
BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. 54(1): 332-342. 1994


Melita A. Samoilys and Lyle C. Squire

ABSTRACT The spawning behavior of the coral trout, Plectropornus leopardus. was studied from August to December 1990 at Scott Reef on the northern Great Barrier Reef. A spawning aggregation

was located in an area of approximately 1,700 m2, in which coral trout density was monitored using visual census surveys. Trout aggregated in large numbers in October, with a density

increase of up to 12.5-fold above the "normal" density (4 ' 1,000 m-2): the density recorded outside the aggregation period. Trout numbers began increasing on the full moon in October, peaked over the new moon (44 fish' 1,000 m -2), and dropped rapidly after the first quarter. A smaller spawning aggregation (13 fish· 1,000 m - ') was detected during the following new moon. Distinct courtship coloration and displays were observed in males. Courtship displays occurred at all times of the day. Towards dusk small numbers of males established territories in which they courted and spawned with females. Trout spawned in pairs, exhibiting a rapid rush towards the surface, presumably to release gametes. Spawning was only observed in a 22-min period on sunset. We discuss the contribution of location, timing, and behavioral characteristics of spawning aggregations to spawning success.

Species of coral trout (Plectropomus spp.), contribute one of the most important fisheries on the Great Barrier Reef (Craik, 1981; McPherson, 1989; Gwynne, 1990; Trainor, 1991). The combined commercial and recreational reef fish catch is over 7,500 tons annually (Trainor, 1991; Blarney and Hundloe, unpubl. data), of which coral trout comprise at least 2,300 tons. Despite this considerable catch, relatively little is known about the life history of coral trout (but see Goeden, 1978; Ferreira, 1993; Ferreira and Russ, in press), especially about the replenish- ment process from spawning to recruitment. This paper is one of a trio aimed to redress this lack of information. We present the first scientific evidence of spawning aggregations of coral trout in Great Barrier Reef (GBR) waters, and describe the behavior of fish in these aggregations. Doherty et al. (1994) report on coral trout recruitment monitored over the same period; Rimmer et al. (1994) discuss in vitro fertilization of eggs obtained from trout in spawning aggregations. Many reef fish species have a marked seasonal reproductive period; spawning may occur for only a few weeks of the year (Thresher, 1984). Some species, including those of the Serranidae (), aggregate in large numbers at specific sites during their spawning season (Johannes, 1980, 1981; Thresher, 1984; Colin et al., 1987; Shapiro, 1987), presumably to facilitate spawning success. The oc- currence of aggregations of commercial food fish is of significant management importance (Johannes, 1978; Parrack and Huntsman, 1982; Sadovy, in press) because species that aggregate are easy targets for fishers. For example, stocks have been depleted through heavy harvesting of spawning aggregations in Palau (Johannes, 1981), and several aggregations have disap- peared in the western central Atlantic (Colin, 1992; Sadovy, in press). The com- mercial and recreational fishing communities in Queensland have referred to seasonal spawning aggregations of coral trout for some years, and recently, concern of overfishing spawning aggregations has been expressed by fishers in the northern GBR region. This study focussed on Plectropomus leopardus, the most common of the Dve Australian species of coral trout (Randall and Hoese, 1986), which occurs through-

332 SAMOILYS AND SQUIRE: SPAWNING BEHAVIOR OF CORAL TROUT 333 out the GBR. Plectropomus leopardus is a protogynous (Goeden, 1978), and usually sexes cannot be differentiated externally. However, we dem- onstrate that male coral trout can be identified by the specific color and behavioral patterns they exhibit when breeding (Rimmer et a1., 1994). While working as a commercial fisherman, one of us (LCS) fished numerous Plectropomus spp. aggregations on the northern GBR. The aggregations were always found during the months of September to February; specifically, September to November for P. leopardus in the Cairns area. This corresponds to "spring- early summer" on the Queensland coast, or the onset of the lighter north-easterly winds. Queensland's climate is characterized by a two season year: the moderate to strong south-east trade winds from March to August ("autumn" and "winter"); and the light north-easterlies from September to February ("spring" and "sum- mer"). Fishers' observations of P. leopardus aggregations in September-November coincide with the months of peak reproductive activity of coral trout off Cairns, as determined from high gonad indices (McPherson et al., 1988). Our study spanned this season and was based at one of the areas identified by LCS as an aggregation site, on a reef close to Cairns. Our first objective was to confirm the seasonal aggregation of mature coral trout through systematic surveys of density. These recorded the formation, persistence and dissolution of at least one major aggregation. Our second objective was to observe and document actual spawning thus confirming the aggregations as spawn- ing events.


Study Site. - The area selected for monitoring was located on the reef slope at Scott Reef (Fig. I), where one of us (LCS) had regularly observed apparent seasonal aggregations over the past 12 years. After preliminary observations, an area of 1,700 m2 (hereafter called the "aggregation site") was mapped and reproduced on underwater paper. These sheets were used as proformas to standardise observations collected during censuses. The site was located on an extensive submerged patch reef, separated from the main reef, and consisted of an upper plateau area submerged at approximately 6-8 m depth, with a steep wall to seaward, dropping to a gently sloping sandy bottom at approximately 17-25 m depth. Moderate to strong currents were a regular feature of the area particularly on the full and new moons. Censuses. - The numbers and sizes (fork length, FL) of coral trout on the aggregation site were counted by a standardised underwater visual census (UYC) using SCUBA. Each census was conducted by one trained observer, although different censuses were done by one of three persons. Training involved estimating fish size using wooden models (Bell et aI., 1985; Samoilys and Carlos, 1992). The observer adopted a fixed search pattern following a route swum in a set time of 25 min. This took the observer around the site at a slow but steady pace. The observer searched a path width of approximately 10 m, with some minor variation caused by visibility. The route was designed to allow the observer to view the whole aggregation site by the end of the census giving a total count rather than a transect count. The observer swam at approximately 1.5 m off the bottom, starting along the shallow upper plateau at 6-8 m and then returned along the wall at about 15 m depth, ensuring no overlap in search path. Since trout move, there may have been inaccuracy in the counts (both over or under-estimation) associated with taking 25 min to complete the count (Watson et aI., in press) but any bias should have been consistent among censuses. Trout numbers were recorded by noting the location and size (in 5 em size classes) of each fish and marking them on the topographical map. Fish sex was recorded by noting courtship colors and display behavior, which is only exhibited by males, and noting females as those individuals which males courted. Sex was confirmed by spearing and dissecting selected fish (Rimmer et at., 1994). The majority ofUYC counts were initiated 50-35 min prior to sunset (range 80-15 min, N = 25), and terminated 10-25 min before sunset. Another set of UYC counts (N = II) were conducted during the day, between 8:30 and 15:30 AEST to determine the stability of aggregations. A total of 36 UYC counts were completed between 21 Aug 1990 and 13 Dec 1990. These were spaced over 25 separate days, with at least one census per week, except for the first week of September. For the first nine trips to Scott Reef (to 10 Oct) and on two subsequent trips (17 and 19 Oct), counts were carried out both during the day and at dusk. Thereafter, counts were only carried out at dusk. 334 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL 54, NO. I, 1994

1200E Michaelmas Reef N

Arlington Ree f ,,,1

Australia Green [s Ia nd

Moore .. Reef

Elford Fitzroy . Ree f [sl a nd

Sudbury ' Reef 17°S o Kilometres 20 .•..-~ ' - ..... Scott o---Nautical 10 i \, " Reef miles

Figure [. Location of study site at Scott Reef south of Cairns, northern Great Barrier Reef.

On each census water temperature was measured with a handheld mercury thermometer at 15 m depth. An approximate estimate of visibility was made using a fibreglass tape measure to confirm conditions were appropriate for visual surveys. Neighboring areas on Scott Reef, up to 2 km in all directions from the spawning site, were searched on snorkel during daylight hours for additional aggregations. This included the reef edge (slope) and separated reef patches, Behavioral Observations. - Behavioral observations were started on 17 Oct, the 19th day of censusing. Following completion of the count, the observer remained on the site to watch for spawning activity, Observations were conducted from a stationary position in an area with the most trout. These ob- servations were carried out for approximately 30 min or until darkness. Gonad Maturity. -On several visits to Scott Reef, coral trout were captured on spear or line from a second aggregation site, located 1 km from the study site. Gonads were dissected, preserved, and examined histologically to sex fish and determine the maturity of females.

RESULTS Censuses. -Figure 2 shows the number of p, leopardus recorded in dusk counts on the aggregation site over the period late August to mid December. A dramatic increase in trout numbers was recorded in October when water temperatures exceeded 25°C. Trout numbers peaked at 63-90 fish on the aggregation site be- tween the third and first quarter phases of the moon. At the next census, 5 days later, trout numbers then dropped from 69 to 5 (Fig. 2). Two smaller aggregations of trout were discernible around other new moons (September and November). In both events, peak counts were approximately 20 fish. The large peak in trout numbers observed between 11 and 26 Oct, (mean = 75 trout, N = 7) represented a 12.5-fold increase, compared with a mean of 6 trout SAMOILYS AND SQUIRE: SPAWNING BEHAVIOR OF CORAL TROUT 335

120 30.0 o • o • o • o • o •

100 0 Full moon 28.0 • New moon 0-3 (1) 80 8 26.0 '" ..•(1) l» •... 60 ..• Q) c:: ~ ..• 24.0 (1) 8 ,-.. ::s Z 40 () '-'

22.0 20

o 20.0 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 II 18 25 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee Date Figure 2. Number of coral trout at dusk on Scott Reef aggregation site in 1990. Shaded area represents tota] number of fish on site over time, solid line represents water temperature at 15 m depth. Dark squares indicate date of census counts; open squares represent less accurate estimates of first census counts.

(N = 13) outside the aggregation period (the latter mean calculated by excluding the small aggregations in September and November). The mean total numbers of 75 and 6 trout on the site, correspond to densities of approximately 44 fish' 1,000 m-2 and 4 fish' 1,000 m-2, respectively. Table 1 presents data for days where both daytime and dusk counts were conducted. When the density of trout on the site began increasing in early October numbers were greater later in the day. For example, on 4 and 9 October, trout numbers increased by 27 and 24, respectively, between midday and dusk counts.

Table I. Daytime (08:30-15:30) and dusk (16:40-18:00) census counts of coral trout, at Scott Reef aggregation site (1,700 m')

Number of trout Date Day Dusk

21/08/90 6 3 30/08/90 4 6 11/09/90 14 10 21/09/90 10 20 26/09/90 7 10 27/09/90 6 10 04/10/90 5 32 09/10/90 25 49 10/10/90 79 51 17/]0/90 85 82 19/]0/90 49 69 336 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 54, NO. I, 1994

Figure 3. Male Plectropornus leopardus showing typical courtship markings of darkened fin edges.

However, this pattern was not observed on three later counts. From 10 to 19 October, maximum numbers were observed during the day and at dusk, suggesting aggregations are not just a die 1phenomenon. Day searches on Scott Reef during this period revealed only one other aggre- gation, 1 km from the monitoring site. This location was used when coral trout were captured for gonad samples, and for fertilization and larval rearing experi- ments (Rimmer et ai., 1994), to avoid disrupting the study-site aggregation. Spawning Behavior. -Spawning was observed on our first attempt to monitor trout behavior until darkness. Plectropomus leopardus spawned in pairs, by as- cending off the bottom in a classic spawning "rush" consisting of a fast, often high, ascent, at the peak of which both fish turned abruptly and at this point presumably released gametes. The gamete cloud was not discernible but its pres- ence was assumed by the frantic feeding of planktivorous fusiliers (Caesio spp.) at the peak of the spawning rush. Spawning was observed on each of the five evenings monitored during the October aggregation, and also on 15 November (Fig. 2). All spawning rushes observed occurred between 8 min before and 14 min after sunset and occurred on the reef plateau. The height of the rushes above the reef bottom varied from approximately 2 m to 10m, the latter bringing the spawning pair to within 2 m of the water surface. Spawning behavior involved a specific courtship display whereby the male swam towards a female with his body tilted at 45°-90°, quivering along his full length, and making repeated lateral shakes of the head. Continuing in this mode, the male would approach the female and then pass close by the female's head or body, with either the dorsal or ventral side of his body nearest to the female. He would frequently circle and repeat the process. Spawning rushes were always observed after courtship, though courtship did not always elicit rushes. All male P. leopardus seen courting or in spawning rushes exhibited a specific color pattern of blackened caudal, dorsal and ventral fin edges (Fig. 3). Males could switch this color pattern on or off instantly. Fish size also provided an indication of sex since coral trout are protogynous : larger fish tend to be male, smaller fish female (see below, Fig. 4). Courtship displays were first seen at dusk on 10 October when trout numbers were rising, and then constantly throughout the aggregation period. Courtship behavior and spawning rushes were also seen at dusk on the new moon in No- vember. In addition, courtship displays were seen on two occasions when rushes were not observed, at dusk on 1 November and 13 December. During the October aggregation, courtship occurred during the daytime (between 12:25 and 14:45) as well as at dusk, though no rushes were ever seen during daylight hours. SAMOILYS AND SQUIRE: SPAWNING BEHAVIOR OF CORAL TROUT 337



25 • Female [] Male 20 •... Ql ..c E 15 :J z



o 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Fork Length (em) Figure 4. Size and sex of Plectropomus leopardus collected from Scott Reef, August-December 1990.

Twenty-two spawning rushes were recorded, of which six attracted fusiliers. Some individuals spawned more than once in an evening, with single males observed to spawn up to four times and single females observed to spawn up to three times. One pair was observed to spawn together three times in the same evening. In these cases, the observer fixed upon the same individual(s). On one occasion two males (recognizable by their color) were seen rushing with the same female. A repetitive pattern was observed in the behavior of trout during the peak aggregation period. Large fish (around 51-55 cm FL), presumably males, were very active, moving back and forth along the walls of the site, and frequently were aggressive towards each other. This aggression involved chases, jaw locking and behavior that resembled a less exaggerated courting display. Smaller fish (around 31-40 cm FL), presumably female, remained on top of the wall on the reef plateau during that time. Periodically, males would swim up and court the females, but without eliciting reactions. Some larger females (>40 cm FL, recognized as female from male courting behavior) remained deeper on the walls among the active males, but again were unresponsive to the males' courting displays. When our observations were extended to within 15 min of sunset, we found some males exhibiting territorial courtship behavior. Such males established a temporary territory and exhibited aggressive postures to other males. The territories were of approximately 25 m2 and were observed primarily on the reef plateau, but also on one wall. Just prior to sunset, a territorial male would start patrolling and courting females within his territory, and would continue until dark. The number of females in each territory was estimated approximately at 2-5. Females were generally inactive, remaining stationary near the reef bottom, and often difficult 338 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 54, NO. I, 1994 to detect. Responsive females moved off the reef bottom becoming easily dis- cernible above the coral, and swam slowly, until stimulated to participate in a rush. Territorial males participated in at least 75% of the rushes observed between 17 and 26 October. By 15 min after sunset, females were no longer visible in the territories, but male courtship continued until dark (ca. 20 min after sunset), presumably to females hidden in the coral. Once it was dark, searches by flashlight di

DISCUSSION Timing of Aggregations and Spawning. - Regular monitoring over a period of 4 months showed that spawning aggregations of P. leopardus occurred around the new moon, predominantly in October, but with smaller events in September and November. This lunar and monthly timing of a major spawning event is corrob- orated by the timing oflarval recruitment and juvenile settlement at a neighboring reef reported by Doherty et al. (1994). Goeden's (1978) study on the southern GBR also showed that P. leopardus spawned around the new moon. Spawning was observed in the October and November aggregations, but was not confirmed in September because we were not monitoring until dark at that time. Actual spawning was only observed during a discrete period of 22 min spanning sunset. A similar narrow time frame on sunset is reported for striatus (Colin, 1992). Prior to this study, coral trout spawning aggregations on the GBR have not been recorded in the scientific literature. Samoilys (1987) reports of "pre-spawning aggregations" of P. leopardus at Heron Island Reef, southern GBR, in October 1985, but spawning was not observed. The only other reports of aggregations of Plectropomus species are for P. areolatus in Palau (Johannes, 1981) and in the Solomon Islands (Johannes, 1988). Actual spawning in groupers has rarely been observed (Shapiro, 1987), presumably because it commonly occurs in the late afternoon-early evening. Pronounced lunar periodicity has been observed in the spawning of other grou- pers (Johannes, 1978; Thresher, 1984; Colin et aI., 1987; Colin, 1992), with spawning occurring around new or full moon. Johannes (1978) suggested that this pattern allows gametes to be released during strong tidal flows, frequently on ebbing tides, which should facilitate the offshore transport of eggs,thereby reducing potential predation. At Scott Reef, the spawning episode in October spanned both ebbing and flooding tides, but the tidal flow ran parallel to the reef edge. The combination of strong tidal currents on the new moon and the steep seaward aspect of the site lend support to Johannes's theory that spawning timing and site selection favor egg survival. Other studies on groupers report similar site con- ditions (Shapiro et aI., in press; Donaldson, 1989). Low light conditions on the dark moon may also assist in reducing predation on the eggs. However, the hypothesis that spawning timing and location enhance egg survival remains con- jectural, because survivorship of eggs released has not been measured (Shapiro et aI., 1988). Colin and co-workers (Colin et aI., 1987; Colin and Clavijo, 1988) maintain that the specific timing of spawning serves to synchronize adult activities. Thus, SAMOILYS AND SQUIRE: SPAWNING BEHAVIOR OF CORAL TROUT 339 moon phase is used merely as a cue to coordinate individuals' behavior, and the tidal currents at this time are of secondary importance. Robertson et al. (1990) also emphasize this explanation. The two hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. The spawning rush observed in P. leopardus is typical of many species of reef fish (Thresher, 1984), and has been assumed to be an adaptation to place the gametes beyond the ambit of most planktivorous (Johannes, 1978). The emission of eggsand sperm could not be seen, partly due to poor light and visibility, but also because the total volume released per individual was probably small (Rimmer et al., 1994). On six separate rushes, we observed a tight mass offusiliers (Caesio spp.) form rapidly around the spawning pair at the peak of the ascent, and remain there after the trout had returned to the reef. The fusiliers were undoubtedly feeding, presumably on the coral trout eggs. The spawning activity of P. leopardus in October is further confirmed by the large proportion of females with hydrating ovaries at that time. In addition, experimental source spawning from aggregating coral trout at Scott Reef produced viable gametes in October (Rimmer et al., 1994). Based on a review of the literature, Thresher (1984) suggested that tropical serranids tend to spawn at water temperatures below the annual maximum, com- pared with more temperate serranids which spawn at maximum temperatures. Our results are consistent with this observation as the major spawning episode occurred as temperatures rose to 25-26.5°C, with annual maximums peaking at 28-30°C (P. Hewitt, pers. comm.). Interestingly, Colin (1992) reports that Epi- nephelus striatus spawns consistently in the range of 25-26°C. Spawning Behavior. -Our behavioral observations are preliminary because of the exploratory nature of this study. In particular, the emphasis on dusk observations means that we have less information on trout on the site during the day. We do not claim that particular behaviors only occurred at the time of observation. Despite their preliminary nature, our observations generated interesting new ques- tions, such as the fraction of the male population forming territories?, whether females are loyal to particular territories?, the frequency of spawning in a season? etc. These questions require more detailed study involving tagging. The pattern recorded so far suggests that males aggregate and establish tem- porary territories, to which females are attracted. This resembles a dominance polygyny (Huntingford, 1984) or lek-like mating system (Clavijo, 1983; Thresher, 1984), where high status males attract females in a specific arena (Bradbury, 1981; Bradbury and Gibson, 1983; Turner, 1986). The performance of distinctive court- ship displays with a specific color pattern by males (previously described by Goeden (1978), Thresher (1984) and Samoilys (1987», further supports the theory of a lek-like system. Coral trout are not classical lek species (Bradbury, 1981) because the spawning area does contain significant resources such as food and shelter, and may also be significant for optimising gamete release (see above). Clavijo (1983) also found that the 1ekkinglocation for terminal male Scarus vetula may function to enhance gamete release away from the reef. A number of scarid species adopt more than one mating strategy, such as the lek-like and haremic systems of S. vetula (Clavijo, 1983). We have no evidence that coral trout employ other mating strategies. Shapiro et al. (in press) suggest that aggregations play an important role in mate selection. Possibly coral trout aggregations playa role in facilitating male selection by females, since several (dominant) males are congregated in the one area. During the major aggregation in October, 20% of the fish recorded in visual counts were large trout (> 50 cm FL). Fish of this size are predominantly male (Fig. 4; Goeden, 340 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 54, NO. I, 1994

1978; McPherson et aI., 1988). Eighty-five percent of these large trout were con- firmed as male by their courting color pattern. Such high densities of large males congregated within the one area are not seen in the dispersed social structure of non-breeding coral trout (Samoilys, 1987). There is some evidence that larger P. leopardus move from deeper to shallow waters during spawning time (McPherson et aI., 1988). The high density of trout in an aggregation would increase the frequency of social interactions and hence spawning opportunities. Intraspecific interactions are infrequent in non-reproductive trout (Samoilys, 1987). Sex change cues may well be behavioral (Shapiro, 1987) because sex change occurs over a broad range of sizes (Goeden, 1978, P. leopardus; Ferreira, 1993, p, maculatus). If so, aggregations may enable females to assess their future reproductive value by determining the sex-ratio of the population represented by the aggregation from the number of interactions with males (Shapiro et aI., in press). Management Implications. - This study is the first to demonstrate that P. leo- pardus forms spawning aggregations on the GBR. Understanding the potential for overexploitation from targeted fishing of aggregations, demands further as- sessment of the significance of aggregations to the overall stock. At this stage we cannot conclude how universal spawning aggregations are, or whether all indi- viduals use such aggregations to spawn. The most dense aggregation at Scott Reef represented a 12.5 fold increase in local density with a mean average density of 44 fish' 1,000 m -2, but this represents only a fraction of the likely stock on Scott Reef. The picture emerging is that P. leopardus aggregates at multiple sites on each reef, with possibly one or two major sites. The finding ofa second aggregation 1 km from the study site, supports this theory. This strategy contrasts with that of the congeneric P. areolatus in Palau and the Solomon Islands (Johannes, 1981, 1988). This species aggregates in much larger groups (at least 350 in the Solomons), and consequently may use far fewer sites per reef. Fishermen in the Cairns region report large aggregations and few sites for another congeneric P. laevis. Plectro- pomus leopardus may be less vulnerable to potential overfishing on aggregations because of its more dispersed pattern. This is supported by anecdotal observations from fishermen and one of us (LCS) that P. laevis spawning aggregations no longer exist on reefs close to Cairns, whereas P. leopardus spawning aggregations can still be found on these reefs. Aggregations provide an opportunity to monitor reproduction closely, and an opportunity for stock assessment (Johannes, 1980). Correct interpretation of stock assessment models for the coral trout fishery requires an understanding of pro- togynous hermaphroditism, including a knowledge of their mating strategies (Goe- den, 1978; Bannerot et aI., 1987). If aggregations are stable associations and reflect fish density in the catchment area, then aggregation sites may also represent effective places to monitor population change. This is particularly relevant since current stock surveys have limited power to detect change because of the patchy low densities typical of non-spawning populations (Samoilys, 1992). Thus, further study of coral trout aggregations has both scientific and management significance.


J. Bibby provided invaluable assistance in preparation of figures, field work, and improvements in the manuscript. We are grateful to G. McPherson for conducting the histological assessment of coral trout gonads, and to G. Carlos for some of the DVC counts of coral trout. Skipper G. Chisholm was highly supportive, always ready to take us to sea and provide diving backup. Comments from P. Doherty, R. Johannes and two anonymous reviewers improved the manuscript considerably. This work was funded by the Australian Fishing Industry Research and Development Council and the Queensland Fish Management Authority. SAMOILYS AND SQUIRE: SPAWNING BEHAVIOR OF CORAL TROUT 341


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DATEACCEPTED: May 18, 1993.

ADDRESS: Northern Fisheries Centre, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, P.O. Box 5396, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia.