In Conversation with Professor Hans Joas In Conversation with Professor Hans Joas Interviewed by Dr. Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) Hans Joas , (
[email protected] ) a German sociolo - Prof. Joas has edited six books in English, including gist and social theorist, is Permanent Fellow at the The Axial Age and Its Consequences (with Robert N. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Lud - Bellah, Harvard University Press, 2012). wigs University, Freiburg, Germany and a Professor of Sociology at the University of Chicago, where he HJ: Hans Joas also belongs to the influential interdisciplinary Com - mittee on Social Thought. He was the Director of the SS: Sarbeswar Sahoo Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt from 2002-2011. SS: Thank you very much for agreeing to give this Prof. Joas has held academic positions in several uni - interview. I would like to start the conversation by versities including the University of Tübingen, the asking you about your academic training. Could you University of ErlangenNuremberg, and the Free Uni - please tell us something about your undergraduate versity, Berlin. He has also spent time as visiting pro - and graduate training? fessor in New York, Indiana, Madison, North Carolina, Berlin, Vienna, Toronto, Sweden, and HJ: The terms undergraduate and graduate do not re - South Africa. Prof. Joas has served as Vice President ally apply to the German higher education system. I of the International Sociological Association from finished high school in 1968 and became a student 2006-10. He has received Honorary Doctorates in first at the University of Munich and then from the Catholic Theology from the University of Tübingen spring of 1971 I was at the Free University in Berlin.