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Antelopes And Lady Lopes Tournanu~nt . Champions

Lady Lopes and Dana Fondy 8 pOints . with 7 . 16.8 points per game, Shelley Then they advanced to the The Lady Lopes head basket~___ Toler L2 ~ 8 , and-l.QFi Oswalt-has The Antelopes and Lady second round \\'here they ball coach Larry Steele said he 7 rebounds per game. Lopes put on an impressive downed Springlake Earth 86-3 9. would like to thank all the loyal performan.ce January 8-10 to Ramona Irlbeck scored 30 fans who have supported the win the Abernathy 1981 In vita- Antelopes points in this ga me, Conn ye J..ady Lopes a nd -..Ahe many The defending Sta te 3-A tional:Tournament. , _Wq lf ,:¥as se~o nd with' 22 Roints people_ who Qr~"l-gh~ (ood and. Champi.ons are coming·· t>ack . It all started Thur!lday nrg ht a nd Darla McGuire \\~tti 1·3. helped make ' this tournament . The Antelopes demollshed Ol­ when the Lady Lopes confront­ In the finals the Lady Lopes successful. Steele said , "The ton in their opening game of the ed Olton , The Lady Lopes easily po li shed off Greenwood 48-31 to girls played super throughout tournament 106-4. . In this defeated them 61-33. In thfs win the championship . Higb the entire tournament." -ga me Joey Garcia came up game Ramona Irlbeck scor.ed scorer 'were Ramona Irlbeck High scorers for the year thus with 22 points , Max Riley and 25 points, Darla McG uire 12, with 2 4 points and I:<>ri Oswalt far are Ramona Irlbeck with Rodney Cannon 12 and Rick Houston 10 poi nts. Friday the . boys defeated Muleshoe in th e second round 75-47. Roger Pi nson scored 16 poi nts , J oey Garcia 22 a nd Rodney Cannon 20 points . In the fina l game of the tour­ nament Sa turday night, the Antelopes squeaked 'by Little­ fie ld 59-56 in an exciting game'. "'Littlefield is a fa st team and had onl y lost two games prior to , this one," said coach Irlbeck. I'Due to the qui ckness and ...." . defense of the Bobcats, the AHS LADY LOPES - Back Row : left to right , Coach Jones, An telopes were hindered some­ Darla McGuire, Connye Wolf , Lori Oswal t', Shelley Toler , Dana wha t in the shooting depart­ Fondy and Coach Larry Steele, Front Row : left to right , Sharla ment. " said Irlbeck. Griff in, Tina Covey, Debbie Cooper, DiAnn Allen , Romona Coach Irlbeck wOlljd like to Ir lbeck , Cind y Sti llwell. express his ap p 'recia~io n to ev­ en'one ,who brought food a nd High scorers for the year thus this year is 14 71points. he'lped in the hos pi taEty room . far are Joey Garcia with 449 District play begins here Fri­ AHS ANTELOPES - Back Row : lefl to right , Russ ell Win dham , He also added that thi s was one Po ints, Roger Pinson with 313 Roger Pi nso n. Joey Garcia. Rodney Cannon , Alan Lester, Rick day, Jan';1ary 16 against Lock­ of the smoothest ran to urna­ and Rodney Ca nnon with 21 4. ney. Houst qn . Fr ont Row le ft to right . Alan Pettit, Sylvester Dunn , Total scoring for the Antelopes Derr ic k Sta llings, Don Sto ne, Cletus Irlbeck and Roger pinson . ments he ·had ever been in .

( ~ hnmber Of Comm cr('e the commwlity meeting room . The 1980 Chamber banquet was ~. 6 Michelin Tires r~ken In Burglary the first event to be held in the Di~{'us s Banquet Plans Ill'W rool11 . t\\·.'enty-six Miche lin .tires ut y sheriff for Hale County. pried a wi ndow open and took President Kichard DuBose wete taken from the 66 Butane Bob Parks, manager of the several tires and batteries, The Chamb'r of ('(,mmerce PUI up n th e north and 'oulh a.ppointed a banquet committee and Fertilizer Company Tues­ West Texas Industries Ware­ Marr said. had their J anuary nWdtll ~ (' nd of town, ad 'ertislIlg the of Hod Ellis, Dan Ward, Y.F. Guy night, J anuary 6, around house, saw a pair of headlights Thursday, January 8, 7 a .m. at . Ante lope as the State Basket­ 10 ; aO p.m. Snodgrass and Don Heath. A going toward the fertilizer com­ Dayton Marr is' investigating the ci t\' ha ll club room Th e. ball Champs. are ~ill at the nominating co mmittee was or­ Compa ny ow ner Bobby Cun­ pany that night, Marr said. regul al: tT1('(' tmg date is u ~ u;1ll y .- tgn painters and will be put up the burglary. Evidence found gan ized to select na mes for new ningham reported the loss at This burglary is susPected to shows tha t there were 2 sets of the fir ·t 'I"ursda~ ' 01 ('arh soon ' $190 4 dollars. The burglars officers fo r the Chamber. They be related to a series of bur­ footprints found at the ware- month \(' I\' /)lI~tll(;SS is \he uJX'ornlng are Bobby Cu nningham , Paul broke int o the east warehouse glaries that have taken place in - house. A pick-up was used in PreStdClll Hi chard J)uB o~l' (,h:llllbl'r b;HlqUe>t thaI will be , Herehman. Charles Bowen and of the 66 Company by cutting Plainview, Lubbock and Aber­ the burglary that probably tra­ ca ll ed the meeting 10 ordl'r a nd he ld :\pril The cornR1tttec as. Hi cha rd DuBose. There will be the ""ire holding it. There were na thy. Consumers Fuel · in veled south along the railroad Cliff ~ewt on ga\'l' till' pra~ l'f' 'Ignl'd 10 pick the datl> is no property damages reported, fo rm s published in a future . Abernathy was hit about 2 tracks behind the 66 Company, Old bus iness d t S CU S ~l'(l was com pns('d of Charles Bowe n. edi ti on of The Rev iew for peo­ according to Dayton Marr, dep- months ago when a burglar Marr said. about the Chrlslmas dccora· f{,, held in presented a t the banquet. ever before," said Kurt Verlei, Inc . will be sponsoring a neigh­ . Palsy and turning it back into Director of Public Relations for borhood drive in support of .Allsup's Convenience Stores. SU I'inl Sel' lIril~ Unit ed Ce rebral Palsy. All area the store, Allsup's will give Cerebral Palsy is an injury to 0" Thf' COllllt)" Line youngsters are encouraged to them a free. fountain drink of the brain that can never be Ht' prt'Se ntalive Coming visit their local Allsup's store their choice. cured."We- feel that money Saturday, January 1 . and Sun­ ., We hope .all the children of The Soc ial Security repre­ raised will go a long way in day, January 18 to pick up a the area will help us make this' helping the Cerebral Palsied sentative. Virginia DeWitt from ' collection envelope. After col- telethon more successful than :\rw D{'al .\'1'\\, tea cher, and many othcr people the Plainview Social Security lead a more normal life," Beginning WIth th is isslll' oj lhe com l11unil\, . Each of office will be. working in the am starting a ;ew Deal News these cili zl'11 ' have' cnthusiasti - . Cit\' Hall .in Abernathy from page to benefit the citt ze ns of sentative at the time and place Home Energy As~istance New Dea l. . c

'l'h... ." JUW7 15,. 1911 'nit Abtrna\h,. Wee.JelJ' Rni." Paa 2 ...... tNiaJllt' ... tit l~ to ..... u.n . . ,s: '.': . . _ ...... atIII · _. 1'0 do tbtI wuId 1St ImpraoU­ SBA: AnnoUDc. Meetinp ...... ,. 1M)' Iw the cal. WbetbIr It II • AmerIcan Lu~.J. Vw.w... BI~ eoap.nUft . liMe or~OIII Am.-Ican life. we Ttxal lwltb PIai* c-dllltliar . IfALI: ~ • Ja_ry' . value . life . too much to do 01 the amau ~ Ad­ ,.i...... _=_' ...... In ..... ~ I, 1.1. 10 : OO'.m .• Ameri· anythInt thet WIDUId barm the mlnlatrlltloll ('BaA I. aWl ... lind fI Gtln IAIiGn Hall bl=':= liva 01 the baltqII. I'm IP'lteo IIIDOIIIIeed today IMIt1tIIIln A S8A ...... nlaUve ·wlll .... _1 ..... ".., tile T_ Panbandle al)d fuI I live In a meretfuI country. be available to dllC_ the ...... lIP for- the hoe­ W.t ,...... ebeduled lor the loan JII'JIII'Im and ellalbtllty The Iranian Government. be­ month·or January to IIl'OVlde taIII ...... IIId then lbatter lieves In se1f-eacrlflce ~ It'l requlremenll and to provide tIIear after we comply wltb 1nf0000000tlOll and ua\atance appllcaUon rorma. cltizelll. to rannen. ranchen and Physical disaster loan ap­ their ever...".... demanda. When dealing with a primi­ other Imall bual,*- who A few banh words such as plleatlona ' lIIed under DeC· tive society that places little sufrered leues u ·to the laratiolt' 'N1900 must be 'barbarians and primitive, Rea- . value on buman IiYes, it Is '· drouIht and extreme lieal returned to SBA by Febru· pn uaed, are not. the type of during this .pall summer. ary 12. 11181. The deadline tough to take a llrm '. step The meeti~ acbedule is .s , ...... , Junior)'...... ,. "'lCBfe tactlcs"lJ{ad in mind. I against them. Force may be the rot Economic Injury Disas· was thinking more along .the folloW5 : ter Loan applications is May aOYI & 0.,1.' . only solution, but I hope it BROWNf'IELD · January 15, . 12, tll8l. lines of sending over j.squad- 11181, 11 : OOa .m., Pioneer Dote Oppa.n. I'I I doesn't come doWn to that. Completes Army 111 8. Ho l. C. "t. , Natural Gas·Flame RooIII. And the Spirit of derstanding. the For rurther inrormatjon, 11 21 500 of the fear of the ANDREWS· January 19, interested persons may con· 1174 500 the Lord shall rest 2 ~ ~ 00 4 00 spirit of counsel OSUT J»rogram 1981, II : OOa.m.. Andrews tact the SBA. Lubbock Dis· .. upon him. the spirit and might the spir­ Lord ; ~ 00 500 l County Community Bldg. ~ of wisdom and . un- . Army Private Gary G. aster Ofrice, located at 720 .,.) P . "ylo(l it of knOWledge and ".i4h JJ :l ·2 FLOYDADA · January '20 . Texas Avenue, by calling o.c • 6 COO~, Tou'"'''' Wingfield. son of Vernon L. 1 7~ ( 0" 1"9" H 5 00 500 t 981. 10 : OOa.m .• Ughthouse . 110&-762·7481 . c.. II 13 Who!'ha". U Tou'" t ...... 1116 (0""_ T 11 '~ (oope. ... ',n ~ I c"n~ j_ • ., 4 JO ~.JO AB~N~ lHv ;EEK' ~y~ R<' E~IEW'-R - ' r~~1:~~~~~y~:~ Peter Van Anderson Named Wh08 Who l'ial. ( . ",.,. /) XI Abernathy. Texas, recently N oto•• th completed .One Station Unit tactics,· patrolling, landmine LUBBOCK , TX·· Peter Cooper Van Anderson is one of the h . n ~h, p . ~tablished il! November of 1921. .. published on Thursday of each Training ( OSUT) at the U,S. warfare, field communica· 1 16 l oc ...... ,. Army Infantry School, Fort lions illld combat opera'tions. twenty·nine Lubbock Chris· t 2'0 Idola .. week In Abernathy. Texas. Second Class postage paid at Abernathy. Texas. Benning, Ga . This qualifies the soldier as a tian College students who T.. ho 500 79311. located at 916 Ave. D. in the city of Abernathy. P. O. Drawer D. (hild • .,n 5 00 OSUT is a 12·week period light·weapons infantryman have been named to the fiol'.:Ioq.o Phone (806) 298.2033.. . . TWO - Darla McGuire puts this one in 'he 'JO which combines basic com· and as an indirect fire crew. t98().8f Who's Who Among bas.ke'. Friday nigh' agains' Springlake in the Abernathy l o< ~--v Any erroneous reflection upon the characler of any corporation " !dolO\; firm. hat training and advanced man. Students in American Uni· Invitational Tournamenl held last we ekend. A Sptin8lak~ Tuloo 5 00 or individual which may appear in the coI'umns of the Abernathy Weekly individual training. Soldiers were taught to ' versities and Colleges. defender nearly gelS a hand on il . The boys and girls won Flo yd0d4 SOO Review gladly will be corrected upon being brought to the attention of the The training included wea· perform any of the duties in Anderson is' a senior first place in Ihe tournament. publisher...... pons qualifications. squad .. rifle or mortar squad. secondary education major Irom Abernathy and a 1976 Ric ky Alldt'f'!!.on Slolioned AI hilly ...... '" graduate of Ahernathy High Subs~ription Rates $6.00 per year in Hale and adjoining counties, $6.50 per .•• Re .d. 1a g Spe c·'a I •• School. He was in orchestra Kicky Anderson left Ja nu· . year In rest of Texas and $7.50 per year when mailed oul of Texas. the Son of Mr . and Mrs. for two years and Meister· ary 4 for a thn-e yea r lour o( Keith Tooley .. .• ...... •. Editor .. . • James ll. Anderson' of 61 2 singers all four years. He is IZth. du, y wi th th,· NATO iland at Ruth Cox•...... : ...... News and Office M~nager : Every Day Refreshing 32 oz. : AF South. Na ples. It aly This IS Anderson's second 'our of duty in 1I l\AT() Baud will g l \'(' S~y .b.- Hello. phone company' I gone out of our lives I "... 0 ""·2140 moved from the IIi·Plains land Hospital. Luhlxl(.' k. fol. s...... Sd-t ~50... . I have a problem that IS ur· • OEV . tO~ ,M" BEC K I Hospital. Hale Center. to the lowing surg('ry l'u l1 c{'rL'" III lt al~ , Gt'rmiln) 10. (' hl'ck JO int ly Wi th, or claim a n widow or widOlNer in 1978 or 5 under Filmg SId WonhIpSOMco. 7,30..... ra~~i.ar~roken communica· How can we restore the 'i ~: ; ~; :::':' ~"':',30" ~' I 1979 may be entitled to a "Qua lifying widowl . " w"h spollse IS the vear of death tions with friends and loved br9ken 'line with God~ It is' 01 ""C" ....,,". special tax benefit. The ben· dependent chi ld." and figure llie spt"('la l ta'x rate !>client efit allows the taxpayer to . BETHEl: MmsTcRURt!It.. I Paslor Ernesl Brew.. ones are always a problem. only through confession of . Ule tax ~ i ng the " Married IS a\'a d.ltbl~ onJ )' for the Iwo AHS JV Girls ' . Cenler Community Church Many Christians are like our sins that this can be fV ST CHURCH use the .. Married Fili ng F'iling J oinlly" tax t a bl t.~ o r tax )'l!Urs a fter the spouse's lot So. that With, Gbecod. No fellowship accomplished. I John I : Jointly"Tax Table or a Tax lIlX ral,e schedule. . r... bl 9 1!iiiii~~lijjitllll~-0i0i!~~ death IS possi e ause of sin in says, "If we confess our sins, 3mi : no"" &6 ml . *",·_o, city on'1 Rate Schedute in computing The IRS adi2; that the I. " THI FOLLOWING .I REV . J.I. wrll. our lives. At first. we may he is faithful and just to R HB Co I P to the tax liability. a tax rate IT PA YS 'ro ADvi:R'ftSE S_Y, not know that anything is forgive us our sins, and to ..., M_I;,.· I;b'. people, it isn't over for the Phone 298'2511 322 Main St. av·A·Lot Family Center IConsum&rs Fuel Association S,udy MO ..... I Christmas Seat People . the 709 Ave . 0 Phone 298':22 15 315 M.ei. St. Phone 298- 2924 Pbaoo 298-l222 I American Lung Association mb~ ~1~Oam BEN FRANKLIN VARIETY I r:i Texas. W"",hlp 10.'.0 am , "T.'le Business Owned by NORTHSIO' Food supermarket and L I Although most contribu· We_eIIy : Those We Serve" !fAPTIST CHURCH tions are received in Decem· RICHARD DuBOSE ta .... Claa ~pt. -May) I a line of general 829 W. Service Rd. I I ber, 'lIdditional donations are ABERNATHY . . ~ merchandise i 16,., S, . & ...... , f ~ - 2497 - needed to enable' the work of SAV-A-LOT FAMILY CENTER 10000.m Phone 29::-2584 REV. KENNETii'HOP.N· Christmas Seals to continue 'INSURANCE & REAL BODY WORKS POPE INSURANCE .n.~ a. Cc. .. ~ )(d. .. to)' f I IUNO"Y, I 7130 1.00pm • . ivndo, "' .... , 9,45 ..... all year round. With the _,.--~ ESTATE 920 Ave. D PIton. 298- 4127 support of Christmas Seals, t41l AveD PhOllC 298-2266 417 S. Ave. P "'-e 298-2084 .. Youth ...... t MorriingWonhip 11 :000 ... . I the lung associa.tion sponsors ARE EAGER TO SERVE D Phone 298- 2536 S1Ulday SSOOiq. ···r··.. ···· ... · ...... , ~~;ii:: ';;::;'iP . ~;: : ::: progralllll that individuals so QlURCH'OF:YH£ Abernathy Farmers Joe ThompE" , :"7."~~ ' M;dw.'" with emphysema, chronic r! I I bronchi!.is and asthma can Checking Accounts West Texas WAJ!ENE Co-Up Gin Implement r oo ... I P,. ,.,M_I;n. 8,00 . .... learn to undenilAnd their BE~RD'S GOLF SHOP CONSUMERS FUEL disease and to live as com· Savings Accounts Industries In,. fortably as potISlble with it. It ·Service The Year Around" : "The Jo.'m Deere ':ouse " ::"~tC :"f~:Nft I seeks to educate the public Certificates of Deposits 402 9th St Pho 298-410 1 Lu~bock Hjghway I'Ito1r. 298-~T~7 ' } ""MiMe. Chemicals I..... ' _ 4117110". __ serVing Abernathy Since 1.921 tin_ to work ror tulJert;u1o- Roy Br"",JI Hanager ' ala control. . For All V'our Banking Needs . , 1n.'u.orD .....- Phone 298-2661 _ ] s41Mf&u Penaaa Interested In send· Ing conlrtbutiON 01' .rrang. • i inri lor a memoriaillift may . ABE~NATH,Y ABE.IATHY contact the American Lung ABERNATHY AuoeIation cI Te,.... 7701 Elly REVIEW- North Lamar. Suite UN. in S1 STATE BAN Auslln. 78752. 5121 458-2206, . - T ...... I. 1'IIa Wodd About Abenadiy" dace II1l JAYCEES or call toll rree by dialing the . Phone 298-2556 Abernathy' _ Aft. D ."-e __1IIIa ' operator ror Enterprise *1Im1 . Lung disease Ia a matter r:i lire and breath . . .-:,

/. \ . Thlll'lday, Jcl'lUAl'Y 15 ', 1981. \ "..c.:' Tlio AborrlC1.hy Heekly Rev1.f11o! Th\ftdq, Jaft\a'7 15, 1981 Pa .. 4 ' .. .. ' ' Irrigators Pay i·····································~~··~i New'Deal Boy8' Prep__ ,re For District Play (1'- '. ~ \ Tile non'conference games Tho Lions al'" iJuildlng' for [J(O(;ClI1hcr Iti " hen t.hey d.· r,(1-7. Propllecy· ~ayed up ulltll IIOW haven't OIdl_ i ew ea News .i the ruture, t.h e fu ture in this feated ('ooper li:I·OO From the fi eld Ihe I.","s For .' Waste been easy for the New Delli case bel ng d.. ll'iet. "The Th e !.ions took. second ar<' (1 '(, 011 the y"ar In the r ..t.menta ••••••••••••• , ••••• *•••••••••••••••••••••••• Lions . tea m hus im proved consi · place Iii the New I.Ic,,1 TOllr· shooting d<'pal'll1lent. Top As lor me, ' I will :..> , By DWIc:HT ~D~MS It Is harr!' to come back derably since the begintllng nament lJe,:cl1lt",r IH·20 III ,corers a re ~Iark lI ill. aver· ~-~--- after losi ng . Ihe fl tst five of lhe season. al1ll they con· the lin; t round I hey beat the agi ng 13 points a game. behOld thy lICe In Recent pump plant efficiency tests games 01 the season'l but the tlnu(l to improve as the year Frenship JV 110 ·36'. The . coc· Kar), IIcnry 12 points a righteousness: ! performed by the District show that Lions did. Their record shall be satisfied, Plains Cotton Growers, EatomoJociat believe boll: . goe~ on ." said Steve Big­ ond I'ou nd the Lions beal ga mc. H\'nn Parker 10 , and area f.rmen m.y be paylns twice as stands at 5·10 on Ihe yea r. when I awake, with · Inc., Lubbock, has made !be WOI'IIII can be controlled Girl Lions Undefeated In ham. the Lion Ba sketha ll Floydada 71·6(i a nd then lost Brian icrden Wi th 1(} a much. in rome cases three times as thy likeness. first poeJtive step toward with. insecticides effeelively head coach in the final s to the P la'inview g a m~ development of a multi­ applied at the proper time In much, for Irrls.tlon fuel as necessary, The Lions sta r ted the·i r J V leam ;i2'70 . PI.lm, 1 7: 15 faceted plan to boll­ proper amounts. The great depen ha l! owater: Pet-­ The Lady Lions remain In the 'non-conference crunched the Hereford JV three n-,phts 111 the damage to High Pia ins cot­ infestations on the Plains in ppoint out, proper sizing staging, and improving # 53 and .Ia ylon 62·64 The o\'er Halls. a nd lost III the plclY .J'lllua r!: 16 wilh ·Spur. earth. . claimed Diapause Boll W~ 82 -36. 4l!-5O . . own New Deal Tournament. vII Control Program, PCG would hel p the peats to dev­ . the condition 01 the irrigation pump. Lions wo n thei r first game consolatlon final to SI<.Il on ;1I ~ pur Matthew 12:40 elop tolerance to insecticides The Lady Lopes are shoot­ The first tournament the December 18-.20 .. They d e· through its Boll Weevil A large portion of the pumps found ina a4ll%/rom !be field on the r. F~~r's Questi«;lDS . cSteering _Committee has and becol1]g virtually_ uncon- ' Lady LLons ylaylid was the ' fea.ted Freu;;hlp In the. first trollable as have bollworms - Inefficient by' the. tests · p.eriormed by­ • year, They-are hitting 59%of - Queens Classic at Plainview .~ . ~oun<:l 48·20, C.r:osb~ton 10 the ~e~1h.a l ~e w s ·Brle·i­ authoriZed the expenditure the District were the result 01 "too the free throws. Today's modem farmer which allect larmer's of up to $50,000 to' get a and tobacco budworms in' In tSe first roood tbey met second 79-31 and D,mmitt 10 Hatti Forbus celebrated 'New Deal Junior -Livestock Show Friday much' pump in the hole." These pumps High scorers lor !be t~m .has .many unique tax situa­ throughout the year are also researeh program underway other cotto'! production Dallas South Oak I'fl tat the fmals 5.9-49 to wm the her 90 th birthday. Tuesday. were designed years ago to pump are 6 ft . Vickie Teal and 5 ft . C I ,s e champIonshIp. tions, and a ·free pllblication included. this year, according to Ed areas. January 13. Congratulations larger quantities of water than the lOin. Melissa Mayo. Vickie if! t ill: :lo ~IIlC U I \' I ~ lon the re also. the 2 'categories will be wi ll also help pay expenses from' the Internal Revenue "Farmer's Tax Guide" is Dean, PCG Field Service pean thinks some of the ~:~fn5 .~~an~:\~t i:;::;~ The New Deal Lady Lions Hatti !______The New Dea! J W1ior live­ is averaging 22 points a \\'i ll be a light and heavy fine wool a nd medium wool to go to them," Holmes said. , Service can help answer the written in a clear, under· original. objectives of reo aqUifer is now capable of yielding. 4 D-59. The top teams in Texas have an overall 15· 4 record stoc k Show will start frida\' Director. game and Melissa 18 points. clas::;. Th e categorie; are : 1 la mbs. There are 16 lambs Grand a nd Reserve Cham· queatiOlll that arise from slandable style and can be a Weevil control funds are search will be to learn exact­ Other pumps were improperly staged usually attend this touma. on .the Year. Alter playmg afternoon