Aborigines Department
1906. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ABORIGINES DEPARTMENT. REPORT FOR FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1906. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. PERTH: BY AUTHOBITY : FRED. WM. SIMPSON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1906. No. 29. APPROXIMATE COST OF PAPER : Printing (350 copies ), £1613s. 3d. Lithographing Map, £2 SB. 3d. Digitised by AIATSIS library 2008- www.aiatsis.gov.au/library ABOBIGINES DEPARTMENT. Report for Financial Year ending 30th June, 1906. To THE UNDER TREASURER, SIR, Perth, 25th September, 1906. I beg to submit, for the information of the Honourable the Colonial Treasurer, my Report on the working of the Aborigines Department for the year ended 30th June, 1900, and on the general con- dition of the Aborigines throughout the State, as far as civilisation exists. The amount voted by Parliament last session for the carrying on of my duties was £8,000, which was £1,000 less than the amount voted the previous year, and also £1,000 less than the amount estimated by me to be required. The results were that, in spite of every effort on my part to keep expenditure down, at the end of the year an excess vote of £2,099 had to be asked for. I may say that, with the exception of two months of the year, the accounts had been kept by the Colonial Secretary's Departmental Accountant, and in a great measure this prevented me from having that close grip of the outgoings that I had previously when every account was kept in the Department, and this may in some way explain this large excess.
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