Fticrilty, Students. Ajld Commu~ Uniteagainstabolishing Open Atlm, Ibsionb

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Fticrilty, Students. Ajld Commu~ Uniteagainstabolishing Open Atlm, Ibsionb ;.~':.. \ , ...... .' .... .. -- . ..... ~ r ..:. - ." ,. J l, -..... - . .. -: .'.. ' "_ ", •.•• 0.; •. ....., "" .. ,.. ..- .' .. ... _.~ "'...- - '-," .-. -•... -' ..'. ..... ,,­ ........ -, By Chan-joo.Moon ....... ;.. ' ..CollegePr-esident Matthew Goldste" will1 :v 'B' chCoP;"'':>""~~~' . ". ,lIt. .r-r-zr-» ea.e "aJ:U... : , to become. theeighthpresidentof.". Adelphi:University-ef'teCtive,JUna <~ 15. -The,. official announcement, ' _:: came·at'a·press conference on the"'f mornm-g'ofMareh2 at the CamPUS -,,~~. ofAdelphi,'UniverSity in Long Is- '; .: land. ' '" ,"Iwas l~~iingan_in~tifutionthat':·:. I .care deeply abOuti,an··institution,,~, ,that.Ihelped mold' withhigh stan- .: ~,,­ dards'and a. sense.of,community," .;:~~~ saidGoldstein. "[Butltherecomes: -: a time when your best work has. " already.been.demonstrated,": ' ,~~,~~nceme~~ cpmesatthe heelsof'the departure ofVice~i- ,·BaF~·.~.~G01~;-·-.~,:'~"tm~L:I8enberg, dentJamesMUithB on January 16~ et».draran~8oIirdof:'f'jzq~Ade"'hi:~t;y·"'" '"" ProVo$lbis'8:-etoo'fiholm:m-ayfin(:}-'" 'Stateeompt~tter'H~~al'tMeCaH;""fs~be~g,-ehaitinan 'of-Adelphi herselr.in_eh~:of-anthreetop and,Jtf~~~ Tetreault,·.viee -,: UIli~ity:~_ ~f trustees.. He postscfBaroChCollege: president, ,' presidentfor academic affairS at ' saidthatGoldstein· had demon­ vice president'and'provost. .- californi,aState-UniversityatFul-strateda"acholar1y statute, a com- The·tWo-~.~caDdid&testorthe ._ ..lertOn. -, ' ,'..:'.. '- ,'. ' Dlitm~Ju,J1!!iensiti~,J;Q~stll- prt!.Si~oJ\A~elphi:~~~~ee:' ·..~w Goldstein. w8$"the -'~"8nd'WoU1dtakeA4e1Phiin- F~·~Br~~:·~~'lO!~~::.~~~,; frGJit~fDJ.,'·~,·~tbe:fint.~ -.!YJ~e .. - - ..-.'.' , , ...·-.. ••.i(c•.n,,:·: ,,".': •. :.. -,:', .- :.:., _ :~01i'l'lll' ~_7' '. " ~-~ ., . ' . ,.. '<-'.' .....-_-- ..~ .. .., ;..:. ;:. Fticrilty,Students.aJld Commu~UniteAgainstAbolishing Open Atlm,iBsionB ...-....''': . ... BYIIWain-:Joo Mooa .' out. .ThePSC re-eleeted &win dents:tbemscbesareri1ired·inpoyerty. 'IbeCOl'ltftJver_sial-~-qfQtyUni- PoJjs~aDdhis.City.University 'Wehave'tochangetbe perceptiOJl ' versq:....~:-to-...... U1iIGIi.~ ..-(CU{]C} ~.~t ...... ~~_.~ ..It·.. .. _.r .........- ,..... ~ .. -:-;' . ",' . ".", c.' )•.' .:.•'~' ~\....' .••. ( .< .. ~.... ..... ~.. ' ~.~:.: .-.' . .' '. "'- .' :?...~ . ~ ... ...... ~- ...... .oJ- ..... ~ ~,_, . ' .. .... ~ ~~ ~~: .p.". '- .•. ..,-: " _.. ,. .. .",:' ?;(~'~"'i:' !-.. ,." <:.; ::,:. ::-~.. .... ... '.':' . ... - '" ..-..... - _.- - .. - .- . - . ~ ... ', ...;.:.,; .~:;.,. .. :.-,_ .......".~ .••..•,'.:- •. -r ...... 4"-~""'" "." '~~_.' ...-- .... __.: .. ...... ~...; ... -"... -'.,... ~----~. __ ..,' --- <.......;::-. istrators examine the current is­ sues in tenure. President Goldstein noted that tenure is a highly debatable issue now that corporate America is shifting towards downswing and restructuring.of companies for ef­ ficieney, Opponents of tenure re­ gard it as an obstacle for flexibil­ ity within an organization. They "Without tenure, . you're at the mercy of a reappointmentpro­ cess whereas any mo- mentyou can be dis­ missed" ..••.. >.~~ ..... ,'. ·.io" .. _ ••• ..- ',' ..': ..... - '" '-.. ,' ': "" .":. , : '. - . ~ t . ""- I i .-. '.' ,;. ' . -, <,;, :.',. -- ,~ ........ : .. ·>_·.,.,.~i~."- .- •I .. ..,.~~>'. TICKER<-~ ·~CH ..NEWS 4,. 1998 : TICKER NEWS. MARCH 4, .199& ...• Women's HistoryMonth . Don't: "~' ~en! Give BI;;d- ~':"B8u~~::~:~CP.i:~Reriew ~ There:~ ~ a Blood Drive on Courses" Sponsored by Beta Eng1ishWritingCenteris now OpeningCeremonytobe.held Mareh 5, 9:30am-3pm, 360 PAS, Alpha Psi. To be held '6n Mar. otreringFREE TlITORING for on Mar. 5, 360 PAS,~1IlS1436 rOom 1542. Justmake 8ll appt, at !7,.l7'Lex.Ave;f5 South. 12:45- ;~~N:o;;.~:~~~~~: & 1440. '-/':- '360PAS, room 1512.You'llbesav- 2pm. Wed. 10-5,Thurs. 11-2duringthe . r··.· ing a life. Career Preparation ts 11 987 For more events please'contact semester. For app ca u - Wecandoit!Loseweightwith Semjaurs'~.Juniors,~rs"i410or sign up in room 1804, Student Life at 212-802-6800 a friend. Group meets ,every.. ~ G~ua~''Stu~ents, are.~- 18th St. Bldg. Monday 12-1pm, at 360 PAS/. 'Vl~ ~our,~~tives[romdif- Student. Life will be offering .!r~~"coJ:~a~&ns .~.~hare room1543 .. -'.', -'- t:,': .FREE TUTORING for sev- J ~ HaveYO\lgottenytmMMR... "i~~hel::;~ eral subjects. Offered Mon- .. ...• J' • munization.? It's fr.ee. S~n~6:15pm, 17:Lex. Ave, 3rd f1 sky- days-Thursdays 5-9pm, Satur- Discount Movie Ticke. can be sored by Student LIfe. To be. '·ligh.1;.loUJlge " days 11am-4pm during the. se- purchased at the StudenfCenter heldonMar. 11,-11am-7pm,360' . mester. To schedule aPPolnt- 360 PAS, rm 1512. Tickets are $5 • PAS,room 1543, .. Comic Strip Live: tickets are1 ments caII. R·Iehar d (212) 802- and valid for one year. 802-6770 '$7.00 and admits twopeope. 6770 bet. 4-8:30pm OR sign up Available all ·semester~,'..: The FDNYwill be recuitingon Purchasetickets attheStudent at 360 PAS,. room 1512. .' ~~m.· .,~;2p~~60 P AS, 15th Fl., Center 360 PAS, rm 1512 Mon- Career Develpment will be offering CareerWorkshops 212 822-2700,: day-Fridayfrom9am-9pmCash All workshops are held at 151 E. 25th St. .. ESSA is offering FREE LEGAL 'Only. Available all semester. For further info. call: 212-802-6710 .'. (212) 254-2525 SERVICES.to all Baruch students TheBarllehCollegeEarly .Topic-Winning Resumes: Mar. 4, 5:30-7:30pm, room 251 • • _New. Yon - .-....-. (212) 666-4177 dealing with Housing, Family, Con- LearningCenterwill provide Topic-Choosing A Major: Mar. 23, 12-2pm, room 251 .. .- -~ .. sumerandRealEstatelaw,Immigra- child care for 3-5 yo. on Satur- Topic-Effective Job Search: Mar. 25, 5:30-7:3Opm, room 251 tion, Divorres,-Landlord and Tenant days, 8:45am-2pm during the Interviewing: Mar. 11, 5:3()-7:30pm, room 251 issues. For an appointmentcall 802- semester.You must pick up an 6794. Apptsfor Mar.9,Mar.17,5:30- application at 104 E. 19th St. Mar. 24, 12-2pm, room 724 ~ 7:30pm. or 360 PAS, rm 1512. Workshops w£ll be held throughout the semester. , '_""'" ." .' • 3bO 1>CfY~ AveV\,ue SOL-{t~ (2G stYeet) If~~~i~~!i1l~&;~~;§~~;~el1ter ~AT TiC:ker~~~;~ti12, • :1.-4th Flooy CElEBRATE...... ek·:=7fu .+' NO CHARGE -please type and leave in the • New y OYR" NY:1.00:1.0 Yom Ha'atzmaut Boat Trip Extravaganza • call (~2) ~O:2-GTj-4 foy Lv\'fon-t-\-~tLov\'. CUNY StudentArrested • H'OYS ~/oeuvYe a&M;{ LlquoYwLtL be s.erVed!!! for the 50th Birthda.y or r,~~ .. , Grl.lss­ ~. PSC Calls for .' -. .... - . I)d- pia••LatIn HOust, ~B, HIla hop fA m.re From OpenAdmission Rally Roots Movement SAVETHEDAT,E . , to lineupsupportinthe[stateand city] .. ByDavidBI~ ~:.;..z: : _:=: _'~ : :.. Movement,<S-LAM), a student activist continued from front Thursday evening, Ap.ril3-& government.Wearetryingto getmore "" .' . On Monday, February 23, '1998, group. Both organizations have car­ OnePSC official said that this is nec­ college students.unite to celebrate Israel's Golden Anniversary . .:.. I r~ trustees in attendance at the board ried outprotests before andsaid they essary because the contract negotia­ funding through negotiations." strat.e.gy~.l>-~wh~,~~ meeting·of-city University of-New .woold continue to-wage their cam­ tionis.adelicateprocesainwhich''nei­ . That York (CUNY) hadjustbeen infonned paign. ther side wantsto give awaytheirI» gravatestheNewCaualsandis.sJowly ofGeorgeWeissman's record$10mil- The$nvoy, HunterCollege'sstudent sition [publicly] until the agreements addingto theirnumbersasfacultyand staffwhoarefrustratedwiththePSC THE UNITED STATES 'HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM IS lion contribution to Baruch College newspaper, identified'the arrested are finalized" The official said that to - " when a protester climbed onto the protestersasI.eninaNadal,a Hunter make the process public would eom­ jointhem. TheNewCaucussays that DEDICATED TO PRESERVING' THE HISTORY OF SIX MilliON board table and interuppted summa cum laude graduate and a promise their ability to giveor receive thePSChas"failedtoprovidea vision Weissman's remarks. Meanwhile, founding member ofSLAM; and Eric concessions. and policies adequate to the crisis." JEWS AND erssa VICTIMS OF NAZI TYRA'NNY demonstrators lining the back of the Odell, a student activist. Nadal was These negotiations have led to Inanswerto MayorRudolfGiuliani's OOardroomchanted''CUNYisaRight, the first-person tojump onthe table. yet a third division within PSC. call for an end to remedial courses in FROM. 1933 TO 1945' Fight, Fight, Fight." Shewascharged with disorderly con- Many adjuncts have united to form community colleges and transfening Approximately 150 additional dem- duct and resiSting arrest and was re­ their own group, CUNY Adjuncts these courses to private institutions, onstrators held astreetprotestoutside leased later that evening. Odell was Unite (CAD). Adjuncts are part­ Simmons saidthatPSC isputtingbr in the rain. charged with disorderly conduct and time professors. ''We are left out gether an advertising campaign and The protest and disruptionwere or- assaulting a CUNY security officer. cold," said one CAD member. "I other strategies which are "under re­ chestratedby studentactivist organi- He washeldovernightand arraigned don't completely trust the New view." HesaidthatendingOpenAd­ zationsagainstthe board'spolicieson the next moniing. He was released Caucus but I prefer them over missionsis unlikelybecause'theNew Open Admissions and against Mayor on $2,500bail. PSC." He said he has his doubts York State educationlaw'wouldhave Giuliani, who supports the board 's Aro>rdingtotheEnvoy, ifronvicted despite what the New Caucus to be rewritten. "It wwld
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