The Flat Hat
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;\ - THE FLAT HAT Vol. III. COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY IN VIRGINIA, OCTOBER 28, 1913 No. 4 ACADEMY SQUARES ACCOUNT BY AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION VOTED PHOENIX & PHiLOMATHEAN LITERARY COACH DRAPER OPTIMISTIC ON EVE DEFEATING MAURY HIGH FRIDAY ON BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES | SOCIETIES HAVE OPEN MEETINGS OF FIRST CHAMPIONSHIP BATTLE Weather and Condition of Gary Field Prevent Use Changes In Constitution Designed To Make Attractive Programs Rendered Before Large "Team In Shape" He Says, "And Should Bring of Open Play—Line Bucking a Feature More attractive Meetings at Finals And Enthusiastic Audiences The Bacon Back From Ashland" Maury High came to Williamsburg The two literary societies of the The annual open meetings of the Coach Draper, when interviewed Friday confident of repeating their College, the Phoenix and the Philo- • Philomathean and Phoenix Literary by a Flat Hat representative, spoke victory over the Academy, but left mathean, met in the hall of the lat- Societies were held in the College veryoptimistically about the coming with the short end of the stick. The ter on Saturday night, Oct. 18 for , Chapel on the nights of Ocoter 21 championship struggle with Ran- Williamsburg boys scored two touch- the purpose of accepting or rejecting and 24 respectively. Upon both oc- dolph-Macon. He said in part: downs, thus evening up the score amendments made to the old Con- casions the auditorium was well "The boyshave taken well to the new which Maury made against them in stitution and By-laws governing filled with a large and enthusiastic style of play and are prepared to Norfolk some two weeks ago. both the separate and the joint i audience. The young ladies of the make things hot for any team of Heavy rains all day long and during meetings of the two societies. Institute, a number of townspeople, their weight. Every man is in fine the game made the field so muddy Among other important changes and a majority of the student-body trim and, barring accidents, the that it soon became apparent that made were those which have to do were present. The excellent rendi- j team which faces the Ashlanders open play was impossible and straight with thft inter-society contests, and tion of the programs was highly j will be the strongest and fastest football was the order of the day. the method by which representatives appreciated by all, as was shown by aggregation that the Orange and Few forward passes were attempted, from the societies are chosen. The the repeated storms of applause. 1 Black has put on the gridiron in re- one successful attemptbeing credited first amendment voted on and passed THE PHILOMATHEAN I centyears. Several shifts have been to each team. In the second quar- provides for a kind of preliminary Mr. J. L. Tucker, president, made j made and the new men are showing ter Macon, captain of the Norfolk ! contest to be held early in the spring, a short address along the line of j up well. The team shows one team, broke loose from the field and in which contest excellency medals j literary society work, emphasizing hundred per cent, improvement over was off for what looked like a cer- ' are offered in declamation, oratory more especially the fact of its signifi- I their form in the last game. The tain touchdown. But the fates in- i and debate. The winners of these cance; and extended a cordial wel- line-up cannot be announced, as tervened and Macon slipped and fell. ! medals in the one society must face come to all. there are still several positions not The first half ended with the score the correspondisg winners in the The orator of the evening was Mr. yet definitely filled." 0-0. j other society in open contest at G. M. Rumble who, although a new There will he a short rally at the In the third quarter the Academy Finals for the Inter-society Cham- member of the society, delivered a depot at 10:32 Saturday when the got possession of the bal.l and by pionship Cup. very charming and effective oration. team leaves for Ashland. It is ex- hard consistent line-bucking carried There are to be two nights of the "Patriotism" was his subject. The pected that the entire student-body the ball to the five-yard line, first contestduringcommencementweek. ' next on program was a declamation will be there to give the team a down with goal line to make. Three The first will be given up wholly by Mr. R. L. Rosenbalm, "Henry rousing send-off. mighty plunges took the ball to ! for the debate, in which two of the j W. Grady," which he declaimed in fine style. The title of Mr. J. W. within a foot of the line when Carr, best debaters from each society will SPOTSWOOD CLUB MEETS the plucky little quarter, squeezed compete in argumentation for two Hedrick's selection was "My Coun- it over by sliding over the center's points toward winning the cup. On try, My Mother, My God,'' a pathetic The Theta Delta Chi fraternity back. Capt. Corbell failed to kick the following evening two declaim- story of the civil war. Feeling the tendered a reception to the members goal, due to the wet and muddy ball. ers and two orators v/ill duel for the spirit of his piece, Mr. Hedrich was I of the Spotswood Club Thursday able to convey its real sentiment to In the fourth quarter the Academy remaining three points. The society ! night. A short time was given over his hearers. commenced another triumphal march whose representatives shall have to the transaction of the club's busi- up the field and West carried the won at least three of the five points Resolved, That the Standing Army ness, during which Mr. B. D. Peachy ball over after some terriffic line will be declared winner of the cham- of the United States should be in- '13, was chosen secretary and an play in which Corbell, Jones, West pionship cup by a board of judges- creased, was the subject for debate. executive committee composed of and Stryker figured conspicuously. three in number—to be chosen by With Mr. W. S. Shackleford uphold- Dr. James Southall Wilson, Prof. The game was hard-fought but the contestants. ing the affirmative and Mr. W. D. John Tyler and P. L. Witchley, A. B., cleanly played, there being but two These changes in the constitution Harris the negative. It proved un- were elected. The new members penalties inflcted, both for off-side are extremely important in that the usually interesting and instructive. voted in were: Victor E. G. Emery play. Dr. Draper refereed and per- preliminary contest will allow only Strong arguments were put forth by '15, H. Page Williams '15, Henry A. formed so well that not a single the meritorious to represent his so- each side, while flashes of spirited Turner '14, W. C. Ferguson '15. W. kick was registered by either team. ciety at Finals. "Ring" politics' rebuttal animated the whole debate. S. Shackleford '15, H. G. Parker thus being eliminated, a greater The last but by no means the least '13, and James W. Stephens '14. A member of The Flat Hat Staff amount of interest is assured. feature of the program was the Those enjoying the hospitality of received a letter from Oscar Deel, reading of "The Philomathean Star" the Theta Delta were, Dr. Wilson, by Mr. P. Lewis Witchley, its com- last year's varsity team. He asked Edward Bane who is spending the Profs. Ritchie, Ferguson, Koontz, to be remembered to all his friends, piler. The "Star" was really Tyler and Snow, J. H. Wright, B. winter in Panama, writes that he is stellar, it shone with an unusual and sends best wishes to the Phoenix delighted with the country. Hesajs D. Peachy, Jr., and P. L. Witchley. Society and The Flat Hat. brilliancy. Jokes, grinds, and an- that he has met a number of college ecdotes galore kept the audience in Mr. Hubert Lloyd, '06, visited the men down there and that he finds a continuous uproar for fully ten NOTICE College after a long stay in China the life in Panama much better than minutes. where he was a missionary. Alumni it is usually represented. Edward A meeting of the Northern Lights THE PHOENIX will remember him as "Hubby" will return to College next year, but will be held Thursday night at the The president of the Phoenix So- Lloyd, who as a member of Wil- in the meantime he expects to keep Sigma Phi Epsilon House for the ciety, Mr. J. F. Barnes, after cor- liam and Mary's team won great in touch with things by subscribing purpose of electing the officers for distinction as a quarterback. to The Flat Hat. (Continued on page two.) the ensusingyear. THE FLAT HAT correspondence relative to the nature Let the Athletic Association elect MR. RUMBLE SPEAKS and aim of the society; and a pho-; a press agent (or whatever you Stabilitas et Fides The Hon. A. J. Rumble, prominent tograph of the medal, obverse and ;choose to call him) whose duty it lawyer and man of public affairs, of reverse. shall be to furnish athletic news to Norfolk, delivered a short address POUNDED OCTOBER 2, 1911 "The badge of the Club was circu- the Times-Dispatch, and other news- before the Philomathean Society. lar in form with a projection for the papers. Let this press agent be a His theme was along the general ring, to be used doubtless on a member of the Athletic Council, an MAX BLITZER, New York line of the opportunities offered the watch fob or chain.