Holiday Inn Express Foshan Chancheng, Greater China IHG in Greater China 31st October 2019

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2 Keith Barr Chief Executive Officer InterContinental Wonderland, Greater China Agenda 16:30 – Presentation and Q&A 18:00 – Drinks 19:30 – Close

© 2019 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential – further reproduction or distribution is prohibited IHG has a long and rich history in Greater China, with 35 years of experience

Franchise Plus model launched for Holiday Inn 1st opening Express, followed by full service 1st International New brand branded hotel st st franchising 1st opening 1 opening 1 opening launched Acquisition

Standalone Region Acquisition created Global InterContinental InterContinental partnership Hong Kong Bespoke Hong Kong sold Partnership st acquired with Alipay 1 opening China for $929m with website WeChat Pay

1984 1991 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 20172017 20182018 2019

~400 ST th th th 300th 400th 1 50 100 200 Pipeline HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL Hotels

5 Greater China is a growing share of our business

H1’19 Operating Profit1 Q3’19 Open Rooms Q3’19 Pipeline Rooms

8% 15%



25% 60%

92% 29%

Greater China Rest of IHG Americas EMEAA

1 Share of HY’19 operating profit shown before central overheads 6 Which is delivering meaningful increases in profitability

Greater China Total Gross Revenue1 ($m) Greater China Fee Business Revenue1 ($m)

+11% CAGR +11% CAGR 3,261 143

1,430 62

2010 2018 2010 2018 Greater China Fee Business Operating Profit1 ($m) Greater China Fee Margin (%)2

+16% CAGR 70 +12%pts 46%



2010 2018 2010 2018

1 At AER; 2 Excludes O&L and Managed Leases, significant liquidated damages and exceptional items 7 Our leading brand portfolio in Greater China delivers strong guest preference

Our brand portfolio in Greater China: Guest preference1: Mainstream 40% preferred brand in its #1 competitive set of rooms revenue

preferred brand in its Upscale #1 competitive set 35% of rooms revenue preferred brand in its #1 competitive set Luxury 25% preferred brand in its of rooms #2 competitive set revenue

1 Based on Serious Consideration as per Millward Brown brand survey 8 A Chinese business operated from within China

• Unique amongst major hotel groups to consider Greater China as a stand-alone region reporting directly to the Group CEO

• Head office in Shanghai with 5 further offices creating a decentralised business and infrastructure

• ~600 corporate colleagues employed across the region

• Well established managed hotel platform and growing franchise business generating scale benefits

• Experienced and diverse leadership team and hotel talent base, with ~80% hotel General Managers local Chinese Holiday Inn Qinhuai South, Greater China

9 We have built a scale position of strength

Greater China combined system and pipeline (‘000 rooms) 220 217 200 193 180 2010-18 CAGR 173 +9% 160 157 144 140 133 123 120 113 105 99 100 80 60 40 20 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q3 2019

Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn Hotel Indigo Crowne Plaza InterContinental Other

10 IHG is the largest international operator in Greater China, with a leading position in the Mainstream segment

System size and pipeline (excluding budget/economy) (000’ rooms) 217 ~203

~165 ~150

~119 ~115 ~111

~76 ~64

~42 ~38 ~29


Luxury Upscale Mainstream - Own signings Mainstream - Partner signings 1 Also includes a small number of partner signings in Upscale Source: Q3 2019 STR Census Data for International companies, Accenture Market Study for Chinese companies; IHG estimates; pipeline data not available for Chinese companies 11 Our strategy in China leverages our global strategic model

5. Optimise our preferred portfolio of brands for 1. Build & leverage scale 5 owners & guests 1

IHG’s Strategic 4 Model 2 4. Evolve owner 2. Strengthen loyalty proposition programme


3. Enhance revenue delivery

12 Regent Chongqing, Greater China

Market Dynamics

© 2019 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential – further reproduction or distribution is prohibited China’s economy is shifting more towards domestic consumption, following rapid historic GDP growth

Real GDP Forecast GDP Growth Contribution (trillion USD) (%)

+5.4% 18.3

+7.9% Investment 32% Net Export 47% Domestic 10.8 Consumption

+10.2% 4% 76% 5.0 49%

1.9 -8% 1998 2008 2018 2028 2014 2018

Source: World Bank, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Accenture 14 Economic growth is being driven by a number of key tailwinds which will benefit the hospitality industry

Government policy Significant infrastructure accelerates shift investment towards domestic consumption & service industries

Accelerated Government-led technology tourism advancement initiatives

Rapid Rise of Middle urbanisation Income Population

15 Tourism will play a key role in a number of Government initiatives to drive China’s future economic development

Tourism is 1 of 5 strategic growth pillars of the Government’s Five Year Plan

Government plans to build out ~500 Tourism destinations across the country

Merging of Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Culture

16 Growth in middle income earners will lead to a greater portion of spending on travel

The middle income population is continuing to …with travel being among the top areas of grow… increased spending intention

China income mix China travel & tourism spend (%) ($bn) 75% 67

60% 25 +16% 40 37% 16

42 15% 10% 10 24 3% 4 6 Low Income Middle Income High Income 2010 2018 2023

Business Travel Leisure Travel 2015 2030

Source: EIU, Accenture Chinese Consumer Digital Trends Research (n=4060); IMF, UNWTO/Ministry of Tourism, Tourism Economics 17 Significant infrastructure development will also provide further opportunities for travel

There will be ~450 airports in China Significant investment in road by 2035 networks No. of airports in China Length of Expressway (‘000 km)

2010 175 2010 74 2014 200 2014 112 2018 233 2018 143 2035 449

High speed rail set to grow to Connectivity will be boosted with 5G 45,000km by 2030 rollout across the country Length of high speed rail (‘000 km) 4G & 5G Base Stations (‘000 Base Stations)

2010 5 2012 20

2014 16 2014 970

2018 29 2018 4,183

2030 45 2023 7,357

Source: National Statistics Bureau (China), Accenture, Goldman Sachs 18 The number of domestic trips per capita by Chinese travellers is expected to be on par with those of US travellers by 2028

Number of trips per annum by domestic travellers, China vs. US No. of trips per capita million trips 2018 2028F 11,831 12,000 4.1 7.9


8,000 4x 6,000 5,539

4,000 >2x 2,821 2,291 7.0 8.2 2,000

0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028

Source: National Travel & Tourism Office(U.S.), National Statistics Bureau (China), The World Bank, Chinese Academy of Social Science, World Tourism Organization, Accenture 19 China is also the world’s largest outbound market, and is set to keep growing

Number of outbound trips per annum Top 10 China outbound markets Market IHG Rooms1 million trips Thailand 15k 300 Japan 11k

250 Singapore 4k South Korea 3k 200 Malaysia 5k

United States 557k 150 Indonesia 10k

100 Vietnam 7k

Philippines 3k 50 Australia 13k

0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028

1 Combined system size and pipeline rooms as at Q3 2019 Source: National Statistics Bureau, UNWTO, US National Travel and Tourism Office, Accenture 20 Chinese consumers are leading the global market in mobile commerce

Mobile First Experience Driven

Consumers’ daily lives and Consumers’ shopping shopping behaviour is heavily expectation is shifting from augmented by mobile purchasing products to enablement purchasing experience

Hyper Social Data-Powered Personalisation

Consumers access social Consumers are used to media content extensively receiving personalised and are very socially- content and services powered influenced in making by data insights purchasing decisions

21 The trends all add up to significant growth in the Greater China hospitality market over the next 10 years

Greater China market size forecast (rooms, millions) Long-term trends • GDP growth shifting towards domestic consumption 25.7 • Specific Government initiatives to boost +8.4% Luxury tourism Upscale 19.8 • Growing middle-income population will Mainstream have more disposable income 15.6 Economy • Travel is among the top areas of increased 11.4 spending intentions • Significant infrastructure development will 7.2 make travel more accessible • Growing demand for branded hotels

2014 2018 2021 2024 2028

Source: OTA data scraping, STR Census, The World Bank, Accenture 22 Jolyon Bulley Chief Executive Officer, Greater China Holiday Inn Qingdao Expo, Greater China

Development landscape

© 2019 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential – further reproduction or distribution is prohibited We have significant levels of experience and talent across our Greater China regional leadership team

Jolyon Bulley Daniel Aylmer Jun Tu CEO, Greater China COO, Greater China CFO, Greater China +30 years in hospitality; +18 +18 years in China; +2 years +20 years at PepsiCo; +4 years with IHG with IHG years with IHG

Haiqing Lu Lin Wang Jerome Qiu Chief Strategic Relations Chief Marketing Officer, MD, Holiday Inn Express, Officer, Greater China Greater China Greater China ex. Govt./Tesco/Diageo; +6 ex. Apple & Chanel; +5 years years with IHG with IHG +20 years at IHG

Kent Sun Weiwen Wang Steven Zhong Chief Development Officer, VP Business Reputation & VP Hotel & Owner Solutions, Greater China Responsibility, Greater China Greater China +20 years in hospitality; +15 +20 years in legal; +4 years at +20 years in hospitality; +6 years at IHG IHG years at IHG

Ying Ying Koh Paul Proctor Justin Channe VP Human Resources, Greater VP Commercial, Greater China MD Regent Hotels & Resorts China +20 years at IHG; ex. COO for +20 years in HR; +10 years at +20 years in hospitality; +10 Greater China IHG years at IHG

25 The development of the high speed rail network will lead the growth in Tier 2 – 4 cities

Belt and Road & Greater Bay Area initiatives will drive growth across the West and South regions, with commitment to build: Harbin

Urumqi Changchun >20 New Airports


Hohhot Tianjin >10 New High Speed Railway Stations Taiyuan Shijiazhuang Yinchuan Jinan Xining Lanzhou over the next decade, whilst high speed rail will Zhengzhou Xi’an Nanjing bring economic benefit to Tier 2 & Tier 4 cities. Shanghai Hefei Chengdu Wuhan Lhasa Chongqing Hangzhou Xinyu Rooms 2018-2028 Market CAGR Guiyang Fuzhou South 8.6% Kunming Nanning West 9.7% Shenzhen Macau Hong Tier 2 8.5% Kong High –speed railway network plan (2030) Haikou Tier 4 10.1% City cluster

Source: Accenture Analysis, EIU 26 Development of Tier 2 – 4 cities is happening at a rapid pace

Shenzhen (Tier 1 city) in 1980 Shenzhen (Tier 1 city) in 2019

Zhengzhou (Tier 2 city) in 2016 Zhengzhou (Tier 2 city) in 2019

27 Demand has grown ahead of supply over the last 5 years, which has driven occupancy growth

Market growth drivers 2013-18 CAGR % Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4

8.1% 8.6% 7.4% 6.8% 5.8% 6.2% 4.6%


Supply Demand Supply Demand Supply Demand Supply Demand Market occupancy %

+7.2%pts +4.7%pts +4.6%pts 77.1% +4.9%pts 69.9% 65.4% 60.7% 58.8% 59.9% 53.9% 55.3%

2013 2018 2013 2018 2013 2018 2013 2018

Source: STR data 28 Rooms growth over the next 10 years will be driven by Tier 2 and Tier 4 cities

Market size growth forecast by tier city (excl. Economy) 12.4 (rooms millions) 0.2

2.8x 4.4


4.9 0.1 1.6 2.5x 4.5 0.7

1.8 1.5 0.7 2018 2028 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Hong Kong, Macau &

Source: OTA data scraping, STR, Accenture market study 29 We have built a strong footprint in Tier 2 and Tier 4 markets, and our pipeline sets us up for future growth

IHG Q3 2019 System Size & Pipeline IHG share of branded market1 (‘000 rooms) (% of branded rooms) 102 23% 21% 20%

44 17%

14% 13% 11% 42 36 8% 7% 9 58 21 23 5% 11 14 27 2 20 12 12

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Hong Kong, Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Macau & Market Share (STR data; includes domestic brands) Taiwan 2 Pipeline System Size Pipeline Share (STR data; international brands only)

1 Market share per Q3 2019 STR data; pipeline data only available for international branded operators 2 Market share includes 5k rooms from InterContinental Alliance Resorts partnership with Sands

Source: OTA data scraping, STR, Accenture market study 30 The Mainstream segment will continue to be a key driver of rooms growth over the next decade

Market size growth forecast by segment (excl. economy) (rooms millions) 12.4 0.5


4.9 0.2 9.3 1.2 2.7x


2018 2028 Mainstream Upscale Luxury

Source: OTA data scraping, STR, Accenture market study 31 We have a leading share of the Mainstream pipeline amongst the international operators

IHG Q3 2019 System Size & Pipeline IHG share of branded market1 (‘000 rooms) (% of open branded rooms)

116 31%

26% 50 22%

64 15% 27 12% 36 10% 67 10

38 26

Mainstream Upscale Luxury Mainstream Upscale Luxury 2

Market Share (STR data; includes domestic brands) Pipeline System Size Pipeline Share (STR data; international brands only)

1 Market share per Q3 2019 STR data; pipeline data only available for international branded operators 2 Market share includes 5k rooms from InterContinental Alliance Resorts partnership with Sands

Source: OTA data scraping, STR, Accenture market study 32 We have positioned ourselves to work with all the major ownership groups across the region to capture growth opportunities

State Owned Enterprises • Historic preference to Managed model • Lower level of involvement in day-to-day operations of the hotel • Portfolios skewed to Upscale and Luxury • Increased focus on financial returns

Public Listed Enterprises & Property Development Companies • Preference to Managed model, but starting to establish own brands • Portfolios skewed to Upscale and Luxury • ROI sensitive, with need for flexibility to optimise cost

Private Enterprises • Entrepreneurial individuals making private investments in hotels • Preference for Franchised model • Focused on Mainstream investment • ROI sensitive with high expectations on payback

33 An increase in private ownership has helped drive an acceleration in franchise growth over the last 3 years

IHG Greater China system size and pipeline (rooms ‘000)

217 193 Franchised 173 Managed 157 144 133 123 113 99 105

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Q3 2019

34 Our ‘Franchise Plus’ offer for Holiday Inn Express has laid the foundations for the growth of our franchise business

Key features of Franchise Plus Key benefits of Franchise Plus

• Launched 3½ years ago • Gives IHG greater control over brand standards • Hotel has IHG appointed General Manager on their payroll • Similar economics to existing franchise contracts • ~15 years contract length • Meeting growing demand from owners for • Mandatory adoption of IHG Revenue franchising offer Management for Hire platform • Accelerating growth into high opportunity • >200 Franchise Plus properties signed markets since launch

35 By extending full franchising to Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza, we are creating further opportunities for growth

Q3 2019 system size & pipeline (hotels) 204 Pipeline Open 158 146 134

• Working with >500 different owners across the region

18 • 60% of signings are now 8 franchised Managed Franchised Managed Franchised Managed Franchised • ~100 owners have >1 hotel with IHG

36 Our deep market knowledge and experience helps deliver a leading share of full fee signings amongst international operators

Signings by type (‘000 rooms) 30 28


19 17 16 14

7 7 6

FY 2018 H1 2019 FY 2018 H1 2019 FY 2018 H1 2019 FY 2018 H1 2019 FY 2018 H1 2019

Franchise Partner Signings Full Fee Signings

Source: Horwath Signing Report; IHG signings excludes acquisition of Regent Hotels & Resorts 37 HUALUXE deal signing ceremony, Greater China

Outstanding to do business with

© 2019 All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential – further reproduction or distribution is prohibited We continue to innovate our Mainstream brands to enhance owner return and drive growth

Holiday Inn Express Nanjing Dongshan, Greater China Holiday Inn Wuxi Taihu New City, Greater China

• NextGen hotel designs enhance guest proposition • Most preferred hotel brand for guests in the and reduce owner build cost Mainstream segment • Leading international brand for rooms share in the • New room and F&B designs ensures product Mainstream segment remains relevant to guests • More than 150 properties open across the region • Reduction in hotel footprint will reduce build cost and drive greater owner ROI

39 Our system and pipeline is well positioned to capture the growth areas in the Mainstream segment across the region

Map key

Holiday Inn Express Holiday Inn

Mainstream rooms by tier (‘000 rooms)

35 34 30


Open Pipeline Open Pipeline

Tier 1 Tier 3 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Tier 2 Tier 4

40 Upscale brands will play a key role in accelerating our growth

Crowne Plaza Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, Greater China Hotel Indigo Shanghai Jing'An, Greater China

• Most preferred hotel brand for guests in the upscale • Growing trend for lifestyle, design-led offerings will segment help accelerate the growth of Hotel Indigo • Leading rooms share of all brands in the upscale • Currently operated under managed model, with segment potential to franchise in the future • New hotel designs will feature flexible meeting space • Robust pipeline to meet growing lifestyle demand and updated room product

41 We have adapted our HUALUXE brand proposition to reposition the brand for growth

• Launched in 2012 with a focus on traditional Chinese hospitality • Adapted brand proposition to meet the evolving demands of Upscale travellers • 9 open and 22 pipeline hotels • Best performing IHG brand for guest satisfaction and social review rating HUALUXE Xi’an Hi-tech Zone, Greater China 42 We have built a strong position for our Upscale brands in Tier 1 & 2 locations

Map key Crowne Plaza HUALUXE

Hotel Indigo EVEN Hotels

Upscale rooms by tier (‘000 rooms) 33


6 4 3 2 2 0 OpenPipeline OpenPipeline OpenPipeline OpenPipeline

Tier 1 Tier 3 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Tier 2 Tier 4

43 We are building on our deep heritage in Luxury

InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun, Greater China Kimpton Da An Taipei, Greater China

Regent Chongqing, Greater China Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain, Greater China 44 InterContinental penetration in Tier 1 & 2 cities creates a platform for our enhanced Luxury brand portfolio

Map key

InterContinental Regent

Kimpton Six Senses

Luxury rooms by tier (‘000 rooms)



1.2 1.5 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 OpenPipeline OpenPipeline OpenPipeline OpenPipeline

Tier 1 Tier 3 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan Tier 2 Tier 4

45 Our brands are supported by the strength of our enterprise, which helps owners drive greater performance and returns from their hotels

Optimising Cost Maximising Returns Strong Operational Support

Franchise Hotel Design Hotel Lifecycle Performance Support Innovation Management

Hotel Performance Reduce Cost to Revenue Share & & Deployment Build/Open/Operate Margin Improvement Effectiveness

Hotel Talent Certification Programs Centralised Strengthen IHG Procurement Enterprise and Focused talent Loyalty development

46 Investment in our Hotel Lifecycle Management team is helping accelerate hotel signings into openings and maximising owner ROI

Focus on efficient • New design framework to bring greater consistency across brands design and cost management • Centralised procurement and reduced build costs will support ROI

End-to-end project • Evaluating how we can further support owners from signing to opening management from build to opening • Leveraging IHG experience of hotel development

Faster ramp up of • Helping hotels reach operating capacity sooner new hotel openings • Upweighting commercial support through opening process

47 We have built on the success of our Franchise Performance Support model in the Americas and adapted it to the Chinese market

Implemented • Adapted successful US model for Greater China market Franchise Support Model • Focuses resource on highest opportunities to add value

Analytics and • Development of machine learning to flag performance opportunities Insight capabilities • Designed to act as ‘early warning’ system

Hotel talent • Developed certification programme for hotel General Managers development • Continue to invest in frontline virtual learning

48 Our growth ambition is being enabled by an ongoing investment in talent, which will build the competencies required to scale our business

• Early Careers programs to attract & train talent Talent solutions across all levels • Fast track programs to develop hotel leadership and build sustainable talent pipeline

• Innovate course design, enabled by technology, to empower next generation New capabilities learning as China and our • New generation talent in digital technology, data intelligence and marketing business matures • Procurement & supply chain capability in construction, assets and operations

• Organisation design that enables growth, hotel lifecycle & business An organisation performance built to scale • Scaling our operating model to support long-term growth

49 We utilise the strength of our global enterprise and loyalty capabilities, and have introduced China-specific functionality

Greater China Enterprise Contribution (%)

+6.6%pts We are continuing to strengthen our enterprise 56.6% contribution in Greater China: • Opened digital storefronts with local platforms to

49.9% grow distribution in lower tier cities • Signed agreements with WeChat Pay and Alipay

2015 2018

Greater China Loyalty Contribution (%) Whilst building loyalty amongst our guests: +7.3%pts 35.1% • Launched WeChat Mini programme with loyalty capabilities

27.8% • Building China-specific functionality into Global IHG App

2015 2018

50 Our operations reflect our global commitment to operating a responsible business

Our Hotels Our Communities Our Culture Environmental Waste reduction Employee engagement sustainability

• Committed to switching to • Committed to reducing carbon • >70 IHG Academies open bulk-sized bathroom amenities per occupied room across the region • Use of technology to reduce • Launched water stewardship • Recognised as a top employer food waste projects in water stressed in China for 7 successive years regions

51 Our strategy in China leverages our global strategic model

5. Optimise our preferred portfolio 1. Build & leverage scale of brands for owners & guests • Leveraging global business to create an in 5 China for China business • Strengthening existing brands and driving guest 1 • Align development plans with central preference government investment priorities • Enhanced portfolio with new brands IHG’s • Commitment to responsible business with • Equipped with market specific digital capability Strategic focus on talent and learning to win with consumers 4 Model 2 2. Strengthen loyalty programme • Strengthening loyalty program to grow 4. Evolve owner proposition contribution in lower tier cities 3 • Expanded Franchise Plus offer for Holiday • Focus on a mobile led digital solution which Inn Express to full franchising Holiday Inn 3. Enhance revenue delivery leverages partner relationships and Crowne Plaza • Launch of digital flagship stores with • InterContinental Alliance Resorts partnership • Implemented franchise support model and local platforms with Sands China in Macau giving guests the driving operational excellence across opportunity to earn and redeem points in managed hotels • Implemented guest digital payment highly desirable destinations solutions through WeChat and Alipay • New brand designs will support improved owner ROI • IHG Concerto, featuring new GRS, rolled out to all hotels in Greater China

52 IHG has built a leading position in Greater China, which sets us up to take advantage of the favourable market dynamics for long term growth

We have built long standing, deep relationships with key stakeholders across the region

Our leading portfolio of brands are preferred by guests and owners

Investments in infrastructure make us unique amongst our peers as an in China, for China business

We are leveraging our global digital, enterprise and loyalty capabilities and tailoring them for the Chinese market

Our US business provides a blueprint for building a scale franchise platform

Growth strategy underpinned by ongoing investment in talent and a long term commitment to sustainability

This adds up to the right business model, right people, right brands and right owner proposition

53 InterContinental Shanghai Wonderland, China


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