To' (F~Tltt~Rnm;Ent
[2365J to' (f~tltt~rnm;ent OF [Published by Authority.] PERTH FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. [1908. Crown Law Department, NELSON. Perth, 8th August, 1908. Balbarrup-Giblett, -Walter J. 5908/08. Deeside-:Uuir, 'l'hos., J.P. THE Hon. the Attorney (i('w'ral has iJt'en pleaseil to Glcntulloch-Oullen, Alfred appoint the following 'persolls to take rostal Votes Gre(·nlmshes (Timber Corpomtion :i\Iill)-Davies, Robert E. under "'l'he EI(~etoru! Act, 1907";- upper Bladi:wood-}'oley, 'William E. BEVERLEY. Herold, Fred. Lanilscape-l-;astwood, E. W. Scott, William R. PingellY-IVebb, .J. S. Steere, Wilfrid Lee Winnigup-Meares, George G. BOULDJ~R. Boulder-ctubbs, Arthur EAS'l' PER'l'H. Lynch, James Prall cis Lord and Moore Streets-Blurton, C. Wiles, George Alfred ./<'OHnES'l'. BHOWN HILL. Momington 1\iills-Smith, Harry 'l'rufalgar-'l'ltomas, Horuee. NOHTH PER'l'H. GEI-l,ALDTON. Bavsvvatel'·"-O 'Collnor, ~L Maylands-J\'IcLintock, IV. G. S. Gcraldton-Halligall, Arthur W. GnEENOUGH. PILBARA.. Bamboo cprings-Beart, Arthur Henry Geraldine ctation-Mitchcll, C. If. Boodarie-':'Hardie, A. E. Mnllewa-Jaeschke, 1,'. I''. A. COOglCg0Ug-Uoyd, Charles B. Northampton-Harper, Ii". L. W. Coongall-J3elJ, Harry Corunna DO,OlS Station-Drake-BrockmHll, A. H. KANOWNA. De Grey Station--Corney, S. R. A. Broad Arrow---Downing, R. 1\'., ,J.p. Eastern Greek-Garland, Ed,vanl Bulong-.Toncs, R. C., .T.P. Lalla Rookh Station-Elliot, Andrew Gindalbie-li'letcbor, A. H., .J .P. Mallina Station-Murray, Prank Gordon--WilJiams, C. F. ~lt. Edgar Station-Corboy, W. J. Paddington--Byrncs, P ..J. ~lundabu]jangalla Station-Campbell, Archibald 'l'imber 00.'8 Head Camp-Wark, Norman Port HOllland-clltherland, D.
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