Fticrilty, Students. Ajld Commu~ Uniteagainstabolishing Open Atlm, Ibsionb
;.~':.. \ , ...... .' .... .. -- . ..... ~ r ..:. - ." ,. J l, -..... - . .. -: .'.. ' "_ ", •.•• 0.; •. ....., "" .. ,.. ..- .' .. ... _.~ "'...- - '-," .-. -•... -' ..'. ..... ,, ........ -, By Chan-joo.Moon ....... ;.. ' ..CollegePr-esident Matthew Goldste" will1 :v 'B' chCoP;"'':>""~~~' . ". ,lIt. .r-r-zr-» ea.e "aJ:U... : , to become. theeighthpresidentof.". Adelphi:University-ef'teCtive,JUna <~ 15. -The,. official announcement, ' _:: came·at'a·press conference on the"'f mornm-g'ofMareh2 at the CamPUS -,,~~. ofAdelphi,'UniverSity in Long Is- '; .: land. ' '" ,"Iwas l~~iingan_in~tifutionthat':·:. I .care deeply abOuti,an··institution,,~, ,that.Ihelped mold' withhigh stan- .: ~,, dards'and a. sense.of,community," .;:~~~ saidGoldstein. "[Butltherecomes: -: a time when your best work has. " already.been.demonstrated,": ' ,~~,~~nceme~~ cpmesatthe heelsof'the departure ofVice~i- ,·BaF~·.~.~G01~;-·-.~,:'~"tm~L:I8enberg, dentJamesMUithB on January 16~ et».draran~8oIirdof:'f'jzq~Ade"'hi:~t;y·"'" '"" ProVo$lbis'8:-etoo'fiholm:m-ayfin(:}-'" 'Stateeompt~tter'H~~al'tMeCaH;""fs~be~g,-ehaitinan 'of-Adelphi herselr.in_eh~:of-anthreetop and,Jtf~~~ Tetreault,·.viee -,: UIli~ity:~_ ~f trustees.. He postscfBaroChCollege: president, ,' presidentfor academic affairS at ' saidthatGoldstein· had demon vice president'and'provost. .- californi,aState-UniversityatFul-strateda"acholar1y statute, a com- The·tWo-~.~caDdid&testorthe ._ ..lertOn. -, ' ,'..:'.. '- ,'. ' Dlitm~Ju,J1!!iensiti~,J;Q~stll- prt!.Si~oJ\A~elphi:~~~~ee:' ·..~w Goldstein. w8$"the -'~"8nd'WoU1dtakeA4e1Phiin-
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