The .Franklin NEWS-RECORD Entered as second class matter on Ju y 5, 1961 10¢ per copy VOL. 15, NO. 22 ¯ ~t the PostOffice in Somerset, NewJerwy SOMERSET, NEW JERSEY 08873, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 ..... Peace Rally---Police Controversy Continues i Mayo r ’Challenging’ Board, Says Peaces

EDITOR’S NOTE: Michael in the communitywhen they that is by its nature political to permit the use oftheschools students will gain the greatest "Television and rapid com- Peaces, president of the Frank- wishto useschool facilities. or, at least, quasi-polflical, and their facilities for the ex- education. munication have tended to lead pression of all ideas. "There peace- lin Board of Education, sent "The Board also recom- and the ideas expressed at such are meansfor our younger generation toward the followingreply to this news- mendedan open forum for all a rally would be the ideas "The policy further insures ful protestand change within a belief ininstant government paper concerning a statement opinions to be heard. To date one group in the high school the Board of a definite order, the law. Wehope that the faoul- and quick solutions. by Mayor Richard Driver neither alternative has been and not necessarily a majority control, and responsibility for ty and student body will recog- accepted. any meeting. Someof the pro- nize these avenues of expres- "Their future education printed in last week’s issue. or even a large group of stu- visions of this policy as it gained through the aging pro- "Because none of the news dents. sion in the best interests of cess mayteach them that time Mr. Driverhad takenissue media serving Franklin has "For this reason, the Board applies to student groups are: education for our children and withremarks madebyMr. Pea- is an important aspect of rea- cited more than a brief quota- of Education has deemedit im- "1. A definite group must preserving our democratic in- son and sound Judgment...that cosat a publicmeetingregerd- tion from the Board’s state- portant that the rally as initial- be established to apply. stitutions for future gener- ingpossible police protection "2. All youth groups must democracy succeeds only when ment concerning the "Peace ly proposednot be held. ations. taking the time necessary for for a proposedstudent peace Rally" and because these quotas "The Board of Education of have an adult leader approved "The Franklin Township rally. Boardof Educationhopes this thoughtful consideration and the were often taken out of con- Franldin Township feels that by the Superintendent of art of compromise which re- In complyingwith Mr. Pea- text or incomplete I amattach- the initial proposal wouldper- Schools. The adultleadermust explanationwill lead to greater cos’request to printhis state- be present before the group understandingand respect cognizes as manydiverse ideas ing hereto the full text of the mit proponents of the rally as possible. mentas wellas the board’s Board’s statement. I hope to insinuate that the adminis- may enter the school building among all groups.R feels originalstatement about the the mediawill extend to methe tration and the Board not only (t~rfacility) andwill remain thatrespect of others’views "The Board hopes the stu- peace rally, in its entirety, same privilege as was given gave sanction to the rally and with the group. is a fundamentaltenet otdemo- dents and faculty realize that the News-Record hopes that Mayor Driver, i.e., printing its ideas, but actually approved "3. Anorganized group within cracy, and the expression of ’equal treatment’ must be re- both Mr. Peaces and the May- my side in its entirety also. the speakers and the format the communityis one in which these viewsin the properman- cognized in guaranteeing the or will subsequently discuss ’rl feel the full statement of the program. at least 50 per cent of its ner will encourage such. right of assemblyand the right their differences on the issue will answer all the questions "There are two means by memberslive within the com- respect. of freedomof expression." face to face Instead at in print. raised by Mayor Driver and which the students might ex- munity. The News Record has de- the people writing letters to press themselves on current "4. Police protectton and fire voted muchspace to the opin- the editor. issues using school facilities. permits may he required at ions of both the mayorand the ’~I amalso equally confident The first would be a well the discretion of the Superin- Franklin Task Force Board of Education president it will upsetthose whoseek to plannedand publicizedforum tendent at Schools. becausethe public interest is condemnthe Boardthrough in- which fairlystated the issues "5. All permits are issued involved whenthe leaders of nuendoand hall truths." to be discussedand which per- for specified hours. the two majoradministrative MICHAEL PEACES mired equal time to each point "6. Exhibits, posters, etc. RICHARD DRIVER Report Deadline Soon bodies differ on an issue as feel that it is appropriate or BOARD OF EDUCATION of view to be expressed. shall not be displayed onschool certain student groups in the important as the providing of "Such a forum might proper- propertywithout approval of The Franklin Task Force llminary report which broke or preventingof police protec- beneficial to the community. the Principal the school. United States which have re- "Mayor Driver’s statement STATEMENTON PEACE RALLY Iy besponsoredby an organiza- of sortedtoviolence and intimida- moved anotherstep toward down the major points of tionfor townshipresidents. "7.Unless the Board is sat- its goal last weekas the Frank- the study into three sec- This newspaper,however, concerningthe seven black stu- tion such as the Student Coon- isfiedthat the proposed activity tion to inflicttheir will on dents and the chairman of the The Franklin Township cil for all interested students. local,state, and national llnBoard of Educationunani- tors: "ThePeople," "The willnot be usedto promote Board of Education was re- on theschool premises will be mouslyapproved the student a publicfeud between elected HumanRelations Commission "If the administration was adequatelysupervised; that the governments. Place," and"The Schools." pletely voidof fact. It isthe cently asked topermita "Peace satisfied that the forum would "A recentexample is at Rut- questionnaire. This committeehas been officials, and we believe that Rally" on the footballfield at be orderly and well supervised applicantwill see to theproper Followingthe approval of the both the opinions of the mayor kind of irresponsiblestatement conductof suchactivity; and gerswhere a smallminority sub-divided into three groups, that tends to inflame rather than 3:15 p.m. Monday, May llth. and that all voices could be is tryingto elininateROTC revised questionnaire,the re- with each group directed to and those of the board presi- This request was denied under thatthe applicant may be held searchcommittee planned to dent have nowbeen adequately calm the community. heard, permission would be responsiblefor any damage despitean overwhelmingvote come up with a preliminary an- "I am concerned over the the terms presented. o onsidered. of approvalby thestudentbody. haveall threeof its ques- alysis of his (or her) subject. expressed to the public. "Subsequently, a groupofap- whichthe activitymay cause tionnaires- pertaining to stu- misconceptionof the Mayorand %Shore, on the other hand, to schoolproperty. Thereare too manyother ex- Rev. Rehhein also reported It It $ ¯ $ It It It * * It manyof our citizens regarding proximately forty high school only one point of view will be amplesto mention. dents,faculty and adminis- on the success of the five open ... "8.Ali applications forper- the cancellation of these-called faculty members (approxi- expressed, the Board at Edu- is tration- distributed within the forums which had been spon- mately one third of the total cation has a policy for the mitshall be madein writing and ’tit the Board’sbelief that, nextweek. Mr. Peaces’ statement: "Peace Rally." shallhe submittedto the Super- it students are taught that the sored by the task force in the "I was deeply upset to read ’,rbe High School PrincipsJ high school faculty) petitioned use of its facilities. The Board policies, rules, and laws of At thelast full meeting of the last few weeks. the statement of Mayor Rich- the Board to reconsider their of Education would certainly intendentof Schoolsat least taskforce, the researchand and the Superintendent of sevendays advance. our nation, state, and local go- In addition to these meetings, ard Driver as released to the Schoolsgave approval to this denial of this request. consider a formal request for in vernments are for all people, communicationscommittees the group also met with the press recently. An open de- "While not meetingformally, use of the football field under "9. A permitshall not be presentedthe status of their rallywithout permission of the issuedfor any use that is ex- Junior Chamber of Commerce, bate between the mayor and Boarddespite the fact that the the Board has again discussed the terms of the policy. workin regardsto the final the League of WomenVoters, the president of the Boardof the matter by phone amongall "This policy, which was cluslveand not open tothegan- report,due June lS. Board has a written policy on oralpublic. the Chamber of Commerceand Education will not serve the this matter. available members and a ma- adopted manyyears ago to en- Wnsy D’Cruz presenteda residents from the Hamilton communityany useful purpose. Jority continue to feel the courage maximumuse of school "i0.The properor esta- Franklin’s preliminaryreport on thefind- "The administration’s report blishedfee is paid, P ark area. "I was pleased to note, how- to the Boardindicated that the Board’s action was proper. facilities and was revised in ings of the researchcom- Additional meetings are cur- ever~ that Mayor Driver now "A ’Peace Rally’ constitutes Fehrnary, 1968, is designed to "The Franklin Township mittee. rally had been authorized to Boardof Educationis dedicated rently being scheduled. The recognizes that his position calm about forty students who a request to have a meeting treat all groups equally and HRC Seeks Rev.David Rehbeln, chair- next meeting of the task force as mayordoes not include con- ,I, It * $ $ It $ $ ~1, It * $ ,I, S It I# $ I~ ,,c to the Constitutionof the United man of the communications refusedto go to class. Blllof is on June2 at the Middle- trolover the police depar truant. "Becauseof these conditions States and the Rights group,also presented a pro- bush School at 8 p.m. TheBoard in thepast has made the Franklin Board ot Educa- which particularly guard and itsrequests for police service Mayor Defends Actions protect the right of free speech Applicants tion rejected the recommenda- andfree assembly for indivi- throughthe manager or police tion of the administration as MayorRichard Driver, com- spending last weekwas toreply. chiefand will continue to do so dualsand groups. it felt that it could easily be mentingon Mr. Peaces’state- to the statements madeby Mr. "The Franklin Township Probyn Thompson,Jr., chair- I14th Company Chooses in the future. interpreted that the Board ment,said Tuesday that he Peacns at a public meeting man of the Franklin Township "TheFranklin Township po- was endorsing a single posi- agrees withthe boardpresi- in which he supposedly des- Boardof Education feels that licehave always provided ex- tion and it wasfurther deny- dent "that it is not good for cribed my actions in the mat- the provisions of Policy 701 HumanRelations Commission, cellentservice to thecommun- ing theopportunity forall sides two administrative bodies to tar." outlined above protect these announced today that the com- To Relocate On SVIC ityand it is my sinceresthope rights for all groups and ideas mission is seeking applicants to to be heard. be fighting with each other." Mr. Driver said, "I would in- EMMCC) bevelopmentCor- that nopolitician is ever per- "Followingits initial rejec- not have injected myself into within the community,while Fdl several vacancies whichwill ager is Albert M. DeGaeta, mired to interfere with the The Major defended his dis- suring the Boardthat every ef- poration,a pioneerin the professionally licensed en- tionof theadministrative re- agreement concerning the what is an argument between fort has been made to protect occur in June. field of miniature precision gineer in New York, New police in carrying out their commendationthe Boardpre- peace rally, however. the board and a segment of obligationsto the community. pareda formalstatement out- the public and student hody if the order of the meeting and "Anyoneinterested in joining component metrology, is mov- Jersey and Pennsylvania. ’~ am alsodeeply upset to liningan alternativemethod "During my three years on those statements concern- the investment of the public the HumanRelations Commis- ing to the Somerset Val- EMMCOis the 14th com- see the mayoropenly challeng- for studentsto havea peace in its facilities. ley Industrial Campus. pany to select a site on the the council and one term as ing our discussions about the "The Franklin Township sion is invited to contact Town- Incorporatedin 1966,the campus, located adjacent to ing the Board of Education in rally,a procedurefollowed by Mayor1 have not attacked the proposed rally had not been ship Manager James Westmanor its official capacity. 1 do not allindividuals andgroups with- boazd; my only reason for re- madein public by Mr. Peaces." Board of Education is deeply firmnow is locatedin Brook- 1-287. i i concerned with the actions of me by June 5. (Mr. Thompson’s lyn, EMMCOproduces mis- telephone number is 846-6620, sile components,suspension Mr. Wescmancan be reached at pivots andbearings for guid- ance systems and other 844-9400.) specializedproducts for in- "We are pleased that Mayor ertialinstrumentation. Driver and the TownshipCouncil Horace C. Shuman, SVIC Don’t Forget have committed themselves to general manager, said the firm June 2 Primary! continuing the non-partisan spirit will move to a new build- ing to he constructedon a three- of the Humanl(elations Commis- acre tract adjacent to John Wi- TONIGHT sion," Mr. Thompsonsaid. ley & Sons. The one- story TOWNSHIPCOUNCIL, 8 p.m. Mr. Thompsoncontinued, "We structure will approximate SampsonSmith School. arc looking for people who are 12,000 to 16,000 square feet in willing to devote their time and area. Construction is expected to start late in 1970. TUESDAY talent to help us work toward The engineering and develop- ~olutions of the manyproblems ment work of EMMCO re- PRIMARYE LE CTION,polls dividing our community." quire a facility that is open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. -0- quietand withoutvibration. The miniaturesize of the WEDNESDAY custom - made productsis We’re Closed! easily indicated: A year’s PLANNINGBOARD, 8 p.m. The main office of The Frank- output ann be held in two hands. MunicipalBuilding. lin News- Record will be closed EMMCOis a subcontrac- all day tomorrow,May 29 in tor for HoneyweLl, North- THURSDAY(JUNE 4) observanceof MemorialDay. rup and other leading manu- Regularoffice hourswill resume factures. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, on Monday,June I. EMMCO"Sgeneral man- 8 p.m.Munlolpal Building. Municipal Building Hearing Is Tonight

A public hearing on the $1,400,000 bond- of $800,000 for road improvements, a sal,~yor- ing ordinance for the new municipal complexon dlnance providing raises for policemen, an or- DeMoRLane is the: highlight of tonight’s town- dinance to increaseliquor license fees 20 per ship council meeting at Smith School at 8 p.m. cent,and an ordinancenaming a previous= The township council has already madea ly unnamedstreet in Kingston. commitmentto purchase 36 acres of land from Resolutionsto be adoptedtunlght include the Leo Mlndelof HighlandPark; the price is $192,- appointmentsof Jeff Greenas new township Municipal Complex Plans 000, about $6,600 per acre. magistrateand Robert Golden as townshlpprose- Revealed; Three Attend If the bonding ordinance is defeated, the new cuter. munlclpalcomplexmaybe stalled but the coun- Mr.Green is currentlyserving as prosecutor, Plans for the township’s new to make the building a reali- cil will still have to complete its purchase of municipal complex were un- construction. all interior offices will lea- Chorlton, 20 Nassau St., andwill replace HenrySpritzer as magistrate on ty. lure "clerestory" (skylight of- the land, probably by an emergency appro- June8. veiled bythe building’sarchi- Shownabove is a front view of Princeton says the design priation of the necessary funds. tect at a publicinformation ses- The complex is to be con- the building, looking from fact) lighting, will result in a building,which Mr. Golden, a formerassistant county structed on a 35-acre tract at DeMottLane. The 83,000 square Six votesare neededto passthe ordin- prosecutor,will take on thetownship duties sionon Tuesdaynight, but only There will be a 12-car un- resembles neither a monument once,and apparentlyonly sevencouncil- three residentsbraved the rains DeMottLane and AmwellRoad, foot building will houseall town- derground parking lot for the nor an institution." on thesame day. andcurrent plans set July, 1971 ship offices except public police department, and a 90- If the bonding ordinance is menwill be in attendancetonight. A resolutionIncre~Ing the interest rate on to attend. as completiondate. seat municipal courtroom. Otherpublic hearings tonight will be on an delinquenttaxes of $1,000or moreto 12 per The council called the session works, and offer Parking for 250 passed tonight (see related ordinanceto prohibitparking on Mettler’s In orderto givethe public an R willcost $1,400,000; $200,- cars. Thecouncil chamber will seat story on this page) construc- centfrom the current eight per cent will also opportunityto raise questions 000 (approximately)for land Construction materials 200, and the exterior of tion will probably begin in late Lane in ColonialPark, and on an ordin- be adopted. acquisitionand related fees, willbe brickand copper, with a thebuilding, includingthepark- July. ance¯ prohibitinginterference with police Bidsw111 be receivedon curbsand sidewalks prior to tonlght’spublichearing another$200,000 for architect raisedbeam copper batten roof. tugareas, will be extensively officersin theperformance of theirduties. forportions of LeuppLane, Berger St., So. on the bondingordinance, which and engineeringand bonding The scale model of the The councilwill introduce and set public must be approved in order The L-shapedbuilding will landscaped. building will be displayedat to- MlddlebushRoad and CqmpusDrive. on road fees,and $1 millionfor actual have seven entrances, and The architect, Richard J. night’s council meeting. hearingdates for a bondingordinance in excess materlal,and on theClydeRondreconstruction‘ ,/ ,- PAGE TWO THURSDAY,MAY 28, 1970 Griggstown Parade MEAElects Officers Miss Butler I I I II I II I II At Its regular monthly meet- rotary and last year, Doro- NOW!!! ing, held on May 20, the Manville thy E. Kleyo completed the Will Receive Education Association, MEA,held one - year unexpired term of Mar- To Begin At 2 P. M. its election of officers for two- Rarer Collins as president of the Whatare you doing to makethe M-S-M WE PAY year terms. MEA. Nurse Degree John Langfeldt, Jr. will be the Elected were: president - Frank -0- Regiona betterplace to live? speaker at the annual Memorial ed by the Bunker Hill Lutheran Curcio, special teacher at Miss SandraAnn Butler claugh- Church,the Griggstown Reformed Weston School; first vice presi- ter of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamBut- Day Parade in Griggstown. He is Church and the Griggstown Fire Martian Is a World War 1I veteran and had dent- James Cleary, sixth grade ler,of 425 White Ave., is one of Company. .teacher at Roosevelt School; sec- many months of active overseas Amongunits participating are 95 men and women who will re- duty where he was a pilot efa B-17 ond vice president - Claire Schall, BA Degree ceive the degree of Bachelor of and a prisoner of war for several the local boy scouts, girl scouts, first grade teacher at Main Street Science in Nursing from Cornell months in . cubs and brownies. The line of School. University on June 2. march will line up at 1:45 p.m. at Recording Secretary - Dorothy ¯ Master of ceremonies will be Candidate The degree will be conferred Edward Tornquist, St. Grand mar- Canal and Bunker Hill Roads. The Andreas. reading teacher at Wes- parade will start from there at 2 ton School; corresponding sec- George I. Martian of Somerset by Dr. Dale R. Corson President shal is Roland H. Lancaster, who p.m. go past the firehouse and on of the University. Mr. Frederick saw active duty in World War I. retary Dorothy E. Khyo, is a candidate for the bachelor of to the Griggstown Church grounds business teacher at the Manville arts degree in mathematics at Seitz President of Rockefeller where the program will be held. At High School; and treasurer - Norwich University’s 151st com- University will deliver the com- the church, a wreath will be placed Gilbert Lorah, French teach- mencement June 7. mencement address. VFWPost 2290 on the Memorial Plaqueby Edward er at Manville High School Mr. Martian graduated from Miss Butler attended Doughs $ iiPRINO |TREET * PRINCETON. N.J. 01840 80e.ga4.2?a? Tornqulst, original chief of the Of all the elected officers, on- Franklin High School in 1965. He College before transferring to the Ladies Auxiliary Fire Company. ly two have had previous experi- is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cornell University-NewYork Hos- i ii Invocation will be offered by Ole ence. Three years ago, Claire Martian, 13 Hollywood Ave., Som- pital School of Nursing in New Installs Officers Lillestolen, representing the Schall served as recording sec- erset. York City. Bunker Hill Church and the bene- iJ The VFW Ladies Auxiliary diction by the Roy. William A. "41 _ _. of Manville recently installed its Petz, pastor of the Griggstown ONALL - new officers, they are as follows: Church. :!I __ President- Mrs. George Mod- senior vice pres,- There will be a bicycle contest I REGULAR ~elewski; with Judging held during the pro- | dent - Mrs. Edward Rellly; junior gram. Everyone is welcome to I SAVIN G S vicepresident- Mrs. Joseph Hill; enter. There is no age limit. There | treasurer - Mrs. Stanley Ntemiec; will be prizes for the various chaplain- Mrs. Elizabeth Fetz- categories. I ACCOUNTS --- ko. SUPERMARKETS I ...... There will be group singing led | I Also, conductress - Mrs. Jo- by Colin Lancaster with Mrs. Lan- It;UMPOUNDEDAND1 Iseph RepkaSr.; guard -Mrs. Rns- caster as the accompanist. Fol- | sel Malko; secretary - Mrs, Franzoso; patrioticln- lowing the program, there will be I PAIDflUARTEglV Thomas refreshments available on the ¯ ,,,-- structor- Mrs. Vivian Fitzger- church grotmds. ¯ ald; historian Mrs. Gregory John Allen and Ternquist wlllbe Hrlniak. in charge of the arrangements. Also, banner bearer Mrs. Adams; flag bearer - Mrs. Mary P atecki; color bear- HONORED OPEN LATE ers - Mrs. Joseph Ruth, Mrs. THURSDAY & FRIDAY BIG ROLL Mary Verbosky, Mrs. Michael ttope Honchock of 396-D Hamil- Popoduk, and Mrs. Helen L~s. ton Street, Franklin Township, was OpEN SAT- Also, Mrs. Edward Lebtda- among 100 staff employees with |gliliOlS: Campbelrs third year trustee; Mrs. Ann long years of service to Rutgers Shuleski- second year trus- University to be honored at a spe- MEMORIALDAY TIL’ 6 P.~" tee; and Mrs. Paul Trout cial service recognitional lunch- first year trustee. eon held recently. sheet rolls W TN THIS COUPONAND THE PURCHASE OFANT 3’" 81i* 20 ’.~OoBuRIQUETTES IN.PR D ARTMENT couPoNGOOD THJIU SAT.. MAY3Oth ONECOUPON PER CUSTOMER .Fr-ozen


CLEAN& PRESS WITHTHIS COUPONAND THE PURCHASE OF ,,. 49’ ONE I-LD. PKG. OF "URNEY eROS. FABJiESUFIEIIIER BROWN N’ SERVE o..uR,o. :,g= ~ ,E~LOW, Eow. --8 -- GULDENSMUSTARDZ ;:3]e AMERICAN _ coDpo.GOODROLLST.,O.,..A, ,o,,. DINNERS :~&. ’,’;;:89c ,..,,,~.... ~;,~,,.,.,o., co.o..,. OUSTO.,.W;~, c ,,. __ |~.~l!Z!Z,Pl!l!l!l:l!t!! ~;:: $ I00 PEANUTBUTTER ~#L ’~:; 5 9 FRI)i{7}’RiNXS CADILLAC--BEEF / clnciff.N, m -- - - - Ili FLAGS ~[-.-~ ~ ][~lb3~’_ ~,, !o~_~_~ ....-c.,,E0 ’.... OV~ DOGrOOD 5 ’.°::To F ~ ~ FREE! BROCCOLI&,,. .... ’aO r0xs~,,~rr, t-- BsussEz,SMUTS 59= Offer good June 1st thru ilOWA S 18 ....10.-.. " c ..=E ,-’~.One June 12th. Please! One per pkg.,., 69 FI{IBARS .,o~ person - so we can take care $ coCFoOgU.Epg,o" E LIMABEANS of everyone, ONEHOUR MARTIHIZING WITHTHIS COUPON ANp THEpUIICHAS[ Of 25S. Main St.Manvillle ONEPKO. OF 100 DEAL LACEL SALADA TEA BAGS

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TO KEEP ACCURATE Mother? RECORDS WITH A She Af 1.14 TNS COUPONAND TNS PURCI4ASIE OF ON’].LR,, t,OZ, PKG,OF LAUHDfly Ffes~L Tastes q~est ~o, CHECKING deservesit AJAX ~RD OP UNION FOR THE FRESHESTPRODUCE IN DETERGENT .N,. {OUPONGOOD THRU SAT*. MAY30 ACCOUNT butshe’ll ONI appreciate D01D£H|-- COLOSED I~DIV.12-o=¯-- C IOPZNONZ WITHTHIS COUPONAND THE PUROfASEOF lEcaSu~s--,,0;,. 69 evenmore a FOUR4-OZ. PKGS.( $ FLIVVERS)OF DEAl. LABEL F~ISCRNANIS ROYALPUDDINGS:~o . SOFTMARGARINE. ,,.4915 C COUPON00D THRUSAT.. MAY20th, NYR TODAY! CUSTOMER. ChickenHoliday Break BORDEN’S Your checkrecord is an auto- onthe Memorial DayWeekend. :matic, built-in accountingsys- CONTAOilNA . BiglgBiscuils tern and it’s accuratebecause CHICKEN.SPARE RIBS-SEAFOOD TOMATO PASTE you can check it against your THISN.Y.R. ¢. TheFood You’re Prou___dTo Serve cons 9’,,,oz. SWEETon ;statements. Knowwhere your 3,o.31+ ,,+,COUPON 0,MAD. pkg .money goes - Pay by checkl FREE DELIVERY OR CALL AHEAD COUPONGOOD THRU SAT,, MATlOth. BUTTERMILK FOR SPEEDYPICK-UP SERVICE! COUPONPER CUSTOMER : @~RRI"COCI(TAIL" -RANKING HOURS. cxm0J,m Ideal/or Parties & Picnics All Pieces Now Men, Tues, & Wed. i LEMONS 9 a.m. to 3. p,m. I o. Sot.t ClmF-=0 Fhurs. - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. I FOaAQT. 0NESAUCEPAN I SEEI STORE FORCOMPLETE DISPLAY RADISHES Fri. - 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. ill WITH$5100 PURCHASFL SELECTION ).m. to 7:30 Chic It01id y PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT.. MAY 30th. WE RESERVETHE RIGHT TO UNIT QUANTITIES." ~P

9 Somerset Plaza Somerset, N.J. GRAND UNION (near the GrandUnion) OFF SOMERSETAT FRANKLIN BLVD. & HAMILTONST., SOMERSET,N.J. OPENSUNDAY 9 a.m.--6 p.m. MEN., TUES., WED., THURS.9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FRI. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. SAT.9 a.m. to 6 p.m. v~it ,,~ .... ,earby Triple-S RedemptionCenter, NorthBrunswick & MilltownRd. THURSDAY, MAY28, 1970,,, PAGE THREE Legion Auxiliary Selects Jeanne Salegna 612 Win In Is Engaged To Girls State Delegates Mrs. Joseph Piroazi, Girls Thegirls are Juniors atMan- iBike Rodeo David G. Jones % State chairman of the Manville rillsHigh School and are mem- AmericanLegion AUXiliary Unit SOMERSET-- TwelveFranklin Mrs. Joseph A1egna of 42V bersof theNational Honor So- HarrisonStreet, Manville, has an- 304, has announced the dele- ciety. Townshipchildren were listed as gates to the 10~0 sessions of winnersin therecent Jaycee Bi- nouncedthe engagement of her Jersey Girls State to be held MissMalinowski is a member cycleSafety Rodeo, held at Pine daughter, Miss Jeanne Salegna at DougTassCollege from June of theDrill Team, French Club, Groveand MacAfeeplaygrounds to DavidGriffith Jones. 21-26. LatinClub, Pep Club,Girls earlierthis month. Mr. Jones is the son of Mr. Delegates selected are: Miss LeaderCorps, and the Boots Eachchild received a trophy and Mrs. David G. Jones St. of Karen Mallnowski,daughter of and Saddles4-H HorseClub. for"outstanding cycle skill" from Oldstone HouseRoad,Bedminster. Mr. andMrs.Leonard Malinow- MissChase is theeditor of theJaycees. Miss Salegna is employedas se- skiof 1143Gross Street, Man- the 1970-71Va.lorem, a mem- The winnerswere Catherine cretary by AmericanAirllnes, ville;and Miss Deborah Chase, berof theStudent Council, and Maurer,Debby Bondy, Louvenia .) NewYork City; her fiance is with daughterof Mr.and Mrs.Wai- theGirls Leader Corps. Richardson, BrettaCalhoun, Jo- , ¯ the 3 M Company, Ridgofleld. terChase of 6 North15th Ave- Miss Lazaris a memberof anne LoMauro, Robin Smith, Doug ~f* "0- :.: .’:,/, ¯*’ nue;Manville. theInternational Relations Club Pozniak,John Herbst,Patrick UT LAW DEGREE Alternatesare Miss’Ellza- andthe FutureTeachers Club, Bert,Albert Dodson, Daniel Webb, bethLazar, daughter of Mrs. Miss Raksais the edRor- ,and JamesFrailly. AndrewLazar of 526 Harrison in-chiefof the1970-71 Valor- Jaycee committee members for : ¯ AUSTIN, TEXAS---John R. ... Baxendale,58 Johnson Road, Avenue,Manville; and Miss An- era, president of the Interna- the rodeoswere Terry Hartman, Somerset,will be granteda t itaRaksa, daughter of Mr,and tional RelationsClub, vice GaryRosenthal, Ted Wybraniec, ¯ . t presidentof theLibrary.Coun- Doctorof Jurisprudencedegree Mrs.Matthew Raksa of 360Huff Leonard Frederickand Bob at the Universityof Texas Avenue,Manville. cil,art editorof Ensemble.Robles. MISS JEANNE SALEGNAi i i II l’=’ ¯ l | u ¯ i 811[[ i/Ij n~d TheHillsborough High SchoolBand is shownpracticing for their performancesin the MemorialDay SUPERMARKETS Parade,and at the AnnualSpring Concerton Wednesday,June 3 at 8 p.m. at the high school. Photoby JimPickell.

Ii Band Practices For Parade, Concert HILLSBOROUGH-- The annualby the HlllsboroughMusic, June 3 starting at 8 p.m. in SpringBand_ Concert presented partment will be heldon Wednes-the Hillsborough/High School Au- ditorium.

i:!:;i:!~i The HillsboroughBand, com- ow Hear This prisedof 65 members,will be .o,o. participatingunder thedirection ChuckSleak C 1 e ar an e e of StephenFazio. There will be a nominal charge Sausage!ii INVENTORY WIG SALE with the proceeds to go towards Hurry In While The Selection Lasts the furtherment of the music pro- MIDDLE gram in the Townshipschool sys- CUT SALE ENDS SAT. JUNE 6 tem. SUPPLIERS EXCHANGE The program will include marches, popular tunes, ~d music 7 - 9 Somerset St., Raritan, 725-8696 from Broadway shows.





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o,qDRF 7.o ~,~NCYL~N- .N=~m" ~N" I CUPS "- SUNGLASSES LEMONPIES -"49=" 7 oz. size Ladies, Men’s, Teenagers,many styles & colors IcedTea Pilcher NANCYLYNN - LARGE t.m. r,~° 79 ANGELF00D CAKE ~;’. S9° ’:;r77~ REG. $1.79 VALUE c,,NOYLYNN-,IN*,., 6,°,69¢ NANCY’.~-DANISH=N~’T,NHORNS ’:~;:49 °’~’~~,,.29 6 PACK CARRIER ITALIANBREAD.,.’-" 33c PRIC|S EFFECTIVETHRU SAT,, MAY3OTH WERESERVE THE R GHT TO’LIMIT QUANTITIES, Semi-Rigid, WaterProof, Tartan Plaid. GRAND UNION SHOP FOR AT L&S OPEN EVES. ’TIL 9-SAT. ’TIL 6" OFF SOMERSETAT FRANKLIN BLVD. & HAMII.TON ST., SOMERSET, N.J. OPENSUNDAY 9 a.m.--6 p.m. MEN., TUES., WED., THURS. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. FRI!’9 a.m. to 10 p.m. SAT. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, Visit your nearby Triple-S Redemption Center, North Brunswick & Milltown Rd. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 PAGE FOUR 50 Artists I Evening Of Words, Music Art Exhibit ARTS AND ENT TAINMENT Planned For Jl ’ ’ E. I To Aid Anti . War Cause Enter Shawl An Evening at Words, and Mu- by it are the Movement for a New SOMERSET-- Exhibitap- sic, ,.s, benefitfor the PrincetonCongress, the Unionfor National Next Sunday plicationsfrom more than 50 UnivezsltyCommunity Fund, will Draft Oppositlon,and the Prince- artistshave been receivedtake place on FridayMay 29. ton UniversityStrike Coordinating t The second Outdoor- Indoor for the Franklin Art Coun= at 8:30 p. m. at McCaxterThea- " C ommttLee. Art Exhibit will be held on c11% OutdoorArt Show and ter. Poetryand prose readingsby Sunday, June 7 from noon- 6 Sale on June 7 at Colonlal noted writers-in-residence,and Chamber works by Bach, Hay- p.m. at the Art Circle on North Park,East Millstone. chambermusic performedby out- den, and Martinuwill be played Street, Mrs. WilliamCaU~an and standingmttsieians who llve in the by RobertMartin, cellist of the River Millstone. Mrs. Whitney’Irwin,art cam- Princetonvicinity will be featured.Livingston Trio and a member mitteeco - chairmen,said that The exhibit is sponsored The Princeton University Corn- of the philosophy and history de- by the Mill at the Forge Stu- the registration date has been partments at Livingston College. extended to the end of May so reunify Fund was established by dio Gallery, The Millstone the Princeton UniversityCom- Shop, and The Unusual Shop. that additional area artists may munltyCouncil to supportanti- Tickets will be on sale at the havean opportunityto enter. wax and other reformactivities PrincetonUniversity Store and at Co- sponsors are The First, second and third of the universityand the com- the door of MeCarterTheater on Franklin State Bank, Dart- prizes willbe awardedto pro- munlty.Among the projectsaided theevening at theconcert. Dell, John’s Garage, The fessionals,non- professionals andhigh school students Infour Now Through Tuesday Spot, Onka Garage, Ches- ter’s Meat Market, Bida categories:oils, watercolors, graphicsand mixedart media, June 2nd Wee, Vince Maslyn,and The Old MillstoneForge. whichincludes sculpture, col- Gregory Peck Richard Crenna lages, acrylies, polymers, The publicis invitedto at- castingsand assemblages. MAROONED tendthe showwhich willfea- Artistregtstratlon for the tureworks of artistsfrom New showis requiredand maybeac- (Rated G) Jersey,Pennsylvanla, andNew compllslmdby writingto the York. Arts Council at P.O. Box 22 Evenings:7 P.M. & 9:10 P.M. There will be paintings, in Middlebush,N. J., oiland water colors, abstracts, ¯ Saturday: 2 P.M. - 7 P.M.. penand Ink drawings, sketches, a 1P,.OILER. 9:15 P.M. ¯ Sunday:2 P.M. ¯ wood and metal sculpture. AIR CONDITIONED 4:20 P.M. - 6:40 P.M. & 9:10 prints,colorful hexsigns, pho- DANCING "FdR1Y.,... P.M. tography,hand forged iron NO MUSSI NO FUSS/ LEAVE EVERYTHINGTO US! and steel, antiques, sirs EVERY SAT. & SUN. NITE andcrafts, Price Includes-- a,,on,. AdmisSion The ladies of theDutch Re- NOTTINGHAM ¯ BirthdayCake ¯ Soda¯ ice Cream Starts Wednesday ¯ formed Church will serve re- ¯ PartyHats ¯ partyRoom m June 3rd BALLROOM ¯ ShooSkate Rental freshments while the Frank- MercerSt. HamiltonSquare, N.J Dustin Hoffman Jan Voight lln Womans Club is in 2 More.Weeks For ’Milk Wood’ AlLFOR. $20 .00rot. (;,o.pot Ten-- chargeof thecake table. TheLargest Ballroom in the East The mockingchildren of Milk Woodtake out their anger on another child in this scene from ’Under Withall Big Bands1 $2.00Add. For Each Additional Guam, For intormatlonabout ex- Milk Wood,’ the Dylan Tllomas play for voices which opens the Villagers’ 1970 season. The play Sat. No Dance ~,..~E,’,v,;,*,, NOW MIDNIGHT hlbitingplease contact Mrs. continues with performancestomorrow, Saturday, and Sundayand next weekendat the Barn Theatre in Sun. Lamplighters KathleenMcClure, Mill at the Middlebush,Frank lin Township.The ’children’ are (I. to r.) front row, Gloria Reina, Janine Carbon,Eve COWBOY Forge Studio Gallery,Mill- 9 to 12. Fun/~,one or Couples stone. Eveland;rear, JuneBarfield, HerbWolke, Bill Jamieson. (rated X)


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BRIDGEWATER, FIPdOERNE" MARTINSvlLLE " SOMERVILLE.WATCHUNG RARITAN OalaPlocesszni ForDetails Contact:Director of Admissions Bus350, l’rhweh,n, NewJersey 08540--609.924.5858 MemberFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970

LE77 RS 7"0 The FA)IT"O ,. Z_.._..Z/ year? think you will see a wom- on’spolicy it wouldmean con- Editor,The ManvilleNews: in ourpools whether there is an anyone with misdirected Ioy- patient and his family look to Chairman call on you to volun- There are one articleand On ThurlowMartin’s Jr. let- en in the midst of those men, tlnuouswar for 15 years.We alties remember? Yes, Mr. May- ordinanceor not. defiling and desecrating the American Cancer Society teer as a solicitor, VOL- twoletters-to-the-edltor lathe ter-to-theeditor: have been told this over and After all, we are the ones their memories and what they for help and comfort to resolve May 21 issueof The Manville Couldit be thatmaybe, Igst or, I too say "SHAME." UNTEER. over. responsible and the ones who believed in, on this day which physical, emotional and eco- Let’s all try our besttomake Newsthat I wouldlike to com- maybe,we could have another Mrs. Edith Kiss Also,we havebeen told over ManvilleBoard of will suffer if someonedrowns is set aside for these men and nomical problems. the 70’s the decade when can- m enton. Kent State disaster here in and over that the Communist the many others like them. Education in our unprotected pools, not Through public education, the cer was conquered. On thearticle, Athletics vs. Manville? plan is to involvethe USA in the Township Committee mem- If this boy and his cronies Society seeks to prevent the Academics: Manville has the largest V FW 36 North 11 Avenue 50 simultaneouswars. Just read Thomas Onderko Manville bers who voted against the have that much energy, let them loss of human life from lack Coordinator I think sportsprograms in in the state of New Jersey. your newspapers. ordinance. use it in front of a Russian of knowledge of the seven warn- schoolare a big assetto the What usually happens when -0- We are not yetout of Korea. Cancer Crusade Very truly yours, embassy in Washingtonor at ing signals of cancer and the -0- academicside. men get together for a parade Editor, The Manville News: We are in Vietnam, Cambodia G. Bud Churitck the United Nations, importance of early detection When a studentgoes out/or or anything and talk over old This letter is in response some Editor, The Manville News: to Mayor Patero’s "Mayor’s and Lees. It looks like 17 Laurel Drive Thank you for letting me and treatment. Mayor Joseph Patero has a sport he learnshow an or- times? sort of action is shaping up in South Somerville show you the other side of The Society conducts a com- ganizationis set up (as in They usually have a few Memo" of Thursday,May 21. condemnedthe ManvilleBoard the mid-east. So we axe already -0- the coin. prehensive professioml educa- society),what integral part he drinks and some have been Unfortunately,whatever the well on our way to fulfilling the of Educationfor their action of mayorsought to achievethrough Mrs. Josephine Koprowski tion program to helpphysicians funds playsin thesuccess of thator- known to go overboard. 50-waxs program. Editor, ManvilleNews: cutting athletic rather ganization,how to getalong with his article,he onlyimplanted The 129 South Fifth Avenue and dentists keep abreast of the I don’t think that a "peace" What to do? How to escape I am writingin replyto Mrs. Manville latest medical and surgical than cutting funds from the area otherhumans in a teameffort, thesupposition that he certalnly of academic needs. march would go over too great the two Jaws of the pincer or Ruth Loeb’sletter in last week’s -0" techniques in the diagnosis and anda feelingof successor de- withthose men. conslaerseducation and the pliers? The Mayor reasons, however featwith the team. qualityof educationwithin our edition of The Manville News, treatment of cancer. irrationally,thatit willdeprive What is truth Mr, Martin? Here Is how: we mustwin the which displayed her encourage- E dltor, Franklin News Record: Research is the vital aspect Is this not learning?.Or Is a minority of college stu- systemto be of secondaryim- in Vietnamat once, then m ant to the boy from Duke, Uni- Thursday night atSampsonG. manyathletes of athleticschol- war of the AmericanCancer So- arships. canJust books supply thlsform dents enough to radically portance,secondary to ath- get out. As GeneralMacArthur versity who wants to protest our Smith Intermediate School, ciety’sthree part programto of education? 230 students performed a con- Firstof all,by cuttingsev- changethis government’s (peo- letics. said, "Thereis no substitute Memorial Day services. conquercancer. On Mrs. Loeb’s letter- ples)policy overnlght? Is he takingthe position that forvictory." I believe her sympathies are cert which thrilled all who at- All of theseprograms cost a eral membersfrom the average to-the-edltor: tended. What about the 100,000de- hundreds of dollars should be Secondly,in orderto win we m isdtreoted. great deal of money and the ma- team size, it is certainthat only I don’tthink It takesguts monstrators(pro-Nixon) spentto insure andoutfit non- must stop aid and trade with I suggest she read the arti- Great work has been ac- those mediocreplayers or po- to standup andsay that you’re complished by Mr. Zoeller, Jor source of financing is the bench-warmerswill be New York City? playingmembers of an athletic anyonesupplying the Viet Cong cle in this months Reader’s annual "Education F~md Raising tential for or againstsomething be- Changein a societysuch as teamrather than for textbooks and NorthVietnam as they get director, and a bouquet of thanks deprivedof a placeonthe bench. cause it might cause some Digest entitled, "I’m Tired of all Drive"held during the month of ours is slow, yes, sometimes and supplies? 80-90 percent of their supplies the Tyranny of Spoiled Brats", must go to students of 7th April. Note: mediocreathletes do criticism. painfullyslow, but that change Mayor Patero stated that the and 8th grades. not receiveathletic scholar- indLrectly from the USA.Allow- by K. Ross Toole, Pro- Theyplayed so professional- The 1970 fund raisingdrive It’s your God givenAmeri- canand does take place is quite Board "arbitrarily" set limits able Items for shipment are fessor ot History at the Uni- withinthe Boroughof Manville ships. canright. ly that the FranldinHighGolden evident. on the football team member- listed in Export Bulletin 941 versity of Montana. If she oan suppliedthe SomersetCounty Secondly, when we pause to I would like to point out JosephChunko ship for reasons he "still fails read this with an open mind, Warrior Band will cer- Chapterof the AmericanCan- consider the number of stu- to Mrs. Loeb that man has as revised, amended and/or tatnly achieve continuedsuc- dents to be affected by the 105 CzaplickiStreetto understand". superseded. I’m sure it might enlighten her cerSociety with $1,550. beenfighting his own kindfor Manville on manypoints thiscontro- cess as these studentsmove Board’s move, are we not talk- a few thousandyears (whe- I must inform the Mayor In these complextlmes, Man- of Mrs. Doris Evans, orusado -0- that the limit was set onlyafter versialissue. to the High School ing of a very small percentage therphysically or psychologic- ville would be well advised chairman, Joins with me in much deliberation and that it to play a ’%ends-up" ball game In doingso, she might become Congratulations to them¯ All thankingthe hundredsof citi- of the student population? ally),and everybodyImows how Editor, The ManvilleNews: their many hours of prac- Cuts in the academic area~ I was shockedto read last was set for 120,000 reasons, in tile semanticsof "peace" a bettersocial worker in di- zeus of Manvillewho gave so hard it is to break a habit, bad the amountthe Mayorand Coun- and, in behalf of public safety recting theyouth toputtingthetr ticing paid off with a night to generously. however, would effect every or good; it sometimes takes week’s "Mayor’s Memo" and be remembered. student. his wishy washy efforts to cil choseto cut from the budg- and the general welfare, to avoid values in the proper per- Our thanksalso to industry, only a few days or it never etl spective. Mrs. N. Peters The Mayor also states that happens. downgrade the Manville Board any so-called "peace" demon- commercialand socialorgan- With this money uo longer strations, Personally,I feellike the Somerset izationsand The ManvilleNews these bench-warmers will lose Until man progressesfur- of Education. availableto implementitems motherof Lt. Terry Don Bax- -0- their chance to learn the spirit ther along in his ways and As a new member of the Name Withheld On Request forhelping us to makethis drive of an educationalnature, it must terin tellingof thereasons why of physical competitiveness. Is board, I am sure the voters of -0- Editor, The Manville News: a success. thinking,I don’t think that he’ll be found elsewhere. Every her son was killed in Cam- this not one of the goals of changehis ways over night, but Manville know, I would neverbe Editor, The immediate goal of the Lastbut not leastwe would source must be exploredand The Manville News: bodia,"Our son gave his life for every school physical educa- I hopeand pray thathe will. a party to deprive any student of I am exceedingly happy that American Cancer Society is to like to offerour sincereap- every measure taken to undo a cause he believed in. He felt preciationto the volunteers who tion program? I don’tthink President Nix- an opportunity of a college edu- there are people in this com- he had an obligationto the save lives and to alleviate suf- In this program, as well as cation. the inevitableharm this cut munity who think only of its fering. did the soliciting. A handful of on ever said that he had an imposes. countryhe loved. numerous other community or- answerin his pocket.I think For our Mayor to say that betterment. However, you might say that people, your neighbors, who ganizations and church spon- The Mayor further main- "Herealized we cannotallow the "Society"is one business gave their time and effort so thathe is doingall he can to he "refuses to be a party to tainedthat the quota system I really am glad that only sored intramural athletic pro- an attempt to deprive a boy hard the Communiststo domlnatethe fightingto stayin businessbe- that others might live. move out of Vietnam and to set by the Boardwill deprive protesters’ parents work rest of the world and expect grams,every student has ample leavethe peopleof thatcoun- of the opportunity to win an to give their sons and daughters causeits ultimategoalie toflnd Through the 1971 Cancer opportunityto experiencethis the boys cut from the team to say, ’Hands Off America’¯" Crusade we hope to double the try ableto defendthemselves. athletic scholarship or to wear fromwinning an athleticschol- the opportunity of furthering a cure for cancer. competitivespirit. f I had a husband who fought The 60’s will be remembered amount of money raised within Would Mrs. Loeb let the the treasured uniform o arship. themselves. In orderto voiceopinions and i townbully beat up andterror- the Manville Mustang," comes One thing I really am grate- in World War II for the same as the decade when man con- the Borough of Manville tilts the Mayor assuming viewpointsworthy of considera- izea smallerchild? a little late. Is that ful for is that people today reasons heldby Lt. Baxter, and quered space and set foot on year. the outstandingplayers, the also a brother who was killed tionin the future, the Mayor¯ I would also like to ask He should have considered have the opportunity to stand the moon. However,it will take more will have to first put politics this in April when he and the oneswho are eligiblefor ath- in actionand receivedthe Sil- As we open a new decade, than Just a handful of neigh- Mrs. Loebif she doesn’tcon- leticscholarships, will be cut on their own little soap boxes aside, and then re-examine his South governing body slashed so and feel in their own minds ver Star and Three Leaf let us hope that the 70’s willbe bors, of people who want to sider , Korea, from the team? Cluster. attitudes and values concern- and as allies? drastically the Board of Edu- that they are so important to remembered for the conquest of serve with allegiance and com- ing realistic educational goals These scholarships are They’reresting up therein cancer. mitment to make this a reality. They have their own men fight- cation’s budget. their community and to the that cemetery.I don’t want for Manville youth. ing and dying along side our Howcan he say that he "fails awarded because of excellence. world. In time of need, the cancer Should the 1971 Crusade On The players who make theteam i f Name Withheld Request Amerlcan men. to understand our reasons," But I feel that sometimes What has the dope addict Since my election in Febru- will be the boys who will, be- people must be reminded of :u-y, my colleagues and I have cause of theirperformance on what things axe in reality. died for? What have the little thefield, be eligiblefor possi- boys and girls died for in car approved many new cours- Memorial Day is not a day es and updated the curriculum. bleathletic schol~.-ships. to support government policy, accidents? If anything,setting a quota There is no easy answer This all costs money, money Memorial Day is a specific for why one must die. which must come from some- forthe team will encourage fl, e spiritof competitivenesswhich time to honor the memories My country right or wrong, where. of brothers, sons, husl)ands, As the Mayor said, "There is willaid in characterdevelop- but by God I am glad that I ment as the boys will cer- fathers, relatives and friends, live here and call try to right a thing called education, the best and maybe for a few, a day to someof tilewrongs. that we can ~ford Is always our tainlyhave to workharder tot a placeon theteam. say a special thank you prayer Was it any easierfor men ultimate goal," this is trulyour that their own name cannot be to die in World War I or aim also[ In doing so, a greater pride fotmd on a memorial list of will be instilled in those who WorldWar I[ becausethe threat As forhis statement of abuse, names. "nine men punishing 13,000 are selected towear the "treas- To people who celebrate Me- to the U.S. was obviousand people tot some unknown ured uniform" of the Manville, overwhelming? morial Day for what it Is, I reason,"Do you honestlythink Mustang. wish you a pleasant day. To Is it any harderfor men to tlm peopleof Manvilleare so When the Mayor then accuses die becausethe threatto the those who use Memorial Day naive as to elect peoplewho the Board of "terrorizing" and as an excuse for a stage, I VISIT THE U.S.isn’t as obviousor over- would punishthem? "punishing" the townspooplebe- whelming today? What about also wish them a pleasant day. By the way, I would suggest cause it has takenthe unpopular Many people must be remind- tomorrow, next week, next you look again Mr. Mayor, I position of placing education be- ed that ~he actions of some (sup- i __ fore athletios, then I accusethe posedlyJcollege students do not, Mayor of political maneuvering. I believe, voice a majority Rep. Frelinghuysen Changes But perhaps the Mayor is ’voice. second sun implying that the nine elected But as Americans, they have members on the Board of Ed- the right to protest and to do Academy Nomination Basis ucation consult with the Mayor "their own thing." A new adventure, and Council before making any But since there are not a U.S. Rep, Peter H.B. Fre- decisions whatsoever. tow veterans with college de- dation, scores on the Schol- Our Honorable Mayor must llnghuysen (R., 5th Dist.) an- astic Aptitude Test, and a per- grees who have served and a total experience. A unique surely be aware that the position whose names can be found on nouncedhe will not utilize the com- sonal interview. petlth,e Civil Service examination he has chosen to take is com- memorial lists, I feel that I The physical requirements pletely indefensible.Therein way for you and the family to this year for individuals nom- for admission are established by can sit back and smile with lies the reasoningbehind his pridefor those livingand those inated for entrance to the service the individual academies and re- concludingstatement that he academies. main unchanged. "willpublicly make no further dead, with or without college spend a rewarding day. The Congressman said his "! have decided to change my degrees, who have accom- commenton the subject". plished what they had fought nominations to the Military, selection method since experience I, personallywelcome any Naval, Air Force and Mer- com. for. has shown that the commentsfrom any source.To It was not for government chant Marine academies will be petitive Civil Service examina- my mind, the educationof the policy,it was for a country, made on the basis of high school tion is not an accurate Indicator childrenwithin our community or preparatory school records. America. of an individual’s ability," Con- is and shouldbe of foremost recommendations from the gressman Frellnghuysen said Nicholas J. Chabra Jr school principal or guidance concernto allot us. Manville "The criteria I intend to fol- When the decisionmust be counselor, college records where -0- low in tlle future, in my Judgment, made,therefore, between edu- a person has enrolled in col- will result in a fairer standard of lege, three letters of recommen- cationand athletics, then I can- Editor, South Somerset News: selection for academy admission," notand will not decide in favor I was horrified when I o_f_ an:i~~ the quality heard that the swimming pool educationin our schoolsystem. fencing ordinance was defeated SOUTH SOMERSET NEWSPAPERS Michael Mazur by a 4-1 vote at the Township Vice-President Committee meeting. Published every Thursday by Manville Board of Education ! understand that about 50 TIw Prhweton Packet, hw. -0- "local residents" were onhand Main Office: 240Soulh Main St., to voice their opposition to the Editor, The Manville News: propos,.fl that a four - foot fence Manville, N.J. 08835 It is the best of times. It is Telephonc: 725-3300 be required around swimming the worst of times. It is the pools in Hillsborough. most complex of times. I am under the opinion that This summer, New Jersey offers you two Suns. One Richard E. Deutsch ...... Managing Edilor A matter discussed lathe May Joseph Angeloni ...... we as parents are interest- you already know.., and the Second Sun, Public Sales :rod Bnsincss Manager 21 issue of The Manville News ed in the safety of our children is over-simplifiedfor these Service’s Nuclear information Center in Salem ... and that in the interest of safe- a beautiful ferryboat that’s made for family fun[ The Franklin NEWSRECORD complextimes. Clearly, "add- ty we bar no expense. ed dialog"as theycall it in the By placing an unfenced pool When you board the Second Sun, you enter a whole 802 Hamil H)I1S[., Somerscl. N.J. movies,is required¯ on our property, we are inviting new world.., the vibrant world of energy. You’ll be William Adams ...... News Editor A particular complexity is to trouble. Es~cially since we swept into the fascinating saga of man’s never-end- permitor not topermit"peace" have so many children inHills- ing struggle to harness energy. demonstrations¯ borough. Exciting displays reward you with the thrill of edu- TheManville News Why is "peaoe"a complexity By placing a fence ,’wound our of our times?Because the word cational adventure.., use your own energy to gen- 240 Sou lh Main St., Manville, N.J. poets, we protect ourselves has beencaptured. It nowhas a erate electric power.., you operate a nuclear gen- Monika Saladino ..... News Edilor from the child who is curious new meaning. enough to climb the ladder that erator.., you split an atom with a neutron ray gun "Peace" now means "no op- you "forgot" to remove from ¯ .. hold a real Gelger Counter and hear it’s space- position to Communismor to the pool the last time you used age crackle, and much, much more. All this PLUS NEWS Marxists- Lenlnists." Or, b3 Rnulc 206 Soulh, Somerville, N.J. it, or from the child who wants a spellbinding theater presentation. The Second "Peace is whateverthe Com- to see what’s in that big, Sun... an experience you’ll never forget. Richard E. Dentsch... News Editor munlstswant." round, tank so he climbs on the Ful~er,if we demonstrate filter and is half way up the Make a great day of it in Salem, New Jersey. And All advertising alH~,:ars in ;ill three ncv,’spapersin Ibc gn)up. for "peace"this means that we slfle of a four -foot pool. remember, it’s FREEI Sub~’riplionrates: OneYear $4.50. Twoyears, $ 8. Ncwssl;.lnd also support the unilateral stop- TOS ay that children can climb price I 0 ccnls per copy. pingof actionin Vietnamand the four foot fences to get into pool Openhowl Mailingaddress: P.O. Box146, Somerville, N.J. 08876 abandoningof our men who are enclosures, may be true, but Wednesday thru Friday ~ 9 AM to 4 PM- Satur- prisonersot the Viet Cong. usually a child that can climb a day 10 AM to 6 PM -- Sunday12 PM to 6 PM This would indicate to the fence of this kind can also be Closed Men. & Tues. THEPRINCETON P,,qCI£ET I INC. world that the USA is weak, reasoned with not to do this. So, immedlatelyinstead of Publisher The children I am most con- Easyto reachl fightingno war we wouldhave cerned with are the bye, two- Production Plant and Corporalc Headquarters to fightmany wars. Follow the Turnpike to Exit 1 (Salem, New Jersey) cock Bridge Road and the Second Sun. Public and - a - half, and three- ye,’w - follow the Black and Orange Pointers on route 49 300 Withcrspoon St., Princeton, N.J. 08540 On theother hand, should we olds, that are too young to rea- Service Electric and Gas Company Nuclear Infor- supportPresident Nixon’s stand son with and yet oldenough to through Salem. The Pointers will lead you onto Hen- mation Center. on the war in Vietnamwith ex- Mary Louise Kilgore ...... Ch’airnmn of the Board climb pool ladders. tensionto Cambodiaand Lees? I fecl we of Hillsborough Edward P. Burke ...... Editor and Gencra] Manager Thisis anothercomplexity of Edwin W. Tucker ...... should take another look at our Executive Editor and Business Manager our times.The two choicesare pools, our back y~ds that Robert ] iutchinson ...... Mechanical Superintendcn I like the Jaws of a pinceror run together, and our neigh- William Bcnnell ...... pliers. bore’ Circulation Manager If we supportPresident Nix- children, and then Public Service Electric and Gas Company use ourconsciences, and fence ,,o,o PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 10 CONFIRMEDAT SERVICE ON SUNDAY No Services Fellowship GRIGGSTOWN--Ten members ship service of the GrlEgs- They included Robin Min%Haslestad, Debhie Larsen, Su- OBITUJtt~IES of the Confirmation Class were town Reformed Church by the Brent Jeanneret, Karen Dor- san Overboe John and Donald ~onflrmed durinz Sunday’s wor- Roy. W~11t.ra Petz. men JaAnn ~n~n Rnd To Be Held ¯ Will Attend MRS. RICHARD BONOPANE ANDREWJ, LAZAR On Sunday A Retreat FRANKLIN-- Funeral services MANVILLE--Funeralservices were held on May 23 for Mrs.were held Tuesday for Andrew A fifthSunday service for the MONTGOMERY-- Twenty Pauline Bonopane of 269 Vassar J. Lazar, 41, of $26 Harrison Ave- Northerndistrict, First Born membersof the Youth Fellowship Street. She died on May20 in St. hue. He died on May 24inSomer- Church of the Living God willfrom the MontgomeryEvangelical TICE beheld this Sunday, May 31, Free Churchalong withthelr advi- N Peter’s General Hospital. set Hospital. Interment was in the family starting at 11 a.m. in the Holy sor, the Rev. Victor Walter, Intermentwas in SacredHeart TrinityFirst Born Church of the win leavetonight for Camp Spof- plot in Elmwood Cemetery, New Cemetery,Hfllsborough Town- LivingGod in Newark. Brunswick. ship. ford,N. H., for a weekendretreat. Borntn NewYork City, she ltvedl Mr. Lazarwas an auditorat Becauseof this, there will be no There will be 300 youth most of her life in NewBrunswicki theJohns-Manville Research Co. servicethis Sunday in theSolid assemblingfor a weekendof en- MANVILL_ = R D ENTS before moving to Franklin 15 A residenthere for 14 years,RockFirst Born Church. tertainment, Bible Study and yearsago. he came to this boroughfrom At the SundaySchool service work. Those heading the local Mrs.Bonopane was the daughter Lansford,Pa. He was a memberthere starting at 10 a.m., Dea- group are David Mathlsen and of thelate Frank and RachelCa- of ManvilleVFW Post 2290 and con Samuel Brooks from the BruceGustafson. No garbpge will be eolleeted, vello. OurLady of PeaceCouncil Knights Solid Rock Church will pre- She was a retiredseamstress of Columbus. side. On Sunday,May 31, the sub- and was a memberof Local130, A youthrally will be heldon Ject of the Rev. Robert A. Gus- Survivingare his wife, the form- SaturdayInthe HolyTrlnity Church InternatlonalLa die s Garmenter Rose MarieFritz; three daugh- ta.fson at the 11 a.m. worshipser- May 29th & 30th, WorkersUnion of PerthAmboy. startingat 8 p.m.John A. Brooksvice will be "Our FreedomIs Not Widow of Richardwho died ters,Ruth, Lenore and Elizabeth, from the Solid Rock ChurchFree: Nationaliy Or Spiritually". in1918, she is survived bya son,l anda son,Andrew J. Jr.,all at and NationalYouth President Vincentof Franklin;a half=broth- home; four sisters, Mrs. Paul willbe in chargewith the youth The initial cost of freedom for Memorial Day Papayof Palmerton,Pa., Mrs. fromthe various churches in theour country will be pointed out er, AlbertZottl of Edison;two Pauline Harvan and Mrs. Eliza- sisters,Mrs. Mamle Scaramozza districtparticipating. plus the continual cost to maintain beth Chuma, both of Lansford, A dinnerwill follow in thefel- it. Iof East Brunswick, and Mrs. Ab- Pa., and Mrs. Vincent Magala of lowshlphall on Sundayafter the bondate of Franklin; five grand- Anchorage, Alaska, and twobroth- Regular piek.up will resume children, and a great-grandchild. morningworship service. Ad- ¯ CALL CLASSIFIED era, Michael of Lansford and Jos- vancereservations are not re- Her son, Eugene, died In 1964. eph of Coaldale, Pa. 725-3355 -0- quired. the following week. A CORRECTION The ManvilleNews last week CouncilmenStanley Mleczko omittedthe name ofThnddeus Mas- talskl,a sophomore, from its llst SPECTACULAR Street Commissioner of NationalHonor Society students. We regretthe omission. 4 Pc. BEDROOMSET BUY

A limited number of nationally advertised ...only timely bedroomsuites will be sold for only... Thrifty Furniture Mart could bring you¯ completebedroom outfit (nationallyadv.) for the low, low price of $100 ! I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pieces include: Double dresser, 4 draw chest, tilting landscape mirror, panel headboard with metal frame.

Yes, you may now purchase a nationally advertised 3 Pc., bedroom suite, by Timely, at an unbelievable low price. These suites are specially priced for this one time only event. All pieces are sturdly constructed with acid and heat resisting tops,


Here’s yqur opportunity to invest in true NO minimumbalance To receive your freechecking account, you must sleepingcomfort at special low prices. Values include quality m a k ¯ r mattresses, box NO 10¢ check charge qualify for CashReserve. There is no chargefor springsin all sizes. opening your Cash Reserve Account. You are NOactivity charge underno obligation to use it. LACETUFTED Posture Type Mattreu in durablo stripped cover wlth Youcan qualify for Hills & CountyFree Checking matching box spring in single er :~ NOmonthly service fee fvll slso. and CashReserve if you receive a steady income ONLY ... Reservecash privileges and have a good credit standing. You need not be a present customer of Somerset Hills & up to $5,500 for those County National Bankto apply. $ whoqualify Visit any office of Hills & CountyBank for com- plete details and your CashReserve application QUILT TOPMattress in attractive Nowyou mayhave free checking account or mail coupon below. Combinethe conven- floral print cover with mitchlng service at Hills & County Bank. Your ience and economyof a free checking account box spring. checking account will be backed by Cash --with the protection of CashReserve. ONLY Reserve-from $500 to $5,500. Cash Re- serve protects your checking account from overdrafts ,.. provides immediate Headfor Hills & County- $ cash whenyou needit... for any purpose. we’re your brandof bank!

CONVENIENT BUDGET I SOMERSET SOMERSET TERMS ARRANGED HILLS & COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Ample Free Parking-- CashReserve Checking Department P.O. Box 128, BoundBrook, N, J, 08805 At Our Rear Door!! Pleasesend me further informationand an application for Cas~ ReserveChecking, without obligation Name:...... SERVINGYOU IN: BASKINGRIDGE ¯ BERNARDSVILLE¯ BOUND BROOK THRIFTYFURNITURE MART FRANKLINPARK ¯ LIBERTYCoRNER ¯ SOMERSET Address: ...... 147-49 WESTMAIN ST., MEMBERFEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ¯ PHONE I OWNEDAND City: ...... State...... Zip Code:...... RA-5-2020 IOPERATEDBY (ReasePrint) INSTANT S0M ERVI LLE | BLANCHE Sam DELIVER~ ¯ ROBINSON I I I THURSDAY,MAY 28, 1970 PAGE SEVEN


III That II Others ight

Live.. 0


On this Memorial Day tile bugles sound, humbly honoring all those who have lost their lives in war, that others maylive in a free society. Let us pause for one moment this day, to honor these men who can never return. Together may we pray for an everlasting peace in the hearts of men and a never ending society of Men who pledge themselves, to Duty, Honor and Country.

Wesalute the families and friends of these, our most courageous servicemen, who have choosen to follow DUTY! HONOR! COUNTRY! the direction of their President, and their fore fathers, before them and made the supreme that Wethe undersigned...offer our consolation to the family and friends others may live in this free community. of these brave menand want you to know, although May30th is MemorialDay, they shall be rememberedin our hearts every day of ourlives. JOSEPH BIELANSKI FUCILLO& ~ .,-.RRE _’. [~IZUR ’$ FOODTOWN 212 S, MainSt. 205 S. MainSt. 141 S. MainSt.


243 S. MainSt. 253 S, MainSt. 249 S. MainSt. CHARLES JEWELERS KASCHAK’S SHI3j ~ S~l ORE P & M FURNITURE 238 S. MainSt. 113 S. MainSt. 257 N. MainSt.

CHARNESKI & BONGIORNO MANVILLE1 [ aSO v ~ II.ftSPL Y INC. R UZYCKI’S PHARMAC Y 42 S. MainSt. 55 BeekmanSt. 68 S. MainSt. CRYSTAL RESTAURANT MANVILLEJ lEA T ~,~ A B~KET WAR COLA ’S 244 S. MainSt. 216 S. MainSt. 236 S. MainSt.

FLO WER GALLER Y MANVILLE ~A T1 3~AL BANK Be Sure And Fly The Flag on 210 S. MainSt. S. MainSt. Memorial Day ’~’~.. PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY,MAY28,’

FHS Senior Wins Scholarship Award "i/i SOMERSET -- The fifth She will attend Blooms- school they attend. Mrs. Hugh Abbott, cor- annual club scholarship was burg State College in Blooms- Mrs. William Groner, ira- responding secretary, andMrs. WE DO CLEANING ¯ ;. awarded and new officers were burg, Pa., where she plans to mediate past president of the Richard Sas, treasurer. installed at the ninth annumlun- major in secondary education club, presented the award Mrs. Edward Hancewaslun- Attlu, eelkm,WNe, , cheon of the CedarWood Wom- with an emphasis on matho- to Miss Yazgier. o.~eon chairman. Mrs. Framp- anfs Club Saturday at the Far matics. The new officers of the club, ton and Mrs. Sas were Hills Inn. She is a member of the Na- installed by Mrs. JosephDolan, delegates from the club to the I~mlN el Iilkthnliq The $600 scholarship was tional Honor Society and is past president, are Mrs. recent New Jersey State awarded to Miss Jean Yaz- active in many organizations Howard Frampton, president; Federation of Woments Clubs ota reaeenlMe prk;e gter, a senior st Franklin both at Franklin High School Mrs. Donald Brown, flrstvice- Convention in Atlantic City, High School and in the community, president; Mrs. Del Potter, May 12 - 15. Miss Yazgier is the daugh- The annual club scholar- second vice-president; Mrs. -0- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin ship competition is open to Roger Tarman, third vice- Call Today - 526-0605 Yazgler of 82 Marc~;,~Lre~t, all residents of the town- president; Mrs. Joseph Ta- CALL CLASSIFIED Somerset. ship, regardless of the high bourne, recording secretary; 725-3365 i = _ t i

(: ii PLAYTEX PiC N iC HIBACHI GRILL ~ swW~0u,,0 CHEST ooo. 39 COOKING ’ , /[ ~;2 . .’ Reg. FOAM AREA 1.19 76 ¢ 68¢ ,Reg.7.95 Mrs. Edward J. Marshall was Miss Patricia Dolcey lY’ PORTABLE TROPIC CHARCOAL 1 00-9 inch Manville Tax Collector ’.,.TORCHES TABLETOPGRIL~ Is Wed To Miss Doleey FOR THE PATIO PAPER PLATES Miss Patricla Dolcey, daughter of the bride of Caliton. Reg. 1.29 of Mrs. Mary Dolcey of 112 Fair- Following a reception in the view Avenue, Middlesex, was mar- Falcon Camp, South Somerville, ried to Edward J. Marshall of the couple left on a two-week 1308 Roosevelt Avenue, Manville, wedding trip. Upon return, the on May 23 in Mr. St. John’s couple will reside in Manville. Reg.981 ¢ EEZY-OUT REUSABLE- Academy Chapel, Gladstone. The bride is a graduate of Mr. 8¢ 47 The Rev. Marinus Verwey was St. John’s Academy, Gladstone. ~~ iCE CUBE ICE officiating minister. She is employed by Dr. Herbert ELECTRONIC The bride was given in marriage Shift, l~laintleld. TRAYS by her brother-in-law Rnssell The groom is the Borough of BUG PAK SLrouse of Old Bridge. Manvflle’s tax collector. 2 for Matron o£ honor was Mrs. Lot- -0- 100 COUNT era Slallings, sister of the bride, KILLER99 of Calffon. Miss Mary Martha St.rouse, Puppet Show Reg.5.98 FORKor 37’ 57’ niece of the bride, was the flower girl. Benefits Day 7-LITESET SPOONS DELUXE2-PLAYER As bridesmaids served Mrs. ~, 39 Pauline De Wilt of Bound Brook; ’.-" 6-12 PATIO Mrs. JoanForte of Raritsn;Mrs. BADMINTON Care Center :" " INSECT BRIX SELF ArleneRyden of Gladstone;Mrs. ,,,,, MargaretChiselko at Raritan;and A puppet show, "Rumpelstilt- SET Mrs. Mary Markey of Bound skin," was presented Saturday at SPRAY LITES CHARCOAL Brook. 12:30p.m. on the groundsof the ...,.,... Miss KathleenStrouse, niece Van Derveer School, Union and BRIQUETS Reg. of thebride, of Middlesexserved G,astonavenues, Somerville. JUMBO PACKs,,.,57¢ as Juniorbridesmaid. The show was wart of a 1.99 Henry Marshallof SouthRiver children%fair given by the teen- servedas his brother’sbest man. agersof SomersetCounty tobene- 204b. GLO-MOR 99,, MichaelStallings, nephew off.he fit the SomersetCounty Day Care bride,of Calffonserved as ring Center, SEA& SKI bearer. The fair began at noon with ’2~ As ushersserved Ted Murarskiperformancesby several high QUICKTANNING TANNING 4-PLAYERSET of Garwood;A1 Kopsko,brother- schoolbands, and continueduntil CHARCOAL 5.Ply NYLON> : In-lawof the groom,of Manville;4 p.m. with buggyrides, games, . -~ LOTION 4-PLAYER DELUXE STRUNG Zyffmund PlskorowskiofManville; Items for sale, and refreshments. Frances Stashek at Millstone; and Children brought their pets to a .i’i.z." }’ 2 OZ.Tube 2 0z. Tube BR’QUETS A ~8~ CROQUET TENNIS . ~ernard Stallins, bro, ther-in-law,, pet show, an,?prizeswereawarded. ~1 SET RACKET ".* ...... ~ " 77’ IJLJ Reg. 7.95 Reg. 2.98 I mL ~4IP ~ TimeHigh I r~ ~ ,.,n,...= SWEDISH I| ~ ~nd ..ei.o.s.,o~ COPPERTONE TANNING __ ! ~~~~$" ~ t ,~.LO- I~~~ ~ ~ SECRET 4~ J 4-PLAYER E~--~ 2~; FLUIDR;~. K..~.~ CHI’DREN’S , L4.oz. LOTION . ¯ . RaritanSavings Bank Now Pays ¯ ¯ . DARTS: Jt77’ PICNIC ~ ~, ¢-,’w"s’’ 2 V2 GAL.. Service,,,for4 _oo 77,1 -=1~ i o.s . ,o,o,,.. INTEREST UTILITY ~ 42" UMBRELLATABLE & ~ SOLO BENCHSET "I’I:MI~I:I~ I 14’/,oz. SUNSHINE ; COLD-- Le.=~HYDi~0’""’"’~’"""^X.r ~ C00KIES ICED TEA MIX~B~W~_il 3PC2SETPUDOIES~ OnAII tiP. St 3 BAGS 42;’TABLE&2. ’- SAVINGS! CUPS 5 HjlOPACKS Quarterly 0,UI0 BENCHES. :

m =L" FAIR PRICE BUSTER COUP(] BUSTER COUPON &PACK16-oz. HOT DOG or HEINZ PEPSI-COLA Put this new-higherdividend to work for you HAMBURGER TCHUP todayf Comein andopen you r savings acoount today ll Re~87’ L 14oz. RARITAN Pack of 8 Reg.39* SAVINGS.BANK Reg.39* LIMIT ONE EXPIRESJUNE2.1970 9 W. SOMERSETSTREET RARrrAN, N.J. LIMIT ONE EXPIRES JUNE 2,1970 EB mi mE nnmie~enuma-" DepositsNow Insured Up To $20,000by F.D.I.C. ,.o~.~.~,,~0 Classes For Expectant PAGE NINE Offtce" r s Installed SOMERSET - Mrs. Joseph WilUamRitchick. Now Hear This Mothers Will Be Held Lamb was installedas presi- Mrs. Marine Celano, re- Mrs, CarolineE. KraJewski,breathing and relaxation, formula dent of St. MatthiasRosary - tiredpresident, was presented directorof the SomersetValley ARar Society Wednesdayeve- witha plnby Roy.Cordon. Per- preparation, layaette require- ning at the eighth annual VisitingNurse Association,an- montH, and procedures for bath- fect attendanceawards were [ Clearance banquet held at Forsgate% presentedto twenty,onemum- nouncedthat a new nine-week ser- ing. INVENTORY WIG SALE ies of classes for expectant moth- ~ CountryClub, Jamesburg. berg. There will be one evening class Roy. ArthurF. Cordon,as- Roy. Conlon accepted for HurryIn WhileThe Selection Lasts ers will start on Thursday, June 4, which will include a film on the at 2 p,m.The classes will be con- sociate pastor, offlcated at the Rev. William H. McKenna, SALE ENDSSAT. JUNE 6 birth of the baby, and a tour of installation.Others installed ductedat the V.N.A. Headquarters, pastor,a $3,000check in pay- the maternity area of Somerset were: ment for the pledge to the 110 Rebill Avenue, Somerville. Hospital. Fathers - to- be are First vlce president,Mrs. SUPPLIERS EXCHANGE Mrs. KraJewskl will instruct the BuildingFund. welcome l FrancisSterben; second vice Banquetarrangements were 7 - 9 SomersetSt., Raritan, 725-8696 series.The classesare designed to givehelpful information during Classesare held regularlyby president,Mrs. EugeneWeir; made by Mrs. RobertO’Connell pregnancyand after the arrivalthe SomersetValley Visiting Nur- secretary,Mrs. Anthony La- and Mrs. George Lukacs, Torre, treasurer Mrs. chairmen. of the baby.They wil!emphasize I sesand are all residentei and

PVC VINYL FOLDING TUBE BAR-B-Q CHAISE RECLINER Mrs. Bohdan W. Borys nee Miss Sue Ann Fisher 24inch LOUNGE LOUNGE GRANULES Miss Sue Ann Fisher Is WITH MULTI loom~28= WHEELS HARDWOOD 88 POSITION 77 Mrs. Bohdan IV. Bo~s 9 ARMS 35 Ib.--15u Reg. Reg. Miss Sue Ann Fisher,daughter peltrain and bodice.She carried ’ 9.95 59 Reg.9.95 5 14.88 9 5 lb. 447 of Mr. and Mrs. NormanR. Fish- a cascadeof whitegardenias and er ot 183 ElizabethAvenue, Som- ivy. erset, and Vienna, Maine, was MissPatrlcia I~’~totSomerset marriedto BohdanWalter Borys wasthe maidof honor. on May 23 intheReformed Church Sloven Goss of Somersetwas AMERICAN TUFTEDVINYL MATTRESS South BoundBrook. best man. As ushersservedNor- POOL SWIM man Fisher,brother of~e groom; The groom is the son of Mr. and JosephIskra ot Somerset. andMrs. Jolm Borys of 103 Eliza- A receptionwas held in the FLAGSET bethAvenue, Somerset. PlantationRoom, HowardJohn- CHAISELOUNGE HOSE~-LL.~.=~- RING The Rev. James Blane was offi- sons. e*" ~ t~%. 18" Dia. FOAM clatingmlnister. Followlngthe reception the cou- 3’X5’ halyard & stantion The bride,given in marriRgebyple left for. a.weddingtrip to ¯ her father,wore a silk organzaVirginia Beach, va. r t~ ~ gown with lace embroidery. Bsnds .UP?. n return.~e c0uple will re- // of matchinglacetrlmmedher cha- sine m ~omervizze. Sold in 6’ Multiple Only I 4QT. ICE ~,. 1Ke = ..... BUCKET L ....,& I# , T--[0-’b.--’I’~ 14 Franklin Juniors ._.2 o,c~.L,:~, POOLFILTER | v 24xfi0==~FOLDINGp CNIcALUMINUM~ 99 "’:’-’ pawr.:D..,,_... J- Join Ho or Society I ...... "~ ::~:~:~:3:~: ,,n 2 q.]ll~ ~ 25 Ib Bag ,~ at FranklinHigh Schoolhave been Alexa Lewandowski,Hunt Road. TABLE / ---." ..... ----.--- inductedinto the NationalHonor AIso, CatherineLysy, Mark Reg.9.95 ~t COAST GUARD 1-Gal. POOL Society. Street;Gall MacLachlan, Contin- ’"’ APPROVED The students are Pat Brand, entalR0ad; Lita Mende],J’FKBou- ~,nard Road;l~.lmaranCampbetl, levard; Dan Swift, Wheeler 9lace; BAR-B-Q ALGACIDE Road; ,- ---"~-" FOLDING GUEST LIFE, NorfolkID;ia~I:; Road;C~l~c~e SharonWAREHOUSE Cross,FURNITURE OUTLETCon- [~e%~n’DaPlht’l; Joyce ~ilCihrarMd°ltVer:ne~ri~°est°A~nI’~lSghat~d’Torpey, Fordham JACKET ~1992~9~ lci;rsd .... FOAMMATTRESS ~,WWITH’BED’ THICK" ~~ 2" sw.,o G299RILL ;~"UC-~’-O -~" SA.D ..,...z.0 -OpenFriday 9:30 to 9- HAMMOCK CHLORINE , with Stand .... ::i;;ii!!iiiiiii (CLOSEDSATUaDAV) ~ ~ ~ ~ BOX v ¯ , _-<,I --___ 2" 23" i STO RE-WI D E 99! ~;:;:~ CHAISe 088 POOL ’~SKIMMER ~~ ’BIG SAVINGS ON EVERYTHING - ~ ,LqUNGE O’ r.: SKIMMER 8×16 WEB FOR THE HOME ! .-..,.---,..--. DELUXE KING SIZE ~--~J ~~a :i,:B~ETCH i Reg27gTiiiii:;,,hq’,, ’ 77 ’99 ~ s0v~ ~"~"-’. CHAIRIm~&BII~NBU L A a I 9 9~7x4x4WEB , . II 36VVIgS ~1~ ~[ : L~7 R~}~~]~OO Ltll ~BU Y D’ R ECT FARNOMsTHE:AR E HOUS~~ ~S 77 ’ i~r~ ,:%.7 \I;(4~,,. ,, ;.~: .1 of yourtreasured ~’="" ..... INSULATED-tiALLON ~!~:..:.,.- /-,~,’~, , photosas you PICNIC ’, b~ 99¢ ought ,o ~o., LAD|ES’ -\SAND ~- ~’ ~" JUG 1" THICK VINYL SANDALS ~ PAIL w,~.. a,,= ~sH0w, SPOUT "" CHAIR PAD I ,.,.o...... ,- 37* ,:0i :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: t¢ mmDRUG FAIR PRICE BUSTERCOUPON m"mIDRUGFAIR PRICE BUSTER COUPONmint ’~"°’°’-~°There is in Let to KOSHER right size and style KRAFT ,,, HEINZ CAMPFIRE frameand the right AR-B-Q SAUCE fitting,o~o..o,o..oo will do wonders cherish. ~DtLL PICKLE MARSHMALLOWS Comein andavail yourself S ofour phOtOsec ourframeshowingSet~iCeof / ..,r CustomPicture ~’~,~ SP EARS 1 Pen nd

R 9’ Reg89’ ~ CompleteLine oJ Artists’ Materids. Rue29’

;~ f(. fypogral,hiral erro’r~: S6me,lems no! avadahh.,,, all slore= 75"77 W. MainSt., Somerville 725-0703 THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 PAGE TEN ¯ i Cline, Stack Promoted JXEROXCOPIESJ ,, (Quantity THERE IS ONLY ONE By Somerset Trust Prices The Somerset Trust Company 73 GroveStreet, Mrs. Ctlne is the has promoted Harold S. Cline to formerMarie Louise Kohls of Bos- Available) BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU assistant vice president and Rich- ton,Mass. Township Pharmacy Mr. Stack Joinedthe bank j ard C. Stack to assistant treasur- or, announced Richard Lothian, August,1967, as head tellerat K! 5-8800 the Watchung office. He was named OF CENTRALNEW, JERSEY president of the bank. 712 Hamilton St., Somerset Both new officers are residents assistantmanager at Watchung of Somerville. in September,1969. NOTARY PUBLIC ¯ Wecover 7 counties-Mercer, Hunterdon, Somerset, Mr, Cline, who has been asso- He has been attending the Am- ii i ciated with the bank since 1958, erican Institute of Banking School Middlesex,Burlington, Monmouth, Ocean was named manager of the Som- for the past three years. He is a ¯ erset Trust’s Watchung office last graduate of Hunterdon Central Weanswer inquiries, handlecomplaints and perform year. He had served as assistant High School in Fleming’ton. Donald J. Crum customerrelations branch manager at Watchung dur- His military service was with ing the prior five years. the U.S. Navy from 1959 to 1962. ¯ Weserve business, cGnsumers, and the generalpub- A 1943 graduate of Pace Col- Mr.Stack is activeIn sportsand INC. lege in NewYork City, Mr. Cltne is a memberof the HamptonAth- lic, all withoutcharge is taking postgraduate work at the letlc Club in HunterdonCounty. American Institute of Banking. He Mr. and Mrs. Stack live at WE ¯ Ourtraffic averagesover 2,000 instances of service attended Somerviilo High School. 400 KenburyRoad. INSURE EVERYTHING monthly He serves as treasurer of the -0- Blue Star Merchants Association 2-1881) of Watchnng and as publicity di- RA ¢,’\h Call for furtherinformation about membership rector for the Middlesex - Som- SCC Gets 5-1345 erset - Union Chapter of the Am- eric, an Institute of Banking. $8,200 Grant WESTERNJAMBOREE author-director was Mrs. Frank Rechif is ]3]B~B Better BusinessBureau of Central NewJersey He is a charter member and shownwith, from the left, Dan Duggan, WadeMartin, and Debbie past vice president of the Optimist Cooperman. V 247 E. Front Street Club of Watchung. From NSF Trenton, N.J. 08611 Clifford G. Embley Mr. Cllne is a veteran of World Somerset CountyCollege’s De= inveItment Counsel War If, wherehe servedwith the visionof Sciencerecently was Western Studies Program (609) 989-8700 Executive Director 12th Army in the Europeanthea- tre. awardeda NationalScience Foun= datlonmatching grant of $8,200for Mr. and Mrs. Cline resideat instructionalscientific equipment Climaxed With A Jamboree well have you done in blologlcalsciences. In orderto Zlmmerman,NancyVan Nostrand, receivethe grant, the college must MONTGOMERY -- A "Western your own investment I Jamboree"last Fridaycllmsxed and Lisa Owens.Speaking parts providefunds in an equalamount. were taken by Wade Martin, The proposalsubmitted by Dr. the studyof pioneers,Indians, Deb- and cowboysfor thirdgraders of by Cooperman, Y ann Fritsch JeAnneWhitaker, Director of the Richard Burlingham,Dan Gray, ScienceDivision, requests support BurntHill RoadSchool, Montgom- ery Township. and Dan Du~i~ Shouldn’t you review and if or Improvementof Individual -0- coursesand the total curriculum In Writtenand directedby Mrs. )are your results with SALE STARTS TODAY THURSDAY, MAY 28th. I thebiological sciences. The grant Frank A. Rachel, vocal music Dynomicts Combination Doors ore the wiilhelp supply scientific equip- teacher,the programfeaturedaxt, Holowinsky of professional ad THRU SATURDAY, JUNE 6th. music,drama, and squaredanc- Finest Available Anywhere in the World I ment and teaching aids neces- ing. It was undersupervision of !sary to equip a multi=media audio- Named To tutorial learning lab for students teachersMrs. Cathy Bol, Mrs. ON E PIECE CONSTRUCTION BarbaraCase, Mrs. Edna Frantz, THE COMBO ALUMINUM Each side is made from one great of general biology and microbio- logy. and Mrs. Jane Lutz, Assisting sheet of aluminum with heavy were Miss Anne Merce and Miss Task Force Wr~te or phone for a con The audio-tutorial method was Dr. Z. Holowlnskyof 142 DOOR YOU HAVE ALWAYS structural frame inside. introduced in blology thls year Kathy Rtchards, Westminster Ivan ference. t Choir College sophomores,and Drake Rd., FranklinTownship, and students grades showed a guitaristChrls Kohut, Montgom- associateprofessor of educational FULLY INSULATED Other doors marked Improvement over last ery HighSchool Junior. psychologyat Rutgers,has boon WANTED No. 1505 are hollow - they stop drafts - ours year when the traditionalapproaeh namedto a task forceof the New used. Soloistson melodlcs,guitar, stops Cold and Soundproofs your was piano,and auto-harpwere Bonnie’ JerseyState Board of Examiners KARLD. PETTIT& CO. The Finest Made Anywhere Dr.Whitaker said findings have SINCE193~ I entrance as well! Tompsen, Kevin Sweeney, Ron PerformanceEvaluation Project. shownthat this approach provides The project,under the auspices Listed here are only moreflexlbility of course content, TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS in of the State Department of Educa- lets the studentwork at his own PARADE STARTS AT 9A.M. a few reasons why this door every Dynamic Door. Automotive pace and enablesthe facultyto tion, is divided Into !6 study areas PRINCETON OFFICE to formulate methods for evalua- has no equal... type safety glass protects your meet the wide range of student 4 Nassau Street The annualNeshanic Lions Club ting teaching competence as a Princeton, NJ. 08540 family from accidents. needsand potential. Memorial Day Parade will as- COORDINATOR COLORS The NSF grant,which will be requirement for certification. sembleat 8:30 a.m. at the Ne- NEW YORK OFFICE WEATHERSTRIPPED Wool Pile effectiveJuly I, willhelp develop- Dr. Holowlnsky, a member of I PIECE CONSTRUCTION shanicFiremen’s Field, with the 2o Exchange Place meat of the program,and will the staff of the Rutgers Graduate Weatherstripping, same as the tight paradestarting at 9 a.m.The pa- School of Education since 1966 New York, N.Y, ~ooos FULL INSULATION seal around the windows of your providefunds to enlargethe lab- rade willmarch once aroundtown oratorymaking it availableto will work on the task force on md returnto thefield. exceptional children. SAFETY GLASS car. morestudents. and SCREEN SNAP OUT GRILLS Remove grill 4 TYPES OF WINDOWS and clean just one pane of glass. Grills snap in over glass or over PREHUNG screen allowing seasonal change ALL HARDWARE without design change. COLORS: BARN RED ACRYLIC COATED Baked-on finish like your appliances. JET BLACI(, TUDOR BROWN & CLASSIC WHITE RUGGED, HEAVY Solid construction, balanced tbr ease of INSULATES, SUNPROOFS opening. The Dynamic Door is DECORATES,.. sturdier than many prime entrance doors. INSULATE or VENTILATE Screen RegularPrice $175. Insert and Tempered Glass Window i ...... ,_ change in seconds. AUTHENTIC STRAP HINGES 1,o,roOu. 5995 with built-in lifetime bearings. Offer IN ANY OF THE FOUR MOST POPULAR Includes:Measuring & Installation COLORS IN TODAY’S HOME DESIGNS A True Thermal Door that INSULATES AND SOUNDPROOFS all Dynamic Doors are assembled and pre-hung at the Factory.

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DIAMOND SCkLLOPIO NINELIGHT LIGHT FRAME Eachwindow hem comes with ahatt~tpttml safety glnsaand the hint wm~mtnppinlav,,iisble. Aiso providedis I ~rlenim~rt whirh when in platedoe~ notchenlPe thewindowde~iln. Windowtrim in white only. VINYLWEATHERSTRIPPING .~,~sband mount, window t.tert withthe appearance oI permanentIb"lnl. Using the design elements shown here, there arc over three hundred possible variations in design and color. Choose any of the design elements to form any combination that fits the decor of your home. The possibilities can vary from Contemporary to AN ENTIRELY NEW DIMENSION Provincial. IN DESIGN POSSIBILITIES Shownbelow are just a few of the many variations.

Weston Homes ,Company REGULARHOURS OFFICE & SHOWROOM401 S. Main St. Dial 722-5665 Manville MeN. THRU THURS. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 9 AMtel’ 5 PM FULLERT ON FORD INC. FRI. 9AMtiI’9PM Sales & Installation of AtuminumBuilding Products U. S. HIGHWAY 22 722-2500 SOMERVILLE, N. J. SAT.9 AMtel’ 3 PM JosephPalko, Proprietor "Werepair all typesof glass& screen" I

. ..,....x’~ ¯ ,; ;’. ;.. , ,....; ~.~ ,.,:g~,i.~ ~’.. , ¯...... ~.e~’" .¯ ~~~~..,.~~~~.:, . .. ,:!~"" THURSDAY, MAY28, 1.970 PAGE ELEVEN Mustangs Defeat B.R.E. Hillsborough I i i ’ Wins Twice PARADE MAJORETTE’ In Track By 30 Pts. Acme Boot Co. :=...... ~" boroughHigh Junior varsity base- MANVILLE.-- ManvilleHlgh Pay Rakowltzwas No. i in the P=l bMl team turnedback Wardlaw, was a V8-48 victor over Bridge= long Jumpwith a leap of 21 feet 9-5, and blankedHunterdon Cen- water-Rarltan-East in a recent 1/2 inch. tral, 2-0,In thetwo-hlt pitching track meet. Dave Janoski broke the of DaveSlavin. inthe two-milerun and was clocked Slavtn fanned five and walked Inthe hurdles,Bill Warcola was in10:13.5. a doublewinner. He took the two in upping his record to 2-1. Singles by Jeff Duncanand Jim lowsin 21.4and the high hurdles RidgeHigh, unbeatenin 12 in16.2. Morris helped the Raiders score starts,pinned a 73-53defeat on a run in the first. JimPatrick was first tothetape Manvilletrackmen. Bill Warcola won the hi@ Morris walked and WayneRose- in the880 in thewinning time of llcht tripled to end the scoring In ’ hudlesIn 16.3and the lowsin 2:05.0. 21.8. the sixth inning. DennisKobylerz flipped the Frank Janoski was timed iv Ron Malesky was the moundvic- discusfor a 120-yard,seven-lnch 4:39.1 In winningthe mile, whilei tor as Hlllsborough scored the MASTER trlumph. teammate Tom HadJamacha 9-5 win over Wardlaw. CHARGE the pole vault and uppedhis school RonBatchek was first in the Jav- Maleskyset five t~atters down BANK record to 12 feet, 9 1}2 inches. AMERICARD elin; he threw it 148feet, nine HIs old mark was 12 fec~, three on strikes and walked no one. inches. inches and was set this year. DennisKobylarz won ~te discus Rick Polt~ak homered for the TomHadJamacha cleared the bar Raiders in the first inning. at 11 feet in winningthe pole vault. witha tossof 130 feet,eight PICKEDOFF AT FIRST-- HunterdonCentral’s runner Js pickecl off at first base by Hillsborough’s Flexible, highly weather-resist,ant inches. The win wasthe eighth against In theJavelin, Ron Batchek was Nechratal. TheRaider JV’s wonthe game2-1. Photoby VeraYeomans. six defeats for the Raiders. Unimoldconstruction*Perfect-fitting lat the winnerwith a throwof 161 *Longer-wearingNEO’LITE outsoles and feet,eight inches. SCC Trustee heels*Tasselsavailabie in anyschool Hillsborough Pay Packowitzwas the lon Hillsboro Trackmen Down Hunterdon The Somerset CountyBoard of coloror combination. Jump winner with a leapof 1-¢ Freeholders announced the ap- 17’8"; John Ketchledge, discus, feet, 6 1/4 inches. Janoski was By DanielCarlson Htllsborougl~ seconds went to: pointment of Thomas E. Decker size 3 Sizes Places 1st third. HadJamachawas second iv Bill Parker, 120 high hurdles, 97’8"; Ken Stachowski, 100, 11; "°’0$7 90 =" °’""$99o as a trustee for Somerset County Reg. $9.99 Reg.’$12.99 the high Jump. The HlllsboroughHigh School 19; Blll Parker, 180 low hurdles. Ken Stachowski, 220, 25.11; Dave Uporskl, one mile, 5:12; Randy College. Mr. Decker succeeds Mi- In Meet -0- track teamdefeated Hunterdon23.4; Ernie Kowalski, one mile, chael S. Kachorsky, whorecently Central78 to 48 in a recentmeet. 4:56.5; Lee Kupper, 440, ,~6.6; Webb,880, 2:18.3; and Scott Fish- resigned. ¢ In a recent MountainValley Con- Firstsfor Hillsborough were. Ken Lorenzettl, 880, 2:13.5; Tom er, 180 low hurdles, 23.9. Mr. Decker, who has been the ference Novice Meet, the Hills- Tom Chornlewy,100, 10.5; B111 Chorniewy, 220, 23.4; Tom Chorn- -0- County Engineer since July 1, borough track team scored 81 IAddresses Tompson,440, 57.5;Bill Tomp-iewy, high jump, 5’; Howard BMI ACCEPTS SISLER 1967, graduated from NewarkCol- pointsto leadall other entrants son, hlgh Jump, 5’2"; Bob Easton, Szczech, long Jump, 17’10"; ?rank SOMERSET--RichardL. Sisler, lege of Engineering with a B.S. Hlllsboroughtrackmen tookflve 180 low hurdles, 22.7; Jim Woy- Todd, discus, 103’; and Jim Sheri- a student at DeVitte Military degree in civil engineering. He is 201 E. MAIN ST. & LIFE firsts,seven seconds, five thirds chek; two miles, 10:54.2; Jim dan, shot put, 37’3". Academy,has been notified of his a memberof the County Planning Students l14q"; In third place for Hillsborough OPEN THURS. BOUNDBROOK STRIOE fourfourths, and sevenfifths Sheridan, discus, Jim acceptance for September admis- Board and treasurer of the New ¯ TILL9 354-0934 In the120 highhurdles, Bloom Sheridan, Javelin, 126’2"; and Ken was: Mark Walker, pole vault, sion by BordentownMilitary In-Jersey Association of County En- was NEW BRUNSWICK-- MorrisB. Mltzen,shot put, 37’5". 9f; John Ketchled~e. loa~ jump. stitute, placed first in 18.4, Parker Kadln,vice president of the Rari- gineers. second, Fisher was third, and La- tanValley Chapter of theNational Roza placed fifth. In the 100- Associationof Accountants, yes- yard dash, Chornlewy was first terdayaddressed students at New with,10.8, Slachowsldtoo kafourth BrunswickSenior High School on and Martina fifth. Chorntewyalso took first in the the topic"Should You BecomeAn 220 with a time of ~4.6, King Accountant?" FRANKLIN STATE BANK PRESENTS placed second, Stachowski was Mr. gadin, a certified public third. In the 440, Martin placed accountant, is also active on the fifth. Advisory Services Committee of Webbtook fifth in the 880, and the N. J. Society of CPAs,and is in the mile, Kowalski was first employed¯asa consultant on the in 5:02.2, Uporsky was second, and Repanscheck placed fourth. managementservices staff of J.H. In the two-mile,Waychtk placed Cohn & Company, CPAs, Newark. firstin 10:06,Carlson was third, He also distributed literature andin the180 low hurdles, East- The Fabulous No-Account prepared by the Accounting Ca- on placedsecond, Parker was reers Council, describing the op- third,and Bloom and LaRoza tied portunities in the manybranches for fifth. of the accounting profession. Chorniewyplaced second in the The Accounting Careers Coun- htgh Jump, while Easton placed cil is a profession- wide cooper- second in the long Jump, followed ativeeffort in careerguidance, by Ketchledgein third, and Szczech co-sponsoredby the fivemajor in fifth. i nationalassociations of Profes- Checking Account Doran took second place in the sionalaccountants. pole vault, and Sheridan placed fourth in the shot putt. Toddtook Otherarea educational institu- fourth place in the discus, while tionsmay arrangesimilar pres- Sheridanplaced fifth in the Javelin. entationsby writingto Mr.Kadin Manvilleplaced fff~ in the meetat his home, 61 Marcy Street, with 14 points. Somerset, N. J. 08873. I No monthly * MANVI LLE YOUTH ATH LETIC LEAGUE Last Weeks Results -- May 18 - May 22 No minimnm. Chuck Wagon 7 American Legion 15 Ruzycki’s Drugs 2 Family Shoe Store 11

Centre Shoppe 10 Wah’s Inn 5 American Legion 3 V.F.W. 2290 3 Nob ou-ci / the

V.F.W. 2290 6 Chuck Wagon 14 VPP 800 5 Steve’s ’Fires 7 No worries otroubles Steve’s Tires 9 Elks 21 19 9 * Quality for as little as $1,000in ReadyCash and you have no service chargefor checks--nomatter howlow your balancegoes. Waif’s Inn 5 Ruzycki’s Drugs ]

Elks 2119 12 Centre Shoppe 8 Family Shoe Store 0 VPP 800 3 (It’s sometimes referred to as the FSB Prestige Checking Account)

Two outstanding pitching games were recorded last Call it by either name~No-Accountor Prestige CheckingAccount~but call it week. Paul Lisczak pitched a no-hit no-run game. He plays for the Elks 2119. He struck out 14 andonly walked two the happiestchecking account ever invented! men in the 1 2-0 shutout, Openit andyou’ll neverhave a checkbounce again. BecauseFranklin State Tom Bernardo of the Centre Shoppe team had 18 backsup youraccount with a readycash reserve of as muchas $5,500, dependingon strikeouts and only walked four men in his victory. yourneeds and credit standing. STANDI NG S Whensudden emergencies come up, you havean "instant loan" waiting in your American League Won Lost National League Won Lost checkbook. And until youuse your cash reserve, it costsyou nothing. Chuck Wagon 5 1 Centre Shoppe 6 0 Anaccount like that mustbe awfullyhard to open--right7 Elks 211 9 4 2 Stevc’s Tires 5 1 Wrong. Family Shoc Store 3 3 Wah’s Inn 2 4 Just dropin to anyFSB office todayand open one there andthen. American Legion 3 3 VPP 800 1 5 Makingthings easy is anotherone of our revolutionsin banking. V.F.W. 2290 1 5 Ruzycki’s Drugs 0 6

If You’re Not Becoming To Her a friend of the family l Then

You ShouM Be Coming To Member FDIC OtherOffices in UnionCounty Open: 8 to 8 Daily and 9 to 5 Saturday Dominic’s Longest hours in New Jersey Locationsin Somersetand MiddlesexCounties ,,m All offices of FranklinState Bankwill beclosed 501 West Camplain Road Main Office: Kingston Office: Motor Office: iSaturday, May30, MemorialDay. Manville, N.J. 610 Franklin Blvd. Highway 27 Franklin Blvd. & SomersetSt. 1 Two Barbers Razor Cuts Franklin Township, N.J. Kingston, N.J. Franklin Township, N.J.

Franklin Mall Office: Millstone Office: Highland Park Office: "Where Service Counts" Easton Ave. & RI. 287 Rt. 533 45 Woodbridge Ave, Franklin Township, N.J. Millstone, N.J. Highland Park, N.J. PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY,MAY 28, 1970 THE-MILL.AT-THE-FORGE- Manville Could Win tnklin Vs. Plains Somerville STUDIO-GALLERY & THE BUSINESS SHOPS OF ’League Championship In Gro up IV To u rney Bike Race The 27th runningof the annual MILLSTONE & EAST MILLSTONE FRANKLIN-- Franklin High is triple by Bob Schee¢. He later MANVILLE-- Manville High’s the game that could well decide Tour of Somerville Bike Race~ sched~ed to meet Scotch Plains sooted on all errm’. are sponsoring baseball team was slated to meet the conference crown. High tomorrow afternoon in the ~ had ¯ aUl¢le and Charles sponsored by the Somerville Are~ High Bridge High yesterday in the Manville Highfs game on Friday Jaycees,will be held againthie Central Jersey, Group IV Tour- Haxshaney a dmlble u Franklin, year on Saturday, May 30 An Out door--In door ART SHOW semi-final round of the four-team was postponed because of aided by two ~ 8ccre four ...... Central Jersey, Group I Tourna- Watchungrs gameintheStateTour- nament, (MemorialDay) on the MainStreet The Warriorsof coach John runs and Mked i~ lad, 8-0. on ounaay JVP~ 7 11 to o p.m. mont. nament. and adjoiningstreets of Somer- The Mustangs of NedPanfile are The Mustangs were ralned outof Wnuk took an 11-4-1 record into * * * ville...... v.L..,~ ’ --v. ~ :...-27.. =. yesterday’s game with New Bruns-Scheer drove in U~e wUmingrun due for a Mountain-Valley Con- Tuesday’s game with Chatham with a single In the bottom of the ARTISTS ARE WELCOME Tft EYHIHIT terence showdown with defendingl Bore. wick. The race knownas the "Kentuc~ Franklin won two importantMid- seventh as Franklin ~ South Derby"of amateurbicycling an- Itexrevlments scrvca Dy the m(,cs on me uiusnorovgn Kcmrmco~nurcn chamnion Middlesex Hi=rh Tuesday Manville was 12-2 on the year Tile Forge will be open Ibr inspection Further Intbrmation CALI~359-5279 " prior to yesterday’s scheduled State Conference decisions this 1Halnfield, 34. nuallydraws national and inter- aftern~n at home, - past week and moved into a first- Sophomcre Sheldon Lewis was nationalattention due to itslong, f , Manville carries a pace-setting game and the Mustangs had won 10-.1 Conference record into 10 games in a row. place tie with Brldgewater-Rarl- the moundvictor. He won Idsslxth impressivehistory; its largeout- ] ¯¯ im ~ ¯ ~¯¯ am dmh A mhA ] tan-East, which lost to rival game against one settmck. standingfield of Olympicriders [ today’s game at Ridge High in the -0- [ [[mI im ~][ i |[[4 Bm| i ii iI~ M-VC. Bridgewater-West. Harshaney launched the seventh fromall over the world; its 25,000 I lli.rILlllr IUVIJP~ I g"~I) qP~.~.,.~, Each team is now 8-3 in the Mld- with a single. Jeff Grcmnar walked plusattendance; its national radio Middlesex suffered its second J[" ~.~l.J J[ (:~£~llg [ I State Conference. and Scheer followed with his win- andT.V. coverage; andthe reputa- ] conference defeat at the hands of } Full Line of All Major Brands ¯ Veteran pitcherDonnie Tyus ningsingle. tionthat goes withthe honorot ofFoods& ,etetlcSupplementsD" " Chatham Bore, but beat Bound overcamea sore arm and took South 9laintisldJumped to a 2-0 HrookonFriday toU. itsrecord Wms 5-2 winning the big 50 mile race. / ] to the moundto deliver a ~O" in the first Inning. ~m= m ,. e= m m ~i I to 11-2 in the Mountain-Valley, hitler and give the Warriors1,lead a Franklin got a run back in the Raceday willbegin with a brand I-nflfl@ I~lll@l TheflrsttlmeMunviHeandMid- FRANKLIN -- The Franklin new five-milewomen’s event - IIUntA/ #’lw~msuusw,Iit/~llalllD w slt#~aw, uu 9-1 win over North Plainfield. home half of the ~’lme as Gron- ~IWUWW Isllmm,~ dlesex met this year, Dick Laub State Bank defeated Hamilton He set nine battersdown on net" lmockodin Harldm~ey. "The JayceeMemorial Race." Top (8-0) of Middlesex hurled a no- Lanes, 5-2, in the Major Division women ridersfrom all over the l I strikes andwalked four. An error allowed Grog Adams [ 63 West Main St. Somerville, N.J. I hitter and Manville High’s Jim of the Little League. The Warriorsstruck for fourto scorethe tyingrtm in the last countryare being contactedand I i He¯yak had a one-hitter. Brian O’Laughlin struckout 10 runsin each of the firsttour of the fifth. many have already exPressedan l 7~.qRRN [ The two mounds¯on are likely batters. Don Weiner andTomCun- interest to participate, Theevent / innings. Mike Sivstz and Grouner each "’" ""’" I to face each other on Tuesday in ningham each cracked a double. The key blow for the Warriors rapped two of the eight Franklin should add some beauty and talent , to the festivities, in thefirst was a basesloa, ded hits. Many top entrants have already I [ indicated aa interest in the 10- P&MFUSNITURE--BOUND BROOK & MANVILLE mile Siegfried-Stern Memorial ju- FHSG’lr Is U n defeated; nior race. The Stern Memorial Foundationinitiated this fine Ju- NO ROOM FORA WASHER? Red Bank Meet Is Next niorevent. FRANKLIN-- The FranklinHlgh i rut (30’-10 3/4 ) ~d the discus More than 3,000 entry blanks havealready been sent throughout girls track team of coach Barrett (91’-2 5/8"). U.S, -- Here’sGreat News for ApartmentDwellers -- or AnyoneWiih a, SpaceProb. Smith defends its 1989 champion- Debbie I.~ttimm’e remained un- the and a half-dozen foreign ship Saturday in the Red Bank beaten this season in the 100- countries. Since the American Bi- lee! Invitational Meet. yard dash with a 12.7 clocking. cycling League, bicycling’s ama- Since is official teur association, has rated the 50 there no state Felixa Nowak won the mile mile main event and 10 mile Sieg- meet for girls,the Red BankIn- the track record time of 6:05.01. is equivalentto a state- fried-Stern Junior event class A Size up the NEW widechampionship. Other Franklin High winners races (there are only a few in this The Franklingirls won their were CathyMarquis, Javelin (87’- category), the turnout of entrants sixth straightwithout a defeat 2’9; Margaret Alexandersen,high will be as huge as ever (more than 300 usually participate each by thumpingNewton Higt L 85-24,Jump (4’-4"); Thelma Washington, Tuesdayafternoon. 50-yard hurdles (8.2); Debbie year). Po" ." "1 CharlesettaDunn won the 50- Mooney, 880 (2.44.8); and Wilma The 50-mile main event should fair. yard dash in 0.4 secondsand the Jackson,2~0 (31.1). be a wide open contest with many MAYTAG Franklin also woa the 880-yard 75-yard sprint in 9.4. She holds potential winners from a star the state recordin each event.and 440-Tard relays with times of studded field. Former and future DollyCampbell copped the shot 2:00.1 and 56.8 reslmctively. Olympic cycl!.sts will vie for a ¯ i $600 travel credit award which can be used anywhere in the world. Warrior Trackmen Lose The 1970 Miss SomersetCounty eutre who will be selectedthe evening beforeat HillsboroughHigh School, 81-45 To Somerville High willgreet the winnerand present theprize. FRANKLIN-- Somerville High Bob Mungowas tl~ wtrmer inthe defeated Franklin tIigh, 81-45, in a pole vault. He went over the bar -o- 243 SO. MAINST., dual track meet. at 11 feet, six inches. MANVILLE Jim Scales of Somerville was Kronik was the winner in the mile ~_39. first in the 100-yard dash and was in 4:29.i. FHS Netmen timed in 10.4. Phil Beackem was third in the Kronik was first in the mtle and 880. he was timed in 4:42.7. Franklinscored 11 Ix~ntsin the Are Now 14-31 Davldson won the pole vault at Somerset County Relays, winning FRANKLIN -- Franklin High 10 feet. the distance medley in 7:50.1. [ Laudadto won the high jump and Scales, A1 Up, haw, Kronik and Iwon its 14th meet in 17 starts 3cache¯ were on the winning team, with 5-0 victoryover the Ridge[ went over at tire feet, six inches. tennisteam. ..0- @®. @ Franklin was fifth in the recent RETURNSTO U,S. Winning In the singles were Nell Mid-State Conference meet and Navy]Petty Officer Third Chss Friedman, 6-4, 1-6, 6-1; Bob scored 27 points. Iames Moran, son of Mr. and Bazin, 6-3, 6-4; andWaltRockhlll, 6-4, 6-4. The New~’~~ Somerville successfully defend- Mrs. MatthewF. Moran Sr. of 71 ed its 1969 crown, scoring 48 1/2 LaurelAve., Kingston,has re- The Franklin doubles winners )oints. turnedto San Diego al0otrdthe were Jim Boswell and Bob Ed- MaylagPoria,washor" Scaleswon the 100-yarddash in aircraftcarrier USS Comstella.wards, 6-3, 6-4; andSudiaandBar- tion ris, 6-1, 6-0. with the 0.1and the 220 in 22.7. MaytagPeril.Dryer’" Pre.Snmmer Inventory WI~ Closed 12:00 Moon Friday, 29th & SALE Jerome Alexander’s All Day Memorial Day HandmadeSyn. Wig ’ I I I I"1 II I l I I ril I I FORD GARDEN Reg. $50.00 N o w3 2 o o TRACTOR MAYTAGPORTA-WASHER MAYTAGPORTA;DRYER I MOWERS& : No Extra PumpingNeeded Famous Dutch Boy ATTACHMENTS : No Special Wiring Needed Rells Right Up to Your Sink Plubs into Regular Outlet Reg. $30.00 N o w 2 2 o o MOWERS Sh)m,in a Closet ! Squire Applegate 24" Wide--15" Deep--30" High ¯ SameSize as porra-Washkr, HumanHair Mini Falls Hahn & Toro Many $32.00 N o w2 5 o o TILLERS OtherStore Reg. Squire Applegate Wide Sales FamousJerome Alexanders also Hahn HumanHair Flip - Fall CHARCOAL SPECIALSAVINGS SUPPLIERS NationallyPriced $80.00 Shrubs & Evergreens ONFULL-SIZE MAYTAQS TOOl EXCHANGE from $2.95 While They Last 7-9 SomersetSt., Raritan, N.J. 725-8696 GERANIUMS ¯ 5 Great Models to Choose From 3 for $1.50 Small Potted Plants II I ¯ ALL Have Perma-Press Cycle i i 3 for $1.25 ¯ Lint Filter There is A Big Difference ImprovedWeed ’N Green Killsweeds as it feeds ¯ Fabric Softener Dispanter 25lb. bagtreats 2500 sq. ft. ¯ Big FamilyCapacity IF... $2.95 You are a womanwho is harressed by "BABY ¯ Hot.War-Cold Wash IF- F IN E"ha ir that won ’t "TAK E" a perman ent. AMCHEMLAWN WEEDKILLER Bagtreats 10,000sq. ft. ¯ Water Saver $6.95 FROMOUR OWN Youare a womanwith bleachedor dyedhair andare SERVICEDEPT. ¯ Rust-Free, Zinc Steel Cabinete IF- troubled by that "SHREDDEDWHEAT" look after SphagnumPeat Moss a permanent. 6 cu. ft. - $3.95 ¯ Delivery 3 cu. ft. - $2.85 THISTIME INSIST IF- You are a womanwhose permanent does NOTre- HumusPeat FREE:"Instalation flect the look youwant. 1GOIbs. - $2.29 ¯ ! YearService COW & SHEEP MANURE ONMAYTAG DEPENDAWLITY THEN... 50 Ibs. - $2.20 You AreA ConcernedWoman Looking For LIME - GYPSUM ALL KINDS of FENCING BIO-WAVE SWIMMINGPOOL CHEMICALS By RedkenLaboratories GRASS SEEDS & MIXTURES P &M FURNITURE &APPLIANCES Nowto June2011h) WATER SOFTNER SALTS PINE BARK MULCH- Save,10.00 SALT HAY MANVILLE BOUNDBROOK SAKR ETE ¯ SAND FreeParking VOSSELLERANDW. UNIONAVIS¯ 257N. MAINSTREET .e.. oo Now$25.00 A Silo Full of SAVINGS Phone356.3225 or 356-9823 OpenDaily 7:30 - 5:00 Phone725.0998 Sat. 7:30.3:00 FreeDelivery OpenDaily 9-6. Frh ’til 9. OpenMon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9-9. ROMA BEAUTY SALON AT THE READINGR.R. STATION Wed.,Sat. 9.6. I RT. 20b I Hillsborough Shopping Center Route 206 South WEDELIVER AT NOMINALFE~: 359-4353 J Call 201.359-5173 THURSDAYI MAY 28, 1970 I PAGE THIRTEEN ¯ .-.aU~~~t~~~~~"~~~~ GREENBROOK VALLEY POLICE PISTOL LEAGUE OBITU,~R..IES ] Rev. DeCmcoj Celebrates li GREENBROOK His Silver ubilee Sunday °" MRS. STANLEY WINNICKI Arriva/s | The Rev. Hugh M. DeCicco, son a Masters of Arts degree from Robert Lund 299 SOMERSET-- Funeralservtces NOLL--A daughter to Mr. and DALEY-- A daughterto Mr. and ZALESKI -- A daughter to of Mr. and Mrs. John DeCicco of that University. Mrs. Robert Daley of 319 Pope Joe Didodo 292 will be held today for Mrs. Kath- Millstone Road, Hlllsborough, Mrs. Martin Nell of 214 North Mr. and Mrs. Michael ZalesM of i erine Winnlcki of 67 French Street. Street,Manville, on May18. 290 celebrated his ~-Sth anniversary He presently is the pastor of Second Avenue, Manville, on 49 Appleman Road, Somerset, John Corazzo She died on May 25 in the Somer- May 11. RUDOLPH-- A son to Mr. on May 5. as a conventual Franciscan priest St. Raphael’s Church, Burlington and Mrs. Ernest Rudolph of34’ John Dietzel 286 set Valley Nursing Home, Bridge- on May 3. SOBON-- A son lo Mr.and Mrs. AGERSTON -- A daughter to Ontario, and is a member of the ArdenStreet, Somerset¯ Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ager- TOTAL 1,167 water. Rev. DeC,eel is a graduate of Priest’s Senate, Diocese of Ham- WalterSobon of 416 HuffAvenuey Interment willbe in Sacred Heart Sacred Heart School, Manville, and iron. Manville,on May11. MALFATT-- A daughterto Mr. ston of 13 Oxford 1~lace, Cemetery, Hlllsborough. tile St. Anthony-on-Hudson Major WASLIN--Adaughter to Mr. and and Mrs.Bruce Malfatt of Middle=Somerset,on May 7. MANVILLE She was the widow of Stanley Seminary. The Roy. DeCicco is a former Mrs. Frederick Waslin of 110 sex Road, Somerset,on May 15. KATKO-- A daughter toMr. and lector in rational psychology and SouthNinth Avenue, Manville, on MASO -- A daughterto Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Katko of 101 Culver Sal Bellomo 299 Wlnnlckl. He was ordained priest on May 26, 1945 in Albany, N.Y. choir director of the St. Anthony- May 12. Mrs. Ernest Maso of 242 North Street,Somerset, on May g. Pete Krochta 287 Mrs. Wlnnlckl, a native of Po- The Rev, DeCicco completed on-Hudson Major Seminary, Rens- SeventhAvenue. Manville. BAHASH -- A son to Mr. and land, was a longtime resident here, FINLAN -- A son to Mr. and Mrs. RobertBnh~sh of 22 Free- Ronnie Skobo 279 coming from Fin.derne. his graduate studies at the Catho- selaer, N.Y., and a former mem- HUMISTON-- A son to Mr. and lic University of America, Wash- ber of the Franciscan Mission Mrs. Thomas Finlan of 21 Rich- Mrs. Charles Humiston of 299 man Road, Somerset, on May Robert Peschel 279 Surviving are five sons, Martin ington, D.C. in 1947 and received Band in . ard Avenue, Manville. on May 18. Amwell Road. Neshanic. 11. TOTAL 1,144 of Toms River, Stanley of South Plainfield, Rudolph of Somerset, Henry of Westerly, R.Ls and Aus- This was the first loss of tile season for Manville. The tin of Manville; three daughters, Mrs. Charles l~arnum of Brlck- next match will be June 6 with Manville at the Plainfield town, Mrs. Thomas Keller of range against the Plainfield Lawmen. Bridgewater and Mrs. John Go,el, NORTHPLAINFIELD-DODGELAND U.S.A.LOW LOW DISCOUNT & PRICES! with whom she lived; 23 grand- The previous week’s results are as follows: children and 24 great-grandchil- dren. WARRENTOWNSHIP AUXILIARY POLICE TOTAL 933 -0- CALL CLASSIFIED MANVILLE TOTAL 1,171 725-335,5 ., DURINGOUR FANTASTIC IIWEEK The youn way of the ’70 DODGE DART SWINGER2-Dr., H.T.


Don’t Miss this Sale!! You Always s2635Sdve More at Dodc

s2399 s2355 s2495 s2745 celebrates the Fiat 850Sport Racer $0000. !. Age of Motion with this new 850 Sport Racer. Nuccio Bertone designed the body. Fiat powers ~~!gUR EC~~R~{ Brand New All colors to choose from POLARASPECIAL OurSpecic~l ! ’70 CHALLENGER" it with a new 903 co. engine, packs it with equipment,paints it with o wet-look soaked Discount ~ DiscountPrice! " DiscountPrice! in color. Gears are four-on-the-floor, fully synchromeshed.Front disc brakes, independent //~ ~ Discount Price! - : suspension, radial ply tires. Newflow-through vanilla,in, system changesair constantly through roof-line vents. All vinyl interior, full instrumentation with ~r~E/ir~r~/ a direct reading dials, including dash-mountedtachometer. .o Low moneydown ¯ o 1stpayet. July ¯ Highesttrade4" ’67 PLYMOUTH~ $1391 CADILLACSPECIALS "~ Fu, 4.Dr.FdflI IqUlpllill OililyI Aleglo allowancein I d lined. ’70 ELDORADO$699S" Fully[qurpl,4 , Air g,nd,,A ’hoe lie e,0* He Jersey ’67 PONTIAC~ $169S 4ililo| For Your Best Buys w LoMm*I,.Dr¯ H.T.,I&H AllO.~ P/S, V/I, Dependable L LeNtil ’70 CADILLAC~$6695 ©OOYIIIIbI,.|howlno~ {,n~*,lo,4o4, ,ir fond. ’67 IMPALA-- ’69 CADILLA{~ $499S Avlt.,NoCoo, Holler, Air, P,’S,IIO. SedlffOnV*lle. g,¯Clnd., All [llflI inol011lJ, [iolllnnl VI[U,. ’66 LINCOLN~ ’69 CADILLAC~ $4995 4.DI,0.Slf0,ndilientd.Leod,d! Coo,etribte.A SummerD/hll~l, All ~oodi. Autosport, Inc. li, nr4,Yellequipptd

Fiat Sales - Parts. Service

573 Thompson Ave. Bound Brook, N.J. 469-0500 I n n To place your ad, HI-PERFORMANCECENTER phone /25-3300 No.Plainfield


’64 T-Bird, Hardtop, 8 cyl., ’61 Galaxy 500 2 Door Auto- Auto Trans., Power Steering, matic Trans., V-8 Power Steer- Power Brakes, Bucket Seats ing, Wheel Covers, Clean Car. and Console Radio &Heaier...... $395...... $1095 ’63 For Gal/500 XL ’67 Custom 500-4 Door Convertible. V-8 Auto. Sedan, 8 Cyl., Auto. Trans., Trans., Power Steering, Radio Power Steering, Air Condi- & Heater, Bucket Sea/s, Floor tioning, Radio and Heater De- Console ...... $895. froster ...... $ ! 495. ’68 Ford LTD Hardtop, 390 ;68" Montego MX, 2 Door V-8, Auto. Trans., Power Hardtop, 6 Cyl., 3 Speed, Steering, Power Brakes, Vinyl Roof, Radio and Faclory Air Conditioning, Heater and Defroster, White Vinyl Roof, W/Walls, Radio Wall Tires and Wheel Covers. & Heater...... $229’5 NEW-A.oTOYOTA ...... $1895. ~AnKi, $ ’68 Ford Squire 10 Pass. TOYOTA IN STOCK i I ’66 Pontiac Catalina, I 0 Pass. Wagon 390, V-8 Auto., Radio ~ Station Wagon, 8 Cyl., Auto. and Hcalcr, Powcl" Stccring, ’70 TOYOTA tOYOtA Trans. Power Steering, Powcr Powcr Disc Brakes W/Walls & Ih TonHl-Lux Trucks ",.~,v:t".$:|q:t:;’DIt¢ Brakes,Factory Air Condi- Wheel Covers. 26,000 Miles. Imn|ed;aleDel;vePy tioning ...... $1695 ...... S 2695. ’68 Ford Galaxy, ’4 Door "67 Mustang Convertible, V-8 Pricedham Hardtop, 8 Cyl., Auto. Aulo. Trans., Power Steering, Trans., Radio and Heater, Radio & Heatcr, Power Top Power Steering, White Wall ExcellenICondilion. $1795. CR[OITAPPROVAL Tires, Wheel Covers.. $1995. ’66 Ford LTD, Hardtop ’64 Ford 9 Pass. Country 3-MINUTES F.aetory, Air Condilioning Sedan, 8 Cyl., Auto. Trans., Brougham Trim, Auto. Radio and Healer, Power Trans., Power Steering, Vinyl Stcering, Power Rear Roof...... $1695. Window,...Like Ncw. SI095.



South SomersetNews, The Franklin News-Record Autos For Sale Special Services For Rent--Apts. Instruction ManvilleNews Help Wanted Pageant P.O. BOX146, SOMERVILLE,N.J. 201-725-3355 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGFORM B.E.K. CONSTRUCTION 3 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT OPEI~TOR FOit eEAUTY SALON. Ideal for couple. Call 725-7850. Judges Opportunity for advancement to FOR SALE: 1968 CATALINA Manville,N. J. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING managerof Salonis dvsLred,l)iane’s convertihlcperfect condition. Mtist sell ...... ~ ...... - goingin service. Best Offer. Call after Dormers-Garages - Additions IBM360 on premises Salon, 122 W. Main St., Somerville 6 p.m. 725-1341. Kitchens - Roofing- Aluminum Day and Evening Classes ’Call Mr.Geoee,725-1126...... , ...... ,.,...... ,....,...,...,...... ,..,.,,...., Siding Free Lifetime placementservice Nallled 2 and 3 ROOM FURNISHED OP, Approvedfor Veteran training 4 LINES- 1 INSERTION...... $1.60 - ImmediateInstallation UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for Five professional Judges have $3.00 - Quality Work rent. All utilities included. Call Write for Free Booklet (3 Insertions- no changes) ...... or phone collect been named for the MIss Somerset., (WhenPaid in Advance) - ReasonableRates 725-5667 or 1136 Knopf Street, County Scholarship Pageant to be f billed add¯25 - Free Estimates Manville,N. J. PRINCETON COMPUTER held Friday night at the Hillsbor- INSTITUTE POSITIONS OPEN IN TH 1957 CIIEV. - EXC. CONDITION - FinancingAvailable ough High auditorium. complete engine overhaul, auto. trans. formerly AutomationInstitute Included are Dr. HowardI-lathes, ...... MANVILLEPUBLIC SCIIOOLS for 20 NassauSt., Suite 250 Secretaries, Custodian%Cafeteria, on a ~ower steering, power brakes. Call ALL WORKGUARANTEED director of the Conservatory of CLASSIF I CA3ION ...... 356-8073. 526-0089 Princeton, N.J. 08540 Music at Haddonfield, and profes- : timeor full timebasis. (609) 924-6555 I:RINGE BENEFITS Bus. Opportunities sor of music at CombsCollege, Pa. NAME...... ; ...... Applications maybe secured from the Richard London, news director .~crctary of the Board of Education of WWRLof New York City and ADDRESS...... Manville High School, Brooks Blvd. former Milwaukee, Chicago, and Manville, N.J. Phone722-4220. Long Island disc jockey. TIMES...... PAID...... CHARGE..¯ Nate Zauber, executive director Bargain Mart RIDINGLESSONS - Private or grou of the Miss New Jersey pageant All ClassifiedAdvertising appears in all threenewspapers, Manville News, CESSPOOLS IIUSINESS OPPORTUNITY beginners thru jumping. Anne Comfort and president of the ACE Agency Franklin News-Recordand South Somerset News Ad maybe mailedin or MAN OR WOMAN AND to BHSA1.Hideaway Farm, tlopcwcll, Cherry Hill. telephonedDeadline for newads is 5 P M¯ on Tuesdays.Ads must be SEPTIC TANKS Reliable person from this area service and collect from automatic N.J. 466-2162. Miss Wlnifred Heidt, fashion cancelledby 5 P.M.Mondays. CLEANED consultant for Flemtngion Furs EXPERIENCI-D COOK, Male or 7 Trucks- No Waiting dispensers. No experience needcd...we who has starred in such operas as establish accounts for you. Car, RATES:$1.50 for 4 lines or less or oneweek or if orderedin advance; Female. Monday thru Friday. Part FULLER BRUSH "Alda", Broadway musicals as $1.25 eachfor twoconsecutive weeks and $1.00 per weekfor three or Time Girl on Saturd:ly, 6 a.m. to 2 PRODUCTS RUSSELLREID CO. references and $985.00 to $1785.00 "Call Me Madam", and on tele- moreconsecutive weeks. There is a chargeof 50 centsfor eachadditional 4 p.m. Apply at Park Luncheonette, 501 cash capital necessary. 4 to 12 hours CALL weekly can net excellent monthly vision and radio. lines Adsmay be displayedwith whitespace and/or additional capital Union Avenue. BoundBrook. 20 YearsExperience Pets and Animals Miss Tricia Holmes-Wood, free letters at $1.80per inch (minimumsize - 2 inches.)Box numbers are 50¢ EL 6-3171 income. Full time more. For local lance photographic and fashion extra. TERMS:25 centsbilling chargeif ad is not paid for withindays VI 4-2534 interview write, include telephone model and past director of Barbi- ARTHURB. FISHER, SR. EL 6:5300 number, Eagle Industries, 3938 after expirationof ad. Thenewspaper is not responsiblefor errorsnot WASHINGTONVALLEY.RD. zon. corrected. MeadowbrookRoad, St. Louis Park BEAUTICIANWANTED. I:ull or part MARTINSVILLE,N.J, Minnesota 55426. Auditors are Angelo Laggini, FORSALE - SAMOYED,Male, 1 year State Bank of Somerset County, and, time. Phone359-4353 for details. J. Spencer Hulse of the Somerville old, A.K.C. Reg.- Championsired - Savings Bank. Help Wanted Help Wanted potential show dog. Excellent with Master of ceremonies will be SUMMERNURSES children. Call 369-3326. Frank "Nap’! Torpey, special as- R N’S QUIZ! sistant to the president of Ethieon, WOULDYOU LIKE TO HELP TIlE QUICK SERVICE on your lawn Inc., and widely knownsports writ- YOUTII OF SOMERSET COUNTY RUMMAGESALE - Thurs., Fri. & Full-time and part-tinle positions Any Spare Time? Want Extra Money? mower. Sears, Craftsman, Jacobsen er. Miss Irene Loeher of the Bar- BECOMEBE’IffER CITIZENS? Call If You Answer "Yes" You Cottld lie Sat., June 4th, 5th &6th from 9 a.m. mowersrepaired. Call now8 a.m. to 8 SPARE TIME INCOME available.Plea.~ call to 5 p.m. (in garage) at 50 South Side !p.m. 247-1237. M& D Lawn Mower Refilling and collecting moneyfron bizon School will act as fashion Mrs. Laura Terhune - 4-H Office An Avon Repre~ntative. Call now AUTOMOBILE consultant. Andy Phillips will 725-4700or 359-5517. Ave¯, Somerville, N.J. off Bridge St¯ Service, 516 Hamilton St., Somerset. NEW TYPE high quality TIlE CARRIERCLINIC 725-5999 or write P.O. Box 634 serve as production manager. South I]ound Brook. across from new cemetery, one block coin-operated dispensers in your area. BELLEMEADE, N.J. in, tttrn right. - Furniture, household No Selling. To qtmlify you must have SALESMEN Laura Bonagura, Greenbrook (201) 359-3101 items, bric-a-brac, clothing all in good car, references, $600 to $2900 cash. resident and graduate student at condition at reasonable prices. Given Seven to twelve hours weekly can net Maryland University, who is Miss ACCOUNTINGCLERK-OFFICE OF Somerset County of 1969 will crown RN’s by Lady Gihnore Rebakah Lodge of excellent monthly income. More fifll Experienced automobile SECRETARY-BUSINESS Somerville. time. For personel interview write salesmenfor franchise Cadillac the new titleholder. .ADMINISTRATOR. Good salary, For Rent--Rooms Full time 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. UNITEDDISTRIBUTING CO., DEPT. dealer selling newand used cars The following girls will compete fringe benefits, excellent work tn evening gowns, swimsuits, and Pleasecall A, 6 N. Balph Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. presentsalesmen are top earners ’conditions, paid vacations, holidays DRIVEWAYS andare constantsale leaders in a talent presentation for the title: PARKING LOTS 15202. Include phone number. and pension plan. Call or apply at FURNISIIED ROOM F’OR the NewJersey area. Laura Baker, 18, of Bridgewater THECAI~.RIER CLINIC Business Office, Hillsborough School, who will perform a free dance rou- BELLE MEAD,NJ. GENTLI’MAN.North 1st Avenue and BLACKUPRIGIIT PIANOwith 1 foot If youare an experienced,hard Route 206, Belle , Mead, N. J’ by 4 foot plate glass mirror and swivel Free estimates. One year writter tine’ Marie Bisceglla, 19, of (201) 359-3101 BrooksBlvd., Manville. N.J. guarantee. Majer Construction worker and a automobile man, 359-8718. stool. Call Friday or Monday359-3921. this is your goldenopportunity. Bridgewater who will sing a mod- FOR SALE: Machinist tools, bench 986-O862. 85%repeat sales, an abundanceof ern jazz tune; and Dorothy Jones, FURNISHED ROOM FOR and jig saw, sporting equipment, sales leads daily, with a truly ~3, of Somerville who will present BOYS FOR SUNDAY PAPER GENTLEMAN.All kitchen utilities. ROUTES.South Manville and East SCHOOLCUSTODIANS - Immediate Inquire at back door, 242 North ,Ith bowling and baseball. Misc. household provensales program,fully paid a comical tune. Manville.(’all 469-4230. openings. 12 months, pension plan and Avenue,Manville. items. Call 725-786I.-- Instruction medical,surgical hospitalization, Also are Cheryl Parker, 18, of all benefits. Call or apply at offiqe of paid vacations, year end bonus, Manville who will perform modern business Administrator, Hillsborough facilities and accommodations dance; Maureen Quinn, 18, cf School, Route 206, Belle Mead, N. J. unmatchedin the area, plus many Bridgewater who will be seen on 359-8718. Camper-Trailers otherbenefits. uneven parallel bars; Alta Ross, POSITION OPI’:N FOR FEMALE Special Services FENCING FOR HOME OR 26, of Somerville who will sing YOUTII PROGRAMDIRECTOR in INDUSTRY- Chain link or wood. DRAKEBUSINESS COLLEGE All inquiries will be treated and dance a popular tune; Lynn group workagency in Princeton. Please Free estimate. Art Craft Fence Co. ¯ 17 LivingstonAve. confidentially. Smith, 18, of Franklin who will .~nd resume to P.O. Box 146, 359-8895. NewBrun~vick, N.J. recite a narrative reading; Sharry Somerville, N.J. 08876. EARN$30 to $50, per week. Part time CompleteSecretari~ and SeeMr. VincentBusacca Trolanowski, 18, of Immaculata evenings. Selling Lloyds Line. Call WINNEBAGO-Presligcname in motor Accounting Courses I)ctwecn 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. 722-0390. homes.Depend on us lbr sewicc, sales I)RESS MAKINGand alterations done 10 to 11 AMDaily High who will present a gymnastic aqd rentals. Colem:mTrailer Sales, 2 on ladies clothing. By appointment Day and Night Courses display; Arlene Urban, 23, of Som- inilcs south of Flemington,Circle, I lwy only. Call 8 to I I and 2 to 6. Telephone: erville who will pantomine; and 31 & 202. Open 8to 8, Man. through 725-0860. DeAngelis Sue Willar, 10, of Warren whowlll WELL-PUMPSREPAIRED, Sewer tie sing and twirl simultaneously. STADELE’S PIANOS AND Sat. 782-345I. ins, Septic Repairs, City water tie ins. Motor Company A coronation buffet will be held New Brunswick I l ORGANS Phone John Gibus at 359-6556. Secretarial, Accounting, [I ThomasOrgans following the crowning of the new and Business Machines I ! RodgersOrgans Miss Somerset County at Duke 1100 Livingston Ave. Farm Inn In honor of the new School I ] Brand new ThomasSpinet PIANO INSTRUCTIONIN MYhome. Call 545-8253. North Brunswick, N.J. queen. , - $’G’AIIen’e’c’S"LL’B,B’S¯,M.A.’ I / organ, 76 watt all transistor, BOB’S QUALITY FLOOR Secratar_ialP?"T’a¯ .Switchboard I,/ ColorGIo music, four familiesof COVERING- linoleum, tile, vinyl, ! / voices,2 manual,13 pedals,wal indoor-outdoor Carpeting. Free & Receptionist, i / JuniorAccounting nut finish, 5 year warranty, OFFICE SPACE estimates. Call 359-3971after 7 P.M. I I bench,delivery ComputerProgramming I l We Have The Fabulous IBM ~ l ONLY $549 TRYUS !!!! LOOKINGFOR A 360 computer On Premises [l 478union Ave. Route 28. Middlesex JUST OFF SELLING HOMES is our 1201)-545-3910 EL 6-0494 business. Obtaining BETTERJOB? I / EL 6-0704 l l(~lbany’ Sl,lSt.l NewBrunswick MORTGAGELOANS is our @ I Mimeograph business. APPRAISING PALMER S’OUARE Service HOMESis our business. ¯ Secretarial Speedy, Accurate COMMISSION RATES IS HILLSBOROUGHTOWNSHIP - Off Millstone Road. your business.Our new rate is ¯ Administrative Modem8 room, 2 story home. Attached 2 car garage, 4 Quality Work 4%/$25,000 bedrooms, fireplace, basement, 2½ baths .... $41,5,00. Princeton Literary Agency, Inc. ¯ Technical Russ’ Call ¯ Scientific 924-9196or 921-3799 STATIONERY SUPPLIES HAMILTON MANVILLE- 4 FAMILY- SOUTHSIDE. Two, 3 room 31 S. Main St. ¯ Sales attd bath apartments. Two, 4 room and bath apart- Manville REALTY ments. Full basement, oil steam heat, aluminumsiding. 725-0354 BROKER ¯ Executive ¯...... $32,000. 828-1515 CALL246-2500 LITTLE WESTONAREA (MANVl LLE) Neat 9 year MANVILLE - 2 Family . SOUTHSIDE. Modern 5 old Brick Ranch with white room Roman Brick SCE PERSONNELSERVICES rooms and bath down, 4 rooms and bath up. 2 heating fireplace¯ 3 bedrooms,tile bath, ampleclosets, nice BRIDGEWATER NEWBRUNSWICK PLAZA DLDG. systems, full basemet~t ...... $36,000. kitchen, wall to wall carpeting in living roomand dining room¯ Landscapedlot. Manyextras. See it 303 GEORGEST., NEWBRUNSWICK Today t ...... $36,900, IMMEDIATEOWNERSHIP MANVILLE- WESTON- 6 room stone ranch, full basement, 2 car garage, fireplace, hot water heat, 15 x 28 inground swinmting pool, lot 110 by 100. $39,900. SOMERSETFENCE CO. WEST CAMPLAIN ROADAREA, Manville. Nice 6 roombrick ranch home,5 years old, 80 x 100 lot. A BUILDING LOTS AND ACREAGE FOR SALE - good buy at ...... $34,900. ChainLink - Wood Bridgewater, Franklin, Montgomery, Hilisborough, Branchburg ...... $7,900. 100ft. 4 ft. high and up

AMWELL ROAD, HILLSBOROUGH TOWNSHIP, MANVILLE. Under construction - WESTONAREA - (Near Millstone) 2 Family house with barns and VINYL OR GALVANIZEDFENCE 6 room ranch, attached garage, full basement, IV,. garage. About 2 acres, zonedlight industry. Asking baths, front porch, large 100 x 100 lot ...... $33,900. $29,500. A goodinvestment. s195o0 CompletelyInstalled In Concrete JOSEPHBIELANSKI Center hall colonial, 3,large bedrooms, 1½ baths, paneled rec room, formal dining room, featuring air RealEstate Broker CHARNESKI& BONGIORNO conditioning, jalousie porch enclosure, cedar closet, ExpertInstallation Available beautiful wall to wall carpet and new drapes, partial "FreeEstimates" 212 S. Main St., Manville RA5-1995 Realtorsand Insurance biick in front with natural cedar shakes, manyhidden 722-0070 extras Principals only ...... : ...... 932 KENNEDY BLVD. MANVILLE, N.J. OpenThursday & Friday Evenings’til 8 42 MainSt. Manville.N.J. Call 356 0984 725-6358 722-0770 THURSDAY,MAY 28, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice Public Notice |

District No. 12 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE on the East by Auinn Road and Pteasa~ View Take notice that George D, Esposlto trading Take notloe that Mich=ml=mdBteplmaleGaber~ BOUNDEDhy Highway 27, Millstone Branch Road, on the South by Montgomery Township NOTICE BOND ORDINANCEPROVIDING FOR on ou~ido, addressed to HlllsboreughTowtmhlp as George’s Bar &Grill, [ac,, busapplledlo the trading as M & S Bar a~l Grill, have s/~led Mayoraml Council of the Boroughel Manvlllot to the Mayor and Council at the Borough of NowJersey, for a Plenary Retail ConaumpllonManville, New Jersey for a Plenary Retail License for the promises slluated sl 88 -84 Consumptlan License for PremL~ssltmRad South Main Street, .%lanvlne, New Jersey. at 22 WashlnBtonAve., Ms.evflle,New Jerny. OFFICERS Objections,ff any, shouldhe modelmmed~iteiy George D. Esposito, 39 Franklin Drive, Som- In writing lo Franc~ Pc/tack, BoroughClerk of erville, NewJersey 08876, PresidenL the Borough of Manville, Mlmlot~ B~dlng ReneR. Eaposlto, HolimanHead, Somerville, Mlmvtlle~ Now3crecy. NewJersey 08876, Secretary and Treasurer, (Slgued) RaymondC. Esposfio, Craig Drive, F.omor- Steph=ntoGaber villa, NewJersey 08870,Vice President. 92 Wmddnff~ooAve‘ Namesand addresseeof sloekholders hold- Manville, N. J. Ing i0~ of the IssUed and outstanding stocks of the applJcanlcorPorallons: ~IN ~-21-70 --~-T GeorgeD. I.:sposlio, 29 F’ranklln Drive, Sum-FEE: $6.12 orville, NewJersey 08876. -0- Objections,If any, si:ouhl be madeI mmedlain- ly In writing to Precis A. Pelltack, Borough Clerk of the Borough of Manville, Municipal NOTICE Bullclthg, Manville, NewJersey. Take notice that Atox~er Folios, bldLn[ George’sT~’lr & Grill, blc. ts MUlstone Tavern, has appUk~dto the Mayor 52-.54 SouthMain Street and Council of the Boroughof MBlstano, New Manville, NewJersey Jersey, for a Plenary Retell CommmptlonLi- GeorgeD. ESposl(o,President cense for premises located at ~ Street and Amwsll Road, MBistotle, Somerset COUnt,New MN,5-21-70 --2T Jersey. FEE: $10.44 ObJeottens,it any, should be madelmmedistoly -0- In writing io Mrs. B. MurphymClerk of the Bor- ough of ?.liHsttm’~, SomersetCalmly, N. J. NOTICE (Signed) Takenotice that P & G Bar and Grill, Inc., Alexander Felice trading as Pete’s Bar and Grill, has applied to Main Street the Mayorund Council of Ihe Boroughof Man- Millstone, N. J. ville, NewJesey, for a Plenary Retail Con- sumption License for the pren’dses situated MN9-21-70 --2T at 10 SouthSt,, Manvtlle~New Jersey. FEE: $6.12 OF FICERS -0- Peter R. Kaschak, 423 S. Main St., Manville, N. J. President-Treasurer. NOTICE MargnretKascilak, 423 S. Male St,, ManvIIM, Take notice that Corner Tavern has applied N. J,i Vice- Presldent-~cretary. to the Mayor and Cotmuli at the Borough of Objections, If any, should be madeImmedi- Manville, Somerset County, NewJersey, for a ately in writing {o Francis Peltaek, Borough Plenary Retail ConsumptionLicense for prem- Clerk of the borough of Manville, Municipal Ises sltnstod at 340 South Main Street, Man- Building. Munvllle, NewJersey. vllle, NewJersey, (Signed) ObJootlons, If =my,should he madeim med/ately P & G Bar and Grill, Inc. In writing to Fr=meis Pelt~ck, Clerk of theBer- 39 SouthStrLq)t ough ot Manville, Municlpel Bulldingr ManvBie~ Manville,New Jersey NewJersey. Margaret Kaschak Jeeoph Kozlowski 340 SouthMain Strnel ,’,IN 5-21-70 --2T Manet/Is, New Jersey FEE: $0.24 -0- MN,5-21-70 --2T FEE: $5.7G NOTICE -0- Take notice that Waller Farynowski,trading as Eddie’s Tavern, has applied to the Mayor and Council of the iJoroa0h of Manville, New NOTICE Jersey, for a Plenary l{etail ConsumptionLi- Take notice that Michael IIolndinski trading cense tar premises Situated at 223-25 N. Maln as MikesBar & GrUI, has applied to the Mayor Street, Manville, NewJersey. and Council of the Berou#: Of M=mvlUe,New Objections,if any, shnuldbe madelntmedlately Jersey, for a Plenary Retail ConsumPtionL’.- In writing to Frauels Poltack, BoroughClerk of consa tar premises situated at 326 So. Ma~ the Borough of Manville, Municipal Building, Street, Manville, NewJersey. Manville. NewJersey. ObJection, ff any, should bemadelmmadJatell, Walter I.’arynowskl in writing to Francis Poltack, BoroughClerk of 223-25N. MainSt. theBorough of Manville, Mouicipe.I Boilding Manville, N. J. Manville, NewJersey. (Slgued) MN5-21-70 --2T Michael Holodlnsk~ I.EE: $5.76 320So. Male St. *0- Masvllle, N. J. NOTICE MN5-21-’~0 --’L~I’ Take notice that Vincent Eurzawa, trsding FEE: $G,12 as Vinne’s Tavern, has applied to the Mayor -0- and Council of the Rorouglt oI ManvllIe, New Jersey, for a PlenaryRetaB Cons:mellonLi- ,NOTICE censetar premises sRuated at 809 5. Main Take notice that Peter Semerdckand Ileim Street, Manville, NewJersey. Semenlck trading as Percy’s, have spplied to Objections,If any, sltould be madeimmediately the Mayor and Councilof the Borcegh of Man- in writiml tO Erancis Peltaek, Borough Clerk viile,New Jersey,tar a PletuuryRe~/l Consump. of tim Boroughof Manville, Municipal Bulldiug, lion [.iconse for promises situated at 1001 Manville, NewJersey. W. Camp]ale /t~d, ManvBle, New Jersey. (Signed) (thJoctiOns, ff say, should be madeimme- Vincent Ktwzawa diately le writing to Francis Polt.sck, Borough 815 KennedyBlvd. Clerk of the Bo:’OUg~of Manville, Municipal Manville, N. J. ISalidlng, Munviiie~New Jersey. (Slgeed) MN 5-21-70 --2T Peter Snmenick FEE: $6.12 llelen Semenick -0- 1001 W. Camplain Rd. Mamv111o,N. J. NOTICE Take notice thai Mary Eskow, trading as MN 5-21-70 --2T the Colonial In., has applied to the Mayor IE I~:?,G,48 aetl Council uf the Horough tit Manville, New -0- Jersey, for a Plenary Relall Consumpilen l.i- cease for premisessituated at 500 South Main NOTICE Street, Manville, NewJersey. Takenotice that Stanley and Julia Nieradk~ Objections, If any, shouhl be madeimme- fading as Mary’s Tavern, have applied to the diately in writing to Francis l’eitaek, Bor- Mayor and Council of R:e Boroughof Many/lie, oUgll Clerk ot tile Borough Of Manville, Mu- NewJors0y, for a Plenary P~tsllCo~umptlon nicipal Building, Manville, NewJersey. I.lconse for premises situated at 100 Brooks (Signed) Boulevard, M~nvlIIc,Ngw Jersey. Mary Eskow ObJections, if any, shouldbe madelm media{ely ~00S. MainSt. In writing to FrtncisPollack, Borough Clnrg Maevllle, N. J. of the Boroughof Manville, Manleipel Building MN5.21-70 --2T Manville, NowJer~4oy. FEE: $6.12 (Signed) Julia Ntoradka -0- Stanley N1aradk~ 940 Fable Ave NOTICE MaovilJe,N. J. TAKENOTICE TIIAT Johnny & [felon’s Tav- ern, has applied to the MAYORAND COUNCIl. MN5-21-70 --2T OF MANVII.I.I,:, NEWJHIL~EY,for ap[eearyre. PEE: $0.48 tall consamptlon license for premises situ- -0- atetl nt 14 SouthMain Street, Manville, Nov,. Jersey. NOTICE The names and residences of all officers Take notice that Salvatore J. Bellomo Jr. anti directors of said corporatJonareas follows anti Florence E. Bellomo trading as ManvUIo John Stefanchik, 131O West Can~plain tread Distrihutlng Company,has applied to the Mayor Manville, NewJersey, President anti and Council of the Borough of Maovllle~ New I)lrecior Jersey, tar a Plenary Retail Distribution Li- llelon S. Siefanchik, 1310 WestCamplaln I¢osd ¯ Manville, NewJersey, Secretary- for premises located at 519 V/est Cam- plain Rend, Manville, NewJersey. Treasurer anti Director Objections,ff any, shouldbe madeim mediately llelen DorhJccl, Dos.109C, it.I). #3 Somerset, in writing to Francis Pollack, Borough Clerk NewJersey, l)treetor af the Boroughof Msovi/le~Municipal Building, Objections, If any, should be madelm medlateh, Msnvillo, New Jersey, In writing to Mr, l"ranels A. l’eltack, Dorough (Signed) Clerk of Ma,:vlllo. JOIINN"f ~ III:I.EN’S TAVERN Salvatore Bellomo Ploronco BeHomo 44 SouthMain Street 519 W CamplaLn Rd. .Manville, NewJersey 08835 Manville, N. IN 5-21-70 --2T EE: ~9.30 -o-

NOTICE Take notice that John Fellce, trading as Lee’a Bar and Grill, has aPplied to the Mayor and Councll of the Borough of Manville, New Jersey, for a Plenary Retail Consumption Li- cense for promises situated at 500-02 W, Camplain Rand, Manville, NewJersey. OhJectlons,if any, shouhlhe madeIm medlatety n writing to Francis Peltack, }]DrOUgh Clerk ff the Boroughof Manville, Municipal Building, danville, NewJersey. (Slgeed) John Fallce 500.02 W. Camplain lid. ManviRe,N, J. IN 5-21-?0 --2T ’EE:$6.12" -0-

NOTICI" "rake notice that Chester TroJanoski Jr. I :ading us the CI ester IIouse, has applied to :e .%layer nod Council of the Ilorough of Mail. Ilia, NowJersey,/or a PlenaryRetail Consump. OUl.lceese tar premisessituated at 1 North ;ale Street, ManvtU%No’~ Jersey. ObJecilo:is, if an}’, should be madeImmediately writing to Franclu PoRack, Borough Clerkof e Rorough ef Manville, -Mnnlclpal B,,ildh:g anvlllo,I N. J. (Signed) Choslor TroJanoskJ Jr. Millstone Road R. D. l,Somervllle,N,J. N 5-21-70 --2T :E: $6.12 -0-

Nt rI’I CE TAKVNOTICI.: that Wall’s Inn, has applied p the 5]AYOItANt) COUNCIl.el." MANVII.[.E EWJEI{SI’:Y, for u PlmmryHolall ConsnmpRon Iconse for premises sitltato~l at 33~ Nortl aln Street, .%tanville, Nov. Jersey, Tile eamos aud reshh,nces of all siocMtold. S,officers atnl directors of said corporalion n as follows: ~*talter IlaJdamaeha 337 North MSn street ¯ ~at~ll’ O,"’ Xe~ derse" Y P:O~""l ’: r’rensur. or, Director ned StocMiohler, ~lolla t’. llajJamacim 337Norlh M. n Street Manvo, Xe~l Je so)’, VIce-Presldenl, See- ~etary, l)lrt~c[o:’ nndStocldtohler, 3ilJect Ions, if any, sbouhl be madeIm mediately writing to I’ranels A. Pollack, BormtghClerk Manville, WA[.T’S INN 337 Norlh MulnStreet Manville, Now Jersey 08835 :8-21-70 --2T ~: S 8.28 -0- PAGE SIXTEEN

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