© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Contents Finding your college Inside front cover How to begin your 1 college search Finding Your College What to look for in 2 a college Your search for the college that’s right for you starts here. College search 3 worksheet Campus locator map 4-7 Dear Students and Families: Paying for college 8 College is a big decision. In this guide, we would like to share with you the great opportunities Programs to help pay 9 private, not-for-profit colleges and universities in State have to offer you. for college As president of the state’s association of 100+ private independent colleges and universities, Six steps to financial aid 10 my travels take me to every corner of New York where I have visited colleges and spoke with Resources on the web 11 the colleges’ staff and students. I have discovered that the campuses are vibrant, caring – Campus quick facts 12-13 transforming – places that teach students to be successful learners; places that are supportive of their communities; places that bolster their local economies and contribute to new ideas Campus profiles 14-30 and innovations; and places that can enrich lives. Bachelor’s, Associate and 31-60 As you begin to investigate your options, you will find that “diverse” best describes our Graduate degree programs campuses. Our colleges and universities each have unique community, academic focus, and College planning Inside back atmosphere. They are all special places where students may express their unique talents calendar cover and goals and opportunities abound to explore interests and talents – from study abroad List of New York’s Back cover to internships, to participation in clubs, sports and special interest groups. 100+ private colleges Paying for college in these times is a major concern, but please keep in mind that the and universities colleges, the state and the federal government have many programs – grants, scholarships, and low interest loans – to help families from all income levels afford a quality education at an independent college and university. A college education is a significant investment – of your savings and your time – but the intellectual and practical rewards will be priceless to you, to your communities and to society. In fact, college graduates earn more over their lifetimes – 84 percent more – than people without degrees. Beyond the economic benefits, higher education prepares you to be responsible citizens and to engage with the world around you. On the whole, college graduates volunteer more, vote more often, and participate more in their communities. It is my hope that you will use this guide, Your College Search, and our website,, to help you as you explore your options and discover the college that may be right for you. Visit, New York’s 100+ private colleges and universities’ admissions and financial aid website: Best wishes,

Find campus locations Search the online database to find academic programs offered Read campus profiles Laura L. Anglin Learn more about financial aid President Request more information from the colleges Download helpful college admission and Commission on Independent financial aid awareness publications Colleges and Universities

Design: Ambrosino Design, Inc., Saratoga Springs, NY Printing: Quad/Graphics, Inc., Saratoga Springs, NY Photo Credits: New York’s 100+ private colleges and universities. Front Cover: Box 2, Ting-Li Wang; Box 4, Larry Picilio; Box 8, Matt Milless. Inside Front Cover: Anna Mulé. Page 2, Larry Pacilio; page16, Chris Taggert; page17, Matt Milless; pages 18 & 27, Dan Hamerman; page 19, Tara Freeman; page 21, J. Adam Fenster; page 23, Erika Nelson; page 25: Anna Mulé. Back Cover: CIA, Phil Mansfield; Pratt, Bob Handelman.

Your College Search is published annually by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), a non-profit organization. 17 Elk Street, PO Box 7289, Albany, NY 12224-0289

While we make every effort to ensure accuracy, always verify information with the colleges directly. ©2014 by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities. If you wish to reproduce any of this publication, please contact us at [email protected].

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 How to Begin Your College Search

There are many things to consider as you look at different colleges: academic programs, the quality of the college, the sense of community and campus life, geographic location, and, of course, college costs and financial aid. This booklet will guide you through the college selection process, providing the information to get you started. So where do you begin your college search? Finding, evaluating, and choosing a college requires with faculty in areas that match your academic thought, planning, and information. Keep an open interests. While you’re there, take the official tour, mind. You’ll discover a college that suits you. then walk around and talk with students. If you have an idea about what you want to Early on, begin to investigate sources of financial study, go to the Academic Programs, pages 31-60, aid. Refer to pages 8-11 in this guide for ways to where you’ll find bachelor’s and associate degree get started. programs offered at private colleges and By fall of your senior year, shorten your college universities in New York State. The information list to between five and eight choices. is also available online at If possible, talk with current students or graduates Use the College Search Worksheet on page 3 to of the colleges on your “short list.” compile a list of colleges that match your interests. Exceptional quality, diverse academic Find out more about them. The Campus Locator Obtain admission and financial aid forms. Map (pages 4-7) will help you see where the Fill out the forms carefully and be sure to meet offerings, and personal attention are campuses are located in the state while the Campus all deadlines. attracting record numbers of students Profiles section (pages 14-30) will give you basic These steps will get you started. Finding the right information about the colleges on your list. college may seem challenging, but the time you put to the state’s private independent Attend college fairs. You can meet and talk with into the process will help you find the college that colleges and universities. In Fall 2012, college representatives and pick up brochures. fits your needs. To receive more information about more than 491,000 students were any college in this booklet, write or call the colleges If you are able, visit colleges that interest you. directly. studying at independent colleges and Before you visit, make an appointment to meet universities in the state. Approximately 53% of the students who are studying for a 4-year or graduate degree in New York’s Independent Sector Undergraduate Institutions by Enrollment, Fall 2013 New York State are enrolled at an independent college or university. 40

31 30 25 New York’s private independent colleges and 23 universities offer students a wide range of 20 educational settings. Of the 98 undergraduate 15 independent institutions profiled in this guide, 10 48 independent colleges (49%) enroll 2,000 or 4 fewer students; 31 serve between 2,001 and

0 5,000; 19 educate more than 5,000. <1,000 1,001 to 2,000 2,001 to 5,000 5,001 to 15,000 >15,000 Enrollment includes only undergraduate students. See page 2 for more tips on what to look for in a college and what a college looks for in its students. Sources: cIcu Annual Campus Profile and Academic Programs Update Survey, Winter 2014, NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012. 1

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 What to Look for in a College

Colleges are as individual as people – each Value. one has a distinct “personality” and unique campus When you choose your college, think about the environment. The private colleges and universities kind of learning environment you want, and the found in every region of New York State offer you value of your future degree. At New York’s private some wonderful choices. Your options run the gamut colleges and universities, you’ll benefit from your from large to small; from urban to rural settings and contacts with well-known faculty and alumni; you’ll nearly every conceivable program. You’ll certainly have opportunities to gain real-life experience; and find quality and value among the colleges. you’ll enjoy the pleasure of forming personal Quality. Value. They’re important concepts, but relationships with professors who come to know what do they mean in practical terms? you, your interests and your talents. Quality. One more thing: never exclude colleges because of the “sticker price.” While the overall tuition or What a college looks The quality of your college degree will matter to “sticker price” of an independent college or for in its students. you and your learning experience, and it will matter university is higher than a state college, independent in the job market. According to the Bureau of Labor colleges and universities are prepared to help When you’re searching for the right Statistics, in 2013* the unemployment rate for wage families meet college costs through grants, college, there are at least two things to earners was approximately double (7.5%) for scholarships and other aid. In fact, almost 90 consider: what you want in a college, individuals with only a high school diploma compared percent of full-time students at independent and what the college is looking for in its to individuals with a bachelor’s degree (3.7%). Because colleges and universities receive one or more types applicants. the college you choose will help shape your future, of financial aid to make their enrollment possible. you will want to choose carefully. You may be surprised at how much financial aid is By starting early, you’ll have time to While New York’s private colleges and universities available and, with aid packages, find that private make the best match. Think about your each offer different programs and features, you’ll find colleges are no more expensive – and sometimes strengths, and the qualities you will dedicated, world-class faculty, low student-to-faculty less costly – than state colleges. bring to the college. ratios and myriad opportunities for intensive, Here are some qualities colleges often experiential study. * Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Status of the Civilian Population 25 Years and Over by Educational Attainment, March 14, look for in their applicants: When you begin to consider which college to 2014. Academic preparation attend, look carefully at these features: Challenging coursework Academic departments Good grades in a range of courses Class size The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that between 2010 and 2020 Ranking among high school peers, Student-to-faculty ratios including senior year ranking Faculty the fastest growing occupations will SAT or ACT scores (optional at many Opportunity for activities outside the be those that need some type of post- colleges – check with the college) classroom secondary education. Extracurricular activities (commitment, Teaching that inspires critical thinking rather than quantity, is the key) For certain academic majors, look for research Projected growth in occupations Recommendations from teachers opportunities, internship programs or study requiring specific degrees include: and others abroad Written self-expression, often judged Internship and career placement services growth for occupations 18.0% needing an associate degree by your application essay or other Campus setting and surrounding area writing sample Campus life such as options for residence for those needing a Verbal expression and presentation halls, Greek life, other types of housing, 16.5% bachelor’s degree Leadership ability and positions dining plans Level of interest in and enthusiasm 21.7% for master’s degree occupations for the college for occupations that require a 19.9% doctoral or professional degree

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections: 2 2010-2020 Summary. Released February 1, 2012.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 A College Search Worksheet

As you begin to think about college, collect • Type of college? information, look at college literature, visit Coed campuses, and research financial aid. Use this Single-sex college worksheet to guide and record your college search. Specific religious affiliation Not important 1. List 3 subjects that interest you. • Sports? Activities? 1. Important (which ones?) ______2. ______make their applications available for download 3. Not important from their websites. Admission and financial aid applications for many institutions are also 2. Do you want a 2- or 4-year degree? Keep track of what you‘ve learned by filling accessible for online completion. Keep your 3. What do you want to study? Match your in the table below with the colleges you listed in school guidance counselor informed of the answers from Questions 1 and 2. Using the list of Question 3. colleges that interest you. Associate and Bachelor’s degree programs on 6. Visit as many colleges and universities as you 8. It’s a good idea to apply to a mix of pages 31 to 60 in this guide or online at can to get a sense of the campus atmosphere. colleges based on your choices here, your, list 8 Does it feel right? Talk with students who are personal profile, and the colleges’ admission of the colleges and universities that offer the attending the colleges now or who recently criteria. (Remember: Every college is different – programs that interest you. graduated. Begin to shorten your list. with different admission requirements and 1. deadlines.) 7. Collect admission and financial aid 2. applications. Many colleges and universities 9. Apply. Watch the deadlines! 3. 4. 5. Table for Question 5 6. Colleges/Universities Distance Size Location Type Sports/Activities 7. 1. 8. 2. 4. Gather information on your college choices. 3. Look at the Campus Profiles on pages 14-30, then “tour” the colleges’ websites and send for 4. viewbooks and catalogues. For more college 5. contact information, see the Campus Locator Map on pages 4-7, or visit 6. 7. 5. Now, decide what’s important to you. • Distance from home? 8. A short drive A day’s drive More than a day’s drive Information to keep on hand. • Campus size? Give them direction and enough time to Small (fewer than 2,000 students) Make a file for each college that interests write the letters. Remember to thank them. Medium (up to 5,000 students) you. Include brochures plus important To make answering application questions Large (more than 5,000) names, deadlines for admission and easier, keep a record of your awards or • Campus location? financial aid forms, and contact numbers. achievements, standardized test Urban Suburban Rural Many colleges require one or more letters information and scores. Keep track of of recommendation from teachers or other your work history and extracurricular key adults. Make a list of people you could and/or community activities with dates ask to write references for you. and locations, too. 3

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Locator New York’s 100+ Private Colleges and Universities Colleges are listed alphabetically in each region of the state by Name of College, with the City in which it is located in italics. Degrees offered appear in parentheses with bachelor’s degrees indicated by (B) and associate degrees indicated by (A). Western New York Campuses that offer graduate degrees (master’s, doctorate, or first professional) are indicated by (G). 1. Canisius College 800.843.1517 Buffalo (B,G) KEY: College Name Phone 2. Daemen College 800.462.7652 City (Degrees Offered) Web Amherst (B,G) 3. D’Youville College 800.777.3921 Buffalo (B,G) 4. Hilbert College 800.649.8003 Central New York Hamburg (A,B,G) 1. Cazenovia College 800.654.3210 5. Houghton College 800.777.2556 Cazenovia (A,B) Houghton (A,B,G) 2. Colgate University 315.228.7401 6. Medaille College 800.292.1582 Hamilton (B,G) Buffalo (A,B,G) 3. Le Moyne College 800.333.4733 7. Niagara University 800.462.2111 Syracuse (B,G) Niagara Falls (A,B,G) 4. St. Joseph’s College of Nursing at 315.448.5040 8. St. Bonaventure University 800.462.5050 St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center St. Bonaventure (B,G) Syracuse (A) 9. Trocaire College 716.827.2545 5. Syracuse University 315.443.3611 Buffalo (A,B) Syracuse (A,B,G) 10. Villa Maria College of Buffalo 716.961.1805 6. Wells College 800.952.9355 Buffalo (A,B) Aurora (B) Finger Lakes Southern Tier 1. Finger Lakes Health College of 315.787.4005 1. Cornell University 607.255.5241 Nursing, Geneva (A) Ithaca (B,G) 2. Hobart and William Smith Colleges 800.852.2256 2. Elmira College 800.935.6472 Geneva (B,G) Elmira (A,B,G) 3. Keuka College 800.33.KEUKA 3. Ithaca College 800.429.4274 Keuka Park (B,G) Ithaca (B,G) 4. Medaille College/Rochester Campus 585.272.0030 Rochester (A,B,G) 5. Nazareth College 800.432.3944 Mohawk Valley Rochester (B,G) 1. Hamilton College 800.843.2655 6. New York Chiropractic College 800.234.6922 Clinton (B) Seneca Falls (G) * 2. Hartwick College 888.HARTWICK 7. Roberts Wesleyan College 800.777.4RWC Oneonta (B) Rochester (A,B,G) 3. St. Elizabeth College of Nursing 315.798.8347 8. Rochester Institute of Technology 585.475.6631 Utica (A) Rochester (A,B,G) 4. Utica College 800.782.8884 9. St. John Fisher College 800.444.4640 Utica (B,G) Rochester (B,G) 10. University of Rochester and 888.822.2256 Eastman School of Music North Country Rochester (B,G) 1. Clarkson University 800.527.6577 Potsdam (B,G) 2. Paul Smith’s College of Arts 800.421.2605 and Sciences, Paul Smiths (A,B) 3. St. Lawrence University 800.285.1856 Canton (B,G)

4 * Graduate-only campus.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 1 3 Potsdam 2

North Country

5 15

3 4 5 6 16 4 5 8 9 10 9 1 2 10 1 Utica 3 7 14 12 7 1 Rochester 6 Syracuse 1 2 6 1 Mohawk 9 Finger Lakes 13 Troy 2 Buffalo Geneva 2 7 Central Valley 10 Albany 3 4 3 4 2 Capital 6 5 Ithaca District Western 7 Southern Tier 8 8 2 11

1 3 3 4 See Mid-Husdon, and Long Island on next page Capital District

1. Albany College of Pharmacy 888.203.8010 and Health Sciences, Albany (B,G) 2. Albany Law School 518.445.2326 Albany (G) * 3. Albany Medical College 518.262.5521 Albany (G) * 4. The Belanger School of Nursing 518.243.4471 Schenectady (A) nursing 5. The College of Saint Rose 800.637.8556 12. Samaritan Hospital School 518.271.3285 Albany (B,G) of Nursing, Troy (A) 6. Excelsior College 888.647.2388 13. Siena College 888.AT.SIENA Albany (A,B,G) Loudonville (B,G) 7. Maria College 518.861.2517 14. Skidmore College 800.867.6007 Albany (A,B) Saratoga Springs (B,G) 8. Memorial School of Nursing 518.471.3260 15. Union College 888.843.6688 Albany (A) Schenectady (B) 9. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 518.276.6216 16. Union Graduate College 518.631.9831 Troy (B,G) Schenectady (G) * 10. The Sage Colleges/Russell Sage 888.VERY.SAGE College (B), Sage Graduate School Troy (G) * 11. The Sage Colleges/Sage College 888.VERY.SAGE of Albany, Albany (B) 5

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 1 Mid-Hudson Mid-Hudson

1. Bard College 845.758.7472 6 15 Annandale-on-Hudson (A,B,G) Poughkeepsie 29 2. Cochran School of Nursing 914.964.4296 Yonkers (A) 28 8 3. The College of New Rochelle 800.933.5923 * Graduate-only campus. New Rochelle (B,G) 4. The College of New Rochelle/School of 800.288.4767 19 20 New Resources, New Rochelle (B) 9 13 14 5. Concordia College 800.YES.COLLEGE 22 26 11 24 Long Island Bronxville (A,B,G) 7 12 17 23 25 21 6. The Culinary Institute of America 800.CULINARY 16 4 12 Hyde Park (A,B) 3 4 10 5 27 2 6 7. Dominican College 866.432.4636 18 15 14 Orangeburg (A,B,G) Bronx 8 campuses 8 5 9 1 8. Fei Tian College 845.672.0550 33 campuses 3 11 Cuddebackville (B) 7 13 2 10 9. /Westchester 914.367.3426 Staten Island 2 campuses Campus, West Harrison (G) * 10 campuses 10. Iona College 800.231.IONA 4 campuses New Rochelle (B,G) 11. Iona College Rockland Graduate Center 866.850.IONA Pearl River (G) * New York City 12. LIU Hudson at Westchester 914.831.2700 (The 5 Boroughs) Orangeburg (G) * 13. LIU Hudson at Rockland 845.359.7200 Bronx Purchase (G) * 1. Albert Einstein College of Medicine 718.430.2000 14. Manhattanville College 914.323.5125 of (G) Purchase (B,G) 2. /Bronx Campus 347.964.8600 15. Marist College 800.436.5483 (A,B,G) Poughkeepsie (B,G) 3. College of Mount Saint Vincent 800.665.CMSV 16. /Dobbs Ferry Campus 877.MERCY.GO Riverdale (A,B,G) (main campus), Dobbs Ferry (A,B,G) 4. The College of New Rochelle/School 800.288.4767 17. Mercy College/Yorktown Campus 877.MERCY.GO of New Resources/Co-op City (B) Yorktown Heights (B,G) 5. The College of New Rochelle/School 800.288.4767 18. Montefiore School of Nursing 914.361.6472 of New Resources/John Cardinal Mount Vernon (A) O’Connor Campus (B) 19. Mount Saint Mary College 888.YES.MSMC 6. Fordham University (B,G) 800.FORDHAM Newburgh (B,G) 20. /Silver School 845.398.4129 7. 800.MC2.XCEL of Social Work at St. Thomas Aquinas Riverdale (B,G) College, Sparkill (G) * 8. Mercy College/Bronx 877.MERCY.GO 21. and Alliance 800.33NYACK (College) Campus (A,B,G) Theological Seminary, Nyack (A,B,G) 800.541.6891 (Seminary) Brooklyn 22. /Lubin Graduate 914.422.4283 1. Boricua College/Brooklyn Campus (A,B,G) Center, White Plains (G) * Northside Center 718.782.2200 23. Pace University/Pleasantville- 800.874.PACE Graham Center 718.963.4112 Briarcliff Campus, Pleasantville (A,B,G) 2. Bramson ORT College/ 718.261.5800 x640 24. Pace University/White Plains Campus 914.422.4210 Extension Center (A) School of Law, White Plains (G) * 3. The College of New Rochelle/School of 800.288.4767 25. Polytechnic Institute of New York 914.323.2000 New Resources/Brooklyn Campus (B) University/Westchester Graduate 4. Institute of Design and Construction (A) 718.855.3661 Center, Hawthorne (G) * 26. Sarah Lawrence College 800.888.2858 5. LIU Brooklyn (A,B,G) 800.LIU.PLAN Bronxville (B,G) 27. St. Thomas Aquinas College 800.999.STAC 6. Polytechnic Institute of 800.POLYTEC Sparkill (A,B,G) New York University (B,G) 28. /New York 914.594.4000 7. (B,G) 800.331.0834 Medical College, Valhalla (G) * 29. Vassar College 800.827.7270 8. St. Francis College 718.489.52 00 Poughkeepsie (B,G) Brooklyn Heights (A,B,G) 9. St. Joseph’s College/Brooklyn 718.940.5300 Campus (B,G) 10. Touro College/Lander College of 718.252.7800 6 Arts & Sciences, Flatbush (A,B,G)

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Manhattan 28. Teachers College, Columbia 212.678.3710 University (G) * 1. American Academy McAllister 866.932.2264 Institute of Funeral Service (A) 29. Touro College (A,B,G) 212.463.0400 x5665 2. American Museum of Natural History, 212.769.5055 Richard Gilder Graduate School (G) * 30. Touro College/Harlem Campus: Touro College of Osteopathic 212.851.1199 3. Bank Street College of Education (G) * 212.875.4404 Medicine (G) * Touro College of Pharmacy (G) * 212.851.1192 4. (B) 212.854.2014 31. Weill Cornell Graduate School 212.746.6565 5. Boricua College (A,B,G) 212.694.1000 of Medical Sciences (G) * 32. Weill Cornell Medical College (G) * 212.746.1067 6. The College of New Rochelle/School of 800.288.4767 New Resources/District Council 37 (B) 33. Yeshiva University (A,B,G) 212.960.5277 7. The College of New Rochelle/School of 800.288.4767 New Resources/Rosa Parks Campus (B) Queens 8. (B,G) 212.854.2522 1. Bramson ORT College 718.261.5800 x640 Forest Hills (A) 9. (B,G) 212.353.4120 2. St. John’s University/Queens 888.9STJOHNS Campus (main campus) (A,B,G) 10. Fordham University/Lincoln Center 800.FORDHAM Campus (B,G) 3. Touro College/The Lander College 718.820.4800 for Men, Kew Gardens (B) 11. Helene Fuld College of Nursing (A,B) 212.616.7200 4. Vaughn College of Aeronautics 866.6VAUGHN and Technology, Flushing (A,B,G) 12. The King’s College (B) 888.969.7200 Staten Island 13. Manhattan School of Music (B,G) 917.493.4436 1. St. John’s University/Staten Island 888.9STJOHNS Campus (A,B,G) 14. Marymount Manhattan College (B) 800.MARYMOUNT island-campus 2. (B,G) 718.390.3411 15. Mercy College/Manhattan Campus (B,G) 877.MERCY.GO 16. Metropolitan College of New York (A,B,G) 800.33THINK x5001 Long Island 17. : Eugene Lang College The New School 800.292.3040 1. Adelphi University 800.ADELPHI for Liberal Arts (B) Garden City (A,B,G) Mannes College The New School 800.292.3040 2. Dowling College 800.369.5464 for Music (B,G) Oakdale (B,G) Parsons The New School for Design (A,B,G) 800.292.3040 3. Hofstra University 800.HOFSTRA Hempstead (B,G) The New School for Jazz and 800.292.3040 4. LIU Brentwood 631.287.8500 Contemporary Music (B) Brentwood (B,G) The New School for Drama (B,G) 800.292.3040 5. LIU Post 800.LIU.PLAN Brookville (A,B,G) The New School for Social Research (G) * 800.292.3040 6. LIU Riverhead 631.287.8010 Riverhead (B,G) The New School for Public 800.292.3040 7. Molloy College 888.4MOLLOY Engagement (B,G) Rockville Centre (A,B,G) 18. New York College of 800.526.6966 8. New York Institute of Technology/ 800.345.NYIT Podiatric Medicine (G) * Old Westbury Campus Old Westbury (A,B,G) 19. New York Institute of Technology/ 800.345.NYIT Manhattan Campus (A,B,G) 9. Polytechnic Institute of New York 631.755.4300 University/Long Island Graduate 20. New York School of Interior 800.33.NYSID Center, Melville (G) * Design (A,B,G) 10. St. John’s University/ 800.9STJOHNS 21. New York University (A,B,G) 212.998.4500 Oakdale Campus, Oakdale (G) * 11. St. Joseph’s College/Long Island 631.687.5100 22. Nyack College and Alliance 800.33NYACK (College) Campus, Patchogue (B,G) Theological Seminary, Nyack (A,B,G) 800.541.6891 (Seminary) 12. Touro College/Jacob D. Fuchsberg 631.761.7000 Law Center, Central Islip (G) * 23. Pace University/New York City 800.874.PACE Campus (A,B,G) 13. Touro College/Bay Shore Campus: School of Health Sciences (A,B) 866.TOURO.4.U 24. Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing (A) 212.614.6114 Graduate School of Education (G) * 212.462.4889 25. Pratt Institute/Manhattan 800.331.0834 Campus (A,B,G) 14. Watson School of Biological Sciences 516.367.6890 26. The (G) * 212.327.8086 at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Cold Spring Harbor (G) * 27. St. John’s University/ 888.9STJOHNS 15. Webb Institute 866.708.WEBB Manhattan Campus (B,G) Glen Cove (B) 7

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Paying for College

When you’ve found the college $4.3 billion in grants and scholarships. The major sources of financial aid available to families you really want to attend, how include: do you pay for it? grants and scholarships from colleges, Never give up on the college of your choice and from federal and state governments; because you think you can’t afford the “sticker price.” loans from the federal government; Your first concern should be to apply to the colleges job programs on- or off-campus. that fit your criteria for academics, distance, size, Typically, a student’s financial aid package Explore your financial location, type, and campus life. You may be or award includes a combination of grants, surprised at how affordable private colleges and scholarships, federally- guaranteed loans, and aid options. universities can be. Just as there is diversity in work-study. In addition, families should college size, mission and academics, there is also a Talk with college admission and financial investigate other sources of aid such as: range of tuition levels. In New York, approximately aid counselors to learn more about financial 25% of private colleges and universities have benefits offered by employers aid at specific colleges. Check your guidance average tuition and fees of under $25,000 while competitive scholarships from civic and or college office for scholarship announcements 20% are more than $40,000 per year. religious organizations and use the Internet to visit the sites below. scholarships for study in specific academic Pay careful attention to scholarship deadlines Although your decision to go to college represents an important investment in yourself, as subjects or toward certain professions since some may be due before your college applications. Ask lots of questions and start well as an investment of time and money, know that tax deductions or credits for eligible your research early! most students attending college receive some form educational expenses of financial assistance. Private colleges and The bottom line is this: money is available universities are committed to helping their admitted for your college education. Combining state and students and do their best to provide financial aid federal grants, scholarships, low-interest loans so that the price of college does not become the and private college and university deciding factor in a student’s college decision. In scholarships gives most students the resources For an overview of the financial aid New York, in addition to state and federal aid, they need to attend their college choice. It’s process and major aid programs, consult students attending private independent colleges important to explore several colleges and weigh the free Affording College brochure at and universities annually receive all your options carefully. Most Students at Independent Institutions Pay Less The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) than the Published Price provides up to $5,165 a year in 2014-15 $40,000 Published tuition and fees for eligible students from New York State Net tuition and fees* $30,090 who plan to attend a college or university $30,000 in the state. $26,360 $24,070 $25,000 Nationally, full-time undergraduates at private, four-year colleges and universities $20,000 receive, on average, an estimated $17,630 $15,000 $13,600 $13,550 in grant aid from all sources and tax $12,460 Price in 2013 dollars benefits.* In New York, each year, private $10,000 not-for-profit colleges and universities $5,000 provide more than $4.3 billion in financial aid to their students. $0 2003-2004 2008-2009 2013-2014 (estimated) *Source: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Academic Year (NAICU), 9 Myths about Private Nonprofit Higher Education. Visit Source: College Board Trends in College Pricing 2013. Average Net Price, Figure 11. Data represent full-time undergraduate students attending four-year independent institutions only. Net tuition and fees are after grant aid and tax benefits are deducted from the published tuition and fees. Net prices for 2013-14 are estimated based on past years and available information about changes in financial aid and in constant 2013 dollars. Numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10s. *Net tuition and fees 8 are calculated by subtracting estimated average grant aid plus tax benefits per full-time student in the sector from the published price.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Financial Aid Programs

Grants and Scholarships** Other Scholarships/Grants: Learn more at Student Loans or Grants and scholarships are funds you do not Educational loans for college costs may be have to repay. They are available from colleges, • Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)†: available for you and/or your parents. This aid your state, the federal government, professional contact your college. must be repaid, usually with interest. Some loans and service organizations, private foundations, and • Flight 3407 Memorial Scholarship: are based on financial need. Federal education many employers. Some grants are based on your 1-888-NYSHESC loans often provide the lowest interest rates. financial need while others are awarded for • Flight 587 Memorial Scholarship: These include: federal Direct Subsidized and academic merit, a specific career goal, special 1-888-NYSHESC Direct Unsubsidized loans, federal Perkins loans, talent or group affiliation. • Military Service Recognition Scholarship and federal PLUS loans. To apply for a federal Grants and scholarships from NYS private (MSRS): 1-888-NYSHESC student loan, file the FAFSA. For federal PLUS colleges and universities: More than $4.3 billion is • NYS Aid to Native Americans†: loans, see below. awarded each year. Check with each college’s 1-518-474-0537 Loan Forgiveness Programs financial aid office to determine which forms you NYS Math and Science Teaching Incentive • • District Attorney and Indigent Legal Services need to complete to be considered for all need- Scholarship: 1-888-NYSHESC Attorneys Loan Forgiveness Program†: based and merit-based aid. • NYS Memorial Scholarship for Families 1-888-NYSHESC of Deceased Firefighters, Volunteer Federal Pell Grants at NYS private colleges and • Licensed Social Worker Loan Forgiveness Firefighters, Police Officers, Peace Officers, universities: A grant based on financial need with Program†: 1-888-NYSHESC and Emergency Medical Service Workers: awards ranging up to $5,730 in 2014-15. To apply, • Loan Forgiveness for Public Servants: 1-888-NYSHESC file the FAFSA. 1-800-4-FED-AID Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity • NYS Recruitment Incentive and Retention Perkins Loan Cancellation Programs: † • Grants (FSEOG): Awards based on need, ranging Program (RIRP) - Army National Guard : 1-800-4-FED-AID from $100 to $4,000 per year. To apply, file the FAFSA. • Direct Loan Forgiveness for Teachers: • NYS Regents Award for Children of Deceased The Teacher Education Assistance for College 1-888-NYSHESC and Disabled Veterans†: and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant: For more 1-888-NYSHESC information, visit and type † Alternatives for Parents “TEACH Grant” in the search field. • Scholarship for Academic Excellence : contact your guidance office. and Students NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grants at • Veterans Tuition Awards†: Other options parents and students may wish private colleges and universities: Awards will 1-888-NYSHESC to consider are listed below. range up to $5,165 per year in 2014-15. For more World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship: information, visit, or call • Federal PLUS loans: Check with the college for 1-888-NYSHESC 1-888-NYSHESC. loan application procedures. Interest-free monthly tuition payment plans: Part-time TAP: Visit, or call Check with the college. 1-888-NYSHESC. Work-Study AmeriCorps: For more information, call Scholarships from private sources: Grants and Work-study programs provide opportunities to earn money while you’re in college by working part 1-800-942-2677, or visit scholarships are available from many community programs/americorps. organizations, businesses, corporations, unions and time on campus or in the community. Federal tax incentive programs for higher churches. Check with your school counselor, public li- Federal Work-Study Program (FWS): education: Visit:, brary, employer, chamber of commerce, union, Students usually work 10 to 15 hours per week or consult your tax advisor for more information. church, community and special-interest during the academic year. Eligibility is based on organizations. financial need. To apply, file the FAFSA. New York State college tuition tax credit/ deductions: For more information, consult your Job programs from private colleges and tax advisor or go to: and search universities: Check with the college’s financial aid for “tuition tax credit.” office for on-campus job availability. Community service jobs are also available for work-study New York’s College Savings Program: students. For details: 1-877-NYSAVES or

**All programs as of 2014-15 academic year. Programs and award amounts are subject to NYS and Federal budget appropriations. †New York State programs for New York State residents. 9

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Visit, New York’s 100+ private colleges Six Steps to and universities’ admissions and financial aid website. Financial Aid

Choosing where to go to college is an agency that processes the TAP application. important decision! There will be many options The ETA will be pre-filled with information Step 3 to weigh and choices to make. When you begin from your FAFSA. If you provide your email You will receive your Federal Student Aid Report considering which colleges to attend, never let address on your FAFSA, HESC will be able to (SAR) via email after submitting your FAFSA on “sticker price” stop you from looking at colleges process your TAP application faster. If no email the Web (recommended). If you file the FAFSA by that may be right for you. The key to paying for is provided, you will be notified by letter. mail, you will receive your SAR in approximately college is knowing what is available and how to PROFILE – Some colleges may ask you to file the 30 days. A paper SAR acknowledgment will be apply for all possible help. Very few students CSS Financial Aid PROFILE form to be considered sent if a valid email address is not provided. actually pay the full cost of attendance. If you for college-funded aid (the college’s own grants Review your SAR’s information carefully. Follow need financial aid to help meet college costs, and scholarships). Visit the directions to correct any errors. you are very likely to receive it. There is a fee for filing this form. Step 4 College-specific financial aid application – Step 1 In the spring (usually March or April), you’ll Some colleges may ask you to complete receive financial aid “awards” or “packages” from Check with each college’s financial aid office to the college’s own financial aid application to the colleges that have offered you admission, determine which forms you need to file to be be considered for their college-funded each with a different combination of grants, considered for all types of financial aid. Every grants, scholarships and loans. Check with scholarships, work-study and loans to help you college is different. Get your PIN (Personal each college for applications, requirements meet college expenses. Determine your “net Identification Number). If you intend to file your and deadlines. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) cost” by subtracting from tuition and fees and online (it’s quicker), you and your parent(s) (if you room and board (if you’re living on campus) all are a dependent student) must apply for a PIN, Step 2 grants and scholarships plus the total amount of your student loans. which serves as your electronic signature for the Complete and mail the FAFSA as soon as FAFSA on the Web. For more information, visit possible after January 1 (of your senior year Don’t wait to be accepted to a in high school) to ensure that you’re considered Step 5 college before filing an application for financial for all available funding. If your family hasn’t aid. File as early as possible. yet completed its income tax returns, estimate Review your financial aid award letters and The most important financial aid application your family’s income as accurately as possible compare your net costs. Decide which college to forms are: (from end-of-year pay stubs or W-2 forms). You’ll attend and let the college know by the deadline they have indicated – usually by May 1. Then, FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student have the opportunity to make corrections later in the process. If you’re a NYS resident applying to review your financial aid with your chosen Aid) – Everyone applying for federal and most college. In particular: other financial aid must complete this free colleges in the state, make sure you include a form. File online at or by New York college on your FAFSA to begin If federal student loans are part of your package, mail. To request a paper FAFSA, call application for a NYS TAP grant. Complete any the college will send instructions about the loan 1.800.4.FED.AID. other financial aid forms required by the colleges. application process. You will need to complete It is very important to meet all deadlines and to and sign a form called the Master Promissory NYS TAP Application – NYS residents attending keep a copy of all the forms you file. Note (MPN) in order to receive federal student a college in NYS use this free form with the By filing the FAFSA, you will be considered for: loans (e.g., Direct Loan funds). Keep track of FAFSA to apply for a NYS TAP grant and to how much you are borrowing and the loan request payment of NYS scholarship awards. Grants and scholarships from private colleges repayment terms and conditions. Complete the online TAP application by and universities (some colleges may require an linking to it directly from your FAFSA additional form) NYS students attending college in the state: Follow up on your NYS Tuition Assistance Confirmation Page. Even if you use a paper Federal Pell Grant FAFSA, you can still do your TAP application Program (TAP) grant. Visit online. You will be prompted to get a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity to review, and if necessary, correct the data on NYSHESC PIN (Personal Identification Number) Grant (SEOG) your TAP application. to “sign” your online TAP application. If you Federal Work-Study (FWS) don’t apply for TAP online you can request an Job programs from private colleges and Step 6 Express TAP Application (ETA) by contacting universities the New York State Higher Education Services Make sure you know what you need to do to Corporation (HESC) at or by Federal Perkins Loan keep your financial aid, such as required grades calling 1.888.NYSHESC. HESC is the state Federal Direct Loan and coursework. And, you must apply to renew your financial aid each year – on time –or 10 risk losing it! Check your college’s deadli nes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Internet Resources Start your Internet search at Financial aid information • Federal Student Aid Information Center: • Link to important financial aid forms. 1-800-4FED-AID, or • Visit the online Campus Profiles to learn where campuses are located and link to their websites. • FAFSA4caster provides students and families with an opportunity to estimate eligibility for • Find out which colleges offer what you want federal student aid. Visit: to study. You have more than 500 academic programs to choose from! • Funding Education Beyond High School: • Check out the Open House or Information A Guide to Federal Student Aid: Session dates and events to plan campus visits. • NYS Higher Education Services Corporation has More important resources information on NYS grants and scholarships: Planning for college 1-888-NYSHESC, or • HOPE Scholarship and Lifetime Learning • New York’s 100+ private colleges and Credits and other federal incentive programs: universities’ admissions and financial aid information website: • NYS college tuition tax credit/deductions: (Search “tax credit”) • Go College! NY, a new website designed Questions to ask especially for students new to the college • The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) site provides search process: information about new tax laws (tax credits and the college deductions for college expenses): • College Navigator, a U.S. Department of Which forms are required Education website, allows students to build a • Hispanic College Fund, Inc.: to be considered for all list of colleges and universities: • Hispanic Scholarship Fund: forms of aid? • A resource for college planning starting in What are your requirements middle school: • United Negro College Fund, Inc. scholarship for merit aid? For need- database: based aid? • For information on developing a career plan, (under “For Students” tab, click visit: Scholarships) What are the aid renewal • For information on careers, required training • – A database of private scholarships: requirements? and education, salary levels and employment What are the financial aid opportunities, visit: Financial aid forms • New York’s 529 College Savings Program can application deadlines? • Free Application for Federal Student Aid help families save for college with significant tax benefits: (FAFSA) online: Are there state aid programs 1-877-NYSAVES, or I should know about? • Obtain a Personal Identification Number (PIN) • The Upromise® Rewards Program is a savings- When will you notify me of through-purchase program. When you shop from the U.S. Department of Education at hundreds of companies, a percentage of the (required to file the FAFSA online): my aid eligibility? purchase price is deposited into a savings How will outside scholarships account. Upromise® can be tied to the • PROFILE form: New York 529 College Savings Program: affect my financial aid cial-aid-profile package? • The College Savings Plan Network website has information on state-sponsored prepaid Do you have a monthly tuition and college savings plans: payment plan? 11

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Data collected by Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu) from Annual Undergraduate Campus Survey, Winter 2014.

♦HEOP Programs listed here are subject to change – Fall 2013 Fall 2013 SAT SAT ACT Common Rolling HEOP♦ ROTC** the state will be naming a new group of institutions Undergraduate Graduate/First Reading Math Composite Application Admissions (see note offering HEOP for the period 2014-2019. See Enrollment Professional Range Range Range for Fall at left) Enrollment (freshmen)

Scores reflect middle 50% Adelphi University 5,040 2,605 500-600 520-620 22-28 Y Y A*, AF* Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 1,071 562 530-620 580-650 24-29 Y American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Service 418 N/AStandardized tests not required Y Bard College 2,022 256 600-710 570-670 Y Y Barnard College 2,489 N/A 620-730 620-710 28-32 Y Y A*, N*, AF* The Belanger School of Nursing 123 N/A Boricua College# 1,118 68Standardized tests not required Y Y Bramson ORT College 742 N/A Y Canisius College 3,084 1,453 480-590 500-610 22-27 Y Y+ YA Cazenovia College 1,077 N/A 423-540 430-530 19-24 Y Y Y A*, AF* Clarkson University 3,110 616 520-620 570-670 24-28 Y Y A, AF Cochran School of Nursing 79 N/A Standardized tests not required Colgate University 2,890 8 620-720 650-730 30-32 Y Y A* College of Mount Saint Vincent# 1,649 269 420-500 410-500 18-21 Y Y A*, AF* The College of New Rochelle 811 741 450-520 450-535 20-24 Y Y The College of New Rochelle/School of New Resources 2,418 N/AStandardized tests not required Y The College of Saint Rose 2,891 1,651 460-570 460-570 20-25 Y Y Y A*, N*, AF* Columbia University 8,702▲ 19,050▲ 700-780 700-790 32-35 Y Y A*, N, AF* Concordia College 887 66 420-500 420-510 16-20 Y A*, AF* Cooper Union 868 52 610-710 610-780 28-33 Cornell University 14,393 7,200 640-740 680-780 30-34 Y Y A, N, AF The Culinary Institute of America 2,814 N/A 470-580 470-580 21-25 Y Daemen College 2,173 715Standardized tests not required Y Y Y A* Dominican College 1,527 471 410-490 400-510 18-23 Y Dowling College 2,298 844Standardized tests not required Y Y Y A*, AF* D'Youville College 2,023 1,127 480-580 470-560 20-25 Y Y A* Elmira College 1,408 134 470-580 470-580 20-27 Y Y A, AF* Excelsior College 35,144 2,347 Standardized tests not required Fei Tian College 130 N/A 578†-670† 568†-670† Finger Lakes Health College of Nursing 109 N/A Standardized tests not required Fordham University 8,345 6,752 570-670 590-680 26-30 Y Y A, N*, AF* Hamilton College 1,926 N/A 640-730 660-740 29-33 Y Y A*, AF* Hartwick College 1,615 N/A 500-620 510-610 23-27 Y Y Helene Fuld College of Nursing 396 N/A Standardized tests not required Hilbert College 1,022▲ 42▲ 400-510 430-540 18-21 Y A* Campus Quick Facts Hobart and William Smith Colleges 2,292▲ 8▲ 560-640 560-650 26-29 Y Y A*, AF* Hofstra University 6,826 4,102 520-610 530-620 23-27 Y Y Y A Houghton College 1,081 19 490-630 490-605 21-28 Y A* Institute of Design and Construction 103 N/AStandardized tests not required Y Iona College 3,539 702 450-550 460-560 20-24 Y A*, AF* Ithaca College 6,234 489 540-630 540-640 Y Y A*, AF* Keuka College 1,829 204 430-520 410-530 18-23 Y Y The King's College 500 N/A 540-630 510-600 24-28 A* Le Moyne College 2,785 534 480-570 500-600 21-26 Y Y A*, AF* /LIU Brentwood 23 247 Standardized tests not required Long Island University/LIU Brooklyn 5,006 3,477 400-500 400-540 17-22 Y Y Y Long Island University/LIU Post 7,983 2,616 440-520 440-540 19-24 Y Y Y Long Island University/LIU Riverhead 56 159Standardized tests not required Y++ Manhattan College 3,403 480 480-580 490-610 23-27 Y Y Y AF Manhattan School of Music 392▲ 549▲ Standardized tests not required Manhattanville College 1,626 1,033 Y Y A* Maria College 841 N/A 377-460 350-530 Y Marist College 5,566 799 540-620 550-640 24-28 Y Y A* Marymount Manhattan College 1,833 N/A 480-590 450-563 21-26 Y Y Y Medaille College 1,728 663 390-480 370-490 16-21 Y A* Memorial School of Nursing 119 N/A Mercy College#/Bronx Campus 1,409 709 Y Y Y A*, AF* Mercy College#/Dobbs Ferry Campus 4,051 1,256Standardized tests not required Y Y Y A*, AF* Mercy College#/Manhattan Campus 894 238 Y Y A*, AF* Mercy College#/Yorktown Campus 202 120 Y Y A*, AF* Key: ** ROTC: A = Army, N = Navy, AF = Air Force; * Offered at a neighboring institution; # Hispanic-Serving Institution: Total Hispanic enrollment constitutes a minimum of 25% of the total enrollment. 12 † Data not updated; ▲ NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012; +Rolling only spring semester; ++ Rolling only for certain programs

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 ♦ Note: Some campuses may not provide data Fall 2013 Fall 2013 SAT SAT ACT Common Rolling HEOP ROTC** Undergraduate Graduate/First Reading Math Composite Application Admissions (see note on for all columns. Always verify information with Range the colleges directly. Enrollment Professional Range Range for Fall page 12) Enrollment (freshmen)

Scores reflect middle 50% Metropolitan College of New York 911 344Standardized tests not required Y Molloy College 3,375 1,080 480-560 490-580 20-25 Y Y Y A*, N*, AF* Montefiore School of Nursing 133 N/A Standardized tests not required Mount Saint Mary College 2,203 353 450-540 460-553 20-24 Y Y+ YA* Nazareth College 2,034 789 500-570 520-610 23-27 Y Y A*, AF* The New School-Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts 1,441 N/A The New School-Mannes College Standardized tests not required The New School for Music 150 196 The New School-Parsons The New School for Design 4,322 760 480-590 480-630 21.5-26.5 The New School-The New School for Drama 50 82 Y The New School-New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music 242 N/A Standardized tests not required The New School-The New School for Public Engagement 473 1,513 New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Manhattan Campus 1,834 670 480-570 540-648 23-27 Y Y Y A*, AF* New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Old Westbury Campus 2,622 2,419 480-570 540-648 23-27 Y Y Y A*, AF* New York School of Interior Design 427 138 450-520 430-570 15-24 Y New York University 22,615 21,984 630-720 630-740 28-32 Y Y A*, AF* Niagara University 3,227 894 460-550 470-570 21-25 Y Y Y A Nyack College 1,831 1,251 400-540 370-520 17-22 Y Y Pace University/New York City Campus 5,524 2,683 500-590 500-590 22-26 Y Y+ A*, AF* Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Campus 2,756 605 500-590 500-590 22-26 Y Y+ A*, AF* Paul Smith's College of Arts and Sciences 981 N/A 450-530 430-530 20-25 Y Y Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing 269 N/A Standardized tests not required Pratt Institute 3,149 1,478 530-630 540-670 24-28 Y Pratt Institute/Manhattan Campus Included in Pratt Institute above Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 5,379 1,237 620-720 670-768 27-31 Y A, N, AF Roberts Wesleyan College 1,415 420 450-590 470-580 20-25 Y A, AF* Rochester Institute of Technology 13,880 2,703 540-640 570-680 25-31 Y Y Y A, N*, AF Sage Colleges, The 1,704 1,135 Y Y Y A*, AF* Standardized tests not required Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing 162 N/A Sarah Lawrence College 1,471 311 600-700 550-650 27-30 Y Siena College 3,161 55 490-590 510-610 22-27 Y Y A, N*, AF* Skidmore College 2,647 18 560-680 570-670 26-30 Y Y A*, AF* St. Bonaventure University 1,826 418 460-580 470-600 21-27 Y Y Y A St. Elizabeth College of Nursing 161 N/AStandardized tests not required Y St. Francis College 2,764 55 430-510 420-520 Y A*, AF* St. John Fisher College 2,959 1,028 480-570 510-600 22-27 Y Y Y A*, N*, AF* St. John's University/Manhattan Campus 218 209 490-590 500-620 21-27 Y St. John's University/Queens Campus (main campus) 13,828 4,663 490-590 500-620 21-27 Y A St. John's University/Staten Island Campus 1,727 84 490-590 500-620 21-27 Y A St. Joseph's College 4,529 825 460-570 480-580 21-25 Y St. Joseph's College of Nursing at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center 301 N/A Standardized tests not required St. Lawrence University 2,414 92 550-650 570-660 25-30 Y Y A*, AF* St. Thomas Aquinas College 1,796▲ 161▲ 420-520 410-530 17-20 Y Y Y Syracuse University 15,097 6,170 500-620 540-650 23-28 Y Y A, AF Touro College 6,841▲ 6,586▲ 530†-650† 520†-620† 23†-26† Trocaire College 1,523▲ N/AStandardized tests not required Y Y Union College 2,246 N/A 590-680 630-720 28-32 Y Y A*, N*, AF* University of Rochester 6,032 4,843 600-700 650-750 29-32 Y Y A*, N, AF* Utica College 2,881 1,147 410-520 420-530 18-23 Y Y Y A, AF* Vassar College 2,436 N/A 660-750 650-730 30-33 Y Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology# 1,725 17 413-519 472-574 21-23 Y Y A*, AF* Villa Maria College 465 N/A Standardized tests not required Y Wagner College 1,838 403 530-630 520-640 22-27 Y Y+ A* Webb Institute 82 N/A 645-745 715-765 Wells College 524 N/A 480-600 470-580 22-27 Y AF* Yeshiva University 2,885 3,859 550-680 550-690 23-29 13

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

100+ Private Colleges and Universities

Key to the Campus Profiles College Terminology Contact information: Annual College Costs - includes tuition, fees, room, board, Office of undergraduate admission mailing address books, transportation, and personal expenses. These costs Phone number(s) vary from college to college. Email Associate - degree awarded on completion of a 2-year Web address (usually) program of study. Degrees: Bachelor’s - (baccalaureate) degree awarded on A (associate degrees), B (bachelor’s degrees), M (master’s completion of a 4-year (usually) program of study. degrees), D (doctoral degrees), FP (first professional degrees, e.g., law or medicine). Common Application - a number of colleges accept the same application, called the Common Application. Check There’s one for you! Enrollment: with the college. Enroll. UG: Total fall 2013 undergraduate (UG) full-time Early Action - a non-binding early application process The best way to learn more about plus part-time enrollment. In parentheses is the number of full-time (FT) UG men and women, followed by the number allowing students to learn the admission decision before a college is to ask questions. of part-time (PT) UG men and women; “n/a” means not the official candidate notification date. applicable, i.e., the college does not admit part-time Early Decision - a binding early application process. Call, write, or e-mail the campus students.) G/FP: Total fall 2013 enrollment of graduate (G) Students are notified of acceptance and are expected to admission staff, then plan a visit. and first professional (FP) students, if applicable. commit to enrollment before regular applicants. See the Campus Profiles or contact Tuition & Fees (13-14 T&F): Financial Aid - aid to assist in meeting college costs which Academic year, full-time typical undergraduate 2013-2014 may be in the form of grants, scholarships, loans, or work- information on pages 4-7 to request T&F, unless specified otherwise. Note that fees often vary study. Always meet these application deadlines. See pages information and obtain applications depending on the program of study you choose. 8-10 for more information about financial aid. from the colleges. Or, visit New York’s Room & Board (13-14 R&B) or First Professional - study that culminates in a degree and Room Only (13-14 R-only): license in a profession such as law, medicine, etc. independent (private, not-for- Academic year, full-time typical 2013-2014 R&B or Graduate and Professional Students - those working profit) colleges and universities’ 2013-2014 R-only, unless specified otherwise; “n/a” means toward a master’s, doctorate, post-graduate certificate, or not applicable, i.e., room and board is not offered on professional license. admission and financial aid these campuses. Interview - a conversation with a college admission or faculty website, App. Dates: representative, or with alumni. Date(s) by which the college must receive your application for undergraduate admission. Deadlines listed may be Master’s and Doctorates - advanced degrees awarded Maybe you have a very specific labeled FR (for freshmen) and TR (for transfer students). for completion of additional study beyond a bachelor’s Deadlines to be considered for fall admission are listed first, (4-year) degree. academic interest. Perhaps followed by deadlines for spring admission, if applicable. Recommendation - a written assessment of the student’s you’re still searching. Either Fin. Aid Dates: aptitudes, abilities and interests written by a teacher, counselor, coach, etc. Date(s) by which the college must receive your financial way, there’s a New York State aid application(s) for fall undergraduate admission, unless Rolling Admission - an institution reviews applications specified otherwise. Deadlines listed may be labeled FR as they are received and offers a decision to students as private college or university (for freshmen) and TR (for transfer students). applications are reviewed. that’s right for you. App. Req.: Room and Board - college housing and meal plans (often Application requirements are the general specifications several options are available). that you must meet to be considered for undergraduate admission. Requirements may be labeled FR (for freshmen) SAT and the ACT - standardized tests that measure verbal and TR (for transfer students). and math proficiency used by some colleges as one variable to predict the likelihood of a student’s success in their college. Search the Campus SAT Subject Tests - subject-specific exams required for Profiles online at: The information listed is intended as a general profile of admission by many colleges [e.g., English (literature), each campus – check with an admission counselor for history and social studies (U.S. History and World History), further detailed information. Campus profile information math ( Level 1 or Level 2), science (Biology E/M, Chemistry, college-information was current as of April 2014. While we make every effort Physics), languages (Chinese, French, German, Spanish, to ensure accuracy, always verify information with the Modern Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Japanese and Korean)]. colleges directly. Undergraduate Student - one working toward a 2-year (associate) or a 4-year (bachelor’s) degree. 14

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Adelphi University Albany Medical College 13-14 T&F: $46,370 per year, (Fees for first year students only: $230 for security deposit and ID card; $652 for Levermore Hall 110, One South Ave. Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees meals for August Language & Thinking workshop; $652 One South Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530 for meals and $40 for materials for January Citizen Toll-free 800.ADELPHI or 516.877.3050 Office of Admissions Mailcode 3 Science program) Email: [email protected] 47 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208-3479 13-14 R&B: $13,502 (freshmen required to live on Web: 518.262.5521 campus if home is farther than 50 miles from campus) Web: App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early action November 1; Degrees: A, B, M, D, advanced certificate, post doctorate spring- n/a. TR: fall- March 1; spring- November 1 Enroll UG: 5,040 (FT: 1,393 men, 3,138 women; PT: 145 Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 15. TR: fall- February 15; men, 364 women). G/FP: 2,605 (FT: 1,503; PT: 1,102) American Academy McAllister spring- December 15 13-14 T&F: $30,800 per year, or $900 per credit Institute of Funeral Service App.Req./FR: HS transcript; recommendation from HS 13-14 R&B: $12,330 (standard room, average board; counselor and 2 HS teachers (11th or 12th grade); essay/writing samples; interview not required. TR: HS special residential options for performing arts majors, 619 West 54th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10019 transcript (if less than 2 years of college-level study honor students and international students; residents Toll-free 866.932.2264 or 212.757.1190 completed); transfer questionnaire; Dean's report. required to have a meal plan) Email: [email protected] App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, March 1 priority, early action Web: December 1; spring- rolling, November 30 priority. TR: Barnard College fall- rolling, June 1 priority; spring- rolling, November 30 Degrees: A (AOS in funeral service) priority Enroll UG: 418 (FT: 49 men, 53 women; PT: 138 men, 178 Women only college. Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, March 1 priority; spring- women) rolling, November 1 priority 13-14 T&F: $28,635 (69 credits at $415 per credit) 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 App.Req.: Secondary school record; essay; entrance 13-14 R&B: n/a 212.854.2014 examinations (ACT or SAT); recommendation; college App.Dates: fall- rolling until August 1; spring- rolling Email: [email protected] transcript if transfer student; $40 fee. until December 1 Web: Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling until August 1; spring- rolling Albany College of Pharmacy until December 1 Degrees: B App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; letters of recommendation; Enroll UG: 2,489 (FT: n/a men, 2,464 women; PT: n/a and Health Sciences essay; birth certificate; DD214 if applicable; statement of men, 25 women). Women only college health; proof of immunizations; signed campus security 13-14 T&F: $44,790 106 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208-3492 disclosure; personal interview; college transcripts, if 13-14 R&B: $14,210 Toll-free 888.203.8010 or 518.694.7221 applicable. App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early decision November Email: [email protected] 1 and mid-December; spring- n/a. TR: fall- March 15; Web: spring- November 1 American Museum of Natural Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 15, early decision Degrees: 6-year Doctor of Pharmacy, 4-year bachelor's History, Richard Gilder November 15; spring- n/a. TR: fall- April 16; spring- pharmaceutical sciences, biomedical technology, health November 1 and human sciences, chemistry, microbiology and clinical Graduate School App.Req./FR: HS transcript; a completed Common laboratory sciences. Also offer MS in pharmaceutical Application and Barnard College Supplement; SAT sciences, health outcomes research, biotechnology, Offers only Graduate (advanced) degree (PhD) and 2 SAT Subject Tests, or ACT with writing; HS cytotechnology & molecular cytology, and clinical recommendation: 1 school counselor, 2 teacher laboratory sciences 79th St. and Central Park West recommendations. TR: Transfer version of the Common Enroll UG: 1,071 (FT: 418 men, 633 women; PT: 6 men; New York, NY 10024 Application; Barnard Supplement for Transfer; official 14 women). G/FP: 562 (FT: 549; PT: 13) 212.769.5055 transcripts of all college work; official final high school 13-14 T&F: $28,900, or $940 per credit. Students are Web: transcript or official GED results; SAT or the ACT; course required to have a laptop while enrolled. graduate-school/apply catalogue(s) from all colleges in which you have been 13-14 R&B: $10,000 enrolled. App.Dates/FR: February 1 priority, early decision November 1. TR: May 1 priority for fall; early decision Bank Street College of November 1; November 15 priority for spring Education The Belanger School of Nursing Fin.Aid Dates: For FAFSA: May 1, February 1 priority; for CSS Profile: December 15, November 15 priority Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees 650 McClellan St., Schenectady, NY 12304 App.Req./FR: SAT or ACT; 4 years of English; academic 518.243.4471 college preparatory electives (6 credits or units); 4 years 610 West 112th St., New York, NY 10025 Web: of science, including chemistry; 3 years of mathematics, 212.875.4404 admissions-introduction.aspx 4 recommended, pre-calculus or calculus required; Web: recommendations. Contact admissions office for further Degrees: A information. TR: Minimum 2.5 GPA based on transferable Enroll UG: 123 (FT: 38; PT: 85) courses. Bard College 13-14 T&F: Day program, first year $8,357; evening/weekend program, first year $7,511; $926 30 Campus Rd. additional fees, first year Albany Law School Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504 13-14 R&B: n/a 845.758.7472 App.Dates: January 15 Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees Email: [email protected] Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Web: App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; transcripts 80 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208 showing passing grades for prerequisite courses; official 518.445.2326 Degrees: A (at the Bard High School Early Colleges and prior college transcripts, two references; interview Web: through Bard Prison Initiative), B, M, D (optional); $50 fee. Enroll UG: 2,022 (FT: 848 men, 1,077 women; PT: 47 men, 50 women). G/FP: 256 (FT: 229; PT: 27) 15

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

report also required. TR: Transcripts from all colleges Canisius College attended; transfer application; personal statement (optional); Dean of Students recommendation; and 2001 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14208 two letters of recommendation, including one from an Toll-free 800.843.1517 or 716.888.2200 academic professor or instructor. Students with fewer Email: [email protected] than 24 college credits must also submit official secondary Web: school transcripts, and an SAT or ACT score report. An interview is recommended. Degrees: B, M Boricua College Enroll UG: 3,084 (FT: 1,328 men, 1,497 women; PT: 205 men, 54 women). G/FP: 1,453 (FT: 618; PT: 835) Cochran School of Nursing Web: 13-14 T&F: $33,332 per year, or $914 per credit Admissions.html 13-14 R&B: $12,270 (traditional rooms, townhouses, St. John's Riverside Hospital apartments, suites available) 967 North Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701 Bronx Campus App.Dates/FR: fall- May 1, March 1 priority; spring- 914.964.4296 rolling. TR: rolling Email: [email protected] 890 Washington Ave., Bronx, NY 10451 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Web: 347.964.8600 App.Req./FR: SAT and/or ACT; college preparatory [email protected] program; 16 units of academic credit. TR: 2.0 GPA. Degrees: A (AAS) Enroll UG: 79 (FT: 3 men, 7 women; PT: 9 men, Brooklyn Campus/Graham Center 60 women) 9 Graham Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11206 Cazenovia College 13-14 T&F: $11,385 for first year, or $563 per credit 718.963.4112 13-14 R&B: n/a [email protected] 22 Sullivan St., Cazenovia, NY 13035 App.Dates: fall- April 15; spring- October 30 Toll-free 800.654.3210 or 315.655.7208 Fin.Aid Dates: April 30 Brooklyn Campus/Northside Center Email: [email protected] App.Req./FR: HS diploma or General Education Diploma Web: 186 North 6th St., Brooklyn, NY 11211 (GED); passing grade in HS or college algebra, biology and chemistry; if official transcripts are unobtainable, 718.782.2200 Degrees: A, B (BA, BFA, BPS, BS) [email protected] the student may be allowed to take the College Level Enroll UG: 1,077 (FT: 261 men, 676 women; PT: 36 men, Examination Program (CLEP) exams in algebra, biology, 104 women) Manhattan Campus and chemistry. Applicants with foreign transcripts must 13-14 T&F: $29,410 per year (additional fees for art and provide unofficial copy of their original foreign transcript 3755 Broadway, New York, NY 10032 design and equine majors), or $620 per credit up to 7 and have the transcript evaluated by World Education 212.694.1000 credits Services or Globe Language Services and sent to Cochran [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $11,880 as their official transcript. TR: Anatomy & Physiology I & II App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling (with a lab) transferable with a minimum C+ grade or Degrees: A, B, M Fin.Aid Dates: March 15 priority better, minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for all Enroll UG: 1,118 (FT: 255 men, 863 women; PT: 0). App.Req.: For bachelor’s degree- HS diploma or GED; transferable courses. G/FP: 68 (FT: 68; PT: 0) recommendation; essay required; SAT or ACT 13-14 T&F: $9,525 per year for Manhattan and Brooklyn recommended. Students entering as juniors must have Campuses; $10,025 for Bronx Campus college transcript, an associate degree or have completed Colgate University 13-14 R&B: n/a a minimum of 60 credits and taken all prerequisites; App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling overall 2.0 GPA required to transfer. James B. Colgate Hall, 13 Oak Dr., Hamilton, NY 13346 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling 315.228.7401 App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; application; interview; Email: [email protected] $25 fee. Clarkson University Web:

8 Clarkson Ave., Potsdam, NY 13699 Degrees: B, M Bramson ORT College Toll-free 800.527.6577 or 315.268.6480 Enroll UG: 2,890 (FT: 1,287 men, 1,584 women; Email: [email protected] PT: 6 men, 13 women). G/FP: 8 (FT: 2 men, 4 women; 69-30 Austin St., Forest Hills, NY 11375 Web: PT: 1 man, 1 woman) 718.261.5800 x640 13-14 T&F: $46,380 Email: [email protected] Degrees: B, M, D, DPT 13-14 R&B: $11,510 (first-years, sophomores & juniors Web: Enroll UG: 3,110 (FT: 2,214 men, 870 women; PT: 15 men, required to live on campus; figures are accurate for 11 women). G/FP: 616 (FT: 518; PT: 98) students living in a traditional residence hall; prices may Bramson ORT College Extension Center in Bensonhurst 13-14 T&F: $40,540 vary if living in Broad St. houses, University apartments, 8109 Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11204 718.259.5300 13-14 R&B: $12,998 (all undergraduates required to live or townhouses) on campus) Degrees: A (also certificate and diploma programs) App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision I App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision December November 15, early decision II January 15; spring- n/a. Enroll UG: 742 (FT: 701; PT: 41) 1; spring- October 15. TR: fall- July 1 preferred; spring- 13-14 T&F: $11,330 per year, or $450 per credit (books Regular decision candidates may convert to early December 1 preferred decision II by filing an Early Decision Agreement prior to not included). Three mandatory semesters per year; Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- March 1, February 15 priority. associate degree requires four semesters March 1. TR: fall- March 15; spring- November 1 TR: fall- April 15, February 15 priority Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision 13-14 R&B: n/a App.Req./FR: Official secondary school transcripts; an App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling November 15; spring- n/a. TR: fall- March 15; spring- SAT or ACT score report (SAT subject tests optional); November 1 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling a personal statement describing a special interest, App.Req.: HS graduate, equivalent HS diploma or App.Req.: HS transcript; Common Application and experience or achievement that is important and Common Application essay; counselor recommendation demonstrate Ability To Benefit: interest in pursuing a meaningful to the applicant and two letters of degree program; demonstrate proficiency in English. and two teacher recommendations; SAT or ACT; senior recommendation including one from a principal, year grades; $60 fee. headmaster or school counselor. A campus visit and personal interview are strongly recommended. For students 16 whose first language is not English, a TOEFL or IELTS score

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 College of Mount Saint Vincent The College of Saint Rose 6301 Riverdale Ave., Riverdale, NY 10471 432 Western Ave., Albany, NY 12203-1490 Toll-free 800.665.CMSV or 718.405.3267 Toll-free 800.637.8556 or 518.454.5150 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web:

Degrees: A, B, M, post-bachelor's certificate, post- Degrees: B, M, certificates master's certificate Enroll UG: 2,891 (FT: 887 men, 1,777 women; PT: 82 men, Enroll UG: 1,649 (FT: 439 men, 1,050 women; PT: 27 145 women). G/FP: 1,651 (FT: 639; PT: 1,012) men, 133 women). G/FP: 269 (FT: 17 men, 33 women; 13-14 T&F: $27,684 per year, or $894 per credit Cooper Union PT: 97 men, 182 women) 13-14 R&B: $11,250 (3 board plans available; early 13-14 T&F: $30,290 per year, or $900 per credit application for housing encouraged) Beginning in fall 2014, admitted undergraduate 13-14 R&B: $12,060 App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, December 1 preferred, students will receive a minimum 50% tuition scholarship. App.Dates: fall- rolling, early decision November 15; February 1 priority. TR: fall- rolling, February 1 if applying Students who demonstrate greater need (by filling out spring- rolling for scholarships, March 1 if applying for financial aid the FAFSA and CSS profile) are eligible for further aid. Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- rolling, March 15 priority; spring- Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority, February 15 priority Admissions remain need-blind. Merit scholarships will rolling, December 15 priority. TR: fall- August 1; spring- deadline for financial aid; freshman scholarships awarded be available to exceptional students. December 1 by the end of February; spring- October 1 App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT, ACT, or TOEFL; 1 academic App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT (optional); 30 Cooper Square, Suite 300, New York, NY 10003 recommendation; interview advised. recommendation from teacher or school counselor; 212.353.4120 written essay or personal statement; audition for music Email: [email protected] programs; portfolio review for art programs; $40 Web: The College of New Rochelle application fee (waived for online applicants). TR: College transcript; minimum GPA 2.5; letter of recommendation; Degrees: B, M 29 Castle Pl., New Rochelle, NY 10805 personal statement. Enroll UG: 868 (FT: 556 men, 307 women; PT: 1 man, Toll-free 800.933.5923 or 914.654.5452 4 women). G/FP: 52 (FT: 40; PT: 12) Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: Tuition: $39,600 (value of tuition scholarship); Web: Columbia University $1,550 Cooper Union annual student fee; $250 annual lab fee; full tuition scholarships for all admitted students; School of Arts and Sciences is women only. School of Nursing, Undergraduate Admissions, 212 Hamilton Hall, MC 2807, must provide proof of medical insurance or pay $1,100 School of New Resources and Graduate School are coed. 1130 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027 for Cooper Union plan. For the fall of 2013, Cooper Union 212.854.2522 Degrees: B, M (several accelerated bachelor’s to master's, offers full tuition scholarships to undergraduate students Email: [email protected] RN and second degree bachelor’s to master's), post- studying architecture, art and engineering. Beginning in Web: master's certificate fall 2014, admitted undergraduate students will receive Enroll UG: 811 (FT: 25 men, 505 women; PT: 32 men, a minimum 50% tuition scholarship. Students who Degrees: B, M, D, FP 281 women). G/FP: 741 (FT: 110; PT: 631) (includes demonstrate greater need (by filling out the FAFSA and Enroll UG: 8,702 (FT: 7,456; PT: 1,246). G/FP: 19,050 co-sponsored students and graduate nursing students) CSS profile) are eligible for further aid. Admissions remain (FT: 14,949; PT: 4,146)* 13-14 T&F: $31,260 per year, or $896 per credit (for need-blind. Please also mention that merit scholarships 13-14 T&F: $49,138 School of Arts and Sciences and School of Nursing will be available to exceptional students. 13-14 R&B: $11,978 (average) entering students) 13-14 R&B: $15,000 App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, November 1 early 13-14 R&B: $11,690 App.Dates/FR: fall- January 7 for architecture, January 9 decision; spring- n/a. TR: fall- March 1; spring- n/a App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling; spring- rolling. TR: For School for art, February 1 for engineering, early decision for art Fin.Aid Dates: March 1 of Arts and Sciences July 1 for fall to ensure space and engineering December 3; spring- n/a. TR: fall- App.Req.: Common Application and Columbia availability in classes; School of Nursing May 1 for fall January 7 for architecture, January 9 for art, February 1 Supplement; HS transcript; SAT or ACT; 2 SAT Subject Fin.Aid Dates: rolling for engineering; spring- n/a Tests; 3 letters of reference; essay. App.Req.: SAT or ACT; 16 academic units. Fin.Aid Dates: February 15 App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; SAT Subject Test in School of New Resources Concordia College math and chemistry or physics and supplemental essay Office of the Dean questions for engineering program; home test for art and 55 Leland Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10805-2308 171 White Plains Rd., Bronxville, NY 10708 architecture programs. College transcripts for transfer Toll-free 800.288.4767 or 914.654.5528 Toll-free 800.YES-COLLege (800-937-2655) or students. Email: [email protected] 914.337.9300 x2155 Web: Email: [email protected] Cornell University Web: The School of New Resources offers a degree program for 410 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, NY 14850 adults – a bachelor’s in liberal arts. In addition to the New Degrees: A, B, M 607.255.5241 Rochelle location, the School of New Resources also operates Enroll UG: 887 (FT: 276 men, 538 women; PT: 16 men, Email: [email protected] 5 branch campuses in the New York City metropolitan area: 57 women). G/FP: 66 (FT: 56; PT: 10) Web: 13-14 T&F: $27,060 per year, or $785 per credit Brooklyn Campus: 1368 Fulton St., Brooklyn, NY 11216 13-14 R&B: $10,000 Co-op City Campus: 755 Co-op City Blvd., Degrees: B, M, D, FP App.Dates/FR: fall- March 15 priority, early action Enroll UG: 14,393 (FT: 7,050 men, 7,343 women; PT: n/a). Bronx, NY 10475 November 15. TR: fall- July 15; spring- December 15 District Council 37 Campus: 125 Barclay St., G/FP: 7,200 (FT: 7,200; PT: n/a) Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- April 1 priority; spring- December 13-14 T&F: $45,359 for College of Architecture, Art & New York, NY 10007 15. TR: fall- July 15; spring- December 15 John Cardinal O'Connor Campus: 332 East 149th St., Planning, College of Arts & Sciences, College of App.Req./FR: HS transcript; essay; SAT or ACT; letter of Engineering, and School of Hotel Administration. $29,219 Bronx, NY 10451 recommendation; $50 fee. TR: SAT or ACT and HS Rosa Parks Campus: 144 West 125th St., NYS resident, or $45,359 non-resident for NYS College of transcript if fewer than 28 college transfer credits; college Agriculture & Life Sciences, NYS College of Human New York, NY 10027 transcript(s); essay; letter of recommendation; $50 fee.

* Source: NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012 Continued on next page. 17

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

App.Dates: rolling,16 entry dates per academic year for associate degree; bachelor’s degree students enter 4 Dowling College times a year Fin.Aid Dates: rolling 150 Idle Hour Blvd., Oakdale, NY 11769 App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; experience working in a Toll-free 800.DOWLING or 631.244.3030 professional kitchen; recommend applying 6 months Email: [email protected] prior to preferred entry date. Web: Degrees: B, M, post-master's certificate, D, advanced Daemen College certificates Enroll UG: 2,298 (FT: 688 men, 751 women; PT: 327 men, 4380 Main St., Amherst, NY 14226-3592 532 women). G/FP: 844 (FT: 282; PT: 602) Toll-free 800.462.7652 or 716.839.8225 13-14 T&F: $28,390 per year (based on 15 credits per semester), or $891 per credit Cornell University continued from page 17. Fax: 716.839.8229 Email: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $10,770 Web: App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Ecology, and NYS School of Industrial & Labor Relations Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, February 15 priority 13-14 R&B: $13,678 (On-campus housing guaranteed Degrees: B, M, BS/MS dual degree in physician assistant App.Req./FR: HS transcript; essay or personal statement for freshmen, sophomores and transfer students who studies, professional accountancy, health care studies/ required; letter of recommendation required. TR: HS and desire it. Off-campus housing available) athletic trainer, clinical doctorate in physical therapy college transcripts; essay or personal statement. App.Dates/FR: fall- January 2, early decision November (DPT), nursing practice (DNP) 1, contact the admissions department. TR: fall- March 1; Enroll UG: 2,173 (FT: 500 men, 1,220 women; PT: 88 men, spring- October 1 365 women). G/FP: 715 (FT: 511; PT: 204) D'Youville College Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15. For more information: 13-14 T&F: $24,090 per year, or $785 per credit. For part- 320 Porter Ave., Buffalo, NY 14201 TR: fall- March 1; spring- October time students: $80 college fee for 6 to 11 credit hours, Toll-free 800.777.3921 or 716.829.7600 1. For more information: plus $6 per credit hour activity fee Email: [email protected] App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT with Writing; HS 13-14 R&B: $11,300 (room and board fees vary by meal Web: teacher and counselor recommendations; additional plan and residence hall) credentials may be required for some divisions; $75 fee. App.Dates: fall- rolling, October 1 priority, December 1 Degrees: B, M, D, FP for physician assistant program; spring- rolling Enroll UG: 2,023 (FT: 435 men, 1,179 women; PT: 113 Weill Cornell Graduate School of Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, February 15 priority; spring- men, 296 women). G/FP: 1,127 (FT: 787; PT: 340) rolling, November 1 priority Medical Sciences 13-14 T&F: $23,092 per year, or $720 per credit App.Req./FR: HS transcript; optional submission of SAT 13-14 R&B: $10,520 Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees or ACT (if opting out of standardized tests, must provide App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling grades and rigor of coursework, writing sample, Office of Admissions, 1300 York Ave., Room A-131 Fin.Aid Dates: March 1 suggested teacher/counselor recommendation, class rank, and Box 65, New York, NY 10065 App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; recommendations extracurricular activities); portfolio for art program 212.746.6565 and interviews suggested. For physician assistant applicants. All students transferring into the physician Web: program: supplemental application; recommendations; assistant program must apply through CASPA (Central interviews. Weill Cornell Medical College Application Service for Physician Assistants). TR: HS and college transcripts and statement of good standing Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees from prior institution(s). HS transcript not required of Elmira College 445 E. 69th St., Olin Hall-104, New York, NY 10021 transfers with associate or other college degree. 212.746.1067 One Park Place, Elmira, NY 14901 Web: Toll-free 800.935.6472 or 607.735.1724 Dominican College Email: [email protected] The Culinary Institute 470 Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY 10962-1210 Web: Toll-free 866.432.4636 or 845.848.7901 of America Email: [email protected] Degrees: A, B, M (MS in management and education) Web: Enroll UG: 1,408 (FT: 347 men, 841 women; PT: 52 men, 1946 Campus Dr., Hyde Park, NY 12538-1499 168 women). G/FP: 134 (FT: 12; PT: 112) Toll-free 800.CULINARY/800.285.4627 or 845.452.9430 Degrees: A (liberal arts), B (education, nursing, social 13-14 T&F: $38,150 per year, or $325 per credit Email: [email protected] work), M (business administration, education, 13-14 R&B: $11,800 Web: occupational therapy, family nurse practitioner), D App.Dates/FR: fall- March 1, January 31 priority, early (Doctor of Physical Therapy ) decision I November 15, early decision II January 15, 2 branch campuses located in St. Helena, CA and San Enroll UG: 1,527 (FT: 461 men, 819 women; PT: 65 men, February 1 priority; winter- December 1, November 1 Antonio, TX. Also a location at the Singapore Institute 182 women). G/FP: 471 (FT: 161; PT: 310) priority; spring- February 15, February 1 priority. of Technology. 13-14 T&F: $24,790 per year (including non-refundable TR: rolling fees), or $700 per credit Fin.Aid Dates/FR: April 1, February 1 priority. TR: April 1, Degrees: A (21-month associate degree in culinary arts March 1 priority or in baking and pastry arts), B (38-month programs in 13-14 R&B: $11,650 (board may increase or decrease according to the number of students in a room/suite) App.Req./FR: HS transcript; essay; 1 recommendation; culinary arts management, baking and pastry arts SAT or ACT; interview strongly recommended; fee. management, or culinary science) App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, February 1 priority; spring- rolling, December 15 priority. TR: fall- rolling; spring- TR: Official transcript(s) from all colleges attended; Enroll UG: 2,814 (FT: 1,497 men, 1,317 women; PT: n/a) confidential Dean's Clearance Form for all colleges 13-14 T&F: $27,720 rolling Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, March 1 priority; spring- attended; recommendation; essay; interview strongly 13-14 R&B: $8,830 (all students required to eat meals recommended; fee. on campus; most rooms double occupancy; housing rolling, October 30 priority guaranteed to incoming freshmen; board only $2,730) App.Req.: 16 academic units; interview and campus visit recommended; SAT or ACT; TOEFL required for international students. 18

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Excelsior College Fordham University 7 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203-5159 Office of Undergraduate Admission, Duane Library Toll-free 888.647.2388 or 518.464.8500 441 East Fordham Rd., Bronx, NY, 10458 Degrees: B Email: [email protected] Toll-free 800.FORDHAM or 718.817.4000 Enroll UG: 1,615 (FT: 645 men, 931 women; PT: 13 men, Web: Email: [email protected] 26 women) Web: 13-14 T&F: $38,930, or $1,220 per credit Non-campus-based, non-traditional virtual university 13-14 R&B: $10,485 for adult learners. Degrees: B, M, D, FP App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, early decision November 1; Degrees: A, B, M, certificate Enroll UG: 8,345 (FT: 3,557 men, 4,137 women; PT: 293 spring- rolling. TR: fall- August 1; spring- January 1 Enroll UG: 35,144 (FT: n/a; PT: 15,188 men, 19,956 men, 358 women). G/FP: 6,752 (FT: 4,321; PT: 2,431) Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- November 1 for early decision, as women). G/FP: 2,347 (FT: n/a; PT: 2,347) 13-14 T&F: $43,902 soon as possible after January 1 for regular admission; 13-14 T&F: $80 application fee, $395 enrollment fee first 13-14 R&B: $15,835 spring- rolling. TR: fall- August 1; spring- January 1 year, $440 continuing fee per year, $425 per credit hour App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early action November 1, App.Req.: HS transcript required; SAT or ACT optional for undergraduate courses priority performance deadline for dance and theatre except for nursing majors and home-schooled appli- 13-14 R&B: n/a applicants, November 1. TR: fall- June 1; spring- cants; counselor and teacher recommendations App.Dates/TR: rolling December 1 (optional); essay (optional); interview optional. Fin.Aid Dates/TR: rolling Fin.Aid Dates/FR: FAFSA and CSS Profile due February 10 App.Req.: Open enrollment (eligibility for nursing TR: rolling Helene Fuld College of programs limited to those with health care backgrounds). App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; essay and recommendation required; SAT Subject Tests are Nursing optional. TOEFL and SAT required for international Fei Tian College applicants. TR: All college transcripts and a letter of good This college accepts licensed practical nurses and standing. registered nurses only. 140 Galley Hill Rd., Cuddebackville, NY 12729 845.672.0550 Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus 24 East 120th St., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10035 Email: [email protected] 212.616.7200 Web: 113 West 60th St., New York, NY 10023 Email: [email protected] 212.636.6000 Web: Degrees: B (BFA in classical Chinese dance and admissions.html bachelor’s in music performance) Fordham University, Westchester Campus Enroll UG: 130 (FT: 84; PT: 46) Programs offered vary by school, please call. Offers only Degrees: A (12-month full-time LPN to RN), B in Nursing 13-14 T&F: $21,340 per year, or $800 per credit Graduate (advanced) degrees. Enroll UG: 396 (FT: 28 men, 192 women; PT: 24 men, 149 13-14 R&B: $5,920 women; non-matriculated: 0 men, 3 women) App.Dates: fall- May; spring- January (check with 400 Westchester Ave., West Harrison, NY 10604 13-14 T&F: $17,622 per year full time, or $304 per credit admissions) Business: Toll-free 800.225.4422 or 914.367.3271 part time Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Education: 212.636.6400 13-14 R&B: n/a App.Req.: HS transcripts; SAT or ACT with Writing; Social Services: 212.636.6600 App.Dates: rolling, students admitted in November and TOEFL or other proof of English proficiency; Chinese Religion and Religious Education: 718.817.4800 April for the associate degree program; September for proficiency test (optional); essay; two letters of Arts and Science: 718.817.4419 the bachelor’s degree program recommendation; video file or DVD of recent Law: 212.636.6000 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling performance; $50 fee. App.Req.: For the associate degree program: HS and Hamilton College college transcripts; LPN license; two recommendations; Finger Lakes Health College school-administered practical nursing equivalency, 198 College Hill Rd., Clinton, NY 13323 reading, writing and mathematics tests; $110 application of Nursing Toll-free 800.843.2655 or 315.859.4421 and testing fee. For the bachelor's degree program: HS Email: [email protected] and college transcripts; RN license; two recommendations; 196 North St., Geneva, NY 14456 Web: $50 application fee. 315.787.4005 Email: [email protected] Degrees: B Hilbert College Web: Enroll UG: 1,926 (FT: 926 men, 979 women; PT: 12 men, 9 women) 5200 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY 14075-1597 Degrees: A (AAS in nursing) 13-14 T&F: $46,080 Toll-free 800.649.8003 or 716.649.7900 x211 Enroll UG: 109 (FT: 2 men, 17 women; PT: 7 men, 13-14 R&B: $11,710 (students required to live in college- Email: [email protected] 83 women) approved housing) Web: 13-14 T&F: $3,150 part time; $4,750 full time; $2,190 fees App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early decision November for first year, $655 fees for second year 15; spring- n/a. TR: fall- April 15; spring- November 15 Degrees: A, B, M 13-14 R&B: n/a Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 8. TR: fall- April 15; spring- Enroll UG: 1,022 (FT: 878; PT: 144). G/FP: 42 (FT: 39; App.Dates/FR: March 1. TR: spring- September 1 November 15 PT: 3)* Fin.Aid Dates/FR: April 15. TR: December 15 App.Req./FR: HS transcripts; SAT, 3 SAT Subject Tests, or 13-14 T&F: $19,900 per year (full time 12-18 credits), App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; biology, chemistry and ACT; personal essay; interview recommended; fee. or $485 per credit hour over 18 algebra with a final grade of C or better within 7 years of TR: Official college transcript. 13-14 R&B: $8,750 for double room with 19 meals/week admission; physical examination and required (costs vary by room and meal plan); 19 meals/week plan immunizations; current CPR. required first 2 semesters on campus; $125 security Hartwick College deposit for first-time resident students. 1 Hartwick Dr., Oneonta, NY 13820 App.Dates: rolling Toll-free 888.HARTWICK or 607.431.4150 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Email: [email protected] App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; college transcripts if Web: transfer student; interview recommended; non- refundable $25 fee (waived for online applications). 19

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

App.Req.: HS transcript and counselor recommendation; Hobart and William Smith Institute of Design and interview advised; audition for music or theatre arts. Colleges Construction Keuka College 629 South Main St., Geneva, NY 14456 141 Willoughby St., Brooklyn, NY 11201 Toll-free 800.852.2256 or 315.781.3622 718.855.3661 141 Central Ave., Keuka Park, NY 14478 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Toll-free 800.33.KEUKA or 315.279.5254 Web: Web: Email: [email protected] students.php Web: Degrees: B, M (MAT) Enroll UG: 2,292 (FT: 2,267; PT: 25). G/FP: 8 (FT: 8; PT: 0)* Degrees: A Keuka College has satellite locations in Rochester, 13-14 T&F: $46,165 Enroll UG: 103 (FT: 35 men, 8 women; PT: 56 men, Batavia, Auburn, Syracuse, Utica, Watertown, Corning 13-14 R&B: $11,685 4 women) and Binghamton. See website for most current listing: App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1, early decision I 13-14 T&F: $8,080 per year ($140 fees per semester), Accelerated Studies for November 15, early decision II January 1; spring- n/a. or $325 per credit Adults (ASAP) are offered at various sites for working TR: fall- July 1; spring- November 15 13-14 R&B: IDC does not provide any housing or students. See website for more details: Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15, early decision I dormitory facilities. Housing referrals available upon December 1, early decision II January 15. TR: rolling request. App.Req.: HS transcript; 1 teacher recommendation App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Degrees: B, M required from an English, history, science, math or Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Enroll UG: 1,829 (FT: 383 men, 1,131 women; PT: 34 men, language teacher (for transfers - 2 recommendations, App.Req.: HS diploma or GED. 281 women). G/FP: 204 (FT: 71; PT: 133) 1 from an academic dean, 1 from a professor); interview 13-14 T&F: $27,240 per year, or $885 per credit strongly advised; $45 fee (waived for online applications). 13-14 R&B: $10,590 (freshmen required to live on Iona College campus unless commuting from home; guaranteed housing for full-time students) Hofstra University 715 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801-1890 App.Dates: rolling Toll-free 800.231.IONA or 914.633.2502 Fin.Aid Dates: April 14 100 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549 Email: [email protected] App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; essays; minimum Toll-free 800.HOFSTRA or 516.463.6700 Web: one letter of recommendation; $30 fee. Email: [email protected] Web: Degrees: B, M, post-bachelor’s certificates, post-master's certificates The King's College Degrees: B, post-bachelor’s, M, post-master's, D, FP, Enroll UG: 3,539 (FT: 1,410 men, 1,700 women; PT: 206 certificate men, 223 women). G/FP: 702 (FT: 279; PT: 423) 56 Broadway, New York, NY 10004 Enroll UG: 6,826 (FT: 2,947 men, 3,431 women; PT: 245 13-14 T&F: $32,770 per year, or $1,020 per credit Toll-free 888.969.7200 or 212.659.3610 men, 203 women). G/FP: 4,102 (FT: 3,005; PT: 1,097) 13-14 R&B: $13,175 (includes $310 cable and phone Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: $37,400 per year, or $1,200 per credit charge) Web: 13-14 R&B: $12,800 (typical plan) App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15 priority, early action App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, early action December 15; December 1; spring- November 15. TR: fall- August 15, Degrees: B spring- rolling. TR: fall- rolling; spring- rolling July 1 priority; spring- November 15 Enroll UG: 500 (FT: 194 men, 290 women; PT: 9 men, Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, February 15 priority; spring- Fin.Aid Dates: fall- April 15 priority; spring- October 15 7 women). rolling, December 15 priority App.Req./FR: SAT or ACT; HS transcript; essay; 13-14 T&F: $31,300 tuition plus fees, or $1,290 per credit App.Req./FR: HS transcript; graduation from approved recommendations are optional. TR: Include all college 13-14 R&B: n/a HS or GED; SAT or ACT; letter of recommendation; essay; transcripts and essays; SAT requirement waived with App.Dates: fall- November 15 priority; spring- rolling $70 fee. TR: College transcript; statement of good more than 24 college credits. Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1; spring- n/a standing from prior institution; $70 fee. App.Req.: SAT or ACT; HS transcript; $30 fee. Iona College Rockland Graduate Center Houghton College Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees Le Moyne College 2 Blue Hill Plaza 1419 Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse, NY 13214-1301 P.O. Box 128, Houghton, NY 14744 P.O. Box 1522, Pearl River, NY 10965-8522 Toll-free 800.777.2556 or 585.567.9353 Toll-free 800.333.4733 or 315.445.4300 866.850.IONA or 845.620.1350 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web: Web: Degrees: A, B, M Ithaca College Degrees: B (BA and BS), M (MBA, MSEd, MST, MS), post- Enroll UG: 1,081 (FT: 363 men, 660 women; PT: 22 men, bachelor’s certificate, post-master's certificate 36 women). G/FP: 19 (FT: 9; PT: 10) 953 Danby Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850-7002 Enroll UG: 2,785 (FT: 1,050 men, 1,351 women; PT: 103 13-14 T&F: $27,578 per year, or $1,159 per credit; $150 Toll-free 800.429.4274 or 607.274.3124 men, 281 women). G/FP: 534 (FT: 137; PT: 397) Health Center and Counseling fee Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: $30,460 per year, or $618 per credit 13-14 R&B: $8,012 Web: 13-14 R&B: $11,740 (campus housing guaranteed for 4 App.Dates: fall- November 1 fee waiver deadline, years; townhouse and garden apartments available both January 10 priority scholarship and honors consideration, Degrees: B, M, D in physical therapy, certificates on and off campus for upperclass students) rolling thereafter; spring- rolling Enroll UG: 6,234 (FT: 2,670 men, 3,461 women; PT: 55 App.Dates/FR: fall- March 1 priority; spring- December 1 Fin.Aid Dates: March 1 priority, rolling thereafter men, 48 women). G/FP: 489 (FT: 431; PT: 58) priority. TR: fall- August 1 priority; spring- December 1 App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; recommendation; 13-14 T&F: $38,400 per year, or $1,280 per credit priority personal statement. TR: College transcripts with SAT/ACT 13-14 R&B: $13,900 (on-campus housing guaranteed for Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 15 priority; spring- scores in some cases; personal statement is optional. undergraduates; full-time undergraduates required to December 1 priority. TR: fall- March 15 priority; spring- live in college facilities – exceptions by permission only) December 15 priority App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1, November 1 priority; App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; personal essay; spring- December 1. TR: fall- March 1; spring- December 1 2 recommendations; interview recommended. 20 * Source: NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1; spring- November 1

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 LIU Riverhead 13-14 R&B: $13,750 Long Island University App.Dates: December 1 Regional campus. This campus only admits undergraduate Fin.Aid Dates: March 1 Toll-free: 800.LIU.PLAN transfer and master's degree students. App.Req.: Official transcripts; Unified Application Web: 121 Speonk-Riverhead Road, Riverhead, NY 11901 for Conservatory Admission:; 631.287.8010 admission prescreening recording (most majors) LIU Brentwood Email: [email protected] uploaded using; audition; Regional campus. This campus only admits undergraduate Web: recommendations; TOEFL if English is not first language. transfer students and master's degree students. Degrees: B (BS in education, BA in communication Michael J. Grant Campus studies), M (MS in education, homeland security Manhattanville College 1001 Crooked Hill Rd., Brentwood, NY 11717 management), advanced certificates (applied behavior (located at Suffolk CCC) analysis, homeland security management, cyber 2900 Purchase St., Purchase, NY 10577 631.287.8500 security policy) 914.323.5464 Email: [email protected] Enroll UG: 56 (FT: 7 men, 36 women; PT: 4 men, 9 Email: [email protected] Web: women). G/FP: 159 (FT: 14; PT: 145) Web: Degrees: B (BA in criminal justice, BS in nursing), M (MS 13-14 T&F: $34,070 per year for 16 credits, or $1,010 fast track in criminal justice, MS in library & information per credit Degrees: B (BA, BS, BFA, BMus), M (MS, MFA, MPS, MAT, science, MS in education, MS.Ed in education, MS in 13-14 R&B: n/a MS.Ed), D (EdD) counseling), advanced certificates (education, App.Dates/TR: rolling Enroll UG: 1,626 (FT: 583 men, 1,043 women; PT: 51 men, counseling) Fin.Aid Dates/TR: rolling 80 women). G/FP: 1,033 (FT: 253; PT: 790) Enroll UG: 23 (FT: 8 men, 7 women; PT: 1 man, 7 App.Req.: Official transcripts from all colleges attended. 13-14 T&F: $35,370 per year, or $790 per credit women). G/FP: 247 (FT: 115; PT: 132) 13-14 R&B: $14,520 13-14 T&F: $34,070 per year for 16 credits, or $1,010 LIU Hudson at Rockland App.Dates/FR: fall- March 1 priority, early decision per credit Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees December 1; spring- rolling. TR: fall- March 1 priority; 13-14 R&B: n/a spring- December 1 App.Dates/TR: rolling 70 Route 340, Orangeburg, NY 10962 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority; spring- December 1 Fin.Aid Dates/TR: fall- August 15; spring- January 15 845.359.7200 App.Req./FR: HS transcript; essay; extracurricular App.Req.: Official transcripts are required from all Web: activities; interview (recommended); recommendations; colleges attended. SAT or ACT (recommended); ACT with writing LIU Hudson at Westchester component (recommended); academic units required: LIU Brooklyn Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees 4 English, 3 mathematics, 2 science, 2 social studies, 5 academic elective; TOEFL required of all international Residential campus. 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, NY 10577 applicants. TR: College transcript(s); statement of Good One University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201 914.831.2700 Standing from prior institution(s); essay (recommended); Toll-free 800.LIU.PLAN or 718.488.1011 Web: interview (recommended); standardized test scores Email: [email protected] (required for some programs). Web: Manhattan College Degrees: A, B, post-bachelor's certificate, M, post- Maria College master's certificate, D Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, NY 10471 Enroll UG: 5,006 (FT: 1,315 men, 2,880 women; PT: 177 Toll-free 800.MC2.XCEL or 718.862.7200 700 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY 12208 men, 634 women). G/FP: 3,477 (FT: 2,066; PT: 1,411) Email: [email protected] 518.861.2517 13-14 T&F: $34,070 per year, or $1,010 per credit Web: Email: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $12,064 Web: App.Dates: fall- rolling, March 1 priority Degrees: B, M Fin.Aid Dates: rolling Enroll UG: 3,403 (FT: 1,741 men, 1,454 women; PT: 148 Degrees: A (general studies, liberal arts, management, App.Req.: Application requirements may vary by men, 60 women). G/FP: 480 (FT: 197; PT: 283) nursing, occupational therapy assistant, paralegal), B (RN program; audition required for music and dance 13-14 T&F: $35,650 per year average, or $810 per credit; to BSN, psychology), certificates [(bereavement studies, programs. fees vary by school gerontology, paralegal, practical nursing (LPN)] 13-14 R&B: $13,080 Enroll UG: 841 (FT: 38 men, 253 women; PT 56 men, LIU Post App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15 priority, early decision 494 women) Commuter and residential campus. November 15; spring- December 1. TR: fall- July 1 13-14 T&F: $13,670 per year for bachelor's programs, priority; spring- n/a $575 per credit; $11,130 per year for associate/certificate 720 Northern Blvd., Brookville, NY 11548-1300 Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- March 1 priority; spring- Toll-free 800.LIU.PLAN or 516.299.2900 programs, $460 per credit December 1 priority. TR: fall- April 1 priority; spring- n/a 13-14 R&B: n/a Email: [email protected] App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; school Web: App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15, early decision recommendation; interview strongly advised; short December 1. TR: rolling Degrees: A, B, B-upper division-only in nursing, post- essay; $60 fee. Fin.Aid Dates: rolling bachelor's certificate, M, post-master's certificate, D App.Req./FR: HS transcript/GED/equivalent; SAT or ACT; Enroll UG: 7,983 (FT: 1,457 men, 2,204 women; PT: 1,924 Manhattan School of Music letter of recommendation; interview; essay. RN applicants men, 2,398 women). G/FP: 2,616 (FT: 1,163; PT: 1,453) required to take the TEAS. RN to BS applicants required to 13-14 T&F: $34,070 per year, or $1,010 per credit have a RN license. TR: HS transcript/GED/equivalent; all 13-14 R&B: $12,534 120 Claremont Ave., New York, NY 10027 917.493.4436 college transcripts; letter of recommendation; interview; App.Dates: rolling essay. Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- March 15 priority; spring- rolling. Email: [email protected] TR: rolling Web: App.Req.: Application requirements may vary by program; audition required for music and dance Degrees: B, M, D, 1-year professional studies certificate, programs; portfolio required for art program. 1-year artist diploma Enroll UG: 392 (FT: 386; PT: 6). G/FP: 549 (FT: 548; PT: 1)* 13-14 T&F: $36,500 * Source: NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012 21

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- rolling, March 15 preferred; Marist College spring- rolling. TR: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Metropolitan College of App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; HS transcript and, if New York 3399 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 appropriate, college transcripts; SAT; interview. Toll-free 800.436.5483 or 845.575.3226 Email: [email protected] Rochester Campus 431 Canal St., New York, NY 10013 Web: Toll-free 800.33THINK x5001 or 212.343.1234 x5001 1880 South Winton Rd., Rochester, NY 14618 Email: [email protected] 585.272.0030 Branch campus partnership with the Lorenzo de'Medici Web: Institute in Florence, Italy Memorial School of Nursing Degrees: A (AA, AS), B (BA, BBA, BPS), M (MS, MBA, MPA) Degrees: B, post-bachelor's certificate, M, certificate Enroll UG: 911 (FT: 246 men, 605 women; PT: 20 men, Enroll UG: 5,566 (FT: 2,028 men, 2,896 women; PT: 267 40 women). G/FP: 344 (FT: 313; PT: 31) men, 375 women). G/FP: 799 (FT: 197; PT: 602) 600 Northern Blvd., Albany, NY 12204 518.471.3260 13-14 T&F: $17,410 per year, or $567 per credit 13-14 T&F: $31,200 per year, or $634 per credit 13-14 R&B: n/a 13-14 R&B: $13,455 (varies based on residence and Email: [email protected] Web: App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling; summer- rolling meal plan) Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, as early as possible; semesters App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1, early decision November begin early in September, January, and late April 1, early action November 15; spring- November 1 Degrees: A (associate in applied science – nursing) Enroll UG: 119 (FT: 3 men, 8 women; PT: 15 men, 93 women) App.Req./FR: Standardized test (Accuplacer); interview; preferred. TR: fall- rolling, June 1 preferred; spring- fee; recent HS graduates may substitute SAT or ACT rolling, December 1 preferred 13-14 T&F: $9,500 per year (average), or $270 per credit for nursing, $162 per credit non-nursing combined scores for the college's entrance exam; Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15. TR: fall- February 15; transcripts of academic work. TR: Entrance exam may spring- November 15 13-14 R&B: n/a App.Dates: fall- February 1; spring- August 1 be waived with 24 credits of "B" work; transfers from App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT considered if community colleges or other 2-year colleges that have an submitted; 2 letters of recommendation; $50 fee; college Fin.Aid Dates: summer/fall- April 1; spring- December 1 App.Req.: Official transcripts from all high schools and articulation agreement with MCNY not required to take preparatory curriculum recommended; essay. TR: HS entrance exam. transcript; college transcript(s); SAT or ACT considered if colleges attended; pre-admissions test. submitted; 1 letter of recommendation; HS college Bronx Center preparatory curriculum recommended; essay; $50 fee. Mercy College 529 Courtland Ave., Bronx, NY 10451 Marymount Manhattan Toll-free 877.MERCY.GO Email: [email protected] Molloy College College Web: 1000 Hempstead Ave., P.O. Box 5002 221 East 71st St., New York, NY 10021 Send all admission applications to: Mercy College, Rockville Centre, NY 11571-5002 Toll-free 800.MARYMOUNT or 212.517.0430 Office of Admissions, 555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Toll-free 888.4MOLLOY or 516.323.3000 Email: [email protected] Degrees: A, B, M, D, certificates Email: [email protected] Web: 13-14 T&F: $17,576 per year (fees vary), or $715 per credit Web: admission.php 13-14 R&B: $12,390 double occupancy (dormitory facilities available at Dobbs Ferry Campus) Degrees: A, B, M (criminal justice, education, business, Degrees: B App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling TR: fall- rolling; nursing, music therapy and speech-language pathology); Enroll UG: 1,833 (FT: 386 men, 1,207 women; PT: 33 men, spring- rolling; summer- rolling post-master's certificates (education and nursing); D 207 women) Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, February 15 priority; spring- (nursing) 13-14 T&F: $25,400 per year; $1,240 fees rolling, November 1 priority Enroll UG: 3,375 (FT: 754 men, 1,939 women; PT: 126 13-14 R&B: $14,600 App.Req.: Common Application or college's application; men, 556 women). G/FP: 1,080 (FT: 210; PT: 870) App.Dates: fall- rolling, March 15 priority; spring- rolling, HS transcript or GED; essay; recommendation letter from 13-14 T&F: $25,710 per year, or $815 per credit November 15 priority counselor or school official; $40 fee 13-14 R&B: $13,240 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 15 priority; spring- November App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, October 15 priority; spring- 15 priority Bronx Campus rolling. TR: fall- rolling; spring- rolling App.Req.: HS transcript, and college transcript(s) if Fin.Aid Dates: May 1 1200 Waters Place Bronx, NY 10461 transferring; HS diploma or GED; SAT or ACT; 2 App.Req.: HS diploma with 20.5 units (4 English, 3 recommendations; essay required; interview Enroll UG: 1,409 (FT: 345 men, 697 women; PT: 83 men, foreign language, 3 math, 4 social science, 3 science, recommended. 284 women). G/FP: 709 (FT: 318; PT: 391) 3.5 academic electives); SAT or ACT; official HS and college transcripts; $30 fee. Dobbs Ferry Campus Medaille College 555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Suffolk Center 18 Agassiz Circle, Buffalo, NY 14214 Enroll UG: 4,051 (FT: 1,057 men, 2,094 women; PT: 255 Offers graduate education and nursing programs. Toll-free 800.292.1582 or 716.880.2200 men, 645 women) G/FP: 1,256 (FT: 628; PT: 628) Email: [email protected] 7180 Republic Airport, E. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Web: Manhattan Campus 516.678.5000 x7509 66 West 35th St., New York, NY 10001 Degrees: A, B, M, D Enroll UG: 894 (FT: 202 men, 549 women; PT: 34 men, Enroll UG: 1,728 (FT: 545 men, 1,041 women; PT: 32 men, 109 women). G/FP: 238 (FT: 119; PT: 119) 110 women). G/FP: 663 (FT: 595; PT: 68) 13-14 T&F: $23,812 per year, or $839 per credit Yorktown Campus 13-14 R&B: $11,300 App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling 2651 Strang Blvd., Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Enroll UG: 202 (FT: 50 men, 110 women; PT: 10 men, 42 women). G/FP: 120 (FT: 43; PT: 77) 22

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 TR: fall- rolling, April 1 priority; spring- rolling, November Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1; spring- November 1 Montefiore School of Nursing 1 priority App.Req./FR: Online application; $100 fee; official Fin.Aid Dates/FR: May 1, February 15 priority. TR: fall- transcripts; two letters of recommendation; personal 53 Valentine St., Mount Vernon, NY 10550 February 15 preferred; spring- November 15 preferred statement; prescreening (if applicable); live auditions; 914.361.6221 App.Req./FR: HS transcript; Common Application; 1 to 3 English placement exam; TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores may Email: [email protected] recommendations; essay or graded writing sample; SAT be required for applicants whose first language is not Web: or ACT optional. TR: Universal Application; college English. See transcripts; essay; HS transcript required only for students instructions for complete instructions. TR: College Degrees: A (registered nursing) with less than 30 credits. transcripts; if fewer than 24 college credits completed, Enroll UG: 133 (FT: 0 men, 3 women; PT: 26 men, 104 secondary transcripts required. women) 13-14 T&F: $5,780 (nursing 1, 2 & 3 courses) and $5,530 The New School (nursing 4 course); additional tuition cost if liberal arts Parsons The New School for Design and science courses are taken concurrently at Mercy Eugene Lang College The New School 66 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011 College ($572 per credit) for Liberal Arts Toll-free 877.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 13-14 R&B: n/a Email: For bachelor's and associate degree inquiries: App.Dates: fall- March 14 (day option); spring- 65 West 11th St, New York, NY, 10011 [email protected]. For graduate degree September 4 (evening/Saturday option) Toll-free 800.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 inquiries: [email protected]. For Fin.Aid Dates: Currently, only institutional aid available Fax: 212.229.5355 Parsons Paris inquiries: [email protected] App.Req.: One year of HS chemistry with lab or 1 Email: [email protected] Web: Web: semester of college chemistry with lab with a grade of C Degrees: A (AAS), B (BS, BFA), M (MS, M.Arch, MFA, MA), or better; 2.70 GPA based on the following completed Degrees: B (anthropology, the arts, contemporary music, certificate college courses: English Composition 1, English culture and media, economics, environmental studies, Enroll UG: 4,322 (FT: 838 men, 3,038 women; PT: 80 Composition 2, General Psychology, Developmental global studies, history, interdisciplinary science, literary men, 366 women). G/FP: 760 (FT: 205 men, 494 women; Psychology Lifespan, Intro to Sociology, Nutrition, studies, philosophy, politics, psychology, theater, urban PT: 14 men, 47 women) Anatomy & Physiology 1, Anatomy & Physiology 2 and studies, liberal arts, self-designed programs or optional 13-14 T&F: $41,546 per year, or $1,385 per credit Microbiology; grades of C+ or better are transferable. guided areas of study) 13-14 R&B: $18,490 (approximate, room and meal Dual Admission Partnership with Mercy College requires Enroll UG: 1,441 (FT: 406 men, 970 women; PT: 26 men, plans vary) HS graduation within the last 5 years with a GPA of 85.00 39 women) App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, February 1 priority, early or better with first year at Mercy College, second and 13-14 T&F: $39,916 per year, or $1,325 per credit action November 1; spring- rolling, November 1 priority, third years at Montefiore School of Nursing and final year 13-14 R&B: $18,490 (approximate, room and meal October 1 priority for international applications. TR: fall- at Mercy College. Graduation and eligibility to take plans vary) rolling, April 1 priority NCLEXRN licensing exam after year 3. Completion of App.Dates/FR: fall- January 6 regular decision and early Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority; spring- November 1 bachelor's degree in nursing at the end of year 4; Test of entrance, early decision November 1, BA/BFA with The priority Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). New School for Jazz January 1, BA/BFA with Parsons The App.Req./FR: For BFA program: Online application; New School for Design February 1; spring- November 1, $50 fee; secondary school transcripts; SAT or ACT (if BA/BFA with The New School for Jazz October 1, BA/BFA applicable); Parson's Challenge; portfolio; TOEFL, IELTS or Mount Saint Mary College with Parsons The New School for Design November 1. PTE scores may be required for applicants whose first TR: fall- April 1, BA/BFA with The New School for Jazz language is not English; artist's statement. See 330 Powell Ave., Newburgh, NY 12550 January 1; spring- BA/BFA with The New School for Jazz Toll-free 888.YES.MSMC or 845.569.3488 October 1, BA/BFA with Parsons The New School for for complete requirements for specific programs. TR: Also Email: [email protected] Design April 1 include college transcripts. Web: Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority; spring- November 1 priority The New School for Drama Degrees: B, M (in education, nursing, adult nurse App.Req./FR: Online application; $50 fee; secondary practitioner, also MBA) school transcripts; two supplemental essays; counselor 151 Bank St, New York, NY 10014 Enroll UG: 2,203 (FT: 538 men, 1,204 women; PT: 121 evaluation; teacher evaluation; academic paper (grade 800.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 men, 340 women). G/FP: 353 (FT: 69; PT: 284) preferred); TOEFL, IELTS and PTE may be required for Email: For BFA program: [email protected]. 13-14 T&F: $26,250 per year, or $843 per credit applicants whose first language is not English. See For MFA program: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $13,290 Web: App.Dates/FR: fall- August 15; spring- rolling. TR: fall- instructions for complete instructions. TR: All college Degrees: B (BFA in dramatic arts), M (MFA in playwriting, rolling, August 1 priority; spring- rolling, January 1 transcripts. directing, and acting) priority Enroll UG: 50 (FT: 22 men, 28 women; PT: n/a. G/FP: 82 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, February 15 recommended Mannes College The New School for Music (FT: 79; PT: 3) App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; SAT or ACT. 13-14 T&F: $38,836 per year, or $1,245 per credit 150 West 85th St., New York, NY 10024 13-14 R&B: $18,490 (approximate, room and meal Toll-free 800.292.3040 or 212-229-5150 plans vary) Fax: 212.580.1738 Nazareth College App.Dates/FR: fall- January 10 regular decision, Email: [email protected] November 15 early action 4245 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14618-3790 Web: Toll-free 800.432.3944 or 585.389.2860 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority Degrees: B, undergraduate diploma, M, professional App.Req./FR: Online application; $50 fee; official Email: [email protected] studies diploma Web: secondary school transcript; 2 letters of recommendation; Enroll UG: 150 (FT: 63 men, 73 women; PT: 8 men, 6 photograph; portfolio; statement of purpose; short essay women). G/FP: 196 (FT: 84 men, 111 women; PT: 1 Degrees: B, M, D (to be submitted via Acceptd); audition; TOEFL, IELTS or woman, 0 men) PTE may be required for students whose first language Enroll UG: 2,034 (FT: 511 men, 1,390 women, PT: 37 13-14 T&F: $38,836 for BM, BS, MM and undergraduate men, 96 women). G/FP: 789 (FT: 392; PT 397) is not English. See diploma; $27,796 for professional studies diploma application-instructions for complete instructions. TR: 13-14 T&F: $29,424 per year, or $671 per credit 13-14 R&B: $18,490 (approximate, room and meal 13-14 R&B: $12,100 College transcripts required; if fewer than 24 credits plans vary) completed, secondary school transcript required. App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1 regular decision, early App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, December 1 priority; spring- decision I November 15, early decision II January 7. n/a. TR: fall- December 1 priority; spring- November 1 (graduate and transfer applicants only) Continued on next page. 23

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

Cornell University continued from page 23. interview (if applicable); TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores may Degrees: A, B, M, FP, post-bachelor's and post-master's be required for applicants whose first language is not certificates, post-secondary certificates The New School for Jazz and English. See Enroll UG: 2,622 (FT: 1,375 men, 866 women; PT: 242 Contemporary Music application-instructions for complete requirements. men, 139 women). G/FP: 2,419 (FT: 1,916; PT: 503) 13-14 T&F: See Manhattan Campus above 55 West 13th St., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011 The New School for Social Research 13-14 R&B: $12,230 per year (double). Housing available 800.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 at the SUNY Old Westbury campus; free shuttle service to Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees Email: [email protected] campus provided Web: 72 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011 App.Dates/FR: See Manhattan Campus above. TR: See Degrees: B (BFA in jazz and contemporary music; BA/BFA Toll-free 800.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 Manhattan Campus above in liberal arts and jazz and contemporary music) Email: [email protected] Fin.Aid Dates: See Manhattan Campus above Enroll UG: 242 (FT: 183 men, 40 women; PT: 15 men, Web: App.Req.: See Manhattan Campus above. 4 women) 13-14 T&F: $38,836 per year, or $1,245 per credit New York Chiropractic College 13-14 R&B: $18,490 (approximate, room and meal New York School of Interior plans vary) Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees Design App.Dates: fall- rolling, January 1 priority; spring- rolling, October 1 priority. For BA/BFA with Eugene Lang College 2360 State Rt. 89, P.O. Box 800 Seneca Falls, NY 13148-0800 170 East 70th St., New York, NY 10021 The New School for Liberal Arts; fall - January 1; spring- Toll-free 800.33.NYSID or 212.472.1500 October 1 Toll-free 800.234.6922 or 315.568.3040 Web: Email: [email protected] Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1; spring- November 1 Web: App.Req./FR: Online application; $50 fee; official secondary school transcript; pre-screening recording New York College of Degrees: A, B (BA, BFA), M (MFA, MPS), certificate (basic with $25 submission fee (if applicable); audition; interior design) personal statement; 2 letters of recommendation. For Podiatric Medicine Enroll UG: 427 (FT: 24 men, 136 women; PT: 29 men, dual-degree program with Eugene Lang College The 238 women). G/FP: 138 (FT: 138; PT: 0) New School for Liberal Arts: 2 essays in place of personal Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees 13-14 T&F: $27,907 per year (based on 16 credits), or statement; all other requirements remain the same. For 53 East 124th St., New York, NY 10035 $861 per credit international students (additionally required): TOEFL, 13-14 R-only: $16,000 IELTS or PTE may be required for applicants whose first Toll-free 800.526.6966 or 212.410.8098 or 8099 Web: App.Dates: fall- rolling, February 1 priority; spring- language is not English. See rolling, October 1 priority admission/application-instructions for complete Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- August 1; spring- November 30. instructions. TR: Official college transcript. Note that New York Institute of TR: summer- May 15; fall- July 15; spring- November 30 with 24 university credits, secondary school transcript App.Req.: Official transcripts; SAT or ACT; portfolio; is waived. Technology (NYIT) 2 letters of recommendation; essay; TOEFL exam for international students; application fee ($60 for domestic Email: [email protected] The New School for Public Engagement undergraduate and graduate, $100 for international Web: 72 Fifth Ave., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10011 applicants). 800.292.3040 or 212.229.5150 Email: For undergraduate programs: Manhattan Campus [email protected]. 1855 Broadway, New York, NY 10023-7692 New York University For graduate programs: [email protected] Toll free 800.345.NYIT or 212.261.1500 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012 Web: 212.998.4500 admission Degrees: A, B, M, certificates Enroll UG: 1,834 (FT: 933 men, 530 women; PT: 243 men, Email: [email protected] Degrees: B (environmental studies, liberal arts, global 128 women). G/FP: 670 (FT: 408; PT: 262) Web: studies, urban studies, psychology, musical theater), M 13-14 T&F: $30,780 per year (12-17 credits), or $1,005 (environmental policy and sustainability management, per credit (up to 11 credits); $450 fees per semester Degrees: A, certificate, diploma, B, post-bachelor’s organizational change management, urban policy 13-14 R&B: $13,270 per year (double) certificate, M, post-master's certificate, D, post- analysis and management, international affairs, nonprofit App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, March 1 priority, early action doctorate, advanced certificate, FP, first professional management, public and urban policy, media before December 1; spring-rolling. TR: fall- rolling, March certificate management, media studies, TESOL, creative writing), 1 priority; spring- rolling Enroll UG: 22,615 (FT: 8,567 men, 12,798 women; PT: 499 graduate certificate (organizational development) Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, March 1 priority men, 751 women). G/FP: 21,984 (FT: 13,731; PT: 8,253) Enroll UG: 473 (FT: 111 men, 127 women; PT: 89 men, App.Req.: HS transcript (record of all work completed at 13-14 T&F: $44,848 per year, or $1,251 per point and 146 women). G/FP: 1,513 (FT: 279 men, 611 women; time of application); official copies of transcripts from all $1,315 for more than 19 points (includes a nonreturnable PT: 190 men, 433 women) schools and colleges previously attended if transfer registration and service fee of $64) 13-14 T&F: $26,686 per year, or $1,075 per credit for student; SAT or ACT required for all freshman applicants; 13-14 R&B: $16,622 (plans vary) undergraduate BA, BS, BFA; $1,385 per credit for essay; at least one letter of recommendation; $50 App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early decision I November graduate MA, MS, MFA nonrefundable application fee. Special application 1, early decision II January 1. TR: fall- April 1; spring- 13-14 R&B: $18,490 requirements for School of Architecture and Design, November 1; summer- April 1 App.Dates: fall- rolling, June 1; spring- rolling, November School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, School Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15 regular decision, January 1; summer- rolling, April 1 of Health Professions, and specific Life Sciences and 15 early decision II, November 15 early decision I. TR: fall- Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1; spring- November 1 Fine Arts programs. April 1; spring- November 1; summer- April 1 App.Req.: Online application; $50 fee; official college App.Req.: HS transcript (and Equivalency Diploma test transcripts from any previously attended institution (if Old Westbury Campus scores if applicable; transcripts of all college work; fewer than 24 credits earned, HS transcript or GED undergrad statistical form; personal essay; secondary required); 3 short essays discussing personal, academic Northern Blvd., Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000 school/college recommendation; $70 fee. SAT Reasoning and life experiences and goals; current resume; Toll-free 800.345.NYIT or 516.686.7520 Test or ACT (with Writing Test) or 3 SAT Subject Test scores (one in literature or the humanities, one in math or 24 science, and one non-language test of the student.)

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 New York University/Silver School of Pace University 13-14 R&B: All students purchase a meal plan, average Social Work at St. Thomas Aquinas College $4,796. All residential students have a choice of housing: Tier 1, 2, or 3: Tier 1 housing (shared rooms, bathrooms Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees Toll-free 800.874.PACE at end of hallway) $5,464; Tier 2 housing (shared rooms, Web: Maguire Hall shared bath) $5900; Tier 3 housing (apartments, private room, shared bath, full kitchen and living room) $8,360 Room 277, 125 Route 340, Sparkill, NY 10976 New York City Campus 845.398.4129 App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Web: 1 Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, March 15 priority; spring- 212.346.1323 rolling, October 15 priority Email: [email protected] App.Req.: Candidates reviewed on the basis of academic Niagara University Degrees: A, B, M, D aptitude (including objective criteria such as grade point Enroll UG: 5,524 (FT: 1,912 men, 2,916 women; PT: 269 average, class rank, and SAT or ACT test scores), Gacioch Center, Niagara University, NY 14109 men, 427 women). G/FP: 2,683 (FT: 1,182; PT: 1,501) participation in extracurricular activities, leadership skills, Toll-free 800.462.2111 or 716.286.8700 13-14 T&F: $38,019 per year, or $1,054 per credit related work experience and character; prospective Email: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $16,000 (room and board may vary depending students should display promise in their field of study; Web: on residence hall, room and meal plan) admission essay is highly recommended; references encouraged. Degrees: A, B, post-bachelor's, M, post-master's Pleasantville-Briarcliff Campus certificate, D Enroll UG: 3,227 (FT: 1,183 men, 1,682 women; PT: 110 861 Bedford Rd., Pleasantville, NY 10570 Phillips Beth Israel School men, 252 women). G/FP: 894 (FT: 477; PT: 417) 914.773.3746 of Nursing 13-14 T&F: $28,200 per year, or $900 per credit Email: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $11,600 (coed and traditional housing for Degrees: A, B, post-bachelor’s certificate, M (also: 776 6th Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001 female students available upon request; freshmen and combined undergraduate/graduate degrees), FP offered 212.614.6114 sophomores required to live on campus unless residing only at White Plains Campus Email: [email protected] within commuting distance; housing guaranteed for 4 Enroll UG: 2,756 (FT: 913 men, 1,375 women; PT: 302 Web: years; apartment-style housing available for juniors and men, 166 women). G/FP: 605 (FT: 205; PT: 400) seniors) 13-14 T&F: $38,019 per year, or $1,054 per credit Degrees: A, RN-BSN App.Dates: fall- rolling, August 1 priority; spring- rolling, 13-14 R&B: $13,120 (room and board may vary Enroll UG: 269 (FT: 7 men, 17 women; PT: 24 men, January 10 priority depending on residence hall, room and meal plan) 221 women). Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, February 15 priority 13-14 T&F: $18, 023 (average of years 1 and 2), App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; 16 academic units; SAT Both Pace University Campuses above: or $440 per credit or ACT; counselor recommendation. App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15, early action- December 13-14 R&B: n/a 1; spring- rolling. TR: rolling App.Dates: March 1 Nyack College Fin.Aid Dates: March 1, February 15 priority Fin.Aid Dates: June 1 App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; SAT or ACT; 2 counselor App.Req.: For AAS program: HS transcript; GPA and class 1 South Blvd., Nyack, NY 10960 and/or teacher recommendations; personal statement; rank; college transcript if appropriate; NLN pre-admission Toll-free 800.33.NYACK or 877.626.2236 (NYC) $50 fee; all college transcripts for transfers (HS transcript nursing examination; essay; interview; references; $50 Email: [email protected] unnecessary for associate degree holders). fee. For RN-BSN program: Associate degree or diploma in Web: nursing; unrestricted and unencumbered NYC current Lubin Graduate Center license and registration to practice as a registered nurse; college transcripts; HS transcript; resume; essay; $50 fee. Extension campus is located in Puerto Rico Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees (seminary only) 1 Martine Ave., Room 212, White Plains, NY 10606-1909 Degrees: A, B, M, D and FP (M.Div.) 914.422.4283 Pratt Institute Enroll UG: 1,831 (FT: 600 men, 915 women; PT: 121 men, Web: 195 women). G/FP: 1,251 (FT: 518; PT: 733) Toll-free 800.331.0834 or 718.636.3514 13-14 T&F: $23,350 per year, or $960 per credit White Plains Campus School of Law Email: [email protected] 13-14 R&B: $8,650 Web: App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Offers only Graduate (advanced) and First Professional degrees Also an arts center at Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Fin.Aid Dates: fall- rolling, March 15 priority; spring- Institute in Utica, NY rolling 78 North Broadway, White Plains, NY 10603-3796 App.Req./FR: HS transcript or GED; SAT or ACT required 914.422.4210 Enroll UG: 3,149 (FT: 996 men, 2,045 women; PT: 59 for recent HS graduates; recommendation; personal Web: men, 49 women). G/FP: 1,478 (FT: 1,312; PT: 166) statement of faith. TR: Transcripts from post-secondary 13-14 T&F: $43,126 approximate per year (fees very schools attended. by program), or $1,330 per credit. All sophomore level Paul Smith's College of Arts interior design majors must purchase $3,500 computer Manhattan Center and Sciences and software 2 Washington St., New York, NY 10004 13-14 R&B: $10,808 (on-campus housing available for all 212.625.0500 undergraduates) P.O. Box 265, Paul Smiths, NY 12970-0265 App.Dates/FR: fall- January 5, early decision November Alliance Theological Seminary Toll-free 800.421.2605 or 518.327.6227 1; spring- October 1, international students September 1. Email: [email protected] TR: fall- February 1; spring- October 1, international 350 North Highland Ave., Nyack, NY 10960 Web: students September 1 Toll-free 800.541.6891 Extension sites at SUNY Finger Lakes Community Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1; spring- October 15 Email: [email protected] College and Adirondack Community College. Degrees: A, B Enroll UG: 981 (FT: 637 men, 332 women; PT: 9 men, 3 women) 13-14 T&F: $24,487 per year, average Continued on next page. 25

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

Degrees: B (BA, BS, BBA, BFA); 6-year B/DPT with Sage Roberts Wesleyan College Graduate School; 6-year BA/JD with Albany Law School; 3+3 BA/JD with Suffolk University; BA/MS accelerated 2301 Westside Dr., Rochester, NY 14624 physician assistant program with Albany Medical College; Toll-free 800.777.4RWC or 585.594.6400 renaissance baccalaureate accelerated honors program Email: [email protected] that allows students to complete a bachelor's degree in Web: 3 years. Sage Graduate Schools of Education, Health Sciences and Management offer a variety of master's Degrees: A, B (BA, BS), M (MA, MS, MED, MSW) degrees as well as several doctorates Enroll UG: 1,415 (FT: 468 men, 857 women; PT: 26 men, Enroll UG: 1,704 (FT: 290 men, 1,156 women; PT: 69 men, 64 women). G/FP: 420 (FT: 360; PT: 60) 189 women). G/FP: 1,135 (FT: 406; PT: 729) 13-14 T&F: $27,364 per year, or $577 per credit (1-7 credits) 13-14 T&F: $28,000 per year, or $900 per credit 13-14 R&B: $9,630 (all students under age 22 who cannot 13-14 R&B: $11,370 commute from home are required to live on campus) App.Dates: fall- rolling, August 1 priority; spring- rolling, App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, February 1 priority; spring- December 15 priority rolling, December 30 priority. TR: fall- rolling, February 1 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1; spring- November 1 priority; spring- rolling App.Req.: HS transcript; personal essay; guidance Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, March 15 recommended counselor and teacher recommendation; college App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; personal Pratt Institute continued from page 25. transcript(s) if transfer; portfolio review or audition recommendation; audition for music applicants; portfolio (visual & performing arts applicants); $30 fee. for art and graphic design majors. Brooklyn Campus 200 Willoughby Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205 Rochester Institute of Samaritan Hospital School Degrees: B, B-5-year architecture program, M of Nursing App.Req.: HS transcript or GED; SAT or ACT for freshmen Technology only; essay; portfolio for art and design applicants; 2215 Burdett Ave., Troy, NY 12180 writing sample for the writing program, art history, and 60 Lomb Memorial Dr., Rochester, NY 14623-5604 518.271.3285 critical and visual studies; $50 fee. 585.475.6631 or TTY admissions phone 585.475.6700 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Manhattan Campus Web: 144 W. 14th St., New York, NY 10012 Degrees: A in applied science (nursing), certificate in Degrees: A, B, M, post-master's certificate, D Degrees: A, B, M licensed practical nursing Enroll UG: 13,880 (FT: 8,160 men, 3,946 women; PT: App.Req.: HS and/or college transcripts; statement of Enroll UG: 162 (FT: 1 man, 15 women; PT: 17 men, 129 1,325 men, 449 women). G/FP: 2,703 (FT: 2,031; PT: 690) purpose; essay; portfolio; $50 fee. women) 13-14 T&F: $34,424 per year, or $1,191 per credit for 13-14 T&F: $8,520 per year, or $270 per credit hour for part-time study. Tuition for students supported through nursing courses ($165 per credit hour for HVCC courses); Rensselaer Polytechnic RIT's National Technical Institute for the Deaf is $13,512 $1,569 fees Institute 13-14 R&B: $11,178 (freshmen from outside a 30-mile 13-14 R&B: n/a radius required to live on campus) App.Dates: fall- RN program February 1, practical App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1 priority, early decision nursing program May 1; spring- RN program August 1 Enrollment Management December 1, rolling after February 1; spring- rolling; 110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180-3590 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- April 1 priority; spring- October 1 summer- rolling. TR: fall- March 15; spring- November 15 priority 518.276.6216 Fin.Aid Dates: February 1 Email: [email protected] App.Req.: Official transcripts from all high schools and App.Req./FR: HS transcripts; SAT or ACT; counselor colleges attended; pre-admissions test (TEAS V). Web: recommendation(s); application fee; some programs will require portfolio of original art work. TR: Final transcripts Branch campus in Hartford, CT also offers graduate from all institutions attended. programs for working professionals Sarah Lawrence College Degrees: B, M, D (also: 5-year BS/MS) 1 Mead Way, Bronxville, NY 10708 Enroll UG: 5,379 (FT: 3,785 men, 1,592 women; PT: 2 The Rockefeller University Toll-free 800.888.2858 or 914.395.2510 men, 0 women). G/FP: 1,237 (FT: 1,138; PT: 99) Email: [email protected] Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees 13-14 T&F: $45,100 per year, or $1,879 per credit; $1,169 Web: required fees Office of Graduate Studies 13-14 R&B: $12,960 for freshmen (freshmen and 1230 York Ave., P.O. Box 177, New York, NY 10065 Degrees: B, M sophomores required to live on campus unless living 212.327.8086 Enroll UG: 1,471 (FT: 402 men, 1,039 women; PT: 7 men, with family or legal guardian within a 50-mile radius) Web: 23 women). G/FP: 311 (FT: 260; PT: 51) App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision I 13-14 T&F: $48,696 per year, or $1,588 per credit November 1, early decision II December 15. TR: fall- June 13-14 R&B: $14,026 1 priority; spring- November 1 priority; summer- March 1 The Sage Colleges App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision I November Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 1 priority. TR: rolling 1, early decision II January 1; spring- n/a. TR: fall- April 1; App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; SAT Subject Tests in Troy Campus: Admissions House, 65 First St., Troy, NY spring- November 1 math and science for accelerated program applicants; 12180 (women only undergraduate college; graduate Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 15, early decision I and II essay; portfolio for architecture and electronic arts school is coed) February 1; spring- n/a. TR: fall- March 15; spring- applicants. Best suited applicants will have completed Albany Campus: 140 New Scotland Ave., Albany, NY November 1 4 years of English, 4 years of mathematics through 12208 (coed) App.Req./FR: Common Application; supplemental pre-calculus, 3 years of science, and 2 years of social writing; HS transcript; School Report (completed by the studies and/or history. Toll-free 888.VERY.SAGE school guidance counselor); 2 teacher/faculty Web: evaluations; test scores, extracurricular commitments and creative material submissions, if submitted, are also considered. TR: Also submit college transcripts and the 26 Transfer Registrar Report (in place of the School Report).

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Siena College St. Elizabeth College of Nursing St. John's University 515 Loudon Rd., Loudonville, NY 12211-1462 2215 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13501 Web: Toll-free 1-888-AT-SIENA 315.798.8347 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Full degree programs offered on 4 campuses: Queens, Web: Web: Staten Island, Manhattan and Rome, Italy; selected degree programs offered through distance learning. Coursework, Degrees: B, M, certificates Degrees: A (AAS in Nursing) but not full degrees, offered at Oakdale, Eastern Long Island Enroll UG: 3,161 (FT: 1,400 men, 1,608 women; PT: 86 Enroll UG: 161 (FT: 13 men, 59 women; PT: 9 men, and at study abroad sites in Paris, France and Seville, Spain. men, 67 women). G/FP: 55 (FT: 51; PT: 4) 80 women) Queens Campus (Main Campus) 13-14 T&F: $31,368 for 24 to 32 credit hours, includes 13-14 T&F: $14,600 per year, or $400 per credit hour $250 required fees, or $500 per credit (nursing courses) 8000 Utopia Parkway, Queens, NY 11439 13-14 R&B: $12,495 (standard room and 19 meals/week) 13-14 R&B: n/a Toll-free 888.9STJOHNS or 718.990.2000 App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15, early decision and early App.Dates/FR: January 31 Email: [email protected] action December 1; spring- January 15, October 15 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling priority. Consult catalogue for deadlines for special App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; SAT or ACT for first time Degrees: A, B, M, post-master's certificates, D, FP, admission programs. TR: fall- August 15, March 1 priority; students; letter of recommendation; $65 fee (reduced to certificate programs spring- January 15, January 1 priority; summer- May 1 $50 if applying before February 1). Enroll UG: 13,828 (FT: 4,689 men, 5,288 women; PT: Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- May 1, February 15 priority. 1,603 men, 2,248 women). G/FP: 4,663 (FT: 2,624; PT: TR: fall- May 1; spring- December 1 2,039). Includes 64 students in Rome, Italy. App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT Reasoning Test or ACT St. Francis College 13-14 T&F: $37,260 per year, or $1,215 per credit (4-year scores; essay or graded paper; school counselor fixed plan available; tuition may vary by program and recommendation. TR: College transcript and statement 180 Remsen St., Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201 class year) of good standing from prior institutions; HS transcript; 718.489.5200 13-14 R&B: $15,580 (Based on triple room rate, rates essay or personal statement; interview (for some). Email: [email protected] may vary by room size; check Web: vices/financial for more details) App.Dates: fall- rolling, February 1 for pharmacy Skidmore College Degrees: A, B, M, 5-year BS/MS (accounting), 5-year program, May 1 for international students; spring- rolling, BA/MA (psychology), MS (professional accounting), n/a for pharmacy program, November 1 for international 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 graduate certificate (project management) students Toll-free 800.867.6007 or 518.580.5570 Enroll UG: 2,764 (FT: 1,088 men, 1,368 women; PT: 129 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1; spring- October 1 Email: [email protected] men, 179 women). G/FP: 55 (FT: 13 men, 12 women; PT: App.Req./FR: SAT or ACT; HS transcript; HS diploma or Web: 18 men, 12 women) GED; essay/personal statement (optional); school 13-14 T&F: $20,700 per year, or $665 per credit counselor recommendation (optional). TR: HS transcript Degrees: B, M (liberal studies only) 13-14 R&B: $12,300 to $15,475 (standard single, double or GED scores; college transcript(s); recommendation Enroll UG: 2,647 (FT: 1,035 men, 1,612 women; PT: 17 and triple housing) from previous school (optional); essay/personal men, 20 women). G/FP: 18 (FT: n/a; PT: 18) App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling statement (optional). 13-14 T&F: $45,724 per year, or $1,494 per credit Fin.Aid Dates: February 15 13-14 R&B: $12,202 (housing guaranteed all 4 years) App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT scores; proof of HS Manhattan Campus App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision I completion; essay. TR: College transcripts. 51 Astor Pl., New York, NY 10003 November 15, early decision II January 15; spring- n/a. Toll-free 888.9STJOHNS or 718.990.2000 TR: fall- April 1; spring- November 15 Email: [email protected] Fin.Aid Dates: February 1 St. John Fisher College App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; 2 SAT Subject 3690 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14618 Degrees: B (actuarial science & risk management, Tests recommended; 1 counselor and 2 teacher insurance), M, post-master's certificate recommendations; interview recommended; $65 fee; essay. Toll-free 800.444.4640 or 585.385.8064 Email: [email protected] Enroll UG: 218 (FT: 152 men, 62 women; PT: 1 man, Web: 3 women). G/FP: 209 (FT: 147; PT: 62) St. Bonaventure University 13-14 T&F: See Queens Campus Degrees: B, M, D (EdD), FP (PharmD and DNP) 13-14 R&B: See Queens Campus P.O. Box D, St. Bonaventure, NY 14778 Enroll UG: 2,959 (FT: 1,101 men, 1,637 women; PT: 85 App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Toll-free 800.462.5050 or 716.375.2400 men, 136 women). G/FP: 1,028 (FT: 612; PT: 416) Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1; spring- October 1 Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: $27,870 per year, or $760 per credit; $560 App.Req.: See Queens Campus. Web: estimated undergraduate fees 13-14 R&B: $10,940 (undergraduate students assured Staten Island Campus Degrees: B, M, 5-year MBA program housing for 3 years) 300 Howard Ave., Staten Island, NY 10301 Enroll UG: 1,826 (FT: 883 men, 897 women; PT: 18 men, App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, early decision December 1; Toll-free 888.9STJOHNS or 718.390.4500 28 women). G/FP: 418 (FT: 257; PT: 161) spring- rolling. TR: rolling Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: $29,579 per year, or $855 per credit Fin.Aid Dates: rolling, February 15 priority 13-14 R&B: $10,715 App.Req.: SAT or ACT; 16 academic units (4 English and Degrees: A, B, M, post-master's certificate, also certificate App.Dates/FR: fall- rolling, February 15 priority; spring- 3 history required, 3 mathematics, 3 foreign language, programs rolling. TR: rolling 3 science recommended); $30 fee. Enroll UG: 1,727 (FT: 323 men, 394 women; PT: 402 men, Fin.Aid Dates: February 15 priority 608 women). G/FP: 84 (FT: 40; PT: 44) App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; 13-14 T&F: $37,260 per year, or $1,215 per credit (4-year recommendations; essay. TR: Final transcripts from all fixed plan available; tuition may vary by program and institutions attended. class year) 13-14 R&B: $14,050 (Based on triple room rate, rates may vary by room size; check vices/financial for more details) App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1; spring- October 1 App.Req.: See Queens Campus. 27

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles

in architecture, art & design, drama and music; early St. Lawrence University decision commitment contract for early decision applicants. TR: Common Application; Syracuse University Canton, NY 13617 Common Application Writing Supplement (through the Toll-free 800.285.1856 or 315.229.5261 Common Application); $75 fee; official academic Email: [email protected] transcript; 2 academic recommendations; standardized Web: test scores & secondary school transcript (if you have completed less than 30 credits of college-level Degrees: B, M, post-master's certificate coursework); portfolio or audition for programs in St. Joseph’s College Enroll UG: 2,414 (FT: 1,081 men, 1,316 women; PT: 7 architecture, art & design, drama and music. men, 10 women). G/FP: 92 (FT: 13; PT: 79) Degrees: B, M, also 5-year BS/MS 13-14 T&F: $46,030 Enroll UG: 4,529 (FT: 1,159 men, 2,432 women; PT: 266 13-14 R&B: $11,860 (all students required to reside on Teachers College, Columbia men, 672 women). G/FP: 825 (FT: 108; PT: 717) campus unless granted an exemption) 13-14 T&F: $21,880 per year, or $690 per credit for part- App.Dates/FR: fall- February 1, early decision November 1; University time students (lab fees may be required) spring- December 1. TR: fall- April 1; spring- November 1 13-14 R&B: n/a (some off-campus housing available) Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 1; spring- November 1. Offers only Graduate (advanced) degrees App.Dates/FR: fall- August 15; spring- December 15. TR: fall- May 1; spring- November 1 Box 302, 301 Thorndike Hall TR: fall- June 30 App.Req.: HS transcript; principal or counselor Fin.Aid Dates: February 25 525 West 120th St., New York, NY 10027 recommendation; teacher recommendation; essay; 212.678.3710 App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; SAT or ACT; letters of submission of standardized test scores is optional. recommendation; college transcript if applicable; $25 fee. Web: Essays required of scholarship candidates, strongly recommended for all others. Interview strongly St. Thomas Aquinas College Touro College recommended. HS transcript and SAT scores required of transfer applicants with fewer than 40 transfer credits. For 125 Route 340, Sparkill, NY 10976-1050 27-33 West 23rd St., New York, NY 10010 home schooled applicants: Must submit documentation Toll-free 800.999.STAC or 845.398.4100 212.463.0400 x5665 from local school district attesting that education Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] received is substantially the same as that of the school Web: Web: district. Degrees: A, B, M (associate degrees offered exclusively at Degrees: A, B, M, D, FP Brooklyn Campus the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and at Stewart Enroll UG: 6,841 (FT: 5,341; PT: 1,500). G/FP: 6,586 (FT: Army Subpost for eligible students) 2,516; PT: 4,070)* 245 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11205 Enroll UG: 1,796 (FT: 1,243; PT: 553). G/FP: 161 (FT: 53; 718.940.5300 13-14 T&F: Varies by location. See website for details. PT: 108)* 13-14 R&B: Varies by location. See website for details. Email: [email protected] 13-14 T&F: $26,405 per year, or $825 per credit Web: App.Dates: Varies by location. See website for details. 13-14 R&B: $11,280 Fin.Aid Dates: Varies by location. See website for details. App.Dates: rolling App.Req.: Varies by location. See website for details. Long Island Campus Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15 preferred. TR: May 1 155 West Roe Blvd., Patchogue, NY 11772 App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; personal essay Bayshore Campus 631.687.5100 (500 word minimum); counselor recommendation. Email: [email protected] School of Health Sciences Web: Syracuse University 700 Union Blvd., Bayshore, NY 10706 631.665.1600 ext. 6505 St. Joseph's College of Nursing 100 Crouse-Hinds Hall Email: [email protected] Web: at St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center 900 South Crouse Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244 315.443.3611 Graduate School of Education Email: [email protected] 206 Prospect Ave., Syracuse, NY 13203 Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees 315.448.5040 Web: Email: [email protected] 43 West 23rd St., New York, NY 10010-4202 Web: Degrees: A, B, post-bachelor’s certificate, M, post- 212.643.0400 ext. 5790 master's certificate, D, FP, certificates Email: [email protected] Degrees: A (nursing); dual degree partnership with Enroll UG: 15,097 (FT: 6,448 men, 7,974 women; PT: 307 Web: Le Moyne College allows students to earn AS from men, 368 women). G/FP: 6,170 (FT: 4,670; PT: 1,500) St. Joseph's and BS from Le Moyne College in 4 years 13-14 T&F: $40,458 per year, or $1,696 per credit Central Islip Campus 13-14 R&B: $14,054 Enroll UG: 301 (FT: 38 men, 263 women) Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center 13-14 T&F: $510 per credit App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1 priority, early decision 13-14 R-only: $4,400 November 15; spring- November 15. TR: fall- January 1 Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees App.Dates: rolling priority; spring- November 15 priority Fin.Aid Dates: fall- February 1 for CSS Profile and FAFSA, 225 Eastview Dr., Central Islip, NY 11722 Fin.Aid Dates: fall- March 1 priority; spring- September 1 631.761.7000 priority early decision December 1 for CSS Profile; February 1 for FAFSA; spring- November 15 for FAFSA Email: [email protected] App.Req.: HS diploma or GED or equivalent (biology, Web: chemistry, algebra in either HS or college courses); SAT or and CSS Profile ACT scores; 2 recommendations. App.Req./FR: Common Application; Syracuse University Common Application Writing Supplement; $75 fee; official secondary school transcript; senior year grade report; standardized test scores (SAT, ACT or TOEFL); secondary school counselor evaluation; 2 academic recommendations; portfolio or audition for programs

28 * Source: NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Flatbush Campus Union College Lander College of Arts & Sciences Grant Hall, 807 Union St., Schenectady, NY 12308 1602 Avenue J, Brooklyn, NY 11230-3712 Toll-free 888.843.6688 or 518.388.6112 718.252.7800 ext. 299 or 320 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web: Degrees: B Harlem Campus Enroll UG: 2,246 (FT: 1,199 men, 1,026 women; PT: 11 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine men, 10 women) 13-14 T&F: $46,785 Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees 13-14 R&B: $11,463 2090 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd., App.Dates/FR: fall- January 15, early decision I Suite 519, New York, NY 10027 November 15, early decision II January 15; spring- n/a. 212.851.1199 TR: fall- May 1; winter- October 1; spring- February 1 Web: Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 1. TR: fall- March 1 priority; winter- August 1 priority; spring- December 1 priority Touro College of Pharmacy App.Req./FR: HS transcript; recommendation from University of Rochester/Eastman School Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees secondary school teacher; standardized tests optional of Music 2090 Adam Clayton Powell Blvd, except for joint programs; interview recommended. It is 26 Gibbs St., Rochester, NY 14604 recommended that international applicants submit the Suite 603, New York, NY 10027 Toll-free 800.388.9695 or 585.274.1060 212.851.1192 ext. 2569 SAT or ACT. Testing is required for homeschooled students. TOEFL or IELTS is required if English is not the Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web: first language. TR: HS transcript; transcripts of all college work; recommendations from appropriate officials at college presently attending; interview recommended; Utica College Kew Gardens international students required to submit SAT or ACT; Lander College for Men TOEFL or IELTS if English is not the first language. 1600 Burrstone Rd., Utica, NY 13502-4892 Toll-free 800.782.8884 or 315.792.3006 75-31 150th St., Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367 Email: [email protected] 718.820.4800 Union Graduate College Web: Email: [email protected] Web: Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees Degrees: B, M, FP, certificate 80 Nott Terrace, Schenectady, NY 12308 Enroll UG: 2,881 (FT: 928 men, 1,248 women; PT: 147 518.631.9831 men, 504 women). G/FP: 1,147 (FT: 214; PT: 933) A member of the Touro College and University System Web: 13-14 T&F: $32,800 13-14 R&B: $11,934 (all freshmen are required to live in Offers only graduate (advanced) degrees University of Rochester college residence for their first two years unless residing 40 Sunshine Cottage Rd., Valhalla, NY 10595 at home) 914.594.4000 School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School of App.Dates: rolling; January 15 for joint medical programs, Web: Engineering and Applied Sciences BS in health studies, MS in occupational or physical therapy, and DPT in physical therapy programs; Trocaire College P.O. Box 270251, Rochester, NY 14627-0251 February 15 for nursing program Toll-free 888.822.2256 or 585.275.3221 Fin.Aid Dates: rolling App.Req./FR: HS transcript; 16 academic units. 360 Choate Ave., Buffalo, NY 14220 Email: [email protected] Web: TR: College transcript(s), and, if less than 30 college credit 716.827.2545 hours, HS transcript also. Email: [email protected] Web: Degrees: B, post-bachelor’s certificate, M, post-master’s certificate, D, FP, FP certificate Vassar College Extension Site: 6681 Transit Rd. (at Freeman St.), Enroll UG: 6,032 (FT: 2,873 men, 2,933 women; PT: 44 Williamsville, NY 14221 716.827.4300 men, 182 women). G/FP: 4,843 (FT: 3,447; PT: 1,396) Box 10, 124 Raymond Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12604 13-14 T&F: $45,372 per year, or $1,394 per credit Toll-free 800.827.7270 or 845.437.7300 Degrees: A (AAS, AS, AA), B (in health informatics, 13-14 R&B: $13,128 (freshmen and sophomores Email: [email protected] nursing and radiologic technology), certificates (in required to live on campus; several special-interest Web: business, health sciences, technology, and liberal arts) housing options available) Enroll UG: 1,523 (FT: 690; PT: 833)* App.Dates/FR: January 1 regular decision, early decision Degrees: B, M 13-14 T&F: $14,980 per year, or $620 per credit; additional November 1, priority review December 1. TR: fall- March Enroll UG: 2,436 (FT: 1,068 men, 1,354 women; PT: 5 clinical fees required for health science programs 15, spring- October 1 men, 9 women) 13-14 R&B: n/a (off-campus referral service available; Fin.Aid Dates/FR: February 15. TR: fall- March 15, 13-14 T&F: $47,180 per year, or $1,573 per credit spring- October 1 13-14 R&B: $11,180 (room rate may vary depending App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling App.Req.: Common Application; HS transcript; counselor upon housing) Fin.Aid Dates: March 31 and teacher recommendation; personal essay; SAT or App.Dates/FR: fall- January 1, early decision I November App.Req./FR: HS transcript or equivalent; SAT or ACT ACT; interview (recommended); SAT Subject Tests 15, early decision II January 1; spring- n/a. TR: fall- March (recommended, not required); recommendation; (recommended); writing sample (recommended). 15; spring- November 1 interview recommended. Certain programs have specific Admission to the College of Arts, Sciences and Engineering Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- February 15. TR: fall- March 15; mathematics and/or science prerequisites. TR: is based on a holistic review that includes a test-flexible spring- November 1 Postsecondary transcript(s). philosophy. As we seek to enroll a diverse and talented App.Req.: HS record; SAT, plus any 2 SAT Subject Tests, class each year, our review incorporates a variety of or ACT with writing test. factors, including many kinds of academic records. * Source: NYSED ORIS Degree Credit Enrollment, Fall 2012 29

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Campus Profiles Wagner College Wells College One Campus Rd., Staten Island, NY 10301 170 Main St., Aurora, NY 13026 Toll-free outside NYS only 800.221.1010 or 718.390.3411 Toll-free 800.952.9355 or 315.364.3264 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: Web:

Degrees: B, M, post-master's certificate Degrees: B (BA only) Enroll UG: 1,838 (FT: 621 men, 1,140 women; PT: 23 men, Enroll UG: 524 (FT: 175 men, 349 women; PT: 4 men, 54 women). G/FP: 403 (FT: 220; PT: 183) 6 women) 13-14 T&F: $38,920 and $300 required fee 13-14 T&F: $35,900 per year, or $1,250 per credit for 13-14 R&B: $11,660 part-time, matriculated students App.Dates/FR: fall- February 15, December 15 priority; 13-14 R&B: $12,300 (students age 18 - 21 required to early decision, theatre, physician assistant programs live on campus) December 1; music scholarship December 15; spring- App.Dates/FR: fall- March 1 priority, early decision rolling. TR: fall- rolling, March 15 priority; spring- rolling, December 15; spring- December 15 priority. TR: rolling December 1 priority Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- rolling, February 15 priority; Fin.Aid Dates/FR: fall- April 15; spring- rolling. TR: rolling spring- rolling. TR: rolling App.Req./FR: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; 2 letters of App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT or ACT; 1 teacher recommendation; essay; class rank; interview recommendation; school counselor recommendation; recommended; $50 fee. TR: Official college transcripts; essay; interview recommended. Vaughn College of Aeronautics SAT and ACT scores optional. Yeshiva University and Technology Watson School of Biological 86-01 23rd Ave., Flushing, NY 11369 Sciences at Cold Spring Harbor Coordinate colleges. Graduate and First Professional Toll-free 866.6VAUGHN or 718.429.6600 x118 programs are coed. Email: [email protected] Laboratory Web: 500 West 185th St., New York, NY 10033-3299 Graduate (Ph.D.) degree only 212.960.5277 Degrees: A, B, M Email: [email protected] Enroll UG: 1,725 (FT: 1,140 men, 168 women; PT: 372 One Bungtown Rd., Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724 Web: men, 45 women). G/FP: 17 (FT: 0; PT: 17) 516.367.6890 13-14 T&F: $19,850 per year (flat rate), or $665 per credit Web: Degrees: A, B, M, post-master's certificate, D, FP 13-14 R&B: $12,780 (double room with highest meal Enroll UG: 2,885 (FT: 1,482 men, 1,350 women; PT: 35 plan; plans vary) Webb Institute men, 18 women). Undergraduate coordinate colleges. App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling G/FP: 3,859 (FT: 2,785; PT: 1,074) Fin.Aid Dates: fall- May 1; spring- November 1 13-14 T&F: $37,600 per year, or $1,280 per credit 298 Crescent Beach Rd., Glen Cove, NY 11542 13-14 R&B: $10,900 App.Req.: For associate degree- HS graduation or GED 866.708.WEBB with HS transcript; 9th-year mathematics; 1 year science App.Dates: fall- February 1; spring- November 15 Email: [email protected] Fin.Aid Dates: rolling (physics or chemistry); interview advised. For bachelor’s Web: degree- HS graduation; 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-year App.Req.: HS scholastic record; SAT or ACT; interview. mathematics; 3 years of science; SAT. Degrees: B Enroll UG: 82 (FT: 65 men, 17 women; PT: n/a) 13-14 T&F: Webb Institute ensures that every student Villa Maria College receives a full tuition scholarship (valued at $42,570); 240 Pine Ridge Rd., Buffalo, NY 14225-3999 no fees 716.961.1805 13-14 R&B: $13,750 (all students required to live on Email: [email protected] campus) Web: App.Dates: fall- February 15, early decision October 15; spring- n/a Degrees: A (AA, AAS, AS), B (BA, BFA, BS) Fin.Aid Dates: July 1 Enroll UG: 465 (FT: 124 men, 232 women; PT: 32 men, App.Req.: HS transcript; SAT; SAT Subject Tests: 77 women) Math Level 1 or Level 2, Physics or Chemistry; 13-14 T&F: $17,990 per year, or $590 per credit 2 recommendations; interview. 13-14 R&B: n/a App.Dates: fall- rolling; spring- rolling Fin.Aid Dates: rolling App.Req.: HS diploma or GED; college placement test; SAT or ACT recommended; interview required; medical forms, including an immunization record (required); math proficiency test for business administration, interior design and physical therapist assistant applicants; music placement testing (audition) for all music programs; portfolio review for BFA programs. 30

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Table of Contents Academic Programs

Agriculture/Animals/E nvironmental Technologies Fine and Applied Arts B page 32, A page 56, G page 58. B pages 42-45, A pages 56-57, G page 59 . Agriculture, animals and plant sciences; environmental science Create and creatively use art, music, dance or theater. relating to agriculture, or conservation. Food/Food Service/Nutrition and Culinary Arts Architecture/Environmental Design B page 45, A page 56, G page 59. B page 32, A page 56, G page 58. Chef training; food service/hospitality industry administration. Planning, designing, constructing or managing the construction Foreign Languages of buildings, rooms, parks, or cities. B pages 45-46, G page 59. Area Studies Developing fluency and knowledge of other languages, B pages 32-33, G page 58. literatures, and cultures. Focus on a particular geographic region's culture, history, society Health Professions and language. B pages 46-47, A page 57, G page 59. Biological Studies Training and study for professions in health care fields including B pages 33-34, A page 56, G page 58. administration, pharmacy, nursing, and physical therapy. Learning about living organisms, from cell, molecular, and Home and Family Studies micro-biology to marine biology or entomology. B page 47, G page 59. Business and Management Family dynamics and communication or consumer studies. B pages 34-36, A page 56, G page 58. Interdisciplinary/Individualized Studies Concentrating on commerce, industry and related fields, such B pages 47-49, A page 57, G page 59. as accounting or travel and tourism management, insurance, Unique, self-directed and multi-discipline programs such as paralegal studies, and court reporting. study abroad, internships, women's studies and humanities. Communications Library Science Academic Areas of Study B pages 36-37, A page 56, G page 58. G page 59. Conveying ideas through advertising, graphic design, journalism, Transferring and organizing information. Bachelor’s Degree Programs (B) printing, and video-film producing. (usually 4-year degrees) - Pages 32-55 Mathematics Computer and Information Sciences B pages 49-50, A page 56, G page 60. B pages 37-38, A page 56, G page 58. Associate Degree Programs (A) Math or specializations such as statistics or actuarial science. Developing and applying computers to data storage, (usually 2-year degrees) - Pages 56-57 manipulation, and related computational procedures. Philosophy/Theology/Religious Studies B pages 50-51, A page 57, G page 60. Cooperative Professional Degree Programs Graduate/First Professional B page 38. Examining different values and views of reality or religions. Programs (G) Programs allowing entrance into specialized professional degree Physical Sciences/Chemistry/Physics Master’s, Doctorates, Advanced Certificates, B page 51, A page 56, G page 60. schools (for example, law, medicine, chiropractic, etc.) after Professional Licensure Degrees – Pages 58-60 completing a bachelor's degree. Learning about matter, energy, and nature from astronomy, Distance Learning geology, earth science, to atmospheric science, physics, or chemistry. B page 38, A page 56, G page 58. The Academics Programs section Courses and programs, usually toward degree completion, using Pre-Professional Studies online computer-based, telecommunication, or videotape B pages 51-52. is a general listing. It includes a technology. Preparing for a profession or a specialized field of study. broad range of undergraduate Education and Secondary Teacher Education Professional Degree Programs Preparation, 7-12 G page 60. degree programs, minor and B pages 38-41, G pages 58-59. Programs leading to a degree and license in a profession such major areas of concentration Teacher preparation programs. as law, medicine, etc. Engineering, Cooperative Engineering and Psychology (Behavioral Sciences) offered by New York’s private Engineering Technologies B pages 52-53, G page 60. colleges and universities. B pages 41-42, A page 56, G page 59. The analysis of human behavior, mental and emotional processes Engineering employs math and physics as preparation for and applying behavioral theory. Always consult individual campus product design or systems research. Engineering technology Social Sciences catalogues to distinguish registered provides practical experience with the installation and operation B pages 53-55, A page 57, G page 60. of components and instruments. Cooperative engineering is a degree programs from minors and five-year program (3+2 years) that results in a bachelor’s and an Focusing on human conduct, interactions, societies, in fields engineering degree. such as anthropology, history, economics, political science, major areas of concentrations gerontology, or sociology. English and Letters offered with larger programs. B page 42, G page 59. Social Services and Public Affairs B page 55, A page 57, G page 60. Studying the English language, literature, and writing. Preparing for public service professions, such as social work, criminal justice, public administration, and counseling. 31

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. New York University Usually 4-year programs. Pace University/New York City Sarah Lawrence College Skidmore College St. Bonaventure University St. John's University/Queens Bachelor’s Degree Programs St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Union College Agriculture/Animals/ New York University Union College Vassar College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Vassar College Environmental Technologies Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wells College Canadian Studies, Interdisciplinary Sarah Lawrence College St. Lawrence University Agricultural Economics/Business/ Syracuse University African-American Agricultural Resource Economics Adelphi University Classical/Ancient/Ancient Mediterranean Cornell University City/Urban & Regional Planning/Design Colgate University Civilizations Cornell University Columbia University Bard College Agriculture, General/Food Sciences New School, The/Eugene Lang College Daemen College Barnard College Cornell University The New School for Liberal Arts Fordham University Canisius College New York University New School, The/Mannes College The Hobart and William Smith Colleges Colgate University New School for Music New York University Columbia University Animal Sciences/Animal Physiology New School, The/Parsons The New School Pace University/New York City Elmira College and Anatomy for Design Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fordham University Canisius College New School, The/The New School for Sarah Lawrence College Hamilton College Cornell University Jazz and Contemporary Music St. Lawrence University Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York University New School, The/The New School for Syracuse University Hofstra University Public Engagement University of Rochester Ithaca College Environmental Sciences/Technologies New York University New York University Cornell University American (see also Interdisciplinary Union College Ithaca College Construction Management Studies, Social Sciences) Pace University/New York City New York University Bard College East Asian/West Pacific Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Pratt Institute/Manhattan Barnard College Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Utica College Clarkson University Cornell University Sarah Lawrence College College of Saint Rose, The Hamilton College Vassar College Environmental/Architectural Design Columbia University Hofstra University Wells College New School, The/Parsons The New School Cornell University New School, The/Eugene Lang College for Design Dowling College The New School for Liberal Arts Equine Business Management Sarah Lawrence College Elmira College New School, The/Mannes College The Cazenovia College Syracuse University Fordham University New School for Music Houghton College Hamilton College New School, The/Parsons The New School History of Architecture & Urban Hobart and William Smith Colleges for Design Forestry Development Hofstra University New School, The/The New School for Houghton College Barnard College Ithaca College Drama Paul Smith’s College Columbia University Manhattanville College New School, The/The New School for Cornell University Marist College Jazz and Contemporary Music International Agriculture Syracuse University Nazareth College New York University Cornell University New York University3 Pace University/New York City History of Interior/Decorative Arts Pace University/New York City Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Natural Resources/Environmental New York School of Interior Design Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff University of Rochester Management/Conservation Sage Colleges, The Cornell University Interior Design Sarah Lawrence College European/Modern/Western European Hofstra University Marist College Skidmore College Barnard College Paul Smith’s College New York Institute of Technology Syracuse University Canisius College Rochester Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Manhattan University of Rochester Columbia University Union College New York Institute of Technology Vassar College Fordham University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Hamilton College Plant Sciences/Soil, Crop & Atmospheric Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Area Studies, General/Interdisciplinary Hobart and William Smith Colleges Sciences Rochester Institute of Technology Bard College Ithaca College Cornell University Syracuse University Columbia University New School, The/Eugene Lang College Villa Maria College Daemen College The New School for Liberal Arts Architecture/Environmental Dowling College New School, The/Mannes College The Landscape Architecture Excelsior College New School for Music Design Cornell University Fordham University New School, The/Parsons The New School for Design Architectural Technology Hobart and William Smith Colleges Lighting Houghton College New School, The/The New School for New York Institute of Technology Drama (NYIT)/Manhattan Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Marist College New York University New York University New York Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Roberts Wesleyan College Area Studies St. Francis College St. Bonaventure University St. Francis College Architecture African/Africana/African Diaspora St. John Fisher College Utica College St. Lawrence University Barnard College Bard College Syracuse University Columbia University Barnard College 1 Asian/Oriental Studies Cooper Union Colgate University Global Studies Cornell University Columbia University Adelphi University Bard College Columbia University Fordham University Cornell University Hilbert College Hobart and William Smith Colleges2 Fordham University Barnard College Colgate University Hofstra University Ithaca College Hamilton College Houghton College New York Institute of Technology Hobart and William Smith Colleges Columbia University Cornell University New School, The/The New School for (NYIT)/Manhattan Hofstra University Public Engagement New York Institute of Technology New York University Hamilton College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Sarah Lawrence College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Niagara University Siena College Pace University/New York City Ithaca College Manhattanville College St. Bonaventure University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. Lawrence University Sarah Lawrence College Marymount Manhattan College Nazareth College 32 See page 57 for list of footnotes. St. Lawrence University

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Agriculture/Animals/Environmental Biology-Philosophy Technologies Dowling College Houghton College to Biological Studies Skidmore College Biometrics & Statistics Cornell University Biophysics Judaic Studies Spanish-American/Ibero-American/ Biology/Biological Sciences Clarkson University Bard College Hispanic Adelphi University Columbia University Barnard College Bard College Bard College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Colgate University Columbia University Barnard College St. Lawrence University Columbia University Hamilton College Canisius College Syracuse University Hofstra University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Cazenovia College Ithaca College Keuka College Clarkson University Biopsychology/Neural Science New York University Marymount Manhattan College Colgate University Barnard College Sarah Lawrence College New School, The/Eugene Lang College College of Mount Saint Vincent Columbia University Syracuse University The New School for Liberal Arts College of New Rochelle, The New York University Touro College New School, The/Mannes College The College of Saint Rose, The Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Union College New School for Music Columbia University Vassar College University of Rochester New School, The/Parsons The New School Concordia College Wagner College Vassar College for Design Cornell University Yeshiva University New School, The/The New School for Daemen College Biotechnology/Bioinformatics Drama Dominican College Canisius College Latin American/Caribbean (see also New School, The/The New School for Dowling College College of Saint Rose, The Interdisciplinary Studies) Jazz and Contemporary Music D'Youville College New York University Adelphi University New York University Elmira College Niagara University Bard College Sarah Lawrence College Excelsior College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Barnard College St. Francis College Fordham University Rochester Institute of Technology Canisius College Vassar College Hamilton College St. Bonaventure University Colgate University Hartwick College Syracuse University College of Mount Saint Vincent Third World Studies Hobart and William Smith Colleges Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Cell Biology/Cytotechnology Fordham University Sarah Lawrence College Houghton College Canisius College Hamilton College Iona College College of Saint Rose, The Hartwick College Ithaca College Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Biological Studies Keuka College Daemen College4 Hofstra University Biochemistry Le Moyne College Hofstra University New York University LIU Brooklyn LIU Post Niagara University Adelphi University 4 Barnard College LIU Post New York University Pace University/New York City Manhattan College Skidmore College Sarah Lawrence College Canisius College Clarkson University Manhattanville College University of Rochester St. Bonaventure University Marist College St. Francis College Colgate University College of Mount Saint Vincent Marymount Manhattan College Ecology & Evolutionary Biology/ St. Lawrence University Medaille College Systematics Syracuse University College of Saint Rose, The Columbia University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Columbia University Union College Molloy College Hofstra University Vassar College Daemen College Elmira College Mount Saint Mary College Le Moyne College Muslim Studies Hamilton College Nazareth College Skidmore College Houghton College Hartwick College New York Institute of Technology St. Lawrence University Ithaca College Hobart and William Smith Colleges NYIT)/Manhattan University of Rochester Sarah Lawrence College Hofstra University New York Institute of Technology Houghton College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Entomology Near/Middle Eastern Iona College New York University Cornell University Barnard College Ithaca College Niagara University Colgate University Keuka College Nyack College Environmental Studies/Sciences/ Columbia University Le Moyne College Pace University/New York City Biology/Natural Systems Cornell University LIU Brooklyn Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Bard College Fordham University Manhattan College Paul Smith’s College Barnard College Nazareth College Manhattanville College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Canisius College New York University Marist College Roberts Wesleyan College Cazenovia College Niagara University Nazareth College Rochester Institute of Technology Clarkson University Sarah Lawrence College New York University Sage Colleges, The Colgate University St. Bonaventure University Niagara University Sarah Lawrence College College of Mount Saint Vincent Syracuse University Pace University/New York City Siena College College of New Rochelle, The Skidmore College Columbia University Russian/Soviet Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. Bonaventure University Daemen College Bard College St. Francis College Dowling College Barnard College Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Institute of Technology St. John Fisher College Elmira College Colgate University St. John's University/Queens Fordham University College of Mount Saint Vincent Sage Colleges, The Sarah Lawrence College St. Joseph’s College Hamilton College Columbia University St. Lawrence University Hartwick College Hamilton College Siena College Skidmore College St. Thomas Aquinas College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hobart and William Smith Colleges Syracuse University Hofstra University New York University St. Bonaventure University St. Lawrence University Touro College Houghton College Sarah Lawrence College Union College Ithaca College Syracuse University St. Thomas Aquinas College Syracuse University University of Rochester Keuka College Union College Utica College Le Moyne College University of Rochester Union College University of Rochester Vassar College LIU Post Utica College Wagner College Manhattanville College South Asian Wells College Marist College College of Mount Saint Vincent Vassar College Wells College Yeshiva University Molloy College Columbia University Nazareth College New York University Yeshiva University Sarah Lawrence College Continued on next page. 33

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Continued from previous page. Wells College Nyack College King's College, The Yeshiva University Pace University/New York City Le Moyne College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff LIU Brooklyn The New School for Liberal Arts Neuroscience/Neurobiology Roberts Wesleyan College Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for Barnard College Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattanville College Public Engagement Colgate University Sage Colleges, The Marist College New York University Columbia University Siena College Marymount Manhattan College Niagara University Hamilton College St. Bonaventure University Mercy College/Bronx Paul Smith’s College Ithaca College St. Francis College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Le Moyne College St. John Fisher College Mercy College/Manhattan Rochester Institute of Technology Marymount Manhattan College St. John's University/Queens Mercy College/Yorktown Sage Colleges, The New York University St. John's University/Staten Island Metropolitan College of New York Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College St. Joseph’s College Molloy College Siena College Skidmore College St. Thomas Aquinas College Mount Saint Mary College Skidmore College St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Nazareth College St. Bonaventure University Syracuse University Touro College New York University St. Lawrence University Union College Utica College Niagara University Syracuse University University of Rochester Wagner College Nyack College Wagner College Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Pace University/New York City Wells College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Nutritional Sciences (scientific) Aeronautics/Aviation/Aircraft/Airport/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Forensic Science (see also Physical Canisius College Systems/Management Rochester Institute of Technology Sciences/Chemistry/Physics) Cornell University Dowling College Siena College College of Saint Rose, The Ithaca College Vaughn College of Aeronautics and St. Bonaventure University Hilbert College New York Institute of Technology Technology St. Francis College Hofstra University (NYIT)/Old Westbury St. John Fisher College LIU Post Sage Colleges, The Arts Administration St. John's University/Queens Roberts Wesleyan College Syracuse University Cazenovia College St. John's University/Staten Island Sage Colleges, The Ithaca College St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Thomas Aquinas College Toxicology (see also Health) Le Moyne College Syracuse University Syracuse University Nazareth College LIU Post4 Touro College St. John's University/Queens Wagner College Utica College Genetics and Development Wagner College New York University Athletic Administration/Sports Yeshiva University Sarah Lawrence College Business and Management Management Accounting/Accounting Information Adelphi University Business/Commerce, General Industrial Hygiene-Environmental Canisius College Clarkson University Toxicology/Environmental Health Systems Adelphi University Cazenovia College College of Mount Saint Vincent Sciences College of Mount Saint Vincent College of New Rochelle, The Clarkson University Canisius College Cazenovia College Daemen College Elmira College Dowling College Excelsior College Life Sciences College of Mount Saint Vincent College of Saint Rose, The Hilbert College Le Moyne College Columbia University Iona College Mercy College/Bronx Fordham University Concordia College Daemen College Ithaca College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry New York Institute of Technology Keuka College Mercy College/Manhattan (NYIT)/Manhattan Dominican College Dowling College Manhattanville College Metropolitan College of New York New York Institute of Technology Medaille College5 New York University 4 D'Youville College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Mercy College/Bronx Pace University/New York City Niagara University Elmira College Excelsior College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Mount Saint Mary College Roberts Wesleyan College Marine Science/Aquaculture/ Fordham University Hartwick College Nazareth College Rochester Institute of Technology Mariculture/Oceanography New York University Skidmore College Dowling College Hilbert College Hofstra University Niagara University St. Bonaventure University Nyack College St. Francis College Microbiology/Electron Microscopy Houghton College Iona College St. Bonaventure University St. Lawrence University Albany College of Pharmacy and St. John Fisher College Touro College Health Sciences Ithaca College Keuka College St. John's University/Queens University of Rochester Columbia University St. John's University/Staten Island Sarah Lawrence College Le Moyne College LIU Brooklyn4 St. Thomas Aquinas College Business Administration/Management University of Rochester 4 Syracuse University Adelphi University Wagner College LIU Post Manhattan College Wells College Boricua College Canisius College Molecular Biology Manhattanville College Marist College Banking/Finance/Consumer Finance Cazenovia College Clarkson University Adelphi University Clarkson University Colgate University Marymount Manhattan College Medaille College Canisius College College of Mount Saint Vincent Columbia University Clarkson University College of Saint Rose, The Hamilton College Mercy College/Bronx Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry College of Mount Saint Vincent Columbia University Hofstra University Dowling College Concordia College Le Moyne College Molloy College Mount Saint Mary College Elmira College Cornell University New York University Excelsior College Daemen College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Nazareth College New York Institute of Technology Fordham University Dominican College Sarah Lawrence College 4 Hartwick College Dowling College University of Rochester (NYIT)/Manhattan New York Institute of Technology Hofstra University D'Youville College (NYIT)/Old Westbury4 Houghton College Elmira College New York University Iona College Fordham University Ithaca College Hartwick College 34 See page 57 for list of footnotes. Niagara University

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Biological Studies continued Roberts Wesleyan College St. Francis College to Business and Management St. John Fisher College Utica College Insurance/Reinsurance Excelsior College St. John's University/Manhattan Hilbert College Business Information Systems New School, The/The New School for International Business/Management Hofstra University Management Jazz and Contemporary Music Canisius College Houghton College Adelphi University New School, The/The New School for Clarkson University Iona College Canisius College Public Engagement College of Mount Saint Vincent Ithaca College Clarkson University Pace University/New York City Concordia College Keuka College Dominican College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Daemen College King's College, The Fordham University Paul Smith’s College Dominican College Le Moyne College Iona College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute D'Youville College LIU Brooklyn Le Moyne College Syracuse University Elmira College LIU Post Manhattan College Yeshiva University Excelsior College Manhattan College Medaille College Fordham University Manhattanville College Nazareth College Fashion Merchandising Hilbert College Marist College New York University Canisius College Hofstra University Marymount Manhattan College Niagara University Cazenovia College Houghton College Medaille College Pace University/New York City Marist College Iona College Mercy College/Bronx Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Marymount Manhattan College Ithaca College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Syracuse University Keuka College Mercy College/Manhattan Rochester Institute of Technology Villa Maria College Le Moyne College Mercy College/Yorktown St. John's University/Queens LIU Post Metropolitan College of New York Touro College Graphic Media Marketing Manhattan College Molloy College Yeshiva University Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattanville College Mount Saint Mary College Marist College Nazareth College Dual Degree Program: Bachelor's/MBA Health Systems Management/ Marymount Manhattan College New York Institute of Technology Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Administration (see also Health) Mercy College/Bronx (NYIT)/Old Westbury Sciences6 Adelphi University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Niagara University Canisius College College of Mount Saint Vincent Mercy College/Manhattan Nyack College Clarkson University Dominican College Mercy College/Yorktown Pace University/New York City College of Mount Saint Vincent D'Youville College Nazareth College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff College of Saint Rose, The Le Moyne College New York University Paul Smith’s College Elmira College New York University Niagara University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Excelsior College Roberts Wesleyan College Pace University/New York City Roberts Wesleyan College Fordham University Siena College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rochester Institute of Technology Hartwick College7 St. John's University/Queens Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sage Colleges, The Hobart and William Smith Colleges8 Union College6 Roberts Wesleyan College Siena College Houghton College Utica College Rochester Institute of Technology St. Bonaventure University Le Moyne College St. Bonaventure University St. Francis College LIU Post Hotel/Restaurant/Resort/Hospitality St. Francis College St. John Fisher College Manhattan College Management (see also Food) St. Thomas Aquinas College St. John's University/Queens Medaille College Cornell University Touro College St. John's University/Staten Island Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry New York Institute of Technology Utica College St. Joseph’s College Mount Saint Mary College (NYIT)/Manhattan Wagner College St. Lawrence University New York University New York Institute of Technology Yeshiva University St. Thomas Aquinas College Niagara University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Syracuse University Pace University/New York City New York University3 Labor & Industrial Management/ Touro College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Niagara University Relations Utica College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Pace University/New York City Cornell University Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Rochester Institute of Technology Paul Smith’s College Hofstra University Technology Sage Colleges, The9 Rochester Institute of Technology St. Thomas Aquinas College Villa Maria College Skidmore College7 St. John's University/Queens Wagner College St. Bonaventure University St. John's University/Staten Island Legal Studies Yeshiva University St. John's University/Queens St. Joseph’s College Clarkson University St. John's University/Staten Island College of Saint Rose, The Business Economics St. Joseph’s College Human Resources Hofstra University Adelphi University St. Lawrence University Fordham University Ithaca College Canisius College St. Thomas Aquinas College Keuka College Le Moyne College Clarkson University Union College6 Mount Saint Mary College Molloy College College of Mount Saint Vincent Niagara University Nazareth College Elmira College Electronic Commerce Yeshiva University Sage Colleges, The Fordham University St. Francis College Sarah Lawrence College Hofstra University Human Resources Management/ St. John Fisher College Houghton College Entrepreneurship & Emerging Personnel Administration St. John's University/Queens Ithaca College Enterprises Adelphi University St. John's University/Staten Island Manhattan College Canisius College Canisius College University of Rochester Molloy College Clarkson University Daemen College Nazareth College Daemen College Dominican College Management, Other New York University Fordham University Dowling College Adelphi University Niagara University Hofstra University Fordham University Cazenovia College Nyack College Keuka College Houghton College Clarkson University Pace University/New York City Le Moyne College Keuka College Dowling College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff LIU Brooklyn Le Moyne College Elmira College St. Bonaventure University Marymount Manhattan College Marist College Excelsior College Utica College Nazareth College Nazareth College Fordham University Wells College New School, The/Eugene Lang College New York University Hilbert College The New School for Liberal Arts Niagara University Houghton College New School, The/Mannes College The Pace University/New York City Iona College New School for Music Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Continued on next page. 35

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Ithaca College Usually 4-year programs. Marymount Manhattan College Nazareth College New York University Pace University/New York City St. Francis College Bachelor’s Degree Programs Syracuse University Touro College Continued from previous page. Operations Research & Management/ Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Culture and Communications Quantitative Analysis Mount Saint Mary College Fordham University Ithaca College Excelsior College New York University Manhattan College Ithaca College Le Moyne College Nyack College Keuka College Manhattanville College New York University Pace University/New York City Medaille College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Pace University/New York City Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff The New School for Liberal Arts New School, The/Parsons The New School St. Bonaventure University Sarah Lawrence College for Design New School, The/Mannes College The Siena College New School for Music Niagara University Organization & Management St. Francis College Nyack College New School, The/Parsons The New School College of Mount Saint Vincent St. John's University/Queens for Design Pace University/New York City Keuka College St. John's University/Staten Island Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff New School, The/The New School for Le Moyne College St. Lawrence University Drama Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Manhattan College Syracuse University Roberts Wesleyan College New School, The/The New School for Manhattanville College Utica College Jazz and Contemporary Music Rochester Institute of Technology Mercy College/Manhattan St. John Fisher College New School, The/The New School for Nazareth College Communications Studies/Arts Public Engagement St. John's University/Queens New York University Adelphi University St. John's University/Staten Island New York University Nyack College Canisius College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Syracuse University Pace University/New York City Cazenovia College Touro College Roberts Wesleyan College Clarkson University Digital/Electronic Media/Arts Vaughn College of Aeronautics and St. Joseph’s College College of Mount Saint Vincent Technology Canisius College Syracuse University College of New Rochelle, The Clarkson University Wells College College of Saint Rose, The Yeshiva University Colgate University Paralegal Studies (see also Social Services) Cornell University College of Mount Saint Vincent Hilbert College Daemen College Hamilton College Marketing Dominican College Adelphi University Hilbert College Real Estate Management Dowling College Houghton College Canisius College New York University3 Excelsior College College of Mount Saint Vincent Ithaca College Syracuse University Fordham University LIU Post Daemen College Hamilton College Dowling College Manhattanville College Supply Chain Management Hilbert College Marist College Elmira College Clarkson University Houghton College Excelsior College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Hofstra University Iona College Nazareth College Fordham University Niagara University Ithaca College Hilbert College New School, The/Parsons The New Syracuse University Keuka College School for Design Hofstra University Le Moyne College Houghton College New York University Telecommunications Management Manhattan College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Iona College Ithaca College Manhattanville College Ithaca College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Marist College Rochester Institute of Technology Keuka College Marymount Manhattan College Le Moyne College Sarah Lawrence College Travel/Tourism Management Medaille College St. Bonaventure University LIU Brooklyn New York University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Manhattan College St. John Fisher College Niagara University Molloy College Touro College Manhattanville College Rochester Institute of Technology Mount Saint Mary College Marist College Union College St. Joseph’s College Nazareth College University of Rochester Marymount Manhattan College New York Institute of Technology Mercy College/Bronx (NYIT)/Manhattan4 Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Communications Graphic Arts/Advertising/ New York Institute of Technology Communication Design (see also Mercy College/Manhattan (NYIT)/Old Westbury Molloy College Advertising Fine Arts) Le Moyne College New York University College of Saint Rose, The Mount Saint Mary College Niagara University Nazareth College Manhattan College Dowling College Marist College Nyack College Fordham University New York University Pace University/New York City Niagara University New York Institute of Technology Hartwick College (NYIT)/Manhattan Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Houghton College Nyack College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Pace University/New York City Pace University/New York City Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Pratt Institute/Manhattan New School, The/Eugene Lang College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Pratt Institute/Brooklyn The New School for Liberal Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Roberts Wesleyan College New School, The/Parsons The New School Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology St. Francis College for Design St. John's University/Queens St. Bonaventure University New School, The/The New School for Siena College St. Francis College St. Bonaventure University St. John's University/Staten Island Jazz and Contemporary Music Syracuse University St. John Fisher College New York University St. Francis College St. John's University/Queens St. John Fisher College Wells College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Yeshiva University St. John's University/Staten Island Pratt Institute/Manhattan St. John's University/Queens St. Lawrence University St. John's University/Staten Island Roberts Wesleyan College Broadcasting/Producing: St. Thomas Aquinas College Rochester Institute of Technology St. Joseph’s College University of Rochester St. Thomas Aquinas College Television/Radio/Film St. John's University/Queens College of Mount Saint Vincent Utica College St. Thomas Aquinas College Syracuse University Wells College Touro College Dowling College Syracuse University Utica College Fordham University Touro College Hofstra University Communications-Speech Studies/ Villa Maria College Wagner College Communicative Disorders (see also Health) Yeshiva University Ithaca College LIU Post Adelphi University Journalism Manhattan College Dowling College Adelphi University Manhattanville College Hofstra University Canisius College Iona College Cazenovia College 36 See page 57 for list of footnotes. Marist College

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Business and Management continued Computer Science Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics to Computer and Information Sciences Barnard College Clarkson University Colgate University Columbia University Daemen College Dowling College Fordham University Fordham University Photojournalism Clarkson University Hamilton College Hilbert College Hartwick College Colgate University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Rochester Institute of Technology College of Saint Rose, The Hofstra University Iona College St. John's University/Queens Columbia University Houghton College Ithaca College Syracuse University Cornell University Ithaca College King's College, The Dowling College Le Moyne College Le Moyne College Public Relations Fordham University LIU Post LIU Brooklyn Daemen College Hamilton College Manhattan College LIU Post Fordham University Hartwick College New York University Manhattan College Hilbert College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Marist College Hofstra University Hofstra University Roberts Wesleyan College Marymount Manhattan College Houghton College Houghton College Rochester Institute of Technology Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Le Moyne College Iona College Sarah Lawrence College Molloy College LIU Post Ithaca College Skidmore College Mount Saint Mary College Marist College Le Moyne College St. John Fisher College New School, The/The New School for Mount Saint Mary College LIU Brooklyn 4 St. Joseph’s College Jazz and Contemporary Music Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Post St. Thomas Aquinas College New York University St. Francis College Manhattan College Wagner College Nyack College St. John's University/Queens Manhattanville College Wells College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. John's University/Staten Island Marist College Rochester Institute of Technology Syracuse University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Data Communication Sarah Lawrence College Utica College Molloy College Iona College St. Bonaventure University Yeshiva University New York Institute of Technology Touro College St. John Fisher College (NYIT)/Manhattan St. John's University/Queens Technical/Professional Communications/ New York Institute of Technology Game Design and Development St. John's University/Staten Island Writing (NYIT)/Old Westbury Adelphi University St. Joseph’s College Fordham University New York University Clarkson University St. Lawrence University Ithaca College Niagara University Ithaca College Syracuse University Marymount Manhattan College Nyack College Marist College University of Rochester Molloy College Pace University/New York City Nyack College Utica College Nazareth College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wagner College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Yeshiva University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Roberts Wesleyan College Sarah Lawrence College Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Syracuse University Media Studies Sage Colleges, The Adelphi University Telecommunications Management Sarah Lawrence College Information Security/Forensics Colgate University Ithaca College Siena College 3 Excelsior College College of Mount Saint Vincent New York University St. Bonaventure University Hilbert College Dowling College Rochester Institute of Technology St. John Fisher College Mercy College/Bronx Fordham University St. John's University/Queens St. John's University/Queens Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. John's University/Staten Island Niagara University Hofstra University Television/Radio St. Joseph’s College Nyack College Houghton College Ithaca College St. Lawrence University Rochester Institute of Technology Ithaca College Le Moyne College St. Thomas Aquinas College Utica College King's College, The New York University Syracuse University Le Moyne College Sarah Lawrence College Touro College 6 Information Technology/Management Marist College Syracuse University Union College Adelphi University Marymount Manhattan College University of Rochester Clarkson University Medaille College Video-Film/Animation Utica College College of Saint Rose, The Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Adelphi University Vassar College Columbia University Molloy College College of Mount Saint Vincent Yeshiva University Cornell University Mount Saint Mary College Dowling College Fordham University New York University Fordham University Computer Applications & Information Hofstra University Nyack College Hilbert College Systems/Applied Networking & Houghton College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Hofstra University Systems Administration Le Moyne College Sarah Lawrence College Ithaca College Columbia University LIU Brooklyn Siena College Marist College Dominican College LIU Post4 St. John's University/Queens New School, The/Parsons The New School Excelsior College Mount Saint Mary College St. Joseph’s College for Design Fordham University New York Institute of Technology University of Rochester New York University Ithaca College (NYIT)/Manhattan Vassar College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Keuka College New York Institute of Technology Wagner College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Le Moyne College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Wells College Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattan College New York University Yeshiva University Sarah Lawrence College Marist College Nyack College Syracuse University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/New York City New Media Publishing/Development Union College New York University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff College of Mount Saint Vincent Niagara University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Concordia College Computer and Information Pace University/New York City Roberts Wesleyan College Keuka College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Riverhead Sciences Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 10 St. Francis College Mount Saint Mary College Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens Rochester Institute of Technology Computer/Information Science Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University Syracuse University Siena College Touro College Newspaper/Magazine Operations Bard College St. Thomas Aquinas College Management Barnard College Touro College Syracuse University Canisius College Wagner College 37

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Internet Communication & Development Le Moyne College St. Thomas Aquinas College Educational Studies/Services, General Iona College Pace University/New York City Syracuse University Colgate University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Touro College Cornell University Web Development (see also Digital Yeshiva University Utica College Hamilton College Design in Communications and Fine and Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Keuka College Applied Arts/Graphic Arts/Crafts) Osteopathy (BS/DO) Technology King's College, The Dowling College Adelphi University17 St. Bonaventure University Ithaca College St. Bonaventure University Vassar College Mount Saint Mary College Education Wells College New York University Pharmacy (BS/Pharm.D.) American Sign Language Teacher Niagara University College of Mount Saint Vincent Keuka College Elementary - Special Education Pratt Institute/Manhattan D'Youville College Teacher (dual) Sarah Lawrence College Houghton College Art Teacher, K-12 Canisius College Touro College St. Bonaventure University Adelphi University College of Mount Saint Vincent St. John Fisher College College of New Rochelle, The College of New Rochelle, The College of Saint Rose, The College of Saint Rose, The Cooperative Professional Physical Therapy (BA/DPT) Daemen College Degree Programs Daemen College College of Mount Saint Vincent Dowling College Dominican College Le Moyne College Dowling College Chiropractic (BS/DC) Elmira College St. Bonaventure University Hartwick College Hartwick College D'Youville College St. Lawrence University7 Houghton College Keuka College Hofstra University Touro College Houghton College Keuka College New York Chiropractic College Utica College Le Moyne College St. Thomas Aquinas College Ithaca College Yeshiva University LIU Brooklyn Manhattan College LIU Post Marist College Dentistry (BA, BS/DDS) Podiatry (BA, BS/DPM) Molloy College Adelphi University Manhattanville College College of Mount Saint Vincent Molloy College Mount Saint Mary College College of Mount Saint Vincent Le Moyne College Nazareth College Le Moyne College 18 Nazareth College Mount Saint Mary College New York University New York University New York University Pace University/New York City Niagara University St. Bonaventure University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Roberts Wesleyan College Roberts Wesleyan College St. Francis College St. Lawrence University St. Bonaventure University Law (BA/JD, MUP/JD, MA/JD, MBA/JD, St. Thomas Aquinas College St. John Fisher College MSW/JD, MPA/JD) St. Thomas Aquinas College Yeshiva University Syracuse University St. John's University/Queens Adelphi University St. John's University/Staten Island Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Athletic Training St. Joseph’s College Sciences11 Distance Learning St. Thomas Aquinas College College of Saint Rose, The Canisius College Distance Learning Bachelor's-level Dominican College Syracuse University Columbia University Touro College Fordham University12 courses/programs Hofstra University Adelphi University Houghton College Utica College Hamilton College Wagner College Hartwick College11 Canisius College Ithaca College Hofstra University Daemen College Dominican College Bilingual/Multi-cultural Education Elementary/Early Childhood Teacher, Le Moyne College N-6/K-6 New York University D'Youville College Teacher Excelsior College LIU Brooklyn Adelphi University Pace University/New York City Barnard College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Houghton College Iona College Dance Education Boricua College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Canisius College Sage Colleges, The13 Ithaca College Hofstra University Keuka College LIU Brooklyn Cazenovia College Siena College Colgate University St. John's University/Queens Le Moyne College New York University Medaille College College of Mount Saint Vincent St. John's University/Staten Island14 College of New Rochelle, The Touro College15 Mercy College/Bronx Early Childhood Education, Birth – Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry 2/Special Education, Birth - 2 College of Saint Rose, The Union College11 Columbia University Utica College Mercy College/Manhattan Canisius College Mercy College/Yorktown Cazenovia College Concordia College Daemen College Medicine (BA, BS/MD) Metropolitan College of New York College of Mount Saint Vincent Mount Saint Mary College19 College of Saint Rose, The Dominican College Albany College of Pharmacy and Dowling College 16 New School, The/Eugene Lang College Concordia College Health Sciences 4 D'Youville College Hofstra University The New School for Liberal Arts Daemen College New School, The/Parsons The New School Dominican College Elmira College Le Moyne College Fordham University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Design New York University New School, The/The New School for Niagara University Hartwick College Sage Colleges, The 4 Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Bonaventure University Public Engagement Nyack College New York Institute of Technology Roberts Wesleyan College Hofstra University St. Lawrence University Iona College4 Union College16 (NYIT)/Manhattan Sarah Lawrence College New York Institute of Technology St. Bonaventure University Keuka College University of Rochester Le Moyne College Utica College (NYIT)/Old Westbury St. Joseph’s College 4 New York University Touro College LIU Brooklyn LIU Post Optometry (BS/OD) Nyack College Pace University/New York City Education Administration & Supervision LIU Riverhead Adelphi University Manhattan College Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff College of Saint Rose, The Roberts Wesleyan College Le Moyne College Manhattanville College Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattanville College Medaille College St. John's University/Manhattan Metropolitan College of New York St. John's University/Queens Educational Services for Business Molloy College Mount Saint Mary College20 38 See page 57 for list of footnotes. St. John's University/Staten Island Le Moyne College

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Computer and Information Sciences continued College of Mount Saint Vincent College of New Rochelle, The to Education/Secondary Teacher College of Saint Rose, The Education Preparation 7-12 Daemen College Dominican College Dowling College D'Youville College Elmira College Fordham University New York University Physical Education Teacher, K-12 Special Education Teacher Hartwick College Niagara University Adelphi University Canisius College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Nyack College Canisius College Cazenovia College Hofstra University Pace University/New York City Dowling College College of Mount Saint Vincent Houghton College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hofstra University College of New Rochelle, The Iona College4 Roberts Wesleyan College Houghton College College of Saint Rose, The Ithaca College21 Sage Colleges, The Ithaca College Dominican College Keuka College Skidmore College LIU Brooklyn Dowling College Le Moyne College St. Bonaventure University LIU Post Elmira College LIU Brooklyn St. Francis College Manhattan College Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Post4 St. John Fisher College Manhattanville College Houghton College Manhattan College St. John's University/Queens Roberts Wesleyan College Keuka College Manhattanville College St. John's University/Staten Island Sage Colleges, The Le Moyne College Marist College St. Joseph’s College St. Bonaventure University Manhattan College Medaille College St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Francis College Medaille College Molloy College Touro College Syracuse University Molloy College Mount Saint Mary College Utica College Mount Saint Mary College Nazareth College Vassar College Religious Education Nazareth College New York University Wagner College Houghton College New York University Niagara University Wells College Yeshiva University Niagara University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Yeshiva University Nyack College Roberts Wesleyan College4 School/Community Health/Fitness St. Bonaventure University St. Bonaventure University Health Education Teacher, K-12 Education St. John Fisher College St. Francis College Adelphi University Canisius College St. John's University/Queens St. John Fisher College22 Canisius College Ithaca College St. John's University/Staten Island St. John's University/Queens Hofstra University Manhattan College St. Joseph’s College St. Joseph’s College Houghton College St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Lawrence University Ithaca College School Counselor Syracuse University Niagara University St. Thomas Aquinas College LIU Post Touro College Syracuse University Utica College Secondary Teacher Training, 7-12 Utica College Junior High School Education Teacher, Wagner College Vassar College N-6 & 7-9 (see also Education/Secondary area) Adelphi University Wagner College Canisius College Speech Teacher, N-12/K-12/Speech Wells College College of Mount Saint Vincent Barnard College Communication Education Concordia College Canisius College Adelphi University Colgate University Business/Occupational Teacher Dominican College Elmira College Dowling College Dowling College College of Mount Saint Vincent Hofstra University College of New Rochelle, The Hofstra University Elmira College Molloy College Ithaca College Hartwick College College of Saint Rose, The Nazareth College Columbia University Niagara University Houghton College New York University Utica College Keuka College Daemen College LIU Post Dominican College Teaching English to Speakers of Other Dowling College Chemistry Teacher Manhattan College Languages Adelphi University Medaille College Elmira College Boricua College Fordham University Barnard College Nazareth College Canisius College Canisius College Niagara University Hartwick College Dowling College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Colgate University St. John Fisher College Fordham University College of Mount Saint Vincent Utica College Hofstra University Houghton College Houghton College College of New Rochelle, The Wagner College Le Moyne College College of Saint Rose, The Iona College Niagara University Ithaca College Dowling College Music Teacher, K-12/N-12 Nyack College D'Youville College Adelphi University Keuka College Utica College Le Moyne College Elmira College College of Saint Rose, The Fordham University Dowling College LIU Post Teaching the Blind & Visually/Multiple Manhattan College Hartwick College Hartwick College Handicapped/Rehab. Svc. Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hobart and William Smith Colleges Manhattanville College Dominican College Marist College Hofstra University Hofstra University Houghton College Houghton College Medaille College Teaching the Speech & Hearing 21 Mount Saint Mary College Ithaca College Ithaca College Handicapped Keuka College LIU Brooklyn Nazareth College Elmira College New York University Le Moyne College LIU Post Ithaca College LIU Brooklyn Manhattanville College Niagara University Keuka College Pace University/New York City LIU Post Molloy College Nazareth College Manhattan College Nazareth College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff New York University Roberts Wesleyan College Manhattanville College New York University Marist College Nyack College St. Francis College St. John Fisher College Education/Secondary Mount Saint Mary College Roberts Wesleyan College Nazareth College Syracuse University St. John's University/Queens Teacher Education St. John's University/Staten Island New York University 4 Preparation, 7-12 Niagara University Physical Education in a Non-School St. Joseph’s College St. Lawrence University Pace University/New York City Setting Biology Teacher Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. Thomas Aquinas College 4 Adelphi University 4 Adelphi University Roberts Wesleyan College Canisius College Union College Utica College Barnard College St. Bonaventure University Hofstra University Canisius College St. Francis College Houghton College Vassar College 22 Wagner College Cazenovia College St. John Fisher College Manhattan College Colgate University Wells College Continued on next page. 39

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Continued from previous page. St. John Fisher College22 Latin Teacher St. John's University/Queens St. John's University/Queens Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Lawrence University St. Joseph’s College4 St. John's University/Staten Island New York University St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Lawrence University St. Joseph’s College4 Union College6 Syracuse University St. Thomas Aquinas College St. Lawrence University Union College6 Syracuse University St. Thomas Aquinas College Mathematics Teacher Utica College Union College6 Syracuse University Adelphi University Vassar College Utica College Union College6 Barnard College Wagner College Vassar College Utica College Canisius College Wells College Wagner College Vassar College Colgate University Wells College Wagner College College of Mount Saint Vincent Russian Teacher Wells College College of New Rochelle, The Hofstra University Chinese Teacher College of Saint Rose, The New York University New York University French Teacher Daemen College Vassar College Vassar College Barnard College Dominican College Canisius College Dowling College Science Teacher Earth Science Teacher College of Mount Saint Vincent D'Youville College Adelphi University Adelphi University College of New Rochelle, The Elmira College Colgate University Barnard College Daemen College Fordham University College of Mount Saint Vincent Colgate University Dowling College Hartwick College College of Saint Rose, The College of Saint Rose, The Elmira College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Dowling College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hartwick College Hofstra University Elmira College Hofstra University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Houghton College Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Post4 Hofstra University Iona College Hofstra University Molloy College Iona College Ithaca College21 Le Moyne College New York University Ithaca College21 Keuka College Manhattanville College Pace University/New York City Le Moyne College Le Moyne College Mount Saint Mary College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff LIU Post4 LIU Brooklyn Nazareth College Roberts Wesleyan College4 Manhattan College LIU Post4 New York University St. Lawrence University Manhattanville College Manhattan College Roberts Wesleyan College4 Syracuse University Marist College Manhattanville College St. John Fisher College22 Vassar College Nazareth College Marist College St. Lawrence University New York University Medaille College St. Thomas Aquinas College English Teacher Niagara University Molloy College Syracuse University Adelphi University St. Bonaventure University Mount Saint Mary College Union College6 Barnard College St. John Fisher College22 Nazareth College Utica College Canisius College St. Lawrence University New York University Wagner College Cazenovia College Union College6 Niagara University Yeshiva University Colgate University Vassar College Nyack College College of Mount Saint Vincent Wagner College Pace University/New York City Social Studies Teacher College of New Rochelle, The Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Adelphi University College of Saint Rose, The German Teacher Roberts Wesleyan College4 Barnard College Daemen College Barnard College St. Bonaventure University Canisius College Dominican College Canisius College St. Francis College Cazenovia College Dowling College Hartwick College St. John Fisher College22 Colgate University D'Youville College Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. John's University/Queens College of Mount Saint Vincent Elmira College Hofstra University St. John's University/Staten Island College of Saint Rose, The Fordham University Ithaca College21 St. Joseph’s College4 Daemen College Hartwick College Nazareth College St. Lawrence University Dominican College Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York University St. Thomas Aquinas College Dowling College Hofstra University St. Lawrence University Syracuse University D'Youville College Houghton College Union College6 Touro College Elmira College Iona College Vassar College Union College6 Fordham University Ithaca College21 Utica College Hartwick College Keuka College Greek Teacher Vassar College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Le Moyne College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Wagner College Hofstra University LIU Brooklyn Wells College Houghton College LIU Post4 Hebrew Teacher Yeshiva University Iona College Manhattan College New York University Ithaca College21 Manhattanville College Yeshiva University Physics Teacher Keuka College Marist College Adelphi University Le Moyne College Medaille College Italian Teacher Canisius College LIU Brooklyn Molloy College Hofstra University Colgate University LIU Post4 Mount Saint Mary College Iona College Dowling College Manhattan College Nazareth College LIU Post4 Fordham University Manhattanville College New York University Manhattanville College Hartwick College Marist College Niagara University Nazareth College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Medaille College Nyack College New York University Hofstra University Molloy College Pace University/New York City Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Houghton College Mount Saint Mary College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Vassar College Ithaca College21 Nazareth College Roberts Wesleyan College4 Le Moyne College New York University St. Bonaventure University Japanese Teacher Manhattan College Niagara University St. Francis College New York University New York University Nyack College Vassar College Roberts Wesleyan College4 Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. Bonaventure University Roberts Wesleyan College4 St. John Fisher College22 St. Bonaventure University 40 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Education/Secondary Teacher Education LIU Brooklyn Preparation 7-12 continued New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Old Westbury to Engineering Technologies Optics University of Rochester Renewable Energy Engineering Clarkson University St. Francis College Hofstra University Roberts Wesleyan College 22 New York Institute of Technology St. John Fisher College LIU Post St. Bonaventure University (NYIT)/Manhattan St. John's University/Queens New York University Utica College New York Institute of Technology St. John's University/Staten Island Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NYIT)/Old Westbury St. Joseph’s College4 Rochester Institute of Technology Engineering Science St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Clarkson University Software St. Thomas Aquinas College Union College Hofstra University Clarkson University Syracuse University University of Rochester Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Union College6 University of Rochester Vassar College Chemical Wagner College Clarkson University Environmental Engineering/Cooperative Wells College Columbia University Clarkson University Engineering Yeshiva University Cooper Union Columbia University Cornell University Cornell University Cooperative Engineering Program Spanish Teacher Elmira College7 Manhattan College Bard College23 Adelphi University Manhattan College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Barnard College Barnard College New York University Syracuse University Colgate University Canisius College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Union College College of Saint Rose, The College of Mount Saint Vincent Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Elmira College College of New Rochelle, The Syracuse University Fordham University24 College of Saint Rose, The University of Rochester Geomechanics/Applied Geophysics Hamilton College Daemen College University of Rochester Hartwick College7 Dowling College Civil Hobart and William Smith Colleges Elmira College Clarkson University Imaging Science Houghton College Hartwick College Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Le Moyne College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Cooper Union New York University Hofstra University Cornell University Industrial/Manufacturing Roberts Wesleyan College8 Houghton College Hofstra University Clarkson University Sage Colleges, The25 Iona College Manhattan College Columbia University Sarah Lawrence College Ithaca College21 New York University Hofstra University Skidmore College26 Le Moyne College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. John Fisher College LIU Brooklyn Syracuse University Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens LIU Post4 St. Lawrence University Manhattan College Computer & Systems Materials St. Thomas Aquinas College Manhattanville College Clarkson University Clarkson University Syracuse University Marist College Columbia University Columbia University Yeshiva University Molloy College Cornell University Cornell University Mount Saint Mary College Hofstra University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Nazareth College Manhattan College University of Rochester Engineering Technologies New York University New York Institute of Technology Niagara University (NYIT)/Manhattan Mechanical Aeronautics Tech.-Aircraft Pace University/New York City New York Institute of Technology Clarkson University Manufacturing/Maintenance Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff (NYIT)/Old Westbury Columbia University Dowling College Roberts Wesleyan College4 New York University Cooper Union Vaughn College of Aeronautics and St. Bonaventure University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Cornell University Technology St. John Fisher College22 Rochester Institute of Technology Hofstra University St. John's University/Queens Syracuse University Manhattan College Aeronautics Tech.-Airway Electronics/ St. Joseph’s College4 Union College6 New York Institute of Technology Aviation Maintenance St. Lawrence University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Dowling College St. Thomas Aquinas College Electrical New York University Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Syracuse University Clarkson University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Technology Union College6 Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Vassar College Cooper Union Syracuse University Civil Engineering Technology Wagner College Cornell University Union College6 Columbia University Wells College Hofstra University University of Rochester Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattan College Computer Engineering Technology Engineering New York Institute of Technology Mechatronics (NYIT)/Manhattan Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Aeronautical New York Institute of Technology Technology Clarkson University (NYIT)/Old Westbury New York University Microelectronics Electrical Engineering Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Excelsior College Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester Institute of Technology Excelsior College Syracuse University New York Institute of Technology Aerospace 6 (NYIT)/Manhattan Clarkson University Union College Naval Architecture & Marine University of Rochester Webb Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Rochester Institute of Technology Technology Syracuse University Engineering Physics/Applied Physics Nuclear Clarkson University Excelsior College Columbia University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Manufacturing Engineering Technology Automotive Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Cornell University Fordham University Operations Research/Industrial & Rochester Institute of Technology Bioengineering/Biomedical Hofstra University Management Clarkson University Houghton College Columbia University Columbia University New York University Cornell University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Cornell University Continued on next page. 41

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Marist College Usually 4-year programs. Marymount Manhattan College Nazareth College New York University Pace University/New York City St. Francis College Bachelor’s Degree Programs St. Joseph’s College St. Lawrence University Continued from previous page. Syracuse University Hamilton College European/International Literature Wagner College Hartwick College Columbia University Yeshiva University Mechanical Engineering Technology Hilbert College Le Moyne College Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Nyack College Writing/Creative Writing Rochester Institute of Technology Hofstra University Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Houghton College Syracuse University Bard College Technology Iona College Barnard College Ithaca College Linguistics Canisius College Telecommunications Technology Keuka College Adelphi University Colgate University Columbia University Le Moyne College Barnard College College of Mount Saint Vincent New York Institute of Technology LIU Brooklyn Colgate University Columbia University (NYIT)/Manhattan LIU Post Columbia University Daemen College Manhattan College Cornell University Dowling College English and Letters Manhattanville College Hofstra University D'Youville College Marist College Houghton College Fordham University Classics/Classical Civilizations/Studies Marymount Manhattan College New York University Hamilton College Bard College Medaille College Nyack College Hilbert College Barnard College Mercy College/Bronx Sarah Lawrence College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Canisius College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Syracuse University Hofstra University Colgate University Mercy College/Yorktown University of Rochester Houghton College College of New Rochelle, The Molloy College Ithaca College Columbia University Mount Saint Mary College Literature Keuka College Cornell University Nazareth College Adelphi University Le Moyne College Elmira College New York Institute of Technology Canisius College Manhattanville College Fordham University (NYIT)/Manhattan Columbia University Marist College Hamilton College New York Institute of Technology Daemen College Marymount Manhattan College Hobart and William Smith Colleges (NYIT)/Old Westbury Houghton College Medaille College Hofstra University New York University King's College, The Molloy College Ithaca College Niagara University Le Moyne College Nazareth College New York University Nyack College Marist College New School, The/Mannes College The Sarah Lawrence College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Nazareth College New School for Music Siena College Roberts Wesleyan College New School, The/Eugene Lang College New School, The/Parsons The New School Skidmore College Sage Colleges, The The New School for Liberal Arts for Design St. Bonaventure University Sarah Lawrence College New School, The/Mannes College The New School, The/The New School for Syracuse University Siena College New School for Music Drama Union College Skidmore College New School, The/Parsons The New School New School, The/The New School for University of Rochester St. Bonaventure University for Design Jazz and Contemporary Music St. Francis College New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Comparative Literature St. John Fisher College Drama Public Engagement Barnard College St. John's University/Queens New School, The/The New School for New York University College of New Rochelle, The St. John's University/Staten Island Jazz and Contemporary Music Niagara University Columbia University St. Joseph’s College New School, The/The New School for Nyack College Cornell University St. Lawrence University Public Engagement Pace University/New York City Fordham University St. Thomas Aquinas College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hamilton College Syracuse University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Hobart and William Smith Colleges Touro College Sarah Lawrence College Sage Colleges, The Hofstra University Union College St. John Fisher College Sarah Lawrence College Ithaca College University of Rochester Touro College Siena College Marymount Manhattan College Utica College Yeshiva University St. John Fisher College New York University Vassar College St. Lawrence University Sarah Lawrence College Wagner College Speech/Speech Communications St. Thomas Aquinas College Syracuse University Wells College Studies/Rhetoric Syracuse University University of Rochester Yeshiva University Adelphi University University of Rochester Hofstra University Villa Maria College English English/American Literature Houghton College Wells College Adelphi University Bard College Iona College Yeshiva University Barnard College Barnard College Ithaca College Canisius College College of Mount Saint Vincent LIU Brooklyn Fine and Applied Arts/Dance Cazenovia College Columbia University New York University Colgate University Dowling College Pace University/New York City Elmira College St. John's University/Queens Dance College of Mount Saint Vincent Adelphi University College of New Rochelle, The Excelsior College St. Lawrence University Fordham University Syracuse University Bard College College of Saint Rose, The Barnard College Columbia University Hamilton College Touro College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Yeshiva University Columbia University Concordia College Dowling College Cornell University Hofstra University 27 Manhattan College Speech & Dramatic Arts/Theatre Fei Tian College Daemen College Fordham University Dominican College Manhattanville College Colgate University New York University College of Mount Saint Vincent Hamilton College Dowling College Hobart and William Smith Colleges D'Youville College Nyack College Columbia University Pace University/New York City Cornell University Hofstra University Elmira College Ithaca College Fordham University Sarah Lawrence College Dowling College St. Lawrence University Hamilton College LIU Brooklyn Touro College Hilbert College LIU Post Wells College Ithaca College Manhattanville College Le Moyne College Marymount Manhattan College 42 See page 57 for list of footnotes. Nazareth College

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Engineering Technologies continued Marist College Marymount Manhattan College to Fine and Applied Arts/Fine Arts/ Molloy College Graphic Arts/Crafts Mount Saint Mary College New School, The/Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts28 New School, The/Mannes College The New School for Music New School, The/Parsons The New School New School, The/Eugene Lang College Niagara University New York Institute of Technology for Design The New School for Liberal Arts Nyack College (NYIT)/Old Westbury New School, The/The New School for New School, The/Mannes College The Pace University/New York City Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Jazz and Contemporary Music New School for Music Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/The New School for New School, The/Parsons The New School Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Public Engagement for Design Skidmore College Syracuse University New York University New School, The/The New School for Drama St. Bonaventure University Touro College Niagara University New School, The/The New School for St. Lawrence University Pace University/New York City Jazz and Contemporary Music Syracuse University Electronic Arts Pratt Institute/Brooklyn New School, The/The New School for Touro College LIU Brooklyn Roberts Wesleyan College Public Engagement Union College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Rochester Institute of Technology New York University University of Rochester Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sage Colleges, The Niagara University Vassar College Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Pace University/New York City Wagner College Syracuse University St. Francis College Sage Colleges, The Wells College St. John's University/Queens Sarah Lawrence College Yeshiva University Fashion Design St. Lawrence University Skidmore College Cazenovia College St. Thomas Aquinas College Union College Art Therapy Fordham University Syracuse University University of Rochester College of New Rochelle, The Marist College Union College Wagner College Houghton College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Villa Maria College Wells College LIU Post The New School for Liberal Arts Wagner College Marymount Manhattan College New School, The/Mannes College The Dance/Movement Therapy Sage Colleges, The New School for Music Glass Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Thomas Aquinas College New School, The/Parsons The New School Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattanville College for Design Sage Colleges, The Arts Management New School, The/The New School for Graphic/Applied/Communications Daemen College Jazz and Contemporary Music Design (see also Communications) Dance & Theatre Ithaca College New School, The/The New School for Adelphi University Adelphi University LIU Post Public Engagement Cazenovia College Hamilton College Marymount Manhattan College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn College of Saint Rose, The Ithaca College Wagner College Syracuse University Cooper Union Manhattanville College Villa Maria College Daemen College Skidmore College Ceramics/Ceramic Art Fordham University Union College Dowling College Film (see also Communications) Hartwick College Wells College Hofstra University Barnard College Houghton College Molloy College Colgate University Marymount Manhattan College Fine and Applied Arts/Fine Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Columbia University New School, The/Eugene Lang College Rochester Institute of Technology Dowling College The New School for Liberal Arts Arts/Graphic Arts/Crafts Syracuse University Hofstra University New School, The/Mannes College The Iona College New School for Music Art History Cinematography/Film/Video/Animation Ithaca College New School, The/Parsons The New School Adelphi University Adelphi University Le Moyne College for Design Bard College Bard College LIU Post New School, The/The New School for Barnard College Daemen College Manhattan College Jazz and Contemporary Music Canisius College Dowling College Mount Saint Mary College New School, The/The New School for Cazenovia College Fordham University New York University Public Engagement Colgate University Hamilton College Pace University/New York City New York Institute of Technology College of New Rochelle, The Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff (NYIT)/Manhattan Columbia University LIU Post Pratt Institute/Brooklyn New York Institute of Technology Cornell University New York University Rochester Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Old Westbury Daemen College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Sarah Lawrence College New York University Dowling College Rochester Institute of Technology St. Lawrence University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Fordham University Sarah Lawrence College Syracuse University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hamilton College Syracuse University University of Rochester Roberts Wesleyan College Hartwick College Vassar College Wagner College Rochester Institute of Technology Hobart and William Smith Colleges Villa Maria College Wells College Sage Colleges, The Hofstra University St. John's University/Queens Ithaca College Creative Arts Fine Arts St. Thomas Aquinas College LIU Post LIU Post Adelphi University Syracuse University Manhattan College Sarah Lawrence College Bard College Touro College Manhattanville College Siena College Colgate University Villa Maria College Marist College College of Mount Saint Vincent Wells College Marymount Manhattan College Digital Design (see also College of New Rochelle, The Molloy College Communications) College of Saint Rose, The Illustration/Fashion/Medical Nazareth College Cazenovia College Cooper Union Adelphi University New School, The/Eugene Lang College Hilbert College Cornell University Daemen College The New School for Liberal Arts Houghton College Daemen College New School, The/Parsons The New School New School, The/Mannes College The LIU Post Excelsior College for Design New School for Music Manhattan College Fordham University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn New School, The/Parsons The New School Marymount Manhattan College Hofstra University Rochester Institute of Technology for Design Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Iona College St. John's University/Queens New School, The/The New School for Molloy College Ithaca College Syracuse University Jazz and Contemporary Music New School, The/Parsons The New School Keuka College New School, The/The New School for for Design Le Moyne College Public Engagement New York Institute of Technology LIU Post New York University (NYIT)/Manhattan Manhattanville College Continued on next page. 43

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Columbia University Usually 4-year programs. Concordia College Cornell University Dowling College Elmira College Fordham University Bachelor’s Degree Programs Hamilton College Hartwick College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Continued from previous page. New School, The/Mannes College The University of Rochester Hofstra University New School for Music Vassar College Interior Design Houghton College New School, The/Parsons The New School Wagner College Ithaca College Cazenovia College for Design Wells College New School, The/Parsons The New School Le Moyne College New School, The/The New School for LIU Post for Design Jazz and Contemporary Music Weaving/Textile/Fiber/Surface Pattern New York School of Interior Design Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for Design Manhattan School of Music Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Public Engagement Cornell University Rochester Institute of Technology Manhattanville College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Syracuse University Marist College Sage Colleges, The Sarah Lawrence College Syracuse University Marymount Manhattan College Syracuse University Woodworking/Furniture Design Molloy College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Nazareth College Jewelry Product Design/Industrial Design Rochester Institute of Technology Pratt Institute/Brooklyn New School, The/Mannes College New School, The/Parsons The New School The New School for Music Rochester Institute of Technology for Design Syracuse University Fine and Applied Arts/Music New York University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Nyack College Rochester Institute of Technology Metal Crafts/Metal Smithing Applied Music Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sarah Lawrence College Roberts Wesleyan College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Syracuse University Houghton College Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Brooklyn Sarah Lawrence College Skidmore College Syracuse University Sculpture Roberts Wesleyan College Sarah Lawrence College St. Bonaventure University Adelphi University St. Lawrence University Painting Bard College Villa Maria College Adelphi University Wagner College Syracuse University Daemen College Union College Bard College Molloy College Daemen College Conducting University of Rochester Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Vassar College Fordham University Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/Mannes College Hofstra University The New School for Music Villa Maria College Sarah Lawrence College Wagner College Molloy College Syracuse University Sarah Lawrence College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Yeshiva University Sarah Lawrence College Instrumental Music Studio Arts/Visual Arts Music Composition/Theory Syracuse University Adelphi University Bard College Columbia University Adelphi University Bard College Bard College Photography/Illustration Photography Barnard College Houghton College Adelphi University Ithaca College Columbia University Canisius College Fordham University Bard College Cazenovia College Manhattan School of Music Cazenovia College New School, The/Mannes College Hofstra University Colgate University Houghton College Dowling College College of New Rochelle, The The New School for Music Fordham University New York University Ithaca College College of Saint Rose, The LIU Brooklyn Hofstra University Columbia University Nyack College Ithaca College Roberts Wesleyan College Manhattan School of Music Concordia College Nazareth College LIU Post Daemen College Sarah Lawrence College Marist College Syracuse University New School, The/Eugene Lang College Dominican College The New School for Liberal Arts Marymount Manhattan College Dowling College Molloy College Jazz/Related Contemporary Music New School, The/Mannes College The Elmira College New School for Music New School, The/Eugene Lang College Fordham University Bard College The New School for Liberal Arts Columbia University New School, The/The New School for Hamilton College Drama New School, The/Mannes College The Hartwick College Hofstra University New School for Music Ithaca College New School, The/The New School for Hobart and William Smith Colleges Public Engagement New School, The/Parsons The New School Houghton College LIU Brooklyn for Design Manhattan School of Music New York University Ithaca College Nyack College New School, The/The New School for Keuka College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Jazz and Contemporary Music The New School for Liberal Arts28 Sarah Lawrence College Le Moyne College Syracuse University New School, The/The New School for LIU Brooklyn New School, The/Mannes College The Public Engagement New School for Music Manhattanville College Music Engineering/Technology New York University Marist College New School, The/Parsons The New School Pace University/New York City for Design Manhattanville College Marymount Manhattan College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Molloy College New School, The/The New School for Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Drama New York University Nazareth College Sarah Lawrence College Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/Eugene Lang College The New School, The/The New School for Sage Colleges, The Jazz and Contemporary Music University of Rochester New School for Liberal Arts Villa Maria College Sarah Lawrence College New York University New School, The/The New School for St. John's University/Queens Niagara University Public Engagement Syracuse University New School, The/The New School for Jazz Music History Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Bard College Villa Maria College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn and Contemporary Music Roberts Wesleyan College Dowling College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Fordham University Printmaking Roberts Wesleyan College Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University Syracuse University Hofstra University Rochester Institute of Technology Nazareth College Bard College Sage Colleges, The Villa Maria College Daemen College New School, The/Mannes College Sarah Lawrence College The New School for Music New School, The/Eugene Lang College Skidmore College Music The New School for Liberal Arts Adelphi University Sarah Lawrence College St. Bonaventure University Syracuse University St. Lawrence University Bard College Syracuse University Barnard College Canisius College Music Industry/Business Touro College College of Saint Rose, The Union College Colgate University 44 See page 57 for list of footnotes. College of Saint Rose, The Hofstra University

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Fine and Applied Arts/Fine Arts/ Sarah Lawrence College Graphic Arts/Crafts continued Union College University of Rochester to Foreign Languages Vassar College Classical Languages Bard College Barnard College Columbia University Le Moyne College Hamilton College Hofstra University Fordham University Manhattanville College Hartwick College Ithaca College Hamilton College Nazareth College Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Post Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York University Hofstra University Marymount Manhattan College Hofstra University Nyack College Ithaca College Mount Saint Mary College New York University Sarah Lawrence College Keuka College Nazareth College Sarah Lawrence College Syracuse University Le Moyne College Niagara University St. Bonaventure University Villa Maria College LIU Brooklyn Roberts Wesleyan College Syracuse University LIU Post Syracuse University University of Rochester Music Performance Manhattan College University of Rochester Yeshiva University Adelphi University Manhattanville College Bard College Marymount Manhattan College Theatre History Comparative Languages Canisius College Molloy College Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Columbia University Nazareth College Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Post Fei Tian College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Hofstra University The New School for Liberal Arts Houghton College New School, The/Mannes College The Theatrical Production/Design Arts Foreign Language, Other Ithaca College New School for Music Adelphi University Adelphi University LIU Post New School, The/Parsons The New School Columbia University College of Mount Saint Vincent Manhattan School of Music for Design Fordham University Keuka College Nazareth College New School, The/The New School for Hobart and William Smith Colleges Manhattan College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Jazz and Contemporary Music Hofstra University New York University The New School for Liberal Arts New School, The/The New School for Ithaca College Sarah Lawrence College New School, The/Parsons The New School Drama LIU Post Utica College for Design New School, The/The New School for Marymount Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for Public Engagement Nazareth College French Drama New York University New York University Adelphi University New School, The/The New School for Niagara University Niagara University Bard College Public Engagement Nyack College Pace University/New York City Barnard College New York University Pace University/New York City Sarah Lawrence College Canisius College Nyack College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Syracuse University Colgate University Roberts Wesleyan College Sage Colleges, The Wagner College College of Mount Saint Vincent Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College College of New Rochelle, The Syracuse University Skidmore College Food/Food Service/Nutrition Columbia University St. Bonaventure University Cornell University Music Therapy (Voice/Instrumental) St. John's University/Queens Baking & Pastry Arts Management Daemen College Houghton College St. Lawrence University Culinary Institute of America, The Dowling College Molloy College St. Thomas Aquinas College Elmira College Nazareth College Syracuse University Culinary Arts Management Fordham University Sage Colleges, The Union College Culinary Institute of America, The Hamilton College Sarah Lawrence College Vassar College Paul Smith’s College Hartwick College Wagner College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Sound Recording Technology Wells College Dietetics/Nutrition Hofstra University Ithaca College D'Youville College4 Houghton College New York University Dramatic Writing Ithaca College Iona College Sarah Lawrence College Bard College LIU Post4 Ithaca College Dowling College New York University Le Moyne College Vocal Music Fordham University Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Post Bard College Marymount Manhattan College Sage Colleges, The Manhattan College Houghton College New York University Syracuse University Manhattanville College Ithaca College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Marist College LIU Post Sarah Lawrence College Food/Hospitality Systems/Service Marymount Manhattan College Manhattan School of Music Management (see also Business) Nazareth College New School, The/Mannes College Educational Theatre Niagara University New York University The New School for Music Dowling College Paul Smith’s College Niagara University New York University Hofstra University Rochester Institute of Technology Pace University/New York City Nyack College New York University St. John's University/Queens Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Roberts Wesleyan College Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Siena College Syracuse University Musical Theatre Foreign Languages Skidmore College Ithaca College St. Bonaventure University Manhattanville College American Sign Language Fine and Applied Arts/ Keuka College St. Francis College Marymount Manhattan College St. John Fisher College Performing/Dramatic Arts Mount Saint Mary College Niagara University Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens Nazareth College St. Lawrence University Drama/Theatre/Performing Arts/Acting New School, The/The New School for University of Rochester Adelphi University Syracuse University Public Engagement Union College Bard College Pace University/New York City Chinese Barnard College Bard College University of Rochester Sage Colleges, The Utica College Cazenovia College Sarah Lawrence College Colgate University Colgate University Columbia University Vassar College Syracuse University Wagner College College of Mount Saint Vincent Wagner College Hamilton College Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Wells College Yeshiva University Dowling College Theatre Arts/Stage Management Hofstra University Elmira College Daemen College Nazareth College Fordham University Fordham University New York University Continued on next page. 45

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. St. Francis College Usually 4-year programs. St. John Fisher College St. John's University/Queens St. Joseph’s College St. Lawrence University St. Thomas Aquinas College Bachelor’s Degree Programs Syracuse University Union College University of Rochester Continued from previous page. Pace University/New York City Multi-Language Major Utica College German Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Columbia University Vassar College Adelphi University Sarah Lawrence College Nazareth College Wagner College Bard College Siena College New York University Wells College Barnard College St. John's University/Queens Sarah Lawrence College Canisius College Syracuse University St. Lawrence University Health Professions Colgate University University of Rochester Columbia University Vassar College Polish/Slavic Wagner College Barnard College Bioethics Cornell University University of Rochester Fordham University Wells College Columbia University Hartwick College Communicative Disorders (see also Hobart and William Smith Colleges Japanese Romance Languages Bard College Colgate University Communications) Hofstra University Adelphi University Houghton College Colgate University Columbia University Columbia University Dowling College College of Saint Rose, The Iona College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Ithaca College Hamilton College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York University Nazareth College Nazareth College Syracuse University New York University Manhattan College Niagara University New York University Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College Community Health Siena College Sarah Lawrence College St. Thomas Aquinas College Union College Daemen College Skidmore College Excelsior College St. Lawrence University University of Rochester Russian Vassar College Bard College Hofstra University Syracuse University Houghton College Union College Wells College Colgate University Columbia University Ithaca College University of Rochester Mercy College/Bronx Vassar College Latin Fordham University Bard College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Wagner College New York University Wells College Barnard College Hofstra University Canisius College New York University St. Joseph’s College Colgate University Pace University/New York City Syracuse University Greek University of Rochester Bard College Columbia University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fordham University Sarah Lawrence College Barnard College Cytotechnology Colgate University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Syracuse University Hofstra University Union College College of Saint Rose, The Columbia University LIU Brooklyn Fordham University Le Moyne College University of Rochester Hobart and William Smith Colleges New York University Vassar College Sarah Lawrence College Dental Hygiene/Health New York University New York University Sarah Lawrence College Siena College Spanish/Hispanic Studies St. Bonaventure University Adelphi University Siena College Diagnostic Medical Sonography St. Bonaventure University Syracuse University Bard College Union College Barnard College (Ultrasound) Syracuse University Rochester Institute of Technology Union College University of Rochester Canisius College Vassar College Colgate University University of Rochester Epidemiology Vassar College College of Mount Saint Vincent Luso-Brazilian College of New Rochelle, The University of Rochester New York University College of Saint Rose, The Hebrew Funeral Services Administration Bard College Columbia University Middle Eastern Cornell University St. John's University/Queens Colgate University St. John's University/Staten Island30 Columbia University Bard College Daemen College Hofstra University Columbia University Dowling College Fordham University Elmira College Health/Clinical Sciences New York University 29 Daemen College Yeshiva University University of Rochester Fordham University Hamilton College Excelsior College Hofstra University Italian Modern Foreign Languages Hartwick College Barnard College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Ithaca College Bard College Keuka College Barnard College Canisius College Hofstra University College of Mount Saint Vincent Houghton College Manhattanville College Colgate University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry31 College of Mount Saint Vincent College of New Rochelle, The Iona College Columbia University Ithaca College New York Institute of Technology Columbia University (NYIT)/Manhattan Cornell University Elmira College Le Moyne College Fordham University LIU Post New York Institute of Technology Dowling College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Fordham University Hamilton College Manhattan College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Manhattanville College Pace University/New York City Hofstra University Sage Colleges, The Iona College Le Moyne College Marist College LIU Brooklyn Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Touro College Ithaca College Utica College Le Moyne College Manhattan College Molloy College Marist College Mount Saint Mary College LIU Post Health Care Administration – Manhattan College Nazareth College Nazareth College Pace University/New York City New York University Services/Systems Molloy College Adelphi University Nazareth College Sarah Lawrence College Niagara University St. Bonaventure University Pace University/New York City Concordia College New York University D'Youville College Niagara University St. Lawrence University Roberts Wesleyan College St. Thomas Aquinas College Sarah Lawrence College Excelsior College Syracuse University Siena College Ithaca College LIU Brooklyn4 Union College Skidmore College 4 St. Bonaventure University LIU Post 46 See page 57 for list of footnotes. Manhattan College

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Foreign Languages continued Therapeutic Studies Ithaca College to Interdisciplinary/Individualized Studies Toxicology (see also Biology) St. John's University/Queens Veterinary Technology Medaille College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Medaille College New York University Manhattan College38 Metropolitan College of New York Niagara University Mount Saint Mary College41 Molloy College Nyack College Nazareth College Home and Family Studies New York University3 Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Pace University/New York City Roberts Wesleyan College Roberts Wesleyan College Roberts Wesleyan College Child/Family/Community Studies/ St. Francis College Sage Colleges, The St. Thomas Aquinas College41 Services St. John's University/Queens St. John Fisher College Touro College Hilbert College St. Joseph’s College4 St. Lawrence University35 Utica College38 Houghton College Touro College/New York Medical College Touro College Keuka College Utica College Utica College Physician Assistant Nazareth College Wagner College Wagner College Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Nyack College Sciences St. Joseph’s College Health Promotion and Science Nursing, RN Required for Admission Clarkson University31 Syracuse University Albany College of Pharmacy and Adelphi University Daemen College4 Health Sciences College of New Rochelle, The D'Youville College4 Interdisciplinary/ Canisius College Daemen College36 Houghton College Ithaca College Dominican College Le Moyne College Individualized Studies St. Francis College D'Youville College LIU Brooklyn Syracuse University Elmira College Roberts Wesleyan College American Studies/Culture-Interdisc. Excelsior College36 Rochester Institute of Technology Boricua College Helene Fuld College of Nursing St. Francis College Clarkson University Health Studies - Human Behavior Le Moyne College St. John's University/Queens College of New Rochelle, The Concordia College Maria College Wagner College College of Saint Rose, The Daemen College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry37 Yeshiva University Columbia University Siena College Molloy College Dowling College Utica College Nazareth College Radiological Sciences/Technology Elmira College New York University LIU Post Fordham University Medical Technology/Biomedical Niagara University Manhattan College Hamilton College Sciences/Clinical Laboratory Science Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing St. Francis College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Albany College of Pharmacy and Roberts Wesleyan College36 St. John's University/Queens Ithaca College Health Sciences Sage Colleges, The Trocaire College LIU Post Canisius College St. Francis College New York University College of Saint Rose, The St. John Fisher College36 Respiratory Therapy/Cardio-Respiratory Sage Colleges, The Elmira College St. Joseph’s College36 Science Sarah Lawrence College Hartwick College32 Touro College LIU Brooklyn Siena College Houghton College33 Trocaire College St. John Fisher College Keuka College Utica College Speech-Language Pathology & St. Lawrence University LIU Brooklyn Audiology Syracuse University LIU Post Occupational Therapy Adelphi University Union College Marist College College of Mount Saint Vincent Elmira College University of Rochester Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry34 Dominican College Hofstra University Roberts Wesleyan College D'Youville College4 Iona College Applied Arts & Sciences Rochester Institute of Technology Ithaca College Ithaca College Rochester Institute of Technology St. Francis College Keuka College4 LIU Brooklyn4 St. John's University/Queens LIU Brooklyn4 LIU Post Canadian Studies-Interdisciplinary St. Joseph’s College Nazareth College Marymount Manhattan College St. Lawrence University St. Thomas Aquinas College Pace University/New York City38 Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff38 Molloy College Catholic Studies Nuclear Medicine Technology Touro College Nazareth College Le Moyne College LIU Brooklyn Utica College38 New York University Manhattan College Manhattan College Yeshiva University38 St. John's University/Queens Marist College Molloy College St. John's University/Staten Island Mount Saint Mary College Outdoor Adventure Leadership Syracuse University Nazareth College Nursing Houghton College Touro College Niagara University Adelphi University Ithaca College Yeshiva University St. John Fisher College College of Mount Saint Vincent Nyack College College of New Rochelle, The Sports/Exercise Studies/Athletic Training City/Urban Studies Concordia College Pharmaceutical Sciences Adelphi University Canisius College Daemen College4 Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Canisius College Manhattan College Dominican College Sciences Cazenovia College Metropolitan College of New York D'Youville College4 D'Youville College Daemen College4 Rochester Institute of Technology Elmira College Dominican College Wagner College Excelsior College Pharmacy Dowling College Hartwick College D'Youville College D'Youville College Engineering-Interdisciplinary Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Brooklyn Hofstra University Clarkson University Houghton College Roberts Wesleyan College39 Iona College Excelsior College Keuka College St. John Fisher College Ithaca College University of Rochester Le Moyne College St. John's University/Queens40 LIU Brooklyn4 LIU Brentwood Manhattan College Environmental Science-Interdisciplinary LIU Brooklyn4 Physical Therapy Manhattanville College Adelphi University LIU Post4 Adelphi University41 Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Bard College Molloy College Clarkson University31 Skidmore College Canisius College Mount Saint Mary College Daemen College St. Bonaventure University Clarkson University Nazareth College Houghton College St. Lawrence University Colgate University New York Institute of Technology Ithaca College Syracuse University College of New Rochelle, The (NYIT)/Old Westbury LIU Brooklyn4 Continued on next page. 47

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Continued from previous page. Pace University/New York City Union College Internships/Academic Field Placement Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Rochester Adelphi University Daemen College Sarah Lawrence College Vassar College Bard College Dowling College Skidmore College Wells College Canisius College Elmira College St. Lawrence University Yeshiva University College of Mount Saint Vincent Fordham University Syracuse University College of New Rochelle, The Hamilton College Union College Interdisciplinary/Interdepartmental Columbia University Hartwick College Wagner College Studies Concordia College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Wells College Adelphi University Daemen College Hofstra University Bard College Dowling College Ithaca College Global Studies Barnard College Elmira College Keuka College Adelphi University Cazenovia College Fordham University Manhattan College Bard College Clarkson University Hartwick College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Cazenovia College Colgate University Hilbert College The New School for Liberal Arts Daemen College College of Mount Saint Vincent Hofstra University New School, The/Mannes College The D'Youville College College of New Rochelle, The Houghton College New School for Music LIU Brooklyn College of Saint Rose, The Iona College New School, The/Parsons The New School Manhattan College Columbia University Keuka College for Design Marist College Cornell University Le Moyne College New School, The/The New School for New School, The/Eugene Lang College Daemen College Manhattan College Drama The New School for Liberal Arts Dowling College Marymount Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for New School, The/Mannes College The D'Youville College Medaille College Jazz and Contemporary Music New School for Music Elmira College Mercy College/Bronx Niagara University New School, The/Parsons The New School Fordham University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff for Design Hamilton College Metropolitan College of New York Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New School, The/The New School for Hartwick College Mount Saint Mary College Rochester Institute of Technology Drama Hobart and William Smith Colleges Nazareth College Sage Colleges, The New School, The/The New School for Hofstra University New York University Sarah Lawrence College Jazz and Contemporary Music Houghton College Niagara University Siena College Sarah Lawrence College Ithaca College Nyack College Skidmore College St. Bonaventure University Keuka College Pace University/New York City St. John's University/Queens St. Lawrence University Le Moyne College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. Lawrence University LIU Brooklyn Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Syracuse University Humanities LIU Post Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Union College Adelphi University Manhattan College Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Clarkson University Marymount Manhattan College Sage Colleges, The Wells College Colgate University Medaille College Sarah Lawrence College Dominican College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry St. Francis College First Nations/Indigenous Studies Dowling College Metropolitan College of New York St. John Fisher College Wells College Excelsior College Molloy College St. John's University/Queens Hobart and William Smith Colleges Mount Saint Mary College St. John's University/Staten Island Gay & Lesbian Studies Houghton College New School, The/Eugene Lang College St. Thomas Aquinas College Colgate University King's College, The The New School for Liberal Arts Syracuse University Hobart and William Smith Colleges LIU Brooklyn New School, The/Mannes College The University of Rochester Marymount Manhattan College New York University New School for Music Utica College Pace University/New York City Roberts Wesleyan College New School, The/Parsons The New School Vassar College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Sarah Lawrence College for Design Wagner College Sarah Lawrence College St. Thomas Aquinas College New School, The/The New School for Wells College St. Lawrence University Union College Drama Yeshiva University Syracuse University University of Rochester New School, The/The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music Irish Studies Gender Studies Individualized Studies/Major New School, The/The New School for Bard College Adelphi University Bard College Public Engagement Canisius College Bard College Clarkson University New York Institute of Technology Fordham University Colgate University College of Saint Rose, The (NYIT)/Manhattan Manhattanville College Columbia University Columbia University New York Institute of Technology Molloy College Dominican College Concordia College (NYIT)/Old Westbury New York University LIU Post Cornell University New York University Manhattan College Daemen College Niagara University Islamic Studies Marymount Manhattan College Elmira College Nyack College Houghton College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Fordham University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York University The New School for Liberal Arts Hartwick College Roberts Wesleyan College Niagara University New School, The/Mannes College The Hobart and William Smith Colleges Rochester Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College New School for Music Houghton College Sage Colleges, The St. Bonaventure University New School, The/Parsons The New School Ithaca College Sarah Lawrence College for Design Keuka College Skidmore College Judaic Studies-Interdisciplinary New School, The/The New School for Manhattanville College St. Bonaventure University Bard College Drama Metropolitan College of New York St. Francis College Barnard College New School, The/The New School for New York University St. John Fisher College Colgate University Jazz and Contemporary Music Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens Columbia University New School, The/The New School for Sarah Lawrence College St. Joseph’s College Ithaca College Public Engagement Skidmore College St. Lawrence University Marist College New York University St. Bonaventure University Syracuse University New School, The/Eugene Lang College St. Francis College Touro College The New School for Liberal Arts St. Lawrence University Union College New School, The/Mannes College The Touro College University of Rochester New School for Music 48 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Interdisciplinary/Individualized Nazareth College Studies continued New School, The/Parsons The New School for Design to Mathematics New York University Niagara University Nyack College Pace University/New York City Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Paul Smith’s College New School, The/Parsons The New School New School, The/Eugene Lang College Packaging Science Pratt Institute/Brooklyn for Design The New School for Liberal Arts Rochester Institute of Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Jazz Roberts Wesleyan College Drama and Contemporary Music28 Peace Studies Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/The New School for New School, The/Parsons The New School Colgate University Sage Colleges, The Jazz and Contemporary Music for Design28 Hartwick College Sarah Lawrence College New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Francis College Public Engagement Public Engagement Le Moyne College St. John Fisher College New York University New York University Manhattan College St. John's University/Queens Sarah Lawrence College Pace University/New York City Nazareth College St. John's University/Staten Island Syracuse University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Niagara University St. Lawrence University Touro College Roberts Wesleyan College Siena College St. Thomas Aquinas College Vassar College Sage Colleges, The St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Yeshiva University Sarah Lawrence College Touro College Skidmore College Science/Technology & Society Union College Language and Mind St. John's University/Queens Clarkson University University of Rochester Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. John's University/Staten Island Columbia University Utica College Marymount Manhattan College St. Thomas Aquinas College Cornell University Vassar College New York University Touro College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Wagner College Sage Colleges, The Utica College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wells College Sarah Lawrence College Yeshiva University Latin American Studies/Latino Studies- Medieval/Renaissance Studies Union College Interdisciplinary (see also Area Studies) Bard College Vassar College Victorian Studies Adelphi University Barnard College Bard College Bard College Colgate University Social Sciences-Interdisciplinary Vassar College Canisius College Columbia University Adelphi University Colgate University Fordham University Bard College Violence Studies College of Mount Saint Vincent Hamilton College Canisius College Hilbert College Columbia University Ithaca College Clarkson University Daemen College Le Moyne College Concordia College Women's Studies-Interdisciplinary Fordham University Manhattan College Elmira College Adelphi University Hamilton College New York University Fordham University Barnard College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Pace University/New York City Hobart and William Smith Colleges Colgate University Hofstra University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hofstra University College of Mount Saint Vincent Ithaca College Sarah Lawrence College Metropolitan College of New York College of New Rochelle, The Marist College Siena College Mount Saint Mary College College of Saint Rose, The New York University Syracuse University New York University Columbia University Niagara University University of Rochester Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Daemen College Sarah Lawrence College Vassar College Sage Colleges, The Elmira College Syracuse University Sarah Lawrence College Fordham University Natural Sciences-Interdisciplinary Skidmore College Hartwick College Liberal Arts/Studies Bard College St. Thomas Aquinas College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Adelphi University Daemen College Touro College Ithaca College Boricua College Dowling College Union College Le Moyne College Canisius College Elmira College University of Rochester Manhattan College Cazenovia College Fordham University Vassar College Marist College Clarkson University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Nazareth College College of Mount Saint Vincent Hofstra University Study Abroad Program(s) Roberts Wesleyan College College of New Rochelle, The Houghton College Adelphi University Sage Colleges, The College of New Rochelle, The/School of Iona College Bard College Sarah Lawrence College New Resources/New Rochelle Le Moyne College Barnard College Siena College College of New Rochelle, The/School of New School, The/Eugene Lang College Canisius College St. Francis College New Resources/District Council 37 The New School for Liberal Arts Cazenovia College St. John Fisher College College of New Rochelle, The/School of New School, The/Mannes College The Clarkson University Syracuse University New Resources/Co-op City New School for Music Colgate University Union College College of New Rochelle, The/School of New School, The/Parsons The New School College of New Rochelle, The Vassar College New Resources/John Cardinal O’Connor for Design College of Saint Rose, The Wells College College of New Rochelle, The/School of New School, The/The New School for Columbia University New Resources/Brooklyn Drama Concordia College College of New Rochelle, The/School of New School, The/The New School for Daemen College Mathematics New Resources/Rosa Parks Jazz and Contemporary Music Elmira College Actuarial Science Daemen College New School, The/The New School for Fordham University Le Moyne College Dowling College Public Engagement Hamilton College New York University D'Youville College Pace University/New York City Hartwick College 42 Niagara University Excelsior College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hilbert College Siena College Fordham University Paul Smith’s College Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. John's University/Manhattan Hamilton College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hofstra University St. John's University/Staten Island Hilbert College Roberts Wesleyan College Houghton College St. Thomas Aquinas College Hofstra University Sarah Lawrence College Iona College Touro College Iona College St. Thomas Aquinas College Ithaca College Keuka College Syracuse University Keuka College Applied Mathematics Marist College Touro College Le Moyne College Barnard College Medaille College University of Rochester Manhattan College Canisius College Mercy College/Bronx Wagner College Marist College Clarkson University Mount Saint Mary College Yeshiva University Marymount Manhattan College Mount Saint Mary College Continued on next page. 49

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Continued from previous page. Keuka College St. John Fisher College Syracuse University Le Moyne College St. Lawrence University Union College Colgate University LIU Brooklyn Syracuse University University of Rochester Columbia University LIU Post University of Rochester Utica College Dowling College Manhattan College Vassar College Fordham University Manhattanville College Wagner College Hofstra University Marist College Philosophy/Theology/ Wells College Iona College Marymount Manhattan College Religious Studies Yeshiva University Keuka College Medaille College LIU Post Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry English-Philosophy Philosophy & Religious Studies Marist College Molloy College Houghton College Colgate University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mount Saint Mary College Sarah Lawrence College College of New Rochelle, The Roberts Wesleyan College Nazareth College College of Saint Rose, The Rochester Institute of Technology New York University Philosophy Daemen College Sarah Lawrence College Niagara University Adelphi University Dominican College St. Thomas Aquinas College Nyack College Bard College Elmira College Union College Pace University/New York City Barnard College Fordham University University of Rochester Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Canisius College Hartwick College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Cazenovia College Houghton College Applied Mathematics & Computer Roberts Wesleyan College Colgate University Ithaca College Science Rochester Institute of Technology College of Mount Saint Vincent Manhattanville College Adelphi University Sage Colleges, The College of New Rochelle, The Marist College Barnard College Sarah Lawrence College College of Saint Rose, The Marymount Manhattan College Clarkson University Siena College Columbia University New York University Columbia University Skidmore College Cornell University Pace University/New York City Dowling College St. Bonaventure University Dominican College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fordham University St. Francis College Dowling College Roberts Wesleyan College Hamilton College St. John Fisher College D'Youville College Sarah Lawrence College Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. John's University/Queens Elmira College St. John Fisher College Hofstra University St. John's University/Staten Island Fordham University St. Joseph’s College Ithaca College St. Joseph’s College Hamilton College St. Thomas Aquinas College Le Moyne College St. Lawrence University Hartwick College Syracuse University Manhattan College St. Thomas Aquinas College Hilbert College Wagner College New York University Syracuse University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Union College Hofstra University Religion/Religious Rochester Institute of Technology University of Rochester Houghton College Studies/Theology/Ministry Sarah Lawrence College Utica College Iona College Bard College Skidmore College Vassar College Ithaca College Barnard College St. Thomas Aquinas College Wagner College King's College, The Canisius College Touro College Wells College Le Moyne College Colgate University Wagner College Yeshiva University LIU Brooklyn College of Mount Saint Vincent Wells College LIU Post College of New Rochelle, The Mathematics-Economics/Business Manhattan College College of Saint Rose, The Computational Science Economics Manhattanville College Columbia University Sarah Lawrence College Columbia University Marist College Concordia College Siena College Hofstra University Marymount Manhattan College Cornell University Houghton College Mount Saint Mary College Dominican College Mathematics Ithaca College Nazareth College Dowling College Adelphi University New York University New School, The/Eugene Lang College Fordham University Bard College Sarah Lawrence College The New School for Liberal Arts Hamilton College Barnard College New School, The/Mannes College The Hobart and William Smith Colleges Canisius College Mathematics-Physics New School for Music Hofstra University Clarkson University College of New Rochelle, The New School, The/Parsons The New School Houghton College Colgate University Hofstra University for Design Iona College College of Mount Saint Vincent Houghton College New School, The/The New School for King's College, The College of New Rochelle, The Ithaca College Drama Le Moyne College College of Saint Rose, The LIU Post New School, The/The New School for Manhattan College Columbia University New York University Jazz and Contemporary Music Marist College Concordia College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New School, The/The New School for Marymount Manhattan College Cornell University Sarah Lawrence College Public Engagement Molloy College Daemen College St. Lawrence University New York University Mount Saint Mary College Dominican College Wells College Niagara University Nazareth College Dowling College Nyack College New School, The/Eugene Lang College D'Youville College Statistics Pratt Institute/Brooklyn The New School for Liberal Arts Elmira College Barnard College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New School, The/Mannes College The Fordham University Clarkson University Roberts Wesleyan College New School for Music Hamilton College Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/Parsons The New School Hartwick College Cornell University Sarah Lawrence College for Design Hobart and William Smith Colleges Le Moyne College Siena College New School, The/The New School for Hofstra University New York University Skidmore College Drama Houghton College Niagara University St. Bonaventure University New School, The/The New School for Iona College Pace University/New York City St. Francis College Jazz and Contemporary Music Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. John Fisher College New School, The/The New School for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. John's University/Queens Public Engagement Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Staten Island New York University Sarah Lawrence College St. Lawrence University Niagara University 50 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Mathematics continued Organic/Inorganic Chemistry Bard College to Pre-Professional Studies Clarkson University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sarah Lawrence College Physical Sciences Colgate University Molloy College Nyack College Elmira College Marymount Manhattan College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Pace University/New York City Hamilton College Molloy College Sarah Lawrence College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hartwick College Nazareth College St. John's University/Queens Roberts Wesleyan College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Pace University/New York City St. Thomas Aquinas College Sarah Lawrence College Hofstra University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Wagner College Siena College Houghton College Paul Smith’s College Wells College Skidmore College Iona College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. Bonaventure University Ithaca College Rochester Institute of Technology Physics St. Francis College Le Moyne College Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University St. John Fisher College LIU Brooklyn Skidmore College Bard College St. John's University/Queens LIU Post St. Bonaventure University Barnard College St. John's University/Staten Island Manhattan College St. John's University/Queens Canisius College St. Lawrence University Manhattanville College St. Lawrence University Clarkson University St. Thomas Aquinas College Marist College Syracuse University Colgate University Syracuse University Marymount Manhattan College Union College Columbia University Union College Molloy College University of Rochester Cornell University University of Rochester Mount Saint Mary College Utica College Dowling College Vassar College Nazareth College Vassar College Fordham University New York Institute of Technology Wagner College Hamilton College Religious Music (NYIT)/Manhattan Wells College Hartwick College Nyack College New York Institute of Technology Hobart and William Smith Colleges (NYIT)/Old Westbury Forensic Science (see also Biological Hofstra University Physical Sciences/ New York University Studies) Houghton College Niagara University Daemen College Iona College Chemistry/Physics Pace University/New York City Hilbert College Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hofstra University Le Moyne College Applied Physics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Keuka College LIU Post Clarkson University Roberts Wesleyan College Pace University/New York City Manhattan College Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Roberts Wesleyan College New York University Hofstra University Sage Colleges, The4 Sage Colleges, The Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Houghton College Sarah Lawrence College St. Thomas Aquinas College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Siena College Syracuse University Roberts Wesleyan College Roberts Wesleyan College Skidmore College Rochester Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College St. Bonaventure University Geology/Geological Sciences/ Sarah Lawrence College Utica College St. Francis College Geosciences Siena College St. John Fisher College Colgate University Skidmore College Astronomy/Astronomy & Physics St. John's University/Queens College of Saint Rose, The St. Bonaventure University Barnard College St. Joseph’s College Columbia University St. John Fisher College Colgate University St. Lawrence University Hamilton College St. John's University/Queens Columbia University St. Thomas Aquinas College Hartwick College St. Lawrence University Cornell University Syracuse University Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Thomas Aquinas College Hamilton College Touro College Hofstra University Syracuse University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Union College LIU Post Union College Sarah Lawrence College University of Rochester Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Rochester Union College Utica College Skidmore College Utica College University of Rochester Vassar College St. Lawrence University Vassar College Vassar College Wagner College Union College Wagner College Wells College University of Rochester Wells College Astrophysics/Astrogeophysics Yeshiva University Utica College Yeshiva University Colgate University Columbia University Earth Science/Resources/Natural Science Geophysics Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Columbia University Columbia University Pre-Professional Studies Union College Cornell University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dowling College St. Lawrence University Pre-Architecture Atmospheric Sciences/Meteorology/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Colgate University Oceanography Sarah Lawrence College Imaging Science Fordham University Cornell University Syracuse University Rochester Institute of Technology Hamilton College Hofstra University Vassar College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Mathematics-Physics Ithaca College Chemistry Environmental Science/Studies Fordham University Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University Adelphi University Hofstra University Vassar College Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Bard College Houghton College Sciences Barnard College Ithaca College Pre-Dental Bard College Canisius College Manhattan College Adelphi University Barnard College Clarkson University New York University Canisius College Canisius College Colgate University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Clarkson University Clarkson University College of New Rochelle, The Sarah Lawrence College Colgate University Colgate University Columbia University St. John's University/Queens College of Mount Saint Vincent College of Mount Saint Vincent Dowling College Wells College College of New Rochelle, The College of New Rochelle, The Hamilton College Columbia University College of Saint Rose, The Hartwick College Multiple Science Program D'Youville College Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Fordham University Fordham University Cornell University Houghton College Le Moyne College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Daemen College Iona College LIU Brooklyn Hofstra University Dowling College Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Houghton College D'Youville College Keuka College Sarah Lawrence College Continued on next page. 51

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Pace University/New York City Usually 4-year programs. Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rochester Institute of Technology St. Francis College St. John Fisher College St. Thomas Aquinas College Bachelor’s Degree Programs Utica College Wagner College

Continued from previous page. King's College, The Houghton College Pre-Theologate Le Moyne College Iona College Concordia College Iona College Manhattan College Ithaca College Houghton College Ithaca College Medaille College Keuka College Niagara University Keuka College Mount Saint Mary College Le Moyne College St. John's University/Queens Le Moyne College Nazareth College Manhattan College St. Lawrence University Manhattan College New York University Manhattanville College Wagner College Mount Saint Mary College Niagara University Marist College Nazareth College Pace University/New York City Mount Saint Mary College Pre-Veterinary New York University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Nazareth College Canisius College Niagara University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New York Institute of Technology Clarkson University Pace University/New York City Roberts Wesleyan College (NYIT)/Manhattan Colgate University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rochester Institute of Technology New York Institute of Technology College of New Rochelle, The Roberts Wesleyan College Sage Colleges, The (NYIT)/Old Westbury Concordia College Rochester Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College New York University Daemen College St. Bonaventure University Skidmore College Niagara University D'Youville College St. John Fisher College St. Bonaventure University Pace University/New York City Fordham University St. John's University/Queens St. John Fisher College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hartwick College St. Lawrence University St. John's University/Queens Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hobart and William Smith Colleges Syracuse University St. John's University/Staten Island Roberts Wesleyan College Hofstra University Touro College St. Lawrence University Rochester Institute of Technology Houghton College University of Rochester St. Thomas Aquinas College Sage Colleges, The Iona College Utica College Syracuse University Skidmore College Ithaca College Wagner College Touro College St. Bonaventure University Keuka College University of Rochester St. Francis College Le Moyne College Pre-Engineering Utica College St. John Fisher College Manhattan College Adelphi University Vassar College St. John's University/Queens Medaille College Barnard College Wagner College St. Lawrence University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Canisius College Wells College St. Thomas Aquinas College Mount Saint Mary College Colgate University Yeshiva University Syracuse University Nazareth College Dominican College Touro College Niagara University Fordham University Pre-MBA Union College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Hamilton College Adelphi University University of Rochester Roberts Wesleyan College Hartwick College Canisius College Utica College Rochester Institute of Technology Hobart and William Smith Colleges Clarkson University Vassar College St. John Fisher College Houghton College College of Mount Saint Vincent Wagner College St. Lawrence University Ithaca College Columbia University Wells College Syracuse University Le Moyne College D'Youville College Yeshiva University University of Rochester Roberts Wesleyan College Fordham University Utica College Sage Colleges, The Hamilton College Pre-Optometry Vassar College Skidmore College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Adelphi University Wagner College St. John Fisher College Houghton College Canisius College Wells College St. John's University/Queens Ithaca College Houghton College Yeshiva University St. Lawrence University Keuka College Ithaca College Touro College Le Moyne College Le Moyne College Psychology Utica College Niagara University Niagara University Vassar College Rochester Institute of Technology Pace University/New York City (Behavioral Sciences) Wagner College Sage Colleges, The Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Yeshiva University Skidmore College Roberts Wesleyan College Applied Psychology St. John's University/Queens Rochester Institute of Technology College of Saint Rose, The Pre-Law St. John's University/Staten Island St. John Fisher College Houghton College Adelphi University St. Lawrence University St. John's University/Queens Ithaca College Barnard College Touro College Utica College Marymount Manhattan College Canisius College University of Rochester Wagner College New York University Cazenovia College Wells College Pace University/New York City Clarkson University Pre-Pharmacy Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Colgate University Pre-Medical/Health Albany College of Pharmacy and Roberts Wesleyan College College of Mount Saint Vincent Adelphi University Health Sciences College of New Rochelle, The Bard College Canisius College Behavioral Science College of Saint Rose, The Barnard College D'Youville College Concordia College Columbia University Canisius College Houghton College Mercy College/Bronx Concordia College Clarkson University Keuka College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Daemen College Colgate University Le Moyne College Mercy College/Manhattan Dominican College College of Mount Saint Vincent Niagara University Mercy College/Yorktown D'Youville College College of New Rochelle, The Roberts Wesleyan College Pace University/New York City Elmira College Columbia University Rochester Institute of Technology Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fordham University Concordia College St. Bonaventure University Hamilton College Daemen College St. John Fisher College Cognitive Science Hartwick College Dowling College St. Thomas Aquinas College Clarkson University Hobart and William Smith Colleges D'Youville College Touro College Hartwick College Houghton College Elmira College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Ithaca College Fordham University Pre-Podiatry Houghton College Keuka College Hamilton College College of Mount Saint Vincent Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartwick College Ithaca College Siena College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Le Moyne College Syracuse University Hofstra University Mount Saint Mary College18 University of Rochester 52 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Pre-Professional Studies continued Siena College Skidmore College to Social Sciences St. Francis College St. John Fisher College St. John's University/Queens St. John's University/Staten Island St. Joseph’s College St. Lawrence University Syracuse University Vassar College St. John Fisher College Union College Touro College Wells College St. John's University/Queens University of Rochester Union College St. John's University/Staten Island Vassar College University of Rochester Developmental Psychology St. Joseph’s College Wagner College Utica College Houghton College St. Lawrence University Wells College Vassar College Utica College St. Thomas Aquinas College Wagner College Syracuse University Archaeology Wells College Psychobiology Touro College Columbia University Yeshiva University Houghton College Union College Cornell University Vassar College University of Rochester Hamilton College Environmental Studies (Social Science) Utica College University of Rochester Adelphi University Psychology Vassar College Bard College Adelphi University Wagner College Cross-Cultural Studies Colgate University Bard College Wells College Clarkson University Columbia University Barnard College Yeshiva University Columbia University Daemen College Canisius College Excelsior College Elmira College Cazenovia College Social Sciences Hobart and William Smith Colleges Excelsior College Clarkson University Houghton College Fordham University Colgate University African-American/Africana Studies Nazareth College Hamilton College College of Mount Saint Vincent Adelphi University Nyack College Hobart and William Smith Colleges College of New Rochelle, The Barnard College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Hofstra University College of Saint Rose, The Colgate University Sarah Lawrence College Iona College Columbia University Columbia University Siena College Ithaca College Concordia College Fordham University St. Francis College Marist College Cornell University Hamilton College New York University Daemen College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Economics Niagara University Dominican College Hofstra University Adelphi University Pace University/New York City Dowling College Ithaca College Bard College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff D'Youville College New York University Barnard College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Elmira College Niagara University Canisius College Sage Colleges, The Excelsior College Sarah Lawrence College Cazenovia College Sarah Lawrence College Fordham University St. Lawrence University Colgate University Skidmore College Hamilton College Syracuse University College of Mount Saint Vincent St. John's University/Queens Hartwick College Union College College of New Rochelle, The St. Lawrence University Hilbert College University of Rochester College of Saint Rose, The Wagner College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Vassar College Columbia University Wells College Hofstra University Cornell University Houghton College Anthropology Dominican College Ethnic Studies Iona College Adelphi University Dowling College Columbia University Ithaca College Bard College Elmira College Dominican College Keuka College Barnard College Fordham University Hartwick College Le Moyne College Canisius College Hamilton College Houghton College LIU Brooklyn Colgate University Hartwick College New School, The/Eugene Lang College LIU Post Columbia University Hobart and William Smith Colleges The New School for Liberal Arts Manhattan College Cornell University Hofstra University New School, The/Mannes College The Manhattanville College Dowling College Houghton College New School for Music Maria College Fordham University Iona College New School, The/Parsons The New School Marist College Hamilton College Ithaca College for Design Marymount Manhattan College Hartwick College King's College, The New School, The/The New School for Medaille College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Le Moyne College Drama Mercy College/Bronx Hofstra University LIU Brooklyn New School, The/The New School for Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Ithaca College LIU Post Jazz and Contemporary Music Mercy College/Yorktown Le Moyne College Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for Molloy College LIU Brooklyn Manhattanville College Public Engagement Mount Saint Mary College Manhattan College Marist College Sarah Lawrence College Nazareth College Marist College Marymount Manhattan College New School, The/Parsons The New School Nazareth College Nazareth College Geography for Design New School, The/Eugene Lang College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Colgate University New School, The/The New School for The New School for Liberal Arts The New School for Liberal Arts Hofstra University Drama New School, The/Mannes College The New School, The/Mannes College The LIU Post New York Institute of Technology New School for Music New School for Music Sarah Lawrence College (NYIT)/Old Westbury New School, The/Parsons The New School New School, The/Parsons The New School Syracuse University New York University for Design for Design Vassar College Niagara University New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Nyack College Drama Drama Gerontology Pace University/New York City New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Dowling College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Jazz and Contemporary Music Jazz and Contemporary Music Excelsior College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute New School, The/The New School for New School, The/The New School for Ithaca College Roberts Wesleyan College Public Engagement Public Engagement Mercy College/Bronx Rochester Institute of Technology New York University New York University Nazareth College Sage Colleges, The Sarah Lawrence College Niagara University Niagara University Sarah Lawrence College Skidmore College Pace University/New York City Utica College Siena College St. John Fisher College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Skidmore College St. John's University/Queens Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. Bonaventure University St. Lawrence University Rochester Institute of Technology St. Francis College Sarah Lawrence College Syracuse University Continued on next page. 53

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 4-year programs. Bachelor’s Degree Programs

Continued from previous page. Niagara University Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/The New School for Nyack College Sage Colleges, The Drama Government Pace University/New York City Sarah Lawrence College New School, The/The New School for Bard College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Skidmore College Jazz and Contemporary Music Cornell University Roberts Wesleyan College St. Bonaventure University New School, The/The New School for Daemen College Sage Colleges, The St. John Fisher College Public Engagement Dowling College Sarah Lawrence College St. Lawrence University New York Institute of Technology Hamilton College Siena College Syracuse University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Houghton College Skidmore College University of Rochester New York University Manhattan College St. Bonaventure University Utica College43 Niagara University Sage Colleges, The St. Francis College Vassar College Nyack College Skidmore College St. John Fisher College Wagner College Pace University/New York City St. John's University/Queens St. John's University/Queens Wells College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff St. John's University/Staten Island St. John's University/Staten Island Rochester Institute of Technology St. Lawrence University St. Joseph’s College Native American Studies Sage Colleges, The Utica College St. Lawrence University Colgate University Sarah Lawrence College Wagner College St. Thomas Aquinas College Ithaca College Siena College Syracuse University St. Lawrence University St. Bonaventure University History Touro College Syracuse University St. Francis College Adelphi University Union College St. John Fisher College Bard College University of Rochester Peace Studies St. Joseph’s College Barnard College Utica College Adelphi University St. Lawrence University Canisius College Vassar College Colgate University Syracuse University Cazenovia College Wagner College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Touro College Clarkson University Wells College Le Moyne College Union College Colgate University Yeshiva University Manhattan College University of Rochester College of Mount Saint Vincent Nazareth College Utica College College of New Rochelle, The Human Relations Niagara University Vassar College College of Saint Rose, The Pace University/New York City St. Lawrence University Wagner College Columbia University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Wells College Concordia College St. Joseph’s College Political Economy Yeshiva University Cornell University Fordham University Daemen College International/Comparative Political Marymount Manhattan College Social Sciences/Studies Dominican College Science Sarah Lawrence College Adelphi University44 Dowling College Barnard College Bard College D'Youville College Columbia University Political Science/Philosophy Cazenovia College Elmira College Fordham University Adelphi University Clarkson University Fordham University Hilbert College Bard College College of New Rochelle, The Hamilton College Houghton College Barnard College Concordia College Hartwick College Ithaca College Canisius College Daemen College Hilbert College New York University Clarkson University Dominican College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Sarah Lawrence College Colgate University Dowling College Hofstra University Wells College College of Mount Saint Vincent Elmira College Houghton College College of New Rochelle, The Excelsior College Iona College International Economics College of Saint Rose, The Fordham University Ithaca College Houghton College Columbia University Ithaca College Keuka College Sarah Lawrence College Daemen College LIU Brooklyn Le Moyne College St. Lawrence University Dowling College Manhattan College LIU Brooklyn Elmira College Mount Saint Mary College LIU Post International Relations/Studies Fordham University Nazareth College Manhattan College Adelphi University Hartwick College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Manhattanville College Canisius College Hilbert College The New School for Liberal Arts Marist College Cazenovia College Hobart and William Smith Colleges New School, The/The New School for Marymount Manhattan College Colgate University Hofstra University Public Engagement Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry College of Mount Saint Vincent Houghton College New York University3 Mercy College/Yorktown College of New Rochelle, The Iona College Niagara University Molloy College Columbia University Ithaca College Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Mount Saint Mary College Dowling College Keuka College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Nazareth College Elmira College King's College, The Roberts Wesleyan College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Excelsior College Le Moyne College St. Francis College The New School for Liberal Arts Fordham University LIU Brooklyn St. John's University/Queens New School, The/Mannes College The Hamilton College LIU Post4 St. John's University/Staten Island New School for Music Hilbert College Manhattan College St. Thomas Aquinas College New School, The/Parsons The New School Hobart and William Smith Colleges Manhattanville College Touro College for Design Houghton College Marist College Union College New School, The/The New School for Iona College Marymount Manhattan College Drama Le Moyne College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Sociology New School, The/The New School for Manhattan College Molloy College Adelphi University Jazz and Contemporary Music Manhattanville College Mount Saint Mary College Bard College New School, The/The New School for Marist College Nazareth College Barnard College Public Engagement Marymount Manhattan College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Canisius College New York University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry The New School for Liberal Arts Cazenovia College Mercy College/Manhattan New School, The/Mannes College The Clarkson University Nazareth College New School for Music Colgate University New York University New School, The/Parsons The New School College of Mount Saint Vincent Niagara University for Design College of New Rochelle, The 54 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Social Sciences continued Marymount Manhattan College Nazareth College to Social Services and Public Affairs St. Bonaventure University Wells College Public Administration Adelphi University45 Canisius College LIU Post4 College of Saint Rose, The Touro College Dominican College Marist College Columbia University Utica College Dowling College New York University3 Concordia College Vassar College Elmira College St. John's University/Queens Cornell University Wagner College Excelsior College Syracuse University Dowling College Wells College Hilbert College Wagner College D'Youville College Hofstra University Excelsior College Urban/Metropolitan Affairs/Studies Iona College Public Affairs/Public Policy Studies Fordham University Bard College Keuka College Elmira College Hamilton College Barnard College Le Moyne College Hamilton College Hartwick College Canisius College LIU Brentwood 4 Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hilbert College Columbia University LIU Post Le Moyne College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Fordham University Manhattan College Marist College Hofstra University Hobart and William Smith Colleges Marist College Rochester Institute of Technology Houghton College Houghton College Marymount Manhattan College Sage Colleges, The Iona College Le Moyne College Medaille College St. Francis College Ithaca College Manhattan College Mercy College/Bronx Syracuse University Keuka College Metropolitan College of New York Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Wagner College Le Moyne College New School, The/Eugene Lang College Mercy College/Manhattan LIU Post The New School for Liberal Arts Mercy College/Yorktown Recreation/Leisure Services/Studies Manhattan College New School, The/The New School for Molloy College Houghton College Marymount Manhattan College Public Engagement Mount Saint Mary College Ithaca College Mercy College/Bronx New York University New York Institute of Technology Paul Smith’s College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Rochester Institute of Technology (NYIT)/Old Westbury St. Joseph’s College Mercy College/Yorktown Vassar College Niagara University St. Lawrence University Molloy College Nyack College St. Thomas Aquinas College Mount Saint Mary College Women's Studies Pace University/New York City Nazareth College Adelphi University Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Rehabilitative Services New School, The/Eugene Lang College Barnard College Roberts Wesleyan College Hilbert College The New School for Liberal Arts Canisius College Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/Mannes College The Colgate University Sage Colleges, The Social Work/Welfare New School for Music College of New Rochelle, The Siena College Adelphi University New School, The/Parsons The New School College of Saint Rose, The St. Bonaventure University College of Mount Saint Vincent for Design Columbia University St. Francis College College of New Rochelle, The New School, The/The New School for Elmira College St. John Fisher College College of Saint Rose, The Drama Fordham University St. John's University/Queens Concordia College New School, The/The New School for Hamilton College St. John's University/Staten Island Daemen College Jazz and Contemporary Music Hobart and William Smith Colleges St. Joseph’s College Dominican College New School, The/The New School for Hofstra University St. Thomas Aquinas College Fordham University Public Engagement Ithaca College Utica College Iona College New York Institute of Technology Le Moyne College Wagner College Ithaca College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Manhattan College Wells College Keuka College New York University Nazareth College LIU Brooklyn Niagara University Pace University/New York City Criminal Justice/Economic Crime LIU Post Nyack College Sage Colleges, The Investigation Marist College Sage Colleges, The Sarah Lawrence College Hilbert College Marymount Manhattan College Sarah Lawrence College St. Bonaventure University Niagara University Mercy College/Bronx Siena College St. John Fisher College Roberts Wesleyan College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Skidmore College Syracuse University Utica College Molloy College St. Bonaventure University Union College Mount Saint Mary College46 St. Francis College University of Rochester Health Policy Planning/Administration Nazareth College St. John Fisher College Vassar College Ithaca College New York University St. John's University/Queens Wells College Medaille College 3 Niagara University St. John's University/Staten Island New York University Nyack College St. Joseph’s College Social Services and St. John's University/Queens Roberts Wesleyan College St. Lawrence University University of Rochester Siena College St. Thomas Aquinas College Public Affairs Skidmore College Syracuse University Human Services St. Bonaventure University Touro College Child & Youth Services/Community Adelphi University Syracuse University Union College Development Boricua College Wagner College Vassar College Cazenovia College Cazenovia College Yeshiva University4 Wagner College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Elmira College Wells College Touro College Excelsior College Therapeutic Recreation Yeshiva University Hilbert College Ithaca College Counseling Le Moyne College St. Joseph’s College Sociology & Anthropology Cazenovia College Metropolitan College of New York St. Thomas Aquinas College Colgate University College of Saint Rose, The Mount Saint Mary College Utica College Columbia University Ithaca College St. John's University/Queens Dowling College Mount Saint Mary College10 Touro College Elmira College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Criminal Justice/Criminology/ Paralegal Studies (see also Business) Le Moyne College Law Enforcement Marist College LIU Brooklyn Adelphi University Manhattan College Canisius College Peace & Justice Studies Pace University/New York City Cazenovia College Colgate University Rochester Institute of Technology College of Mount Saint Vincent Hartwick College Sarah Lawrence College College of Saint Rose, The Iona College 55

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Majors, minors, major areas of concentration. Usually 2-year programs. Associate Degree Programs Banking/Finance Communication Technologies Engineering Technologies Touro College Communication Arts/Design Aeronautical Engineering Technology Business/Commerce, General New York Institute of Technology Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Cazenovia College (NYIT)/Manhattan Technology Elmira College New York Institute of Technology Excelsior College (NYIT)/Old Westbury Airframe & Power Plant Technology Hilbert College Pratt Institute/Manhattan Vaughn College of Aeronautics and LIU Brooklyn Technology Medaille College Printing/Graphic Communications Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pratt Institute/Manhattan Building/Construction Technology Metropolitan College of New York Rochester Institute of Technology Bramson ORT College New York University3 Institute of Design and Construction Niagara University Telecommunications Paul Smith’s College St. John's University/Queens Computer/Electronic Technology Rochester Institute of Technology47 Bramson ORT College Touro College Television & Film Excelsior College St. John's University/Queens Rochester Institute of Technology47 Business/Small Business St. John's University/Staten Island Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Administration/Management Technology Bramson ORT College Computer/Data Processing Agriculture/Animals/ College of Mount Saint Vincent Computerized Design & Animated Environmental Technologies Excelsior College Technologies/Mathematics Graphics Maria College Bramson ORT College Mercy College/Bronx Computer Network Support Technology Pratt Institute/Manhattan Aboriculture/Landscape Management Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Bramson ORT College Paul Smith’s College Touro College Mercy College/Manhattan Mercy College/Bronx Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Metropolitan College of New York Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Technology Forestry, Pre-Professional/ Technician New York Institute of Technology Pace University/New York City Paul Smith’s College (NYIT)/Manhattan Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Electrical Technology New York Institute of Technology Touro College Excelsior College Surveying Technology (NYIT)/Old Westbury Trocaire College Paul Smith’s College Vaughn College of Aeronautics and New York University Technology Nyack College Computer Systems/Programming Architectural Technologies St. Francis College Bramson ORT College Mechanical Technology St. John's University/Queens New York University Excelsior College Architectural Technology/Building St. John's University/Staten Island St. John's University/Queens Rochester Institute of Technology47 Design St. Thomas Aquinas College48 Touro College Institute of Design and Construction Touro College Pre-Engineering New York Institute of Technology Trocaire College Data Processing/Computer Applications Sage Colleges, The (NYIT)/Manhattan Villa Maria College Bramson ORT College Sarah Lawrence College New York Institute of Technology Excelsior College Vaughn College of Aeronautics and (NYIT)/Old Westbury Hotel/Restaurant/Resort Management St. John's University/Queens Technology Pratt Institute/Manhattan Bramson ORT College Touro College Paul Smith’s College Telecommunications Technology Biology/Physical Trocaire College Management Information Systems New York Institute of Technology Touro College (NYIT)/Manhattan Sciences/Chemistry/Physics Marketing/Fashion Marketing New York Institute of Technology New School, The/Parsons The New School Culinary Arts (NYIT)/Old Westbury Natural/Physical Sciences for Design LIU Brooklyn Touro College Roberts Wesleyan College Baker/Pastry Chef Training Fine and Applied Arts Culinary Institute of America, The Music Business Paul Smith’s College Villa Maria College Advertising Design/Commercial Business and Management Illustration Technologies Chef Training/Culinary Arts Pratt Institute/Manhattan Paralegal/Legal Assistant Studies Culinary Institute of America, The (see also Social Services) Accounting Paul Smith’s College Fashion Design Bramson ORT College Maria College St. John's University/Queens New School, The/Parsons The New School Hilbert College Distance Learning for Design Mercy College/Bronx St. John's University/Staten Island Touro College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Distance Learning Associate-level Fine Arts New York Institute of Technology courses/programs Villa Maria College (NYIT)/Manhattan Sales Management Bramson ORT College Excelsior College New York Institute of Technology Mercy College/Bronx Graphic Design/Illustration (see also (NYIT)/Old Westbury Communications) 47 Secretarial Sciences/Executive/ Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Rochester Institute of Technology Mercy College/Manhattan Bramson ORT College Touro College Administrative Assistant Bramson ORT College Mercy College/Yorktown Nazareth College Rochester Institute of Technology New School, The/Parsons The New School Word Processing Specialist St. John's University/Queens for Design Bramson ORT College St. John's University/Staten Island Pratt Institute/Manhattan Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Rochester Institute of Technology Technology Touro College Villa Maria College

56 See page 57 for list of footnotes.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Agriculture/Animals/Environmental Technologies to Social Services and Public Affairs Footnotes Interior Design Pharmacy Technician Religious Studies 1. 5-year program. New School, The/Parsons The New School Bramson ORT College 2. 3+4 cooperative program with Washington for Design Pre-Deaconess University in St. Louis. New York School of Interior Design Physical Therapist Assistant/ Concordia College 3. Offered through School of Continuing and Villa Maria College Pre-Physical Therapy Professional Studies. Villa Maria College Religious Studies/Ministry 4. Dual bachelor’s/master’s degree program(s). Music Houghton College 5. 2+2 program with Erie Community College. Nyack College Respiratory Care/Inhalation Therapy Nyack College 6. With Union Graduate College. Villa Maria College Molloy College 7. With Clarkson University. Photography Surgical Technology Social Sciences 8. With Clarkson University and Rochester Institute Villa Maria College Trocaire College of Technology. Social Sciences, General 9. With Sage Graduate School. 51 Studio Arts/Painting/Sculpture Veterinary Technology Marymount Manhattan College 10. 3+2 program with Pace University. Pratt Institute/Manhattan Medaille College 11. With Albany Law School. Villa Maria College Social Services and Public 12. With Fordham University's School of Law. Interdisciplinary/ Affairs 13. With Albany Law School or Suffolk University. Woodworking & Furniture Design Individualized Studies 14. With St. John's University School of Law. Rochester Institute of Technology Criminal Justice 15. Six-year BA/BS - JD articulation between Lander Cazenovia College Colleges and Touro Law Center. General Studies/General Education 16. With Albany Medical College. Health Professions and College of Mount Saint Vincent Hilbert College Related Technologies Maria College St. Francis College 17. With Touro College. Medaille College St. John's University/Queens 18. 3+4 program with New York College of Dental Assisting/Hygiene New York University3 St. John's University/Staten Island Podiatric Medicine. New York University3 Nyack College 19. Fully online RN to BS in Nursing. Trocaire College Family & Community/Human Services 20. Childhood Education 1-6. Funeral Services Administration Villa Maria College Metropolitan College of New York 21. MAT Program also offered. American Academy McAllister Institute Touro College 22. Inclusive Childhood Education. of Funeral Service Hebrew Language, Literature, Culture 23. With Columbia and Washington Universities Yeshiva University Human Services and Dartmouth College. Health Institution Management/ Cazenovia College 24. With Columbia University and Case Western Elmira College Administration (see also Business) Humanities Reserve University. 3 Excelsior College New York University LIU Brooklyn 25. With Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. 48 Hilbert College St. Thomas Aquinas College 26. With Clarkson University and Dartmouth College. Massage Therapy Villa Maria College Metropolitan College of New York Touro College 27. Classical Chinese Dance. Trocaire College 28. Dual BA/BFA program. Individualized Studies 29. Arabic (minor). Medical Assistant Rochester Institute of Technology Paralegal Studies (see also Business) Bramson ORT College Touro College Bramson ORT College 30. Offered in cooperation with the American Trocaire College Daemen College Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Service. Liberal Arts/Sciences/Studies Hilbert College 31. Pre-health related profession. Medical Record Technology Adelphi University3 Marist College 32. With the Rochester General Hospital School Trocaire College Bard College of Medical Technology. Boricua College 33. Pending with Rochester General Hospital and Nuclear Medical/Radiological Cazenovia College Robert Packer Hospital. Technology Concordia College 34. With New York Methodist Hospital or Danbury Molloy College Dominican College Hospital School of Medical Technology. Trocaire College Elmira College 35. Cooperative program with NYU College of Nursing. Excelsior College 36. RN-BS program. Nursing Hilbert College 37. RN-BS-MS program. Belanger School of Nursing, The Houghton College 38. Professional degrees (for example, physical therapy) 49 Cochran School of Nursing LIU Post are often completed at the graduate level. Most Excelsior College Maria College undergraduate programs are affiliated with a Finger Lakes Health College of Nursing Medaille College graduate program. Contact the colleges. Helene Fuld College of Nursing Molloy College Maria College New York University 39. 3+4 with SUNY University at Buffalo. Memorial School of Nursing Niagara University 40. 6-year Pharm.D. program. Montefiore School of Nursing Nyack College 41. With New York Medical College. Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing Pace University/New York City 42. With Arcadia University. Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff 43. With Syracuse University. St. Elizabeth College of Nursing Rochester Institute of Technology 44. Offered through University College to students St. Francis College St. Francis College over age 21. St. Joseph's College of Nursing at St. John's University/Queens 45. Emergency Services Administration. St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center50 St. John's University/Staten Island 46. 3+2 program with Fordham University. Touro College Syracuse University 47. For deaf/hard of hearing students only. Trocaire College Touro College 48. Offered exclusively at the U.S. Military Academy Trocaire College at West Point and at Stewart Army sub-post for Occupational Therapy Assistant eligible students. Maria College Social Sciences-Interdisciplinary 49. Preparation for RN licensure. Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry College of Mount Saint Vincent 48 50. RN-BS with Le Moyne College. Touro College St. Thomas Aquinas College 51. Available at Bedford Hills Prison only. Touro College 52. Nursing, Communication Disorders, OT, PT, PA and DPT. 57

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Academic Programs Master’s, Doctorates, Advanced Certificates, Professional Licensure Degrees Graduate Degree Programs

New York University St. John Fisher College Distance Learning Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. John's University/Manhattan Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens Adelphi University Rockefeller University, The St. John's University/Staten Island Albany Medical College St. John's University/Queens St. Joseph's College Canisius College Syracuse University St. Thomas Aquinas College Clarkson University Teachers College, Columbia University Syracuse University Dominican College Touro College Touro College D'Youville College Touro College/New York Medical College Union Graduate College Excelsior College Union Graduate College University of Rochester Hofstra University University of Rochester Utica College Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center Watson School of Biological Sciences at Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Medaille College Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Technology Mercy College/Bronx Yeshiva University Wagner College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Mercy College/Manhattan Business and Management Communications Mercy College/Yorktown Metropolitan College of New York Adelphi University Canisius College Mount Saint Mary College Canisius College College of New Rochelle, The New School, The/Parsons The New School Clarkson University College of Saint Rose, The for Design College of Mount Saint Vincent Columbia University New School, The/The New School for Agriculture/Animals/ College of Saint Rose, The Hofstra University Public Engagement Environmental Technologies Columbia University Iona College New York Institute of Technology Concordia College Ithaca College (NYIT)/Manhattan Columbia University Daemen College Manhattanville College New York Institute of Technology New York Institute of Technology Dominican College Marist College (NYIT)/Old Westbury (NYIT)/Manhattan Dowling College New School, The/The New School for New York University D'Youville College Public Engagement Nyack College Elmira College New York Institute of Technology NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering Architecture/Environmental Excelsior College (NYIT)/Manhattan Pace University/Lubin Graduate Center Design Fordham University New York Institute of Technology Pace University/New York City Fordham University/Westchester (NYIT)/Old Westbury Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Columbia University Hofstra University New York University Rochester Institute of Technology Cooper Union Iona College Pace University/New York City Sage Colleges, The New School, The/Parsons The New School Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center Pratt Institute/Brooklyn St. John Fisher College for Design Ithaca College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute St. John's University/Manhattan New York Institute of Technology Keuka College Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens (NYIT)/Old Westbury Le Moyne College St. Bonaventure University St. John's University/Staten Island New York University LIU Brooklyn St. John's University/Queens St. Joseph’s College Pratt Institute/Brooklyn LIU Hudson at Rockland Syracuse University St. Thomas Aquinas College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute LIU Hudson at Westchester Teachers College, Columbia University Syracuse University Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Post Teachers College, Columbia University Syracuse University Manhattan College Computer and Information Touro College Manhattanville College Touro College/New York Medical College Area Studies Marist College Sciences Union Graduate College Medaille College Utica College Boricua College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Clarkson University Columbia University Metropolitan College of New York College of Saint Rose, The Education New York University Molloy College Columbia University St. John's University/Queens Mount Saint Mary College Fordham University Adelphi University Syracuse University Nazareth College Hofstra University Bank Street College of Education Touro College New School, The/Parsons The New School Iona College Bard College Yeshiva University for Design Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center Canisius College New School, The/The New School for LIU Brentwood Colgate University Biological Studies Public Engagement LIU Post College of Mount Saint Vincent New York Institute of Technology Marist College College of New Rochelle, The Adelphi University (NYIT)/Manhattan Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry College of Saint Rose, The Albany College of Pharmacy and Health New York Institute of Technology New York Institute of Technology Columbia University Sciences (NYIT) /Old Westbury (NYIT)/Manhattan Concordia College Albany Medical College New York University New York Institute of Technology Daemen College American Museum of Natural Niagara University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Dominican College History/Richard Gilder Graduate School Nyack College New York University Dowling College Clarkson University NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering D'Youville College Columbia University Pace University/Lubin Graduate Center Pace University/Lubin Graduate Center Elmira College Cornell University/Weill Cornell Graduate Pace University/New York City Pace University/New York City Fordham University School of Medical Sciences Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fordham University/Westchester Dowling College Pratt Institute/Manhattan Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hobart and William Smith Colleges Fordham University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rochester Institute of Technology Hofstra University Hofstra University Roberts Wesleyan College Syracuse University Iona College LIU Brooklyn Rochester Institute of Technology Teachers College, Columbia University Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center LIU Post Sage Colleges, The Touro College Ithaca College St. Bonaventure University Union Graduate College Keuka College University of Rochester Le Moyne College Utica College LIU Brentwood 58 Yeshiva University LIU Brooklyn

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Agriculture/Animals/Environmental Technologies to Library Sciences

LIU Hudson at Rockland English and Letters Fine and Applied Arts/ Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff LIU Hudson at Westchester Roberts Wesleyan College 4 Performing/Dramatic Arts LIU Post Adelphi University Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Riverhead Bard College Sage Colleges, The Manhattan College College of Saint Rose, The Sarah Lawrence College College of Saint Rose, The Columbia University Manhattanville College Columbia University St. John Fisher College Marist College New School, The/The New School St. John's University/Queens Fordham University for Drama Medaille College Hofstra University St. Joseph’s College 4 New York University Mercy College/Bronx Iona College Syracuse University 4 Pace University/New York City Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center Teachers College, Columbia University 4 Sarah Lawrence College Mercy College/Manhattan LIU Brooklyn Touro College 4 Syracuse University Mercy College/Yorktown LIU Post Touro College/New York Medical College Metropolitan College of New York Manhattanville College Union Graduate College Molloy College Mercy College/Yorktown Food/Food Service/Nutrition University of Rochester Mount Saint Mary College New School, The/The New School for Utica College Nazareth College Public Engagement Canisius College Wagner College New School, The/The New School for New York University D'Youville College Yeshiva University Public Engagement Sarah Lawrence College LIU Post New York Institute of Technology St. Bonaventure University New York Institute of Technology Home and Family Studies (NYIT)/Manhattan St. John's University/Queens (NYIT)/Manhattan New York Institute of Technology Syracuse University New York Institute of Technology Hofstra University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Teachers College, Columbia University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Syracuse University New York University Union Graduate College Syracuse University Niagara University University of Rochester Interdisciplinary/ Nyack College Yeshiva University Foreign Languages Pace University/New York City Individualized Studies Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Fine and Applied Arts/Dance Columbia University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Campus Hofstra University Adelphi University Roberts Wesleyan College Iona College Bard College Rochester Institute of Technology New York University Clarkson University Pratt Institute/Brooklyn Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center Sage Colleges, The LIU Post Columbia University Sarah Lawrence College New York University Daemen College St. Bonaventure University Fine and Applied Arts/Fine Excelsior College 4 St. John's University/Queens St. John Fisher College Arts/Graphic Arts/Crafts Syracuse University Fordham University St. John's University/Queens Teachers College, Columbia University LIU Post St. John's University/Staten Island Metropolitan College of New York 4 Adelphi University Union Graduate College St. Joseph's College Bard College University of Rochester New School, The/Parsons The New School St. Lawrence University College of New Rochelle, The Yeshiva University for Design St. Thomas Aquinas College Columbia University New York University Syracuse University Daemen College Health Professions Niagara University Teachers College, Columbia University LIU Brooklyn Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Touro College Rochester Institute of Technology LIU Post Adelphi University Union Graduate College Nazareth College Sarah Lawrence College University of Rochester Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Skidmore College New School, The/Parsons The New School Sciences Utica College for Design St. John's University/Queens Wagner College Clarkson University Syracuse University New York Institute of Technology College of Mount Saint Vincent Yeshiva University (NYIT)/Old Westbury Teachers College, Columbia University College of New Rochelle, The University of Rochester New York School of Interior Design Columbia University Engineering New York University Cornell University/Weill Cornell Medical Pratt Institute/Brooklyn College Library Science Clarkson University Pratt Institute/Manhattan Daemen College Columbia University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dominican College LIU Brentwood Cooper Union Rochester Institute of Technology D'Youville College LIU Hudson at Westchester Manhattan College Syracuse University Excelsior College LIU Post New York Institute of Technology Touro College Hofstra University Marist College (NYIT)/Manhattan Iona College/Rockland Graduate Center New York University New York Institute of Technology Fine and Applied Arts/Music Keuka College Pratt Institute/Manhattan (NYIT)/Old Westbury Le Moyne College St. John's University/Queens New York University Bard College LIU Brentwood Syracuse University NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering College of Saint Rose, The LIU Brooklyn4 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Columbia University LIU Post Rochester Institute of Technology Houghton College Marist College Syracuse University Ithaca College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry52 Union Graduate College LIU Post Molloy College University of Rochester Manhattan School of Music Mount Saint Mary College Molloy College Nazareth College Nazareth College New York Chiropractic College New School, The/Mannes College The New York Institute of Technology New School for Music (NYIT)/Old Westbury New York University New York University Syracuse University Pace University/New York City Teachers College, Columbia University University of Rochester Yeshiva University 59

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Mathematics to Social Services and Public Affairs Graduate Degree Programs

St. John's University/Queens Graduate Program(s) in Physical Social Sciences Syracuse University Therapy (DPT) Touro College/New York Medical College Clarkson University Adelphi University Union Graduate College Daemen College Bard College University of Rochester Dominican College Columbia University Vassar College D'Youville College Fordham University Yeshiva University LIU Brooklyn Hilbert College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Hofstra University Professional Degree New York Institute of Technology Iona College (NYIT)/Old Westbury LIU Brooklyn Programs New York University LIU Post Sage Colleges, The9 Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Graduate Program(s) in Chiropractic Touro College (DC) New York University Touro College/New York Medical College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute D'Youville College Utica College New York Chiropractic College Rochester Institute of Technology St. John's University/Queens Graduate Program(s) in Physician Graduate Program(s) in Dentistry (DDS) Syracuse University Assistant Studies (PA) Teachers College, Columbia University Mathematics Columbia University Albany Medical College New York University University of Rochester Clarkson University Yeshiva University Clarkson University Cornell University/Weill Cornell Graduate Columbia University Graduate Program(s) in Law (JD) School of Medical Sciences Dowling College Albany Law School Daemen College Social Services and Hofstra University Columbia University Le Moyne College Public Affairs LIU Post Fordham University Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Manhattan College Hofstra University Pace University/New York City Adelphi University New York University New York University Touro College Boricua College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Pace University/Lubin Graduate Center Wagner College Canisius College Rochester Institute of Technology Pace University/White Plains Campus College of New Rochelle, The St. Joseph's College School of Law Graduate Program(s) in Podiatry (DPM) College of Saint Rose, The Syracuse University St. John's University/Queens New York College of Podiatric Medicine Columbia University Teachers College, Columbia University Syracuse University Excelsior College Union Graduate College Touro College /Jacob D. Fuchsberg Psychology Fordham University University of Rochester Law Center Fordham University/Westchester Yeshiva University Yeshiva University (Behavioral Sciences) Hofstra University Iona College Philosophy/Theology/ Graduate Program(s) in Medicine (MD) Adelphi University LIU Brentwood Albany Medical College College of New Rochelle, The LIU Brooklyn Religious Studies Columbia University Columbia University LIU Post Cornell University/Weill Cornell Medical Fordham University LIU Riverhead Columbia University College Hofstra University Manhattan College Fordham University Hofstra University Iona College Metropolitan College of New York Fordham University/Westchester New York University LIU Brooklyn Molloy College New York University Touro College/New York Medical College LIU Hudson at Rockland New School, The/The New School for Nyack College University of Rochester LIU Hudson at Westchester Public Engagement Roberts Wesleyan College Yeshiva University LIU Post New York University St. John's University/Queens Marist College New York University/Silver School of Syracuse University Graduate Program(s) in Occupational Medaille College Social Work at St. Thomas Aquinas Touro College Therapy (OT) Mercy College/Bronx Niagara University University of Rochester Dominican College Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/Lubin Graduate Center Yeshiva University Ithaca College New York University Roberts Wesleyan College Keuka College Nyack College Rochester Institute of Technology Physical Sciences/ Mercy College/Dobbs Ferry Pace University/New York City St. John's University/Queens Sage Colleges, The Pace University/Pleasantville-Briarcliff Syracuse University Chemistry/Physics Touro College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Touro College Utica College Roberts Wesleyan College Yeshiva University Clarkson University Rochester Institute of Technology Columbia University Graduate Program(s) in Osteopathy (DO) Sage Colleges, The Dowling College New York Institute of Technology Sarah Lawrence College LIU Brooklyn (NYIT)/Old Westbury St. John's University/Queens Campus LIU Post Touro College Syracuse University New York University Teachers College, Columbia University Pace University/New York City Graduate Program(s) in Pharmacy Touro College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Pharm.D.) Touro College/New York Medical College Rochester Institute of Technology Albany College of Pharmacy and University of Rochester Rockefeller University, The Health Sciences Yeshiva University Sage Colleges, The D'Youville College LIU Brooklyn St. John Fisher College St. John's University/Queens Touro College 60

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 Calendar For students entering college in the 2014-15 academic year

2014 April Summer-Fall Nov. 7: Registration deadline for Colleges with traditional admissions and financial Dec. 13 ACT. aid deadlines will notify you of college acceptance Colleges encourage visits from students and their Nov. 8*: SAT & Subject Tests date. and financial aid packages. Evaluate the offers. parents/guardians. It’s your chance to “try on” a Dec. 6*: SAT & Subject Tests date. Notify all the colleges of your decision or campus. Use the map on pages 4-7 to plan your request an extension, usually by May 1. Pay trips. Also ask your school counselor about college Dec. 13: ACT test date. attention to those deadlines! fairs in your area. College fairs offer good opportunities to talk with college representatives and start to 2015 If you still wish to expand your options, some build relationships. colleges will accept admissions and financial aid January applications at this time. See the Campus Profiles Make your list of colleges you will apply to and Attend local college financial aid awareness on pages 14-30 or details on their application process (online or college-information for college contact information. by mail). Be sure to keep track of each college’s activities and workshops. Apr. 18: ACT test date. admission and financial aid deadlines! As soon as possible after January 1, complete Ask your teachers and others for the letters of and mail your FAFSA, or complete it online at recommendation you need for your admission Estimate your income if you May and June applications. have not yet completed your tax returns. Keep May 1 is the traditional deadline for students to Aug. 8: Registration deadline for a copy of all the forms you file. Complete and submit notify colleges of their college choice. If you decline Sep. 13 ACT. all other required financial aid forms. Watch your admission and have received an aid package, deadlines! You’ll receive your Student Aid Report Sep. 13: ACT test date. notify the college financial aid office so it can (SAR) within four weeks after filing your FAFSA by offer the award to another student. Sep. 19: Registration deadline for mail; sooner if you complete it online. Review your Oct. 25 ACT. SAR carefully. Follow directions to correct errors. NYS residents applying for TAP: If you applied by mail, review, correct and return your Express TAP Oct. 11*: SAT & Subject Tests date. Jan. 9: Registration deadline for Application (ETA) to HESC. Be sure your TAP Oct. 15: PSAT/NMSQT test date. Feb. 7 ACT–Outside NYS only. Award Certificate contains the code for the Oct. 18: PSAT/NMSQT test date. Jan. 24*: SAT & Subject Tests date. college you will attend. Check your email for correspondence from HESC about your TAP award. Oct. 25: ACT test date. February and March If you decide to attend a college in New York State, review your TAP application information November and December If you have not already done so, visit the and provide additional information, or make colleges on your list. corrections if needed, or if requested by HESC. Explore all financial aid sources, including Visit for more information, or scholarships from local businesses, organizations, Start to look for a summer job. call 1-888-NYSHESC. employers, churches, etc. Ask for help at your In March, many colleges will begin to notify public library and guidance/college office. Attend students of college acceptance. See April for more Follow up on the progress of your grants, financial aid workshops and college fairs. See information. scholarships, loans, work-study and other forms of student aid. page 11 for helpful web addresses. New York State students who file the FAFSA Continue completing your college applications. online may apply for a Tuition Assistance Program May 2*: SAT & SAT Subject Tests date. Pay careful attention to the deadlines! (TAP) grant online by linking to it directly from your May 4–8 Advanced Placement If you plan on completing the FAFSA online FAFSA confirmation page. For more information & 11–15: Program® Exams. about applying for TAP, call 1-888-NYSHESC. (recommended), get a federal student aid PIN May 8: Registration deadline for for you and your parents at Feb. 7: ACT test date–Outside Jun.13 ACT. Obtain the Free Application for Federal Student NYS only. Jun. 6*: SAT & SAT Subject Tests date. Aid (FAFSA) worksheet from your school Mar. 13: Registration deadline for counselor or online at Apr. 18 ACT. Jun. 13: ACT test date. Check with all the colleges to which you are applying to determine if there are other financial Mar. 14*: SAT only test date. Don’t forget to send thank-you notes to all who aid forms you must complete to qualify for all helped you through the college search. types of aid. Obtain all required forms.

* At press time, only anticipated SAT test dates for 2014-2015 NOTE: Register for the SAT® exams online at Visit ® were available. Note that SAT registration deadlines are Register for ACT Assessment exams online at or Registration deadlines listed here refer to regular U.S. postmark dates. typically three to four weeks prior to test date. Check Visit above websites for international deadlines and U.S. late for more current information. for more information on financial aid. registration deadlines.

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781 AffordingYour College College Search

New York’s 100+ Private Colleges and Universities

Adelphi University Helene Fuld College of Nursing Pratt Institute Albany College of Pharmacy and Hilbert College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Health Sciences Hobart and William Smith Colleges Roberts Wesleyan College Albany Law School Hofstra University Rochester Institute of Technology Albany Medical College Houghton College The Rockefeller University American Academy McAllister Institute of Design and Construction The Sage Colleges Institute of Funeral Service Iona College Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing American Museum of Natural History, Ithaca College Sarah Lawrence College Richard Gilder Graduate School Keuka College Siena College Bank Street College of Education The King’s College Skidmore College Bard College Le Moyne College St. Bonaventure University Inside: Barnard College Long Island University St. Elizabeth College of Nursing The Belanger School of Nursing Manhattan College St. Francis College Finding the right college Boricua College Manhattan School of Music St. John Fisher College How to begin your Bramson ORT College Manhattanville College St. John’s University Canisius College Maria College St. Joseph’s College college search Cazenovia College Marist College St. Joseph’s College of Nursing at What to look for in Clarkson University Marymount Manhattan College St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center a college Cochran School of Nursing Medaille College St. Lawrence University Colgate University Memorial School of Nursing St. Thomas Aquinas College College search worksheet College of Mount Saint Vincent Mercy College Syracuse University Campus locator map The College of New Rochelle Metropolitan College of New York Teachers College, Columbia University with phone/web The College of Saint Rose Molloy College Touro College Columbia University Montefiore School of Nursing Trocaire College Campus profiles Concordia College Mount Saint Mary College Union College Academic programs Cooper Union Nazareth College Union Graduate College Cornell University The New School University of Rochester Paying for college The Culinary Institute of America New York Chiropractic College Utica College Six steps to financial aid Daemen College New York College of Podiatric Vassar College Dominican College Medicine Vaughn College of Aeronautics Internet resources Dowling College New York Institute of Technology and Technology Calendar D’Youville College New York School of Interior Design Villa Maria College of Buffalo Elmira College New York University Wagner College Campus Quick Facts Excelsior College Niagara University Watson School of Biological Sciences Fei Tian College Nyack College at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory For more information about Finger Lakes Health College of Pace University Webb Institute Nursing Paul Smith’s College of Arts Wells College New York’s private colleges Fordham University and Sciences Yeshiva University and universities, visit Hamilton College Phillips Beth Israel School of Nursing Hartwick College

Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities 17 Elk Street, PO Box 7289 Albany, NY 12224-0289 email: [email protected] Phone: (518) 436.4781 Fax: (518) 433.8825

© 2014 Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu), 17 Elk St., Albany, NY 12224., 518-436-4781