ills ,if rH its, stems and leaves tilt- , tlNninar:m. MI hurt k. in . Sliutil is &o1I, and tIlt liiill tilt. ,iii'int \ar liii ik Iil;u( Manures : l'trniyarit nlanure and krpiiig if box-, shv Lti'uat \L \limnrtv. l'. Alit n. j . IrIv. F. (vii, I )ii nll)ll 'thi. Fi;nt f tlit I iiiiiiaiiilitti apphcat I in Ii ir different s iils liquid iiitirt't ill the tt'irk, I lit thr,'.hiiiL i . lLuIIIL all, I. 1I,trt lit 'tt, j. hay-, F. arid its value artificial manures = hi iniptmi ifl w liii (.iulitill (itfl(li(litti isa.' ii zit-i , full ii'i'tljuhtiull ti all, itil MI lath. A. WI, ILIn. A. ii I ni illpsttiin mixing Tilifiures fir lli'V N tni'uiy, T. \Vtr, it(lillitt(i.i h'' Ii. I'i','tiii. I till 1 lit i I p : valuittiun if tIit different unit-h iisi'umui t'ink \\'a (it lii - . It i. I (U 1FF ill, . 4 fl mill. 11. - I Ni ijit :1, Ni. J. I ii imi nures. Finn. 1) turd. F. rillin, , J sllj)rfilii oil ill tlt' tIIIII - ti I I I\'i;tlLuI. ( )I iti.tImlin. i 1rtt'iit ( Mul )uiinuli, I. Potato Growing : -\hthxl if sprouting : advan- miriii. I laiti-, J. spo,-ak ill ui it tilt , J. ii i vital iinpurtaniu' tuf I)LNIS MURPhY, - lii iii it. h, ,w ti Pflt it times to J. Iraily. F. ( i'l'. I. I Iil]i_.iii P. -,t if productiu;n C(ItlCItt lilt fur the land. P rE jI I / 1. I (.1St iiett . J. 1-lavt, J J A

1111', It'N ,Id': I .\NNL,\I. ATHLETICS. 5'

svt,nihi-rful rtttvt"Tv, th, ftrw.'irtlm in p.IrtirihIr htts's- bc'chl muir,' u xcmtlmit Muntrs't win the it'S. thi-ni2 wttlt grim iluitrmiittit fl. Mt t',trtIi ititr but hr ni the kick till l

52 1'I-IE MUNGRET ANNuAr,. A'FHLE'I'IC* 53 a free near the line. The ball was hi1 ked h tiva i'd There ('(01 lIe itO iii'iuht that at Mungret the tile goal and, it couple of serums following, the most popular and the most successful gaitie is U ngret forwards succeeded in relieving the pres- I-i hurling. This year we boat all records. Seven sure. For tile remainder of (lie time (lie ga tie was out n)itetles " were played by the i-loose '['call), exclusively with the forwards and, was a veritable which I'eslil ted ill six Wins ((11(1 only one defeat Ililti Ic of giants. it was So i'pl'msi n g to ste hi ia and this tatter (It the hands of the I ,inleriek the \ in ii gre t forwards packed ii gether and carriedI Counts' Champions, ('Ia ugitaun. 'l'lie victory that the ball with I h emIl as tile contest raged tip and d(lw'il raised the eiltiluslastli of the school to the highest the line. Touches were frequent, but neither side pitch was that \mn at Cork over the University got an opening until O'Connor at length almost ist N\'. Having previously defeated tile 1tli','i'!'- slipped tl"-()ktgll ill the home '' 2." lie was sits' at tloml)e, .\Ititigi'c't ti'tvellttij to meet it,, tackled muagllihicelitLv on tile very line by I )ei- liu strongest combination that Cork could. lllustei ­11 and carried bodily into touch. The situation was their ow'tl gi'ounds, (1(1(1 won by 7 goals and .i potoi relieved from the throw-ill, and then tile tI ungre to 2 goals 1111(1 1 imottit. Rig ht tiu'oughout the seasi 'Ii hacks and forwards combining spieiiiliitiv carried ifurhllg was iilas'eit with great keenness oil till - tue hall right to the l(oserea goal, where it serum nt'dilimrv half-iliys. Tlw pt't'setie of Father Rector, took phce. The hall was ti(ei( no lort ii tiateiv kicked Father i"m'ost, Pr, thdllliiis (111(1 Mm'. kelly amooio too IlirlI and crossed the line, to be loin'lo'd down tile playei's was undoubtedly of the greatest assis- by the dek'nce, Shortly afterwards the huiai whistle tance in making the " 1n1'ked '' niatcites so cOnlpi('tO went, hrtngiiig to it close tIlt' best 1< oghiv iliatcil a success. 'I'll(, I loose N\'. mciimded four .•\postolil's. ever played by it ti ungret team. and to llietli we must give our heartiest pm'us(' ti ii ngrcl -i glint (pendtv) 1 poni Is. Eddie \\'ymoie, jaclo I mvi's, jack l'ilglisil and (((I I Ifosi'i'ea - I try 3 points. iticNiniai'a ci,ttlil always he relied on to iiav (lashing, hardy gamae. It would not be foi' CANNOCK CUP MATCHES (RUGBY) single out too slut rplv all il (I it'll liids (lilt ?ilumlgret's -' criick " team, yet wlleilevcr we c. MUNGRET CRESCENT COLLEGE (Under 15) (If it I ungm'et I-I u rIlmIg we canm (It ]tell) thi ill king ill wii 'l'he above n(ateil was plavc'c.I oil the 'third ('itd great full forward, 'I'oni I a a-tess, a mI(I of l)u' k ground on Suialy, I )eceniber 2101, and resulted ill Fitzpatrick amttl Jack Hay" in the eeiitrc of the a good will for the \lungret juniors. Ida' the greater field. part of the first half piav was fairly even, but the Mungret combination (lilt itot scent to be at its MUNGRET v. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CORK. best. It improved, however, as Ille Iii;ivi'rs ii';(i'iilell to then' work. Shortly before italf-timia' i taty \.',e- ti'(lvelieil to ('irk 011 Satui'dts', itho'chm 7111, was awarded against Crescent j iisl (Ill their " 25,'' In phi1 tic' Iili\''t'sit\', mill, contrary to oar lx- and C. ()' Neill dropped a tow goal against the w'iol, pectalions, wei'e ('clii itore successful thioi oi a Stimuia I I'd hv this success, tile it ti imgret halves set previous eiml-oliiller with) this teammiL 'di', T. blake their hacks going repeatedi\', but tile Crescent (Sec.) amol thii' oIlier mliemllh'i'S of the t'ioversitv ('hull maintained a good defence, and no fiirltier score itid all in tlti'im' ptw.'m' to make our visit 1Iletso(t, resuite I before half-time. Shortly after the interval and we thank them hli'm'tiiv for their kimidmless and Power lutist over Vicar the Corner for it try for llospitalitv. We quote extracts fm'ttni tile acctittmit it In llgI'et. it wItS not converted, (111(1 after 501111' of the match a-tnt-It appearml ill thit' Ji('l'iOJl,i,' good passing it Inc it lahon got over for another ItO - tic/co - converted try, Following another rush, O'Neill again dropped 11 goal from a free. Crescent forwards -' At the it[at-dvke grounds, Cork, the itlutmgm'et got away the ii fro in the centre kick, a itd almost (illiege hurlers continued their victorious ('arecr succeeded in penetrating the defence, btit their rosil lIt' beating tit(' setnor hifteeic of University College was stopped ricar tile line After it series O f touches im Ow-big to 1111' 'lcd' td raill the grotmm'al was very seined ile(tl' the posts. C. O'Neill ('I >ii\'ertell and old hence play was not of a very high stliCd( r'd, just before the end got over for the last try, \vhiicll but, still hIle l.ittmeric'lm lenin, who were superior lit tie faded to convert. The fohi-tinte score was practically ('very department, well deserved t heir victors'. bc ri v it tilt' game the it In ngret forwards A11111,1- Vt —3 goats (2 pctlalty) 3 tries iii pts. Crescent ---- Nil. assim wed tit(, itt feml Si ye, all (I a fter so me gill Id eomml - hi on tiomi I( ya n annexed it goal . Sooit a ftertva mdii he again received the hall and eentcj'ed to l.awlcss, HURLING. who succeeded in m'aisnlg the white flag for it minor. University tlexh Itoh their turn, and sent ut it couple of hard sitllts, which Hogan sated ill splendid style. lii national pastime a-as started this year him- .0(5' sent across to _McCarthy, who mediately after the Christmas vacation. on account Again attacking, I got in it good Iloimut ate lose range. f.tlit'ersity of tit(, number of last year's players still wit Ii us, we scored a goal froill it free, and from ttus until halt- XlIiiC ted toI liii ye a strong Ii ouse tea 01, Nor were 11(15 fast and hi rioos, hut Ito further score we disappointed, as the following account of our ti (lie phty resulted, \\'hetl the sides changed over the Cork- niatclies will serve to show. men at once pressed hard, htmt were i-epulsed after some terrific struggles in front of the Mttngm-et goal. Cap/(fin.-Dellis Murphy.rpilv, 1_a a-less, getting t lit' ball from Fitzpatrick, bent the I j(CCO/)t(lifl. ---.. i'i. Fitzpatrick. full hIck (111

THE II'Ni;Ii:r .\\NI.'.\I, ,\1 If I.I'Il' 55

lit, -t t I, I nIveritV strained thenisrives te the Se teen altec the' genIe.' cc cincciecuetl t lauglc,cun tell Late re. be eveliitg. Nolan then came' ccii ccci I utitie st. and Lucy, receiving from I .ahitf. passed securedI a goal, and an attack by our forwards had just got set when stumps had to be drawn, lii. Ilit' ii tses lIthe I' -1111_ tIld to Me (arthv, who sent iii an ulipiCeValile' shot. failing, the visitors again scored. The play lie ccv The followingewing is the --,,core - elite' ge cccl Sec crc's were 1)11t till, notably h tv Father The Mungret players returned to the attack, and ranged swiftly up and down the field until Rye 1. Fr, ,St, Fatherhi'r R cc Icr, Mr- ( iihbins, J. Lawless,less, cc rid Lawless got two goals in quick succession Another with a long shot from the wing, scored the lit-i (,,'.IlFFe')!.IC l,\',STITt'/'E ,\'I, T. II' g.e n - The ('c ni iii cliii tv fielding was good, clangerteus attack by t'iiiversitv was frustrated, goal for Mu ngret. ('In rig ha ciii Mile nic re attat k but thie hletuse.' gave a very weak display. Details and Haves sent the leather across to Wynne. The vigorously, and despite the brilliant defence Of the 'u S. l,iitger hit . b. Father Freest TI latter player was fouled, and from the ensuing free College backs succeeded in scoring twice isle re' 'u. iii;. Lalter, e. Delany, b. Magee ('0,!!.!!If ','u'i -r Y Xl, Lawless got possession and again sent in a lie ci shot iialf'tinie. (in the resumption of play l-Iavc's got E. M. ( )'Su!livaii, li. F'ather Frost 15 winch completely beat the goalkeeper. Soon after possession and sent well up towards the (.'iceeigheauii I I.lrris, c. lacceless, b..\l;cge'e.' . it Father Rectc er b. I Iccgan tile it Iiistle blew, leaving the score goal. Kelly returned, and for a time the PlicY P. Ii ccrle'v, b. lie cg.cit . . , Father I're est, I li. iC', b. 3lagee J . i\tungrct ('"liege 7 ge e,ils 2 remained in midfield. Another brilliant attack liv Itue kl.', li. lit 'got . . dl Father Kane, ruin out Points. I flhtcT 'iii ('II i. _'ctel'. I p Pet. the visitors rt'sultetl in twe c goals, Stilled ill quit. k J. 'Th, eec. e ( )'i'ibc,cughiles,v, li lather Freest 2! lather ('lesey, i). Nolan , , . , eu . I .Vfle Ii. It. stlecessietn. Then J. Lawless with a long drive J II' tii.cti Cd Mr. (ulihins, li Hogan nt t iel it good p int for Mungret. McGrath tie c II. Nest. 'r ice,! out e) Mr. Kelly, l.b.cc., li hicegan . ' MUNGRET BOHER Me N,eicc,cra, it. Magee , P. I e'iel jecteel with a minor for ('licugha Lill, and Peii civ cc ( )'Shicirgiinessy, c .\Iucr;uhiv, lallolan . . It C \V,clslee, ic, 3lucge'e,, . Father Stephenson, I.e . e: iC \tI,C t liii see creel another from a free. 'l'iie.' Mungret ft crw;cr. I, cc li \l :, gte 5 i.' I cut I tiei iiei. ii. alit. it ct.e. pI.e'.e•et tic lecit forth their best efforts, and English t.iklIlC Extras Mr. Michie 'inc. li Ne tart . . . .10 br fe tie three t leousa id sieer tat ers - advantage c Cf act e epen ing sheet a gt en I. Slwrtivb, l I- I' \%vitrle', rein out E. At the Markets lit' cl, I .i merit k, on Sunday, the whistle blew I larri ngt tee! ag-tin 'I Kissane, not out .11111 March, it very interesting hurling contest was Claugiiaun. Result — Extras ivitrit's,ed between Mungret College and itoher. The ('laughicun 7 gccals 2 te tints. If0('c,1 A'!. students again upheld their reputation by winning Mungret 2 goals I P tilt! hIttlil Father tic 'st c., I.vncii, b. lasher comfortably. The result came as a surprise, for the ii S1eccee' prevents us freent leubtlsluieC a, eeehlitts eel 1'. I I'Sbc,cicglinessv I). Nestor Bceher ('lob had fielded what was n'geerdc'ei ;I- cc 110('S/7 .Vi, I Iceg,c.rc, li Nestor . practically it county selection. The' College tea I title -tetilIC tie I -ccli- II \Icir1ticv, not cent . D. 31 urtth 'c' e. Father Kane. b. Father Frost gave it delightful exhibition.IIi, 1 net seemed pe'rfer 1! i \I. Nolan, not edit , J . I ,awless, e . \'u'\IIlIe'. b. Father Stephenson trained .,Ir. James Ryan, Secretary, (ount\ 35 MUNGRET PRESENTATION COLLEGE. CORK. Mr. t',iil,hejns T. hlcegan, c Mr. l



- i . 1 thoroughness ii' liv A M. Rut h,inan MA. I,intliiii, R. and li- si,iN Ii \\ t- iii g lil hi 1111u 1. these inve'stigatiiiii OL,ituarp. \\,Lslibi iiirnt'. Ltd., i it IS 5s. net. intoour i sin iiistimrv carried out with siniti,ii This is it serious stiiiiv of it striking personality. cm mnscit'ntii musne'ss, while' their value' is furt hi-i ;kit irigi nal thinker, one aptly described as an ailtie'd to liv a lisi'ful index. 'i best' 1iajmt'rs (soilO REV. JOHN O'BRIEN. ill 11ill1l, - rIli, 1,-iiitiu,iji -s 11"Ill his ti-iI,utu -iiriu-sis. idea clothed in flesh " It appeals to those interested if which, if we' re'memhe'r aright. appe'are'd nm i - sui-- I i1huiu. 1 ) 1 ii i' -,ir Riluii,II,,, Ii'. li,mtlsltiint'rs. Itil the nutim-(,athitlii s Of Florida it, l'svt hi Ii igv, in Religion,iii, iii Ethics, and in the ,"diit/jis ''I deal with the Tudor Ci irmiise 11th ins, the' ( l.uuui-ui.k. i ll I ITId I huiigi,- Is AT, e's-itit'uue-e' of tile' zeal, eim,tnitv, and abilities if o rrcnt Of c- i nt i'm pi ira rv thought. Si l9viev, it Ii in tat ii ins I If I - l',te-r and I ,ei nste'r, the- ( nfl scat ii ins .\p i,l,illi stmiile'Itt ill I 'S,u. I hLvuuig conmjiletcil lies luther 1 )'Brien. As the' Must Re's. Dr. ('unhe'r' native of Miisow and a Slav of the Sla\s, was III (onutaught imi I )li and of Cromwell, tIme I iii versi ty course It tIme College. he went to B t liii' w'nte't '' him' nuts it 111,ndid u ii.irumi-ti'n, a mitt tub naturally iinhiii'il si liii prept issc'ssli ins in favour of Sittlt'nu'nt unuie'r ('hank's II., the J iii ihiti's and to mllumkt' ins time'mihtmgmm-ml stuilmes, miiil was uurth,oi -I IuriiIi.u!ut .utt.uiiiiiiiiuts utid .0 ih1 lutlI- st lii the National Russian Orthodoxix Church. The \ViIIl,enuitt'', corn luminig with it useful siurvi'v of the' priest ill I S'm2 . After i hirie'f stumv Ili ine'iini I memoir trait's the steps by which this candid mind I i 'ii Its Of ('i in tise-atli in ' ' Mr. hut kr, p mssiblv -1 i mit for the heimis of his missionary labours, - became ci it vi net' I of the mt i'ssi tv if a visible niimie's some ilmuerms uI styli' lii a zeal for facts 1k lip work in thut' mhiiieese' of I'huuniela, II' head to tit(- wi rh I. wii Ii' Kingdom w liii It Christ Ili Irish historical investigation facts are sit ruin In "t .ipponite'iI to St. Monica's Church, ltuih, I FATHER RENE JEANNIRE, S.J. founded and if an infallible authority in niattirs that wi welorni' sut-hi it si-If-dinving orilinanim- Ims genial spirit and his de'vmitlumuu to the spnmi ru of doctrine. it is the story of inc ivlto fought Assuri'dlv these eoimfiscatltiiu nlve'stiguitioils do not and ti'ruipitr;ml welfare of his fl. Wk cntie'uune'uI 11110 lii his way to truth and to unity stitli tin' Ill-iv Sit' make phe'ztsui nt ncai hi n g for an Irishman : y it they ml iI\iimle'. Ile built tile present chmllre- hu in I'alakt,t, tIme' first III,., ii "I uI- .piistuuln Silt,'1 - against the forces of traditional prt'J iiilii through make' i ne' feel that Irish History is ii,l for Irish men aimil tuitik an active' interest in the ijue'Stiumn if nw mt Ii hg ret, and math' his e'le'uuie'ntarv su iii lie's hire'. the reverent study I it wider tradition. 1 liv book tou fi irgi't whi ever i-I se nay tin ii si' tip remember Catholic education. In i tom ,r hi' was transferred SS-SS. fir' e'uiti'ni-ul the Sumcie'ty in i SMq, was shi ui I he useful to am, I 'ri it esta nt .%- hit is honestly it. to Fe'rmmmuimltima and iii nit m i.ts IlUole Bit-ton if inuialilt'ti in loo-1 He taught philosophy in tilt' niquirnlg as to his piisitiiin, as he will find tin' ,. M. M. time' ('atimt'dr,ul if SI Aligmlstmrti' I ti! u-ui J r'su it Se hiuthastli ut, at Jersey. ()e frlm it of his 511 tile general problem wi irh'ei I out through a iiaii igi in - work there was a hit ii uk '' C nite'riu ileigia," or " Critie'a ii ittic ul to's, but In it medium w fort' his i is ii spit i,il \Vrm.s i I,IrIlEui 1 ClouT.'' liv Jiist'phi hltissi,'in' hi guilt limit is (,'erta'. - - published in iii I 2 ( Ili'iiichesne ) hirt'juilo i's will not lit' so likely to conic into play. S. I.. and johlm ('. iti'vdle'. S.J .,,- ssomiate It review Of Which may he found in the The life' Of it writ i'r at once studious and virtuous .iilengrel l'ilitors of'' Amine-a," \Vmtli In huitroductory Annual, luurt, p. ii , in that year lie' went to is not apt to he of an exciting nature but titi' .\iiliri'i-iItitiTl l)v l- ,iti'e'r Ihimlrstimmi, S J. i,omidout China, ishme'ne he si- ms chllu'tiv engaged in te'achiiiig subj vet of tin' memoir was evidently of an attractive B. amiih 1. \V,tslilnmuriie, I,til., loiS. lin e, Sd. i Ite'uthmigv. character, and we fancy more might have been This little hmiimk is a masterpiece. The authors .Tl1mmng tither stunk he fitmiiiil time to liuiiilul anti ntaiie if the human as contrasted with tilt' lit era rv bait' mole a careful stuulv (if Luther's writings, iii nec t an educational review called ' ' 1' Kim tie' en features. Also tilt- book would, N%v think. have carefully consultedtt'iI the' standard works of Janssen- Chine, '' elt'sig mie'ti to sen -c' as a bond Of Unioniii gained if tilt- hi blii igraph lea 1 details had been Pastor, Ih'nitle, (;risar, ye' until sumunuirmse'ih hut' huu'twei'n ('utthmilim' ('ullle-atturs in ('Imini. it was gathered in an appendix. results of their reading in it manner that leave's sit rt it I ill 1,f I5. Letterste'rs rt'e-e'Ii'i'ml from nlissit)ne'rs Tile parallel between Si iii ivit'v and Newmanis nothing to he di'siri'd i'll,' doctrine of I,iitht'r is Ili all quarters of China siItmsve'ei how luiuie- im they both striking anti instructive, but we cannot di, present i'd under various headings, such as ' ' Lutherhe'r ,ippruciated the service it Tendered. K. more than allude to it here. mu I-'ri't'iloun of 'ilmiimmghit. '' I.utht'r and the' State'," timi tile' I hi met August Father Jm'umllhti.'re had I,utlmu'r and Soi- iuLi l,ife'," . (in all vital puiInt time to a Christian settlement to imu'iIm tile local ST. BERNARD," .IiItOT iii. (LAIitVA1X .\ R the' exact words i if the Reformermrnle'r a ri' given. The mr sslutne'r with the u_i tulfe'ssIi ins Of si timlu' hiunihnt'mls '' Notre 1)auio' Series of l.it i's ioiii. ii . hiomik contains all that an e'iliuuuute'mI mail desires to 'I ii hi i'nrne'ui mho se boatss wire ii re SIll together for of the Saints. , loin. Priii' . nil. kimosv on timi' subject, si'hiit' for the' stumle'nt of the ii Feast if the Assumption. in tilt' e'xe-e'ssiyu' The lift' i if St Bernard is an t'pi it-h in I' un ipe'a it Bm'fonmrt,itmitui It will serve us it mist vudmuilule -ut he fill Ill and had to lie brought hume'k to 'liii' leader (if the set-i mi I ('rusailt', lush iry. Lilllt'itung '' to the '' iuuttlum hi' \Ve'nke' '' mid the "Iuuuiig-hai, hie're, on the' 2irei, after rye-cuing the - religious ref irme'r, Iii ,t ti ir of tilt- Church, preacher, mi inmimiul tuml ho igrmulm v by I- at icr I ,risuir. S. J. I. : -I Sacraments with bull ci rise itmusiie'is,tile father guide of Souls. he has stampeil his persi iuud it v on J. J. N.1 I away. The list number of ' ' I 'Ecu Ili-, the first half of the i tli , The varied 1-iii sell lilt our in ft irma t iu tim is in pert derivedse'm I aspects of his life are treated Ili the viilumt' that 'ntmuni'il a vigorous and hi upm'fIil article fnuuni his lie's heft ire' us, l'he authorir has judiciouslyliiioushi,' si'hi'cti'il 'l'iitt ('CTIIoi.ui \\umo's \Vu:it AND \iu-sit Ihmtuii, '-ri with the tmtht' ' ' -vacçi imls-nmmus '' his materials, and huts .Utct.'rilt'i I ill uiiakiiig St. tlM" f:tmtHli lt.t h liv Sir F. C. Itunnali' not uen - IC nO ittuu for mine Of an earnest and joyf u The fervid glow of time' l,iiui,fmmn. Burns iLtliI ()mtes, itiM. is. iid. Ti' l Bernard it living reality. it tilt- ,';univ al,,c of fiirt -.fiiiir gl,utiiv saint's enthusiasm, the Poignant agi mv of his "I'll(- ('athethuc \Vimti's \\'imo ' for uttiS 11111. - " L:- !u. lu lii- liusir u - li-I, k ii' sorrows, his nail v repartee, his ze'ali us anger, maintains its re'imm tub in for cm mulljile'te'ni'ss, intent- - come before its with striking vividness. The hmmm,k and ace ii rumc' of in firma tim un The printing iLlW is illustrated \%ith plates of gnat historic Interest. paper are t'xui'Ih'llt and imm'ip ho make the hi ii IHI:j, l'u'su.'IPE's The alit hi mr has not, perhaps, eiitire'lv sutme't'tht'd in imle',msmit nailing. We miss tilt- illustrations wluii I REV. CHARLES T. CARRICK. (If Jtishiuuhi Fm,e'nimv ill 1-01 .i hIt' iris apl.. presenting St. Bernard as a leading figure in Ili pre'viimus numbers were liberally interspersed 'ii :1 ' trultor (if liii' uliuice''-,i', 4lIltl in 1104 Sl.,s un pci 1 history. ,spee- ial chapter dealing with through hut' isuirk. We trust that \% hen tilt' list t,- hu.irui 'I ''I II- uhu-,ttI it 1',;lmmjR Rt. lit' writing, (if the sa jilt iVi ieihi I have addedI to tit(' st ness Of wan el-i mimi imy hues been relieved, this genenal b', the Ri's-. Dr. (urhu'v. 1--or time' C IIARLE5 (ARR1CK, Wlilu h t--, ik iii' at Pla i nfield, two ve'ansof his life' lather ( )'Ilu it'll suth're'eI frimni value if the book We have great plt'isure in ii e'lci inn' feat tint' will ne-um iii r, - \'i'ry many i if 's.\., i' S.A., after ;tit utjte'r,mtii ill for appendicitis. re'cm mmliii' mid i ug this ' ' Life i if the Abbot i if ('lairvau x the lliIllt'S in time' ' ' Who's W10 ' are household serious iil'he'alth, but gave nit wink univ um short lIt' \vtsotihy twe'hit\-five years of age, and it most to all win wish to he'ciime acquainted with the words, mu, as Ailehisimn s,ivs. sP1e' lire' alwirs ,Imue he'fmune' his death. He mtit'ih m St. Vincent's jtu'u tnt IsI II g e' ,m re'e'r has thus been cut shu tnt - Hospital, Jacksonville, on July ii tim, lili 7. mind of a great man and a great saint. J - J - M. curious to kntiis' tile' pt'TStilitl appearance Of those Ile st is the son of the late Mr. T. Carrick of whim m line' the subject (if their thoughts moth tm inve'rsa- The whole (It if St. Augllstitle went into h,iIIIe'ruik Cmt',', and ri'e'eivt'ml his first tuition a CoNsiscATuox IN IRISH Hisrtiui'." bY W. F. tiimn, limit this is it pre-war Iuxmmrv. We are uilmmunning, all tile' principal i'stddisim tilt'Ilt i)i'iTlg St \lmntt-htin's (.'iulie'ge, whence hm' pntmee'e'uhi'd to the T. ftiitlm'r. \l..\.. \I. B.I... The 'I,mlim,,t Itrts-,s, uirnph' sumtifie'd hi the ptmsst'sslmmil it .m vcmlurnc k'.'hu-rripturi_I .Iuvu'nmt,' t utuirrg ti imi'.mhth hue' was l,tii. -' iii!. liii. Sit nil l:diti, in , lii' sthii cit keeps e'lt'a niv lie' ft ire ill(- 111111 t I - - ' - v Igi irit us iTO!- ti \IIITICre't, \\'c shall nit attempt a detailed re'vle'w i if liii, cruul unfailing energies of thuc Catholic WITH, '0 Ti'' u uT- iiu ii II' trial,' important work. Those who have studied Mn. J. J. M. I

()J- j IV.\b\'. THE '\1UNGTET ANNUAL.

ANTHONY CAHILL. DR. JOSEPH HARTIGAN, R.N.M.C. a-i: I 1 - i, 011, -al- LII II-- i- I i.: tii h •' I W..:' . ' - , :'-l'pr.--'.IIL , li Ti.ll 1 '.1 " lilt 11 iii Si hI,s,1 lit-ri' 1111 till li-i, 1, 1017, 1, -Li, we regret to ii liii. 1-1 I'll LIII. IIILIII IL' LiLILI IL' IL IIL,i '' -.LiiI h,r,i',,',t 11111 hft''.i ,,t till' say, On the i,Sth ''t Jilt It'd tLt the il.iu,'r Hospital, I In Wa, gii'ii a thu t II I,. thi,' tIIiuigru't hi,- to• .k mill ihi,' stiiIv oh utle,hil mite, uoi,l (rho ii't there iii iii ,. I )ubliii, graduate course at Washington I.'niversitv, where nation svhi i are killed. The Chaplain, I it tier l - lie was a son of Mr. Mirhe'l Cahill of when he had taken out his Ii mini degrees, he settled enag hi. lie nit ended to go in' 11htiLined the degree' if ST. L. for a dissertation 1)evas, () P.. after mentioning that Captain Pegum u When i (rilam iminl on down in ('room, white he practised for malty years. iii,' I liv Sacraments again just the Irish 7sl issi in to China. N ii doubt he will be oil the morality of offensive warfare, lie was had received Some time before the outbreakk if the pti".'n I war book on the " Ethics of Militarism," before going mt - , t o till, writes it is it great matter rewarded according to that gissl mntc'ntm,(il, since tie gave up his medical career, and interested preparing it it failed not throughiumgh any fault of his. to know he nt, I' fit,. heroic and final sacrifice of This will himself Ili tilt- training of horses at the ('Ui i.ighi. and hoped to present himself for the Doctorate he a ''ui'.'I.iui.',u to III'. '.''iiI'OIIi'' his life in such got dispositions in a case like , r,'uiI'. attih lie joinedI t hit' Navy Medical Service in the i'arl' this year, lie was will known in Trim, Co. H' Meathi, where his aunt, Mrs ()'Regan, Iresides. this it is the bereaved relatives who are the losers - '.t,Lges of tin' Wilt, and in 1114 was i*pjui*illteii iithi whom, arid nut' Ii' "'' rI, ulvi's oil ntit our dear (lead who died so well. \li'iiical Superiiut'uih.'iit 'r tI,, R,Iynl hiam;i'lrapl We tender our most sincere sympathy to Tin units namen's i,it ft I 'ti,ls, we I­'LZ- un aftu'rw(riis saw i,ir,, liii'.,'. (din .ini i ho thur lviii' with I 1' I, -1 I - a, 1 a ' i-' If F,1 11 Ii i• -, - MAURICE O'CONNELL.

Iii :Ii'- \\\i ii ''I Ii'd I'Ll 10 a':i,-.I

CAPTAIN JOSEPH PEGUM. R.A.M.C. FATHER MICHAEL BERGIN, S.J. iIli,,ir,-,'r 'i \lsi Ri c i (it 1551-IL, i'spei'iuilly as an Irish scholar, and mentioned tIll' he v. as rec iv*'rin g fri cii a ii opera t hr1. t' nh itt u i(a (it 'II, Ii • ' I I hun \I Ii 1', \ whitli lie nialadv pru iv iii in, iredeep-seated tha u iirr&',i Ili trill ,' lit,' III (I, till Lot ..\fter t, a a thought. The woundnil failed to heal and he su ft er,' I WI ,rking in Syria for some years he Was Ili Egypt ttthr'i k of the war and volunteered as a for some months Without a mlirniur, In lii' ii' I words of one n-li,, kiteur hill) well. he %%;I- LW servu'l' in (ahlipoh and on the ,; resign. unafraid. string Ili tIn' Faith, and hue passeul an.' Ilk' .i ITtit, ''I'Ii' r ''f it'. I n' \Ii, IL '.i'IIT',i' -- :,' ' ' •j\ ''L 1:1 I

CORLIS McCARTHy, ''III I'. i I - 'ii I -'.i - i Ii I billy, SoIRlt,•i, If h,uiih,.ii, a IIILIOI'., II \I0OC, , I about 11105, was called to the bar and llruur'ti'.i'I for about two years. lie then joined the arnut and got a commission in the I )ubli ii I"usi Ii irs II saw service in Flanders, wherii-p' he was invalid 'I home. Having reFovt'r('(l he was on his was' 1. S;ilonn-ut when his ship was tllrjir'dia'uI off ti,, African coast, and only a few sail,irs were savt',h lie was a promising young man and exceed Ii rig lv p i'um Ia r. Bitter still he was a g (i NI pm,' to -' i I Catholic and hoist attentive to his religious ilut ii''. I\hhIlI lihl(I."s. We tender our respectful sv flu i uu thus' to hums pu ri' iii- liii'! t'' 110 1171, In. Ill,' ky \l M. C.,Ill I W 'I lie I flu -er I' nimanulmg the II --Il'L i_- h I,' :. litli,-: I. I. h• I I' I•,LII.LIi''iL [II ti lilt li lie was attached writes: -I am '.urr' no in.tn was, nor could be, more popular and loved. not only by members of his own ti((ck. but uI was engaged ill pr 1*5511 iuuud Ilutim's in this h". all others.hers, ln it report made in July, Lit I I,. nI_I 'hi Ii b' the then commanding officer of the battalion YARTIN V. COFFEY. quarter of the wiurtil until a short time previous ('I i''i'• I 'i I his death. The news of his (lentil, whit hi took onions of those who had shown qualities 'II 1,1,111, ''I \I - lit I i ' LI i I hiu , t'.I"l \ I 1. I' II • \i R..\ul,C, giving the i, 1(1'. II of ci lnspil uous merit, the followingWill g entry is made \IIIITgrI-t i',i i I. ink 11,11,' place at Port Said as the result of pneumonia, .tt,o hi''l l'sinn '.ur..l_:ir - I,,nht Infantry. 'n I lii i'uils'r r,I, site the flamni.' of our late I a Ire : ' ' For reads '117, ((II reached us In Ireland in the first ihivi, if the month EdIt'! lit ,it Ion, S'ptcmh'cr 0. 1107. leaving Miingrt't Iii' took imp farming of June, tided, in(loml table energy, and with his father at l':nilv, We (lifer our sincere sympathies to 1115 at tin turn to wounded, In Nu,vemhut'r last his afflicted family in their loss. pervading all ranks with Iieerfulness.'' Time health began to fail. We rit'eif scarcely (if those of the Past who visited the College on Little hope of recovery was remind our readers that subsequent months proved that those words only held out, and on the 3rd of I )ecember lie pt'acefti lI' ilk. JOSEPH HARTIOAi Whit Sunday, 1917, no one was in brighter spirits is the second member of his 11(nlmlv Who has bi'.'iu modestly express what we all owe to him, and passed away. He was just twenty-two stars it' or more interesting in his account of his experiences killed in the present war, his bnuttit'r h<,':v -u'u,i'.- those of us who had the privilege of knowing him l-i" i' 'spo''.'. ''dir li-p-I, '.VnIfL,I? liv 0 ittI than CAPTAIN JOSEPH PEGi,'M who was at s,hiool TIN( iht(uii',ss " J 11.1 TiLl', longest find it difficult to believe that lie really ha fui,'Iu iii I!'ir I"L'L',L - LL - - L'T k I here in 1905-oi). having joined the Arniv Mt'hi, ii ill 'eR i-,i' , hIT' he had been at the front and was soon to T0 111 :1 has left its for good and will not some day appear again with his usual smile and theery words. lie there. We regret to say that he was killi',! at as killed instantly by a fragment of a large shill Zonnebeke on September 26th last. n- The Colonel commanding the battalion with which fell close to a party of officers belonging to which he was serving says he was a splendid the Brigade headquarters. Our deepest syni pat liv to his brother, Mr. Ji ili n officer and to me a personal friend. His divisional R '.re.i .,it'I ii iii'. it hut .rium,im,,li'r t,hI. Ii' a I '\ .1 Ii ", nil ii , 11 1, Ill \,[? I 'I


RHETORIC AND MATRICULATION -Con. COMMERCIAL CLASS. LAY BOYS. LAY BOYS. --Conlinued. APOSTOLICS. -Con. Cahill, David. (; ubbins, Robert. Somers, Denis. Coil, John. IPunret College, Pear Limerick, Harris, Patrick. Collins, Michael. Lawler, John. Connolly, Edward. Lawless, Thomas. Curtin, John. O'Connell, James. Graham, Patrick. 1917=1918. O'Shaighnessy. Cecil. Kearnéy. Timothy. Pwer, Francis. Madden, William. Quigley, Luke. McCarthy, Michael. Ryan. Maurice. McNamara, Bertram. Scanlan, Martin. McEniry, John. RECTOR : I \\lIS CORBOY, S.J. Mahony, Alfred. Mellett, Thomas. aR Moylan, Vincent. O'Connell, Michael. COLLEGE STAFF: RHETORIC AND MATRICULATION. O'Meara, Joseph. Power, Patrick. REV. JAMES FINUCANE, S.J., Minister. REV. JEREMIAH MURPHY, S.J. REV. AUGUSTINE KELLY, S.J., Prefect of Discipline. Division II. Quinlan, Patrick. REV. EDMOND FROST, S.J., Prefect of Studies. Slattery, Edward. REV. FREDERICK CUFFE, S.J., Prefect of Discipline. REV. JAMES TOMKIN, S.J., Mod. of Apostolic School. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLIUS. Walsh, Thomas. S.J., Director of Sodality, REV. JAMES GUBBINS, S.J. REV. JOHN NERNEY, Guerin, John. Boyle, Hugh (Prefect, Windle, John. B.V.M. REV. JEROME MAHONY, S.J., Director of S.J., Director of Sodality, Observatory. Hayes, Matthew. znd Club). REV. ERNEST SPILLANE, Healy, Maurice. Brady, John. H.A. WILLIAM O'KEEFFE, Esq. JOHN HAUGH, Esq. Lawless. John. Byrne, Joseph. Rsv. JOHN CASEY, S.J. Lee, Alfred. S.J. MICHAEL MOORE, Esq. Daly, Joseph. REV. WILLIAM KANE. O'Dowd, John. Fahy, Michael. REV. BARTHOLOMEW COGHLAN, S.J. FRANCIS MOANE, Esq. 1. JUNIOR HONOURS. S.J., As.t. Mo(lerator. 1)ANIEL DOOLAN, Esq. O'Neill, Alphonsus. Lalor, John. REV. WILLIAM STEPHENSON, Vhit.', Patrick. McGoldrick, James. O'Carroll, Michael. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. LAY BROTHERS: Ryan, John. Conway, John (Captain, Walsh, Patrick B. III. Club). BR. BRADY, S.J. BR. CASEY, S.J. BR. MCCABE, S.J. BR. POWER, S.J. Garry, Augustine. Mulcahy, Richard. Noone, John. Medical Adviser :—M. J. Malone, Esq., M.D., F.R.C.S.I. O'Reilly. Andrew (Prefect, POETRY. Sodality H.A.). Dental Surgeon : -George Hartigan, Esq., L.D.S. O'Reilly, Edward. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. Barry, Raymond. Curran, Maitiii. Egan, James. Deignan, Francis. Fitzgerald, Edward. Dore, John. PHILOSOPHY CLASS, 1917-1918. PHILOSOPHY CLASS, ii 7-igi8—Continued. Fitzgerald, Joseph. Kennedy, Edward. I. GRAMMAR. Harris, Richard. McEver, Lawrence. Second Year. First Year—Coniinued. A POST OLICS. Hayes, Patrick. McGrath, Cornelius. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS—Coniinued. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. LAY BOYS Hickey, Matthew. O'Loughlin, Joseph. Clarke, Henry. Fanning, i'raiicis K. Devlin, JO1fl. English, John. MacNamara, Michael Hill. Joseph. O'Sullivan, Michael. Dooley, Francis. Feeney, Andrew. Murphy, Denis (Captain Hayes, John. (Prefect, 3rd Club). Hogan, Thomas. Pathe, Timothy. Forde, Dominick. of House. Prefect, Lane, Edmond (Prefect, Maxwell, James. Jennings, Eamonn. Toil, Martin. Kelly, Francis. Sodality, B.V.M.). 4th Club). McGrath, Timothy. Migee. Gerald. Toal, Timothy. McCarthy, James. Lehmann, Leo. McKenna, James (Pre- McAllister, Anthony. McDonnell, John. MacNamara, John. fect. Sen. Study). Mellett, John (Captain McMahon, Hugh. O'Donnell, Patrick. Murray. Martin. II. Club). Moore. Thomas. Standen, Edward (1st O'Neill, Michael. Mulcahy, John (Sec., Nolan, Maurice. Sacristan). Walshe, William (Sen. II. Club). Normile. Joseph (Captain, Wynne. Edward (Prefect, Apostolic Prefect). Murphy, Arthur. IV. Club). 1st Club). Murphy, Bartholomew. O'Hara, Gerald. First Year. Nealon, James. 01-lea, James. RHETORIC AND MATRICULATION. O'Connor, Michael. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. O'Hea, Michael. Division I. O'Mcehan, Thomas. O'Meara, Thomas. Coyle, Francis. Fitzgerald, Francis. LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. Pierse, Thomas. O'Neill. Michael. Fitzpatrick, Richard (Sec. Glancy. Ernest. Bennett. Thomas. Ahern, Richard. Power, Adam. Power. John. House). Halligan, Patrick. Purcell, John. Quinlan. Jerome (Sec.. Hartnett. Thomas (Pre- Conway, William. Casey, Michael. Hennessy, Richard. Fisher, James. Rafferty, John. IV. Cl'ib). Kissane. Edward. fect, Small Study). Coughlin, Vincent. Delany, John. Flynn, Augustine. Ryan, Daniel. Ryan, John. O'Connell, William. Hyland, James. Sheedy, Patrick. White, Thomas. O'Shaughnessy, Patrick. Maguire, Charles. Griffin, Joseph. Madigan, Anthony. I am 1111; MUNlI:1 .\NNt.\L,

Jr III I !,'.- I()Ii"i ( mmtznurI 1II'N(1E'r ANNUAL ADVERTISER, LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. LAY BOYS ( 'mmtgnu:'d. 1 i. \I I 14•4'II 'I \h ". mm I t.t ilt IS (diii!, Iii mas %\ ;It'll, \ILL 11,01. hhmmIm,mii. \'m'iIIiun. (.tsry, 1h 'fl1d,. Sulhv;mn Ii,mvnimmnmi. (i (fey, Leo. Sullivan. Imrtholmtrnnw. I ).iriwortli, Maurice. lion, Patrick. ni rv 1k rnas. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, lit nI V. Denis. I Ittitu, Patrick. Nt'lly. John, / 11 ifFY / mitt]!, \ViIIi.tin CORK I S \oI;in, Robert 5t't LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS. I, (A Constituent College of the National University of Ireland). 'Nit!!, (onal, I.tri'v, IXigaTo, J;irnes. (m mutt \I iwer, Patrick. (rowe, Jmmhui \\' v.111 Denis. I )migg.iii, Frank, Iv.mmi, \\;mlter Fm,x, Joltn, V.mmlglhmn. I I(fl15 h)(, Iiiiiut liv \Vm • Igir, I lit nit -. I I.LV(S, 1tnmt' lane, Wilfrid. mmmcv, 1 ':mtrttk J FULl. COURSES FOR DF(;RFFS AND l)lrl.( )\lAS IN - \IamImIeri, \Viflman'm \lmm'AIIist,'r, Frank \Im'(arthv, Michael. Commer'c'e iron, Patrick. Arts LAY BOYS. APOSTOLICS I'slmanghnessv, Arthur. I . it' ' I' I I' Sullivan Mmmrtimcr. Celtic Studies Agriculture ( •mIImi'it it ilm I'm'm'it, \Im it over, I( im' hard. Ilrringtun, l'hamiI ii'. JIa'arv, I I'nrser, mmliii. I l;mvn't, Ilimminas. SImii'lm,imi, Pain k. ( 111111 Ian l',LtflI'k Science Law - I I,ml,i ii J i' l it 101(1, K,'ran (hunk's, I;I or, I Iii Medicine Education Kt-ran. ( hristm mphtr. SIit't'Ii.i ii, "1"11111114.1 Dentistry Journalism Engineering Music

Full particulars as to the Conditions and Cost of obtaining these Degrees and Diplomas, with all other infuc'matioii as to the C liege, its faci I i cs and Scholarships, may be obtaiue.I on application to TI IF REGISTRAR.

The College has a number of vad tie SCHOLARSHIPS, full ' particulars as to which can be obtained gratis 4111 iip)IiL'atim it to THE REGISTRAR at the College.

The College has plavitig grounds 15 acres iii extent, available for all •. kinds of games.

The HONAN HOSTEL pi'o'imIes comfortal)lc accommodation for Catholic Men Students at a very moderate charge. Chapel and Resident Chaplain. For full particulars apply to THE WARDEN.

A List of recognised Lodgings, appnived by the Prelolellt and the Deans

of Residence, is available for the USC 0f parents and guardians. Apply to THE SECRETARY. .

It lien ordering plcdsc iiit'iiliuii this Juiti'iimtl. A. M. + I). G. A. M. 44 I). (.


Ili tins I )'partnu'nt, iIi'It t' lit huc ft s -tiw hue. iii'rv 'l iv the classes in either the 1Punrct College, S.3., t''.tioal lit (iirnnierci.cl I )t'li, LitIuiIit .. iii thiue. u iii iitg . i,'li I general education, have spt'ci.il •.i's in Agricultural Sc Irii e, i. in. liii ti' I by an Inst ru tor from the Ri val College of Science, Dublin. v areal'.i, encouraged to take an interest in practical farm work in all its branches as carried out LIMERICK. 11 the College farm. Lectures in Agriculture may be attended by students in the other Departments.

The College is beautifully and healthfully situated on an eminence it little to the south of the Shannon, and less than three miles west of the City of Limerick. There are several spacious, well- lighted, and well-ventilated dormitories, lecture halls, and class rooms, also lavatories and bath There are three vacations in the year, one of ahioit nine weeks in summer, ne if three rooms, constructed in tin' itii,st improved principles. 'I'll(, Nat oral Science Department has very weeks large and valuable collection of instruments. In aili lit tin to, t lie play grounds, and cricket fields at Christmas, and one of ten clays at Easter. I )urinig thi&'st' intervals no pupil is alhiwt'il to remain litre is an extensive a rub tila & toni for exercise and gamesganies in wet %%Cathcr. This College is lighted in the College. throughout by electricity. Two months' notice is required before removing it boy front the College ituring the school year. The Jesuit Fathers, who have the management of this College, seek, above all things, to educate A fortnight's notice is sufficient when a boy is withdrawn at Summer Vacation. the Pupils in the principles of the Catholic Religion, and to habituate them to the faithful observance Tic safeguard the health of the boys, a certificate of health, stating that the boy during vacation of its precepts. A course of religious instruction, comprising Scripture, Church History, and has not hail or asociateil with one having an infectious disease, must be sent to the Rector a few days Christian Doctrine, is obligatory on all. Prizes are offered for proficiency in it, and no boy can before the opening of schools. obtain a medal, prize, or distinction in any other subject who fails to qualify in religious knowledge.

Special attention is paid to the Improvement of mariners .'inil the uiirmatiiin of character. An experienced Physician visits the College, anil t lit it 1, •i ii I ntirrnarv distinct from the College Building, wit ii it Trained Nurse in charge. The Si iilalitics of 1 h Itlesseit Virgin prima /lrintarra ), and of the iii dv Angels, are established in the College, and it is the earnest %visit of the Fathers that the boys by their conductoct may merit Before being admitted to the College, a Meihical Cern 1 1 , .i 1, 't -i tug that the applicant is free from to be enrolled. tuberculosis is required.

The Superior will at once resign the charge of any Pupil who seriously violates the rules of the Application for admission must alsu & he accompanied by it Testimonial from the last school College, or whose general conduct, or neglect of study, is such as to afford no reasonable hope of attended, and a Certificate of Birth front .i I 'ii hlii Registry of Births. amendment or progress. Each pupil will hiring with him at last two suits of cli,th,'s an overcoat, flannel shirts and To twiir, thi.r..uighi jul ''It,', ti',u' ti' hiitit. iii.' (',ill c , 1 , ' Ii' A,h nut' lot .1, 1,.,l tiiu''iit'. underclothing eight pairs of stockings, eight pocket handkerchiefs sjX towels, six serviettes, three Ill t'h),tr.tt. .r . ]'I t'"'I ii I 'tot ' I u. .1 pars of sheets, four pillow cases, three lairs of pvanl.ts, three pairs of strong boots, two pairs of housese shoes, calls, wi i laundry bags, and a dressing-case. I PREPARATORY

'fIns I ic'jl.trtitli'Iit 1, IlLtcnd('L ti lu'\ '11), lilt eleven \ i.e. 'I .ic,' I ''v hay, hit ''%Nil nuturies, study, and play tic'hls, distinct from the more go iwo boys A M.itron looks spec i,cllv TERMS. after their wants. Their & nurse 1 stiijliu's .0015 it ru'jarlg tlu'iti fir'' fit 1;1111 lit iii thu.' other I )t'partnsc'nts. -11 it l'c'n',i'Ill ii' tainty- livi' gill 111"t i Ili Iui"iiu Ii,uit.juatl',.

11. PROFESSIONAL. (For brothers twenty-hive pounds).

'lii ueti,cl aim I f this ul.1 ,trtnlent 1'- t 1 F - j'.t b . I thu \I.,t:j .. 'ti' t I. N.ti University, and the tither entrance c'xaniinatlj ins to the 1 'ri,fessions Law, Medical, l'.ctg uii'eruig, Music (optional)-_-.Twcc guineas half-yearly. Veterinary, etc. The Matru ul.tti'.n course has always formed a \'er\' special class in the ('iillege. The successes gained bs. Murigrc't iii tint examinatiicns of the Royal and National Universities place hr Ituril:' r ott tie. .11.k i' the E,'u'r, it in the first rank if lush ('II ,'c, ' In tho I >'p.trtiu.'itt tu,h, ot all'' ii,' 111II tu-oth ,c'hi,cie '.1 ii,i\ attend lectures Ili l..'gt' ,itiul il.'iIt,Ll ,cttil i1'i.il ts .0. REV. JAMES CORBOY, S.J., Mungret College. Ill. COMMERCIAL. lk.v,. ivhi,& ,Lt&' iciti'n,h,'il tur .i t 'uttitituri oil career ,cru' trim-I iii I iuo.tnu'ss \Iu-th. ,iii'l iii' LIMERICK. prepared for Banks. Railways, etc. Special cart' is given to laiglish, (.onsnsercial Arithmetic, Book-keepuig, etc. A.M.D.G. A. M. * D. G.

V. Time of Probatlon.—A period of six months is allowed a boy, from his first entrance into the school, to think over his vocation, and to understand its nature and the duties of the College life. If, at the end of that time, he is determined to persevere, and if the Superior considers that he gives Me Sacred heart. sufficient promise of an Apostolic vocation, he becomes a pupil of the Apostolic School. The Apostolic S0001 01 pension for these six months of probation is Z17, which is paid at the student's first entry into the College. The student will at the same time lodge with the Superior money sufficient to pay his 0 a travelling expenses to his home. This latter is in no case returned except the student is dismissed \INGRET COLLEGE. LIMERICK. from the College.

VI. Pension.—The pension for Apostolic students is 134 a year. There is at the disposal of the College a number of burses, founded for the training of students for the foreign missions. By . . this means a limited number of students can be maintained each year on considerably reduced pensions, and preference is given to the most promising candidates. As a rule, however, no students can be received under Jto a year, at least for the first four years of his course. His PROSPECTUS. parents or guardians must besides pay a fee of thirty shillings at the student's first entrance into the College, and find him in clothes and small incidental expenses during all the time of his course. Nature and Object of the School. —The Apostolic School of Mungret is under the direction of In no case is the entrance fee returned. Thirty shillings yearly is charged for laundry; and all the Fathers of the Society of Jesus. Its object is to train boys for the Priesthood, in order to travelling expenses are to be defrayed by the parents or guardians. increase the number of English-speaking Missionaries throughout the world. VII. Entrance Examination.—The usual time for entering the Apostolic School is the last By reason of its special system of training, and the comprehensiveness of its scope. the Mungret week in August, although in exceptional cases' boys are received at other times of the year. Apostolic School is quite unique in English-speaking countries. Examinations of candidates are held at an earlier date in the same month. The examination The course extends over a period of six or seven years. It begins with Grammar, and ends is meant as a test of vocation and ability, as well as of acquired knowledge. A good grounding with Philosophy. Thus the Mungret student is ready at the end of his course to enter upon the in English and Mathematics is expected of all, and preference is given to those who have made higher ecclesiastical studis. some progress in the study of Latin. This programme of the entrance examination will be furnished immediately on application. to 18 years, II. Qualities required for Admission.—ThC usual age of admission is from i4 although, in the case of very promising boys with a decided vocation, exceptions to this rule are Except in individual cases the Superior decides otherwise, students go home on vacation in sometimes allowed. The qualities required in a candidate are :—good health, good appearance and summer. • 1 address, mental abilities above the average, sincere piety, a solid vocation to the Priesthood, and an earnest desire of the Missionary life. VIII. Necessary Documents.—An application for admittance to the Apostolic School should be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the Parish Priest, or from one of the parochial III. Missions.—The student is left free to join either the secular Priesthood in the foreign clergy. The candidate should, besides, send to the Superior a letter of his own composition, missions, or to enter a religious order; and in the latter case they may choose any duly authorised expressing his desire to be a missionary priest, and telling of his progress in his studies. religious order in the Church, provided only it sends subjects on the foreign mission. A pupil must bring with him, or send beforehand, his baptismal certificate, and his certificate The Superiors, taking into account the individual characters, qualities, and inclination of each of birth from the public registry. student, decide before the end of his course the mission or diocese to which he is to attach himself. No student is asked, or allowed, to go on for missions of exceptional difficulty, except at his own A certificate of health is also required—the form to be supplied from the College. earnest and persevering wish, and except, besides, he has given evidence of the possession of the qualities which make him peculiarly suitable for such work. Further particulars may be had on application to:- Candidates are sometimes, however, received for particular missions in virtue of a special arrangement made when they are first received. - THE RECTOR.

Iv. Consent of Parents. -Parents are required to guarantee not to interfere with the son's Mungret College, vocation, nor to make any difficulty in taking him back immediately to his family if he should be LIMERICK. judged unfit for the apostolic life. .

Should any serious fault on the part of the pupil call for his immediate removal, the Rector may dismiss him on giving notice to his parents or guardian.

When ahoy presents himself for admission it is taken for granted that his parents or guardians agree to all these conditions; and before a student is put on a College burse his father or guardian must sign a printed form expressing agreement to them.