Eighty Mile Beach Marine Park Has Six Different Zones
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- March - Wet Yes 60 24 36 November (08) 9176 5944. 9176 (08) Eighty Mile Beach Marine Park has six different zones: Caravan Park, 50km to the south. For more information call call information more For south. the to 50km Park, Caravan October marine park from this location is via the Eighty Mile Beach Beach Mile Eighty the via is location this from park marine Dry No 10 16 32 April - - April Sanctuary zones: The green zones are ‘look but don’t take’ accommodation and rooms. The nearest access point to the the to point access nearest The rooms. and accommodation (°C) (°C) areas, where all types of fishing are prohibited. They are Sandfire Roadhouse Sandfire offers fuel, meals, snacks, camping camping snacks, meals, fuel, offers (mm) Temp Temp Temp set aside for conservation, so all plants and animals are Cyclones Rainfall Night Daily Months Season protected. There are three sanctuary zones in the park: 08 9176 5941 or visit eightymilebeach.com.au. eightymilebeach.com.au. visit or 5941 9176 08 Anna Plains, Kurtamparanya and Pananykarra. Service rangers are often onsite. For more information call call information more For onsite. often are rangers Service Comfort and safety Zone boundaries and some visitors are keen to observe this natural phenomenon. phenomenon. natural this observe to keen are visitors some and via 4WD and foot from the caravan park. Parks and Wildlife Wildlife and Parks park. caravan the from foot and 4WD via • Tides in the marine park are semi diurnal (two high tides and Zone boundaries are defined by latitude and longitude coordinates. cyclones. However, sea turtle nesting occurs in the wet season season wet the in occurs nesting turtle sea However, cyclones. Special purpose zones (cultural heritage): The blue zones public phones and a mini mart. You can access the marine park park marine the access can You mart. mini a and phones public two low tides each day). Check the tide times before driving On the water, zone boundaries can be identified using Global when temperatures are milder and there is low risk of tropical tropical of risk low is there and milder are temperatures when recognise and protect sites of high cultural significance toilet blocks, drinking water, barbecues, fish cleaning station, station, cleaning fish barbecues, water, drinking blocks, toilet along the beach. Positioning Systems (GPS) and plotters. You will need to plot the average rainfall is low. Most people visit in the dry season season dry the in visit people Most low. is rainfall average to the traditional owners, particularly the Nyangumarta unpowered campsites and self-contained units, a camp kitchen, kitchen, camp a units, self-contained and campsites unpowered coordinates manually into your GPS. To do this accurately, ensure people. There are four cultural heritage zones in the park: The marine park lies on the most arid coast in Australia, where where Australia, in coast arid most the on lies park marine The • The beach can have areas of soft sand and mud. Be careful Eighty Mile Beach Caravan Park Caravan Beach Mile Eighty offers powered and and powered offers that your GPS is set to either GDA94 or WGS84. Jangyjartiny, Waru, Paruwuturr and Pilyarlkarra. Climate when driving your vehicle and try to stick to the high tide line The coordinates can be found in this brochure, and online at either pardoostation.com. or above. There have been many vehicle recoveries and losses Special purpose zone (mangrove protection): The pink the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions onsite. For more information call (08) 9176 4930 or visit visit or 4930 9176 (08) call information more For onsite. north-west Pilbara joint management plan 2016 plan management joint Pilbara north-west at the beach. dbca.wa.gov.au. zones are managed for the protection of mangroves, Parks and Wildlife Service or Department of Primary Industries and Parks and reserves of the south-west Kimberley and and Kimberley south-west the of reserves and Parks refer to the the to refer 4WD, boat and foot. Parks and Wildlife Service rangers are often often are rangers Service Wildlife and Parks foot. and boat 4WD, saltmarshes and species inhabiting these areas, while • It is not recommended that you swim in the marine park Regional Development websites. Alternatively, zoning maps can be For more information about the Eighty Mile Beach coastal reserves reserves coastal Beach Mile Eighty the about information more For opportunities in the south-western end of the marine park via via park marine the of end south-western the in opportunities allowing for compatible recreational use. They are of high due to the presence of jellyfish, catfish, sharks and vagrant emailed to you if you call the Parks and Wildlife Service office. south. the in Keraudren Cape near Creek Cootenbrand to north snacks and bait. From here you can access recreational fishing fishing recreational access can you here From bait. and snacks crocodiles. cultural significance to the Ngarla people. There is one marine park, stretching almost 220km from Cape Missiessy in the the in Missiessy Cape from 220km almost stretching park, marine pool, fire pit, boat launching areas and small shop stocking stocking shop small and areas launching boat pit, fire pool, mangrove protection zone in the park: Malamalajungunya. • Hot weather dehydrates your body quickly, so always carry Know your zones Beach. The Eighty Mile Beach coastal reserves run parallel to the the to parallel run reserves coastal Beach Mile Eighty The Beach. There is a camp kitchen, restaurant, toilet and shower block, block, shower and toilet restaurant, kitchen, camp a is There plenty of water. recreational sites of Cape Keraudren, Pardoo and Eighty Mile Mile Eighty and Pardoo Keraudren, Cape of sites recreational In Western Australia, marine parks are zoned to protect the natural Special purpose zones (shore-based activities): The red zones corporate clients and has camp sites, rooms and houses for rent. rent. for houses and rooms sites, camp has and clients corporate for nearly 260km along the coast and includes the popular popular the includes and coast the along 260km nearly for and cultural values of the area, while providing opportunities for provide for shore based recreational and commercial fishing. accommodation for caravans, families, backpackers and and backpackers families, caravans, for accommodation • This stretch of coastline is remote; remember to carry enough and Broome, approximately 1700km north of Perth. It extends extends It Perth. of north 1700km approximately Broome, and commercial and recreational use and enjoyment. As a marine park Boat based fishing is not allowed. There are two shore-based Pardoo Station Pardoo is a working cattle station which also provides provides also which station cattle working a is fuel, food, water and first aid equipment. activities zones in the park: Pananykarra and Banningarra. Eighty Mile Beach Marine Park is located between Port Hedland Hedland Port between located is Park Marine Beach Mile Eighty visitor, it is your responsibility to be aware of what activities are more information call (08) 9176 4916. 9176 (08) call information more permitted in each zone. To help you ‘know your zones’ the ‘Explore park in the State. the in park Planning your visit visit your Planning • Tropical cyclones occasionally hit Eighty Mile Beach during Recreation zone: The yellow zone provides for conservation from this location is via Cape Keraudren or Pardoo Station. For For Station. Pardoo or Keraudren Cape via is location this from Marine Parks WA’ iphone app has been created to provide easy-to- Marine Park became the thirteenth marine marine thirteenth the became Park Marine the wet season. Visitors need to listen for cyclone and severe access information for the marine parks in WA. It provides a variety and recreation. Commercial fishing, pearling, aquaculture facility for guests. The nearest access point to the marine park park marine the to point access nearest The guests. for facility wide at low tide provide a rich source of food for many species. many for food of source rich a provide tide low at wide weather warnings. of information including a ‘where am I?’ function to see which and petroleum development are not allowed.There is one marine life. In 2013, Eighty Mile Beach Beach Mile Eighty 2013, In life. marine a fully licenced restaurant. There is a swimming pool and laundry laundry and pool swimming a is There restaurant. licenced fully a intertidal sand and mudflats that extend up to four kilometres kilometres four to up extend that mudflats and sand intertidal marine park zone you are in. The app can be downloaded through recreation zone: Wallal Recreation Zone. campsites, caravan sites, budget accommodation, souvenirs and and souvenirs accommodation, budget sites, caravan campsites, It is home to many species of shark, ray and sawfish. The vast vast The sawfish. and ray shark, of species many to home is It appreciate and learn about the spectacular spectacular the about learn and appreciate the Apple AppStore on any iPhone. to Cape Keraudren Reserve and offers fuel, snacks and meals, meals, and snacks fuel, offers and Reserve Keraudren Cape to for flatback turtles, which are only found in northern Australia. Australia. northern in found only are which turtles, flatback for General use zone: 70 per cent of the park is available for a providing special places for people to enjoy, enjoy, to people for places special providing Great Northern Highway across the road from the turn off off turn the from road the across Highway Northern Great grounds for migratory shorebirds and is a major nesting site site nesting major a is and shorebirds migratory for grounds Make sure you ‘know your zones’ and are prepared before wide range of recreational and commercial uses.