Nonlinear Optics of Semiconductor and Molecular Nanostructures; a Common Perspective

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Nonlinear Optics of Semiconductor and Molecular Nanostructures; a Common Perspective Nonlinear optics of semiconductor and molecular nanostructures; a common perspective V. M. Axt and S. Mukamel Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627 A unified microscopic theoretical framework for the calculation of optical excitations in molecular and semiconductor materials is presented. The hierarchy of many-body density matrices for a pair-conserving many-electron model and the Frenkel exciton model is rigorously truncated to a given order in the radiation field. Closed equations of motion are derived for five generating functions representing the dynamics up to third order in the laser field including phonon degrees of freedom as well as all direct and exchange-type contributions to the Coulomb interaction. By eliminating the phonons perturbatively the authors obtain equations that, in the case of the many-electron system, generalize the semiconductor Bloch equations, are particularly suited for the analysis of the interplay between coherent and incoherent dynamics including many-body correlations, and lead to thermalized exciton (rather than single-particle) distributions at long times. A complete structural equivalence with the Frenkel exciton model of molecular materials is established. [S0034-6861(98)00201-3] CONTENTS 1963; Stahl and Balslev, 1987; Haug and Koch, 1993). Intermediate charge-transfer excitons exist in mixed I. Introduction 145 donor-acceptor crystals (Merrifield, 1961; Pope and II. The Microscopic Many-Electron Model 147 Swenberg, 1982; Haarer and Phillpott, 1983; Petelenz, III. Generating Functions for Coupled Exciton-Phonon 1989; Dubovsky and Mukamel, 1992) and in conjugated Variables 150 molecules (Mukamel and Wang, 1992; Hartmann and IV. Coherent Dynamics of the Purely Electronic System 151 Mukamel, 1993; Mukamel et al., 1994; Takahashi and V. Phonon-Induced Incoherent Dynamics 154 Mukamel, 1994; Chernyak and Mukamel, 1995a, 1996a; VI. Comparison with the Semiconductor Bloch Hartmann et al., 1995; Bulovic´ et al., 1996; Bulovic´ and Equations 156 Forrest, 1996). VII. Comparison with the Frenkel Exciton Model 160 VIII. Concluding Remarks 163 Apart from the Coulomb interaction, which is mainly Acknowledgments 164 responsible for correlations, the interaction of the carri- Appendix A: Equations for Electron-Hole ers with phonons is also crucial for a detailed under- Generating Functions 164 standing of the dynamics of these systems. A variety of Appendix B: Generating Functions for Frenkel Excitons 166 theoretical methods has been developed to address Appendix C: Exciton Representation of Two-Exciton these issues, including the conventional sum-over-states Variables and Coupling Constants 167 approach,1 multiconfiguration self-consistent field Appendix D: Phonon-Induced Self-Energies theories,2 Bogoliubov transformations,3 the Bethe- for the Many-Electron System 168 Salpeter equation,4 ‘‘dressed’’-exciton theories,5 semi- Appendix E: Phonon-Induced Self-Energies phenomenological few-level models,6 nonequilibrium for Frenkel Excitons 170 Appendix F: Contraction Relations 170 1For the sum-over-states approach, see Soos and Ramasesha, 1984, 1988; Yaron and Silbey, 1992; Abe et al., 1993; Soos I. INTRODUCTION et al., 1993; Soos et al., 1994; Chen and Mukamel, 1995; Chen et al., 1996; and Mukamel and Chemla, 1996. Optical measurements provide a tremendous insight 2For multiconfiguration self-consistent field theories, see into the electronic structure of various materials (Muka- Olsen and Jo”rgensen, 1985; Meyer et al., 1990; and Jaszun´ ski mel and Chemla, 1996). At moderate excitation densi- et al., 1993. ties, the basic physics tested by such experiments per- 3For the Bogoliubov transformations, see Comte and Mahler, formed on semiconductors, conjugated polymers, and 1986, 1988. 4 molecular aggregates is the dynamics of photogenerated For the Bethe-Salpeter equation, see Schmitt-Rink and Chemla, 1986; Chernyak et al., 1995. carriers forming correlated structures such as excitons or 5 biexcitons in either bound or unbound states. In ideal For the dressed-exciton theories, see Combescot and Comb- escot, 1989; Combescot and Betbeder-Matibet, 1990; Combes- molecular crystals, intermolecular charge transfer is not cot, 1992. possible and each molecule retains its own electrons. 6For the semi-phenomenological few-level models, see Dixit The elementary excitations in this case are tightly bound et al., 1990; Bar-Ad and Bar-Joseph, 1991, 1992; Lucht et al., electron-hole pairs known as Frenkel excitons (Davy- 1992; Mazumdar et al., 1992; Wu et al., 1992; Guo et al. 1993; dov, 1971). The loosely bound pairs in semiconductors Luo et al., 1993; Bott et al., 1993; Finkelstein et al., 1993; Guo, form hydrogen-atom-like Wannier excitons (Haken, 1994; Mayer et al., 1994). Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 70, No. 1, January 1998 0034-6861/98/70(1)/145(30)/$21.00 © 1998 The American Physical Society 145 146 Axt and Mukamel: Nonlinear optics of semiconductor... Green’s functions,7 and density-matrix theory.8 Density- In the present paper we consider a general model of matrix theory has become the method of choice in the many-electron systems whose Hamiltonian conserves treatment of experiments with ultrashort pulses because the number of electron-hole pairs and whose ground dealing with dynamic variables that are directly related state is therefore given by the Hartree-Fock ground to observables and that depend only on a single time state (a single Slater determinant). The system is further argument provides a very intuitive picture of the time- linearly coupled to a phonon bath. This model provides dependent material response. a unified treatment of semiconductors, molecules with The simplest level of theory is based on equations of weakly correlated electronic structure, and molecular motion for the reduced single-particle (two-point) den- aggregates. We introduce a hierarchy of exciton-phonon sity matrix. The optical polarization may be calculated generating functions, each representing a given exciton using this density matrix, which constitutes the minimal density matrix, and constituting a wave packet in pho- level of necessary information. The semiconductor non coordinates. We shall show that, to third order in Bloch equations (Haug and Koch, 1993), which are at the radiation field, the hierarchy can be truncated at the the heart of semiconductor optics, are derived within six-point-density-matrix level. We derive closed equa- this framework. The treatment of intermediate (charge- tions of motion for the relevant generating functions, transfer) excitons in conjugated polymers using the representing a formally rigorous description of the opti- single-particle density matrix allowed the interpolation cal response up to third order in the laser field including between molecular (Frenkel) limits (Mukamel, 1994) phonons. Taking these equations as a starting point, we and semiconductor (Wannier) limits (Mukamel and work out a reduced scheme, based on eliminating the Wang, 1992; Hartmann and Mukamel, 1993; Mukamel phonon degrees of freedom perturbatively. et al., 1994; Takahashi and Mukamel, 1994; Chernyak Optical excitations of molecular crystals, superlattices, and Mukamel, 1995a, 1995b, 1996b; Hartmann et al., and aggregates are usually formulated taking Frenkel 1995; Tretiak et al., 1996a). One of the major obstacles excitons rather than fermions as the basic entities. How- for a microscopic comparison of various materials is that ever, we shall demonstrate that the resulting dynamic molecular systems are usually discussed using the global equations can be recast in a form structurally equivalent (many-electron) eigenstates in real space, whereas semi- to the dynamics of the many-electron model, thus re- conductors are analyzed using elementary excitations vealing most clearly the fundamental similarities be- (quasiparticles) in k space. Treating all systems accord- tween the underlying physics of molecular and semicon- ing to the same basic strategy yields equations of motion ductor materials. The Frenkel exciton model is simpler, whose structural similarities most clearly reflect the since each exciton is represented by a single degree of common aspects of the underlying physics and thus al- freedom related to the center-of-mass motion of the lows for a systematic comparison of the remaining dif- pair. In semiconductors we need an additional coordi- ferences. An improved level of theory is obtained by nate representing the pair’s relative motion. The formal retaining higher-order (four-point, six-point, etc.) den- equivalence of the underlying dynamics provides a sim- sity matrices. This extension is essential in order to treat pler view of semiconductor optics and allows the clear two-exciton dynamics properly. Using a model Hamil- interpretation of many effects and levels of reduction tonian that conserves the number of electron-hole pairs, using the Frenkel exciton Hamiltonian, which is consid- it has been shown that for both Frenkel excitons erably simpler. Higher levels of modeling, which are (Dubovsky and Mukamel, 1991; Knoester and Muka- very tedious for semiconductors, are quite workable for mel, 1991; Leegwater and Mukamel, 1992; Mukamel, molecular systems. Consequently theoretical studies of 1994; Chernyak et al., 1995) and Wannier excitons (Axt molecular materials are more advanced than their semi- and Stahl, 1994a, 1994b; Lindberg et al., 1994; Maialle conductor counterparts. Experimental studies of semi- and Sham, 1994; Victor et al., 1995; Axt, Victor, and conductor nanostructures
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