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Phloem physics: mechanisms, constraints, and


Kaare H Jensen

Plants have evolved specialized vascular tissues for the process of discriminating of between sieve elements

distribution of energy, water, nutrients, and for communication. and other types makes the task of quantifying trans-

The transports from photosynthetic source port and mapping the conductive system difficult [3 ]. In

regions (e.g. mature ) to sinks (e.g. developing contrast to animals, the physical design parameters (e.g.

tissues such as buds, flowers, ). Moreover, chemical transport efficiency, resilience to damage and fluctuations

signals such as , and proteins also move in the in supply, or growth patterns) which influence the net-

phloem. Basic physical processes strongly limit phloem work architecture thus remain poorly understood [4].

anatomy and function. This paper provides an overview of

recent research and perspectives on phloem biomechanics Long-distance transport by pressure-driven

and the physical constraints relevant to sugar transport in flow

. Phloem tubes form a microfluidic network linking distal

parts of vascular plants (Figure 1(a)). The conductive cells

are approximately cylindrical, of radius r = 1 50 mm and


length l = 100 1000 mm (see Table 1 for a complete list

Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Fysikvej, DK-

2800, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark of symbols). Cellular conduits are connected end-to-end

(and in some cases radially) by sieve plates, modified cell

Corresponding author: Jensen, Kaare H ([email protected])

wall perforated by numerous enlarged plasmodesmata

(PD) pores of radius rp = 0.1 1 mm [2]. The phloem

Current Opinion in 2018, 43:96–100 conduits carry a which contains 20%sugar by weight

[5], and the average flow speeds are in the range of v ¼

This review comes from a themed issue on Physiology and

metabolism 25 250 mm=s (ca. 0.1–1 m/h), resulting in laminar low-

Reynolds-number flow conditions dominated by viscous

Edited by Noel Michele Holbrook and Michael Knoblauch

effects [2,6].

Plants are among the largest and most morphologically

diverse organisms [7] and source and sink regions can be


separated by distances of up to approximately L = 100 m.

1369-5266/ã 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Overcoming resistance to flow in the phloem conse-

quently requires substantial pressure differences

between sources and sinks. To a first approximation,

the pressure required to drive flow is given by the Hagen-

–Poiseuille (or Darcy’s) law, which relates pressure dif-


D ¼ =p

Introduction ference p and flow rate Q and flow speed v Q r :

Plants are uniquely decentralized organisms. They com-

8hL hL

municate, transport matter over great distances, and per-

Dp ¼ S Q ¼ 8 S v: ð1Þ

p 4 p 2 p

ceive injury in a complex distribution network without r r

mechanical pumps, nerves or a brain [1,2,3 ,4]. To pro-

vide these complex functions, they integrate basic physi- Here, h ’ 2 m Pa s is the sap viscosity and L is the total

cal mechanisms at the cellular level, such as osmosis, transport distance. The sieve-plate-factor Sp = 2 quanti-

diffusion, fluid flow, and elastic processes. fies the resistance to flow through sieve pores, which

approximately doubles the pressure [8]. Typical pressures

Photosynthesis in plant leaves converts light energy into relevant to phloem transport are illustrated as function of

chemical energy which is stored in sugar molecules for conduit radius and plant size in Figure 1(b). It is apparent

later use in metabolism and growth [1,2]. Sugars are that relatively large forces are required; typically pres-

exported from the by bulk liquid flow through the sures of several MPa in large plants. This is significantly

phloem vasculature. This forms a complex distri- greater than, for example, human blood pressure

bution system responsible for integral functions in vascu- (0.01 MPa), and the link between pressure and geome-

lar plants, however, surprisingly little is known of its try imposes strong constraints on transport efficiency

biophysics and biomechanics. The inaccessibility of the because the energetic cost of sugar transport due to

tissue and difficulties in imaging and automating the viscous dissipation scales with the pressure [2].

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Phloem physics Jensen 97

Figure 1

(a) (b) Phloem 50 tube 0.01 MPa 0.1 MPa

sugar 40 sieve plate herbs 30




r ( 20 1 MPa

sieve pore 10 10 MPa

unloading 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 L (m)

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

(a) Phloem tubes form a microfluidic network responsible for sugar transport in plants. The conductive cells are approximately cylindrical of radius

r and length l. Perforated sieve plates connect adjacent vascular elements. (b) Surface plot showing the pressure difference Dp required to drive

phloem transport in channels of radius rover a transport distance L at a speed of v ¼ 100 mm=s computed from Eq. [1]. Colors illustrate the

magnitude of the pressures ranging from relatively small (blue) to large (red), and curves of constant pressure drop are highlighted by solid lines.

Regions delimited by dashed lines highlight typical single-point observations of phloem dimensions in herbs and trees.

Data from [37].

The motile force responsible for generating phloem pres- by the loading and unloading mechanisms and the con-

sure flow (Eq. [1]) is believed to be osmosis: According to centrations of background non-saccharide osmotica [1]. A

the Mu¨ nch hypothesis, sugars accumulating in photosyn- concentration difference of Dc = 0.5 M leads to an avail-

thetic regions lead to an osmotic increase in cell turgor able pressure of approximately 1 MPa, which is sufficient

pressure [1]. By contrast, unloading in sink regions lowers to drive transport in small plants. However, the feasibility

the pressure. This provides a difference in pressure of of pressure-driven flow in tall trees has been questioned

Dp = DC + RTDc, where DC is the gradient in external on the basis of generating sufficient pressures and trans-

water potential, R is the gas constant, T is absolute port rates, and alternative mechanism proposed (reviewed

temperature, and Dc is the available source-to-sink differ- in [9]).

ence in concentration. The magnitude of Dc is influenced

Recent studies have highlighted that (i) the source-to-

sink pressure difference increases with organism size L

Table 1

[10], and (ii) the phloem radius varies along the plant axis,

List of symbols

generally increasing from the smallest conduits in the leaf

Symbol Description Unit phloem to larger tubes in the stem [11]. This supports the


A PD conductive area m feasibility of Mu¨ nch-pressure-flow as the mechanism of


c Concentration mol/m phloem transport in vascular plants. However, the con-


Dc Concentration difference mol/m

cept has yet to be tested in a large set of species, and


D Diffusion coefficient m /s

widely applicable experimental methods are not yet in

d PD length m

place. Moreover, recent works have highlighted striking

I Loading rate mol/s


k PD permeability m differences in leaf phloem architecture between, for

L Phloem transport distance m example, Gingko [12 ], Populus [13 ], and needles

l Sieve tube length m

[14]. Poplar phloem follows the da Vinci-rule, where the

Dp Pressure difference Pa

3 cross-sectional area of conductive phloem at a given

Q Phloem sap flow rate m /s

R Gas constant J/(K mol) branching order is equal to the sum of the cross-sectional

r Sieve tube radius m areas of the next highest order of branching. By contrast,

r Sieve pore radius m

p the conductive area in pine needles scales with distance

Sp Sieve plate resistance factor –

from the tip in a different manner in order to minimize the

T Temperature K

pressure drop required to drive transport, while Ginko

v Velocity m/s

h Viscosity Pa s follows neither principle. The cues which facilitate spa-

tially coordinated changes in phloem development and

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98 Physiology and metabolism

osmotic potentials are unknown. However, it is apparent mesophyll. This is extremely surprising, since tall trees

that the common linear-pipe approach to phloem model- would appear to require the largest phloem pressures of

ing may be insufficient [15 ], and that a general tempo- all plants to sustain sugar export, because transport resis-

rally and spatially resolved model of the phloem as a tance is large in trees. This paradox has generated sub-

poroelastic material is required. stantial controversy because of the perceived inefficiency

of passive loading [21].

Phloem loading

A critical feature of long-distance vascular transport is an Recent experiments on biomimetic devices have demon-

efficient mechanism for loading of cargo. In plants, the strated that diffusive loading is feasible [22]. However,

products of are loaded by transferring the experiments also revealed that it most useful in the

sugar molecules from photosynthetic cells (mesophyll) very tallest category of trees, because a large resistance to

to the phloem vasculature. Loading is important: photo- flow in the stem phloem is required for the osmotic

synthesis is down-regulated and plant productivity is pumping mechanism to operate effectively: The maxi-

reduced if loading cannot keep up with production mum driving force and sugar output for any passive loader

[16]. Moreover, the available pressure to drive vascular is achieved when the phloem sugar concentration is equal

flow is directly related to the phloem sugar content to the mesophyll sugar content. This occurs when the

because the osmotic pressure of the sap provides the resistance to flow in the stem is relatively large, that is, in

necessary force to drive bulk flow out of the leaf [2]. tall trees, and intermediate size trees may require a

different loading strategy.

Plants use a range of mechanism to load sugars [17 ].

Many species transfer sugars into the phloem by using To resolve the question of passive phloem loading and its

energy-consuming processes such as membrane transpor- feasibility in moderate size trees, it was recently proposed

ters (active apoplastic loading) or enzymatic polymeriza- that bulk flow through plasmodesmata may provide an

tion of sugars (active symplastic loading). In the latter additional minor path for loading (e.g. [18,19,23 ]). PDs

‘polymer-trap mechanism’, sugars first diffuse from the are most often associated with diffusive transport pro-

mesophyll into phloem cells through PD pores. Here, cesses, and previous experiments have focused on testing

sucrose is converted into larger sugar polymers, raffinose the diffusive connectivity of leaf cells by tracing cell-to-

and stachyose, and is thus segregated (trapped), because cell transport of fluorescent molecules (e.g. [24 ]). How-

they become too large to diffuse back into the mesophyll ever, plasmodesmata are functionally similar to gap junc-

cells through the PD. For details of the kinetics of this tions (pores that link animal cells) which allow for bulk

transport mechanism, see [18,19]. Active apoplastic load- flow of water [25]. To quantify the relative importance of

ing is the dominant mechanism in herbaceous plants, diffusion and advection (c.f. Eq. [2]), a global model of

while the polymer-trap mechanism occurs in a few fami- coupled water fluxed inside of the leaf should be consid-

lies (e.g. cucurbits) [17 ]. Both these active/enzymatic ered. If we, for simplicity consider only the mesophyll-to-

strategies have the distinct advantage that the sugar phloem coupling, the loading rate I can be written as the

content of the phloem can exceed the mesophyll, that sum of the two effects:

is, cp > cm. Interestingly, many large trees appear to rely

on a phloem loading mechanism which is driven purely by


thermal/entropic effects: sugars first diffuse into the

ADðcm cpÞ AkDp cm

phloem via plasmodesmata channels and are subse- ¼ þ ð3Þ

d d hðcmÞ

quently pumped out of the leaf by osmosis [17 ,20]. In

contrast to active loading processes, this ‘symplastic pas-

sive loading’ mechanism requires no external energy where k is the hydraulic permeability of the plasmodes-

input beyond the gradient in chemical potential provided mata pores, h(cm) is the concentration-dependent sap

by the local synthesis and distal consumption of sugars. In viscosity, and Dp = RT(cm cp) is the osmotic pressure

symplastic passive loading, the diffusive loading rate I can difference between mesophyll and phloem. Here, R is the

be expressed as gas constant and T is temperature. The relative impor-

tance of advection and diffusion in the loading process is

characterized by the loading Peclet-number

ADðcm cpÞ

I ¼ ð2Þ d ADVECTION kRT cm

Pe ¼ ¼ ð4Þ


where A is the combined area of all pores, d is the pore

length, D is the effective diffusion coefficient of the PDs,

and the factor cm cp is the down-hill concentration Using parameter estimates from the literature

18 2 10 2

gradient from mesophyll to phloem. In diffusive loaders, (k = 1 10 10 m , RTcm = 0.5 MPa, D = 5 10 m /

the sugar concentration in the phloem lower than in the s, h(cm) = 2 m Pa s) [2], we observe that Pe varies in the range

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Phloem physics Jensen 99

0.5–5. This implies that bulk flow might play a significant fluctuations in supply/demand [15 ,35] in the phloem are

role in passive loading. The structure of Eq. [2] also suggest not well understood.

that while a large mesophyll sugar concentrations cm is

generally favorable, the ratio of concentration to viscosity Finally, we highlight the importance of understanding

cm/h(cm), and hence advective loading rate, peaks near the physical processes involved in the spreading of patho-

cm ’ 20% wt. This suggests a possible rational for the sur- gens in the phloem. Pathogens pose minor threats when

prisingly uniform sugar concentration in passive loaders, infecting single cells or spreading within a single leaf. But

which has been attributed to minimizing the energetic cost once the pathogen enters the phloem, systemic infection

of long-distance phloem transport [5]. and a resulting major loss in productivity are unavoidable.

Phloem-mobile viruses and bacteria cause epidemics in

all agronomically important crops, and resulting yield

Phloem unloading

losses range between 20% and 40% worldwide [36].

In plants, the products of photosynthesis in green tissues

are delivered by the phloem to distant organs where they

are utilized in growth, metabolism, or storage. Moreover, Acknowledgements

the solvent carrier (water) leaves the phloem and contrib- This work was supported by a research grant (13166) from VILLUM


utes to growth or is recirculated in the [1]. The

process by which solutes exit the phloem is termed

phloem unloading, and is a key mechanism for regulating References and recommended reading

the flux of carbon into sink tissues [26]. Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,

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